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TQ: How did Luke get it so right in Legends, compared to those Prequel-era failures called "Jedi"?
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Based NJObro.
>How did Luke get it so right in Legends,
Luke knew almost nothing about how the old Jedi operated, so instead of trying to larp as a weird monk like DU Luke, he just winged it and tried to work things out to the best of his ability.
Who is the gayest star wars?
You could say that the force guided his actions and doctrine
Prequels aren't canon.
What's funny is that Luke's NJO actually PREVENTED Greyfagging. No one, very few people, actually wanted to be Grey when Luke's NJO was at its height in stories. People wanted to be part of Luke's Academy, because they seemed like normal, well-adjusted people who just happened to follow the way of the Jedi. Even at low points, like during the Vong invasion and Caedus, the NJO pulled through.

People started viewing Gay as an alternative when the Prequel-era Jedi were basically pushed as what the Jedi normally are, instead of the original view, which is that the Prequel Jedi depict a very corrupted, decadent form of Jedi, with them literally living in an ivory tower. TCW and Filonism pushed the view that actually the Prequel Jedi were super good guys who could do no wrong by turning them into MCU capes.
>Gay as an alternative
hee hee
Running an FFG Edge/Age/Destiny one shot over a weekend. Have most of the books. The Pastebin seems pretty out of date (eg it still has villupo as a link), is there any good post-2020 content official or fan made I should be scoping that isn't included, or is the game effectively "done"?
/efefgie should cover the official stuff, there's nothing Star Wars related to grab but from the Genesys side Twilight Imperium and their other sourcebooks do have stealable items and NPC builds to re-skin. And swrpgcommunity homebrew is putting out fan stuff that might do the job for you.

If you're one-shotting you probably already have it taken care of, nothing you should be rushing out for. Good luck, have a lot of fun on the weekend.
>there's nothing saying the Sith HAVE to use the Dark Side
Yes there is. Light side Sith can't happen, anyone pretending otherwise is a retard.
>Yes there is.
Sure there can, its just that the odds of your survival aren't very good. Sith organizations aren't like the Jedi. They won't tolerate your views as some curiosity, they'd fuck you up unless you get yourself a reputation that you're not one to fuck with, which would require some form of Dark Side use by default.
By understanding attachment and it's pitfalls better, and by being a Grey Jedi and not obsessing over seeing the future.
The NJO was Grey, dingus.
>but they didn't use the dark side
That's not what being a Grey Jedi is.
Palpatine's own words about how Sith power works.
>Sure there can
No. Being Sith is not about freedom, it's about dominance, greed, and cruelty.
They're not really 'Grey' (I know what you mean, there's a huge difference between what people think Grey means (which is what I said) and what Grey actually is) if they're just the mainline Jedi Order. Sure, if another, traditionalist Jedi faction existed, I'd argue they're Grey. But they're just Jedi in these circumstances.
>Palpatine's own words about how Sith power works.
Palpatine himself used the Sith as much as he did the Empire, Republic, CIS, etc. with his ultimate goal being power (for himself). There's plenty of stories where he encounters old Sith spirits that lament that he might've gained power, but its power for himself, and not the Sith.

TCW/Filoni kiddies won't care, but as it happens, I don't care about them either.
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>Look, I'm not saying that they're bad people, I just think it's kind of strange that an ancient religion with such a small population somehow managed to obtain such a massively disproportionate amount of political power, and maybe we need to start watching them more closely.
What did Raimi mean by this?
Yes they are, little anon.
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I don't think you even need to go into Legends to talk about how Luke genuinely learned from the mistakes of the past. The Prequel Jedi essentially took the cowardly way out when facing the very real problem of emotions and attachment providing temptations that could cause them to fall to the dark side. Rather than truly confront these temptations, grow, and overcome them, the PT Jedi just tried to cut themselves off (in vain) from all emotion and attachment. Which left them emotionally stunted, detached from the republic and people they claim to serve, and supremely dogmatic, all of which Palpatine used to destroy them.

Luke on the other hand draws strength from his emotions and attachments, Obi-Wan even emphasizes "stretch out with your feelings" as a way to use the force. He actually confronts his own darkness, and takes his lesson in the cave to heart. By striking down Vader, he would become Vader. Luke comes to understand that emotion and attachment are not weaknesses, the dark side only comes when you become ruled by them. It is his emotion, and his attachment to his father that saves Vader, which in turn saves him from Palpatine. Luke learned a better path, starting from the kernel of what Obi-Wan taught him, and refined it through the hardships of fighting a war against the Empire, and by developing into a mature, disciplined, but not at all detached person. He CAN get mad, and he does when Vader presses the wrong button, but rather than be ruled by his emotion, he overcomes it, and pulls back before he dooms himself by slaying his father.

TL;DR: Luke rejected detachment and instead found his strength in positive emotions and healthy bonds tempered by self-control.
There's a lot of people who can't get past the idea that "Jedi but uses lightning" is NOT what Grey Jedi are, that was always fanfiction. Grey Jedi have nothing to do with the dark side.
Those stories are badly written, or those were pre-Bane Sith who don't believe in the Rule of Two. Because for Sith who believe, the greatest favor Palpatine can do for the Sith is gain power, because that means his apprentice must become even greater in order to replace him. It has not one thing to do with Filoni.
There are two ways to decently train a Jedi. Either you get them young, and can carefully allow them to grow in the Force within structured learning. Or you get them after they are already adults and emotionally mature.

