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The pond is home to a fairy kingdom, whose fairies are small and pretty. They live underwater, in small magical cities that protect them from the larger animals of the forest. They spend their days signing, making music, and genociding the other fairy kingdoms of the forest.
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Here‘s our main protagonist
Also lots of gay sex
The duality of man
Have you watched amphibia?
The fairies have to protect the tadpoles as they grow into frogs or else they get in trouble with the mother fairy
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In return they get to ride on the adult frogs and are overall on pretty good terms with them
Yea and the frog knights rule over the fairy kingdom. They carry lances made from daisies with their points being the stems, and they have to root out the foul gremlins from polluting the pond with duckweed and red algae
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Water beetles are the dog and water snails the cat equivalent to the fairies. They treat them accordingly. However, they do fear some larger water beetles like dragonfly larvae as dangerous predators.
The oldest creature of the pond is a great wrinkled toad half submerged in the muck of the deepest part of the pond. The second wisest after the mother fairy, it's known for it's bouts of hunger and huge, gaping maw, making only the desperate willing to turn to it for aid.
Besides the gremlins some dangers of the pond are:
- Pikes, especially one particularly large voracious pike who has developed a taste for fairy flesh
- An enormous old catfish with an insatiable hunger which only rarely rises from the depths of the pond in order to hunt
- Lampreys
- Water scorpions
- A sneaky and scheming gray heron
- Other fish-eating birds near the pond
- A water snake with hypnotic abilities
- Tangleweed
The prospect of a beaver family moving in on the territory is an existential threat to the neighboring kingdoms and as the industrious rodents draw closer a threat of all-out war is looming.
Humans exist but are only depicted from the waist down and they talk in a low-pitched mumbling voice like the adults did in peanuts. They are seen as unpredictable forces of nature that only rarely intervene with the pond by fishing. At the edge of the pond a mill wheel turns next to a small, dilapidated old stone house with a hay roof. At that very location you can occasionally observe these mysterious giants going about their daily work.
Giant feathered beasts with maws of bone can be found floating on the surface of the pond. The inhabitants of the pond can see their orange webbed feet from below and know to maintain a wide berth. Despite this, it's not uncommon for a pond-dweller to lose focus in a moment of relaxation, only for the beast to submerge an abnormally long neck and devour it whole.
Legend tells of one entity even older than the Great Toad, the Deceiver. It sits at the deepest point of the pond, buried in the mud, a tiny worm sitting just inside a small cave with a matching, razor edged stalactite and stalagmite at the entrance. It offers ancient knowledge and sometimes temptations to those of great appetite, but to enter the cave is certain death, and one must be wary of the wriggling demon's requests to approach.
With the basic groundwork layed out, should we start mapping the pond?
Sure, why not. Having a map could provide for a visual foundation to further build upon and get a broad overview of what is happening.
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Oh no! A dragon!
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How do you guys like this for a rough shape?
>A sneaky and scheming gray heron
>Oh no! A dragon!
We should give him a proper name
