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Elf Bikers Edition

>Pariah Metawatch Companion Stuff

>Balance Dataslate:

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Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
What's your favourite unit from a faction you don't really care for?
I claim dis dread 'n 'da name uv 'da orks
Well at least it's not a filthy blood angels thread.

Abberents from GSC. They look like a blast to paint, also seeing humanity warped like that is something I want to see more of.
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I love the Skitarii Marshal. I own four so far.

Playing AdMech has taught me to hate AdMech.
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>SM2 looks pretty solid
>"Trust not the Eldar," said Artemis, his words thick with hatred.
>"We are the sons of Death, you and I," said the Aeldari. "We bring oblivion, in order to deny Chaos. We cannot afford to thwart one another when the greater enemy stands on the cusp of victory."
>The gilded finger bones lining the edge of the creature's cloak gleamed in the harsh light as crystal statues glowed bright all around. Artemis narrowed his eyes; a similar rainment was worn by the Chaplain of his own Mortification Chapter their sepulchral celebrations. Strangely, he could not sense duplicity in this one.
>"Walk away," said the Harlequin, "and a dire blow shall fall upon the Archenemy." Artemis recoiled at the term as the Aeldari spoke on. "Is your distrust so deep you would rather kill me now than spare the doom of a trillion human souls?" There was disbelief under his tone, and something else. Despair, perhaps.
>"Yes," said Artemis, pulling the trigger to end the creature's life.
Why did he do it?
Custodes dreads are my favourite of any army
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Evening, gents

The genestealer cult sniper on the dirtbike, whatever it's called
Greatest Champion of Slaanesh.
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Probably Skorpekh Destroyers or Ophridians. Murderous technoabomination ghost/ spiders make fun enemies.
I’m uncomfortably hyped.
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any pure strain genestealer mini, everything about their lore, models, and color scheme are perfect but tyranids in general are boring to me.
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sicarian ruststalkers are insanely kino
otherwise for an army that I otherwise cannot stand the aesthetic of these guys are good
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Based and Genestealer pilled.
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I don't care for any of the custards range besides this one but their FW jump pack infantry look great.
When release
same, but only the pistol variation
I do like the new stealers, but man do I wish they'd gone closer to the Princelings design there.
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The Emperor was WITH the Sisters tonight. Constantly making saves, flamers I don't think ever rolled lower than a four, there were three rounds melee combat with the Warriors, with the Warriors consistently missing 80% of their attacks.
...and of course I was playing the Tyranids. I lost woundless Carnifex to an Overwatch. Game was over by turn three.
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Discuss nudity
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>decide to visit one member of my playgroup because he was selling some chainswords for cheap
>see his place, notice that there isn't any food in the fridge when he opens it other than condiments and some bread
>his chairs as broken and he has no couches so I just awkwardly stand around as we are talking about stuff
>has a mattress on the ground instead of having a bed
>see his pile of shame, easily in the $5000 to $10000 range, do notice him spending hundreds of dollars a week at the store we play in
>ask him how work and life is going, he says that he is hoping work can pay him early so he can afford rent this month
Why do so many poorfags cripple themselves with hobbies or other wants instead of living like an actual human being. I remember I bought my first model when I was 25 years old after buying a cheap car, paying off my student debt and have 6 months of living expenses saved.
Will it bring in new blood into the hobby as big as Dawn of War did?
TQ - GSC bikers are pretty kick ass.
Those bugs are looking nice.
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>This drives Sororitas mad with lust
I like to imagine orks actually getting to the throne room but the level of heat, radiation and psykic backwash it just kills them outright. The throne is so deadly no one can ever truly get close to the Emperor.
Genuinely so far up his own ass he'd rather get buttfucked by a chainsword for a thousand years than not kill a single xeno
Custodian Warriors leaving Earth would be of utmost secrecy. Even the Inquisition would know little to nothing of the Shadow Keepers quests for the stolen Relics of Dark Night much less the reader of this propaganda pamphlet.
>the young nobel wrote in his journey before hiding it. Knowing such filth would get him beat for 4 days straight.
Humanity was turbofucked by xenos so many times that they eventually just said 'fuck it' and decided to purge.
I'm sure the surrounding augmentation equipment would be smashed to bits, so by the time they get to the core, the emperor would be in bad shape.
Sounds like the right move to me.
Is imperial agents about to be the most kino codex released in over 15 years?
>Inquisitors, rogue traders
>Backed up by squads of requisition imperial guard, space marines (including deathwatch) etc
>Requisition any imperial vehicles, leman russes, rhino variants
The ultimate yourguys faction?
it wont have nearly half of this
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Finally picked up a brush again after a month of doing summer shit. Heavy bolter down, time for the lascannons.
In this house watch-captain Artemis is a goddamn hero!
What is one army that has never appealed to you and why? For me it's Orks. I appreciate their place in the lore and they're fun to play against but I've never wanted to collect them.
Sisters have really nasty overwatches between flamers, auto-6s, and castigator auto-canons with 8 AC shots and 9 heavy bolters.
people will put in so much time and effort into their armies and then play on a table that looks like shit
Why? All they need is an upgrade sprue, and 80 percent of the codex is you buying existing kits from imperial factions and kill teams
keep it up anon, it's nice seeing people getting into the hobby
If eldar succeed in destroying slaanesh there would be no checks anymore on their power.
Eldar are insanely psychic but use the Path system to limit their own abilities so as to not feed slaanesh. Their psyker Paths use various workarounds - relying on psychic proxies like runes or totems to limit the need to draw power from the Warp directly.
Without slaanesh there would be no need for them to do so. Unbound eldar would probably even get their respawning back. What will they do once they get all this might back? They will unseal the galaxy-ending superweapons kept in Commorragh and restore the Eldar Empire of old by murdering/enslaving literally every other sapient species in the galaxy. Only necrons would stand a chance against them and that's only if the Silent King manages to tard wrangle them back into a coherent Empire before it's too late.
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go to eBay, search "[your army] pro painted" then post the most definitely-not-pro-painted model you find
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lord chungus has been sitting on my lamp unfinished for a awhile now , need to get around to finishing him
post models
It's fun. Gw does not care for fun. You are supposed to buy new models, not use the stuff you already own.
So this is why the death korps of krieg make their horse wear gas masks.
It has personality
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Holy shit
>go to eBay
that is someone taking the piss.
fine, go to TrannEbay or wherever it is you get DIY hormones from
It's not as bad as this calgar, he looks like those bootleg toys I see in rural mexican villages.
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So what does Gulliman think of Celestine? or vice versa?

