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Previous Thread: >>93235466
For: Creation and discussion of Lewd RPGs; including Solo Rpgs, Homebrews, and examples of play (Greentexts)

>Don't post or ask for "Looking For Group".
>Don't sperg about Hentai logic, Hentai Artists or NTR. Take your meds.

>What's a Solo RPG?
1: YouTube (Season 1 of Me, Myself & Die! gives a good explanation)
2: Ask in the Solo RPG General: >>93243227
3: Solo is a good way to test out systems and to avoid problems such s "Schedule Conflict" or "Playing with Weirdos"

>Solo RPG Toolkit (NPC Generator, Mythic GM Emulator, etc.)

>Official Thread's Discord

>Lewd Solo Games
Labyrinthus: https://gm-bertus.itch.io/labyrinthus
Labyrinthus Random NPC Generator: https://srr5cb2m.play.borogove.io
Lewd Attack: https://mega.nz/folder/CbhQnQyB#Xn-0F9OVyr_SHQ2s7rDhmQ
Lewd Attack, Frameworks for Maptool: https://mega.nz/folder/4ixRTS7K#nSxJQ4BuNcaZYA4slPVPcw
Powered by the Lewd: https://j5drops.itch.io/powered-by-the-lewd
Rapture World: https://mega.nz/file/PPQxVYIa#EHENwjI-gTxCvJjVTzVEeTj7Y-yl_6Ubra4RM2oZ3ck

>Other Material and Systems (IE: D&D, Pathfinder, Ventangle etc)
Finished my first Labyrinthus random dungeon level (moving down to second level now). Made some new friends, defeated some cultists, and only got captured and impregnated the once!
>Paladin (F)
>Gunslinger (F)
>Currently in icy mountains
>Going to reach a lodge with other people soon
I'm debating on what kind of troubles I should sneak in there.
They already participated in a yeti gangbang, so it seems kind of boring to JUST have more group sex, so I'm thinking about options like a possessing pervert ghost.
Would love for some other ideas though.
Setting has late 1800s tech and magic.
congrats! Good luck on the second level
And what's your Character?
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I want to run a lewd Star Wars campaign. Any supplements that would help, or some generic lewd rules I can just tack on?
what system are you using? d6, d20 or Genesys?
I've never played Genesys so I was going to do d20, unless you'd say it's a better option?
Thank you! Player and character wise it's a bit of a bummer that tentacle captivity ends after only one impregnation, let's be honest
Female Witch with a kink for tentacles and a Smug flaw
>It's a bit of a bummer that tentacle captivity ends after only one impregnation, let's be honest
It ends unless your Character gets attached to Nursing Roots which keep you in place until you either break free or get rescued
Reposting my question from last thread:
Are there any systems for simulating the intricacies of consent (or the lack thereof)? The social/dialogue system from the solo RPG resources is nice, but it seems to assume the player desires a particular polar outcome (like making an NPC like or dislike you), while what I find hottest is riding the line of consent where a woman "allows" my self-insert character to fuck her begrudgingly, out of some obligation, transaction, manipulation, gold-digging, or whatever. Any reason other than her own desire/pleasure.
if you're unsettled on system, the WEG d6 Star Wars is hard too beat. Genesys personally I would mark as the worst choice of the three personally due to the special dice, though I can see some solo players liking the extra types of results.
Dawg, just rig up an old-school monster reaction table. result of 1 is zero consent, 2 is resentful consent, 3-4 is begrudging consent, 5-6 is open consent.
Or shift the percentages in what-ever way you want or based on context. You could make multiple tables fitting a defined number of base predispositions you assign to your npc's.
If you want more granular results just up your polyhedron to d8, d10, d20 or what-ever.

Alternatively assign values to various factors like, Attraction to PC, Attraction to Situation, Desperation in Situation, or what-ever you think is appropriate and do d100 roll under to test consent according to those factors.

Those are two solutions off the top of my head with literally 0 prep work. This isn't even my fetish, why is this difficult for you to figure out?
Just, like, make game - man.
Did I read it wrong, don't the Nursing Tentacles release you for birthing?

>An impregnated Character will be held captive until the Day she should give birth, where the Nursing Roots will sense the event and release her into the pool. After that they will become dormant for 2d3 Days

pg 115. Adventure Compendium
>a bit of a bummer that tentacle captivity ends after only one impregnation, let's be honest
Don't need to ponder an orb to figure out you've got more impregnation in the future ahead of you.
Yeah I don't really want to learn the special dice, just trying to run Charlie's Angels but with Jabba slavegirls. d6 weg looks perfect for that, thanks very much anon.
>Charlie's Angels but with Jabba slavegirls
Sounds fantastic
Ah fuck you are right. Well you can always over-rule that if you want?
Thanks anon. I have some fun ideas jotted down I think, so if I get it to a coherent state I'll put an ad in the disc
Anon, you have to play within the rules otherwise what's the point you may as well just write a short story
Did Jabba even fuck his harem? Are Hutt capable of that
I have seen art that says yes and that's good enough for me.
Considering his bulk, they'd need to ride cowgirl style only surely. Unless they set up some kind of reinforced harness and pulley system
>Are Hutt capable of
They, as a species, gotta reproduce somehow...
Not trying to start shit, genuine question. Are lewd RPG's the same as any other, but you're detailed in sexual encounters opposed to fading to black?
usually they're for solo players like me to do absolute degenerate things
The only way to know is to read them
Great idea, thanks
Hot spring and underwear theft?
Considering the first thing you see done to one of them is feed her to a rancor I don't think they were kept around for sexual gratification. As I remember it in one of the books he offered Leia to Boba after doing a job for him so mostly it would be a carrot that he dangles in front of his minions.
Hutts are asexual. Actually asexual not tumblr asexual.
you also see him give leia the licky licky so i don't think things are that straightforward
maybe that's not a sleazy licking, maybe it's just hungry licking
i think hutts aren't the only asexual thing in this conversation
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Again if the slave girl is a show piece then his goal is to make her look like a sexual object. By seeming like he finds her attractive the bottom feeders in his gang also think of her as attractive. It's all part of the power he holds over his cronies.
If I was Jabba, even if I was a sexless slug, I'd tongue fuck Leia and that blue alien daily
that's a lot of mental gymnastics to avoid the straightforward answer. Even the hungry licky guy at least you can draw a straight line to.
Fair, my mistake in thinking it was a group thing. I'll try one out, thanks for responding, anon.
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It absolutely can be a group thing.
I had an idea while messing around with AI art. A culture of bimbo amazons. Don't know if I can expand on the idea. Was thinking they come from a hedonistic post-apocalyptic culture that's sitting in the ruins of their former civilization. Could be like Los Angeles, or just very similar, but their main temple would be a shopping mall. Naturally they'd sacrifice virgins (sexually). And they'd be able to produce a wide array of makeups they use both as regular makeup but also as warpaint, probably sell to other cultures too.

I think the lore explanation for what sets them apart from like your regular amazons would be that they are like fully into using magical transhumanism that gives women both the rock-hard abs and enhanced height, but also the fake looking tits, ass, and lips. The side-effect being a huge spike in sex-drive. Rather than being made dumber, I think instead it just gives them different priorities hence they act pretty ditzy. But they'd still be strong and competent Amazons, just their goals are about capturing people to turn into fucktoys rather than conquer the world.

Anyway thoughts? Think it could be expanded further, used in a lewd campaign?
>my mistake in thinking it was a group thing
Most of the time if you say "it's a group thing" when yo utry to play with a group most of the time the experience is shit or you get shit people or shit schedules and such so the better option is either playign solo or by having your fiancé being also interested in such games, since we already had anons playing these games with their beloved ones and actually having fun
>Mental gymnastics
Not really. He wants to reward his lackeys with sex and acts accordingly. Not much twisting and turning to come to that conclusion. And it makes a lot more sense than "Dickless alien actually still wants hot girl in his lap".
Labyrinthus, how is the DV of a Locked or Jammed door decided?
Kinda sounds like the Busty Barbarian Bimbos game.
Adventure Compendium, Page 71: Random Difficulty Table
Thank you, I honestly suspect I have brain damage and/or born a mongoloid
I have come around to just adding subsystems to B/X to enable my degeneracy and running characters through old dungeon modules but simply asking "is this lewd?" about things with a 50/50 and just re-imagining written content that gets a Yes answer as a lewd variant of itself.
I'm looking for a hardcore survival experience where the heroine is forced to resort to prostitution and things of that nature to make ends meet. Any particular system that would work for this?
>survival experience
Labyrinthus is more focused on survival but not "hardcore"
>the heroine is forced to resort to prostitution
Lewd Attack is basically female character doing random strolls in the wilderness or sorting to being molested in a city for money
>3 Female Goblin Scavengers
>Captured by a Horny Barghest

Succeed on that Stealth check and watch the magic
You should post greentexts of your sessions instead of just scenes who amuses you
Is that a thing? I'm new to this
Greentexts are always appreciated. If you look at the rentry link in the OP there are links for both old LA greentext and one full run for Labyrinthus
Group ERP is way less common than you might think and when it happens it's either healthy people who trust each other or the worst rejects of society trying to escape it.
Unlike regular games, fetishes are too intimate and personal, and way harder to adopt the neutral "I don't care about this" that can happen in normal games. Very few people can be around others performing sexual acts and not be uncomfortable if the act isn't their fetish too, and when everyone does have the same fetish then it easily slips into circlejerking which can be unhealthy too.

So most of it is solo and if you get a group, chances are you're far too gone.
This is lewd games general.
People ain't here to discuss games, people are here to jack it off. Providing material is mroe important than staying on board topic.
Figured I'd repost this neat idea from a couple threads back.

