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Pro Painted Edition

>Pariah Metawatch Companion Stuff

>Balance Dataslate:

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Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

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>Previous Thread:

>Thread Request:
Post a pic of the last model you painted next to one you painted a year ago
Almost all AoS news and some TOW. Seeing Skaventide boxes sitting on the shelf of several LGSes the past few days. Where is the 40k news, James?
this is getting deleted too innit
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New thread... Report your favourite head/weapon combo for avatar of khaine so I can tally the results
still not at page 8

You got nechrocum.
While the sword is classic, I'm quite partial to the spear. I wonder how awkward it'd be to re-pose it to be hefting the spear up as if it's about to throw it, a la the old FW model?
The axe looks very crap though
>still not at page 8
And your still not a janny you fucking loser. Post 40k related content or fuck off.
this is the worst FW model I have seen.
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I've been painting for 11 months as of this month. I'm looking forward to doing a big group shot next month showing everything I've finished for the year.
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>Thread Request:
>Post a pic of the last model you painted next to one you painted a year ago
Exactly a year ago I wasn't painting anything close to my current scheme or army so this will have to do. Some new boyz next to a flash git close to a year ago.
How does one avoid such results?
Don't eat ass
>what could possibly go wrong_.png
What's the joke? That it'll be hard to glue in?
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My models painted a year ago are still unfinished before I got into starting my Severan Dominate guard Kill Team so I am not ready to show them.

Assembling these resin guys is fiddly work. But doable when life permits me the time to do so.
I have to use greenstuff to make a voxcaster guy along with scratching off the Imperium Aquila symbol on the back of it.

I'm proud and happy for you, anon. Good job on your giant leap in painting skill.
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Here’s a wip
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finished Farsight a few months ago and I've mostly been working on AoS stuff since
Stop spamming this, lyuben. Nobody cares.
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Was just putting together a pic to show my progress this last year for a friend who's getting started and getting discouraged at his chunky paintjobs
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have this
That's not a very realistic option for me
That Ranger is pure sex
>Orange and teal marineanon
Oh boy another pic for the schizos!
Seriously though, good shit anon. Love the skitarii.
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has anyone tried putting googly eyes on wraithguard?
You just did
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damn son that's some improvement.

Marik lad about a year back vs ork jetbike last month
I wanna see someone do it on their models
Paint on the bike seems to be much thinner than the marik, though it's not all that bad on that thing either. Nice work
Thanks ye both, now I just need to finish the rest of the killteam of them
and the marines that have been sitting basecoated on painting handles for months :^)
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I think as I've gone on over the years I've become ok with "good enough". I try to really go whole hog on important figs to me but a solid job on a horde of boys doesn't make me as annoyed as it would have a decade ago. Here's my first fig from '98-'99. I was going to split the 3rd edition starter with my bud and I grabbed some guardians assuming they were the same eldar as the dark eldar in the starter.
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Had a dream I went to a LGS during "tzeentch day" and they were selling pinup posters of Lords of Change (female) and I woke up with a boner. Is this how Magnus got got?
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Hard to believe it’s already been a year since leviathan came out. I feel like I’ve plateaued a bit.
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now I just try to learn something new with each painting project I do and am happy with my improvement over the last quarter of a century
Whew lad that is one chunky boy. One hell of a difference between then and your newer models
It's good but 40K players are so mindbroken by GW sculpting conventions they can't fathom actual magma/rock textures
>Lord Helmawr did not inform the Imperium in case they decided to reconsider employing Exterminatus. A policy of secrecy was decided upon, but the Malstrain also needed to be controlled and contained. This quickly became a rite of passage for the sons and daughters of the Imperial House, and they now don Spyrer suits in order to cull the Malstrain population and ensure it’s all contained.
For reference the contained area, exclusion zone and all, is roughly the size of Taiwan. House Helmawr has been trying to keep it secret from their literal neighbors in Hive Primus that a small country's worth of land has been under permanent occupation by genestealers for the past hundred years or so.
You're on 4chan.
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I used testors oil paint that came with a car model kit back then. I had no idea that acrylics were even a thing and was painting in a dark basement and trying to use water to thin the oil paint.

I love your stuff but I feel the contrasts are a bit flat. your detail work and character of the figs is excellent though, would love to play you someday
Haha, you like bird tiddies.
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>his fucking face
Bottom left corner is my favorite.
Personally I wonder what the Imperial Fists think, having a genestealer infestation on a world where they have a Fortress-Monastery
Good thing the genestealers are mutated to the point tyranids don't want 'em
Honestly I don't know if any improvements can be made to your scheme aside from changing the colors to brighter ones, monumental a task that would be.
I've always preferred bright colors so likewise I've always had that feeling that your models are too dark. Again, personal preference. Freehanding is top notch though, wish anybody in my area including myself took as much time to put that much love into their models.
What's wrong with it?
man I love that fig, FW made the avatar so cool in the era of the smallish metal sculpt
Thank you, friend. Nice guardsman
As a matter of principle they try to stay out of domestic affairs. Unless there's irrefutable evidence of the genestealer infestation of Secundus surviving the bombardment and presenting an active threat that the local authorities cannot deal with, the chapter is unlikely to get involved.
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These are some of the first models I did when I got back into the hobby about a year ago.
they're probably more concerned about the abandoned hive that's full of Orks, the reason they set up shop on the planet in the first place
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so the lead writer for the movie Event Horizon confirmed that it was based on 40k back in 2017 and I'm only finding this out now and just thought thats really cool.

and I guess this is my latest fully painted thing. been slacking lately.
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Well turns out the GSC Combat Patrol is exactly 500 points if you build the Goliath as a Truck instead of Rockgrinder. It used to be 650 points in the index.
Yeah I didn't realize it was such a recent film and thought the warp was inspired by it till recently
How do you manage to get WORSE with time
That pose is fukken sick. Wish I was good at sculpting so I could replicate it
You need to change up what you’re painting dramatically. Paint something fantasy with lots of skin and furs. You need to change it up to keep from plateauing.
What are the chances of BT getting new combat patrol? Should i buy one or two before it gets replaced with new combat patrol featuring BT Marshal, Primaris Aggressors, Incursor squad and one(1) BT upgrade sprue all for the low price of $170 plus tip
the old combat patrol
the new one is around 375 points, depending on how you build your acolytes/metamorphs
not everyone is the same guy, you schizo
>getting hard when you see chicken breasts
You're gonna make it brah
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Is Death Guard a good army if I want to have a heavy terminator list? I like sturdy looking models and they look chunky. Is there better option?
Would. Id even eat her eggs.
Try to learn something new every time you paint another mini. From a new technique to doing something you didn't last time.
If it's got enough units you want, go for it. You'll kick yourself if a new CP box does come out and the crapshoot of shelfwarmers ends up producing a set you've no interest in
Man I have the idea of chaos corrupting black templars but the neophytes are just too smoll.
Death Guard Terminators are kind of awful, even compared to normal terminators. Death Wing Dark Angels are pretty much the only way to do Terminator Spam in a way that kind of works.
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More wips
Use them as cultists

