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REJOICE edition


Previous thread: >>93307552

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TQ: What kind of festivals have you had in your games?

PC2 stuff
Barbarian leaks
Alchemist leaks
This is not only okay, but basically enforced.

The hilarious bit is that the trickiest part here is actually knocking an enemy out with nonlethal attacks in an average party. because that wizard, crossbow ranger and cleric aren't gonna be dealing nonlethal damage, and only the final hit matters.
You can force femme them, but you wouldn't be able to breed them. HRT only changes secondary sexual characteristics. Serum of sex shift has to be voluntary and intentional.
that's what the stack of 50 dominate scrolls is for. It doesn't matter if it's Incap and he improves his results by 1, all you need is the regular Failure effect to control them for a single turn and they can drink it. It's a one-action activity to drink
Swashbuckler has auto scaling on a skill of your choice now. Acrobat is no longer mandatory.
Where are the spoilers for Swash? Nobody has shown anything as far as I'm aware
>monk doesn't get any notable buffs
>monk archetype gets allegedly fucking nerfed by adding a 1d4 round cooldown to its flurry
>Champ archetype is straight up better for anyone but castercucks or investi-virgins
>Barbarians buffed outside of one justifiable nerf to deer memes
God Paizo really does want to stick Ranger and Monk in the cuck shed in this remaster
New to PF in general but running 2e specifically. How big are... y'know, rooms, for your encounters? My PCs are pretty high level (14) and they've got a lot of mobility, so I've been having wide open areas for encounters (200ft in general), but what about smaller fights? Can 25ft rooms still make for a good setting for an encounter when everyone is running about 30ft per move? Trying to plan a castle raid and unless I'm making some deliberate abstractions there's no need for most of the rooms to be even considered for an encounter as they're just too small for the 6 PCs to huddle up in.
>Alchemist recipes now auto-scale in quality as you progress levels
>Barbarian rage gets buffed and is also a free action on initiative
>Inventor's Overdrive remains unchanged despite already being worse than Rage and their gadget feats don't inherit the Alchemist auto scaling even though it would be a marginal boost in power
I guess I need to bug my GM and see if he'll let me have some gimmes. I know they didn't want to focus on G&G much but it's not like making Overdrive a free action is suddenly going to catapult the class into insanity.
At that level, stop seeing individual rooms as encounters. See sections of the building as encounters. A hallway with 4 rooms can quickly lead to a pretty intricate battle when combat in one of them alerts enemies in the other rooms. So spread the encounter budget out over multiple rooms (and add some extra fodder) and then have it as a running battle rather than just a "we open the door, fight and close the door" scenario.
Inventor is a tertiary class that most people do not acknowledge exists, including Paizo. Deal with it.
Thanks anon. My only reference to d20 fantasty is cultural osmosis and bad experiences many years ago so i wanted to try it on my terms and see how it goes, but I don't have that know-how that experience builds.
I mean, Ranger and Monk both were fine pre-remaster. Not really like you saw people complain about them a lot. They work. Sure, it sucks seeing other classes get cool new tools while you get fuckall, but it's not like you need the handouts like Alchemist did.
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>Whirling Throw now has the Attack trait
I mean, they're "fine", but in the towering presence of sweeping buffs to Champion, Rogue, Barbarian, Swashbuckler, and Alchemi-okay maybe not alchemist, but the rest still stand. In the presence of those it feels kinda dogass to not see more QoL added to Ranger and Monk.
G&G is a shit book with not a single good thing inside of it but some of the people in charge of class balance now are the ones who worked on it. They're afraid to say that the book was shit and it will receive no buffs for a long time
Monk was already a top 5 class and still probably is. It didn't need anything. I don't have enough experience with ranger to comment.
Hey, got a bone to throw yall.


This guy scrolls through the entire class section of the english book, and maybe half of the archetypes. All the class info is there. He doesn't go into any section past that yet, so no updated spells/feats/treasure yet.

The video quality is shit, so the screenshots are awful, but I compiled Investigator and Oracle into PDFs, attached.

Got sick of waiting for someone else to post them. Enjoy.
Champion archetype got nerfed hard lol, no more free Heavy Armor prof for nerds dipping it
Sorry to bother anon, but this only has Investigator.
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I guess at the very least I can take solace in the dragonblooded heritage letting monk walk into the game with +2 item bonus/+3 dex cap unarmored, so at least I indirectly got one QoL ask I wanted (not needing fucking mountain stance for Str Monk).
It basically works like sentinel now. This is better for classes like magus, inventor, and anyone wanted heavy armor and had light and medium.
Give anon time.
Do you have the rest of the screenshots of the dragonblood heritage perchance, anon? I was really interested.

Sorry for the delay; captcha + multiple post timer for two files.

Not doing any others rn b/c it's fucking tiring work neatly reconstructing the pages from this guy's buck wild scrolling, but the video has the info, so, the class changes are all out now.

Just waiting for someone to upload the spells/feats/treasure, and we've got it all.
Of course anon, thank you very much, was looking for something like that as an Oracle plater in my current campaign. Sorry for rushing you.
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pulled them from this guy's video, quality is kind of ass but oh well

Very funny that the 1pp dragonblooded makes for an arguably way better monk than the 3pp ACTUAL FUCKING DRAGONS
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I can't believe Paizo is making good decisions
jesus christ, that and the remaster change to disarm is all I ever wanted for my swashbuckler. The rest's just glitter on top.
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Yeah swashbucklers are now way more consistent with that and getting precision damage 24/7, only needing panache for finishers.
>Monk was already a top 5 class
Top 5 what?
Champion focus spells were kind of an afterthought in the remaster, huh
Top 5 coolest and sexiest class
Attack AND manipulate trait completely fucks this skill feat up, it should be one or the other
Champion got some cracked shit in Defensive Advance, Smite, and the new Blade of Justice, but a lot of the rest of the changes are pretty dog shit

They really tripled down on the fact that the majority of your features require multiple feat taxes in order to be remotely useful. Shield of the Spirits is garbage compared to Lay on Hands and requires THREE feats in order to become solid (Security, Greater Security, and Expand Aura) and to even do that it requires three actions to let an ally get a +3 to their AC and you can shield block for them.

Same with the Mercy changes, it still requires investing basically every single one of your available feats in order to make it worthwhile.

Shield of Reckoning still requires the mostly useless Shield Warden, etc. etc.
I saw somewhere that swashbuckler's buckler feat got buffed, but I can't find it now. Does anyone have it?
Based on the hue's video it looks like they don't get dueling dance anymore so I'll have to switch from dueling parry to buckler.
I forget where I saw it but now when an attacker crit fails attacking you when your buckler is up, you get panache
That's right, that's what it was. Thank you.
Top 5 CILF.
You know, the way they set this up, it feels like they regret even giving Oracle subclasses. They sort of leaned a little too hard on the "vague divine fortune teller" angle on all the fluff instead of the specifics of the mysteries. I don't mind having to carry the weight of the fluff, but after Witch Remastered, I figured they would have stronger lore to what divine power is pumping through you. They really could have kept the Mystery Benefits as part of the subclass while removing the bonuses from the Curses and it all would have equaled out in the end.

Also yeah, it is super apparent either the Spellcasting feature or the Spell Slot Table is misprinted, there is a clear contradiction between them.
It's minor but the Imp is one less ability cost, so the witch can take one two levels earlier now
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Br dude that posted entire of classes section got taken down, I managed to salvage the Champion feats.
top 5 in the losing competition
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>Divine Grace is still there
>it's still absolute dogshit
at least other shit got buffed enough I don't feel too bad, but c'mon man, Warpriests get their funny "raise shield for +2 to all saves" and Champions keep their shitty reaction they'll never want to use over their champion reaction?
>Rodrigo Scalia
god, poor sucker been doxing himself the entire stream.

I'm pretty mad they kept Antipaladin's reaction the same, that shit was always ass and I have to seriously question who even used it? It's like they refuse to acknowledge the absurdity of someone wanting to play the tank class and trying to hurt themselves MORE. I know Final Fantasy Dark Knights are the idea but they have the actual support of range and self-damage not being their only gimmick.
>Spectral Advance
I...am confused at this one. Why does Champion get an Instant Transmission...? Especially only for those that already have the speed boost...

I feel like the attack trait is a misprint, it specifically isn't an attack roll or Athletics check and you can't even get a penalty on Stealing. Feels like they accidentally read how it worked in 1e and transferred that over.
>Also yeah, it is super apparent either the Spellcasting feature or the Spell Slot Table is misprinted, there is a clear contradiction between them.
Kek, so much for being 4 slots casters. They probably just copy/pasted the chart from the only other caster in the book (sorcerer) without thinking. It's possible that the text got copied over from the previous oracle and is wrong instead, but if they actually intended to give oracle more slots I think they would have said so in the preview article. Either way, someone somewhere fucked up.
>Remove the useless oaths feats.
>The didn’t make new feats to replace them, so you’re stuck with 2 lackluster feats
Looks like level 2 and 4 are back to being the free archetype spaces
Unfortunately we'll have to wait for a future book that the oaths got pushed back to to see what reworks there are. I guess on the bright side, level 1 feats are all good enough you won't feel too bad about slotting one in who am I kidding everyone is just going to pick human so they can take a dedication at 2nd level
>you can't even get a penalty on Stealing
Makes sense to me. This is a maneuver no different from trip or disarm, why wouldn't it have Map?
Paizo very obviously intends all champions to be sword and board, the farther you get away from that the harder they want to fuck you. Hence antipali gets completely trashed and gets negative levels of support.

> I...am confused at this one. Why does Champion get an Instant Transmission...? Especially only for those that already have the speed boost...

Any TP effect is good on my book. As long as it doesn't have manipulate somewhere it lets you get out of some pretty shit situations you can end up in if you get taken down and enemy has AoO. Otoh not sure WHY you would take the speed boost champion...

