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Previous Thread: >>93281446

>RPG Rulebooks

>Homebrew Collection (December 2023)

>WANG/Imperium Maledictum News

>Bestiary, armoury, weapon quality and NPC database

>Dark Heresy 2e Character Creator:

>General 40kRPG Encyclopedia

>Offline Combined Armory (v6.48.161023)

>Make your maps look just like FFGs

>40k Music

>40k Art

>Rogue Trader Shipbuilder

Thread question: Who or what is too great and influential for your players to encounter, defeat, or negotiate with?
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I´ve always kinda wanted to make non-chaos space marines "nations" like the Blood Pact on the very wringes of imperial space. I´m assuming the pact is the only canon one and home in segmentum pacificus?
It's only canon in the abnettverse. Whatever space nation you make for your own game is automatically canon.
Imma throw them then at the tail end of obscurus. thank you.
I've been out of tabletop games since WANG came out. What's the verdict? Was it any good?
Honestly I need to read the rulebook for that and Imperium Maledictume again. Or try to. For some reason the layout confused me.

That said, watching other people play them it doesn't seem too bad.
I've never heard of Imperium Maledictum before. I thought the whole point of WANG was to be an all around system for the setting.
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WANG was a shitshow to begin with and really hasn't capture the attention of people familiar with FFG's 40k series. That being said, IM feels like a half-baked take on WFRPG and has had almost no support outside of corrections to the core rulebook. Having played both, I really wasn't impressed with WANG, just not my speed, but some of my players liked the speed of gameplay. I tried getting my group to play IM, but the majority asked what it did better or different than FFG's games and I really couldn't answer that.

As a long time GM, I can say that I hate the formatting on both WANG and IM. It has that college textbook feeling and it makes my mind wander away from the pages as I feel like I'm supposed to be studying for a test instead of reading some cool fiction with associated rules.
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What're appropriate weapons for a Kill Team that are undercover and not using their armor and bolters? I want to run a covert DW game.
>[I want to be] reading some cool fiction with associated rules
Fuck that shit, and fuck the failed authors you fellate.
Flak armour and ripper guns.
Do any homebrewers here have access to a folder with Only War page layout graphics or any other ripped fonts/images/design elements from the 40krpg books they could post in a mega or something?
I wanna make some custom content to share here for my homebrew system that'll feature custom regiments, weapons, talents etc.

Pic rel is my RT Navigator OC from a few years back
Tried the discord?
>I tried getting my group to play IM, but the majority asked what it did better or different than FFG's games and I really couldn't answer that.
Lets the GM hash out a map in seconds on a laminated (erasable) surface, updates Dark Heresy with options for following a patron other than an inquisitor without going full WANG. I'm no fan of the way getting a killing blow in works after combat starts but I like the flat damage.
Done anyone have the MEGA with lots of W40k novels please?
So what is the gimmick of IM? I read the store page and have no clue how its supposed to actually differ from WANG besides being a bit of a "lower" sci fi.
I'm seconding >>93359650
With their sheer size and bulk they'd probably get a lot of mileage out of using ogryn weapons.
However, don't forget that a stalker bolter with stalker rounds is pretty much completely silent so you should have at least one.
Equipment wise best-quality carapace technically dodges the 'armour with AP 7+ gives penalties to stealth'.
I wouldn't be surprised if a Watch Fortress didn't have some armored up Scout armor for such a situation.
>Psychic Howl
>Conjuring stormwind out of nowhere
>Resist Warp stuff
Bruh Leman Russ is clearly a psyker like Magnus. Why the fuck did he hate Magnus and psyker when he is clearly one of them? Fucking furry shithead
I´ve heard it best summed up as an personality issue. Better yet, try the 1d6chan article on Leman, all arguments on the site and it´s predecessor aside, they got a pretty succint and precise summary of it.
>weapons for a Kill Team that are undercover and not using their armor and bolters?
What sort of "undercover" operations are you talking about? Marines are likely to have trouble blending into a lot of places. I suppose plenty of Imperial citizens won't be able to immediately identify them out of their armor, but they'll still obviously be abnormally gigantic.

