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Big man on campus edition

Previous thread: >>93314624

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)
>Fluff(visions and BL), HH1 Black Books, HH2 Rules and Supplements
Megas are down, and will probably stay that way for a while.

『Adeptus Titanicus』
>Rules and supplements
See above, re: Megas
>List of Titan Legions with Badges and Colours
>More lists
>What size magnets do I need?
>homemade missions:

>Thread question:
Surprise! Your Legion commander was revealed to be Alpharius all along and you're getting reinforcements of one unit from another Legion. What will it be?
So is this just a mission pack or is there anything worthwhile in it?
I'll have a full squad of Deliverers, please.
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Primarch (female) gf.
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I forgot to post my mortifactor
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I used magnaguard electro staff bits for mine. From star wars legion. To show the corpisant staff.
I was gonna use some bits to make sort of like a mechanicum force staff but it didn't look as good as I wanted it to so I went with just a big mace.
F for the thunder hammer I had to sacrifice for it though.
Lorgar is shit.
Faggot and coward who was cucked from the Heresy.
A Sandnigger who thinks he's the chosen one. The gods have always laughed at him.
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So where on the hip am I supposed to put the regular bayonet on the beakie kit? On the hip? Pictures pls?
On the boltgun
Nice kitbash, is that the dreadnought tard wrangler?
No I don't want to attach all of the squad men on the bolter.
Yes but where on the hips? The mk4 combat knives were so easy.
Next to the pouches
Picture? I just want to be sure I place them right.
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Yeah, with mine I just hate that I had to use the sword hand, so it has like a little basket hilt in the middle of the staff... Always things to improve upon the next time.
>Can't take Indomitus terminators with Pride is Our Armor because they're support troops
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Cope about it ultracucks
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There is no pride in fielding indomitus in Horus heresy.
Reading will take you far in life.
Are rapier batteries the height of arrogance then?
I agree
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Sniper was the OP one, although the Precision Shots happened only on a 6 to hit.
Now it's on a 3+ (their full BS), with triple the range (72"), at S5 (so it wounds on a 3+), and double the Rending (5+). All of that at WS5, with power swords at half price (+5 pts).
And then anons have the sheer AUDACITY of complaining, saying "Vets are underwhelming".
The nerve. Shame.
I would combine Machine Killers with Xenobane into a Big Game Hunter thing. But idk what to call it.
Not sure if this is the place to ask, but is there a way to get in touch with recasters without using the subreddit on that shithole site? Trying to find some of the OOP legion upgrades.
I recommend a séance
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>Try to kill 250,000 UM
>Show up with less than half that number of WB
On Istvaan V, traitors outnumbered loyalists about 2 to 1. What was the plan at Calth?
"You are surrounded, at least from this one side"?!
I dont want to talk to dead russians.
I've got a really stupid idea for an abeyant conversion, and hey, if it doesn't work out I'll still have the parts to make an abeyant and a blood slaughterer.
WB sent to Calth were the dregs and insane fanaticals the legion wanted to get rid of, Calth was WB purge like Istvaan III virus bombing was for the SoH, DG, EC and WE.

The whole point of Calth and the shadow crusade was to bring the ruinstorm to isolate loyalist worlds from the astronomicon IIRC.
They killed 110,000 UM. The plan, if you'd actually read anything, was to disable defenses with a virus and accelerate a captured UM ship into the planet, which EM pulsed the other ships for the massacre attack. When the battle actually started, the Word Bearers outnumbered the Ultramarines
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>The plan, was to disable defenses with a virus
Did it work?
Yes. WB also killed the sun. But UM bounce back and killed WB. The Ultramarines recovered, lit Pharos, began to gather the Shattered Legions, and then overcame the Ruinstorm and set off for Terra. So the Word Bearers' plan only partially worked.
They also isolated the 500 worlds, and the UM coped by making imperium secundus.
Kept UM out of most of the heresy and created the ruinstorm, UM arrived late at Terra, I'd say it was a victory for the WB.
>They also isolated the 500 worlds
Not for long.
Word bearers are bad at everything. They are only good for their endless prayers and kneeling.
Long enough for the UM to arrive late to the seige.
You dont have to have numbers for an ambush/betrayal to work.

Wasnt 250,000, even if we're going by all the new numbers, which are a little high imo.
From Lorgar's POV that was the plan, he didnt bring Kor Phaeron or Erebus in on it though, so to be logically consistent, they must've thought it could work.
Astartes numbers dont matter if you have orbital supremacy, and tbf they did commit most of their fleet, plus they had that virus disabling the defences, the fireship/"accident" fucking up comms and the XIII fleet, and the advantage of total surprise.
Then on the ground they were in open muster with little to no cover, 1 man with a gun can easily kill 20 others if he fires first at men who arent expecting him to do so. What a man can do, a titan can do 100,000 times over, and they had titans deployed.
Yeah they didnt destroy the UM, but losing 50,000 WBs for 120,000 UM is a good trade, as well as losing 65 titans for 100 titans and 1/2 of their fleet for 4/5ths of the UM one. This is a tactical victory. Really it should've worked tbqh, even so, partially failing still allowed Lorgar to pull off his own part of the plan to create the ruinstorm, actual success would've been a bonus.
But Sanguinius and the Blood Angels managed to get to Terra. The Ultramarines were still a danger to Horus, so Horus was forced to hurry. And according to the last book, the Ultramarines still arrived almost on time, except that Horus controlled time itself.
But there were practically no Word Bearers on Terra. They were thrown out with Lorgar like trash.

Huh? Orks and Eldar have been involved in 30k since Adeptus Titanicus was a thing.

The setting is weaker and stupid for being Primarch-focused capeshit. The setting should feel expansive and big.
It's got a campaign ruleset that seems aight but I haven't played it.
primarchs are tarot cards not superheroes xir
>Angron screams then, and he does something he has never done – in neither his mortal nor immortal lives. His roar of pained rage is coloured by a sound so shameful he will spend the rest of eternity refusing to believe it happened. The sound is a word, and the word is a plea. He begs.
>‘No,’ the beast grunts to his brother.
Iron Warriors with Mechanicum allies, or just a Praevian?
>When the battle actually started, the Word Bearers outnumbered the Ultramarines
they never did at any point
>bs abeyant
Which country is this recaster based in?
damn, what bits were used?
what is your favorite era/phase of the heresy, and area/warzone? (sorry for the lack of better words)
Nice OG magos
Istvaan III simple as
Resin magos dominus for the serpenta skull, servo arms from another resin kit (don't remember which one), blood slaugtherer body, melta gun, old SKULLS (iirc) metal magos, some necron bits for the legs and some skeletons for the servitors.
It's an old conversion I saw many years ago. Thankfully there are still pictures of it floating online.
You find a spot you like, you take a file to it and make a small spot to glue the bit to, you dab a touch of glue on there, you put the bit on and job done. It's not that difficult. If you can manage sticking on a head onto a mini, you can manage this.
Fucking figured out my Mechanicum scheme, except the fucking Magos I ordered didn't arrive this weekend so I'm sat about doing nothing
Gives you some time to practice on some spare bits of sprue then
A squad of sniper vets in HH 1.0 cost barely half as much points as a squad of veterans with nemesis bolters and power weapons. You can just about field a 10 man tartaros terminator squad for the same amount of points the latter costs, and not get completely BTFO by missile launchers.
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Forgib me, I was born to follow orders. Not all can be great thinkers and doers of the world.

