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Castigation edition

Previous thread: >>93331192

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)
>Fluff(visions and BL), HH1 Black Books, HH2 Rules and Supplements
Megas are down, and will probably stay that way for a while.

『Adeptus Titanicus』
>Rules and supplements
See above, re: Megas
>List of Titan Legions with Badges and Colours
>More lists
>What size magnets do I need?
>homemade missions:

>Thread question:
What is better, more units on the table or better units on the table?
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Quantity is a quality all in itself comrade, embrace the T3 meta and be saved.
2.0 rules tend to favour better units on the table, but once you hit sufficient model counts it becomes unrealistic to ever expect to win against quantity over quality. If you were to take even a few hundred models + supporting arms, and units to buff their morale, it’s unlikely you could ever push that army off an objective without sniping out sergeants/special characters and pushing for sweeping advances.

For 796 points you could field 300 militia levy in squads of fifty, all with a discipline master (meaning you can never fail a morale check) and Medicae auxilia for FnP (6+). You could also do 60 militia per slot for 360 models, but you’d run out of discapline masters and auxilia for them all, as well as pay 1440 points just for the troops.
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They've got a bunch of fancy-pantsy equipment which is what they're costed for but it's on bad stats that can't really make use of it.
Even the Axiarch is only WS4. The guy can't even take on a tactical sergeant which makes sense but it still upsetting.
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More units, bigger sized ones too. We're living through the Horus Heresy where marines fought as entire Legions, if I don't see 20 man tactical marine blocks on the table I am very cross (and they are very good for holding home objectives in Siege of Cathonia. 4+++ with an apothecary, and stubborn because Heart of the Legion is an amazing rule.
What should an AL list look like at 3k pts? No primarch no Dynat. RoWs are cool.
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two exoduses/exodii
15 stolen deliverers in a Crassus
>you can never fail a morale check
But don't Discipline Masters allow for a reroll of the morale check (rather than an autopass) for 1d3 wounds?
I'm not sure if Discipline Masters are even Stubborn. So they could just pay a few wounds to reroll like, an Ld4 morale check or something like that
why did GW have the plasma gun in hh have 'gets hot'? isn't hh supposed to have better shit then in 40k?
What if I added an optional supercharged profile where the gun gains full AP2 (but has no Breacher/Rending).
So technically the gets hot of the early era had a safe(r) mode
Safer than 40k's supercharged profile I mean
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Most infantry portable plasma is just plain unstable. Even at the peak of Imperium technology, it was an uncertain science to the mechanicum. It is weapon that is better carried by soldiers ready for the occasional failure, hence marines are able to take their armor save when it does bust up (since it's default value of AP 4 is not good enough to pierce).
Nah, the charm of older Warhammer systems is unreliability. I understand you are thinking of it through a 40k lense, but 40k has for a long time been heading towards a rule system that aims to take the RNG out of dice rolling. Things like rerolls, flat auras of denial, being able to select dangerous profiles and reserves able to arrive from turn 2 onward without rolling etc are all examples of it.
Less access to rerolls and weapons being dangerous all the time is part of the 30k charm, just as enemies are able to deep strike right next to you but also might mishap and land somewhere else OR just never arrive until turn 4 is part of it.

I'm assuming you are a 40k bro hopping over to HH. Embrace the RNG. Go into games expecting bad things to happen. Soldiers will miss, vehicles will blow up in one shot from a melta, and tanks will roll a '1' on their dangerous terrain checks even with dozer blades. It's part of the fun anon.
It's fun, but I'm a gambler so take that with a grain of salt

also, this anon is right on both accounts >>93348891
>implying there's a difference
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How do I deal with hobby frustration?
I'm torn between ordering 3d prints or third-party miniatures (that will always look just a little bit off) or waiting for an official release, which at this point could take several years.
>How do I deal with hobby frustration?
be racist online.
You tell anons here what you are working on, and let them offer suggestions and inspiration
In 1.0 mech's plasma was safer. They promptly forgot once the edition changed.

Can't have non-Astartes have anything better, otherwise Astartes players whine and don't spend money. They need unearned advantage in gameplay to feel comfortable.
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>Can't have non-Astartes have anything better. They need unearned advantage in gameplay to feel comfortable.
Strawman argument, plasma weapons exclusive to Mech (so not just plasma guns/pistols/cannons) are still better than those marines get. In a world where plasma is now AP 4 and 4+ breaching, our plasma is AP 3 by default and the models who carry it are all relentless and multiwound so gets hot doesn't just instantly kill them.
>"But the plasma mortar is only ap 4!"
Yes. It's also a large template, S 8 and ignores cover. I think the ability to instant death T4 marine command squads and deny them any cover save is a very fair trade.
But you don't actually play the faction and have never actually considered these things, have you anon?
Phased plasma fusils are one of the best anti-infantry weapons in the game though. And better than any plasma weapons marines have for sure. A squad of myrmidon secutors with 2 phased fusils each just delete anything in a single shooting attack, even terminator squads.
why do come here just to seethe at marines every chance you get? Marines are the "jack of all trades" army list. They still get wiped off the board in melee by custodes and shot off by Mech list that don't gimp themselves.
Are you one of those cunts that played knights last edition? If so kill yourself.
Admech players are just salty that they don't autowin like last edition.
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this is why you guys don't have a mega anymore
Actually i saw my friends WE trade with custards and win lol. It was rampagers with phalaxes into something iirc
I mean, they gotta think a little bit to avoid units getting into close combat, but mechanicum can easily blow any list off the table with their shooting. It's doesn't get much easier than pointing a unit at something you don't like the look of, watch it evaporate, then pick the next unit and shoot that into dust as well.
>but mechanicum can easily blow any list off the table with their shooting
Sure, as long as you take thnatars, myrmidon secutors with Plasma, or moirax. You want to play without spam have fun paying more than marines for units that do less than their equivalents and losing combat to Tactical marines with a vexilla andchain Bayonets because >WS3
if you like other tabletop games then focus on those, a lot of people do LI for instance. It is demoralizing though, especially when there is every chance they will release what you need but it could be years away. It's been nearly a decade since I was last excited for a big GW release, literally everything they do has some flaw in terms of contents or design that throws it off from being great.
You weren't there last ed, you are just parroting shit you read here.
I swear to God the admech book better let us buy corrupted for Automata units and let anima malefica affect them. I don't even care if it makes them not controllable by Cortex Controllers, I just want my corrupted Castellax
We're going to be stuck at ws3 I feel.
>A lot of people do LI for instance
What is your definition of a lot of people?
it's a lot more than in heresy, but they're all very small.

how, they strike at different steps even with the falax blades, Duellist's Edge is for Challenges
>Strawman argument, plasma weapons exclusive to Mech (so not just plasma guns/pistols/cannons) are still better than those marines get.
Strawman strawman. Phased plasma isn't meant to be better, it's meant to be safer. 1.0 phased plasma was worse Str worse AP but with the specific benefit that it didn't get hot. Because it's "phased", aka gradual or in controlled stages.
Instead in 2.0 it's just hotter or something, so much that both Thallax and Secutors can't take armour saves for their phased plasma's gets hot rolls.
Assumen't. Horus Heresy 1 Betrayal is how I came to know the rest of the Warhammer franchise.
>Let guns be dangerous
I'm a proponent of giving normal plasma full AP2 base because terminators gaining twice the wounds while plasma lost half its AP is a double nerf.
It would also make sense for Phased plasma to be "only AP3" if the normal one is full AP2. Though I'd reduce PPF's breaching to 5+, as it's supposed to not get hot
But I am aware that this would put Tac Supports and HSS at increased risk, being unable to save their Gets Hot.
You know, like Mechanicum right now, but for a faction that actually matters. Hence I dabble with making it a choice between a safe(ish) mode and a supercharge.
Can't access to plasma's full original power without risking it...but fluff says plasma was "better understood" at this time, so they know how do engage safe mode.