Shes been around since he woke up and has presumably stuck around ever since, so theyve had to have interacted. What does he think of her? and she of him?
Reminds me of lead painted luchadores
Celestine is explicitly a warp entity isn't she?
iirc thats not every directly confirmed i think? just one of the more likely theories
All "pro" really means is you get paid to do it. Doesn't necessarily mean you're good at it.
He trusts her and likes her, I presume, since he specifically sent her and Greyfax on an important mission together in the "Our Martyred Lady" audio drama.
That's not how the Imperials think, but yes. She's a demon prince of big G.
wrong, sororitas don't use warp power, she's a living miracle
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"Faith" powers not being warp-based is cringe nulore. Argument discarded.
don't care about your headcanon
What a coincidence, I don't care about your either.
good thing mine's official canon and your whining about things changing isn't :)
Read Celestine the Living Saint. She goes to the warp when she dies, recovers her self, and manifests. That's a demon prince. It might be different because BIG E is a former human, but it's still some kind of mysterious warp shenanigan.
>Gulliman has an Imouto

all memes aside i would really like to see their relationship flesh out. It has a lot of really facinating potential for interaction between their respective backgrounds.
She is a daemon prince of the Emperor, not of Guilliman.
Nope! A daemon prince has to be elevated via their warp god of choice and the emperor explicitly turned down his godhood, she used the power of faith to return :)
>She uses the power of faith
>faith fuels the warp
Seems like warp fuckery to me
leaked female custodes model, apparently
I'd leak all over that model ifyouknowwhatimean
Is it zee naws or zee knows
zee knows yae galvus
Do you think a Dark Eldar mistress has ever kept a sororitas as a pet?
zee knows deez nuts
Emperor before the throne is not the same as the Emperor after 10,000 years of merging with psychic minds and being mentally spread across the entire galaxy. Big E WASN'T a god, but he is now.
I normally don't really care about models having tactical rocks but this shit is egregious
Yes, that was a mistype on my part. Big E, not Big G.
I would too. I really like Celestine, she has a lovely genuine grace and compassion you don't usually see displayed by Battle Sisters.
The Emperor was manifesting uniornic daemons of his own during the Circumcision Maledicksome.
Celestine's genuine grace would be a good contrast to Gullimans constant doomerism. Would be really neat to see them get casual enough with eachother to interact more frequently.
According to the Thorians, the Emperor's spirit grants a portion of His power to worthy individuals, giving rise to saints and acts of faith.
>That's a demon prince.
That's how the shamans and Eldar (and other strong psykers) were reborn before Chaos fucked the Warp.
>faith fuels the warp
Emotions. This "we can't have faith because it's the tool of the great enemy" is some retarded atheist nulore.
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>watching a painting tutorial video
>creator starts using airbrush
I hate when this happens so much.
>want to learn some OSL tricks with my airbrush
>go on youtube and look for OSL tutorials
>every video result is "How to do OSL (NO AIRBRUSH!!)"
I hate when this happens so much.
What do you think of the new terrain? Looks pretty snazzy imo.
Osl via airbrush is just blasting a colour in the direction the light is coming from + an edge highlight
What's everyone working on tonight? I'm about to lay down the basing on this lil digga and then finish painting up his bodyguards.
>europoor posting hours begin
>immediate whining about sub $100 investments to the hobby
Like clockwork
>+ an edge highlight
Edge highlighting is a meme and a crutch for shitty painters
Votan are shit.
>5 cubes
>six ruined cubes
>2 greeble piles
>random scatter
You and I have very different definitions of snazzy
What’s the point of edge highlighting when you can dry brush? Shits 1000% times easier and you can just clean up the excess with a thin coat afterwards.
You could just say your models look like shit and save yourself some typing
It's a forced meme, don't feed him.
Because if you have adult level fine motor skills then you save yourself the cleanup step and therefore save time
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That is a gross oversimplification and completely falls apart when your light source is actually on the model. Other than a convenient subassembly you can't spray from the direction of the source if your airbrush can't physically be in the same position as the source.
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Ok so when I jizz on my emperors children models I have to do it from a 45 degree angle to better represent bright light hitting the mini.
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The rational part of my mind knows that edge highlighting is just a method for portraying extreme points of light catching on narrow surfaces, a tool for increasing the readability of detail.

But in my heart I know the truth: edgecoc is mostly right. I've seen so many shitty paintjobs with their shitty edge highlights, the painter obviously don't know when and why and how they should be used. In lieu of actually learning about the behavior of light and shadow they have that crutch.

If I have to look at one more Black Templar painted like this I'm sticking a glue gun in my mouth and ending it.
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>Blue on black
Thats the problem, Iron/Silver or grey on black highlights only
Am I the only one who wants a new Space Hulk release more than anything? It's been 10 years(!) since the last edition released. They just released new Terminators and Genestealers. Gimme Space Hulk plz
The tau fucking sucks so much
Project harder
Question for 10th ed Eldar players. I was thinking of playing some Eldar online, I would never invest money in time buying them even though they have some awesome sculpts (well Ill probably buy a falcon one day just to build and paint one because its lovely). I know they got nerfed heavily since the start of 10th, how viable and tricky would a list focusing on infantry and wraithbone stuff be? I don't really care for what feels like their 9 million specialist infantry units and want to focus on Guardians, Tanks, Farseers, and wraithbone units.

For context I've played Sisters and Deathwatch the most.
GW admech terrain goes hard as fuck. 3D proont it though, you don't need amazing fidelity for terrain whatsoever so even the shittiest print of it won't be far off from GW plastic and the price is disgusting. I've gotten a lot of mileage out of bheta decima terrain and buying the spikey fences from warzone fronteris off ebay.
>Iron/Silver or grey on black
That's gay as fuck, pink/red or yellow on black highlights only
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>pink/red or yellow on black highlights only
show me
>show me
I post in /40kg/ I don't have any models anon
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imagine the rain of acid and chitin
I'm actually so excited for this game, looks fantastic. Honestly, I'm more excited for the footage of just watching the Guard allies running around doing their best than anything. That clip of following the Leman Russ out of a building and pushing across a land bridge is so kino.
Oh hey it's the black lion again.
Did black templars have a firstborn range? They actually gave an unpopular faction the primaris treatment
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yes, the primaris refresh is updates of their old miniatures
death jester
>unpopular faction
nigga what
BT have been obnoxiously overhyped forever
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A big one too, bigger than most 1st founding chapters.
Of course, they were the poster boys at the start of 3rd edition
Those look badass. Another reason I might consider switching to Custodes. But then again

>40 quid for a box of 5

>10 intercessors for the same price

>Math ain't mathing
You say that but UM never got that treatment.
UMs got a ton of characters, but special units? Very few. Upgrade sprues of that size? Nope.

It not a question of being poster boys, just that BT are super popular cuz they looked cool af.
Just posting to complain how i cant fight like insurgents anymore with gsc and its made them really fucking boring..
Fuck, you are right
Skill issue
>Humanity was turbofucked by xenos so many times that they eventually just said 'fuck it' and decided to purge.
There's no proof of that.
Honestly most ork players seem to be very honest about their painting ability it seems, this is the worst I could find.
>Humanity was turbofucked by xenos so many times
that's a meme
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Devilfish chassis
You know it is really thematic that the marine with a woman's name acts like an irrational retard with no regard to consequences or any sense of accountability.
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Not really, especially if god forbid you want one or two spliced stolen tanks you are locked to brood bros.
How do you do cool guerilla stuff with them anon?
Im honestly at a loss here
Because the writers are retarded.
If they were smart they'd use this as the start to a storyline about Artemis' slow fall to corruption of Chaos.
Be it either for Slaanesh due to him single handedly saving it, (which is worse considering people have been ascended into daemonprincehood for less, like one female commissar that was fighting on a warzone against Slaanesh forces and got turned into a daemon princess of Slaanesh for the simple fact she was taking enjoyment in killing Slaanesh cultists and daemonettes)
Or Khorne due to his hatred for xenos.
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Almost everything that can happen in 40k has happened at some point.
You could consider getting a job and then it would be a non issue
JBR says yes.
>good thing mine's official canon
So is his, faith powers are just warp shit.
This was proven during the 13th Black Crusade where both Celestine and Legion of the Damned got powered down the instant Cawl turned the pylons on.
That already proves a Warp connection.

This doesn't take into account the original way it was where both Celestine and LoD got straight up banished out of Cadia once the pylons became online.
>Nope! A daemon prince has to be elevated via their warp god of choice
Daemon princes of chaos undivided exist.
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JBR is about as canon as anything else
>Daemon princes of chaos undivided USED TO exist.
FTFY, and I hate that they got retconned
So why don't the Ynnari have some kind of insane special psyker unit, since their souls are free of Slaanesh and they are unbound?
No, they still exist.
M'kar is a thing and has never been retconned, all the daemon primarchs like Lorgar or Perturabo who didn't choose a specific gods are just daemon princes of chaos undivided.