I wonder if you couldn't reference Shadowrun's lifestyle rules to play a game like this.
Never done groups, 1 on 1 was the most, and we were dating. It was more like games of imagination, tapping into that young dumb silliness and trying to see where things can go. You're exploring the system, the fantasy, but ultimately it's more of a communication. At it's best, it's a form of communication to figure to question what's going on inside while formulating it into a freeform story. It's a terribly barely connected narrative outshone by an outline, but a few steps above raw. And most importantly it's safe. Something weird happens there's a laugh, something gross happens there's no mess, something disgusting happens there's still awkwardness- but the silence is definitely better than up the butt. It's definitely not an icebreaker, and it's a long way away from the meat of what made the relationship fun and great, but it was a form of play and communication that helped dramatically to tie things together primarily because there was a common ground for structuring that communication, there were rules, guidelines, a meta-analysis, strategic uncertainty, even a fantastic horizon of possibilities.

For solo, it's definitely different, I can't take the lewd rulesets and run them by themselves. There's not enough there and I'm not into it just for the lewd play. It's more like taking the training wheels off . Vices and addictions from the DnD supplement for instance is a system that just means that the character can retreat into and become vulnerable to R18+ kinds of problems that encompass the first parts "sex drug and rock n' roll".

idk, partner communication always gets much easier after you are comfortable, but I just always did it with either cards, games, roleplay or some kind of aid to get out of the skin of prim and proper. yeah it's obviously weird, it's obviously niche, it's obviously constrained, but it has applicable value that in terms of providing an safe explorable space and can even foster understanding
As the maker of PTF I just wanna say this mild praise was enough to make me pick up the system again. Watch the space for future updates, hopefully soon.
Gotta appreciate an anon working hard for those (You)s .
>"Boudice Ripper Novels" is just one of those things only stupid young immature women who haven't found a man or been in an actual relationship consume.
You have never talked to a woman that wasn't some form of service worker.
is it really that hard to spell bodice?
Not him but man you just reminded me of when I found out a girl I knew wrote erotic fiction, and it was all rape, gangbangs, cheating/cuckoldry, and monsters.
I would later find out those are stereotypical things for women to be into once they no longer pine for prince charming.
You two sound like you got a tale or two to share... Care to share us some tales about women who produce and consume rape porn, gangbang erotica and monster boy smut?

Apparently it's thanks to Genshin Impact and Neuvilette that I've learned some gals out there are into handsome dragon or reptilian men with hemi-penises.
Why don't you all just fuck off
>a woman that wasn't some form of service worker.
By the Nine, anon. I hope you're not talking about prostitutes or hookers. Please I hope you're talking about those decently good looking women who so happen to be stuck at working in retail jobs and not so called "sex workers."
Of course i was talking about things like retail workers you coombrain nitwit.
Sorry comrade. Perhaps I was being too blackpilled and doom pilled over how promiscuity and dangerous "sex work" and literal pimpery is trying to be normalized with semantic language altering. Because I dunno, feminism I guess?
I don't usually say this because it's been made meaningless through overuse but you seriously need to go outside and socialize with strangers more, touch grass and breathe fresh hair in the sunlight, start a new hobby, because you are dangerously warped from isolation and overdosing on social media. You're cracked, dude.
I misread service worker as social worker and laughed hysterically for almost two minutes.
>that classmate has to be reported by school administration because nonkid should be watching or consuming Adult or mature rated media
Congrats anon, you finally said something so soul-blisteringly retarded enough to get me to respond.

Granted, my response is a direct threat to your personal well-being. If I ever find you IRL, I'm 100% going to shoot you in the face. You are everything wrong with...basically everything. The world will be a better place for your absence. Kill yourself now and save me the trouble.
you're probably not wrong
Big mistake pal, Anon's already called the cops on you and they're on their way.
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are the gobbo sexus threads banned now?
>I actually am a prosecuting attorney, passed the bar and everything
Nah, that's not a legally actionable threat. A threat has to be made against a specific individual or identifiable and limited group (ie, "Mets fans", "American civilians"), and not a random member of a group with no identifying characteristics, and despite the use of the term "you", it's against an anon who cannot be identified. There's no injured party, and therefore no crime. I'd cite case law but that's more effort than I feel like putting in.

With that said, >>93314263, the only thing stopping that from being actionable is anon's anonymous state. Were George to be actually identifiable and you said that, then you would be breaking US law in essentially every jurisdiction. I don't disagree with you or your conclusions, but maybe dial it back just a bit.
janny is just extra grumpy today, try again tomorrow
"he" could imply there is a dick.
it could also be an identifier he uses to fit an image. its definitely easier to find employees who will work for something you are willing to pay them if you can convince them they want what you want to pay them.
there is also the possibility that jaba does rape his slaves and it isnt just to instill desire in his subordinates. jaba is more than willing to sell them though because he doesn't think with his dick, only enjoys using it.
"my wife reads porn"
>"Annooonn normal couples dont read orn behind eachothers backs!!!"

this is either a special kind of dumb or a very common kind of bait

either way go gargle some balls favio
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I'm at work so you'll have to wait, I'll do both dungeon levels as well
Take your time
are you that guy who posted a redacted pic of his legal diploma before, or does /tg/ just have a bunch of lawyers?
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>"he" could imply there is a dick.
Wrong on several counts.
First, male only means penis in humans. There is no reason to believe that non humaniods have a reproductive system similar to ours. Could be a sea horse situation; Could have a cloaca like fish; or any number of the infinite variations on reproduction while still being the hutt equivalent of 'male'
Second is that 'male' pronouns in English aren't actually male they are gender neutral. Jubba isn't referred to as he because he is male (or the alien equivalent) he is referred to as he because he isn't female.
And I never said Jubba does pay people. He obviously does and you hallucinating me saying things is counter productive.
Conclusions: No dick. No balls. And probably no butthole either [\spoiler]
then how does he...?
Fuck me.
Doesn't. I never said Jubba doesn't pay people.
> he feeds on radiation
>Second is that 'male' pronouns in English aren't actually male they are gender neutral. Jubba isn't referred to as he because he is male (or the alien equivalent) he is referred to as he because he isn't female
Please direct us to the sad individual who tried to claim this so that we have someone to blame for it besides you.
Very interesting document, thank you for sharing. I think there's the basis for something great here, but first can you tell me did anything precede this or were there any rule supplements this was made in response to?
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not wrong my good faggot
"could" means something other than "100% definitely"
reinforced for the convenience of reading by the word "imply"
but you cant retard proof literature
star wars is old school swashbuckly sci fi
lookit all the humanoid aliens
square shouldered strapping manly dirty killers
payment is relative
reward, bribe, badge of office
Call it what you will
we speculate
hell for all it matters jabba could have a cloaca and maybe it has a weirdo alien dick or maybe not, his balls could be on the outside or iside either way. MAubeueEE theYYR SQUare inStEAd oF BaLlsS

maybe he just crawls over the lave girls and they lie there for an hour while his flabbiness grinds on them with his hole and then dumps a couple gallons on them form his giz tank (legally distinct from balls)

thank you for the picture of the monster dinosaurs toy
it is very cool
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I'm thinking up a game where you play as a goblin getting people pregnant and then playing as the child when you retire/die. How long would you say a goblin child would need to reach maturity? Anything like 1-2 years feels like it would make their whole outlook on life too different from humans and require more difficult roleplaying from the player.
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Labyrinthus Anon here and the new update is up. Also new Covers!

>Core Rules:
Added a new Cover
Added the Ravenous Lover Feat
Added back the missing rules for Multiple Damage Reduction
Combat Intimidation has been renamed Demoralize
Infesting Creatures have now a specific Entry regarding their rolw with the Deletionem Field.
Trying to Tempt a Creature the Character attacked or inflicted damage, increases now the DV of the Check by 1.
Reworked the description for performing attacks. now it's should be even clear
Reworked and cleaned up Hand to Hand Maneuvers. Now it's also possible to chop off tentacles!
Reworked the List of Actions which can be made during a Combat Round
Reworked the list of Advanced Combat Actions
Reworked those spells which granted a Damage Reduction
Surprised now gives a penalty to all Combat Modifiers, not only Melee and Dodge

>Adventure Compendium:
Added a new Cover
Added a specification where between the first Taking a Break, the second and Resting at least one or two hours should pass
Added rules for Resting and Night Encounters
Minor corrections

>Creature Compendium:
Added a new Cover
Added the Dark Tutor (Infernal)

>Foundry World (Still v11.315)
Updated to the current game version
Oh SHIT yes, can't wait to get home and play it, amazing job thank you!

>chop off tentacles!

Why would you ever do this, harming those wonderful creatures
covers look much better
I know. I didn't had the time before but now that the game just needs polishing and more art i was able to make them and get rid of the old ones made with AI
A player had a genius move on me which suddenly gave my setting an element of lewd.
Anybody ever had something like that happen where a player turned a seemingly innocuous thing into a lewd thing and it kind of works in your setting?

In my setting elves, dwarves, goblins, basically Tokeinesque humanoid races can't reproduce among each other and that enforces of the concept of race among the races through inability to produce offspring with each other.
Then the player figured out that he could essentially have an elf cocksleeve on demand and no worries of pregnancy.
...that's it? I mean bully for you lads and all but it seems so pedestrian?
No pregnancy? That's the opposite of lewd... it's just disappointing.
Mixing a dozen different random event tables because i'm too dumb to interprate vague oracles and tarot cards was a mistake. I wanted to get my dick sucked by goblins, not crusade against an orc Chieftain that is summoning meteors to destroy human cities
How do you guys normally weight your tables for positive and negative results?
I try to keep my tables as neutral as possible and let the situation determine if the results are positive or negative.
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For female characters, all random incidents are bad. But the worst, generally attempted sex slavery, only happens on a 1.

There are no good random incidents. The closest thing to a good random incident is rolling high on the kind of person who buys your girl who can potentially be an ally you made.

Male characters cause incidents.
Well that's just mean, I think you need the possibility of reward and not just risk to make things more interesting.
Page 59 of Core Rules.

Do Cover and Concealment stack?

