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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Party Edition

>Previous Thread:

>Thread question
What games have you played recently?

>Community Summary of Wargames:
>List of Historical Tactical, Strategic, and Military Drill treatises:
>ZunTsu Gameboxes:

>/hwg/ Steam Group:

>Naval wargaming stuff:

>Games, Ospreys & References folders:

>H&C Megatrove
rebrandly /HexChit

>New Trove Link
>Advanced Squad Leader
>AK-47 Republic
>Battleground WWII
>Black Powder
>Bolt Action
>By Fire And Sword
>Flames of War
>Fleet Series
>Hail Caesar
>Modelling & painting guides
>The Perfect Captain
>Phoenix Command RPG
>Twilight 2000/2013 RPG
>Wargaming Compendium
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I've been looking into Afghan Tribal flags for a Second Anglo-Afghan force, they're pretty cool.
Not sure if I want to rip a design or make a new one, but I do feel like this is the area where I have the most potential fuck up so I'll start with a simple one for the first 20 man unit.
Are there any books for Bolt Action that include British cavalry?
> What games have you played recently?
Nothing within the last couple months, but the last several before that were two or three scenarios from Musket & Pike: This Accursed Civil War, both scenarios from Avec Infini Regret III: Moncontour 1569, and a couple COIN games (assuming one counts those as wargames): Pendragon: The Fall of Roman Britain and All Bridges Burning: Red Revolt and White Guard in Finland, 1917-1918. All solo, apart from two games of All Bridges Burning, over a year ago.

I'm hoping to break the drought with an in-person game of Saga later this week. On which note, anyone have a source for Saga 2E pdfs that aren't in the linked trove (i.e., Age of Invasions, Age of Magic, Age of Hannibal, and/or Age of Alexander)? Or for a list of changes (or confirmation that there are none, for the factions present in both) from Arthur and Aetius + the 2E update for Arthur and Aetius and the full 2E Age of Invasions supplement?
Asking again about Scouts Out, anybody played before and anybody have the pdf?
should I become a kushpilled #000000maxxer with a reasonable bronze age skirmish force?
Are there any good dedicated skirmish rules for the bronze age?
Convention V&F Leipzig scenario roughly two months ago.

>Party edition
Party indeed.
Just ordered an additional infantry division (+) and an entire cavalry corps for my 6mm napoleonic Russians. Hobby overload until the end of November ensured.
too afraid to paint pseudo-arabic squiggles in case they accidentally say something offensive
Is there a Phoenix Command tier game for a close combat focus period such as medieval or ancients? I can think of several hyper autist games with tables of tables for Ww2 onwards but not older stuff
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So far I've yet to find this in the archives,
am I blind?
It's in /wargames in the OP
Man this general is even more dead than usual lately
>What games have you played recently?
Nothing in like 18 months, sadly.

This one?

"What do the Arab banners say, anon?"
"Made in China. Do not machine wash."

RE: steel spears....Northstar, or the Warlord ones are good too if a bit more expensive generally.
Paint them to SAY something offensive.
Surprised? The constant bickering has led to a flight of people who were contributing their project notes and discussions here. And what for? Just so that some people can argue about warlord games, scales, etc, when it fact they probably do not even play.
I do not post anything about what I do here anymore. I run a blog and post on LAF. There people are decent and productive.
feel like something has changed about the site in general, everywhere seems more argumentative and assholish nowadays, plus bots and shills completely destroying some boards, other places just feel like reddit-lite but without any good things
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Finally got my hobby station set up in my new flat. Been several years of hell but I'm finally over the ridge. My hobby motivation hasn't fully returned though, might be because I'm more interested in spending time with my new young and very attractive gf :^)
We can all make it, anons. It's a struggle but it's possible.
Shit got worse past 2016 and the rise of the US culture war. The anonymous model fell apart after that. Say what you will about old forums, but those communities cater to a slower but better type of communication than 4chan, Reddit or discord. I wish 4chan had died 10 years ago. We would be better off.