I will try but sometimes group consensus is good.
Anon, get a grip on reality. Glueing a bloody bayonet does not a great thinker require.
Blessed is the mind too small for doubt, my imperial militia recruiter told me.
>Blessed is the mind too small for doubt
Actually, an Erebus quote in the lore
Oh oh... it's over
Erebus is so incredibly based
I made a basic bitch Magos back in the early V1.0 day, fuk that one you posted blows it away.
How'd you do your bronze anon?
So based Horus ripped half of his face off
Seems like a perfectly fine Magos, Anon.
Beautiful Xanites anon.
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holy onions did the mod delete that post? the fuck is wrong with this board lmao
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Switched from wanting to do Emperor's Children with SA allies to World Eaters with SA allies, and decided that to actually be more motivated to paint/work on my stuff I should break my list down into a 2000pt and 3000pt version so I can grow it up and make small additions to it as time goes by. Does this seem sufficiently fluffy and fun for a 2000pt list?

RoW: The Crimson Path

>Praetor (power fist, jump pack)
>1 Contemptor Dreadnought (gravis autocannon, gravis power fist with heavy flamer)
>5-Man Rampager Squad (artificer armour, jump packs x5, falax blades x5)
>1 Apothecary (chain axe)
>20-Man Tactical Squad (artificer armour, vexilla, augury, nuncio-vox, chainsaw bayonet x20)
>10-Man Assault Squad (artificer armour, falax blades, power axe x2, chainaxe x7)
>Defence Line

ALLIED DETACHMENT: Solar Auxilia (Legiones Auxilia)
Cohort Doctrine: Ultramar Pattern Cohort
>Legate Marshal (paragon blade, plasma pistol, artificer armour, iron halo)
>2 Medicae (needle pistol x2, close order sub-type x2, power fist x2)
>5-Man Line Command Section (command vox, vexilla, bayonet x5)
>20-Man Rifle Section (vox interlock, vexilla, bayonet x20)
>3-Vehicle Leman Russ Strike Squadron (vanquisher cannon x3, lascannon x3, dozer blade x3)

For 3k points I'm going to be adding a consul of some kind, an extra apothecary with a jump pack, expanding the assault squad to 20 dudes, getting 2 deredeo dreads and adding a command tank leman russ to the SA.
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>Why can't we have more [CURRENT THING] in /hhg/?
>Why did jannies delete [NOT HERESY]?
Please stop trying to ruin these threads.
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yes I'm sure that was the sentiment behind deleting the post which didn't even mention names and asked a valid question about the heresy kek
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Is no one going to check this?
China. They’re a secondary operation of WTG’s. A bit more expensive part for part than other casters, but decent quality and the ability to fill a cart with bits has an unparalleled level of convenience.
There are plenty of assassination attemps, there is even a whole story about the horus one. They absolutely exist in setting but aren't front and center because that's how assassination works. Also wasted get.
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You can get banned for making fun of tortuga bay models. Jannies are extremely sensitive here when it comes to certain subjects.
Brother, the auxila lacks balls to Ally with us.
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Man, the post wasn’t even anything bad. I could see it being removed to try and avoid things going off topic as we do have a lot of schizos (cough cough >>93333411 cough) in this thread, but really I don’t think it’s worth losing your meme, so I’ll put it back.

Also, the seven fold threes have spoken.
Legiones auxilia don't get much of a choice as for who they end up serving under, besides the auxilia I'm allying up with my WE literally get into the duelling pits and arenas with WE marines and train with them, some even in 1v1 duels, whether they want it or not. The surviving auxilia absolutely have the balls to act as an anchor and ally for the XIIth.
Poo coloured armour haha.
That absolutely sounds stupid enough to be the idea of a Primarch who couldn't even conquer their own world
>he fell for the GW marketing that put SA in every legion
Poor form.
>FW marketing
I can see some logic to it in a sense that once the heresy hit, the SA are liable to be better trained for combat against actual marines whilst serving a duel purpose of keeping the WE marines from killing one another when they get a bit too silly from the nails.
Fluff changes, it makes sense for the elite humans to work closely with the elite super humans and I like the idea. Also liking any franchise remotely means that you fell prey to some kind of marketing anon, come on now.
The nails must have replaced a bit too much of your brain if you take your informatorom from that forsaken site brother. What Armsman could stand against one of Our legion? The idea itself is prepostereous
You're clearly the one suffering from the nails if you mean to imply man, which outnumbers astartes immesurably and have access to higher function thinking beyond the know how of how to operate a chainaxe and knowing when not to die needlessly, don't serve any kind of purpose beyond just being a training dummy.
>can provide covering fire while world eaters charge in
>hold valuable ground and objectives without compromising the killing power and speciality of the XIIth
>are far more expendable and easy to replace than a world eater is
>can be committed to tasks of low importance so that the astartes can focus on far more important, mission critical objectives
To discredit their use isn't just nails dumb, it's inductii malformed stupidity, the kind that happens only in the mistake of genetic splicing and mass cloning.
>>The nails must have replaced a bit too much of your brain if you take your informatorom from that forsaken site brother.
>Trusting information from a GW site is now wrong and they are unofficial sources
Desu I don't know why I even bother posting here sometimes
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Did we ever get the third batch of those?
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Just a black wash over bronze GW paint and then some brushed on silver weathering. It has served me well for years now. Even goes alrigtht on the bigger units. Also I will never forgive FW for nerfing my baby....
You remember which bronze?
Not yet. From part 1 to 2, roughly 3 months had passed, so at worst I'd say part 3 is gonna drop by september. Only legions missing at this point from memory are I think
>white scars
>iron hands
>raven guard
>alpha legion
>word bearers
>night lords
They're almost all 1:1 copies of the legion colours anyway, can't see why it's taking so long.
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Warplock bronze was the original recipe, but I have moved onto Balthazar bronze as the higher tone is easier to work with and stands out on the table and pics better.
Could be waiting to get the go-ahead on making a transfer sheet and then coming up with some kind of emblem for said sheet or trying to source out names for copyrighting purposes; the painting and making up a scheme part is the easy bit, I think they're mostly just waiting for approval on things or waiting for there to be a gap in release scheduling to drop the article to keep people sated.
mate if word bearers and even terminators are a liability to the WE simply because they can't keep pace you know auxilia/humans are. This is why the WE are the workhorse legion, they actually DO the job that requires super soldiers in power armour rather than do jobs that any clown human can do just as well like operate armour or artillery or fliers.
What are the base sizes for ruinstorm units? Thinking of using some of the AoS crypt ghouls as daemons. Issue is that the bases on the units are all over the place with the newer weapon using ghouls using 25mm circles and things like the ghouls on bats being 75mm x 45mm ovals. the fw brutes at least use 50mm circles.
The Ruinstorm PDF didn't come with base sizes listed. You can put everything on 25s, if you want to.
if Alpharius was half as smart as he thinks he is he'd make Huscarl-Deliverer-Tyrants who are further away than you think they are
I don’t get how a weapon is cumbersome on a fucking knight.
why stop there, they're selling 20mm square bases for WHFB again
I honestly wouldn't mind cumbersome I'd it wasn't like objectively the worst knight weapon bar the Las impulsor. Why is the Siege Claw a better titan hunter than the titan killer knight? Like, either make it not cumbersome and brutal 2, or keep the cumbersome and give it exohock (2+) or Destroyer (Melee) or something.
needs calibrating and aiming to fire, like the las-impulsor

