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Wishful thinking edition


Previous thread: >>93259466

/pfg/ (pathfinder 1e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/RSt0rF0T
/p2g/ (pathfinder 2e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/1zySxwm3
/sfg/ (starfinder) link repository: https://pastebin.com/5yp9s2U3
/3eg/ (D&D 3.X) link repository: https://pastebin.com/VMRsxB2m
/pacgg/ (pathfinder adventure card game) link repository:
The T̶r̶o̶v̶e̶ Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md

TQ: What are your favourite in-universe insults?
"Folca cultist" for Prismatic Ray followers
Can somebody give me or point me to a good summary of Rise of the Runelords
Played through like 2 books and then group died, nobody has interest in starting again and everyone has forgotten
Want to run into shattered star
>still has /acg/ in a twist over the best adventure card game ever released
Classic bit OP but next time can you change the link to https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_games_considered_the_best
My players are going to be attempting to find a way up a forested mountain to get to an abandoned lookout tower. What hijinks, encounters and bullshit would you have them encounter if they were your party?

Note: They are a day's river ride out from the nearest civilization
Uhhh after the town shenanigans giants of Hook Mountain begin wrecking the country side until you go in to stop them and take back Jorgenfist, they used to be peacful until coming across a sihedron rune which you investigate in book 5, following a path to a 7 pronged dungeon reflecting each sin honing a weapon to kill the runelord Karzoug. Then you go up the mountain to an impossibly high peak hosting the ancient city of Xin Shalast where spiders from leng build a doomsday weapon and karzoug wants to rule thassilon again until you kill him at his runeforge. Then it blows up and anyone who cant pass a fort save go blind or deaf but anyone dead is risen. This is what I can remember from reading it a few years ago
When Star Finder 2e comes out are we gonna make sure conversation isn't allowed by shitposting and starting arguments or should we let cooler heads prevail and let it be part of the general?
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Are adventure paths foundryvtt modules able to be pirated and used to host?
It's Paizo games general. So unless SF2 breaks out from Paizo it is going to be here.
Discussion is going to be fucking dead though, maybe excluding pf2e fags stealing stuff.
like 95% of modules, yes. The versions floating around for v11 still work on v12 you may just need to go into the settings json and edit the maximum allowed version to = 12. They still have plenty of room for improvement and you can stack adventure modules pretty safely if you want to steal bits from certain places
I guess we'll see how the playtest goes next month but i have a feeling it'll do better. Pretty much everyone i know that likes/loves SF stopped playing after PF2e came out because they loved the 3 action economy and would have rather waited for a SF2e. This is however personal ancedotes and not indiciative of a larger pattern.
>various raids of mooks
>hunters, fishers and survivalists who use the tower as a marking point on their itinerary
>mages looking to steal something from it or who are squatting in it
What was the cause behind all the shit in town, also a seihedron rune?
How the fuck did Leng get involved and how did Karzoug come back anyway I thought they are all dead
I am far more interested in a Starfinder 2e than in pathfinder 2e, given that SF1e is a train wreck. I'm not looking forward to getting nickel and dimed on shit like "benefitting from the cover I ran to", but SF1e was already doing stupid shit with its actions that made my turns boring as fuck anyway, and at least the gear system might get standardized into something that doesn't make me want to set fire to a book. I doubt it will be good, but still probably better.
Whoever possesses a Sihedron rune, medallion, or ring is being naturally drawn toward Xin Shalast, to give into their greed in some way and power with souls the return of Runelord Karzoug, who "had been seated upon his throne in a unique form of temporal stasis that kept the wizard trapped within the runewell itself without a body at all for the past 10,000 years" thanks to having foreseen the apocalypse, he constructed a demiplane in the Eye of Avarice to hold himself and his many minions (and 35 rune giants) so they could ride out the apocalypse. He was finally awoken by the stone giant Mokmurian, a wizard himself who has been exiled and found an ancient ruin which spoke of the runelords and their lost cities and treasure. Mokmurian found XS and Karzoug some time ago and was empowered by the Wizard to do his bidding in the Material Plane.
Karzoug is unable to leave the runewell until his body is reformed but he is closing in thanks to the players speeding up the killing of his soldiers marked with the rune. Karzoug has formed alliances with creatures who dwelt in Xin Shalast in the interim 10k years like a pair of Lamias who go out to make cults dedicated to greed in one way or another, which are the ultimate cause of the problems in the towns of Varisia.
The denizens of Leng and Runelords of Greed had always been in close proximity but it wasn't until Karzoug formed an actual alliance with the spiders that they joined forces, Cyphergate in Riddleport is one such architectural monument built by the Leng. What they really want is to use the power stored by the runewell over the last 10,000 years to summon the Great Old One Mhar.
>playing with new GM
>makes the mistake of saying anything 1st party is allowed
>motherfucker rolls a fucking drown gun chemist
>takes 20 minutes a turn because the dumbass doesn't even know how his class or weapon works
So judging from what some of the developers have said and what the developers have mentioned, the loot treadmill still looks to be a main component of the game (albeit scaled back a bit). Personally I never minded it, though i did hate the way Starship customization worked. Everything thats been put out so far seems pretty fun. Envoy looks fun and so does Solarian from what was shown. I think the 3 Action Economy will be suited better for more ranged meta and my only worry of the game is how starships work because it can't be dogshit like 1e was but i don't a narrative solution to it either
Interesting. I like SF, but only marginally tolerate PF2e's jank. I'm not really interested in SF2e at all, but if it ends up being the only way I can play SF in Organized Play, I'll put up with it.
>So judging from what some of the developers have said and what the developers have mentioned, the loot treadmill still looks to be a main component of the game

Good Lord why?! Just drop that shit. If you going to force us to put up with 2e crap, just use the 2e system of basic weapons modified and upgraded with "runes". What the hell is so hard about
>Laser Pistol >> +1 Laser Pistol >> +1 Striking Laser Pistol
afaik weapons will use functionally the same progression, just not called runes because... Fuck you I guess?
literally can't wait for starfinder 2. imagine the amounts of discourse, with all those new caster classes released all at once...
What do people think about Red Mantis Assassin? I have literally never heard of them until their rework adventure was announced but apparently they have a long history in Pathfinder. I was looking at 1e and they have a cool hypnotism attack that's basically a save or die, but it's gone in 2e, it was probably awful to play against.
I think they look pretty cool, like Kamen Riders
NTA anon but i thought they changed it to be more in line with Pf2e but instead of runes it's "Commerical, Tactical, Advanced, Legendary" guns or someshit
Those Weapon Classifications seem more in line with Loot Treadmill then a rune system. Hopefully they also include the weapon building subsystem 1e Enhanced had
i hope people have lots of horny sex with hot latinas instead
>Envoy looks fun and so does Solarian from what was shown.
Envoy seemed like it had a neat idea but was severely undertuned in the 5 level slice they showed, and Solarian... I want it to be good, but without seeing it I'm any full context I feel like there's nothing to talk about?
You stupid bitch. You stupid fucking bitch. Fuck you.
How much undead is too much undead? I've got an idea for a reoccurring antagonistic group of undead pirates, but they aren't really meant to be the main focus. With the potential for other undead every now and then, and these guys continuing to escalate as they compete towards the same goals as the party I'm afraid they might end up getting stale.
>How much undead is too much undead?
if it's just "ghost pirates attack" over and over that just get bigger numbers it'd get old pretty fast. If you have notable individuals that change over time or directly interact with the party it can keep it fresh. Assuming it's the same group of pirates each time they can also play smarter from past experiences as time goes on.
It wouldn't necessarily be the same individuals each time. I'm planning on using a variety of undead. Draugr or Lacedons the first time around, Fiddling Bones, an Ichor Slinger as an inside informant until they're found out, a Deathless Hierophant as the main leader but probably not the strongest, and so on to things like Cadaverous Rake or Pale Stranger. This isn't just meant to be a single crew, but a whole undead alliance working towards claiming the Macguffin from a recently rediscovered lost city. The players would be part of a larger expedition with the same goal of exploring the city, with the pirates being a malicious, rival force.
Pharasmins just want to ruin the fun of innocent undead yar har.
>Pharasmins just want to ruin the fun of innocent undead yar har.
More that undeath is a glitch that damages reality and interferes with the River of Souls.
interfere with my rotting urethra, pharasmoid
Ay've sailed plenty o' waters laddy, but the River of Souls ain't one of 'em and I'd like to keep it that way.
>paizo hasn't retconned the undead brothels
You alright sometimes
Don't worry, they'll get to it when that place becomes relevant. Nothing "edgy" is allowed to survive into 2e.
I haven't looked into the playtests but it sounds like they're not putting their PF 2e rules wonks behind it, so it'll be interesting to see how janky they end up being. 2hu's playtests sound like the answer is "fairly janky."
I'm mostly interested in seeing what feats can be poached for my growing list of high-op fighter builds. I need something juicy since Winter Sleet got nerfed.
So what's his cope now that we have Large ancestries?
I feel like this is the kind of jackass that'd argue a character who is nearly seven feet tall can't actually reach something that's about 10 feet up despite it being within a 5ft reach.
The people on the forums can be insane at times but almost every time he posts a long scree in defense of the system I lose respect for him I didn't know I had left.
The originator of such takes as:
>"the 10th-level Shadow Signet is a tutorial item and not a balance fix"
>"wizard is fine if you make sure to target weak saves and use a reading of RK that wasn't in the rules for the first 4 years of the game's lifespan"
>"the intended path for the playtest drifter is that you carry 30 guns with you and don't functionally have Striking runes until level 6"
>(implied) "Disarm would be too strong if its success result lasted longer than the start of the target's next turn" (you'll never guess what happened in Remaster)
>"Flurry would be broken if monk could use it with any weapon - imagine a greatsword-wielding monk! (ignore the d10 backswing option it can get natively)"
why do the pathfinder writers consistently have the most deranged takes
>i hit myself with my mouse cable trying to swing it so weapon cords have to be nerfed
>a 30th level gunslinger shouldn't be able to attack six times with a six-shooter and then reload in the same turn, because... the vibes are off, alright?
>crossbows need to be nerfed
boggles my ass why pathfinder players have put up with this nonsense for so long
was 3.5 really that bad that this was still better
>was 3.5 really that bad that this was still better
I think it was hopping on a bandwagon, so they could all whine about the changes in D&D4e and claim they were playing the better game. Funny how Paizo ended up making a worse 4e for their own 2nd edition.
There was no PF in the 3.5 days and had WotC not cut Dragon Magazine or put 4E in the OGL, there never wouldve been.
I first clocked on that the designers are retarded autists when Mark Seifter said that because familiars cant activate magic items, they cant uncork and pour magic potion down someone's throat. That moment right there just made me realise the designers are playing a completely different game to the rest of us and will sacrifice any form of immersion on the altar of balance tm.
This is the same dumb fuck who makes the argument for using lots of Low encounters with a couple of Moderates as a good "adventuring day". When absolutely none of the APs do this. Including the ones made when he was still working there.
>>"Flurry would be broken if monk could use it with any weapon
meanwhile flurry is literally something you can fucking poach with a dedication. if an animal barbarian wants flurry he can have it with a D12 Reach+Grapple unarmed strike and flurry with it starting at level 10. This isn't something new or special, either, you've been able to do this with just the original Core rulebook for half a decade.