I'm happy for you.
I haven't had much to post about. My projects still are gathering dust as I try and push myself up. They've become back burner parts of my life for the time being. I don't know how to reignited interest right now, and probably have more pressing issues than hobby time. I read the threads though.
They look like a happy bunch of lads
I started using 4chan in like 2020 and I’d say even back then it was better. There’s too many bots and shitty bait posts or repeat posts about world building for a setting that doesnt exist and trolls who need to move on. If you want further proof filter out the words “setting” “world building” and “post” and see how many catalog threads get filtered or go to any age of sigmar thread that isn’t the AOS general and watch as its full of debunked arguments or old bait from like 6+ years ago.

The problem with this general? Well personally I think its
1: the aforementioned quality of posts going down.
2: how nich most of this historical stuff is. For example basically nobody plays anything unified outside of like Napoleonics and WW2 because every period has dozens or different rulesets and even things like medieval warfare aren’t so simple because you have literal hundreds of wars and years that one might want to recreate. So finding a discussion about that specific time period/army/ruleset is unlikely
3: Flames of war and bolt action are the 2 biggest WW2 rulesets which and WW2 is obviously the biggest historical period people are drawn too. However both games shit the bed with crappy unbalanced editions that are a slog to play and every time WW2 is brought up its full of scale/company/ruleset bullshit that ruins the thread. Even fucking worse is the historical discussions full of retards who use german propaganda or hollywood movies as sources.
>I started using 4chan in like 2020 and I’d say even back then it was better.
NTA but I was here since when it started on the SA forums, the place does not compare to its old vibe.
>What games have you played recently?
Playtesting the new edition of pic related, it's coming along, simple to play, but behind the scenes using real life penetration and armor values, and determining things like effectiveness against infantry with a formula that takes into account rate of fire, HE weight and things like spare barrels and tripods (which had a pretty big effect on MG murdering ability).

Have another game this weekend, we're mostly gaming operation Barbarossa, but once the rules are firmed up I'll expand things to western Europe, north Africa, china, and maybe try to work in some Burma or Malaya style games... Light tanks and log bridges in the deep forest.
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New vietnam skirmish game
Its always been dead anon, people are probably on holiday or busy. Would be nice if there was a bigger historical ruleset/range that more people played, one thing going for Warhammer is everyone is in the same context and actually playing games. Hopefully Baron's War gets big.

Reddit is nice in theory for sharing your work, but far surpasses the very worst depths of this site in practice due to the pathetic excuses for "people" who use/"moderate" it. This board is fine, I havent noticed a difference in quality, people have always shitposted.
Victrix teased their medieval foot knights yesterday, WGA will release stls of swiss halberdiers, genoese crossbowmen, armoured Byzantine spearmen and halberdiers this month (sipahi cavalry WHEN??). It's a very good time to be into 28mm medieval miniatures. Shame that most of the guys on my local wargaming club are into Horus heresy or 40k. Some played bolt action, but I'm not into WWII miniature games.
I liked some of your miniatures, have you got all the outremer stuff yet?
Been here since 2007 and yeah, it has some years where within a few weeks it feels like a different site. Remember 2011 was one of those, but things took a strange turn on here during lockdowns and it's mot recovered. The more people who are introduced in that time thing its the etiquette I'm sure so not much chance of recovery in my eyes.

Tg related fun has hit a few singularities and this place is slowly becoming generals full of bitter, snarky replies and arguments

Captcha- AD 42
I really miss the /tg/ of my youth, like 2010-2014. But I guess the best era is whenever you were young hey.
>It's in /wargames in the OP
Thank you both, I thought there were two different editions with a slight variations.
Seems they're pretty much identical.
>Thread Question
Last game I played was 2 weeks ago, a pickup game of Valour and Fortitude. Hanoverians and British vs French and Italians, it was a slog of a match and the French were dug in fiercely in the farms and fields. Ultimately it was an inconclusive draw with both sides suffering terrible losses.

Pic is about mid game, my left line is crumbling with only some troops in the building holding it together. Luckily after a few shots I was able to pick apart the cavalry and push up on the right around the windmill
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>Thread Question
Played a good game of Valour and Fortitude. French and Italians vs British and Hanoverians with the British making a strong push and dislodging some French on the left flank, luckily I was able to use the buildings to my advantage and hold out for as long as possible.