Also undivided daemon princes still exist in AoS and WHF.
And since according to GW itself that the Warp and Chaos in 40k is the exact same Warp and Chaos in WHF/AoS, it means that daemon princes of chaos undivided are still 100% canon even for 40k.
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not only they still exist, but since this has been released last it takes precedence

Yeah that's not even that bad. >>93349926

>why don't the Ynnari have some kind of insane special psyker unit

Because the collective rage of Eldar players if a new and unliked subfaction of their race got models before old shit would summon a new god again.
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It do be like that
They already did. A god of "fixing shit that ain't broke" named Vashtorr.
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Then explain this
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As mad as that one guy is about Chaos being badly written, I am twice that mad about C'Tan lore being total garbage.
I will never not be mad.
I want to make a Phobos command squad.
an error that was retconned
also caused by poor rules writers on the 40k side of things that can't come up with a 5th set of rules
Eldar players can't cope with any meaningful change. Every kit that comes out illicits nothing but moaning and tantrums about how the new kits aren't the exact same as some metal/finecast trash from 20 years ago
>*cracks open a can of incubi darkness*
yep, it's black highlights time
What kind of job can I get as no-skills, no-college, no-work-history tard that can afford Rent, Food, and Warhammer?
This is in the most recent Codex CSM...
Most people were happy with the new Avatar of Khaine, weren't they?
and this >>93349943 comes from a few days ago
Xenos are side characters and thus have minimum effort put into them across the board. They exist solely to add a variety of forces for the protagonists to fight
>Age of Sigmar
Not canon
Apprentice as a plumber, electrician or mechanic.
Probably not. I'd imagine they were crying about some greeble being the wrong shape/size or it's helmet being slightly different to the metal one
I don't believe you
lol, the entire discussion revolves around an age of sigmar character and the warp is canonically the same

cry some more
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>canonically the same
Explain this
Is it wrong I hate this?

At that point, you're no longer painting a sleek knight in black armor, you're painting a crusader who just saw TRON
I said "want".
Any form of machine operator in a factory, forklift operators in any logistics field, landscaping of any sort, garbage collector in any city, pretty much any form of manual labor gets you a living wage provided you aren't a pussy about being told what to do. You don't have to be some jacked monster, as long as you're willing to sweat for your money, people will appreciate you
I don't believe you want that
It's not wrong that you hate it, but it is wrong to assume anyone cares that you hate it
Hooo yea. At this point I don't know how to get around it this edition. Even the meltas and bolters were all hitting, I bring the Swarmlord just to make Overwatch cost double but it's still barely helping
The store we normally play at was closed. This was the closest place that had a table available.
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Grombrindal already explained.
That's perfectly fine. To each their own. After all, this is a hobby where people get their pants in a twist when women get added into their armies. Who am I to judge what someone likes or hates?
I think Phobos being the HQs and Vets of the Scout company is super cool.
Plus it gives me reasons to put bling on phobos and to not have a fuckton of them.

I'm thinking RG or DA
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It only says trust me bro and doesnt even says about the absence of
>pic related
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>SM just casually beating a carnifex to death
its gonna be a marine wank isnt it bros
Dire Avenegers don't have Phobos
It is going to be marinewank, but the question is will it be done right?
Cawl should vivisect her and see if he can make her into a primarch
>its gonna be a marine wank isnt it bros
> Anonymous 07/16/24(Tue)11:28:06 No.93350086▶
>Dire Avenegers don't have Phobos
> Anonymous 07/16/24(Tue)11:28:33 No.93350087▶
>It is going to be marinewank, but the question is will it be done right?
It's called Space Marine
Which part of SPACE MARINES 2 in the title that you didn't understand?
it works in the same way slaanesh was around before it was born
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Of course you should trust him, he's a Dwarf; *the* White Dwarf no less.
>doesn't even say about the absence of [The Horned Rat]
What makes you think that he's absent, hmm?
weak gods aren't omnipresent
This is the worst attempt at greentext and quotetexting I've ever seen. Are you actually retarded anon?
Dark Avenegers?
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But anons im illiterate
>getting to fight a carnifex
if anything as a nidfag I'm pissed they won't have bigger beasts like a tervigon or a nornie
Why is the carnifex so small?
Is bebe
>Anonymous 07/16/24(Tue)11:32:16 No.93350104▶
>>>93350090 (You)
>This is the worst attempt at greentext and quotetexting I've ever seen. Are you actually retarded anon?
Samefag less.
Nowhere in the first world provides a working wage for soldiers. Its a designated retard containment job.

Kill it!
Logistics is barely soldiering, not like he'd be 11B
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>if anything as a nidfag I'm pissed they won't have bigger beasts like a tervigon or a norni-ACK
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tyranid creatures got left behind by the scale creep and they're made smallers so that the matchups look better
warriors and gaunts too are supposed to be bigger than how they're shown in the game
>talk about space marine 2
I'm not gonna pre order that game. Lego Universe taught me that lesson. I still have the box.
I'm cautiously optimistic though if that makes sense.
take out a loan and be a pilot. 60 hours of training and youre on your way to flying airliners and making big bucks.
Uh, the biotitan looks promising.
Probably a quick time event or some thing moving in the background you have to move artillery for though.
By the way, can you write normally next? thanks.
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>Probably a quick time event or some thing moving
>in the background you have to move artillery for though.
By the
> way
, can you write normally next? thanks.
I'm now wondering if they're going to link SM2's storyline to the mysterious appearance of a blackstone fortress in warzone leviathan.
Preordering is bullshit anyway. You don't get it any quicker and it's not like they're gonna run out
have night-lords ever interacted with world eaters, or touched upon khorne at all?
See >>93350128
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Am I gonna kick SM/Necron ass with this? First time playing unending swarm, a shame they nerfed it
pve_daemonhost.pak, you say?
>buying lego games
>on preorder
Bro those go to the Walmart bargain bin like 2 months after release. You have to be mentally weak or a child to Pre-order anything these days
>Logistics is barely soldiering
I know this is bait, but I'm biting anyway

Are there any 40k novels with stolen valor? Like some underhive scum bleating "the planet broke before we did" in order to scam free drinks?
yes, night lords are a khornate warband
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Who cares you're playing 1kpts. Trying to play 1k and worrying about being competitive is fruitless. The game is balanced for 2k so adults can play big games. 1k is an utter crapshoot
>The game is balanced
Maybe some evidence from the current Canon would better prove your point. This has more than likely been retconned at some point in the past 20 years
It’s really weird how you make up stories and then make pictures out of them like anyone else cared enough to bother.
It's balanced for 2k, but that doesn't mean it's perfectly balanced. That said it's a lot better balanced than fucking 1k literal child sized army tier
I'm just messing with you, you can do whatever you want with them, mate, it's chaos, have some khornate night lords if you want, maybe berserkes with bat wings instead of bunny ears
as are Genestealer Cult
Who would prevail in a honorable four-way battle royale fought between Captain Severus Agemman, Captain Darnath Lysander, Captain Arenos Karlaen, and Grand Master Belial?
I wish more cultist players just included random beastmen in their units or did anything but whine about not being able to buy 30 of the same kit and build them exactly how the box says
Lore is retard filter. You're focusing too much on the gayest part of the game, go paint your models or play some games
agemann because he's an ultramarine and ultramarines are the best
I don't know or care who any of these 3rd string Marvel personalities are. That being said, the Grand Master because he sounds most important.
Yeah that might explain why I usually stomp my friends with dumb monster mash lists. Especially space marines seem to suck at 1K. But as a relatively new player 1K games don't feel small or quick
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>Captain Severus Agemman
>Captain Darnath Lysander
>Captain Arenos Karlaen
>Grand Master Belial