since it's not intended for use against models with a WS and models with WS1 like other vehicles, it's not that big of a deal - 1/7 attacks with it will onebang a Spartan, 2/7 will onebang an AV14 bunker

vs things like other Knights you want shooting (you really don't want to be near them when the singularity cannon hits) so it's a nice fuck-off reminder for anything that gets too close, or you can get in under a big Titan's carapace guns and dare it to shoot you with its giant templates while you shoot it from behind with your cutter and try to vortex its knees
It's one of those really old quotes they use since Rogue Trader. In an old WD article about Ogryns it was attributed to Commissar Groden Bevro.
There is GW sites and there is Warhammer community that is simply a hype machine for next release.
>using only an abeyant and several whole blood slaughterers, Anon converts an abeyant into an abeyant
Yes, I know, but in the HH novels it was made to be first said by Erebus.
Ironic foreshadowing, etc
Veterans can buy chainswords for +2 pts, and Power Weapons for +5 pts. They should cost +5 and +10, respectively
Conversely, Artificer Command Squads' do follow the trend of PW costing +5 pts when the model already has a chainsword...but their Fists are overcosted at +15 instead of +10 pts.
Vet sarge's Fist also costs +20 pts wtf.
Everywhere else you see chainswords at +5 and PW at +10, except on Vets
Nobody wants Vets to get more expensive.
Vets don't need to be more expensive, shut up.
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Did a test paint for a Luna Wolves scheme on a spare model I had.
I think my nuln oil has gone bad.
Please ignore the shoddy nature of the scheme, I did it quickly to see how it would look.
>their Fists are overcosted at +15 instead of +10 pts.
>Vet sarge's Fist also costs +20 pts
These point costs are intentional choices. If you want fists and thunder hammers, you take terminators. Putting them onto units that are WS 5, can sweep, and can take two weapons (that aren't dual lightning claws) comes at a premium.
If fists were cheap on vets/command squads, everyone would just run 1 claw and 1 fist
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>WE are the workhorse legion, they actually DO the job that requires super soldiers in power armour rather than do jobs that any clown human can do just as well like operate armour or artillery or fliers
This. World Eaters may be braindead, but marines should be shock assault soldiers. Not being in melee is a waste of posthuman muscle.
Shooting guns (especially heavy guns) is understandable, as they kill the enemy as soon as they are in visual.
But driving vehicles and flyers, mortals can do that
Rate the list, I've got a narrative league kicking off next week. Going with theme of "horrifically injured Istvaan III survivors turning to augmentations and automata to live long enough to get revenge."

Legion: Blackshields
Oaths of Vengeance and Wrath: The Flesh is Weak, Only in Death Does Duty End

Primary Detachment - 3000
HQ - 1367
Cataphractii Consul, Forge Lord, Power Fist, Volkite Charger, Machinator Array, Cyber-Familiar, Cortex Controller - 167
Consul, Praevian, Power Axe, Cyber-Familiar, Cortex Controller - 125
5x Castellax, 10x Maxima Bolters, 10x Shock Chargers, 3x Mauler Bolt Cannon, 2x Darkfire Cannon - 475
Consul, Praevian, Power Axe, Cyber-Familiar, Cortex Controller - 125
5x Castellax, 10x Maxima Bolters, 10x Shock Chargers, 3x Mauler Bolt Cannon, 2x Darkfire Cannon - 475

Troops - 450
20x Tacticals, 20x Bolter, Power Fist, Artificer Armor - 225
20x Tacticals, 20x Bolter, Power Fist, Artificer Armor - 225

Elites - 1183
9x Thallax, 6x Lightning Guns, 6x Chain Bayonets, 3x Photon Thruster, 9x Melta Bombs - 479
9x Thallax, 6x Lightning Guns, 6x Chain Bayonets, 3x Photon Thruster, 9x Melta Bombs - 479
5x Cataphractii Terminators, 5x Power Fists, 5x Combi-Bolter - 225
>Huscalshroudmentarii, the ultimate lifeform
How would you guys change Terminator armor in the next edition?
Fists can cost +10 over PW so I guess that's fine.
But Sarge's fist 20 pts come ooon. And regular Vets 5 pts PW come ooon. Outliers, both of them.
so are any of the horus heresy books actually worth a listen?
My favorite is always flight of the eisenstein. Don't know about the audio book though.
First 3 are good, and a cohesive lead up to the actual heresy (albeit a bit rushed, and Horus feels radically different in each book)
Know No Fear is a personal favorite. All about the betrayal at Calth
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I liked 1.0's ideal of "Terminator suits are all equivalents; this unit might be wearing whatever you say they are". And then they trashed that concept by making suits be different.
Also, don't like the fact that Iron Halos are rare...but you can have whole squads with 4++.
And the one guy who does have an actual Iron Halo, when he wears Cataphractii, nothing happens.
So I'd make both Cataphractii, Tartaros and Indomitus squads cost the same (Cataphractii cost).
1. Indomitus Termie squads would be equipped with power weapons base instead of fists. No support squad but also becomes Elites. Terminator squad would be the same unit entry with a choice of armour, is what I'm saying
2. Changes to Heavy type would add a -1 penalty to sweeping. This is because Heavy type is supposed to be a sidegrade...but it has no real downsides. -1" to Run is pointless because they just don't run: HSS don't even move, and Heavy Termies are ferried in by LR. -1 to Sweep is a real downside
1. Reduce their 4++ to 5++ re-rolls invulns of 1. That way there invuln a) is better than regular, but not quite giving everyone an Iron Halo equivalent, and b) it can combine with actual Iron Halos.
No change. This is considered the weakest armour, and with the nerfs to the other patterns, they are now on equal ground

>This means terminators are all equally bad!
Would you now like to take Veteran instead? (I'm also making many VEQ become 3+ saves too)
Wrong bozo its all about /fa/ much like veterans and HQs who most definitely have access to better armor yet wear MkV
Where do you guys source stuff like barbed wire for bases?
Army painter makes a box that has a spool of model razor wire in it.
I like Lorgar but the whole bit with hyping him up about how he's finally stopping holding back his powers and willingly goes into a fight for his sons just to get his ass kicked by a guy specializing in stealth was pretty pathetic.