The pic is of my left flank crumbling , I was almost certain I wa seeing to lose but after some lucky rolls I was able to pick the cavalry off in the right and push forward to bloody the hanoverian militias nose. After awhile both of us had a brigade break and reached the turn limit, a bloody inconclusive draw.
I’ve had good results using baling wire. A lifetime supply is like $8 and is useful around the house too. cut a length, use a pin punch to flatted the last few mm, then file the flattened bit into a spearhead point. Only takes a minute or two each. You could use brass rod which would probably be a bit stiffer than baling wire though more expensive. Piano wire would be really stiff but I would assume much more difficult to flatten the end into a spearhead.
Nice mini, where’s it from?
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What are you working on /hwg/? I finally primed my ottoman heavies and put on a few layers. Lovely models, can't wait for the wga sipahi cavalry.
My fishy died. I'm out, good luck lads.
Building some more units for my WW2 Germans. I don't care if some people think it's the most over-done period ever; I enjoy it. I'm working on having a full red-vs-blue list done by November (British rifles with support from Hobart's Funnies; vs unskilled demoralised Germans who are a mix of Heer, Luftwaffe, Volksdeutsch/Osttruppen, etc).

Also, I passed my medical assessment today for my application to the Air Force Reserves, so there's that.
Finally ordered the last batch of Russians and will be back home tomorrow for a major paintathlon. Still got to paint like 1200 infantry and 250 cavalry to finish the project. Next batallions are already waiting for me, primed and ready to go.
Still working on my War of the Roses force, but I've picked up some Anglo Saxons for Saga recently so going to start on those soon. I'll post some more pics when I finish this block of archers.
This weekend I'm building Cataphracts...the 28mm Parthian box from Gripping Beast, though they will be for early Sassanids/Palmyran/generic types.

I am very sorry anon. Don't give up.
debating on what ww1 28mm system/s to go with and eyeing up some wga 3d prints (really wish they made Austro-hungarians and especially Italians, love ww1 italians )
Speaking of WGA, very good choice in ottomans anon, those might be one of my favorite WGA sculpts
Can I reasonably mix the Wargames Atlantic crusaders (1150-1320) with Victrix’s late Danes on the same table? Thinking of northern crusades vs pagans (Fireforge?)
Do we have a pdf of Shakos and Bayonets? Want to give it a look as I've heard really good things about the Muskets and Tomahawks system.
Start of my late War German army. Got another 39 of his buds to print
Oops forgot pic

Yeah they're great. The problem is that ottomans weren't really known for their heavy infantry. I suppose these guys would represent sipahis who have dismounted due to unusual circumstances or the volunteers who storm a breach in the fortress and other ad hoc units.
Mischief? That sucks, I'm sorry anon
not sure if this counts as a historical, but I'm trying to pick up Black Powder Red Earth, anyone have any experience with it?
Ultra moderns is still considered hwg, so I suppose it'd count. I saw they came out with a tabletop game, but it was expensive as hell last I checked so I skipped out, plenty of good SOF games out there that won't destroy the piggy bank

How do you like Barons War? I'm thinking of printing up some minis to play the outremer supplement. Just trying to decide on whether to paint my guys up as Hospitaliers or the Leper Knights of St Lazarus
I grabbed a copy at a convention cause it was on discount and the guy threw in a bunch of extras.
buying a single army though wasn't awful, 60 bucks for a box, which gets you a whole army. I'm sorta desensitized though, years of GW abuse has me like a beaten housewife when it comes to pricing for minis
I was in a model train store looking for basing material, and my word - it would be so easy to build a tiny little modern city in 1/144 scale to fight in. Talking it over with the guys we thought making custom modern what a tanker! rules (pretty sure there's a simple formula for it, but their site's down) might be a fun way to make use of such a table, but I thought I'd ask here for any recommendations for modern rulesets. What are the most fun, satisfying ones, in your opinion?
Reasomably yes
Although Scandis fough domestically as Leidang, not Vikings, so more militia w Bondi type weapons
Okay so maybe the solution is just to have/try simpler systems and be recruiting noobs offsite to play?

So we have stories to tell and projects to show.
I got banned from a writing subreddit for saying that maybe a writer could consider that some people don't have a mind's eye.

He went on this big rant about how he's a pro writer and he kept asking how many copies of books I wrote. Then he kept saying that if he ever thought about people who can't visual things for a second, he'll instantly go homeless.