You don't get them in between those two points. Luke's NJO preferred the latter, the Prequel Jedi preferred the former. And it was someone in between who ruined them (Anakin), while Palpatine and at least a few other Sith were recruited when they were angsty edgy teens with serious emotional hangups.
>Those stories are badly written
Much better than Filoni/Favreau/Abrams slop. Sorry to say.
>the greatest favor Palpatine can do for the Sith is gain power, because that means his apprentice must become even greater in order to replace him
Palpatine had no intention of ever being replaced.
Luke's NJO had plenty of angsty teens (Zekk) but they didn't grow up to be Sith, specifically because they knew and got trained how to confront their emotions. Also PT Jedi recruited infants for a very simple reason - they wanted them to be loyal to the Jedi Order alone and nothing else.
>Palpatine had no intention of ever being replaced.
Whether he did or not, the fact remains his power would push his apprentice to greater heights, there's nothing else they could do. For the Rule of Two, that's a good thing.
You speak like it's a settled issue despite the fact that for decades people have argued what constitutes a grey Jedi and in reality it's pretty much 100% up to personal interpretation.
It is settled, Jedi using the dark side and getting away with it was never canon. But focusing on the Living Force over the Cosmic Force IS canon. Simple as.
But Palpatine gimped Vader in a shitty suit, never taught him the advanced Sith magicks, and pretty much just used him as an enforcer. He was never intending to be replaced.
>Jedi using the dark side and getting away with it was never canon
Kyle and Jaden literally use and teach the Dark Side.
>muh "canon"
We're talking about Grey Jedi to begin with faggot, going Lucasautist now is nonsense.
Again, Palpatine's intentions don't matter. Gimping Vader doesn't matter. Because in order to replace Palpatine Vader would have to overcome those setbacks and FIND A WAY. That is what serves the Sith, and the Rule. How Palpatine feels about it doesn't matter. The Sith master isn;t supposed to make it easy for their apprentice to replace them, they're supposed to make it hard, to PUSH the apprentice to BECOME STRONGER, as strong as needed to egt the job done. How do you now get that? How was that not instantly evident when you learned about the Rule? It's plain as day, no nuance, no subtlety, it's retard-simple if/then reasoning.
>Kyle and Jaden literally use and teach the Dark Side.
And they're wrong. Duh
They're right though, there's nothing intrinsically wrong with it.
So if Palpatine doesn't take an apprentice or teach his current goon any of his Sith inheritance, he's actually fulfilling the Rule of Two because he's forcing someone to discover 1,000+ years of Sith knowledge from scratch?
An easy way to reconcile it is to just say Force Lightning used in the game is just the Jedi version. I literally figure its the same power, but its not exclusive to Sith.
He absolutely didn't intend on Vader or Luke ever actually replacing him. He loved fucking with the Skywalkers because he saw it as asserting dominance over the Force itself, which made them.
Force Lightning is literally concentrated hate directed at your enemy.
There is no "light side version" and any media that ties is bullshit mary sue faggotry.
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No one gives a shit about your opinion though. Sad to say.
Reminder that both EU slop and Disney slop are equally bad and not Star Wars, and pic related is a self-proclaimed EU fag, and she churned out that crap called Acoshyte. Really makes you think. If you like the EU or Disney Star Wars, you should just kill yourself.
Your criticisms of Acolyte are 99% for sure inane or invalid. Its chief, and perhaps main problem is that its boring as fuck. Like all Disney+ Shows.
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>half the criticism is "they retconned X!"
>or worse, ignoring how the info is legends and asserting that its canon to complain about a retcon
>turns out there is no retcons
>they stay silent over other disney+ shows having massive retcons
It doesn't even retcon anything from Legends. Ki-Adi Mundi's age comes from a fucking magazine in relation to AOTC/Episode II, and was absolutely never brought up again. Shit like that was always thrown to the side by major comics/books and movie releases.
Reminder that you should kill yourself.
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SWT complained that darth plagueis is "only 15 so he shouldnt be there" based on info from the plagueis novel
...yet the plagueis novel has plagueis say to palpatine in 65BBY that he is over a hundred years old

its just bad faith arguments made with half the facts
Most gay ass youtubers like SW Theory, EckhartsLadder, etc. haven't even read the books and comics they're talking about. They read Wookieepedia summaries. This doesn't mean that the show is good or worth defending, but goddamn, their arguments are literally gaping more than Nash's ass in 1992.
surprisingly ecksheartladder came out and said that the show doesnt have retcons, he just thinks its a bad show after the finale aired
Zekk grew up to first be a dark Jedi, then bailed on the NJO and fucked off until he got brainwashed into a bug cult.
Kyp Durron also got brainwashed by Exar Kun to blow up a planet. Both him and Zekk got over it. The key to success is not being a gigantic moping faggot.
I am surprised that most people would be favorable towards the jedi given how easy it is to make propaganda against them.
>TQ: How did Luke get it so right in Legends, compared to those Prequel-era failures called "Jedi"?
By understanding that complete detachment while still interfering in Galactic affairs was pure follly.

He also had a banging hot ex-Imperial assassin as a wife, so she would probably force öoghtning his dick during sexytime if he ever started going towards the Dark Side.
It's always a treat when two people use the same arguments against each other
Why do people keep bringing up this utterly worthless faggot?
He's the current scapegoat of twittertards.
because he keeps on being a disingenuous retard
George Lucas wanted this way.
Why all the hate and toxic obsession against SWT? Are you angry jealous retarded haters or something?
Yep, you got it in one.
>why do people hate obnoxious jewtube rumormonger faggot posting rage b8.
Because it exists and is worth hating.
Why do you simp for the faggomeister?
Because the writers for EU/Legends actually cared about the characters.
It's wild how such drastically different opinions are practically right next to each other
Because SWT is a cool chill guy who genuinely loves Star Wars,l and cares about Star Wars, you hateful piece of faggot trash.
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I choose to be a twi'lektard instead
I don't *mind* him. Its just that like a lot of Youtubers, they don't really get their facts straight. His dislike of the show is based on inane positions that are completely irrelevant, and ignore the main problem with it. I'm not saying he's bad for not liking Acolyte, its just that he doesn't address the key positions, which allows the other side to just shout
>lmao racist!
as well, which completely defeats any point of discussion that can be had. The Culture War bullshit that got put into Star Wars, admittedly, by their own showrunners in the form of KK, Abrams, Johnson, Wendig, and now yes, even whoever that one person that directed Acolyte, has pretty much nuked any discussion to be about which side of the political aisle you're on, which is a very easy method for those same people to deflect any legitimate criticism.
You can see why "Gray Jedi" is a confusing term then? You get gray by mixing black and white. You should call what you're referring to something different.
I think people underestimate on a meta level the power of a lot of Luke's post endor characterisation (the core of it) being written before the prequels came out. Thrawn trilogy alone is what from 1991-1993, hand of thrawn is apparantly 1997-1998 (huh, pretty soon after) for example.