If you take Blessed One at lvl2 then the Shield cantrip is marginally less atrocious, so you can use lvl4 for Security to buff it.
paying a feat for it, while also having it be manipulate for two
>Insane action compression
>Legendary armor proficiency and good saves
>Customizable depending on the campaign/AP due to stances
>Compatible with tons of archetypes because of great action economy
>Arguably the best focus spells in the game
>Can either be the second most durable class in the game by going dex or do solid damage by going strength, or likely both
>Insane mobility built into the class chassis
The monk can do pretty much anything another martial can, except hit as good as fighters.
I think champion is the biggest loser of remastered and it’s not even close.
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For reference. Looks to be more for positioning in sticky situations than for survival or speed.
I wouldn't say they lost (outside Shield Ally getting VERY JUSTIFIABLY nerfed to the level of the other allies at least before feats come online). They just gained very little though. Expanded Aura is nice, the whole thing now being an aura is important. Shield got some pretty significant shit as well. At the very least they didn't get actively worse like wizard.
Paying the feat is so that you can do a maneuver without investing in Str and Athletics. That's already huge. I was just saying that it makes sense for it have the attack trait, and even the manipulate trait, based on what you are actually doing in game. I'm looking at the text of the feat, not the effect. From a balance perspective I agree that it probably only needs one of those. I was just arguing against the idea that it having the attack trait made no sense.
I see no reason to play them over a Champion or a Barbarian, let alone the actually good classes. They're not top 5.
TF, Feat has Teleportation trait, Spell does not. Excellent QA Paizo.
That’s still losing. Champion was the class that needed a complete overhaul with their feats. In fact they lost feats and got nothing in return. Their remaster is outright unfinished.
3e will save us
Do they mean Void domain rather than Nothingness for Cosmos Oracle? Nothingness isn't a domain.
QC really goofed hard on this book.
You can turn a monk into a pretty good disabler with stunning fist, a bo staff, and flurry of maneuvers. That's really the only reason I would pick them over a Barb at this point though
No, Nothingness. Anything with a * is a domain stuck in Divine Mysteries. It's like Champion's Oath feats, "THEIR REMASTER IS OUTRIGHT UNFINISHED"
My guess is that void domain is getting renamed to nothingness as "void" now means something else after replacing negative.
Make a Monk with low Dex and not take Mountain Stance, go ahead
That's like saying fighter sucks because you didn't take double slice on a dual wielding build
It is now better to play a warpriest with the champion achetype if you want to be a tank than champion.
I was thinking just that and it makes me quite happy. That's the exact kind of character I've wanted to play for a while.
Pretty cool.
In fact shield fighters may want to take the champion archetype just to poach defensive advance.
They didn't lose feats, you can still use Oaths and Litanies (shit as they are). Remaster only replaces things with the same name.

They needed low level feats to not be shit, that is correct, but that situation is unchanged. Also no, the one that needed a complete overhaul was fucking Alchemist (and they got it). Champion low levels are depressing but the class worked and works fine.
Except you're gonna get ignored and become AoO food.
They get paragon's guard eventually, they don't need to do that.
Agree. Where's my free action to enter a stance on initiative baked into the class?
The build I had in mind uses agile shield stance and dual strike. Defensive advance IMO is better than sudden charge for shield builds. Of course you can always retrain that into nimble reprisal by the time you get paragon’s guard.
They're good but definitely not top 5. Top 5 probably starts with Bard, Fighter, and Cleric. Thaumaturge potentially if you don't take dumb shit like the wand and Kineticist depending on how much your GM lets you get away with using Base Kinesis. Haven't seen everything in PC2 but it's sounding like Barbarian and Oracle could be potentially in that list.
The only class I would consider bad right now is the inventor, and it's nowhere as bad as the alchemist was.
Is Inventor actually bad or is it just minmaxers continuing to have a conniption? I don't really know anything about it but I've heard decent things.
Its key feature is likely to end up detrimental to them and has an action cost that has gotten comparatively worse (despite being unchanged) when similar classes got their costs reduced on the remaster (notably barbarian getting free action, on initiative rage).
It's not unplayable, it's just inconsistent, and the inconsistency is for a reward that isn't even that good.
Having to roll dice double the dice every time you want to do something cool and any of them being able to fuck you over is annoying.
With the Swashbuckler changes, it's now the only class that needs at least a success (and needs a crit success for full effect) on a skill check to activate it's class damage boost. It's not a BAD class but just underwhelming now that the rest of the low B/C tier classes got their problems ironed out.
Does anyone perchance have the rest of the champion class? One of my players is a Champion and he's curious.
Or alternatively, get some combat going while the PCs are crowded together in a small space and they have to be Squeezing for a round if they want to trade places.
Shadows and wraiths attacking them through the walls while they're trapped in a tiny elevator would be great fun. Reminder that incorporeals can tickle your toes and play with your hair from all directions.
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It just feels awful to play if you're unlucky.
>Overdrive was a worse rage, and rage got buffed
>Overdrive requires a skill check to activate that can not only fail, but crit fail and turn the ability off for the encounter and damage the Inventor
>they get access to a psuedo Focus Point system via Unstables but it's worse because they can't get a guaranteed second Unstable action until level 14, via a feat, and there's no way to improve the DC 15 check that also has a 25% to hurt you
>the feat tree is loaded with Unstables, which are all competing with each other for your one guaranteed Unstable action
>your feat choices are heavily determined by Innovations
>Innovations get a lot of billing and sound really cool but really only have 'cool, I guess' tier bonuses
>8HP melee striker class
>martial who's key ability score is INT that they don't even always benefit from
>worst Perception in the game
The only bone they got was Unstable going from a DC17 to a DC15 in errata leading up to PC2.

They function but they're just a huge pain in the dick to actually play. You look through your options and go 'hey that sounds cool' and then you look at other options in the book and realize there's really nothing the class actually excels at.
Sad to see the state of Life Oracle
>8 hp instead of 10
>soothe when you're gonna be taking heal anyway
>no more d12s on heal
>no more free 3 action heals when casting spells
>not only did they double the healing penalty but it also scales now

Not sure what the point of Life Link is now if you don't have the hp to support it and can't heal yourself back
It's really dumb. The 1 action heal cursebound action seems great, but it's not locked to life....

It feels like your curse really only matters for what focus spells you get.
You being bad at math doesn’t make the class bad, anon.
Fuck, the video got privated.
You're a beast, Anon.
>8HP melee striker class
The funny thing is that inventor is also a functional ranged striker where 8HP hurts him less. Too bad all the other baggage still drags him down.

Soothe is clearly there to interact with Gifted Power, which gives you an extra slot specifically for those granted spells. Nudge Fate along with an extra slot covers the loss of d12s somewhat and there's that AoE Heal they get with Waters of Creation. Mysteries certainly are blander now, the loss of the defense component and the reward portion of the curse hurts, but I think overall the class improved.
>Bone automatically gets Nudge the Scales, which lets it get void healing like it used to be able to
>Except this gets overwritten the moment you use any cursebound action
>Any other oracle can pick this up to be better at Bone's old thing than Bone
I'm beginning to think they completely rushed Oracle's remaster out without thinking at all.
Ranged Inventors get their own issues, like 90% of the weapon mods being melee only or conditional to a specific kind of ranged weapon. You pretty much want to play Construct Inventor at which point half of your class feats are spoken for.
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Some quick investigator changes that stuck out to me from that PDF:

>Strategic Assessment got a significant buff, now triggering off of hits, rather than crits.
This was one of my big wishlist items in the remaster and I am very glad it made it in. Investigator needed some way to compete with abilities like Monster Hunter or Esoteric Lore, which allowed other classes with combat-focused Recall Knowledge abilities to actually succeed on their checks without investing their entire build into the Recall Knowledge skills. Strategic Assessment can now effectively replace Known Weaknesses (or stack with it, if you want to get nuts), and gives you not just a free Recall Knowledge check on a successful Strike, but a free *success* on that check without even needing to roll. This effectively removes the need to invest in knowledge skills unless you want them out of combat. Huge.

>Defensive Stratagem
I hate that it's locked behind a feat but this now allows you to turn a shitty Devise a Stratagem roll into the equivalent of raising a buckler or casting shield, which at least claws back that action you spent on it to do something useful. Works well with Strength investigators, who aren't going to Strike the target anyway (on a failed roll they'll try to Trip or Grapple them instead).

>Surgical Shock
An alternative to Strength builds for melee investigators, which is super interesting. It has the Attack trait but is not a Strike, which means that you can use it after flubbing a DaS roll, and it's a wisdom-based skill check, which is likely better than your attack bonus. Instead of making a Grab or Trip on a shitty DaS roll, you can try to shove a scalpel in the guy's eye instead, inflicting Clumsy or Stupefied and making it so you don't need to invest in Strength if you want to be in melee. On a successful DaS roll you substitute Int, and on a shitty one you make a Medicine check. No physical stats required. Very interesting build option.
Following up after looking over it a bit more, I think I understand why these curses feel so much worse now, especially Bones and Life. It's because you can just refocus a couple times and it's gone. You aren't stuck with them all day like you were before.

