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mind spiral edition


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favorite card from bloomburrow so far?
>favorite card from bloomburrow so far?
Honestly I really don't like any of them.
The art is fine, but not a single card from the set has tickled my fancy other than that one obvious piece of Amaliabait that suggests Amalia isn't going to be banned like it god damn should be any time soon.
Frogs will be good because I like frogs.
I'm going to brew some real jank with this dude
Capybaras will be good because I like capybaras.
((the one ring ( spicy brew ) free elemental) new card on side board)
It's up
>four hour video to explain what I've explained in these threads in one post
*sigh* and people wonder why MtG fans aren't taken seriously...
based and single card in the entire game pilled
>4 hours
holy kino, but the commadtrannys are still killing this card game and Woct doesnt give a shit anymore
You shouldn't try to plug your own channel here anon, it's largely considered bad manners and is definitely the faggiest of shill behaviors
Do we think RDW will be possible with basically only BLB cards?
I'm venturing out of commander into the 60 card formats and really don't want to bother buying too far back and have to deal with the rotation so I was planning on buying either one box of ixalan and one of bloomburrow or 2 bloomburrows
maat33 approves this message

If I didn't tell you morons how to fix the game, then none of you would know how to fix the game. Stop being so arrogant and listen to someone who has significantly more experience than any of you. Be humble.
>cards will now be balanced solely for limited use
>format banlists are made based on (over)usage
there i just saved mtg please please dont suck my balls i did this for the game not for my self
I think it would be pretty funny if the bam announcement came and there were no changes
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they already did that, the joke is old now
they'll probably ban like 1 card in each format in august
>At this point in time, we are very comfortable with how Modern decks are performing on the competitive level. No deck appears to have a significant advantage over any other, which is what we at Wizards of the Coast have been working towards tirelessly for the past several years. We are glad to have finally brought Simic and Bant decks back to the forefront of the Modern format after too much time spent with Rakdos, without losing Rakdos in the process. Rakdos Scam is in a solid position in tournaments, no longer overshadowing other deck types. Thank you so much to our R&D team for their valiant efforts!
Don't ban Nadu.
Unban the Clamp instead.
>Rakdos Scam
Don't Wizards hate that name
Unban all cards. Let people play with whatever cards they have, as Garfield intended.
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There was one guy who kept posting about his Blue Belcher build on /mtg/, I don't know if you're still here but it seems like the deck is starting to catch on after the additions from MH3.
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Friendly reminder the ban will be Shuko, i will be here at least until they can squeeze every sheckel they could.

Learn to love him.
Really want to try out otter convoke.
That's racist anon
go wide will be a thing in Pioneer again
>Friendly reminder the ban will be Shuko,
I, for one, can't wait for our new Puresteel Paladin hammer time nadu overlords.
I really, really dislike Standard being a Turn 3/4 format. Why did they do it?
>Loses to Amalia
>Loses to Vripper
>Loses to AZC
>Loses to Phoenix
No it won't.
is horrible how the only winner from bloomburrow seems to be amalia, we still lack cards but i'm really angry about this.
>is horrible how the only winner from bloomburrow seems to be amalia, we still lack cards but i'm really angry about this.
You know what Amalia really needed?
For it to be even harder to interact with.
im gonna pump amalia and you guys are gonna watch me do it
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You do you, man.
leave my wife alone.
git gud.
I honestly don't mind the deck but think Aetherflux should be banned to tone it down.
>favorite card from bloomburrow so far?
>opponent gains 12 life while also removing a Goddric
>He still loses to monored by like turn 5
Monored is so stupid right now in Standard.
Your butthole.
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Big brain fixing, WOTC HIRE THIS MAN
but why would we improve the game mechanics, you racist? WHERE ARE THE BLACK PEOPLE
Stub being green = ULTIMATE KINO.
>Add an specific colour mechanic to EVERY OTHER COLOUR
And this retardation is good because?
holy fucking ew..

imma post this on edhg!
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>The meta looks healthy and diverse
>All macro archetypes are seeing play
>There's plenty of room for rogue decks to succeed
>Our data suggests it doesn't have an excessively high win rate
>The format has all the tools necessary to deal with it
>We can't make any changes now because it would disrupt an upcoming event
>We're waiting to see how the next release effects the meta
>We're monitoring the situation
Could we please just get creatures with neat abilities that don't also have a +1/+1 or tokens slapped on?
I'd play this all by itself. Even if it was just pump until end of turn, or didn't have a pump at all.

Most people will likely not be playing this for food voltron anyway.
Because blue should not have a monopoly on the stack.
I don't know about those in specific for Red, but I agree with the general principle of opening up stack interaction.
I can see almost all of those phrases in the next R&B annoucement and that makes me mad as fuck specially with the Bird.
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why do all this for a 2 dollar rare that isn't making anyone crack packs? Nadu isn't Bowmasters or the one ring. He's barely above draft chaffe prices. Weird to ruin the whole format for a card no one is opening boxes for.
Because Nadu represents where they want the game to go. If they ban it, then they can't print that backlog of cancerous shit they've got waiting in the back to be released in the upcoming sets.
Fun fact, Hogaak was somewhere around $5 when it got banned.
Hogaak spiked to $50 before it got banned I know because I sold mine.
Meanwhile they'll ban beanstalk in a couple of weeks.
It's not, but since we already gave mana ramp/fixing to every color via treasure tokens, overstatted creatures is no longer exclusive to green, and white has 1 mana instant speed answer to everything, might as well go all out.
Probably speculators under the delusion that it wasn't going to get hit with a second ban like everyone else (correctly) thought was going to happen and thus it would spike up in price afterward.
They already gave Remand to white. Red gets Forks and Redirects. Green and Black don't deserve shit they've already got graveyard dominance.
>They already gave Remand to white.

