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Karn Edition


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Favorite basic land art?
>look Jace, I've turned myself into a tree
How long will midrange decks stay dead in modern or pioneer? Is it possible to go back to how decks used to play?
>inb4 playing exclusively 1 or 2 drops is """""""midrange""""""
damn, that just might be worse than strixhaven faithless looting
>How long will midrange decks stay dead in modern or pioneer?
>Is it possible to go back to how decks used to play?
give pauper a try
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Narset is a bird. Of course.
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And we finally have the answer to "What if Ink-Eyes was a rat".
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And Derevi is a bird. Wow.
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Also Baleful Strix getting cool new art. Not sure if I like it more than the OG but hey.
They'd have to do something pretty incredible to be the OG strix. It's honestly one of the best arts in all of MTG.
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And Teferi is a bird, too. Seems only Jace gets to be a monoblue walker without being a bird.
At least he is white now
He's a fucking secretary bird too.
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Speaking of Nils Hamm, broadly, he did the new Gitrog art here.
>white feathers
Sadly I think he's devolved into his own style a little too much. His recent arts have been murky and lacking strong compositions like some of his classics.
Still cool. I hope he pulls back a little and refines his style into something with more visual clarity.
Really wish tree karn was canon
oh boy i need this one I can finally play him
>If You're Over 25 and Own a Deck, This Card Is a Must-Have
is that little squirrell Urza or what?
What does that mean?
thank you for voting with your wallet and showing our data that people LOVE commander products. more to come soon!
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Also the Special Guests all got revealed, after SOFI was first shown off.
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Relentless Rats and Rat Colony together feel odd. I like the Sylvan Tutor art a lot at least.
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And old man Toski looks cool, I guess?
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And here's the big blue Calamity Beast.
Imagine cracking a fucking frogmite or shitty land as your super rare lotery card
I hope this drops Ledger Shredder's price a bit, been looking at it for awhile.
>giant fish that causes flooding
>name is just a letter short of deluge
This is Muldrotha tier naming.
nerfed art
doesn't look much "artifact"
Let me guess: it is a african bird species
Look: Those cards that were once sought after but now people mostly don't care!
Sylvan tutoe and kindred charge i guess see play at commander.
A bit moronic to put the "rats you need lots of" at the same rarity as the rest.
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>Go to a plane that turns everyone into animals
>Become a goofy tree
I really like those animal villages though
Cool card. Reminds a bit of Quicksilver fountain, a card that i liked to brew with.
The last ability on the fish could be good. Maybe storm is playable in standard.
I don’t like black people. What, did you think I wouldn’t say it?
>U less cost for spells for each flood counter
free spells are good, free counter spells on opponents turn are also good. just need to get it to survive a turn
This doesn't cut off mana on nonbasics, right?

Anyway, pushed blue shit.
Yeah, it's just "in addition to". It tacks on the Island type to any land it's on.
Who is the mental retard that designed Initiative? This shit has made pauper into the fucking Pokémon TCG. What's it like working at Wizards with a subhuman IQ? Do your shoes hurt?
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sick af
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Easy to protect when you get free spells
also lol that leagues on modo are rigged to be 2-0 or 0-2 shutouts just so you make more rake. what is this pokerstars
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Anyway Jace is probably doing nothing bad ignore the Jace symbols.
get rekt bluekeks, the only Playable are the black and the white one
NOW i will play Teferi.
>4 mana vanilla creature with no evasion that needs to attack to gain value
>Fucking blue cards are always so pushed!
Is mtgag down again?
It's a trigger you nonce. They can just respond to the first counter with removal. The funniest part? You now have to make sure that that counter stays on the same land all game or I call the judge and DQ you :)
Helga already had a vision where a "Mage in blue" fucked shit up.
Yeah I know, and this art accompanied it.
But, you know, prophecy twists are prophecy twists, "the mage in blue will bring about the end" is probably gonna mean something less sinister.
Don't worry about it.
this set sucks
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Limited-playable Red removal, I guess?
>Repeatable land destruction
>Free spells
>Blue devotion enabler
Not bad.
What the fuck are you reading that this is destruction?
>He has never played against Spreading Seas
Newfag detected.
Read the card
Might be playable in standard, Killing a creature and dealing 3 to the opponent at instant speed is pretty good if the treasure wont do too much for them in the matchup
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>in addition to its other types
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A Trading Post-ish land. It's fine?
>not an ape
Missed opportunity.
Speaking of the Fountainport. In the story it says the fountain was clearly "human sized".
What are the odds that the plane was normal, and got furryfied?
Wait, what is Muldrotha's name one letter off of? "Mold brotha"...?
make 1/1, treasure and draw seems useful on a land. more versatile then mirrex
It's unclear if it's just human-sized by coincidence or what. It's the only thing that looks like a human-sized building, and the general implication is that it was more built by the folk and just looks like a giant fountain to them, so I don't think there's human history.
You'd take me out to Dairy Queen for that? Aww.
Not one letter, but it's mold rot
Pretty good for grinding
>bloomburrow turns out to be the least pozzed set in recent memory
>...but it's still kind of sovlless and all my excitement is gone
>For every five you see, there are fifty you don't.
Why not "for every one you see, there are ten you don't"? Nobody tell these goons about lowest common denominators?
We got the angry, wrathful Minotaur named "Angrath". I think on-the-nose names are fine once in a while.
Because that was cope, you're just depressed.
There's always a solution.
I thought the same thing, but then I realized that I'm just a powerless white guy with no authority over the R&D compact.
Real talk without the art BLB would be the worst set in years.
These designs are trash.

