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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
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Previous Thread: >>93339586
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Gatto always winno
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jobbed to entropiss
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What do you guys like more or find more interesting?

>Be overpowered and have no equal
>Be equal in power to the most powerful beings in the setting
>Be a powerful underdog but stay there
>Be strong compared to most normal peopl

Also do you guys like to have a way to grow in power and how detailed should it be?
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Is MiCha working on anything nowadays? I adore all of his cyoas.
Please do not answer that faggot's question. It will ruin another thread.
Equal but believable that I could win through hard fighting and smart tactics
>Be a powerful underdog but stay there
>Be strong compared to most normal peopl
Any of these are good

>Be equal in power to the most powerful beings in the setting
Depends, if the "most powerful being" is some sort of ubergod I am otherwise uninvolved in it sucks, if I am ruling one of several empires around the same level of power it's fine

>Be overpowered and have no equal
Where adventure?

>Also do you guys like to have a way to grow in power
Yes, though granted powers can be static there is almost always potential for growth in skill and achievements anyway
>and how detailed should it be?
Not at all. Imply it or set a maximum range, any more detail than that is annoyance unless you have an explicit round-like format (see Stellinearized's Development Devastation for a good execution; or nxtub's Galactic Conquistador)
>Be a powerful underdog but stay there
This is my favorite, gives enough power fulfill some fantasy but also forces you to strategize on how to deal with the powers above you.
Gives the most opportunity for build expression imo.
>t. brainwashed into being 'le underdog' by hollywood
With the potential of
>Be equal in power to the most powerful beings in the setting
It was those damn Conan stories probably. Or Lovecraft. Or Urban Unease. Take your shoes off in here.
When was this updated?
Like 7-8 months back
>Be equal in power to the most powerful beings in the setting
>Be a powerful underdog but stay there
One of these two &
>hav[ing] a way to grow in power
Is better, it gives more dynamics to play with.
>>Be equal in power to the most powerful beings in the setting
Probably this, with the caveat that the 'power level' of individual beings isn't mind-shatteringly high. Nobody eradicating whole continents at once or anything.

I am perhaps realistic/pessimistic enough to suppose that if I'm an underdog I won't actually win when push comes to shove.
>smart tactics
Most anons here are one-trick ponies if they have a tactic or Unga Bunga
Feels like I am in the dnd thread with so many faggots going
>We should ALWAYS be jobbers!!
>I want to struggle against a goblin even in later
>Fighters should NEVER be able to do anything unrealistic! but wizards can still do it though.
>powerful underdog
due to my unabashed powerfag tendencies, I like CYOAs where it's possible but difficult to minmax your way to the top. In contrast to other anons, I don't love a built in way to grow in power, incentives defensive builds which I find boring
"I win, but with brain" is no different than "I win with fist". Both are valid fantasies, the first is just better for discussing.
I tens to one trick cyoas, I like necromancy and summoning but there's a lot more to those than just one aspect. If someones really banking on a single, one dimensional ability they deserve it when they get countered
Exquisite bait, I will have the low magic part.
>low power
>low magic
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Not right now. I have a few ideas I'd want to do, but haven't had the time or inspiration to get actually started.

Around Christmas.
>Be equal in power to the most powerful beings in the setting
Provides plenty of power fantasy, while still retaining challenge. Power growth is fun too, but not mandatory if the starting powers are good enough.
>Be a powerful underdog but stay there
With ability to grow to
>Be overpowered and have no equal
It's great if a CYOA is actually about adventure and you can't solo everything immediately, but if you want, you can pursue strength and stomp everybody. It's more fun that way.
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I always dislike the ones with way too much to keep track of. This is isn't too bad.
Why does Cyrus-sama no longer reply when I ask him about his cyoa?
Knowing you are around is enough. Hope the Muse kisses you soon!
>needs an auto win button to stand a chance
boring and brainless
>Takes it to the other extreme
What else did I expect from brainwashed faggots.
dlc when
"Be a powerful underdog but stay there" is the middle road dumb fuck
Too occupied working.
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I am listening Anon. Phonefags could never!
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Hello bois and gorls, i have finished your waifus and husbandos for Demigod, lemme know what you think
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>Vampire got optically buffed
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Is this for your jobber cyoa?
>Life Partner
Find a better 'title' than this, it sounds like something you'd read from a gift card or corporate document, not the recount of (Your) heroic exploits in a distant century.
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Do you have a recommendation? Soulmate, perhaps?
Soulmate works well.
What's a jobber to you?
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i don't know what that is
Its him
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Why does Cole still have that slut image?
Because i love twinks, anon.
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How do Saki and Tamamo get along if they're both taken?
Is there a reason why the male options look like women?
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You know they're guys right? Facial hair and everything?
>Lyricsfag's triumphant return

Feels good, bros. Almost like the good old days.
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I get why you'd say that for Persea since they're androgynous, but not for cole.

Last time i checked, clean-shaven men exist.

I think they get along quite well with Saki being a calming presence for Akane, while Akane encourages Saki to be more active
>Last time i checked, clean-shaven men exist.
Then why don't I see any in the image you posted?
Do you have your eyes closed or are you too tomboy-pilled to appreciate men anymore.
Blind-kun I...
What's Akane got to do with it?
Wait, those were men?! Its over for me.
Damn i misread sorry anon, i thought you said momomi.
Anyway Saki fucking hates her mom, while her mom views Saki as a tool to further her own plans and sow chaos.
That's different from earlier versions.
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Give me a dinosaur cyoa.
Now that people are asking questions
Is it ok if the waifus/companions are like the girls from guslingergirl?
They are girls of different ages that have supernatural powers are experimented on and if they survive are paired with adults who they are forced to like.
So you are an agent working for the secret world goverment helping to keep it's power.
Because it is hot?
Are you stupid?
I am still waiting for gunslinger girls so yes.
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Silence, heathen. I already know who you are.
Cute girl.
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Does Persea enjoy dressing like a woman? Does he have the stature and shape of a shota? Or is he an adult?

