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Powercreep edition

>Previous Thread

>Key Downloads, FAQs and Errata
>Critical Ops
>Rules and Teams

>Brief team summaries if you are wondering who to try out next
>Homebrew teams by a kind Anon:
>Tournament stats the game is balanced around:

Who do you think is coming next?
The rumors were that the next box is Vespid vs jump pack Scions right? This could be a teaser for that

I want a kill team that's just "civilian adepts" where it's ministorum priests with blessed mace, admech priest aprentices and maintenance crew with mechanical tools, administratum goons with overloaded voxcasters and writing servo arms, etc.
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Meant to attach this image from that article
A "shitty zealous rabble" horde team but imperial instead of chaos could be really cool.
I had an idea for a Loyalist team that was like Chaos Cult but "good guys". It would be Knight pilots on foot and they can call down a mini-armiger to kick ass.
Nids when

When indeed!

I played my first actual game of kill team last night after over a year of watching videos and listening to podcasts and lurking ktg, it was so fucking fun. I am a convert, I am a zealot, I will skip D&D night to go to my local and get more games in. This game is everything I want from tabletop games. So much depth, so much fun, just the right level of randomness to keep things interesting while preserving tactics and decision-making as the deciding factor.
Yeah pretty much confirmed.
Can one of the chaotic teams be used to represent the tyrants legion from Baden? Mixed human auxilia and renegade SMS?
Compendium Chaos Space Marines allow you to take cultist along side CSM. If you're feeling froggy you can run Brood Bros with regular troops representing Auxilia and the elites representing different SMS.
Genestealer cults are my favorite faction in the lore, and vet guard is my favorite team currently. I'm gonna buy the brood brothers box but I swear I'm not a meta chasing tryhard, I just like em ;_;
If this really is the start of Kill Team's Flying Service, I hope this is when we finally get a Talons of the Imperium KT.
Plastic Venetari would be cool, but Sisters of Silence with jump packs would be amazing.
Do it for the 4 armed emporer, my Brood coven and Wyrmblade would welcome new believers.
Any truth to this 'New Tempestus Scions' and 'New edition of Kill Team' rumor?
Because I'm pretty sure since it's being reported by Spikey Bitch, Bell of Lost Balls, and Chapter Masterbator Valrak...
...it's probably mostly bullshit. I'll wager it's more like:
>Some kind of Imperial Guard like Elysians with grav-chutes
>A new Kill Team 'zone' with rules like the Space Hulk, but still same Kill Team core rules
That rumor has been circulating for months, but GW just dropped a lore teaser where a Tempestus Scions leader talks about "darkening the skies" with his elite troops to strike back at the Tau, which perfectly fits the rumor
Yeah, I saw that fiction. I've no doubt we'll see something with Scions and something with Tau Auxillaries. But that doesn't answer the big question about the rumors:
>Is it NEW Scions kits, or the old ones w/maybe some add-on sprue?
>Is it going to be an actual NEW EDITION RULESET or just a new Kill Team 'region' like Gallowdark with same Kill-Team core rules
>Is it NEW Scions kits, or the old ones w/maybe some add-on sprue?
I don't think the current kit is really fit to conversion to jump pack guys. And they're making a big deal of it which they usually only do for new "seasons" which start with two brand new kits, so new kit for Scions seems the most realistic expectation
>Is it going to be an actual NEW EDITION RULESET or just a new Kill Team 'region' like Gallowdark with same Kill-Team core rules
The rumor has always been new season with expanded flight rules. So same core rules but with extra stuff like Gallowdark seems the most realistic expectation there too.
I'm almost convinced it's going to be Elysians, rather than Scions.
It may be something new like Elysian ELITE troopers or something- but let's be real...
>The overwhelming majority of 'influencers' and 'news sites' about 40k are basically a bunch of fucknuggets whose knowledge of 40k barely reaches back to the previous edition
> Stratego-Primary [REDACTED]: We could pull [CODE PHRASE OVERLAY DRAKUS FEROCITOR] out of Operation Vortex. Tempestor Magnificat Westren has a one hundred percent combat effectiveness record. Her forces only just committed to the war on Wyldreach and could be rapidly extracted with minimal disruption.
I read it. Plenty of times.
Not revealing shit. "Tempestor", yes. Sure, maybe there's a 'Tempestor' somewhere.
Doesn't change anything else.
A Tempestor is the leader of Tempestus Scions
>Militarum Tempestus Command Squad – a Tempestor Prime accompanied by four veteran Scions.
so the troops being discussed in that lore teaser are Tempestus Scions.
If I were you I wouldn't be so casual making fun of Youtubers for not knowing the lore.
Are the mixed auxilia/SMs an easy army to play or are they goofy difficult? The only other team I was considering was craft world eldar and painting them in the orange pirates-colors
>Fiction in a random lore writeup uses the word 'tempestor'
>A Tempestor is a *sergeant* equivalent, the Tempestor Prime is a commander equivalent.
I think you're missing my point, do you work for Bell of Lost Souls?
I can only give you my personal opinion: I've had much better results playing with either straight-up cultists or straight-up Space Marines.
They really are two very different things trying to do two very different things...
It's not 'completely terrible and unplayable', but it's just nowhere near as good as going with a straight-up CSM or Cultist Kill-Team. Both of those Kill Teams seem to just work much better- because it really felt like I was trying to play with two incomplete teams rather than a single team. It's still possible, but... maybe keep it friendly/narrative or play against your normie girlfriend or something if you want them to do well.
Your mileage may vary.
maybe you want warp coven with 3 sorcs/6 tzaangor
How the hell does that match the tyrants legion?
I mean, what else would it refer to?
Tempestor isn't really a term elsewhere. Google tells me it's been used for some titan legion as well but I doubt we're getting titans in KT.
Sure there is a world where they just throw the word tempestor in there with no meaning, ignoring the one use the word has, and the rumours are also wrong too, but if I were to place a bet? I'd bet on it being tempestus scions over it being anything else every time.
Nta, but you have your head up your arse. This is how GW operate, they have hidden the name of a specific rank from a specific faction in amongst a bunch of lore accurate ravings. Same thing they did with Salvation, same thing with Into the Dark re breachers, same thing before Octarius for guardsmen. I see no evidence in the writing for vespids specifically but what others are saying makes sense, the initial box in a season ALWAYS starts with two fresh sprues. We know they are Tau related, we know we have all new kroot, ergo, vespids.