But this shouldn't surprise anybody. The designers at Paizo have never played their own fucking game. I'd be willing to bet $5k that there's more hours of Baldur's Gate 3 among every Paizo Employee than PF2E at an actual home campaign.
When you get enlarged (and then go back to medium size) in 1e do you choose which squares do you occupy?
If when enlarged I'm adjacent to a monster and I return to medium size, can I still choose to be adjacent to that monster while medium?
>D12 Reach+Grapple
Wait which animal gives this? I don't see any d12's, and none of them provide reach.
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have you tried the forbidden technique of fucking ACTUALLY READING YOUR CLASS FEATURES? Don't worry, you're "only" as illiterate as Mark Seifter himself, at least you're not being fucking paid for this...
You know what would be fantastic. If we had this incredibly useful information in a book of some kind that targets the core of what a GM needs to run the game instead of random comments from a former dev on his stream. Absolute micky mouse organization.
Im going to be honest with your bro. That aint surviving Core 2.
It shouldn't have even made it to Core 1, that's the entire point!
Well now you're just being a faggot.
No official ruling on it except that the square can't be occupied (so mouser swash sharing your square loses his bonus guess).
Usually in those cases it is up to GM to decide which square you end up occupying.
Here's the thing though, it won't be focused on because it has double slavery going on and they won't focus on slavery ever again. The White Lady and all the sexy zombie harlots are safe
Got a genuine 2e question that's been baffling me and my players. All of the encounter building maths are assuming your party are at full strength with all their spell slots, focus points etc. But that won't be the case after one encounter, let alone a handful of them. How am I meant to run a dungeon when the game assumes that after every fight the group stops and has a snooze so the Wizard can stock up before continuing?
make the encounter easier
Surely that's not the real answer? I figured there was something critical we were all overlooking but even a string of moderate encounters depletes the party resources pretty substantially, so they're just meant to set up camp in a dungeon and hope the overlord of the place doesn't come knocking?
if you're making encounters in quick succession, you have to make them easier

this is how it works in every variety of D&D
It makes sense but, as a GM why would I and the players want to enter a dungeon to have a string of easy fights to get to one that's actually interesting? This is clearly an issue on my end, but I can't wrap my head around it. Arne't dungeons meant to be challenging?
figure it out yourself

or don't run dungeons if you don't want to
>Listening to 2hu
2hu makes every nogame redditor shit themselves in rage
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>But that won't be the case after one encounter, let alone a handful of them. How am I meant to run a dungeon when the game assumes that after every fight the group stops and has a snooze so the Wizard can stock up before continuing?
Welcome to yet another reason why casters are complete dogshit in 2E and Paizo are retarded. Any class reliant on focus points or per-encounter abilities or martials whose feats have zero cooldown is fine whether the APL+3 boss fight is the first or fifteenth fight of the day. In Abomination Vaults I had a party with no casters get through an entire floor in a single 24 hour period because they simply refocused and Treat Wounds'd up after every fight and continued on. But if you have casters you can end up accidentally TPKing because you walked through a (completely unmarked and impossible to know) door with an APL+3 boss fight behind it after the dead weight have already used their spells on the LAST big APL+3 boss fight, so they're useless and unable to contribute except with cantrips and you need to run away or die.

If you're playing an AP or homebrew campaign with a forced gauntlet that gives you enough time to Treat Wounds between fights but not enough to go back to town and sleep for 8 hours and re-prepare spells? Lol. Get fucked. Next time play a fucking Thaumaturge.
They spent the entire 2E playtest overdriving as if they were trying to win every encounter and were basically told to fuck off because they weren't giving useful data.
Appreciate the answer anon. It's really standing out to me of late and the Wizard in particular has been complaining and it feels justified, but I don't have enough system experience (first time playing d20) to know if it's all on me or if it's only partially. I've ended up having a few extra Staffs and Wands as treasure with stuff that suits him but it doens't feel like an elegant solution.
Don't focus points refund all at once now too? So it's even worse for spell slot classes now, since the focus caster with crafting can refocus while repairing a shield or your Medic can refocus while treating wounds as long as it fits their background, so that's all the FP back and a useful task completed in 10min without otherwise slowing down the party.
Where does one find these pirated modules?
It came up in the thread he talked about it lol. His stance was "that's different from greatsword flurry at 1st level, because it costs 2 feats and a class path - a monk could use ki strike and heaven's thunder to reach similar highs."
I'm actually amenable to this point, but it would help if he hadn't been conspicuously ignoring the d10 backswing stance. And that monk build still doesn't have reach (or native access to AoO), has to spend actions on heaven's thunder, and needs to spend a 4th feat on being able to use ki strike more than 2x per fight.
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No, it's 10 minutes per Focus Point, unless you take the one feat that lets you Refocus them all at once. But if you have 10 minutes to Refocus, you usually have 20 more minutes to Rofocus some more.
Are there books and hints for the powercreep? Not mythics, but something that is adapted to running games where you are allowed to level up above level 20
Have they confirmed level >20 play? I think it'd be fairly hard to do due to PC scaling being a crusty, inconsistent progression depending not just on level alone, but proficiency ranks and item bonuses and attribute increases. And then every class has its own unique list of feats on top of that.
Monster scaling is mostly simple, although level 20+ monsters abandon the 20 HP/level scaling (which frankly already gets annoyingly steep at higher levels) for something faster-than-linear.
PC damage is probably the hardest part of the number scaling to get to be the same as 1-20. There's a lot of moving pieces there for different classes - weapon spec, die size, and striking runes at a baseline level, and then different classes add things like rage damage, precision dice, etc.

I admittedly don't pay much attention to their announcements, but with that in mind, I would guess offhand that it's highly unlikely they add anything more than loose guidelines for extending the game beyond 20.
Relative to the number of people who would actually buy/use this content, doing it in a more robust and complete fashion (e.g. with new spells, bestiary entries, items, class feats, class features, etc.) would cost too much page space and dev time (they're le struggling indie corporation who can't afford to pay employees more than a fucking bus driver, after all).
i mean there's nothing stopping them from having items that go up into the +4, +5, +6, +7 or higher territory like ad&d did
Pretty neat assassin cult with some fancy magic items specifically for them. IIRC they kill illegitimate kings and take occasional contracts when regicide isn't required.
And you can usually do something useful for the party, like Clerics doing heal checks to patch people up counts as refocusing.
How often should I be casting buff spells as a Cleric considering we just have two spell slots at 1st level and 3 at second but one is for Mystic armor
Usually if the GM throws you against a solo enemy, its an op boss and you should dump all your resources on it.
And the opposite is true for massed enemies.
2E, about to play a new campaign next Thursday and I want to play an evil holy man. Is an evil champion or an evil warpriest better going into the unknown? I don't know what the other 3 are playing but knowing two of them we're likely to have two archer types
Do you want to be more of a warrior or more of a caster who can wear heavier armor?
The correct answer is Fighter with Cleric dedication (or Bard and fluff it as unholy)
I don't believe it assumes full spell slots. Even worse, it may not consider them at all. They put it completely on the caster (Severe= at least 1 top level slot, etc.) on a per encounter basis. In terms of dungeon design, I would argue attrition is the main opponent, not the difficulties of the fight. An easy fight that goes bad can make another fight harder later. Or you build encounters that seem scarier than they are, tricking players into using excessive resources.