But yeah maybe keeping it simple is better. Full AP2 and that's it. It's not like "safe" mode would protect SA anyway.
The Gets Hot special rule suddenly inflicting a wound with the AP of the weapon being fired is a real strange change they did for this edition. Like, does it even make sense that a weapon misfiring and overheating has the same penetrating power as being on the receiving end of a shot of focussed plasma?
Wouldn't surprise me if the change to Gets Hot is some rules writer's fetish or something.
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What colors do I paint this guy in?
Standard Alpha Legion colors? All black? Or maybe the color of enemy legion I'm using for my bases(Imperial Fists in this case)?
The wielder is at the very source of the malfunction. No dissipation through distance.
Me, I'd change it to be an autohit instead of an autowound. On a 1 to wound they survive it lol. Dreads could tank the hit through their toughness lol.
The only things that would get real dangerous would be Disintegrators. On a 1-2 you aren't even wounded. But on a 3+, it's an ID wound your invuln better saves lol.
Also vehicles, if using the AP2 base plasma
> rampagers eating 15 attacks that hit on a 4+ assuming it's a minimum sized troops unit
the the custodes player roll like a crack bitch the entire game?
Wounds caused by Gets Hot don't have any of the special rules of the weapon being fired. A wound from a overheating Disintergrator does not cause instant death.
Reread my comment
Going right back to the original Rogue Trader rules, some plasma had two profiles - one which could be fired every turn and one which caused a delay (heavy plasma guns couldn't fire for the next 3 turns), but most had a single profile and a recharge period where you couldn't fire it (1 turn for pistols, 2 turns for plasma guns), because these were extremely good weapons very likely to wound.

Later in RT, the updated weapons rules gave them Sustained Fire (on the pistol and gun) which was a special dice that introduced a random number of additional shots for certain weapons, with the possibility of a Jam (and equal possibility of 3 additional shots, more usually 1 or 2) and retained two profiles for the heavy plasma gun - the recharge came down to 1 turn for the pistol and gun, and 2 turns on the max power setting of the heavy gun, with no recharge and no sustained fire on the low energy setting for the heavy gun.

At some point Strength was unified across all three weapons at 7 (previously 6 for the pistol and 10 for the max power setting). Ranges have gone up and down for the gun and heavy gun/cannon over the years.

Starting with 3E in 1998, all plasma weapons in the main rulebook at that time were given the "Plasma Weapons Get Hot!" special rule, which only affected non-Vehicles at that time but essentially worked as it does today. This edition also rationalized ranges (at 12", 24" and 36" for the three classes of weapon, halving the old heavy plasma's max power range), set their AP to 2 (previous editions used save modifiers and variable damage amounts much like modern 40k to determine the differences between weapons) and reduced each to the familiar profiles/types we use today (Pistol, Rapid Fire, Heavy 1 Blast). These changes were retained in 40k through 7E and (as HH1 ran on 6E/7E/7.5E) into HH2.

So to answer your question, Rick Priestly/Andy Chambers/Gav Thorpe/Ian Pickstock/Jervis Johnson did it. 26 years ago.
You want to change the Gets Hot rule so that models are just shooting themselves, is that what you're trying to say? Because it just seems like you don't know how the Gets Hot rule works currently.
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Jerk off.
Currently it's an autowound, with none of the attached profile's rules
I WANT it to be an autoHIT, WITH all of the attached rules. Instant Death? Yes. Breaching? Yes.
For Breaching it wouldn't really matter because plasma would be full AP2 anyways.
Is that not what I wrote in my first comment? That's what I wrote. How come that's not what I implied? Why isn't that what you inferred? That is what I wrote from the beginning!
NTA, but you didn't specify including all special rules.
Hmm guess so. Besides, what weapons get hot anyways? There's plasma, disintegrators, and... Alchem I guess.
Photon weapons as well.
Those are the main three, as well as Iliastus assault cannons when used for reaction fire, and I think anything used for IW legion reaction?
Oh right. And those have Blind too
Good point. I guess Deflagrate could be a thing. Though marines could fully save that.
It takes you out of it to see so many vehicles crammed against one another like soccer moms fighting over parking spots. Vehicles are in bad need of a rework and there needs to be more matched play missions designed around smaller point counts.
RAW you're taking plasma wounds on AP4 if it Gets Hot, meaning it's a 1 in 3 chance of killing a marine without an apothecary. One out of eighteen marines dying isn't so bad, but tactical support squads leave much to be desired unless LA traits do something useful for them.
just to let anyone know, if anyone is going to rebuild the MEGA, I have both siege of cthonia and beta-garmon books as pdf
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So I'm interested in Imperialis and wondering, do other players split the box or keep the whole thing since you can ally the marines and auxilias?
>split the box with somebody by factions and one titan each
>buy the whole box alone, pick a main faction to expand with the next purchase and keep the rest as allies
How many points is the box anyway? From what I heard the game's optimal size is 3000, so I imagine somewhere around 2000 when it's all put together?
>For 796 points you could field 300 militia levy in squads of fifty, all with a discipline master (meaning you can never fail a morale check) and Medicae auxilia for FnP (6+)
For those points you can take 4 HSS with volkite culverins that literally kill 200 militia per round of shooting.
It's very possible to overcome numbers with quality.
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Nah, posting anything here for feedback gets you 0 replies, unless you're doing top tier conversions or you use non heresy bits which the rivet lickers will be all over you for.
Can you share the beta-gamomon one?
in catbox or something please?
Do not expect anything from an official release
Even if it does come, which is not certain, it will be a disappointment
Yeah but nobody takes volkite culverins, because every idiot is going unga bunga lascannons.
Also there's only 3 HS slots, so you can't have more than 3 HSS
you can with allies
Yea, I know no one takes them. If they were more common people wouldn't bitch about stone gauntlet as much as they do.
Snipers are pretty comon tho, so I don't think those discipline masters would last very long
DG do :)
>you can take 4 HSS with volkite culverins
But schizo-kun, you need those slots for your HSS lascannon teams to beat everything else as well
>stone gauntlet
The row that gets hard countered by basic bitch bolters?
Volkite Culverins are Heavy 5 Deflagrate, you're just beating quantity with quantity at this point.
Yes, people don't take enough of those either apparently
Alpha legion
>Do other players
I have yet to see any ligma bat reps or other signs of life on hhg regarding this game beyond the occasional pic of a couple bases of half painted infantry. Just buy what makes you happy
>What colors do I paint this guy in?
lgbtqyufeb+ colours or no balls.
the box is like 800 points, it would be more but you can't have two titans below 3k points so you can't use both warhounds. The box contains the absolute minimum for one side to play with, you can't split it really, nor do the contents really split that well since its hard to fill out detachments.
>Can't have two titans below 3k points
Lmao wtf? I was thinking about getting into ligma myself since I realized how awesome titans are after trying a warhound out in heresy, but if you can only run one I might as well just print one for 30k instead
I posted a rebuilt MEGA a while ago and it was even in the OP for a while, not sure why it was taken down. As far as I know it's still up.
you CAN run all titans using a list from the 'Great Slaughter' supplement, but I'm pretty sure you give up the use of the legions infantry so no good for the start set. As for 30k they are dropping the army allowance on titans to make it wasier to field them, possible before a plastic warhound release, so that is viable.
Post link then? It's been down for days
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Where do I start with Mechanicum? I got the liber and their rules seem all over the fucking place and my pea brain can't comprehend what looks decent. Castellax battle automata looked cool but I have no fucking clue if they're worth building around or how to build around them
>possible before a plastic warhound release
I would jizz myself if that was real, but if it's around 300 I might as well just buy a bigger printer than my mars to make printing it more viable.
There is a 30k fan supplement for netEA and you can fit 4 warhounds / 3 reavers / 2 warlords or any combinations of them along with a standard army at the average points iirc. Or just play a full titans army. Rules are free too. LIgma balls.
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if it's down for some reason and I just cant see it cause I own it I can reupload everything to a new folder
supposedly the delay despite CAD work being ongoing since 2019 is making it affordable so either they ship the production out to china or more likely they are waiting on factory expansion and maybe some new injection tech. If that is a concern I suspect they want to keep it around £180/ $250 mark.
Much appreciated anon. This one works, the one in the OP was taken down not long ago so it may not have been the same
archmagos, or archmagos on abeyant, can't take both
myrmidon secutors, myrmidon destructors, thanatar calix, karacnos, moirax
castellax, thallax, thanatar cavas, magos dominus, domitar
scyllax, arlatax, triaros, ursarax, vorax, krios
adsecularis, vultarax, tech priest auxilia