This is all important.
vampire got a glow up the rest are worse or meh
Yes to all of your questions
companions look ok, now all you gotta do to make me happy is make necromancy not shit
How hard is it to get Cole into girl clothes?
Latest shitposting meta. Jobbers are wrestlers that are extremely hyped up so that other person looks more impressive for beating them. Apophis is a mythological jobber, he's an omni-cidal demon more powerful than any Egyptian god who still gets beaten on a literally daily basis. Essentially it's a derisive joke that can be applied to anyone who loses to the underdog.
Shitposters have taken to using it in exactly the opposite sense. "Jobber CYOAs" in their language mean any content where there is still a rational possibility that the player character will be defeated instead of emerging as a victorious underdog.
It'd be easier to get him into a collar desu

will do my best
So he can shapeshift or something?
I will treat them lovingly so when we overthrow the government she'll still want to be with me
>Has the wandering weapon shifter
Nah, superior cyoa.
Hell yeah brother
>will do my best
based, look forward to the remake
>angel that is supposed to oversee an entire multiverse
>peak strength buyable is throwing a building
Jobber cyoa.
>two pics side by side that look nothing alike
Why dose she keep doing it
You get a buff to your cool necromancy powers yet all I get is
>Is being able to throw a bus not impressive enough?
No. No it is not.
??? Explain, do you mean the art style or the character, because all of those are the same characters

Just get divine form and use it to boost strength so you can move mountains
Nay Mavis was better
What about Saki and Desnadragon in collars?
Saki would prefer a plain silk choker, and for Danny nothing less than a jewel encrusted necklace will go around her neck.
What about jewelled silk choker/collars with 'wife of-' name tags made of diamond encrusted silver?
Hmmmm yeah that might work
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How much of the cyoa is left to do?

Will you update ultimate god after?

Also is Persea a shapeshifter or not?
I think I'll go with the name luminary.
It will be the name for people like (You) that can resonate with any living artifact.
It still kind of fits.
How would they react to being given them?
I've reached the companions which will take the longest, so... maybe end of the month? We'll see.

Possibly, probably sometime in the next year, but it'll be a small update.

And he's a basic-level shapeshifter, so he can change his height, fat distribution, hair and eye color, etc. I was thinking that i'll probably add a page detailing what powers each companion has.

For saki, she'd do whatever it takes to tease you about it before happily accepting it. For danny, it might take a bit of convincing before she accepts it, and she'd never take it off after that.
I'm starting with counterspell and cheese, to keep a headstart from whoever tries to take me out, then faith, Teacher, petty & Master grimoire, talking two times the learning w/minor legalities should do, it should keep my city from turning into a wasteland unlike most places once the dragons/other wizards start killing everything, my biggest risk would be teaching someone that could betray and even then I should be able to handle them unless they are a Prodigy or got a second teacher, probably should get a fate check at some point to avoid that
That's a fair judgement.
>??? Explain, do you mean the art style or the character, because all of those are the same characters
Selene's pictures look more like sisters or friends than the same person.
Momomi's left picture is ugly as all hell even if it doesn't contradict her right one.
I do hope:

This guy's collars are enchanted to generate silver chain leashes leading to his hand at will.

and to replace whatever they're wearing with any or all or none of the following at his whim: silver jewellery, white lace and crystal lingerie, stiletto pumps
OK another question: naturally assuming harem mode cause 2 life partners.

How would Saki and Danny get along with Yang Long if she joined the group? Especially if she was knocking boots with their hubby regularly?
Forgot to ask but entropist has corrupted me, will you be able to get multiple "mates" if you can afford it?
Yep, there is already an option for that.
I'm not sure if i'll add Yang into the cyoa this time, we'll see when i get around to the quests
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So based.
yes but there should be an option to play as the opposing force
Hypothetically tho
Danny is VERY possessive, it would take a lot of work and time and promises just to let Saki or anyone else into your bed as a full-on girlfriend rather than just a casual lay.
Wait, I dont remember these being the only choices, I distinctly remember waifuing medusa and the egyptian snake god
I'm not interested in cyoas that don't give me personal powers.
Akane's face is kinda weird on the left
What is Italics best CYOA? One in terms as a CYOA product? And another in terms of setting?
I only finished magi case so I'd say that one.
That's what the last option is for anon, for you to turn other companions into waifus, these are just the dedicated love interest section

But, dragons would both get along better than most while sharing, and they would compete more often against each other for your affections
Very cute, anon
Yea I see that now, love me some snake girls so was concerned
>I only finished magi case
It's Italicsover.
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>rewinds cyoag to glory days
... well could they be?
Where there was no shitalics. No cumeaters.
Italics chronomancy is gimped as fuck. If you go backwards in time it won't affdct the present and will become a separate timeline

If you go into the future, you will end up an alternate timeline. The onky time that matters is the present where your choices become canon to the timeline and the other options becomes alternate timelines.

If you try to see in the deep future, you become a schizo because you start to see possible actions instead of the choice a person will make.
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all that time and you still cant get some bitches
>t. married to a tranny
That's only Possible Worlds, there's a lot more to it than that.

Asteris, Stacy, Cynthia and Jie are plenty. Have fun summonibba.
Yang's her niece tho
if it acts like a woman, sounds like a woman, and can have kids like a woman, its a woman. You'd better watch out, you already fulfil the first two
Sure anon, keep coping. Maybe one day you can convince yourself.
i'll never understand the desperate longing for evoco to be a dude
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trannies are disgusting irl because they are just mutilated men.
While in fantasy sex change is actually possible.
>t. wants to fuck Ranma
You know why you are so mad? Because you know it is the truth. Even behind all your cope, your brain is telling you that you like a tranny and that makes you angry.
>You know why you are so mad?
I had no idea I was mad, you are the one that inserts yourself every time desperately saying evoco is a tranny when they arent
Here is the difference, anon. You are not in denial. You know Ranma is a transexual who was a man and you still want to fuck Ranma. He, on the other hand, copes that he does not like a tranny, when he in fact does.
Ranma is a funny case because he is a man in a woman body so the peak of Tomboys.
>Anime UwU monster girls
Why do retards think that is what the Evoco Clan is getting? We have proof that Magi Case monsters are monster-monsters, just look at the tree vampire, the Lich Archmagus, a dragon, eldritch horrors with squid faces. Giant fugly demons.

Like none of them are going to the be UwU bird girl from Monster Musume? Is it just Tok being a retard and degenerate since he made that image?
They are confused because the girls have animal ears. Of course, it is all part of the horrible tactic they employ and has nothing to do with monster girls.
I can't understand why a class that can summon bitchs, is obsessed with a jobbing troon of a auctor that holds back his clan.

A quarter of the auctors are basically unbeatable. The rest have weak magic types. Summoning is a strong magic but evoco is among the weaker auctors anyway.
We also know that 90% Homuculi look like Resident Evil B.O.Ws like Nemesis, Lickers, Hunters, etc with actual human-looking ones being rare.
>t. antimagus
Just shove the monster into a cute meat suit Homunculus you purchased from some alchemists.
>was a man
>now a woman
That's still trans dude, just with magical surgery
you summon monsters so to an extent you decide what they look like, there are also purchasable and custom made homunculus bodies you can put them in. I'm sorry you didn't read the cyoa but its definitely possible
>Looks like Satan incarnate.
>Would have the Catholic Church shitting itself in fear and for dabbing on their faith.
>Would make any normal person scared.
>Likes to illustrate and write children books.
>is obsessed with a jobbing troon of a auctor that holds back his clan.
the only one obsessed with evoco is the one screaming she's a tranny, I don't think any evoco build really went hard on her aside from deposing her or fucking her into submission
I agree in principle. Canonically some monsters can take 'human but with weird trait' forms though.
That doesn't mean they turn into monster musume UwU shit or they don't look like fucking monsters.

