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Previous: >>93336030

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>how to proxy using any printer

Thread Question/Prompt: What's a magus you wished existed?
Magus of the Twister
3 tap sac timetwister
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Who is he
So what commanders is everyone interested in from bloomburrow?
Based. Me too:3
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
How do you win
i was interested in the populate jeskai bird but now im kinda over it
hitting a hard bump in my life right at bloomburrow time so my hype is kinda dead with all my emotions
Just not interested in the yiff setting, sorry
This one.
What do you guys think about this list? Trying to think of something to cut for cabal ritual but coming up empty

The UB rat deck builds itself but I'm still probably gonna build it
Magus of chains
it's a stormy eggs/cheerios deck but I got options
How does offspring even work when Zinnia gives creatures offspring, when they already have offspring?
Can you trigger it twice?
Would be neat but I dunno how I feel about it.
Trinisphagus would be cool. Also Magus of Contamination would be neat.
yeah i assume it would just be 2 separate offspring triggers you can pay either/or, and get a copy for each one paid
the way im assuming offspring to work is it just literally gives a kickeresque extra casting cost, and basically adds 'when this creature enters, if its offspring cost was paid, make a 1/1 copy of it' to it
i dont see why adding an extra instance of that wouldnt just give you two of those triggers
Probably gonna try pic related but build it in a way that isnt just Windmill Slamming boring shit like Eldrazi.
I wanna hit shit like Fevered Suspicion and Blood for the Blood God.
Yeah, creatures with offspring will have both their own offspring cost and the added one from Zinnia, and you can pay both to have two 1/1 copies.
Bad colours to want to funnel tons of mana into extra costs though. Blue sees and casts a lot of cards so it doesn't need to go all in on the one or two cards other colours would draw in a turn.
Meanwhile it lacks green, which is all about pumping things full of mana and has all the best ramp spells and mana dorks.
I guess you can double a solemn simulacrum trigger if Zinnia's up but whatever.
i think itll be more about abusing broken ETBs, or having 1 go-off turn where you make 17 copies of 1 creature with a broken when you cast an instant or sorcery spell trigger
Magus of the Chains. Would also be a great card for new set as it would have the same amount of text as the average blue rare.
Generally keywords stack if they can so yeah you'd get 2
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Gay Bolas
Raccoons and Lizards got hosed. There aint shit to do with lizards. Why have we gotten like four fucking Otter legends and zero fucking Lizards?
Obviously. I'm just saying it's weird design for it. The creatures that have natural Offspring keywords aren't going to be the ones with broken ETBs, so there's less incentive to plap mana into giving them twins or triplets as a result. On top of that, you're in the colours that want to play lots of spells and hold mana up, but not the colours that are all about having tons of mana to pump into them.
On the flip side, when you have a creature with a broken etb, you're probably only plapping them to get one offspring out of them. Which is FINE, but at that point you're basically just running an ability doubler in the command zone. Which is FINE, but boring, and there are way better options for that. Doesn't synergize with white or blue's flicker effects either. What, are you going to bounce your creatures back into hand and hardcast them again? You aren't in green or black so it's not like you have infinite mana at all times.

I'm sure it'll be FINE but it just seems underwhelming.
This is probably my own fault for always playing top 100 commanders though, so that power level is my baseline for comparison.
every viashino legend is a lizard now, otters need more to catch up
Imagine if they print Rivaz of the Claw in this set as some generic lizardlet. I would be so pissed off.
>why would rivaz be in redwall?
Tarkir is coming up. Gotta get that dragon support ready.
I'm talking about in this set. This set is setting new signposts for each tribe but Lizards is literally Spectacle and Raccoons get SpendMana?
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>bought $200 worth of cards drunk last night
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Thankfully the OG gets to stay golden
get anything cool?
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Maybe Flubs, though he seems hard to play and like you'd easily fuck yourself over. So, really no one. The Easter Display aesthetic doesn't appeal, and the set is too focused on tribes that don't have much support. I'll wait for Duskmourn
The bird with the Offspring ability kind of, since I normally don't touch Jeskai. Other than that, Maha and Ygra.
I see this card meme'd a lot, even though you'd never see it used because no one is using a meme card worth four digits.
very nice, anything else of note?
Not seeing what's wrong with the raccoons
A bunch of secret lair basic lands
Forests and swamps. Basically just bling for a pet deck. What was I thinking?
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Man just proxy those. MPCfill has all of the lands. You can even get fullart versions.
Personally I like to make my own.
don't sweat it, it's nice to get a little treat
do you have a high quality version of these?
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>do you have a high quality version of these?
It's pixel art so by design that's the highest quality of it.
When I get them on MPC I just upscale the image using nearest neighbor.
>Tfw you bully an Atraxa player off the table with a t3 Atsushi that refuses to stay dead
I love this nigga like you wouldn't believe.
oh okay, i see the vision.
they're the backgrounds from omori right? might inspire me to make my own
>proxying basic lands
is there anything more cringe?
Magus of the Top
same text, but on a single U cost 1/2 (so it dodges bowmasters)
>anything more cringe?
yes, paying substantial amounts of money for basic lands.
Is the deck built around Atsushi or something else?
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Making lands is fun. I've got an Omori themed deck in Grixis that is supershit but the lands alone are enough to keep me from scrapping it.
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>he doesn't run 25 guru lands
what the hell is omori themed about it, aside from grixis being the color combo most likely to throw somebody down a flight of staits
>what the hell is omori themed about it
Lynde curses deck. All the curses are themed around black space.
It came out kinda lame and really sucks to play (worse than a precon) but the flavor is on-point.
>at 34 life
>one of my opponents is at 4
>he plays Profane Transfusion to swap life totals with me and then make a 30/30 creature
>next turn he gives it trample, then decides to kill another player instead of me
>I topdeck pic related and kill the 30/30 token and gain 30 life
Most kino couple of turns I've had in a while
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>Otter Wizard


>Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, create a token that’s a copy of this creature. Exile those copies at the beginning of the next end step.


How many spells do I have to cast in a turn to get around 200 of these things?
All of these look much better and are 10x cheaper.
Something else. Just happened to draw Atsushi that game in my opening hand.
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like 8, bonus points if you also just skip their exile trigger
It's a shit without haste
Maybe it should be an 0/1 for U/R hybrid mana but have haste too
Debating doing a monoblack deck for Maha, and I'm starting to debate with if I wanna run all Snow-Covered swamps for weird niche card inclusions. Almost did it in mono red, but dropped it just because Alexios is probably not a deck that's long for this world.
2 (1)
4 (2)
8 (3)
16 (4)
32 (5)
64 (6)
128 (7)
256 (8)
I'm too depressed and drink too much to really process data quickly. In a week or so I might be able to tell you.
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know a guy who uses pokemon energy cards instead of basics, and another who uses those advertisement cards you get in packs sometimes in the token slot (pic rel would be mountains and islands).
Is this a better storm wincon outlet than aetherflux reservoir and brain freeze considering you only need to chain 8 spells in a turn to have enough otters to 1HKO most EDH tables? It makes me think of all those 10 minute storm turns over had in the past where I couldn't combo out. If I started those turns with this guy out, I would have been able to win all those failed storm turns
With Impact tremors, you kill most tables on spell 4-5.
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So far, just Flubs or this pic related guy, but I'm excited to see whatever pushed Izzet otter commanders are coming out. An interesting bat commander could be fun too.
I also want this for my storm deck
Are there even good snow black cards?
Blood on the Snow and Draugr Necromancer. Priest of the Haunted edge is marginal.
Magus of getting pussy
Dat boi
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My bat waifu
I run it in gitrog and have a friend that runs in it rb ob nixilis
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So in the short period of time I've been searching on Archidekt, I came up with a few that add to the flavor of an icy night deck if not specifically are snow cards.
3 cost, destroys a land, if it hits a snow-covered land (it never will) it deals 1 damage to its controller
>Rime Transfusion
Enchanted Creature gets +2/+1 and become unblockable except by snow creatures for 1 snow mana
>Draugr Necromancer
Exiles dying creatures from my opponents and I can cast them. Great for Maha since my whole meme is making their toughness 1 and killing them.
>Hailstorm Valkyrie
2/2 with Flying and Trample and for 2 Snow mana gets +2/+2 until end of turn
>Drift of the Dead
Wall with P/T equal to number of snow covered lands I control, so pretty much a stationary kill machine
>Priest of the Haunted Edge
Sacs to -x/-x something equal to snow covered stuff you have
>Rimebound Dead
Classic 1/1 Mr. Skeltal that regenerates for 1 snow
>Chilling Shade
just a classic mtg Shade, 3 cost 1/1 with flying and 1 snow = =1/+1 until end of turn
>Blood on the Snow
Boardwipes all creatures or all planeswalkers, then you can revive a creature from your graveyard with cmc equal to or less than the amount of snow mana spent on the spell. Since it's 6 cmc, it can revive Maha if I decide to just wipe the board.
And now the really good stuff for Maha at least
>Gangrenous Zombies
Tap to sac and deal 1 damage to every creature, but if I control a snow-covered land it does 2 to every creature. Fairly functional, honestly.
>Withering Wisps
Literally Pestilence but for 1 less mana and has some fictional restriction based on snow-covered lands.
I'm fixing to drop like $80 on oil slick basics too
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Who for a Pantlaza deck?

