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Vergil Silverhand edition

>Cyberpunk 2020 vs. Cyberpunk RED?
Cyberpunk 2020 is the second edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that focuses on simulation gameplay and has a black trenchcoat aesthetic.

Cyberpunk RED is the fourth edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that is set after Cyberpunk 2020 following the Fourth Corporate War, focuses on more balanced gameplay and is more streamlined but has less content.

>Cyberpunk Rulesets (The Vault) (May not have all updated rulebooks, check official sources for updates)

>Resources for RED:

>RED free-DLC and extra content

>RED Easy Mode is available for FREE.

>Errata Pages

>Character Sheets

>Last thread

>Thread question:
Did you used lesser known Cyberpunk media (comics, novel, cardgame) as inspiration for your game?
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Wouldn't dare to guess what qualifies as "lesser known" and what doesn't.
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Why does the Sensor Array borgware have a Body requirement in RED?
It doesn't.
>Did you used lesser known Cyberpunk media (comics, novel, cardgame) as inspiration for your game?

Does designing my current Media after Schwarzwald from Big O count?
Sounds based. Explain
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oh wow, i somehow put the borg weapon requirement on it for my quick notes
Every time I open the RED core rulebook to review something, I find new typos and formatting errors.
So, with the new mission kit rules humanity is more of loose gain situation. What are some ways to prevent humanity loss to prevent cyberpsychosis?
>OP did not paste the homebrew link
Why are a gonk?
We use a table rule, that lifestyles affect you with passive humanity loss or gain.
Kibble is -1d6, container does nothing, luxury house gives +1d6 and mansion gives +2d6. All this loss or gain is passively, you don’t spend your downtime for this.
Naturally the only real way to obtain a mansion is to go corporate. As one might expect my player was pumping all his IP on his role rank, finally getting the motherfucking mansion at rank 9 or whatever.
Now here’s what happened.
He immediately offered his spare bedrooms to other players, saying it’s a great deal - they gain 1d6 no downtime, equals more time to work, or even go to real therapy (party packs some serious chrome) to regain their humanity at astonishing rate. All this for a mere 500eb per month, not cheap per se but hey, you could just spend a week to work this off, why don’t you?
Now here’s what happened a 5 minutes later.
Tech struck a deal that he lives rent free but crafts a 500eb item for the corporate off the books, or upgrades or repairs. He does a week worth of work, you get the idea.
Lawman, who recently was off the force had no money because he’s a wanted criminal now. So naturally the rat extended him a loan, with merely 10% rent increase he could pay it in a month. He didn’t because he was still regaining his role rank (1 per week) and him even deeper in debt.
Medic (decased tech, same player) changed the former deal to provide corporate with a week of 100eb therapy (materials).
Party Solo pays his rent politely and spends all downtime to make ends meet.
Only the mighty Nomad said him to fuck off because he recently welded a camper to his car, so now he’s got a sleeping quarters rent free. No passive therapy though.
So now, the 3 players works their ass off to pay the corporates 1500eb passive income off. For a 1d6 HG per month.
Last month Medic made 700eb, leaving him with 200in cash for a month.
Solo has higher rank, so he managed to snatch 1200eb, leaving him with 700 bucks to get by.
Lawman put themselves in 1100eb debt.
And since nomads are poor as fuck, hustle wise, the wise guy gained about 1100eb or so.
This leaves the corporate with 2300eb from day job, and 1500 landlord money, totals 3800 per month, while others under rank 5 fights for scraps, and even the higher rank heroes still give away like half their income.

I think, RED really nailed the “corporate are filthy rich” thing.
I got a little weird with my descriptions in my most recent session
>The Crew enters the Glen, and is immediately BUKKAKE'd by an onslaught of advertisements and holograms vying for your attention.
>ayo GM, wtf are y-
>Your eyes and faces are PAINTED and COVERED by lasers and neon lights, BEGGING you to finance and buy the latest cyberwares.
>You finally see the cyberware clinic you originally came here for, it's closed.
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What are the goals of a Cyberpunk campaign? Normal 'gig of the week' until the players score a big one and decide to retire, a escalating threat of a corporation(s) advancing on the players, or what?
I want to rip off Jin Roh's spy thriller plot.
Whatever your characters want, usually via gigs to achieve it
> I want money for gear
Great! Just do some edgeruns to make the eddies
> I want to get dirt on X
Sick, probably a gig you can find that gives you the opportunity
> I want to kill X
Fantastic, probably can organize a hit on just for that guy
In low level play you’re going to be broke but once you are high rank it’s more about what you want than just what you can afford
is the humanity loss and gain repetitive? On what frequency? Does just being poor automatically lead to cyberpsycho risk?
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It's pretty basic, I think. I felt like a character like Schwarzwald, with a bit of The Question and Rorschach, a bit of Hunter S. Thompson is pretty much the ideal for a Cyberpunk Media Anarchist.