And regarding Concealment
>Zone of Darkness: 4+ against Melee or 3+ against Ranged

Does Zone of Darkness confer any concealment against Magic?
>Do Cover and Concealment stack?
No. Use the one which gives the best protection
>Does Zone of Darkness confer any concealment against Magic?
Should be "Ranged Attacks". So if you cast a spell in combat Darkness gives 4+ if from a Spell from Afar Drkness gives 3+
Gotcha, cheers
Thinking of plotting out a Goblin game where the PCs are in a goblin tribe, and it eventually escalates to the party raiding a town. Im just trying to think of cool monsters that can be ally or enemies to the party before they get to that point. Any good idea for things goblins can breed/get bred by?
That's just for random incidents like those in cities.

Good things can happen when trying to persuade someone or anything else that I'd be unsure of the results for. Results skew depending on who or what we're dealing with. Even the worst result from an ally won't cause a negative outcome.
Hobgoblins, bugbears, orcs, ogres, wolves, horses, evil humans, and eventually human soldiers/heroes when they defeat and capture the gobbos
riding wolves, riding toads, riding bats, rats, snakes, lesser salamanders, beetles, torch bugs
>things goblins can breed/get bred by?
You might have better luck counting things they CAN'T get bred by.
Need lewd noble house name ideas
>character overcomes trials and tribulations and is perfectly positioned to a good or "continues on his way" ending
>give him a pseudo-bad ending and end the campaign
take that, fucker
What did he do to you?

good endings just don't feel right
you forgot goblins
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cause we are all girls who secretly want to have sex with you

pic to prove it
warm clothes keep their temperature stable but dont make them warm
there are different penalties for different degrees of cold
even most of the monsters are pretty cold
a friendly monster that produces volumetric amounts of hot cum is happy to give them an edge if they edge him for a while.
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What does your base of operations look like? Do you have a fuck dungeon? How does your harem live?
thank you for providing these details
not that our goblin crack impregnation squad needed them but they will be useful
by the suns rise your house will be up to your elbows in rampaging newly spawned goblins

thats how you do a behind enemy lines insurgency without a wizard
he rolled wrong when something would have been hot all the time, and his companions were the only characters rolling above a 9 in combat situations. grossly incompetent protag for the kind of game I was playing. one bad thing happened early, he never really paid any personal consequences for it, and he escaped the dungeon alive and whole but for ten days of memories
the bad end was just ending up as a sex slave to his own maid instead of fulfilling his purpose
it's super weird when someone else responds for me but you right
Anyone have the most recent books for bitches for thoth amon?
I build samples in conan exiles or minecraft or 7 days to die
Have any of you actually ended up offending whatever little female players exist given the one-sided and overwhelming cons and negatives female characters or any woman will have in these Lewd RPGs?

Can't imagine the one or two tabletop comics I saw that does cover female players playing a Lewd RPG scenario and being jokingly upset their female characters being hentai defeated to be realistic. Which only means Lewd RPGs in general are only played by males as to never offending and upsetting female players.
the only time I've done erp as part of the group, the sole female player kept making the guys uncomfortable with how much she wanted her character to get raped
what did she say?
My girls are still trying to escape, then will look for a base
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Guess what's best selling on the front page of drivethrurpg right now?
good job anon
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I tried using AI to fill in the conversations and story beats like someone in either this or /srpgg/ suggested, and it's been a ride. Also use it to describe the setting and races to put a unique spin on things. Here's the goblins it came out with when i told it to avoid cliched little green shortstacks, then put the description it gave me in an image generator.

Problem with AI seems to be that it's a little too agreeable. It's near impossible to get it to say you fail at something, like trying to sneak past a guard or lie to an NPC. Whatever you say goes and there's no real chance to anything. So dice still seems a little better, with the exception of making interactions that don't make you feel like a schizophrenic creating conversations in your head.
>Problem with AI seems to be that it's a little too agreeable.
i've also found that the AI I've tried to use has no idea about levels of severity for failure. Like you can't just miss attacking you just die. And forget about capture scenarios entirely. Those especially made the AI go schizo.
>3 foot tall goblin chieftess

uh oh.

What AI are you using?
Yeah, I've pretty much only been using it to have conversations, throw in plot hooks, and describe saucy scenes. Things like combat are better off left to game mechanics, which you then feed a little summary of to the bot to when you want to go back to story stuff.
NovelAI for both the game and art. I used to use Claude before fighting over proxies and censorship filters got annoying. Claude is infinitely more creative and better at keeping track of what's going on, but NAI or local models are just so much less of a pain in the ass. It's paid though, so I'm just giving it a test and don't plan on using it in the long run.
>3 foot tall goblin chieftess
Personally, I love how it made it that the smaller a goblin is, the more freakishly powerful they are. I just interpreted it as they're also way dumber for it.
>child-like pseudo-furries for pedos
Whew man
forget the height
those proportions are questionable at best
what the hell does size matter if it isnt correlating to strength?
it seems purely anecdotal
hell its superfluous to mention it other since no shit, we can see the picture we can see where which on e is biggest.
NAI fucking loves lolis. So far if it generates a small race it's guaranteed to use words like "childlike" or "adolescent", and almost every time it introduces a female character she'll be a child. It's locally trained by the userbase, made by guys from /aids/, and encodes your stories to make sure no one can see them, so use your imagination for why that is. It doesn't bother me so I just let it do its thing.
Apologies, I should have been clearer regarding my positive reaction.

>3 foot tall goblin chieftess

realism has no place here
what heres why
"the party has arived at the dungeon"
" cool we explore it "
"ok you find a bunch of treasure and leave since it was in no way a sustainable ecosystem so the monsters all starved, yes even the plants and tentacles. and then the traps failed cause no one was left to maintain them"
I literally just couldn't think of a second descriptor to balance out males and females. Then i remembered it gave females social standing too and nothing to the males. I shat this together in three seconds to make a picture for the post, man.
we eagerly await the results
im sorry i have no cool and am a tool

keep making stories
some ambitious young dragon that wants to build an army as fast as possible
sexually charged dungeon obstacles one might find in a crypt:
Honestly if someone has the mind of a lawyer they can make almost anything lewd.
>Then the player figured out that he could essentially have an elf cocksleeve on demand and no worries of pregnancy.
I actually find that really hot. I'm stealing this.
A ancient mechanical conveyor which only operates when the character lays inside the steamy, goo slickened tentacle filled coffin. It takes a random amount of time to get to the next area, and the tentacles secrete an aphrodisiac substance which fills the character's senses with a pink haze of lust and pleasure. If the character doesn't resist, the tentacles swell and fill the coffin, pleasantly raping the character and making them cum repeatedly.

The conveyor only stops for a few rounds at the exit before starting up and heading back again, so if the character is fucked senseless (or chooses to) the tentacle fuck trip loops endlessley.
>started a short game to test some PORN MECHANICS subsystems I've been tinkering with
>character is a piece of shit thief, his goal is to get rich enough that no prostitute ever makes fun of him again
>my goal is to throw him into a world with monstergirls, lewd traps, and transformations, and see bad things happen to him
>goes to innasand, hears about a rumor of a pyramid rising from the sand tides
>picks up two goons and goes to check it out
>one twists his ankle on the way out
>the other's at least sort of a fighter
>pincer maneuver, kill an ankheg
>very next hallway, bump into a mummy (forma de monstergirl)
>other retainer bombs morale and runs for it
>PC gets paralyzed
>she just wants to talk
>>>>she just wants to talk
>god dammit
>in life part of an order of priests of the sun god and hates her undead nature
>she was cursed by a guy who betrayed her order to be an undead monstergirl 5ever(ever ever) wandering these shaded halls for an age
>there's a mcguffin in the tomb that can free her but it's covered in wards that undead can't touch
>she's a 7th level creature companion accompanying my lone shit thief through some ruins
>killin' stuff, dealing with obstacles and traps ok, not really finding any loot but she already said as long as I free her she don't care
>keeps passing her lust tests to not just rape my dude to death
>get to destination, randomly roll 'major inhabitant, obstacle'. room's description was "Bottomless, Tomb" so I figure there's some bottomless pits and the room's a crypt
>major inhabitant is a rock statue (of the betrayer guy) that shoots magma out of its hands
>it'll absolutely fucking kill her she's a mummy and that's fire
>it's a level 8 creature it'll absolutely fucking kill me I'm a level 1 thief
>fuck it. this mummy is cute
>set up an alley-oop. she's got big str and to-hit, I've got a dream
>get statue's attention, move to edge of bottomless pit
>it follows me, roughly into position
>get hit by one magma stream, live with 2hp due to godrolls
>down to initiative
>mummy goes for the stinger from the top rope
>nat 19 in this system imposes things that aren't extra damage
>mummy's is prone
>give her a luck roll (10 or less on d20) for the accompanying push
>made it. easy game
>statue falls into bottomless pit, no sound except some rock scree crumbling off the edge
>sigh of relief
>she doesn't know what'll happen with this thing, just that it'll set her free somehow
>ok fine
>use my living hands to open the sarcophagus
>she takes her mcguffin
>doesn't become her sexy living self or anything, just dies a true death
>leaves dude with a bunch of sweet high value treasure
fucking ripoff piece of shit game (it was free. I have hacked half of it into existence at this point)
50% is not high enough odds for lewd things.
trash hobby this shit SUCKS I hate it
I wanted to get raped by monstergirls not find love with bittersweet endings
based, volcel gang