>Nature's Claim
+ Godlike efficiency
- Usually rots in my hand

>Kogla & Yidaro
+ Is a dino
+ Can double as creature removal
- High mana cost as both a creature and spot removal
>finality counter
What a load of actual dogshit
Why? She's so boring mechanically.
ur in green go big or go home. whiffing itno your shitty 1 mana removal sucks balls. run some big beefy removal spells that hit multiple targets so your discover actually does something worthwhile
>nonland permanent
Pretty gay desu
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this is literally just worse carmen lol
Nature's Claim is pretty cringe for a Discover. >>93348669 is right. I built around blinking pantlaza and getting the ETB effect. Kogla & Yidaro between those two
Favorite ways to deal damage while Glacial Chasm is in effect for you?
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>they'll never print my dream commander
It hurts bros...
post it
>know a guy who uses pokemon energy cards instead of basics
Extremely based
based rich anon
Abomitron Ron, The Suave Don
>URB, Legendary Creature - Elemental Avatar
>Flying, Myriad
>When this creature enters the battlefield, attacks, or leaves the battlefield, look at the top two cards of target player's library. You can choose to put those cards on the top or bottom of that player's library in any order.
Bats better
>check the commander previews on scryfall
>every card except the face commanders is a card not in the commander products
Really sick of this shit. Just use a third fucking set symbol. Stop using commander symbols on shit not found in commander precons. It's confusing.
>3 mana scry 10 every turn but in such a way that it doesn't work with any scry synergies
anon? maybe do, when X attacks, scry 2, if its a token, fateseal 2 instead
>Have to resolve the trigger five times per turn
i'm already falling asleep
I like the way you guys think. Efficiency is dumb in the format where you can drop 8 or 9 mana shit with regularity.
Though now I've got an average mana cost of like 5 and my only 1-drops are birds of paradise and the usual white exile spells wew
Fateseal isnt an ability like that. Why would you ever look at your cards when you can dumpster someone about as hard as you can? Also the boys dying due to the legend rule means you'd get 13 looks per swing. It's probably way too strong, but a man can dream.
Kogla and Yidaro is harder to counter on its removal cycling part and its a cantrip to boot.
fateseal is literally scrying an opponents library idk what you mean
myriad doesn't proc attack triggers since they etb tapped and attacking.
here's an even better one,
>Whenever Creature attacks, Fateseal X, where X is twice (or three times if the number is better.) the number of players being attacked.
keep myriad and flying and now you don't have an ability that takes 20 years to resolve with 35 triggers
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I like her and Wick
Yeah that's probably better, I just wanted to be able to hit the whole table or focus on just one. I have a whole hypothetical deck built around the idea of fatesealing your opponents and fucking them over with things like altar of the brood and mesmeric orb, but without a brick shithouse of a commander it'll never be viable.
could even give it "Creature isn't legendary if it's a token" like Aeve has, then it leans into all sorts of cloning shenanigans and having multiple of these triggers each combat.
Only decent art of her, others look like shes got poop on her face. Still not buying tho
They all look like generic easter advertisements at a walmart.
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i love this nigga
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I run him in Zurgo and Ojutai because I can bounce the dragon back to my hand over and over.
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unintentionally ran into this pairing in my simic deck, still pretty new. If tromokratis has the cloak and I swing with it along with say 5 other big bois:
-my opponent can't defend at all
-whispering cloak somehow overrules the tromokratis passive and opponent can block other creatures as normal
if you activate k&y (so it's in the gy bc discarding is a cost), then hold priority and exhume it, so by the time the ability resolves, it's no longer in the gy so it can't be shuffled in, do you still draw a card? and if so, do you shuffle first?
scratch that, i'm retarded

I run this guy too, my favorite pet deck I never knew I'd love.

Theres so many ways to win with him

Fathom Fleetjack with large enough field of artifacts is pretty good damage
Cheating in big artifact creatures like Myr Battlesphere, Threefold Hulk, Phyrexian Triniform, and generating infinite mana with Krak-Klan Ironworks
The classic Mycosynth Lattice + Vandal Blast
Swinging in a Hellkite Igniter, Hellkite Tyrant, shooting someone down with Makeshift Munitions

And the commander generates so much utility with his abilities (especially the scrap/card draw) that you easily outvalue your opponents, your turns are essentially spent building up your own little factory of goodiness.

The factory must grow.

I just wish I had a good scrap token proxy.
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It's all good. Lotta words on the card. However, interactions like that can happen if you have a creature with menace and something that makes it so they can only be blocked by one creature. They have to block with two creatures, but can only block with one, so they can't block at all.
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yeah, usually the "must block X" effects are followed by "if able" so an unblockable creature overrides "must be blocked"
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Is Marwyn actually any good in an elf deck? I feel like she's just a bad Priest of Titania or Elvish Archdruid.
On a similar note, is there a taunt effect in magic?
Sir... Please...
Chances are you are running lords or have other ways of buffing her like Joraga Warcaller. Probably also better as a commander than in the 99 so you can get her out and collect sweet triggers.
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Yes. Typically they'll be called lures.

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Plenty, heres my favourite
please don't make the newbie look at a licid, we want them to play the game
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You have to go back
don't worry we will go back to minorities right after this :)
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Actually, it's the pop culture references plane. It just happens to have minorities in it.
The mongolian diversity and inclusion plane isn't until 2025.
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>targets your Arbor Dryad and causes a 15 minute argument.
where do you get bulk lands?
Isn't the text box of dryad arbor empty?
Yeah, it's just reminder text. Enjoy the free buffs, I guess?
I'd rather die in the yiffzone than go back
yes, but many people stare in incomprehension then get agitated when you explain that basic land types don't got rules text
>wins game with any wheel resolving
Hardly a meme.
>want to play Orzhov
>want to play Gruul
>want to play Rakdos
>want to play Boros
>can only afford 1 choice
it's... over... what do I do bros?
Take the nephilim pill
Damn it, wrong nephilim
I slap her in my elf manadork package and she's good. Basically an extra gyre sage. I only play timmy spells though so she's absolutely hitting 10/10 at some point
>tfw no more eminence commanders ever again
>one was literally printed last year
As a commander she's kill on sight since she's easy as fuck to cast t2 or even t1 and can get huge very quickly, but yeah in the 99 she's just meh coz there's so many better option to crank out huge mana.
Pic rel is the Bant Dragons commander I never knew I wanted.
You're playing the gay frog.
Ima play the cool frog
was the "or creature spells with {X} in their mana costs" really necessary? how often are you casting an X spell for less than 4 anyways? waste of ink.
I like the snail Rat legendary
Make more rat, make bigger snail
literally a tarot card but with a frog
i hate this game so much
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Any recs for a partner rakdos to pair with vial for a group slug deck?
Pic +wernog is cheap and actually kinda works.