this >>93353141
Death Guard's best unit is the Plague Marine and if you're not running at least 20 you're just nerfing yourself
Two crusader squads, Marshal and Impulsor are something i been looking to get for awhile now. So i am in between of getting two combat patrols for those models plus some extra to beef up my army or getting just combat patrol + crusader squad
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>dem macros
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Deathshroud are solid. It's just Blightlords that suck
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They're solid and do more damage, but they're slow as hell and short range and really tough to deliver anywhere even with deepstrike and landraiders. Which, admittedly, is a problem with all terminators but they are extra slow and don't have the benefit of assault weapons or advance and charge. They also don't get their datasheet ability unless they are lead by a leader, which makes them an even bigger point sink to make effective.
Basically they're only good as a one-off bomb to drop on a point and keep it secured with Overwatch threats while being unkillable. They're not a unit you can spam and still keep effective because they require support.
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>all that fat
try some lean meat
>2.7g of fat in 1360.78g of meat
>less than 0.2% fat content
>kangaroo meat has up to 10 times the fat content
The spear and sword look good, axes on Aeldari just seems strange to me. The heads are all good, but I'm partial to the helmetless version.
For both? Probably no helmet with the spear.
I ran Retributors recently with bringers of flame detachment, just paired with immolators to make sure that cover doesn't get in the way of -4 AP multimeltas and one dialogues for the damage rolls to auto 6s.
They killed a Leman Russ Commander and Vanquisher. So they got the job done. Using them still makes me nervous, because they are so expensive.
I don't think I would run them in anything other than Bringers of Flame.
Having assault on Multi-meltas is huge for their effective range and getting into half range, or just finding the line of sight to hit their shots. And the stratagem that lets them deploy reactively and shoot whatever attacked their transport can mean they get two full rounds of shooting in just one turns time if used correctly.
Paired with a single Dialogus, you get a guaranteed 6 on your advance for 12 inches of movement after getting out of transports (so like 15" of wiggle room).
The flavor and mechanics for full re-roll on wounds when targeting something that killed one of your units is pretty damn cool. Not so good vs. melee stuff since it might be too late by the time this kicks in, but good against high killing power vehicles.
5s to wound and hitting on 4s is still rough, you will pretty much never use the heavy trait on such limited range weapons where you need all your models to see the target.
125 + 30 points to deploy them, cheaper then a sisters squad with a double leader setup like palentine (50 point) + dialogus (30 points) and base sisters (115) for 185 vs. 155.
But it's rough because the unit is so lean, any casualties you take immediately start cutting into your killing power.
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How are we holding up, Sisters?
Awesome model but don't care for the order.
0% saturated fat which is unhealthy
0% trans fat which makes you trans and fat
all 'fat' content is actually cholesterol, which is only 1 molecule away from testosterone
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chaos spawn are still OC1 for DG.. hmm
So paint it different and say it's Your Dude(tte)
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I want to get 2 chimera las cannon/plasma gun pillboxes today.
What should I put my scions in a valk or a taurox? I hear flyers are shit now.
Paint her something else fhen
put them in nothing and just deepstrike them
catachans in chimeras for scout-meras
Its nice that the Tallarn regiment I play are friendly with Catachans. It soothes my rule of cool autism mixing the regiments. So I should save the Valk/Taurox for my Kasrkin seeing as how the valk ability is very whatever and req deepstrike rule to work?
pretty much, but Taurox are kinda mid vs the huge amount of value a Chimera brings at 70 points.
Yeah the only plus is throwing Scions in the prime and getting the reroll stacking. Guess its only worth getting them dedicated transport if I am running pure Scions. And even then only like 1 or 2 with the rest being tanks and sentinels/reserve deep strikes.
I want to be sister, but the battleforce is said to not be good starting point and everybody writes about how awesome the old combat partol was and that I should look for it because I will need rhino for my girls. I just want to try to serve Emperor lightly before I fully commit.
I like combat patrol, it's fun to think what they could come up with in a combat patrol and what could fit in one so I thought, If you were at GW what combat patrol would you create?

Combat patrol White scars

1 chaplain on bike
3 outriders
1 invader ATV
5 assault intercessors
3 inceptors

This comes up at 510 points mostly because the inceptors are kinda overcosted, I considered the suppressors for their movement control as a cool strategic choice or a second outrider squad but I find the inceptors are more deceptively costed to make the box more appealing while still being on theme

I didn't include the second outrider squad for two reasons
1 People already complained about too many bikes
2 It's too good of a deal if GW sold you the chaplain, ATV and 2 outriders in the same box, the purpose of combat patrol is to get you started and wanting to buy more, in this sense getting you to buy a solo outrider squad to complete the unit is the hook, afterall a common complaint was that there were too many bikes in the Eldar box and people want more variety

Thoughts on this one? Do you have a dream box or a posible "Deal" box in mind?
My dream is that they just don't fucking touch the Dark Eldar combat patrol and leave it alone. But that won't happen. So a Haemonculus box with all the Covens units and a new trio of Grotesques as a replacement would be almost as nice.
I think it would be great if GW would ditch the "one CP per army" deal they've been doing and start making more CP boxes for each faction. Different boxes that help players get into their favorite part of the army easier and adds more flavor to the CP gamemode, like adding a new kill team.
It would even help lend into the detachment system a bit. Like a detachment but don't have the mods to run it right now? Grab the box that supports it as a start.

Here was my first shot at one. Name: Speed Mob
>Deffkilla Wartrike
>6 warbikers
>3 deffkoptas
>1 Boomdakka Snazzwagon
>1 Kustom Boosta-Blasta
Came to 475 points, not adding any more simply because there's already quite a lot in here due to buggies and bikes being so cheap in points.
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WIP great unclean one
post models
He looks far too clean.
While it would be trivially easy for GW to do that, because it would just require printing a different box and instructions and loading a different set of sprues, they are very careful not to discount too much of the army. Especially "staples" that they know everyone is going to buy if they play that army, big centerpieces or vehicles, and characters.
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Stopped playing in 6th, considering dipping back in with my Kroot and IG.

Got quite a few Vostroyans, some Steel Legion, and would like to add a lot of Tallarn.

Keeping the Steel Legion as 2 mechanised squads with Chimeras, Tallarn for HQ, sentinels, 10 rough riders that I have, and perhaps buy one platoon, Vostroyans for another footslogging platoon, and some 3rd ed Stormtroopers.

Considering giving them a cold desert feel. Would the 3 different regiments use the same camo pattern on their vehicles, or would they all have their own take on desert camo? I want an eclectic feel but I'm hoping that same basing and similar camo would tie them together.
>two ships
Damn, is there a better deal or would you be able to start and army with, like, three of them and maybe a few scourges?
Also, I guess we'll never see plastic Steel Legion; for the majority of people I guess they look very similar to Kriegers.

What would I give for plastic SL & Tallarn.
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Before and after of one of my first models
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Here’s a WIP of my marksman.
Yeah, I'm well aware of why they don't do what I suggested. It'd just be nice.
A man can dream.
Definitely improving, but I think you can go a bit further.
Consider drilling your barrels, removing mold lines, and using washes.
That's pretty much the best way to start that army. Everything in that box is very usable in competitive play. Although you'd probably be slightly better off building one of the gunboats as another transport or getting some of the smaller transports to support.

Dark Eldar is actually one of the more expensive armies to collect and that combat patrol is currently the only thing keeping them from being like AdMech or Sisters tier, similar to GSC.
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Im def just lazy with some things. I usually do mold lines at least.
I do Washes are for bigger boys
Problem: if they got their own ComPat box, they'd get their own detachment.
I'm still amazed at how good this box is
I don't even like dark Eldar yet this box is the golden standard of combat patrol
Grotesques in combat patrol sound like fun
I honestly prefer this over what we have now
I picked WS because it is a theme we don't have, I would love to have White scars as their own thing after their continued neglect but this was mostly a fun experiment for Combat patrol as its own thing
Is anyone else playing Anvil Siege detachment as SMs. I’m determined to see this shit work, so far have had success completely ignoring movement secondaries and going full primaries and killing shit.
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A lot of things would be preferable to the snagga box we have now. Not only is it just not a good box, it's clearly just an attempt to sell more snaggas that people didn't want.
My second attempt. Name: Scrapladz
>1 big mek
>10 Boyz
>11 gretchin
>5 lootas
>3 killa kanz
>1 deff dread
Ok, so if I will get four... I would have 5 raiders, 3 ravagers, 10+10 incubi and 4x10 kabalite warriors with archon.
Then maybe 10 scourges and Drazhar.