what game was it?
maybe bring thief into normal game now that he isnt a POS
its far from the worst origin story iv ever heard
heavily modified tales of argosa playtest (even it is not out yet) using my top secret obsidian document I've been fucking with for years to facilitate my fetishes and gameplay preferences. it's in a constant state of flux, deletions and rewrites, such that half the time when I get a result I have to update it for the current paradigms. once it was shadow of the demon lord. then I retvrned to B/X. now it's here
tales of argosa is nice because will is a baked-in stat and it's very easy to homebrew for (for me), it has four degrees of success, a Luck stat that goes down the more you use it which is pretty "losing is hot" oriented, magic is unpredictable, and it strikes a nice middle ground where characters can take a lot of punishment without dying but aren't all that powerful
the core of my document is tf/gb oriented monstergirl game where the world's trying to either a) transform you and wear you down with the passage of time and bad shit happening to you while you're pushing against it to undo curses and hold on to your own mind, or b) rape your starting male character to death with monstergirls, before you run out of resolve, which is the actual game over state instead of death. 0 resolve = "write the epilogue"
it's very specific to my degeneracy. I like gb/tf as loss of control rather than any kind of wish fulfilment and that's out of vogue
the other core is a dungeon generator that I THINK I like the base mechanics for by this point, but it still needs so much content and tables to be filled. I decided to fill those tables out through play, filling in the result when I get it
the idea there is to just throw one handful of 5 dice to generate the skeleton of a room and its vague contents (trap, obstacle, inhabitant, treasure), which you then hone with dungeon tag-based subtables. the discretely defined subtable idea's showing its cracks, though, and I'd almost prefer to just have vague, flavored prompts and decide how stuff works when the result appears
oh hell no I am keeping my shit far away from anyone I know. I'm not that guy
unless you meant a non-lewd solo game. I could do that, I turned the start of a would-be lewd solo game based off an ancient (like two years) version of these rules into a normal game that was probably my favorite and longest-running. but it wouldn't be all that interesting this time. I don't think the mummy girl'd want to come back
seconding this
yeah i def did not mean lewd
i dont consider that a normal game
what AI do you guys use? I use Flowgpt, and you can create your own prompts. Or do you run your own local to your pc?
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>Had a normal adventure
Damn this is me the last few sessions, I feel ya. Been instead diving into lore/world building musings about the how the system of justice translates into the world of the fae who are dominated by emotions and twisting mortal words to their benefit or another's sorrow.

This is why there are lewdness counters to impose rising horniness either for the character or for the world.

>Wake up with morning wood/wetness.
that's a point
>Didn't deal with it?
that's a point
>Glance at the curve of that butt when you didn't really mean to.
that's a point
>Reminded by the shape of it, "Could fit THAT there/here".
Easy point.
>Blatantly flirted with and enticed by a double entendre by a fae goddess
I must be autistic as fuck. That's NOT a point
>Roll it. that shits going over my head, I'll realize that later when I fantasize about her
It's a point later.

After so many, you just have to deal with it, either actively seeking it out or as a vulnerability during an active situation. As the DM, treat it like a currency to create an event.

Think of it more as something that can fuel an active imposition or an urge, rather than something that is strictly imposed upon the character.
to go along with this, it helps to have an encounter table. Lewd Attack has great ones that guide the exploration which are very expressive. But even preparing a simple one that goes along the lines of 10 possible people you can meet when entering a room can help. I'll borrow from another RPG which has just NPC encounters with 3 of them being generally good, 3 generally bad, 2 kind of neutral, and 2 certainly story related. Since they are NPC encounters, you'll want to roll up initial impressions, maybe agenda, maybe full blown associated quest that fits them into the scenario.
For the lewd spice (or whatever scenario spice you happen to be running {i've been on a horror spat}) if you have 6 points of lewdness, spend it to make that NPC lean into the theme of the session.

In this manner, you gain rising and pops of tension throughout the session. Whether they payoff is an open question. But yeah, sometimes you have to put your thumb on the scales
>Lewd Attack has great ones that guide the exploration which are very expressive
Lewd Attack encounters are just "you get ambushed by goblins/orcs/bandits/wolves" or "you find something that you have to roll against" and you can't do anything else about
is posting lewd attack greentexts about gnome/halfling girls a violation of rule 1? I feel like the answer is no but I just wanna be sure.
It's fine unless you describe them weirdly. Just use common sense and don't be a creep about it.
>is posting lewd attack greentexts about gnome/halfling girls a violation of rule 1
If the janny/mod finds them hot, then they're not a violation. If the janny/mod doesn't like them, then they are a violation of whatever rule the janny/mod feels like calling them.

It's not a fair or objective system and never will be. I once had picrel deleted and caught a ban for being "off topic" in an arms and armor thread. If a janny/mod wants to ban you, then they will and you can't do anything about it. So post what you want and let the dice fall where they may.
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Ruh-Roh! Somebody got the bad touch by Lewd Attack and is salty.
Tales of Nari, the Human thief in a odd LA game
>Begins by rolling dice for Labyrinthus
>table of meanings, Flaunt, eldritch, chains
>Flaws, phobia(trust), duty (honor)
>Think, you know I haven't tried LA in a while, lets pivot
>Make cultist (unknown to Nari) raised, proud show off, untrusting thief who knows next to nothing about the world
>gets blamed for macguffin artifact getting stole
>Major quest acquired, get macguffin back
>get kicked and told only come back when I get the item
>if I fail, I get to promoted to sacrifice
>nifty, I always wanted to prove to people how great I am
>No clue where to begin, start searching town
>Someone bumps into me
>Quick Investigation later, realize it was a fellow thief with some gold missing
>Chase them down, and regain money
>Trade them going free for information
>Get told shady mc shady left in a paid carriage heading to the big city
>With only 5 villages between here and there
>Interrogated them a bit to confirm if true, using family method
>Seems true enough
>One needs funds going that far
>Side mission of testing totally legit 'apothcary's potion in the woods between HOME and VILLAGE A
>walk to the woods, passing a normal dude and skipping a carriage
>Mission said 1 'apothcary' to try potion of, find 3
>They are preparing things like at home near rustic altar
>walk up and asked which of the three I am here to talk with
>They look at each other for a moment confused, the third 'apothcary' said she posted the request a month ago and forgot
>Third runs near by and grabs item to test
>Bottoms up
>Let her know I feel more sluggish
>Easy money
>Other two 'apothcary's ask if I needed money, help them get ingredients for them
>I say sure
>They asked if I could get essence of a virgin quickly
>Look at them blankly for a few moments
>They question my status of having the sex were
>Virgin get surrounded
>Negotiate the terms of granting them virgin essence to by done by self extraction
>Exhibitionism acquired
(To be cont)
>'apothcary's are happy with the help, offer for me to join for main event
>Say thanks, but have to chase down Mc Shady for family stuff
>They agree family is important, and that they were sisters before we part
>On the way back clean up and nice pond
>Back to the roads
>Find carts over turned
>Green things surround people
>Remembered they are bad creatures that can make useful ingredients for our lovely faith
>What were they called again?
>Gobos, 100% gobos
>If I save these people they will be proud of me, unlike my family (cult)
>Nin nin nin, dagger thrown sneak attack on two hooded gobos
>2 deados
>Other 5 turn to me and rush
>Gobos miss, daggers hits, gobos died, me untouched
>New praise squad, untouched
>About to gather 'ingredients', but get weird looks
>March with my new Squad to Village A
>One was training to be a bard, they sang okay
>Daggers throw from the village gate, see big dude with horns and large nose ring
>Keep rude comments to myself
>Praise Squad tell me it’s a Minotaur and he is bad
>Think I will get more praise if I kill it
>How hard can it be
>Nin nin nin, chuck daggers
>Not dead, its kinda mad
>Rushed me, misses, daggers tossed to them making them unalived
>Praise squad cheers
>Get brought to party at a tavern
>Village all happy
>Get handed drink, drinking contest with me as guest of honor
>Never drank before (She has 4 in resistance, untrained)
>How hard can it be
>wins drinking contest, Easy Peasy
>Wonder why parents said it was bad stuff
>Sleepy time in room offered for free by Praise Squad
>New day, late start, groggy
>Dang 'apothcary's potion
>Check coin purse and decide I need supplies
>Acquire better throwing daggererers, road food, cloak, and lock picks
>Get told by praise squad that its 9 exploration points between here and Village B
>Asked if there is work
>Just some missing dude
>Ya not coming back here, so stay missing my dude
>Say good the byes and tell bard trainee to get better
>We walk
(To the next post)
>We walk some more
>Now I find totally honest merchants selling totally legal goods
>Asked if there was anything for 19 gold I can have
>Laughs heard
>They grab their weapons
>We chat a bit, they found out I killed Mr Itor yesterday
>They say they saw me beat their boss man at drinking
>They say I get a pass and let me through
>2/10 merchants would not buy from
>8/10 would drink with again if they buy
>Gain walking buddy
>Also was a thief
>I learned when they tried to steal from me
>Why can't we thieves be friends first
>I told them give me their gold to make things even
>Only 1 gold
>Chuck it into the woods
>Fuck you bitch
>Bitch thief goes after their sad coin
>Find group of village guards from Village A looking for Mr Itor
>Tell them he has moved on to talk with who he called god
>They laugh and hurt my feelings
>I walked into more guards
>Checking if bad items are going to Village B
>They said bad guy that looks similar to my Mc Shady sold bad items there
>Awesome, thief friend was not lying
>Will say sorry for interrogation when I come back with macguffin
>They want to search me
>Oh that’s fine…. Wait
>I have family faith item that guards don't like
>Scroll of summon tentacles
>Can't get family item taken
>Smooth talk.exe (4 persuasion dice total)
>not enough
>Burn sanity to try harder
>They buy I am just a innocent girl chasing Mc Shady since he stole from me
>They believe me
>Proud smug moment
>wait that’s the truth
(on to next)
>Random women shouts at me
>Feel kind of odd (Cursed)
>Finally at village b
>Pull up to the tavern and ask for a room
>50 gold up front request
>Coin bag, 19 gold
>Ask to be a barmaid to cover for room
>They said knock myself out
>How hard can it be
>Did so well that a party began
>Wait they are just happy hearing that Mr Itor is sleeping with the dirt
>Still feel hurt from time of the guards laughing at me
>Keep quiet about removing Mr Itor from his role
>partying going so well girls are dancing in ways I never encounter
>Get told by Mr Keep if I can dance well he will pay me more
>How hard can it be
>Pretty hard, get told to let good dancers have their room
>Mr Keep tells me he will comp my room if I got shirt less
>easy free room
>Look around the bar, people are doing the great act of procreating
>Mr Keep said they pay more if he lets them do that
>Tells me to keep working
>One hand below deck since the event is interesting
>Learning new things of how this all works
>New patron pops in
>Miss Bard Trainee
>Eyes locked
>Oh no, here it comes
>Exhibitionism 2 unlocked
>Miss Bard passes out
>Drag her to my room
>The night is over, and I have sleep over friend
>Who is still sleeping
>Bed time
(this is where I stopped)

Will play more of Nari
Its too fun being half dumb and not knowing what the world is
buddy, you seem... well whatever, lets get past that.
Read the entire thing, it's short but comprehension asks it
> you'll want to roll up initial impressions
If you're running a game strictly for murderhobo'ng, where every encounter is a combat, you're going to have a bad time. Especially if you start complaining, "where's the story? Where are the multitude of options I was promised from ttrpgs!?"