>you decide what they look like
You do not.

>You summon monsters.
the difference is trannies arent real women
>jobs to magic
>That doesn't mean they turn into monster musume UwU shit or they don't look like fucking monsters.
looks like monsters to me
>You do not.
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Gaze upon him. A cute monster girl.
I'm unironically interested in a dinosaur CYOA
Yeah summoning is potent but there's a whole catalogue of marriageable ladies so disregarding them in favor of enslaved aliens is maidenless behaviour imo.
>Be overpowered and have no equal
Starting point is irrelevant, as long as the end result is this the cyoa is good.
Don't forget Monsters are only working with mages out of self-interest because they would lose and get murdered by DracGOD and FordGOD. Even then it's only for their personal benefit and have a natural instinct to murder their master first chance if they could to get rid of Reason.
Evoco is tranny in one sense of the word,
and not tranny in another sense of the word.
There, solved. What an inane argument
Who in the fuck are the Auspices of the Evoco Clan? Am I suppose to know them?
Nah not mine he's with me cause he's a good boy and my buddy and I love him.
monsters have naturally violent instincts but intelligent and tame monsters arent uncommon
Go for dinosaur options with your treehugger cyoa.
And they only become tame because they don't want to get murdered on the spot for chimping out.
so like 90% of humans
Then why do you keep chimping out, anon??
Never take it off?
Post urban fantasy
Thanks bro.
I'm making sure that all the relics are extra cute.
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When do you think it would be ready?
afaik they're the ones that evoco has had merge with people like she did, and they purposefully make the human lose the battle of wills so the monster is in control
I like it, but there isn't enough about what they think of and how they interact with the player.
Yes, after entropist, I now want all romance options to have some words about how they interact/think about the player.
I hope aromage sees this.
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i see it, i see it, and i'm thinking and considering it.
I've seen this posted, but don't know what to call Evoco. Evoco is and the KoM, he is merged with are both male and capable of pulling out and using a snake's phallus even in their altered form. But they are more along the line of bodysnatchers than someone that has transitioned as the body they are in is female. But, both are still 100% male though.
Best case scenario in a month.
As soon I'll have a few weeks free from work.
But it could still take longer.
I want to post at least the first page as a preview once I'm %100 happy with the intro.
I think this is a really cool idea.
But how could you portray it?
Maybe something like "Choose your path towards ascension"
And have different paths that start with maybe some minor tricks and end up with you becoming a living demigod.
Each one with steps explaining what you can do at that stage and maybe how to advance.
I shall be waiting for my punchy waifu
>becoming a living demigod.
That does not sound Overpowered at all, it sounds very middle of the road when the point you are replying to asks to be overpowered. As boring as it is numbers are a pretty good way to give that idea, just give the player infinite potential with a progression speed and low numbers to start and the idea makes itself. A more narrative way would be to make some roadblock enemies, bosses that once beaten either upgrade your powers or give you new ones, maybe even giving the player the choice of which. The simplest way is to set up a standardized system that can be translated to all the powers, a bit like Cantrips does it with the 4 categories, but instead without a cap. The Yogsekai powers come to mind as well. Or you could just go the easy route of "you get stronger and better at these things, and you get more uses too" leaving it all in the hands of the player. There are many ways, you can even take an OP cyoa and scale it down in stages to get some inspiration.
Silence, you are not even an author.
I am, and I specifically made a cyoa with this concept. I also answered specifically the question that was asked. You sound like you don't even like the premise anyway.
>Choose your path towards ascension
Cyoas with this?
There is NSFW cyoa that is literally called "path to ascension", and mine technically counts but arguably has only one very branching path.
Nothing but trash that ruins the concept.
There is Pathways to Omnipotence. A cyoa someone made on /trash/ for the /d/ omnipotence fetish thread.
Wrath of the righteous
Specially "path to ascension". It is so bad and boring.
This is not what anon wants. This is a be the god cyoa.
It has a choice asking how you ascended.
There is no real path here. You start OP, what he asked for is the journey.
Dawn of a Demon Lord has only one path but that is the end goal. JRPG Traitor by it's very nature as a JRPG ends with you beating up gods so it should count, and it arguably has differents ways to do it. Eternal's rising is about that too in a couple of the paths. I know there are more too.
No one sees jrpg traitor as a cyoa about ascension lmao.
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This is how I want waifus to be going forward. Less lore yapping and more interactions. Leave the lore dumps for companions.
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So tell me, cyoag. What would your dream ascension cyoa be like? What does it have? Is it just the starting options with an explanation on how you have no limit? Is the cyoa divided in multiple sections that take you across your journey, ending in your ascension? WHAT DO YOU WANT?!
One of the Overlords is literally "the system" and you can beat and replace it, You do ascend, as you do in any JRPG where you kill gods, the difference is that the protagonist usually refuses the responsibility and goes back to normal life after.
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>Wrath of the righteous
Can you post it? I can't find it.
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How about we leave the lore dumps for the lore dump section and make companions about themselves instead?
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You, sir, have been trolled. Wrath of the Righteous is a pathfinder module and now a crpg too. You can ascend in the game to be a demon, angel, lich, among other things.
Make a better structured system based on entropiss and it could work. You simply gain more points over time or through favour or exp or whatever and at the same time improve your abilities with experience. So starting abilities determine your character class since they'll be the ones you'll improve the most since you'll have them the longest while the rest round up your powers.
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Picrel is great aside from its NSFWness. https://imgchest.com/p/o24ag52g4lj
depends on the setting.
For example Kratos a demigod solos all of the Greek gods.
I don't really like numerical values as I find that they kill the wonder of the CYOA if overused.
For example let's say there is a path of love and peace at the start you look basically the same but a bit more attractive.
As you go further you can temporarily become the embodiment of everything people love most so you could walk up to a married couple murder their child Infront of them and they will still love you, only the people with strongest wills being able to oppose you.
You can't do stuff like that with numerical values
Both are good if done well. I just want actual potential without the usual caveats that plague the genre. Like "congratulations you ascended, now you are just like the 367985 people that did it before you, but if you work hard you can maybe be the top 100, but no more that." way too many cyoas tell you about your infinite potential or how you are the strongest when it clearly is not true.
My problem with this is that there is no adventure. Just boring old grinding.
Well, anon. You see... that is because I AM THE STRONGEST AND ALWAYS WILL BE.
Godly Husbandry.
If I were to make a 2.0 version it would be to develop the power system in a similar manner.
Unless you only pick the grinding path and the knowledge path and stay in the invincible atelier forever (this is broken btw), never interactive with the world at all, you will have adventure by nature of your ways of ascension.
I once saw a cyoa that had you remember past events in the format of choices you'd taken, then put you right before the final boss battle. Something like that.
HUSANON, SHUT UP AND GO BACK TO WORK! You have a cyoa to finish.
Ignoring how bad of an exeample you made, murdering a child as a god of peace, I undersatnd what you mean. But that is also numbers, temprarily implies a time limit, it's a number, that probably would go up with training. You cannot completely get rid of the "number go up" part, but you can make it more open ended, giving broad restrictions and then saying that they get lifted or the grow as you get stronger.
>If I were to make a 2.0 version
Please do. I love Godly Husbandry.
No, anon. You misunderstand. What I mean is that the cyoa itself is about mechanics, not story or adventure.
I agree with your point about numbers.
That's why I clarified that they can kill the wonder if they are overused.
You do need them to give a sense of growth and proportion but that should be secondary to making the powers feel narratively meaningful.
Also I love Greek style Gods where the Goddess of love is a spiteful bitch that will turn you into a horrible monster if she thinks you look too good compared to one of her statues.
You can use your powers for good or bad it's up to you.
I decide to use my powers to make both of you shut up about this non-existent cyoa. If you want to roleplay you can go here >>>/trash/
But I'm eating dinner...
>Discussing writing philosophy concerning the portrayal of powers in CYOAs is just roleplay
Ok retard go eat your slop while people talk.
>t. pseud roleplayer
i didn't get that impression at all, maybe you made an unfun build
Vague descriptions are the best way to do that. Minimal numbers and just adjectives like, "moderate" or "high", or give a starting point with some tresholds. While I aggre with your opinion of greek gods, they make for more intersting characters than the gods that just embody the concept they preside over, that is more about theme. It also gives freedom, which is kinda the point of cyoas in the end, I think that vague description fit better with this kind of thing but they inherently limit your options, because you cannot make too many different tresholds if everything is just a vague "you will get better". The balance is hard to strike, and it probably varies from one person to the other, but it exists, it's just hard to describe by it's very nature. I would probably recognize it if I saw it but right now I don't have an appropiate exeample. I do like the JRPG traitor advanced powers, thye feel close. Or Otherwise, I don't know if you read it, that is a very strange cyoa and does not give you a proper path, but it does give very good bases, if a bit hard to understand.
Can the gods take away your power if you choose the champion option, but fail to fulfill your purpose?
depends on the god; most are willing to let you do your own things, but if you directly betray them or they are killed by another god then your powers go with them as a champion.
Really curious, but if you champion YAHWEH and romance Persea.

