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Previous: >>93347853

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>how to proxy using any printer

>Thread Question/Prompt:
What made you start playing CEDH over EDH?
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My deck has a ton of big burst draw, as well as several draw engines that don't tend to get removed. There are a lot of times where I'm discarding 5-10 cards every turn just to get down to 7.
Is it worth running this thing? I obviously won't always have it, and I tend to play my land per turn by the time my deck is flying into my hand because my draw engines rely on me dropping big mana bombs on the field (which usually need the land drop).
I'd cut a forest for it, bringing me down to 12 basic lands (in a 3-colour deck) but ANOTHER issue I've been having is that my land ramp tends to fetch basics and there are games where I come scarily close to not having any left in my deck to actually grab.

I've got the fancy full art cmm one too, which is honestly kind of annoying because I built this deck with an ultra budget land base so it's easily like 4x the price of any other land in my deck.
reliquary tower is bait in approx 99% of decks
in almost all cases, if you cant win the game with 7 handpicked cards you are doing it wrong
basically only exception is decks that can regularly draw like 10 cards a turn and pass
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What commanders is everyone excited to build from bloomburrow?
I play basically everything at sorcery speed, but it does feel pretty bad to pitch half my hand into the graveyard every turn in the mid-late game. I don't have any graveyard plays either so those cards are gone.
I like my cards. I don't want to see them in the graveyard. Just feels bad, you know?
i would recommend Endurance over it desu
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Is /edhg/ pro izzet?
the foolish froggy man, the flubby boy
what does he come from? collector packs?
I don't use any tutors and the one tutor I do have (Invasion of Ikoria) can also search my graveyard. I dig through my deck really quickly, but the cards going to the bottom of my library still means I probably won't be seeing them for a few turns unless I shuffle or do a low cascade to send most of the top of my library to the bottom.
Plus I already own the reliquary tower so there's a financial incentive to use it.
yes, almost exclusively
if the wedge doesnt at LEAST have blue in it, i wont play it, preferably izzet shards though
excepting golgari
i think green finale can also grab from grave
any guess how long til we get the precon lists? i normally dont pay attention to the reveal cycle
I like Temur and might enjoy Jeskai (never played it) but Izzet by itself doesn't do anything for me.
still waiting for the fire wolf to be revealed
there have been a lot of mono red burn legends that have been printed in recent sets so I'm not starved for options, but I will gladly take another (if he turns out to be burn)
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How are we feeling, goblinbros?
Are we getting more Ferocious cards in Return to Tarkir?
I love them.
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Sad that all goblins had debilitating coke addictions and they lost their big funny noses :(
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the great treeator
Just how much basic fetching do you have? In green you should run Farseek, Nature's Lore, Three Visits, and Skyshroud Claim before touching anything else, unless you can reliably get three from Entish Restoration. All of those can get typed duals of which there are multiple cycles
the rakdos weasel just so I can flip worldfire and choose not to cast it.
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>by the end of 2024 there will have been 24 commander precons released
enough already
I've built decks at every power level and used to give tons and tons of advice. Honestly I just got sick and tired of the excuses people make to justify being bad. All the faggots asking for help but instead of accepting valid criticisms of their list they jump through elaborate hoops about how they're actually still good at magic, even though they have an average cmc of 5 and no ramp or card draw. People just want you to somehow know their whole collection when suggesting new cards and are allergic to both spending money and proxying. Then you have the people who are offended by like 80% of the cards ever printed... It's just nice being able to play with people who are competent and dont take it personally when you remove their 8 mana dino.
The grouphug bunny. I want to see if I can make people choke on value and draw themselves to death. It probably won't work because I play with smart people who run mid/high budget decks, but the fun is in the challenge.
I bought one
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Myriad Landscape, Blighted Woodland, Cultivate, Kodama's Reach, Topiary Stomper (who is also a good target for Ephemerate in my deck for a pair of extra triggers), and (though it's not ramp) Sheltering Landscape.

Assuming I actually saw and used all of those cards in one game, I'd be fetching 10-12 basic lands.
I do have an array of non-basic fetching (Krosan Verge, Farseek, Nature's Lore, Three Visits) but I don't actually have many non-basics I can fetch with them. Just Canopy Vista (GW), Radiant Grove (GW), Wooded Ridgeline (RG), and Cinder Glade (RG) so there are times I'm just fetching basic forests and plains because those are all I have left.

My deck's a mess.
Ms Bumbleflower.
I cant wait for the final precon to be complete shit, so i will inevetably skip it and just build around her myself
which one?
i bought one too, Party Time from Baldurs Gate
>I like terrible commanders because they're heckin cute
The absolute worst
Always remember rule #1 of EDH: kill the group hug player first.
>everyone in my pod,myself included, boast different powers of decks, all with decent to obscene amount of card draw, both bursts and engine
>the minute i pull out my weakest, stankiest and jankiest deck, all these are pointed at my slow moving, low value draw permanents

i dont fucking get it
I didn't say cute. I said I wanted a challenge. It's a damn shame how many illiterate people there are these days.
stop playing with strawmen, you miserable bitch.
i have my reasons, and "hecking cute" sure as shit aint one
>make people choke on value
is my plan to. i wanted to build a Heliod, the Radiant Dawn, but that seemed too easy to abuse.
she seems to be in a good sweet spot between Kwain and Heliod
Meant to reply to this. >>93355682
My bad.
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Go on, explain yourself. What could you possibly like about a garbage group hug commander?
Yeah, cut Myriad and Blighted right away, those are just trash. Insane tempo loss for minimal benefit. Krosan Verge is borderline. I'm not the biggest fan of Kodama's or Cultivate but depending on your strategy you might have time to play them. Stomper is kinda whatever, I don't like two pips on mana fixing when Wood Elves is right there.

You ever tried BoP or Wild Growth?
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
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Post your face when Rhystic triggers
Nothing sticks out for me at the moment and I've already built Kwain so I think I'm gunna give Bloomburrow a pass
Come to think of it I might grab the full art lands for my Kwain deck
Maha and Ygra for certain, maybe something else might catch my eye when I go over the list. Been working on my icy Maha deck for the last couple days. Right now I'm mostly caught on how intensely I wanna invest in it, like if I wanna pull out my Lake of the Dead, Chrome Mox, Necropotence, Vein Ripper, Massacre Wurm, etc. or just go softer and run some sillier stuff.
The only time I tolerate UR is in Jeskai
Every other combination and especially Izzet itself I can't be dealing with. It just doesn't compute to me as a strategy
Even in other formats like draft for instance. Every time I fall for Izzet I get zero wins, every time.
Initially was interested in Zinnia but I already have a token deck. Pic rel is 100% going to be my Bant Dragon deck.
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>all the commanders that I like the art and design of have color combinations and mechanics I am not a fan of.
What do I do with my autism?
>Yeah, cut Myriad and Blighted right away, those are just trash
I figured they are, but they've been useful to me way more often than they've fucked me. Those are probably my lands that are first up on the chopping block when I decide I need fewer utility lands and more colour fixing.
>I'm not the biggest fan of Kodama's or Cultivate but depending on your strategy you might have time to play them
I cut some dorks for them (Goblin Anarchomancer and Somberwald Sage) because I like how consistent land ramp is. Dorks, especially Somberwald Sage in this case, are explosive but they're honestly a little too fast, and it feels bad when they get immediately picked off because other people know they're going to be a problem.
>Stomper is kinda whatever, I don't like two pips on mana fixing when Wood Elves is right there.
I'm using him specifically because he fits into the rest of my deck well. A couple of Power 4+ triggers, dino synergy, turns into a nice attacker and blocker when counters get thrown around. He's like a modular spell that ramps me early or acts as a creature late, but I get both of them either way eventually.
>You ever tried BoP or Wild Growth?
I do have a BoP. Had an Avacyn's Pilgrim too but he always felt underwhelming so he was who I cut for a Farseek. I just have bad experiences with dorks. Hate seeing my things die and really hate not having enough mana to recover the turn after a board wipe when all my dorks are dead.