the manlets lose by default
I've got some beastmen to make up numbers. Just pop on some spare acolyte arms and you're done. Can use them as regular beastmen, too.
I've head-swapped some neophytes with helmets to use as voidsmen in case I get my shit together and decide to run a Rogue Trader one day.
They're fast once you learn your rules well enough that you aren't flipping back and forth in your book. 90% of slow play are due to people being unable to recall things and having to search for them in their codex
>cant sleep
>try thinking about 40k stuff
>realize how unfinished and un-updated so many product lines are
>realize how shit we let GW treat us
>still hyped for imperial agents codex though
>still cant sleep
I wish I could just turn my brain off.
jerk it
not even chaosfags like beastmen, why do you expect nidfags to care about them in their stead?
>>still hyped for imperial agents codex though
That's the stuff!
Itz spelt "phredd" ya unejukayted git!
I really hope people aren't actually like this.
Anon... C'mon.
>I wish I could just turn my brain off.
I bet if you drink enough plastic glue this problem you're having could solve itself
The being unable to get to sleep, or the thinking about 40k?
Sorry anon, its true that sometimes people have trouble sleeping at night.
I would not be surprised if they're farming loosh. Some extradimensional parasite is getting ready to drink your metaphorical tears while James simultaneously farms your wallet.
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I like this effect on Dark Eldar with a kind of ghost light glowing edges on black, but otherwise yeah it looks kind of silly.
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I expect everyone to have good taste despite being proven wrong 99% of the time.
God please, just let it have a detachment where I can run Sisters, Sentinels, and Arbites together. I just want my PDF/hive purge squad.
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>Go to bed
>Dream that a roadmap/announcement dropped
>Wake up
>Whore brain lied to me
>Repeat sporadically for the past month
Is this brainrot? Am I cooked?
Fool that you are to not realise James IS the extradimensional parasite
You're just mentally weak and can't remember that gw only drops roadmaps during big events
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pour one out for chaos
How to explain the disparity between Imperial Knights and Chaos Knights?
they play completely differently
One's good, one's bad
cant wait for world eaters to get nerfed even though the internal balance is already shit.
Agreed. I love the heavy bolter sisters
Artemis did nothing wrong. If Ynnead was summoned it would have caused the Warp to get fucked and would have killed and stranded gigantic populations of humans who would then fall to the predations of other factions. The Deathwatch were in the right.
We don't have to look up rules anymore and our full games are still 6 hours if played to T5
Today is just awesome. My old lgs selbst gw products with a get enough marks for a discount system and now I found an lgs half an hour away from work actually Solling the Kits at a discount. Might actually start to buy Orks again with them just bei ng 40 bucks there
Their different army rules and weapon options make them completely different balance-wise, even if their kits all share the same chassis.
Can't help you if you're retarded anon
Fucking german grammar nazi autocorrect
Your dumb ass needs to go back to school before you worry about buying miniatures again
>I expect everyone to have good taste
>rounded lip base
Tell that to my fucking phone. Cant wait to sit at the pc. That one actually doesnt fuck up when I type.
Okay, but are Space Marines REALLY just low because bad players like to play them or are their rules actually bad?
Not mine it's literally on the first page of Google images. And yeah you should expect everyone to have good taste. Assuming everyone except yourself is retarded is a sign of sociopathy and autism
What are prices like in Germany?
space marine players are generally retarded, yes.
>can't even function a phone keyboard
>billions of 10 year olds are at a higher intellectual level than anon
Honestly I feel like some of it is slow dice rolling, calculating and allocating, and especially a lot of time is wasted looking up stats. For the next game imma have a little postcard sheet for abilities and datasheets
Lego Universe was around 2010. I was probably 11 years old at the latest back then.
It shut down so quickly after launch that I learned not to pre order anything.
The closest Warhammer 40k analogy I can make was for anyone who gave Eternal Crusade financial support or pre ordered it if there ever was a pre order function for it.
That vidya game was basically a remake of Space Marine 1 multiplayer.
you need to add all the snowflake subfactions in order to fully understand the cancer
Most popular faction for beginners is going to skew things hard. Black templars due to being an army that forces you to paint black and white trend toward more established players but in a vacuum aren't that much better than vanilla marines
GW has preorders
To be fair, those 10 year olds also try to use desktops as touch screens and have never seen a physical keyboard
51 Euro for 1 battle syster box. Roughly the same for the other battleline stuff. The combat patrols and army boxes range from 130 to 170. The Tanks last I checked where around 60 euro. Glad I found the discount lgs. They got the Lion for 40. Asmodai next to him is 5 bucks more expensive there.
But all the divergent chapters are in that data table too and all of them do better than Codex Space Marines.
Although now I notice there are almost as many Blood Angels and Dark Angels players as core SM, which seems wild to me.
Despite never seeing physical keyboards they still manage to operate a keyboard with little issues. Whereas you are just retarded
>Eternal Crusade
>Buy a thing
>5 years later can't even use the thing
What a gyp
Ach der pricendroppen ist gut ja?
>Not mine
Where are your beastmen? You do have good taste, right?
No one has ever owned beastmen. We have always been at war with the Old World. War is peace.
Space Marines are carried up into multiple factions (you see 2 of them in the top 5) vs tyranids being just tyranids. If you went strictly off who's buying space marine plastic you're looking at a lot larger pool.
GW doesn't actually sell Beastmen, they just pretend they do so they can count them as a loss every year for tax purposes
What would be the benefit of this
Aight you got me there. The preordering of a miniature is different from the pre ordering of a game, but in my defence even GW can screw up like that time they had a mould mistake on one of their AoS miniatures.
Duncan made a video about fixing it.

I never bought it.
the only faction with lower player numbers than my main is drukhari
I could run CSM, but they're mainsteam, therefore wank
Chaos tax. Chaos isnt allowed to be better than imperium
I don't play chaos so yes I do have have good taste
My plan with games is usually to wait until they been out for a few years for them to fix all the most critical issues so I sat on EC which ended up being a good thing because the Dev was a pathetic mess and the game rightfully died.