I also find it funny that the example for not being able to ignore your curse in any way isn't something that any curse gives you anymore. It's referencing old Flame's concealment.
No amount of coping will make Monks good.
Can you still get the flame oracle focus spell from archetypes? I had a barbarian that did pretty well with it
if I cast the temporary glyph spell and put a warding aggression into it and then it gets trigged would the attack that I make as a result of the spell take my reaction?
top 5 martial
Ki Blast is a spell like ability
PC2 up in the Trove, btw
Maybe I'm blind, I don't see in the post23 one.
can I cast the 8th lvl spell Divine Inspiration on myself and then choose between using it getting a 6th lvl slot back or the focus points?
As a prepared spellcaster, do i need to "relearn" spells in order to heighten them?
example: needing to learn 7th-rank resist energy, and i already know 2nd-rank resist energy.
No, only spontaneous needs to do that.
why do you lie
Trove last list update was 6 hours ago and there's nothing there for Pathfinder on the last few days.
2e by the way
You can cast it on yourself and you don't need to choose. The spell isn't either or, it's all effects at once. Though keep in mind unless you have the feat that gets all your focus back on a single refocus, it will only give you 1 focus point.
It does not take your reaction. The temporary glyph works like a trap. You don't spend reactions when a trap you've set activates.
>feat that gets all your focus back on a single refocus, it will only give you 1 focus point.
I thought the remaster changed that and you get all focus points back when you refocus now?
Not quite, remaster made it so there's no cooldown on Refocus, you can spend 30 minutes Refocusing 3 times to get 3 points back. There is still the feat to give you 3 points for 10 minutes.
oooooohhhhhh okay. thank you for clearing that up for me
Anything new on Sorcerer?
I know Dangerous Sorcery is part of the chassis now. Any new feats?
okay. thanks. thats what I thought as well.
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What's it like living in the future
New arcane/primal cantrip -
Live Wire
2 action
30 ft
1d4 slashing + 1d4 electric
Heightened I - Increases slashing and electric damage by d4s

Electric damage goes through even on failure.
You forgot to mention that it's a spell attack roll. Kind of important. Now we wait for the errata where it confirms it's only supposed to scale every other spell level like most people are assuming.
Single target?
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For my next trick, Fighter will get more buffs!
All buffed feats below level 10 are fighter buffs
Any Sorcerer news?
Wish someone would dump PC2 already or do a summary. I hate this drip feed shit.
People been a little coy about Sorcerer, but from what I've gathered...
>Dangerous Sorcery is now built into the chassis from level one, now applies to healing
>New feats let you change your Blood Magic ability to another one
>New focus spell lets you extend your Blood Magic ability...for one more round...(???)
>Aberrant Sorcerer's Blood Magic lets you inflict -1 to Will Saves on foes in addition to its old effect.
>Imperial Sorcerer's Focus Spell lets you gain +1 to spell attacks or -1 to all enemy defenses.
>Draconic Sorcerers can now choose a Draconic Exemplar like Dragonblooded VH, changing your spell tradition and granted spells.
>Draconic Sorcerers get a new Focus Spell that works like Imaginary Weapon, 2 MAPLESS spell attacks in a 30ft area.
>Elemental Sorcerers got Metal and Wood as options. Unsure if they let you change the damage type of your Elemental Toss feat/your granted spells.
Strangely enough, I am also hearing Genie and Shadow Bloodlines didn't got reprinted.
Genies probably because the number has greatly increased so no more room, but Shadow not being here is strange...
Any leaks on the new/reworked Archetypes?
Archer and Mauler now make advance bows/two handed weapons count as martial instead of increasing your proficiency.
There doesn't appear to be new archetypes, everything is a reprint. The most notable changes from what they said, though...
>Archer and Mauler no longer grants Training. Instead, they make you treat every weapon of that class one step down (Martial = Simple, Advanced = Martial). Good buff for everyone but Fighter.
>Every Alchemical archetype lost Infused Reagents, instead replaced with Versatile Vials. 4 items that don't scale with your INT or level.
>Draconic Disciple got removed, instead its stuff was put into the Dragonblooded VH.
>Wrestler got in this time, no notable buffs. Whirling Throw got nerfed, though, added Attack trait.
>Captivator and Spell Trickster did not got reprinted. Space issues....
>No Eldritch Trickster CA or anything, still MIA.
>Eldritch Archer and Shadowdancer still exists.
I really hope they make more archetypes that make it easier to get advanced weapons. They should be way easier to get than they are right now.
I heard that Imperial focus spell actually has -1/-2/-3 scaling debuff. That would be crazy
If I had to guess, that means no Nymph or Psychopomp either. Those 4 are from APG, so I'd assume only core book bloodlines got reprinted.
That reminds me I was gonna make a Shadowdancer for my next PC.
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I need a music for two-part hag encounter, any suggestions?
I was thinking something slow and vaguely threatening for the first part where PCs are supposed to negotiate with the hag, and faster (metal?) version of the same music piece for the actual battle part that will likely happen either sooner or later.
Encounters will likely happen inside city or underground so nothing too "nature themed" that witchy music seem to have often preferably.
I don't understand the whole point of advanced weapons when a majority of them are not any better than martial weapons
Try the maiden astrea theme from the demon souls remake
They get more points for traits/damage. Same deal with simple to martial.
Falcata for example is a d8 with fatal d12.
>Try the maiden astrea theme from the demon souls remake
Thanks, might not fit for the negotiation part, but checking demon/dark souls themes is a good idea I'll get into
What are the best fuse stance memes around? I'm a STRonk
if thats true I will only be playing imperial sorc caster form now on. its the only way playing a caster can be fun and rewarding and now get fucked over by the math of the game because the devs are retarded faggots
On the topic of sorcerer, what do devil and demon bloodlines get now?
shit, presumably
If it was heightened +2 it would be literally unusable garbage. Why would you use a single target ability to do 2d4 electric on a failure as a 3rd level cantrips, when you could just cast Electric Arc and do 4d4 to TWO targets, or 4d4 halves if they succeed their save.
Both spells have a 30 foot range. The idea that live wire should be +2 Heighten is retarded. You're literally better off just casting Electric Arc at that point, which doesn't have the Attack trait at all and can hit 2 enemies on top of doing the same damage

Fucking braindead Paizo drones are simply unable to imagine that a cantrip version of Horizon Thunder Sphere exists. There's a reason it's been half a fucking decade and getting people to play casters in this system is still like pulling teeth, the moment anything remotely decent comes out there's people screeching it just be a mistake and surely they're all SUPPOSED to be shit! The entire reason Resentment witch exists is because Paizo finally got sick of even their most loyal dicksuckers proudly advertising that Witch was *supposed* to be unplayable garbage. If extending Slow and Synaesthetia on bosses without a save was completely intentional why the fuck would you think a cantrip that's not awful is a mistake?
Demon doesn't really need help outside of the debuff of being a divine sorc which has become less and less of a debuff as that spell list has gotten power creep, it's pretty solid. Good blood magic, some good off-list granted spells and good focus spells past the first one. But I do wonder if the super shit bloodlines like devil and hag got thrown a bone.
So it seems some of the sorcerer bloodlines didn't make it into Player Core 2, however, aside from the granted spells needing to be updated, is there anything that breaks if you use a pre-remaster subclass on post-remaster sorcerer?
No, nothing about Sorcerer got radically changed that you can't use older subclasses.
Because then arcane and primal casters could be doing .5 per level more damage than a psion that's not amping imaginary weapon. Can't have the magical people beating the mind blasters can we.

I want to be optimistic that its intended and we'll get it as it is but Paizo has never not been a fucking hive of imbeciles with balancing magshit on 2E.

My players have befriended/captured
How should I handle that? .. Can they use it for anything, command it?

Should I play it as a weak ally that gets its own turn, if they become better friends?
Any good shorter adventures to run after troubles in Otari?
Looks alot better than the original but still alot more room for improvement.
>Martial Feats
Still very lacking in offensive martial feats. Defensive advance is cool but not every Champion is a shield fag.
>Missing Oath Feats
Good but now there is a massive gap in level 2 that they didnt bother to fill. Could of easily given Champion some basic martial feats to fill it.
>Desperate Prayer
Probably shouldn't exist or be significantly stronger in the current focus point meta. Just get deity's domain.
>Divine Grace
Not strong enough to risk using over your normal reaction 9 times out of 10. Would be alot better if it gave the bonus to you and everyone inside your aura.
>Divine Health
Really should be an inbuilt immunity. I would prefer if this feat was just an aura enhancer that gave others the +2.
Actually looks like a solid feat now.
Still sucks. Should just stack ontop of lay on hands without the extra action. To my knowledge Champions Spell DCs will suck ass so counteracting the effects you care about is going to be hard.
>Spellcaster Support
Kind of disappointed that there wasnt any Gish support within the class as a featline.
I still think the Monk needed one or 2 things to protect its niche abit more. An innate parry added onto your unarmed that jumps to +2 if the stance already has it would stop all the shield monks running around and maybe a buff to flurry of blows at level 10 so it lowers your MAP by 1 when using it. I would of loved if the monk actually had a cleric style subclass system where you can choose to be legendary defense like we have now or legendary attack.
Nah its Oracle. Basically lost all its flavour and didnt even get that much of a buff in the process.
Anyone have screenshots of the remaster Champion class? I missed the video of the guy going through the PDF.
I think demon's melee focus spell is now a 30ft ranged spell attack
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Got all the feats and 2 subclasses, mostly from an image posted here, 2nd subclass from nonat
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>Should I play it as a weak ally that gets its own turn
If you want to kill it. Make it do downtime stuff instead, like getting into trouble that you can use to railroad your party.
anyone got swashbuckler screencaps?
I'm looking for a good adventure to introduce my friends to PF2. They are experienced in plenty other games but enjoy building a lot. I've been recommended Fall of Plaguestone.