The prequels seem to have warped the understanding of a lot of potential writers and viewers of what it means to be a jedi (sadly/unfortunately) by misunderstanding the jedi code and the lessons Luke went through in the OT (or just ignoring them completely I guess?) I guess it's more fair to say it warped their understanding of how to critique the jedi? And thinking that you need to transplant prequel era stuff to post endor. Which makes no sense ofcourse, but there it is.
I don't even know what SWT is.
Can you explain?
Star Wars Theory is YouTube channel that talks and discuss about everything Star Wars related.
Thanks. What did they say that made everyyoone mad?
I dunno. Something about Ki-Adi Mundi problem and general criticism about the acolyte.
>genuinely loves Star Wars
Hahaha, oh wow, you fucking simp.
He doesn't. He doesn't care and only pretends to so he can push his shitty rage b8 faggot videos.
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I like the prequel movies, dark horse comics and TCW shows (both 2d and 3d). I think they're all interesting and entertaining, each with its own vision and interpretation of the source material.
>i like things
You're not allowed to do that!
Star Wars: TIE Fighter, probably
If Palpatine didn't take an apprentice then yes, he would be going against the ideals of the Sith. But he did, didn't he?
Again, what he intended doesn't matter, by becoming stronger he was pushing Vader to as well, which serves the Sith.
No, factual.
That's why I take the time to explain to people what it is. But some people are remarkably stubborn about accepting that Grey Jedi has nothing to do with the dark side.
He doesn't complain about the "correct" things with Acolyte.
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Is that the Narcissus from Alien in Mos Eisley?!
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For those unfamiliar...
This guy's playing a racist again?
Post E-Wings.
Strictly speaking, no. The number of cockpiit windows is different.
But this kind of easter egg is common enough.
>Muunite Bankers, Toydadarian merchants
Where is that GL quote about 'I hate them so goddamn much'
If you're just using Grey to depict the Orthodox versus Heterodox split in the Jedi order then sure, that's fine, but it stops being useful for describing actual "Grey" orders like the Jensaraii who actually make use of a mixture of traditionally dark and light side abilities due to practicing a completely different understanding of the force.

Also I would argue that the NJO were not Grey even in your usage, as they represented a NEW orthodoxy, but were still inherently an orthodox Jedi sect because the old Orthodoxy was dead and they were established as the official Jedi order.

This is particularly true because Luke's Orthodoxy had direct personal succession to a council member and the last Grandmaster of the previous orthodoxy as his teachers.
Force Judgement is well established in both canons at this point. Cope and seethe anon.
>Self Proclaimed
This is a desperate attempt to get attention for her show.
Good enough to use it as a basis for in universe shuttle in my games. I already have sentient totally-not-xenomorphs-I-swear because of that one issue of Rogue Squadron.
>both canons
It's part of legends and not canon. For good reason.
I don't see why it needs to be. Lightning is electricity, which is part of the world. It should have nothing intrinsically to do with an emotional state. Jedi manipulate kinetic energy all the time, why not other forms of energy?

It's just because Palpatine uses lightning to torture Luke in ROTJ that it has the association it does, but if Palpatine were crushing Luke with telekinesis we wouldn't be saying all uses of telekinesis are bad.
I could buy a Jedi concentrating positively charged particles by their hand and a bunch of negatively charged particles around their opponent. And swiftly bridging the gap, causing a bolt of electricity to shock through them.
That's one thing.
"Force Lightning" isn't just electricity. It's not the physical phenomenon of an electric charge passing between two points.
It is the wielder of the dark side literally pouring their hatred and negative emotions out into their foe and it manifests as lighting.
That is why it's a Dark Side power.
I hope you make it bigger than Narcissus is in Alien. She's a tiny girl in her own universe
I do. I give a shit about all of your opinions, even if they're dogshit. You who have power over the content of your campaigns matter more in this thread than Lucasfilm past or present.
I'm pretty sure the ship from Firefly shows up in a Star Wars comic. The Howlrunner is also a clear copy of Buck Rodger's Thunderfighter, there's the Star Trek Enterprise in TPM in a Coruscant background shot, and I'm pretty sure there's at least one or two comics with cylon raiders. And in turn you have things like StarVipers from Battlestar Galactica and Ewings being rather similar too.

It's okay, everyone is just putting easter eggs of each other in.
I mean maybe. It is a shuttle though. Lambda are 20m, while a Nemoidian Sheathipede is 14.5ish meters long. Narcissus is 16.5 meters which is acceptable for the ship type imo. It's also wider than an Imperial Lambda class
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>"Obviously the species has been determined, if not by [Star Wars] canon, then by Legends and definitely by head-canon for everybody. So when we were designing him and talking about his appearance, it was a lot of ‘Crimson Peak,’ of Guillermo del Toro,” Headland said.

based or cringe?
>Obviously the species has been determined, if not by [Star Wars] canon, then by Legends and definitely by head-canon for everybody.
>So when we were designing him and talking about his appearance, it was a lot of ‘Crimson Peak,’ of Guillermo del Toro,” Headland said.
What the fuck, this movie has absolutely nothing to do with Plagueis iin any way, shape or form.