If it they're pretending to be some other sort of force, they need to use weapons associated with that group. If they're just trying to obscure the fact that Space Marines hit a given target, then non-Astartes forms of heavy weaponry like Heavy Stubbers, Autocannons, and Missile Launchers make a lot of sense. Add accessories like Suspensors and fancy sights if they can get them. Lots of Krak, Frag, and Demolition Charges too.
I don't use maps and I have been using other Handlers besides the Inquisition in DH1 and DH2 since inception. So, those are really not selling points to my group.
You sound like you have a real group and really play games for cool people like yourself.
IM definitely looks like it would play closer to FFG's games since it utilizes a d100 system and features some interesting ideas in how characters are created. With that said, it's paper thin on content after a year and there really isn't any reason to jump to it if I'm just going to have to port everything from older games to have options. Also, for some reason, IM hates psykers and the rules for them are really fucking taxing without any payoff. This is true for DH2e as well. I'm not sure why there's a demand for Psyker powers to just be guns, but worse.
>Leman Russ is clearly a psyker like Magnus
He doesn't believe himself to actually be a psyker, he just thinks he's built different.
>IM definitely looks like it would play closer to FFG's games
Between trying to position it next to Dark Heresy, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, and Wrath & Glory? It's not the latter.
>IM hates psykers
I don't think you understand the rules for warp charge.
I'm making a Rogue Trader character, Rank 4. What are my options for mind-affecting powers? Proper psychic techniques, navigator powers, even just talents that stun or distract enemies, whatever lets me break someone's mind in combat as opposed to just shooting them.

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I was considering having them try to pass as Catachans, considering how abnormally huge those guys are. If the Rambos have appropriately sized lasguns then it should be fine, I'd imagine.
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Its flawed but fun. Most issues and clunk can be houseruled, archetype ascension is kinda broke and its steadily getting official support splats. Been playing since the ulisses version, dmed a few campaigns, easy to narrate through interesting stories
I just want to say hello to you guys as a world builder from /VT/. Sometimes I lurk here because I see you guys worldbuilding and use it as a base for how I should make my settings. Have fun fa/tg/uys
Why do people like dark heresy 1e when 2e exists?
They do different things, and people like different things.
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How's their social skills? If they can't hold a disguise for shit, they're not going to be doing that jig for very long. At that point, might as well have them try to pass as Mexicans.
Eh, good enough. I always found it stupid that 200 year old guys who do nothing but ship around and support IG regiments would just forget how to talk to someone.
>just forget how to talk to someone.
They never learn. For the most part they're taken early and then spent decades upon decades going from battle to battle barely interacting with anyone who isn't a 'roided out battle psycho bespoke built and equipped for combat anywhere anywhen, with 999-ish other brothers who share a kooky, brutal, but mostly functional set of traditions and beliefs. The majority never had a real childhood, and were then picked out from the child soldier battles or whatever other fucked up thing passes as selection process for traits that don't exactly lend themselves to making good conversationalists.
Does anyone have the errata'd version of the Imperium Maledictum PDF? The version linked in the OP is still the initial march '23 release with assorted errors and missing entries.
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>Ran session 1 of Rogue Trader game last week
>things went really well, everyone had lots of fun
>players blew through almost all of my content in one session

Prepping interesting encounters and NPCs while threading a story but giving the players choice takes fucking forever. Not to mention making sure I have the proper miniatures and making the maps berorehand. I had fun but I don't want to keep doing this. Its way too much fucking effort. It was almost a week of prep (about an hour a day). Most of it was spent writing.

I think my players will be disappointed but Im gonna run a premade adventure. Any recommendations for Rogue Trader?

Here's a small imperial palace I made that you guys can have if you want. I had to reduce the resolution/filesize for 4chan but here's the fullsize ones if you want them
kill your players irl.
1e lore is superior and levelled classes are more fun than classless.
>Prepping interesting encounters and NPCs while threading a story but giving the players choice takes fucking forever.