Should be able to get all that for about $520, doesn't sound prohibitely expensive for almost 2000 pts.
Eh looking back this one is a bit too good. Scrap the grots or the Boyz and it'd be more in line.
>dabbing marine
I guess he is one of the new recruits from the planet of Fron'god
I like cherubs I hate that GW basically removed them from SM
Why is knight so cool? Arguably the coolest army of 40k.
Do it, get a set of those new mandrakes too they are sick, also that badass looking fighter jet
Maybe if they actually had those little dudes as models providing buffs to the knights or something.
Anything cool on the warhammer store for about 26 euro?
>Deepstrike, charge.
How is this more difficult than most other 40k units? I got a buddy that drops 3 full DS units and 3 termie units while running up the field with the drones and maulers.
>Maybe if they actually had those little dudes
Play guard and soup knights.
All I have from Orks is their kommandos which are great models and a combat patrol I was gifted, so I don't really play them. Again, if your argument entirely rests on "the player of this faction are ontologically metafags and everything bad about the hobby and not trve for fun players like the players of this other faction" more often than not it's not an argument, just you trying to rationalize your dislike of Orks and them having a mediocre codex because "uhhh it's because they abuse their good units".
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Could always be cleaner
Knights lose all their bonuses when you soup them. They are basically a distraction carnifex in a guard list. Which Dorns and Russes do better.
That anon is very clearly baiting, man.
Ork players are mostly regarded as the most fun and/or chillest people to fight. Being meta for a while didn't change the fact that WAACfags would buy up the faction and then dump it as normal, leaving retards like that anon to shitpost about Ork players always having been metachasing faggots.
But guard doesn't look like those cool little dudes in the art, and they have no synergy with knights
Frateris Militia NOW
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Last year i was doing a small dwarf army for 4e, but the group fell apart. This year i'm all about that Biel-tan badness, baby yeah!
I'm considering painting the aspects in craftworld colors, the banshee is starting to look pretty good imo
If I get the Solar lasgun sections do you think they would look good in 40k? They seem really different lmao.
The codex is cool even if the pricing is pretty harsh.
You can get the old combat patrol pretty easy on ebay, I think there are still a couple hundred on there not counting other sources.

>aspects in craftworlds colours
Just play space marines bro...
Correct me if I'm wrong but the books highlighted here are all the ones already scanned, yes?
Not every shrine subscribes to the generic colors.
Stop kicking the secondary bee hive
This is the copy I have of CSM
Well look at that.
What do you guys think about Eldar?
I magnetized, his options are so cool, I still need to paint him though.
Also thought about giving his axe and a helmet to a single Ork boy for shits and giggles.
I'm of the opinion that they exist.
But should they?
Eternally fucked out of ever getting anything cool thanks to the flop that was Ynnari.
I strongly believe maybe so.
In need of Sororitas correction
I want to play a guardian heavy list basically like guard.
I wish I were corrected by Sororitas.
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I like Warhammer and 40K elves. In fact of fiction, besides Tolkien elves, they are the only ones I like. Most everyone just does Tolkien style elves but never goes all the way so they are comically lopsided and unbalanced and don't really make sense.
But Warhammer elves are extreme and unique and are internally consistent. For Warhammer I like Druchhi better, while everything in 40k is more grim/grimdark and derp so I like eldar better because they are already plenty edgy before you get to the extreme edge that is Deldar. Still like Deldar for being comically edgy.
And also yeah I like hot women and hot elves so that's a thick bonus on top.
People may say there is lots of retardation with them, and yeah that's true for the entire IP, but I'm speaking to the more overall tones, themes, aesthetics, not whatever particular retarded thing a writer came up with to sell their novel.
'Correction' in this case means tossing them onto a colossal pyre. Eldar gotta burn to be corrected, anon.
Me too
are those artel or prints?
Slightly modified fantasycult, mostly just the weapons and helmets(not pictured)
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Very accurate
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They make okay allies and fantastic kindling.
Models are neat.
>gold tide
Shouldn't be in 40k.
Yeah, them and Orks and Demons don't belong in serious sci-fi. They should stay in fantasy where they belong.
Never said they did, mine incorporate elements from my custom craft world scheme while maintaining the primary colour of their shrine.
Just painting all the aspect warriors as biel-tan green and white is on the same tier as the space marine player painting their allied knight in ultramarine livery.
Boring and not even lore friendly, just looks lazy and uncreative.
Based and best faction, and I'm glad they are unpopular so I can be a special little boy
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Honestly, I know a bunch of grogs are going to get mad at me because talking about wargear triggers them but I wish my BSS didn't have a heavy weapon and a smaller heavy weapon instead just had 2 of either. It just means for every BSS you have you have to go through the whole process of rolling hits/wounds/saves/FNP. I wouldn't mind if they were more expensive and could have 2 heavy weapons or got slightly cheaper and gave up the heavy weapons. It just adds time to the rolls and I'm envious of armies that just unga bunga into melee and only have to roll their combat weapons and leader weapons.
metallic eldar are so fucking ugly, and I can tell be did it because he's a lazy painter with a rattlecan
You would have to cost them completely differently, but yes, if time is a concern and you have lots of units like this, it does slow down the game.
>roll my bolters (check range for rapid fire)
>roll my heavy flamers
>roll my regular flamer
>roll my hand flamer

Phew, made it through shooting with one unit.
>hand in front of the cylinder

As a person that owns real guns, several revolvers included, this bothers me.
Needs some white hair and white t shirt so he can be a Great Mr. Clean One
I actually have a question for rapid fire, do you check rapid fire for each shooter individually? I've just been rolling for the whole unit if anyone is within 12"
>do you check rapid fire for each shooter individually?
Yes. Any shooting rule that depends on range has to be checked with the model firing the weapon.
A flamer model must be within 12"
Rapid fire 12" on boltgun
Half range for melta calculation is measured from the model with the metla.
The Bringers of Flame detachment +1 to shooting str is measured from the model firing the weapon to the unit it is targeting.
>everything should just be slightly different flavors of human

Sounds boring.
Depends on who you play with. I let them do it with all if half or more of the unit or single model is in range just to speed things up. The local WAACfags will make you check each unit and then bitch in the same breath if you're a newfag.
yeah elves aren't humans with long ears and boring arrogant personalities or anything
Wouldn’t call him lazy, he’s got like 9 armies and zero time for painting. Good dude so I don’t mind it. He does have done armies but they’re old and he doesn’t play them anymore.
So, the Thousand Sons supposedly have the Blood Ravens, the World Eaters the Minotaurs, the Night Lords got the Carchadorons and the Grey Knights apparently are a mix. What about the other 6 traitor legions? Do they have some rumoured loyalist chapter offspring?
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Well, to each there own, but I had something different in mind.
>Guardian Aewu'gah
>TS got BR
Not this again
>WE got minos
You mean IW?
>Night lords carcha
This, RG, both, or something else lol
>GK are a mix
They're not a mix, wth?
knights errant.
There is not a single chapter that stems from a traitor legion

it's all headcanon
>>TS got BR
>Not this again
Blood Ravens are Tsons.
That was always how they intended it to be and it's so blatantly obvious that it is practically like an arrow shaped giant bright flashing neon sign pointing towards the Tsons.
Well, the TS/BR theory is the only one I´m familiar with, if there are other´s please enlighten me. As for the Minotaurs, I´ve only got the WE/MT bit from an article about the space sharks so cant comment on if they´re from Pertorabos loins instead.