Try not to be such a cunt.
Dude, how dense can you be? Yes Elysians are cooler than dumb scions but it is what it is.
Vespids are going to be the stars of that box.
Look I'm also disappointed it's scions but you're really reaching trying to say Elysians are back but with scion ranks. If we're really lucky they might look closer to Elysians than the current scions though.
...man, what? The teaser is about some kind of elite unit under the direct command of a Tempestor. That seems like pretty damn good confirmation it's Scions.

How are you seeing room for it to be about anything other than Scions?
OK so assuming the rumor of a season based around jump packs and flight is true, what are we expecting?

>Kits that could take a new sprue
Intercessors with jump packs
Raptors/Warp Talons
Pteraxii Sterylizors/Skystalkers

>Borderline kits that they might want to replace

>Obvious options for new kits
Swooping Hawks
A whole unit of that jumppack guy from the Votann KT
Venetari Custodes

I don't think it's STRAIGHT flying, but rather more vertical play that flyers and other terrain travellers can take advantage of.
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Hmm, so you're saying they could also do Kill Teams of guys who can climb walls....
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Classic xv15
>stronk whamyn tempestor commander guuurrrll
Pathetic faggots really aren't going to give it a rest until every single military institution in fiction is 50/50 gender equalised.
Except the woman-only groups.

Don't see many of the cunts getting butchered in Ukraine though.
cool dude!

>Death Guard vs. Night Lords
What a sexy game.

How are the void dancers post flip belt nerf?
They're definitely a lot less oppressive and less impressively zippy. Still quite mobile but not nearly as insane as before.
Worthless. Just play a different elf team.

They’re a great symptom of how badly the game is designed and balanced. Flip belts hadn’t been considered OP for nearly a year, team was solved and not problematic, then BOOM. Nerfed to uselessness.

Hopefully next edition is run by competent designers.
This anon never faced them on bheta-decima.
NTA but I'm looking forward to Bheta Decima getting shuffled out so the Quinns can go back to being decent
This. Bheta Decima was balanced by limiting how operatives can move about the board. Only certain gantries connected to each other and it costs 2 to get onto them, plus another to get into the federation furnace. A faction wide ability to ignore vertical movement and impassable areas was broken to fuck and back. This is also why Scouts got their climbing equipment reworded and any rules that allows an operative to be set up outside a deployment zone has been nerfed.