100% this is why you need modules. Unfortunately all 40krpg modules are quite bad.
And that's stupid considering the minute any marine interacts with anyone from any other imperial faction they suddenly learn how to conversate.
That's why you bring a gun to the table and kill any player like you who thinks marines can properly conversate with humans. You fucking "my spess mehreens are noblebright, 40k should be reasonable and realistic" faggot.
I'm gonna do my best to give you some actual advice here, because >>93372415 will get you thrown in the slammer and more importantly will end your game. Don't do all the work for plot threads. Instead, think up some NPCs, give thought to their objectives, their motives, their wants and needs, and then figure out whether these objectives intersect with your players in the slightest, whether beneficial or detrimental. Will they want something your players have, will they want something done that your players can do, will they try to do something your players are bound to get in the way of, that sort of thing.

Then just play the game. Throw some of those plot hooks at your players, see what they bite, have a few generic maps thrown together to bring out depending on the situation. The initial setup is a lot of work, but once you've gotten through it the game practically runs itself. Be a bit silly with it, toss a foppish swashbuckling pirate at them who they love to hate. Be a bit clever with it, throw a few political machinations their way and let them either get blindsided and swear vengeance or foil the plot and feel all smart. Be deadly serious with it and toss them into the deep end, get the Inquisition on their ass and make them scramble to figure out why and then prove their innocence, or give them a real, proper big bad to shit their pants over and do their utmost to stop. However the hell you want to run your game.

Alternatively, if you really must use modules, I highly encourage you to read through the first few chunks of Into The Maw: or How I Became Incredibly Wealthy, for a good look at how to adapt the adventures to not be shit. And whatever the hell you do, don't dangle the Light of Terra in front of them and expect them not to claim it for themselves. Seriously. It's a better prize than anything they'd manage to find on the Dread Pearl, dropping everything to recover it is a play only a halfwit wouldn't think of.
How come the osrfags get good modules and then 40k rpgs all end up with shitty railroad modules?
Thanks anon. I'll give it a shot.
np. Make sure to give a bit of thought to how these npcs would interact with each other, too - a pirate would naturally be in opposition to an admiral, a small-time Rogue Trader running a smuggling operation might have beef with both, et cetera. That's where the plot hooks come in.

Once your players catch a hook, milk it for all it's worth. Questlines generate questlines generate questlines. One of the more notable examples of this in my games was a cold trader who wanted something handled quiet-like, who I then blackmailed, so he tried to have me assassinated, so I patched up our relations only to double-cross him with the inquisition.
Wah wah, bitch bitch
>Lets the GM hash out a map in seconds
This x 1000. We had an old RT game running which we subbed in DH2e's combat system for, we've just now started using IM's maps/zones as well like some Frankenstein kitbash system but it reduces map generation time by more than half.

It's humans working for whatever faction you can conceive essentially, so they're trying to cover all OW/RT/DH in the one system, with patrons that belong to Imperial factions giving your party certain bonuses and drawbacks. The actual mechanics and combat are very heavily inspired by WFRP4e, and as such streamline things but also include as many vague rules and shit as that system has.

We've been enjoying it for what it is as we always found the FFG systems just a bit archaic and clunky in design, but I can't recommend it yet with just the still unpolished core book out.

>IM hates psykers

If you actually played it you would realise that it's quite the opposite.
They fucken don't, with the exception of a small percentage (still double digits) of chapters who prioritise more than combat autism among the rank and file.
>humans working for whatever faction you can conceive
Not just that, but providing base mechanics for negotiating (dis)favour with different factions & subfactions, serving (sometimes conspiring against) your patron, and observing their restrictions while enjoying the perks of service.
Other anon is right in all he's said, just to add though it sounds like you're new to GMing? There are some generic GM tricks that could help you also, two main ones that come to mind...

Illusion of choice - most basic usage of this is giving your players the idea that they have a bunch of options, but all paths essentially lead to the same thing behind your GM screen. Eg. in Shadowrun I had prepared a bunch of content for the players to get to a bigwig at the company's offices, they proceeded to decide to hold out, wait for him to clock off and head home and corner him there. This gave me an extra half hour of gametime as I had them talking through their stakeout, rolling stuff to stay undetected and track his helicopter home, then deciding how to approach the residence etc. Then I recycled all the corpo security statblocks and shit I had prepared - he lived in a rich folks' gated complex, so they were just reskinned as private seccies so my preparations weren't wasted.