His motives are simply to enlighten the masses to the charade, and enkindle the masses who remain blind to it and perpetuate it. I publish little exposé articles or manifestos about whatever shady bullshit I uncover and use a lot of the same motifs from speeches from Big O, if not outright lifting entire lines from it like:

>Wake up!
>Don't be afraid of knowledge!
>Think, you humans who are split into two worlds, unless you want the gulf between humans to expand into oblivion, you must think!

With the general idea being that The Truth is paramount, and must be delivered at any cost. I even play him as having a martyr complex, and is perfectly willing to die if it would give credibility to everything he has been saying.

More or less, the storyline feels like the lead-up to the discovery. With a ruthlessly dedicated sleuth journalist who has almost no moral code other than the pursuit of knowledge at this point.
Yeas, it repeats each month.
>oy, shouldn’t you be fully cyberpsycho after two years in NC or so?
1. Cyberpsychosis doesn’t necessarily mean: this person now kills everyone in sight. Even the fucking rules say „GM should play them to their worst tendencies”.
2. We are given some examples by Mike (Agents of Desire notably) where dude has -5 empathy yet he doesn’t straight up murder everyone. Nah, he could regain his sanity after he attains enough therapy to gain 50 humanity.
3. I’m not gonna explain cyber psychosis because a) fucking Mike did it years ago in depth b) even RED explains that it depends on reasons as to WHY someone has their cyberware.
4. Even David-o sama when he finally loses it he doesn’t murder everyone (or at least that’s not his motivation) first thing he does is talk to his deceased mom that he’s going to make her proud of him, then he murders to protect Lucy. So yeah it’s consistent - the reason you chrome up is the reason for which you kill.
5. Every cyber psycho in 2077 game has some sort of reasoning and or mental issues that pushed them. Well most of them, I’m not counting spooky Rogue AI ritual.
6. Edgerunners are (almost universally) funking murderers, so it’s their natural state to go for a rampage once they go cyber psycho because their body is literally a weapon in like 60%. I guess if you wanted to peel oranger better you wouldn’t get mantis blades yada yada.

>how about poor?
Not necessarily. I’d say your average Joe doesn’t pack enough chrome to go full murder rage. Basic NPCs, who I assume are supposed to be ones we think about when we think “poor people in NC” doesn’t nearly have enough chrome to be that dangerous.
All and all I say that living on kibble (which is eating literally industrial waste made dog food, no running water and like 4 cubic meters of personal space, mind you) would probably slowly drain your empathy towards others, not snap simply because one lacks the hardware.
>Even David-o sama when he finally loses it he doesn’t murder everyone (or at least that’s not his motivation) first thing he does is talk to his deceased mom that he’s going to make her proud of him, then he murders to protect Lucy. So yeah it’s consistent - the reason you chrome up is the reason for which you kill.
Why does everyone forget the innocent office lady milf he blasted, who had a son of her own?
Oh, you mean that event where he lost like 10 humanity in a single shot?
Sorry for bad English anon, but you probably should understand what I meant.

Best explanation we had is that the characters finally “won” they finally “made it”. They wake up each day in the clean corporate zone, eat real food, see real artisans and attain university courses. They are pretty sure they made it to the major leagues. Self confidence and all.

The highest possible tier means they have their own security, gardeners , helipad, underground parking and so on. In a world where two miles west folks shoot, stab and mug to not starve to death. Looking down from their corporate mansion at all them filthy peasants is probably worth a 2d6 humanity gain at least.