Than I got banned.

I got banned from "Ask a historian" for asking a question... I didn't know the answer to.

It was nitche too... So it clearly wasn't me trying to answer a homework question..

People ask dumb as fuck questions there all the time.

My best bet is they're just racist or my question was about 1920s Warlord Era China.
I got two people who never played before to play One Hour Wargames with me.
What happened to the siocast HYW box?
I've just started reading about the HYW again and now I discover that they have them in stock
As an Australian shipping here just costs too much
That is like two dudes though, and it was a weird obsession. Use whatever scale you like, Warlord are servicable etc. Bur yes it is offputting.

Do you mean the Perrys box?

Barons War I love the tech level and the models, so so much but the backstory doesn't grab me as much as say Caesar or Napoleon. Waiting for the documentary or film or book that changes that so I can go for it.
No the plastic soldier company boxes
how did mercenary knights work? Aren't they supposed to be tied to their land and tied to feudal obligations?
No, just the small batch from the kickstarter. Figure I should paint my minis before buying more.
Barons war.
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>unironically choosing to play the black faction
Where to get Ottomans for 1453 Fall of Constantinople? 28mm of course
>my question was about 1920s Warlord Era China

What do you want to know? Ask and I may be able to answer.
Is there a unified place where I can check cold war era platoon compositions?
Until now I have seen that USA infantry platoons go with 4 IFVs, same for MBTs.
Soviets go with 3 IFVs, 3 MBTs.
What about recon platoons? Or atgm vehicles?
No idea about west germans, I guess the west tried to have the numerical advantage on a platoon level.
Also any references for western fulda gap style defensive lines?
Everything looks way more standarized than ww2 with way less variety, are there any weird specialized troops that you like to see on the table? Enginiers, logistics, recovery etc?
Also it looks like fow and team yankee models are out of stock everywhere. It seems like battlefront is going out of business at least in my country. I don't plan to play their games but the models are great.
Remember that guy who was like kitbashing different ideologies together? The last one to fall. The one with the thompson and .45 Mauser pistol factories.

Do you think he actually thought he was a genius mixing all the ideas together into something good, or do you think he was panicking and running around trying to find something to help him rise into/keep power?
Any anons here from Connecticut? What’s hwg like there? Is it club based or will I have to trawl Facebook for boomers?
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Do you mean Yan Xishan from Shanxi Province? That's a very good question. The short answer is that I believe he neither thought himself a genius or that he was panicking to try and stay in power. I think he was a very smart, pragmatic, and cunning man, a warlord by necessity but was more on par with Sun Yat-Sen whose entire goal was improving his province, taking care of his people and developing a modern ideology to make China an equal nation in the world. His political maneuvering during the conflicts of the warlord era and WWII showed a desire to remain neutral and focused on the growth his state, as well as his flexibility in making deals with the lesser of two evils when Shanxi was threatened showed that he put his people before his pride. His desire to improve the industry and economic strength of his province was solely focused on internal growth and prosperity while his arms factories were necessary for defense, and never expansion. His reforms were pretty bold, trying to stamp out opium which had traditionally been a cash crop for other warlords, trying to improve literacy, to reform and modernize medicine, and give women rights, etc. His mixing of ideas was out of necessity, he knew he had to modernize and adopt foreign ideas but he didn't want to be seen as a running dog, he also didn't want to abandon traditional Chinese culture. I think that his goal was making a modern ideology that worked for the Chinese in context with their unique culture and history, and tried to make it the best he could by trimming what he saw as destructive or culturally irrelevant parts of modern foreign ideas to fit China. He could have done great things if he had the support he needed. I think in the end he was hamstrung by corrupt officials under his command, and his ideology ultimately failed because he was undermined by men who were more akin to self destructive warlords and less to nation builders. The Model Governor could have been the Model President.
CT anon here, down by the casinos. Most game stores have their own gaming scenes, but it's a very 40k/Magic heavy state. That being said many FLGSs also have small Bolt Action/Black Powder Scenes. Unfortunately most of your choices are either GW or WG. There are some outliers, like the store near me who has a monthly advanced squad leader day, but you have to dig for those, and there aren't many. I don't have goybook so I couldn't tell you what the scene is like on there.
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yes. I just need a mini that looks like this as the leader
I need to look up why she was black.
The Kushites were kinda overpowered as a civilization. Discovered iron before others and really put it to use.
Was the Berber style (meaning the facewrap + turban) used anywhere else in the Middle East during the Crusades? A friend of mine just gifted me two packs of the GB Moor heavy cavalry, and it would be lovely to be able to use them in such a project, given that I don't have an interest in the Reconquista. I've seen a few lists that have Berber lancers for the Fatimids. Anything later than that, meaning post 1200-1250? Did Arab lancers wear these kinds of clothes?
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Interesting, thank you
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Real quick and dirty test model for a WW2 German, advice/thoughts welcome! The camo is a pain in the butt and I’m not sure I can drybrush highlights well on it so I could paint the smocks just green instead
>I need to look up why she was black.
she's a nubian mercenary commander that works in egypt. Egyptians also get nubian infantry and cavalry as special mercenary units that are very powerful, but also cost only gold, are pretty expensive and die after one minute (because their contract runs out presumably)
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Here he is with a drybrush, dont think its the right approach
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Yeah. I should be proud, he died of old age. Made it to somewhere around 3+ which is pretty good for a Betta. My other Betta is doing well, he inherited the big aquarium. I just had a much stronger bond and connection to Mischief. Midnight is the new Warlord. Anyways.