It's not like I'm the first person to ever complain about lands being too expensive, but it really does suck how the good non-basics with land types are so expensive. That's the main reason why I don't have more of them.
Pain lands and filter lands are perfect for their speed and efficiency but not being able to fetch them sucks balls.
this is what "tribal tribal" changeling piles are meant to be, not that ur dragon or reaper king shit
I say go all out and use all of the good cards you can for it while doing stupid shit for theme
Cruelclaw so I can cheat out big Rakdos creatures and Blood for the Blood God
Which commander is the most FUN :)
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rex nebula
Well here goes nothing, I guess. Gonna throw in Dark Depths since a friend gave me his and a foil Marit Lage token for some extra spice. Mutated Cultist and Vampire Hexmage are probably good enough to warrant for that too. Thespian's Stage and maybe Hex Parasite?
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pic related with all of the fleshbag marauders and forced sacrifice
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asking for heavy metal artists again was a furled finger on the monkey paw and i didn't even realize it until now.
>$230 in tcgplayer cart for mommy norn and teysa decks plus the only fucking GW commander that didn't look like hot garbage
>$1700 in dental work this month
I guess I can justify the cardboard as a treat for myself
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Tokeniggers got a new toy
looks like fucking adventure time shit
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Ok this is sick
Unironically a cool reprint of one of my favorite etb creatures. I'll have to get my hands on one for Urza. Torn between this and the one with the classic border.
this dude is metal as fuck
I belong in that group, and i'm still really not sold
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that's the point. it wasn't always that way. asking for heavy metal artists means asking for the likes of alex horley, pin up art, and art that is at least even a little bit weight or brutal. but the monkey paw answered, and they used an artist from an alt cover late into the life of the magazine right before its death, and gave us several secret lairs by wizard of barge. no one wants wizard of barge, i have no clue how he even got a heavy metal cover. honestly, i think it's good that the magazine died at this point, because printing shit like that cover is a disgrace.
pic related is what i wanted, asking for heavy metal artists.
every set i keep being convinced more and more to build lotho. goddamn.
Group hug is my favorite archetype
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>got calaminity legends at mythic level for each colour except red
>fire wolf is heavily featured in trailer, lore and in several artworks on cards themselves
>for some reason red instead gets pic related as is mythic creature
>however turns out that it's apparently completely made up, source is some shitter on discord who directly messaged a guy on plebbit who then made a fake card based on artwork shown and on a teaser mentioning a legendary bird dragon
this is so fucking confusing
wait what?
this turned out fake?
kinda glad since it turned out kinda shit
If this is fake I'm actually fucking happy

This really isn't the first time they do false advertising though, I mean the promotional material hyped up mabel and her card is very mediocre

Izzet spellslinger w/ minor stax

Do I need more counterspells/draw? Looking for recs from a deck resource perspective
why does it say "next end step" instead of just "end step"?
why wouldnt it
Have you tried Ian Malcolm group hug
Basically this guy on plebbit said some guy on discord told him of this card via direct message, so he proceeded to make a mock up version of it by using the artwork of the bird we saw in one of the bloomburrow stories and writing down whatever this guy told him - because he never actually showed him the card or anything, he just told him name, cost, creature and rules text
it might be the single least trustworthy source I have ever seen but somehow the community just spread the card as a leak
Do you think someone could have sex with his nose?
i vill vait until set release i suppose
How few Legendary creatures/planeswalkers do you think is too few to justify a Mox Amber? I've got a few and am debating putting one into my Maha deck.
i think to run amber you either have to have a cmc 3 or less commander or have a minimum of like 8 legends in your deck
you have a commander right? that many
That feels mildly unreliable, especially since Maha is very likely to draw LOTS of removal due to the sheer obnoxiousness of her ability.
Okay, I'm at 184 cards right now and have about 11, so I'll slip it over to Maybe and reevaluate when the deck is closer to done. Thanks, man.
I'm getting into EDH after having not touched magic for years and I wanna play a deck that has big damaging spells which seem to be those X spells like fireball, comet storm, immolating inferno and so on, and prerably just be wacky and maybe have alternative win condition. On first look the commanders I am considering are either Wort or Yurlok but I was wondering what you guys reccomend
may i recommend magus lucea kane or rashmi and ragavan
Afaik it's a store promo, buy more than X amount in store to get it for free.
Regular stores get non-foil and Premium stores get both foil and non-foil.
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Reminds me of this.
Seconding the suggestion of Magus Lucea Kane.
You can play big spells AND big creatures with her.
i think mox amber is playable if you have a commander that is 1-2 mana. 3 mana maybe. once you hit 4 mana, it isn't worth it. at that point you would need at least 10 1-2 drop legends in your 99.
That's fair, and Maha is already 5 cmc, and most of my legends are on the more expensive side like K'rrik, Professor Onyx (for that one funny combo with Chain of Smog), Aclazotz, Mirri the Cursed, Ascendant Evincar, etc.
How does grixis rats even work? Is snail tribal even possible?
Fuck now I want to build him
If only he had trample or menace
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here is a very fitting, free snail for you
Rat too
he seems like a cooler Saruman, but i dont care about rats
Gavin put out his hints for the Bloomburrow decks.
>There is a card called "Tempt with Bunnies" with the tempting offer mechanic. Can you guess what it does?
>There is the first ever card with two instances of hideaway
>There are four new classes, one per deck
>There is a card with "Gift an Extra Turn" - what do you think you get for that??
>There is a card with five instances of "twenty" in its rules text.
>There is a squirrel with toxic
>There is a card that is a direct reference to Sword of the Meek - right down to the name
>There is a Bat that makes Blood tokens
>There is a red creature with offspring that mimics a popular-in-multiplayer red common noncreature. Any guesses?
>There is a card that benefits your Fungus and Saprolings
>There is a card named "Thickest in the Thicket". I love these Bloomburrow names!
>And finally, a huge one. Not to be forgotten in the wake of Colossal Dreadmaw, there is another card that seeks to be referenced. So there is a card with game text that contains the mighty words... "Storm Crow"
Mox Amber will never ramp you early unless your deck is filled with 1cmc legends. 11 seems way too low to consider it. Imo it goes in Historic/Legends Matters decks and that's it
Works for me, I'm gonna toss it back in my binder and just pull out Chrome Mox instead.
>How does grixis rats even work
I can't speak for grixis in general, but for Wick you wants rats fast. So SongOfTotenTanz and PlagueOfVermin are autotake, and then you consider other mass token creators like fx KindredCharge.
Next you decide if you're going for the RatColony+Thrummingstone trick or not. If not you just run carddraw and low cmc rats, which often make people discard cards, so you get a little control.
Related, you then decide if you're going to turn your rats into snail bombs via MaskWoodNexus, Artificial Evolution, Conspiracy or Xenograft.
Lastly decide if you want to make the rat-tide to deal damage on its own with ImpactTremors-like effects. Too many of those to list.
>Is snail tribal even possible?
Only other snail in the colors is a bad card from Ixalan iirc.
Changelings exist, but it's not worth it. Taurean Mauler and Bloodline pretender are the only ones worth looking at because they're "snails" that can make themselves big fast-ish and without needing Wick on the table.
>the whorled mind
and there's no junji ito alt art of this muthafucka? this could have been an uzumaki reference.
Fuck, so many grammar and spelling mistakes. I need to stop trying to give advice when i'm this tired.
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>reaper king shit
you take that back you filthy fucking freak
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Nah just get drunk and stop caring.
>everyone hates on tripfags
>swordbro is one of the only anons positively contributing to these threads
>realize most anons are just insecure losers and tripfags arent that bad
I wouldn't go that far, anon most tripfags are among the worst posters on 4chan
Nah, besides my english slipping, i turn into a sad and sour prick when i'm both exhausted and drunk.
You forgot your tripcode, swordfag
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>actually, narcissists are good and totally not insecure, attention seeking retards that constantly have to stick out because they unironically think they are special
>armchair psychologist anon
Your ego really needs me to be swordbro, doesn't it?