As the literal representative of christianity accross the whole world. What would big G and his followers say? Not to speak of the non-believers?
? Why would he care.
I make that bitch ass care
The cyoa isn't compatible with actual Christianity.
Unless Bath Kol herself comes down and says it, then everything in the bible except for the commandments are at least 5 degrees of separation, including translation and interpretation, from god's word, and most of it is just the writing of men with no input from god or his angels and prophets.
I realize it's a hard question to truly answer and admit my curiosity got the better of me.
Like i said, while God and his angels couldn't care less, humans unfortunately have free will and a lot of people do ascribe importance to certain lines in book of leviticus (but only some of them).
If you're a guy dating Persea, it will be quite public and some die-hard fundamentalists will strongly disapprove, that's simply how it goes.
Oh so this talk of the Abrahamic God reminds me that his picture is a letdown. It's just a second Zeus. The only merit it has is being another Genzoman drawing and therefore fitting in with the others. After some failure to search Deviantart for appropriate drawings of Ezekiel 1, this is the one I could find that best fits the grandeur implied by the CYOA.
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damn that does look good, how's this
I salute you for entertaining my autistic mind.
Better quality.
Yeah, that's a good edit.
That's a very cool picture.
What's going on?
Lolis won. Again
Cyoa talkings
This is my favourite. Clean design, interesting lore, long enough to keep you, but not overstay its welcome.
Forgot I asked
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no surprise
>Shadow Guardian
>Body Override
>Dual Class
>Arcane Modifiers

>Blessed Soul
>Sub: Curse Caster

Step one: haggle for specialized tools (esp. flashy divine testimonials) for smoother and more efficient solutions.
Step two: enchant heavy armor "black knight" uniform with meticulously optimized restrictive curses, centered around the most terrifying curse of all: Responsibility.
Step three: Claim eminent domain on "Taxes" as an adjacency to death, and bludgeon people with the evils of stable civilization.

Straightforward strategies:
>Oblivious Archmage * *
Prepare a substitute class and ordinary mana core, and give him an officially backed ultimatum: Either trade bullshit for more personalized effects (say, animism), or be held magically Responsible for his WMD. Either way protects it, and the correct answer retrieves the magic hole for gods to unpack.
>Reckless Magitech Tinker ** *
Badger the gods into putting magical quantum mechanics into the world, making weak and detailed magitech malfunction over time. Stymies things going forwards too, even if his town's an exception.
>Weapons Shifter ***
Buff stats, pick up child, place child into cursed sleep or minotaur labyrinth.
>Gleeful Evolutionist ***
Curses and my shadow have a nasty type advantage in dark fights.
>Saintess **** *
Draft a public peace-treaty-plus-PSA airing her dirty secrets out, then tag the prince with sober responsibility and her with narcolepsy. Need to push things through HARD though.
>Planeswalker **** **
curses to the goddamn rescue. Seal her powers and curse her with a bad immortality. Make her fight for workers' rights the FAIR way.
>Immortal Witch ****** *
Have a more saccharine god send the harem hero after her, lmao. Maybe help him if "turn to ash in your mouth" curses can act like Narcan.
>Minmaxer *x7
Find a tall mountain, let the rising/setting sun cast my Shadow unnaturally far, and steal so much blood. Curses would need a distraction to land, but...
How have they won?
>Like i said, while God and his angels couldn't care less, humans unfortunately have free will and a lot of people do ascribe importance to certain lines in book of leviticus

This reveals so much about you.

> Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor [a]homosexuals, nor [b]sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were [c]sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.

Corinthians, incidentally. Not Leviticus. Which people place importance on because it's a book of Law, not suggestions or proverbs.


>unfortunately have free will

Bite your tongue.
Can i ask a question?
Why does God care about fornicators, homos, and drunkards? (drunkards are somewhat understandable depending on the meaning of drunkard though)
While I agree that Jesus forgives all sins if we repent and believe, you've conflated Christianity and Islam.

Sooooo: https://islamqa.info/en/answers/38622/the-punishment-for-homosexuality
>you've conflated Christianity and Islam
So does Demigod.
>Why does God care about fornicators, homos, and drunkards? (drunkards are somewhat understandable depending on the meaning of drunkard though)
That's not God, you've been led astray
Who is God then?
When you've recently touched something dead, are having a period, just had sex, etc. by Levitical law you can't enter the temple until you've been ritually purified, like how it'd be wrong to walk into a wedding after spreading manure with your hands: even if it's something natural, you still need to cleanse yourself to show proper respect for the pinnacle of holiness. And as Paul goes on to mention in that same letter:

>12 All things are lawful for me, but all things are not [e]helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of [f]any. 13 Foods for the stomach and the stomach for foods, but God will destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for sexual immorality but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. 14 And God both raised up the Lord and will also raise us up by His power.