Its a secretary bird, a very badass species that stomps snakes to death
Or it was built by an old walker who visited the plane and said: "Fuck off with this Furry shit, I want to be a human of normal size" and then built the fountain to show how retarded the inhabitants were.
There is an implication Lily of Valley was an oldwalker, maybe she befriended one or two others.
This will make it into some variation of a standard control deck
No it's not you're depressed!
KYS yourself!
Meds, schizo!
>Angry Wrath
Somehow I never picked up on that one...
anything we all will remember from blb is the art, the absolute powerlevel of this set is below trash. you will see this cards only in standard for as long as rotation remains.
>secretary bird
>The secretarybird or secretary bird is a large bird of prey that is endemic to Africa. It is mostly terrestrial, spending most of its time on the ground, and is usually found in the open grasslands and savanna of the sub-Saharan region.
>endemic to Africa
>savanna of the sub-Saharan region
or, I know, it is black so the animal it is based off should be native from AfriKa.
This new set is Timmy's dream, it's a tribal creature focused set.
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Lizard bros, we cooking
It could be worse. The Fallout Universes Beyond set reminded me of "Strong, the Brutish Thespian."
>it's a tribal creature focused set.
But it isn't though.
There are like five lords and they aren't even tribal lords, they're "throw darts at a dartboard full of animal names and jam those together" lords.
that is racist
The correct world is Typal or Kindred i don't care anymore
I mean he's literally from the not-Africa part of Dominaria.
(d)Eluge, Dragonhawk, and maybe others
This set is full of them
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Oh, hey, the Imagine Critters cards are all gonna be on Arena.
This means JTMS on Arena. Does that do anything in Timeless?
I can tolerate it more when they do anything other than just swap some letters or smash two words together to make it sound like a name. Ashling is a fire elemental, but is also a play on the real Irish name Aisling that sounds the same.
So you're saying he should be a chimpanzee?
He's based on an African bird because he's from not-Africa and he's in the bird colours for Bloomburrow.
Honestly makes Jace just stand out the most because apart from Karn he's the only one with a unique animal. I don't think we've even seen a fox in the main set.
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I can't believe they even went so far as to make Ashling subtly less pretty/feminine. This shit's gone too far.
>he's in the bird colours for Bloomburrow
Okay, can't really argue that point. I'm guessing Jace is probably unique because even after all these years, he still has a glimmer of Main Character Favouritisim.
yesss OTD my beloved!
And also Jace WAS apparently actually there, as a fox. Maybe they decided that earlier on and went "you know what, let's make a card to show that off, and do that for some others too".
Well, let's not forget that Planeswalkers (as a card type) were introduced in Lorwyn. You know, the plane where none of them have been. Sometimes they just don't give a shit.
Your average Casual player doesn't even put lords in their 'typal' decks. They just are happy that their deck has the flavor of all being cats or something.

Those types of players will eat up this set. I know because one of my friends commander groups would make unoptimized flavor piles and would complain about any targeted removal/counterspells.
Literally the only known Planeswalker to have visited Lorwyn is Nissa, and she was there for all of like five minutes.
Great so I'll have to keep seeing Furry Jace.