But I guess quoting a welll-known and talented director-writer in hopes of being mistaken for one yyourself counts as all cultured and cineastic in Hollywood.
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They're clearly talking about aesthetic being inspired by Del Toro's aesthetic.
If you don't get that, you need to go back to English class.
You're just finding this out now?
That is exactly the poiint. Why take some utterly unrelated thing and use that as a basis for the llook?
The directors and writers come off as not creative at all, or uninspired byy actual SW material and using whatever else thhey personallyy like in teh llast five years and just going 'yeah let's use that, I liked it so it must be good'

Are tehy really this egocentric and removed from actual Star Wars?

No, but this is way more blatant than I'm used to. I guess I have not paid enough attention to Hollywood 'celebs'.
Objectively correct way to use source material.
Because people like and praise Del Toro's horror aesthetic.
It's not that hard to figure out. That it upsets you is clearly a (you) problem. I'm not defending Acolyte, but your little sperg-out over a comment like that is just pathetic.
So, does (I presume) Plageius already know that his Sith apprentice is taking on a new apprentice (Osha)? I cant imagine Qimir is so stupid as to think he can hide an apprentice from his Master by bringing her onto the master's island, then again he was stupid enough to tell Sol he was a Sith. Then again, Sol was triple stupid for not mentioning that a guy was claiming to be Sith to anyone, even their fucking ground hog. Is Osha supposed to be their Asajj Ventress, an extra layer of separation? A disposable tool?

I frankly dont get the hate for the acolyte female tribe of Night Witches.
You're eithher dumb or a Disney shill.
>says the kid having a melty because someone said they were inspired by Del Toro
Wew lad.
That someone is on recorod foor a pretty constant stream of bullshit, acusations, nonsense and indignant screeching. So what may just be aa statement about a movie that inspired a certain scene or look just sounds like more excuses for the uninspired shitshow that was the Acolyte.
>I frankly dont get the hate for the acolyte female tribe of Night Witches.
Lmao. You're serious?!
Look at him, he can't even type.
But really, anon, it's a nothingburger statement.
You're getting yourself riled up over nothing.
And I'm laughing at you because you're a fucking idiot.
It's fine for a creator to say they're inspired by someone else. Everyone is inspired by work that came before them. That you can't grasp that someone would be inspired by something just because it was a different genre is telling of the depths of your autism.
And just saying they're inspired doesn't mean anything about the final product. Which seems to be what you really want to sperg out and be upset at.
I personally dont think quimir is a sith at all and is just an independent dark side user (think: knights of ren)

the sith got wind of him and so plagueis is checking him out to see if he's a threat, which is why he was hiding in quimir's cave after they had left
>I frankly dont get the hate for the acolyte female tribe of Night Witches.
Besides the feminist virtue signalling, they're stupid as hell (as in, make stupid decisions) and have nonsensical bullshit powers.
The Acolyte is perfectly capable of being shit on its own. I don't get why people need to jump at shadows.
tHe pOwEr of OnE.
ThE PoWeR of tWo.
He's Plagueis' apprentice. They fucking SHOW you Plagueis in his first canon appearance in the same caves as Qirim.
How do you fucking miss that?
Maybe Plagueis just came there to spy on him since he's a rogue Dark Sider.
Seems to me if Qimir is his apprentice he obviously won't succeed in overthrowing his master, instead he'll probably be responsible for starting the Knights of Ren.
>I'm pretty sure there's at least one or two comics with cylon raiders.
Would love to know more about this. I like the look of those fighters.
Hey fellas. Are Droids fun in Legion? I like Droids they're silly
>And just saying they're inspired doesn't mean anything about the final product.
Possibly. But if you're inspired by something that is completely unrelated. . .it'S like the makers of teh Rome TV series saying they were inspired by Apollo 13.
>Which seems to be what you really want to sperg out and be upset at.
It's just shit, and that is 100% on the writers and directors. The whole lEt'S cAll SW faNSs rACiiStSs (again,lol) thing is just the cherry on top.
Does anyone know where I can watch the final episode of the Acolyte? I refuse to pay Disney for slop, but I am curious to see it.
Incredibly fun but they’re one of the more difficult factions to play. Rely a lot on their more elite units and heros to win, your hordes of B1s are mostly there to absorb damage. Of course there’s more ways to play them thanks to the recent Geonosis expansion, plus the neutral characters and the variety of units within droids.
Jesus, you're not just autistic, you're full retard.
>I guess I have not paid enough attention to Hollywood 'celebs'.
It's less that and more, as you first observed, a tell-tale sign of a hack. "If I bring up well-known and respected thing, people will think I am like creator of well-known and respected thing and think my thing is just as good." See this more often with vidya, but it is not unique to this field.
Honestly, I'd peg (You) as a much more likely Didney shill. They love pointing at inane "criticism" like yours for easy dunks on critics of their bullshit as a whole (lmao who the fuck gets bootyblasted about someone saying their style was inspired by something else?!). You are either so dumb you come across as a literal parody of a person, or a false flag.
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Lucastards are laughed at. For good reason.
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Yes, I love them.
At least in skirmish, they are the meta faction, with Magnas and Grievous being insanely strong.
My players are about to meet Luke, Leia, and Han slightly post Mindor. Any advice on how to play them?
How post Mindor is it? Luke retained his general commission for about ~6 months afterwards, so if you want you could involve them in a story that pushes him to give it up.
Then what the fuck is a Grey Jedi dumbass? The entire point is they're in-between light and dark side, nomads without a cause or a home. They're happy to use any powers the Force can grant them, entirely for their own benefit (which eventually and inevitably pushes them to the Dark Side in the long run).
Within a month or two, I think
Who constitutes your group?
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I always liked the idea of the sentient xenomorph, ever since I read the screenplay and saw that's how they were at first intended. A dead civilization of sentients with a strange fertility cult around their bizarre lifecycle and a semi-sentient super predator adolescent stage. Their final form isn't even particularly malicious. Alien is a subtle tragedy of a first contact. Good on ya anon.
A Jedi trained by a failed apprentice, some mandos, a clone survivor of the kaminoan rebellion, an alderaanian survivor of low noble blood, and an engineer.
Based team. Do you have a current ongoing storyline? What role are LHL meant to fulfill, or are they just a cameo?
Jedi is sympathetic to rebellion, group in general look for opportunities to make money. They've done some impressive jobs here and there, and when they got in contact with the rebellion, Luke was interested to hear about another Jedi. Leia and Han are always keeping eyes out for useful help, I imagine, and Leia would have at least some interest that an alderaanian is among them
So, what's next, Skeleton Crew?
Maybe on Planet Retard
Skeleton Crew is gonna have a Skeleton Audience
It's Ironic that Luke learned the same lesson Palpatine did in his training, albeit in the opposite direction
Only thing that gimped Vader was himself. Did Palpatine refuse him upgrades, authority if it lent to strenghten himself? Mustafar buckbroke the Sith who could've been Sidious' heir.
Which is the second time this has happened, mind you.