Make token, sac token, ping people.
If you want to use her ability go green so you can have high CMC spellz
Me too. Wanna get a new hobby?
not really, already spent too much time and energy on this one
Confusing wording especially with how her first ability is worded
I play her with Tevesh Szat and Obosh. It literally is a pile of random bullshit, but Tevesh surprisingly carries me throughout the game.
I want to build this but I never play band and I have no ideas what to put in
How often do you see people slam down cards that average 1200+ dollars?
The art and reference are fantastic. You're a fag.
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>this guy whenever he recognizes a reference on a card
I bet you gigglesquee when you recognize what horror movie each card in the horror movie set is referencing too.
This is such a retarded anti-fun take. Do you genuinely enjoy anything?
Grim tutor, gisa or massacre girl
You clearly cannot meme.
Why is this bad
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What are the most degenerate sorceries not in blue?
Pic unrelated, it's an instant and not even close to white's most degenerate card.
i enjoy hating things
Breach the Multiverse
Its degenerate, but so am I
unoriginal and cheesy. every set has the goofiness of an un-set now, but without the creativity.
love this in nekusar, no one expects the wheel when you only have one mana left
>having creativity
Not since Unhinged.
Simic's gimmick should have been giving flash to creatures instead of "insurmountable resource advantage"
That's where I'm at. I feel like she doesn't help me capitalize on a large board or rebuild from a wrath, which are the two things elfball needs help with. Having to play her before my setup pays off is just too fragile.
Man this card looks like it would suck but it seems so fun to use.
Why the hell is it so expensive? Nobody's using this shit.

I feel like you could staple cascade to anything and it would become my new favorite card.
It's only available in a limited print run premium product that came out at a really weird time with little fanfare.
contraptions, augment, attractions, and stickers are the worst mechanics ever conceived. besides those (which, granted, are about half the cards in the sets) there were some decently creative designs in the three nu un-sets.
The biggest problem with recent un-sets is that some of the cards and mechanics are legal.
There is nothing wrong with this. Less complicated than sagas.
There is nothing wrong with this. Less complicated than mutate.
I can understand not liking the randomness of dice rolls.
Yeah I don't know what they were thinking with this one.
Contraptions were fun, and augment was at least interesting, albeit kinda weird since it was an un-set mechanic that already had something rather similar in black border.
Stickers are just... no. I literally don't even know what attractions do or how they function and don't care to learn.
yeah honestly un-sets never really needed to see print, they were destined to never sell well as non-legal sets. they're better off as occasional shitposts on wotc employees blogs or twitter accounts. any good joke gets old after the first few times you see it anyway.
How do you get up in the morning if you're gonna live your life being this bitter and jaded?
The first three un sets were fun, but they kinda just... ran out of ideas after that.
A good part of it likely has to do with how fucking limited they became with the humor they could use, since with unstable and on they couldn't really use pun based humor anymore since that often doesn't translate, and there's also just the general "We can't make any jokes that might offend anyone" further limiting them from doing shit like the asses.
never thought i'd see contraption apologists, it literally requires an extra deck, same problem as stickers and attractions. augment wasn't quite as bad, but still just a more parasitic version of mutate.
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>it literally requires an extra deck, same problem as stickers and attractions
...the sideboard is what you take issue with?
They're basically just semi-randomized token artifacts that activate on a cycle.
>this is my deck
>and this is my sideboard
>and this is my companion
>and this is my contraption deck
>and this is my attraction deck
>and this is my sticker deck
yeah fuck all that, sideboards and tokens are bad enough but they're grandfathered in, i ain't carrying any more shit around than i need to. i thank the lord that they banned stickers and attractions, and that contraptions were never legal.
What commanders for Rakdos and Gruul?
believe it or not, there are other reasons to get up in the morning besides le heckin frog cards
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I still refuse to put anything relating to dungeons/initiative in my decks
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General Jarkeld cedh viable ?
I'm still struggling to decide.

>Turntimber Symbiosis
+ Doubles as a land when I don't need a bomb.
+ If all it grabs is a dork or something, they at least get stats buffed to usable levels.
+ I've got some strong dinos at 3cmc so they'd get really big.
- High mana cost, hard to grab with discover or cascade.

>See the Unwritten
+ Commander and most of my creatures activate Ferocious.
+ Costs less, sees more cards, and can drop two creatures instead of one.
- Drops whatever it doesn't grab into my graveyard and I've got next to no recursion.
- I'm running an average amount of lands in a very mana hungry deck so there are times I'd really rather just have the land drop.
run both, cut a forest for turntimber
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i'm going to keep playing this card at my lgs until someone complains
In all fairness, contraptions were the first of those to come about, and at the time they were made wizards was at least aware that that kind of stuff would be disruptive in black border, hence the complete lack of black border cards that mention contraptions, barring steamflogger boss of course.
i miss when steamflogger was a weird in-joke with text that couldn't ever work within the game rules
attractions are fine. stop being a baby
I've already cut an uncomfortable number of lands in this deck. I've got enough draw that I don't often miss my land drops but running turntimber as a land doesn't feel right. I also don't want to run too many of these types of effects because they can get pretty lame, like mini-tutors.
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>that flavor text
It's weird seeing an un card that old and thinking "That could have been an entirely reasonable card to print in black border in a set from six years ago"
CEDH? Absolutely not. But you can be an absolute bastard to your friends with him.
yeah the main problem is that if those are legal in competitive formats, then everyone must be required to have every type of "extra deck" on the off chance that they clone it are given control of one if those cards from an opponent's deck. this was an actual problem for legacy tournaments before they banned stickers because phyrexian metamorphing a ______ goblin was actually a play that would happen often enough for them to change the rules.
start with 41 lands
remove one land for each mdfc with a land on the back
remove one land for every 4 ramp spells/mana rocks under 3 mana
you now have the correct number of lands.
i built a 4-color initiative deck to see how bad it got and it was infinitely worse than i could have ever imagined. it was incredibly efficient at setting up disgustingly complex 20-minute turns where you complete the dungeon 5+ times but incredibly inefficient at actually winning a 4-player game. the fact that you venture into the dungeon every time you take the initiative rather than the relatively tame monarchy made it one of the shittiest, most parasitic mechanics to play with or against
In general I wanted something from Bloomburrow since it's gonna be fresh
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but that's not bloomburrow, that's a humie
Easily could have been a Battlebond card.
I'm not even sure what Simic's gimmick is supposed to be. There's loads of Simic cards that deal with +1/+1 counters, but there's also loads with landfall or letting you play extra lands, and some just give you more card draw. Aside from card draw and playing more lands (since you can play the extra lands you draw) those don't really interact with each other very well.
This worth it?
Rest of the Prime deals seem shit.
Probably should have been Naya, but since frogs are largely Simic is probably the reason why she’s Bant
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That's exactly what I was alluding to.
>What's a magus you wished existed?
Magus of the Unspeakable, it lets you tutor for a 1,2,or3 mana Arcane spell
we wuz bunnies n shieeet
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What would be a good Commander for an Izzet Sagas/enchantments deck?
play something else
>play something else
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could try Keranos, he's an enchantment himself for all zero of your izzet enchantment support
Needs Elmer Fudd.
Brudiclad would be pretty funny if you make tokens of the enchantments.
>Brudiclad would be pretty funny if you make tokens of the enchantments
I don't feel comfortable with anything under 38 lands.
I guess now I'm rocking 36 lands and a turntimber symbiosis... we'll see what happens.
I wanna build the weasel and use it to cheat out big spells, but also have some kind of graveyard interactions for Cruelclaw's discard cost.
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This is getting stupid.
We need to go further.
I was planning on building that at one point solely because I wanted to make like twenty Mind's Dilations.
>want to play Gruul
>Mabel is Boros
what? walmart has sexo animales?
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Dumbguy question.
If I cast this in response and what happens to all the spells target player already cast? Same with disruptor flute.
They fizzle?
They resolve just the same. It only prevents people from putting any cards on the stack.
after orim's chant resolves the chosen player can't cast further spells. it doesn't fizzle spells already on the stack
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Am I sensing another based Feldon of the Third Path enjoyer?
Remember when MTG was about dominaria fighting phyrexia? I memba
if nobody ever won that would be pretty boring. i'm not here for G.I. Joe plotlines (yet) ((secret lair coming soon))
fake and gay
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it's ok, elmer fudd is at least half goblin. those guys are allowed to have firearms
what a kino picture
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only managed to pull the Barren Glory+Oblivion Ring trick once with this card but that was one of the sweetest victories i've ever had in edh
Was regenerate really such a common mechanic that so many removals and wraths had to have "they cant be regenerated" printed on them just to make sure they did their jobs?
You get trashpandas, because gruul is pure trash
Before exile was in everything, it was pretty rad
I will just switch to Boros, you can't stop me
It'll probably be repacked
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This shit is premium
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This card will consistently come down at an 11/11 in my mono G food deck. By the time it attacks it will be 18+
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The only reason I use snow swamps for my basics, a 3cmc boardwipe for another/cheaper toxic deluge
Also Withering wisps sometime because the art is great
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Squirreldecks are gonna be lit after this set releases.
I just hope they don't screw the precon over too much, they already bitch slapped me with the chatterfang no new art in the precon and no Liliana swamp ramp squirrel in the deck.
Tangential question but by any chance does anyone know if it's possible to find those old Windows 95 solitaire card backs in high resolution? I got the urge to make custom sleeves out of those.
based. but ain't those backs originally pretty low res so you just gotta stretch
Yeah, they're windows 95 bitmaps so yeah, I was wondering if high res versions of them were ever made but guess not.
Absolutely not, what even about this card made you think that?
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will definietly try swapping quite a few cards in my chatterfag deck, was already considering putting pic related for both token and granting land drops. is there a repeatable card that generates food each turn?
another fine addition to my rocco deck
every set I'm eatin' good
Warhammer tried that for a while. Then they advanced the plot lines.