Also, is there a backup pastebin? I'm looking for the 2.5 player core and the link in the paste isn't working. And the Trove only has 2.0
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i can get the feats from 6 to 20 also, br guy skipped book so fast not even a single frame on 1-4 feats
there's a global issue with cloudstrike right now that's taken down like half the internet, I would try the link later on today.
There are a few random absolam based society scenarios you could probably run if you wanted to transition to a full AP or otherwise, but troubles does leave you only 5 or so right? I suppose you could also heavily amend Abomination Vaults and have them enter a nearly deserted few floors to speed up the story and drop xp so they can hurry along to the leveled floor closest to their xp level. Might take a little work though.
There's an unsorted section of the trove that has almost all of the Pf2e content.
Dunno if anybody here uses Wanderer's Guide, but I hate the little centered box that's their character builder UI, so I made a quick and dirty usescript to remove some style attributes from a couple of divs
Run em through Seven Dooms of Sandpoint if you want something longer without venturing into full adventure territory.
Probably a dumb question, but I'm hearing one of the newer APs has like a rot druid and such things? Do you know which one its in or can someone post a screenshot?
Wardens of Wildwood 2 - Severed at the Root pg 70 onwards
anyone wanna help make Starfinder 2e fags feel unwelcome once the playtest comes out?
waiting for confirmation on this but apparently one for all has the bravado trait now which means a wit swashbuckler can get panache pretty much for free every turn for one action and a reaction
Yeah you don't need to beat the very hard DC for your level to gain panache any more, just the DC15 Aid
no Wit Style prereq, and it seems that wording can be interpreted in a way that bravado applies to any aid check, not only diplomacy
I swear if the autistic retards screeching about Live Wire get it nerfed I'm gonna blow up leddit HQ
Who's screeching about Live Wire?
In all reality, if it isn't already nerfed on the Day 1 errata (remember, these books are shipped months in advance to their Ultra Bootlickers and AoN workers), I doubt leddit would be the cause of such. Inner Radiance Torrent still has "incorrect scaling" and that's been hanging around for years at this point, even missing the Spring errata. As much as I hate that place, I honestly can't name a single situation where they are to blame for Paizo's nonsense and lack of playtesting.
Reddit and the Paizo Forum are saying its too good to be true and expecting it to get kneecap tf out of it. A few subhumans are demanding it be nerfed cause its stronger than gouging claw (a melee cantrip) and FAR stronger than inferno (which has similar range). But the majority is merely saying that while it'd be nice if it remained like this its obvious Paizo is going to do the obvious and unalive it to a (+2) heighten on release.
>Reddit and the Paizo Forum are saying its too good to be true and expecting it to get kneecap tf out of it
Lame if true. But aren't most cantrips shit and not worth using anyway? I know our Bard didn't even bother looking at her other options before picking up Electric Arc.

I know I picked up Dragon Spit as a fluff feat for a Ranger I was building and fully expected to never actually use it since it looked hella unreliable.
Only reason I even look at utility cantrips is because spellhearts let me have more slots.
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2E, I think I'm a brainlet but I'm having trouble understanding how Halcyon Speaker works. Like, as an example, let's assume I'm a wizard/halcyon speaker and I have access to 6th-rank wizard spells and 6th-rank halcyon spells, and I learned a heighten-able spell (such as Force Barrage) as a level 1 halcyon spell.

If I understand this correctly, I can preprare Force Barrage in one of my daily wizard spell slots all the way up to rank 6, because halcyon spells can be prepared in my spellbook just like any other Wizard spell. But I could only spontaneously cast it from a rank 1 halcyon spell slot, because my halcyon spell slots are spontaneous, and in order to heighten a spontaneous spell I'd have to have it in my halcyon spell repertoire at that level. The archetype never calls it a spell repertoire, but you have spontaneous halcyon spell slots, so I figure that's kind of assumed? Otherwise I don't now how that would work. Does that sound right?
Cantrips are in a weird place where they are more reliable than powerful, good ones are handy fallback options on foes that just refuse to get hit or resist your weapon attacks. The bad ones, though, either have whack ranges, whack damage, whack effects, or some combination of the above. Electric Arc is the standout because the range, damage, damage type, and ease of poaching is incredible, despite the Reflex save being pretty avoidable a lot of the time. Paizo for some reason views cantrip design as the place for goofy designs because they are supposed to be low power but always in your face, hence why it took an eternity for Divine to get a reliable damage option in Needle Darts and Void Warp.
You want a good damage cantrip on even your diehard martials as there are just times where semi-guaranteed elemental damage is far more effective than going hail mary on Strikes and Maneuvers. It's kind of why I don't really care if Live Wire gets nerfed. It's funny and handy as hell without being more powerful than Electric Arc but Arcane and Primal already have Electric Arc! This point in the game's lifespan there's already plenty of cantrips handy for almost any situation.
Yeah, this is generally how all Archetype Spell Slots function. The Force Barrage you learned goes into both your Wizard Spellbook and your Haclyon Repertoire and you can set it in any of your Wizard slots, up to your 6th-Rank. If you get 7th-Rank Spell Slots, you can't set your Haclyon Force Barrage in your 7th-Rank slots. If you replace the Force Barrage with a different spell, you lose it out of your spellbook entirely, unless you have a standard Wizard copy of such.

Just try to keep track of what spells you have learned that are from Haclyon and know that you don't have to burn Wizard slots to cast them.

Just ran Session Zero with three of my players (Fighter, Ranger, Rogue) respectively, they enjoyed the combat greatly. Is a party like that viable at all, or should I make some off-screen concessions so that they don't hit a brick wall?
If you are running a custom campaign you can simply tailor challenges to their composition, maybe give them an npc heal slave for out of combat that follows like 50ft behind or something. Otherwise healing will be a significant problem. The system expects everyone to be topped off between every combat and you will need a veritable cart of wands or scrolls to keep up with the pace of that requirement down the line.
Viable and almost encouraged. Give them free archetype for scrolls and some condition removal.

I mean if you look at the table its scales to be far stronger than the rest of the cantrips so it kind of IS too good to be true. That being said, the fact that the problem lies with the scaling and not the base damage makes it not nearly as big of a deal as leddit makes it out to be. Once you hit level 6 or 7 you very rarely use cantrips anymore since you have plenty of other resources.

>t. have played witch and sorc from 1-20
If it targeted AC instead of saves it might actually have been a real problem in the hands of an eldritch archer or magus.
It is an AC targeting cantrip for sure, so its absolutely a menace for Magus.
I finally have one at my table and the player is just entirely too lucky and hits like a truck. With this being a no brainer pick for him, its all he's gonna use from now on.
But it does target AC. It's not the first spell to do half damage on a miss, Horizon Thunder Storm does that, Fire Ray does something similar but better IMO.
It's not gonna rock the world or anything like that, it's just gonne be one of the three damage cantrips a magus takes.
Should be fine as long as they have healing and don't run into too many puzzles that require magic. rogue covers a lot of skills. medicine should be one of them between the group. also somewhat depends on how they build their classes, ideally someone should be able to take a few hits, the fighter is best positioned for it especially if they go shield or something.
Magus already got one of their three good feats nerfed into the ground, let them get something good.
Okay, that makes sense. Thank you Anon!
the usual suspects. it was an obvious answer
>Reloading any barrel is two full-round actions.
>Rapid Reload reduces this to only one.
>Cannot use alchemical cartridges with it.
So what happens when you get Lightning reload?Can you brute-force a misfire to buckshot someone?
The old filesharing site? Who would argue about that?
well at least I will see magus do something other than picking up psychic ded and spamming imaginary weapon for once. MAYBE
Viable at low level.
I'd actually run a GMPC caster.
which ones are those?
Seems like it's just a near equal alternative to gouging claw if that's not going to work. Imaginary weapon is still the best option due to the amp since focus points are even better now
I'm running Kingmaker, so I was actually considering introducing Tristan for the exact case you're describing.

I'm intending on that, but they're likely going to go for archetypes that make them stronger instead. Fighter will likely go Mauler, Ranger will likely go Dual-Weapon Warrior and the Rogue Aldori Duelist. My ruling was any Common Archetype was fair game, Uncommon case-by-case basis and Rare hard no - with multiclassing archetype being blanket ban.

The Fighter is a big two-handing Orc, the Ranger is a Dwarf going full Flurry, and the Rogue is going full Swordlord Gaming.
It's hard to fuck up a Fghter but depending on what feats the Rogue takes he will be either useless or incredible.
>expansive spellstrike
>force fang
>arcane shroud
Could you then give some quick do's and don'ts? He's gone Sword Scion and wants to play Swordlord, is he fucked from the word go or is that workable?
Kingmaker is good because the players will want to fill five additional ruler positions, and they can all be GMPCs.
Linzi is a good choice out of the gate.
Feel free to write in whatever you feel like. There's a lot of random one-off characters like Mikmek and Jhod that can be put to use.
Thief, Gang Up, Preparation, Opportune Backstab.
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Man reading discussions about Monk and Monk archetype are baffling. All those years of being told "monk archetype DOESN'T invalidate monk!!11!" and now monk archetype was nerfed and "IT'S GOOD THAT MONK ISN'T INVALIDATED ANYMORE" make

I'm also kind of disappointed that while the improvised weapon archetype got the "apply handwraps to improvised weapons" ribbon, monastic weapon doesn't seem to have gotten it, so you can actually live the fantasy of alternating between sword and punching (without also making it possible to cheese feats that require two feats) without wanting to kill yourself on rune spending, and shuriken still have you jumping through dumb hoops too.

At least I can just keep using ABP and houserules I was rolling with already, but man.
what do you mean you need a healer
does taking all the medicine skill feats not keep up at the higher levels?
i thought people said battle medicine and godless healing were good
It's too slow and doesn't stack.
It's not for healing.
It's for flight, seeing invisibility and all the other nonsense like peeling off drained stacks and getting unfettered movement so your character can just walk out of swallow whole rather than dying in two rounds.
Kingmaker in particular sucks if the GM tracks food and water and you can't just magic it out of thin air.
A staff of providence is nuts in this regard.
>i thought people said battle medicine and godless healing were good

Those people were right. It's sort of an expectation in 2E (and particularly reinforced by most published APs) that your party has some kind of out of combat healing for use during downtime. This might be a spellcaster with a healing focus spell they can spam between fights, but most of the time it's someone with the medicine skill. It remains the gold standard of out-of-combat healing all the way to level 20.