It's like a joke about a weeb thinking he's going to unleash his inner power because he has something to protect just to get his shit pushed in by reality and the jock.

I wish they gave him some personal Ws aside from the whole "heresy was a success for him!" thing.
>https://www.warhammer community.com/2024/07/14/sunday-preview-horrors-in-the-underhells-and-dwarfs-in-the-old-world/
No mech box next week :(
Vulkan should have died on Isstvan.
More primarchs should have died in general.
Horus should have died on Davin
30k rules for kill team would be cool. for like trench raids or whatever
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>Vulkan should have died on Isstvan.
He did
Describe a trench raid. What makes it stand out from other things?
the survivors certainly achieved so little it's hard to see how they were so neccessary in the first place.
its like 10 guys fucking around in no mans land or in somebody elses trenches under the cover of darkness
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I'm gonna have a diorama base and a combat base for my herald, the last consul I'm making since I don't give a fuck about pathfinders.
But I have to go through my bits again since I want to put on some fancy armor for this guy.
Is it worthwhile to take a master of signals if I'm gonna be deepstriking only like 2 units for a better chance of being able to land on top of the enemy turn 2 with those units or should I grab something fun like a xiphon, librarian or javelin land speeder instead?
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Wasn't Calth a technical success for the Word Bearers, though? They killed all the Ultramarines they could kill with the forces they had, didn't lose as many as they could've, and effectively locked the biggest legion out of the heresy, without also preventing the WB or WE from arriving to Terra.
The same cannot be said of Istvaan 3 or 5.
>Pictured: Lorgar, Horus and the Ultramarines
>Is it worthwhile to take a master of signals if I'm
No, not really. If the enemy is also doing that then yes
They also trashed multiple titan legions and knight houses while keeping their forge worlds from effectivley supplying loyalists
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FW died like eight years ago. (You) keep shilling this GW good FW bad shit and I’m stopping it here. FW had basically no marketing team until GW decided it was going to amalgamate it back into being generic GW, which was circa 2016. You 40kids don’t even begin to understand how great FW was. We used to have themed terrain of all sorts, logistics vehicles, towed generators and vehicle upgrade kits that changed nothing in rules but just added flavour, and dare I say, soul, to an army. We used to get just alternate styles of things that already existed purely so you could make your armies look cooler. We used to get god damn sensor arrays and shit like that to make your AAA emplacements more believable.

FW is everything good that has been lost from warhammer.
they also killed the majority of the smurf fleet
xiphons are fucking sick, take that instead so you can give the impression of a full on battle with an implied aerial fight ongoing
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Shit take. The atrapos lascutter was specifically designed for use against titans and xenos/heretek war engines.
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This really should be a PSA: GW rushed out 2.0 and very few if any rules should be read as though they were done on purpose, with conscious intent, or that they were even done right in the first place. This is not specific to little niche cases like reaver laser blasters, this is a widespread issue across all the published rules: they’re just fucked up, and that’s it.
The first five books (Horus rising, false gods, galaxy in flames, flight of the Einstein, Fulgrim) are all worth a read. I’d even go so far as to say they’re decent books outside of being warhammer books (flight of the Einstein and Horus rising are both decent science fiction on their own). Outside of that, I’ve read the first ~25 or so, as well as the ones that received more praise later on (the white scars books, and a couple SoT books) and they're all pretty bad. If you just want background noise you could do worse, but not by much. The vast majority of the books feel like they’re mediocre fan fiction, and the complete lack of quality editing really doesn’t do them any favours. That being said, if you’ve never actually read a decent book, I suspect they’re fine.
I meant more personal like a 1v1. I think every Primarch had at least one victory against another Primarch. Although to be fair Angron had 1v1 wins but no leadership ones.
Post your favourite lost FW kits, i want to see kino from the good ole days.
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Sarge has twice the base attacks, so his weapon is twice as good, justifying twice the price.
And he’s the one who’s going to fight in duels, meaning he gets way more use out of things like the charnabal weapon.
What’s the best third party manufacturers for Mechanicum stuff?
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For me, it's the rhino/predator up-armour kits, and the absolutely absurd array of chapter specific doors and ramps.
this nigga askin for justification again man. get the fuck outta here
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For me it’s the old tau air caste kits. Besides just being beautifully designed and sufficiently recognizable, but also alien looking, they had all sorts of little movable parts and things (and as long as you didn’t fuck up gluing, all of these were functional on the assembled model). The barracuda had an internal missile bay that could be closed to fit flush with the fuselage or opened to show the missiles, the orca had a deployable defensive gun pod and actually held a full complement of troops (it even had an extra part to attach to the back of your regular battlesuits so they could securely attach themselves to a rail that ran the length of the troop bay), the tiger shark drone carrier actually had internal racking to carry gun drones that could open and close and you could actually remove them, the manta had two floors of cargo space including a removable lower deck that stored four tanks and actually had little clips to hold them in place if you chose to store them in there, as well as a deployable boarding ramp so the troops on the upper level could depart. On top of that, all of them had detachable cockpit sections that actually had modelled engines and stuff because they were escape pods. My tau stuff is in a state of neglect, but here’s a shot of the cockpit for the tiger shark AX-1-0 (the version with big ass guns instead of drone compartments).

The artillery platforms and towed supply kits for the chimera were also fucking awesome, and I feel obligated to mention how awesome the Valkyrie transporter (which carries a tarous FAV) and the thunderhawk transporter (which could carry two rhinos or a land raider) are.
would angron just kill me on the spot if I approached him and asked how I can be strong like him
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twenty seven thousand years of genetic engineering. Even assuming you're like twelve and that’s why you’re asking such a dumbassed chat room question, you better get started soon.
>snarky doge posting from a phone user
Everytime man
Every FW ork kit was simultaneous goofy contraption but also functional vehicle with drive shafts and suspension and sprocket wheels with function.
For me it’s Lorgar & Angron’s Excellent Adventure
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big news next week lads
Cataphractii Armor and the Mystery of Who the Fuck Thought These Pauldrons Were A Good Idea
That's Pride of the Legion, not the Blackshield oath anon mentioned
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For smallxestobiaxanon - If you still want to make rock'em sock'em reaver in full size, this fucker has an STL for the chainfist. https://cults3d.com/en/orders/94289034

On the off chance this gets taken down before you get to it, let me know, I've already downloaded the file.
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i love iron chuds, after i apply the decals and paint the trim i'm gonna tone the glossiness down

wish they kept making the belt fed autocannons
Did the 30k Imperium really use the words "holy terra" a lot or is this just a case of BL forgetting that 30k and 40k are supposed to be different eras again
Based, much appreciate it. I'll snag it once I'm home from work
what are the basic troops depicted in the mechanicum photos? they don't seem to be sold on GWs mechanicum section?
Is playing without a primarch really bad? Because choosing based on how much I like the primarch limits me to basically iron warriors or sons of horus.
I've not even got a primarch. Unless your opponents always bring them and play like assholes, you'll be fine.
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Alright I have it. Thanks a million, Anon, this opens up a dangerous door.
tech thralls, pretty much little indian people the forgeworld armors up and sends them off with the promise of infinite white women
You’re better off using secutarii than tech thralls as basic troops desu
Are those rapiers made from kataphrons?
Looks great.
I think so, i got em from a buddy for a steal, especially since they look so great
>did the atheistic empire say holy terra