Now they’re desperately trying to keep the plots frozen in time again and it just feels weird.

As dumb and derivative as some of WotC’s ideas are, at least it keeps the game fresh. Instead of being stuck in the Indomitus Crusade and Great Rift for seven whole years, and just using it to sell new Primaris marines.
Thanks anon.
Now I feel like I have schizophrenia.
How do (You) shuffle 99 cards at the same time?
Just got a Dragon Shield sleeve set and tried mash shuffling them, and they're all clumping tightly together no matter how I try.
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Been wanting to make a Gruul deck for a while now, how does she fair? Seems a bit clunky especially compared to Halana and Alena who i'm also considering.
Nuka-Cola Vending Machine, but it's pretty expensive and it's only one food token, but still consistent food token production each turn.
yeah me too!
but very likely with the about 5 directions rocco goes
its a control deck with you being the only one left with big beaters on board to do combat damage.
with the fighting as creature removal, you still have all the artifact/enchantement hate you can focus the rest of your deck on.

its very annoying, but so is every control deck
After the sleeves get worn in a bit, it's usually much easier.
>Halana and Alena
One of my favorite and fastest decks, I fucking LOVE those lesbos. They're like Xenagos, but better because the only creature's power you actually have to care about it the Gal's, the buff actually stays, AND you can add alot of the good +1/+1 tech for them too. Even funnier is the fact that, mechanically, they're "KISSING" other creatures, which can lead to some real hilarity.
after a while it gets better, like >>93351155
but there is a sweet spot, i feel like i need to swap sleeves on some older decks at this point.
anyone ever resleeves their deck, if so how often?
I've got big hands so I just shuffle like normal
tally me banana
How is that?
mash shuffling
Me low IQ so me just smash cards together for shuffle.
Me not know why me keep getting 10 lands and then 10 nonlands in a row when me plah games
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you better make it a combo deck that casts the whole deck on the field so you can do the win screen animation irl
>Sideboards are bad enough
>That thing that has been a part of Magic since it went competitive in the mid-late 90s
Tell me youre an EDHonly without telling me youre an EDHonly
>Lay the deck on its longer side
>Allow the cards to spread out slightly by relieving pressure on the top and bottom of the deck
>Grab about a third of the deck, place it on top of the rest of the deck (still turned sideways)
>gently rock the cards back and forth until they fall into the gaps between cards
>cut the deck in half

Repeat this until you’re satisfied. I’d go about three or four times.
Wow 3 whole ninjutsu cards that's definitely worth building a deck around
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Is it frowned upon to proxy insanely pricy cards like this, or is proxying the generally accepted way to go? What if I paint it myself?
Just dont have it look like shit that's really all people care about. No one wants to look at a basic land with sharpie poorly scribbled on it
It’s actually a dash commander but I think uncommon from New Capenna is better for that.
as long as it's recognisable so preferably no crazy alters is how I'd see it
this is the edh thread, is that supposed to be a "gotcha"?
for the record though i've played more modern than any other format and i've always hated sideboards
It is a gotcha yes.
no you havent
go back then, you're in the wrong thread
yuh huh
How does he work if you're attacking with a bunch of banded creatures? Do you just swap whichever is blocking the band and the other non banded creature?
Using less than 40 lands including mdfcs just doesn't feel right bros
Every turn I'm shaking, wondering if I'll be able to make my land drop in time.
I still dont think you should lump the sideboard in with modern stupid shit like Attractions and Stickers.
But Ill also concede that I think EDH can have a sideboard people (the RC) are just too cowardly to try.
If your deck contains enough draw and top deck manipulation then you need not worry about it
Using more than 36 lands ever is retarded and makes you a dumdum doodoo head. Most my decks don't even have 36 anymore it's simply not necessary, hell my fucking landfall deck has 35
My personal stance:
>it's core to your deck
>it has great synergy
>it fits your deck's theme
These are acceptable.

>it's just a generically good value engine that quote unquote everyone is using (rhystic, tithe, etc)
>it's just the most optimized tutor to fetch your infinite combo piece, or it's the infinite combo piece itself
These are lame as fuck.

I'm generally pretty open to any proxies though. Even if you use faggot cards like cyclonic rift, I'm generally cool with that if you aren't a faggot about it.
you'll get used to it to the point where 60 cards deck will feel tiny in comparison
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I was thinking about doing Karlach + Hardy outlander background. Deck would just be a bunch of creatures that buff eachother each combat phase and stuff to give you even more combat pahses. By your 4th combat in one turn your creatures are like 40/40s and everyone should be dead
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>insanely pricey
Ah. Then I'm definitely going to try to draw the Mephistopheles Chains for my Mothman deck. I don't have card draw power, and now neither does anyone else.
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I'm retarded as fuck so I'm going to ask this here. How does this card's condition work with other copies?
If you exile 4 with one copy, does it count as being achieved for other copies? (and in an EDH situation, if your opponent's copies and your Copy Tokens/Offsprings of it gain +4/+4?)
Or is this the sort of question the upcoming "this creature" thing they are introducing in Foundations is meant to stop?
It's just worse Xenagod
Xenagos doesn't give you an extra combat and first strike to all your creatures though
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Your latter question is correct. Whenever a card refers to its own name, it means only that card itself. Otherwise it will say "cards named ~"

Also, if the Curator is leaves the battlefield and returns due to being exiled, dying and being reanimated, etc. then it's a new object with no memory of what it did before.
Whenever a card refers to itself by name, it just means "this object". If it was "exiled with creatures named Keen-Eyed Curator", that'd be a different thing, but it's not.
But he gives you a consistent engine that's fairy hard to remove
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>tfw didn't even realize i activated the monkey paw when i said i wanted them to use heavy metal artists again
i fucking hate wizard of barge and that they keep using him for shitty secret lairs.
>still no cool grizzled old man mouse knight
I sleep
Agree. Some really good cards that I would like a SL treatment, will never get another chance because this fag already made one.