I´d call it heresy, but the fun part is making the theories amidst the speculation.
I thought that's what they might be refering to, but KEs are not the same as GKs
GK geneseed is different, isn't it? Emperor as primarch, not a mix.

Show me the evidence and I'll gladly believe you, I just want this to be over with.
You cannot post anything that was published that proves otherwise

only "hints" and "rumours" or someone's theory or headcanon
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The Minotaurs are confirmed to be Iron Warriors.
For context Eadwin Brown was a playtester for the Badab War campaign and is the creator of the current iteration of Minotaurs (the bronze colored with red bull head symbol)
Yooooo Valorous Heart sister?!
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Stop trying to commit yuri with the Howling Banshees, you're supposed to burn them.
>BR theories
Word bearers is a good one

But my personal theory is that this whole thing just steps from Eliphas pointing out at the corruption in the chapter during DC, it doesn't need to hint a traitor geneseed but simply to the corruption in the chapter.

>"Your chapter is full of corruption, so really we're brothers, haha get owned Thule"
Eldarbros care to explain this?
Where's Noldorfag when you need him?
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Pressing ctrl-v is hard
40k writers suck dick. No need to ask any further questions in this vein.
I'm still salty that they got Eliphas' original VA back for DOW2 but made him play the role of the generic chaos lord that now-Black Legion Eliphas plays Starscream to.
And of course, Eliphas is voiced by Steve Blum who was already half the fucking Blood Ravens.
Okay, just Cyrus and Martellus. But still.
seriously shut the fuck up. the evidence has been posted 1000 fucking times. they are LITERALLY tsons.

>lead by psykers, chjapter master was a psyker called the great father
>more librarians than any other chapter
>the origin of their chapter is hidden
>theyve killed inquisitors to cover up the secret of their origin
>their battle barge is a giant library ship that contains massive amounts of sorcerous lore
>they use precognition and future sight rituals to win all their battles
>half their chapter fell to chaos
>their chapter symbol is LITERALLY the symbol of the corvidae from the tsons.
>red is the original color of the tsons

It literally keeps going.
>not literally
Maybe you should be the one to shoot the fook oop?

Do you not what evidence means? Go look the etymologie of it after the definition, you might need the extra reminder.

You don't understand the difference between
>This proves X
>This makes me think X is true

I'd like *evidence*, not the elements you choose to focus on to validate your theory.
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Working on this rocky hill. Gonna texture it up and paint it tomorrow.
I think the Blood Ravens are good guys.
>Minotaurs are confirmed to be Iron Warriors.
>That pic
I guess the floodgates for traitor legion loyalist chapters was always open.

I will admit that I do like the idea of a loyalist chapter of traitor legion geneseed facing off against their traitorous counterparts with both sides knowing who is their daddy.
But I think BL writers could easily screw up such a cool concept.
>Word bearers is a good one
How are they Word Bearers? I thought it was all but confirmed that the BR are Thousand Sons descendant even via some Horus Heresy books.
>all but confirmed
I'm having flashbacks to "the rock was a gay bar" being pedalled for decades and then revealed to be absolute bollocks
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>Show me the evidence and I'll gladly believe you, I just want this to be over with.
Here's a list:
Every single piece of evidence that we have points to the Tsons.
>obsessed with finding knowledge and hoarding it
>the battle cry "Knowledge is power, guard it well."
>obsessed with artifacts and relics
>red armor
>big over representation of psykers in the ranks, which doesn't appear in any other chapters, and also only legion that had this same quirk being the Thousand Sons
>Revuel Arvida who fled the Burning of prospero and Blood Angels founder being known as Azariah Vidya
>Thousand Sons having a Corvidae cult whose mark was a red raven head
>Ahriman calling one of the Blood Ravens he met a "brother"
>BR have a weird tower where they shove their failed initiates into
>Said tower contains "horrors" and "mutants"
This is literally just the Flesh Change Tsons had.
Pic very related especially term "humanoid" being important.

Pic related also shows an "inductii" loyalist Thousand Sons marine who takes orders from Malcador the Sigillite, inductii were essentially hastily trained marine who were just rushed through the creation process with minimal training by both sides so they could keep up with mounting losses taken during the Heresy.

But the most important thing about this image is that it outright confirms that loyalist Thousand Sons existed even during the Horus Heresy, meaning they and their loyalist descendants can exist in modern 40k too.
Which is what the Blood Ravens are.
>I guess the floodgates for traitor legion loyalist chapters was always open.
Wait until you hear why there are 2 missing primarchs
>I'm having flashbacks to "the rock was a gay bar" being pedalled for decades and then revealed to be absolute bollocks
I mean I am open to the idea of being wrong, anon.
>revealed to be absolute bollocks.
How? And proof of it being fake, please? And how was Reddit's reaction to it?
Also I feel that the Rock Gay Bar myth is propagated by "people" who only roll with it to not offend anybody.
You know what? You're right. At last I truly see, all other factions should be removed and it should just be space marines and spiky space marines until time stops.
>How are they Word Bearers?
They aren't.
It's just a retarded meme started by the Wordaboos because they are retarded.
The whole idea hinges on that Eliphas is messing with Gabriel Angelos about not knowing their true ancestry.
Blood Ravens are Word Bearers. You have Eliphas shown carrying their banner in Horus Heresy flashback. They have rivalry with Word Bearers. Eliphas references their shared history by mocking them. They are religious. Their artifacts were on planet of conflict between Ultras and Word Bearers, with no TSons in sight. Revuel Arvida and Corvidae formed Grey Knights instead. It literally keeps going.
Clearly a forebear of the Brotherhood of a Thousand. See, he's got a big M on his pauldron.
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I'm considering giving the axe to a wraithlord to make Althenian https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Althenian
Amusingly enough it seems a redditor beat me to the idea
Then again I've already magnetized it for the avatar so...
Was Steel Rain a Tsons or Wordy technique?
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>the gray knights allow the blood ravens to have knowledge of their existence
>their motto is 'knowledge is power'
>the entire tsons fleet was sent away from Prospero before Russ' assault, leaving almost half the legion intact and not fallen to chaos
>the implantation of the geneseed into blood raven aspirants has the highest chance of developing psychic powers out of any other space marine chapter other than gray knights
>their battle barge is named the arcanum
>studied with Eldar farseers in sorcery
>Ahriman directly states that he has talked to Blood Raven chapter masters, specifically Azirah Vidya whom he copied a tome from
>Ahriman had a blood ravens sorcerer named Ramah that he directly called "my son" and "lost brother"
>in the same story he found a book called the "un-Founding" which bore the symbol of the blood ravens on it, heavily implied to contain the history of the Inquisition covering up the origin of the Blood Ravens so that they may serve the imperium with their honor intact

It literally keeps going. GW has literally expanded on and added to the concept continuously in both blood raven, gray knight and thousand son stories. This is literally how they were written and continue to be written. You burying your head in the sand like a dumbass is you just you being a dumbass.
>obsessed with knowledge, relics and keeping it
Makes more sense for a chapter that either lost their old archives and don't want to repeat that mistake, or a chapter that is so secretive that they get obsessed and outright lose their past.
If you add the fact that there was corruption in the chapter, secrets and an obsession with knowledge is pretty understandable, doesn't have to be a connection to TSs

>Red armour
This is an insult to our intelligence.
Hell, they are the *blood* ravens and I don't see many people raving about their primarchs being sanguinus

Maybe it's an after effect of sanguinius death? Lol
Maybe it's because of the chapter's corruption affecting the geneseed process?
Maybe it is *like* TS, but not *because* TS, did you consider that? Why would TS be the only one to have it? Didn't the Soul Drinkers also have a mutation issue?
What about the cursed founding?