If they're contributing to the thread who gives a shit? Really says more about you than Swordbro that his mere existence triggers you so bad.
Try not to get his or your own cum on you after that massive jerk off sesh.
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>posting like this about tripfags
Dont. I just pretend the egotistical fuck doesnt exist and move on. Tripfags are ALL cancer unless they're delivering something specific.
>There is a card called "Tempt with Bunnies"
please god no i can't handle furries, stop giving them fodder
>There is a card with "Gift an Extra Turn" - what do you think you get for that??
my bet is it's a two extra turn spell for 6 mana. you get two turns, but someone else gets an extra turn first.
>There is a card named "Thickest in the Thicket"
this is more furry coomer bait, goddamn.
Your insecurities are showing

Dude just chills in the thread and talks about magic. Whats so bad about that? Seems like projection to me.
this, either ignore him or simply comment on shit he says when it's relevant. do not ask him questions about himself or give him ego boosts.
Anon, if you go out of your way to not be anonymous on a site where the whole point is anonymity, you might not be literal DSM5-diagnosis narcissist, but you are most certainly a colloquial narcissist ie stuck so far up your own ass that you can have breakfast a second time.
He can do that without his triptag
You wish. I can have breakfast as many times as I want
The fact that he trips is a condemnation in and of itself. You can contribute to a thread without being an attention whore about it.
He can do it with it too

No it isnt
Anon I don't know what website you came from but the entire point of 4chan is to be anonymous unless it is necessary to be named. Usually trips are intended for one thread where you're making specific contributions that require identification, what Swordbro does is just a fancy form of "look at me look at me".
Yes it is because people have conversations exactly like this one about every single trip. This general has been exceedingly polite to this faggot.
in all fairness hes being polite back by not fucking it up either

can we talk about edh again?
>big ol jerk off about tripfags
>no talking about magic
shut the fuck up all of you jesus
Can but shouldn't, and if he chooses to keep doing it while knowing he shouldn't, then it's only right that the proverbial village attempts to chase out the black sheep.
Accountability for your actions and all that jazz.
Hang all tripfaggots and tripfaggot apologists.
But also spec on mutate cards, shit's about to hit hard.
Stop samefagging about yourself.
>But also spec on mutate cards, shit's about to hit hard.
what do you know
4C Commander(s) incoming, one of them functions very well with being targeted, and making offspring.
I like the offspring mechanic. Hey Swordbro, what do you think about the offspring mechanic?
I think it would be optimal to make offspring with men
Gavin is such a faggot
Lmao retard doesn't know how tripcodes work. Your code doesn't match real swordbro's. HA HA
>4c commander decks
Anyone else get put off building a commander purely because the artwork is fuck ugly?

Put in a proxy order for this with some different art, the card itself looks fun as fuck to build around but the art just doesn't vibe with me at all.
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If your LGS applies house rules to your commander games, go find a better LGS
>4c commanders
We had ample oppurtunies for certain 3c legends to be 4c but WotC is too chicken shit to design them. I still think Yuma/that plant baby no one cares about should of been RGWB.
I remember back when Solemn was as much a staple of EDH as Sol ring. Back before they started making commander specific products. The "staples" articles around 2010 were such an insanely different power level than what they've escalated the game to. You could pick most of them up for cheap too, as the standard players just saw them as shoebox bulk. You could go to a tourney and trade a couple fetchlands for basically an entire deck if you wanted to try some new janky idea. It used to be impressive how people would scrape together a theme from disconnected cards, instead of the on-the-rails deck motifs we have now.

When Scars came out, it blew the local meta in half. So many of the cards could go in any deck, and suddenly the esper cards from Alara went from "kind of pushed" to absolutely degenerate. It was like being present for a new government taking over.
My LGS is retarded
>has a sign with house rules
>one of the rules is no infinite combos
>play my first game there
>opponent plays an infinite combo
>I protest, opponent says that rule is just for infinite combos that "break the game"
>LGS owner confirms this bullshit
>every game I play afterwards has some fag win with infinites
And thats why I don't play there any more.
>on-rails deck motifs
Thats a good way to put it. Feels shitty
>and suddenly the esper cards from Alara went from "kind of pushed" to absolutely degenerate.
this feels aimed at sharuum+metamorph combos specifically. that was always the boogeyman back in the day where i played. but yeah, i agree, i miss the old days when the power levels were completely different and there were far less on-rails decks.
>the dreaded Maw and le Crow
This can be pretty reasonable, just depends on the local culture. It's hard NOT to put an infinite combo in a deck anymore, it just matters if your deck is geared to hit it turn 3, and counter any responses.
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>So there is a card with game text that contains the mighty words... "Storm Crow"
they are going to print it in black border
Earl of Squirrel in black border soon.
It 100000% was about Sharuum. I was part of a social circle at my local LGS that would stay after closing because we knew the owner. We'd drink, and bullshit, and basically get to enjoy ourselves without having random customers wandering in. One night we realized almost all of us had been cooking a Sharuum deck, and had a hilarious game of five Sharuums all stacking artifact interactions that would take half an hour to unravel.

Ironically they killed EDH being the place to use those dumb 8 mana enchantments, and have a "lazy 2 hour game" because you knew it was going to go for 20 turns. Now it's like a game of russian roulette, because every pre-con printed a new card that just reads "do a thing, but x20."
wasn't Storm branded as "never to be printed again" mechanic?
I think it's pretty much a "never gonna be in standard" type thing, same with Dredge, but I believe they still release cards with it rarely in sets that aren't for that.
Storm is actually in Standard with BLB, though only on a Planeswalker ultimate, which is probably the sort of edge-case that lets it be 'allowed'.
they just printed amphibian downpour in MH3, and that has storm. other new storm cards from this year are elemental eruption and rad storm. the new ral's ult in bloomburrow is an emblem that gives all instants and sorceries storm. they won't put storm in a standard set straight on a card, ral doesn't count because once your able to ult ral, the game was pretty much already decided so it isn't that big of a deal. they will still play with it in nonstandard sets because people like the mechanic and because at this point storm isn't even that stupid or broken compared to the rest of magic.
Which is honestly a shame. I wish there was a subformat that required x amount of spells 7+ mana, x amount that were 6+, and so on so we can get back to that time.
>a hilarious game of five Sharuums all stacking artifact interactions that would take half an hour to unravel.
that sounds like hell
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Which legendary artist should I build? I'm an artist irl and I wanted to make an edh deck to represent my personal vibe.
parnesse, then you can put the other two in the deck as well as blood artist. you can also be cheeky and run one with nothing.
what about mah boy? he is very expressive
If you do Parnesse, you can run the other two in the 99. But really, it kinda comes down to who you feel like gives off your vibe from their "art". I'd say go with Parnesse and just run Rootha since they synergize while Kalain is more of a treasure token support such as Prosper, Ognis, or the like.
Shit man, I'm with quads and Anhelo man on this one.
Painter tribal let's gooo
>what about mah boy? he is very expressive
He is but he has too much swag and I'm more of a forgetful fuck up type
Hey swordman, is 36 lands with one mdfc land good enough or should I have more lands?
Casual deck.
the people have spoken, I'll do it!
wise Swordbro, thank you
you even have some new upcoming tech for artist tribal
Depends on your colors, honestly. If you're in 2 color, 37 total lands is enough, but if you're in 3 color I'd say go for around 38ish counting MDFC. Even then, I sometimes find my Urza deck has trouble picking up one of the colors even with 34 lands and 2 MDFC (Sink into Stupor and Waterlogged Teachings).
That's actually really cool
no worries
They are the same format?
Faggots. The lot of you. Fuck off.
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and don't forget to branch out a little bit
I was going to judge him by the quality of his advice.
I give it a solid 7/10.
>just spilling most of the paint on the ground while absentmindedly staring at a canvas
Thinking like this is why you'll never be great at anything anon
Oils are fucking expensive, my broke ass couldn't afford to waste a drop when I was painting.
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and remember, not all artist's only paint. some of them sculpt, too!
i have a 4 colour deck that has no issues not hitting my colours or not being able to cast my 4+drops (of which there are many) and i only run 32 lands.
i have more than 20 pieces of ramp
I started off with disbelief and then I read the spoiler and said "oh my god" out loud. I totally get it. I keep struggling to put together the only 4c commander I ever want to build, because there's too many options for me to be satisfied. Right now I'm sitting at 38 lands in a Mono Black deck, 2 of which are Dark Depths + Thespian's Stage, but still.
I've posted maybe... 10 times? in the last week with no responses, feels bad man. anyway, see you nerds later
I'd help if I could, but Izzet is one of the color pairings I have literally 0 luck with and can't grasp to save my life. Hope you get your help soon, anon.
lul, I'm just trying not to make a bricked deck, it's niche, just won't post decklists here since it's just spam at this point
>open link
>8000 dollar deck
ok faggot
gimme a sec, i'll take a look. im not super well versed in izzet/spellslinger decks, but i will help where i can. do beware this general though, very little discussion about the game happens. the things that get the most discussion are arguments about proxies, what's banworthy, and cedh vs edh (and how you've never seen or played against a cedh deck in your life) and it all mostly devolves into shitposting and calling people poor.
>timetwister in sideboard accounts for vast majority of price
learn to actually look at things, ding dong
It was only fun because it was just the vague focus of a bunch of trashed guys shooting the shit. None of us cared who won, so we'd all be laughing when we realized someone's board wipe only killed their own creatures.