Get an Archmagos, read the Techno-Arcanas, pick the one that sounds cool to you, then get units that sound like they'd suit it. Cybernetica and Myrmidax are very good, Malagra and Archimandrite are good, the others are kinda bad.
Ty anon, putting together a list to order from the ruskies and nice to know most of the shit I already thought was cool is decent
>thanatar cavas
>not great
It's a shame that the Myrmidon models are wank
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Tank on Tank at 3k is actually great fun with T3 armies, BUT we both for sure wanted more outflanking units or reserves so we could do waves of reinforcements due to the large unit footprints as well as playing missions on a lengthways map not directly across from eachother in spitting distance.
they should be smaller and more numerous

give them Swarm
Wut? Myrimdons easily some of the coolest models on the roster, nothing else hammers home the deranged tech worshipping retards motif harder than they do
Is there any way to make Lacyraemarta viable?
Always liked the idea of crazy doctor mechanicum.
The myrmidon models are some of the best things to come out of the HH range.
Why are tech priest auxilia bad?
Or just play normal HH at a scale that is honestly far more appropriate?
It's the worse of the two Myrmidon rites of war, but it can be useful. Myrmidons are Heavy, so they can't run, but Lacyraemarta lets them scoot up another 4" if your Archmagos is inside their unit and has a machinator array for that tasty Battlesmith (2+). Ephemera Instigare, the psychic discipline from that rite of war, can also give your guys Furious Charge (1), which means their axes are hitting at S8 and will ID terminators. It's basically just a rite of war to make one giant unit of Myrmidon Secutors slightly better than they already are, whereas Myrmidax makes both Secutors and Destructors *much* better than they are by shifting FOC slots around and giving them conditional Line.
How's this for next OP

Horus Heresy edition

Previous thread: >>Insert here

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)
>HH1 Black Books
>HH2 Rules and Supplements
>Miscellaneous Extras (Visions and Old Rules)

『Adeptus Titanicus and Legionis Imperialis』
>Adeptus Titanicus Rules and Supplements
>Legiones Imperialis Rules and Supplements
>List of Titan Legions with Badges and Colours
>More lists
>What size magnets do I need?
>homemade missions:

>Thread question:
Insert here
>buy them for servo arms
ws3 and a1 is awful
>buy them to make tech thralls more durable
tech thralls are still ass
>buy them for a cortex controller
a magos dominus comes with one stock and costs five points less as a result whilst also being more durable, taking up a much less crowded force org slot (mechanicum has no consuls so is guaranteed to have two hq slots free after your mandatory archmagos), and gets a psychic discipline at ld9 to boot, and if you're worried about not having the servo automata bubble wrap just get a scyllax unit which are much, much better than the shit from the tech priest unit
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I wish we had some smaller sized weaker type of elite techpriest ”soldier” units.
Like the crimson guard from Dark Heresy, maybe in units of five?
It’s interesting reading through the Dark Heresy books since it seems like they’ve taken some things straight out of there.
Post more of this good shit
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I don't like how the MKIV techmarine has this fucking smug ass smile on his faceplate
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Can do bro
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This time with proper rotation! Also in this pic is a glorious charge up the guts with my solar into the tank squads, its actually hilarious what 10-20 T3 bodies with krak grenades can acomplish assaulting vehicles.
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I forgot to bring my flickering fire and smoke markers to this event and it was a crime. Would have looked much better as the battle went on to have all the dead tanks on fire.
because they're broken AF with certain Techno-arcana + High Techno-arcana builds

135 points of Tech-Priest Auxilia with Enginseer-Reductor has Battlesmith(4+) and enough ablative bodies that it can charge a Dreadnought (particularly one without CCW, but even most Contemptors don't have high enough Attacks to chew through them) and murder it in a couple of turns. Half the cost of a Contemptor. Malagra-Lacyraemarta with data-spikes strike before most MEQ/AEQ/TEQ, can rush with Scout+Lacyraemarta (Ephemera Instigare/Opus Viscera) and once again have enough ablative servo-automata that it'll be a couple of rounds before they're done. Splurge another 50 points on 10 servo-arms for the zomboys and you're golden. Early-game interference that can chop up anything up to AV13 with relative ease and chip-damage AV14 (nothing important has AV13 on its Rear armour either). 185 for a unit that walks itself over the board and eats a squad that costs twice as much. Plus you can just whack 10 multimeltas down or whatever, and you need them for cortex controllers to stop your tinboyz going into safe mode.

wait fuck this is retarded but the first thing actually works
green glow-in-the-dark and the cianigger he's.
How does a Magos, 3 Thallax, and a Moirax sound as an allied detachment?
No, just Andy and Jervis. In Codex Chaos 2nd edition CSM used MK1 Plasma weapons - they used the rapid fire dice, but a jam wasn't just a jam but also a plasma leak which could hurt (and kill) the equipped model.

Those weapons were later forbidden in the Imperium. It was part of a lore that the Imperium actually made some progress after the HH - some weapons were first used by dreadnoughts or vehicles and only later became weapons for Terminators (assault cannon, cyclone) or normal Space Marines (heavy plasma gun).
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carlton man im not carrying all these tanks!
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I've got a bunch but the people in this thread seem to hate the game (and Auxilia for some reason). Local scene pretty active too, but there's a lot of gamers.

People do both. Allies are totally a normal thing in the game. That said, if you and a friend each buy a starter and one of you takes each faction from both you're both at a great start.

That board is so fucking tiny. There's no room to maneuver.