No one is complaining about the miasma coming off of the ocean now making targets not visible instead of obscured, thereby dicking over incursors. That's because it's blindingly obvious how broken that was. Why are the harlequins being treated like they are terrible all of a sudden?
They aren't even good right now, anon. That's why. 9 wounds at 4++ and only 8 units worked when you had an assymetrical approach to terrain.

My other issue is that the whole Saedath thing is garbage at conveying faction flavor. It feels like a shopping list, not a performance.
I have some legionaries and some blooded and a half finished Hand of the Archon. I wonder what team is the best to have a good time at games since I never actually take them out of my little workshop and I wanna get on local games instead of just looking at my minis while playing on tabletop sim.
All the teams you've listed are fun teams.
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protips for my first games on each team against randos on a local event?
Blooded is the strongest of the teams you listed, legionary is a little less strong but it's not a horde so it will be less taxing to play, and hand of the archon are a terrible team that is basically a grab bag of cool operatives with no synergy but they can be fun if you get good rolls to get the momentum going.
Take Legionary if it's a multi game event and you haven't been to one before. Playing blooded and managing 12-14 operatives for several games will be completely exhausting.
My word bearers come out to play then. I'll share the experience afterwards.
Fuck the haters HoA is awesome. Terrible team my ass
I just assumed that was bait, because they're one of the more balanced and fair teams and have a lot of fun tricks like every Eldar team does.
I cannot say anything specific. Take lance against elites and not lance against non-elites. Give heavy gunner melee upgrade. Play carefully and remember that shredder is a very good weapon.
Nobody mentions the alpha strike. HotA have like a million ways to boost movement and get their torment grenade guy to drop his torment grenade turn one when presumably everyone is bunched up. Strongest HotA play.
This image should be the guide for a talons team upgrade sprue.
Similar rules but sisters get actual specialists.
>Prosecutors and vigilators remain as is
>Withseeker model gets a cool trenchcoat torso
>Heavy armor sister with double handed axe
>Sister with hunting dog
>Sister Superior gets a power fist if taking a flamer, and a banner if taking a Power Sword
(yes I've fucked my post twice already)
*IF* SoS get a killteam it's pretty clear what they're going to get from their Horus Heresy 2.0 list.
what do they have in HH that they don't in 40k beyond double pistols gal?
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Anyone do any painting recently? Wrapping up my Nemesis Claw for an event
That's good, for rules they should be like
>Witchseekers cause panic and debuffs to those they burn
>Heavy armor sister takes less damage but charges slower
>Hunting dog sister has a bolter, but the dog worsens melee of victim.
>Sister Superior has slightly stronger bolter, so it's not overshadowed by the 2 melee loadouts
>take lance against elites
More like don't take it at all. The dark lance is too immobile, and with the team's free dash being tied to normal move actions and APL boosts being tied to getting a kill, it is just too difficult to get use out of.

This, one of my biggest irritations with the HotA team is their ability to deliver a fat grenade on activation one while under conceal and with any counterplay being limited to specific teams only. It certainly should be used in a competitive setting though.
Cyborg Furies, please...
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I got these most of the way done. Then just three more and my KT is complete for now.
How important is model height for Gallowdark terrain? I've been putting together a blooded team using the new skaven clanrats for the main body and have only just noticed the height difference because I'm a mong. Bases are all correct though.
I never played killteam. Is deathguard still usable? I know bespoke teams are better than compendium, but would I at least be able to have some fun with them?
Yep they're surprisingly useable, you're probably gonna find more success running legionaries with all nurgle marks but you definitely won't suffer as much as most compendium teams, just don't take poxwalkers.
Since ITD has no actual verticality (no vantage points to worry about fitting under, for example) model height barely matters
Outside of checking for visibility over a barricade, I can't really think of when it would make any meaningful difference
depends on the scatter you're using. put em on a little piece of cork or styrofoam to get em to height
Is the Orks KT still good?
Bought the starter set ~ year ago, but somehow i sort of forgot the game for a while. I found it that you definitely need more terrain than whatever scraps the starter set gives you. I have been looking at things and the ITD terrain seems to not really be available anymore. This bheta decima thing however is.