In-combat healing is super useful, but not so necessary that you need anything like a dedicated "healer" in the party. Battle Medicine can get people off the ground in a pinch, which is the bare minimum, and that might be all you end up needing. If you want to do actual numbers with in-combat healing, Battle Medicine is generally outlcassed by divine spellcasters. Casters with access to Heal have both better in-combat healing, and access to it more often, than someone with Battle Medicine (unless you take the additional step of taking the Medic archetype, which can compete with Heal if you're willing to invest some class feats into it). In general though, Medicine's an out of combat healing skill, and that's what people mean when they say you need a healer.

If you're the guy who's posting about his kingmaker group, your group's going to be fine. Anyone can handle medicine, although it'll probably end up being the rogue, since he's got as many skill increases as the rest of the party combined so he's got some wiggle room in his build for it.
Lay on Hands mogs medicine when it comes to downtime healing.
did they change the magus to make it not feel like shit when you play it
Let's take the best possible scenario for Lay on Hands. We'll call it a level 10 champion with Devoted Focus. I chose 10 because that's the level Devoted Focus becomes available, and it effectively doubles his Lay on Hands healing by allowing him to do it twice every ten minutes, rather than just once. That champion's Lay on Hands heals for 30. Total of 60 hit points per ten minutes.

Let's look at a completely bog standard treat wounds check at that level. Not even trying for the DC30 check, the DC20 check (which is low enough that you can actually do it without a roll using Assurance by this level) heals an average of 28 hit points if the target doesn't have Godless Healing, or 33 if they do, which puts it at about the same amount of per-target healing as Lay on Hands. Ward Medic allows them to heal up to four targets for this amount every ten minutes, so depending on how many people got hurt, this is anywhere from 21 to 112 average hit points, or 33 to 132 if the targets have Godless Healing.

There's a few complicating factors here. For one thing, it's possible that the champion used his focus spells *during* the fight, in which case he has to waste ten minutes refocusing before he can even begin healing, whereas medicine never runs out of juice. There's also the possibility that only one person got hurt, but they got hurt a lot; in that scenario, the champion can expend both Lay on Hands on them immediately, whereas the medicine-user would have to use Treat Wounds once, then wait ten minutes before Treating Wounds again. Depending on how big your party is and how the previous fight went, it could go either way, although the medicine-user has the potential for significantly more healing.

The takeaway is that, if the champion doesn't take Devoted Focus (or if we're level 9 or below, where Devoted Focus isn't an option) it's not even close, the medicine-user takes it by a mile. If they do take Devoted Focus it's close enough to be a preference thing.
But you can also have your party dip a level into a dedication for Lay on Hands and have your entire group get to do all of that at the same time, and then you can also have a dedicated Medicine user on top of that.
*fails the check*
Aw dangit
*fails the check*
Aw dangit
*fails the check*
Aw dangit
*fails the check*
Aw dangit
this is my experience with medicine too
yeah I DO NOT trust medicine people
You guys need to learn to love Assurance. That was specifically called out in the above post. None of the math in that post requires a roll; it is impossible to fail those checks at that level. Medicine is as powerful as it is because the DCs scale slowly enough that you never need to risk failing a roll, ever, and still remain among the best out-of-combat healers available. If you're routinely failing medicine checks you are actually doing it wrong. If your Wisdom isn't maxed or near maxed take Assurance. Even if it is, I'd probably still say to take Assurance, because there are some rolls you really don't want to flub.
>crit fails the check
>strangles you to death
You get enough for assurance at level 3.
>Unluckyfags malding
Bro just get luckier, makes everything so much easier
how did they get nerfed?
Arcane shroud got nerfed, it now lasts for one turn instead of the spells duration.
is starfinder good for someone that likes Gunns GotG and Gonzo Space Fantasy shenanigans
depends on the build, my abom vaults monk was better than the orc barb in my team by a mile
well built barbarian > well built monk
no...just no
>"Anyone got Dungeoneering?"
>"I have Dungeon-"
>"You have History. Stop trying to use History for everything."
>"I am a professor of history in University High and we're fighting a Runelord next week. Debate it, debate it right now."
>"I read your backstory, that was until you saw the face of Yog Sothoth and 13% of your brain died and you disappeared for a month."
>"Listen, until I get more Int, History is the only good knowledge check I have, let me have this."
>"...You know what. Y'know what, sure, I'll throw you a bone. You can make History for things-"
>"-at a -5, your data might be outdated and the timeline has been unraveling."
>"Fuck you, I'll take it. Twenty-seven, hit me."
>"You get two informations, but you think you smell something."
>"It almost smelled like your wife's perfume, and for a split second you remember your wedding. It's gone as quickly, and now you're sad and don't know why."
>So what happens when you get Lightning reload?Can you brute-force a misfire to buckshot someone?
Specific trumps generic, and in this case I'd say Cylinder rifle thing is specific. So Lightning Reload technically speaking does nothing for Cylinder Rifle.

Personally however I would allow loading that single shot as free action per turn that Lightning Reload allows.
The healer in this case has risky surgery, assurance, ward medic, continual recovery, battle medicine, and medic dedication. Master medicine.

And the champion's lay on hands heals a single target faster without spending a single feat.
So your first line is wrong and your second is misleading. Firstly, the only feats required for that math are Assurance, Ward Medic, and Continual recovery, which it's worth noting are all skill feats. The Champion has to take a level 10 class feat--Devoted Focus--to even be competitive.

Secondly, while the Champion's healing is front-loaded and happens at the beginning of the ten minutes rather than the end, the champion needs to spend ten minutes anyway in order to regain his focus points, which means that both the medicine-user and the champion end up taking ten minutes to heal their targets, unless the champion wants to make a habit of just running around without any focus points all the time.

The champion doesn't really heal any faster than the medicine-user does, and he does have to spend a feat (and a high-level class feat too) if he wants to be anywhere in the same ballpark as them.
ever thought maybe because monks are cool FAGGOT
You are NOT invited to my adventuring party
the healer has risky venus
what i see is that the oracle now gets their curse spells instead of the heals that the cleric gets, which is possibly superior, longer lasting through the day, and definitely more versatile. But they need to spend their feats to get them. some of the feats are really powerful even at level 1. Others are really really shit.

holy shit tho, some of those curses are brutal. imagine being clumsy 4.

so uh, the oracle doesnt seem all that great. better than before but maybe solid C tier?
Then you did the math wrong. Treat wounds is 2d8 at DC 15, +10 for DC 20, total of +30 for DC 30, and total of +50 for DC 40. Medic adds 5 per difficulty level, so 15, 40, and 65 in total. Risky surgery turns success into critical success, 4d8, but also does 1d8 damage. That means your average heal for Assurance at level 10 is 19, 24 with medic, and 28.5 with risky surgery.

Remaster also changes the refocus feat to recover all points. If the champion wants to get a maximum focus pool for some reason, spending that one more feat to triple their healing speed isn't too bad.

Assurance for DC 15 heals 9 at level 3, for DC 20 heals 19 at level 6, for DC heals 39 at level 14, and reliably hitting DC 40 takes dedication but can be done at 20. Lay on hands is 12 at 3, 18 at 5, 42 at 13, and 60 at 19.
I was reading skill feats and just got infuriated. Most of the options there are pointless shit anyone skilled should be able to do, and the good ones are then autopicks by anyone who increases that skill.
Thinking of just considering skill feats as skill options that anyone can use if they have the required proficiency.
At the very least, all but a handful of level 1 skill feats are stuff you can probably auto-grant people for having trained proficiency, and a couple of the level 2 feats (like ward medic/continual healing) you could reasonably auto-grant for being expert, and very little would go awry. Skill feats are probably one of the worst parts of the system.
You can improv whatever you like in your own game, and the book explicitly tells you that the first rule is that all rules can be discarded if they impede enjoyment of the game.
A VERY common house rule is that you can attempt skill feat actions without the feat so long as you take some sort of penalty or action tax.
There's really no reason you can't allow a player to kip up without kip up if they can beat a hard dc acrobatics roll.
I'll test that out. Probably without Free Archetype to minimize option bloat.
It's not even a house rule, it's built into the system. Paizo is just retarded and spread it out across different parts of the book. He's a fucking spaz most of the time but Mark Seifter is so adamant about this he's made several reddit posts, and recently a video about it. People can try shit, just throw a penalty, higher DC or make it cost more actions.

A lot of feats are for action compression, or being able to do something without a check at all.
You're 100% right about the math, I did do it wrong (for whatever reason I got 4d8 into my head for the DC20 check rather than 2d8, so my result came up 9 higher). That's my bad, thank you for catching that.

That does put Lay on Hands comfortably above a medicine-user using Assurance at level 10 for single-target healing (19 average from medicine versus 30 from Lay on Hands). This makes the results a lot more situational than in my original post. For a single target, an un-upgraded Lay on Hands is definitely better than medicine for out of combat healing. For two targets or more, medicine still beats it unless the champion has taken both a class feat to grant them an additional focus point and the class feat to regain two at once (afaik you're mistaken about the focus point rule; the change wasn't that refocusing now regains all focus points at once, it was that you're now allowed to do it multiple times in a row--I just double checked Player Core on that one so if something's changed I'm completely missing it).