We'd take a break for a smoke and come back to realize we had no idea whose turn it was, and just pick at random. It was a strange extreme corner of the game we'd found, and we communally enjoyed poking at it. But now it's what every commander game devolves to...
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>tfw it's a real timetwister and I deliberately left out my dual land

I'm thinking I should add my tropical island just so I can drop it after playing back to basics
Sharuum was my first "cedh" deck back in 2011 or so after running rafiq for a bit. Ended up buying a bunch of staples at the time that went nuts. $3 rhystic study, $13 yawgs will, $20 grim monolith and power / transmute artifact. She still holds a special place in my heart and I have a graded copy of the ftv version.
Your deck has a lot of problems.
1) your win cons are inconsistent, being limited to:
>taking a bunch of extra turns to induce scoops
>finding talrand, storming out and swinging with a fat surge to victory after a full turn
>copying crackle with power multiple times
2) you have a very mana hungry deck and not a lot of ramp. the cost reduction from mizzix is doing some extremely heavy lifting here and the deck will fold without him on the board
3) you have minimal ways to protect mizzix from getting smoked, a scant four cards which are all pulling double duty as counterspells or redirect effects.

This deck really needs a better Surge to Victory winline and should probably contain an Ovika or something to just hard end games when it drops. It could stand several return to hand effects to protect your commander, and probably wants another 2 or 3 mana rocks for consistency.
it's me >>93358135
took a quick look. main issue is your curve is too high. you need more rocks or cheap rituals. things like wizards of thay are too expensive for what you want to do, would recommend just switching with goblin electromancer (even though you lose the vedalken orrery effect) and mindsplice apparatus with something else. mizzix already reduces the cost of things, you don't need to double up on it TOO much. game of chaos is extremely bad because it does not have a cost that can be reduced and does not do enough (seems like a pet card more than anything), would also drop goblin game. but yeah, biggest thing is watch you curve, in the playtester i think i didn't have a play until T4 about 90% of the time, and that play was always competing with mizzix for what i want to do.
based feedback
>Swordbro saves an anon who was giving up
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>then posts about himself like a faggot
Don't respond. It's probably the dickslurper from earlier.
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Is this the quality of thread I can expect for a while? It's like standard rotation but with dumb faggots instead of sets.
Yeah seems like it's going to be that way. I'm just going to drink some PBR and resleeve my deck.
it IS summer, anons
I honestly dont notice much of a difference in the past 5 or so years. Spoiler season however...
any favorite group slug rakdos cards? also looking for commander ideas. running raphael because its also a demon tribal, ojer axonil is the real damage dealer
Summer was always a boogeyman myth and it's even more bullshit when site traffic is circling the drain.
this has been the quality of the thread for a while. i only pop in about once a week these days.
I've had some more time lately and have been lurking. Other than being absolutely apathetic to any new release due to oversaturation, seems like we have a lot of tourists that like the most recent set and have absolutely no idea how to play magic.
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Mogis is the obvious go to for the theme but I liked Yurlok pain stax into fireballs when I played it for a bit. I know you said rakdos but I loved this card in that deck.
everyone with half a brain has already quit this game. All you get now are newfag consoomers with room temp iq
somewhat ironically the release I'm most interested in is Foundations. I think having what is tantamount to a core set but it sticks around for five years is good for the game and will get people invested in standard again
I haven't paid much attention to prices lately but it seems like a lot of older cards that were 10-20 dollars have tanked significantly and the only expensive shit is recent pushed cards and powerful staples.
i've been very tempted to just go jund
CEDH is competitive, where you bring your best deck.
>seems like we have a lot of tourists that like the most recent set
no, i can assure you it has been like this for months at least.
Damn, that's bleak as fuck. Are there any oldfags left? I know I'm too autistic to leave but I cant be the only one.
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>not draftable

It's either going to be full of chase shit you'd be better off buying singles of or proxying, or be a worthless intro product with nostalgia bait for older players. The tranny colors are another red flag.
kewl, my playtest was turn 2 null rod, so that was fun.
after the one guy doxxed people nobody wants to post their decks anymore which was the other main impetus to chat in these threads. so now all thats left are the /pol/ tourists and the extreme newbies
foundations is draftable anon
That was two years ago. Even last year wasnt this bad.
I've been here for about 19-20 years, if that counts. Autism or nah, but rest of the internet really doesn't feel like it has anything interesting to offer and all other places are heavily censored.
it takes time for events like that to seriously impact threads
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Yurlok is the best bet but the theme is lacking in options overall. If you're ok losing black, Klothys is another cool option
Been in this shithole roughly 16 years. Technically a newfag by the books but you take what you can get these days.
Brothers! I came here from ogrish back in the day to gorepost, stayed for the mediafire leaks on /mu/. I just dont feel comfortable anywhere else, all that account creation and introductions and shit.