The issue is, martials don't interact with this at all as long as you have treat wounds. The only way to get them to interact with it is debilitating poisons or status effects that last hours and not minutes. The only other system in place is fatigue that kicks in every 16 hours to prevent what >>93317797 did.
If the warpriest can function possibly being the only frontliner than being the latter can't be bad. The evil champions seem odd with their reactions, like I have to intentionally build them with low AC, but I imagine they hit harder and are just naturally more durable
But I don't wanna play fighter...
2e Operatives start at expert in "guns", think anything else will start as expert like Solarians for solar weapons?
Keep in mind that warpriest will always have less Proficiency than Champion in Armor training, maxing out at Expert at 13, while Champion goes to Master at 13 and Legendary at 17. You also have to use a class Feat slot to wear Heavy armor. You also get 2 less HP per level.

So if you're going to try to be a tank, keep in mind that as a cleric you'll need to put more resources into how you're going to take hits than as a Champion.
Evil champion is what you want for a potentially solo frontliner. Their reactions are more selfish. You probably want Tyrant or Desecrator. Tyrant either makes them drop prone or take damage. If an enemy ever drops prone, that lets your archer allies get a bonus to hit them and eats one of their actions to stand. Desecrator is basically just more HP through damage resistance. Max out your AC for both, your reaction is more of a panic button in case they hit you to get something out of it. They have to make the choice of trying to hit you, which is hard, or go to the back line and get kited to death.
Okay it's looking like I'm leaning towards champion. Would you recommend Attack of Opportunity since I'll be maxing my AC then? I can't imagine too much is going to actually hit me and I need to use my reaction to do something
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I played PF1e and 3.5 and Starfinder a few years ago but never got into PF2E.
We were never an especially build-focused group but now that a 2E game is in the works I figured I'd have some fun. Here's an attempt at a parkour pirate guy because Assassins Creed is fun.
I'll swap in After You or something so I will be able to get Panache fast so I can start climbing as soon as combat begins. Not sure where to go after level four or so since Flamboyant Athlete covers most bases.
You are definitely going to get hit, monsters tend to be overtuned in 2e. But you are right to pick up AoO as soon as possible.
>Party is level 7, almost level 8
>Had to teach the rogue how MAP works (again)
The biggest flaw of a game relying so heavily on teamwork is it makes it really frustrating when certain players put more effort into learning how the system actually works than others.
Keep in mind that "you are going to be hit" doesn't mean too much, what's more important is that you can take hits as just regular successes that would crit on squishier teammates.
bring a bell with you and ring it every time someone forgets a rule
Cool as fuck assassins. look like something out of a japanese manga.
easy, dont play cripplasters
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>want to play Ape Shaman
>see this
What a fucking useless ability. There are no Huge or Diminutive apes and you can't have an elemental ape so it's literally just a worse version of the regular wild shape
Lots of third party stuff around to make up for that
Has Paizo told anything about grenades or augments in SF2e?
Wasn't there a stream yesterday, was there just literally no information in it worth talking about? Usually there's a writeup cliff notes somewhere but I'm not seeing jack shit. Was that just an hour of jerking off about being nominated for an ennie?
Should I end my game soon?
It's run for like 80 sessions of criminal mayhem.
Finally they've encountered a large force of powerful heroes who could kill them
They just btfo a group of a half dozen powerful NPCs. In a single round. One of them almost died.
My girlfriend isn't even enjoying the game anymore because half the time she doesn't even get a turn.
She's mad at me for letting one of them take Leadership so he could run two high damage builds at the same time.
Even before she complained I was starting to get tired of the game.
The biggest issue is that one guy isn't gonna get access to an ability he wanted, but he was gonna exploit it to do kind of dumb shit. However he's the only one who doesn't feel like a power gamer to me.
I feel like there's no good way to end the campaign other than them all dying to overwhelming odds.
Then we can restart at level 1 and I don't allow powergamer shit this time.
Are you aure? Off the top of my head the Megaprimatus is a gargantuan ape, I assume there is somethint inbetween.
Holy fuck you're rarted
Yes end the fucking game, it's only a game if you're playing it
What a fucking awful game to sit there for 3 hours waiting for someone else to play
If you can't mechanically challenge them without rocks fall, everyone does, well, rocks fall everyone does, or have them narratively explain what they do to avoid the capture
No need to be L1 either
And if you want extra fun, have the players characters now be antagonists in the new game that the party need to hunt down
Nope, Apes only come in Med, Large, and Gargantuan.
Hey all, I want to have my players encounter as part of a bigger kobold encounter, an elite kobold of some kind blocking their ascent up a narrow slope, like a miniboss of some kind in the same vein as some of the early FromSoft games (Demon's Souls golden skeleton knights for example).

The kobolds are in a cult serving a green dragon and therefore I thought it would be cool to have the kobold have draconic powers like noxious bite/breath weapons but I don't know how best to build such an NPC. I'd like to have him come back later way stronger as the party is only level 1, but is there any way to stat him out at say level 2 or 3 and still have some breath/bite danger to him?
What did they reveal in the Paizo live?
There's 12 different varieties of Kobold already in the game, ranging from CR 1/4 to 8.
Is it bullshit if they are attacked by multiple high level greater invis sorcerers spamming disintegrate as long as I give them Perception rolls at -20 to spot them? Honestly half of them could survive that shit.
>letting one of them take Leadership so he could run two high damage builds at the same time.
Yeah, that's divorceworthy offense. Leadership does not let player neither design the build of cohort nor directly control it. GM controls the cohort and decides its build, at the best player can suggest what class it should be.

Basically taking Leadership means that Players give an OK for GMPC
Yeah it was retarded to allow it. I preptively banned the rest full stop for next campaign. Like I said I really fucked it up.
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Some info about new kobolds and... I dunno how the fuck this is a Leshy. Showed this and some other one, neither of them look like plants at all.
Is that foo fighters for pf2e
did the misspeak and it's actually an eastern poppet maybe?
I assume this is based on some Asian folklore and makes perfect sense if you understand it but honestly I think it looks dumb too
i'm going to shit myself
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And here's the other one.
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they are based on momotaro and kaguya respectively. one born from a peach, the other from a bamboo stalk.
Have any of your pcs ever gotten a boon or a curse from a god? Noticed some gods have listed boons and curses they can give but I've never seen it come up in my games.
Kaguya wasn't really born from a bamboo stalk, she was a lunar inhabitant sent to earth as a baby in a ship that looked like a bamboo stalk.
Anyone have a copy of Lost Omens Highhelm floating about?
That's misinformation. Kobold is a race. The actual creature in the encounter could be whatever the GM concocts. The examples you see published were created by that method to suit some purpose in whatever adventure / adventure path they were found in. So there aren't 12 specific kobolds available in the game. There is a creature called a kobold which you are supposed to then modify to suit your purposes.
There's 12 statblocks of various kobolds you can use in game or as a basis to modify. How is that "misinformation?"
1E question.
If I'm a Large humanoid and I have the Banner class feature. Can I have my banner be a coat hanging off my shoulders?
You can do that at any size
Banger. Thanks, anon.
I'm new to pathfinder and stuff. Say if for some reason I don't want to use a rune that's engraved in my weapon, is there a way to do it or is the rune always on no matter what?
2e btw
yeah and the ancestry supposedly based on her has nothing to do with bamboo anyway
i don't really care i hate small races
Take the weapon to a wizard/smith to get the rune removed or do it yourself with enough Crafting.
so you can't temporarily deactivate it only remove it
Okay so now that the characters have been finalized we are
>Ranger, I imagine bow focused but he's been talking about God of War a lot lately he could be going for a dual wield build
No clue how this will go but it looks like I was right being the main frontliner
For this hypothetical pretend I'm a Monk that somehow has access to Suggestion. If I hit the opponent with the "1 v 1 me" suggestion and they assumed they were outclassed would the "Asking the creature to do some obviously harmful act automatically negates the effect of the spell." kick in? Is the inverse also a thing that if they thought they could beat me that the aforementioned wouldn't activate?
Rephrase it as "Give me your best shot" although I would probably make you roll for Deception either way.
With basic suggestion the conditional would kick in the both cases unless you are assumed completely harmless, like being tied up or some shit.
It is "harmful" act, not necessary dangerous one.
Ask you DM-
There are examples of other spells in Pathfinder 1e, and other class features that propose presenting a duel. Not a forced one in most cases, but rather the trade off of, hit me with no penalty, or attack anyone else and get penalized.

https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/c/challenge-evil/ is the first example that comes to mind for an alternative / better suited to what you're wanting to achieve.
I think a dispel magic cast on the weapon would counteract the rune for 10 minutes, but it would counteract the entire weapon turning it into a mundane one.
But that's the only way I know.