Its crazy how hard they fucked it up, Planetside 2 is still chugging along despite being utter garbage because the core formula of massive combined arms sci combat is just so good.
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They buffed big knights, IK big knights are worthwhile, CK not so much + the buff is something CK ones could already do.
Grey knights are word bearers 2.0 I will not elaborate
Kind of weird how well Drukhari do for how low their player numbers are. You would expect more tournament players to jump factions when they're performing well and drop them when they perform poorly, but their player counts are pretty consistent. They seem to have a few really dedicated experts though, like Skari.
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If you need a youtube video to teach you how to fill a gap then you're truly beyond help
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night lord won that.
You're wrong
has my brain been poisoned if i can't tell if this is slop?
Kino but you should finish painting him.
They pull it off with all those sharp edges.
AI cant do dynamic images yet
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Hololith thingy
>I just can't possibly understand what to do with this flexible/moldable putty and a gap I need filling if a youtuber doesn't tell me
Mentally insufficient for independent life
probably an admech most likely necromunda like the one we got last week
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I finally finished the Forge of Mars trilogy. While I'm not new to the 40k setting, this was my first book(s) I bothered to read. What did I think of the series?
This was kind of cool the first time they did it and every time since then gets more and more tiresome. Would rather have any other detail than some giant holomap taking up 1/8th of the model
Idk anon, what did you think of the series?
There's a difference between "ok" and "correct" even with something simple.
Thats gonna be a for a specialist game.
When something is as simple as
>I have a gap
>I have a putty that can be sculpted to any shape
>put the putty in the gap
If you can't figure that out for yourself then you are mentally weak
I enjoyed the prose. The behaviors and whims of the AdMech was described in excruciating detail, of which I enjoyed immensely as someone unfamiliar with them (the author clearly came across as knowledgeable toward the setting overall). There were some eyeroll parts like the human rogue trader character being a typical baseline human and doing human things (big ego, trying to woo women, etc.), the big bad hyper combat-oriented AdMech dude turning off all of his combat info to fight his tough opponent at the end, all the very strict ideology (which to be fair is inherent in the setting but HFY! gets tiresome after some time), etc. I think the story could have easily been a duology to remove much of the padding. The ending had some loose cliffhanger bits (like some ancient crystal hunter entity thought killed was hidden on the ship, catching a ride back to Mars but we know nothing will happen overall--not like this thing would appear again or do -anything- to Mars) that I didn't much care for.
Overall I liked it a lot as a hard sci-fi fag. It was a fun space story involving travel to an unknown region to find a mcguffin.
You forgot filing it after it dries. Your models look like dogshit I bet.
Dios mio, mucho texto autismo
>projection of greatest magnitudes
Dispensing (you)
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>I spent $1500 this weekend on oop metal models I will likely never paint
Anon could finally cum
>40k general chock full of generic newfags
Everybody said sisters were going to completely demolish everyone and were the second coming of eldar
That's a pretty nice analysis. It's interesting seeing the setting through the eyes of someone not familiar with it already.
Which other one? Nexos?
Half win rate isn't bad for a brand new codex.
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I know that building
The orks experience
I thought it was nice but the ultimate villain's plans kind of didn't make sense to me given his character: he preserves his face so he can return to Mars triumphant, his ego is monstrous, literally everything about him is completely destroyed during his fight with Kotov, and yet he just has another plan within a plan to get out of it. Sure, he's done that for the story, but it was all born out of hubris as opposed to a labyrinth of schemes.
I only played like 4 games in 9th edition and zero games in 10th edition
If you get all your 40k stats and news from /40kg/ then it may surprise you that noone here knows what they're talking about when it comes to painting or playing
shut up, its not even comparable.
Telok was a poor villain, I agree. He was very much "all according to keikaku" and the entire ordeal with Galatea should have been dealt with sooner. But yeah, padding.
I did like the scene where they meet Telok and as soon as he talked about usurping the Emperor, everyone immediately no hesitation had guns and other weapons sighted on him.
GW was very careful with them and made them ridiculously expensive for their stat lines. Add on to the character tax to make their infantry effective, we are pretty much just coasting on Castigator spam, which is incredibly over costed compared to other mainline battle tanks. Obviously, this is offset by their great special rule, awesome new detachment rules and great army rule.

They are in a sweet spot, the rapid fire bolters can actually get work done in bringers of flame as going up to strength 5 from 4 is a huge buff. Bringing down the cost of the characters a bit would probably be a fair buff as sororitas battleline is pretty weak and I think shaving 5 points off of penitent engines and mortifiers would be fair to up army diversity a bit.

What I hope GW doesn't do is make the castigator more expensive when its not that the Castigator is overpowered, its that the rest of the army is very expensive and fragile.

That said, overall, at the highest tiers of play they handle extremely well and I bet a lot of the losses are coming from a huge portion of sisters players running fluffy lists or being newer players in general.
I have a metal sergeant colour sergeant kell and the aquila on top of the flag snapped off.
I spent a lot of money on paints I'll never use and my guard collection has a lot of third party resin models in it that I probably won't ever use in an actual 40k game because I'm scared of having trekked the 10 minute drive to the LGS only to get rejected because third party guard models.
For the most part I will still use old Imperial Guard base sizes like 60mm bases for heavy weapons, and sentinels, and 25mm for commissars.
I have a large STL collection of prints I'll never print and it is unorganized like you wouldn't believe.
I am buying an external 2TB SSD for storing them and giving my 1TB external hard drive to my dad.
thats actually a really cool detail. Also holy shit that terrain piece is awesome I want it.
Yeah I thought that was really cool, there were a lot of good scenes in that book that made for a good payoff. He just started to slip on his fancy crystal ship and all of the black templars started giving him dirty looks. It's just amusing to me that they let Galatea get away with so much.
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>and every time since then
what did anon mean by this?
The reason ork players get shafted so often is that they are absolutely incapable of not doing waac shit when it's available to them, and then spend the rest of their time crying that they really should get buffs until their a top ranking army again
i have played exactly one game of 40k this year and i'm too socially awkward to organise another
>worker's strike in an Imperium ship
Just the thought was lulzy.
I got an Immolator a year ago. I built it, started painting it, and in that time I have built and fully painted my entire first 1k of sisters and still haven't finished the Immolator. I hate painting it so much. I've got to finish it now though.
Looks big - is that a McFarlane? Trim and gap fill yuor mould lines and paint that indomitus symbol
At the literal worst possible time and they have all the right pieces to ensure that the strike goes off well. Also the magos that wanted to deploy the Martian tanks first even though it was much slower than deploying the imperial guard tanks that were pretty much ready to go, silly.
>guard player doesn't play with, paint, build or even print models he already owns
Confession posts are for things that the general public doesn't already know
>Also the magos that wanted to deploy the Martian tanks first even though it was much slower than deploying the imperial guard tanks that were pretty much ready to go, silly.