And everything looks like ass. I'd seriously take even fucking AI over this shit, that's how much I hate it.
What commander if I want to nuke my opponents face out of nowhere but its not exactly my gameplan
Actually a really cool and simple card. I just lost my mono green deck, no idea where it is, so if I pull this lil nigga in my box I might build
where does flubs come from
buy a box?
It's kind of like a Level Up that's instant speed and incidentally graveyard hates, but is conditional on targets. Very neat. Embrace the trash!
accidental reply sorry
eh, there are cards they've done multiple times in lairs. i don't think they oppose printing them again.
You missed it
$20 for pocket cardboard is pretty fucking pricy, Anon.
Anon most things when reduced to their base components make the prices seem ridiculous. You are not paying for the base components.
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what are your guesses on how Wotc will fuck up the "group hug" deck.

My current fear is that it's just yet another +1/+1 counter deck with a few "gift" cards thrown in, which ends up being almost unplayable.

The biggest reprint is going to be Branching Evolution... again
I have no issue using chink fakes, especially in edh, and encourage all my friends to use them.
You know you need lands to play draw/mana rocks, right? If you're playing cEFD I can understand, but anything less than 38 potential lands is astoundingly stupid and screams of blatant cheating.
I'm sure everyone will just use the second commander and that it will be much better than the face commander.
>deck filled with draw and top deck manipulation so I only need 30 lands!
>wait guys can I get a free mull? I opened 1 land for the third time in a row
>NO? REEEEEE this group is toxic I'm going to go play with my friends that let me free mull whenever I want!
the only way to make her work is to make it a stax deck where you limit the value your opponents get from you.

That seems counterintuitive to what the design of the deck is, so im clueless as to what WOTCs plan is.
No. That's a fast food meal. Most people can afford cards under about a hundred bucks. After that I have a lot more sympathy.
the 2nd commander will be just another selesnya +1/+1 commander
A fast food meal is quite literally more useful than $0.02 cardstock you can get at even BETTER quality from China.
>37 lands
>"hm, 4 lands and no ramp, I'm gonna mulligan guise"
>1 land
>no land
>no land
>no land
>"alright, I give up before the match starts, have fun without me I guess..."
>can write "grief" on a basic land to the same effect of spending 20 dollars on a single card
yeah, 20 dollars for a single card is ridiculous.
We haven't seen the decklist so I'm not sure how you are able to make such a claim anon
Yes yes proxies yadda yadda yadda. I dont really care who uses them, but some people want to collect cool cardboard and I respect that. Most of it is pretty accessible.
I've put one in every izzet deck I've made in the last year and a half. It's a very fun one-sided boardwipe.
>zoomie doesn't understand value
Part of the fun of EDH is in the budgeting and playing with what you've got. If you need a $20 grief to enjoy Magic, Richard Garfield would have you publicly executed.
if this has ever happened to you it's because you don't shuffle properly
>implying richard garfield didn't expect people to spend money on chase rares

are you retarded?
It's more fun to use the cards I want to use, as Richard Garfield actually intended.
>We haven't seen the decklist so I'm not sure how you are able to make such a claim anon
The deck is called peace offering and gives opponents cards whenever you cast as spell. Without black you have no way to really punish players when drawing. At most you have a few options to punish them for hand size. Unless WOTC really prints out punishment cards in those colors, feels like its going to be generic group, except with a godawful commander.

The best way to play the rabbit is to prevent your opponents from getting free value from you.
i understand that magic cardstock is a volatile market at the whim of a company being bled dry to support its dying parent and that the competitive scene is dying so investing in "real cards" doesn't even make sense because there is zero need for "real cards" at the kitchen table. kill yourself for insinuating that grief is a reasonable purchase.
>as Richard Garfield actually intended.
lol you moron, that's not at all what he intended. The "Power 9" were intended to be rare, and he didn't understand the secondary market would become a huge entity in the game. He figured they would be rare and powerful effects that most playgroup would only see a handful of, as opposed to what happened.
I don’t really get the appeal of the bitch? What’s cool about shooting fatties at people?
We have no idea how the deck will play out anon. No amount of typing will change that.
>We have no idea how the deck will play out anon.
You may not have any idea. Do not lump everyone else with your idiocy.
>Richard Garfield actually didn't want people to play his game with cards they liked
Sure thing pal
I didn't even so much as imply it's reasonable anon. Learn to read and maybe get a job so you aren't so poor the existence of 20 dollar cardboard triggers you
>Richard Garfield actually didn't want people to play his game with cards they liked
He didn't. He pioneered TCGs as a concept, your vision of them wasn't at all his vision. The idea of an LCG (which he does, in fact, endorse) is something totally different from what he wanted for Magic in particular.
It's less than $20 you cuck, that's such a small amount of money I could give a fuck and people complaining about that really shouldnt be buying any magic cards in the first place.
Anon all you have is your own headcanon, that is not meaningful in the slightest lol put your ego away it's unnecessary and just looks silly
I wanted to get back into mtg with bloomburrow but after seeing this card I was like nah, it's literally a tarot card. I don't need kabbalah bullshit in my children's card game. was going to try out 40k but that's just as bad, if not worse with all the unnecessary occult symbolism. kinda gave up on hobbies too, desu.
>he pioneered TCG as a concept
>trading card game
Yes, and part of the intention was to collect (from boosters) and trade for CARDS YOU LIKED SO YOU COULD PLAY WITH THEM. You're so dumb it hurts
Okay, since we're playing Richard Garfield MtG,
>Underground Sea
>Mox Sapphire
>Mana Crypt
>Rhystic Study
>Ancestral Recall
it's group hug with a +1/+1 counter subtheme, and it's obvious form the commander that the wincon is going to be slapping people in the face with the rabbit

it seems obvious to me that the way you prevent "free value" is by allying with one player and politicking. Trading a free card or two for favors is something that happens all the time at casual tables.

AFAIK there is no group hug commander that attacks quite as well as Bumbleflower, so idk what you mean by "generic group hug".

you're an idiot AND an asshole!
you get what you fucking deserve
A couple boosters. A few trades. The ecosystem of old Magic was not designed around just having a 4-of of every single card you wanted.
Mtg has had occult symbolism since its inception you fucking twatter if anything this is a return to OG magic form lmao. Tarot also has nothing to do with kabbalah it is thoroughly aryan in its origin.
this was true for maybe the first few years of the game. By the time that the competitive scene had fully developed everyone was buying playsets
Cool I never said it was I said it was designed around playing with cards you like and that's precisely what the T in TCG is for, procuring cards you liked. Unironically kill yourself you needlessly argumentative little faggot you are a blight on society.
Who's gonna tell him.
Mana crypt wasnt in the first set. You'd be a lot more credible if you said channel fireball.

you're chewing on bait
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why do i deserve this? i just want to go back.
Lmao go back to church
>it seems obvious to me that the way you prevent "free value" is by allying with one player and politicking
>Trading a free card or two
its not a free card or two. Do you only cast one or two spells the entire game?
>AFAIK there is no group hug commander that attacks quite as well as Bumbleflower, so idk what you mean by "generic group hug".

Ive seen both Atraxa and kenrith played as group hug, who both seem to clown on Bumbleflower.
>you're an idiot AND an asshole!

I responded to someone asking thoughts on what the deck could be like, and then got the response "you have no-idea what's in the deck, how can you make a claim". What else do you expect me to act like.
Garfield didn't leave WotC until what was essentially 2001, retard. Crypt came out in the mid-late 90's.
Aight, well enjoy spending your 20 US dollars on Grief or having everyone make fun of you for using a sharpie because you can't handle not playing a card.
>food analogy
I thought this meme had died
garfielf actually said a single card should cost 20 eurodollars at most soo
No one will make fun of you for sharpie cards. Play what you want regardless of price. Or, you know, spend the $20 on a single card like an adult. I bet my left nut every poster on this board has a card worth more than $20, and if you dont I'll send you one.
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there's the lizard legend
im the guy you're replying to, and just for the record, that's a stupid reason to agree with me
you hate the design because you're a sensitive pearl-clutching christcuck
i hate the design because it's boring and lazy
we are not the same
anyone has the morophon meme?
I would never run grief nor has my position ever been that grief is reasonably priced again learn how to fucking read and then kill yourself.
that art is objectification of women and BAD, you dolt. can't believe I have to explain this like to a child
Would be a really fun build around if he didn't have the last sentence. Rakdos doesn't need help to trigger his first ability
you're retarded

>hey player A, if I give you two cards will you not attack me with your commander next turn?
>sweet, I cast two spells, me and player A draw 2 cards, I put 8 +1/+1 counters on Bumbleflower, and swing 9 in the air at player B

repeat every turn. It's like you've never actually played the game at casual tabled before.