Is this bheta decima terrain any good? Do yall think the next terrain will come soon? Should i perhaps just wait for that to come out?
Yep. still strong.
>Is this bheta decima terrain any good?
No, it's not very good in general, and most tourneys have begun to ignore it.
>Do yall think the next terrain will come soon?
>Should i perhaps just wait for that to come out?
play cawdor in necromunda
play BLKOUT with dusters
When are they going to release a non compendium team for Daemons, Death Guards, Custodes, and Tyranids. I've been waiting since 2021. You'd think last year would be a great time to release a Nids team at the same time of 40k 10th ed release but nooooo.
If GW missed the obvious Space Hulk tie-in for Gallowdark then I don't know what hope they have for coordination of anything.
>Yep. still strong.
How so, if you don't mind me asking? It seems like they're fragile, not particularly killy, and their equipment is quite bad. I guess they do have a really good set of ploys, is that enough to make them strong?
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>maintenance crews taking on Night Lord chaos marines and orks
Just the fact that they've got so many wounds make them a decent stat check, plus each operative is pretty killy (or useful, for the comms and grot)
Thanks. Good idea on running them as legionaires with mark of nurgle as well. Should I run them as normal death guard, is the plague belcher recommended against non elite teams over the blight launcher? Or is the shirt range a huge handicap that makes it too fringe?
gallowdark is available
Sorry plague spewer
If you have to option of building both, take the blight launcher against elites and the plague spewer against hordes, but generally I prefer the plague spewer, if only because it is the only flamer in the compendium to deal significant damage (it does 6.7 on average same as the blight launcher, but is not as swingy and won't do super high/low damage on occasion so it's got only a 4% chance to one shot a marine instead of 20%)
I had to order Nightmare off of ebay for 20 more than the list price and this crap is still available.
I have two sets of the Octarius terrain, one new on sprue. Are you UK based?
Thanks. I'll get to magnetizing so I can keep all options open
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It is so unpredictable. Shadowvaults had a reprint which fucked the scalpers massively, Ashes of Faith they made like 2,000 boxes or something stupid.

Asking for consistency from GW is a lost cause. Believe me, I have been with it since Octarius.
Game > lore.
Why'd you but the 2023 annual if you already had all the Gallowdark books?
I am a collector. I must have it all. Just call me Trayzn the Infinite.
shove your janny kill team up your arse
I'd call you a coomsumer but I went out of my way to collect all the rule books too despite having digital versions and my pile of shame is disgusting lol.
Wish they'd rerelease the gallowfall upgrade sprue.
Just proxy it for the 20 Grots Kill-Team. That's about the level of competency you should expect from a team of blue collar non-combatants.
I love HotA but they are genuinely terrible to bring to a tournament. Low APL, few rerolls, bad ploys, low activation count, unreliable team mechanic, no double activations, and they get completely fucked by doors.
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i am once again asking for nightmare pdf
You could do this with Inquisition
In a friendly game I imagine a quick rule of "This is cover/barricades, if my guys are behind it just treat em as visible" is totally fine?
Yeah. Heck some teams sniper guys are modeled kneeling and RAW may have minor issues drawing visibility from behind barricades anyway
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"Daemons" is going to stop being an army pretty soon so that's not happening.
They probably think Gellarpox will keep DG fans happy, and they hate coming up with new units for the god-aligned Legions.
Custodes seems like an easy job, take two boxes of Sisters, add an extra sprue for heavy gunner, sniper, medic, veteran, two sword lady, etc. But then people would use those pieces for the Sisters units in Horus Heresy, and THAT CAN NOT BE ALLOWED.
Tyranids seem like an easy WD army. Genestealers, Leapers, and a Lictor
MalCUTE to the rescue
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thx anon, praise unto you and praise unto the omnisiah
Is there any reason to actually pick up the annuals if I can just use wahapedia for rules?
My understanding is Lichtors are too high of a power level for kill team. I'd love a lichtor focused kill team though. They are by far my favorite tyranid strain. Lore wise it makes the most sense for a kill team style conflict out of the entire tyranid roster for sure.
Frateris Militia deserve a kit in 40k and would work great in KY as well.
Bait harder.
>monogod legions
Jesus Christ, not you again, world eater fanatic. Units there are not hard to imagine or invent, they are niche in their appeal. Zerkers are ragers with chainaxes, noise marines are noise marines. Tzeench and Nurgle have more interesting domains, unless you make just Khorne forces which may include tacticians as well as sharpshooters and apply the same "widen the concept of monogod army" principle to khornates and slaaneshi. Legions alone are just dudes with blastmasters or sonic blasters, same with zerkers - guys with chain weapons. Thats just limited and limiting. Doubly so in case of world eaters, since emperors children at least can have some lads from fabius bile's labs. Death guard got lots of stuff because their thing is mutations and diarrhea, same goes to thousand sons, its magic stuff they rule over. What Khorne got? Fuck you here is axe. Thats what fans will get. Fuck you and axed team.
>broodlord in
>custodes in
>space marine captain in
>lictor too powerfull
Not really. Unless you mean the aforementioned models do not belong in kill team. With which i would kind of agree.
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Here's a full re-skin of existing KT rules so that you can run a Lictor team.
how many operatives can I select? I don't want genestealers in my tyranid kill team.
>>broodlord in
>>custodes in
>>space marine captain in
>>lictor too powerfull
>Not really. Unless you mean the aforementioned models do not belong in kill team. With which i would kind of agree.