The bog is full of bog bodies with monkeypox.
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It's a little tricky to do this with a pond being threedimensional and all. Decided to draw a few wobbly lines first to indicate depth. Maybe we should do layers or even a cross section later on? However, this might be beyond my photo editing skills. I only have so many hours in ms paint. Think I'll add the major waypoints mentioned next.
Greycloud the Devourer
What about the inclusion of a nymph or naiad? Maybe she died a long time ago and her body formed the pond but her spirit lingers somehow?
When she died, her spirit became the faeries and her body became the pond.
At night, you can still hear her voice singing softly in the breeze
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Next to the mill stands an old gnarly willow tree who has been watching the lake and drinking from it's water for centuries. The leaves from his branches hang down into the water while he dreams of roots and long past times. Every few moons the old magical tree awakens and converses with fairies, animals and rarely even humans who have the patience and understanding to listen to his wisdom. However, anyone who wakes the old willow from his slumber should be warned. Don't anger him or he will make you sleepy and trap you in the folds of his trunk. Quite a few skeletons rest in his wooden innards where he once squeezed them to death for disturbing one his clairvoyant dreams.
The Stalking Shadow
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I think there should be a small creek leading to the pond, especially if there's an old water mill nearby.
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True. A watermill next to a stagnant body of water would be pretty pointless. Added all the major landmarks we have so far including a little creek powering the millwheel and a stream with a bridge over it as water outlet from the pond. Took a few creative liberties here and there so let me now if you dislike anything about the changes. Also let me know if I forgot something.The system with the numbers isn't perfect but I think it should do the job for now. Beige color is supposed to be cattails not sand btw. Here are the locations marked on the map:
1) Waterfairy Village
2) Gremlin Caves
3) Frog Breeding Grounds
4) Lilypad Forest
5) Tangleweed Forest
6) Old Watermill
7) Fishing Pier
8) Magical Willow Tree
9) Trollbridge
10) Higher Altitude
11) Haulewoods
12) Algae Fields
13) Shuddermoat
14) Cattails
The gremlins meanwhile are a reincarnation of a different forest spirit that was enamored with her. When he could not have her he killed her in jealousy. The gremlin plots are an extension of his will still trying to court her with "gifts" of pollutants.
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A small family of river otters pose an existential threat to the pond-dwellers whenever they appear from upstream.
Blessed thread, reminds me of my childhood splashing around the cattails in a lake every summer
Also Amphibia p much nails this aesthetic
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The newt federation is another major player in this scenario.
They are said to have a trade union with the salamander alchemists from the forest.
Maybe add a few rocks to the shore to create a "mountain range" and give reptiles such as lizards an opportunity to sunbath.
I like how it follows the traditional dragon naming pattern.
Also pretty good. Invokes that cozy redwall feel. I can't decide.
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To the north-west there is Mount Gurmbad (really a large boulder) that is often clouded in hazy smoke. Rumours have been spread throughout the forest of some fire-breathing lizard there, or an evil Gnome sorcerer conjuring dark magics.

