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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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>Hey Everyone

• Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), so the artists know what you're looking for.
• If you have a WIP quote the Anchor Post, and attach the WIP so your Drawfag can find you.
• Do not reply to other deliveries with a request that the artist fill your request next. This is called 'piggybacking'.
• Do not make multiple requests in the same thread unless your initial request is filled, and do not serially request multiple characters after a delivery. Suggesting several concepts for artists to choose from counts as making multiple requests.
• If you're unsatisfied with the completed request, please wait at least one week before you re-request. If someone follows this rule, don't waste posts by complaining about it.
• Don't critique other requests. If you don't like it, ignore it. If you can’t ignore it, fuck off.
• Don't waste replies harassing artists or attention whores. Don’t get baited either, use your brain.
• Stay on topic, for the love of god.

>Drawfags and Drawfags-to-be:
• Drop your website/socials/commission info/etc, but if you're dropping your commission info, please consider filling a request beforehand instead of just advertising.
• Please keep AI deliveries to one of the several /slop/ threads.

Drawfags maybe open for commissions? (This list needs to be updated)

Figure Drawing:

Beginner's Guide to Drawing:

The w/ic/i art Guide:

Previous thread: >>93263168 #
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Anchor your deliveries here!
I'll make mine simple. Requesting a fair woman with wavy red hair and white skin, dressed in a simple sundress with a matching hat.

The key detail is that her eyes are missing. Currently imagining empty eyeholes, but if you instead want to draw her with sunglasses or something like an "X" stitched over each of her eyes, that's fine by me as well. Go crazy.

If it matters at all, she's a mystical being with the ability to put others into a deep sleep. The dreams they experience during their slumber represent the realities they have always wanted; with enough time, the soon-awake victims would want to go back to sleep at all cost, like someone who just came back from the Blessed Fields of Elysium.
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She is a prior fill, players liked her appearance, and since then my players have progressed the campaign and they're going to be fighting the linnorm cursed Valkyrie soon, but her transformation has progressed and is more monstrous/draconic than human.

I left a sketch and her art delivery, along with the linnorm type that cursed her, and the stages of Dragon Transformation. In the art I'd say she was at Stage 3 or of the transformation, and she is now currently at 5 ot 6'ish? Maybe 7?

These are all suggestions, but a more primal, more animalistic valkyrie is the general vibe I'm looking for. Go hog wild and have fun with the concept please!
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/r/ porc shaman doing some manner of magican nonsense.
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Can I get a female Shadowseer posed like Stańczyk in the Jan Matejko painting, maskless and frowning after having a vision of the fall of a Craftworld?
Image sauce?
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In case drawfriend missed my previous post, I'm still monitoring, in case he comes back and read this, I dropped my discord here >>93226468
She was a design I picked up from thescarletartist several years ago and never got to play because nogames
Bummer. She still looks lovely
Requesting a character for a game I'm doing set in the Magic the Gathering multiverse, I'd love to see somebody draw one of the antagonists my party is going to face on Tarkir: Beipan, the Silent Avenger!
She's a mute monk whose village was slaughtered by a rival, and now she seeks vengeance against those that wronged her at all costs!
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took some liberties with it hope you don't mind
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I'll try my luck with my eilistraeean drow swordsage, her body, face and eyes are like in the image, although her usual expression is rather warm and friendly instead, aside from that, the rest is pretty much what you can see in the image, her clothing is actually an inheritance from her mom, her theme goes around the moon and tides.
>>93336642 #
I reckon there was a booru but it was a pain in the ass to upload multiple stuff in there.
I personally made, since around 2017 this mega which has a good lot of deliveries as I was lurking the drawthreads a lot (and requesting quite lot too, but now I prefer to commission). I named deliveries with stuff that mainly makes senses to me but I also sorted a lot of them by artists. I don't update it often, and as I'm coming here less and less, it's not like every deliveries make it.
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I'd like to request an Eldar Ranger and an Imperial Guardrsman sharing a cigarette over a pile of Ork bodies.
Requesting: fuck off to /trash/. They also have a drawthread there.
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Requesting my Human Cavalier Fighter (top left refs) wearing an upgraded Dragonguard from the Lost Mine of Phandelvar that is a mix of White Dragon Scale Mail and the Dragonguard breastplate for the central part of the armor. His helm would also have the same red eye glow of a dread helm and he'd have the emblem of the Red Lady emblazed on the side of his helmet (red chess piece).

