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War of Terran Aggression edition

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I stand with Davion.
Which it be your preferred non-Clan medium mech of the 40-tonne weight?
Right, but there’s no cheap “improved weapon” equivalent in BT. You won’t see insurgents strapping bombs to drones and sending them at battlemechs or creating their own gunpowder bombs because such weapons would be useless against a battlemech.
Assassin or Whitworth. I'd rather bring an Assassin over a bug any day.
How many of those unit painting guide PDFs have been released? And do we have them here?

>do they suck?
Either of the energy Sentinels, probably. He's a cool little lad.
Whitworth. He's a cool lil guy.
Take your cartoon waifu and slap her into a faction. Speak, who is she?
Industrialmechs are tools of desperation. It’s like taking a technical, slapping some sheet metal on it, and hoping it will somehow last against a tank.
>>93345898 #
They did go back and make the Stalker 9F to compensate for the Stalker II being a perilously unstable nightmare machine.
They became independent one year too late to get credit for the Hermes II 7S, the best Hermes II ever made at a nice affordable 28 million C-bills. Presumably they did have the three prototypes that were manufactured for most of their existence though.
Other than that, they do have the HER 7A, which is an okay mixtech model.

Regulus mogs them hard on the battlemech front. The only thing Regulus doesn't really have are light mechs, but they have multiple fast mediums along with powerful heavies and assaults, and even homegrown BA.
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Raptor II because it's like a cooler looking Raven.
I do enjoy my Hermes II. Some of its variants almost approach the dizzying heights of mediocrity!
>So have single PBI's with rifles
Bullshit. Infantry have to have AAA equipment to engage a dropship unless it's on the ground. Infantry can literally never hit a dropship with a rifle. Learn the game rules before saying stupid shit
Swap any two planets or regions in BattleTech. How much will the new neighbors suffer from the change?
>Bullshit. Infantry have to have AAA equipment to engage a dropship unless it's on the ground. Infantry can literally never hit a dropship with a rifle. Learn the game rules before saying stupid shit
Why do you think that rule exists? It wasn't in the old versions of the rules.
So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong and to strike at what is weak.

Clint or Cicada.
they are free i think 5 have been released
Swap Canopus and Terra. Now everyone has catgirls. We've got the Republic of the Catgirl. We've got Kerensky taking all the calicos and his tard son making an even furrier cult about it. We've got mechacatgirls with all of their limbs amputated getting shoved into protomechs by the Nyan of Blake.
fluffwise, had the helm memory core even made the states possible to mass-produce the mechs again? think i heard that the battles and war became large scale mechgrinding attrition after 3028, but not sure it is thanks to the helm or not
Cicada 3G. It's like a Spider that also brought a real armor slab and an ERLL
To be fair, we are talking about insurgents.
>Just who do these fuckers think they are?
>Another technical cooks off-- with less than half a ton of ammo on board for the bed-mounted AC/2, they can't even explode properly
>Another spattering of man-portable small lasers and SRM/1s from your left
>A swipe of your arm through the face of the office building quiets it down-- for now, at least
>You're in a goddamn Wolverine, after all; there's nothing these shithead fucking bumpkins can do to you
>Something peeks you; probably more fucking technicals with their hit-and-fade
>Goddamn tired of this
>Jumpjet after them to finish off this picket
>Huh, landed heavier than you thought
>Suddenly, explosions
>The street gives way, and one of the smaller office buildings topples over top of you
>Damage minimal, other than the ringing in your ears, but you're stuck in a pit and half-buried in rubble
>Left leg actuator's stuck, but it's no problem, it'll just take you a minute to work your way free from the debris
>What's that motor sound?
>A figure emerges from the cloud of smoke
>Skinny and run-down; probably some kind of nigger-rigged militia shitmech
>You trade AC/5s; its splashes against your side torso, while yours rips its gun-arm clean off
>Its other arm comes into view as it circles to your weak side
>The Lumberjack salutes you with its chainsaw, before kneeling beside you and slowly, carefully guiding it straight at your cockpit
Yes but:
Helm gave instructions useful for rebuilding/refurbishing factories. It also encouraged investing in rebuilding infrastructure necessary for mech creation. And it also encouraged the Great Houses to stop warring for a bit while they built up a supply of mechs that used the new tech.
The other half of the equation was the Clans. Remember: massive amounts of Helm weren't usable/didn't make sense until the researchers got a look at Clantech and vintage SLDF machinery. Think of it a bit like a Rosetta Stone. And the Clan Invasion got the IS to lay off raiding each other for a decade with the general economic efficiency boost that comes with having a unified cause.

>would the IS have been producing mechs at the same rate without helm?
>would Helm have been as much help without the Clans
I support whichever give the Capellans more trouble.
The 4th war was the product of many years of planning and was purely a change in doctrine. The Suns and Lyran simply took a huge gamble after a long lull that paid off. the Helm industry improvements don't start kicking in until five to ten years after that war finished, and simply added to an existing trend.
well, i mean unlike the 3rd succ war which was centered around small scale, local raids with a few mechs and stuff, starting from the 4th succ war at 3028 the ronin wars, 3039 wars and shits were full scale war at all fronts. was wondering what made it possible
The only people who actually play Battletech, ignore the terminally online losers, are fat 40-50 year old men and skinny, nervous 20 year olds.

If you are only engaging with Battletech in online spaces, you are a secondary. What matters most is if you play IRL, and what those people are like.
There's always Wolfnet.
Listen, buddy, I'm going to give you some actual advice. Find out if there are any Local Game Stores in your area where people play battletech, go to their websites and check if they have a weekly/monthly battletech night, if you don't see one send them an email inquiring about that if you're a scaredy cat, or drop by in person and talk to some of the staff regular if you're not. It's only "worth" getting into Battletech if you can find people to play with or convince your friends (you do have IRL friends, right?) to play with you. If there's no local battletech scene, then you might as well just continue enjoying the secondary stuff and maybe play megamek.
The third war still had multi regiment invasion forces going after specific worlds, just not many truly grand offensives across dozens or hundreds of worlds at a time.
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Why would you say that?
Don't worry, since battletech is growing the people kicked off the OF/etc. are being replaced by thousands of people every day who will never know the difference.

If you're this easily triggered, intimidated and flustered, I'm not sure any hobby that ideally involves real world interaction is a good idea for you.
The vast majority of the books should be fine, to be honest I haven't read the latest books but there's like 50 novels that are good to go.
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As a 37 year old recently previously fat man, I resent that remark!
See? This is the difference between the generations. If you were five years older you'd joke that you resemble that remark.
Another vote for the Cicada.

I once had a Cicada 3F successfully solo a Grasshopper by closing in using speed and terrain to avoid incoming fire, then getting in its rear arc and putting an ER PPC up its ass.
why is the large lager so bad, or at least inefficient?
LL is fine. you get more damage per ton than the PPC. It's when you ER them and the ERPPC gets like 6 extra hexes while the ERLL actually LOSES hexes at max range that you get a problem.

This is barely a problem for people who aren't secondaries though.
1:1 heat/damage, only 8pts of damage so it can't go internal on most headshots.
Tie between the Clint, Scarecrow, Yurei and the Initiate.

I would throw the Kontio in there in my top spot but its in a really weird place.
the large laser is fine in a pre-3050s game.

It's got a better damage-to-tonnage ratio than a standard PPC, with almost as good of a maximum range and no minimum range.

While it's absolute ass compared to the medium laser in terms of damage-to-tonnage or even damage-to-heat, there aren't many options for a long range energy weapon before the Clan era.
Modern armies are heavily reliant on logistical supply lines, battlemechs aren't. Modern vehicles can be easily disabled even by improvised explosives, battlemechs can't. Modern infantry is the king of rough terrain like mountains and forests IRL, in Battletech the battlemechs have replaced them in that role.
Battlesmechs are "Less" reliant.
Tell me more, Robinson man.
trying to plan out my vehicle pool for my Succesion War Great Houses, how's this look for general rule of thumb outside of more rare stuff or stuff that gets introduced late succ or post helm?