I get that you like telling that story but I dont think that's what happened.
do you have an event that better demarcates the decline of this thread
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I've flitted between a bunch of places but nothing has matched 4chan's mix of ephemera and good-spirited vitriol. It's not what it used to be but it's closer than anything else.
Prices spiked a few years ago when card games were getting speculated on, and now there's a glut in the market. Too much shit's getting released and so much of it is "card from Lorwyn with 2 lower CMC and another paragraph of rules text". I've got an elf deck in front of me and am considering cutting oracle of mul daya. What the hell happened?
Fallout universes beyond brought a whole bunch of shitters. Thats when I took a break at least.
Yes yes, you hate UB. We get it. You are a very unique individual and your opinion is also very unique.
and you think the tiny fallout printing was more influential on this thread than the massive LOTR rollout? whatever loser
I wouldnt mind when they were talking about akira crossovers. The godzilla one wasnt too bad either.
I totally forgot that was a set. Maybe that was the mark of the beast.
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How many wincons is good enuf? Primary, secondary combo, and thirdly durdle win good enuf?
Depends. How does your deck win?
One overruns is all the deck needs because it should be winning combat and doing damage throughout the whole game.
This one's tricky. I'd recommend one or two that can win you the game on the spot and one backup plan (something like taunt from the rampart gives you a good matchup against combat players, even though it doesn't necessarily synergize with what you've got.)
Autopilot. Just use tutors to find your pieces.
I prioritize recursion and attrition over actual wincons other than my primary. Magic is ultimately a game of resources and unless you're at a table where people frequently combo off you can eventually win with a bag of chips if everyone's topdecking and you've got a full hand.
Thats a loaded question. The short answer is three: a primary combo, a secondary combo, and combat damage. In reality my deck has a bunch of interchangable pieces with a few key cards. Like you can make infinite mana with basalt monolith/grim monolith/mana vault and rings of brighthearth, or krakenspout tyrant mana crypt and a zero/1 cost artifact, but krakenspout tyrant can also combo off with a sol ring and altar of the brood ect.
>anon who doesnt play combo tries to give advice about combos
Classic anon.
I'm doing waifu tribal with this thing. They must BREED
not that anon, but LOTR was a lot less divisive. yes, there was the obvious arguments people had about aragorn and what have you, but LOTR already had a large crossover with MTG. but the people in these threads who watched who generally were already playing the game and not new, the who people that were new to the game generally are not on this site. fallout has a massive playerbase who were hungry for new fallout content (because they all pretend 76 doesn't exist) and joined this general because it was new fallout content. not to mention the EDH youtube channels HAVE been exploding, specifically some big name streamers have really gotten into magic the last few months and directed their massive audiences to the game, of which some will be absolute retardos, of which some will be here. it's a combination of factors, all of it a result of hasbros attempts to grow the brand to support it's bloated corpse.
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If you're a combo player and your combo isn't your wincon, you're not a combo player.
tfw no Mick Jagger skin of this card for the rockstar meme
I can't remember the exact reason why I ended up here, but I somehow ended up at /wp/ or whatever it was, because I was looking for cool wallpapers for my computer. I ended up growing with the site and never could leave.
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>how many wincons do I need?
>lol combo autopile tutor them
If you're a combo player and you only have one combo as your wincon you're going to have a bad time.
My main wincon is commander damage, also contains an infinite combo, and can audible into aristocrats triggers by looping and recasting things like hangarback walker. Should I add another combo when my primary wincon is voltron?
Voltron is a tough ask to kill 3 players. Who's your commander?
Then have tutors for all your infinites. Who gives a shit?
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I'm a bit retarded, friends. How many Rat Colony's should be in an EDH deck & how many cards should be supporting cards? I think I have too many enablers and too few rats. But then again picrel makes draw somewhat redundant
when the fuck are they gonna spoil this lil nigga, i wanna see what he does already AAAAAAAAAAAA
More cutthroat gameplay.
No rule 0/feels bad from "incorrectly" guessing power levels (up and down).
Unless your focus is tournaments, it has flexibility in trying out stuff. There are a lot of fringe commanders, they are just not top percentile for regular tournament usage.
Since "cEDH" is meta'd EDH, it means that players, on average, will understand what cards do. You don't need to read every line on every card because an player is using "fun" and "unheard of" cards.
I want to play Vintage without playing vintage, i.e. actually find games. Also had a lot of old cards that are big in the format, always nice to be able to use them.
Less griefing and tantrums, there is actually a conduct, at least most of the time.
Playing "for fun" is still a massive red flag, it should be "build for fun, play to win". It's more fun when everyone is equally engaged.
Still by definition a casual format, the distition is still to separate the lower powered to a more focus on meta game, which is fun (still miss old Modern).
That's a low skill reductionist way of looking at things and it's immediately obvious that strong combo decks are something you're unfamiliar with.
Outside of efficiency, it doesn't matter what the infinite is or what tutors you're using to fetch it.
Of course it fucking matters because competent opponents are going to try and stop you from doing it. Somethings dont work with a leyline of the void or null rod or torpor orb out, there is counterppay for every possible combo, and it's your responsibility to have a backup plan when fucknuts force of vigors your opalesence or hits you with a jesters mask.
The hell does "bait" mean?
It's a land that does not come into play tapped. Unless you're running 5 color decks with 5 pips of color in every spell, you can likely spare a slot.
It's not Temple of the false gods (worthless a solid amount of times) or maze of ith (barely even a land)
>forgets the thread title
>dumb ass inflammatory TQ
Don't bake.
Only thing that seems fun
>outside of one of the most important things in the entire game
stop talking
Looks like AI art
Why would you flood your own islands? Seems bad.
It's ancient shit from literally two decades ago. "ANONYMOOSE IS LEJUN! DO NOT FORGIB! DO NOT FORGET! EXPECTO PATRONUS" shit. It's a strong desire to force others to conform because 4chan is a very NPC type site where independent thought and independence in general is considered bad.

He was also one of the less obnoxious trip/namefags in the dead by daylight general. Not a high bar to clear though desu
>in addition to its other types
Doesn't have a drawback, turns colorless utility lands into blue sources, powers up the fish. It can't hose other people so you may as well.
why? the payoff is on the second half of the card, numb nuts, you get a spells' cost reduced. you can also make nonbasics tap for U and be islands for once you've cast high tide.
Finally. A deck for the liquid zombies
Neil Patrick Harris isn't ugly.
It's a fun deck desu
But how many nonislands are you running in your 3 pip fish deck? It doesnt even synergize with quicksilver fountain.
>Alien Horror Zombie
>Just three regular people in plain clothes
Man, Dr. Who was the worst. I'm not looking forward to upcoming UB stuff but I can rest easy knowing I've already seen the bottom of the barrel.
Average age of this site is 16
I don't mean to literally have a deck full of tutors and combo pieces, moron. Yes, you can also use counterspells. Yes, you can also use spot removal. Yes, you can also use board wipes.
And before you nag me, yes, you should also include lands in your deck as well. I'm terribly sorry I didn't explicitly mention this earlier.

Yes, demonic tutor is more efficient than diabolic tutor.
No, it does not make your combo more unique just because you use one over the other, or both, or both plus vampiric tutor, or vampiric tutor but only one of demonic or diabolic tutor. The result will always be the same.
>>Just three regular people in plain clothes
So...like 90% of zombie films?
>But how many nonislands are you running in your 3 pip fish deck?
Considering it's a monocolor deck and doesn't need to worry much about color fixing, I'd assume several.
That had nothing to do with my post. You seem awfully mad about something you dont understand. Maybe if you understood combos better you'd understand how to solve them.
Bart. Voltron is a side-effect of artistostrats, but has proven to be my primary wincon.
But you do need to worry about colour fixing because the fish has 3 pips in its cost.
I think that anon means that Reliquary Tower is vastly overestimated in terms of usefulness and if that's the case, it's a correct statement. Maze of Ith is a good card, it's usefulness comes from outside of mana generation. There's plenty of lands that are used mostly for their utility rather than mana generation.
Yes but that's less of a problem when you have 30 lands that produce blue mana and 5 utility lands that don't, whereas the average 3-colour deck maybe has 15 lands that produce blue mana.
Fine, I'm sure your tutors and infinite combo are very unique and really stand out from the crowd of other decks using the same combo. I'm sure you have a really unique take on it that really shows off your individuality and deckbuilding skill.
Out of curiosity how come you haven't actually given me an example of how I'm wrong? Clearly I'm a noob and could use the advice so I understand how Vito tutoring for Exquisite Blood isn't actually a wincon.
Got any tips for him? He's on my backburner for deckbuilding and as much as I would relish building him as stax/chaos and forcing people to play MY game, I know that'll end up as a deck I can't break out too often.
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Clones. Legendary safe clones may be few and far between, but shove them all in there. The deck starts going apeshit if there are multiples