Too little too late. Maybe if they'd done it in MH1 or WAR, it would've made more of an impact.
I agree blue should not be allowed to touch the yard apart from instants/sorceries and this card is a mistake.
Arena Bo1 dailies.
None really. I guess Maha is kind of good in that it makes Cut Down slightly better. Mistbreath Elder, Valley Mightcaller and Pawpatch Recruit all being in the same set sort of caught my attention, but not that much.
Man, I feel like Arena has ruined paper Magic. Not just because of how it influenced design, but how it reveals that Magic's meta is actually pretty stale. It's one thing if you only play a few games of Magic one or two days a week, you don't feel it that much, but once you can play it 24/7 the cracks really start to make themselves felt.
I think it might be this guy, I love threshold as a mechanic and I actually had some fun trying to make mono black rats work in standard
Pumping Amalia is All's Right with the World.
EDH ruined paper magic both by its design, and by turning MtG into an non-interactive game. Arena exacerbated these problems both with customizable sleeves, avatars, pets, stickers, and quotes along with creating a Bo1 format that's "official", removing siding and removing a tremendous portion of MtG's strategy. Just as EDH doesn't care about what an opponent does (you just do your wheel of fortune and shit all over the board), Bo1 doesn't care either. Look at the disease, not the symptoms. The -only- Bo1 format that works without ruining MtG is Limited.
Limited isn't real Magic, its an advertisement for constructed
Limited is the purest form of Magic and anyone who says otherwise is either retarded or an EDHfag... Which, now that I think about it, is simply redundant.
Jesus fucking Christ whoever designed SSS deserves to die of cancer over several incredibly painful years where their family has to watch them wither away slowly into a husk of a human being.
There has never ever been a well designed Prowess card. The mechanic is inherently broken on a fundamental level. As if any pseudo-prowess ability like Slickshot's. This is irrefutable.
RDW needs it
RDW needs to die. Unironically. I'm sick of people pretending it's good for the game.
Limited is an excuse that lets Wizards pretend booster packs aren't gambling.
Kys faggot RDW is literally the only honest deck in town
WotC needs to steal my idea for a 1 mana U/R sorcery that makes a 1/1 UR wizard token with prowess.
t. playing a ton of the least honest cards in MTG
RDW -is- good for the game when it's used as a shittest and not as a means to an end. At no point should RDW breach being played by over 10% of tournament-goers, I will agree on that. However, RDW needs to be the metric that determines whether midrange decks are properly balanced, and ramp and combo decks are moving fast enough WITHOUT being hit by responses that remove their pieces.
The game would be better without the existence of RDW. Midrange, ramp and combo decks are all better for the game than RDW and if they were all more viable, due to the death of RDW, the game would be better.
>I kill my opponent because my cards are better for cheaper
RDW should always exist because people shouldn't be allowed to just durdle endlessly as if they were playing EDH
Midrange doesn't exist in a world without aggro because if nobody can kill you before turn 5+ you're going to play degenerate combo or big mana shit that goes way over the top of what midrange can deal with.
The amount of fucking pamper they are giving to Red the last sets is absolutely insane. I mean just look at pic related "For the rest of the game"? What the hell is that? Also in a Haste card, 3/3? Seriously i know is simple and a lot of brainlets play it because "Hurr me smash face, me cast creature and cast damage spell" but come on...
If you don't want to play Magic, then just don't. Why bother making it so that neither of us play Magic?
RDW would become Gruul/Rakdos/Boros/Izzet, all of which present even greater problems. Standard is busted because the cards printed for it were designed for EDH and not Limited (frick you >>93347146). RDW doesn't harm the other Big Four formats because decks have the card pool needed to get over it. Again, RDW is supposed to be a shittest deck. Standard is borked not because RDW is busted, but because its entire card pool is busted.
>Honest deck
>Pic related
>Honest deck
Anon we know you like Red because you have negative IQ but think a little before you post...
I am playing Magic. Mountain, tap, Jackal Pup is playing Magic. Your turn.
It's purely to cater to Arena BO1 players. Arena BO1 and Commander have killed Magic fully dead.

Aggro being forced to be not monocoloured would inherently solve half of the problems with it.
I stand up, drag you out of the shop by the scruff of your neck, throw you onto the ground and stomp your skull until there's just a vague pink and red smear on the pavement. Your turn.
The lifegain clause is trinket text. Most decks that would counter red with lifegain would remove this thing with non-damage based removal. It's a Boros Reckoner with haste basically.
You'd be out of breath at the standing up part, fatty.
Post a photo of your forearm. I bet you're over probably at or above 275.
looks like some edh trannies got lost

this is a thread for real magic
>needing to play 100% reactive against any deck running red
This is bad game design.
By your logic forcing Domain decks to only one run color would solve the problems with them, too. RDW works in 4 of the 5 formats with no problems. Apart from Legacy (which is a bullshit format) mono-colored aggro decks aren't a problem, either. Getting swept by Blue Spirits or White Tokens or RDW outside of Standard is a sign that your side deck needs work, nothing more. In Standard, it's a sign that prioritizing cards for EDH over limited has irrevokably fucked the game.
>no pouncing jaguar
>no nimble mongoose
>no mossdog
i sleep
>RDW works in 4 of the 5 formats
This is proof of its inherent cancerous effect on Magic.
Right, and any color combo that appears in 3 of the Big 5 should be taken out behind the WotC office building and executed Al Qaeda style. Moron...
There is no other deck that exists in a functional state in 4 out of 5 formats. Only one. RDW.
>never heard of UwU
Because RDW is the shittest deck, how many times am I going to have to repeat that until your mongoloid brain realizes that? I've already told you I agree it shouldn't be over 10% of the decks in a meta format, and I've already agreed that it's busted in Standard because Standard has a card pool designed for EDH and not limited. I don't know how to make it more clear to you that RDW isn't the problem, Standard's card pool is.
You're just wrong. RDW is bad for the game in all formats.
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That's exactly the type of image I expect from your type.
>"they should ban the most reliable budget deck in every format"
Investor hands wrote this.
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>You can't just play kird ape and attack me!
>How am I supposed to use my Necropotence now?!
RDW and Burn are the ultimate filter for garbage decks.
RDW is based, if only because it regularly shits over blue
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>create a clue token
>create a blood token
>create a treasure token

These are all mechanics specifically designed for the ADHD smoothbrain casual COMMANDER player.