Do I get another Betta? I have an empty aquarium. But I also want to move soon.

And on topic, how do I get back to grips with my hobby projects? I haven't touched anything in over 2 months. I'm bored and disenchanted with everything, Boshin War, RCW, my Warlord China project, my BS scifi projects. Nothing gets me excited, and I need to shake this off and get back on my feet some how. There's an itch to start a smaller scale project in a war or era and scale I've never done before, but I don't have the money and should finish what I've got collecting dust.
Why do they keep doing this? Does anyone have comparisons with Footsore's Barons' War range? I assume it's similar, since Footsore is basically the same as Perry in terms of size. The crazy thing is that infantry seems to scale pretty well between Footsore/Perry/Victrix. I guess it's not such a big deal...
Lighten the colors, from three feet away that’s going to just read as black or very dark green. Also with Scale Effect, that color would be too dark anyways.
my current long term goal (and first foray into historical wargaming) is to build up an east german and a west german force in 6mm to play some battlegroup centag or cold war comamnder with my playing group. These are the first 4 finished T55A tanks, yet to be based...

had to look that system up, god I love me some tacticool operators operating. Please report if it is fun to play! :^)
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forgot pic, d'oh
i bought my first box of napoleonics and historicals generally. i bought 1807-1814 french infantry and i dont understand the frames at all. i get 8 skirmishers but also on the regular infantry frames there are arms with epaulettes which i thought were for the grenadeirs and skirmishers
my head hurts and im scared and i dont know what im doing
IDK the era so another anon should be able to help but that's a Perry box which I'm near certain do include the flank companies as opposed to Victrix so skirmishers and grenadiers will be included as a percentage of the overall troops
Yes, those are fine to use.
I'm honestly glad i've been banned from the site, interacting with those sorts of people isnt good for you, hypersensitive thought-police bouncing around their echo chamber and auto-fellating over how wonderful they all are for their dogshit opinions. You get quite interesting or knowledgeable people popping up with good information on niche topics, just to get perma banned by fat autistic gay niggers.
I'd usually be able to answer a history question, but i know very little about oriental history, including warlord era china (except for the situation in Mongolia due to overlap with the russian civil war), except that they were mostly running through a circle of backstabbing and bankruptcy, and that their morals or ideals were generally self-serving, in truest chinese tradition. I'm sure someone here will know though. Assuming you're the one guy who is playing a 1920s chinese wargame, keep it up, its pretty unique if nothing else.
ok to be honest i hate this box already then i hope im missing something. why would i want flank companies in with the regular guys? they dont even have all crossbelts and each frame only has 1 each with two crossbelts for his stupid little sabre
all of my grenadiers would end up being clones
i should have bought not perry oh god what have i done
Based, what period?