Players to work for you - engage backstories, have players form NPCs that their characters have former/existing relationships with for you to use. Get them interested in developing the ship and crew identity, stuff like this helps keep players engaged whilst taking bits of writing work off your hands.

Otherwise yeah, have fun with it, learn to improvise.
As start, my group didn't care to try. Can you elaborate on how a typical encounter (combat or otherwise) goes down with IM psykers? My major comparison for what was fun to me was Dh1e/RT psykers, so I'd like to have someone's informed experience since the book didn't seem appealing.
Typical spyker shenanigans? They function altogether much the same as they always have. Of course fettered/unfettered hasn't been a thing since DH1e if you're really stuck on that. The only real difference with IM is that after combat/after too much power use in narrative time they wander off to scream into the void in a separate room to vent their warp charge, which occasionally results in interesting perma-phenomena. Pretty neat when you're operating in a specific area for long enough and you have to go back to areas where your psyker has left warp-y shit going on.
Still not as good as dark heresy 1e
Because 40k rpg modules were written by storygame fags in an era where railroading was seen as the norm in adventure design.
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Patroling the Ultima Segmentum almost makes you wish for an exterminatus...
You're welcome to that opinion.
Fun fact; it's because market research showed more people bought them to read them casually than actually play through them, just like White Wolf adventures 20 years ago. But if you want to be a massive fag and pretend it's all the fault of roleplayers whose style triggers your shit, go off.
I mean ... not wrong.
That's kinda why the Deathwatch is only the Chamber mlitant of the Ordo Xenos. They deal with the undercover stuff. DW is here to deep strike once the undercover team deployed a beacon and wreck things up.

They could pass as some sort of abhuman at a glance, Ogryns or those huge voidborn guys from the Anarch novel (those ones are aligned with the Sanguinary tribes I assume they are not the only ones in the galaxy), or any sort of genehanced strain of human, like the Goliath, or any kind of modified human a powerful individual may have at their disposition for breaking bones.

Keep in mind biological engineering is the only form of technology that arguably improved between 30k and 40k, so all kind of more or less tolerable and controled modifications abound, and disguises can be advanced enough for eisenhorn and his band to pass under close inspection as mutants of the worst kind in one of the novels

Sizes are never well documented and consistency is abysmal. in the first the Gaunt novel, Gaunt is saido be an absurd 2.40 meters tall!!!! A fair number of the Tanith being taller or having a stronger build than him, the Volpone bluebloods to be more massive, ad Bragg to be the largest human of the bunch. And even him would have been dwarfed by the three marines they meet.

My headcanon is that
- there is no such thing as a baseline human in 40k after the Golden Age, everyone is genetically engineered to some extend to be abnormally resilient and powerful by our standard. Which is why the vast masses of humanity can survive in such squalor, or why they can haul around weapons of such absurd mass. Even a Van Saar suffering from terminal radiation sickness would wreck our shit.

- Gaunt at 2.40 is a typo, but people routinely around 1.90m+are common
- Catachans are a head taller above that, then Astartes are a head taller, Primaris Astartes are a head taller, Custodes are a head taller, Primarchs are a head taller
I'm sorry, but I literally asked for an experienced scenario for in-game psykers in IM and you gave me nothing. I'll consider myself correct that IM hates psykers if they need to rage dump after doing anything interesting in an encounter.
Your god damn right! DH2e turned psykers into D+D casters and every other system keeps trying to find new ways to hinder and hamper psykers. At the same time, every system seems to give more and more to tech-priest characters without drawbacks.
my lgs doesnt have much terrain so I’m just gonna buy some for them. where can I buy relatively cheap, functional ruins set pieces?
>- there is no such thing as a baseline human in 40k after the Golden Age, everyone is genetically engineered to some extend to be abnormally resilient and powerful by our standard
This isn't headcanon, this is literally true. In the HH series, Big E talks about how the human genome was a mess and so he rebuilt humanity's genome before spreading out in the great crusade. Everyone that survived the Horus Heresy is a result of Big E's repair job.
>shitty railroad modules
Lure of the Expanse is a giant sandbox point crawl with a lot of space left for the GM to fill in, including which competing Rogue Trader is where.
You asked a very vague question, I'm not sure what you want. A play-by-play story that goes just like every other psyker event?