I mean, you are right but the lichtor is huge.
Read the page in it's entirety. You take all of those operatives, more more, no less.
The Broodlord and Technomancer are both on 50mm bases, and if you discount the mantis-like talons they stand at about the same height. There is precedence for such sized models in Kill Team, even if there really shouldn't be.
it's nice to have hard copies, referencing a website can really suck
I love being able to CTRL + F things, and wahapedias rules have a really good layout imo. I like that they edit their core rules sections with any changes made to the game so you can get it all from one source, though thats more relevant for 40k.
do you have a whole laptop or desktop by your gaming table?

that's nice, but if you're anywhere else you're probably relying on your phone with questionable wifi and fucking mobile browsers that decide to randomly refresh the webpage after your phone has been locked for >10min
Is that reskin Gallerpox? (don't really know gallerpox but it is not starstrider and those two are the only ones i can remember with completly fixed lists)
I have no problems with it on mobile but I do have the ability to render websites as they appear on desktop browsers. That said, I havent had any issues with mobile wahapedia. Especially with aforementioned search tools.
well if you're happy with wahapedia on mobile the only reason to get it is if you're worried about wahapedia ever going down
Wait, so 3e isn't just pure speculation? Why bother, the core rules are in a really good place and doing seasons lets them shake things up regularly, why would they want to fuck with this?
>3e isn't just pure speculation?

I'd love to ease up on the LOS and strict modeling rules. It's retarded that it's a game where mms matter SO MUCH but players are left to build their own models & terrain + things get bumped all the time.
It'll be a soft edition, KT21.5. They will tweak a few things in the core rules that they have changed, add another unique kill zone which is supposedly going to be flyers, etc. The current teams and rules will be totally valid still. At least that is my expectation.
Hopefully, the Kill Team follows Necromunda and Warcry where new editions all have the same rules more or less, just with all the errata from the previous edition implemented and maybe one or two new mechanics but previous faction books remain more or less the same.
I don't see a reason why this wouldn't happen.
Therefore it will happen
>noise marines are noise marines
maybe if you have zero creativity. Sonic weapon, heavy sonic weapon, guy who hands out combat drugs, guy with a jug of combat drugs hooked up to his femoral artery that makes him more powerful but also might make his hearts explode, master duelist, Lord of Hubris style guy who goads opponents into fights.
And if they were able to make Claws of Karanak into a Warcry Warband, they can figure out something for World Eaters
And my comment about GW hating giving new units to monogod factions was about more than Kill Team, TS and DG haven't gotten shit since their first Codexes.
>Ease up on LOS and Modeling
I think it could be good but I doubt they'll touch the modeling bit, it gives people a reason to buy a second box (which I think the dang first box should just have everything you need). I mean the magnet thing is sort of frustrating to think it's needed. But I don't see them changing anything. mostly due to dollars

It follows their 3 year plan for most of their games. Gives a reason to touch up and re-release content. Honestly homoginizing the rules (which they were already sort of doing, there's only so many ways to have an auspex guy, a grenadier, an icon bearer ,etc) helps free upahhh thoughts per minute to focus on the nitty gritty stuff.