Actually I'd rather see the original Liliana of the Veil art on Arena, but we all know that's not possible.
We haven't see turtles but we know they are there.
We haven't see ferets outside of the side villain
We haven't see Hare people but we know they exist in the plane.

It is not like they wen't out of their way to present the most finished plane possible, there are a lot of loose ends and unknown locations within the things they have presented.
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Sorry... what are these cards? I assume they aren't the Special Guest slot since they have a different symbol
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Sounds like they should be playing Root instead.
Jace and Chandra were said to have visited it at some point.
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>Loot hasn't been spoiled yet
I'm getting nervous that he wont be in the set bros
That's the Commander set symbol. They're in Collector Boosters and the precons (4 of them are in the precons, rather, the other 20 are only in boosters), and they're all reprints, and for legality purposes are just put into the Commander set to avoid making a new set and fucking with legality.
Jace being said to have visited it would have to have happened before he was born, and I think was retconned. Not sure about Chandra.
If Jace and Vraska and Loot have only been passingly mentioned, they won't get a card.
We might yet see a Vraska Imagine Critters card, but who knows.
Why did they do that, anyway?
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Lorwyn walkers were pushed back from Future Sight because of reasons I no longer recall.
Just look at the art style and it's obvious.
Jace yes,

We actually have a short story of him visiting it ever so briefly.

Chandra (along with the rest of the lorwyn 5) No.
I mean WotC did say "Yes... they've been there" because their cards were (pushed) printed in that set, but they haven't actually been there are all.

Wiki says Ugin's been there, that one caught me off guard.
They were planned to be in Time Spiral but they couldn't finalise the way Planeswalkers worked quick enough, so they just sort of haphazardly shoved them into Lorwyn.
Loot is gonna be the Secret Villain of Duskmourn like Scrapy Doo from the Scooby-Doo live action.
Lame but on-brand.
They do?
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>Introduce counter types doing specific things (Stun, ability counters etc.)
>Add card that uses a well-established counter effect (Flood)
>Except its flood counters don't do the same thing as other flood counters.
Every card design in this set is a fucking abomination.
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Flood counters do whatever the card says they do.
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What the fuck are you people talking about.

you weren't supposed to post that
Anon literally only five (now six) cards use flood counters. One of them doesn't even turn things into islands. In fact, literally only one card that uses flood counters to turn things into Islands doesn't have "in addition to its other types", and that's Quicksilver Fountain.
>is that a 1/1 blue fish?
I have an idea
Let's make an old counter type do something in the rules, forget to change an old card with those counters until months later when someone notices, then suddenly change all the previous counters of that type to different names and pretend nothing happened!
Flood counters do nothing.
This isn't really comparable. Flood counters have no inherent rules meaning. Most counters don't. Only +1/+1, -1/-1, keyword counters, shield counters, stun counters and finality counters do, to my recollection.
Oh, and poison, of course.
Nissa is born around 4500 AR
Jace is born in 4534 AR
Current story is at 4562 AR

Kaladesh happens ar 4560 AR and the mtg wiki writes that the great aurora that changed lorwyn 40 years before kaladesh putting the great aurora on Lorwyn in about 4520 AR

It is true that Jace couldn't have visited Lorwyn during its spring time, but doesn't exclude him visiting shadowmoor or Lorwyn/Shadowmoor hybrid.
>Look up "worst metas in YuGiOh's history"
>Repeatedly triggering Saryuja's EtB to draw through your whole deck twice in one turn in a non-deterministic long combo that's nearly impossible to interrupt
>Confiscation, Forceful Sentry, Trap Dustshoot, and Delinquent Duo to handrip your opponent of everything useful before they ever get a turn
>Look at Modern and Legacy:
I believe it's described as him visiting Lorwyn back when it was still 'fucked up' and didn't have the normal day/night it does now. It's never been brought up since, either, so I'll charitably say it's probably non-canon.
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The problem isn't that Flood counters do or don't do specific things.