I mean Lorgar might say stuff like that but he's a tard intentionally
By the Horus Heresy, 90% of troops never got to see their primarch again in person. An in terms of game rules, throw a 10 man squad of Cataphractii Terminators with a primus medicae at them (probably less cost than primarch + retinue) and it'll slow em down long enough to surround them.
Damn, when did this come out? This is perfect base for the Forge lord I wanted to make, and it's in mk5 too so I can mix the parts as I want.
>Damn, when did this come out?
A while ago
I don't know what's worse, finding out it was from 2018, or remembering the Nemesis warbringer was 6 years ago.
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What were you on a different planet briefly?
Just didn't register, I was playing Tyranids back then so didn't pay a ton of attention to Horus Heresy stuff. A new Titan got on everyone's radar though, so I remember that.
Despoilers have chainswords already, so I guess that's why they can take PW at +5 pts. Idk so could their sergeant.
That being said, maybe it's a tiered thing.
Troop MEQ get PW at +5, MEQ sarges at +10... then VEQ AT +5 WTF
MEQ sarges get Fists at +15 pts, VEQ sarges at +20, and Centurions & Praetors at +25. Boo
Guys I kind of feel like using two bolt pistols isn't really a war crime
Destroyers should be able to get shotguns
its said by Rogal Dorn in the short story The Lightning Tower by Dan Abnett, although it could just be Abnett being a hack
>Destroyer's bolt pistols
12" S4 AP5 Rad phage*(tweaked rule, affects the whole target squad for one turn instead of a single model all game long)
Also, twin volkite serpentas are too expensive. Centurions takes one at +2 pts but Destroyers get theirs at +5 per pistol? And some sergeants get hand flamers at +5 pts but others at +2 pts?
Booo schizo prices booo
Shotguns should be alternatives to bolters, not Concussion guns
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Rapiers are done, just need some crew now
Are the graviton cannons good? They look the coolest but boy are they expensive.
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Did GW say anything about when they were going to resume doing releases for 30k characters? The next book/campaign seems to include iron warriors and salamanders so it might be worth the wait. Otherwise, I was thinking of adding a iron warriros character using the siege breaker and replacing the head with the iron warriors skull mask.
Yes, 5" blasts that leave Difficult and Dangerous terrain for a turn, haywire, and
(rarely) concussive make it great for vehicles, terminators, and dreads.
The atropos singularity cannon should lose its strength 8 and instead get graviton collapse and torsion crusher while still keeping singularity and AP2. The atropos lascutter should be Destroyer 1 with instant death at Ranged, and the melee should lose cumbersome but only be able to make 1 attack with Destroyer (melee) and instant death.

Is the Atrapos too good or too weak?
It's awful. Most expensive non-Acastus knight and its weapons are worse than a leviathan.
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>Booo schizo prices booo
This edition is riddled with schizo point values. In what world does it make sense to pay 15 points to replace a contemptor's power fist (with brutal 3) with a kheres assault cannon? And why is the magna melta, the obvious best option out of all the dreadnought ranged weapons, the cheapest of them all? Why are plasma guns 10 points, yet plasma pistols also 10 points? Why do plasma cannons cost just as much points as lascannons? Why do some exemplary battle units still pay 15 points for their plasma guns? I could go on, but you get the point no pun intended
>lose the only good thing atrapos has
retarded take
Mortus Poisoners can replace their bolter for an alchem flamer (S4, AP5, Template, Assault 1, Fleshbane, Gets Hot) for free, or pay 20 points for a heavy alchem flamer (S5, AP4, Template, Assault 1, Fleshbane, Gets Hot). 20 fucking points for a single point of AP in the space marine game.
Personally I'd give Cataphractii Battle-Hardened 1 for Las weapons so they don't get vaporized by lascannons immediately.
>This is because Heavy type is supposed to be a sidegrade...but it has no real downsides. -1" to Run is pointless

Uhm, anon... the Heavy unit sub-type doesn't allow Run moves at all. Did you even read the rules?
Why is it always the people who don't even know the rules that think they know what needs to be changed.
gyatt damn mark II can't come soon enough
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Think i’m gonna make some of these myself.
I’ve only just realised the Tartaros Praetor only has a 5++ save, due to not having an Iron Halo. No wonder I never see anyone running one.
You want to make cataphractii even more obnoxious than they already are?
Does anyone have some ideas for Ruinstorm demon lists that would be playable in Zone Mortalis?
Since so many of the usable units from that army are far too large to fit there their options seem very limited.
It’s such bullshit that you can’t ally ruinstorm demons or use their LOWs.
Would have loved to make an arch demon of my own, so incredibly boring how they didn’t even give us that option in the bound demon army list.
You can use Bound Ka'Bandha and Bound Cor'bax though.
It's even more retarded when you consider there's the fucking 'agents of the warmaster' category in the ally matrix, that isn't used by any faction at all. You would think oh it would be daemons but fuck no, bad luck traitors as usual from John French and his yellow fever
It's 110 points, compared to 120 for the artificer praetor. Upgrades are cheaper, too. You pay 10 points for a fist compared to 25 for the basic version, 15 for a paragon blade/thunder hammer compared to 30, and 10 for paired claws compared to 20. Basic guy gets more attacks because he can swap out both his bolt pistol and chainsword to pair up specialist weapons, tartaros guy gets an extra wound and cheaper kit.
Also can't take two weapons for the extra attack. Instant turn away.
off the top of my head, Dark Flame Behemoth blockers and Infernal Tempest

the chip damage alone from auto-hitting on Suppress is worthwhile, particularly on larger units - if you're in Infernal Tempest range you're in Fear range, so any morale checks are at least -1

also "Daemon Cavalry" isn't a Unit Type - they're just Daemons - so you can take them in ZM games and they are hella fast compared to anything else you're going to see
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I want to make an old night themed predator so im retrofitting chooms and a beamer on a mars pattern.
Do i just glue them on like on the left, or do i try to fit them on the lascan case ?
>End of Beta Garmon Heresy League
>Did a giant 12k vs 12k version of the Jaghatai v Horus scenario
>One guy brought a classic Warhound
>Used it to blow up my buddy's Mastodon and snipe a knight across all three tables
Was a pretty fun weekend
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I was annoyed at first, too, but overall it makes sense, if the tartaros praetor also had a 4++ there'd no reason to ever pick anything else, particularly the cataphract. But now the problem is that a 5++ is only rarely up to the task of keeping a praetor safe in the kind of heavy brawling they're meant to engage in.
Some legions can get around the issue well enough, particularly IF, IH and Sal, but in general it is a real, relevant choice.
It's interesting that you specifically mention Vulkan, despite the fact that his (permanent) death would arguably have the least impact. Tell me anon... did a Salamanders player hurt you recently? Why else would you even care?
no clue anon but I like the idea.