Remember the default if you want to make a world is that, you roll up an encounter with someone that has a hostility standing that generally starts are neutral, that doesn't want to deal with you, and is concerned with their own stuff. If your world is more hostile, then they are more hostile. If you have a quest going on, they might have info, you could ask it of them. If your character is acting like a harlot they might react to that. How in depth you roll up the NPC encounter or what you default to will shape the gam as you will be asking different questions and seeking different answers considering the circumstances.
Thanks for sharing, she seems cute, I hope she learns to be a good girl tho. What's her description?
Pretty accurate. Woe betide yee that tries to make a psa warning others about known shitposters in the /btg/ thread.
Adventure of Ronwyn - Human, Female, Witch. The Heroine!
>Flaw: Smug
>End Goal - Knowledge (of Sprawling Mother cult, who dumped her in the Labyrinth)
>Plot Line - Campfire (Upright, Safety/Shelter), The Clan (Upright, Seeking Allies). Find friends and a base!
>fresh from her adventure in the premade dungeon sporting a slutty purple womb mark from the Sprawling Mother
>Random dungeon, 1st Level Infested Tunnels
>1st room, Intruder Nest - 2 intruders are advancing on a captured female halfling, suspended in mid air from her goo encased legs and struggling to hold her skirt down
>Scorch + Elementalist (get used to this) defeats the Intruders
>Rescue Liebe, halfling Nun, diligent and submissive and Honest to a fault
>Motivation "Preach/Holy", so she is seeking to spread the word of her God.
>gained Religious quest to Kill Heretics.
>2. Junkyard - Found nothing!
>3. Yrgl Spores, Ronwyn and Liebe both succeed and hurry through the hazard
>Eldritch Infestation corridor, both girls succeed
>4. Dragon Shrine, Ronwyn dumps 5 gold from previous adventure and gains an upgrade of +1 to her Tough Skin and a 2 day Kink for Dragons
>5. Intruders Nest, both girls recognize the holes and hurry past
>6. Spawn Pools, 6x Cultists and 1 x Cultist Chief (+2 Prowess), target of Kill the Heretics
>Liebe stays outside, Ronwyn sneaks inside and beats Perception with 9.
>Cultists are praying at a Nursing Tentacles, as one of the cultists is being offered up.
>Ronwyn takes out the Chief with a Elementalist Scorch and the rest of the Cultists are Surprised! Another Scorch deals with a Cultist
before the rest of the furious enemies surround Ronwyn.
>Beating the Wizard check, another Cultist falls and the rest attempt to stab and beat Ronwyn to no avail. Losing another Cultist to Scorch, the Cultists switch to Hold and Pin.
>With 2 Cultists left, Ronwyn is Pinned but Liebe comes to her rescue and helps her get out from the cultists, running and jumping on the Cultists and flailing at her head
>Scorch deals with the cultists! Quest succeeded, 1 XP earned, and a Religious Reward - Book of Religious Lore worth 2 Gold (Ronwyn would never break Liebe's heart by selling it however)
>7. Empty Room with a Wandering Creature (Chiumeran Female Eromancer (Neutral, but Aroused) - Eromancer attempts to seduce Ronwyn and Liebe but fails miserably (two 1's), Eromancer sulkily masturbates on Phallus Magicus while staring dagger's at the girls. Ronwyn fails her witnessing the lewd and arousal increases (interest in Opposite Sex)
8. The Fountain. Ronwyn identifies the fountain with a successful Witchcraft check, rolls twice and chooses to increase Arousal.
>The water is hot and the room filled with steam, both girls become Aroused.
>They decide to rest and bathe and Ronwyn attempts Seduction (3 Success, 0 Failures) so they bathe nude
>Ronwny performs Erotic Massage (3 Success, 1 Failure) and then the girls mutually masturbate side-by-side (3 Success, 1 Failure), their pleasured moans echoing in the hot room.
>9. Empty room
>10. A seemingly empty room but a very lucky 3 Successes 0 Failures and it's a Treasure Chest!
nah, you're just over thinking till it doesn't make sense and under thinking it so you can't get it into a way that makes sense again

you've hit the thought valley
>A cute Enchanted Leather Corset, +2 DR
>Ronwyn takes the armor and uses her Enchanted Protection magic on Liebe from now on
>She also pulls out (Succeeding on Witchcraft) a Shapeshifting Dildo
>Cycling through it's settings, Liebe gasps and blushes at the horsecock dildo type (Kink for four-legged creatures), much to Ronwyn's teasing amusement
>Corridor to 11 - Flesh Like Tunnel - The girls are confronted by a narrow vertical tunnel filled with writhing glistening tentacles - a kind of unholy tentacle vagina.
>Ronwyn blushes as she recalls her previous trial with a
flesh tunnel - it took her four tries and as many orgasms to get through the last on in the premade
>The girls hold hands firmly and enter, Ronwny is brought to the brink of orgasm and is Horny and Liebe cums hard half-way through, squeezing the other girl's hand hard and crying out.
>6 on the 5+ means the tentacles push Liebe out along with Ronwyn.
>Liebe is unconscious for 7 minutes.
>11. Standard, Suspicious Room. Success on Perception, Hidden Button is immediately pressed (Smug) and an Enchanted Trap (Whispers) is activated!
>Roll a 1 for a Permanent new Interest - Rough Sex! Liebe is unconscious so can't hear the Whispers.
12. Hazard, Infested Lair. Large Infested Spawn (Hostile but Aroused/Eager), mating with Suna an Apprentice Mage Elf who is bound to the wall in a solidified green goo.
>Suna is Dominant and easy to anger but always calms down
>The girls fail their Witnessing the Lewd check (Difficulty 9 due to Kink for tentacle that both girls share) and arousal increases,
>Suna is bound backwards in the solid goo - only her smooth elven ass is visible.
>Suna moans loudly as she cums hard to the thick tentacle cock in her ass, muffled slightly from being stuck in the wall
>The girls fail their stealth roll and the Infested Spawn turns, large cock twitching and dripping with tentacle spawn cum
So far so good although you roll 3 Tarot Cards for the Goals etc
>Treasure Chest at the first level of a dungeon
Man that was extremely lucky for you
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Screw realism. Mechanical verisimilitude and consistency is what I want. If an 18 Strength female barbarian is getting pinned by a couple strength 8 goblins then you're doing it wrong.

If you don't think girls should be able to get 18 strength then make that part of the rules. But make sure that those rules facilitate that the same could happen to males with similar stats and situations. If the only reason she's losing is because she's female and not that she's weak then your system has failed. If she's weak because she's female then it's consistent. If the Strength 8 male wizard isn't getting just as easily pinned, gagged and having his wand taken away by goblins as well then you've failed again.
>Scorch plus Elemntalist hits for 12 and Ronwyn elects to Dodge. >Spawn hits but only 2 damage due to DR, tentacle hits Liebe and she is almost Defeated.
>Liebe moves to Suna and picks at the goo with her dagger.
>Success on Concentration check (9) and then Scorch plus Elementalist for another 12. Hit again by the claw but DR reduces to 3
>Liebe succeeds on her Body check and frees Suna, who is exhausted from cumming over and over. (Spawn kept fucking her ass futilely)
>Concentration check pass and Scorch finish off the Infested Spawn with 7 damage.
>Suna joins the girls with a Friendly attitude, and they push on due to no nearby rooms suitable to rest in, after gathering the elf mage's things
>13. Empty Room - Enchanted Trap, Lupercal Curse Velvet Mark, >Dangerous Difficulty (9), the girls do not have the 3 Perception required to spot it
>Ronwyn fails and a cursed Velvet Mark glows faintly on her stomach (cutely outlining the Curse Mark of the Sprawling Mother on her womb)
>Liebe and Suna resist
>14. The Statue, Good (can refuse). Statue of a Figure Wearing Heavy Armor, asks the three girls to embark on a quest of Purification of Spawning Pools.
>All three girls outright refuse (all tentacle creature lovers).
>15. Empty Room - Actually Empty. The girls rest and sleep overnight here, Ronwyn has a spare bedroll which she gives to Suna
>Liebe fits snugly into Ronwyn's bedroll with her, cuddling tightly
>Corridor to 16 Flesh Like Tunnel. Holding hands, the girls press forward into the narrow tentacle filled passage.
>Almost unfairly, the passage is actually twice as long as the last.
>Liebe cums first, then Suna (tentacles strangely going for her ass again)
>Ronwyn pushes forward resolutely before finally climaxing and passing out.
>The girls are pushed to the end of the corridor by the tentacles out into the waiting tentacles in the Spawning Pool.
I actually have extremely good luck with dice rolls, drives my player's mad and is actually a detriment almost in this game when you may WANT to fail
>roll 3 Tarot cards
See, this is my brain damage making me a illiterate retard