(Really it's the Wanderer of the Forest Half-Foot smoking pipeweed while the evil sorcerer is on holiday)
ponds dont exist in my setting.
>genociding the other fairy kingdoms of the forest.
The main victims of pond fairy raids are the forest fairies who live to the west >>93356242. They send bands of frog-mounted knights to patrol their borders and protect laborers who gather twigs/sticks for constructions and tools. The frog-knights wear armor of fishscales as do their mounts, which is effective at deflecting the tiny wooden arrows of the forestfolk.
Occasionally an ancient, moss-covered snapping turtle will emerge from the depths of the pond and rest among the rocks. As such, young fairies are forbidden from playing among the stones lest they be gobbled up by the false mountain.
What happens when it rains?
What happens when the seasons change?
Is there a single agreed upon currency?
I would like there to be an ancient snapping turtle with an ecosystem on it's back, or perhaps in it as well.
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I dig it! Snapping turtle is a little anachronistic since the other wildlife seems to be based on european/scandi nature but it's fantasy so we might aswell just handwave it in. European pond turtle would be the autism approved choice.
When winter comes and ice the mill pond covers, the waterfairies go to sleep.
What if there's another pond, not too far away and only the most powerful bullfrogs can croak loud enough to communicate with the pond over yonder, but lately there's been silence from that pond and the mother fairy picks you and a few others to ride frog mounts to investigate the silent kingdom?
We keep that one for the sequel
Summers have come and summers have gone, and some years the pond shrinks a little before the autumn rains refill it.
If the murmuring caterpillars are to be believed however there may come a summer when the pond shrinks away to nothing.
Few pay them heed.
Very comfy anons, good job so far!
I should visit my local pond more often.
I will unashamedly use this setting. Excellent thread.
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Ah that's really cool. I was thinking of a pond alligator as the resident "dragon" of the setting, but I kinda like your idea more.
We already have a lot of shit on the water, the heron works great because it can suddenly show up from outside of the players usual sphere of influence.
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Cute snek bois?
Don't taint it. The moral integrity of this setting must be protected at all costs. Appreciate the spoiler on the first image though.
>The moral integrity of this setting
The first post mentions fairies genociding other fairies.
Well, they probably have a good reason for it
The fairies of the forest and the caves and the glades have had enough of the pond fae. The incessant raids, the ritual sacrifices to the vore frogs of the pond, the sexual slavery of captured land fairies of all sexes forced to pleasure the genitalia of the pond fairies without end. Alliances in the past haven't worked due to infighting among the land fairies of how best to deal with this vile foe, but recently a scarred forest fairy whose family had been captured by the pond fairies in his youth escaped his life long captivity. Hatred burns bright in him, for he has never known peace or love. He watched the women of his family get plapped nightly by the pond fairy aristocracy until they grew tired of them and fed them to the vorefrogs in front of him. The men of his family were thrown into the tadpole pits to fight for the pond fairies amusement. He wound up having to slay all his brothers, and his father threw himself onto the young land fairy's sword to spare his son's life, making him vow revenge with his dying breathe. Driven only by hate and revenge, this veteran Spartacus has managed to unite the land fairies in a cohesive army. They won their first battle against the pond fairies, a small but important skirmish. Even as this young general personally split the head of every surrendered pond fairy with his bare hands, he knows more blood is to come.
The land fairies live in houses like this btw.
If you do please come back here and tell how it went down.
And also its shape comes from her massive tits crashing into the ground.
genocide is a proud fairy tradition. All fae parents teach their offspring about why we don't have shadow fairies anymore
Every solstice the adult fae construct a Shadow Fairy construct and the young fae go on a ceremonial hunt for the Shadow Fairy culminating in a festival and ritualistic sacrifice of the Shadow Fairy.
ah yes, the Wilde Hunt
I'm not the one who suggested this setting be buttfucktopia.
I'm just using the hand we were dealt.
Thanks anon
In this pond lies the threshold to the greatbeyond. Everyone who drowns in it may forever explore the infinite universes in all their splendor.
You better have a feud between mice and frogs or by zeus I'm calling the crabs
Do they ride on fireflies?
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Dragonflies maybe?
I might be biased, since i think they're cool, but i think they would fit as minature mounts.
So be it! Toads however shall be chill.
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While the terrible gray dragon by the name of greycloud (aka the Stalking Shadow) sometimes can be reasoned with if you make a good offer, stay away from his terrible black relative Corrmorax at all costs. His soul is as black as his feathers and his mind as cruel as his piercing eyes. This beast is so foul his droppings corrode the nature surrounding it's eyrie.
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Perhaps the one that emerges sometimes is the spawn of the Deceiver >>93343524
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Gotta check homer's batrakomiomakia, but I don't remember toads, so they can stay chill
If this is a waterfairy what do the forestfairies look like?
What of a family of stout beavers that have stood guard over their families great dam, which keeps the force of the river from sweeping away the realms of the pond?
Where would the dam be located on the map?
I assume somewhere along the southern stream. I just think a friendly family of beavers should be somewhere in the setting. Fantasy beavers are cozy.
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Here we go
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I suggest this look
Dragonflies are neat but should be a bigger thing than just mounts,
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May I suggest a Water Wizard? Or Fisch-Whiz, if you will. He lives underwater and uses flying fish on a string (or sometimes piranhas if he's feeling grumpy) to catch things on land.
...I mean, that's what the Oldtimers SAY...