If you activre play or own any cards like above i demand you to GTFO eternal constructed formats, specifically MODERN
>Red Remand in Ral Storm in modern
Please stop. I can only get so erect!
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Zoomer mechanic that should have never seen the light of day.
I don't think people are respecting how absolutely ridiculous this card is.
>There is no other deck that exists in a functional state in 4 out of 5 formats. Only one. RDW.
"RDW" isn't a single deck, it's literally just a slang term for monored decks. When you're reducing an archetype down to nothing but its colors, then there are tonnes of color combos that are good in several formats.
Sorry anon, you can't trust your pre-FIRE brain to evaluate cards anymore.
Ashiok does nothing and is 5 mana. A 2/3? That is bellow the mana curve of creatures with cmc 2+
Return a permanent and make discard? Too high of a cmc to even matter.

This card is shit in any competitive deck after 2019. Maybe you can play in "block constructed" if Theros beyond death was part of a block.
Your response is exactly what I mean.
Recoil is played in powered vintage cube, a 2/3 token on a plus ability rivals Sun's Champion for the most potent repeatable token, and its ultimate takes only two turns to fire, that is a very short clock to solve.
Stop playing Magic now, you need a fast deck to exist in a format a baseline for proper deckbuilding to take place.
>anon thinks the good part of the card is the lifegain prevention when in actuality the card is a value powerhouse that will always trade up in combat and is a powerful threat
For real. The potential to cull life gain is really just a cherry on top. This thing trades with X/6s and is impossible to trade favourably with unless your entire board has 4+ toughness. Shit's NUTS.
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anon thats my whole deck though
i need them for my revolt, please understand
pioqueer thoever
Why does this not play the unlockable creatures from standard cookies?
Simultaneously cringe and based
it used to back in the day
its out of date now
its more an actual aggro/tempo deck that has an artifact package to facilitate big numbers, not about actually being artifact
like, you basically have to think of the ensouls as just another 4 copies of shrapnel blast
if they get in more than once it's even better
activating a gingerbrute and ensouling it is 3 mana, aka too slow
you know what other decks do on 3 mana when you tap out?
amalia combo, sorin ripper
1 drop into 2 drop into donothing and hold up interaction rest of the game
We got an artifact that draws cards with a convoke-y cost. Weird card.
You play him and you die the turn after. You are free to brew with him in pioneer or modern, if you ever win a league you can claim it is playable.
NTA but i really mean you can only strictly cal it playable if you win a league, not good
leagues are noise, they are the mtgo equivalent of an fnm
when you at least go x-1 in a challenge i will listen to you
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Why do I just hear Open Your Heart when I see that art.
would it have been that much harder to reword convoke's rules text to also be able to effect abilities?
and just write this as 'you may activate this ability as though it had convoke, for each creature that convoked it do X'
Probably be weird to have a one-off in a standard set with convoke that doesn't have convoke anywhere else, that uses convoke weirdly. This ain't a Horizons set, they can't just say "fuck it" and do nonsense to existing mechanics unless they're wider spread.
>Ability costs 4
>Art shows 3 mice
Come ON
What's harder, rewriting every single Convoke card that's ever been printed, or writing this one card in a way that doesn't use Convoke?
They've explicitly started doing that, they call it cameo mechanics. Though I do agree it would be a bad idea to do it while also changing the rules for convoke.
Are you going to tap the mice?
AI generated art please understand
>rewriting every single Convoke card that's ever been printed
is not necessary THOUGH
just change convoke's definition in the rules text
Convoke (Your creatures can help cast this spell or ability. Each creature you tap while casting this spell or activating this ability pays for {1} or one mana of that creature's color.)
and just make abilities say 'you can activate this as though it had cnovoke'
gotta populate somehow
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>"yeah, I mean like-"
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>Fabled Passage reprint
Thank god. Maybe post-rotation manabases won't be so bad after all. New art's nice too.
Cameo mechanics are still using the mechanics as they are. What you're proposing is they literally change how convoke works.
Now this I like.
it's garbage in the mirror match
im in the nadu ban waiting room
So what is even the plot for Bloomburrow?
Ral uses his fursona to help the cast of redwall fight off elemental monsters trying to destroy ravnica city of yiff?
It's kamigawa but they stole an owl egg instead of a dragon egg. Mrs Brisby has to get it back.
>ravnica city of yiff?
It's T.T.* City.
*pronounced "titty"
literally just read the story nigga
ral got lead there on the hunt for jace, and happened to find someone that knew something about him in the adventuring party of/arrive at the same time as some planar threat shit
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Repeatable convoke card draw
>read new card
>each opponent
>make food
>legendary creature
>make food
>make token
>make clue
>make food
>make token
>draw card
>draw card and make food
>legendary creature
>make token with prowess
>for each opponent draw a card and make a food
>when food enter you make clue
>when food enter
>each opponent choose food or +1/+/1 counter
>when each opponent make food you make clue
>when food leave +1/+1 counter
>sac food draw card
So AI is making most cards now, right?
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>E Trigger
>we want the redwall audience
That's every card in the set, anon
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I think this card is very good.
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Ah, yes, a 3 mana 1/1.
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Ah, yes, a 0 mana artifact with no abilities
T1 - Bonecache Overseer
T2 - Vinereap Mentor
T3 - Honored Dreyleader ETBS and becomes a 4/4
So what did the latest intern learn on the MtG fextralife wiki the meme that "15 squirrels can kill emrakul" and thought it was so funny they tried to make it a tangible reality
I look forward to getting blown the fuck out by Camellia and Dreyleader together.
Maro's always been fond of squirrels as a creature type and Bloomburrow was finally the place to make them a proper 'thing' because prior to that it's mostly been Un-sets and Chatterfang.
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I'm gonna be fucking pissed if it's not in the set. It hasn't been crunched out yet.
This will kill you in limited with that guy.
That already exists, guess who can bypass Emrakul's protection in every iteration?
It DID just get reprinted in the Fallout decks, but it could, we'll see. Might just be reprinted in the precons, if anywhere.
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This brew is doing a lot better than I expected it to.
Pioneer is full of a LOT of decks that rely on shockingly few specific wincons, and the remaining slew of lists is full of degenerate combos that crumple to one solid Braining.
The late game Liliana locks mean they basically can't establish creatures ever. Use it or lose it, use it and lose it, at the same time.