The rules are similar enough to the old LOTR skirmish game rules, so theyre good enough, works fine with a very low model count. I havent played many games though, because nobody to play with/impossible to convince friends to actually commit to a wargaming project with their limited free time. The minis themselves are decent, they are well sized and have a lot of detail, but their proportions are quite spindly and there are generally a lot of casting flaws/challenges. Of 23 mounted knights, fully 11 of the horses were missing a leg, which i'm still stressing about having to greenstuff on.

each battalion had 1 light company, 1 grenadier company and 4 fusilier companies, so 1/3 of your dudes should be in epaulettes. The OG perry box had a sheet that even showed their marching order, sad if they scrapped that
Victrix is lazy and knows their fans will lap it all up anyway. It's frustrating since the kit is good but the scale means they're gigantic compared with everything else.

>all of my grenadiers would end up being clones

this is what formation marching is. If you didn't want to paint the same basic dude over and over you've picked the wrong period
people just like to post retarded shit on 4chan
>Each battalion had 1 light and 1 grenadier company
I thought that was more a British thing as opposed to other nations having designated grenadier/light infantry regiments rather than regiments divided into companies of line, grenadiers and lights?

almost all nations had the format of x line companies, 1 light, 1 gren, in addition to solely Grenadier and Light infantry battalions. Most nations also detached the light/gren companies of a number of regiments to form battalion-sized formations of each
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Interesting, cheers anon.
this is a cute frog
Get her into mini painting. Mine paints with me, women love artistic things.
Do the people you game with play multiple time periods or only one?
Dry-brushing doesn't work well rounded details, it will just destroy definition. As anon noted, use lighter colours up front before you wash to compensate for the dulling effect of the wash. And/or make the wash lighter/more diluted (thin washes with medium, not water).

>And on topic, how do I get back to grips with my hobby projects?

You pretty much just have to do it: it's about discipline, not "motivation"...motivation is for girls. You have a project to do, if you want to do it you have to grind. Start with something small, even just one figure and completed it, then move on to the next. Keep your completed figures together and watch the group grow: I find this give me a sense of accomplishment as I see I've done x-number, and have y-number still to do. As the finished group grows larger that gives satisfaction. A journey of a thousand figure begins with painting one...

So that you have to buy their stuff, is the idea. And I'm pretty sure that are larger than Footsore, the Knights I mean. The Victrix infantry are bulkier but not too much taller or about the same height.

No, since Knights could also hold a "money" fief, i.e. payment they drew instead of product from land: this was used quite extensively in some places, e.g. the Outremer and Frankish Greece where land was not always available. Mercenary Knights need no all actually knighted, e.g. German Ministeriales, and later Mercenary Men-at-Arms were no all nobles just well-equipped. Depends on the period and theatre.

What I know: the PSC Siocast machine broke, Will T won't pay for repairs as the company does not have the cash (or it's not going to be worth the investment). Siocast was Simon Halls idea but he's apparently bailed on the idea and PSC in general and blames them for his own failures (some are PSC's though). PSC is now becoming a 3D print company instead, at least for new stuff.
On closer inspection it does seem like the Victrix knight has both a thicker sculpted-in and regular base, so the height difference is increased because of that. I've seen other comparisons with smaller differences. The issue with Victrix is the larger riders, and the wider horses, but it's not as egregious as the pic makes it look like. If anyone has both, could you take a comparison pic with comparable bases and from different angles?
Yes, by that stage the Medieval Scandi's looked largely like everyone else in NW Europe, tons of German-made arms and armour in use (and actual Germans in service everywhere). They did not look like "vikings", their opponent in the Baltics tribes e.g. Curonians actually looked far more like Vikings as they were considerably less developed/advanced.
Ok Ok we get it you're a racist nogames POS, you don't need our help to run your fantasy setting and your asocial tendencies means no one will else will ever play it anyway.
>You pretty much just have to do it: it's about discipline, not "motivation"...motivation is for girls. You have a project to do, if you want to do it you have to grind. Start with something small, even just one figure and completed it, then move on to the next. Keep your completed figures together and watch the group grow: I find this give me a sense of accomplishment as I see I've done x-number, and have y-number still to do. As the finished group grows larger that gives satisfaction. A journey of a thousand figure begins with painting one...