The problem was introducing counters that do specific rules things in the first place. Like fuck if you're going to introduce a new thing to the rules, make it a new game object. Fucking Stun / Shield counters can bite my ass. Call them Badges or some shit, mixing the pot with counters and obvuscating rules was an abysmal idea and it is the reason we have problems like this with Flood counters today.
>I can't believe a company staffed by millennials is doing a bad job
and energy and loyalty
Yeah, +1/+1 counters were a mistake.
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Love this mountain
Wait energy does something? You might be thinking of rads.
I agree. So were tokens.
Every extra game outside of a card itself was a mistake. MTG would be a better game if the cards themselves were the only game pieces.
Nah, energy does nothing unless some card interacts with it. You could make an argument for loyalty and whatever the battle counters are called.
Technically speaking, no, they have no inherent meaning. Loyalty counters only matter in-so-much as loyalty abilities care about them, and energy does literally nothing on its own. I did forget rad counters though, that's fair.
Wait I forgot, is it daytime? What's the storm count?
The origins retcon fucked most of the story. We will probably know when they return to lorwyn and destroys the few fragments of SOVL left in the game
>commander sure is heckin' wholesome
>nadu who? what's a modern, you incel?
>misplay at the pro tour? this game gives tours?
>Fucking Stun / Shield counters can bite my ass. Call them Badges or some shit,
This is a simple and excellent idea.

>"Treat Badges the same as counters, it's just that Badge let you know they have extra baggage."
What was the misplay?
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Absolutely, life totals were a terrible design choice. Most cards don't even mention it. Don't even get me started on blocking attackers, why should cards be allowed to interact with each other unless it says so right on the card?
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Imagine if WotC printed ways to interact with arbitrary counters so you had access to interesting lines of play like removing abilities from creatures.
Now you're just being retarded.
It has the same rules as previous flood counters
question: why do nadu decks not play thoracle to win and instead just pass the turn and give the opponent a chance?
No, you're just being cowardly. I'm staying consistent with the logic.
>I'm staying consistent with the logic
Life is not a game piece.
No, it's extra tedium that you're required to track mentally or use a game piece to track.
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most of them do, the people not running oracle are the ones testing something different, not the other way around
Interesting but 5 mana is a lot when PiF already does its job very well.
they sure are testing my patience
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Next Duo card.
Unironically because Thoracle isn't a combo starter or extender. It only works as a finisher so it's better to just amass absurd advantage by drawing out and resetting with Endurance because there's no card that can answer you on that gamestate anyway.
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Frog that goes "a".
Might be the worst art in the set. Paint a fucking watercolour holy shit it's not hard.
Now that is some REALLY clever and nuanced flavour text.
Very good
Bloomburrow is exactly the power level a standard set should be and everyone who disagrees is directly responsible for shit like Modern Horizons
Vintage horizons when?
>"Tribal is racist," the white savior informed the Native American Indian.
>"Go back to California," Chief Igbo said.
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What's the most powerful t1 play that each color can make without using any artifacts and with no Sol Lands?

>Black: Swamp, Dark Ritual x 3, Griselbrand, pay life draw the other dark ritual + cabal rituals and Tendrils for lethal
>Green: Forest, fastbond, 4x Forests, Questing Beast
>Blue: Island, Ponder, pass (Hand is nothing but FoWs and Blue cards)
>Red: Mountain, Ragavan
>White: ???
The solution is to take the bar cube pill
>only shit cards so no need for sleeves
>no double faced shit
>no counters to keep track of
>no minigame mechanics
Would you say Bloomburrow is a good set?
turn 2 stax
It is better than Karlov and Thunder Junction at the very least
No. It has some nice art compared to other Standard sets but there's no reason to think it's going to make the game cheaper or more fun.
Why have recent cards become so damn WORDY
holy fuck I want it
just another made for coomander standard set, the last good standard set we had was Wilds of Eldraine which gave us Agatha's Soul Cauldron, Up the Beanstalk and Beseech the mirror
Fun fact, if they printed this card for the first time nowadays its Regenerate ability would be 1G and its Ninjutsu 1UB. You know why.
Because brevity is the soul of wit and R&D are witless.
For red cards in particular I think its because they refuse to keyword impulse draw and and the until next turn variation of it. So many red cards do something like this nowadays and they've all got yugioh ass textboxes because wotc will for some reason not just keyword this effect they use every single set already.
give me Gex or give me death
I don't see it...
No, the art is bland and flat. The cards aren't good either.
shut up you nigger
weird tribal set, some experimental stuff and and tons of cute animals
7/10 woul buy.
The problem is you can't quite keyword it because there's so many different variants of it. Some are until end of turn, some are until end of next turn, one is "until you next exile a card with this effect", etc. I'm sure they could keyword it in some way to encompass all that but it'd take some finagling that would make it actually have less words.
The art direction is miles above anything else recently and I say this as someone who absolutely hates the setting / theme of the set (cute heckin' animals doing cute things doesn't do it for me). The art is fantastic.
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People ITT say the cards are weak but it's the most pushed set I've seen. Many cards will become stables in already oppressive pioneer decks, I don't play standard so idk there but if it's good enough for pioneer it will work in standard.
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Oh fuck it's Eddy.
You'd have to design non-Commander midrange cards in the first place (not gonna happen), then in order to make them viable you'd have to make these new midrange cards value engines all into themselves while keeping them out of one card comboing, then because these new cards would dominate the meta other playstyles would disappear.

