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• Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), so the artists know what you're looking for.
• If you have a WIP quote the Anchor Post, and attach the WIP so your Drawfag can find you.
• Do not reply to other deliveries with a request that the artist fill your request next. This is called 'piggybacking'.
• Do not make multiple requests in the same thread and do not serially request multiple characters after a delivery. Suggesting several concepts for artists to choose from counts as making multiple requests.
• If you're unsatisfied with your completed request, please wait at least one week before you re-request. If someone follows this rule, don't waste posts by complaining about it.
• Don't critique others' requests. If you don't like it, ignore it.
• Don't waste replies harassing artists or attention whores.
• Stay on topic.

>Drawfags and Drawfags-to-be:
• Drop your tumblrs/websites/commission/etc information, but if you're dropping your commission info, please consider filling a request beforehand instead of just advertising.
• Please keep AI deliveries to one of the several /slop/ threads.

Drawfags open for commissions:

Figure Drawing:

Beginner's Guide to Drawing:

The w/ic/i art Guide:

Previous thread: >>93337471
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Anchor your deliveries here!
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OR hoping for news from drawfriend who went to a gamejam
If anyone still cares
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Requesting Mystical Sand lounging by the pool in a red bikini, with a tropical drink by her side.
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Can I get a female Shadowseer posed like Stańczyk in the Jan Matejko painting, maskless and frowning after having a vision of the fall of a Craftworld?
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Reposting a previous request from last thread: >>93396071
Only thing I'd like to add to that post is that Grippli are small, only about 2feet tall on average.
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reposting a request from previous thread.
OR here, thank you, that looks wicked, I love your interpretation!
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Requesting a battle dress armored elf with the proportions of the left most image preferably. I'd like her to be blonde with purple/violet eye colors. She is a multi class ranger/fencer type character.
Requesting a Mage the Ascension character and his avatar
He started off as a bit of a beat-down wagey who was wrongfully expelled from MIT and spiraled hard until his magic awoke. Hoping to have some fun with various flavors of space folding, flight, and gravity manipulation. If I'm being honest, I have never played mage before and don't really know what I'm doing but, I ended up demolishing a guy's house by subjecting it to the gravity of jupiter, that was pretty fun.

His avatar looks like a tech/NASA-themed angel. I imagined it with wings that sorta looked like satellite solar arrays and its bottom half being covered in a long dress/skirt that looks like its the bottom of the Saturn V (Apollo program) rocket and a staff made of mirrors and hard light. I've gone easy with the refs, hopefully, that's okay, the game and system are still kinda new to me.
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Requesting my DnD5e Githzerai arcane domain cleric, Ezhanya.
I did the best I could to mock up how i envision her but it is fine if you want to take artistic liberties.
Requesting a character for a game I'm doing set in the Magic the Gathering multiverse, I'd love to see somebody draw one of the antagonists my party is going to face on Tarkir: Beipan, the Silent Avenger!
She's a mute monk whose village was slaughtered by a rival, and now she seeks vengeance against those that wronged her at all costs!
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Requesting a female Eladrin Samurai Fighter/Archfey Warlock. Has pale skin, long white/icy blue or black hair, wearing simple robes with accessories like prayer beads or stuff their hair, and maybe a version with a straw hat that has a layer of rime/icicles hanging from it from Armor of Agathys.
Requesting something gay and bara
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requesting my grave domain cleric please
hay can I have the full version of the reference pic on the right?
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I'd like to request an Eldar Ranger and an Imperial Guardrsman sharing a cigarette over a pile of Ork bodies.
Hey again. Requesting a large man clad head-to-toe in brilliant white armor, wielding an oversized greatsword of sorts. Completed with a fitting scarf or cape.

He is basically the nameless MC of a previous story in my world known as the White Knight, a 'chosen hero' that also has a mysterious aura similar to Goblin Slayer. In the current campaign he occasionally assists the party but is secretly the big bad, seeking to cleanse the world for a 'greater good'.
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Did anyone ever get any info or socials from this drawfriend?
Is that suppose to be a diesel powered cyber shrimp?
Nope, it's always the same story.
>showed up >did several dozens deliveries >disappeared without a trace

I don't think it's that shrimple.
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requesting a quar dressed as sundowner saying "give quar a chance"
sorry for the late reply
maan fucck that cunt. If it weren't for him I wuda been the thread image, maybe!
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gotcha anon
exceedingly based, thank you drawfriend
Page 10? Bump!
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Requesting this small Mercykiller. He's a Procyon (usually-chaotic-leaning small-sized biped raccoon creature). Despite this, he's part of a lawful faction. His armor is imposing but, without his helmet, his raccoon face is not at all.
In this case, he's probably holding his helmet to take a break while no one is around.
Got a nice chuckle out of that one
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Requesting the orc girl on top wearing a Napoleonic soldier uniform, and holding a heart axe, the weapon can be a halberd or a hand axe, I'll leave that choice up to you drawfag.
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I guess I'll just leave this here:
Is it really you??
Or this is a Mega made by a regular.
If so please tell me of a blog of your or why you don't have one.
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Requesting sexy car wash version warhammer 40k, a space marine sitting in a chair while the chapter serf girls in bikinis wash his body with sponges.
I would rather see a bunch of Dark Angel Space Marines in thongs washing a Rhino Transport tank.
You have your tastes, I have mine.
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Requesting someone color my dragon delivery from a couple threads ago if possible.
> white hair, green eyes
> black scales and horns
> black lotus symbols
> royal blue cloth or whatever you think works
> fancy jewelry in general, gold, silver, platinum, whatever
> mostly black/gray spear (shadow colors) maybe with gold accents

playing on the background:
Fair point.
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Requesting a Chaos Dwarf version of Ganondorf.
yep, I saw a recent thread with one of my drawings and tought that people may be interested in the rest of my stuff, I don't have any socials at the time since I just do this once in a while when I feel like it but I could maybe give it a try eventually
Yeah there was this one anon who really wanted to find you there.
I thought i'd help but by then that broo thread was gone so i guess he'll have to find it by his own unless...
If he has 4chanX he'll see this.