>durrrrr atraxa and kenrith
are not group hug commanders, dipshit
You wouldnt get it...
Free proliferate can make a lot of people happy
>not group hug
Ah jarad, for one of the portags of the original Ravnica he got treated like shit by JoTC. Vraska fucking sucks compared to him
>lightning bolt is a group hug card because I can target myself with it!
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bad bait
WotC can't even do basic bitch playtesting anymore.
This card might as well have been in Thunder Junction, number of the good outlaws were Lizards as well
This could be said for the opposite side, in the end its all just rng and top deck manipulation tilts it in your favor
Heartless Hidetsugu.
It's really easy to build the 99 in a way that doesnt need him, but as long you have a few sources of haste, he's a bomb sitting in the command zone.
We found a way to break redcap woo!!!
The +1/+1 will probably be lacking, however i too think they will fuck it up somehow, as they tend to with precons around the theme
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If only Jared didnt touch those kids...
if you dont like the mental image of flinging fat bodies ate your opponents faces, after they have done their deed, then i dont know whats up with you.you might be too lost in the mechanics instead of the flavor of cards
Oh gosh persist was broken?!?!?!
You think your post is a joke, but it's a testament to WotC's incompetence that something as well known as Redcap completely flies under their radar in 2024.
I usually generate infinite mana and deck my opponents with Kenrith. I draw my opponents cards which means it's group hug.
Dragons are supposed to shoot fire at people, not shooting fatties at people. And they keep playing her at my store it’s fucking annoying
Or they just don't care about redcap combo #83
what if she eats the fatties for fuel and then shoots fire at people
I promise you that this combo will not have any effect on any format where it's legal.
There's a few problems with that design.

First of all, Magus of the Wheel and Magus of the Jar both exist, which are similar effects. Second, you sac the magus as part of its activation cost, which means it's in the graveyard when the effect happens; if it does a Timetwister effect, it would shuffle itself back into library, which would be weird.
Sound gross.
>be mikaeus
>be printed in 2012
>turn an unimaginable amount of cards into infinite combos
>i sleep
>be lizard
>printed 2024
>combo with redcap
>implying wotc ever did playtests
shooting fire requires a lot of energy, so you gotta eat a lot of calories
it doesn't happen a lot, but it happens. I think it happened around 3-4 time during the last year, and all my decks run 36-37 lands (not counting land cyclers). I also tend to shuffle my decks a lot - alternating between riffle shuffle and overhand shuffle several times before I draw, and always let a friend cut.
the question here is, do you want a fun game with friends, or do you let a friend sit around for half an hour+, watching you play?
I would change it to sacrifice x life to get x damage l. Would it be too busted?
>a card literally called "terrorist"
how did they get away with this
This isnt even a response. He can still target anyone with completely beneficial effects.
That is a valid way to play it. That doesnt invalidate that he can be played group hug.
Mike is 6 mana, this guy's 2.
that's hatred on a commander, probably pretty abusable
obviously nobody wants a game where one player is just doing nothing all game

the issue arises when people take advantage of that and run less lands than is acceptable, trusting that the extra free mulls will give them a playable opener

the fact is that if you're on your 4th hand and you haven't found anything that's keepable, that's your fault for building a bad deck, and sometimes you get punished for it.
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Worse underworld breach
storm is getting a lot of shit this set
>ancestral recall is a group hug card because I could target an opponent with it
Idk enough to measure if that'd be busted, but it certainly would be boring. It'd be yet another "Engine and payoff in one package" commander.
>ancestral recall is a group hug card because I could target an opponent with it

Um, yeah actually. Its exactly what the rabbit is doing, giving other players cards.
>mono black
>best fast mana in the game
>best tutors
>arguably best draw
>he turns half your deck into combo pieces instead of just a single card
>thinking anyone thats building mikeaus wouldnt already include the most greasy way to get him out as early as possible
I knew you would say that absolute fool
that is way worse than breach. it costs 5 mana and itsn't part of a brainfreeze combo.
I'd compare this to past in flames but that sticks around
>lizards and bats get the shaft
>rats, rabbits, raccoons, mice, frogs and otters all get a multitude of legends
It's not fucking fair bros.
Isn't the next set a return to Tarkir? i'm sure we'll get plenty of lizards there :^)
Bats don't even look like a draft-worthy archetype at this point in time.
That's three sets down the line.
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>god knows why, its even big mana
>Need to spend cards to turbo out zombie priest
>Probably have nothing else because all your cardboard was dedicated to turboing him out
>Play 2 lands by t2
>t3 play 1 of 50 tutors
>t4 win
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Alright. 36 lands plus one mdfc.
I'm still hitting MOST of my land drops on time.
It's nerve wracking though. I want to cut a pair of cards just for the confidence boost of knowing I do have enough.
As soon as I miss a land drop I feel like I've lost, even when I still have twice as many lands as anyone else.
WB looks really good to me, i dunno what you're on.
surely there's still some legends to be spoiled, I mean we still haven't seen the fire wolf that's in the trailer and bunch of artworks for cards
neither do birds since they rely on non-flying creatures half the time
>highly telegraphed
>costs 6 mana, if it gets countered/removed once during your loop you have to invest 8 mana then 10 mana into getting him out
>2 mana
>extra color, has all of black's upsides and every single good effect in red
>low CMC means you can use any unearth effect imaginable for cheap and efficient recursion
>the issue arises when people take advantage of that
that's why we use a special mulligan rule - keep the next 3-land-hand. we had too many games with people keeping a one land hand and then doing literally nothing for the rest of the game. it's just not fun to play this way.
>that's your fault for building a bad deck
I would never claim that I build good decks, but I follow some basic rules - always 36+ lands, always 10+ ramp, always 10+ cheap draw mechanics. like I said, it barely ever happens, but last week it happened to me with a goddamn mana ramp commander. stupid as hell if you have to give up before the match even starts.
id argue you draft bats, only as a side-effect due to the sheer amount of removal in black for this set.
the mtg equivalent of a chasity cage
that would be collector's cage
your mulligan rule is supremely retarded

if you're GUARANTEED to have 3 lands in your opening, why would you run lands at all? I would run like, 20 lands max in that format
>setup for a big turn
>cast cast cast holding priority
>sac this before the spells resolve
>they go back to grave
na, Festival of Embers seems much more like demasculating edging with self punishment
yah, collector's cage locks the card in exile and you won't get it back that easy. you can just sac the enchantment any time like mistress wouldn't have thrown the key away or sumtin
>No cute skunk legendary
>no cute skunk planeswalker
>only one skunk card so far
I am so fucking sad... similar situation with the opossum... unless we didn't see everythig yet
yeah, haha
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imagine a stinky skunk spraying its mist as a game mechanic haha
>oh boy! a set with a bunch of cute furry creatures, I sure hope they have...
>the ones that smell really bad, and
>the ones who eat garbage and smell really bad