Anyway, sorry if my post came up defensive it wasn’t meant to be that.
That wasn't to protect Lucy though
Blatant metagaming move in which the player prepares his next character, another traumatized orphan.
Intelligence truly is a dump stat
Shit, I forgot.
Well, it doesnt change the fact, that the general cyberpsychosis narrative is that one has a reason to use cyberware.
It was to protect his friends in the sense he reacted in the moment not to compromise the job. Work David and Life David had a significant overlap in that instance and it ruined him.
>Play RED
>WOW MOM! Look at all these options!
>Get 12k ED from a job
>I wanna buy a spider chair with twin machine guns!
>So ackshully, that's above your paygrade
>But... I can afford it.
>But see it's marked as rare in the books? It's not a mall purchase.
>Well what does that mean?
>That means you either scavenge it or it shows up at a night market.
>Wait... so all the cool stuff is locked behind you deciding whether we should get it?
>I generate night markets from a loot table
>Then what do we do with all this money? We're rich an have nothing to spend it on.
>Oh that's not true. You can always increase your standard of living.
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I kinda want to use RED to run a game set in the 2020's. I know it's sacrilege but I like RED. I have all the RED books and a substantial collection of the 2020 books. Problem is my players want a 2077 setting because that's what they know the most.

My only exposure to 2020 outside of recently collecting the books was Spoony back in day and reading some of the pdf's here on /tg/ in the mid 2010's. I just feeling a nostalgic yearning for that era in Cyberpunk in the 2010's and 2020.

Anemoia I think it's called.
RED is fun. I can't blame you. Shame about your players though.
There are better less than lethal alternatives he could've used, like capturing the milf, doing a few other things then mindwiping her to ensure silence.
As a GM I just have a personal character that's a Fixer for this specific problem. My players wanted Solos, Runners, and Techs, so I decided I'd give them a Fixer to be their effective taskmaster and item giver.
I wish my players weren't fixated on Solo's, Netrunners and Nomads. I'm trying to hype up Fixers and Media's and stuff but they don't even seem to care about Rockerboy's. And they aren't the fight fight murder hobo types really either. They just don't seem to get how flexible the roles are.
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Players think mechanically and those roles are pretty well suited for mechanics. Someone always wants to try Netrunners because it's always called the hard class, and they want to be the epic hackerman and every group wants to have a guy say "We're in!" Every group wants a Solo because when shit hits the fan, you do want a Solo. Everyone wants a Nomad because Car. One of my buddies almost did that but then I sold him the idea of being a Techie. Because I told him we could build whatever the fuck we want (within reason).
I've talked about the flexibility of Media's and Fixers till I was blue in the face but they still think Media means reporter and Fixer means NPC quest giver.
>"Rockerboy? But I don't want to be in a rockband, i'm an Edgrunnerrrrr I shoot people!"
This is also the problem with people. They kind of pigeonholed roles into being one thing. They think Medias are all news reporters because they don't really think about what else a Media can be, they don't realize that you could fit the Edward Snowdens of the world in this role. Fixers I think people come into that problem from 2077, which is also why I fit a character into that role because my team wanted it.

They think a lot about how characters should be, and not how they could be. Like with Rockerboys you could simply be the coolest guy at the party. You could make a Rockerboy named Ted. And his entire thing is he's just really, insanely likeable. Nothing special about him, just an inordinate ability to get along with everyone. You could also make them an Egirl who sells her bathwater on the net.

You can make a Lawman who actually is just a gang member and is able to call people in from the set to get the opps.