The game is too bloated and powercrept to be balanced. If you want to have fun outside of kitchen table play you're going to have to move on and find a new game. MTG is in it's death cycle. It may not fully die for years or maybe even decades but it will never be a fun fresh fair and exciting game ever again.
for standard and Pioneer, for modern ehh...not so much
In a sane world Rat Colony prices should come down but I have a suspicion Commandtards are gonna just make them go higher
Name two cards that will see play in Pioneer/Explorer
I'll hold final judgment until I get to draft it, but purely from the cards I've seen, yeah I liked it way more than I was expecting.
Lively dirge is gonna get replaced by that new card
Infamous cruelclaw wins the game if it lives since you can play your fables, sorins, rippers etc for free if you get to attack with it
boros heroic got half of it's creatures powercreeped so 2x

thats 4
they have paddleboats?
i guess it checks out they can just magic the currents but still
literally what is wrong with redwall
do you just hate it because its for children but wasnt a part of your specific childhood?
Lively dirge is a good card? Never seen it in play.

A three mana card that only does something if it attacks and connects, but dies to any interaction?
>Lively dirge is a good card? Never seen it in play.
I've seen it and it's on bunch of lists
>A three mana card that only does something if it attacks and connects, but dies to any interaction?
Three mana black card with menace that wins you the game when it connects. We've seen this song and dance before, powerful creature wins you the game if it gets to attack and people argue it's "balanced" because you can counter it by having removal. Like sure, it's not like you need that shit against billion other threats r*kdos has. You can even block it with a creature because it has menace and your opponent is gonna push yours or sac their blood tithe or do billion other things.
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>Everything I don't like is a theme park
NTA but I'm confused, your greentext is mocking him but your pic is that of a chad, is he stupid or a chad?
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eddy currents. heh.
I hate it because it *isn't* redwall
this is literally just another "magic set but we're wearing X hat" like the cowboy set and the detective set, only this time the hat is "everything is a woodland creature". It's hollow.
The delusional minds really think BLB will see any play in Pioneer, let me spell the truth: It will not. Enjoy it in Standard while you can and the rest of bullshit filled sets that will come let you.
I feel like every set that comes out people say nothing will see play and then a bunch of stuff does. Except, like, MKM, which even that had Leyline.
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>Except, like, MKM, which even that had Leyline.
How quickly they forget
>Except, like, MKM, which even that had Leyline.
and vein ripper
and surveil lands
and pick your poison
and doorkeeper thrull
and cryptic coat