>16. Spawning Pool, Tentacle Shambler. The unconscious, tentacle slime covered Horny girls are ejected out into the Spawning Pool room.
>Liebe and Suna are taken by a Tentacle Lurker each and Ronwyn by a Tentacle Shambler.
>All three girls are pinned side-by-side by large tentacle creatures, with their Body they have no hope of escaping, and awake to being completely restrained.
>Shambler get's 3 Success 0 Failure - Ronwyn wails out loud as she is expertly brought to delicious climax by the tentacles, which immediately impregnate her due to the glowing and throbbing Mark of the Sprawling Mother.
>Corruption increased by 5d3+2 = Being restrained is now a Kink
>Lurker get's 3 Success 0 Failure - Liebe cums as well, her small body shaking with pleasure, instantaneously impregnated, she instinctively tries to leglock the Lurker
>Corruption increased by 11 = Mutation, constantly secretes anal/vaginal lubricant.
>Lurker get's 3 Success 1 Failure - Suna is brought to climax swiftly and diligently, her cries soon join the other delighted girls. Thanks to her Fertile Womb, she is impregnated right away too. Shambler makes sure to fuck her ass too!
>Corruption increased by 8 = Obtains Trait Sensitive Anus
>Pregnancy lasts for 3 days, none of the girls have the Body or slashing weapons on hand to escape from Nursing Roots, when the feeding tentacle slid into their mouths they (all Creature Lover Tentacles) gladly sucked and licked
eagerly on the delicious tentacle.
>Oracle gives a "Decisive Yes" if the girls enjoyed birthing the tentacles - each girl climaxes wonderfully as they birth the tentacles.
>Shakily collecting themselves and gathering their things, the girls wobble to the next room, sharing a silent pact to never speak of this
>17. Curio, Wizard Laboratory - 3 Success 0 Failiures Witchraft, find a Magical Item! Enchanted Dagger. Ronwyn gives Suna her spare dagger.
>18. Hazard, Suspicious Room - Succeed on Perception, Pressure Plate. Oracle says "Yes" to activating it (but the Smug Ronwyn would always do this anyway)
>Eldritch Embrace - Ronwyn promptly fails and is Held and then Pinned by the three glowing arcane tentacles. Ronwyn cums from the tentacles as the secretly jealous Liebe and Suna watch (Both fail on Witnessing the Lewd) and their arousal increases
>Corruption +7 = Gain interest in Arcane

Final room has stairs leading down to a lower level. Ronwyn spends her XP on Melee and Light Armor proficiency as well as training in Scavenger and Perception. The three girls have become fast friends, although Suna and Ronwyn have more dominant personalities and so clash. Let's hope they can escape from this dungeon and find a safe place to recover and prepare.

And that was the first dungeon level randomly generated, a lot of fun! Let me know if interested in hearing more of her adventures
Damn this is perfect.
I like playing "stuck up virgin in Rape World" kind of games, so this is right up my alley.
I will try it somewhere this week and report results.
>50 gold for a room

That seems suspiciously high...
>MF keeps finding enchanted items
On a scale of 'stripper costume' to 'actual historical armour', how do you usually like female adventurers in your Lewd Games to be dressed.

I can go back and forth myself depending on the mood. And my last Lewd Attack character went from being half-naked to wearing actual armour because I got tired of all my adventures ending in her getting gang-banged.
I've had a woman tell me she preferred games where rape is a possibility if only because having the character take a lesson from the situation is better than losing the character.
>Let me know if interested in hearing more of her adventures
Plese do, these are actually fun to read compared on the others posted above yours
Fun run to read, so keep it up!
>If an 18 Strength female barbarian is getting pinned by a couple strength 8 goblins then you're doing it wrong.
N-no, you see she just loses all strength when exposed to goblin dick... and stuff.
(You're not wrong.)
Just wait for the next level, never roll below a 9 for getting through jammed doors (with a Body of 1)

I actually remembered to roll for doors in that one lol
von Deling (the "e" is silent)
di Cout
Keep in mind that the game is balanced around one character, if you have 2 npc helping you you should balance out by adding more enemies from time to time
That the stuff sex-selective pheromones are for. And in more mechanically-inclined games, stats like Arousal and Libido.
Good point, thank you!
That's great news. For what it's worth, that mild praise was from reading PTF v02 before I realized v03 was there, so my opinion has improved since then.
npc speech proc for real

you are why we have modding communities
when we figure out how to edit the universe dialogue like that is going to be the first thing replaced because it is, in an infinite universe, with infinite perspectives and possibilities, something which can be objectively improved. war has a better case for its propagation than your bloodline
what happened with the goblins and the barghest?
Do you prefer to do campaigns that are complete smut, as in they start lewd, everything is lewd, and they stay lewd all the time, or do you like a slow burn "real" campaign that only turns lewd when it feels right?
No, since most of the time I just world build that "males" don't exist. Females only and give birth through divine intervention or Futa exist in rare quantities. Because all players have the potential for getting pregnant, that helps avoid in-fighting and awkwardness and it also means the female players don't feel targeted just for being girls.
So you're creating worlds which most /tg/ anons would love to be isekai'd into? Ideally, via a teleport, not Truck-kun.
It would seem ideal, but while competing males don't exist, an all female society would probably find males disgusting to look at. I would like to read a story about that. Isekai'd person thinks he hit the jackpot, tries to help out only for the native girls to think he's a monster. Goddess gives a divine decree to her followers that the male needs to be killed. Dude finds out that the real reason males are gone is because jealous Goddess killed them all. Becomes demon king and his goal becomes to enslave Goddess to his cock. In fact. I now have the story for my next Solo RPG I am going to do.
I like the idea that things are always pretty lewd. Like vendors are selling breast milk. Various creatures want to use you as an incubator for their young. Roving Goblin rape hordes. Magic items that cause things like hypnosis. Ghost possession where their first goal is to indulge in carnal desires.
You there!
> cough cough
Quick come close, I don't.. have much time left
> groan
I have been proofreading Labyrinthus, but those Goblins drained both my balls and time off, so that I fear I can go on no longer
Take this guide. I made it so others can carry the flame, should anything happen to me...
Don't let the monster fucking end
> expires
I can go for both.
A game with a smutty premice is isually better off shorter though, a one-shot or one particuar adventure.
Letting a normal game get smutty when it naturally comes up means it can keep it's longevity.
Does that make sense?
I like a balance adjusted to each genre. For example, a lewd modern horror campaign would be almost entirely lewd, while a lewd Victorian horror campaign would only veer into eroticism when encountering or investigating the monster(s).
I wanna do lewd solo stuff. I made a few tables for my system of choice, but I'm kinda nervous. Should I mess around with some other stuff first? Haven't really done much solo, read into it before though. I'm thinking of trying labyrinthus, but it's not scifi enough for my tastes.
I think diving in and trying it out is the only way to go, at least it worked for me!
i agree with the other anon. Just dive right in.
Episode 2
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Moon! Noooo!
Sci-fi is always less popular than fantasy
Sometimes I wanna fancy up and share my solo adventures, but I know no one else here wants to read about my dumb futa girl's adventures cleaning smegma off goblin grandma cock and being facesat by fat diaper wearing bitches.
I mean, that is definitely not up my alley but surely there's at least one other person who'd be interested
You might reach a wider readership here: https://archiveofourown.org/
still waiting on my email..
I thought AO3 is for fanfics only. Also don't they hate loli?
You can write whatever as long as you tag it properly so people can filter for/against it.
Spoken like a true autist. Talk of infinite perspectives but can't even fathom 1 contrary to their own.

As expected of a valley brain.
>If an 18 Strength female barbarian is getting pinned by a couple strength 8 goblins then you're doing it wrong.

What if the point IS the suffering of women and female characters in general for shock value and edge, because isn't this also the point of these lewd and sexual games? Sexual fantasies and fetishes that's all about violence towards women, including goblin slayer-style/GOB'D rape scenes? And whatever inherently sexist woman hating fetishes out there that exist which I haven't mentioned yet.

Of course theres also typical hentai and doujin rape scenes where female characters are just lopsidedly weak and inferior to men. And who's only existence in life is to be rape bait or future assault victims to be captured and enslaved as sex slaves by dirty bandits, goblins, orcs and various other conventionally ugly monsters.

Hey now! Don't hate on me or say "this goes against Mechanical verisimilitude and consistency!" No, the horrifically violent and horrible shit I mentioned that overwhelmingly happens to women/female characters is just standard tropes and cliches in porn, porn games and hentai or doujins. That IS the world building of the vast majority of porn, porn games and hentai:

>90% of Men are evil vile rapists
>Women and females in general are practically viewed as not-human, do not have any rights and are treated as "wives" and sex slaves
>ALL heroines will loose, be subjugated and broken into becoming mindless sex slaves for the men who conquer and destroy them
>Monsters; especially orcs and goblins, WILL target women for the purpose of raping them as breeding slaves (Goblin Slayer)
>There are very little to no morally good male characters, and those that do exist only exist to be weak Beta Males for NTR scenes to witness the female characters they've gained a bond or love with to be gangraped in front of them

That is just standard for porn, porn games and hentai. Which is what these lewd RPGsaren't they? Porn game and hentai settings.
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Gotta applaud the desperate tenacity.
Have a (You).
You forgot your meds George
Thing is, though, that you can make a sexist setting and still give it mechanical consistency.

I've actually been doing just that. Though I've been having trouble pinning down exactly how sexist I want it to be. After all, if it's too sexist then it doesn't make sense for fighting girls to exist and if fighting girls don't exist then there are no lady knights to rape. Right now I've made it that on the strategic layer (because we Mount & Blade) women are more valuable as trade goods or improving the happiness of the male population than as adventurers so a 'smart' player would oppress women.

But even then it's still something that girls can try to fight against. While girls in the system are inferior in all ways when measured against a man they have 1 advantage: they're smaller, which means they have larger squads. 6 women vs 4 men specifically. Gender distribution amongst the population is also 3:2. Goblins have even larger squads.