>Chaos space marine (Arhi) calling a space marine "brother"
Oh boy!
You know what, maybe it's like the ork's waaagh magic, at this point people have been pedalling BR are TS so much that GW is actually trying to suck your dick to make you like them.

>outright confirms
>doesn't outright confirms
>not literally
Why do I bother
Cork bases and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
>calls people retarded
>doesn't even get the characters right
Eliphas was taunting thule, genius
Please stop.
>Eliphas references their shared history by mocking them
Eliphas is a Word Bearer they lie and mess with loyalist intentionally to make them question their loyalties so they can get them to fall to Chaos.
BR aren't Word Bearers and never were.
Well Calchadorons did fight the Night Lords with them being noted to have somewhat similar tactics but different execution of the concept.
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Personally I don't give a shit and think the idea is fun(before everyone and their mother began making loyalist traitors at least) but the BL cucks have been pretty explicit about it not being canon. Not sure why it made them seethe so much but it is what it is.
>loyalist Thousand Sons existed even during the Horus Heresy, meaning they and their loyalist descendants can exist in modern 40k too

Magnus intentionally tells 1/3 of the tsons to take the entire Tsons fleet from prospero to avoid a space battle with Russ because his intention is to surrender or lose quickly to minimize the damage to both sides.

Literally thousands of loyalist tsons survived and never travelled to the planet of sorcerers.
Just ADB.
And ADB only deserves "it" as a pronoun.
What book source and how well was the story executed?

I read somewhere that ADB canonized some "totally not Sons of Horus" Space marines that were homebrewed by his wife I believe.
>Why would TS be the only one to have it?
Because that is their signature trait.

Tsons suffered from the Flesh Change that mutated them into horrible abominations because the very power of the Warp was fucking up their physical bodies.
No other legions or chapters have never had this problem ever only Tsons.

>Why do I bother
Because you are a faggot and wordaboo who is mad that doesn't get a cool successor.
But don't worry wordaboos still have a loyalist successors, it's called the Exorcists.
ADB wrote Helsreach, so even if he wrote 100 other shitty novels hes still based.
>People say the helbrute model is small and ugly
>Decide to get one anyway second hand
>Actually really like the model
You fucks lied to me.
I mean, it's still not a very good model since it dies if any anti tank even looks at it, but still
I'm pretty sure I've seen this retard posting ITT before over the years. Always EXTREMELY vehement about it and throwing a temper tantrum anytime anyone brings up how every single BR novel and short story develops the connection with the Thousand Sons. I honestly cannot believe there are multiple people who have this extremely specific typing style and reaction to such a plausible and well developed theory.

Blood Ravens are Relic's speshul snowflake cursed origin chapter.
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>but the BL cucks have been pretty explicit
Only ADB.
And ADB has *intentionally* gone out of his way to say that he hates the idea that BR are Tsons.
That is the only reason why continues to argue that BR aren't Tsons, it's purely because he hates it personally.

He is a faggot and a retard
He's the same faggot that advocated for female custodes and probably is the reason why we have them.
Disregard anything he says.
Him and the then editor in chief or something Goldie whatsit
>it's their signature trait
>nobody else has it
Obviously not, there are other chapters with mutation issues, including the Soul Drinkers
But I get it, it makes more sense to you, it's not my problem tho

>faggot mad wordaboo
And here it comes, the good old projection.
I'm not a wordaboo, I said my own theory is that BR might even have loyalist geneseed because it doesn't matter, there is nothing tying them to TS, only stuff that makes you think they are tied.

I'm gonna go do something more interesting, you have fun.
did you get the multipart or the one from dark vengeance? I find the latter cooler

the seethe against it is from loyalists in denial who don't actually like chaos, same for oblits and demon engines
You are a fucking lorelet, you don't know what the flesh change is. The flesh change is literally a curse of Tzeentch with highly specific effects that also imbues psychic powers. It's not a "mutation issue", its turning into a chaos spawn.
>more impotent wordaboo rage
BR are Tsons and that will never change no matter what.
>I'm pretty sure I've seen this retard posting ITT before over the years.
Oh yes! I am him! Awoogaabooda! I am under your bed, behind the curtains, inside your walls! It's all one guy! You figured it out!
You're so smart anon, we love you so much!
You didn't read my post. I'm agreeing with you. I'm saying the anon you are calling a wordaboo is someone I've encountered ITT over the years throwing this exact same hissy fit.
>there is nothing tying them to Tsons
Being a disingenuous faggot helps you none, and only proves to me you're a faggot wordaboo.
>Personally I don't give a shit and think the idea is fun(before everyone and their mother began making loyalist traitors at least)
I mean despite the popularity and how cliche it is I would probably still homebrew some if I ever start a space marine army.
>But the BL cucks have been pretty explicit about it not being canon.
I think that is ADB saying he hates the Blood Ravens potentially being traitor legion descended because he wasn't the one BL author who did it first.
Sisters are just one of the most expensive armies in the game, there's no real getting around it. Maybe you save a bit of cash on a discount box but a 2k army still costs over a thousand dollars
What are those lines on the table? Do you have pre drawn LOS lines?
Not that anon, but the new combat patrol looks better than the old one, maybe it´s just me but having only half an unit of Repentia turned me off that box completely.
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Pain is an ally. Pain is a friend. Pain is truth.
Burning is certainly an option.
>2k army still costs over a thousand dollars
The combat patrol is actually an insanely good value for points, especially with the points increases. I have 2 combat patrols, a BSS squad, 3 imagifiers (i got them from recasters dont worry), an extra rhino, celestine, 2 squads of novitiates, a squad of henchement with monkey and demon (who is also my ephrael stern model). I spent about 600 bucks in models and thats like 3k points. If I use my Canis Rex its definitely over 3k points.

I NEED to get castigators, but the cost just feels bad and I want two of them at a minimum. I bought a 3D printer a few months ago and I might try my hand and printing some which will save in cost massively.
ADB dislikes all traitor loyalist
carpet burn it is~
The new patrol and most importantly the buffs and point increases make me want to buy 2 of them and start a collection

It's just that good enough of a foundation
All traitors do so. Dark Crusade doesn't make sense narratively if Blood Ravens aren't Word Bearers and game explicitly hints at connection between them and Word Bearers. TSons and even Tzeentch are almost completely absent in DoW games, Tsons don't even have a custom color scheme in DoW1.
Revuel Arvida and Corvidae are false trails, they exist to provide backstory to Grey Knights, not Blood Ravens
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Just have some touch ups and guns to go.
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I believe in maid supremacy
So, uhm, World Eaters, Black Legion and co. don´t have loyalist offshots then?
>*heads to go
mydudes are world eaters loyalists :)
This better be word filtered s-o-y of you need to go back to fucking Ieddit.
uh oh contrarian melty
That looks fun to paint
I think Harlequins are really cool but they took their codex away after 8th edition.
points per dollar is a really dumb metric
Does anyone else hate how useless terminators are at shooting

For an elite infantry, they really should be able to carry some heavy weapons, like multi-meltas or rocket launchers or lascannons. (No, the one cyclone launcher you can have doesn’t count)

Like, yeah I get it, you’re supposed to deepstrike them and charge, and if you’re fancy you’ll run a terminator captain to reroll that charge, but they just feel so useless considering that heavy intercessors have higher toughness and better objective play.