Harasser and Galleon as light tanks
Pegasus as speedy hover battle tank
Bulldogs as main battletanks
Goblins as IFVs
Demolisher for heavy stand-ins for battlemechs during Late Succ
LRM/SRM Carriers as fire support
Maxim as a fancy troop transport
some kind of generic APC to represent no name APC units or the mechanized part of mechanized infantry
I'm trying to aim for a company of mechs and company of vees for my Marik Militia, then see what other factions I want to give a similar collection to, and am trying to be as common as possible so that I can justify my autism no matter what theater I play on, no matter what time period ulduring the succession wars.
Oh my god shut the fuck up
That's the nature of monarchism.
is the new clanner star league going to exterminate all of the wolverines on earth?
The Wolverine is a pretty common mech
Hey guys I've been thinking of making a Klan Mod for my mechs. Any ideas how to attach tiny hoods to them?
I'd assume you'd have to use greensuff and model the pointed hoods by hand. But I feel like there are very few mechs that would look good with a Klan hood on their heads. Like, a Catapult with a little white cone perched over the cockpit would just be silly as fuck.
You think so? I'd have to plan it out, make it nice. Think the Banshee would look good with it?
Commando, Firestarter especially, Atlas, maybe the Griffin, these could work.

Also the Urbanmech just to piss off all the NPCs spewing Urbanmech memes.
I'd assume it was a dunce hat.
New High Assault Technology or H.A.T., provides better technical information than before, and allows for camouflage in forested environments. It provides 1 points of armor to the Head.
They're one and the same.
BRB modifying a Hatchetman to be wielding a burning cross LOL
You can actually *see* how they're receiving their witty comments from the same circlejerk. Nature is truly amazing.
Anyone know where I can find Onslaught: Tales from the Clan Invasion!? Its not in the trove and theres some short stories I want to read from it.
Maybe proofread your sentences before trying to talk smack, friend.
Sorry bro, I don't care how much you hate niggers, if you put a white cone on an urbanmech I'm going to assume it says dunce on it.
Seeing words and images that don't exist is a hallmark of several different mental illnesses, anon. You can assume as you please, stick your head in the sand as deep as you like. Won't change a thing.

It’s $5 you cheapskate.
I bet you think a swastika is merely a windmill too, eh?
Your little cones don't even exist, dummy. Imagine an apple right now. Rotate it in your head. Do not speak to me again if you cannot imagine that in color.
You got made fun of for drawing a swastika backwards so it's the buddhist version instead of the nazi one, huh? It's okay buddy, we all need to attempt to learn sometimes.
Looking for paint scheme ideas for a pirate band. My main idea is something akin to the order of the faithful, kakhi mechs with a bunch of wear and paint chipping. But I was also thinking maybe something like an olive green, with wear and tear.
"I shall make an irrational, unverifiable demand. That will show him! And it will prove how mentally stable I am, while I'm at it!"

Uh huh. Do cubes and icosahedrons not exist, since we're denying the concept of geometry now for some reason known only to you?
The Rebrandly link for BTMags and BTdrop needs to be gutted. The BTMags file is completely empty.
>cones being klan hoods is a geometric fact
Uh huh.
You're the one saying cones don't exist, anon.
I know some of the Megamek people at least lurk here and I refuse to Discord to drop the idea over there, but would it be possible to create a snatch and grab mission where there are ejected pilots on the map at mission start?
No, I said your cones don't exist. And they probably never will. But if they did, they'd look like dunce hats at tabletop distance. Probably also up close since you'd half-ass it.
Yes? As I understand it can only be done with a bit of a work around, since you can't select pilots from the unit list you'd have to save and load a unit roster from a previous game with ejected pilots.
US olive drab highlighted up to khaki would look pretty smexy I think.
It's that time of the evening again.
you'd think they'd just fuck and get it over with already
I hope it turns out to be just one guy arguing with himself.
Lol, lmao
There are two canon vbied units in BT that I know of, the Bullet Suicide Drone and the BFFL Drone Bomb. The Bullet is a converted Guardian conventional fighter and the BFFL is a hover truck loaded with MG ammo.
>Giving CGL Money.

Is there a good mission repository for Classic?
bt missiles should be filled with mg ammo
If you mean scenarios and stuff bunch of stuff in the Trove and its not that hard to convert the older stuff.
What should I look for in there?
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Do you think the clans could have ever been steered in a direction that didn't end up lame?

Like, I mainly know them from the Field manuals onwards, but I went back and read the original Wolf sourcebook, and it's wildly different. Clan Wolf actually seems cool in it instead of boring. Clan Wolf warriors practice religions, study other languages, seem to have a Russian flair to them, freely adopt the cultures of clans they respect like Goliath Scorpion and Blood spirit, and have interesting rituals and customs. They seem like an interesting villain, or at least anti-villain faction.

Then you skip ahead 20 years and its "they are Clan Wolf, they are Wolf, and they win." It's kinda similar to how fucked the Capellans got by Xin Sheng.

Everytime you see people complaining about today's hackneyed writers, just remember that they come from a long line of failures. Battletech writers have been screwing the pooch and then not getting paid since like 1990
>clanhater anon to the white courtesy phone please, clanhater anon white courtesy phone
Most of the most irritating things about the clans are baked into their earliest lore, though. All subsequent writers were stuck with the idea of a small group of smug morons who still pose a major threat to all other human civilization.
What mechs can I use in tandem with the berserker? It's difficult, at least for me, to build a lance I like around the big brute
Anything in the FASA/FanPro folder is pretty much old and what your looking for.
Faster mechs that can flush things out and flank or block exits. Like a Phoenix Hawk or something, jump behind the enemy and make it difficult for them to run.
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You'd think that even if it got worse, it would at least be more interesting. Most settings fail because they eventually fly off the rails. Battletech writing is weird in that it seems to be mandating that nothing interesting can happen.

>Hey, there might be more to the Clans -
No there isn't.
>Not even Nova Cat?
They're dead
>What about -
Wars of Reaving
>Wars of Reaving? Oh you mean with that cool -
Society, and yes, they're dead.
>Well at least there's always the WoB
It's dead
>Well at least there's OG Comstar
It's dead
>Hey, the Cappies have a lot of interesting fluff to them -
They're ching-chong Space China now
>Really? Well, maybe St. Ives -
Everyone now loves being Ching Chong Space China
>Well I guess if I want my minor faction struggling for independence there's always the
Rasalhague loves the Bears, there is no problem there
>Well how did all Teddy's changes in the Combine go?
They didn't, Black Dragon happened.
>Okay, screw the clans, how about the Periphery? Have the Marians become a threat yet? Did they get in any more wars with Circinus?
Marian Hegemony fractured, Circinus is dead, but Marians won't take that world. All the cool pirates and bandits are double-dead.
>Can I at least have LAMS?
Fuck you

Well yeah, the Clans are the new villains for that period where the Cappies were fucked and the Dracs were liberalizing.

But to be fair "smug morons who pose a major threat to all other human civilization" literally describes every Great House, and wide swaths of ComStar to boot.
>War never changes, politics never changes, and all empires eventually fail. Except if they're so big they can mount multiple redundant efforts against common enemies.
Why no Hexapod mechs?
A group that uses advanced tech to compensate for a small population and is smug about the power that gives them makes sense as a villain archetype.

A group of barbarians that throws their entire society into glorifying warriors to the point where winning a knife fight with your CO is a valid way of getting promoted also makes sense as a villain archetype.