Basically the armor was made in my current Phandelver & Below game after killing Cryovein as well as allying with the Black Spider Nezznar and had him help make some magic items for us using the Forge of Spells to upgrade Dragonguard with the white dragon's scales.
Do you mind if I lewd him? I can start in like 15 minutes.
How so? The helmet stays on for any lewd activities.
I was thinking of him sitting in a chair, jerking off in the corner of a motel room while my own character has sex with a woman in the same style of armor as your character (so it would be your character's wife). I already started the sketch, so I'll post it when it's done.
Based artistanon, but make them bears.
He doesn't have a wife, but hey, you do your weird cuckold fantasies anon.
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Here you go
cuck reply
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Requesting this small Mercykiller. He's a Procyon (usually-chaotic-leaning small-sized biped raccoon creature). Despite this, he's part of a lawful faction.
>niga who'se request Im filling hasn't reposted in this thread
Who dat? I haven't reposted cuz I think my request is too specific.
nah its not yours. Yours is weird
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Hey /tg/. I'm doing a campaign set in feudal Japan, with the main antagonists being the Three Precious Children (Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, and Susano'o).

I'm requesting a fill of my interpretation of Tsukuyomi, the moon god. Once beautiful, he was deeply scarred by his sister Amaterasu, and bears an extreme hatred for her. He ultimately wishes to destroy the Sun and plunge the world into an eternal night
Post the WIP anyway, with a link to the request post from the previous thread.
/trash/ here, we don't want this asshole shitting up our threads, can you do us a solid and keep him?
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Requesting a deislepunk ish cyborg gal with muffler horns
You guys are already shitting up your own drawthreads anyways.
Exactly! Our drawthreads already fucking suck, last thing we need is Royce.
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Requesting a strom barb. Dickhead noble that's on a quest for revenge after his family was killed by a rival family. Cares for nothing but his own personal goals and is willing to deceive and kill anybody in his way.
I can garentee none of you need Royce ruin your own thread
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Requesting an undead oath of conquest paladin. She used to searve a powerful yuan-ti sorcerer before being killed in battle. She was resurrected by one of the sorcerers followers and is now seatching for a way to revive her lord
A well poised Steampunk crime boss, his face and the entirety of his head is obscured by a featureless steel mask and wears a pair of thin articulated gauntlets. His clothing is looser on purpose, because where any exposed skin should be seen is more steel. The general presence/body language he should display is arrogant superiority.

If this interests you I urge you to have fun with your interpretation.
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May pick this up, though just want to ask a few questions. Is she wearing some sort of hood/helmet and what did she look like while alive? Also did you just want a plain bald skull or some spectral flame hair reminscent of her hair while alive sorta like pic related?
Really nice linework bro
>Is she wearing some sort of hood/helmet
Nope, no need for a helment/hoos she usually just uses a disguise self spell to hide he undead apperence
>Also did you just want a plain bald skull or some spectral flame hair reminscent of her hair while alive sorta like pic related?
Spectral flame hair could work. also dang i haven't seen mystery skulls content in like years
OR here, I really like this! It's a very unique design, I'll make good use of it! Many thanks, drawfriend.
He may not be the original artist tho, that pic is used specifically when the fat faggot decides to show up
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Girl in the left wearing outfit on the right doing a flurry of punches and kicks which superheat the air due to friction
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Op file got deleted? And lmao looks like mods took down Royce's fat furry fetish request.
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Requesting a shadow knight and his lady necromancer companion.
Thank you very much!
I'm glad you like it.
I hope your group likes it too.
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requesting my DnD5e Githzerai arcane domain cleric, Ezhanya. I did the best i could to mock up how i envision her but it's not set in stone
If Royce still here? I did some snooping and it looks like he's become ashamed of his art recently... Did he learn?
he posted a fill last thread, then replied to himself to praise how dignified his drawing is
It's so sad that he's still doing this and is probably still convinced he's fooling everybody.

giving this gal a try
OR here, thank you for picking her up! I'm liking where you're going with her! Keep up the good stuff!
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Bumping with a WIP. I will add the scarring when I'm coloring.
I am trying to think of some good art ideas based on the list "2600 things Mr. Welch is not allowed to do in an RPG." Any Suggestions?
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Requesting someone color my dragon from last thread if possible.
> white hair, green eyes
> black scales and horns
> black lotus symbols
> royal blue cloth or whatever you think works
> fancy jewelry in general, gold, silver, platinum, whatever
> mostly black/gray spear (shadow colors) maybe with gold accents

Fuck, this is amazing
inking almost done, gonna start painting
Oh hell yeah, this is actually great so far! I love the art style, I'm looking forward to seeing the final product!

(I also love the joke in the image title)
fucked the off white, she is blue now lol
Honestly, that's a nice light blue that looks glacial thanks to the white highlights, I really dig how it looks. This is some fantastic stuff.
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hope you like it!
Not OR, nice work
Not OR but that's cool!
Oh wow! Not OR, but I recognize your name. It's been a long time since you drew a piece here, and you came back with an absolute banger. Amazing work, drawfriend!
OR here I am impressed as hell.