I was also being facetious with the screaming into the void thing, but venting warp charge really isn't that big of a deal. If anything, it's only made it easier to actually manage and avoid causing phenomena.

>DH2e turned psykers into D+D casters
Yeah I forgot they added casting tests, phenomena and perils to D&D... Sarcasm aside, I'm not actually sure what the fuck you mean by this, you argue that they make it harder for psykers but D&D casters have the easiest time, so this comparison just works against your argument.

In any case IM psykers are as useful and strong as ever, there were so many discussions on the discord that they were too powerful and destroyed missions in allowing you to just rip open portals straight to your mission objective and shit like that. I don't know why I'm still bothering to reply because you grogs will just perform mental gymnastics to convince yourselves that the old systems are the best whilst fobbing off what anyone says about the new ones.
What I meant by D&D was that you had a really terrible "psykers" tree you had to purchase from and had to spend a lot more XP to get to the more interesting options. In the same vain, they removed a lot of interesting options. However, I was also thinking of D&D3e when I wrote that because I completely forgot about 5e. So, I'll apologize for that confusion.

Now, I was still curious how a regular psyker check happens in IM and was hoping to see an example of how they were fine or even broken. You imply there's some kind of Gate power, which is great, but how quickly can a psyker realistically grow compared to a guy with a gun? What's the real experience difference, if any, between a newly minted Tech-priest and psyker in IM? Like, even just a post about what it takes to use the weakest psyker power attack compared to the most basic weapon would help
Gaunt's Ghosts have official models and the Blood Pact and Sabbat Worlds Crusade are both mentioned in the IG codexes now, Abnettverse stopped being its own little pseudo-canon years ago. It's just full on canon now.
>DH2e turned psykers into D+D casters
>Needing to test for every spell
>Chance to fuck up but still succeed and have demons eat your ass
>No spell slots
>Spells are in skill trees you work through
Outside ofof Wild Magic Sorcerers having something analogous to Perils, how are they similar at all to D&D casters?
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Experiments on different damage types is going well. I currently have made Umbran Shadow and Harmonic Resonance as unique from the standard Energy, Impact, Rending, and Explosive. This opens up not only new weaknesses and effects on enemies, but entirely new weapon qualities and abilities that can be tied into them! This research is promising, I can't wait to see what else ends up being discovered...
Woman here. I got into 40k early this year. I've read 20 BL books so far. It's bad. I have a list of recommendations on how to make Warhammer good. Minimal explanation, think carefully enough and you will understand my superior intelligence.

1. Shift focus of books and narrarive from the trashcan astartes to humans & xenos. Actually develop xenos properly.

2. No female astartes. No female custodes. No female primarchs. Wanting to put women in those groups is like wanting to put women in gay porn jfc

3. Make all primarchs twinks

4. Scrap the sitcom "everything resets itself" formula for all the recent books. Make them less T rated and more wet and filthy like the old stuff.

5. Peter Fehervari and ADB are the only good writers, give them control over the narrative and bench the pulp shitters that have been running the IP

6. Release non-ugly models for once jfc I would have spent hundreds on the plastic crap if it wasn't so ugly
>I've read 20 BL books so far
Just to clarify, you mean Black Library, right?
I have doubts.
Does Horus Heresy count as BL? Further reason to make all primarchs twinks.