every set has playables, it just takes a while to see all of them
>You now have to make sure that that counter stays on the same land all game or I call the judge and DQ you :)
prove that it was on another land
You're right Mr Nielsen. I concede.
>the game that makes record profits year after year is dying
why are you guys so retarded
>The corporation that hates you is making money from its dumbshit consoomers, LMAO chuds!
I hate it because every set is the same mechanics over and over again. They virtually print the same cards like "draw two cards but this costs one less if you do the set thing" or "creature gets +1/+1 for each creature of the current set".
MKM had almost no impact on standard. Vein Ripper is just a pioneer card because of a stupid planeswalker
>That karn artwork
He just looks confused like "Wtf am I doing here?"
The fact that regular BR Midrange still manages a decent result should go to show you that Vein Ripper is just a meme. But no, because Vein Ripper is believed to be strong people play it. And because people play it it makes top8s. Which makes people believe it's strong.
So are the people who say shit like this just new to the game? Because I'm pretty sure every new Standard set since the advent of Pioneer has had an impact. I doubt this is going to be the first set that's finally too weak for Pioneer.
You forgot No More Lies
Record profits and record layoffs
If the game is still going by 2030, I'll be genuinely surprised, there's a new set almost every month now
Why keep people hired when you can have AI generate a pile of card ideas, card designs, and you need minimal effort to produce the slop?
print rain of gore into pioneer
>some bloomburrow reprints of old cards still have humans on them
This is really lame, why even include those cards?
this is going on at like every big company and the (((economists))) just dont talk about it when they say we arent in a recession and people arent poor
median income in this country is 35k btw
median rent is like 75% of that
What are you talking about.
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Flame Lash, Thieving Otter, Charmed Sleep, Serra Redeemer, a few others.
This, but unironically.
Aaaaaa save me janny!
Yeah that's lazy
that's fucking lazy
>Doesn't work on lifelink creatures
Ummm no thank you!
>multiple cards that talk about Drannith
lmfao, I guess Drannith not only still exists after Phyrexia completely destroyed it, but it fell through an Omenpath and ended up on Bloomburrow.
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Colossification is randomly in standard now. Cool to have another thing to cheat out with Danitha.
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fucking slop something at least
Really nice art for secluded courtyard
This is the boom before the bust. I'm gonna short Hasbro soon.
How often have they had Standard set cards that were explicitly set on other planes like this before, eg through flavor text? I can't think of any offhand, though I'm sure they've done it before. It feels so weird to think about opening a pack from a set that's supposed to be set on one plane, and then have a bunch of cards talking about completely unrelated planes, showing stuff that has 0 bearing whatsoever on the plane or the story. Isn't that going to be confusing? Isn't that going to completely ruin any immersion the players are going to have with the plane? Especially a plane like this, where the whole gimmick is not having humans. I guess story and worldbuilding just don't matter at all anymore.

Okay, I have completely lost track of how many cards are in this set already. So this is not a "main" set card, in which product does it appear? Normal boosters? Welfare boosters?
>minimal MH slop relative to other modern decks
>standard-like card ratios
They're from the Starter Kits, not the main set, so you wont get them in packs (I think. Who knows what's actually in packs anymore).
There have been unique standard cards in those before, probaly reprints too. It's pretty weird.
I hate this even more than the Prosperity reprints. At least Jace is unplayable in every format but Cube.
Same issue they had with unblockable
do you expect me to believe there is a common red instant at collector number 391?
>Does that do anything in Timeless?
Isn't timeless the degenerate format where cards banned from modern and legacy go to die?

Those aren't in the main set.
Oh, okay. That's a bit weird, but no big deal. I expected the starter kits to just be BLB + OTJ + MKM + LCI, since the last few all did that. Weird how it's just BLB + random old shit. At least that shit's not showing up in packs.
What a zoomer card.
>Past in Flames is sorcery and lasts for one turn, lets make it an enchantment!
>Lets make it similar to Yawgmoth's Will so people are happy with the reference!
>Well the Yawgmoth's Will effect of exiling things that enters the graveyard can be a feel bad moment, lets make an auto sac ability !
Whoever designed this should be fired asap. (Well the same goes to half of this set and about 90% of the sets before this)
What iconic cards of yesteryear will they reprint in Foundations?
Wait, so like, not only do booster packs have a tonne of crap that isn't standard legal, there are standard legal Bloomburrow cards that aren't in packs? This is a new kind of hell.
>whats this set
>uhh its like MTG but everyone wears a cowboy hat
>oh does it have guns and cool heists and Indians and violence and-
>no no no it's just MTG in a cowboy hat
>what about this one, it's about mysteries so I imagine everything is like a cool noir setting maybe a new mysterious plane and
>no no no it's just Ravnica but apparently it's experiencing a fedora craze and everyone is now a detective
>I thought all the guilds did different and unique functions why would-
>no no no it's just MTG in a fedora hat
>what about the Redwall set what's the lore for that? There is a lot of inspiration you could draw from-
>no no no it's just MTG but in a critter hat
>well you could do a lot of unique mechanics and-
>no no no it's just MTG in a critter hat. You make food and you draw a card. Color pairings are just boring critter archetypes that draw you a card and make a food
I want a refund on my theme park tickets.
I played this guy in a Modern GP in 2018. T1 Arbor Elf into T2 Utopia Sprawl, Garruk, Blood Moon is the funniest shit.
Every set of mtg after 2013 has been a theme park with a few exceptions (pretty rare).
MKM and OTJ are absolutely hideous sets that should be forgotten forever, if those sets had cards in the style of Bloomburrow design we will never ever had to talk about them.
It's still shit
>No impact on standard
The lands combo deck is only possible because of MKM cards. Novice Inspector, Warleaders call and Case of the Get Away Express gave Boros the push it needed to be a top meta deck instead of a tier 3 high roll. No more lies and a few others slotted right into WU control shells. The expansion honestly had more meta impact than OTJ which is basically just SSS which isn't even as great in standard compared to other formats due to worse pump spells/ protection options
Why does every other modern set make Food tokens? Who likes food? Does anyone even use them to gain life or are they for the fact they're an artifact you can sac/animate?
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Ok hear me out. What if a wizard beard on a squirrel?
I liked food in eldraine because I felt like it actually fit really well for the fairy tales, not just every plane has to eat obviously.
and yes its just because its artifact token generation. ive only seen people actually crack food for its own effect in limited
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>turn 2 Bloodtithe harvester
>turn 3 pic rel
What's your counterplay? There's a 40% chance he's going to hit a Sheoldred, Ripper, Fable or Sorin if you let him pop off so you have to stop him here