>If I was going to try to fix LOS and such I would probably just make everything true LOS and replace cover and obscured with a less strong penalty instead of the current system. Cover works more or less as written but I think you could make an arguement for flat negative damage per dice or something different that will still allow you benefit from using cover but prevent obscuring from being such a gotcha (nonreciptical shots, etc). If Cover gave a save and obscuring gave -1 damage per attack die on ranged attacks (or perhaps an invuln save) but didn't prevent targeting and all of the obscuring/etc rules get pushed into Cover/Conceal/Superconceal.
I don't know I think it could be made to work. I'm sort of interested to see if they keep in FNP or replace it with something like what Nurgle Legionaries get instead.

But I'm looking forward to it. Please don't let the Scion sculpts be crap.
Duelist with a big fucking glaive
Noise marine gunner/heavy gunner with two choices of sonic weaponry and sirens
Chirurgeon that carries drugs and operates on yours and enemy operatives.
Terata mutant that harvests corpses
A decadent spellcasting heretic aristocrat
The decadent bodyguard of the heretic aristocrat
A space marine that just really wants to wear your face
A raptor that can drag enemies away

The gimmick is based around criticals; whenever someone rolls three criticals in the same roll, you get excess points. Excess points unlock more and more broken abilities and bonifiers on the operatives as they shake off their numbness and revel in the slaughter.
Sounds as boring as new night lords.
I wanna make a Catachan Kill team using the Ork Kommandos rules, should be fine as long as I put them on the appropriate base size, right?

Fist/Bolt Pistol - Boss
Bolter - Dakka Boy
Barking Toad - Bomb Squig
I don't disagree they can do a good EC kill team, but what you described is really boring. I'm not saying we need a really unique power creepy team like GSC every time but this is just a boring execution.

To be clear, I agree with your ideas, I just think you can come up with better stuff than that.
current scions have the old GW chonky body, they will be nu-cadianized (taller, smaller heads, feet and hands)

not easily doable if poses are not quite dynamic, like firing a gun with both feet touching the ground

Catachan commandos wearing suction cups on hands and feet

check Wargames Atlantic Space Nam
TO's need to be more strict about clocks and limit games to 90 minutes. I'm sick of playing dudes who are determined to run out the clock on every single turning point. It's ridiculous.
sounds cool. make sure they're the same height
by "ease up on modeling" I mean to not do LOS from the model's head or use the model's profile to determine if it can be shot (vs base size & distance to cover)
I want to make guys in cool poses but that's a liability?
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Not a huge fan of the space nam kit actually, their armor looks too high tech. I made my Catachan using the Catachan Command Squad, Warlord Games Marines, and bits from the new Cadian shock
I don’t like clocks but it might be a solution.

I’ve played against some of the “best” players in the world and they all slow play. It’s like stream games are some token show to serve as proof “oh I don’t cheat or slow play!” and then every other unscrutinized game these ITC big shots are taking an extra inch and finishing their games on the top of TP3.
The new Kommandos besides the Boss are so hunched over they end up being the same height as human models
nice, good to see kitbashed teams
>their armor looks too high tech
I'm so sick of every copyright safe 40k knockoff covering everything in mass effect greebles
The same players abuse clocks by asking constant questions on your time
>and then every other unscrutinized game these ITC big shots are taking an extra inch
Even on the stream games you can see them using "play by intent" to fudge distances or get impossible benefits like a model being in cover, in charge range, outside of 2" of allies, on the objective, all at the same time when such a spot doesn't actually exist. MY INTENT IS MY MODEL IS IN A PERFECT SPOT OKAY THATS MY INTENT DO YOU AGREE BY THE WAY ITS YOUR TIME NOW CLOCK IS TICKING
Yeah, so TOs are responsible for cracking down. That's sportsmanship, actual chess has the same issue and it's the same solution. Being a jerk, or otherwise unsportsmanlike behaviour gets you penalized in a tournament setting. Being a FAGGOT in a non tournament setting and dragging your feet gets me to punch you in the shoulder.

90 minute games, let's get more games done.
6/10 The bases cry out for tall grass and mud sullied with spent brass and the blood of your foes
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Wow, so glad I do not play in tournaments. They sound horrible.