You could ask GM to counteract only the rune of your choice and they'd probably say yes.
only way that comes to mind is the runic impression spell from magus. if it puts you above the weapons max number of property runes one of your choice gets suppressed. I'm certain I've read similar language from other spells/items but that's the only one that I can remember.
2e, Can worn magical clothing like the mirror robe https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=1319 be used while wearing any armor?
Or is it for only characters who don't wear light/med/heavy armor?
You can wear multiple suits of armor over the top of one another. Everyone wearing heavy armor is also wearing padded armor under it.
Item bonuses to AC don't stack, so there's no real advantage to doing so.
So presumably you can wear as much clothing as you want as well.
Though there's an argument to be made that wearing anything over the robe would make it concealed or hidden, and not very effective at providing diversions.
should I be angry about Starfinder? none of the usual ecelebs have said anything about it so i dunno if it's woke shit or not
Space itself is made up political bullshit to push liberal agendas
Starfinder 1e lore is kinda messy kitchensink, but not really that much woke bullshit pushing per se.
No idea if Paizo is changing lorestuff for sf2e like they did with pf2e
Reptoids are an antisemitic dogwhistle and therefore removed. Please hope for more similar bangers and enjoy the next installment.
kinda sad you need someone to tell you what to think instead of forming an opinion on your own
Is there any actually good adventure publisher?
no one cares
Do PF2 and SF2 have interchangeable parts?
stop asking stupid questions
starfinder isn't out and I can already tell the fanbase will be annoying
what did you excpect from pf2e in spesh
>Someone actually knows the rules of leadership
I knew I kept faith in this place for a reason.
I hate how guides make it out to be a second pc you build a bear and control.
>should I be angry about Starfinder? none of the usual ecelebs have said anything about it so i dunno if it's woke shit or not
Maybe you should do some introspection about why you think this question was necessary to ask. Is "woke" really the issue, or is it just something people find useful to drive rage and your grievance addiction?
post content or get the fuck out, cuck
Why the FUCK are there so many charisma casters?
I hated that shit in 5e.
It's the era of the arts major now. Adapt or rot alone in your nogames edition, STEMcel
Charisma being an important skill is great, but having it be a casting stat is Mary Sue shit.
I like the idea of Charisma being powerful by itself without having to be magical, such as in Envoy: If you can use normal speech to make the opponent lower their guard or to motivate your companions, do you really need spells on top of it?
Charisma in this game is also a measure of your passive connection to extraordinary power, hence why the undead use CHA instead of CON
That's gay
okay pedo
Lmao seems you have some issues.
okay pedo
Ok so oracles are fucking back as casters (due to 4 slots and cursebound actions) but battle is found dead and pissed on in the ditch?
Yeah, trap options shouldn't exist (it still does but it's more obvious now).
I always reflexively protect my crotch whenever I see that art style.
Anyone get the new Player Core 2 yet? I wanna know more about Oracle
>Calling others pedos when nothing even relevant has been brought up.
I bet you have tons of illegal images in your electronic devices.
Generally all the oracle mysteries have been slaughtered. The class identity has been boiled down to a D8 4 slot divine caster that suffers from the same problem the witch had where a cleric or divine sorc can easily archetype into it and be a better version of the base class.
from the snippets that grifters let out
>4 slot caster
(might actually be a print error and they just put in sorcerer table twice)
give you spells to repertoire and free cursebound feat and focus spells
healing is static heal + (level x2) for 1 action
>curse status
reduced by refocusing in general, no benefits for having high curse, only penalties
battle got slaughtered
it essentially is an expansion to divine sorc: the class
To add to this. Each Mystery doesnt gain any kind of initial benefit like life becoming a 10 hp class. Also each mystery only has 1 focus spell connected to it and the battle focus spell is worse than a general feat. So the only worthwhile parts of the original oracle got shitcanned and now all of its power comes from its feats which can be stolen by other casters. Bravo Paizo.
Apparently battle Oracle is essentially dead now.
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No it's okay guys, le heckin' Oracle is SSS++ tier now!
>Also each mystery only has 1 focus spell connected to it
Where did you read this?
okay pedo
>A tier
Huh? Or do they just mean Construct Inventor?

Also does anyone know if there were boosts to poison alchemists?
I have top men working on it.
This guy is a braindead zoomer. Dont take his opinions seriously.
Alchemists are now based. Poisoner now does acid damage if the creature is immune to poison.
No one cares, okay pedo, based, I have top men working on a new tier list. This is an acceptable post in /pgg/, that's gay. Post real content or get the fuck out, cuck.
Anyone got the .pdf of player core 2, they want to share ?
Anyone got that pdf? Need to read up on alchemist. At level 6 I'm loving my powerful alchemy skunk bombs and my heaps of items.

Sounds like their jewing all my reagents for unversatile viles?
On the topic of begging for pdfs does anyone have one of a good gm screen for pf1e, doesn't matter if it's official or your own abomination or whatever
I, too, am asking for the pdf.
shameless begging for pdf, or just added to the trove
Just saw this video. this is specifically a tier list for how much he would recommend them to a new player, in terms of difficulty and such, not necessarily a power level tier list.
Barbarian rage no longer lowers AC, huh
Still whack. I wouldn't reccomend Inventor to a new player at all. Unstable and Overdrive are some of the most feelsbad class design in the game.
Kinda surprising. I also saw Champion gets a Level 1 feat now that lets them Raise Shield, Stride, and if they stop the movement in reach of an enemy Strike all for 2 actions.
What's the trove? Didn't it get taken down?
Had a new player start with Inventor, 100% agree. Also you need to do a lot of research for items to craft if you want to get the most out of your downtime. After these PC2 buffs, I feel like Inventor is pretty solidly the worst class in the game now.
just find the share thread - But pc2 os not in the pf2e trove yet
Charging star.
no fucking way that's real, people called me a fucking powergamer moron for suggesting something like that for champion
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>mfw I am playing Inventor right now
>all I got was a slightly less shit Unstable check
>mfw I see the Alchemist get all this goodstuff
Maybe I should just rebuild into fighter or Champ. All I wanted was to build my own power armor.
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This is the kind of shit paizo shills screamed at me would be too strong when I said champion should have it, what the absolute fuck, maybe in another 5 years the system will be one I actually want to play
The class isn't THAT bad. It has some good feats like Megaton Strike if you have the weapon for it. I think there's just a lot of trap options, especially some of the weapon and armor augments. I think it's the only class where you need to succeed on a check before you start fighting since Swashbucklers now just need failures for Panache. It's more the fact that most of the lower-tier classes got buffed in PC1 and PC2 so Inventor just kind of becomes the worst as a result. Still better than pre-remaster Witch and whatnot though.
Also, ask your GM to remove the crit-fail damage on Unstable. That shit's retarded. Imagine being actively punished for playing your class.
Absolutely huge. I just finished a full AP from 1-20 as a sword and board champion and this would have been game-changing. Kind of stings to be honest.
How do I handle choosing creatures and designing encounters in a dungeon full of intelligent enemies? I’m opposed to just running them like drooling retards that don’t react to the sound of combat happening one room over, but I also obviously don’t want to design it as a one-sided roflstomp against the players. I only ask because I know this game is pretty tight when it comes to designing encounters; do I just design each “pod” of enemies as a trivial or low threat encounter so that when they potentially stack on top of each other it never goes higher than severe or whatever?
Use bigger maps.
Inventor was already a worse barbarian. Swashbuckler now gets the basic precise strike damage even without panache. Barbarian now rages as a free action, does more bonus damage with the weaker rages, and doesn't take a -1 AC.
Make the individual enemies weaker.
generally a problems with most RPG dungeon crawls .. Depends on the enemies, the map, and many other things
Fucking finally! This is the kind of economy booster Champions, let alone sword and board has been needing.
What other good shit did Champions get in the remaster?
And anything coool for swashbucklers?
You get Precise Strike damage even without panache, you now get panache even on a fail but only for 1 turn.
So panache just gives the movement and finisher, in the start at least ?

Oracle itself seems to have gotten a power boost. It's good now. Lots of fun feats.

But the battle mystery was fucking slaughtered. No martial weapon proficiency, no medium or heavy armor, no warpriest weapon prof progression. And Champion archetype was nerfed, so now you need two feats to get heavy armor back.

What does battle oracle get in return?