It does not make sense for those to be the same society. The seams of the plot become visible when you start thinking about how such a society could possibly function, let alone succeed in a conflict with industrial states hundreds of times their size.
The retcons put Helm core tech into use by the early 3040s, with numerous new models in production before the clans really hit. the Orion 1-M is in production by 3049. the Phoenix Hawk 3D and 3M are both in production in 3048. He'll, the Phoenix Hawk 3S is produced from 3042 onwards. The Caeser is another 3049 mech. so, we've got XL, endo, ER ans pulse, DHS, all back in production by all the major players before the clans make it to the IS proper.
Too many limbs for one brain. Bipeds and quads have the same number as humans, so it's easy to subconsciously balance even if you have to think in terms of all fours. Tripods are pushing it and operate best with a separate gunner so the pilot can focus on remaining upright.
Would the Clans have done better had the Helm core not been found before the invasion, do you think?
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That wins a heartfelt chuckle anon
Why not make a mech that doesn't need the human brain, or at the very least tie two legs to another pair?
What possible benefit would a hexapodal mech confer over a quad? Give it arms and hands? There’s already cheaper and simpler bipedal mechs that can lift and carry.
It's rather silly to pretend generic space monarchies are anywhere near as stupid as the collection of writing that had absolutely zero thought put into it that is clan society.
The great houses can function using the precedent of feudal societies working before, but everything we know about the clans indicates they should have collapsed long before they ever even invaded the inner sphere.
Because the human brain being the X-factor that makes mechs work is a core conceit of the setting. The neurohelmet allows your brain (and particularly your sense of balance) to smooth out all the little mechanical hiccups that just being a robot would have. A mech can walk without a human brain. With multiple tons of drone equipment it can even fight at a level comparable to a rank amateur. But with neither of those things, it cannot remain upright while running, dodging, getting hit, crossing water, crossing rough ground, etc.
Ultimate bear hug, and galloping nonsense.
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WoB did that and they're not very good. More specifically, the mechs are fine, AI "pilots" are just really bad at operating mechs. They're much better in aircraft.
What about the Aurigans?
>Retconned into existence only to dissolve and be eaten by the 3040s
even more PSR bonuses.
>carl's stone cold lock of the century of the succession war
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Sometimes the solution to a problem is worse than the problem itself.
The Aurigans continuing to exist would muck up the existing canon of that region of space. Mostly because they didn't factor into the Canopian/Taurian joint plans at all and probably wouldn't have been happy about suddenly being pincered by Taurians while also losing their buffer against Canopians.
that's a price a 4/5 ex-stalker II pilot is willing to pay
Why not simply learn to all get along so warfare is no longer necessary? They stopped using nukes, why not stop using mechs and military forces altogether? That way the military budget can go to feeding the hungry, treating the ill, and housing the unhoused?
Didn't we do that for a while?
The ones in Ghosts of Obeedah are better. Clear the WOB is still working on their OS.
Nah, ‘fuck the poor’ has been the elites’ mantra for all of human existence and I don’t see it changing by the time someone says “what the galaxy needs now is a tank, but on legs”.
I find it really hard to believe many players are so attached to the New colony region/Fronc Reaches storyline they wouldn't be okay with some slight additions. Doing "poochie died on his way back to his home planet" shit is obnoxious.
Yeah that need two or three people to operate. You may now start making jokes comparing your penis to a third leg, if you wish.
how many pilots do tripods have

The thing is Clanner society clearly doesn't work in universe either.

Every successful clan is the one that basically ignores some or all of their supposed societal rules.

The Wars of Reaving basically happen because the ratio of non-retarded to retarded within the clan homeworlds was fatally skewed, and basically proves clan society can't work.
Maybe they shouldn't have put Poochie in the path of an oncoming plotline. Coulda stuck them on the far side of the Taurians. Then the DC feeding them weapons could be explicit and Tortuga could pirate shuffle their way into the plot.
See the tripods have more than one pilot to justify that, but then why couldn't you do that with six limbed mechs?
one pilot controls all the limbs on a tripod
all the legs*
the arms are handled by another
God I want a mini of that.
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Boy, do I have a spindly piece of ralladium for you.
They aren't in the path of a major plotine, They are in a bit of space that no one ever claims. Any new material that goes over the regional history could easily add a few paragraphs about how the Aurigans were there also, just offscreen. It's not as if the meta plot focuses much on that space anyway.
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total grog death
The fact that the Taurians invested a bunch of materiel and military units through that area is plot relevant. The fact that they claimed a place right on their doorstep as their own territory is a big plot. So you think the any faction would just let their neighbor claim all the space on the far side of themselves while also arming their new holdings by sending their military straight through?
How does this dinkey thing work? Are the laser sponsons supposed to be arms? Can it flip arms?
I wonder how the RotS remote operated models ended up on the mercenary MUL.
The problem is that they chose basically the only stretch of the Periphery where anything actually happens.

I get why: it has 3 SucStates and 2 major Periphery powers in a small zone; nowhere else gets you more than 2+1.

But it's still annoying.
Cool. This looks like something that a real military would actually build.
It's a quad without any particular quirks or equipment for that, so the "arms" are just fixed panels and cannot flip or articulate.
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>Do you think the clans could have ever been steered in a direction that didn't end up lame?
With better art, more violence, and more sex, yes, absolutely. Really play up the angle of "live fast, die young, leave your genetic legacy". But FASA decided that they wanted to market to children, and modern CGL is run by puritan Mormons who don't think sex should be allowed to exist.
>Every successful clan is the one that basically ignores some or all of their supposed societal rules.
Jade Falcon was notable for following those rules more than anyone else, and was immensely successful from day 1, through the Golden Century, through the invasion, and right up until the point where they totally abandoned the Clan societal and combat rules under Mad Malvina and got all but annihilated for it.
sibkos are already child sex parties with pedo instructors, you dumb coomer
clan warriors think it's shameful to survive to the age of 30
they decide important issues through trial by combat
how do you know so little about the clans
Yes, those things are basically true, though you're inferring that all instructors are like Joanna when the novels make it EXTREMELY clear that she was an abnormal instructor.

But what I'm saying is that they didn't go far enough with those things. They should have gone farther.
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>the solution to the clans' bad writing was to make them even more retarded than they already are with even worse writing
>Take your cartoon waifu and slap her into a faction. Speak, who is she?
>Lisa Hayes
Pretty much unchanged, let's be real.
>Aisha Clan-Clan
Jade Falcon Trueborn with a chip on her shoulder a mile wide, piloting pretty much anything with talons
>Lina Inverse
Insecure ex-Star League LAM pilot who's delivered about 50 nukes too many and has another one in the bomb bay as we speak.

TBF the Buffalo is acknowledged in and out of universe as a massive shitpost.