For three targets, those two feats would allow Lay on Hands to keep up with medicine in terms of total healing. If you're healing four or more targets medicine still takes it hands down (there is no feat to my knowledge to regain all three focus points at once, even if you have them). That being said, it's not necessarily super likely that three or more people have taken damage in a particular fight, which tilts it a little bit more towards the champion. That's a far more nuanced picture than the one I painted in my original post, so I appreciate you calling me on it.
It's not free. It's still a feat. But remaster focus feats are like this. https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=5013
I did not know that, that's bitchin'.
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Small but welcome change, Pilgrim's Token is not such a pain in the ass any more. You no longer need to go on an actual pilgrimage to benefit from the feat.
>You no longer need to go on an actual pilgrimage to benefit from the feat.
You never needed to if you just picked it at level 1.
I feel like the inevitable day 1 errata will clarify that Versatile Vials can be drawn with a free action as they are apart of the tool kit.
Otherwise, why would most of the Subclasses ever use their field vials without just making a quick vial?
I used to like PF1e, and christ, I'm glad these threads are here to tell me that 2e is shit. If I asked for your opinions, then most of you would probably tell me that it was the best D&D-like, but I listen to you talking about the rules and I can clearly see that the game is shit. Thank you for that, you've saved me a lot of trouble.
>Make your lead investigation "What lies at the end of this dungeon"
>Get free DaS on all enemies
I would like further clarification on what gives free DaS from paizo, as it is it's basically easy as shit to get it always.
But what about the start and the middle of the dungeon?
Well, every enemy in the dungeon would stand between you and the end, so every enemy could be said to "Have information critical to your investigation."
Either way, knowing what's at the end will usually give you a good idea of what's in the beginning and middle, as most of the surprises (in a well-written dungeon) will point towards what's at the end.
if it's a core part of your class kit and you're fucked without it, it should be free anyways
Did I understand this correctly that you only need to attempt the action with the bravado trait and you'll get panache regardless of the result?
That's certainly what it seems to say.
Perform an action doesn't mean you're required to succeed.
Though I find it quite hard to believe you're not required to at least succeed the check.
I got my player core 2 copy
Managed to dig it up after a couple of minutes actually searching.
>(Bravado Grants you panache if you succeed, grants panache until the end of your next turn if you fail, and grants nothing on crit fail)
So if you intend to just cycle finishers, you can fail your check to tumble etc and be just fine.
You can tell a zombie he fights like a cow.
The class is meant to be getting free DAS basically always, now for genuinely unexpected situations (somebody ambushes you in the middle of the night or while traveling) there's a feat to make it free for a given target until an encounter ends. Even with free devise a stratagem permanently investigator still isn't that great, especially since it's a fortune effect that doesn't even stack with hero points or true strikes or any other source of "advantage"
>especially since it's a fortune effect that doesn't even stack with hero points or true strikes or any other source of "advantage"

"Fortune effects don't stack, so having a permanent fortune effect is bad"

That's the most retarded brainrot logic I have ever seen, well played
>The mechanic that makes the class work as intended not stacking with other sources of fortune is good actually
No, you're the retarded one
If my Cleric dies is a Kholo Oracle a good replacement as the team doctor?
>Implying you can get access to all those other sources for every single strike you make during your adventuring day, and so it not stacking with DaS makes it bad

Someone didn't get enough oxygen during childbirth :(
>"Fortune effects don't stack, so having a permanent fortune effect is bad"
>That's the most retarded brainrot logic I have ever seen, well played
No, it's "Fortune Effects don't stack, so having 90% of your class's power budget get eaten up by access to one isn't great when other classes can have a fortune effect AND actual class features."
any turn a fighter uses a hero point or has an archetype and starts using a stack of true strike scrolls because they're only 4 gp a pop (it's trivial for an open hand fighter to start combat holding one and then use it before something like Sudden Charge, then pull out another as a free action with Gloves of Storing to use later in the fight too, plus hero points) he's getting all the benefits of being a fighter PLUS fortune effects on his rolls.

Does the concept of a power budget just fly right over your head? Why do you think every party isn't just four investigators if "muh fortune effect!" is so strong in your eyes?
anon, even with Devise a Stratagem it's only ever once per turn lol. You're not getting it on "every single strike you make during the adventuring day" unless you're a cuck making at most one attack or athletics maneuver EVER per turn, there's plenty of times you end up needing to not use your Devise roll and just make regular basic bitch Strikes as an Investigator.
>scroll fighter with Gloves of Storing hero pointing his strikes
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unlike devise a stratagem, hero points can be used retroactively after failing a roll, I've used them after missing shit like Wolf Drag all the time. There's no benefit to hoarding them to avoid death saves, it burns ALL of them, I only ever keep one if I can help it.
A magus with a staff of divination or a thaumaturge with a stack of scrolls is a better investigator than an actual investigator, who also get actual class features on top. Hell, Thaumaturge is also a better Ranger as far as "know thy enemy" monster hunter.
Depends; it would be slightly weaker since Life Oracle lost some power and the innate Healing Hands-esque curse boosts as of the Remaster, as well as the fact you switch from WIS to CHA so your Medicine checks aren't as good. But you do get access to good encounter-based healing powers (so infinite healing without needing to go Champion/Blessed One for Lay on Hands), you can better balance between healslutting and being a decent blaster compared to Cloistered Cleric, and you still get access to good domains to protect and heal your companions.

It very much depends on how hard you had to heal your party, since the ever-present idea of "the only hit point that matters is the last one" always been somewhat crippling to Cleric's healsluttery. If you feel like your party is far more competent and not worth to carry around the absolute abundance of healing Cleric provides, Oracle becomes a lot more an interesting pick.

Investigator's job is not to be a Fighter. DAS is like that to provide consistent damage and team support on your skill monkey. They aren't fishing for crits, hence why the Fortune effect stacking is far less a problem for them than other martials.
Investigator is still probably worse than Rogue, even Mastermind Rogue, but you still are more suited to support and exploration than itself. ...Like an investigator...
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>Investigator is still probably worse than Rogue, even Mastermind Rogue, but you still are more suited to support and exploration than itself. ...Like an investigator...
or you could take Diverse Lore at level 1 and be better at knowing stuff and investigating than Investigator will ever be while using a better stat for social interaction (Unless you give a shit about crafting INT fucking sucks), while keeping the supernatural detective aesthetic and having way better support abilitie via implements than, what, burning your Devise a Stratagem in order to attempt a single basic athletics maneuver once per turn?
Yeah I’m trying to decide on what a good backup character would be, and with PC2’s release I really like the thought of playing a Kholo with his grandfather’s skull he carries around and speaks to for advice and taking the level 1 feat for that, too. I’m not quite sure on what class would be good, but in my current party I’m a Cloistered Cleric with the Medic archetype and we’ve just started playing Abomination Vaults. I kinda like something supernatural to go with it but maybe a Rogue for something sneaky or a Fighter or Barbarian could also be good, maybe for the strength focus to get Tripping and the like working good? As long as the character can hopefully act as team doctor which is why Oracle popped up in my mind since I thought they had decent healing like a Cleric does. I do like the thought of the Great Kholo with the extra HP and Athletics combat bonus, but then everyone in my party currently is a melee character unfortunately so there’s a lot less room to maneuver with.
I am more taking issue with comparing Investigator with Fighter than Investigator to Thaumaturge, especially in regards to the Fortune effect discussion and crit-fishing. I'm not ignorant to the issues with INT as a stat and Diverse Lore being a stupidly good feat. Again, Mastermind Rogue is probably better balanced in terms of good combat potential with good exploration skill, I'm more saying trying to compare Sure Strike scroll Fighter to Investigator is as silly as comparing Barbarian to Druid in who is the better face of the party.

There's technically a right answer but is that really a productive argument or even why anyone picks those classes to begin with?

It's not a bad option, it just that Cleric blows so much of the other healslut options in the game out the water that is kind of is like the above argument in a twisted way. Cloistered is just so built for healing and not much else, any other option is more to diverse your gameplan in the occasions where you don't need to save your party's back and avoid a TPK (especially in Abomination Vaults...). It is a little more difficult because Remastered Oracle is so new and the healing options for Life and similar subclasses aren't as potent as before, but it gives you more options to do, comparing is struggle at the moment.
It wouldn't go tits up at all (even pre-master Life Oracle was a very solid replacement if you know how to pilot them correctly), so it very much more what you feel comfortable doing or being to the party.
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I was thinking of playing battle oracle in my next game, let's see how they improved it for PC2!
>Kholo with his grandfather’s skull he carries around and speaks to for advice
Sounds like an ancestor's oracle and the mystery can justify skipping the feat, but that curse is rough. Changes to life seem like a downgrade in terms of healing potential.
Have you considered a divine witch?
>but then everyone in my party currently is a melee character unfortunately so there’s a lot less room to maneuver with.
Could use a reach weapon. Being in the second line isn't so bad.
fuck summoner and magus no offense but their idea of making a half-caster was seriously to make a class that gets TWO entire spell slots for the day and then remove the magus feat from the beta that gave them a few extra low-level spell slots so they could at least haste themselves or light a trash bucket on fire, i'm sorry, but fuck you pathfinder society
Actual retard. They DO get extra slots to cast Haste and other utility spells, they're called Studious Spells.

Also, they get 4 slots a day, not 2.
The real issue to have is that the game isn't even complete shit, it's fine in fact. But that's it, it's only "fine". It's not excellent, it's not even exciting, it's just "fine". "Better than 5e" is like peak mediocrity.
I see no point in playing an oracle over a cleric or divine sorc with a dedication. Putting the class' whole power budget in its easily stealable feats while stripping its features of any power or flavour was fucking retarded design.
>Crossblooded evolution took out back and shot

Fuck this.
Did they reprint it? You know that if it wasn't in the book you can still use it, right?
Yeah, it lets you poach a blood magic feature from another bloodline now. You can still poach a spell with greater crossblooded evolution but that shit's at level 18.
Shit like this makes me want to play other games and I'm the GM
Sounds good, I recommend that all GM's do a little shopping around in other systems and maybe run a few oneshots in them; it could give you new ideas on how to run games and makes you appreciate each system's specialties.
>poaching off-list spells is now level fucking 18
well, good news is that since spellcasting proficiencies are now universal and no longer tied to arcane/occult/primal/divine only, you can still steal some spells from other traditions at full effectiveness with an archetype or , but that seems incredibly fucking retarded that you can't simply say "okay I want fireball but I'm playing an Occult sorcerer, I will trade a valuable class feat to learn this one fucking spell" that's total bullshit especially since Cleric Domains still exist for that express purpose
Imperial sorcs have so much swag now, they simply cannot be permitted to have dangerous sorcery heal.
This is more of a general question, but we're about to start a campaign and I'm unsure the best way to play my character. I'm playing a ranger, we rolled for stats and I ended up with a 5 charisma. How should I roleplay a character with such low CHA? He has a 15 int and a 13 Wis, so he's not dumb, and he should be able to read the room. Would he just be really shit at speaking basically? I don't really want to go for being overly rude because I feel like that would just be bad for the group dynamic
>Rolling for stats
Charisma is force of will, so you're basically a DMNPC yes man.
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As of the Player Core 2, the 6th-level Champion's Reaction archetype feat is currently nonfunctional, because it grants the character a champion's reaction but not the aura it requires. And yes, it has been reprinted in the book as a useless feat.
Class mechanic protected! Bravo Paizo!
Robust Health is a good general feat. You regain your level in extra Hit Points when subjected to Battle Medicine or Treat Wounds, and Battle Medicine used on you has a cooldown of 1 hour instead of 1 day.