Women also have zero strength so automatically fail grapple checks and can't cause damage with their fists so if they get surprised and grabbed with their weapon sheathed they will be completely unable to escape on their own. But with larger squads it means men or orcs will be unable to subdue the whole squad before some of the girls can retaliate.

Anyway, yeah, make the system reflect the setting and vice versa.
I appreciate the (you), but no. I'm not that guy. I am arguing against the "equal outcomes and this-amd-that should equally happen to men too" argument the guy I'm quoting has.

>If you don't think girls should be able to get 18 strength then make that part of the rules. But make sure that those rules facilitate that the same could happen to males with similar stats and situations.

I would argue, you don't need to- nor should you consider and stress about "this and that sexual violence should also happen to males because equality!" This is a lewd RPG operating off of porn game/eroge and hentai logic and meta isn't it? And frankly, these lewd RPGs realistically are only played by men and specifically straight men who seek gratification from porn where the attractive female is sexualized into a mere sex object for one's pleasure. Unless you're gay; which I have no problem with, I see no reason why male characters should undergo the same sexualization and rape scenario as the female characters do since again. We're mostly straight men here and I honestly do not believe any actual woman or female player would or should participate in these games in fear of offending or creeping them out.

This is simply just a fact. Porn and any remotely sexual and lewd elements will forever be dominated and occupied by a majority of men as women will always- ALWAYS, be in the receiving end of porn and most lewd and sexual scenarios. And again, the seemingly brutally misogynistic elements and themes I previously mentioned is standard operating procedure and protocol for nearly all porn, eroge and hentai.

Besides it is practically standard operating procedure and mandatory for female characters to be sexually assaulted or outright raped at least once or twice in any of these lewd or pornographic scenarios and settings.

Porn games/eroge practically lie to you about the possibility of your female character(s) being able to make it out unscathed and not assaulted.
It's not about men being raped, it's about whether it would mechanically make more sense to, say, disarm, strip and tie up a man instead of fighting them because that's how the system is rigged.

Ideally the game would encourage stripping women and not men without needing gender specific rules.
Any ideas for sexing up a superhero setting, besides just 'The Boys' style degeneracy?
Well, for one thing women have an extra large internal pocket to store dangerous and illegal good in. It just makes good sense to check them more thoroughly. That's not really mechanics, unless you add one or two "internal pouches" to everyone with corresponding maximum weight and bulk, just the action following the fiction.
>Recent post from you just as I posted a continuation reply

See >>93359547
>I've been having trouble pinning down exactly how sexist I want it to be. After all, if it's too sexist then it doesn't make sense for fighting girls to exist and if fighting girls don't exist then there are no lady knights to rape

And I politely argue: Like I said, you should not nor need to try applying "logic" to these lewd RPGs. Because porn, porn games and hentai is inherently illogical, contrived and badly written (and badly animated) because the main and primary and ONLY focus is the sexual gratification of the male audience and viewer. Porn/hentai is inherently sexist, misogynistic, woman hating, etc. as a gatekeeping measure to keep out whining feminist on complaining and shitting up a male dominated space. Which is the biggest mistake weebs and otaku have ever made that costs long lasting damage: listening to and allowing the whiny SJW feminist cunts into bad mouthing you and us. Instead of gatekeeping them and not listening to them.

Porn, eroge, hentai, including these lewd RPGs are by all means a Turn-Off-Your-Brain type of thing. There is no higher thinking or "consistent" logic to be applied here for the main focus and goal is to see the female characters be fucked and sexualized for our (straight men) brain dead cooming and gooning pleasure and gratification. Its no wonder why alot of fanfics, doujins and fan made porn and smut of various franchises, games, books, shows, anime, manga and other IPs are objectively OOC, violates canon and just plain outright contrived and nonsensical. The female characters MUST be sexualized under any means necessary, even if it doesn't make sense canon-wise or if the female characters in question are literally strong and powerful and smart. But somehow get bested and over powered by cartoonishly ugly and unattractive hideous men who're out of shape and should be easily avoidable.
second argument no counter has been given for because you expect me to go find your argument for you
absolute peak npc.
hand holding, but like really strong

There are a lot of shit 'bdsm' polls figure out your fetish things online trying to sell shit so I don't recommend that anymore. But it really is about what you want to explore so the question is 'what do you think is interesting'. Grab a educational sex book from the library and integrate that sheet in.

idk, what do you have so far, every setting is just adding interest or exploration. If it's about superheroes, do the inversion trope and figure out your heroes' vulnerability and make it turn them on because it reminds them of their humanity.

You're either trying to make a connection to another human being and trying to figure out whether that person is into the same thing or not. For superheroes, you just turn it up to 11 and start asking, "What's the power dynamic" and "How do I gain leverage, is it possible"

Recently was looking at the bizarre practice of "findom", financial domination, and why a well off person puts themselves into such a situation to be intentionally 'blackmailed' because they feel that it is their weakness. It's their play, they aren't actually dominated, but it's how they feel they can make the power shift dynamic work. They start facing that gut wrenching feeling of actual "my life is fucked oh shit" in their heart or stomach, but turn it into something sexual.

Rolling it back to superheroes, it'd be like Superman getting Lois a kryptonite laced candle or a red sun lamp for fun and games because he wants to feel something different after being so invulnerable for ages.
And yes, even female characters who conically ARE married or are engaged or in relationships with their loving boyfriends are not exempt. They shall be sexualized by cheating on their loved ones with literal who's or "ugly bastards" because they have "bigger and better dicks." All for the sake of coom, goon and gratification no matter how insultingly Out of Character, poorly written, non-canon and contrived it is.

And to further emphasize or prove I'm not Jorge bor am I a crypto "anti-porn" prude, I will say this:

I have already accepted the fact that porn, hentai, doujins and trashy fan made porn material that're paywalled in Patreon. Is forever and will be inherently sexist and misogynistic as a gatekeeping measure against feminists. And IS objectively illogical, nonsensical and even badly written or shitily animated because it's primary main focus is to coom-goom gratification of us men. I have accepted that fact of life.

Which is why I say to you:
Forget the application of logic, reasoning and even traditional mechanics, it's porn! Most pornographic, lewd and hentai scenarios don't even make realistic sense in the first place! Or is just a glorified male oriented fantasy where the boys and bros get to safely play out their over the top sexist-misogynistic woman hating hentai scenarios. Where a Sister of Battle, a female Spartan 2/3/4, ODST tomboy, female Jedi knight, female Paladin, female archmage, Asur Dragon Princess, and Helldiver tomboy. Get easily and effortlessly beaten, captured and sex slave'd by cartoonishly ugly bandits OR gob'd by Goblin Slayer goblins as they narrate extremely specifically detail rape sessions of the female characters in excruciating detail to shock value and edgelord each other. All for good bro fun in their clubhouse with no whiny emotional woman complaining about such misogyny, especially not offending and creeping out their female friends or girlfriends.
What system has gender specific rules?
I know I tune out half of the god-damned cursed thread, but which of the systems are you using that has gender specific rules? You can apply them how you want. Slap the, "-ognistic" on the end of anything you want, even an inanimate object class, no one's stopping anyone from doing so. If you're the DM in a group and the girl wants to cast mindfuck on the guy, are you seriously telling them no your spell is gendered or you going to roll with it and ask her to describe what images go into that poor sod's brain? Pussies dicks peggings gloryholes cloacae; shit man, rules not even human species specific. Molecularly polarity of the spell caused that boy to be turned on by the idea of experiencing the "Big Bang" while high

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>this discussion

Does this happen often?
Yes, it's always the same retard
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Empowered style degeneracy?
When you realize he's licking her to taste her before eating. He's a slug. He doesn't have to fuxk his slaves. He derives pleasure from humiliating and manipulating other sentient life forms.
I would kill myself if anybody irl knew about my degenerate fetishes. That's for when I'm actually dead and one of the poor suckers is tasked with throwing out my vast collection of doujinshi and wiping my hard drive.
I have tiers of fetishes suitable to different levels of relationships
All of mine are solely in the "ruin my life socially if discovered" tier. That's why I'll die alone.
costumes dont have super strength
most superheros are basically making a game of it

one big soap opera
random dramatic confessions of love betrayal handholding ect

alien bug eyed bioweapons are invading earth and we need you to beat them up and gather genetic material

greatest fighter ugenics tournament
everybody beats eachother up for great honor justice, but only the last two contestants fuck for great honor justice and maybe making a boss match or default final contestant for the next tournament
You can't say that and not share
Sorry, can't turn brain off and you telling me to won't do anything. Just like how if I told you to turn your brain on it wouldn't do anything either. Or with some other less insulting phrasing.

The logic is important to the fetish. When I see "this SSS rank party of female adventurers were defeated by such and such mid tier threat" I can't take it seriously. It's a wonder how they got to that rank in the first place.

I suppose it's not obvious but the underlying fetish in play on my end is a "Game Mechanics" fetish. The way the rules bind the girls and hold them tighter than any rope. Inescapable. Without the rules it's just a writing exercise. Freeform roleplaying. And with freeform escape comes on a whim.

Then on the narrative end, what fleeting payoff is there when defeat is assured? How can we relish in the lady knight being pulled down when she was hardly standing in the first place? Only in pride does defeat mean anything. Why, if I knew the lady knight were to be defeated before I even started then I wouldn't start at all, would I? Why bother rolling any dice? It's a foregone conclusion I could do without the game.

Besides, it's really not all that difficult to make fantasy porn make sense, mechanically. Simplest design goal that explains the vast majority of such works is that most of a woman's threat level comes from her equipment and her capability with it. This facilitates making it that girls are effectively defeated when stripped and disarmed and also explains why men aren't also targeted for stripping and disarming, because less of their total power comes from their equipment, compared to the difficulty of removing it, and thus should be fought conventionally.