This is very archaic language, but the gist is: having been saved by Christ Paul's sins are all forgiven, 'all things are lawful' in the sense that getting drunk, having gay sex, or eating unclean foods wouldn't damn him, but they're not Helpful things. They're against God's intent for the body, which is a holy thing designed to be a temple for Him.

As Paul says later in the letter:

>18 Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body. 19 Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? 20 For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body [g]and in your spirit, which are God’s.

I've suffered immensely from porn addiction and chronic masturbation, trust me, this is stuff I've thought about.
Oh sorry, forgot to mention drunkards.

Jesus's doesn't hate drunks. But alcohol can ruin lives, and when people get drunk they act like fools and can cause enormous harm to themselves and others.

Alcohol itself isn't evil though. I believe Jesus's first miracle was making more wine at a wedding where all the wine in stock had all been drunk. And it was the best anyone had ever tasted.

Tldr: you can drink. Just don't scull everclear until you puke up your stomach lining and drive a car into an innocent then stagger home and beat your kids.
If a CYOA was going to take place in the aftermath of an apocalypse. How far off would you like to see it? A few centuries?
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>When you've recently touched something dead, are having a period, just had sex, etc. by Levitical law you can't enter the temple until you've been ritually purified, like how it'd be wrong to walk into a wedding after spreading manure with your hands: even if it's something natural, you still need to cleanse yourself to show proper respect for the pinnacle of holiness
I suppose that's logical. Not entirely sure the relation to the question i made though.

>This is very archaic language, but the gist is: having been saved by Christ Paul's sins are all forgiven, 'all things are lawful' in the sense that getting drunk, having gay sex, or eating unclean foods wouldn't damn him, but they're not Helpful things. They're against God's intent for the body, which is a holy thing designed to be a temple for Him.
This is a bit confusing. Why did god designed us to be a holy thing to be a temple for him yet we are inherently unclean? Is regular sex clean or unclean? If clean what makes it any different from gay? What is an unclean food?

>I've suffered immensely from porn addiction and chronic masturbation, trust me, this is stuff I've thought about.
I personally don't understand exactly what porn addiction and chronic masturbation looks like but if you are better off now that's nice. Did you do a complete 180 and never touch the thing ever or did you just toned things down? If the former that might also be unhealthy for different reasons. Maybe.

>Tldr: you can drink. Just don't scull everclear until you puke up your stomach lining and drive a car into an innocent then stagger home and beat your kids.
Makes sense to me.
The timeframes would result in completely different scenarios and thus cyoas. Things also depend on the setting. You should decide these things yourself.
>Magic the Awakening did better than Magi Case with way more votes and comments.
>Dragonfall 1.9 did way better
Lmao, Italics is a literal joke.
I have to go eat so I'll answer this bit first, I feel it's most pertinent.
>This is a bit confusing. Why did god designed us to be a holy thing to be a temple for him yet we are inherently unclean? Is regular sex clean or unclean? If clean what makes it any different from gay? What is an unclean food?

Excellent questions. To answer properly I'll summarise Christianity in general.

Christians argue over details, but the gist again is that humans choose sin, which makes us unclean. And we all have sinful urges because early humans sinned so we're all descended from humans who damaged their nature. Think of us as orcs from LOTR: we act badly, but we were meant to be better.
Now, God isn't content to leave us in our orcishness, He wants to restore us to our proper state (Elves in this metaphor) but the sins we commit require payment or He'd be unjust, and the punishment for sin is death and hell, as sin seperates us from God and God is the source of life and lives in Heaven. Now, because someone who is deserving of hell already can't die in someone else's place to pay their price, and because God's love for us is infinite, God promised humans He'd send someone to save them, the Messiah, the promised One. There were a series of prophecies given about the Messiah, stating He'd be divine, but when Israel was conquered by the Romans, the priests started insisting that they were without sin, and that the Messiah would be a military leader who would destroy Rome. God then took the form of a human baby 2000 years ago and was born in Bethlehem, the town responsible for providing lambs that were sacrificed in the temple in place of the sinful people, as a symbolic acceptance of the future Messiah's salvation.

God as a human was named 'Yeshua' which means 'God Saves' and in Greek His name was 'Emmanuel' which means 'God with us'. Several magi showed up to give gifts at His birth because they'd seen a star in the sky foretelling the birth of a king (this is why there are three foreign kings in Nativity sets).

He grew up, became a carpenter, built houses and carts etc. then became a preacher at 30, telling everyone to repent and be saved. For this, and for saying He was God, and because thousands of people were calling Him the Messiah, but He didn't attack the romans, the priests of the time handed him over to the Romans, who they pressured into executing Him. He was crucified to death (hands and feet nailed to a wooden frame shaped like a cross, then lifted upright so gravity started tearing his muscles apart. He could only breathe by pulling against the nails in His body, intensifying the pain). After hours of this He said "It is Finished", the ritual phrase the High Priest would give after sacrificing a lamb from Bethlehem, then died. As He died, the veil in the temple separating the Holy of Holies (the chamber housing God's Presence) tore from the top down, signifying that God would no longer dwell in a building.

Yeshua was stabbed with a spear (some call this the lance of longinus) to make sure he was dead, then buried in a tomb sealed with a huge stone.

Three days later, the stone was rolled away by an angel, and His body vanished from the tomb. He was seen many times after that, appearing to groups at a time, before appearing to a large number of followers to bestow upon them His Spirit: the Holy Spirit.

See, God is one being, but three Persons. It's why He made things besides Himself, He was already several People who loved each other, so He decided to make other people to love and to love Him back. The three Persons are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Father and Son share one Spirit, and now? Humans could share too.
This is the original 8ntent for human bodies, as living temples enjoying perfect trust, peace, intimacy and Love with the Father through the Holy Spirit, the same as Yeshua does.

But how can the Holy Spirit live in a body that sins?

Well remember when I said a sinful person can't pay for sins?

Yeshua never sinned.

So when He died, He paid for all sins, ever. As soon as someone apologises to Him and accepts Him and His sacrifice and the Holy Spirit?


Debt cleared. Even though they stumble and mess up or whine or get angry or pervy or greedy, as long as they don't reject God, He counts them as blameless. No sins. Not because we deserve it, but because He loves us so much He paid the ultimate price for us.