Anon, I appreciate the sentiment but this just doesn't fly anymore. The finished group doesn't give satisfaction, how do I know? I've painted well over a hundred models and minis, dudes, tanks, an armored train, boats, trucks, airplanes, I've built the table, I've made the terrain, I've crafted a town, hills, trees, fields, everything.

When I finish minis, they go in a box. When I finish terrain, it goes in a box. That's the end of the project. I don't mean to be overly pessimistic and shoot you down, because, yes, you're right it boils down to discipline. But so does going to work, and this hobby feels more like a job, and I don't even get a pay check at the end of the week.

Whoever said that Cataphract shouldn't be archers. I fail to see why they would evolve from this, seeing as they clearly were both archers and lancers
The period was Dark Ages.
I kinda like the more current LOTR system because fans of it are looking to history for trying to make sense of shield wall tactics and so on.
You guys complain about literally every manufacturer. Learn to 3d sculpt, be the change you want to see!
Yes thats me. I said it because the actual cataphracts, who wore heavy full body armour and had heavily armoured horses, explicitly did not use bows, based on the "Praecepta Militaria" written in 965, which had a formation of heavy cataphracts with horse archers backing them up from the rear. The development that the Greeks made post-Heraclius was that it was preferable to have a mixed unit of cataphracts and horse archers, rather than a single unit of double armed men who were worse at both. Indeed they'd already tried to half-half it by having the front ranks "primarily" trained as lancers, with the 1st rank also wearing limb+face armour and having partially armoured horses, with the rear "primarily" as archers. By just accepting specialisations they were able to train and arm themselves to be better. This allowed all of the real cataphracts to have heavier armour (klivanion, full limb protection, mail+lamellar, full face protection, and later kite shields too), and have completely armoured horses. The shield and lance impedes proper use of the bow on a horse, the later horse archers are still armoured but are evidently trying to copy the more efficient horse archers that the Greeks are dealing with at this point in time. Heavy full coverage armour would also greatly impede the use of a bow, so a conventional cataphract lancer would be quite useless at using one to any sort of practical effect. If you want to read more about it then i'd reccommend Ian Heath's book.

Tbh i disagree with "Dark Ages" as a concept, i prefer Late Antiquity into Early Medieval, although I think i know what you mean, vikings/charlemagne/anglo-saxons?

I like the LOTR system because its just a good system tbqh, could you explain more what you mean about fans of it looking to history?
Claymore castings is perfect.
I misremembered this has having more historical references.
>Tbh i disagree with "Dark Ages" as a concept, i prefer Late Antiquity into Early Medieval, although I think i know what you mean, vikings/charlemagne/anglo-saxons?

Odoacer to the last Viking raid being sworn off. The 1066 Norman Miles was transitional state to the knight. There isn't a heater shield or mass pikemen yet. Plate isn't really that common.

Just a year where it's perfectly normal for armies to consist of shield-walls or mounted infantry or men with lance, shield, heavy mail, helmet, greaves and warhorse.
Yeah, Claymore Castings is actually perfect.
I really like Crusader minis but some people say they are cartoony
Ran some historical games at my sons school event. Was my way of tricking kids into learning some history. Was pleasantly surprised by their conduct. Gentlemanly sportsmanship, an interest in learning the history of the battles I ran (Hue and Little Round Top), were engaged with the scenarios I created and gave constructive feedback on perceived balance issues, but had fun regardless of whether they won or lost. Very bright group of lads and mature for their age. Their conduct reminded me of the old group of grognards I used to play with in my wargames club, most of which have passed away now. I suppose there’s hope for future generations after all.
Fun! How old were they? I always wanted to join the nerdy club at school but my mates were all footy jocks and I was too embarrassed
At more than three years that means that Mischief actually lasted longer than the average Chinese warlord - there's something to take heart in.

Honestly for getting back in just pick something small you have and do it. Getting set up is the hardest part I find.
I dunno, I'm more of an oldfag than I'm proud to admit but the only changes that bug me have been the growth of /pol/, too much trannyporn and horny shit in /b/, and higher speeds. There's still no other internet community I'd actively contribute to. It's just not worth dealing with reputation/identity based bullshit. Checking post history, mods with cults of personality, e-girls, the constant risk if your community just becoming a subreddit with a banhammer happy paedophile communist at the helm.
At least on 4chan this stuff either doesn't exist or I don't have to think about it. We are spoiled here.
What are your thoughts on 10mm minis?