Absolutely. The factory restorations and massive improvement in medical tech and general quality-of-life in the IS (not to mention recovering fusion reactor tech, which was rapidly slipping) were by far the most important parts of the Helm core. It let people rebuild terraforming equipment. Water purification became widespread again, when in the 3000s there was literally jump circuits of people doing horrendously dangerous shit with drive envelopes to move entire icebergs between planets. The weapons tech extrapolated off of the Helm core was the least important thing pulled out of it, and the fiction acknowledges that pretty consistently.
What is a good mech to pilot while incredibly high? Asking for a friend.
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All clans are chalcas dezgra ass cowards compared to the uncompromising stupidity of the smoke jaguars.
Here is what I would do with the clans.
>Have them recognize that the Inner Sphere will never attain the level of honor that they expect out of each other, so they decde to change.
>Zell only between eachother, Star League military tactics on the IS.
>Set up factories across the Inner Sphere territories they hold, fortify them, and allow for units to be shared across each other for the sole purpose of taking over the IS.
>With factories open and churning out high quality mechs, parts, and no doubt training even the Freebirths they have to be soldiers, mechwarriors, etc., and treating them better, they finally have an army to fully take on the Inner Sphere.
Of course, this would've been if ilClan era never happened. I don't like how Alaric Ward took over Earth.
"Lady Arano had been wary of the Taurians ever since her youth, when they supported the uncle that had usurped her and even fought by his side during her restoration war. Jeffery Calderon, having only been briefed on the truth of the events in question when he became Protector, was extremely apologetic. It took several diplomatic visits to Coromodir, letters of introduction from Emma Centrella and a number of trade concessions before the Taurians were allowed to freely transit Coalition space, and he was unable to get the Aurigans to become stakeholders in the new colonies."
Yeah I don't care what stupid shit they came up with to justify it. It never should have happened and you aren't going to convince me otherwise.
>freely transit
>with military assets for the express purpose of turning the entire other side of your space border into more taurus
So what you're imagining here is an "Aurigian Reach" that is objectively a Taurian puppet state with no integrity as a state. You are not describing a sovereign state here.
It doesn't actually. The fully autonomous version the wob used would have had Non-Standard Parts and then gained Obsolete. The remote controlled version used by the RotS and apparently Ilclan era mercenaries has Improved Communications that I'm not sure does anything at all given what happens when it gets jammed.
You think sovereignty means mindlessly attacking all of your neighbors and never letting them transit your territorial waters under any circumstances?
Okay, what do they do when the Taurians start going full gestapo in the New Colony Region and start paranoidly pointing their pincer formation military at both sides of the Aurigan border because there could be Davions anywhere?
Gee I dunno, sounds like interesting fodder for a story of some kind, doesn't it? Maybe there could even be some low level clashes, with say 4 mechs a side.
>the military freely through your jump points for the express purpose of expanding what parts of the map are taurian brown
I don't think you know what transit means. Freely moving your military into your neighbor's jump points whenever you'd like is a lot more than just having civilian traffic that can cross the border. What you're describing here is like the relationship between Russia and Belarus.
just make their retardation have consequences. deciding affairs of state by honor duels doesn't produce effective leaders or politicians, it promotes thugs who are good in a cockpit and at nothing else.
>So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong and to strike at what is weak.
Yeah except most planets don't have space travel capability and thus are completely incapable of hitting the enemy where they're weak.
We're going to stick you into something with tracks and no arms. Anything else would be too expensive of a loss. I hope you like space tanks.
And now you're fucking with canon. But Fronc still exists. These Aurigans must be terminally isolationist to let nearly hostile military units freely come and go while a brand new nation pops up in an area that they would have benefited from being empty.
If jump points were like land borders piracy and deep raids wouldn't exist. Also the foundation of new colonies would be a primarily civilian effort with some protection from national military forces.
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haha i wish
Yes, I am quite that my FRIEND, will be disappointed he can't drive the walking nuke.
Jump points are not international waters. They are extremely national, and securing them as best you're able is a priority for everyone who has more than one planet. Raiders have to jump around empty systems to try and hit deeper targets precisely because they can't freely come and go at any jump point they'd please. The feddies don't watch a drac fleet jump in and just shrug their shoulders and let it go because it hasn't made for landfall yet.
We know exactly how the New Colony's military situation worked. The Taurians put a lot of military in that region.
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what's happening in ilclan tho
There might be a revival movement. It's not like those worlds got purged of life, it's just the interstellar government that fell apart. Local governments are all still there and know their shared history.
Basically not true. Jade Falcon after being confronted with tradition and pragmatism only chose tradition in the beginning. Then they get their ass beat on Twycross and lost at Tukayyid (even there arguably they focused on pragmatism, Aidan's contribution to the Tukayyid plan was to commit to a single deceive operation, rather than piece-meal attacks. tempo matters in war) after that, they focused on pragmatism over tradition. That was pretty much the core of their conflict with the homeworld clans in the War of Reaving.
They don't shrug their shoulders but in a lot of systems they take so long to get to the jumpships can be gone by the time any reaction force arrives. In any case it's a plot point in the HBS games that the Taurians stop being hostile to the aurigans partway through the war.
NTA, but your mostly ignoring his point that CJF were the traditionalist "clan harder" clan, and were quite successful for the 200 years prior to what you're talking about. That does count for something.

And while I agree with you about Tukayyid, an honest observation wouldn't count Twycross. That's a trap that literally anyone would have fallen into simply by virtue of moving through a canyon. Zell didn't matter in that instance, Kai would have gotten the same kill ratio simply by falling back a bit and detonating the canyon a bit later. The Great Gash was the way from point A to point B, CJF needed to go from point A to point B, and getting a canyon dropped on them had nothing to do with zell or honor or their own lack thereof. Your argument is stronger if you drop Twycross entirely.
It's also a plot point that the Taurians became hostile to everyone after Grover Shraplen becomes Protector. At which point they'd have the Aurigans in a dangerous strategic pinch while also moving enforcement goons with arrest quotas to "hunt Davions" in the New Colony Region.
We'll know in IKEO.

My expectation: Coromodir is just outside the claimed territory of the Fronc reaches, and about half the formerly Aurigan Coalition planets are now Fronc. I figure IKEO will mention Coromodir, ruled by one of Kamea's descendants, joining Fronc and possibly convincing other Aurigan worlds to join up as well.
I'm not even sure Fronc would want them. Not that they're bad worlds to have, but Fronc has been looking outward and doing some light terraforming into the deep periphery.
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>green pigeons
Also hot damn is that a planetary flag. Who the fuck would go to Canopus when Kooken's Pleasure Pit is right there?
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>>Take your cartoon waifu and slap her into a faction. Speak, who is she?
>Akira Yamamoto (Star Blazers 2199)
Easily an ASF pilot, even if 2202 had her using that weird Space Armor mecha. Doesn’t fly anything heavier than a Medium. Belongs to either OWA, or whichever IS faction has the most ambiguously brown women.
>Revy (Black Lagoon)
Hardcore and borderline amoral mercenary erring towards less-than-clandestine contracts not offered or vetted by the MRBC. Pilots an Enforcer as a nod to her nickname of “Two-Hands”.
>Sakaki Chizuru (Muv-Luv)
DCMS MechWarrior annoyed at her dad for pulling strings to get her a Periphery posting away from the hotspots between either side of the FedCom when all she wants to do is proudly serve her country. Gets her wish when said posting ends up in the path of Clan Smoke Jaguar’s invasion corridor.
>That was pretty much the core of their conflict with the homeworld clans in the War of Reaving.
The core of their conflict was that one of the Society's masterminds was the head of their own Science caste and they did everything possible to keep that from leaking out. Especially once they lined up the entire caste against a wall and machine-gunned them.
That is if it's not an autistic "Technically the region of space is called the Aurigan Reach and is still there and has some page space in IKEO." When it's the Aurigan Coalition they wanted to ask about
I'll buy a physical copy of the book if that happens. I'll use it to catch BT2018 fan tears.
>Somebody competent wins the Kerensky bloodname
>Unites large numbers of the remaining clans, triggering a Clan civil war
>Inner Sphere strikes while the iron is hot, effectively refining the Clans into a single entity under the new SupraKhan
>Everything else in your post happens subsequently
>IS follows suit
I like the cut of your jib young man
It seems a little less heavy handed than "Kamea's great grandchild takes the throne on Coromodir and suddenly all the planets that were in the Coalition a hundred and thirty years ago decide to join back up" which is the alternative option.
>honor duels doesn't produce effective leaders or politicians
To be fair there’s not a single political system yet devised that consistently selects effective leaders/politicians.
The system that selects me will be the first and best.
>verification not required
They tried it, it only "works" in a vacuum. You expose people to IS fuckery and total war and you end becoming like them or you go extinct.
Canonically this is wrong, a bunch of Wolverine survivors rebranded as Minnesota Tribe and are out there lurking on the fringes.
The entire point is nobody knows where they went. They're far beyond the fringes. Or misjumped and died. Either way, they've not been back even close to the IS since fucking off far into the spinward periphery
>You expose people to IS fuckery and total war and you end becoming like them or you go extinct.
All life is a race to the bottom. He who is willing to go farther than his opponent will always win, and winning is the only thing that matters. That's what makes extinction inevitable.
You don't like how Ward took Earth? What's there to not like about that genetically engineered incest baby?
Imagine having to spend thousands of c-bills to jump halfway across the galaxy just so you can get laid for money.
Also nice repeating integers
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Right? You could just get it for free with the hedonists.
The new flag at least kinda looks like a flag if you squint and have a head injury, but it represents a Herotitus tainted by puritans, so it's no bueno.
Wolves and Bears are doing reasonably okay. Horse and Burds were the ones who reflected on the viewability of skull pyramids for a while.
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Oh you don't even have to go anywhere. Just wait for Clan Sea Fox to stop by with their assigned from birth caste sex workers.
>Haruko Harehara
>Periphery Pirates (secretly actually a ComStar undercover operative)
>Souped up Hatchetman with a custom hatchet made to look like a left-handed Rickenbacker bass.
I’ll stab you in the eye before I let that happen, I’m clearly a better candidate for supreme high muckamuck.
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Tripods metioned.
But that’s wrong you wonderful chap