its 1/3 instead of 1/2

literally 33% more likely to make one 5++ than making both 4++ saves against a thunder hammer

get out
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>In what world does it make sense to pay 15 points to replace a contemptor's power fist (with brutal 3) with a kheres assault cannon?
Allegedly, Dread CCWs (+ combi-bolter) are equal to Gravis Bolt Cannons (48" S5 AP4 Heavy 6, Twin Linked). Kheres gain +1S for half the range, and switch Twin Linked for Rending 6+. Idk how much that'd cost.
>And why is the magna melta, the obvious best option out of all the dreadnought ranged weapons, the cheapest of them all?
Ah yeah oof. +20 pts?
>Why are plasma guns 10 points, yet plasma pistols also 10 points?
Most Volkite Serpentas are +5 pts, can't make Plasma pistols cost the same. So I could buff pistols so that models can swap one of their attacks for their pistol's profile and nerf Serpentas down to 1 shot (+5 pts gets you S5 and Deflagrate)
>Why do plasma cannons cost just as much points as lascannons?
They do if you make them full AP2. But I'd make them Heavy 3 because fuck rolling scatter on 10 small blasts lmao oof
Sorry anon, -1" to Advance and Withdraw. Also yeah, I was repeating something I read in these threads: should've known better
It's so very weird that a praetor ditches his iron halo to take a terminator suit
>Upgrades are cheaper
Well they're swapping a terminator's PW instead of an artificer Praetor's chainsword. Indeed the sole act of buying a Power Weapon makes the Praetor cost the same as his Cataphractii version lol
>if the tartaros praetor also had a 4++ there'd no reason to ever pick anything else
For that price, no. If both costed the same 135 pts, then yes. If Cataphractii's shield overlapped the Iron Halo's ones (like it happened in 7E 40k) then even more so -> >>93335891
Time to be controversial
Give Tart Praetors a 4++, make Cataphracti T5.

Make all Terminators immune to Instant Desth rule. Make them take D3 wounds instead like a Dreadnought. They are "Tactical Dreadnought Amour" afterall.
Would make Primus Medicae worth taking.
Speaking of Primus Medicae, Sacred Trust as is, is fucking worthless for all but about two Legions. Suggestion: at the start of your turn, roll a die, on a 4+, either heal a model d3 wounds, or return one slain (non-character) model back to the unit with d3 wounds remaining.
>Give Tart Praetors a 4++
>make Cataphracti T5.
Nah. Tartaros is seen as weaker than Cataphractii. You can see it in Cataphractii squads costing more than Tartaros squads. +1"M (& full Reaction movement) isn't as good as going from 5++ to 4++.
But it could be if it's only going from 5++ to 5++ rerolling 1s to invuln.
>Make all Terminators immune to Instant Desth rule. Make them take D3 wounds instead like a Dreadnought. They are "Tactical Dreadnought Amour" afterall.
Let Termies die, anon. If you are paying for S8/ID and aiming that at termies, then that's alright
>Speaking of Primus Medicae... Suggestion: at the start of your turn, roll a die, on a 4+, either heal a model d3 wounds, or return one slain (non-character) model back to the unit with d3 wounds remaining.
With 1 wound remaining. But yes, I have considered it. On top of giving FnP4 instead of FnP5, because he's like, the head surgeon.
Honestly I don't think the first two changes sound terrible, but making terminators immune to instant death would make Cata going up to T5 redundant. Would also screw over instances of it coming outside of doubling out toughness, such as with murderous strike.
Imagine a world where Praetor's all walk around around in Cataphracti because they are T5, immune to instant death, and have an extra wound. Not a world I want to live in.

Regardless: How would you point these changes then?
Don't. Regard it. Mind it.
>Tartaros is seen as weaker than Cataphractii.
Yes, that's why Tart will stay T4.
>How would you point these changes then?
Tartaros stays the same. Cata characters up 15 points. All non-character Cata termies +5 ppm.
Yes, including specialist squads like Space Yiffs Varagyr.
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Can someone summarise what should be in an Iron Warriors list? Are the Shrapnel Bolters worth it?
It should NOT be weaker than Cataphractii, anon. That's what I'm against.
They should be equally powerful, just different.
>Are the Shrapnel Bolters worth it?
Currently only in Hammer of Olympia.
They can do mechanized infantry, focus on heavy guns, etc.
They can also focus on artillery but the only good piece is Scorpiuses lol rip
But Tartaros IS weaker because it obky has a 5++
Unless you want to give all Terminators 4++ and T5 but then you can go play the dogshit mess that is 10th ed 40k.
Giving Cata T5 is a way compensate for their lack of mobility. Being Heavy and all. Tartaros are faster. That's their niche. If you want Tart to get a buff too, fine, give them 7" move. Make them as fast as a normal Power Armour squad.
>If you want Tart to get a buff too, fine, give them 7" move

Even with that speed, Tartaros is weaker than Cataphractii's 4++. That's why I'd make Cata 5++ rr1s
Fuck off back to 40k
That's a shit idea.
>I want entire squads to have a 4++
That was a mistake right since day 1
Man I fucking love seekers. A single 10 man unit is cheap as fuck, has a 4++ in ruins, and are by default equip a weapon that basically fulfills the same niche as a plasma gun vs marines with S 5 breaching 4+ (as if that single lost wound matters, you want 4+ anyway.)
Not to mention precision shot 4+. I keep sniping banner bearers in command squads and stealing away line, then fucking over units coming to deal with them with precision shooting out power weapons and leaders.
>Nooo all rolls are final!!! Save me Diceman!!
Cata is better than Tarta. Simple as.
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Current tanks for bait
How small can you go with demon units before you start going into WAAC territory?
I would imagine a behemoth would atleast have to be on an 80mm base.
>Can someone summarise what should be in an Iron Warriors list?
Iron Warriors
Nice b8 m8.
Could you post some pictures where you’ve dry fitted them with some tacky putty so we can get a better idea of how the final results for the different options would look?
Just going by the picture you posted the choom as is does look a tiny bit small compared to the las one, but the level of detail is so much higher on the choom that i’m not sure that it would fit with any part of the lascannon.
IDK why you're trying to reinvent the wheel, there's a barely used type if you really want to Buff Tartaros that badly. I don't, besuse they look like dogshit anyway.
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Should I print a Warhound? I thought they'd be shit because hss Lascannons exist but after trying one out and running around murdering everything while a 10 man squad fired into it for 3 turns and didn't even kill it, it actually seems lika a pretty solid low to me now
Very underrated unit.
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fuck tartaros
I'm not looking to buff Tartaros, I'll just make Cataphractii less oppressive.
Because if you buff Tartaros up to Cataphractii's level, then Indomitus is left behind and you gotta buff it too. Not everything needs a buff, sometimes you just need to let the foot off the gas on the leading unit.
I want termies to be equal because I want the 1.0 blurb of "this squad is using whatever terminator armour you say it is; it costs the same".
Not to mention, termies are usually carried by LRs so, Tartaros gaining +1 to run isn't that important.
>what should be in an Iron Warriors list?
a sign which reads "no Imperial Fists allowed past this point"
dubs of truth
Toyed with the idea of putting the volkites horizontally. In order to fit the cables of the chooms with the cables of the lascan.