The extra inch thing I crack down on asap when I see my opponents doing it, I cannot understand why it is such a universal issue, on such a small sized board with so few operatives an extra half inch counts for a lot. People think I'm nit-picking, I stopping them from fucking cheating. The climbing mechanic seems to confuse my local flgs group especially.
how are folks sneaking in an extra inch?
Not those anons but the typical method is to measure from the front of your dudes' base and move it so that the back of their base is where the front should be, so you get a bit of extra movement out of it.
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I see more accidental mismeasuring than intentional, where it's pretty common to be rough with measuring and add half a base to the movement. I don't do it myself so I can only guess the reasons though. My best guess is either failing to account for perspective when measuring, or that the final position looks more natural so it's easier mentally to put it there (I'm sure the positional advantage doesn't discourage the mistakes though).
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>Jesus Christ, not you again, world eater fanatic
it's a world eater thread, you're just seething in it
almost all of this comment is so wrong it's funny. except it's not funny, it's sad. Wrong, down to the last sentence anon. Even your comment on Fabius Bile.
Librarians in my deathwatch rules when
I've been trying to figure out why I've been so unmotivated to paint lately, but at least I've managed to push something through. This guy will work as a fourth deathwatch sergeant I guess, or as a balefire acolyte if it takes longer for a non-compendium deathwatch team to release than it takes for me to finally cave and play these guys as legionary as well.
Bonus points for recognizing this chapter from the symbol alone, plus a close-up of the force sword which I do love painting the gradient on
Sword blade from AoS? It's got the world of warcraft squiggle style lines all of the nu-wood elves have. The shading on the blades colors is really nice though.
Just a standard force sword
i honestly think fudging a quarter inch in order to meet intent is _fine_. things get bumped all the time
No Warrior, you cannot have a perfect spot, It doesn't exist. There is no spot suitable for you. No spot suitable that is 2" from allies, within 8" inches of me and also within 1" inch of a terrain feature that gives cover. You will have to choose a different spot.

I like the chess clock because it encourages players to use the time that you are actually playing to think about things. Too many people actually ask things YOU JUST EXPLAINED because they're thinking about hecking pepperoni cats or something because it's not 'their turn'.
>I guess my question is in a 90 minute game when do you expect the halfway point (end of TP2) to be?
I was thinking more getting rid of Wysiwyg in terms of weapons and so on. I could see a pretty good arguement for getting rid of LOS in favor of just your cover lines so people can bring back glorious flags or slightly oversized models or well based,etc models without feeling cheated by the silhouette.
As pre measuring is fine, I'll often confirm I have placed my operative 0.1mm outside of a certain threat range, be that being charged, out or range for a certain aura even if the enemy operative moves their full distance, being shot with a ranged weapon, etc. If an opponent fudges numbers suddenly that is not the case.

I played a game where I was teaching someone how to play today. I nipped that extra movement in the bud, dude was a pleasure to play in terms of sportsmanship but the climbing on Bheta-Decima seems to be impossible for anyone to understand in my local group. He thanked me afterwards for showing him exactly how using combat gauges work, and that just because the movement says three circle you do not need to break it down like that. Triangles to go around a terrain piece by the shortest possible route without going through it was very important.
>in a 90 minute game when do you expect the halfway point (end of TP2) to be?
60-70 minutes in. At the beginning of turning point three both opponents have lost operatives so there is less to do, newer players have warned up to their ploys and stats after repeatedly using them and most operatives have been committed to certain parts of the board. My Kurnathi on objective 2 isn't going to be interacting with your Shrivetalon on objective 5. Play today had six operatives alive at the start of turning point four and a single operative was incapacitated, whilst three moved, looted and passed to score VP.
They're still made of meat, and they bleed, don't they? Shoot them with a big enough gun and they'll stay down. Little blurbs for the newest premium store cosmetics in Darktide are exactly what the previous poster is describing: they're a group of metalfab workers that happened to be on shift when the plague trains rolled through. They grabbed some of the weapons they were producing, the armor from the dead militia, and started defending the metalfab themselves.
Sicarians are so fucking cool.
Bros I played my first "real" game of kill ream after a learn-to-play friendly match last week. My opponent was a highly ranked competitive tournament dude who came in second overall at some big tourney. He gave me some pointers and probably held back a little bit, but I'm really proud of myself for earning a draw with my vet guard. We were playing on Moroch, and we split the primary VPs 6-6 while each scoring 5/6 on secondaries. Time to actually get these fuckers painted, my supplies just came in the mail.