I’m seriously thinking of laser printing decals to make a MinTribe force to oppose my beloved Kuritans.
>Don't have a waifu
>Last anime I watched was Little Witch Academia
>There's already a mech in that

This is the ideal. Clan Wolverine and the Minnesota Tribe should never have anything new done with them because they exist for GMs to use for their own stories.
Something given away for free has no value.
>canonically they exist
>but nobody is allowed to write about them
>therefore they canonically also don’t exist
This is what happens when you don’t know the difference between canon and IP writing guidelines ya big dummy.
That's stupid. Mysteries aren't put into a setting not to be investigated. Mysteries must be solved. That's what a setting is for.
>Appearing without warning just prior to the Second Succession War, the so-called Minnesota Tribe were a mysterious warband who fought a line of engagements across the Inner Sphere and then vanished.
>ComStar continued to track the Tribe as it traveled through the Periphery towards the Federated Suns, but ultimately lost the trail near Valentina

They fucked off into the deep deep or got misjumped. And there's no way they're going back towards the clans, so spinward and rimward are the only two directions they could go. That side of the IS is spinward, rimward is further down beyond the Taurians and cappies.
so, they can't do anything even if i /mydude/ the clan wolverine remnants and whatnots?
I was gonna use the ‘great seal’ but I guess these are less hassle.
No, if you do something they can sue and use the legal system to force you to stop. Those rules apply to fans as well as authors.
>They fucked off into the deep deep or got misjumped.
>And there's no way they're going back towards the clans, so spinward and rimward are the only two directions they could go.
>That side of the IS is spinward, rimward is further down beyond the Taurians and cappies.
what's the great seal?
If they weren't caught going anywhere else, then they must have gone out into the empty black. The way jumpships work, they couldn't have cut across the IS without someone somewhere noticing. And if you really think they just turned around and went back, then the clans would have found them. That leaves only three options. Out spinward, down rimward, or misjump. They didn't remain in place and they didn't go in any other direction.
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The next location there was any evidence of them at was out beyond Canopus. You don't get beyond Canopus by going coreward. And you don't get there undetected by going anti-spinward.
Gonna be playing a 2v2 this week, Clan invasion era. What's a good pair of mechs for a beginner in that era that clock in at 5k BV with 3/4 pilots?
The Clan homeworlds were also out in the ‘empty black’ during the Exodus too, remember.
Yeah, they were discovered by the inner sphere exactly once ever, by an extreme fluke. There's a reason the maps are sparse once you go beyond a certain point, and the other three directions don't have the tantalizing possibility of finding the SLDF in them, so there's not even that motive. The Wolverines could easily just Exodus 2: This Time We Won't Bring Cappies in any other direction and nobody would ever find them. The most recent clue wasn't discovered until the 3090s, and the world it was found on isn't even much further out than, say, the Marians. Space is big.
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Well /btg/ Which is the IIC variant are you taking to the local Batchall?
The Shadowhawk IIC, the Griffin IIC, or the Wolverine IIC?
Hunchback IIC of course
Here's my hot take, there's an abandoned Wolverine facility approximately within one jump of Frobisher, which had repeated organized pirate raids (starting in the early succession wars) to steal its star league medical technology. 1+1, the Wolverines turned themselves into actual furries using the equipment they stole from Frobisher and then ran off to form a different setting with a lot more commonly used words to describe genital features.
Shadow Hawk IC is a fake shad, it doesn't have a shoulder cannon.
Assuming standard variants, the Griffin IIC is the most questionable mech on the list. Who are you winning a batchall against using 4clrm5? You are a glorified lurmvee.
The Conjurer fucks by the way. It's a great, relatively low cost workhorse.
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Have you considered the following?
> Saeko Busujima
A cazy Drac warcriminal probably. Still would.
grandpas, so how did the clans got revealed and the clan invasion story got unfolded back in 90s? was there some kind of buildup? irl event? or they dropped one sourcebook and that was it?
if im going off a looks contest the shadowhawk iic gets my vote that thing looks sick to me
Stackpole's Blood of Kerensky trilogy kicked it off in 1989. It was followed by the scenario pack for Battle of Twycross, which funnily enough was an IS victory.
so irl fans got to know who and what the clans were from the beginning? no 'who the fuck these guys are?' phase?
No. The books meander a bit before they reveal what the Clans are exactly, but the scenario alone makes it clear.
They dropped the Clans on us at Gen Con, along with novels and sourcebooks that cleaned up the existing plot threads and started a new one. Shit was hectic over the summer of '89. You can also go back and read some of the magazines in the time frame. Starlog, White Dwarf, and Dragon all had frequent Battletech articles at the time, in addition to BattleTechnology and MechForce.
What do guns have to do with anything?
Here's a story from that time.
My father and his friends played in a long running Mechwarrior campaign that my uncle GM'd way back. One of the assignments the AFFS/AFFC gave to the group was a garrison duty at a base. Pretty straightforward gig. So the group set up on-site and, sure enough, they get a sensor contact. Orders were to engage and so they did. That's when they started getting absolutely pounded at range and, having attained some degree of system mastery, the players pointed out that the range and damage for the weapons did not match what they were used to. My uncle simply responded "Nope, it's right." So they continued playing as they got into visual range and saw these mechs they'd never seen before. At that stage they were pretty sure my uncle was either pulling some GM shenanigans or just outright cheating and having been bent over the barrel they just booked it as fast as they could. Luckily for them the OpFor didn't give chase and they managed to scrape by. At that point they were pissed off at my uncle and even learning about the Clans and their mechs afterwards didn't help them not feel cheated.

>TL;DR: Players get angry at Clanners for being better
I'm playing front mission evolved right now and I think this would look great as some sort of atlas MK2
we already have the atlas 2 and atlas 3
I was in backwoods Australia and the only internet access I had was dialling into a BBS. I only really found out about the Clans when I got to university in 1991, four years after I got my first copy of BattleTech, and said WAIT, WHAT?
In the time it takes it to close I hit it with my srm6 pack and chin turret medium laser. The shitbox doesn't even stand a chance.
Didn't BT have BV or something equivalent to it (C-Bills?) at the time, or did your uncle just straight up ignore it? I find playing Clans kind of boring because BV / PV eradicates any lore advantages / disadvantages from the mechanics.
> I find playing Clans kind of boring because BV / PV eradicates any lore advantages / disadvantages from the mechanics.

It doesn't though? Clan weapons and systems are significantly different and they have a different design philosophy and several other things.

Do you just want clan players to auto win or something? that doesn't even make sense from a lore perspective
I assume since it was an rpg campaign that BV/Tonnage/C-Bills wasn't a factor. But it was also around the time they came out so nobody would have known how they played until they hit the table.