Maybe a stupid question, but... how do you get both?
Malaga archmagos unlocks spikes for every tech priest
Really? What a shame, I was hoping it was more popular, me and my friend want to start playing it and hope to get more people into it but it will be harder if it's not popular online.
>800 points
Ooof, not per side but the whole thing? If that's the total then man, I will need some additional boxes. Although I like how big a 3000 battle will be fluff-wise.
Yes, but how do you get Lacyraemarta as well? You can just have one Arch-Magos.
Tech priest auxilia have a laecrymata minor arcana
Do the modern csm kit anvilus packs fit on old MKIV and MKIII?
If not is there a better source for them? I wanna sprinkle a few through my WBs
They don't fit 1:1 - the CSM ones have square-ish pegs, not round ones, but you can file or cut easily enough.
If you want less chaos-y ones, the Berserker kit has cleaner anvilus packs.
They do, though the fit might not be perfect cause the hole in the backpack is a square and the nub on the back of the old mark 3/4 is round.

I personally prefer the backpacks from the old CSM kit (the kit before the current generic CSM kit) since they're more conservatively detailed and go better with the cleaner HH marine kits, but it might be difficult to find old CSM kits these days. If you have access to a 3d printer I'm sure analogues exist somewhere. I also thing pop goes the monkey has old-style anvilus kits but it'd be expensive, no doubt.
Welcome to a 6x4 with actual big 3k armies
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They seem mostly tame enough aside from some easily removable trim and spikes, the screaming retard ones look great too and im not worried about the pegs
thanks gamers
But they could only have the data-spike if they choose Interfector and not Lachrimallus, as they don't have the options (machinator- array or servo-arm) for that upgrade.

And the anon who wrote the original comment mentioned the Opus Viscera - that's part of Lacyraemata, not Lachrimallus.
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Are squadroned Malcador side hull weapons counted as sponson weapons for the purposes of selecting secondary targets, or are they still subject to the -1 BS from Independent Fire Control? In other words, are squadroned Russes better at shooting secondary targets with their sponsons than squadroned Malcadors? Seems janky
>giving them conditional Line.
I've heard it is a very conditional 6" aura of Line. But I guess them not being Heavy is already benefit enough
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Hey /hhg/. I heard someone was looking for a certain picture of the Big Mac enthusiast himself and happen to have it saved. Here you go.
Is this some youtube zoomer shit?
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Custodes are gonna get one of these boxes too, right?
For things like say, plastic Aquilons, Sagittarum/Solarite Gauntlet/Meridian Sword upgrades, and Dreadnoughts? Would be cool. But of all armies I think Sisters of Silence especially would really appreciate something and Astartes also need their melee upgrade sprues.
>Astartes also need their melee upgrade sprues.
What melee upgrades? Those were never mentioned. Stop asking about melee upgrades. Did you hear about new AoS?
It’s a funny picture.
Maybe in like 8 years.
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no, fuck off.
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Titanicus has been played. Today Xestobiax got some help from Defensor in a 2500 point Warmaster brawl where the warmasters didn't really do anything.
We played almost a mirror match with me taking a dire wolf rather than a third warhound.
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Fucking wap displacement saw me lose a warhound turn 1. The dire wolf missed it's first 2+ to hit shot with the neutron laser and the second shot only shaved off a mega bolter.
Thusly will the titan's name be Useless Prat.
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Rock 'em Sock 'em Reaver got a powerful charge lined up but then awakened its machine spirit, marched forwards useless, pushed its reactor into the red, and then got shot to pieces.
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Useless Prat dies
Stripes avenges it. Stripes would actually kill 2 warhounds but the first one was more of a charity as I was sort of out of range by the width of the black line on the tape measure.
Stipes would survive with much damage and a red lining reactor.
>castellax - good
>Arlatax - okay
>thanatar - okay

What? I could hand wave the arlatax as it’s pretty niche, but thanatar<castellax??
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And H.E.C.T.O.R would blast the reaver apart but it was already partially damaged.
This game saw a lot of reactor redlines. Just about every one of my titans rolled a double reactor increase and I had three or four overloads.
The warmasters were basically useless. Artillery titans I am more and more convinced are not worthwhile and the 4-5 warhounds you could afford for one of these 1100 point motherfuckers would do significantly more damage. That said in a single salvo they can put out some impressive damage. It's just too bad it spent the whole game fidgeting in the back.
I approve of the mandi-blasters. Thanks for sharing games
>Can murder a dread in a couple of turns.
Can they, though?
>40 power fist attacks
What the fuck. Prolly 4.6 lost wounds after casualties but still, that dread won't clear them in time
>ws3 and a1 is awful
Bro their servo automata are A1.
A2 on the charge.
A3 because 2x CCW.
A4 because servo arms add +1 servo arm attack.

Astartes half is about 450, Auxilia half is a bit more, like 550, and the Warhounds are 330 each. So it's about 1660 points in that box.
I wish hand flamers weren't so shit but I understand they are about as good as is reasonable
More-twat more like.
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>laughs in alchem
>forgive me, Vulkan-sama, but I need to go all out, just this once...
The problem with LIgma is "online" already had a thriving tiny-40K/30K scene using the superior NetEA rules and a well established network of 3rd party modelmakers and STLs. It was one of the easiest "dead" Specialist Games to get into, and so when GW stomps in with a wonkily-balanced retread of one of the lesser iterations of the Epic rules and shitty plastic infantry that are 60% undercuts and suddenly the online socials are flooded with loads of
>I LOVE Specialist Games u guise! LOVE them! Not enough to have played any of them on my own initiative for the last 15+ years, but now GW has *rescued* them from worthless obscurity I'M IN!
type tardoids, you can perhaps discern why the reaction has ranged from indifference to hostility.

Nah I think that's just you.

I haven't really seen any hostility, just people bothered that they haven't got a proper FAQ yet.

The Epic community kind of deserves this and more for shitting on Epic '97 when that came out.
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Well said
Wrong on just about every point

Nah, the community reeeing the fuck out at Epic '97 was a thing, I was there.

Also the NetEA guys don't support local shops or run events, so they're kind of a non-factor.
>a magos dominus comes with one stock and costs five points less

wow, a 12" bubble of usefulness for a 75 point character

>as a result whilst also being more durable,

3+/4++/5+++ on T4 2W is both a lot less durable than 10 servo automata to soak up wounds and a lot less spreadable

yes it costs more to add more tech-priests to the unit and more cortex controllers on top of that, but with lachrimallus they're 4+/6+++ and the servo-automata are 5+/6+++ which soaks up a lot more of the wounds that FNP can deal with than the magos dominus will