what's wrong with you?
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flood gar, only one missing now should be the wildfire wolf
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and we have one already too!
Skunks are incredibly cute you're retarded
The reminder text feels weird to me. Did it always use to be the case that discounting a spell by a specific colour let you also discount generic costs?
give me one good reason this isn't a leviathan or a serpent
the art on the left is awesome
no, it's usually specifid that it's one or the other, like for phyrexian mana
this is more in line with convoke where creatures can reduce it by generic or coloured mana if they are the right colour
This is a bad card.
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It's a gar. Which is a fish. Comparatively speaking, it's 'just' gar-sized to us, which is still big, but still clearly just a fish.
because we only apply that rule when someone mulligans himself down to an unplayable hand. may sound retarded, but it just works.
Because it's a normal-sized fish, the people of Bloomburrow are just small.
that's what I thought so too and had to check defiler of vigor. it specifies only green mana separately tho
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Ah, apparently Demilich answers this question in its rulings.
>While casting Demilich, if you are required to pay an additional cost that includes a generic mana component, Demilich's cost reduction effect can apply to it. For example, if you're required to pay an additional {1} to cast Demilich (perhaps because of Sphere of Resistance), and you've cast five or more instant and/or sorcery spells this turn, you would pay {0} to cast Demilich.
why is (or 1) in brackets? that's reminder text in the middle of rules text, and should just be in the rules text. what the fuark.
Do you think we will get some of the anatomical alt art of the cute critters?
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Yeah, Bard Class is similar, it specifies only coloured mana. Eluge doesn't, so the reminder text is just a heads-up, basically.
this isn't a good argument, but even if it were, it would be invalidated by the existence of the tiny leviathan we got recently
is he legal in the command zone, because of this backside?
Wrong retard. That's because Segovia's inhabitants are normal planar inhabitants, except small. A Segovian angel is an angel, but tiny. Eluge is a gar, and just a gar.
I hate segovia so fucking much.
The rules text is it reduces by U. That can reduce generic costs, but most specific cost-reducers specify that only coloured costs are affected, but Eluge doesn't, so it, as a way to tell players, has the reminder text to indicate that. There's no functional difference to the (or 1) being there or not.
are you saying that the Gar is from somewhere other than Bloomburrow? I didn't read the story

even so, why are the animals in Bloomburrow so tiny? If that's a regular sized Gar, why are the Otters apparently 3 inches tall?
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shut up they are cute, just look at this fucker
looks like it would roll over and release horrible smells when my dog barks at it.
you release horrible smells too yet nobody says anything
The Calamity Beasts are all native to Bloomburrow. The scale is definitely a bit wonky for the sake of it, but the 'folk' are all broadly similar sizes (though raccoons and badgers are generally quite big still) and the Calamity Beasts are somewhat oversized, with maybe the exception of Lumra.
I'm saying the planar inhabitants of Segovia are just your bog-standard MTG plane inhabitants. There's Segovian goblins, Segovian elves, Segovian leviathans, but matched up against their counterparts on other planes they are much tinier.

The gar isn't a leviathan any more than a squirrel is an elf.
its due to the fact theyre away from their natural environment that makes them raggedy looking

they still creep me out
I would say something.
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>tfw no fuckable beasts in bloomburrow

The wolf maybe, when he gets revealed.
The precon bird kinda does it for me too.
During the reveal stream they said there's 8 big calamity beasts, 7 of which are mythic and 1 rare. How many are we up to now?
>White Elk mythic
>Green Bear mythic
>Black Owl mythic
>Blue Fish mythic
>Black Snake mythic
>Golgari Cat mythic
so which one are the two remaining? One has to be red to complete the cycle
I'd let Hazel have my nuts hehehehe
I'm retarded and didn't read about the wolf, so I guess that's the red one
so only one unknown left
I would assume the Sunhawk. As a counterpoint to the owl.
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The fiery wolf we see in Repel Calamity is almost certainly a card. Also I don't think the snake is one of the 'big' ones, because it's not legendary.
if you take a fish and make it huge, that's a leviathan. The type is literally nothing but regular fish with the scale turned up.
The decklist will be largely irrelevant. What matters is that I will be building such a disgusting stax deck around her that the name "Bumbleflower" will illicit groans at my table forevermore.
Except it's not huge by scale. It's only big to Bloomburrow inhabitants. It'd be a 'pretty big fish' to us. That's the 'rule' Bloomburrow sort of works off of.
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Bruh that commander has nothing to do with stax. You gay as hell.
>That can reduce generic costs
no other instance of "spell is reduced by U" has ever also reduced it by generic costs as well. if it says reduced by U, it reduces it by U and not generic costs. this is the first time that has happened and also the first time there has been reminder text in the middle of rules text. the reminder text should be rules text.
right, and to us, the segovian leviathan would just be a fish, because Segovia is small

but because to the people of Segovia, it's a leviathan, it has the leviathan creature type
fire wolf is fair yeah he's most likely the red one
snake I'm also not sure about but it is a mythic so I kind just assumed it was, I don't think they specified that they all had to be legendary
So how are you guys gonna cope when people are playing tiny rabbits and mice alongside BLOOD DEATH, PHYREXIAN MUTILATOR later?
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It's not the absolute first time. Most specific-color reductions specify that they only reduce colored mana costs afterwards.
Demilich and Khalni Hydra are two examples that don't, but would need a cost increase for that to be relevant, and their rulings both indicate that it DOES work this way. >>93353338
they do that already
This is why I dont give a fuck about things like "fair" cards or "fun". If you're going to make me suffer through your fur faggotry, I'm going to make you suffer under contamination and smokestack.
Nta, but idk why you're having an autistic fit over a fish, but you do you
The mechanic of the commander doesn't matter and grouphug decks are stupid by default. The fun comes from turning an adorable bunny into a dreadful menace.
I take that over playing with Doctor Who, Lord of the Rings or Ass Creed
So what you're saying is that you don't actually care about the aesthetics of Magic, you only care that it says Magic on the box.
If Bloomburrow was just a Redwall UB, you'd suddenly hate it?
Yes, that's what I meant by "gay as hell".
because the Krakens/Leviathans/Octopus/Serpent archetype is my pet deck that I keep trying to make work, and wotc's weird choices when it comes to creature types keep fucking it over

why are fish, shark, whale, leviathan, and kraken all different creature types when "Cat" covers everything from Housecats to Tigers to 300 foot-tall panthers?
Because types are weird.
Meh. My friends will chuckle about it as long as I don't play it to often. Your opinion is irrelevant compared to that.
hence why I asked why this giant fish isn't a leviathan when previous "giant fish" cards have had that type. The creature types are so fucked that asking for the slightest bit of consistency makes you look like a psychopath
It's following the same rules as Bloomburrow's generally had. This is a fish because it's "just" an elemental gar.
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>why this giant fish isn't a leviathan
Because here's a human for size comparison.
>then why are the otters so small
Shitty artist and/or artistic emphasis.
I think WOTC's reasoning is that Blumburrow is about basic animals. Just animals you can come across while walking in a non-tropical western/european forest.

Even the calamity beasts are still just "elemental - animal"

A leviathan is not a simple animal. I do agree with you that WOTC should clean up creature types, but I do understand why its just elemental fish.
>implying that magic has a unified aesthetic
Fuck me why are they so fucking coy about what courageous critters we'll get in the other precons
you could put the segovian leviathan in that image and it would be equally true, but segovian leviathan is still a leviathan

I don't even know where you're getting this info anyway, the wiki says that Eluge is "30-40 foot long", where does it say that animals in Bloomburrow are smaller than regular animals?
So you really would like anything just because it says Magic on the box?
Bloomburrow unironically feels more like a Magic set to me than the cowboy or detective sets we got, so no, it's not about what they put on the box
I do hate UB tho
how do you deal with someone in a group of friends that you think is cheating? have a good friend, but when he plays he rushes through his motions and leaves very little room for interaction, and every game we played last game night had him playing blood moon turn 2. he also has white sleeves and gonti'd his library and took a combo piece, which had some black shit on the sleeve that wouldn't come off and i think is him marking a card. do i start saying i need to cut his deck before he draws his opener or what? i don't want to make it weird but at the same time there are tells and he is the most tryhard in the group.
>This isn't a good argument
Okay except it is and it's also not a serpent or a leviathan or anything. It's a fish.
>tiny leviathan
>is a serpent
But segovian leviathan is massive in comparison to other seacreatures in segovia.
I will riot if they put toski in the squirrel away set.
and eluge is massive compared to other sea creatures on bloomburrow
So you don't actually care about game integrity and instead care about getting your way. Kill yourself please
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Let's make a fair assumption and assume the whales in the foreground and background here are similar in size to the smallest species of whale we know.
And since I only have Urza from the knees up, I'll scale him up so he's ~150% the size of a human.