As for regular sex: objectifying another person is wrong, and I'm sure anyone who's had sex has done that at least a little, but again, we all need saving anyway. Sex in general is clean, as long as it's within marriage: the bond of a human man and woman as a mated pair with God as witness to their commitment. The reason for this is that sex creates bonds on a spiritual level with people, of a specific nature that's meant to work in specific ways, and it's not good to create those bonds wily nily, and if God dwells in you, misusing your body disrespects a temple. Sex in marriage though? Not just clean but important. The Bible even tells married couples not to withhold sex from each other unless it's for a set period by mutual consent and for spiritual purposes.

This is incredibly hard in the modern day because it's harder and harder just to be able to afford a house, let alone get married, so people are getting married later and later, and it's incredible hard to abstain for that long. But again, God understands.

Back in the day most people got married as teens, so it wasn't long after your sex drive kicked in that you started having it.

Gay sex is pretty simple: it's sex outside the definition of marriage God set, and it creates spiritual bonds within the same sex that are meant to be between two. Also at the time of the Bible being written, pederasty was common, which was when mature or old men in certain nations would be given prepubescent boys to raise and use as sex partners.

Unclean food is food from a list of animals people weren't supposed to eat according to Biblical law. Like bats (just look at covid) or pigs (wild pigs eat rotting corpses, and sometimes dead humans, and carrion and tombs are already unclean so). Most Christians don't abide by food laws, most Jews do to some extent, food that abides by Biblical law is called 'Kosher' food.
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Come change your organs!
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>Be equal in power to the most powerful beings in the setting
>Be a powerful underdog but stay there
>Be strong compared to most normal peopl
These three.
And I assume be strong to most normal people can mean any number of things, like being a kang or a speshul forces soldier
>I personally don't understand exactly what porn addiction and chronic masturbation looks like but if you are better off now that's nice. Did you do a complete 180 and never touch the thing ever or did you just toned things down? If the former that might also be unhealthy for different reasons. Maybe.

It looks like hours of porn and masturbation per day. Getting noseblind to the smell and not realising other people weren't. Literal penis pain. Horrible humiliating painful addiction.

I've never become completely rid of it but my consumption is so low? In comparison to how I was for years on end? My energy and mental health are superlative in comparison. Honestly I thank God. I can actually enjoy things without coomer brain smuttifying everything.
I don't know why you made male options only to make them feminine, that just defeats the point lol.
Unless I guess if you made them for gay dudes instead of straight women.
Beila's Belly, Teeth of Chome, Legs of Athle, Dema's Breasts, Evela's Ears, Splicing

Eat -> store in pocket dimension -> draw upon the special effects once they can be permanent. Dema's Breasts are for eating demons and Evela's Ears are for detecting portals to go eat the invading demons.
You have to do 4 life reincarnations (with memories) in order to ascend.
A life of Body (Martial)
A life of Mind (Tech)
A life of Soul (Caster)
And finally a life of Free Will (All your powers carry over in final adventure + an alignment choice for unique bonuses/powers/domains)
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Yeshua's sacrifice was on the feast of Passover, when families would take a lamb into their home, keep it as a pet for a while, then sacrifice it for their sins. Meanwhile the High Priest would select a lamb without any imperfections, examine it, declare it without fault, then sacrifice it and say 'it is finished'.

Jesus lived among humans for a while, was taken before the priests and officials, interrogated, found innocent (Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor said 'I find no fault in him') and then Jesus's was killed, at the end of which He said "It is finished".

This is why one of Jesus's titles is "Lamb of God" or "Agnus Dei" (in Latin).

And one of His other titles is "the Lion of Judah" (Judah is in Israel).

These two titles are why A: Asian is a lion in Narnia and B: why He says 'it is finished' after defeating the white witch.

[Spoiler] And why He appears as a lamb in Voyage of the Dawn Treader [/spoiler]
I cant even decide on my 2.2 build, unless I get more drawbacks, I cant handle more powers
Trim your build. You took too much random shit.
Pretty sure the DLC is just more Gifts, I don't think there is anything else.
The autism fight people had earlier today about golden truth has made me rethink it, and my recent changes have me wondering whether I should focus more on abilities I think would be appropriate that I would like such as shadow magic, or abilities that I would put on minions like phys empowerment. The entropist discussion I read has got me all fucked up now
>wondering whether I should focus more on abilities I think would be appropriate that I would like such as shadow magic, or abilities that I would put on minions like phys empowerment
Do you want to focus on yourself or minions? Are you going magic, martial, or both? Take abilities accordingly and use logic. For example, even if you're focusing on minions, if you're a pure mage, then you wouldn't want to take physical empowerment that is useless to you just for your minions.

Anyway, you shouldn't think so hard. Just make a build. You can modify it later if you want.
Make use of minion powers. You can skip paying for many powers for yourself by taking minions that can do the same, especially if you skip prerequisites with commander perk. For example, dracoliches cost one point and come with fully upgraded necromancy, so you can delegate that to them.
The gifts were the only boring part of Entropist imo.
I'm not interested in artificial love and companionship, shrimple as.
You have no taste, simple as.
I like saying it.
lol, this general is filled to the brim with weeb scum. I'm not worried about my taste being judged.
Her dress looks like paint.
Yea but gifts like for instance kirillia doesnt have phys empowerment and thats started bugging me, which is something that could be divine promoted onto her. And, at the end of the day, just having phys empowerment will slowly buff me even if im a caster. On the other hand, that means I would have to do something like trim golden truth and add fire weakness to integrate. The problem im running into is essentially "man, this ability would be really useful (phys empowerment, golden truth, etc), on the other hand, this ability would be something I would want to have access to because its thematic/cool for a necromancer (shadow magic, ice magic, etc)
>Rosemary Hawkins
>Anthony Ward
>Sophie and Fiona Atwood

>Miss Pierson
>Officer Hannity
>Reverand Mother Freya
>Allistair Hillingham

>Inner Peace
>Psychokinesis x2
>Rejuvination x2
>Sixth Sense

Curse: The Doppelgangers
>Fairweather Friends
>The Other You
>Exorcise The City

Extra Notes and Thoughts:
- Between 'Inner Peace' and Rosemary's music we should be able to help Anthony control the worst of his affliction
- Excellent Rivaly turned Bromance between Hannity and Hillingham
- Those two should be able to make the most out of Anthony's Fathers arsenal
- Not sure how the Reverend Mother would treat Anthony. 50/50 on seeing him as either a poor soul or an abomination
- The Reverend Mother Would also probably be a great help in Dispelling the Curse
- Probably easier to convince Hannity that the're alien 'Pod People' rather than demons
- Between Taking 'Fairweather Friends' and 'The Other You' we'll at least not have to worry about each other. Not sure if that extends to the adults as well

NxTub delivers yet again!
You're too greedy. Do a would you rather test to see which ones you value most and eliminate the extras.
man up and take the true son already :)
or true daughter
I already have it, I have 86 total points and crippling indecision
Show me what minions you're taking. Too many build take trash minions that eat heavily into their points.