I honestly want to play these but I’m sure some fuckhead will yap about “non-gw plastic” and I’ll get in trouble with my LGS
It's not bad, but basically what you are getting in those boxes is the canoness for free. So I would just ask yourself, do you want to paint 20 arco flagellants, and do you want to run multiple on foot canoness? If the answer is no you're not really getting much of a discount and you may as well just buy the boxes you're actually interested in.
why are they so damn smug?
Just to make it clear, almost every legion had loyalist elements survive and the mechanicus has their geneseed. It's not only plausible in lore that there are loyalist descendants of traitor legions but likely and sensible.
Is it true agents is getting a refresh? Like a full on combat patrol / battle force?
Too grimdark for Primaris
Cawl has everyone, even the expunged legions, not as geneseed, but as developed marines already.
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I just finished the Eisenhorn series. Where should I go here? More Abnett with Bequin or Ravenor? Gaunt's Ghosts? Or someone else maybe? And is it really all downhill from here?
Enforcer omnibus.
All signs point to yes. They removed the assassins, named Inquisitors, and Deathwatch combat patrol from the store, "mystery codex" soon to be revealed.
im just saying that a 2k sisters list is NOT over 1000 dollars, though you can obviously spend that much on one.
Hell no. If I never see another retard yelling memes and waag! every 5 min it will be a blessing.
Holy fuck imagine thinking firing one multi melta noticeably impacts on your turn times, especially in an army which can leverage absolute maximum value from guns like that
No, I love shooting the multi meta. I just wish I had 2 meltas or 2 multi meltas instead of shooting 7 different weapons and 6 melee weapons in a single squad.

That said, I also play deathwatch where it's even worse.
Ravenor picks up after Eisenhorn.
Then Bequin continues the saga.
Then you can join us in waiting for Abnett to get off his ass and finish that last book.
And hope he doesn't pull another End and the Death on us.
FUCK that was fucking bad.
when your entire army has 6 single shot weapon profiles outside of your main guns it really adds up.
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At one point I wanted to make a sisters army but painting them takes so damn long.
Same story with orks for me
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I think they are neat. I wish GW could write, seems they try to make their fluff deeper than most and suck at it.
just a codex and coteaz
Im starting to think the audiobook scene for 40k is just awful.
is the Abnett saga the most "current" lore of 40k?
I just finished gaunts ghosts and I'm now in the middle of malleus. GG's is great, and I would recommend.
Yeah, it's a pain in the ass when every squad has multiple weapons
The most current lore is the rulebook and codecies. From BL specifically its the dawn of fire books, and those are kinda silly.
>when your entire army has 6 single shot weapon profiles outside of your main guns
Which army has units with that?
All of them
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New Grey Knight models when?!
So just a hyperbolic asspull got it
You got a new one last edition. Be satisfied.
I love primaris so much bros it's unreal.
True, if we considered every retarded thing written by a writer/fan/hater for any faction, all of them would be shite. Regarding the spirit and themes of space elves; pretty cool.
You dont want that. You dont want primaris grey knights.
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Dark Eldar
Biel-Tan (Ynnari simps)
The other craftworlds
every eldar story is
>farseer predicts thing
>eldrad predicts different thing
>all the eldar follow farseer and it backfires
>eldrad tries to pull their ass out of the fire and 999999999037509137563210976 Eldar die because of their mistakes
You might get some next month
When the alternative is that they stay the same size as literal dwarves, I think we do.
There are only two kinds of space elves, anything more than that is just fan fiction.
if grey knights have not been folded into imperial agents then it must mean they've got a release inbound for them
in 11th edition
As hyperbolic as >imagine one multimelta
You disingenuous Dummy
>not putting iyanden in based
>putting clowns in cringe
Yes, one multimelta for a unit does not impact unit timings. Thats what he was asking for, either 2 MMs or 2 Meltaguns, a difference of 1.

Now what armies have 6 in their units?
why what's next month
Eldar are based. Ynnari are cringed. That's the whole list.
>Yes, one multimelta for a unit does not impact unit timings.
It objectively does and mist armies have multiple weapon profiles in squads that can be used at once. Go be stupid somewhere else. Disengenuous dummy.
Release wave and possibly folding Gray Knights into Agents somehow.
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It's this faggot putting gender politics in every fucking book, hell, he wrote about tranny orcs too.

Eldar have always struck me as a race that doesn't care about gender, and that was ok, they didn't need explicit mentions of trannyism.
I just had a vision:
New plastic Inquisitor in Terminator Armor model
>It objectively does
Not by an amount that matters, like I said.
>and mist armies have multiple weapon profiles in squads that can be used at once.
Multiple, i.e 2 is what he was asking for anyway. There would be bolters and melta.
>Go be stupid somewhere else
Play with a clock for a while, you might improve your skills at being able to roll dice and remember what melta's statline is so it doesn't take you more than 3 seconds to resolve it

The Ork thing was about how orks dont have gender and the eldar are an actively transhuman post scarcity super society where even gets to do what they want all day (as long as its politically correct i.e. meditating on not falling to chaos all day)
Iyanden got too wrapped up in Ynnari shit when Yriel and Iyanna got absorbed and sidelined by their bullshit.
Matcha is PURE.
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She's not some shitty tea powder.
I refuse to acknowledge anything concerning ynnari and iyanden

wraith constructs are antithetical to the concept of the ynnari and including them is only hypocrisy to not restrict their sales
stopped reading there
I've never played 40K before but was interested and subscribed to Imperium for a bit. I ended up cancelling midway through because I didn't have the time to build or paint anything and the models are just sleeping in my closet but I'm wondering if I even have enough to play the game, would you say this is enough?

Primaris Lieutenant x3
Assault Intercessor x13
Primaris Captain x1
Primaris Aggressor x3
Primaris Librarian x1
Skitarii Ranger x10
Techpriest Dominus x1
Techpriest Enginseer x1
Kataphron Destroyer x1

Necron Overlord x1
Royal Warden x3
Necron Warrior x26
Canoptek Spider x1
Doomblade x1
Immortal x5
Teknomancer x1
Scarab Swarm x6
Skorpek Destroyer x3
Canoptek Plasmacyte x1
Flayed One x5

Also Imperium's still going here and I can resume the subscription to the last batch of volumes to get
Redemptor Dreadnought x1
Kyria Draxus x1
Illuminor Szeras x1

For about USD$100, would that be a good idea for my collection?
It contradicts actual fluff anyway. male wyches exist but they're low ranks, they don't just morph into women as they rank up.
A male howling banshee is still a male, at most he just plays the role of a banshee like a theater player.
Question about eldar pirates. What are they even pirating for? Orks and humans i get, they want loot and fights, but eldar don't value anything the lesser races care about. Gems? Only gems they care about are soulstones. Weapons? Their weapons are superior to all but necrontech. Materials? They craft shit from wraithbone, plasteel is primitive clunky bullshit to them.

Are they just the galactic equivilent of a moody kid smashing mailboxes to kill time?
>doesn't take you more than 3 seconds to resolve it
Hyperbolic disengenuous dummy. stay btfo you ass blasted fake grog.
Mucho texto
That, and there is an explicit mention of a female incubi from the phoenix box. The one who put on drazhars armor when jain murked him
swashbuckling adventure unironically
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>akshually you just arent as fast and nimble as me with the dice. maybe if you spent a few centuries practicing you could roll dice as fast me. your simple primate brain just isnt good enough to play my high IQ generals wargame

It objectively adds time. You can say the time it adds is irrelevant, but you can't deny it adds time. Let's say if your pretty fast you can get throw a full sequence of rolling (assuming there are no special rolls or reactions that need to be discussed) in just 10 seconds.

Using BSS as an example, we can have up to 7 different shooting profiles in the unit, with 5 of those all being a single shot. No multiply that across lets just say 3 battle line units and pretend none of the other units in the army have that same design. That's an extra 50 seconds per unit, best case scenario. With 5 rounds in the game, that's potentially 4.3 minutes per game. Now imagine you have this problem across all of 40ks design, and the game times CAN get noticeably inflated. And this is best case scenario.