It would be even more unique look, perhaps an older unorthodox configuration.
>Because if you buff Tartaros up to Cataphractii's level, then Indomitus is left behind and you gotta buff it too
No you don't. Indomitus is literally designed to be inferior, both lorewise and ruleswise.
>Not to mention, termies are usually carried by LRs so, Tartaros gaining +1 to run isn't that important.
I'd say being spared a cost that can buy you essentially another 5 Terminators is pretty important, especially since they can move as fast as a land raider and still snap shoot.
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>Indomitus is literally designed to be inferior, both lorewise and ruleswise.
Putting them horizontally would probably look very cool desu.
So do you guys think we will see new profiles for Drakyac and Scoria in the new campaign book?
Their current profiles represent them at the start of the heresy, and they pretty explicitly say that they will release new profiles to represent them later into the heresy in the mech liber.
Perhaps similar to what they did with Fulgrim and Horus, though i highly doubt they would make new models for them.
What would such a profile look like?
>Source: a throwaway sentence written by an intern who didn't know/think to mention the differences between terminator armor patterns
Convincing stuff
Though i think both the horizontal and choom on it’s own look good enough.
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>>Indomitus is literally designed to be inferior, both lorewise and ruleswise.
>black books are written by interns
I guess the rules were too, seeing that at a time there was only Terminator Armour and Cataphractii Terminator Armour. Tartaros and Intomitus were identical in rules too.
>Indomitus was designed during HH as resources were becoming scarcer
>Gorgon, a variant of the Indomitus, was in service before HH
If we want to start talking about stuff written by interns...
I think we'll get one mechanicum character from the book since Mars isn't interesting enough to justify more than one new character sculpt, and it'll either be Kelbor-Hal or a new loyalist character to balance the scales a bit and since the only noteworthy loyalist characters are Zagreus Kane (a retarded noncombatant), Arkhan Land (a retatded noncombatant), and what-his-face's harem of brown women knight pilots (not a chance in hell we get a knight/titan character.)
Right, because a BL writer has never forgotten the rules of the setting once or outright ignored them before.
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What do you guys use to fill gaps in models? Just got done making my dread and he has a couple of gaps that are bothering me, and I just know when I go to make my leman russes later I’ll probs have the same issue
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>I guess the rules were too, seeing that at a time there was only Terminator Armour and Cataphractii Terminator Armour.
This stopped being the case in Book 2

>Indomitus was designed during HH as resources were becoming scarcer
>Gorgon, a variant of the Indomitus, was in service before HH
Wow, you're telling me a less impressive version of a pre-existing technology was made as a stop gap when resources are scarce? This is crazy to me.
What does BL have to do with this?
Standard Milliput, it’s great because you can sandpaper it smooth after it’s dried.
But any putty can work in my experience.
Stop arguing with him, he’s just looking for (you)s and being willfully disingenous to drag the conversation on longer.
You will never get him to admit to being wrong.
>Retards sperging out because the inconsequential details of the tech lore changed slightly over the years the way it always does when the creators come up with an idea they like more and run with it
Typical slow week for /hhg/ desu
I blame GW honestly.
Oh ok

Anyone have recommendations for Medusan Immortal STLs? I like the originals but WTG fucked mine up something fierce and I doubt Z has them in any better quality.
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Thanks anon, I’ll pick some up then. Have a pic of the lad…Turned out stiffer than I intended since I was trying to go for something heroic looking but live and learn I suppose. I might have to pick another one up in the future to take a stab at building it again
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>This stopped being the case in Book 2
Where are the rules for the armour in said book? Even in the Crusade Army List released some two years later there's still just Terminator Armour and Cataphractii Terminator Armour, with pic related. Tartaros didn't get its own rules until 2016 with the Age of Darkness Army List.
>less impressive version of a pre-existing technology
Gorgon is the variant, making Indomitus the original. Indomitus is not a variant of Gorgon.
I will never forgive them for fucking over traitor Deliverers for no reason at all.
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Did send pic related to a friend and he said he was doing that dumb mr beast pose. At least the magnets can let me mess around to feel a little bit better about the shit pose
Not the same thing, i want to make my own and not have it be some named character… :(
Try sanding down the plastic glue overspill too.
You forgot about Remiare which appears in multiple stories and even had a fan sculpt.
Definitely going to yeah, planning on doing a big batch clean up for every model before I move onto priming them all
Would a 60mm base be too small for a demon behemoth?
Struggling with base sizes for the demons.
You can't be serious.
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post yfw this setting is an expanded fictional macrocosm of the actual conflict that saw ancient maldek shattered into what's now known the asteroid belt with the echoes of combatants resemblant of the space marines we relish in indelibly etched into the underlying consciousness of the solar system itself
I really want to get that blood slaughterer head for a LI khorne warlord titan
SD Musha Horus Heresy g generation cross rays when?
i need a fucking servo arm and dont want to spend $40 on some faggy primaris kit
Maybe Kataphron breachers?
Think those have some really good parts in general.
I got some okay ones off shapeways before they went under. I don't know who made them but here is the image if you feel like trying to find them
looks like red warden miniatures
The scyllax and the magos with servo automata come with a lot of them. There is also a bits recaster that lets you pick them from tech-priests, tech-marines, etc.
God I love scyllax for techy bits, once you're done you can just use the main bodies for techpriest or servitor conversions too.
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His smug aura threatens me
Agents of the Warmaster means you don't get fucked over by levels of allegiance between Detachments, even if you're not bothering with them within a Detachment that has Anathemata psykers summoning daemons

the Faction of Daemons is always Ruinstorm Daemons, so it's neat that you can get Sworn Brothers with them regardless of whether your other Detachments get along with WB or whoever; like your EC Warlord with Paragon of Excellence can actually buff their WS just because they lose a combat and fail a Morale check near to him

it's neat
Looking at the Behemoth, it's kind of Knight-tier cost with a very good melee option, and it can take almost Primarch-levels of punishment, but without good rolls for Lance on the Formless Distortion table it's not going to ever be a match for a Knight; it has a slightly worse than 1/100 chance of doing more than 1HP per Attack to a Questoris Knight at the same 380 point range and a 1/36-ish chance of doing 1HP per Attack with the Behemoth Blade.