The weird thing is there's an awful lot of focus around keeping the vegetation in the pond clear lest the pond be overcome by shadow. Especially around that one spot with the Deceiver thing.

It's just a tall tale... Right?
That's why every Hunter's Moon we harvest all the reeds and grasses an build a shadow fairies effigy while the youngsters make and paint their masks and carve false spears for the Wilde Hunt

Don't worry about it.
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There's an old dead treetunk with a gnome family living inside and beneath it located in a fir clearing southwest from the pond. Behind their home they cultivate mushrooms, herbs and vegetables inside a little garden. Grandfather gnome is said to have some enormous magical abilities, even though no one has ever seen him use them. As a means of transportation, the gnomes usually ride trained racing snails that obey their every word.
I know in my parents pond they have to remove the cat tails that grow in the water every so often because they actually reduce the water level.
Vampires are mosquitos in fae form
Parasitoid wasps infect other insects turning them into mindless undead insects
I dunno what lich, werewolf, or mummy would look like.
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Forgot about this one earlier
Why not make the beavers equivalent of giant smiths? Titan master of their craft, the undisputed lords of all things timber. Able to fell the giant trees around the forest with nothing but their own might, and turning the wood into mastercraft artifice.
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A mysterious phenomenon has been occuring where all solid surfaces, the water, even the very air above the pond take on a pink tinge. Fine details become indistinct, and a fog prevents any from seeing quite as far as they used to.
What rituals do these fairies do when the pond level recedes?
They sacrifice a virgin, chosen through a special selection rite to the great pike. They tie her anointed in fish innards to a thick reed stalk at a ceremonial location, play a death march on their conchshells and say some devotional verses. The funny thing is it seems to work. Besides some weird ceremonies like this they are very quite friendly, civilized and welcoming people, not barbaric or backwards at all.
too large for a pond
leaches would be better I think
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We can have both. Maybe it's just three of them.
kinda like the eels from the little mermaid
>Having concensual sex between adults is morally bad
Get your head checked.
Nah, he's right. Coomers should be put to death for constantly wanting their filth to be everywhere. If redwall or frog and toad can do just fine without smut, then so can this.
i think the shadow fairies >>93361276
>>93361665 being vampire fairies with a mosquito design would make for phenomenal villians
the shadow fairies would fly out from the woods clumsily and slowly in a horde at dusk, hundreds wings buzzing a droning warning, and those caught by them were found in the morning as drained husks with dozens of puncture wounds
the pond fairies try to keep out of the forests at night, and the old timers won't even leave the pond at night from their memories of shadow fairy raids in their childhood
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pic rel, quick sketch
Based and paintpilled. Good job anon!
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always love the idea of Mosquito fairies.
Have you read the Scar by any chance? At least i think it was the scar by china meville, spergy author but he invented a race of mosqito people
The males were docile sages and the women were complete savages that drain you of blood,
the author went on to explain how they started out looking like emaciated african tribals and then how disgusting they gorge themselves on blood.
Pretty neat if disturbing imagery
Coomers live rent free in your brain.
I love this
We have 6 boards for porn. Go be horny there.
At night the frogs put on grandiose concerts. Especially during the mating season.
That's lewd.
Frogs are being infected by a fungal disease and the players need to find out where it's coming from and how to cure it.

The Boatman Bugs that ferry nonaquatic bugs and fae across the pond have reported to go missing in the Deep Acre part of the pond.

The Cat Tail plants are sucking up all the water and normal attempts at culling them cause the Cat Tails to retaliate; find out why they are acting like this and put a stop to it.

A Diving Spider has found wreckage of an ancient (LEGO) submersible and is hiring adventurers to scout out the site.

Land Spiders are creating webs in the reeds to shade their eggs; but this causes conflict with the fish that lay their eggs under the reeds. Can the players prove to be diplomatic between the two factions?

The Fae that are in charge of creating the Shadow Fae effigy for every solstice festival come to town claiming the effigy came to life and escaped; the players must contend with the escaped Shadow Fae and all the rombacous and naïve adolescent fae that are trying to hunt it down.

Unknown Forest Fae stole a clutch of tadpoles to use in their rituals. Stop them!

A Frog Prince commissions the party to dive to the deepest parts of the pond to retrieve the Frog Crown from the forgotten city of Ri'bb'teh.

A dense cloud of gnats over the pond has forced even the Mosquito Clan to take shelter underwater in the homes of oxygen dwelling creatures. Can you convince the Gnats to leave before the Mosquitos come to blows with the other pond dwellers?

Legend has it along the bottom floor of the pond are countless bodies of fae and fish. A predator known only as the Cat stalks the bottom, and recently a group of fae have become trapped down there...