'Tis a legit steamroller that's bending many decks over for a thorough stern talking to. More updates to come, no doubt.

Open to name suggestions, the current name for it is kind of a placeholder. Also card suggestions.
So is this a waifu deck? Because it's vastly inferior to both B Discard and B Midrange.
>boros convoke losing epicure
>will probably shave down or outright cut gleeful demolition because of it
So that new one-drop rabbit obviously slots in but what else?
>Because it's vastly inferior to both B Discard and B Midrange.
>vastly inferior
Your shitbrew would lose to it. :^)

But seriously though, I though it would be just okay at first. It's turning out to be far beyond just okay. The layering of tutors with board wipes with stripping wincons at the same time just works.
It just works.
Ponder this:
What the fuck is Mono B discard supposed to do, without anything that causes us to discard?
Say we Brain their Lilis and Go Blanks. We run five striplands for a many reasons, and Geier Reach Reach is one of them.

The fuck are they going to do at that point? Fatal Push the air? Run Sheoldreds into her own edict?
orzhov bat tribal looks ok.
You're opening yourself up to removal by using side deck staples in the main, rather than using the more effective approaches of straight-up discarding your opponent's options. You're also operating under Magical Christmas Land logic. You're free to do what you want, but I'm far more interested in your side deck to see how you get around your "locks" being taken off the field.
Ummm your thoughtseize???
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>Gift a tapped Fish
>You're opening yourself up to removal by using side deck staples in the main,
... I'm sorry, what?
Why would you say that in response to a list with literally zero (0) creatures to remove in it? It literally has no targets for removal, the fuck drugs are you on?

>rather than using the more effective approaches of straight-up discarding your opponent's options.
No need to waste time forcing discards when they don't draw the threats to begin with.

>Ummm your thoughtseize???
They're trash. If they have a problem card in hand, we can strip it with Brain, and Thoughtseize is beyond dead in the midgame which is when we're most competing to stabilize. It just felt terrible in 98% of situations where I had one in hand. God forbid more than one.
Pretty sure UW control also exist in 4 of the 5 formats
In the sideboard! Since I'm mono-black I've been leaning into Blight more, but this may work better in a more colorful (UB seems viable) version.
Wish Legion's End was an instant.
Thoughtseize hits all nonlands, including your planeswalkers, sorceries, artifacts, and instants. Duress hits noncreature nonlands, which includes your artifacts, sorceries, and instants. Are you "trolling" right now?
Oh no, not Thoughtseize!
Okay cool, they used them. I topdeck more removal because it's over half my deck.

The fuck are they even trying to Seize? I don't have a plan. I'm not trying to do anything. So they see a hand of four removal pieces and take one? Wow, amazing. Mighty use of a card, that is.
Take a Lili? Get it back with Elixir + Avarice tutor. Problem solved.

This list literally shrugs off Seize like it's nothing. 80% of the cards they're going to see are just removal, who cares if they shock themselves to take one of them?

Damn straight it is!
This card would be pretty fun if you removed the ward, made it +1/+1 until end of turn, brought it down to 1/3 or 2/2, and made it 1BG.

But of course this isn't a Magic card, it's a Commandtard card. Then they wonder why all the 60 format decks are just the same 5-15 cards from each color.
Would it be so hard to just use ETB?
>brought it down to 1/3 or 2/2
Anon it's a big apex predator that sees all other creatures as food. You'd have to torture that concept pretty hard to make it work on a tiny shitter.
You also seem to be forgetting the fact that having no creatures blanks ALL OF THEIR REMOVAL Fatal Push is literally just a dead ass brick in their hand.
Muh thoughtseize good, yeah duh. But they start with 15% of their deck already pre-discarded, so I think we'll be fine.
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This card is literally better than Ragavan in just about every way
>Creates 1/1s with relevant creature type for free
>Doesn't need to hit to get value, just needs a life gain trigger, trivial for white
>Scales better into the late game than Ragavan
>Can facilitate multiple different infinite combos
>Has first strike so it trades into Ragavan well
Any deck running WR should just run Ocelot Pride and Ajani over Ragavan
And you're forgetting that Veil hits both players, meaning you're letting them keep free discard fodder at no loss since they couldn't use it anyways. I'm going to consider this trolling now. I won't report you, but do NOT reply to me anymore.
Wow that's great, it--
Into the fucking trash it goes.
>And you're forgetting that Veil hits both players
... okay? Yes? The fuck does that have to do with literally anything?
I suspect you're just being an big old grumpy grumplepuss. Cheer up, bro, my brews are HOT FIRE.
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New artifact token
Nice Valiant enabler in draft.
Maybe Lost Legacy, or Pick The Brain.
Bit odd, doesn't really synergize with any of the red tribes other than mice, and even there it's kinda meh. Seems like seeding for a future set. We know Duskmourn has delirium and a bunch of enchantments, maybe there'll be an equipment archetype there too.
Sadly we don't have enough type variety for PTB (It's literally just instants and sorceries lol) and doubly so that Elixir wipes our yard with each use.

Lost Legacy I've tried, but not being able to swipe lands like Brain can, and Brain being able to sneak past counterspells on the play, makes it work better overall.
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I do so love seeing saltcry reactions to my brews. This list is proving to be very solid. Not having to run wincons at all turns out to be a pretty big bonus for control decks.