>taking up a much less crowded force org slot

for now
That list has so much wrong with it that it must have been written by someone just glancing at the liber once. To answer your question they aren't, servo automata with servo arms have 4 (1a + 2 weapons + 1 from charging) attacks on the charge and that alone is pretty good (point it at a generic termie unit and you will always make your points back). The unit is also great at shooting, supporting cybernetica armies with more controller range, repairing things, offering cybertheurgy, etc... It's customizability is quite handy if you want to use it for fluff units that aren't currently in the game and will never be added like cyber-hounds.
And +1 from the servo arm itself, forgot to add.
Please re-read. Plasma thanatar is in the same section as castellax.
Nta but the moirax wouldn't be able to use the protocol thingamabob because thallax are cyborgs.
Plasma thanatars shouldn't be in the same section as castellax, it isn't even close.
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>play mech
>read people's shit takes about the army constantly
man why are you people so retarded
some of you are ok, don't come to the thread when the next campaign book drops
What are your general opinions then? Have a tier list you’d like to talk about?
What's your army list like, bro? Been thinking about thos robits a long time now.
Sure is nice to be discussing something other than armour autism, BL/headcannon arguing and daddy issues though
I read the First heretic. Angron easily beat and humiliated Russ. Does Angron humiliate Russ in the same way on the table?
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who do you think would win in a kissing contest?
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Sanguinius not involved.
My boy Red Angel beat the shit out of that furry fucker russ.
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The only primunch involved in this is Angron and Russ!!
Then Angron will win. What kind of crazy person would kiss a dog?!
Russ. Hands down. He fucked every wolf on Fenris while Angron might have fucked a handful of tomboy gladiator baddies at best while on Nuceria. Dude has experience.
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The duality of man.
But I was asking about something else. What's that got to do with kissing contest?
Angron beats Russ in one turn.
no because akshully the space wolves would surround Angron and shoot him if he tried to hurt Russ but Angron wouldn't learn the lesson that winning a fight isn't winning a war even though the WE were winning the war but not because they were working together they just won lots of fights and basically Angron is fucking dumb
So do you think we are getting new demon engines in the campaign book?
Actually, the point was Angron didn't give a fuck about winning the war he just wanted to kill and die. Russ failed to reach him a lesson because Russ didn't understand this
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I sure hope so. Something other than Khorne daemon engines would be nice.
But I was asking about tabletop. How strong Angron rules wise vs Russ.
I don't think so. Would have loved chaos androids.

If the game already went on for some turns and Angron stacked up an ungodly amount of attacks he stands a decent chance to win. Otherwise Russ just beats him silly, his weapons are just ridiculous.
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I read BL slop page to page at least allow us to take the piss out of it anon but yes Angron should be Russ just by weight of attacks rolling anywhere from 9 to 16 dice with rerolling hits, wounds and AP2. Russ I think can manage 7 attacks.
Campaign books are only there to shill character models
So this is a lie then:
Russ vs. Angron

Leman Russ with the Sword of Balenight (Hitting on MC 2+): 6.81 hits, 5.68 wounds, 5.68 unsaved wounds, which is reduced to 5.35 at the end of the turn thanks to IWND.
Leman Russ charging with the Sword of Balenight (Hitting on MC 2+): 7.64 hits, 6.36 wounds, 6.36 unsaved wounds, which is reduced to 6.03 at the end of the turn thanks to IWND.
Leman Russ using Counter-Attack with the Sword of Balenight (Hitting on MC 2+): 8.47 hits, 7.06 wounds, 7.06 unsaved wounds, which is reduced to 5.88 at the end of the turn thanks to IWND.
Russ is rolling at least 9 dice, even when charged. He has 7 base and Counter Attack (2)
Angron is base 6 attacks and, thanks to WE trait, will be up to 9 when he charges.
So if Russ charges, Angron's pretty much done. If Angron charges, he has a chance, but has to weather Russ' attacks (I7 vs Angry Ronald's I6). Full rerolls are all that would save him against Russ forcing him into a -1 to hit.
They are not sponson weapons, they are 'Side mounted weapons' which is somethign they completely made up and doesn't appear on the core rules...
I assume what they mean is 'Hull (Left/Right) mounted'. They are not sponsons so they don't follow that rule. But Malcadors have Independent Fire control. They can shoot all their guns at different targets
You say that like it answers the question at all. Explain your choices, because they look like you don’t understand shit to me.
Russ is fucking beastly, in a straight 1v1, he’s the only primarch who can take ascended Horus with some reliability (~<15% of the time)
actually Angron is up to 10 attacks on charge without Butcher's Nails. Angron will mostly survive a turn even if Russ charges then they, Russ isn't surviving 90% of the time if Angron charges.
Why the fuck everybody call Russ is the beast in 1v1 combat?
Yeah, some thallax, vorax or even just castellax sized demon engines would have been fantastic.
I personally doubt we are getting anything other than just maybe the plaque drone if we are lucky.
Have you seen Russ' rules?
WS8, I7, A7, counter attack (2) and hits at S8 AP2 ID(4+) brutal(2) mastercrafted. On top of that, anything in base contact with him has a flat -1 to hit, and he can run, shoot; and charge all in the same turn (and he still has other rules too).
>Higher I
>Higher A
>Higher S
>Brutal (2) weapon
>If he charges you enjoy -1 to hit and even more S on his part, not that he needs it
Gee I wonder
And still Angron obliterates him in combat.
Angron has more attacks.
because they are nogames
More attacks doesn't automatically mean better. He's a flailing retard hitting on 5s against Russ. After Russ gets done swinging at him.
So can you describe (with math) Russ vs Angron fight?
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Angron:1 Russ:0
Why on 5s? Angron hits on 4+.
Russ gives a -1 to hit rolls (not characteristic modifiers that Primarchs ignore) when he charges.
wait does Russ not have furious charge? lmao
His Warlord trait gives the whole army effectively Furious Charge (1), including himself. So >>93360158 is slightly off. Russ would be swinging at S9.
Oh forgot to mention, Russ' rule isn't Furious Charge so it can stack with the once-per-game Furious Charge of the Bloodied Claw ROW.
But I don't want to bring ROWs or other potential rules into this.
Is the decimator demon engine considered too large for zone mortalis?
Asking because there’s nothing in the rules which prevents you from taking one, but i looked up pictures of it and realized it’s the size of an armiger, i had thought it was more contemptor sized.
And who charges first? If Angron - Russ is 500% dead. If Russ - Angron can still kill him.
Russ is shit lorewise and statwise.
Russ charges: 9 attacks, hits on 4+, 2+ to wound.
Angron has inv 4 and fnp 6.
Angron hits back: 7 attacks, hits on 4+ with reroll, wound on 2+ with full reroll.
Russ is dead.
If Angron charges he has 10 attacks. Russ is dead in an instant.
Should demon engines from 40k be ported over to 30k?
I feel like a case can be made for atleast the forgefiend.
Conveniently not reading Russ's rules and leaving out the fact that he strikes first, has Brutal (2), and on the charge makes his opponent hit at -1 doesn't make Angron a better fighter.
Weren't all the dinobots, defilers, and nurgle drones post-Scouring developments?
>hits on 4+
He gets +1 to WS on the charge and has master crafted
And Brutal (2) might as well be double the attacks
>If Angron Charges
He still gets hit first and Russ has counter attack 2
40k nuChaos ascetic looks awful. Keep it in 40k
>Angron hits back: 7 attacks, hits on 4+
You mean hits on 6s
Russ is +1WS on the charge and causes a -1 to hit with is WT
What? Russ hits first even if Angron charges him?
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No, Angron hits on 4+.
>Should demon engines from 40k be ported over to 30k?
>I feel like a case can be made for atleast the forgefiend.
Greater Daemon Behemoth
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Is it really that difficult for you to understand?
Where does /hhg/ source their transfers? Print them yourself?
I've tried printing transfers and it's fine if you just want black in them.
You can also print just the outline of the icons in black and use that as a guide to freehand if you actually want other colors in them
That's Russ hitting on 3+...
Got a stack of old BoP, BaC, and 40k transfers.
Russ is Initiative 7, Angron is 6
I don't see anything on Angron's rules that would give him a bonus to I
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People still surprised that the best combat primarch is great in combat. Even GW had to cheat for him to lose in their arena of death article.
How so? Lion wins fair and square.
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Ok, that's not that bad then? Add the big marine box and that probably be around 3000 points right?
So in other words it's better to play the fan version than the official one?
They only had Russ attack with one weapon.
A buddy of mine gave me a bunch of the 40k transfers for Salamanders, and they work pretty well in 30k since most of them are just fire or hammers.
Russ has a weapon with Brutal 2, he could have half the attacks Angron does yet still cause an equal amount of wounds.
Fucking hell, have we been talking to a 40Kiddie secondary nogames all this time?
Russ attacks only with axe?
Its much closer than the clowns here pretend

Russ on charge 6 hits, 4-5 wounds, 2.5 unsaved wounds, Angron FNP leaves 1-2 wounds unsaved-Angron at 4 wounds, doesn't die regains IWND next turn and another attack. Probably doesn't die in turn 2 either.