I love kill team! I love my local scene! My opponent was a paragon if sportsmanship and super nice, I bought him drinks for being kind enough to take time out of tournament prep for a silly narrative game, none of my dudes got battle scars even though almost everyone went down.. this game is so much fucking fun I just know it's gonna consume the next several decades of my life lmao
If you both play like that and establish it before you start, it's fine.
wholesome post.
Except that isn't RAW. At best you could claim it's a homebrew or house rule, but those need clarification from all players. It is also worth noting that movement can be broken down into any number of moves using the combat gauge. Using a rather extreme example of a technomancer (50mm base) doing a move action and a dash action, breaking them into six and three triangles respectively, you would get an additional 17.71 inches of movement you should not have had.

GW have consistently stated that no part of a model's base may move further than it's movement characteristic. It isn't hard to understand for most people.
I know. I'm just saying you can house rule it. But that needs to be done before you even deploy.
Like I had a game against a dude who said he hates windows and we were playing Chalnath IIRC and played all the walls as solid. But this was established before we had deployed or anything
I get you, but it is such a weird thing to house rule. The windows thing I get way more honestly, the Chalnath terrain is incredibly open otherwise. It isn't designed for KT and house rules making it useable are totally legit. But such a core mechanic as movement which has worked the same way since Warhammer has existed (front of base to front of base), I would not play someone who could not justify why they wanted to play otherwise. At that point the game changes so dramatically, I would not give my pistols an extra inch range, an extra inch of engagement range gives an operative a huge presence (it's each a unique rule for the legionary butcher), where do we stop?
except it's a much larger advantage for slow teams. +25% vs +16%
Also bigger bases.
You'll probably find some pet peeves as you master the system but I hope it stays an overall positive experience. We're expecting a shift soon with the next release that could be anything from just adding funky team types to the roster to a half or even full edition change, so we'll see how that goes.
Are night lords just worse legionaries if you remove vox scream?
In nightmare clad is about as meaningful in open, in closed maybe.
The gunner and heavy gunner are the same but without chaos marks (I always throw Nurgle on them to keep the firepower strong), the visionary doesn't give a free strat but can generate CP, so it's a trade off. If you take the plasma pistol it is worse than the Chosen in combat, as the daemon blade is amazing. The Ventrikiar is better than the icon bearer for his mimic ability, but it's situational. Fearmonger is a different anointed, can throw out lots of mortal wounds and retains ability to perform mission actions so I would say is better. Skinthief is different butcher, overall I prefer the skinthief's weapon as it is more attacks hitting better, even with less damage it is more reliable. And it can survive better than the butcher in combat. And the screecher is a better Shrivetalon. With a grisly trophy (what I always give the shrive talon) and his inate Screecher ability he crippled enemies in combat.

Overall I would say they are better than Legionaries, especially taking into account their tac ops which are generally undeniable by your opponent and their access to Recon and Infiltrate next to Legionnaires security (both get S&D), plus solid ploys and a great faction ability to avoid being shot turning point one with sensible placement. I play Legionnaires a lot and I honestly like the Dread Claw rules more.
Hopefully never.
We need more posts like these.
I'm playing Fellgor this week with Scouts.

What do I need to keep an eye out for on Fellgor? Who should I focus fire down first?

I'm new to Scouts, what tac ops should I pick? Retrieve Item, Courier, & From All Angles?
Remember, they get back up. Take out as many as possible from range then close the gap and finish in combat. They have absolutely no long ranged shooting, you have a sniper who can ignore obscured. Blast at his valuable operatives and make them frenzy early on.
Don't forget the forward deploys, mortals on charge, better double fight ploy, and the Visionary being almost unkillable when Portent is up if you give him a grisly trophy.
I think the night lords are better for sure, but harder to play. All of their tools that make up for the weakness of being a 6 man team require knowledge of what those weaknesses actually are and how to remove them. A newbie can do pretty well for themselves with nurgle legionaries, but not with nemesis claw.
I forgot nothing. I did say solid ploys, I just didn't elaborate on them.

I'm also not sure you want to be throwing the visionary into the thick of it that quickly considering the general team buff he can provide. Best to have him mop up after your Screecher has made a mess of everything and then been taken down. Obviously this is all situational.
>I forgot nothing.
are you ESL or autistic?
I bought the starter set yesterday, how much did I fuck up

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