Daemon Princes come on a 60mm base these days, I don't think I'd go bigger than that.
Where does it say ruinstorm demons have the Agents of the Warmaster alliegiance?
And when you summon demons via the anathema psychic discipline they become part of your army.
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What does he know
The difference is that a behemoth is heavy support and not a LOW choice.
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behemoths go on 100mm bases (a telemon is similarly costed and is so provisioned)
lesser daemons rightfully go on 32s given they're similar to marines in stats
brvtes go on 50s as per the fw models
sovereigns probably belong on 100mm bases too but there's more leeway depending on what one is going for i think
an arch daemon belongs on a 130mm at minimum if not a larger ovoid one but i would like to have everything circular

source: my pretensions thereconcerning, i intend down the line to digitally sculpt the models for an entire force based on some concepts that i'm drawn to and have even now illustrated and proont them up
-very- slaaneshi. booba and/or cocks literally everywhere
I know, but another guy said that behemoths would be a good choice in zone mortalis, and while it’s technically within the restrictions of which units you can bring i just don’t see how it would reasonably fit on a base that would work in those spaces.
I think lesser demons can get away with 28mm.
Aren’t sovereigns supposed to be demon prince sized?
Then they should be on 60mm to 80mm bases.
i might end up going for 80s myself, if just to change it up. there's some breathing room for sure given their nature but they're also massive models concerning points cost and that should definitely be represented somehow in sheer scale if maybe not to the same extent as a non-hq
agreed but my fuckers are to be quite beeg and, thus, a little larger is presently my targeted envelope
Are blood slaughterers worth using as a counter assault unit in cybernetica? Thinking of grabbing 3 as a fuck you to any command squads marine players throw my way with the anima malefica giving them WS6, i4, and 4++ invuln.
Blood slaughterers are gonna bounce right off command squads before getting flattened. If you want something to counter-assault command squads you need decimators.
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Do it anon
I was thinking about getting into 30k but now I don't want to anymore.
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A supposed list of playtester notes has leaked. Thoughts /hhg/? They seem to be post Phase 3 testing because brutal is spoken about.
>He doesn't know about the Tumult of Kalphon and its lingering effects on the collective subconscious, even into the following second kalpa
Nothing is new, we merely repeat the echos of memories that haven't happened.
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Stop samefagging and take your meds you cringy schizo.
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>You can use searchlights without LOS according to RAW

It's fucking stupid tho, and I would never condone it.
As others have already posted, these are Tech Thralls. Got resin models in 2014 that were still available at the shop maybe three or four weeks ago. Not really worthwhile to take in HH 2.0 unless they (or the Magi) get a rules update. They're cheap (pointwise) but rarely can do anything useful.
Hehehehe, you will never know
Secutarii look really fucking expensive for their starts

Is this playtesting for the current edition back before it was released?
These motherfuckers
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Why wouldn't they consider nerfing suzerains?
whose stl is the guy on the base? I don't recognize it
honestly wish I could tell you but my printer dude is MIA and I got the bit like...8 months ago? There's some other good stuff on 3Dcult though
They did. Legatine axes has breaching (5+) and Murderous Strike (5+) before.
Reading this is so fkn depressing, it show how little effort FW put into this and how they have such little actual playtime under their belt. Simple rules and functional aspects were missing from the start and the Q&A playtestor feedback is more concerned about points instead of functionality and flavor.

I think FW went into 2.0 with a definative breif of nerf A, B and C and push D, E and F above all other considerations. Any actual game functionalty or balance wasn't even on the table.

Also forver fuck the idiot who pushed reactions on us as a hold over from modern 40k shite

from the file previews (I ain't readin all that shit)

Majority armour saves for shooting/non-Challenge melee is maybe a good idea (but fuck Primarchs w/ Militia), a lot seems to have been addressed or is a non-issue - Lumbering in the first doc is one guy who's complaining about his T-Girl not being Best Girl, likewise his comments on Super-heavy while accurate miss the point - it's not supposed to be an extra shooting phase; mixed Initiatives was addressed in the AoDR (use highest); Interceptor with flamers is probably less obnoxious than it would be if it worked like Overwatch (esp in ZM and small boards except where anything with Torrent can dominate); Night fighting complaint is a skill issue/planning issue

allies chart has been fixed in later documents, Praetors shield is obviously from an older document that's no longer relevant (and without it relative costing is meaningless), Moritats were addressed (Moritat rules in HH1 were a mess iirc so well done), MoS was addressed, Vigilator was addressed (and refers to nothing like current version), Armistos was addressed, rest of that document is whining or was addressed (typos, probably)

etc etc

the bits that haven't been changed read like the list of complaints we hear all the time - except for that one guy who's asking for APOTHECARIES to get an augury scanner option, which is WILD, you gotta hope they did something very different in that playtest round - and could honestly just be some nerd's notes that he made reading through the rulebooks and not really thinking about how the rules interact or why they and points costings might be that way

like you want a 5 point correction on a one-time weapon one guy can get? sure buddy that's gonna make all the difference, real fine tuna you smelled there

I am not going to even address that stats cock, stats for a game in development that I don't have the ruleset for (can't interpret those stats without it) or stats-as-probability spreadshite
You can totally bring another terminator squad for the price of a LR, but you don't.
LRs are cool and go with termies rather nice actually
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Aight so are the black books are to be trusted or not? :^)
>:3(\ Fu- fu- fu-...
>Legatine axes has breaching (5+) and Murderous Strike (5+) before
So...Terranic Blades?
Lmao booo
>1.0 Thunder Hammers have Concussive (useless against unwieldy)
>2.0 fixes Concussive...
>...then removes it from TH and gives them Brutal

So what were they pushing? Should we make a push to ban them from events?
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ban your mum, she wont stop calling and its making things wierd.
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>its making things wierd.
Things already started weird. Finish what you began.
>ITT: Anon tries convincing his father to come back after he left his family for a 20 year old secretary.
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it doesn't matter if things are wonky in points costage or even rules because this is a role-playing game wherein the only goal is simulation of a battle or a subsection of a larger front and enjoyment thereof and ideally people should be tailoring lists to one another for maximum flavor
you should really educate yourself on commas and periods schizo-kun, your overwrought run-on sentences have become tiresome.

Gameplay is important you ninny
mr no games anime posting here, post models or games thanks
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Ideal situations are great, but they’re exactly that: ideal. In real life you’re trying to sell this game to a customer base that is largely weirdo loners or those with a small friends group and little real social interaction. Despite GW trying to bring more normal people into the hobby, warhammer, and HH in particular, is a game for nerds, geeks, or whatever other flavour of label you want to put on those outside (or near the edges of) the largest social demographic. With that, the consequences for points become twofold: A. You’re creating a way for two people who may not have the social connection pre-established to work together and build narrative and themed lists, and B. You’re engaging an entire demographic that obsesses over being “competitive” at everything by suggesting a level of balance that can allow for an objective assessment of player skill (and that’s a big ass demographic these days thanks to the internet and an apparent insatiable need to rank, score, and quantify every single meaningless dumbassed thing that people used to do for fun - for what it’s worth, I blame league of legends).

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