No bonus. Just baseline proficiency. You auto-sustain if you hit something in melee, but you have fucking caster melee progression, so good luck with that, bucko.
Yeah, it used to give +1 to skill checks but that's also just baked into the class now.
This should pretty much fix how shit they felt against bosses.
You need to make the map bigger, like this retard said >>93354287 But I am an intellectual, so I'll explain why.

Bigger map means they don't hear combat in the next room fucking over. Pad it out with some empty rooms too. If the location is too small for that, why the fuck do you have twenty guys in there sitting next to each other?

Impress on the players the need to distract some of them, or wait until the main group of dudes goes out to do whatever the fuck they do to make a living, and THEN have the players go in. Also adds a fun ticking time element when some random mook runs off to alert the rest of the guys out and about and the party can't stop them.

Or just have a big fucking storm going on or something. Big forge. Big waterfall. Something that's really loud and blocks the sound.
We are about to finish the beginner box, 3 players.
Should I go with troubles in otari or abomination vault after? ..
How long are they, roughly?
Depends on how new your party is. Doing Otari into Abom is pretty good, because abom can really fuck over new players early on with some infamous encounters. But if your party is decent, it might be more fun to experience those as intended.

Personally? I'd say fuck abom vault. Do Otari, then seven dooms after. Just put Sandpoint right next to Otari on the map, who cares. Seven Dooms is much better than Abom Vault, both narratively and gameplay wise.

...abom vault isn't bad. It's fun. Seven Dooms just has it beat.
Thanks, they are experienced, just not with pf2e.

I will take a look at seven dooms, my main concern with vault is that it might be too much dungeon crawling
They are both megadungeons! ...small megadungeons, but still megadungeons. Abom Vaults are the remnants of some dead BBE's plans for world domination, under new managements, Seven Dooms is a literal hole in the ground with six caves splitting off in 6 interconnected layers (and then the seventh doom has its own island far away from the hole). So they're both pretty big on dungeoncrawling.

If you don't like that much dungeon crawling, just run Otari first. While the gang plays through it, look into other APs and see if you like anything. Otari is right next to Absalom, the biggest city on the planet. Just have some rich guy from Absalom show up in Otari, having heard of the party's heroics, and then hire them to go and deal with whatever AP you like. The newer APs usually play smoother than the ones from early on in the game's release cycle. There's 3 or 4 that start at level 4 or 5, those would be easiest to plug in, but you can also take any path that starts at level 1 and just speedrun or summarize book 1 (book 1 of an AP usually covers lvl 1-4, at the end of otari you're lvl 4).
Thanks for the suggestion, appreciate it!
I will start out with troubles, and figure out with them what they want after that.
One tip for Otari:
Near the end, there’s a fight with a gargoyle and a mimic. The book suggests you draw in the troll from the next room. I have seen SO many parties TPK there, the casters glued to the mimic, the martial playing whack smoke with the endlessly regenerating troll and the gargoyle harvesting spleens. Make sure the party is ready for the additional threat before you send in the troll.

Also, as a more general rule of thumb for a new DM, look up the “automatic bonus progression” optional rule. Not to use it at your table, but to see why kinda bonuses the players are expected to have at which level. Try to make sure they get the appropriate runes to the players by the time they are halfway through the level it unlocks on (they can get it earlier, too, I guess). The Bose mentioned TPK usually happens because the martial do not have their striking runes (double damage dice) yet, so the troll just has too big an ho bar to handle.
Did monks get any new cool toy?
No, they got Ranger'd, albeit not quite as badly as Ranger itself
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heres some stuff
QoL monastic weaponry, crit specialization added to the class at 5th level when they expert strikes AND 20th level capstone feat.

ki spells are called qi spells now and they choose from a list like Ranger's warden spells feat.
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some snarecrafter QoL
Did Rangers get their snare stuff back or is it still just the archetype?
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some Champion changes

afaik its only Snarecrafter
They no longer have to waste their second level feat on crit specialization for unarmed/brawling, I guess? That's... something.
That's great and all but is there still nothing better than a Fighter?
>plain spirit as option
That's pretty cool. I thought they'd have to pick one or the other.
New Alchemist is at +1 compared to normal martials at 7-9, 15 and 17-19 (with mutagens). But Fighters can also use mutagens, so...
its gets something better than legendary prof. now it gets mythic prof.
That feat is shit. Spend 3 actions to do an attack and miss on the second lol.
stop paizo might be reading this and they would do it for their special baby fighter
The sad thing is even if the feat didn't increase MAP it would still be shit.
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This shit not stopping MAP is such a fucking joke for a capstone.

Like, I get just having a dumb, stupid anime move. Not practical, but fuck it. But as is, nobody is ever going to pull the full thing off.
I personally never miss a strike, to be honest
Legitimately a straight up better feat. No setup, you stride, 3 attacks at no MAP (-2, but whatever, you can move to flank), and drained 3 against a CR20 critter is 60 free damage on top, plus your casters now actually have a shot at defeating that enemy's fort save.
Any Bone Oracle chads here to drop some juicy info? I'm Dying to get some
Its become just a generic 4 slot caster with all of its power in easily stealable feats. Cleric and Divine sorc can just easily steal your shtick and be better at it. Its completely lost any flavour it once had.
you still get fucked by your curse
You know I was trying to figure out why there would be empty rooms and then I remembered that last week I hinted at the place having been built by a previous group of occupants so I guess that explains it, thanks
What changes are there to the Alchemist Archetype given all their new shit?
The Oracle is definitely more boring than it was in its original form. Its sad because i really like the curse bound feats as an idea but it needs more. If it was a mishmash where you got the initial benefit of the mystery and access to the rest of the focus spells that got binned then i would think its a pretty sound redesign.

Nobody cares about bone oracle
they should release unchained combat for Pf2e that removes the gay 3 action system and bring back swift and free actions for all the shit they put nonsensical action tax on
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Let us hope that the guardian receives a significant makeover.
It'd have to be an entire overhaul of not just player abilities but creatures as well. Not particularly appealing to paizo especially since the 3 action system is one of the things the playerbase as a whole praises
at least commander isnt getting "well players liked it but for wrong reasons"
if its 1 action and not a strike you can use a swift action for it
use a standard action for 2 iterative strikes or a normal spell
seems good enough for me
Is there any reason to even play guardian now that champion is actually looking good?
no lmao
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gonna post barbarian's class chassis and feats

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1st and 2nd level feats
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4th level feats
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6th level feats
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8th level feats
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10th level feats
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12th level feats
As it stands now there was no reason to play a guardian even before PC2, but don't forget it was only a playtest. Since Dark Archive Paizo has been doing a pretty good job at class design, so I'd definitely wait to see the release version of the class before judging it as worthless.
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14th level feats
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>Furious Grab escaped the Grab nerf

Barbarians on top.
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16th level feats
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18th level feats
What was the grab nerf?
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20th level feats

and that's Barbarian!
what do you all think?
The creature ability "Grab" used to work just like Furious Grab does, awarding a guaranteed grapple after a Strike. It was nerfed in the remaster along with the very similar Flail/Hammer critical specializations (which allowed for guaranteed trips on crits) to give the target a save first. These nerfs had me worried that Furious Grab was going to be on that list too, but it looks like it got to keep its guaranteed grapple.
(1e) It is well known that the best thing a person could do with a standard action is cast a spell, and that the best thing a person could do with a swift action is to cast a quickened spell. What's the best thing someone can do with a move action?

Bardic music / masterpiece? Studied target / studied action? Drinking a potion? Cackling? Dimension-dooring with abundant step? What is the all-star of the movement action?
So uh am I the only one catching onto the fact that they nerfed the absolute fuck out of Shield Ally?
Noone gonna talk about that Synesthesia got reprinted without any nerfs?
>what do you all think?
Fury not getting anything and Dragon now getting the option to use spirit and FORCE damage is so fucking funny, overall the major changes just being to the chassis and not the class feats is a disappointment
How so? I'd call it mostly a sidegrade money saver, rather than something necessary for shield users, imo, but I also just kind of fucking hate the way shield blocking works in 2e so I didn't give it a ton of thought.
Champs getting a free sturdy shield is fine, the problem is that every single sword and board champ was taking Shield Ally AND Sturdy Shield. You save some money, but now you're losing 2 hardness, and 50% of your shield's HP and BT. This is like 90% of the reason Redeemers are able to make a shield work in the first place.
this new ally rocks. if your shield gets destroyed you just pull out another and it auto gets the rune.
I don't know that I'd call it a nerf. It reduces the max HP/hardness you can get your shield to, but puts a whopping 47k gold into your pocket by level 19 compared to a pre-remaster Shield Ally champ, who's essentially just responsible for shelling that out in addition to keeping his weapon and armor runes up to date. I know I struggled to keep up. Hidden in those free reinforcing runes is what amounts to earlier access to things like Striking runes on your weapons or Potency runes on your armor that you wouldn't otherwise have. In a world where you've got infinite money it's a straight-up nerf, but in most APs it's more of a tweak/sidegrade.