I should add that the player characters should have been Elite by that point. So even with the skill in their favour the Clanners still did a number on the group
>Violet (Violet Evergarden)
Ptsd riddled ex maen domini veteran of tge Jihad, now trying to live a peaceful life and forget about the Seraph in the garage.
In the early days, people "balanced" by tonnage, though everyone recognized this as dumb because Awesome vs Charger lol

I've heard horror stories of people who asked for tonnage matched games and then brought 200 tons of Clan mechs against 200 tons of introtech IS mechs. This was immediately recognized as That Guy behavior, though, and anyone who wanted to try balancing recognized that Clan tons compared at 2:1 with IS tons.
>Didn't BT have BV or something equivalent to it (C-Bills?) at the time,

There was no inbuilt balancing mechanic to BattleTech until the Tactical Handbook introduced the Combat Value system in 1994. There were several suggestions, such as the oft-mentioned "balance by tonnage" mechanic, and "balance by engine rating" was always good for a laugh.

But no, there was absolutely no official balancing mechanic save for the GM's eyeball test when the Clans invaded. It was entirely up to the players to judge whether or not what they were facing was a fair fight, and to have the wherewithal to withdraw if they felt that it wasn't. You were not entitled to a "fair fight".
Clanners have superior pilots and mechs but are brought down by their byzantine rules of engagement. Bachall sort of works nicely here as a leveler as it stops Clanners from focus firing a target which is ultimately how you win games in BT. You can still Bachall as there are rules for it but with BV doing a pretty decent job at making the teams equal you'd be gimping yourself with none of the benefits.
Or to put it in different terms: you're going to hit your BV limit pretty fast if you want to have your average 3/4 Clan pilots along with the significantly more expensive Clan mechs. And you really don't want to go too crazy with high BV limits either otherwise you could be in for a very long game.

I don't think Bachall by itself would be enough to balance things out and ultimately the lore is secondary and the game comes first (which means it should be somehow balanced so that each side can have fun), but it'd still be neat if Clanners had more unique flavor rules that worked and gave them their own identity when played as.
You still aren't even if you use BV2. It's better than nothing, but not by much especially with advanced technology.
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>You arrive at a pickup game
>3039, 6000 BV
>Picrelated is your opponent
<Um I know custom mechs are kinda frowned upon
<I really want to play a Shadow Hawk
<But all of them are just terrible
<So would this be okay..?
>They hand you a record sheet labeled SHD-2B (the B stands for Better)
>Removes the LRM-5 and SRM-2
>Replaced with 2x SRM4 and one ton of ammo
What do you do?
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Obviously an obnoxious Lyran Mechwarrior, making fun of both everyone on her side, her opponents, and everyone caught in the middle.
People were free to balance around any published metric in a TRO, I remember games where we balanced off weapons tonnage, those were pretty fucking wild.
She's 14 you sick fuck.
>person shows up with custom mechs
>person shows up with no mechs only tanks, skimmers and vtols
I just don't waste my time. Not playing is more fun than playing with these types.
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The reason those rules were changed was due to PBI's actually doing it at a "canon" event, therefore, PBI being able to do so has been canon.

And now you know why 40k stopped doing events where player actions matter.
That's every single person who plays board games, period.
I nod and accept, as that's a minor modification that any tech team could do with a few hours in a mech bay.

Not him NGE came out in 1995. If she was 14 then she's 43 now.
Play, but introduce them to the glory of Kuritan refits and actual technology later.
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Last night's game ended up being a 2v1, me playing against two players who'd been out of the game for a decade and were picking things up. 8 Mechs on a side. Most entertaining part: At one point I carefully had my Griffin leave his damaged back armor exposed and have no TMM near a Locust, who took the bait, allowing my Highlander to go for a DFA...
>Clanners have superior pilots
Depends on the unit they are fighting, elite IS units like Stone's Lament, 2nd Sword of Light, Opacus Venatori, first regulan hussars, davion assault guards are on par with all but the most elite clan units, and there are a few clan units that are pretty shit, especially the later alphabetical galaxies and mixed or armor units

>Superior mechs
Generally yes but there are IS mechs that are better than most clan mechs and especially after the clan invasion its very common to see IS forces uses clan invasion omnimechs or stuff sold by the diamond sharks, some of which is very good, as well as mixtech designs

I really want to play a shadow hawk
>makes something that isn't a shadowhawk
There's probably a canon mech like that anyway
She’s not real you prig.
Also isn’t everyone in anime 14 holy shit.
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Unfortunately, this drew fire from three separate mechs, who put a total of 45 damage on the Highlander over the shooting phase. I needed a 7 to pass my PSR and rolled a 6. The game ended up being a draw, but if I'd been able to cripple or kill the Locust with a DFA it probably would've been a win.

In other news, you guys remember that Spacetech homebrew I was working on? I decided to strip off the Battletech theming and turn it into a miniatures agnostic game with the working title of Scavenger's Nebula. We'll see if I go anywhere with that.
people have been lusting after rei and asuka for decades but it is you that shall finally break the trend with this earth shattering revelation heretofore only known to you
I was also working for a space battle game loosely based on BT space rules, though simplified, but it was for my own setting.
Seeing a Highlander knocked over gives me a sad. I've killed so many fucking mechs with mine.
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So in my case, it was about a 50/50 mix between Battletech and Leviathans, that CGL airship combat game. You still used GATOR and all the weapons were like ground battletech, but ship sheets behaved like they do in Levs.

I decided to start doing my own thing with each of them. Main features are gonna be true vector-based movement and custom fleet designs. Picrel is a rough concept of how a ship card will look.

It's not one of my favorite assaults, but I appreciates it regardless. At the same time as my Highlander was getting knocked down, my Atlas took a PPC directly to the face that scored a double crit and destroyed both Sensor locations. I have to assume that it just burned out both eyes.
As someone who has learned the truth about Cybertronic in Mutant Chronicles as the secret was revealed in a sourcebook, saw Sigmar become a living God during the End Times and read some of the Horus "Daddy Issues" Heresy series, I have to say that it's much better to leave mysteries and myths in a setting than reveal the retarded truths.
IS absolutely has good pilots. I forgot to specify that Clanners have superior pilots *on average* (as the rules call for their basic pilots to be 3/4 versus the basic IS 4/5 pilot.)

>Generally yes but there are IS mechs that are better than most clan mechs and especially after the clan invasion its very common to see IS forces uses clan invasion omnimechs or stuff sold by the diamond sharks, some of which is very good, as well as mixtech designs
In general most of what I wrote about applies to the Clan Invasion era. After that it gets more mixed up as you mentioned
If clans, pick the Stormcrow and the Incubus.
Pretty sure you mean zellbrigen, not batchall, you can have one without the other
I actually wrote a match-up of a BV-balanced IS company of 4/5 3039 mechs against a star of 3/4 varied clan mechs. The game was enjoyable and while the dice did fudge a bit for the IS (headshotting my Crossbow early on in the game), I found it kind of amazing how much quantity mattered over quality, as I hadn't basically even scratched a full lances worth of my opponents before the Vapor Eagle finally exploded.

It was funny because my opponents kept basically thinking I'm being a fucking asshole by having mechs that hit from 10 hexes on a 4+ or something to deal insane damage, while I was just "oh fuck there's still that many enemies left what the fuck"

No notion was batchall was even considered, that would have been even more of an IS victory. But played on a 1:1 tonnage basis, Clanners are ridiculous.
mad dog prime or A or C
>There's probably a canon mech like that anyway
Look at the 3039 Shadow Hawks, even the Royal version is kinda shit. Only the Kurita one is remotely okay, but even that is basically a Griffin.
>In general most of what I wrote about applies to the Clan Invasion era. After that it gets more mixed up as you mentioned
It legitimately pisses me off that when I point out that I dislike clan technology for being absolutely bonkers over IS technology, some people keep going "Well yeah but in IlClan everyone uses mixed tech so it's fine!"