Rule of Two ended when Jedi Order was destroyed and Sith ruled the galaxy, as per Bane's own vision. Then the victor can shape the galaxy the way they see fit. Sheev did this by starting to work on the Rule of One order, where Palpatine alone would reign over Force sensitives-forever with capable stewards doing his bidding and being rewarded for it.
What are some good units to bring a long Kallus and the two inquisitors?
I like shore troopers but I'm not sure if they'd fit in with the ISB aesthetic.
just paint them differently so they look ISB goons
Fuck you. Your kind deserved to be mocked!
My favorite Sith Lord. Him und Sheev Sidious (SS)
He does care about Star Wars, you lying hateful scumbag. He love Star Wars with a passion and it shows in many of his videos if you took the time to watch them, you ignorant shit rat.

You’re a shitty vile toxic creature cocksucker!
I'm preferential to the idea that Vader's limitations were purely mental.
Anakin being utterly defeated and destroyed, and failing to protect his Wife from death really made the Sith thing hollow.
He was effectively tricked into it, and didn't seek it for greater selfish power.

My headcanon is that Vader is just a pragmatic admiral and military leader. Sure, he relies on the dark side and anger for his Force powers, but he is ultimately a Sith in title, not in spirit.

This is why Palpatine was trying to replace him. Luke is strong in the force, and youthful. Palps was probably trying to jump bodies into his in Ep VI.
I agree with you on the mental part, but the reason why Palps was going to take Vader behind the shed was that Vader had finally started his gambit against his master as Rule of Two demands it. I feel that Palpatine was dissappointed by Vader and his attitude after Mustafar and in Sith way tried to rouse his spirit, perhaps later realizing that it wasn't worth it to make Anakin a Sith, rather than a hand like Mara Jade. But spilt milk and all that...
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>Skeleton Crew
>Skeleton Audience
How fitting for a dead franchise.
>'member The Tragedy of Darthh Plagueis the Wise
I guess it'S OK for two or three people on shorter hops, but there is no room for bunks to sleep on.
Not gona lie, an 80s movie music montage would have been better than the chanting. And dialogue.
Watched the final episode, Sol is flawless and without blame, he felt guilty for killing someone in self defense and defense of others, his only failing is misplaced guilt. Saber fight was better this time than the last, but the color change was very, very retarded and goes completely against Lucas' established canon. And Green Bitch being evil was zero surprise. Also the saber hilts are too thick, they look clunky. Also, maybe Plageus? Dunno. All in all, it was less terrible than the rest of the season, and having X-23 and Tardhair dead really improved things, but Sol was still the only character worth giving a shit about.
The Jensaarai were not a Grey order, only a moron would describe them that way, because only a moron things "Grey Jedi" has anything to do with the dark side. "Mix of light and dark" has not one fucking thing to do with it, that is FANFICTION.
Who cares what that bitch says
How do people run range troopers? They look sick but they seem to do a similar role as death troopers.
Range 4 maximum Dakka force. You can further boost their damage by having creamy Sheev hang around them with force barrier and Pulling the strings.
The Bitch is the nickname I gave to my Milkor MGL (the grenade launcher)
They're essentially less tanky range 4 Dark Troopers (no surges, armour, slow moving). The main problem is no surges and getting them up the board.

If you're playing 3 of them, you probably want to run them next to a Veers with Aggressive Tactics, Strict Orders and Electrobinoculars to hand out Surge tokens, offset Spur, and give them more Aim tokens.

If you're playing 1 of them, throw em in a GAV and actually have fun.
Mechanically Imperial Royal Guards work well with Inquisitors and Kallus. You could paint them like Force Unleashed Shadow Guards to go with the Inquisitors?
Thematically there isn't any unit that really screams ISB right now, but I think Stormtroopers are more fitting than Shores, though there is nothing preventing you from giving your Shores an ISB-colored armor like Kallus or something like Patrol Stormtroopers from Solo.
As>>93368706 said, Maximum Range 4 Firepower, especially if you lean hard on Supppression to deny your opponent a lot of actions.
So stuff like Range Troopers with T-21, Death Troopers, Bossk, Shoretrooper mortars.
But even just Range Troopers, Stormtroopers and Death Troopers or Scout Troopers firing from Range 4+ is gonna be a force to be reckoned with.
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I hope they pay you at least minnimum wage
Ministravaganza today lads, what are we expecting for Legion? Are they gonna do an actual 2.0 to rebox everything/do hard plastic Imps/Rebs?
Are we gonna get new missions?
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I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about but unfortunately I’m not getting paid for posting anything on 4chan :(
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Thanks for the input I threw a list together to try and have fun with suppression, it'd unlikely I'd be the blue player but should I aim to play claim objectives missions with all the suppression?