Most players only play a games a month, many only a few games a year. Imagine the vast majority of players who need to check their sheet, check their toughness, check the enemies toughness, look up the to wound chart, or even worse have FNPs or other special rules like rerolling saves. All for a weapon both players know has a 3% chance of doing anything into the target its shooting at.

At a competitive level its actually becoming a big talking point right now about increases the game time and decreasing the number of rounds because so many people aren't finishing games (and thus potentially not being able to use special rules that turn on in T5 for example).
>Are they just the galactic equivilent of a moody kid smashing mailboxes to kill time?
Uhh, you can probably make some wierd combat patrol abomination of space marines v necrons if you knew what you are doing but overall not really. The unit sizes are all weird in imperium magazine because you are meant to get the whole thing at the end. Its more for hobbying than playing but very savy gamers can use the kits for kitbashing or combined with other wierd sized kits for good savings. Also BR*T*SH
The last 3 models are just really fucking cool so you should get them, paint them and put them on your shelf.

But the dreadnaught is something you can fit into any marines list, its very good.
They basically reject both the rigors of the Craftworlds and the depravity of Commoragh and rather than finding a way to deal with the soul drain long term prefer to go out in a blaze of glory rather than fade away. They are the disenfranchised youth who reject the status quo but see no other option because they were dealt a shit hand by their forbears. So it's off to never never land.
Yes, they are just fucking around. One of the best corsairs story has the corsair leader just kills himself in front of the enemy marines just to fuck with them after monologuing for 10 minutes. Nothing matters so they play petty kings and queens among the lesser races and do what they want when they want.
If I wanted to play necrons what else would I need?
NTA but shut the fuck up. I wanted to talk about terminators but you inbred fuckers keep shitting up the thread
>crested helmet
>take spear haft, put axe head on it
Ignore him. I had an actual premonition:
Inquisitor Karamzov redone in plastic on Throne of Judgement
None of you are going to believe what the actual new model is for Agents.
whisper it in my ear
Is it a tranny xenos lover like Kyria Draxos?
I took some time to put them into newrecuit to see the point costs and its pretty much perfectly a 1000 point list, the most playable of all the stuff you have. Certainly enough to go to a local game store with and get some casual learning games in. I don't know Necrons enhancments/detachments well enough and I assume they come with specific builds in in the kits already but overall its decent enough. I think youll probably get shot off the board or struggle with tanks/monsters really badly but let people know what your bringing before you play. These are all good units to own honestly and most are staples in competitive.
+ FACTION KEYWORD: Xenos - Necrons
+ DETACHMENT: Awakened Dynasty (Command Protocols)
1x Overlord (85 pts): Overlord's blade, Tachyon arrow
1x Royal Warden (40 pts): Close combat weapon, Relic gauss blaster
1x Technomancer (85 pts): Staff of light
1x Illuminor Szeras (175 pts): Eldritch lance, Impaling legs
5x Immortals (75 pts): 5 with Close combat weapon, Gauss blaster
10x Necron Warriors (100 pts): 10 with Close combat weapon, Gauss flayer
10x Necron Warriors (100 pts): 10 with Close combat weapon, Gauss flayer
5x Flayed Ones (60 pts): 5 with Flayer claws
3x Skorpekh Destroyers (90 pts): 3 with Skorpekh hyperphase weapons
3x Canoptek Scarab Swarms (40 pts): 3 with Feeder mandibles
3x Canoptek Scarab Swarms (40 pts): 3 with Feeder mandibles
3x Tomb Blades (75 pts): 3 with Close combat weapon, Twin gauss blaster

Attach the Overlord and Royal Warden to one unit of warriors and the technomancer to the other one. Ignore the weapon choices. If you learn a bit more about the army I'm sure you can optimize this much more this is just to show that you have a 1000 point army. (many noobs play combat patrol or 500 points so you are already ahead of the curve in terms of points).
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New monkey :)
the real reason the celestial lions got destroyed is because the inquisition is a bunch of racist whiteys who couldn't stomach seeing a POC marine chapter doing well.
Watch them get rolled into Tau as auxilliaries LMAO
It kind of can't happen without them doing a decent amount of lore write ups that wouldn't make any sense. Jokaeros are a protected Xenos species within the Imperium that live in space station enclaves that are extremely well defended by the Imperials. They are the primary source for rejuvenat treatments which are in use by 99% of important imperial figures as well as other technologies. They exist outside the imperium but the vibe I've gotten is the majority live under imperial control as a sort of slave race.
Monkey is the link between Eldar and humans both having chainswords
Monkey already has rules as a model in an Inquisitorial Henchmen unit. I use one.
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DAE hate it when characters don’t come with helmets? Like I understand helmets are only useful against shrapnel and small arms, but why not at least wear one to have your integrated HUD?
That model does come with a helmet though
>Does anyone else hate how useless terminators are at shooting
I hate terminators in general since they just feel way to easy to kill for what they are suppose to be.
If something like a CSM forgefiend looks at them, they just get erased from existence.
Thighs are the superior cut of chicken. Post thighs.
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Played a game with gsc brood bros vs necrons, very close lost by 1 point. Heres deployment.

Still cant crack how to use the brood brothers auxilla though. I tried 2xtank commanders with demolishers, which ensured my opponent ignored them for most of the game.

Also tried metamorphs with a locus and still dont love them.
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Heres a pic, last stand of the neophites. Ive been so underwhelmed with these dudes.
His model comes with a helmet, my Tor is wearing one because SMs not wearing helmets in combat is fucking retarded.
>Using BSS as an example, we can have up to 7 different shooting profiles
How many you have access to is irrelevant, what matters is whats in your list and on the board.
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I have one and the sprue did not come with a helmet. Picrel.

Did you know that Heavy Intercessors have higher toughness and their heavy bolt rifles are better than storm bolters because of 5strAP1 vs 4StrAP0? Heavy intercessors also get bonuses to saves when on an objective lmao
Why weren't new CSM made Primaris size considering Primaris already existed?
>many only a few games a year.
These people should not ever be catered to, you know that right? Them having an issue with the ruleset is a non-issue as they're basically non-players. For them not to be relatively unfamiliar and slow with the rules every time they play you'd have to strip it back as to be totally shit as a game.
>At a competitive level its actually becoming a big talking point right now
No it isn't.
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Wow, guess you're gonna have to find a marine helmet somewhere. Who knows where you might find a single marine helmet anywhere. Super rare anon good luck
Alcohol, simple green or acetone to remove paint on brush?
Did your sprue come from the Bastion box?
Everything after
is jewish tracking. Cut it off.
>old Necron warriors
>green rods painted green

Holy shit, that board is magnificent. I would love to play on that.
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I'm still mad the newest Archon doesn't have a fucking helmet. They have three different iconic helmets and he gets none of them.
Dude, the targeting module seems to only fit the head and I don’t want to fuck up a conversion since I’m bad at building I’m even worse at paining faces

Nah, I got him solo, in a box.