No, it's not. It's bullshit powercreep which means that either I, too, use clan tech in my inner sphere mechs or just lose against inner sphere mechs since they're clan mechs now, too.

Fuck clantech, fuck powergaming.
Peripherat who can't manufacture decent tech detected.
That's a really minor modification over all, and they politely asked in advance, so I'd agree to it.
Look I absolutely understand the in-universe reality of using superior technology whenever possible for warfare.

But from a gameplay perspective, I much more enjoy being able to fire 20 points of damage off or 40 points if I alpha, spiking my heat to dangerous levels, as opposed to firing 7 Clan ERPPCs and getting two points of heat.

Powercreep is gay.
If you balance by BV, the Clans are usually at a disadvantage, save for a few outlier designs and the severely undercosted cLPL.
>At the same time as my Highlander was getting knocked down, my Atlas took a PPC directly to the face that scored a double crit
Extreme bad luck m8. My gauss-equipped Highlander has snipe-domed other mechs before. I like the Atlas, I like the Battlemaster, but the Highlander gives me a woodie.
It was actually the AC10 Highlander, since this was an Introtech game.
Good combo, Stormcrow B is a beast
How does hardened armor work? It applies -2 to critical roll checks with TAC'S that makes sense. But it states that it also does this if armor remains in a location, obviously if you get hit by a weapon on your CT and its currently open with no armor you dont get that bonus, but do you get the bonus if you have 2 armor there?
It means that penalty applies to stuff that crits through armor, like AP Autocannon ammo and Tandem Charge SRMs.
It blocks the first 4pts of damage and then you take crits like with normal armor.
Any mech that doesn't gain heat with a running/jumping alpha is boring, and I'm someone who always stays below 5 excess heat.
stormcrow C and I.
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LOOK EVERYONE! the telephone repairmen are here!
WHY am I on fire, WHY?
it burns! it Buuuuurrrrrrrrns!
comes in handy when you dont play with floating TAC'S though, engines get hit a lot
Those guys' Pasadena location was the only remotely tolerable store in the LA area. Sucks that they closed it.

Avoid Odyssey Games. One of the owners' friends threatened me and the owner didn't do anything about it.
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I come from the land downunder. they're over in Victoria for me. i spit upon that state.PT-tuh!

Look everyone! those A rated mercenaries comstar and the MRBC told us about are here to save us!

Hey... waitaminnit... they look awfully familiar...
learn to paint
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You do know that NEA did what your doing half a decade ago right?
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Post minis
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that is some nice fucking camo.

mine... Not So Much.
my brother uses this all the time and i hate it.
They just put the Aurigans on the wrong fucking side of the IS. Had they been corewards from Rasalhague, whatever military and organisation they had would have been canonically wiped out by the Clans invading, like what happened with Strang, Oberon, Elysian Fields, Valkyrate and so on, and then nobody would have any reason to check on those worlds for the next century or so.
yes but only because they're female and i am desperate
Eh, it's fine. The bright baby blue lasers and the too-bright metallics are what bothers me more than the paintjobs otherwise. Especially the canopy on that King Crab looks nice.
there's a reason that it gets called the "dumb fuck attack" in my local meta. Even under ideal conditions its a crapshoot, and that's before you get shot to shit because you're an easy skylined target.

I look at it as a desperation move for if you've had all your guns shot off, and even then, it's usually better to just jump adjacent to the target and kick them.

Highlander burial is cool when it works, but the thing is that it almost never works.
>over in Victoria
SA/WA anon confirmed
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Your brother is a man of taste. Cicada haters can get bent.
Yeah sure, so long as their polite and ask in advance.
I then proceed to school them in the glorious lance support utility mech that is a 2h loaded with infernos and smoke.
Good Clan NARC mechs? And if I’m running NARCs do I just go all-in on the LRMs or should I pick stuff that has LRMs as more of a secondary weapon and still shoots like PPCs and Large Lasers in case the spotter dies early or can’t land NARC pods or if there’s ECM on the field?
Clanners don't use NARC
Are smoke LRMs available during the Succession Wars? I know Infernos are and that's the best period for using them.
I like the Fire Falcon D for spotting. It has a TAG, it has a NARC, and it has a couple of SRM 4s to fight back against pursuit and an ERML for light harassment at range. 8/12 is not the manic crackhead energy you expect from a Clan light, but it's good enough.
shadcat c, though calling it a 'narc mech' is a bit of a stretch; it's an atm skirmisher 'mech that also narcs
Yes. Along with flak ac ammo, which if vtols/asf are on the field forms the final part of the 2h support load.
I cannot find Flak AC ammo in Techmanual. Please help!
Alternate ammo is tacops.
You just need to bird up and grow some talons.
the clans invented CNARC and have sparingly equipped mechs with it about two hundred years before the clan invasion
sounds like dezgra to me
When everyone is dezgra, no one is.
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Funny you should mention that, I built one the other day. Surprisingly straightforward build.
They still don't really use it
There’s a Mist Lynx with narc and something like 5 srm2s that I like to run sometimes
>they don't use it
>acktually I meant that they don't ~really~ use it
Goalposts, anon.
Thoughts on Hot Loaded and Deadfire LRMs?
I like dead-fire rounds. Mainly ffor pirates I'll just take a succession wars missile boat and fill it with dead fires, which does surprisingly well verses later era machines.
Never tried hot-loaded rounds but what is essentially a much lighter LBX gun with just a slight chance of exploding seems like a decent tradeoff
This is a wonderful way to express how charmingly bad the Hermes II is, and also why I am inordinately fond of it. It's too slow to scout, too light to scrap, too ammo-dependent to skirmish, and doesn't even jump.

Its just so... *succession wars.* A barely functional clunker produced in huge numbers because it's slightly more complicated than a Honda Civic and robust enough that you can fix it up with duct tape and chewing gum, and thus nigh omnipresent in the FWL and rightly avoided by anybody else.
Hey man, you took the words right out of my mouth. Hermes II is a cute lil feller, in the right hands he almost makes the C+ grade.
I like the 4k. It runs blazingly hot, but it has an intimidating alpha strike for its tonnage.
Now I know custom mechs are more or less looked down upon in the community when it comes to players, but for scenarios, how does it compare when fighting the Boss of your campaign(if there is one) in a custom Battlemech?
If you're doing a campaign, customs are part and parcel of the experience. Mechs will be damaged and repaired with what you have available.
The aversion to customs is more of a pick-up-game thing where you've got no prior history and don't want to be checking record sheets constantly.
They're not looked down upon. The reason people here sneer at customs is that they're afraid to face them in imaginary pickup games.