One good Braining completely cripples Phoenix, Amalia, Field and other combos, it nukes Control via stripping their Emperors and manlands so they literally just can't win, many things take the knee to the ol' Brain. Even midrange decks start crumpling once their big swaggy bombs like Fable and Ripper start disappearing, as everything else just eats humble pie when slapped with some removal. Brian is very much functional in the main deck.

Very fun list. Would recommend.
It's at least a 1 mana noncreature for the otter tribe.
It's not very good
Add one or two more fields or Fabled Passage, PW can be the fourth, or maybe artifacts; cut some Blight/March/Prank, add Ratchet Bombs.
White is the strongest modern color now
The top 3 modern decks all run white
While Nadu had a dominant performance at the pro tour, the data suggests that all macro archetype are represented in the format. We saw successful control decks in the form of Jeskai energy strategies, we saw successful aggressive decks in the form of prowess, we saw successful midrange decks in boros energy, Necrodominance strategies, and the Mardu energy lists, and finally we saw a string showing from combo with Nadu. It is clear from our data that modern is in a healthy place, and that players can more effectively tech against the powerful Nadu strategies with cards like Harsh Mentor and Surgical Extraction. Rouge decks such as Dimir Murktide variants, new builds of GB Yawgmoth, and an enhanced version Goryo's Vengeance can make an impact on the Modern Landscape. We have resolved to not ban anything from the format in the mean while, to let things settle and shape up
>needs a life gain trigger, trivial for white
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>anon shits out another pile of 60 cards
>thinks he's a god for running 4 mana artifact thoughtseize instead of thoughtseize
>his entire brew is designed to grab wincons from opponents deck but is 100% susceptible to getting thoughtseized, which is the entire fucking reason people run thoughtseize over stone brain
>his gay little brews are still nothing more than a 4chan meme despite always playing so well and testing so well against meta decks
>his word salad multi post style of writing makes mountains out of molehills and makes it sound like this time he's really truly cracked the meta and delivered the ultimate pioneer meta buster deck
Stop posting forever.
Kys, never stop making decks anon
We are aware Amalia is for pumping and will continue to be, so no changes.
I lost count of how many times someone Thotsneeze'd a card from my hand and then I just drew it again, sometimes the very next turn.
You know how many times someone's popped The Stone Brain and I've drawn that card again? Zero because that's how The Stone Brain works.
>aggressive dickhead reply
>then a few minutes later, the "ebin underground serious gamer" personality reply
You've done this on your previous brews too. People will begin catching on, change up your formula retard.

Until you enter and win events with your brews, nobody fucking cares. You can samefag all you like, you will always be a joke until you post results that are more serious than "I tested it and I won XD"
the way it's printed:
>i get 3 energy
>i MAY pay X energy, so i will think about paying 50 energy, and choose not to
>okay everyone, lets draw 50 cards, since this part of the spell doesn't care whether i chose to pay the energy or not
how it should be worded to work the way they wanted it to:
You get {E}{E}{E}, then you may pay any amount of {E}. Each player may exile their hand and draw X cards, where X is the amount of {E} you paid. If X is 7 or more, you may play cards you own exiled this way until the end of your next turn.
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Why isn't anyone talking about this card?
>Play Boros
>Get wiped
>Attack with 3 2/2s with haste and prowess
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I'm glad powercreep has reached the point where going second you can open Force in Legacy and still get hosed because Thoughtseize now costs 0 mana and has a 4/4 body.
Just print Force of Will and StP into Standard at this point. Value engines are spiraling harder than YuGiOh, yet unlike YuGiOh, turn 1 interaction isn't getting better.
Yeah. Mice pump/valiant/heroic decks are going to ruin standard and pioneer until they decide to "rotate" those out too. Look up the core cards, it's so fucking stupid how you can pump your creatures and draw cards for 1 mana, the deck can't run out of gas anymore
If your day is going bad at least remember that you don't play historic
Historic is fun because MMR/Weighting means sweatlords only play against each other on Arena
Buddy about 99 other things have to go wrong in my life before I start playing a digital format.
>Value engines are spiraling harder than YuGiOh,
Ha, no
>turn 1 interaction isn't getting better.
Eh true.
Dunno man, Snake-Eyes Fiendsmith piles feel a lot less value than something like Nadu.
>"free spells are shitting up the eternal formats so we should print free spells into standard"
No. No. God no.
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I pick up my cards and furrow my brow, deep in thought. You give me the benefit of the doubt for 5, 10, now 20 seconds. The horror begins to dawn on you at the minute mark. There is no reason a players should be taking this long on turn 1. Am I contemplating a mulligan? Surely I would have done so before you played, though by my general idiot looking face you can't assume anything.

Then the second horror hits you. The stench. I had an acrid, stale garlic-esque body odor you could mostly ignore, but now there is the sudden repugnant thick viscous stink of human feces wrapping around your nose from my direction. It is as though I just shit my pants and it exited as gaseous excrement, lighter than air particles of misted dung, spreading out from my ass and clouding the table like a living fog, like little shit mosquitos lighting on and inside your nostrils.

Just as you move to scoop and leave, I finally play an Overgrown Tomb, paying 2 life for it to come in untapped, and then I also play pic related and nothing else and end my turn. We are now playing REAL Magic, and it is now your turn.
R&D doesn't give to SHITS about any format that isn't EDH and the sooner you chuckleheads realize how fricked up everything is, the sooner you'll get over your addiction.
>why are you here
We use proxies exclusively here and don't pay WotC anything to have a good time with friends.
>what about your LCS
Bought out by a conglomerate, they can go fuck themselves.
The fourth mouse is the dad who is the one taking the picture :)
Well whoever is in charge of them any wage over 0 is too much.
Thunder Junction.
The graveyard
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>let's give convoke more card draw
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>Ephemerate with an upside OR exile
Bloomburrow will unironically powercreep modern, no wonder they were so sure that the set will sell
Ephemerate is one mana! XD
>Why isn't anyone talking about this card?
It has been posted at least once in every single bread since its spoiler. People are aware of how good this looks.
smug bunny is totally NTRing mr mouse's wife.
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Look up Snake Eyes if you think this game is anything like Yugioh
Doesn't matter if you Ash or imperm them, they'll still make their board cuz every card in that archetype starts their combo and does 3 or 4 different things from everywhere.
Mein nigger it's better path to exile and ephemerate in a single card. We're having modern cards printed into standard because modern horizon can't be a yearly occurrence.