The Marshal archetype has been upgraded overall. The aura is now a baseline 15 feet, and Dread Marshal Stance and Inspiring Marshal Stance face only easy DCs (i.e. Assurance should work just fine). They have no more critical success effect, but that is fine overall, given the baseline 15 feet.
>Robust Health is a good general feat. You regain your level in extra Hit Points when subjected to Battle Medicine or Treat Wounds, and Battle Medicine used on you has a cooldown of 1 hour instead of 1 day.
This feels like they realized "oops we can't keep giving feat taxes on medicine skill feats, uhhhh, make it a general feat everyone has to take instead". How does this even work with forensic Investigator, actually?

>The Marshal archetype has been upgraded overall. The aura is now a baseline 15 feet, and Dread Marshal Stance and Inspiring Marshal Stance face only easy DCs (i.e. Assurance should work just fine). They have no more critical success effect, but that is fine overall, given the baseline 15 feet.
Thank fucking Christ
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Scout Dedication now allows a simultaneous Avoid Notice and Scout.
Do you guys like anything about the Remaster? Or PF2E in general?
New alchemist looks like a huge improvement, barbarian buffs are based, there's plenty of small adds that are good

This is a discussion forum on the internet, obsessing over the part of something that bothers you gets more attention
But I'd trigger that one penis obsessed autist, his pet, and their pet mod if I discussed the game in a positive light.
And as fun as that would be, I have work to finish instead.
I think the Sorcerer blood magic changes/feats are both very flavorful and interesting to play around. We lost crossblooded but that line only made every Sorcerers feel even more same-y and I don't mind it's removal much.
It has been pointed out to me that the sorcerer's new Anoint Ally 2nd-level feat can be repeatedly used as a custom exploration activity. This has significant synergy with the Explosion of Power 8th-level feat, which replaces the usual blood magic benefit with a 5-foot emanation explosion for spell rank in d6s of damage (basic Reflex).

By constantly Anointing a melee frontline Ally, having them act first and establish adjacency with enemies, and then casting a one-action focus spell and then a two-action blood-magic-compatible spell (or even three one-action spells), a sorcerer can dole out good damage.
Continuing to move away from per day resource attrition is good
PF2e doing that in general is good, thats about it
Yes, I also enjoy every combat but the boss fight being pointless filler.
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Sword and board champions (me) are eating so good right now
>Marshal can be Assuranced now
Finally. Hopefully they purge all level based checks to just turn on core features. That stuff being attached to class defining abilities was a horrible idea.
I like how the "we need to be less DnD" thing has let them actually move away from limiting legacy stuff like the alignment grid, and Witch really needed an overhaul. The raw ability scores weren't doing anything on your sheet or in play anyways.

In general I like how 2E maintained "lots of choices, numbers get big" from 1E while simplifying the math down to one consistent formula.
How does a primal sorcerer get access to arcane spells now that Crossblood is dead? Are archetypes the only way out?
Free archetype or ancestry feats.
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Oracular Warning is a fantastic 1st-level feat that can be poached by anyone taking Oracle Dedication. As a free action at the start of combat, your allies gain a +2 status bonus to initiative and temporary Hit Points equal to half your level.
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Eye for Numbers now gives you a +1 circ bonus to Feint or Create a diversion. Number Autists keep winning.
total paizo death
is a quick strike rune worth it?
I love PF2E, I just be more critical whenever I'm around here since its basically the only spot you can really stretch your legs. And even then Fighter-fag sure takes a lot of fun out of it.
As a whole, I like the Remaster, it generally avoided a lot of early Paizo-isms that were the clear issues behind the patches, stuff like not admitting their design for Alchemist didn't work, Recall Knowledge being bad, Crafting being a placeholder, etc. etc. And for the reworks...
>Witch is now a complete class and really puts focus on the familiar raising aspects. More feats and abilities should be added overall to familiars and the balance of patrons could be better but I love the ideas going in
>Swashbuckler is no long a pain-in-the-ass to pilot and is probably the first time in tabletop history you can say they are comfortably A-tier.
>I appreciate Oracle's design and ideas, they just need more oomph to them, whether bringing back Mystery benefits or providing more passive abilities to Cursebound feats like Nudge the Fates offers. I can at least say you always feel like an Oracle, minus the drug problems.
>I'm cautiously optimistic about the Alchemist changes, they all look great and I appreciate they still have that mix between martial and caster. It just feels like 6 items per encounter might not be enough and everything revolves around them.
>champion good. good class gets better.
>The only one that truly lost out is Wizard, given how unnecessary it all was. Even in regards to PRACTICALLY playing the same with a kindhearted GM, they didn't gain any notable buffs in their focus spells, Arcane Thesis, or feats. They really could have kept Spell Schools with a simple rename and work around finding ways to make them interactable, instead of just throwing out a good categorization method.
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I'm playing a Toxicologist in my current game and while the Poison/Acid dmg change is great, the removal of the calculated splash feat(bomber only now) and general Injury poison nerf doesn't exactly spark joy for me.
I already wasn't abusing Alpha strike by poisoning every party members weapon before combat, because while possibly optimal that does not sound fun for every fight over a year long campaign and if i start, i cant exactly stop.

Class DC for alchemy items now baseline at lvl 5 for alchemist is good for the class, but what the fuck is the point of toxicologist now?
Am i missing something? any feat that unlocks me now that i have to repick my calculated splash? i was kinda waiting for a buff, not this.
any alchemist that doesn't play a bomber is losing out, that's always been the case since the beginning
Abuse your infinite Alchemical Drugs?
I have to check how they messed with Injury Poisons to give you any kind of reassurance, but I do feel for you. I think your best answer is to just stick with Skunk Bombs, poisoning the best member of the group's weapons, and see what other options you can fall back on. Toxicologist always been a very unsupported field, after all... Maybe you can bargin with your DM to allow Calculated Splash as a feat back and just say Bomber gets the feat for free.
I think the rules are that you can still take the feat.
How did they change acid damage?
Wizard should have either doubled down on theses as the class mechanic or schools should have been different ways of /how/ the wizard casts spells, with subclass features from 1-20.
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Adamantine and fortune dragon barbarians seem mechanically superior to other dragon barbarians. An adamantine dragon barbarian wields a bludgeoning damage weapon to consolidate damage types against resistances (while also gaining resist bludgeoning at 9th), while a fortune dragon barbarian wields anything and attaches force damage to Strikes.

I definitely would not want to be a conspirator or horned dragon barbarian and be stuck with poison damage.
Do you need still to "reload" the firearm while using this, and do misfires still happen?

Also does this function with Double-Barreled pistol/musket special ability to fire both barrels at once?
I have been reading PC2 book.
For the Toxicologist, do you need 1 action to draw a versatile vial, 1 action to apply to weapon, and than 1 action to attack?..

That seems impossible, or am i missing something?
Buffed Quick Bomber, but didn't expand it to other subclasses' Quick Vials.
Sasuga Paizo.
If you are using the versatile vial in its default state, yes. If you are using Quick Alchemy to make a specific poison from your formula book its worse since you need an additional action to draw and then Quick Alchemy the vial (totalling 4 actions and thus requiring haste to strike at the very end).
There's an additive feat that adds item level damage when the enemy succeeds on its save against injury poison. For most poisons, they'll add about stage 1 damage at least very reliably.
were there any notable changes to ancestries in this book? I haven't seen anything that stood out yet
the Swashbuckler has even more than that

Dueling Parry & Twin Parry have been combined, and that feat and the Nimble Dodge(different name) give Panache until end of next turn on normal misses while you have the bonus
Not sure whether those feats will be errata'd, but so far Swash's few buffs have flown under the radar
What are the most generally useful skill feats?
Continual Recovery and Ward Medic since the game expects someone to have them.
Battle Medicine
Intimidating Glare/Prowess
Dubious Knowledge
Pilgrim's Token
Bon Mot
Titan Wrestler
Alchemical Crafting
Magical Crafting
Risky Surgery
Ward Medic
Lie to Me

And I have a soft-spot for Armored Stealth, Seasoned, and Quiet Allies.
Those ones and Kip Up too.
Kip Up is great, it just isn't something you build around compared to the other feats, especially coming in at Level 7 and Acrobatics not really doing a lot for the Master training in it to snatch it. It's why I focused around Level 1-3 feats, these are the ones can't really complete your build around if you don't have (Intimidating Glare, Magical Crafting, Titan Wrestler) or removes a problem that would interfere with your role (Pilgrim's Token, Lie to Me, Dubious Knowledge).
Kip Up just isn't on the same tier as "God fucking dammit, why did not we not take this?" when its problem into view.
I know Champs are getting remastered and this will not be relevant for much longer, but is Litany Against Wrath any good?
>per round
why add that part? it's a free action.
It's okay. It's okay damage and potential action denial, but you are better off grabbing Smite and saving your focus points on your Lay on Hands if you want a damage marker and don't know what to do on your turns.
Litanies and Oaths will get remastered in LO: Divine Mysteries, so you don't have to wait too long for an update to it.
"she can reload a single barrel of the weapon as a free action each round instead. "
It is once each round even when free action
The Player Core 2 grandeur champion might have a duration problem. Its reaction says, "For 1 round, the attacker is affected by revealing light." However, this is what the duration rules have to say:

>For an effect that lasts a number of rounds, the remaining duration decreases by 1 at the start of each turn of the creature that created the effect.