People aren't creative really. That's something you'll eventually have to forgive.
Show them Collecting the Random in Interface 3. It has new role names from multiclassing (Solo/Rocker is a Eurosolo, Tech/Runner is Security Specialist, etc) it might get them to see the roles in a different light.
Yes. But I hate multiclassing. Because I'm autistic.
Is there anything like Beyblade or medabots in universe? Thinking about doing a PC who does gigs just to pay for the parts for there children's fighting toy game.
>Is there anything like Beyblade or medabots in universe
Please for the love of God don't give Cody and James more ideas.
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We've always been able to attempt to source goods with Streewise. Black Chrome codified it with the table on page 129.
A lotta people shit on RED for being gutterpunk, but players actually want shit, and having to work for it makes for the easiest plot hooks. Players think they want it handed to them easily, but that's boring and they're too shortsighted to realize that.\
>That means you either scavenge it or it shows up at a night market.
This is retarded, introduce a new NPC that pays the PC's by sourcing them the goods they wanted, or giving intel on where they can get it, or even contact with a Tech who can make it for them.
I swear it's like I'm GMing a different game than the one everyone here is playing.
You could try classic ludokino option and have 2077 session that has a plot about some black ledger project or some shit, and then in the middle of it you play 2020 flashback with premade characters.
People forget that the most known rockerboys in history were Jesus, Hitler or Hong Xiuquan.
And that Holmes and Columbo or anyof more famous detectives were medias.
There is also section on alternative roles in there.
>You can make a Lawman who actually is just a gang member and is able to call people in from the set to get the opps.
Except you can't unless you handwave or homerule the fuck out of it, because the role ability as written is total garbage. People play Solos because it just fucking works. So do Nomads and Techies. The others? DM has to fuck around and hand you shit. Bad design.
The Lawman's ability is just to be an authority in an area and call for backup. That can easily be flavored into being a gang lieutenant.
It has bad and underpowered mechanics
Ok. That isn't what I was talking about though. I was talking about flavor and roleplay. Things you do if you actually play the game.
I guess I just don't get it. I'm "always" angling for someone to be a Fixer (or to be one myself, but I've been pigeonholed into being the party's Solo several times) because the potential consequences of the guy who vets your clients and helps you get gear being under the GM's control are kind of dire. Edgerunners is about what happens when your crew has four Solos, two Netrunners and no Fixer. The Konpeki Plaza heist in 2077 would've gone way better (and the entirety of Act 2 basically wouldn't have happened if Dex had bothered to subcontract for a Medtech to be waiting in the cab for V and Jackie on the way out, just in case exactly what ended up happening ended up happening.

Don't let the guy who plays the guys trying to shoot you also play your Fixer.
>Don't let the guy who plays the guys trying to shoot you also play your Fixer.

I am the guy that shoots at you and am also stuck playing the Fixer. My entire way of making this work is I segregate these aspects of the game by making the Fixer basically the group's happy merchant. I give payouts based on how they did in the gig, and organize my inventory based on how I feel the group is doing.

I'm a pretty nice GM. I just also enjoy killing your characters because I don't actually like playing Warhammer.
I'm starting to wonder if it's my fault for showing them the roles first instead of first asking them what kind of character they want to be then going through the roles to find a good fit.
They share the blame. If you look at the roles and you can't conceptualize out of that the type of character you want to be from it and instead pigeonholed yourself into being l33t hackerman then fuck you.

You can make Major Kusanagi as a Solo with points in stealth, optical camo, social stats for lesbian sex.

It's entirely up to the players to make what they see in their head work on their character sheet. As a GM your job is to facilitate.
>they don't even seem to care about Rockerboy's
Tell them Rockerboys become Dethklok. Because they basically do.
>Objective: Make the perfect Corpo Solo with a strong focus in Martial Arts
Being able to summon four cops isn't bad, if nothing else they can draw fire. And that's at rank 4, one more and they have assault rifles, and it goes up to grenades, rockets, and at rank 10 they stick around after the fight and have useful skills. They also arrive in an AV that the party can just take, or travel with them in if needed. If you want to keep to heavy combat support though, stop at rank 9. Two dudes in MetalGear with rocket launchers is not nothing.
>I wish my players weren't fixated on Solo's, Netrunners and Nomads.
I'm guilty of this myself. It's just really hard to pass up the built-in utility that those roles have most times (I also just really like fighting and hacking things, go figure). That being said, in one of my games I'm playing as a rockerboy who is basically an unholy fusion of The Joker and Alex DeLarge that grew up listening to Marilyn Manson. It's quite fun.
Pointless. Anyone who can't see how insane rockerboys can get with their special ability probably hasn't even watched Metalocalypse.
>Pointless. Anyone who can't see how insane rockerboys can get with their special ability probably hasn't even watched Metalocalypse.
Even on low ranks (especially if you have high luck) Charismatic Impact is such a multitool of a ability it's not even funny. Especially if your GM is not careful and let you use it liberally.