This is the future you chose
Nah, it's Poplar and Flamberge doing most of the heavy lifting, Ash and Oak both just grab from one place.
>can't get rid of construct tokens
Now, I know they say there's a correlation between low IQ and tattoos, but this is taking it a bit too far. At least it's from this set instead of the average slop we get these days.
>better path to exile
>twice the cost
>gives your opponent a card
>people don't even play pto anymore

>better ephemerate
>twice the cost
>half the effect
>an effect that's only good because they printed 0 mana 3/2s
marathon-sex with smug fish wives
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The one claiming he’d murder someone over playing Magic differently is the one with something to prove. Sorry.
>Verification not required.
Buy before the price spikes.
the only good thing those e-clown ring lights have done is the circular reflection porn artist have started putting on asses
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>return target creature card from your graveyard.
to where? my hand? the battlefield?
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I can understand changing ETB to "enters" because no card I can find refers to things entering any other zone than the battlefield, but this is ambiguous. Cards can be returned to both the battlefield and your hand, and the card doesn't state which. The only hint is referring to the card as a creature in the second half which means it went to the battlefield.

I don't understand why they're doing this. It's like R&D is actually full of autistic people out of touch with common sense.
it's a goldfish translation bros, it's not the actual wording on the card
The fact that I could believe it’s real is honestly more damning than if it was.
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Any chance these new cards will make Boros heroic more viable?
Why the fuck did this post reply to someone, I didn't hit anything
Not sure about heroic specifically, but Heartfire Hero is going to be good.
In that deck feather of flight is just maul of the skyclaves except it also draws a card and is one mana cheaper. Did this thing ever see play anywhere?
>returning after 11 hours and still being mad
lol got under your skin, fatty.
>cards are cheaper in the EU
>which means you can't make any money off of cards
theoretically speaking doesn't that mean you can make more money getting sleeper hits for cheap? you just gotta be willing to bet a little bit on what might randomly spike
>It's one thing if you only play a few games of Magic one or two days a week, you don't feel it that much, but once you can play it 24/7 the cracks really start to make themselves felt.
I've had the same experience with other TCGs too. I just don't think the TCG game model is suited to be played everyday, that's why I don't play online versions of TCGs anymore.
boros heroic doesn't need new cards imo, it needs a meta where spot removal is less popular
I see a lot of good stuff and maybe some will make staples but take into account Heroic is already very tight and SSS already made that deck change a little.

On the other hand that bard mouse can probably be an archetype combo by itself
I was specifically thinking about the AC Starter Kit with that post. It costs £15 and the legendary singles alone are worth about £18. But in the US it costs $20 and the singles are worth $30 alone. It's literally free money.
Maybe schizoanon was on to something
I just took a coiling rebirth
I'm fine with that, but also they need to errata how explore works with an empty deck.
That's because of the pushed cards
what's gonna be most fun with the new yiff set? Rakdos, Boros or Gruul?
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Bloomburrow was the only set I was interested in conceptually for at least 5 years. I read through all the spoilers available and I just got more and more frustrated with the wording of cards. The amount of tap effects on a single card, the amount of keywords on cards mixed with activated effects and just the overbearing need to make everything draw a card or play something for free.