>throw em in a GAV and actually have fun.
The GAV does look really cool, would I just run up and have the range troopers jump out to use the tank as mobile cover?
SWT pls go and stay go.
We know you're a faggot who hates SW and only wants those clicks. RLM has more love for it than you.
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>would I just run up and have the range troopers jump out to use the tank as mobile cover?
The beauty of the GAV is that it's an Open Transport;
>unit inside can do any action as normal, but if the GAV has moved they can only do 1 action
>unit inside gets Heavy Cover
>unit inside measures range from the vehicle base (you get a couple extra inches on your Range 4)
saying constantly
>i love Star Wars
doesn't mean much, I'm afraid. SWT has been proven to be full of shit, unfortunately.
Oh so the transport:open rules have been updated to be different to what's on the unit card, that's sick and definitely changes how I view the GAV.
There is you replace the cryo pods, which usually aren't needed with a hyperdrive
>he does care about star wars!
unless its on screen, he gets his lore from wookieepedia and hearsay

he hasn't actually read a book
leslie headland is more of a star wars fan than he is
Yeah now if only she could make a show that isn't 99% filler. I could watch the first and last episode and not miss anything. That's the real sin of Acolyte.
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>Bleeding effect
>Plagueis just hanging around in that fucking cave like a sccoby doo villain
>rule of 2 just thrown out the window
>Plagueis really got his idea from the space witches
>Mae/OSHA violation's non existing acting skills
>methhead puppet yoda
>The nepotism jedi master role

The only good things are the actors of Qimir and Sol, and the overall lightsaber choreo. Where the fuck did all the budget go?
>rule of 2 just thrown out the window
Ah yes, because the rule of 2 is famously rigid. I'm sure no Sith has ever violated it. It's not like Tenebrous had two apprentices concurrently, or Palpatine trained Maul while Plagueis was still alive, or trained Dooku while Maul was still alive, or Dooku trained Ventress and Savage, or Vader and Starkiller and the list goes on and on. Out of all the Sith we have prominently seen on screen I'm not sure there has been a single one that actually respected the rule of 2.
I just hate that this is how Live action Plagueis is introduced, in a 3 second cameo where he peeks out behind a cave wall like some sort of bad haunted house attraction
>Ah yes, because the rule of 2 is famously rigid.
The rule of 2 is dog shit so I really don't see the point in including it.
How many more threads before we stop obsessing over Bad Disney Star Wars product #85?
When the products improve. When was the last Star wars trpg product anyway?
After product #34 its clearly not going to happen. At this point, its rage just for the sake of rage. Even worse, it functionally ignores legit criticisms.
I think it was supposed to be a movie, like Kenobi or Book of Boba Fett, and they tried to extend it into a series (badly).

It would've been a bad movie too.
Then it'd have been one of those movies where literally nothing happens for half the movie. Kinda like DUNC (part 1)
Yeah, Legion is fucked
The Night Sisters were always all female, it's literally in the name. They just chose males from the outside, like Harpy's in D&D. In the absence of males, you gotta get creative.

There's a lot of other and more important issues Acolyte has beside the nightsisters not having cum reserves. Like the lack of engaging characters and hand waving everything on some vague Vergeance that gets 0 elaboration

Don't get me wrong, they sucked as witches. Its hard to top the swamp sister hags from Witcher 3 for evil witch vibes, but they shoulda tried to at least match the witches from Hamlet in terms of... well, Ham
Idk man it seems like a lot of work to have a half-padawan to make you a vague dark side cult to serve your future padawan's clone

I'm guessing it'll end with Qimir and Osha dying or something, and then some indeterminate time in the future Plageuis will have another apprentice. Or hey maybe Osha will get killed by Palpy (idk when exactly the show takes place).

Perhaps more likely is some scenario where Qimir gets killed by Osha, then Plageuis uses Osha and May to reverse engineer whatever the Night Sisters did to create life. Idk how he'll do that. But it's clear that this show is going to explore how Plagueis got that knowledge, and its equally clear that all the Sith have to die in a nice neat bow so no one knows about them.

Hell, maybe he merges May and Osha back into one being or some shit. That may actually be pretty neat.
Wow, it's silhouette looks VERY similar to the Ghost
I assume there would be no cryo pods in this ship (as a SW ship) in the first place.
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Not gonna lie, there is not much resemblance beyond basic shape
They're doing a 2.0 but refusing to call it 2.0 after what happened to X-Wing. It's fucking over
What happened to X-wing 2.0?
AMG fucked it up, and dropped it.
They were unwilling to reaally develop a thing they apparently didn't really give a fuck about. Not too surprising, you can't really hand creative teams a thign that was made by a different team and expect it to just woork..
>my Milkor MGL
I did say "silhouette". There are SOME similarities beyond that, like the arrangement of the top thrusters and the sloping of the sides (to an extent).
I didn't want to come off as atacking you, and yeah the engiens are sort of there. I guess I just look at the scale (the Ghost isi probably a lot bigger), and those airlocks and the bomber cockpit arrangement, etc..

Btw, are there floor plans for rthe Ghost? OR HWK or whatever it is actually called?
VCX-100 in it?
Welp. Yes. HWK 290 was the type of ship Jan Ors and Kyle Katarn used.
>lightsaber whip
still as shit now as it ever was. lightsabers are meant to be coherent and amplified light via crystals.
yes, he shouldn't be peeking out as he'd know if he was out of visual detection range; walking out of the darkness and seeing some of his face hooded and the rest in shadow is much better.

sheev and maul were freely out in the open air on the capital world in tpm.
>and waving everything on some vague Vergeance that gets 0 elaboration
This didn't bother me- the idea that a planet is just randomly strong in the force. Same was true of Illium, and Dagobah was outright stated to be very strong in the dark side of the force- hence Yoda chose to hide there. I figure Coruscant being so highly populated also ironically makes it strong in the force too
What thr fuck? I came here expecting the thread to be ablaze talking about the Legion overhaul. What do we think of it? I don't want to pait 5 extra fucking minis for core units hope that's not the way to go. Also seems like Anakin got buffed but GAR was nerfed as a whole. I feel like changing thr missions and rounds may be a step too far it's going to feel like a different game.