A rampage Lungfish gulped several fae and fish in it's mouth and escaped into the forest. Are you a bad enough fae to rescue the stolen fae and fish?
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The Quacks of Anasford occasionally fly by the pond. Those ducks are transcendent beings that can traverse the three realms of pond, land and sky and act as mediators whenever the realms quarrel.
How about a large creepy forest everglades (The Misty Gloombarrow) on the NW corner that strech off into grassland everglades that eventually branch out to hundreds of rivers and small lakes. Deep in the center of the Misty Gloombarrow is a perpetual stinking greenish fog where strange spirit creatures dwell.
Could be a released exotic housepet
The Invader, spawned under foreign stars
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A few questing mouseknights with a fellow sparrow would be sweet!
The owner is aware of the fairies and has driven cold iron rods into the grounds where he doesn't want them travelling, like near his house and gardens.
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well they are 'fairies' that goes without saying
The acorn reminds me of a tam o shanter. The beaver is now scottish.
I think dragonflies could be cool as a sort of specialist use, like falconry or bloodhound hunting
they're known for their maneuverability and hunting precision, so teams of dragonfly handlers could be a pretty formidable adversary
What are the PC races and what kind of stats do they have? I would think they would all need to be smaller than our dragon, but how small are we talking?
This is gold,
Good job anon
>the salamander duke asks the party for fire that burns in his underwater palace
One question is if the relations are normal. I.e. are different animals scaled around a baseline like mice or are frogs and lizards the same size as irl animals
Well I suppose that largely depends on the overall tone of the setting. Since I can gather that we're largely going for a sort of whimsical fairy tale fantasy, we can take a few liberties with size. To put some boundaries on size, let's say PCs are larger than bugs, but smaller than the heron or beaver. The exception could be something like a mantis.
Brother, I'm gay, and I don't need a frog or snake twink in order to enjoy a setting.
Also that's clearly a red eyed tree frog, and wouldn't belong in a pong setting.
A gator is way too big and may not even bother getting at the players.
But it also can be as much a boon as a danger. The wallows made by alligators may be the last remaining water during dry seasons/droughts and in game would serve as the last bastions in these times.
I'm not too sure a gator would really fit the setting, seeing as we've mostly settled on a sort of generic north american/european pond. But that doesn't mean a gator can't run away from a zoo or something and show up as sort of a tarrasque equivalent. The gator shouldn't be something commonly encountered. Its a complete and total upset to the environment of the pond.
Generic North American ponds have alligators. They sometimes range as far north as Virginia.
But at the same time, I do agree for the total upset in powerlevel. An alligator moving in should be reserved for the high level endgame. Like I would say even higher on the challenge rating than a human(humans you can at least trip and drown reliably).
Adding in the wallow might even be more dramatic, when the gator moves in from elsewhere as he picked the pond to brumate. And if not dealt with, come the next drought the whole pond will be elbow to elbow with the gator in the wallow.
I'd argue that american alligators are typically though of as confined to the swamps of the gulf or the southeast subtropical coast of the atlantic. Nevertheless this shouldn't distract from the main point that the alligator is not an enemy, rather an end game plot point.
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A page from The Chronicle of the Pond

The Shore Battle

Having united the Pond kingdoms, and no longer satisfied with skirmishes in the deeper forest, the leader of the Pond, Lord Algae, marshalled all his forces in preparation for a conquest of the Forest itself. No fairy of creature of the forest had thought that the Pond kingdoms could ever be united, and now they were afraid. Already, Pond armies were conducting raids, burning fairy homes and riding forth on their Frog mounts in search of booty and captives. The forest folk were desperate, and so they called a Great Council, of the kind not seen since the Forest was a Field, and made peace with each other in the face of the Pond’s onslaught. They united in one grand alliance, and marched beneath a single banner, a gold leaf on green. But they were without a leader. None could agree on who could lead their army, and it seemed as if the alliance would fall into chaos, until a shadow fell on the clearing where they met, and a white swan descended from the sky.

Atop this great eagle rode a badger, clothed in armour none had seen before. He held within his paws a sword, and as he stepped off the eagle he held it aloft and swore that he would lead the armies of the forest to victory. This badger knight did not give his name, but the forest folk all agreed at once that they would follow the command of this great warrior. Only one stood apart from the joyful soldiers, the old Wizard, and it is said that he muttered to himself, and looked sad. But with their leader anointed, the armies of the forest prepared themselves and marched to The Shore.

In all the long years of the forest, it has never witnessed anything like The Shore Battle. The armies of the Forest took the Pond Kingdoms by surprise, descending on them like a summer storm. Many Pond Princes died in the first assault, and the forest folk rejoiced to see the Pond fairies in disarray. But though they had struck a great blow, the Pond Kingdoms had been forged by war, and they quickly retreated and reinforced themselves. The Forest Folk pushed on, and whenever it seemed they might tire the Badger Knight was there to push them on, slaughtering hordes of Pond Fairies and scattering even their most veteran forces. But no matter how hard they pushed the Pond Fairies did not give in, and it became clear that they had the numbers.