I think the game is just not for me anymore and hasn't been for a long time. I spent a lot of time(15+ years) playing this game and had a lot of fun. Those fun times were years ago now. I don't really know how to express how I feel but I just feel kinda empty and a little sad. I didn't know a better place to make this post so sorry if it's kinda a bummer.
Fun? Where do you think we are?
I reject my competitiveness Jojo
>take into account Heroic is already very tight
How come?
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You know not every blink effect is Ephemerate, right?
Bye fag, go away and never look back we will be fine without your kind.
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wtf happens with that card if I decide to not give opp a gift?
It's just a 5 mana reanimate spell
>5 mana no gift
Return creature from graveyard to battlefield
>5 mana w/ gift
Return creature from graveyard to battlefield and create a 1/1 copy of it if it's non-legendary
It doesn't create token. Like what the fucking fuck, anon? It's rather straightforward.
Stupid cat
Yes, damning to your intelligence.
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These are the top WotC coders.
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Since bringing back 2/3 target creature cards from the graveyard is stronger in a tribe will we see shit like Azorious merfolk?
>Master of pearl Trident
>Tide shaper
Fit the bill
Perhaps, and we are getting a return to Lorwyn next year, which means more Azorius Merfolk.
didn't they sell mtgo to a different company?
Wait, isn't this card insane, wtf growing pseudo annihilator on a cheatable body that also pings on ETB?
The card seems decent, so it may be worth trying but then you give up the ability to play with harbinger of the seas and make fon/subtlety more inconsistent.
>Harbinger of the seas
You could always fetch basic plains
I am absolutely praying that there's some aristocrats stuff in Bloomburrow to make the most of this in Standard.
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yeah, these fags
When I ran lurrus I ran seachrome coast and wanderwine hubs + caverns, running fetches in merfolk always feels bad as fuck.
They deliberately avoided aristocrats stuff in the set because sacrificing babies, what players would inevitably do with Offspring, would go against the set's flavor. Squirrels were originally gonna be all about sacrificing creatures, but they changed it to Forage instead.
>that also pings on ETB?
>"unless that player sacrifices a nonland permanent or discard a card"
Giving a choice to your opponent is never good, he'll just sac his mana dork, his blood token or discard the land/card stuck in his hand if he can't afford the 4 life; and then will just use removal on it
Prease understand, rakdos needs it
>Blood token
Innistrad's rotating out, anon.
Oh well. To be honest it would probably eat shit against just boros midrange when they eventually decide to slot in the card.
More like Esper Merfolk, since they will probably be combining Lorwyn with Shadowmoor since they only have one set to work with.
I mean I already get raped by it, so it doesn't change much but I'll give it a try
You're probably right, but pic related has wrecked enough opponents for me to still be interested.
>3 mana
>Get back Phelia, Guide of souls and Ragavan
That's so fucking dumb, even tribal decks can't beat that
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while it's way less powerful than a boros/gruul slickshot deck I can't wait to try this deck for standard.
ngl standard is looking good post rotation
fuck esper midrange and fuck domain
shame we're losing secluded courtyard but I expect it to be reprinted soon
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Cute acorn cap
Mabel's gonna cut you up.
>Normal summon ash go full combo
>Bonfire go full combo
>Diabellstar or whatever her name gets you there too
There's also the fucking Bystials, Horus, and Kash getting thrown in every deck for even more unfun gameplay.
I just want to play HEROS
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Hey guess what's at common.
Will they ever print something useful for selesnya?
>complains about the meta being unfair
>wants to play a deck whose first turn setup is Macro on a body+Skill Drain on a body+2 quick pops
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Really glad they put Writhing Chrysalis / Scurry of Gremlns limited on Arena and irrevocably ruined a constructed format with so many busted cards that they'd have to ban a third of the set and give people a shitload of free wildcards just to recompense. They will never do this, but imagine gifting 85% of the 2nd most obnoxious Timeless deck to MTGA's entire userbase.
Are you not following the spoilers?
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Here's a 2 mana 3/3 with upside that probably still isn't good enough.
That's kinda sucky anon
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it's great
Also second part of the Planeswalker's Guide dropped. Seems the second and third will focus on half of the animalfolk each, with this one focusing on the birds, the rats, the lizards, the raccoons and the rabbits.
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That's a good card anon, HOWEVER... Seriously though, that's just makes Amalia even faster and more consistent
with araumi encore this is 9 instances. the rate is better than hailfire manawise but cannot scale higher
Not as much foundational worldbuilding stuff this time, but there's some.
Valley doesn't have any real leader, instead only really each settlement has its own mayor or council, though cities will often have a 'king' or something like that, though they're usually elected or put forward by a council anyway.
There's no overarching law enforcement, either, instead it's basically just each settlement is left to itself to figure shit out, because actually 'evil' people are really quite rare all things considered.
Most animalfolk are vegetarian, though some, like otters, eat fish and insects and whatnot.
Metal is harvested from trees (with no real further detail given), fabric's usually made from leaves or discarded fur or other plants.
Onto the animals themselves.
Birdfolk connect Valley together, they deliver messages, cargo, other folk, etc. They're often idealists, protectors, and tend to pride themselves on their appearance and status.
There's a birdfolk tradition called the Plumecreed, which is a flight to the 'Tip of The World', a very tall mountain that no other folk could possibly climb, where they have to plant one of their feathers there and do a spell, and are blessed with even further speed and agility for this, apparently.
They tend to fight with polearms and diving attacks, as one might guess.
They get along with many other folk, though if they ever join some form of adventuring party, they tend to make themselves the leader, and when working within settlements, they're often project leaders and diplomats. The main 'flaw' is their fixation on glory, which sometimes puts them at odds with other folk.
Birdfolk get along best with mousefolk because of the heroic drive the mice have, and worst with frogfolk, because of their pessimism.
Aaand there's more, because wow that's a lot to write.
Play boosters and their consequences have been a disaster for limited
When will you chuds stop talking about limited its not a format also its stupid to base the entire game off of fourty cards decks when decks have hundred cards in them
>literal assassins and mind thieves running around

I found it funny that Bumbleflower said "we have our quarrels, but mostly we fight Calamity Beasts" when there are hired killers in the set
Ratfolk are secretive knowledge-keepers. They used to share their knowledge more openly until an interloper attempted to use said knowledge to control a Calamity Beast, with disastrous results. This caused them to become more isolationist from the other folk.
They're very much loners, and often bond more with their insect companions than with people, helped by their psychic bond with said companions.
They mostly collect lost knowledge and relics that wash up from the Long River, which runs throughout all of Valley, and keep it stored away.
Despite being isolationists, ratfolk are still welcomed into houses and conversations all around Valley because the folk are just very welcoming as a rule, and in groups they tend to be just skill-oriented, valuing capability over anything.
Ratfolk are friendly with squirrelfolk because both value recycling and history, while they dislike the lizardfolk who often destroy their own artwork as they continue to create.
Lizardfolk are the only one of the folk that aren't actually native to Valley, so as a result they're not quite as overly welcoming and not as quick to take the hospitality at face value, but they're still liked all the same. They'll help, they'll just be grumpy while they help. They hold grudges, but if they forgive somebody, it IS forgiven, and similarly, favours are very well-regarded, and a lizard will be upset if they can't repay a favour.
Mostly, they're artists, often through metal, but also just paint and fabric. Lizardfolk art is meant to be temporary, as it's created to be destroyed. They keep art around until they're no longer awed by it, and then destroy it and make something else.
Fire is pretty central to lizardfolk beliefs, as it warms them when the sun isn't around, so they're often good at keeping fires on the road.
They like batfolk because both have a spirituality to them, but dislike ratfolk because of reasons said earlier.
Exceptions that prove the rule, I guess. Cruelclaw is clearly something remarkably 'bad' for Valley's usual fare.
>Return target creature card from y our graveyard.