>attack with both
>trigger both
>trigger on end step
>all opponents take 8 now, possibly more if you played other pile effects
Combine with cards that can double a trigger (strionic resonator, lithoform engine, adric)
Probably going to want various cards that protect him and also ones that allow you to actually get in, since he has no evasion and is a 2/4.
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I assume you've seen it but this is a pet card of mine. Partial evasion that also forces piles.
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Can he guess YOUR commander?
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Took him 26 questions, but yes. More annoyingly, I thought he was thrown off til right after "Is your character a pornstar" he asked me if he's from Magic the Gathering, followed by "did he kill his sibling?". It was too late for me.
you know why you didn't get what you wanted?
an authentic heavy metal inspired design that is based on the ethos of heavy metal like your pic?
because its heckin problematic king
slutty women from the 90s? best I can do is 2020s female empowerment
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I was aiming for Pantlaza.
Akinator kept asking if my character was known for eating a lot and that's something Pantlaza did in the LCI stories.
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NTA and relatively unrelated, but I have been absolutely loving the recent clones. I have a Sakashima deck and I can't get enough of them, so much so that I'm considering on complete overhaul of my Riku and make it a clone deck, but not exactly the same.
But Toymaker is Esper, so no red. There's this one, thoughever.
For some reason I always thought he was Jeskai. Huh.
Is there a reason they couldn't have templated this as "Wick deals X damage to each opponent and you draw X cards where X is the sacrificed creature's power"? This templating seems odd.
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Took him a while. I probably answered some things wrong. He understood it was the doctor pretty quick, but had a time pinpointing which.
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>is your character a lemon?
he is never gonna get it
Neheb (the Worthy). Nope, there was no Nehebs nor Angraths even in the guesses.
I had Slobad, he guessed Krenko
Dumb computer genie
Hows your current deck project coming along?
Nope, went to 100 questions and he couldn't guess Syr Konrad
Got Maha down to like 150ish cards, having trouble deciding what to cut now.
It's kind of all over the place, with a few stax pieces, lots of AoE damage pings to wipe out weakened creatures, and a heavy discard/death trigger set of synergies since her innate Ward is Discard and by default all enemy creatures are easily wiped out.
I wanna keep Winter Moon at the very least for Stax, and I feel like Contamination and Desolation are fine, as I have token generators and Crucible of Worlds to let me play lands from my graveyard.
I'm steadily cycling through an overly large pile of scrap and MH3 pulls trying to update all my decks. Just finished swapping over some cards in Lathril. Next up is working on my monocolor decks; Syr Konrad, Ghoulcaller Gisa, and Silvos.
Is Dark Depths so important you need 3 cards that can remove counters and a Thespian's Stage?
Immortal Sun would be good here for +1/+1 and extra draw
if I can give my 2 cents I wouldn't really worry about replaying lands with majority of your ramp being non-lands. especially when the only other ways you sac lands is 2 other lands. also dunno if dark depths combo is really that good with only 3 tutors.
I'd use more death trigger stuff if I was running drivnod since it will otherwise be kinda useless. but yeah I think you gotta choose between discard and drain payoffs, there just is not enough space and they don't play well with eachother
I tried 5 times and none of them were successful.
Can't tell if this is bait or not. Mono colour has the most freedom go use utility lands how is this a complicated thing to grasp
what the fuck is the "winter" section?? none of these cards do fuck all for this deck
Dark Depths is just sorta fitting into the kind of mild undercurrent of a winter theme, but I may end up removing at least Hexmage because you're right about there being way too much support for such a distant and random idea. 2-3 tutors aren't gonna let me pick it up often enough to get Marit Lage out, so it should sorta drift into the background.
Immortal Sun is a neat idea, could fill in for some draw. I also forgot that I removed Strands of Night, so one of my major land sacrifice methods isn't even there anymore.
clearly the deck had some snow subtheme from all the snowcovered swamps
>random half discard have kill deck
>Bolas Citadel Aetherflux combo in it
I have all of the pieces rotting in binders right now, and on top of that I may need another method of casting/playing cards since there's so much group discard.
It is sort of a cop-out wincon though, I wasn't really sure how this deck was meant to win. I do appreciate all of the input on it so far, I'll throw in a few more tutors like Diabolic Tutor and Diabolic Intent.
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I have several projects ongoing. I at least managed to finish somewhat one idea, even though it needs several cards to be slotted in.
Most of my deck ideas currently are somewhat in thought phase, but I have the cards for them and have gathered stuff for them, so in several cases I have them ready to be sleeved after cuts, but I also have stuff like Rose, which I'm planning but I have zero idea in which direction I should take it.
I also have been thinking whether or not I should rework my Capt Xavier into something else or try to focus it into something playable and I am also gonna update my old Chainer deck since I just got a OG foil of it.
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Do you play What do you enjoy the most about playing Rhystic study?
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Gay Bolas
I already know my commander doesn't have enough presence for him to guess it.
So why the alien horror then you fucking spastic
It's a parasitic virus from Mars and has sentience.
I don't know Magic's ruling for horror as a type. Shit like "Horror" seems to just be handed out randomly. I've never grasped what the criteria is.
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If the RC relinquished control of the EDH banlist to WotC, would anything even change, realistically?
I'm somewhat jaded in the feeling that this is very much an "illusion of choice" scenario where both routes end in nothing getting banned for the rest of time and constantly being told to rule 0 broken shit.
I don't really see WOTC banning anything faster than the RC are. I hate the Rule 0 meme too because it just comes off so cringy when someone says it out loud at a pod.
"Hey guys, Rule 0? I'm gonna [insert completely fucking annoying/brainless/cheaty thing here] is that okay? if you say no then you're not acting in the spirit of the format"
Yes, old good cards would get banned to incentify buying new powercreeped cards. New cards would not get banned.
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>friend complains that our playgroup's decks are much better than his
>ask him to upload his decklist
>it only has 3 creatures in it
>deck filled with shitty instants/sorceries that cost a million mana and just draw cards
>tell him he needs to add cards that prevent him from losing
>he adds one propaganda and says it'll be enough
why are izzet-fags like this
Mox and Mana Crypt getting banned would be an improvement over what the RC is doing (nothing).
He really should be playing some of the spell slinger token makers if he is struggling. That said, I run a Mizzix deck with somewhere around three creatures and that deck has no problems keeping up.
>Torbran enchantment that stacks with Torbran
Fuck yeah
Originally horror was a replacement for demon due to the whole satanic panic thing in the 90s. Later it became sort of a wastebasket type for gribbly monsters that don't fit into any other specific type. A lot of Phyrexian creatures are horrors, as are a lot of undead that aren't just your run of the mill zombies and such.
how does citadel and flux combo? I brick it every time
since comp cmm is an official format now supported by events with prizes, you could see thoracle consultation eating the ban like flash hulk did in like 10 years
You need a card to manipulate your topdeck, the common answer is Sensei's Divining Top so you can pay 1 life to repeatedly cast while gaining more life and drawing any card you can't/don't want to play from the top. Necropotence is a less effective, but functional redundancy on that as well.
>Have Citadel out
>Have Aetherflux out
>Have Sensei's out
>Topdeck is a Swamp
>Play Swamp
>next topdeck is a swamp
>can no longer play the swamp
>tap Sensei's and draw a card (the swamp) and put sensei's on top of your deck
>cast Sensei's from the top for 1 life, gaining 1 life from Aetherflux
>next topdeck is [insert card you don't wanna play]
>tap Sensei's
>cast it again
>gain 2 life now
>repeat until you're at 150+ life and just laser everyone out of the game with Aetherflux
In theory you can keep casting from top of your deck and gaining more life than you spend thanks to Aetherflux giving you more life for every spell cast. In practice you'll eventually run into a land and break the streak.
It works quite well with Amelia since she lets you explore whenever you gain life, meaning you only stop the combo if you get 2 lands in a row.
Is Lotus Field a good land to put into decks?
but now it's a 3 card combo tho
I have it in one that can multiply manas from a single source or/and force everyone to sac down to 3 lands with keldon firebombers so I have the mana advantage. otherwise it's too prone to nonbasic hate even through hexproof
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I can think of exactly one case for it
Pretty much, they don't really combo together that well unless you just never brick or have a ton of extra land plays like in a Golgari deck. Self-mill is also an option, but yeah it's pretty much a 3 card combo. Cards that can consistently manipulate your topdeck in general work for it though, Sensei's is just the super easy borderline guaranteed win with it.
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This is the most poorly-designed card in Magic history.
>Cast Atraxa with Cavern of Souls to ensure she resolves
>Oh oops her EtB was stifled guess you paid 7 mana for nothing even though you used an entire card to ensure this doesn't happen teehee
>Oh and because it was just her EtB you can't return her to the command zone either haha
a 7/7 flying, vigilance, lifelink, death touch is not nothing.
Sounds like it's a pretty well designed card, since blue cards are designed to make retards angry.
put me in the screencap
Would be super cool if they ever reprinted this fucking card
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>If the RC relinquished control of the EDH banlist to WotC, would anything even change, realistically?
No. The format in its current form is a paradise for wotc. They can print anything they want into it and the worst that happens is that people rule zero it out pre-game. Old powerful reserve list cards more frequently changes hands and get more value because they're still legal in EDH. The RC knows this and is under the gun from wotc, if they ban format specific cards like Jeweled Lotus or Dockside the price on them completely crashes out and they're dead forever. Banning expensive stuff like that will prompt wotc to step in and take it from them so they can continue to sit on their gold mine.
You act like WOTC couldn't just take control any time they felt like it.
You act like that it's not already in WotC control. They just know that it's a bad idea to say it outright.
The only real reason they haven't already is that the RC is a useful scapegoat and punching bag to take the heat off them about the banlist.
>atraxa player crying
Eat shit faggot lmao holy fuck imagine losing to a 1 cost blue card. AYYYY AHAHHAHAH
What happened then?
Fuck you I won that game like I always do but fuck cards that are just silver bullets against me
>Oh no no it's just a generally good card I swear teehee
Why the fuck isnt the buy a box promo already on magic card market? Literally every random bloomburrow card is there but not buy a box promo
people only carry silver bullets against monsters
play something that's not fucking atraxa and you'll see a whole lot less of them
stop asking the same question every fucking thread you son of a bitch I've already answered you several times
nta but
>cast rakdos signet
>it gets destroyed
>the next player casts gilded lotus
>goes untouched
>we lose to that player later
every time
>mooom. enemies interact with me in my card game!!!!! let me play solitaire with my meta tryhard commanderrrrrr
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I think this guy looks neat but I'm not really a blue player.
What are you casting with this fella
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Well that's simply just not the right image now is it
>Just let me pick my favorite cards out of 10 without interacting with me
They did nothing wrong
>I won that game like I always do
Then you're being a little bitch about it, they should all 3 play blue and bully you out of the format
Ayo when the Nadu getting banned? I thought it ruined modern? Modern players should all just eat shit and go back to Standard, so we can get all the good cards for cheap. They are the reason it's so expensive.
A lot of instant speed interaction and card draw and probably some flash enablers to capitalize on getting the reduction on enemy turns as well. And then clone spells to copy him a bunch of times with Mirror Box in play for the beatdown win.
Which do y'all like the most, Gruul, Rakdos or Izzet?
any of the 3 except red
Rakdos, because I don't play decks with no black in them.
Been here since the beginning before /tg/ but I normally lurk moar post less.
>offspring is not in green
crisis averted, you can't easily cast two scute swarm
It's just a core set
Izzet because it has blue.
>The tranny colors are another red flag.
Genuinely mind broken
They will ban shit llike Shuko instead Nadu cause there are still print runs of boxes to sell
based nooticer
it's.. under 4€
I was thinking generally. Nadu just needs to be banned to set an example.
But why, Nadu has tanked in price and no one buys boxes because of him?
Because people are waiting for the announcement of nadu not being banned
This is why we proxy
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can't believe he didn't get Kamiz with this hint
WotC would ban reserved list cards and then provide functional reprints, which would be an improvement.
wtf is the reserve list anyways?
Depends on if you're going for the thrumming stone gimmick or not. If yes, you want a critical mass to hit a high likelihood of getting them all out in a turn. That critical mass starts at 30, and probably stops being reasonable at 38.
If not, it's a lot more up in the air. What "enablers" are you thinking of running?
>the blue fag crying about getting countered
thanks for this delicious bait
>play singleton
>choses not
whats the appeal of those "any number" card decks? is it the rule bending gimmick?
wont this get boring incredibly quick?
Investorfags bought really bad dragon cards in 1994 and then shit and pissed themselves the next time they got reprinted as game pieces. So WotC bent the knee to the speculative market and made a pseudo-legal vow to not reprint the good cards that people wanted to use so that people who don't play could make money.
the joke here is that wizards already did break their holy vow a few times when they reprinted some as promos and as gold borders
That's not a bad manarock for tribal decks. I might replace Herald's Horn with it if a deck cares about buffing creatures.
Though I find there's kind of a disconnect between flavor text and rules here, since it only buffs one type of creature.
>no legendary skunk commander
>no legendary opossum commander
I am disappointed
imagine you want to play a game of poker, but the wizards of the poker company refuses to print ace of spades because some cucks bought them all back in the day and wanted the price of the card to go up
so you and your friends have to print your own ace of spades, while cucks from all over the world scream at your for being a proxyfag
I put 9 nazguls in my marchesa deck, it's not the best use but the nazgul art is cool.
9 nazguls or 7 dwarfs i can digest, but 30 shadowborn apostles or something seems to be the most on rails this format could be
NTA, but yes it does get boring, so i don't bring it out often.
Problem imo is that historically there has been a disconnect between rat commanders goals and what most other non-"any number" rat cards do. Most of them want a ton of rats out, but most rats do nothing or focus on discard and hand size manipulation.