Easy peasy.
>women will always- ALWAYS, be in the receiving end of porn and most lewd and sexual scenarios.

the fuk does this even mean
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you're play8ing the game to get bad touched
the problem is that player action doesnt really factor in. you just roll to see what you find next and then roll the thing. it creates a disconnect between you and the world because it really is just dice and numbers like how trpgs get portrayed in hollywood
are you saying women dont like porn because the woman isnt sticking a penis in a mans vagina ?
I'm just explaining what "in the receiving end" means.
Pissing, pedo, rape and forced impregnation/birth to name a few.
man i dunno the only la scenario i got detailed with was pretty adorable between a couple of handholding adventurers
Find a woman who is in love with you and she'll honestly be OK with most of those, or with a variation. For example my wife doesn't like rape rape but is fine with "rape" rape
well i know what that usually means, but its usually used in reference to gay sex because its a given with straight sex. what im asking is how someone concluded that women must be uninterested in porn because it so often isnt portraying women sticking their penises into mens vaginas or m]maybe anuses. it seems a strange sort of logic.
one may even say devoid of logic entirely.
You don't understand. Consensual non consensual doesn't do it for me. I've tried.
Even paid a prostitute once to pretend.
Well I mean as long as it's all pretend it's fine, and doing a wee wee on someone is pretty tame these days
The non-consent is what does it.
Do they eventually consent or like secretly enjoy it
Idk I've never actually raped anyone. I've tried pretending with exes but it didn't work.
Let's stick to playing ttrpgs ok
Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to lol
Fair enough my friend, and I apologize if it came across that I was judging or shaming you
Nah it's cool. I know there's something fundamentally wrong with me. That's why I stick to anonymous internet posts.
Record any of your solo adventures?
ok heres what you do
go to cambodia or vietnam
get into a fight club for straight dudes with deep emotional issues related to an obsession with power and control. get into fights
if you lose you get raped

if you win you rape a rapist who had something to gain
neither of you woul have the powential to get your rocks off if the other wasnt there so its not at all moral but maybe you can pretend it is for lon enough to talk yourself into violating another human being.
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If you rape a rapist the number of rapists remains the same.
I think actually the number of rapists will increase. Unless you rape them so hard they lose the ability to rape
not if its the first time you raped someone and you didnt kill them
>I'm thinking of trying labyrinthus, but it's not scifi enough for my tastes.
Alpha Blue? Mothership? It might be easier to just pick up a system you're comfortable running solo and add lewd elements.
I'm not gay though? Lmao
>The logic is important to the fetish. When I see "this SSS rank party of female adventurers were defeated by such and such mid tier threat" I can't take it seriously. It's a wonder how they got to that rank in the first place.
'Cause there is no logic at all, it's porn. The whole aspect of SSS rank party of female adventurers were defeated and gangraped into submission and sex slavery by low/mid tier threats IS illogical and never realistically makes sense because the end goal of it is. Like I said, sexual gratification for us straight men. But I guess something else equally important to include is the power fantasy. Sometimes the reason for the ugly bastard porn of cartoonishly ugly hideous men easily and effortlessly beating and raping literal strong powerful women is the power fantasy aspect with the self insert thing. Though I will say it is the worst type of self insert power fantasy because ugly bastards is well... Ugly hideous ugly men that might end up killing your boner and sometimes feels like the author and artists low-key insulting and mocking the viewers/readers.

Then on the narrative end, what fleeting payoff is there when defeat is assured? How can we relish in the lady knight being pulled down when she was hardly standing in the first place?

Again and again, inherent lack of logic for the sake sexual cooming-gooning gratification. And the power fantasy aspect of (You) the lowly ugly bastard raping deflowering the mighty blonde haired blue eyed female Paladin heroine into being YOUR sex slave/harem mate/breeding slave/wife with little to no effort while having a big meaty and pleasurable penis (which of course is unrealistic for the body type most of these ugly bastards have in the first place). No logic and mechanics needed here, just coom and goon.

But also see >>93359714
shut up stupid
And hey, I'm just glad to have a healthy and civilized talk with you. You clearly are the expert who knows how to make a workable lewd RPG with mechanics and mechanical verisimilitude WITH consistent logic and reasoning to justify and explain the sexual elements and scenarios that happen.

So I wish you good luck in the lewd RPGs you're working on. But also hope you keep the gooning and cooming to reasonable minimum and not freak and creep out whatever female players who're willing to play and let their female characters be subjected to a hentai doujin style rape fiesta.

Since female characters sadly will inevitably end up violated and sexually assaulted one or another in any of these sexual scenarios once or twice.
if you where it wouldnt be rape.
down some viagra and bite the bullet.
>It might be easier to just pick up a system you're comfortable running solo and add lewd elements.
That never goes anywere for people who are not even sure of what to play
I had this dino when I was a kid
dinosaurs are win 100% of the time
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rape two?
You mean best quality

Nari has a gradient of magenta to teal hair. Slender and short. No assets besides good hands. Lightly armored, mostly short shorts, belts, tunic style crop top shirt, mesh shirt underneath.
She did find some new armor, so I need to up date her outfit. Was going to post her half finish art but forgot that you can see her topless due to lack of making a shirt for her yet

Wait I thought rooms were 50 gold a night. Did I miss remember?
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Forgot my spreadsheet
I'm going to try doing stuff tonight and get some play ready for the weekend but solo roleplaying has always been a bit hard for me.

I suppose having a set amount of crafted tables ready would be a good start, some very generic and some very specific.
Rape squared
I'm much the same Anon.
It isn't even about 'realism' as much as it is about 'internal consistancy'.
What rules are you using? That's a lotta gold
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>rape a rapist the
I am only at 417 right now, the other parts are me being lazy when keeping track of math.

From being broke, earned 100ish from bar maiding after the room cost day before, 50 for the pity strip tease, about 100(18+33+56) from combats of current day, and 275 (250+10% of being thief) from delivering a package (easy mission) and hitting max roll. Bought some potions from a traveling apothecary
See I thought the inn keeper was bumping his price ridiculously to force your naive character to shake her ass for a room that normally costs a half dozen silver pieces
Nope. Buying Lodging is 50gp, which also includes a good meal (both sleep and the meal heal amounts of sanity, HP, and MP).

Lewd Attack only uses gold pieces, probably because there's already enough math. 50gp isn't very much. A single days worth of rations is 15gp, a basic cloak is like 80gp, and a basic sword is about 100gp. You don't start seeing really high costs until you start getting into the high end heavy armor like steel breastplates, and the high quality equipment that uses a compounding percentage increase to the price.
>Morning sun arises
>Fully recovered from 'apothcary's trash potion
>Thank you bard theme hugging pillow
>Wait they are missing
>Oh well, will see them again someday
>Need too remember to not spend everything
>time to earn money on the way to village C
>Perfect, package deliver into the middle of the woods
>what can go wrong
>Barely leave the village and hear a women screaming
>Not miss bard :(
>Daggers go around granting gobos a chance to met LORD
>Tell the women to run back to the village cause I don't have time to baby sit
>Into the woods we go
>Find ran sacked carriage
>Guess I know where women and gobos came from
>Check to see if I can produce anything useful
>Just a funny book with pictures of tentacles
>Use the scroll of summon tentacles as a bookmark for this funny book
>A daggers throw from the carriage is a group of, not gobos, humans taking about how great it was to loot a carriage
>I guess they have the better stuff
>Get a fucking dagger you bitches
>Kindly remove them from the moral coil till the last one started to complement me on how great I am
>You know he is right
>He tells me where his ex friends were hiding an item they were going to sell
(I was rolling a d20 to see the quality of hidden loot, I rolled 2 nat 20s in a row so I rolled again on the funny loot table)
>OHHHH pretty new armor
>Tell him to start collecting what's worth while from the fallen while I change, and we go halfsies
>Give him a tease show while swaping to better gear
>Feel oddly alive when handed my share of the coin
>Tell bandit bro to help guide me to quest target
>He complies since I am a great leader
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>A steep slope later BB tells me there is a common gobo trap ground ahead
>I ask BB why would anyone live in these woods
>He shrugs
>I agreed
>I spy with my cute eyes 5 gobos wearing cloaks
>And is that Miss Bard tied to a tree?
>Tell my new bro stay put since I already nearly killed him
>Go all quiet to close the distance
>My daggers beat their smelly goo covered daggers
>Time to free my body pillow friend
>They are passed out cold
>Have Bro of Bandit care my pillow since I have no strength
>On wards to being a courier
>Somehow find a hidden tree house
>Ask Mr Quest target why he lives in bad woods
>He tells me either I get the gold or get an answer
>Gold of course
>He tells us to fuck off
>We make way to the roads towards C Village
>Meet a nice sales women 'apothcary'
>I know how the last potion I had went
>She tells me she might have a mix to help wake up my Pillow Bard
>Sure why not, I am not the one drinking it
>Have to mouth to mouth to have them drink the potion
>Bard's face is more red than before, guess its working
>Buy another few and feed them
>Is it getting hot out here or is that me?
>And then Nothing
>Finally another event
>A book salesmen that does not understand my new funny looking book
>We aren't even at the village yet

Mostly because I got distracted at sketching the new armor of Nari to continue playing. And trying to figure out if we let Nari learn Miss Bard Trainie's name or have Nari never learn another person's name this whole adventure
I'm very interested in that open front skirt
>Barely censored pedo art
I agree, way too much censorship
what you do is
use a fast and lose system
and make the knights really scary
i mean tear you apart scary
then you have a funnel adventure where you play the dungeons monsters getting eviscerated
when one of them goes down the name of the game changes
its not instant victory cause they have the usual healers and crap
just like most fights youll still get torn down if you stay and fight
hell maybe your only really one monster each time and all the other monsters have moral
the point is you nab the one that fell and CHEEZE IT OUTTA THERE
get to the lower levels
hide form bigger and badder monsters that will beat up up and take the girl
find new underlings to bully to watch your back while you make more
But see, the thing is, you are actually capable of recognizing when illogical things are happening and the dissonance it causes. You just choose to tolerate it while I do not.

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