Also, do you have Commander? It is very very good for point saving.
I'd take manufactured true love over the real way women fall in and out of love you won't catch me spending a single point on a bitch whose affection and loyalty isn't guaranteed. Power is all that matter in such cases and a waifu section would be irrelevant to that type of cyoa.
>just having phys empowerment will slowly buff me even if im a caster.
Not as much as if you specialized in physical damage.
>kirillia doesnt have phys empowerment
Yea this shit is criminal in how dumb it is
>the real way women fall in and out of love
that's mostly heartless human women that kill their unborn children, elves and ayy waifurs are a major upgrade.
She has Sanguine Evolution, it's fine.
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I'm so tired of Entropist.
Entropist saved from death, true story.
My instakill weakpoint is going without new CYOAkino for more than a year.
doesnt she have infinite scaling if she drinks creatures blood. Do we know if 'all of her abilities' also works like physical empowerment
Is Golden Truth really that good?
>infinite scaling
More like infinite zero sum. Sanguine Evolution imposes as much drawbacks as it gives, so the more you develop whatever you gained from it, the bigger the drawbacks.

Sanguine Evolution is a meme.
It's an extreme investment in every way, but a very high pay off. I'd say if you're already taking Power Word you should go for it, if not then no.
Entropist has ruined all other necromancy cyoas for me. I keep going back to it. I wish someone would make a low power homebrew to play as a lich and not as a high power planeswalker. The power level is too damn high for mid level fantasy adventures.
Firstly, he's talking about Krillia, not SE. Secondly, the whole point of SE is to customise the mutations so you end up with drawbacks that don't matter. Also, unlike Physical Empowerment it's inherently free, and Entropic to boot.
I think that it can work okayish if taken with Power Word oath. I found out that gimping yourself out of points with minion spam is a terrible idea, just get a few strong mooks and amass huge levels of strength.
>this ability would be something I would want to have access to because its thematic/cool for a necromancer (shadow magic, ice magic, etc)
give priority to these, then if you have points in excess take the rest.
There's always Necromancer by The Scientist if you want low-power shit.
Is it really that great as a necromancer cyoa? Reanimating different kinds of undead is pretty much handwaved with one power choice, and majority of powers are for martial autists.
same but I can't go back to it either
I'll be burnt out over it for at another year just like what happened with Outer Reincarnation.
Ick, that's some nasty Gargathar-tier grammar mistakes I made there.
I guess, but that oath is brutal if you aren't already a dad IRL, and that's an oath slot you aren't using for any of the others.
I know sanguine evolution is a trap, im specifically talking about hte "If she drinks the blood of progressively more powerful beings, all of her abilities grow permanently stronger."
Honest this seems like even more of a reason to give her physical empowerment, she's an assassin who has nothing but abilities i'd expect on a berserker or something
I was mostly thinking on the first level of most powers and lowering the more ridiculous scaling on others. Idk I like stuff like Perish Song and low level minions but I feel the cyoa is too high power to enjoy them.
Use time magic to retroactively have a kid and rid yourself of the oath's restrictions while keeping the benefits.
Backward time travel seems pretty impossible, even more on similar scale, considering even just stopping time is that difficult
The author explicitly made it to make himself stronger
>im specifically talking about hte "If she drinks the blood of progressively more powerful beings, all of her abilities grow permanently stronger."
I misunderstood, apologies.

>this seems like even more of a reason to give her physical empowerment
Right, she's gimped without physical empowerment.
Sars we fell for the bloody
SE isn't a trap.
Plenty of settings with time travel powers or items.

It's hilarious. A pity I didn't save the post where he admitted it.
HA, found it.
>The part about Power Word is entirely for me

One could say this was the beginning of the fall.
And how many of those settings are real? How many of those powers have basis in the weave between world? And of those how many are so unrestricted?
He kind of made each of the archetypes with a strong scaling gift and a up front powerhouse who has much worse scaling. Alta scales way harder than elaine, sangra scales way harder than kirilia, drace scales way harder than ectos, etc. I kind of understand it, but in the end it ends up gimping their counterpart, even if kirillia being an 'assassin' with nothing but attrition combat abilities and no phys enhancement is the most jarring case of this. I wouldn't be surprised if he thought her blood drinking would be better than phys empowerment
>adds an option for himself in the cyoa
>anons seethe about it for years
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>It's also another reddifilter, though I'm more surprised it got so many anons seething.
lmao, still seething
Ask 10 people and you will get 10 different answers.