"Any number"+thrummingstone, despite being extremely predictable, has been one of the few strats that actually synergises with the commander. I'm not sure the two new Bloomburrow rat cmds will change that.
That's just for rats though, i have no explanation for stuff like dragons approach.
any ya'll make a deck with this guy? hitting people with money sounds fun
no, my groups runs rocco, ur dragon and sea monsters, anything artifact or token related just gets mass removed or outright stolen
Just like the real world actually, funny that
You would get your treasures destroyed or even worse stolen, instead of cracking and using them in response?
what cuckery is this?
It's pretty easy to build, it's like a Mr.House deck but without rolling dice.
>/edhg/ player comes to bitch up a storm about a game he actually totally won
Episode 472882
I envy virgins
Really bad analogy anonb
ya i for suresies cant fucking sac my treasures in response to that, and why of course i dont run spot removal to deal with hard counters like that
You don't understand! Anon lives in an environment where nothing sticks nothing resolves and all silver bullets are ever present! He's definitely not larping on 4chan ^.^
Shit like that gets snipped in two turns
Is there a list of "free" cantrips. I need as many of them as I can get
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Mods are asleep. Post based commanders.
actual, physical cope
haha I hate myself
For real. All the cool animals this set could have featured, and instead we get 50 rats and squirrels and mice and rats?
>is your character black?
I'm not sure how to answer this one.
infinite copies of Surrak and Goreclaw have become my favorite wincon

Is your commander on this tier list?
If so you are tryhard!
>This used to be a boogeyman of the format
Why Surrak and Goreclaw for copying
i still groan at his shit because he has become the value engine with no real (feasible) wincon
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>Please keep in mind that rankings for the most part do not matter much. It’s all about how you play your deck and the choices you and your opponents make.
Being beat to death with plants isn't feasible?
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>play this
>bluetranny at the table scoops
lmao it's always so funny how mad control players get when other people get to play the game
without haste and/or evasion its quite combersome
Only Commander I have on that list is Sidisi, Brood Tyrant, and that's because she was my favorite creature all the way back from Khans standard fighting Seige Rhinos, and my take on her is zombie token tribal where I try and turbo out pic related ASAP and win with swinging a massive board state.

Other than having Braids in the 99, I don't even run any of these other cards even IN my decks, let alone helping them.
This has never once happened on the history of magic
Is she based?
I wish she had better art, but yeah she's good fun
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Baby's first hatebear, how cute.
Mono blue deck why are you putting flood counters in your own lands? That's really weird design desu
Better question is why would you put them on an opponents lands?
>it's an island in addition to its other types
It can't screw over your opponents colours in fact it would "fix" them slightly
. Retarded faggot
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This piece of shit game still has a general? Stopped playing like a year ago because there was beginning to be a half hour or hour delay between posts. My only LGS within 45 closed down a couple months ago too, I'll wonder how bad this game is actually doing. I guess it's not really my problem since white male CHUDS aren't the clientele anymore.
I mean, there IS a skunk card and there IS an opossum card, why no legendary then?
>Character is a literal thief
>But his actual card has him exile your OWN library instead of whoever he hits.
What the actual fuck is this horseshit.
and yet you cared enough to post and gloat.
here's your (you), now bugger off.
For islandwalk
*infinite copies of a creature while Surrak and Goreclaw are out
Does the card say islandwalk?
idk, myself after long break I come back and see that many cards have rules and shit on them that requires 500 IQ and a 7D chess masterplan to win the game. Back to gruul I go...
You retarded or something?
But S&G don't interact with token creatures beyond giving them trample
Are you?
>posts wrong card
>gets mad at others
>One is a weasel
>The other is a fox

No, u
What is the point of playing this card, why would you put flood counters on your own lands?
so you can cast free spells once per turn, like free counterspells during your opponents turrn
Moar water
Im saying that thematically its stupid that Cruelclaw exiles your OWN library. It would be more appropriate if he exiled whoever he HIT. Ya know, because a thief STEALS THINGS. Like in the card names "Cruelclaw's HEIST."

Its the same character are you blind?
Clearly seems he's a bit more than a thief then ya?
This general is so fucking dogshit
>arguing about bans
>arguing/whining about cedh or combos
>crying about prices and then crying about proxies or vice versa
>insecure faggots trying desperately to point out ways wotc was wrong to fluff their egos
>decklists ignored
>Genuine discussion about the game ignored
Title your generalslop correctly.
His ability still makes no sense given his actions in the story and lore you dimwit.
Thats like if they printed a Chandra that let you play an extra land every turn, or a Teferi that reanimated zombies.
Get some critical thinking skills jesus christ.
>Anon discovers people are multifaceted
>Doesnt refute any points I made, just a generic, flaccid, NUH UH
Okay anon please explain how his ability relates to him in any thematic way.