that one doesn't bother me. all sith once past a certain point will be scheming to become master. that comes with the territory. the rule of 2 is still "true", but they overlap with one another. the "stranger" is obviously at the point of power where he thinks he can become the new master.
Pretty new to the game here, don't like how just as I'm jumping in they decide to flip the script like that. That said, main changes are in the missions, don't like how it reminds me of competitive 40k a tad plus not a fan of the increase to 1k. Feels like just a push for more purchases and I just liked how this didn't need a mountain of minis. That said, glad B2s got turned into fucking killers, god damn.
Yes but we didn't get anything on
>what is a "Vergence"
>why did the Force essentially close a being
>has this ever happened before
Seriously we got so much more with Lucas era by the simple mention of a Sifo Dias. You had speculation if that was 'Sidious' and Palpatine was also infiltrating the Jedi Order, or if its a real person, what his deal is, why did he do it, etc.
I’m hype. Hoping empire and republic don’t get all the fun toys and hope dooku is playable again
nerd garbage, if something looks cool, it should be allowed
Nice to see that AMG does give a shit about the game.

>no more bids
Based, I hate this system.

>cover adds defense dice instead of cancelling hits
Nice, units below full strength/with small pools will no longer be useless. Another good one, though it really favors red dice units.
>bolstered corps units
Huh, that's an interesting one. I wonder if that will make flamers be absolutely busted. Still, running 16 b1s in one squad sounds like the quintessential separatist experience
I do wonder how that interacts with listbuilding though.
>characters - backup, deflect without dodge
Eeeh, it might make it feel more like star wars, I guess? I'm afraid that will make saberless armies kinda bad. I am interested to see if the update will fix Dooku though.
>force push nerf
Very based
>Phase 1 and Phase 2 merge
Nice, you'll actually be able to play the cooler ones without paying through the teeth
>Progressive scoring
>deploying at first activation
Interesting, but hard to say if it will be a good change.
>limited action passes per game
Very based, that mechanic sucked.

Seems like a slam dunk in most cases desu. Mostly just remedying the worst mechanics of Legion.
Not gonna lie, there is a lot to unpack
>Complete overhaul of the Objective, Deployment and Condition system
Why not, I need to try it before judging
>Rolling to decide blue player
I don't bid much, but even I know introducing an element of randomness like that will fuck things up tremendously
>1000pts standard instead of 800pts, can add 5 minis to corps units
Kinda jewy and shameless way to push sales. I doubt 10 minis units will be the way to go, activation advantage is still more important imo
>Support characters all get Exemplar, except in Republic who lose all their Exemplars
Weird way to balance. But that's a huge buff to Leia, Veers, Krennic and the Tactical/Super Tactical Droids, I'm not sure why anyone would take a tactical droid over a Super Tact or an Imperial Officer over Krennic or Veers though.
>Longshot on Shoretroopers, less move and no Target
Empire is gonna get pretty cancerous with all their access to range 4 units...
>Strike Team Detachments
A solution to a problem that no longer existed? No one spams Strike teams anymore
>Transport nerfed into the ground
Completely insane
>Rebel Changes
Rebel Troopers are slightly better, the change to Feets as a melee Corps is baffling, Vets are back to being just straight up worse Shoretroopers. These CLuke buffs are utterly insane, 120pt for that profile is a steal
>GAR changes
Changing Anakin, Yoda and Padme is fair. Removing Fire Support unless you add a Comms Tech to your Clones is probably faire too. But then they should buff Cody and Rex, since their entire kit is entirely based around their getting inflated dice pools from Clone Fire Supports...
>Shadow Collective units completely ignored
lol. lmao even.
>CIS Changes
AI doesn't really matter now I guess. If you get fucked by your AI that's only because you are too retarded to position your units properly.
Buffs to Dooku and Grievous are fair, but that and their lowered point costs is probably taking it to far like CLuke.
That very book has Luke realize "Yeah, this shit's bad juju."

One can theoretically use it to summon just electricity and use it like a taser but it's damn near impossible to do safely.

And very hard to do without the hate radiation side.

He might be thinking of Cloakshapes
SO they've made him into Darth Plagiarist the Lesbian?
Lightwhips are old EU, it's a non-issue. There are a hundred legitimate complaints to make about the show.
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I understand why they want to shift the focus on corps units and help Heroes survivability. Kinda interesting
>Infiltrate, Scout, Deployment change
I need to try it before judging
>Armor change
Okay, why not. Doubt it will change anything
>ARC Troopers changed to short range brawlers
Kinda retarded given none of their Heavy Weapons synergizes with that playstyle.
Overall I don't fucking know what to think. I feel like half the units in the game were changed to accomodate their vision of the game but the other half not getting updated feels kinda weird. A lot of units will have a very different role in this new meta, and it feels like some were left on the side of the road...