How do you base them? Are they enjoyable to paint? Does painting a shit load of them suck? Do they look okay?

I'm debating trying them as a new scale and for a new project. I've been hankering some French Foreign Legion action recently, and found on Old Glory Miniatures a nice FFL starting set, with 59 Frenchmen and a fort, vs 150 arabs on foot, horse, and camel, for 83usd. It seems like a nice complete set to get into it, but the idea of painting 200 guys is kinda daunting.
*50 Frenchmen, excuse-a-me
Ah, I see: my apologies.

I can't really help with getting the "spark" back. I haven't played a game in like 18 months, but I keep painting and doing stuff. I tell myself that I will build armies/forces that will see use one day and to use the time I have now to do it. Saving for the future I guess: it might never be used, but I enjoy the painting and building part and finishing units, so that works for me.

Quite a few friends have more or less dropped out, loads of people seem to have lost "something" lately. I just try to keep personal morale up by doing small things I enjoy, as irrelevant as they might be. But if it has become a chore then maybe put it aside take a break for a while. Maybe the enjoyment will return at a later time, or maybe we just outgrow things. I don't know.
The details on that model look so
I wouldnt even bother using a wash, just base coat and highlight it. Create the deatails yourself with the highlights.

10x quicker than painting a 28mm army but 10x more tedious.
What was the pro strat for priming flexible plastic again?
My main scale is now 10mm, a standard line infantry unit for most of my games I use is roughly 24 figures, and can easily paint a unit in 2 hours or so, not perfect but good enough for putting on the table
I've recently started rebasing, using 8 figures on a 30x30mm square for line infantry and 3-4 for skirmishers on round bases, but the sizes and shape of the base will depend on you
I imagine the uniforms for FFL are more basic than AWI or Napoleonics so would be less colours to paint, same with the Arabs
as the other anon says, 10x quicker but you have to have the right mindset to do the same thing over and over
Is it just me or do the soviets and british in flames of war seem neutered compared to IRL and previous editions. Like for example alot of high end anti-tank like SU-100s, IS2s, 17 pounders got their anti-tank reduced in the switch from version 3 to 4 and some other stuff like T-34s with the 85mm gun having 7 armor now only have 6 and they gave regular soviet rifle companies a 4+ save instead of the 3+ infantry usually have and britain seems like they suffer from having almost 0 high end anti-tank in late-war.

Did someone at battlefront HQ get their asses beat by a soviet/british player and just fucking nerf them when V4 rolled around or something? They seem really weak compared to americans and especially germans. Even moreso when you look at the options those two armies get in berlin german and bulge american.
anybody have any of the Silver Bayonet Pdfs?
>britain seems like they suffer from having almost 0 high end anti-tank in late-war.
So no 17 pounder or do you mean PIAT?
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Personally I found 10mm tedious to paint. The added detail compared to 6mm is nice, but having the models as individuals makes painting them somehow much more annoying; attaching them onto a painting strip when they have a smaller contact point and are more top heavy is harder.
>Charles XII's carolingians in battle line against the Russians flanked by their hired Ogre and Wood Elf mercenaries.
Yea I mean they have high AT its just they seem like you either take a heavier tank with a crap gun like churchills or your paying an expensive amount of points for one with a 17 pounder and the PIAT sucks compared to the bazooka and panzerfaust. Meanwhile germany can get a tiger with the armor of a churchill and an AT 14 gun for a mere 9 points in the berlin book. Also the largest british AT gun is also only AT 14 with a single shot even while stationary meanwhile soviets get an AT 15 with again 1 shot and slow firing and the germans have a 17 AT one that gets 2 shots when staying still and isnt forward firing like the other two for whatever reason.

Just seems like battlefront has a bias for germans and americans.
>I suppose there’s hope for future generations after all.

Some, no doubt. However the customers I've been working for recently have a moron for a kid. He's on summer break, going to be a freshman in Highschool in the fall. Walks around the house all day saying "Skii-BA-deeeee" randomly to himself, or yells shit while online gaming such as "that ain't queso!" Or "lynch lanky bob!"
Just direct him to this website, there is a place for everyone.

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