Also, good time as any to share it re:rockerboys - I proposed to my GM the "Negative Impact" mechanic to make the combat a little more tactical using CI ability. Flavor wise it using your magnetic personality to focus enemy attention on you instead of rest of the crew, or guard duty, or to move from their stealthy position. Mechanically it's good ol' taunt. Basically what Johnny did with "Hey Steelhead!" against Smasher.
Given the edgerunners book is out, does it provide stats for the big mech bod from the finale?
No, CEMK is just the jumpstart kit for 2077. It doesn't even have half of the rules, so if it's your first experience with RED you wouldn't even know about the meta of bullet dodging or that solo's can do more than just boost initiative with their solo rank. There is an Adam Smasher if that's what you're referring to and he's pretty strong but he's not even explicitly a FBC. He just has a lot of the same abilities.
I love Lawmen and Corporates. But I love sleazy cops and Rock from Black Lagoon.
>Basically what Johnny did with "Hey Steelhead!" against Smasher.
I was about to say; Isn't this literally how Johnny Silverhand got cut in half?
The solution is clear, next time you play rather than GN, play a rockerboy and show them what CI can do. Make everyone like you, obtain pussy on command, get better prices from fixers, be better at everything that's not direct combat.
Are there premade adventures of Cyberpunk Red? My group wants to try out something different from 5E, but I don't have a ton of time to prep homebrew stuff.
Tales of the Red has full-session adventures and the Data Pack has closer to one-shots.The core book also has one-shots like what Data Pack has. If you're coming from 5E show your crew the Red Companion App it should make everything easier for them.
risk of using that anon's idea but I like it, I'm gonna steal it.
Well rest of his party survived and Alt was free at this point, what else could man want?
Nomad Night Market music
2020 deition
Am I reading FNFF wrong, or can I move after shooting as much as I want because the -3 penalties don't affect walking?
That’s why MOVE stat is separate brother
Anyone have a good program for doing city plans? I wanna design streets for my players to do a little less clunky explaining
What's a good rubric for when to start offering higher-paying (and more dangerous) jobs? I don't want to monty haul the group, but I also don't want to just throw 2,000eb gigs at them forever.
tales from the red. use don't have a stitch to wear
Gotta be honest I always forget the fashion shit in Cyberpunk. Like, my player is wearing worn jeans, a new pair of boots, an old army jacket?? Okay, the fuck do I do with that as a gameplay mechanic?

Like, it makes since to wear a tuxedo to a galla or whatever but it just feels slightly too complex for no reason. Admittedly i'm a brainlet but still.
Look at what they wear in blade runner and copy that. Or just go nude like I did with one of my characters (admitadley it's all realskinn and there are cyber-bits covering the nips and midnight lady, but the point stands)
What I mean is the fashion style mechanic built into the game. It gives bonuses to certain things or whatever but I feel like it's needlessly complicated.
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>Person wants A outcome
>Group B wants Person A under control
>Group C wants B outcome
>Law Enforcement are monitoring situation and are probably on corp payroll
>Players enter and throw plans into a tizzy
>50% chance of mission going south = prison time or corporate backlash
>Missions are bonafide rep makers eg. saving major music idol from corporate mind control, and getting the flatline of the producer on N54
>If succuessful players get a major player that owes them a favor along with paying for the job.

Usually I plan these missions to take about three sessions and have a massive payout eg 5000eb for saving the idol. Although I design these generally with failure as the most likely outcome, if your players succeed it should feel like they railed agaisnt the machine and won.
It depends on context, just use common sense on a per situation basis. As the book says, looking good can be more important than being good. Style over substance. Roll with it.
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need a premise for a Badland job
Well a transport convoy is the easiest whether its escort or train robbery
However badlands=Nomads, do any gig that revolves around nomads works well too
Can be something related to NUSA's attempts to colonise / exterminate Nomads if it's RED. Can be either hires for corpo or nomads.
The world's luckiest runner discovered the location of a corp facility from the (insert number) corpo war that was working on (insert dangerous/desirable technology) but it's deep in the badlands and it's a race to get there and loot the place, because the runner accidentally made their find public so now several corps and nomad clans are out to claim the prize first.
I like that. I'ma make a little tweak to that and steal it.
A Reclaimer colony has taken over an abandoned housing project in a pre-Collapse city. They've turned the water and electricity back on, hijacked some agricultural equipment to start a subterranean farm, and started making a community for themselves.