Also, forgot my final rec

7. Make Fulgrim into a Broadway musical
>7. Make Fulgrim into a Broadway musical
Go watch Rocky Horror Picture Show, if your haven't already.
But you do raise a legitimate concern, the selection of twink / prettyboy miniatures is very limited, even 3rd party and 4d printed stuff it's always either manly men or buxom tittymonsters.
>watch Rocky Horror if you haven't
I have, its entirely different. Fulgrim will sweep the stage, trust me. The melodrama and camp is just right
How would you include human character into eldar party? (W&G)
... And the runes fortold that this human needs to come with us. For reasons...
Eldar are willing to use humanity en masse as a meat shield. Why not individuals?
Radical Ordo Xenos Inquisitor or Rogue Trader are your best bet.
>No female astartes. No female primarchs.
>Make all primarchs twinks
>Make them less T rated and more wet and filthy like the old stuff
GW, hire this woman NOW
>how a regular psyker check happens in IM
You've read the book, explains it pretty clearly there.
>how quickly can a psyker realistically grow compared to a guy with a gun?
I don't have first hand experience since I'm not playing the psyker but there's been no complaints from ours. They're probably one of the most powerful in the party, vaguely balanced by the risk of perils because warp charge is easy to manage.
>What's the real experience difference, if any, between a newly minted Tech-priest and psyker in IM?
why are you so obsessed with tech priests? They don't really have many options in IM since it's just the core book, they'll get theirs in the mechanicus book. First splatbook is going to be inquisition though, so that will likely have more psyker stuff.

In any case, direct comparison is like apples and oranges. The basic psyker attack power smite actually runs at a -10 test because it just ignores armour and doesn't give the enemy a chance to dodge, there isn't really any "magic missile/dart" ala D&D. Starting weapons for a techpriest would probably be an auto or lasgun, which famously have no armour pen and need to rely on alternate ammo and fire modes to try scratch anything suited up. It's really pointless to compare since they're so dependent on the enemy, psyker powers are more about utility than just competing with guns.
Personally I'd go an arch militant/bounty hunter type or feral warrior they found and adopted from some jungle planet. Either someone who doesn't really care for or just doesn't know the Imperial creed and faith.
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Every rock band needs a groupie.
>Warlock: who the hell is that mon-keigh
>Ranger: it's a psychic drug addicted maraudering bloodthirsty mutant cyborg tech-barbarian I found in the ruins
>Ranger: can we keep him?
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just finished the module in the DH2e Core rules. This asshole took a blast from a plasma gun and tried to thunder charge the gunner only for me to get in the way and then our tech priest to slam his axe into its chest. Heretek got away after smashing our interrogators ribcage and sending him flying into the sewage.
What should the benefits of a combi-weapon (compared to two separate weapons) be, if the system in question essentially handwaves tracking what one is currently holding in one's hands, if the possible weight saving could be already replicated on a weapon-by-weapon basis, and if allowing extra attacks would be a can of worms on its own?
didn't we cede skitarii to you people? now you want the primarchs to be twinks too???
What weapons and qualities would come out of this?
An excuse to say 'fuck it, we are changing to a system that works.'
Wonder if they could have slipped 'Gyaru' in as a type of eldar, and how many would have noticed.
What's the point of cards for Wrath & Glory?
Anyone shared His Glorious Shield anywhere?
I doubt it. I feel like most 40k stuff is no longer shared, at least not on the known sites.
I'm going to use this for a bunch of slaaneshi noise marines against my players. They'll never see it coming.
Anons, have you ever played/DMed an eldar party?
No. Playable xenos was a mistake.
The true 40k (post RT silliness, pre-guilliman faggotry) has always been about humans, and their internal struggles (chaos), and xenos were always a foil to that. They weren't supposed to be knowable or identified with. They were there to highlight the flaws and successes of humans. Now everyone who plays a xenos just plays a zany human, just like DnD where everyone plays a zany half-devil with mental issues instead of sticking to something understandable.
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What plot hooks or side quests can I do with a space hulk floating at the edge of the galaxy for a rogue trader game? I already have
>Group of maddened looters who have been lost for years in its labyrinthine depths due to time/space fuckery
>Rumored to contain the lost treasure of a rogue trader who disappeared into it centuries ago
>Has become self aware and is very mad
>some inhabitants have preserved/restored/altered the communication arrays and use them to lure ships, crash them into the hulk, and loot the wreck/use it for further hulk community sustenance
>if the hulk consists of multiple ships: some inhabitants want to separate theirs from the rest

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