I might call it a slight nerf in a vacuum, but with the addition of Defensive Advance at level 1 shield champs definitely got a buff overall. I'd take post-remaster over pre-remaster any day.
Does the champ archetype still give allies? If so, the archetype got way stronger for pretty much any class sticking in melee
With the new Defensive Advance feat is there any point in running a two-handed reach weapon? I was planning to do some fun reach trip shenanigans but it’s hard to beat the efficiency of that feat.
Reach + Trip is so strong because it reduces the enemies efficiency by forcing them to spend an action or two just to get back into what they want to. It's not like the playstyle is nullified because there is another good 3 for 2 feat
Beginning the game with a reinforcing shield is also a bit wild.
8 hardness is going to completely negate a lot of attacks.
good. the first 3 levels suck shit anyway
Are there Goblins in Tian Xia 100 years ago
I want to play a Small race that fits for Season of Ghosts but I don’t like ratfolk and I already played a Halfling in my last campaign
You’re retarded.
Animal Skin gives expert AC at 6th but requires str and dex investment, this makes you a real tank though comparable to monk from 6-10 and only -1 at 18th+ compared to monk with more HP and worse saves.
Thrash does enough damage and doesn't have MAP only for Barbarian so it seems like a good option for grappler barbarians. Instinctive Strike is amazing because it effectively make scent precise for melee strikes. Invulnerable Rager and the improvements to damage resistance with no AC penalty makes it so barbarians are tankier than fighters now and do more damage against enemies that have enough of their power budget in physical resistances which are things like undead and constructs that are actually overused imo so hopefully the fighter-autists can chill a bit and realize that yes fighters are generally stronger but they are actually behind the curve defensively compared to well-built martials unless the fighters invest archetype feats in things like alchemy or casting then they are still probably better but so is literally anyone who invests in alchemy or spells and uses them correctly.
Silencing Strike is really good against lower or on-level casters. Would not take as always if DM only ever uses over-leveled castes as enemies which is normal because of generic fantasy tropes.
Spirit's Wrath being effectively a strength-based 0-hand bow as a feat gives barbarians way better ranged options and makes it so ignoring dexterity and using the heavy armor seems like a great idea on all but animal instinct so far. Furious Grab still good so haste on barbarians still better than haste on fighters but still worse than haste on flurry ranger.
Vengeful Strike+Come and Get Me are now real in PF2e so you can intentionally lower your AC to get crit especially with giant instinct and maybe oracle archetype to curse yourself. Then you just make yourself immune/resistant to crits, increase DR, PF1 Come and Get Me is truly back.
China is still Golarion. And on Golarion, goblins are EVERYWHERE.
Anyone got info to share on the PC2 Bones Oracle? Free spells, related domains, cursebound feat?
paizo is retarded for making so many action taxes
Players guide has them in 'Recommended' bundled under 'Other core ancestries' as well as hobgoblins, and they're bundled into the '5% others' amidst the 225 population (excluding PCs) in the town it's set in. Should be fine, not a huge number of other goblins to interact with but they're around and people know them.
Overall I think that well-built barbarians are better at 14+ than most Fighters, and are on par with them at level 8+. I really like all the exclusive and effectively exclusive benefits Barbarians get with things like thrash and the come and get me feat line. Barbarian/Fighters and Fighter/Barbarians are even stronger now than they used to be which work I guess.
worth noting that the rage action from barbarian's multiclass archetype still has the -1 penalty to AC while raging, they just decoupled it from the main class.
Zero focus spells got binned, it is only the Mystery Benefits that disappeared, and some like Bones or Lore got wrapped into the feats or core Oracle features by default. And being blunt, a lot of the major boons weren't really used anyway. Very few people were clamoring over the Ancestors' bonus Ancestry Feat or Flames' Expert Reflex saves. The biggest lost comes from Battle's Medium/Heavy Armor and Martial Weapon proficiency but even then it is more a loss because Battle is now even more an awkward gish option.

I agree that Oracles are more streamlined and boring (they 2e Oracle'd 2e Oracle), but it very much the best option you can do if you want to put any kind of real focus on the class. Letting people poach from the Oracle's powerset is far better and more flavorful to its fluff than not being allowed to at all, they made curses more an opt-in and selectable approach ala 1e, they don't have a bunch of mechanics hidden within the text like the free Refocus feats or starting with a domain spell + your revelation spell, and they don't require a bunch of book searching to optimize with Divine Access anymore. And given how much the Revelation Spells were more game-changing to the average encounter than the Curses themselves (Incendiary Aura, Life Link, Armor of Bones, etc.), its hard for me to say that they lost that battlefield chaos that made me enjoy their core conceit. If I want more design space for them to get super creative and out there with Oracle powers, I'd imagine it would just have to be a Class Archetype like the Oracle+ 3pp book where you specifically double-down on a core aspect of them to gain big boosts.
sounds like the 3 action system except Strikes get nerfed to me broski
To give that anon some crumbs and assuming he isn't trolling, the three action system falters in the light of making every major action equivalent to one another. Your strikes and spells are competing with drinking a potion or doing a flip, for example. A lot of people's apprehensions with Action + Bonus Action systems mainly come from 5e and its retarded delineations and restrictions and the very limited way it addresses such. Those more used to PF1e's rules would feel far more restricted by the 3 Action Economy, given the wider degree of power your major, full, and swift actions would give you. To them, you just needed something more like Starfinder1e's cleaner approach to actions (maximum of 2 shots on a full action, double moves just taking your move and swift, etc.) instead of throwing the baby out with the bathwater. The 3AE is really more a design tool for the devs to make things easier for themselves and create arbitrary commitments on basic ideas, especially for casters.

On the flipside, the 3AE means you can build around said commitments. Create unique abilities and streamline intensive stuff like summoning, grappling, repositioning, haste and slowness, basically anything else but striking and casting fireball. The reason I've been stressing the idea that it is the Three Action ECONOMY and not Three Action SYSTEM is because you can actually create interesting tradeoffs and design feels without the awkward confrontation of what is equivalent for a Move Action and Swift Action to a Full Round Action. I don't think 2e does the 3AE idea the BEST, more things could be free actions or compressed between one another, and I think the overall freedom of movement of 5e's Movement System leaves less issues in the face of things, but I do think systems should give you the freedom of choice and responsibility in knowing when you overcommit without going "because you casted Bardic Inspiration, you can't drink that potion".
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Champions are getting a lot of action economy love.
is Divine Grace still dogshit, though
>"we're THINKING about adding some mobility to [Intercept Strike]"
>"we're CONSIDERING focusing [Taunt] on the penalty it confers to attacking the guardian's allies"
>"we'll be REVIEWING some possible directions [regarding Taunt requiring a save]"
>no mention of the fucked proficiencies
>no mention of Intercept Strike's worse trigger, worse type coverage, and worse effect than Champion's Reaction (just its worse range)
>no mention of Taunt's interaction with AoEs
It's over guardianbros...
>appraisals on Animal Skin, Thrash, Instinctive Strike, Silencing Strike, Spirit's Wrath, Come and Get Me, and Vengeful Strike
anon, I...
Yeah I don't get the point of that post either. Those are all the same, nothing changed. I thought maybe Animal Skin giving you Expert proficiency might be new, but no.
I can only assume you're the same anon because you apparently never read the original barbarian either. If not, consider this a reply to both of you:
Come and Get Me and Vengeful Strike are ass and have been ass, and the incredibly small buff the latter got doesn't affect things. Come and Get Me tanks your AC and gives Sneak Attack for free to any enemy that has it in exchange for, principally, a debuff that you should be applying with ease at this level already, between Trip, flanking, and any number of additional tools your party has picked up in the first half of the game.
Vengeful Strike competes with Reactive Strike, a reaction Strike with significantly less downside in exchange for only slightly less upside, one which only costs a single 6th-level feat instead of being a 12th-level feat with a 10th-level feat prereq. You could bake Vengeful Strike into Come and Get Me and I'd still take Reactive Strike over it in most cases.
japanese goblin

Inspired by this thing, I would like to create a thematic, and yet still effective, sunflower-themed caster. I don't mind if we delve into 3pp to get there, my DM is very generous with letting me dip into there when necessary.

How would you execute this? Some flavor of druid? Or something less direct and explicit?
My only problem is its all shield based. Not every champion is a shieldfag.
>You can wear multiple suits of armor over the top of one another.
How does the math work out? Could a person wear scale mail, an armored cloak and the magic robes?

Also new 2e question, can you transfer weapon potency runes onto a nonmagical weapon? Eg +1, striking and lets say frost from a dagger put onto a longsword? Is that just a 2 day crating downtime check?
>How does the math work out? Could a person wear scale mail, an armored cloak and the magic robes?
Mathematically, it is all item bonuses, so the scale mail wins out on everything. You get its AC Bonus, DEX-Cap, and Armor Check Penalty if it would apply. You would get the respective traits but I believe only one of the Armor Specializations would apply if need be.
All assuming no GM would look at you and wonder if your character would need a 'tard wrangler, mind you.
>Also new 2e question, can you transfer weapon potency runes onto a nonmagical weapon? Eg +1, striking and lets say frost from a dagger put onto a longsword? Is that just a 2 day crating downtime check?
You can transfer all (applicable) runes between any non-specific magical weapons, using 10% of the cost of such and spending a day of downtime per rune. So it would be 3 days, 3 checks, and about 57GP to move all 3 runes from the dagger to longsword (can probably handwave the time). Specific Magical Weapons can only have fundamental runes transferred, no property runes.