So (checks archive) cuteanon do you have a general process to infuse your drawings into soulful Microsoft paint works?
Any other projects you are working on? Last thing you did here dates to 2023 so you must have been busy (apologies if i get overbearing)
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Getting some kinda illumination style art for my GURPS setting done. have a rabbit-folk
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Hobbit too
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I'd like to request extremely skinny (emaciated) researcher girl triumphantly hovering mid-air, wearing harness made from some high-tech glowy stuff, and bare minimum other clothes to maintain decency (exact details are dealer's choice). Hair shaved short, barefoot.
Before somebody else points it out, yes this is callback to earlier delivery with hover tech being recently discovered, now she managed to weaponize it, by trimming every gram of weight so that she and her malourished self alone fits within the lift limit.
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OR here. Thanks, you did a really fantastic job on this!
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Requesting Jack (samurai), Courage (rogue), Johnny (elf/bard), Gwen (wizard) and Buttercup (barbarian) eating in the dungeon.
>this dude finally got a fill
I like this, this is cute.
Can I get a little rabbit wizard?
try here
These are pretty cute, dig your style
uh... where?
that is a dick and balls
Nope, it's armor
I'll get right on it :)
Thank you, anon
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Requesting a Cutebold with crippling depression
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I'd like to see someone do a rendition of this old joke creature.
whoever keeps drawing these must be completely dead inside
why? It's very distinctive / stylized style
but it's technically clean and consistent, so there's funamentally nothing wrong with it.
you know why, you stupid faggot
This is how you link to a thread on another board, anon >>>/co/144636297
anon basically asking for a DnD drawing, but with cartoon characters, I don't see why it shouldn't be here.
because it's not a game and has nothing to do with a game
you retards need to get a clue and realize everybody's ignoring your crossboarding scum requests for a reason
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Requesting these two clashing swords!

Lady on the left's sword superheats on contact with oxygen, getting hotter over time.The sheath is the kanabo. The blades color when cool is a black meteorite-style sheen.
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OR here. Very much obliged!
Dude, the only one breaking the rules is you.
>"Don't criticize other people's requests. If you don't like it, ignore it"
>breaking le rules
look at this tourist
Sauce of left ?
She's my character. I commissioned her directly from BeePunz on twitter.
Good to see you are back, anon.
I'm going to try and drop in once per thread. Probably mostly simple color or b&w fills.

I've been working a lot over over time lately so my time to draw is pretty limited.
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Requesting a younger tech-savvy sci-fi boi and a sorcerer lady.

The sci-fi-tech-savvy guy at the left side of the image is a young man, perhaps 18-19 years of age. He'd be on his work desk with the typical technological and machinery work stuff on his desk with hologram stuff, or maybe add just like a sci-fi style computer and keyboard on his desk too. And he'd be looking at the sorcerer lady to his other side as if talking to her with a cheery demeanor.

And the sorcerer lady looks like the one at the right side of the image. She'd be on her own work desk aswell which has a miniature cauldron with something brewing in it, a crystal ball, a few vial bottles, a book and wand perhaps. The sorcerer lady would be looking at the sci-fi-tech-savvy-boi as she also appears to be conversing with him with a slightly smug demeanor and she'd be taller than the boi implying she's somewhat older than him.

Also add a detail on the sci-fi-tech-savvy-boi, have M.I.T. on his suit/armor. As in on the chest area where its visible.
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Girl on left wearing outfit on right. Doing a flurry of kicks and punches that superheats the air around her cause sparks
kek this again
you're better off elsewhere with hie much its gone to shit
damn near all the good /tg/ artists from here long fled to discords
I was on a 3 day vacation when you posted that, not the OR but great work
I you're no wireless, you can just restart your connection instead of waiting it out.
Thanks bro, I'll get it right next time
I figured drawfrens here would rather draw an actual ttrpg characters not a fanart and anon who requested it would have better luck requesting in /co/
As luck would have it I don't use discord and there's still some fun drawing ideas here. It's slower for sure but it's not completely dead.

I'll do another drawing on Sunday or Monday most likely.
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requesting a misfortune bringer rouge. Part of a underground group of rouges that are used by royals and nobles to cause misfortune and misery to their rivals and competitors/rivals. the also double as court jeasters and fools.
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Requesting my Aasimar archfey warlock. She looks to be in her mid-40s and until recently was just a simple village witch and healer. After being teleported away against her will due mistaken identity she's now a long way from home, in unfamiliar territory and having to trust complete unknowns to survive.

The campaign is essentially "A dying wizard hoped to summon a team of powerful heroes with his last strength but flubbed the ritual, and got everyday heroes instead". The rest of the party consists of a human city watch fighter, a half-elf robin hood-esque charlatan rogue, a gnome down-on-his-luck guild artisan artificer and a tiefling entertainer wizard.
Forgot to add that my idea for her was "what if Granny Weatherwax from Discworld wasn't a crone but a motherly healer with a family?"

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