They're caught in a buffer zone between the NUSA and the free cities. They've hired the runners to help assure their freedom, not by defeating the forces of the NUSA military and the corporate powers pushing their way in, but by making the cost of occupying their territory too high to stomach through good old-fashion guerrilla warfare and terrorism.
Just go nuts, or don't. A peacock's gonna preen.
The whole point of the system is to embrace the absurdity of the setting.
It's just there to encourage players to be nuttier than squirrel shit.
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The Crew has to protect a prominent desert rock band as they travel from Night City and across the Badlands to the Reclaimer town of Joshua Tree for a concert. Along the way, they are attacked by gangs themed around different genres of music.
ACPA v 3.4
>Two new Armour upgrades (rank 5)
>Moved all Armour upgrades to a single upgrade taken 4 times
Now, the selection goes as follows:

>This ACPAs Armour is upgraded to gain a single ability of choice. Can be installed four times, and each upgrade can only be installed once per Suit. All upgrades raise Encumbrance penalty by 1 point each.
 Non Explosive Reactive Armour all explosive damage is lowered by 1d6.
 Heavy Plating raises ACPA Stopping Power (SP) by 3 points.
 Impact Resistant all damage that halves armour is lowered by 1d6.
 EMP Shielding . Suit cannot be rendered inoperable by either EMP, Microwave or Non-Black-ICE Program effects. Additionally it blocks external low level radiation (see Corebook pg. 181).
A super rich corpo is in need to participate in scat fetish away from social media. Best way is to participate in a Shitting Man festival that gets hosted by a nomad family who obscures their identity and location.
Everyone's gangsta and a prospecta ready to loot that good ol' 2020's blacksite goodness until they see the Biotechnica sign outside.
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Love it
The orbital sniper shot from Sol Bianca
Yep this is exactly what I was thinking about. Or some unlabeled jar of airborne herpes that a gonk opens by mistake. Why can't it be a fun candy shop-esque discovered bunker full of guns?
Besides the more balanced Red-level stuff, do you have anything with bonkers powerscale planned?
>Did you used lesser known Cyberpunk media (comics, novel, cardgame) as inspiration for your game?

I am reworking the Cyberpunk 2020 timeline in an effort to make it more to my tastes without breaking the lore. I've finished a rough draft of the 1990s and have a basic framework going back into the 1960s. I'm taking some inspiration from Millenniums End but mostly its just real life.

It's a complete waste of time, none of this will have any impact on my players, but it will help me get in the mindset and set up the intrigue in a way that makes sense. Plus I plan on using some of the background for wargame scenarios so maybe not a complete waste
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I listen to way too much Queens of the Stone Age. My current nomad character and their clan spun out of me thinking about "3's & 7's" too hard.
all citadeldev stuff is kino
Are you planning on including travel (like the crew has to navigate there and deal with roads that haven't been maintained in decades in the hot desert) or just going to teleport the crew to the job sites?
Can you elaborate on what exactly are you looking for? I’m asking because IMO the end line stuff that I put in RED is pretty scary. You’ve got Smasher with two actions, resistant to everything and dealing extreme damage (Killbook), then the high end ACPA easily deal 9d6 headshots, 8d6x2 missile barrage and so on. Granted, euro gear doesn’t have that much deadly weapons, but ROF 3 3d6 mantises and 4d6+5 gorillas are nothing to scoff at. Only drones doesn’t feature wacky damage numbers, but the ability to split action to essentially play two characters is good enough to tip the balance, if you ask me. Well, it isn’t just another corporate gonk, or a lawman summon, but yeah arguably other roles have more damage output.
I mean, all this text above was to prove that my stuff is deadly enough for RED. So I guess I either didn’t understand the question or you’re talking about something entirely different than RED. Please elaborate.

You faggots were complaining so now you may have your say.
Speak your mind or gtfo.
What the point of this form? I was expecting a survey or something. This seems like you email them a question about rules/lore and they answer, rather than a way to give actual feedback
>No form, just freetext
>No categories
>We want to know how well we've done but only generally
>We won't respond to any emails
>Don't batch your sendins, one email per topic

>"Hello I think that the agents dlc was no good and pushes the game towards generic modernist fantasy instead of a dystopian crime fantasy."
>"Hello I think that you shouldn't outsource writing because the quality of writing, especially dlcs, suffer."

Now, me? I'd just write a little text on my site that said"got feedback? Type feedback in the title of an email and send it to us!" but that's just me. If they are just looking for generic feedback why don't they just browse social media? It'd be the same tier of responses.
KillBook v 1.66
>Biotechnika Monster moved to extreme threat level, lowered hp from 100 to 60, changed heavy melee attack for a ranged one.
>deep state agents changed to resemble relic skill tree
>TPK Bot 3000 in now balanced to be a pair, not a single bot.

gotta do the ACPAs encounter next, anyone has anymore ideas what is there to be added?

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