Let the shieldfags have this, they always had a bit of a poor support in most classes, even with Champion.
err, 61 GP, accidentally combined the +1 and striking runes together...(rounding up the 3.5GP of the +1 and 6.5 GP of the Striking).
Vine Leshy Alchemist, you get alchemy and access to druid spells, You can theme it as you growing sunflowers that have the power of your formulas. You also get to grow seed pods to throw from your body
Forgot, the leshy archtype is called Herbalist
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Ghoran verdant/solar sorcerer could work. Or even making something that looks like the scadutree avatar as your eidolon with a wild/leshy caller summoner.

Seconding this as well, you can theme the vine leshy as a sunflower one too
Did the swashbuckler actually get anything interesting beyond the bravado stuff? The class got a whole new subclass but I feel like nobody is talking about anything the Swash actually got beyond being easier to play
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Alchemists come with free HRT for the whole party now.
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And they can secretly forcefem the fighter by mixing it into the free hp potions he gets after every fight.
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Why the fuck would you go on hrt when you can just pay a small fee for this?
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Here you go. It’s a mixed bag. You get a lot less shit, but it’s always at level now, not capped at 1 or -5 or whatever. But needing to waste 3 full feats to raise the number from 4 to 7 is cucked and gay.
With Oracles being 4-slot I assume they get an extra spell in their repertoire every level, do we know if this is the case? Also do we know if their mystery spells are on top of that or are they “must takes” like for sorcerers
PF2e Question
Best weapons for Thaumaturge? considering a build for one, leaning towards strength, seems like they can potentially get a lot of flat bonus damage off exploit so maybe an agile weapon's accuracy on extra hits would add more than a slightly stronger base die but I don't know. I guess they'd also be below average attack bonus for a decent chunk because of key ability charisma.
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gonna post Alchemist's class chassis and feats i can grab from this new deep dive

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research fields and some changed alchemical items

this dude formats his videos so poorly
Seriously though, shield was such an awful playstyle in base. I’m glad they’re turning champions into the masters of sword and board.
For the Superstition Instinct Barbarians that somehow doesn't believe in the 41% statistic!

It wasn't like it was AWFUL so much as it starts and ends with "You block" or "You block an ally". Very little action compression feats, the shitty Everstand Stance, Reactive Block, and that was it. They put too much focus on more shields than more things to DO with your shields.
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new alchemist feats
the fact the best shield action compression in the game required spending a fucking focus point, on MAGUS OF ALL FUCKING THINGS, really shows you how bad the state of shield action compression feats have been

I'm still of the opinion Magus's Focus Spells should have been cantrips, with a better version that adds spellstrike recharge from spending focus points
So the floor for alchemist is no longer as steep a learning cliff of suffering, but it's still kind of just infuriatingly designed, with abilities that really have no business being hard locked (crafting based medicine) away from other fields.

I guess I'll still take this over the last four iterations of the class.
I'm pretty sure the only reason crafting for medicine is hardlocked to chirurgeon is because they couldn't come up with anything else to give the "healer" subclass as a passive benefit. So they get that and throwing infinite healing potions at the fighter.

What is nice is that quick vial means all alchemists have infinite (acid) bombs now. And bombers have infinite bombs of all elemental types. So you can FINALLY play that pyromaniac goblin alchemist the 2e Playtest blueballed you over all those years ago.

Mutagenist and Toxicologist got kinda shafted in their quick vial special use, tho.
Mutagenist gets two spend TWO actions to ignore the downside of ONE mutagen until the start of his next great. Fucking amazing. Hold me back.
Toxicologist, meanwhile, gets to spend 3 actions to make a strike that deals +1d6 acid damage. "We're cooking now, bois" as they say.
You have no idea how much Everstand Strike enraged me. Something that should’ve been standard, locked behind a bad feat which enabled a stupid looking and questionable playstyle.

At least Shield of Spirits looks good. It might not replace Lay on Hands though.
Flickmace or Chainsword for reach. You can technically use a Whip but it's got nonlethal which is a problem if you think you're gonna be fighting constructs. Otherwise Short Sword and Hatchet are both decent for agile/agile+sweep, or Flail if you want to trip/disarm.
yea I'm kind of baffled by how little the alchemist "meta" changed. Bomber is still just flat out the best one. Chirurgeon is technically second best, but in the most boring way possible. Mutagenist at least seems like it WORKS now?

Poisoner still looks like it's better off using the poisons to kill itself and reroll.

>At least Shield of Spirits looks good. It might not replace Lay on Hands though
Shield of Spirits was one of those "why does this cost a focus point" focus spells to me, I dunno.
At least you can sustain it by doing something you were going to do anyway and a +1 status bonus to AC for your allies is nothing to sneeze at.
No? It lasts one round, or until you drop your shield, raising it again doesn't extend it.
>The shields last until the start of your next turn or until you’re no longer raising your shield, whichever comes first.
It's got its uses, it's just kind of underwhelming.
The one thing toxicologist has now is schroedinger's poison tag with turns into an acid tag if that's advantageous for the player, and only then. So you can now use poisons against undead and constructs. That includes debuff poisons that do no damage. Which is pretty good! ...well, at least it means your specialization doesn't become useless against the single most common type of AP enemies.

And a toxicologist is still a decent bomber. And the above applies to skunk bombs, so you can now slap sickened1+slowed1 on everyone. Honestly, toxicologist has a nice kit, of only their quick vial special use wasn't so fucking useless.

Bomber buff means they still rule the class though, yeah. Which, I mean, I'm not gonna complain about strong bombers. I just wish we got all the weird science shit from 1e back, with the extra limbs, alchemical undead, fucking conjoined twins that eat your mental debuffs, all that "evil" alchemy. I miss it.
I need the PDF to leak or one of these youtubers to make a video about investigator because I have been waiting too damn long to see if Devise a Stratagem is still a pain in the ass or not.
Red herring got folded in as a base feature and iirc there's some way to tag enemies in an encounter as part of your lead for fast DaS much earlier now. Also you can drop the DaS roll to get a skill bonus instead iirc? Nobody posted a ton about it yet.
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It kiiinda is? The wording changed a bit, and you can now trade a shitty roll for a boost to a skillcheck.

Video has like a minute or so of the dude talking about it: https://youtu.be/UBCHN2Fvrrg?si=E001aPlSY8gvkx3K&t=672
Thanks for the updates Anons.

That's good news, and I know what you're talking about regarding using DaS as a free action. It was a level 2 feat where you could spend an action to give you the free DaS rolls against a single target for that fight, kind of like a nerfed version of Suspect of Opportunity, but much earlier, and with only a 10-minute cooldown.

>Can use DaS on a skill check now instead of just ignoring it

>Can't use it on many of the skill checks you'd want to use in combat, like Tumble Through or Athletics maneuvers.
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New feat is basically a DaS buff for investigators and archetype (poachable lv 2) - can't see a reason to skip it
oh that's much worse than I thought it would be, wow
Yeah, with red herring now being backed in by default that's the new autolock at level 2.
Pathfinder 2e
Ghouls and other such undead are prevalent in my campaign and ghoul fever is a very real concern. I’m trying to stock a dungeon with loot currently. If a player succumbs to ghoul fever and dies, and another player applies Anointing Oil to the corpse, this would prevent them from returning to unlife as a ghoul, thus giving the players time to figure out a way to actually resurrect them (assuming the player doesn’t want to roll a new character), right?
should be, ye
yeah sure that works. thats fine
Yup. Anointed oil is gentle repose in bottle form, and gentle repose stops you from raising as undead.

What you need to decide is whether it just denies the raising, since RAW you raise "next midnight" so once that passes the ghoul fever is over. So if you cover those few hours with the oil, you should be fine. Alternatively, of course, it might just DELAY the raising. So "next midnight" is the first midnight after the oil runs out. I personally think the second is cooler.