I get that 40K is supposed to be science fantasy and you want a way to distinguish characters so it doesn’t really matter if some don’t have helmets but Vulkan He’Stan proved you can do that while giving him an actual helmet. Also some of us hate painting faces.
It’s a bitch, make sure to use a gravis style helmet, and be ready to get super glue and your tweezers out to get the head in there and oriented properly.
hot damn that looks great
Destroy NFTs
>making the prisoner black
How do I justify spending $ on models
definitely feeling sticker shock for sure
You're paying for a little dude who you will spend many hours painting and cherishing and writing a cute little backstory for. I love my dudes no homo.
Carefully applied cognitive dissonance. I use to cheap out on groceries (sales, eating only required amount of calories etc) and everytime I saved money I would mentally put that into my hobby allowance.
Also, since I hate going out, I tell myself that kit costs about how much most normies spend on a Friday at the bar or club, or on a dinner (I also hate restaurants)
>literally me
I also used to smoke and drink. Those expenses went straight to the Tyranid Veteran's Fund.
Just got paid what drukhari box should i get next?
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Brother that is our slave name. I'm probably going for a fighter next.
Only paintlets dislike models with a bare head. Everyone with tastes enjoys the fact that they get to paint another material
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nice, i already have 2 fighters however, so thats already out of the question

im really on the fence about getting bikes or scourges next
You'd spend 60-90 dollars on a bad tindr date which would end in about 1-2 hours and with you not fucking anyone. At least spending the 60-90 on plastic gives you 1-2hours of building time, and 10-15 hours of painting time and when your done you have something to show for it
Gee Bill, two fighters? I'm jealous.
In your position I would do scourges because wings are cool.
>if any part of a model can see any part of another model then the model can target it during the shooting phase.
Total bullshit rule, my groups nid player will have 2mm of an exocrine or tyrannofex cannon peaking around the corner and fire it at an enemy unit. I called over the rest of the group to shame him when he did it tonight but he says blame the game not him. How do people that play like this sleep at night?
I actually fancy the flagelants, they are an interesting trade unit
You should get this and put them out by the curb where they belong
Right? Some dickhead kept saying he could shoot my daemons just because the tip of a horsecock was sticking out past cover. It's annoying as hell.
Hey brother that's not super cash money of you. They're way too edgy for the recycling bin.
Terminators are decent if you pair them with their librarian, I found more success with it than the captain and chaplain

But again I'm the weird kid running a 5 man reaver and Phobos lieutenant squad and eliminators in blood angels, you can disregard my jank

If you want to know pain look at the lieutenant in reiver armour, it's data sheet is tragic
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>I'm jealous
they sure sure are purrdy
i was leaning twards scourges because they're so obviously good, but i dont know if i should run 10 man squads of 5 man squads after they decreased the cost for larger groups of em
I stopped getting $500 of ubereats a week
goes a long way towards models
clean your camera lens, jesus

>Terminators are decent if you pair them with their librarian, I found more success with it than the captain and chaplain
surely you're talking about GK

>running a 5 man reaver and Phobos lieutenant squad and eliminators in blood angels
same bro. libby in phobos armor with eliminators is *mwah*
>libby in phobos armor with eliminators is *mwah*
The amount of butthurt they cause is simply magical, I wish they could go down in points now that the impulsor sniper van got ruled into submission
Again, I would agree with you if storm bolters were stronger. Terminator Librarian gives sustained hits, not lethal hits, so you’re still gonna have to roll wounds for a Str4AP0 Dmg1 weapon. They’re only good at killing chaff and at that point why waste money, chaff usually doesn’t need to be deep-striked. They’re only good if you deep strike them in, deal chip damage, and then charge. Or if you want to charge the same turn you deep strike, you have to roll 9, so you’re gonna need a terminator captain to re roll charge rolls. Overall it’s better to just get a squad of heavy intercessors and a ballistus dread. It’s only 65 more points but you get credible objective play and anti-armor. It’s just a bad idea to take terminators. They either need higher toughness or heavier weapons because they have toughness 5 to a Gravis suit’s toughness 6
and power weapons and melta tech
What did they do to the Impulsor van? Works fine for an alpha strike mobile flamer bunker for me.
Thank you
Gw was right, painting more diverse skin tones was kind of fun I can't lie.
I put the flagellants in various tones ranging from dead-white to dark brown.
I kept the sisters more unified for the sake of making the prisoner-tier units look that much more motley
WAACfags would do shit like shoot with the unit, use a strat or ability that lets them load into the transport then activate the transport and use Firing Deck to shoot with that unit's weapons again, because Firing Deck counts as the transport making the shots.
well that's clearly gay and should be patched
>>93352406 (OP)
Terrible lighting but from left to right....
8th Edition Deathwatch
9th Edition Vanilla marine Scheme
10th Edition Vanilla Marine Scheme
Can I steal a canon colour scheme and change the symbol for a homebrew?
no you cannot do that you will get killed
yes there are so many canon schemes that are almost 1:1 each other
The duality of man.

Would it be offputting to steal say...the mantis warrior scheme and debug them?
Yes. GW does it all the time for their paint suggestion thingamajigs like this.
>power rangers.png
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sorry didnt mean to quote, meant to post this
Surreally I started collecting hams only after discovering /tg/ so I always watered down my paints and never had any "look at this guy" stories.
>just dump them in the woods and let survival of the fittest take its course
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I mean, the loyalists have always had at least three major legions/chapters that are largely in black with some other differences.

>Iron Hands
>Raven Guard
>Black Templars
>Pre-codex Dark Angels, otherwise retained by the Fallen

Of course, Astartes heraldry can get a bit more elaborate like in pic related, and it's up to you on how your dudes handle that shit.
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Played a game against some sisters tonight after not playing in a while. Man those nundams and Vahl can put in some work.
Was a ton of fun, I fucking love green tide.
More Eldar please for inspo, especially patterns on vehicles
now we're talkin'
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Bright colors are SOVL and don't let any grimderp mudfag tell you otherwise.
Even if you're doing Blanchitsu. You do BRIGHT mud.
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I've been using this image as my guiding beacon while I paint my Eldar army. My scorpions should be arriving tomorrow and I'm excited to test out my vallejo Scorpy green
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I have a few eldar vehicles for inspo for you
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I lied. I have quite a few saved from /tg/ in ages past. Just a couple more then I'll take a break.
retributors have such weird necks
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Deleted myself. Can't believe I saved a thumbnail.
And a thumbnail with a nipple on it.
Last one for a while.
these are cool, still not going to paint my elves
I'm more focused on using my deep strikes to fuck with my opponent as I set up my scoring units and get the death company in range, so far it has worked well
Terminators demand an answer, deleting scoring units or forcing a bad trade is all that is needed
Blood angels have an enhancement called visage of death that halves objective control, after a round of combat with the reivers a lot of stuff can't keep the objectives, sustained hits terminators can both cut charges, deal damage to most screeners and force combat with vehicles and tanks with ease

It's all about being as disruptive as I can be while setting up the board for cleanup or scoring the first 3 turns
It was patched, the eliminators are still paying for their sins though
>no job
>really want a storm speeder for my white scars to slap Ogre stuff on it
deodorant container speeder time
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Almost done the pred, another round of highlights and then it’s freehand time.
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looking solid sallyanon, good stuff. heres a spread of a bunch of the things I've done recently, basically the Veterans of the Long War box minus the possessed and plus the knight.
You get a lot of free time lately or just an airbrush?
unfortunately a lot of time, am disabled and can't work. I miss working. social services plus some family stuff means I don't ever have to worry about money but not really the point.
looks like you’ll be ready to take over Necromunda soon then.
Take me under your wing anon, I don't wanna worry about money anymore. We can hangout and paint our armies together and be friends
Has anyone ever had Goblins take down some megabeast with a shit ton of wounds by an act of god?
Where's that one hawk shooting?
Don't think my fiancee would like that much.
Deep striking terminators, they forget to screen
New thread:
here c:
>discord user
>bisexual lighting
>dark eldar
Thanks mate, I really don't know much about WH at all so even the existence of something like newrecruit eluded me

I don't think I'm going to actually play it anytime soon but I'm going to try painting those Necrons
Correct opinion. Corsairs should just replace Hot Topic Eldar at this point
for the love of god clean your camera lens

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