Which way white weenie?
i sac a map token to bargain my torch the tower
I field of ruin whatever annoying land you have in play by turn 3 and FP that fucking weasel.
That's a yikes from me anon. Sacking your map token instead of applying pressure with an ensoul?
i can just do that next turn
i will not allow you to cheat in a fatty
>ensouling a token vs the fatal push deck
ONLY if they tapped out, in which case you are treating it as just a shrapnel blast
Why is that card still 4 bucks? Isn't this ole strictly better?
do you know what strictly better means?
no, it isnt
>If the gift wasn't promised, don't not give target opponent a non-zero not gift of a perhaps negative Fish
>gives them a creature
>can only hit nontoken creatures
>stricter colors
Did you post the wrong pic?
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What the actual fuck happened to my girl
epic troll
How is it not? Only Amalia decks run path to exile and that's a neat way to protect her or your other combo pieces. You can even trigger them with it
Can't have ratfolk look like an fantasy race, it must look like a rat ( with no boobies )
Rats have no boobies, but they have multiple pairs of nipples.
Or extraction specialist etc etc
>how is it not?
because it can only hit nontoken creatures, and not creature enchantment or planeswalker
what the fuck
they are not going to show ink-eyes in a multikini for each set of teats on her milk line
they're cowards
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I don't mean the "conventionally sexy mice" aspect of it, it just looks dogshit, even her weapon looks terrible in a set where you even goofy cards can look good.
>can't target planeswalkers or enchantments
>WW instead of 1W
>gives them a card instead of a map token
you are crazy dumb
>2 white pips
>creature, enchantment or 'walker
>1 white pip
>creature (not token)
question answers itself
Which fucking Amalia decks are you people running into?
im gonna break it down for you anon
this new card
>2w, cant be cast off manland island
>only exiles target nontoken creature, cannot deal with enemy teferis or wandering emperors, or fables
>you have to give them a 1/1 back to be able to keep the creature exiled
it sucks
and before you say its just otherworldly joruney
you arent playing that either
that card sucks
>Midweek Magic
>Explorer Showcase
>All the favourite flavours of bullshit
>Not Amalia
Can this mean something? Maybe the reign of terror is finally ending?
>Can this mean something?
not really, reminder that tibalt's trickery got banned in explorer despite not even being 0.01% of the pioneer metagame
I'd rather play against Amalia than Lotus, but I guess you don't have to play against either so eh...
Good art, great flavor.
Bloomburrow may be let down but this is the most SOULFUL card released in the last five years
my bad, sorry. gives them a 1/1 (still card advantage). also forgot to mention that it can't hit tokens, so if they have a 5/5 token or something of some sort, you cannot get rid of it. the flexibility of blinking your own shit is not enough of a benefit of the flexibility of being able to remove multiple types of permanents and ignoring whether or not they are tokens. an WW v 1W is a huge difference, if you don't realize that as well you are crazy dumb.
>liked lotr
>hated mtg;lotr
simple as
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Weird question, but does anyone know the best places to play in NYC? I'm coming back to the game after many years, and I've not played while I've lived here.