>got shot
>"Ok who wants to be the next to tell me that these ships can't be deployed?"
Very ~movie scene waow badass~ but funny.
It really felt like a movie scene pressed into writing which makes it all the more hilarious to read.
Nexus was first and was cool, then the terrain dropped and was tiresome, now this third one is even more tiresome
I don't know why but your post made me laugh more than I should have.
I do paint a bit on built miniatures but I'll admit that I am indecisive on what colour scheme to settle on.
You're right about the play and print part though.
Build your armor first. Think about what your definition of a cool armor scheme for your tank would be.
Copy that on your rank and file
Paint the officers and hero units anyway you want.
Aye. There were a LOT of those throughout the entire book.
I'm sorry, you missed the golden age.
The super-grainy paintjob makes me think it's for a sidegame
They have second rate guys paint stuff for side games?
It's super small, just a huge zoom
I think it's more a matter of style than skill
How compatible are the invictor warsuit and redemptor dreadnought kits?
I'd like to replace the warsuit pilot with a sarcophagus
>then the terrain dropped and was tiresome,
What? I think you're just a bitch.
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How would Samurai Jack do in 40k?
>Think about what your definition of a cool armor scheme for your tank would be.
>Copy that on your rank and file
I actually am planning on painting my tanks in "neutral colors" so that they can be used for my traitor WGA Damned guard. I need to shave off the Imperial Aquila.
But with some thought I think I've settled on a colour scheme. Thank you, anon.
He joins up with Draigo in a buddy adventure where they have to deal with Aku and some daemon also teaming up, learns a good life lesson, and then goes back to his own universe after Aku's plot is foiled.
Anyone have an STL for it? It runs like 300 dollars for a painted one on ebay and 500 for new in box.
Prime it black and just paint the details. I painted my rhinos with golden treads because the space pope has dosh for it.
>A squad of Aspect Warriors from diffrrent Shrines is sent to track him down and dispose of him, as a Farseer senses a 'colossal anomaly' stemming from him
>The Warriors plan out their attack with expert efficiency utilizing the strengths of each Shrine
>When they launch their ambush Jack swiftly dismantles them one by one by utilizing their respective weaknesses and turning their strengths against each other
>None of the Eldar are actually killed, which leads to them reconsidering the situation and backing off
He fits better in Warhammer fantasy
>been asking every marine player at the LGS for spare pauldrons
My Orks must loot. But this feels like the wrong way to go about it.
absolutely dismal taste
If you're satisfied with the same meme bit included every time they run out of ideas then you've either got shit taste, are retarded or both
>the same meme bit included every time
You keep making posts as if they made dozens of miniatures with this kind of element, you've got issues.
I think of it the same way as a mechadendrite. The tech exists in universe, makes sense we'd see it in a few places
Either 3D print some or buy leftover sprues on eBay.
Ebay exists for this specific purpose
I'd rather not pay for spare bits if I can help it. I'm not saying I hate asking for spares, I was just making fun of the fact that I'm begging for something that my Orks have "stolen"
Printing seems like an option though if the marine players run out.
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So cool.
>He fits better in Warhammer fantasy
I already went there and they sent me here!
>Catching hive-sump runoff on his tongue as if it were snow
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Anon your dignity and social standing matters more than like 3 bucks per Ork.
Honestly may want to try Age of Sigmar
3 times for the same meme is boring. If you're easily satisfied with seeing the same shit repeated then you're probably autistic
That's winrate from tabletop battles, not just tourney. Sisters are firmly mid-tier at a general level which is great, at top levels they might be one of the strongest armies in the game, but those lists are less likely to be the army regular people play (they're extremely vehicle heavy) and they're difficult to play anyway due to being fragile as hell with high points costs.
ok, but what are those flying things? are we even going to find out?
they are metroids
stay poor.
Vect lets him run around Commorragh in sandals in order to harvest his angst. Occasionally hires a Mandrake to pop up and shit-talk him in engrish before popping back into the shadows.
Woah man I'm not grovelling on the ground here. Asking some friends "hey do you have any pauldrons you're willing to part with? My Orks need loot" isn't going to ruin my reputation around the store.
Again, I was just poking fun at myself. It's not orky to ask for something. I should be breaking into their homes and stealing these pauldrons.
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>Claim thing
>Circumstances change (massive points hikes)
>Wow you were an idiot to claim thing
like every SINGLE Eldar story, the farseer is fucking wrong. Every. Single. Time. So canon.
>1 miniature about the idea
>a piece of scenery for a sidegame
>a small detail for a new miniature
yeah, that's absolutely too much, I'm frothing at the mouth at the affront, how could they, quick, send them emails so they make more marines instead of this lazy and repetitive shit.
Orks got shafted this edition because GW thought they had a deep codex and they didn't actually have one, they just had two very pushed detachments and a completely broken datasheet.
Make a press mould for them out of bluestuff and you'll have as many as you want along as you don't reheat the mould
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Malstrain genestealers. They have a whole range of fucked up mutant genestealers and hybrids.
Bluestuff is something I've been meaning to look into. Maybe this is a good excuse.
>the ork player can't help but cry when not completely busted across the board
Like clockwork
Do you have 1000 points?
Challenge space marineplayers and make a friendly wager per game for 10 pauldrons. Say it's so you can say you looted after the victory. Not sure what you can offer if you lose but desu if someone at my LGS approached me like this rather than like a brass vulture at a shooting range, I'd probably play the game and give them the pauldrons regardless.
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more from the range. Biologis mechanicus who kept the cult alive post nuking.
These things look like they're wearing swim goggles, I hate them so much
I wish nid players could have small squads of these guys (like orks have Gretchen) for like 50 points. Just to have some variety, you can make them weaker on the board if a nid player is using them
I'd love to have a wave of bugs with GSC fodder in the front of them.
>jack: send me to the past.
>Big E: No.
>jack: PLEASE!
>Big E: let me think about it... no.
>jack: why?
>Big E: I have a big plan.
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when GW lets their artists loose they actually make things with soul. The higher fidelity of modern sculpting technology results in some absolutely soulless models, but the malstrains are fantastic. necromunda stays fucking winning the last few years.
10 space marine pauldrons or 10 ork heads to the winner. Sounds fun
the flying things I said
are they drifting mines? psychic parasites? facehuggers?
I need to know
huge missed opportunity to have a servo skull/tyramite floating above his back. Easy to kit bash though!
Perfect. You planning on putting them on some of your boys or you using them as basing flair?
You're right anon, everyone should get a gay map character instead of the team coming up with something actually interesting that fits each army thematically, or adds something to their armies aesthetic not previously displayed by another model. Everyone should have the exact same details because that's SO immersive and interesting.
Not that anon, but I thought the malstrains where some sort of mechanicus/tyranid fusion?
Malstrain Tyramites. Its in the text in the image.
>the farseer is fucking wrong. Every. Single. Time. So canon.
I love those guys, they're funny.
You do realise there's 1 (one) "gay map character", right? how many do you think there are?
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ork bros, do you get excited when you play against another melee oriented army?
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With what I had from rhino and land raider kits, as well as some spare a good friend had, just on the Boyz as looted armor.
I figure if I do basing artifacts it'll be helmets or arms.
Hell yes I do. Glorious melee combat is always a zoggin' good time.
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AoS has reactions now
they did it better, of course
Looks nice, very lucky!
What do you think Redeploy was in 3rd
There is one leader of the malstrain cult that is a mechanicus that may or may not be responsible for the mutations I posted ITT, but mostly they are just brood brothers and their brood brothers models are just going to use the same stuff from the kill team upgrade sprue/cadian that they shipped previously. So the necromunda unit options should be the Tech Biologis, Brood Brothers (however many variants comes with that), malstrain genestealers (2 variants), the coalescence, and malstrain tyramites. Basically its a GSC necromunda force.

Malstrain Genestealers are supposed to be significantly weaker than Purestrain, as a nerf to bring them down to Necromunda's hive ganger power level.
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Indeed they are. That's why I also use blue dice, a blue dice bag, and have a blue dice tray.
im not being paid to shill for GW I promise, I do it for free. Honeslty wish they these cinematic trailers for all their models.
>and they're difficult to play anyway due to being fragile as hell with high points costs.
Yeah I still don't understand how this works. How the fuck can they be good at high level if they're fragile AND high point cost?
this man is maxing out his lucky skill tree
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ill play dread mob for the first time this weekend.
Did i get it right, that only BIG meks or big meks with SAG do give the reroll to1s?
Since this doesnt matter much with lootas as they can already do taht ill just slap a normal mek on them for they detachement keyword since they dont benefit from any reroll buffs added?
hence id only add the big mek/ SAG one to mek gunz or normal boyz with shootas?
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God damn HH mechanicus mogs 40k. It has everything I want, servitors everywhere, stompy robots, horrific body horror magos. I wish the servitors were playable in 40k so fucking bad.
For me it is the Horus Heresy coming soon trailer:
Something about the still models and the edited in muzzle flashes along with the bases being hidden does it for me.
I think Stormcast are cooler than Space Marines and AoS has a more intereating setting than 40k.
You've never had that much money in your life lyuben.
Same. It's absolutely stupid these models can't be used in 40k.
Credit cards and crippling debt are a thing.
Correct, regular meks do not give the reroll 1s to hit.
Adding a SAG to a lootas squad is still a good option, but not because of what he gives them, it's what they give him. Attacking an objective with the SAG and a squad of lootas means the SAG rerolls all of his hits alongside the lootas die to their ability, not just 1s. Quite a huge difference.
I like to eat my boogers while driving, the thrill of voyerism and danger, the salty taste and feeling of empty nose at the same time are exquisite
>boyz with shootas
Please don't remind me...
>take waacfag list
>swap in a single suboptimal unit
it's gaming time
Someone said that there is a fierce rivalry between the main Warhammer 40k studio and ForgeWorld studio which may factor in to why there is not even 40k legends support for the new Horus Heresy models.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if that is the case.
Warhammer Community articles say it is to not bloat the rosters, but that point is null and void because of the number of space marine units in my book.
That's a pretty cool thing to do
>bullying ork bros