I know how this problem happened.
The editor literally just ctrl+f'd "to the battlefield" and mass replaced it with nothing. Incompetent individual.
>"Somehow, style guide anon has returned"

It's a bad translation, save your meds for real emergencies
>Return target creature from your graveyard
Seriously this is getting ridiculous. What a shit card designers.
anon it's a translation
it's a machine translation and not a real english version THOUGH
The translations are usually accurate to the card text. Better not be on the real card or you can expect one very wordy syntax shitpost!
Raccoonfolk are hoarders and collectors and explorers. They tend to be quite impulsive about adventuring, and will come and go as they please. They also don't really seem to understand the idea of them 'owning' things, so they literally just kind of let people stay in their homes, though they expect the things they've collected to be treated respectfully all the same.
They tend to wander most of their lives, and go further than most in Valley ever will, and pass down stories usually orally.
They tend to gather keepsakes and mementos, which usually looks like trash, though they value it for the memories it brings more than anything.
They tend to be muscle in groups, because they're bigger than most folk, and advisors, using their knowledge and understanding from exploring to help.
They get along well with the otterfolk, as both as risk takers and curious sorts, and the hierarchy of batfolk tends to put them off.
Rabbitfolk are, as one might expect, big on strength in numbers. They're often the ones keeping homes and making sure towns are fed. They're generally conflict-averse, and are sometimes hyper-efficient and polite to the point that sometimes rabbits will show up hours early to a party in order to outdo other rabbits. They're a bit more stuck in their ways than most, and struggle with more complicated problems that don't have easy solutions.
A family of Rabbitfolk is called a Fluffle, which is a term that exists now. They're almost all farmers and such, and their massive families help that out.
Most rabbits are pacifistic, though there's a group of soldiers called the Pawpatch Party that patrols Valley to keep people safe from Calamity Beasts.
Overall, rabbitfolk are big on feeding others and being hospitable, so they often help run inns and whatnot too.
They like mousefolk for similar views on family, but lizardfolk being quite blunt and confrontational tends to upset them.
Anon, literally another card in the set has "return to the battlefield", that's clearly the templating they're using, the translation isn't complete.
>Why isn't anyone talking about this card?
It's literally being discussed constantly as the only actual playable card in the entire set.

It's very good.
>Get every piece to the Amalia combo back all at once
In fact, it's so good that it should never have even been CONSIDERED for printing.
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I can't tell if I like that flavour text or not. It's subtle enough to work, I THINK, but still.
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>It's literally being discussed constantly as the only actual playable card in the entire set.

I still have hope for the food cat, and other few cards, set has some chances out of Standard.
>thinks he's a god for running 4 mana artifact thoughtseize instead of thoughtseize
>his entire brew is designed to grab wincons from opponents deck but is 100% susceptible to getting thoughtseized
I really want to understand why people think this list is susceptible to thoughtseize.
It is a hard control list. 80% of the deck is removal.
You thoughtseize one Brain. Okay, cool, a Brain is gone. Now what? You still have ~15-20% of your deck as dead cards. You still have to bulldoze through the fact that the list is literally just removal.dec.
Okay so you take removal instead? Okay, I have more.

why would you say 'seize is an achilles heel to a strategy where 100% of the cards in the deck do the same thing?

I think Seize has influenced a single game so far, where Amalia opened with Seize + all three combo pieces + a Return to the Ranks in hand, and they seized one brain and Boseiju'd the second. That isn't a set of circumstances that would suggest Seize is some achilles heel. It's straight up just a nut draw that nearly every deck would lose to. Where does this "It's weak to Seize!" shit come from?
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I pumped, I came, I conquered.
Obviously with a 4cmc card you'd have to run it in either a control list or some midrange-ier setup. The traditional turboblitz sac/catfood shit wouldn't be viable with 5 mana bricks floating around.

That said, I ponder if Lotleth Troll and the old roots brews would want something like this. Troll is a real monster, as is Ygra. I think you could set up a powerful midrange shell on the backs of such threatening dudes.
>hexproof but with X condition
why do they do this stupid shit
Read the rest of the card, anon, it's basically "ward - sacrifice a creature".
That's assuming you are facing a deck with creatures
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not even good for pauper
I more meant for limited, it's gonna be a VERY common thing.
then it's good, removal should be available more often in limited
This guy + Forsaken Miner + Corpses of the Lost looks stronk
stop talking about limited no one plays limited
me and 29 other people are going to play limited for this set
who all you're moms LMAO
I choose to target a creature in my graveyard with this since it doesn’t specify where the target has to be, nor mentions that it has to be a permanent and permanents only exist on the field.
what is 4 thoughever? no rule talks about what 4 is actually
the number of dicks you can take at the same time
you'd be the one to think about dicks all the time
>Banishing at common
god this limited format is going to suck
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That second level ability might be something.
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And this'll probably kill you.
>only once each turn
Fuck you wotc, the cat WILL be back
Honestly it's more probably to stop nonsense with Camellia in this same set. >>93348658
shit, that is good for commander
>being killed by the SNEEDmiser
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Oh my fucking god Karn is a tree.
funniest shit I've ever seen
Got a laugh out of me
xD Hilarious!

Missed opportunity to make Karnadillo
If this is Karn, Liberated that'll be the funniest thing.
>Stuck as a fucking tree
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Wrenn & Karn
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I wish the story was better overall, but at least this is cute. Harmless fun never hurt anyone.
I mean, insatiable corporate greed hiring talentless hacks for minimum wage did, but this time it worked out okay.
KEK put me in the screencap
Given that bloomburrow is actually not an abomination, I have revised my predictions.
my thought exactly
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What does "Each opponent" mean? MtG is a one on one duel game?
>What does "Each opponent" mean? MtG is a one on one duel game?
It means Wizards doesn't want to hurt your feefees if the opponent is playing Ivory Mask effects.
Why did they start printing drect damage red spells that remove indestructible
Isn't that supposed to be a major weakness of red
Norin bros
>Most animalfolk are vegetarian, though some, like otters, eat fish and insects and whatnot.
And... I m out
You cannot be serious.
>Doesn't say only triggers once per turn
Okay I watch a modern tournament and I see someone evoke Endurance to stack their library from the bottom before drawing through it a second time and the opponent can't even attempt to interact with it because that just gives another Nadu trigger.
or do you mean Legacy where the turn 1 is straight out of dark ages YGO where it goes two handrips -> handshake
>We should ONLY powercreep value engines and never print good removal because it makes people feel sad when their card gets removed :(((
Force of Will was never restricted or banned for a reason.

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