Customs, in-universe, are something that happens naturally as a 'mech serves, and are part of the background to the point of starter scenarios containing them.
If they're not destroyed and your mech has hands, tear him apart. Eat everything from his mechs' corpse.
Ah, okay that explains it. Thanks.
Why again is the Hermes II in tro3025 but the hermes I isn't? I think I've asked this before but the mechs are so mediocre that I forgot the explaination
It's like the PS1 and the PS2. Why get a PS1 when the 2 can do everything it can do, but better?
Customs are looked down on in pickup games where they're often used for bullshit. They're extremely normal in campaigns since everything is run by a GM anyway and "the GM could just kill everyone using some bullshit" is a known risk that you've hopefully mitigated by picking a GM who just won't do that, and even if you fucked up there, they could just as easily dump four times your BV in clan assaults on a map with no exit, so customs aren't the problem.
It's like this.
The Star League: N64.
The Succession Wars: Atari Jaguar.
The Clans: The PS2.
IS during the Invasion: Dreamcast.
Whitworth is king of 40 ton shit mountain. The daimyo is also pretty good
The Hermes was an SLDF mech that had gone out of production before the succession wars due to the SLDF mothballing them. When the succession wars kicked off, Irian reopened the production line, but retooled it for the simpler Hermes II instead since the existing Hermes were having a lot of issues and some of their components were lostech. Importantly, they never actually lost the ability to make Hermes I, they just didn't want to. They did do refits on the remaining models into the introtech variants though, so a handful of extremely scuffed units could limp along through the succession wars.
Daimyo, Whitworth, Vulcan, love em.
I like the strider, it hits a nice balance between speed, armor, and armament.
It does have some questionable configurations, tho most are solid.
>...Except it then begs the question why aren't WE trying to build this super tech now that we know it's possible, causing in and out of universe power creep!
They did though, it just got interrupted by an apocalyptic war and a near complete loss of interstellar communications. Clantech was cracked within a few decades of being introduced. It's still very expensive to both build and maintain, but there are inner sphere manufacturers making it with zero clan involvement in the process.
>...Except it then begs the question why aren't WE trying to build this super tech now that we know it's possible
Same reason Elon's missiles keep blowing up on the way up, even though that's all covered by ancient NASA tech.
The Strider reminds me of a support mech for infantry.
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so I opened another 9 salvage boxes because I have a gambling addiction and have lost control of my life
>king crab
>nova cat
>battle cobra
holy shit it went heavy this time
I'm gonna go to the LGS after work and see what they have. I need a second Clan Lance.
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the last time i bought a pile of them i got SEVEN FUCKING CLAN LIGHTS and only a single assault (and an expensive clan one at that).
>first ones to Terra
That sounds pretty cool, I can't lie. But that's because I like Light and Mediums more than Heavies and Assaults.
it's more that i already had a lot of clan mechs anyway, and the clan omni ones are expensive in terms of BV.
If you don't want Hatchetman, I'll take it.
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Retail release schedule according to Peachstate Hobby Distribution, so take with a big grain of salt

Mercenaries Box Set - 10/24

Recon Lance - 10/24
Security Lance - 11/24
Somerset Strikers - 12/24
Battle Armor - 12/24
Heavy Recon Lance - 1/25
Pursuit Lance - 4/25

Legendary Mechwarriors II - 3/25
Legendary Mechwarriors III - 4/25

Cavalry Star - 10/24
Direct Fire Star - 2/25

Recon & Hunter - 10/24
Assault & Cavalry - 10/24
Battle & Fire - 11/24
Objectives - 1/25
Heavy Battle & Sweep - 3/25

SB Mercenaries - 10/24
SB Battlefield Support - 10/24
SB Visigoth - 11/24
SB Blood Asp - 1/25
SB Savannah Master - 3/25
SB Legendary Mechwarriors II & III - 5/25

Union DropShip - 5/25
Overlord DropShip - 5/25
Overlord C DropShip - 5/25

Map Pack Savannah - 10/24
Map Pack City - 12/24

Battle Mat Savannah Lg. Lakes - 1/25
Battle Mat City Heliport - 1/25
Battle Mat Savannah River Delta - 2/25
Battle Mat City Engineering - 2/25
Battle Mat City Central Park - 3/25
Battle Mat Savannah Sinkholes - 3/25
Battle Mat AS Grasslands/Desert - 4/25
Battle Mat AS Lunar/City - 4/25
Battle Mat Grasslands/Desert - 5/25
Battle Mat Lunar City - 5/25

Legends II - 12/24
BattleTech Cookbook - 1/25
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Mad Jelly. I got

And there's nothing WRONG with those mechs, but it's a far cry from what you pulled.

Also, was going thru the Encounters dice game, and found this catastrophe.
That's quite a bit away, I'm mostly interested in the city map pack. Was that in the KS?
how does that encounters thing look? I know it got released early but i've yet to see anyone pick it up yet in my area at least.

Although they also gave us this, so I can forgive having a MAD II as "indirect fire support"
I haven't played it yet, still going thru rules and cards. So far it just looks like a dice matching game with a paper thin Battletech skin.
Wait, does that mean the Hermes I is even worse?
/biz/ idea: Buy four salvage boxes for each player in your game. That's their lance. If a mech dies, you destroy the model. If an SLDF cache is found, you buy the players another round of salvage boxs.
The Hermes is a lightning fast energy boat at 9/14 with two mlas and a flamer. It runs literal circles around bugmechs. The original model has 5 tons of armor, the downgrades without the weight savings have 2.5 tons of armor but are otherwise identical.
The Hermes is hilariously good, and through the magic of BV it's also cheaper.
BattleTech is not and never will be a balanced or logical game.

Destroying the model is a silly waste. You steal the model for yourself to re-sell.
That's gambling and it's illegal to do without a license in the United States, Western Europe, and the United Kingdom. I hope you get arrested for flagrant lawbreaking.
Better idea for a campaign:
>get a bunch of unpainted models
>cut them apart and magnetize the head and limbs
>without priming them, paint them in a shitty paint that'll wash off easily
>as mechs take damage in battle, pop off the respective limb(s)
>mechs and parts of mechs are distributed to players appropriately as salvage
>they can now stick them back together, repaint them in their own colors, or frankenmech abominations with whatever salvage they can reclaim
Give your players the full Succession Wars experience while also letting them practice their painting skills.
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I think destroying any models is a really bad idea, I would recommend against it.
One day, those models are going to be near-impossible to find relics of the hobby, just like the old models from the 80's and 90's.
It's in the interest of everyone that likes battletech to preserve the quality of their models, even if they have no intention of keeping those models. Always sell them off, give them to someone you think will like them, put them back in circulation somehow, don't destroy them or throw them away.
Given enough time, every man-made object becomes an irreplaceable historical relic.
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take your meds and leave your bronze age mythology at the door.

In this house we Praise Blake and Pass the Ammunition.
Religions never really died off, to be fair, thanks to the resilience of interstellar civilization. Despite centuries of genocide and the glassing of worlds, regardless of how justified the extermination of a people might be, there still exist Muslims, Jews, and, dare I say it, C*pellans.
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What's a fun Merc Unit (Or House Unit I guess if they swapped sides) that fought for Blake in the Chaos March?

Little tired of just painting white for now and don't want to attempt the shading. Plus I want something I can use pre-Jihad.

Dubs will be blessed by Blake.
do/can you use ruler for measuring instead of counting hexes?
Have you considered /Yourdudes/? They're a fun Merc unit who fought for Blake in the Chaos March, in addition to plenty of other combat activities across all the eras of Battletech? Their paint scheme is also pretty rad.
Steel Guard started as mercs, became a FWL house unit, joined the wobbies and fought Clan Wolf-in-Exile on Chara, yeeting the furries off the planet in the process. They eventually got destroyed by Coalition forces and then rebuilt after the Jihad.


Not quite Chaos March, rather just over the border, but the best I can do at the drop of a hat. One of the people who actually knows the lore rather than just the memes would be a better person to ask.
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Also their logo is a fucking wallaby. What more could you ask for?
wonder why so many 1980s developed rpgs/games set in the future couldn't predict the fall of the soviet union
Burr’s Black Cobras?

The BBC have a fearsome reputation and also somehow survive the Jihad
I mean would you predict the fall of Russia right now?
new thread
>That's gambling and it's illegal to do without a license in the United States, Western Europe, and the United Kingdom. I hope you get arrested for flagrant lawbreaking.
Catalyst COULD do what Mega Bloks/Construx and eventually Lego did to make their "Blind Bags" legal; Put a Code that identifies what's in the Box on it.
That way, it's not gambling because you can find what you want if you know what you are looking for.

>>cut them apart and magnetize the head and limbs
See, this is what I'd do for any model anyone doesn't want.
Same reason no one expected Xi to do a hard 180 on economic reforms that Deng had started some 20 years before.
Blanc's Coyotes were right around the corner on New Earth and it's not really clear what else they were up to at the time or what their ultimate fate was, so they could have been in the chaos march. They use standard SLDF colors, which means you can use those models for an assload of other units going all the way back to the SLDF itself and forward into forever.

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