i wont fucking stand for it
They're pissed off cause FW's body horror mechanicum absolutely dunks on their dickless da vinci mechanicus
Its 100% this or a marketing decision. They are doing it on purpose, and I'm sure people in the company have heard people asking for the 40k rules. I wouldn't be suprised if forge world knights get Legends'd and then not brought forward into 11th at all.
Seems like GW is getting desperate and telling their ruleswriters on the AoS team to actually try.
Is it cheaper for GW to just keep AoS on life support than it is to just pull the plug which would admit it was a mistake?
It really, really isn't
Can you say that those guys are skitari?
>not to bloat the rosters
Thats such bullshit. It gives players more stuff to buy, therefore makes GW more money. What the fuck is the CEO doing?
thx, ill try that then.
is it THAT bad?
im playing 1k friendlies and we all have like less than 20 games total. Figured if i get them lethal hits they could do alright
>Is it cheaper for GW to just keep AoS on life support than it is to just pull the plug which would admit it was a mistake?
GW has no reason to kill games anymore.
>or a marketing decision
A marketing decision to somehow get less sales if you ask me. I think the rivalry possibility an anon brought up (I was paraphrasing it) might be more true than marketing decision.
nah, Magos or biologus experiments with genestealers, gets infected gets killed by Inquisitors, genestealer outbreak gets nuked and turns an entire hive city into a crater
genestealer survives, somehow, only it's stolen genes are a bit fucky now
broodlord has Magos genes that it stole, starts mass producing Magos clones with genetic memory for the purpose of fixing screwed up Malstrain genetics
It's a magus/biophagus epic hero type character that can continually respawn in the same manner a Patriarch can spawn the various GSC characters among it's decendants
>Reeeeeeeeee why is there so much marinewank in the video game called Space Marine 2
Well good thing is that's why proxies exist. I don't give a flying fuck about official tournaments, what I want is a robust and varies army of machine people.
Not ballswinger sniper and buncha weirdos with davinci wings.
No. AoS actually returns a profit. Its a massive success compared to WHFB
>GW has no reason to kill games anymore.
What about Adeptus Titanicus?
It doesn't help that the painters GW use to demo their forge world models are miles better than 'eavy metal
What about it?
It exists
It seems to have been axed or is very close to being axed in favour of HH-Epic.
What would sex a sister of silence be like?
Boyz with shootas are still quite bad, even in dread mob with a mek. You'd do better adding a mek to a squad with choppas, since the ability applies in melee as well.
However, dakka is dakka. If you want to shoot then shoot my friend.
You might be shooting blanks there anon
How are flash gitz?
20 Boyz will on average kill 1 marine
there is NO need for this coomer bullshit anon
Really awkward and uncomfortable, so not really any difference for you
Been a while since people asked about how a non-40k character would fair in 40k.
Last time I saw such a thing was seeing The Major from Hellsing Ultimate.
I think he would fair well as an imperial guard general or traitor guard general on account that the man loves war.

Not sure what chaos god that fatty would fall to though if he was a traitor guard commander.
They would fight over him and inevitably piss Lorgar off.
that soulless ho would starfish and I bet her haunted privates are dryer than sandpaper
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>Look up 40k stuff for Prime day deals
>Only things pop up are Joy Toy figures, magnets, and carrying cases

Might just get this case for my Guardsmen for $30 and call it a day
I haven't tried them, sorry. I've heard they were good before kaptin badrukk got legends'd
Not without a job first.
Maybe in functional countries but in America you can get a credit card and crippling student loan debt at 18.
But they wanna raise age of consent to 21.
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You guys got my noggin' joggin' now.
Just imagine
>chaos star bearing armoured zeppelins appear over a hive city.
>scrapcode spewing speakers disable a lot of the machines so Imperial Communication is damaged/next to impossible.
>Chaos Herr Major bombs the ever living crap out of the hive city.
>Chaos Herr Major after the bombs orders to launching of Night Lords drop pods like strategically targeting bombs to release a deadlier "payload" to spread terror and destruction
>Akuma Stocking plays as Night Lords go wild
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As long as you have the right support units and tech units you'll be fine (farseers, hawks/spiders). Outside of the standard lists you'd need a solid plan to pull of a win less your low numbers gets ya blasted of the table.
Its also a psyker and casts malstrain abilities which is quite cool.
I want to rape
Im pretty sure they converted the rules over to the new "epic" game they made.
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So, uh...
This but make him a Black Legion or Iron Warrior human auxiliary commander.

Do the Night Lords being generally pirates even have large numbers of human auxiliary forces?
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Admech bros how're we holding up
Looking at HH with envy and anger.
Theyre getting a model refresh in october
And justifiably so.
They just raised points on all admech models and reworked their army rule. Its a STEP in the right direction, but it needs to walk a mile to be where it should be.
I remember laughing at the guard player who wanted Solar Auxilia Veletaris Storm Section rules in 40k so he could field the axe wielding ones.
I found it funny at the time.
Now I regret finding his posts amusing in a bad way. As now I know how he feels as HH mechanicus don't have rules for 40k.
If you're there I'm sorry.
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It will be done, when it's done, and not released till it's done
Probably crying about something. I've yet to see the admech community interact with the game in any meaningful way besides throwing tantrums
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Let me say this once again, since apparently it was not made clear when this set of teasers began. The Rumour Engine has NO. SET. SCHEDULE.
Is the captain returning too?
>start trying to force this meme in /aosg/
>others start doing it too
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>The Thousand Sons want to impede Vashtorr's efforts...
>...by using robots, which are extremely vulnerable to his powers
Are they stupid?
is that... a 5th element model?
Thousand Sons think they are smarter and better at everything than everyone. If you are the Chaos God of Checkers, they will try to beat you at checkers. If you are the Chaos God of Hot Dog Swallowing, they will try to beat you at Hot Dog Swallowing.
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>acting as if you're the only one who knows about The Lightbringer
Necromunda Votann specifically.
I didn't say that.
This thing stinks
Running theme with the dust zombies is the point that they´re the smartest person in the yard and of course know best. Of course they know their machinery and can use it better than Vashtorr.
Why would Necromunda Votann have a claw with Chaos Knight talons and Vashtorr's flamer?
>We literally cannot use our psychic powers in this psychic dead zone
>Let's not try to find a way around this
But yes they are still stupid.
Because their aesthetic is wildly different from 40k Votann and every fucking sci fi rumor engine has been from Necromunda instead of a game people play.
say what
Welcome back.