Thank you so much for taking up the gal, and I can't wait to throw her at the players as they have to fight (and most likely kill) one of their key NPCs.
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Requesting alien girl in a mech suit with her head exposed.
Now link to the other version
OR here, this is pretty cool. Thanks!
Curious is the anon's art.
Not OR, this is sick. Got an OSR vibe to it. Post socials if you got em.
Sorry for the lack of response, was pretty busy most of the week and finally had the chance to sit down and sketch her out. Will try to chip away at it and add the finer details as I go. If there's anything in particular you want me to change, just let me know.
much appreciated, man. hope they enjoy it too, make a pawn lmao

yeah man i'm back for a time at least, gonna try do at least one or two more between this nad next week
everything looks good so far
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I opted for simple colors and shading so I could finish this tonight. I won't have time to sit and draw again for at least 4 or 5 days.
oh my god, OR here, she's beautiful, such a fantasic work!

thank you so much, I love her, do you have any socials to follow?
Glad you enjoy it. No, I don't use any social media. I believe I'm in the archive under "regular anon". I had a DA years ago before the entire site was overtaken by AI porn. But I deleted that quite a long time ago.
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I made one too but with a hood. Here ya go, bud
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Requesting a small armoured Snail Knight.
DM won't let me flavour my Summon in this magical girl system as a horde of tiny knights (to fit my knight theme) so fuck it, it's gonna be a snail knight now
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Not OR, this looks cool!
this is phenomenal! great work dude!
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He's very handsome and sturdy looking, I love it. Thankyou very much anon
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I am requesting the living weapon, Bishamonten. Feel free to go off the rails.
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Some great deliveries this thread


Don't know if it's quite what you wanted, your request felt pretty broad so I just had fun with it.
holy crap man that;s amazing! thank you so much! its perfect you did an incredible job.
Requesting a 8ft tall femboy nurse robot, with a syringe gun in one hand, and holding a human remains transfer container with the other.
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Just a sketch for now - could you elaborate on how the retractable glaive works as a hairpin?
Awesome! Do you have socials?
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>could you elaborate on how the retractable glaive works as a hairpin?
it collapse/ folds in on itself into a plam size form, he pins/ties it on the side of his hair. like a hair clip
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Calling this done.
These are super fuckin sick. Amazing fills. Thanks to all the drawfriends.
such an amazing thread compared to the last ones

are we truly back?
OR here. Now this- this is amazing. Thank you so much man, I really mean it. I look forward to using him!
Fucking great!
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Requesting my campaign's most important NPC: Tak Eeio'mak, the adoptive mother of three of the dragon PCs in my Pathfinder game. She's a red-eyed treefrog type of Grippli, a cleric of not!Dahak and managed to break out of being captured by silver dragon paladins to save three chromatic dragon eggs, and raised them in a tribal islander village to prep them to exact revenge against the silver dragons.

Anyways aside from backstory, she's a very genuinely loving mother to her dragons, treating them like her own children, and has decided to adventure with them. She has traveled with them to the medieval europe of the setting and got some plate armor to wear. Can't find any art even remotely close to this anywhere.

I would like her bright red eyes to either be exposed or glowing visibly behind armor, as that's probably her most defining feature that I like referencing a lot
>fuel is stored in the tail
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I'd like to request variant of this meme as Anatomy of a Vampire
>freakish looking adult vampire
>shirt with some band logo or lame pun ala "night life bites"
>his child Childe
attached reference for canon "couples" where the protege got initiated suspiciously young, or just make their looks up
Yes, if you only knowledge of World of Darkness comes from the vidya feel free to make it Andrei with Yukie childe.
Magnificent work, drawfriend. Thank you o7
Requesting a Mage the Ascension character
Starting off as a bit of a beat down wagey who was wrongfully expelled from MIT and has been spiraling hard until his magic awoke. Hoping to have some fun with various flavors of space folding and gravity manipulation but if I'm being honest, I have never played mage before and don't really know what I'm doing.
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Well, this was a waste of a Saturday afternoon
>sulks backs to /trash/ to draw more nsfw Hilda
Not the OR but no one ever says No to two cakes, and this one definitely looks like it'd be worth finishing.
OR here, hot damn this looks really good too, I would be very interested in seeing it finished but I understand, thank you regardless!
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Continue, drawfren. Give us more cake.
It’s done. God I fucking hate drawing those damn mechanical legs.
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Requesting Mystical Sand lounging by the pool in a red bikini, with a tropical drink by her side.
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Hey making a request for an NPC in a campaign I'm running, They're a duo of priestess that has given a new purpose to the beast.

Feel free to go off the walls with posing.
pg10 and autosage, about to crash myself or I'd bake a new bread, hope to see one when I get up
New thread
wicked cool!

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