Who is considered to be the creature that creates the Revealing Light effect: the champion, or the triggering creature? If the answer is "the champion," then it is quite possible for the Revealing Light to expire more quickly than desired, such as when the champion is up next in the initiative order.
This quirk in the rules has been a known issue at my table for a while. I can't remember what the most recent example we saw was, but yes, any reaction (or triggered free action, or triggered actionless feature) with a duration of 1 round (or more) works strangely RAW due to initiative order.
I'm somewhat surprised it hasn't been rectified in 5 years; there have definitely been threads on it on reddit and the forums before. I suspect the reason is due in part to many tables (I suspect) not even being aware the rules work like this and running them intuitively.
It's due to paizo not knowing how to play their own game. You used to see this with White Dwarf battle reports, that's why they stopped doing them.
Understand that only the rules writers at the very highest level will understand their own game, and even then they may only understand a large portion of it. It's entirely possible the author who originally designed Oracle had never played a spellcaster. Vague credits make sure no one is ever held accountable by players, who are seen as impossible to please goblins that the "devs" are forced to appease enough that we part with cash.
Playtesters and QA are selected based on proximity and nepotism, not meritocratically. They should be hiring the biggest RAW autists they can find that are functional enough to discharge their duties and socialize with other people, and put bounties on finding flaws in the game - either things where RAW and RAI are completely mismatched, things that don't function at all, and anything OP.
Instead, QA amounts to loretards and casuals with low reading comprehension signing NDAs and filling out a "what did you think :3" survey that's been gussied up in some lipstick, pearls, and a Likert scale or two so it has all the airs of something statistical and professional looking, in exchange for getting to play with the new rules at their kitchen table game months early.
The final draft has already gone to the printer at this point anyway, so whatever they DO manage to find ends up in a day zero errata.
Many such cases, because the corporate culture and design infrastructure at these places is the same assbackward mess.
>It's due to paizo not knowing how to play their own game.
It doesn't help that they have a labyrinthine freelance hierarchy/production pipeline where they shop out a lot of the splat options to freelancers who barely know how the game works and then have (we're told) several steps in the print process where (we're told) very competent rules wonks tweak the options to fall within design paradigms.
>Understand that only the rules writers at the very highest level will understand their own game
And the main guy who did left because they couldn't pay him enough to own a house or start a family lmao.
The force bullets are automatically and immediately loaded into your firearm. You do not need to spend actions reloading your firearm and I'd advise you against taking Rapid Reload if you're going for Spell Cartridges (as you won't use it). Misfires still happen as normal. But since you're not using Alchemical Cartridges like every other firearm user your misfire rate is one lower than the competition.

It works with the Double-Barreled weapons like you think. Both barrels are loaded with force bullets and ready to be shot. But keep in mind that the Double-Barreled weapons were errata'd/clarified to only work with the standard action attack action. So you can't full-attack while firing twice on every attack.

Also, a hidden benefit of Spell Cartridges is that you completely ignore DR and deal full dmg to incorporeal creatures as you're dealing force damage. The last sentence was added to keep the language in line with Arcane Strike, while the designers didn't think about the ramifications of giving out force damage.
nta but either your GM doesn't try to trip you enough or your party doesn't try to fly enough.
If your side has numbers over the other party, having your best Athletics/Wolf Drag get at least one threat prone per round is optimal, the exact amount varies based on the situation, but it's so powerful.
Orc gangrape squads, minus the rape, are a staple threat in my low-level adventures. Nothing teaches players about the importance of tactics like their character getting knocked on their back and killed in a single round. If we're still level 1 we can restart the combat, but generally at any point in the game I make sure my players understand that if they're fighting several level-2 enemies, and they don't want to be Piper Perri, they need to not let themselves get isolated and surrounded.
What Kip Up offers you is a reliable reactive defense against that. If you are a character that can reliably avoid getting tripped or grappled in the first place - high reflex, VERY high AC, lots of health + heals from another character, you're right, it's just nice to have. I would argue however that Kip Up is build enabling in that it lets you play a spellcaster, or anyone else who is not going to reliably pass a Reflex save or struggle vs someone with good athletics and Reactive Strike.
>Aerobatics Mastery
On its own, not that great. If you're already that far into Acrobatics, you have easy access to Flight (ancestry and high level, wand, spellcaster with Fly access) there are MANY worse skill feats you can take. Read Kip Up as the prerequisite for this, as it effectively is. That doesn't make Kip Up much better, but it's already at the bottom of the 10 best skill feats list anon put forward.
PF2e has a lot of bad design decisions in it and the remaster has given Paizo a chance to re-evaluate and redesign some of them. There are a few changes that have been a net negative, like the new Wizard schools, but overall the remaster has led to the system becoming better.
I don't think the wizard schools are a net negative, I think they kinda cooked with some of the curriculums and in some cases, they're more versatile than plucking from a school that might only have some dogshit at a certain rank of spells. A lot of them have spells that are good and that heighten pretty well.

I hated the wizard stuff at first but in hindsight, it's more of a lateral move. And it also allows them to actually print more wizard subclasses in the future which schools was not good for, every update to the system that contained more spells was just power creep.
Completely wrong, I can tell you've never played. Because every spell printed included one of the 8 schools, your options only grew as books were printed. You had far more choices with what you could prepare, and you're losing heightened spells. And, you have nothing to do with your character except cast 7 spells a day, still shit.
I'm not going to respond to any retarded replies denying this. Instead, I'm going to ask if anyone's seen the focus spells for Oracle yet. A couple of these subclasses look potentially strong, but the feat list is incredibly hit or miss. Levels 2 and 8 are dead, and most levels it feels like there's clearly a single good option. That said, there is some useful stuff here, but since all the most impactful feats are tied to specific curses (including and especially Gifted Power), and many things scale off your cursebound condition you accrue using focus spells, the class' power is going to rely on how strong your focus spells are.
>Because every spell printed included one of the 8 schools, your options only grew as books were printed
Right that is exactly what I meant by
>every update to the system that contained more spells was just power creep.

Nobody else gets that shit, sorcs don't get it, they're limited to one fucking bloodline spell per rank in perpituitity no matter how bad it is, what makes wizards who already have the prepared buff and are 4 slots per rank casters so special?
>Archer and Mauler no longer grants Training. Instead, they make you treat every weapon of that class one step down (Martial = Simple, Advanced = Martial). Good buff for everyone but Fighter.
Can't say I'm a fan of this at all, but I'm an eternal fighterfag. Obviously, as it was, fighter was the only class that benefited from this change other than maybe pre-remaster rogues or wizards.
At the same time, the archetypes were largely useless for fighter, as they mainly consisted of feats fighter already had access to, but at stunted progression.
So other classes could take them, gain little from the dedication, but gain access to a large slice of fighter feats, whereas fighter could take them, and have some niche builds enabled like switch-hitting or combo weapons, and in exchange one of the builds they went into would have slightly slower progression.

Who exactly is competent with a gunsword now?

>sorcs don't get it, they're limited to one fucking bloodline spell per rank in perpituitity no matter how bad it is
NTA but this isn't the same thing at all lmao. A sorcerer can ignore its bloodline spells entirely and cast all its slots from a repertoire the same size as a bard's or (2.0) oracle's. Similarly, a cleric can ignore its deity spells and prepare whatever it wants from the standard divine list in every single one of its slots.
The same is not true for wizard, who is *restricted* in what it can cast from the slots it got in exchange for being a 6hp shitsave clothcaster and no boost to spellcasting like font or focus cantrips. If its curriculum gives it shit for spells, sorry! Your spellcasting "gimmick" is now weaker than it would be for no reason.

Yes it was power creep every time a splat with spells came out - but this is in fact true for *every* spellcaster, not just wizard with its schools, and *especially* cleric and druid - simply because any time spell lists got expanded, so did caster versatility.
>no casting runes
nah this whole remaster has been shit
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That's the sane take.
Moreover you're actively encouraged to make up your own schools if a player doesn't like the printed options.
The obvious ones a time wizard.
The vitriol surrounding curriculums is mostly due to illiteracy.
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>this one change enabled a pretty big chunk of damage in tonight's combat
Amazing how changing a DC by -2 can be so helpful. Looking forward to level 8 where I can proceed to never fail this check again. Assurance tax is kinda feelsbad but who the fuck cares my Archetype actually exists as more than space on my character sheet and dead actions.
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>Sword+board champion and Marshal archetype receive significant buffs immediately after I finish a years-long, six-part AP as a sword+board champion with the Marshal archetype.
There is a world of difference between being allowed to make your own schools by the rules and by your GM. Even when you get the permission, the crux of the matter is that they still lost versatility without getting compensated for it.
I love it when the book i paid for foists the job of making subclasses onto me. Such good game design!
Its honestly over for wizard. It is so far behind every other caster class and especially the sorcerer that its not even funny. Imp sorc is just wizard but better and divine sorc is just oracle but better.
Should I start my own school?
Wait, so if i understand that correctly, they just made Archer and Mauler work like fucking singular expertise does for shit that isnt guns/crossbows? Whats the fuckin point then?
Don't think that's what is meant.
Archers treat advanced bows (taw launcher, repeating crossbow) as martial bows.
Maulers treat advanced two handed weapons (nodatchi, dwarven waraxe) as martial two handed weapons.
The clause about when you would gain expert plus with any weapon gain expert plus with these weapons is gone.

So what does this mean?
Fighters can't use these dedications to spread their weapon mastery anymore.
Every martial now has access to advanced weapons, so you can play a nodatchi champion or a repeating crossbow ranger, and without having to use specific ancestry feats to do so.
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