I know it seems like a simple thing to google, but this certainly has such a surplus of businesses and information, it's impossible to find something as simple as a post saying "this place has good events and reasonable people."
Why did wizards ruin bloomburrow?

I wish they at least make an rpg supplement for us to roleplay in the plane, other wise it is 100% a waste of an easy money making property.
shut up buy card
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what are those garlands?
what kind of retardo post is this?
Search stores/sellers on tcgplayer.
Look in google for where the store is located and how it looks. Choose the store closer (it is a big city, you should try the store 30 minutes away instead of the store 1 hour away, don't be retard) to you that has tables for in store play. Look online for tournaments. Pick the store that has the least commander events.
>wizard beard
I see braids. That's a dwarf/barbarian beard.
Is avoiding the commander places just because of the quality of events, or the quality of player they attract?
I played back during Zend-Scars of Mirrodin, so right as EDH turned to Commander. It does bother me how much that format is designed for now.
Are the commander players that miserable to play with?
>I'll finally have a full mismatched playset of foil Ink-Eyes
Amalia is not even close to an unfair combo like Nadu for example but it takes brains and cards to deal with her and the overpopulation of red brainlets cant accept it.
a card that makes a path but has nothing to do with attacking or preventing blocks

Not to get too Style Guide Anon here, but traditionally that is what these sorts of cards are supposed to do. Whereas impulse casting is usually flavored as inspiration or fleeting insight. Which stomping river pebbles shouldn't do
I accidentally printed and sleeved nine (9) Modern proxy decks, having forgotten that I have no one IRL to play with. It would appear that my addictions have gotten the best of me. Please send help immediately.
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Carrot Cake
Feather of Flight
Rabbit Response
"You shall not pass me,” croaked the frog. “Nor me,” growled the rabbit.
Just play Root and pretend you are a planeswalker
They make the LGS experience worst than it should be.
They come to the store from work walking there (getting smelly).
They buy food from other stores and barely buy product from the store thus the store will have polices of only allowing food from the store and also have overpriced shit.
They barely try other events other than command thus non commander events will probably not fire.
They take almost all the space on tables (because they are either overweight or are just in higher numbers and not willing to sit next to each other).
They form cliques thus making it harder for new players to approach the game or join a store community.

Commander is shit and is ruinning magic.
>I wish they at least make an rpg supplement for us to roleplay in the plane
Go make one.
I would play it.
That's what I expected to hear. Shame. That's most of my concern. I was lucky enough to play with a group that was composed of well-adjusted, well-rounded people at a shop that expected you to be an actual human being. It wasn't til I tried to branch out to other LGS that I learned that that's an abnormality. I'm expecting NYC shops to be even more stereotypical and exaggerated.
Do people really play MTG at their LGS?
that woman does not look like she belongs in magic the gathering at all fucking lmao
i assume as he isnt a living creature the closest conversion of metal into a bloom friendly material is wood
If Wrenn was still alive could she fuse with Tree-Karn?
These are all in the starter decks, which they explicitly said had some reprints that didn't use new art because they're not 'main set' cards.
Anon, have you heard of 'the foreground'?
>Having to wait till turn 3 to get that bitch out
Lmao. What's taking so long?
>Dark Rit
>Sol Ring
>Lightning Greaves
>Jeweled Lotus
>Pop off with Blood! For the Blood God when I swing
We in for a fun time
I stopped playing in 2015
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Not since 2023.
I'm posting my flavor text
its impossible to be a worse artist than this. at least ai slop has boobs
Thinking he's Volrath over here.
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Tree Karn's early sketches were even more fucked-up.
BLB fucking sucks.
There's like one good card and all it's going to do is make Amalia even harder to interact with..
sheeeeeit i stopped at exodus, but the picked it back up at WoE.
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>You may cast this from exile.
MtG is YGO-lite confirmed. I might as well go back to YGO since they have cute girls and sexy women unlike MtG
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Now HERE'S a fun one with Eternal Scourge...
*fables u*
Ashnod's and token doublers?
sorry, no refunds. you should've learned this from 2019
Gooning blast

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