But even though the Pond Fairies seemed endless, the Forest Folk pushed on. They would not give up their homes or families to this vile enemy. But even forest folk must tire, and eventually they could not push further, though they refused to give ground. The battle seemed at an impasse, until the Lord Pikefish, the heir to the Pond Throne, was slain by the Badger Knight. It was then that Lord Algae marched forth.
Silence fell on the field as both armies paused. Lord Algae and the Badger Knight stared at each other, until Lord Algae lifted his sword. He swore an oath, invoking the gods of the Forest and the Pond. He would not rest until the Badger Knight was dead. The Badger Knight said nothing, only nodded, and readied his sword. The duel between the two commanders lasted for more than an hour. It is said they moved so fast their own bodyguard could not keep track of them, and struck each other mortal blows many times over. Devastation followed them, as they crossed the lines of battle, oblivious to all but the death of the other. But, whether it be by luck or strategy, the duel occurred mostly behind the Pond Kingdom lines, scattering their best soldiers and leaving their command paralysed with the absence of their Lord.

Even so, eventually the duel ended, when Lord Algae thrust his sword into the chest of the noble Badger Knight. And so the hero of the Forest passed. But though he was victorious, he had suffered many wounds, and soon followed his enemy. It was then that the Pond Fairies lost heart, and the Forest Folk, though they had lost their leader, had not lost their resolve, and they threw themselves at the wavering lines. They pushed the Pond Fairies back to the water itself, and it is said that on that day the Pond turned red.
To formal history, that is the end of The Shore Battle. But there are still legends that are whispered among the Forest Folk and Pond Fairies alike, even to this day. It is said that at the end of the battle, the Wizard cursed the Pond folk for the blood they had spilled and caused to be spilled, and declared that the day they fight The Forest again the Pond itself would be unmade. Another legend has it that the Badger Knights sword disappeared from the field, and it would only return when the Forest has need of a Hero again. There is also a foul rumour among the Pond folk that Lord Algae, with his last breath, swore that his soul would never find peace so long as the Forest still stands, and that his shade still haunts the deepest and darkest places of the Pond, waiting to share his evil with anyone foolish to venture to those haunted places.
Animals should have their normal size unless there‘s some sort of ‚dire‘ magic involved.
Reads too much like some sort of fanfiction desu. Like something the mtg lore department would come up with using chatgpt
The psychopomp is a mole. It lives outside the pond, if you die, it drags you ashore and digs a hole for you. However, if you can hide it’s glasses, it’s Vision is very poor, you can make it bury someone else, if you make it to the water you are safe
How about the horse that drowns you?
Croc-men, Frog-men, reviled Toad-men, Will-o'-the-wisp, Dragonfly guardians and eldritch Newts. Underwater cave systems. Magic based on pearls. It's also the currency.
Waterlilies have healing properties.
Go on..
Grandfather Mole, a dire but not unkind figure in pond dweller myth, stories of whom are usually built around some central lesson of patience or acceptance. While it is said that hiding his glasses or making a double might fool him into burying the wrong soul, more direct methods will always lead to ruin.
Seconding this. We should also decide on which animals are anthromorphised and which aren't.
I dig it, I'd make the Pondfolk cursed by the blood that day, and make them the mosquito vamps. Game would be infiltrating the Pond and lands therin, retrieving the Badger Sword, and sending the dank soul of Lord Algae to permanent rest.
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I watched a blue heron at my aunt's pond yesterday and I imagined how terrifying it is from a fae perspective. The heron stalked along the edges of a pond, like a hunter circling trapped prey. It would stalk around then point it's head and body like an arrow about to loose, hold that position, then relax and move again only to do it again, tensing like a coil about to spring. It flew to the other side of the pond and did the same thing there. It took it's time, like it knew nothing in the pond posed a danger to it. I would liken it to looking out your window and seeing the Grim Reaper wander up and down your street, stopping occasionally to look inside a window, then resume pacing about.
the heron as the roc and the alligator as the leviathan are two great monster ideas
maybe even behemoth the bear
>meanwhile in the kingdom of the pond fae
I think most anons collectively discarded that idea
it looks like janman has the thread set to autosage so i guess it doesnt matter
It's just the weekly bump limit
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