Decide however you want.
>people keep discovering how much of a bitch and attentionwhore EA was
keep going
Golden truth feels like a cop out, its only 6 points, meaning its either extremely, extremely underpriced, or its on par with similar costing abilities that scale, like for example elemental magic. Golden truth can probably do a little bit of everything if given the chance, but I expect whatever your specialty is will reach on par. I.E. a golden truth user can go "sun, turn off" and then sleep off his hyper migraine meanwhile a shadow nigga just does a spell that does the same thing. Don't forget you can combo your abilities and expand on their uses as per what the ability section says
>He kind of made each of the archetypes with a strong scaling gift and a up front powerhouse who has much worse scaling.
Holy shit, how did no one not notice this before? This is so bad. Alta and Elaine are especially terrible about this because Alta grows faster AND starts stronger, so what is the point of Elaine?
has it already been years...
>like 9 months
dont gaslight me like that I already feel old
Because it's not true. Ectos and Drace alone should disprove that.
drace can learn infinite magic systems while ectos can only learn 8
Ectos can mostly replicate them with souls, and Drace doesn't have the mindset needed to truly excel with them.
Drace is also infinitely more talented.
Ectos has the diligence needed to push magic to the limit.
and drace has the natural autism to do it without effort
> is too lazy to perform experiments or create complicated systems with them
Talent only gets you so far without the drive to use it.
It doesn't seem to me, it's more that all gifts have different specalties:
empire managing, buffing vampires, phsically superior, scale growing her abilities eating vampires and buffing increasingly amounts of elder vampires
assassin, prolonged fights, psychically superior, scales by sucking blood
if allowed to ramp up can defeat basically everyone, good mother, great istinct, scale growing and with PE
weaken the opponent as the fight goes on, buff dragons, is for evil army building, scale by growing and mastering power words.
best fighter overall, excellent leader, buff death knight, scales with her excellent PE.
great retainer, bodyguard, better with other gifts, buff you by being near, create a royal guard, good magician, strongest gift in pure strength, grows with her better physical empowerment.
expert in creating magic items, experimenting with souls and researching magic, has alcemical mastery, scales with her mastery over magic.
Best mastery over magic, can flat out make things impossible to everyone else, learn infinite magic systems, auto win against demons, can create customized demons from corpses, has mastery of power word and special powers with it.
I only made it for the original 4 kind of minions, not for the minionless and ascended masters, and not talked about personalities because my tastes are not everyone's
>Ectos can mostly replicate them with souls
i've always wondered, we can make minions like vampires or death knights that have abilities we dont, but what about ectos's spirit shit and create undead, can we make a fiery undead critter without having fire simulacrum or disease zombies without having fleshwarp?
that makes me reconsider choices, like taking fleshwarp disease to make pf/D&D ghouls that could infect people
Everything you take is only your starting powers. You can obtain anything later on.
within your maximum point amount
Also, this. Maxxing Red SP has the advantage of you becoming stronger once you start farming souls to acquire more SP, meaning it's wiser to spend your points on the essentials in the beginning, take drawbacks you can deal with, and then find a way that'll allow you to reach your peak strength in quickest way. Having powerful gifts is a massive boon here, take Alta and Drace if you don't wanna waste time fighting.
Are you stupid? All Gifts scale infinitely. Even in your example if anything Kirilia scales harder.
>All Gifts scale infinitely
Not true unless you count non-linear scaling like ectos just being smart. Even then, as said in the post, the scaling difference is massively different
>Even in your example if anything Kirilia scales harder.
You're either trolling or genuinely retarded, I can't tell
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Yeah each Gift does something different and helps with different play styles. It's no surprise Ebon was the least picked when most builds aren't all that evil.
I would have taken the dragons if they could be made into dracoliches, unfortunately we got JJK ripoff gifts instead
Oh you're just retarded sorry for taking you seriously.
Ebon being evil plummets her worth by so much. Most people can accept and many even favor utilitarianism, but evil is where a lot of people draw the line because it eats into benefits and is thus terrible unless you're evil as well.
>uhh actually you're just dumb
I'm glad we sorted that you're the retarded shitposter
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Peace is a lie, there is only Passion.
Through Passion, I gain Strength.
Through Strength, I gain Power.
Through Power, I gain Victory.
Through Victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.
Also, Dragons weren't popular in general.
Because dragons are inferior to death lords and liches. Unless you're gonna be a dragon to take advantage of their power word boost, they are not worth taking.
Yes, I posted that list to simply exemplify the differences in growth styles and powers, and how they aren't divided in one who scales and one who doesn't.
Anon, all gifts grow endlessly in power, even simple greater minions grow in power with time, gifts of older minions can destroy the world, according to the older version of apocalypse.
Dragons are stronger than death lords and have nothing in common with liches, to compare them, it's apple and oranges.
All gifts scale infinitely but in different ways and at vastly different speeds, yes. I don't know why basic reading is hard for anons this morning
Stronger initially, get outpaced by death lords
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For me, it's the classic Necromancer army of Undead, Undead Beasts, Spirit Warriors, Death Knights, Death Mages, Death Lords, and Liches
retard nigga dragons will start fighting each other if you don't micromanage
>Anon, all gifts grow endlessly in power,
Show me where ectos has infinite growth like drace does. If you say "she can make magic items" i'm raping you in real life because she's still only limited to 8 systems
Me too anon, me too. It was a shame magi case necromancy has undead suck dick or it could have been a good necromancy cyoa
>All gifts scale infinitely but in different ways and at vastly different speeds, yes. I don't know why basic reading is hard for anons this morning
>Not true unless you count non-linear scaling like ectos just being smart.
You just said it isn't true that all gifts scale endlessly, and their growth speed is irrelevant, since again everyone scales in a different way, so it's like apple and oranges.
>Stronger initially, get outpaced by death lords
Death lords grow faster but probably never reach the level of a fully grown dragon, since minions have a cap to their growth, since they can't reach gift level of power.
Based. There's just something so elegant about the classics.
>You just said it isn't true that all gifts scale endlessly
Stopped reading here if you aren't going to read my posts I'm not going to read yours
Ectos is proof that hustle beats talent when talent doesn't hustle. Which is why she's one of the most popular waifus while Drace losers had to get buffed. Grindset>scaling.
No, she can learn only 8 system but if you read the rest of line, not even another the literal same line, you can read her objects can replicate most others, even if somewhat inefficently, and beside that she can refine her mastery over magic and souls.
>All Gifts scale infinitely
>Not true unless you count non-linear scaling like ectos just being smart. Even then, as said in the post, the scaling difference is massively different
You said yourself not true, and now try to backtrack.
Omw to rape you irl
Not our fault if you can't read.
>unless you count non linear scaling
Stop having an esl moment, you quoted the part btfoing yourself
Anon it even says they scale infinitely in the post...
You're debating with a retard who thinks scaling is only "number goes up". Ectos can give your entire army and (you) effectively infinite magic systems so she's if anything scaling on an infinite^infinite basis but retard-kun can't imagine any other way to get stronger other than damage buffs. Ectos is the most busted option on the entire cyoa and there's this guy trying to gaslight you into picking Drace instead because her fireballs are stronger.
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>Death lords grow faster but probably never reach the level of a fully grown dragon, since minions have a cap to their growth, since they can't reach gift level of power.
The sheer fucking mental gymnastics...
but try to create an unexistance ddifference between "normal" and "non-linear" scaling, if you prefer like this then I will say again this simple point: all gifts scale in different ways, this doesn't make some better.
I'm just trying to spell it out for you, since you clearly don't seem to get it.
>Not true unless you count non-linear scaling like ectos just being smart
Why wouldn't we count that? That's one of if not her biggest selling point. She's the only Gift with the necessary mastery of soul manipulation and enchantment to do this.
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Eidetic Memory
Fast Learner
Natural Warrior
Deadly Secret
Code Doctrinaire
Jedi Guardian
>Basic Force Powers
Force Control (Free)
Force Sense
>Advanced Force Powers
Color - Blue
Design - Standard
>Lightsaber Form
Juyo (Mastery)
>Advanced Combat Techniques
Form Purism (Juyo)
>Martial Skills
Unarmed Combat x2
Melee Weapons x2
Ranged Weapons x2
Athletics x2
Tactics x2
Awareness x2
>Intellectual Skills
Analysis x2
Research x2
Knowledge x2 (TOTAL SITH RAPE)
>Covert Skills
Survival x2
Custom Attire
Sentimental Item
Sith (Enemy)
Hutt Cartel (Enemy)
Underworld (Enemy)
Anais-Vand Ryssa (Designated Padawan)

The REPUBLIC has FALLEN. BILLIONS must DIE by my LIGHTSABER. Total and COMPLETE destruction and ANNIHILATION of all SITH and ALIEN scum NOW!!!
The esl is breaking down now that he realized he was retarded
>all gifts scale in different ways, it doesn't make some better
It explicitly does
I'm not even part of the conversation. You're just so stupid I have to post and laugh at you.
It's not compatible with any religion that actually believes in Yahweh, so the point is moot.
>not just putting the sadistic bitch dragon on a leash
Lesser creatures, the bunch of you

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