Angron on charge does 10 attacks, 5 wounds, 2.5 unsaved on Russ leaving him on four wounds. Next turn IWNT gives him one so he's on 4-5 wounds

Roll again and Angron does 3 wounds on Russ, Russ does 2 back ad infinitem until Russ is dead. But what is telling of nogames is that they don't realise its a DICE game, more dice is greater probability of Russ dropping his invulns.
So how they made Lion to beat Horus?
What would be a cool non-manlet scale mini to build an Ultras HQ?
Primaris lieutenant.
One of the early Marks from Horus Heresy. Call it Artificer Armour.
It sure is close if you ignore half the rules
>4-5 wounds, 2.5 unsaved wounds, Angron FNP leaves 1-2 wounds unsaved
It's 5 wounds with the master crafted. 10 with brutal, which is 5 unsaved. 4+ to wounds have murder strike so he doesn't get a FnP on those, making it even less likely to succeed.
That's more likely to be 5 than 4 wounds out of 6 in one round, on average. Not 2.5
Russ does not have to be very lucky to kill him in one go.
>doesn't die regains IWND next turn
That's a 1 in 3 roll, not a sure thing.
Angron hits on 6s for the first round, that's 1.4W.
On avarage you are starting second round with Angron on 1W and Russ on 5. Even if the second round has Russ hitting with 1 less WS the difference in W is abysmal already and he still goes fist, still wounds on 2s and still has brutal. That's just 4 wounds going through instead of 5.
>Angron on charge
That's just unlikely to happen with the SW reaction being a thing. Even if he manages, then that's Russ attacking with even more A because of Counter Attack (2). That still wound on 2s and have Brutal

Did you read their profiles? Because once again you are forgetting Brutal 2
A venerable contemptor dreadnought
The UM HQs?
Not at this time, but those rules may be updated in the upcoming supplement a few months from now.

It's still subject to the restrictions on Dreadnoughts in ZM generally but otherwise I think, for now, it's OK.
nogames mathhammer doesn't mean shit agains weight of dice, Angron throws out more attacks and is more durable and Russ can't kill in two turns even wth better than odds rolling.

>says the guy who can't read FNP
I dunno, go read the article.
Ignoring the primarch retardation in the thread, I'm hoping at the very least we get to corrupt Automata units in dedication to the 8 paths. I want to be able to use these Nurgle Corrupted castellax STLs I have.
How about you read the rules you stupid retard?
>Muh FnP
How about you read the rules you stupid retard?
>Muh weight of dice
How about you read the rules you stupid retard?
That'd be nice but I'd expect it more from a supplement like militia or demons or a exemplary battles pdf than an official campaign book desu
>>says the guy who can't read FNP
>says the guy who can't read at all
This actually matters a lot more than anybody's taken into account.

Angron *can't* charge if it's a 1v1 match because Russ has his SW Reaction - he can easily Charge Angron in Angron's own Movement phase, because Angron has to end within 12" if he wants to Charge in his subsequent Assault phase. Angron can't do anything about that.

Angron's Overwatch is however a lot more likely to take a wound from Russ than Russ is from Angron, even with the 3++ against plasma.

The turn also matters since if it takes two turns of maneuvering - which Angron can arrange - before they fight, Angron gets 7A base instead of 6A. Russ is only 1" faster than Angron if they're both running around - the smart gladiator in this putative endless battle simply circles his opponent for 4 turns and engages on the 5th - it matters less that he's got slightly worse statline when he's making 10A base.

Russ could let Angron Charge for those +2A, but Angron's probably smarter than that.

Rather than try for that 2x 1/7 chance of an unsaved Wound from Spite Furnace, Angron can simply Hold the Line - he auto-passes the Morale check because he's Fearless (and HtL doesn't grant any saves or damage mitigation rolls). Russ gains no bonus Attack that round and is down to a mere 8A.

Anyway, can't wait for the Russfags to switch to Angron when he gets his Daemon Primarch rules. He's not likely to get his 40k style 12-18 Attacks but you never know.
I mean hey, the last two campaign books brought inductii, Blackshields, legiones auxilia, and Shattered legions, so it's not unheard of for them to drop a whole bunch of army building options in them. At the very least I'd hope for 4 high Techno-Arcana for Khorne/Nurgle/Tzeentch/Slaanesh at least: it's the dark mechanicum book after all.
You just confirmed my words. Angron is better than Russ in everything.
>resin mk3
>that belt fed autocannon
Oh my I made an oily mess in my pants
Only cookie cutters buy plastic GW, WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THAT DALE?
also in that scenario if Russ shoots Angron he's dead from the WE reaction which shuts down Russ' reaction. Basically Russ only looks good on paper but he has less potential /9he will never deliver enough wounds to down a primarch in one turn unlike Angron and has less chances to save wounds), gets behind during a game very quickly and doesn't gain any advantage from charging yet ceding it to Angron is a death sentence.
>This actually matters a lot more than anybody's taken into account.
Neither charges. Russ runs and charges, thus becoming disordered. Thus, neither Russ not Angron trigger any rules that count them as having charged.
The SW reaction specifically states that they gain all the benefits from charging
in which case its 7 v 7 attacks, both hit on 4s, Russ comes out with 5 hits Angron makes 6, Russ makes 3 wounds Angron makes 5, Russ takes 2-3 wounds, Angron takes 0-2 wounds. Next turn Angron takes wounds down to 3 remaining, Russ down to 1 remaining.

tl;dr Russ dies turn 2, Angron doesn't.
>Russ makes 3 wounds
Idk in what world you get 3 wounds out of 5 hits that wound on 2s and have brutal 2
>Angron takes 0 wounds because I say so
Ok sure
>nogames getting their minds blown by probability
Imagine calling someone a nogames when you don't know half the rules
How embarrassing
If you were really playing and holding the dice in your hand, you would know that the rules apply that way. They are good only on paper, in reality everything is different.
>whats FNP
A rule that only works on 6s and doesn't even apply 3 out of 5 wounds because of Murderous Strike?
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I, too, believe in the heart of the Dice anon
Never let things like rules or actual probability get in the way of your delusions!
If they were going to do it like that they would have included it in the depths of tredechima exemplary battle.
If they don’t include rules for it in this campaign book i doubt we are getting it.
watch me roll two 6s champ.
>I wonder if /hhg/'s up to anything...
>what happens is that Angron gets the charge and all 10 of his attacks hit and wound because he rolls nothing but sixes, then Russ fails all his saves and dies, which proves that Angron is better
Do you roll less than 6? What's the point then? I always roll 6 on dice.
Angron gets glazed in these threads almost as much as Magnus did a few years ago. Total loser primarch for people who love to blame their problems on others.
Tying techno-arcanas to gods is very 40k-ish and would unironically deter me from getting the book.
I have extra despoilers
If I buy jumppacks for them do you think people would go insane since they don't have the straps and extra armour on the torsos

You'd probably want some flyers of some kind, but it is definitely getting you there. I'd suggest linking up with some people in your local area, discord, or other social media outlet to get a practice game in, army construction makes so much more sense once you've got a game or two under your belt.
Straps on the torsos aren't actually necessary. We've got several examples of models without obvious straps, and the most visible ones are supposedly for quick-release, rather than an absolute necessity.