Also, you could always just use the remaster ghouls instead? They don't cause ghoul fever, a physical disease, the cause a curse that compels you to eat humanoid flesh. And if you do, that's when you die and raise again.
Oh shit I didn’t even realize about the remaster ghouls, that arguably fits better thematically in my campaign anyway because the whole reason there are ghouls running around is there’s a Wendigo-worshipping cult forcing their captives to commit acts of cannibalism in hopes of summoning said Wendigo
Well, there you go. Statblocks are up on Archive of Nethys, you have to scroll down below the creature statblock for ghouls to get to the actual stats for the curse.
>redditcord community screaming champion archetype needs to be nerfed
>the dedication gets buffed and nothing else changes
lol lmao lol
I will never understand retards screaming and losing their shit over archetypes being good because muh poaching.
>Armor proficiency now scales to master

There's now an option other than Sentinel!
if feats are good then they might actually do something, and feats doing things goes against how they think game balance works

Sentinel now has, I'm pretty sure, the exact same wording now, but is ONLY the armor part. Ruffian Rogue and Str Thaumaturges both eating insanely good from this.
You now have to use a general feat to get medium before sentinel lets you scale to master, though. Assuming you start with only light.
that's how Sentinel always worked though
Yeah, but champion didn’t.
They get their bonus to skills and precise strike damage innately instead of only when they have panache now. Supposedly they also have a shit ton of new feats but nobody has really been posting them.
>meta completely unchanged
Big whoop.
Party full of fighters is still the best option so nothing has changed
The Rules Lawyer video suggested that you can't refill your vials like the main class can, but I straight up just don't think that's true?

Like there's nothing in the text to suggest your versatile vials work different to the main class's other than the formula for how many you make during daily preparations.
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you cant
You actually want 3 fighters and an alchemist to buff the fighters now.
Oh so there's a whole ass extra section he didn't show. Well cool I guess, it's fucking dogshit now.
It’s fine? Early levels are better than previously. Level 2 when you get the dedication sucks, but at level 3 you upgrade your formula to level 3, which previously you had to wait forever for. Later levels are… similar? You don’t get ten million items anymore, but they are at character level now, not level-5.
Ye I pretty much prefer at level items than a bunch of items. The versatile 10 min duration is enough for most stuff and you can grab the other feat for things that have a longer duration.
Who the fuck would even want heavy armor that doesn't already get medium armor, now? Bard? Even Alchemist has Medium armor prof by the look of it, and it sounded like Exemplar wasn't going to stay Light armor only. Kineticist?
damn it actually looks like a big improvement for everyone, I get to keep my items and flexibility, with more options and better feats. Nice
Say what you want, but I'm glad we finally have a game where fighters are good.
PF 2e.
Say I wanted o play a character that LARPs (in character) as a Dragonlance hero, how unplayable would it be to play a Summoner with a Marauding Dragon Eidolon, walking around in armor and wielding a weapon, and probably a shield?
Regardless of how bad the idea is, what archetypes would be best (assuming FA) to make the concept work as well as possible?
Champion is the obvious one I guess, for both the armor and Lay on Hands, among other goodies, and Mauler, to actually be "competent" with a weapon (Bastard Sword probably) would probably be good also.
Can the dragon still do the bulk of the fighting if the Summoner is riding it?
Summoners cannot use weapons effectively. It's simply not possible, you will never advance past Expert with weapons. You also share hit points with your mount and need to roll twice and take the worst result when caught in any AoE. It's really, really bad. If you want to ride a dragon play any martial class (fighter has the lowest action economy taxes and highest accuracy which pairs well with an animal companion) and take a Riding Drake via Beastmaster Archetype or similar.

Summoner is made to do exactly one thing and it's stand back using cantrips and the occasional leveled spell while your eidolon punches things with Strikes, giving you essentially 4 actions per turn in exchange for each half being mediocre at their designated role compared to a different class.
If you're not playing a Paizo AP, you can do it if you want. Otherwise I would not recommend it because it sucks.
Realistically, what's the highest level you can be viable at with only Expert proficiency?
Depends entirely on the enemies you fight.
Also as terrible as the "roll twice" mechanic is, it's actually even worse when you fight enemies with "AoE" effects that aren't actual areas but simply target multiple creatures. Against enemies with attacks that, say, make a strike against every target in range, or chain lightning/electric arc like effects that do damage to multiple targets, it's very easy for a Summoner to simply die on the spot as you're spontaneously exploding into chunky salsa because an effect meant to only hit somebody hard ONCE is actually double-dipping.

If an enemy uses chain lightning on you and your eidolon, that's 16d12 damage, and since Paizo (and lazy fucking GMs in homebrew campaigns) love throwing AP+2 or APL+3 enemies at the party and monsters get massively boosted spell accuracy compared to PCs, you can easily end up getting one-shot with no counterplay beyond "lmao fucking nerd that's what you get for being within 500 feet of a boss when all your spells are 30 foot range!" (There's hazards as low as level 8 with chain lightning available lol, have fun dealing with that as a level 6 character nerd, no I'm not salty about this happening to me in a former campaign at all why do you ask)
rusty shanktown level 1-4 is the period where proficiencies don't matter (except for fighter, who immediately notice starting at Expert and how great that feels), in rusty shanktown Book 1 of most APs you can get away with trying to stab shit as a wizard or summoner or whatever and it's still feasible since at that point you're equivalent to something like a Thaumaturge who ALSO starts at Trained and has a casting stat KAS. When you see dumb Paizo drones online defending shit like Beastmorph Alchemist or Spell Attacks online this is why, at the lowest levels before the game's retarded and overwhelmingly suffocating system math has had time to kick in, it IS true that everybody can fucking try to stab somebody with a sword when everyone is equally terrible at everything.

However, once Item Bonuses and advanced proficiencies come into play that goes out the window and the decline is FAST. it's obvious even to a brand new player unfamiliar with the system that things feel "wrong", that at level 1 using Telekinetic Projectile was pretty decent but now at level 10 it feels like they can't hit the broad side of a barn because Spell Attacks and Weapon Attacks are against the exact same target number (AC) but at level 1 they had basically the same bonus (18 STR vs 18 INT/WIS/CHA, add your level for plus 1, Plus 2 proficiency) but now they are at an unconditional -4 to hit at all times due to delayed proficiency and no item bonuses. And absolutely none of this is explained to you as a new player or outlined in the rulebook as an intentional decision from the designers, so you just have noobs feel frustrated and upset that they feel like they're playing "wrong" or must be missing something, when nope, you having 20% worse accuracy at level 10 than you did at level 1 is entirely intended, because Paizo thinks getting worse at things as you level up is what players deserve.
level 10 was a bad example since casters have gotten their nonstandard bump at 7, for the sake of accuracy I'll revise that to level 13, when fighter/gunslinger get Legendary, everyone else gets Master, +2 Greater Striking runes are in play, and spellcasters are still only Expert with spell attacks and weapon attacks so they're at a -4.
Delete the card game from the OP lmao

I do not think the Battlecry! guardian stands a chance after all of the buffs to the champion.
And yet they are still somehow the most boring fucking class again.
>you can't get double weapon master anymore with fighter + Archer
welp, my group just finished 1e Rise of the Runelords. was pretty fun, gm did some modifying to make the campaign more personal to our characters, but i was a bit dissapointed by how fast we wrapped up everything to get ready for our next campaign. still had fun though
I'm gonna be real chief there's no way guardian isn't dogshit unless paizo completely remakes it, and they won't. It still baffles me that delusional shills yelled that Champion would get nerfed in PC2 so Guardian could reign.

Paizo realized they wanted the cat back in the bag and decided to strangle it in the vain hope it would stop... Uh... Weird niche builds like Combination Weapon Fighter, or Jezail+Reinforced Stock Fighter? I don't know what they're smoking.
>"Here Barbarian, have free action raging with initiative, and bonus speed, and no more penalties when you rage. And Oracle, don't think we forgot about you. Have a whole bunch of easily stealable feats. Merry Christmas."
>"Hey can I get stances as a free action with initiative? Or maybe a choice of being expert in unarmored vs trained in unarmored & light armor so I don't have to pump my beginning boosts into Dex?"
>"What?! Gods noooo!! Here...you can have crit specializations without spending a feat on it."
Brainlet take. The problem is some class dedications give too much away while others give nothing meaning entire class shticks can be pilfered and done better by fighter and rogue who funnily enough don't get their shtick stolen in their dedication.
Why waste page space on this? Isnt this a core book meaning it contains the core concepts of what a pf2e game needs to function? Virtue signalling has become so vapid and intrusive at this point that its now starting to take the place of actual mechanical content for classes to use.
however fights between two strong characters should be more of a struggle than fights between two weak characters. skilled combatants should each be able to reasonably defend themselves against the other, whereas fights between two unskilled morons are basically just flailing around until someone accidentally scores a hit and kills the other guy.
the real problem is that paizo aps never pit the pcs against anything that's below their level, which otherwise would be able to serve as a demonstration of how strong they've become
Shut up, nerd. You're complaining about something that's been in D&D since the 80s.
HRT vials certainly were not in D&D since the 80s you disingenuous troon.
*gives you AGP*
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my alchemist is going to use nonlethal damage to knock out every villain and force-feed them magic gender bend potions so they turn into women and then will impregnate them so they can repopulate the world to pay for their misdeeds. if you disagree with me doing this you're problematic and a bigot. I'm going to defeat the whispering tyrant, resurrect him, turn him into a woman, and then breed his epic level virgin cunt for an entire soccer team of children
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