>Cruelclaw was hired by King Glarb to steal a Calamity Beast egg. This egg turned out to be Maha's, causing her rampage.

For someone who complains about others not caring about the game, seems youre the one just vomiting shit from your mouth and not engaging with the set, its lore, or its characters.
I made a grave mistake.
Cruelclaw is a hired mercenary. The flavour on his own card's ability is definitely tricky to work out, if there's anything, but my guess is it's more like he's using his mercenary band's resources or pulling in an ally.
Playing winota, having cavalry Pegasus in play.
Does all the humans i find and put into played tapped and attacking have flying?
Depends on how you stack the triggers. Both are on attack, so if you put Winota's trigger first and then put the Human into play tapped and attacking, Cavalry Pegasus will give it flying when its own trigger resolves.
>Guy hired to steal something does other things when he's not being hired to steal something
wtf this is bad storytelling?!
There's no point to refute anon. You have pigeonholed the card and your interpretation of something so that it is the ONLY possible solution. It's retarded. Cheating costs could very easily be seen as something analogous to what a thief could do. That was pretty simple! Stop trying to fluff your ego you are not remotely smart enough for how overinflated it is.
>The flavour on his own card's ability is definitely tricky to work out, if there's anything
I think this is whats so lame about it to me, personally.
I remember when he got spoiled an anon said the ability felt like some super generic goodstuff slop thatd been sitting in a file collecting dust.
Definitely looks that way because it feels like it has nothing to do with the character, or the set as a whole.
Feels unbelievably generic which sucks cause he could have been a fun Rakdos theft commander.
Not every character's ability is a flavour slam-dunk. It's just how it is. Helga, by comparison, I would say is pretty good with some thought (she foresees calamities, and is good with cantrips, so turning all your bigger things into cantrips while she slowly improves and becomes more helpful generally 'works'). Mabel, meanwhile, is kind of boring. She buffs up Mice despite not fighting alongside any Mice, and the rest of her is entirely Cragflame-focused, when Cragflame honestly is just kind of 'there' in the story. It's just sort of how things are.
>Cheating costs could very easily be seen as something analogous to what a thief could do.
I envy the leg muscles you have developed if youre capable of those kinds of mental gymnastics.
>Character looks like a thief
>Acts like a thief in the canonic lore
>Does thief things in the canonic lore
>"Well why doesnt he do thief things?"
It makes a bit more sense if you view him as more of a swashbuckling rogue instead of 'just' a thief. He's a mercenary leader, and he has that kind of 'design' space of being this swarthy, charming but harsh leader. He's a cheat and a cad, etc. So him cheating something into play makes 'some' sense but I'll admit that's reaching. Again. Not every ability is a flavour thing. Some are just there because the designers thought it'd be fun.
>She buffs up Mice despite not fighting alongside any Mice, and the rest of her is entirely Cragflame-focused, when Cragflame honestly is just kind of 'there' in the story
I could at least make the leap of logic that she serves as an INSPIRATION to other mights through her heroics, ergo the Anthem effect.
Cruelclaw's ability just seems to have nothing to do with his identity as a character.
Well, look at Cruelclaw from the angle of him being "The Infamous". He's known, and he's got menace because he's both a good fighter and his reputation scares people. Following on, his ability is making good on his reputation by dealing damage and getting 'rewarded'. He's barely a character in the story as-is, because they decided they should only have five fucking chapters for some reason, so I can't give you a lot to work with.
>cheating isn't something thieves are known to do
>getting things for free when they should pay for them isn't something thieves do
For the last time anon, put your ego away, you are not smart enough to justify it
>Shitting out Kozilek is totally a Rogue move
Not him, but he is correct that you need to do some mental gymnastics to justify why his ability fits the character. If it was your opponent's library, it'd make a lot more sense.
It could be flavoured as an ambush, on that thought process.
No actually I don't need to because it adds up perfectly. Thieves are not known for playing fair. Thieves are known for ambushing. Thieves are known for circumventing the rules. Everything about his ability hits all of these, 3 very thief attributes. You and the other anon are just retarded.
Use Railway Brawler instead
Thieves are known for stealing shit, and slipping the fuck out, Anon. Anything else is some retarded headcannon shit.
Nah that is a very reductive view of the thief archetype. It is also clearly a very reductive view of the character given how his titular card operates ^.^ it's okay to be wrong anon accept it, learn and grow.
When I first saw cruelclaw and read his ability I thought “what a cheeky fuck, he’s cheating mana. Perfect flavor.”

This whole conversation doesn’t make any fucking sense. You are retrospectively thinking that he is a purely only a thief because you saw one card where he steals a thing. I see him as a cheater.
Thanks for the support thats what I thought too!
>Nah that is a very reductive view of the thief archetype.
No, it's basically the definition of the fucking archetype. Stop trying to shift terms like a stupid idpol faggot.
His archetype isn't "thief", though. It's "amoral mercenary".
Then why doesn't have unblockable
Anon you posted the definition of a word.... an archetype is represented by a word yes, but there is more too that. Anyways, as >>93361912
Pointed out better than I could, even calling him solely a thief is headcanon on your part. He is a mercenary, he is unscrupulous and his card supports that.
>arguing with the definitions of words and not why the definitions are that way
Is midwit thinking lol
>be cruel claw
>steal egg from big nigga bird
>causes chaos in the realm
>card effect is a chaos spin the wheel
I think its more so the effect of his actions causing chaos and less so that he stole something but thats just my take, his card type is mercenary rather than rogue so he was hired to steal the egg. I didnt read much of the story, who hired him?
>this is just kamigawa 2.0 now that i think about it
Then I'd suggest you stop doubling down on defending your moronic made up interpretation of what a "thief" is and actually argue a real point that doesn't muddy your own argument.
Glarb hired him, because he thought he could control the Calamity Beasts via the egg. That didn't work out.
If you look at all things through the lens of shitty video game logic, no one should take anything you have to say seriously. Literal and unironic brain rot.
Damn so he is just konda 2.0
>get totally intellectually dismantled
>ermmmmmmm video games!
I dunno if they intentionally made the stories similar or if it was just sort of "eventually you'll get similar story beats". The finer points are pretty different, admittedly. Konda was stopped just to stop the war, Glarb was stopped because he was meddling with forces beyond his control and fucking with nature like that's not a good idea, etc.
Unfortunately they'll lack haste
yeah, not many options in simic for that. can always slot in a drawbridge I guess
Never saw this card was it just revealed? Quite enjoy it
Was several days ago now.
>directly involved in steal the egg of a beast with powers beyond mortal comprehension
>cause the plane to erupt in chaos
>the main plot revolves around returning the egg to the beast and setting things right
>the person responsible for the theft is defeated by an unlikely hero
>said unlikely hero manages to return the egg and return peace to the world
Kinda applies to both doesnt it?
I'd argue Mabel isn't really an unlikely hero in comparison to Toshiro, but yeah, the similarities are there. It's not a MASSIVELY unique set of plot beats, but it is funny how similar they are within the story, but then again Magic's repeated some plot beats before.
Mabel is honestly a huge disappointment of a card, there's nothing even to build around
Well in a normal sense a little mouse being the hero in a story of bigger animals makes them the underdog but also considering mice seem to also be a dominant force in the bloomburrow world it kinda ruins it, but also looking at the card where she return the egg isnt she also a mom?
Yeah, she's got three kids and a husband and there's a moment where she returns the egg where she's like "...Oh, you're just a mother wanting her kid back, okay."
Ral then remarks her doing that is the most motherly thing he's seen her done.
>Made up jargon from a completely different medium
>HAHA, owned!
Get some sleep, Anon.
>isnt she also a mom?
needed the secret of nimh reference somewhere
>arguing with the definitions of words and not why the definitions are that way
>Is midwit thinking lol
Reminds me of the retard who was trying to claim that power creep in MTG has a specifically different meaning than power creep in any other game.

>quicksilver fountain
it does synergize, you get counters on the lands faster. almost never will you see the last ability hit.
You cant put them on islands you stupid stupid anon. Putting them on opponents lands does nothing.
cruelclaw isnt a thief, he's a mercenary who was hired to steal something. put it this way: if you take out the garbage does that make you the garbageman
Not yet but it will be in the Titan tier according to my playtesting with a proxy
It's a metaphor for modern mtg art direction

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