Goddamn are 30k players just retarded?
Thinking of getting a pair of decimators for my fledgeling mechanicum with the new book incoming. Do you think it's worth trying to de-chaos them a bit to since my dudes just dabbling, or just leave them and say they're the product of a sub cult that drank all the Khaos Koolaid?
>Russ runs and charges, thus becoming disordered.
The SW run and charge no longer means the charge becomes disordered.

What is up with all these absolute retards who don't know the rules today.
pretty sure one of them's the 40k retard who thinks Custodes and falax Rampagers could "trade" because he's never used an Initiative system
>Countering people pointing out rules exist by calling them retarded
The projection is stronk in this one.
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I still don't get why despoiler and assault squads are a separate thing, even the name of the former feels out place. Just make the assault marines come with no jump packs by default and then upgrade them if you want.
30k players know the 30k rules, unlike you
Despoiler squads have Heart of the Legion and Spite of the Legion.

Assault squads do not.
just balance. Depoilers are cheap wounds and have some extra rules to justify taking them. If you have assault marines with spite of the legion and heart of the legion that would probably be too good for their points and if you raise them much more than they are now it starts to become way too many points for a 1 W model with a 3+
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angron sucks balls and gets mogged by russ, like all primarchs do, especially fagnus the dead and that gay poet fag.

Except that there's two people arguing who can't just sit down and math it out.
Leave them. They are literally a daemon stuffed into a trashcan that was welded shut and chained into the decimator hull.

If you are building decimators, your guys have gone head first in the deep end and are halfway done building Sealab 2020 at the bottom.
in fairness a lot of you can't sit down and math out the chance of rolling 4+ on a D6
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Who is "you"? I don't play this game, I came into this thread and it appears to be full of dumbasses.
>take/contest objective fast
>take and hold objective
i was able to math that shit out too long ago.
now i just laugh at the odds and the absurdity of the results when i can
welcome to the thread
Here's my tier list of opponent's based on faction:

Top Blokes:
Iron Hands
Blood Angels
Raven Guard
Emperor's Children

Sons of Horus
World Eaters

Death Guard
Imperial Fists

Alpha Legion

Iron Warriors
World Eaters
Dark Angels
i threw proonted jump packs on mk6 nutacs. works fine
Assault squads would have their current rules with or without packs. I'm more baffled that the despoilers were added to the game when pistol and chainsword troops already exist.
anyway Russ using the sword on Angron at WS9 is about 1/4 to unsaved Wound (twice, because of Brutal(2)) whereas at WS8 it's about 1/5 to the same end (25% worse for losing that Charge bonus); the only really notable thing here is that 60% of those Wounds don't qualify for FNP because they have Murderous Strike/Instant Death, which means no FNP (even though Angron has Eternal Warrior, FNP says you can't roll for Wounds with Instant Death, which 60% of them certainly should have); with FNP6+ included it's reduced to Worse 1/4 (closer to 1/5) and 1/6-ish; Brutal doesn't increase that chance, it just makes you roll more saves; there's a higher chance of those supplementary Wounds from Brutal (1/2 in this case) but they're gated behind actually hitting (at best 2/3) and Wounding (5/6); Russ has a maximum of 8A unless other combatants are involved, which also triggers Angron's Rampage (2).

Angron vs WS9 Russ (who by definition has Charged and is effectively WS10 for Angron) is 1/3

vs WS8 Russ he's better than 1/5 (about the same as WS9 Russ when Angron has FNP6+, in fact)

vs WS8 Russ with Furious Charge (2) he's almost dead on 1/4

Angron has a maximum of 14A (LA:WE or Rampage (2), 2CCW, 10A, Charge); so if Russ has done something stupid-clever like hiding in a unit of Varagyr so he doesn't get shot to shit by equivalent points of Vanquishers in two turns, and his unit has made a shooting attack against anybody but Angron, Reaction limit used up before Angron closes etc then Angron gets 14A to beat his brother up with (stats dorks: it's not 3.5W, it's 14 times 1/4 chances, which is not the same as 14 times 1/4; we live in an objective reality, why won't you?) compared to Russ in the same round having 7 times 1/5 or 1/6, with about half of those doubling the end Wound (stats dorks: if probability worked that way which, again, it doesn't, that would at best be under 3W from Angron and at worst barely more than 2W even with Brutal; Angron would be flat at 3-4W off Russ).
tl;dr Russ actually *needs* Brutal (2) against Angron, he's kind of shitty despite his WS and other buffs in anything other than ideal circumstances
Ffs are you people STILL arguing about which primarch has the biggest dick?
Can’t you discuss something actually interesting?

Of course not, AoD is the game for people who only care about capeshit and for primarchs being the only thing that matters about the setting, with no /yourdudes/.
Despoilers have been in since 2012 and likely refer to the old Codex-style Assault Squads of 2E through 3E where jump packs were optional upgrades. Fury of the Legion then permitted Despoiler-Tacticals to shoot their bolt pistols twice giving them the same firepower as rapid fire bolters but leaving them the ability to Charge in the same turn.

Separating them more clearly in this edition appears to be a means of avoiding making either unit non-specialists - jump packs get you there fast, Heart of the Legion keeps you there. Despoilers without that would be slower and get cleared off objectives much faster; Tacticals doing the same job would have worse melee due to lower volume of Attacks. Each type of unit has a specific role to play.