some cunt make a new thread PLEASE
Guess one of the jannies wanted to post their OP instead of the one they pruned
This. Then the same faggots can post their minis all over again
ok secondary fag, lets see YOUR minis
The seething secondary hates seeing people enjoy the hobby
It's called consoomerism, anon
Samefag less
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Elegoo Mars 4 is on sale right now and I'm thinking about finally going for 3d printing.
My only concern is the small screen size for when I want to print vehicles/larger models.
Anyone with experience?
the punishment is real
>Inspects element and expects me to care
Try the 3D PROOONT general, they helped me out quite a bit.
>everyone who calls me a fag is the same person
>it couldn't possibly be that I'm a fag
Inspect element excuse is the funniest cope
you are hitting proper schizo territory, secondary. post your bullshit already
Don't get angry that I'm right, just accept and move on. Develop as a person
Instead of allowing a new OP, the jannies have decided that having secondaries continuing argue amongst each other is a better use of a thread then potentially having some form of discussion rebooted. Real epic guys, doing some great work everyone
>new bread
>gets deleted

>another new bread
>gets deleted

guess we are going down with the ship, glad i shitposted with you all
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>room temp iq janny can't recognize the difference between talking about albino orks (alternate paint scheme) and albinoids (goofy yakub shit)
Awww, baby upset his shit keeps rightfully getting deleted when its made on page 6? Stop shitting yourself
no you arent right you fuckin retard and yet we havent seen your models. i mean i wouldnt be too fussed if they were greytide desu, as long as you had SOMETHING like fuck sake cunt
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>i-im not a secondary faggot
>you must just be angry
>yeah that's it lmao
>haha why u mad tho goteem
It's a slow board, etiquette is to wait till general hits page 10 before making a new one. How new are you?

You got absolutely blown out last time you used that gif, sure you want to use it again?
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Not that anon, but how bout o post mi minis?
He's probably been making threads at page 6 longer than most posters ITT have been regulars desu
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Cheap second hand from ebay that has chaos legs for some reason, also post models
whens news
>greytider tranny continues to seethepost
Dispensing (you)
Damm thats nice
When you stop tripfagging
Thanks, you guys can't help yourselves but one more couldn't hurt
Must be a new janny
fuck yes love the Ulthwé scheme, black eldar best eldar
>implying the cunt even has models

its getting silly at this point
What about Tankbustas?
Will I ever get my rocket lawnchair boyz back?
Working on a power sword, it's my first one so I fucked it up and it looks like a rich Italian lady's countertop.
doubt it, tankbustas are gonna stay shit forever :(
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Little fella I need to finish but keep putting off for other projects
What colour did you use for the bolt cartridges in the storm bolter anon?
Balthazar Gold. I haven't shaded anything yet, usually hit it with agrax.
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Love the contrast of bone and black.
It's the yellow that makes it imo, it's just boring without it.
What ygo card is that
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>SM2 ignores the shitty Cadian redesigns
Um based?
Gorgeous. Looks like it belongs in F-Zero
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so good, makes me wanna get back into eldar (after 2 fucking decades)
It takes place 100 years after the original right? Would that still put it before the fall of cadia?
Probably because SM1 was before nucadians. Also, it's literally just kneepads what's your beef?
yummy PS2 graphics
Change= bad
Old = good
>he has a case of kneepad based autism
Grim, your parents must be very patient and loving
Where is the 40k news?
>change = tzeentch
yes, change bad
Change can be good. Not my fault it's usually bad and old remains better.
it comes out when you make a new thread lmao
>4th tyrannic war
it's post fall of cadia
>Titus got vaccinated
No wonder he got demoted
Why do kneepads on guard and knee fins on primaris piss of people so much?
Because they have autism as previously mentioned
Primaris is almost 10 years old now. Anyone still getting pissed about it is either stupid old or just stupid
some tyranid designs are also the old ones, it's clear they didn't get too many info about the miniatures gw would be doing and used the designs that existed at the time of development

notable exception is the jump pack which must have come with a fair share of exchanges
Complaining about tiny minor details means they don't have to buy new models because they have a "valid" excuse
they don't own any models to start with
there was plenty of time for Cadians though that shit was over a year ago already
I wish they had classic space marine helmets
but not too classic
Mark III is and will always be peak helmet design.
>Want to make a fluffy, loreful, veteran-only list for Space marines
>The only units marked as veterans are terminators, stern guard, blade guard, and vanguard vets
>No anti-armor except for terminators with chain fists and missiles
>No vehicles because vehicles can’t be veterans

FUCK why do I have autism
videogames aren't developed overnight
Did Mantic start a new not!space marine range or something?
Dreadnaughts are veterans. Use those
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Does anyone know what is this helmet type called
make a veteran dreadnought and a veteran tank?

lore doesn't stop at keywords
Land Raiders are usually reserved for First Company, which are all Veterans
Dreadnaughts usually have veteran space Marines inside them
>people been so FW pilled they've forgotten what MkIII helmets used to look like
The pads are fine, reminds me of Crye stuff. The fins are just a little silly looking imo
maybe for death guard or imperial fists
Ah, yeah, I think you should become a veteran after 1k years in stasis lol

Thanks for the lore. Do you have a source where you got that?
Grey Knights and Black Templars too.
MK69 Tastelet pattern
oh and iron warriors i forgot
>No vehicles because vehicles can’t be veterans
Depends on the crew. For example, speeders can be either FA or Troops, depending if they're being piloted by assault or tactical marines. If you have vehicles in the 1st company, they're likely piloted by veterans of the 1st company (or more likely techmarines).
Probably a MkII variant, as the helmet in the old BT sprue was identified as MkII. More likely a MkII style helmet of later design, thanks to the comb and other post-MkIV features.
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Battle reports are for secondaries, and there's no proof refuting this
I liked reading them 30 years ago in White Dwarf
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True a 3rd color lets me free hand a bit. I also use it to incorporate aspects into my scheme.

Here some avengers and a kit bashed Asurmen im working on.

Dunno. Used to run Skull Servants. But it's some trash card that i use as a palate.
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I can't tell if this is Owlkek fanart by a woman but I'm getting those vibes
Can't believe they cucked us out of a dark eldar gf but pleased the fujos
Space Marine codex mostly. Keep in mind it's not a hard rule that Land Raiders are for 1st, just mostly understandable the better company gets the more venerable stuff.
Why is there so much weird smut of this one character? Does the Dark Eldar just really do it for all the ladies that bad?
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What's your favorite avatar of khaine loadout? I'm thinking of adding one to my collection and I might be leaning helmless with a spear.
I'm curious to see what is popular
>male/female pairing
Not every fujo plays a male character. The points were not directly connected anyway.
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I don't care about loadout, it just needs a good paintjob
I refuse to purchase AoS shit purely out of spite at this point. Yeah I get it AoS has a new edition whatever. Ignoring your 40k base for this long is a fucking insult.
I magnetized mine. Definitely love the spear though. Can't quite decide between the two helmets but I guess the classic with the big plume if I had to choose.
New bread
who fucking PEELED the bloody-handed god?
not page 8 yet
Mmmmm pizza
>If you play something you can't also watch it
>The definition of a secondary is someone who doesn't engage with the primary part of the hobby.
Your statement is refuted on its face.
dont you have enough primaris to paint
>Ignoring your 40k base for this long
Bruh it's only been a month since they released new codices and boxes and that was only a month after releasing another new codex and another new box. Your perception of time is whack.
Btfo with facts and logic, nicely done brother
The next 40k reveal is a fucking Primaris Deathwatch Liutenant. At this point I'm happy we've gotten a break.
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Post games
>The only units marked as veterans are terminators, stern guard, blade guard, and vanguard vets
Someone call Guilliman, he's not considered a veteran anymore.
Don't go off keywords.
Aren't there or at least wasn't there a unit called "veteran intercessors" for primaris too?
Or am I just imagining things?
I primed it white like a retard because it was one of my first models. Look at this shit, kek. I'm trying.
>>No vehicles because vehicles can’t be veterans
Dreadnoughts are veterans by definition bro.

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