I'd still say the Segovian Leviathan earns its leviathan classification.
Anons right it is gay and screams I desperately want to be unique
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He's a Special Guest in the main set.
Bloomburrow feels like a magic set lmao. You're just terminally online and brain rotted and have fooled yourself into associating cute animals with weird perverts on the internet. You have a weak mind and a fragile sense of self
Anon, you don't know how Segovia works. The literal joke about it came from this being a 3/3, yet it was so big in the art. The whales are, like, small fish-sized to us.
it's not a giant fish
it's the textbook definition of normal fish in a tiny pond
And my nuts are huge compared to yours but they're still not cantaloupes.
you're way way off, Caetus, the "tyrant" doesn't even reach up to a soldier's shins, Segovian whales are much much smaller than even the smallest real whales

the wiki says that the segovian leviathan is the largest creature on the entire plane and it's smaller than an elephant.
>Segovia is a plane where everything exists in miniature at about a 1:100 scale.
>The largest creature on Segovia, a Segovian Leviathan, is about the size of a Dominarian elephant. When planeswalkers visit this plane they are automatically shrunk down to scale, but items taken out from Segovia are not equivalently enlarged.
Huh. In truth, I never knew about this plane. Even lore-wise it would just be the size of an elephant, which wouldn't really be leviathan class.

Alright I'll admit my foot's in my mouth on this one.
it's 30-40 feet long, that's pretty fucking big, bigger than the segovian leviathan
>so no, it's not about what they put on the box
But if it was a Redwall set you'd hate it.

Can you describe what about it "feels" more like a Magic set than, say, Lord of the Rings?
dude did research about the size of real whales and did pixel calculations in photoshop instead of just googling
Eh, I've caught bigger ones with a fishing rod.
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It was pretty fun though.
oh thank god
thank you for clarifying
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what should i be keeping an eye out for in the new set?
keep an eye on deez nuts ayyyyy gottem
>it's not a leviathan or anything, just a crab

but it's a BIG crab, therefore it's a leviathan. Up till now "leviathan" just meant "big sea creature", which Eluge obviously is, by any account
is that a new squirrel card? i don't play squirrels.
fucking mad giggs
If Calamity Beasts weren't all Elementals first, they might've made Eluge a Leviathan Fish, but there's not room for Elemental Leviathan Fish, and Leviathan was the most reasonable to cut.
>there's not room
nigga what?
even if they did it for space, given that there is at least a little bit of support for the "leviathan" creature type that they put out once in a while and absolutely ZERO support for "fish", I'd argue that "fish" would've been more reasonable to cut
Ask to cut each game and see how it plays out for him, there's 0 reason to not cut a deck unless you're literally an adhd addled retard who has to get into turn 1 as fast as possible.
Cheaters are fucking insufferable because they always shuffle the "same way" and end up with very similar hands because they don't ever weave or really mix up their cards, so it's always the same shit dropping with just a few other cards mixed in.
>Posts the card that they literally said was too much of a typeline so they said they'd trim down typelines
whats the bump limit?
However many bumps your mom can take in an evening when the sailors come ashore
No I can't feelings aren't meant to be explained. My soul is just greater than yours
based and vibe-pilled, I agree wholeheartedly
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>No I can't
Thought so.
>No Ugin and Bolas as bearded lizards
We haven't seen all the critters yet. There's 24 in total and we've seen... Like 12?
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This is pretty good
Not really. In fact it's quite bad.
Theres your first mistake anon
Jasconius isn't a leviathan, neither is Dandan
Jasconius is a island fish. I use misty rainforest to search it to the battlefield.
please, i don't want to hear all the "lot lizard" posts that will come with them.
No, he's just a fish, so is DanDan
>Jasconius is a island fish.
oracle text says no it isn't, you cannot search it with misty.
20 so far, I think the rest are revealed thursday.
I think you're wrong
Enjoy your 4 mana fishes and your 5 mana treasures.
Jasconius should definitely be a leviathan

Dandan I'm not sure about, it's obviously pretty big, but we can't be how big. It looks like it's probably smaller than the Segovian Leviathan
you've never played a control mirror obviously
And 3 mana card draw + sac outlets, on a land, in aristocrats?
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>control mirror
>in edh
Why would I play worse trading post but a land?

Only a token. The juice just isnt worth the squeeze on this one.
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>Only a token
What creatures do you think aristocrat decks are generating and sacrificing?
Idk man, every aristocrats deck I've ever built is a combo deck or uses like ichorid, gravecrawler, reassembling skeleton, geralf's messenger and blood ghast.
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Would Orzhov bat deck work with Congregate and Felidar Sovereign as an additional win condition?
It's the first original plane WotC has mad for years that has actual charm and doesn't seem AI algorithm generated.
whats with that thing lately, i dont think it was a good wincon even for its time
>every aristocrats deck I've ever built is a combo deck

that's because you're gay and cringe
This would well in my Ashnod deck
>combo player struggles to understand cards in a non-combo setting
Imagine my shock.
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>It's the first original plane WotC has mad for years
...the redwall plane?
Why would you play bad cards when you could instead play good cards?
>whats with that thing lately
are people using it now again? I just looked at my 8 year old deck right now and thought it was cool
I agree and i'm not even a fan of the cute animals thing, not my jam but at least it's got heart.
Thunder Junction and New Capenna are embaressing in comparison. Karlov Manor doesn't exit, I only remember the good times on Ravnica.
I'm running it as an alt win con in a pure cat deck it's pretty good at drawing out deletion for better cards to shine or outright on the spot if they can't awnser it though layers of protection
saw it mentioned here a few times last couple weeks is all. when i started 6 years ago i already thought it was meh, but that just might be powerrot taken place already.
i just see it begging and yearning for that spot removal
cat tribal may the only place i might consider it, but willl probably end up being my 101st card
Because it's the casual format and I enjoy playing with other people.
if main issue I had was there aren't enough stellar cats leading to me having to make some less desirable picks for inclusion. Take that with a grain of salt though I'm far from good
because it's a party game

...do you play EDH competitively?
why would you play a tutor and do the same lines every game instead of playing a different interesting card that does something else so you can play more magic
yes, i see that. Still, than this cat, i'd rather the good old Sun Titan, who i already start to cut more and more too
dont even start, unless you wanna goon with all this bating.
its like the Smash Bros 'tismos
Don't you still need a sac outlet for redcap combo? I mean, there's plenty of them, but it's at least 1 more card in the combo.
its a commander card wotc doesn't give a fuck.
>redwall invented anthropomorphic animal characters
Put together a brawl deck with Honest Rutstein because I've been wanting to make a Meren Golgari deck, and figured he would work as a bootleg proxy for arena.

He's actually very enjoyable to play as a commander. His abilities aren't flashy, but they're both simple positives. Even though he's not rezing as efficiency as Meren would, his cheap price lets you get multiple plays out of him easily.

Anyone know any good Golgari tech? I think I have the deck flowing, but it's weird to balance card-draw/recursion/mana in GB, as it feels they only work in extremes.
it's crazy because honest rutstein could have been a chase rare 10 years ago. now he's a bulk uncommon. oh what a world.
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>Free sac outlets are hard to come by
They only printed like 4 bats in this set
That fact snuck up on me. I kind of glossed over his value, I think just because of the lack of text and the rarity. WOTC has been overdesigning legendaries so hard for Commander, it's like we're conditioned to ignore him.

It's nice playing a commander that can be just played around value, that wasn't designed to only work with like fifty cards total.
No. A commander has to be a legendary creature card. That's why Grist is a legal commander, because her static ability makes her a creature when not in play.
Talk me out of making Bruse Tarl/Ikra Shidiqi
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This card is such bullshit
>Cast Atraxa with Cavern of Souls
>EtB countered so I spent 7 mana for nothing despite using a card JUST to make it uncounterable
Playing winota, having cavalry Pegasus in play.
Does all the humans i find and put into played tapped and attacking have flying?

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