As for the rationale in-universe, I guess sometimes you want Despoilers so they're not tempted to fire up their rocket packs and wang off the walls of a space hulk trying to get to the enemy.
Sure, that's one of the things I wanted to try after I rebuild my army.
>muh /yourdudes/
yeah nobody cares about your loyalist world eaters with pink armor, my guy.
Looks like we got a coon in the thread
shit like this always surprises me, I've never played with anyone I'd even remotely consider a 'wanker' or anything less than a top lad and that covers a pretty big spread of people across three cities, many times in whw and a good few tournies. Like legitimately where the fuck do you even find such people in the hobby? It's not like a fucking WoW chat or CoD lobby ffs.
For the top 2, they were just great games. All of them wanted to play fluffy, and they were just great people to talk to. For Okay and Bad, they mostly went WAACy in situations where it was understood you're trying to play a chill or fluffy campaign game, not load up on cracked out options. Wankers are exclusively 3 guys who not only did the above, but tried to cheat and did not get away with it, either in list building or in the rules.
If you're getting a pair, scrape some chaos off of one and leave the other as it is. It'll make for a good way to differentiate them, since the chaos details are very particular.
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Batch painting the rest of my Knights for an event next month was a great but also terrible idea. Castigator in the back just needs transfers and banners adding, I've also got a Questoris finished but he's not of House Devine, just tagging along
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that shit means nothing. i've met my best m8 who's playing IW.
and a gigantic WAAC playing world eaters : *oops i moved that building to get an easier charge, you surely don't mind ? btw my minis are painted garbage because i'm busy getting degrees and the only reason i stay in your presence is to crush you and feel good about it*
Out of the two World Eaters I hope you meant to say Word Bearers in the wankers category, it's fun to be one the most hated legion player.
No, I meant word bearers in the better category. Never met a bad WB player.
He did write world eaters twice.
Man, the new jump packs look like garbage. Baffling how GW can fuck up something so fundamentally cool as jump packs, specially considering they had that shit down decades ago.
What about mech?
NPC factions need not apply.
Never played against Mech in HH
After careful consideration, I have ordained the two characters for the Mars book will be Calleb Decima (retconned to be at Mars somehow) & Kelbor Hal
The frustrating thing is that MkII/V and MkIV jump packs are great, but they decided to go with MkVI with an ugly pack. Gods how I’d love some MkII or MkV assault marines.
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Seethe, peasant
whats a good way to format an army list? or army builders for HH? all seem to be dedicated to 40k.
Pride month ended 3 weeks ago, get back in the closet
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>Haven't touched warhammer since I was a kid
>Started priming my test models today with an airbrush
>It's like fucking magic
It's a small town so I know there's only one guy here that bought the game to paint it and tried promoting it to the local players with no luck except one guy that considered printing some orcs and using fan rules. And me of course, now that I'm considering it. No epic oldheads here.
I've been liking newrecruit.eu as a Battlescribe replacement.
newrecruit seems to only do HH V1 though from what I can tell unless im missing something
If HH had a fighting game who would you prefer the characters in the roster to be?
>just the primarchs
>named marines and custodes characters from the books, such as Garro and Kharn
>original characters or no names to represent each legion (like a World Eater berserker, Word Bearers possessed), the custodes and maybe some auxilia trick character
wait im retarded pls ignore
Were there only two characters?
I guess we won’t get that much new stuff unitwise in this book since it seems to primarily be released as a sidepiece to the plastic mech range.
Do we know how long the book is?
Named Characters below Primarchs who can summon their Primarch as a special attack during the fight.
Third option.
Damn, actually admitting to being retarded themselves. That is an increasingly rare quality these days.
Beta Gayman was an exception, 2 characters seems to be the standard, so 1 new one plus 1 from the liber sounds exactly the amount of low effort they'll put into a campaign that revolves around one faction. We'll probably also get a model for a Cydonian assassin or something similar tho
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>EC fighting IH summons Ferrus by tossing a severed head as a taunt
Pride month is every month I jam a terranic greatsword up your ass and you moan like a bitch about how big its stats are
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Any of you anons have recommendations (US, if it matters) on where to get some Large Blast markers on their own? I need them for sorcerous intent, but would rather avoid buying two more template sets just for the 5" circle.
>he needs a toy to pleasure another man
Must be hard to look down when you’re in the shower.
It's simple enough. Current crop of designers lack the talent of previous designers and lack respect for previous designs, so they have to change things because they think they can improve it.
Hell, I thought the one on Zephon was questionable, but it's leagues better than the one on the assault squad.
So far, no confirmation of any characters, but it's probable we'll see two.
Just trace a large blast marker on some transparent plastic card or something and boom, as many blast markers as you need for dirt cheap.
Once again, the 2.0 crowd completely forgets that mech and TS exist despite GW’s best efforts.
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I'm trying to sort out my tactical marines but I literally can't tell pose 1 apart from pose 4
they're both a very neutral wide stance and look identical to me
The ESL guy who puts an extra carriage return at the top of his posts is actually retarded (as in the 70s definition of falling in the bottom 2% for intelligence).
How the fuck is there a standard or an exception with only 2 books?
>Cthonia: New wargear, warlord traits, decurion and named character for 2 legions, Inductii rules for 18 legions, decurions and infernus Abomination.
>Beta-Garmon: 5 named characters, expanded army list for solar auxilia including 4 new unit entries, new cohort doctrine and 18 separate Legiones Auxilia rules, full rules for Blackshields and Shattered Legions and a new generic consul upgrade.

Mars is confirmed daemon engines and tainted knights from the Exemplary series, hopefully with some tweaks. 4 new techno arcana, new warlord traits. We could get a 3 new characters or we could get none. We may get mechanicum assassins or they might be forgotten. We might get Forge World specific rules, but we could just get some colour schemes.
nevermind I have discovered that only one of the poses has a small hose connected to the Power Ass
I haven’t played against either, calm down.
>GW’s best efforts
God, I'd hate to see their worst efforts
Just look at the resin varagyr models lmao
>So how they made Lion to beat Horus?
The Lion is simply built different
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It's Wednesday night(ish) and time again for another OC heresy art dump to mark another week of classes on the books
>Part 28: More of the Same Edition

Short dump this week because final exam
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Last pic
unironically I dont know how to use technology very well despite being raised on a computer practically i gotta apologize a lot to anons helping me out on sites and what not.
Oh good I'm out of OP pics.
Thanks, Anon.
Oh I'm even more grateful
as a prospective lawanon i hope you pass your finals anon
Most people today don't know how the tech they use operates while companies put out software that people abuse without understanding the ramifications. We are unironically in the dark age of technology right now.
HHG i gotta ask, is it based or cringe.

Using Cypher as a moritat. based or cringe?
God I wish they were still selling this box.
>got it when it first came out since I really wanted to get into HH
>life happened and I had to resell soon afterwards, putting a dream of starting a new game to the side
>years went by, my interest in 30k and 40k waned in favor of other smaller systems
>but now I'm really getting back into the Heresy and it's not available anymore
Man, it was the shit. Bunch of tacticals/veterans in my favorite (along maybe mk5) power armor pattern plus the exact HQs I wanted and a bodyguard retinue for one of them made out of the terminators I wanted anyway. The dread was too static for my taste but nothing's perfect. And it was relatively cheap for GW, sadly not reflected with the modern resell prices.

The new box? The price is hiked up by the land raider, mk6 armor which to me should be a rarity, and the HQs are just two beat sticks.
>God I wish they were still selling this box.
So do i Anon but it aint happening. That thing was one of the best box sets GW ever fucking made.
I think the candy red of Thousand Sons filters a lot of people. Hell, it nearly filtered me until a friend volunteered to help out with his airbrush since I don't have my own yet.
Nah its because tsons kinda suck right now.
Though the candy red is a bit of a challenge to do so it can scare people off.
Titans and knights. Titan grade laser weapons in particular. Check them out yourself; I won’t spoil anything.
After several attempts with and without an airbrush I eventually caved and got my TS commission painted (well, I’m paying a buddy to paint them). I’m not a fan of the candy red, and what I wanted was the old FW pink-ish pearlescent red that doesn’t have the candy gloss finish, but is more of a metallic semi-gloss. My buddy (who was more an acquaintance than a buddy at the time) did a test model one night when I said I was considering paying someone to paint them and it was so excellent that I asked him how much he’d want an hour.

I have traitor Death Guard with black armor, you fucking ninny.

The Auxilia character would be a sentinel or Charonite.

I know a dude who has 2 of them in his storage unit. You live in the US?

That's funny, because they're amazing in LI. A Reaver kitted out with laser blasters and a TLD on the back will wreck entire formations of tanks.
We already have rules and a model for him.
Meh. It would be the same as getting official rules for emps, cool but he fights in one battle and that's it. Then again that battle IS the one that the book is supposed to cover. Everyone in 1.0 wanted rules for the traitor tech-assassins didn't they?
I know we ain't getting shit other than the arcanas because they would have shilled that too.

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