On the Shatterpoint side, what they presented looked pretty good. I like this Crosshair.
The Force chose no one in that show, that's not what they said at all. The witches used the vergence to split one person into two, Osha and Mae aren't twins. What happened with Anakin was Plagueis and Sidious tried to tilt the Force to the dark side, and in response the Force created Anakin as a cosmic antibody, a living vergence, that's why he was so strong.
Very nice to see all the droid buffs.
Slightly longer version: 2.0 kicked ass until the pandemic hit and seemingly put the nail in the coffin of post-acquisition FFG, as most of their top tier talent that was still there took the opportunity to fuck off. What degree of asmodee corporate fuckery caused the next bit, no one knows, but all the FFG Star Wars minis games were given to AMG to manage. Armada was pretty much dead already, but they continued to release XWing product that had already been developed for a bit. They also did a number of pretty severely controversial rules changes, which I don’t know the full scope of, I checked out after the first batch and just played casual with 2.0 rules. But I have heard some wild ass shit. That said, scenario and objective based play was good, and should have been part of the 2.0 changes to begin with. X-wing’s biggest failing was that tournament play was just a melee. It doesn’t really work right for a number of reasons. Then AMG quite recently officially announced that XWing and Armada would not receive any more releases, and there would be no more reprints even, so get your shit while you can (I am). They are continuing to do OP for the immediate future. It’s a real goddamned shame, but was inevitable for the last few years.
This, I don't want to paint 9 rebels for one unit
For shatterpoint I just wish we got rebel packs set in the OT so my Luke squad can stop using dead characters since boushh is so garbage. Where is my Ackbar with a Bothan and some Fleet Troopers. Lando is only going to be good with Han and other scoundrels.
I just finished reading the online rulebook for legion and they change everything for fuck sake
The EU lightwhip wasn't just a straight up Floppy lightsaber iirc
Yeah Rebel Alliance listbuilding is kinda ass right now especially for Jedi Luke who is stuck with either his base box or Ewoks. Hopefully the Rogue One boxes might help but that one won't come in a long time.
It would be nice to get more real Rebel Alliance boxes.
>Bail Organa or Ackbar primary with Raymus Antilles secondary and Fleet troopers support
>Mon Mothma primary Jan Dodonna or Wedge secondary and Yavin Rebel Honor guard as supports
>whatever primary with Rieekan
secondary and Hoth Rebels support
Rebel Honor Guard as a Rebel equivalent to the magnas would be especially nice for Luke if they ever went that way.
Kinda weird that Legion doesn't have rebel honor guard/vanguards
They are an absolute classic
Guess I'm glad I didn't pull the trigger on picking up that GAV.
Shame though since it is a cool model.
Yeah, though now I suppose the new Fleet Troopers with Charge and 2W melee are basically what the Honor Guard would be now.
I'm still baffled that they dumpstered Transports like that. I understand the A-A5 dumping a full squad of Black Sun henchmen was hard to counter but it seems like it will just favor static gunline gameplay.
Though I suppose Fives, Fleet troopers, ARC Troopers becoming melee units and the upcoming Crowd Control Stormtroopers are supposed to counter that gameplay.
What do you think are the odds that Qimir kills Plageuis in the new canon? It's never stated in the movies that Palpatine did it, just strongly implied. Just like we take for a given that Obi Wan and Vader never met between episodes 3 and 4, until Kenobi decides otherwise.
Am I reading it right when it says that the unit has to deploy turn 1 out of the transport?
Yeah. Now it's basically like Scout or Infiltrate but with an extra order on the first turn.
It's kind of retarded.
A lot of that update is, though I'm not against the cover changes.
You can run Luke with Hans Box but if you run Lando you probably want Hans box if you are doing rebels. New Leia is good but comes with Luke and Han, I'll probably use her with Hans support and secondary with the other team being Luke plus Ezra. I don't want Ezra since he wasn't around and older during Lukes time but the other secondary options for Luke are dogshit.
Did something happen to strike teams? I just finished painting w rebel sniper commando strike teams can I still use them?
Strike teams can only be used if you also bring the full squad of commandos/BXs/Scouts/ARCs
The shotgun also working in melee for fleet troopers is interesting
Yeah they are now considered a Detachment of the full commando.
Meaning you need 1 full Commando unit for each Commando Strike Team you take.
They also don't count toward the limit of units you can take, meaning you could take 3 Full Commandos with Sniper and 3 Strike Teams with Sniper.
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Damn, now we really have to use the 3'x6' deployment.
Anyone figure a way to work around the new turn 1 move deployment on larger maps?
>Force Judgement is well established in both canons
Where does it appear in post-Disney media, then?

>This is particularly true because Luke's Orthodoxy had direct personal succession to a council member and the last Grandmaster of the previous orthodoxy as his teachers.
That training was by the time they were leaving old orthodoxy behind, and even then they wanted Luke to kill Vader, not to redeem him.
There is nothing wrong in a Sith Apprentice preparing an Apprentice of their own, as long as they don't try using aid of said new Apprentice while trying to depose their Master to become the new reigning Sith Lord.
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C r a b s
Droid bros we are eating GOOD
Nute Gunray when?
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>Grievous, Dooku, B2, Snail, Spider, etc buffs
Droidbros... We won
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Luke, did I ever tell you about Ahsoka Tano?
Pure sex
The full roadmap
Imperial high command
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The Bonk squad
Because of retarded worthless subhumans as you.
>he hasn't actually read a book
He has and he even listens to audiobooks of Star Wars.
>leslie headland is more of a star wars fan than he is
Imaging being this much insane to actually believe this.

SWT is more of a passionate Star Wars fans than you and leslie headland combined.
>SWT has been proven to be full of shit, unfortunately.
When? Such as? He knows more about Star Wars than you. He is within his right to dislike the acolyte and Leslie and her team of writers.
Better writers and actual respect for the characters
I dislike SB but even they have good takes every now and then.
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>TQ: How did Luke get it so right in Legends, compared to those Prequel-era failures called "Jedi"?
>Regular Jedi
>no Force
>isn't worth shit
>pic hates them
>talented pilot, leader and wise in ways old jedi weren't
>everyone gave up on Vader, including Vader himself
>proves everyone wrong by redeeming Vader
>Kreia would have to nitpick to find problems in Luke
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Leslye Headland is over here worrying about Muun forefinger length ffs.
Kar Vastor: "I have known Jedi. Many, many years ago. That knowing was not a gladness for me. I believed I would never know another, and I rejoiced in that belief. But it is a gladness for me to be proven wrong. I am happy to have known you, Jedi Luke Skywalker. You are more than they were."
Luke: "That's—I mean, thanks, but I barely know anything."
Kar Vastor: "So you believe. But I say to you: you are greater than the Jedi of former days."
Luke: "What makes you say that?"
Kar Vastor: "Because unlike the Knights of old, Jedi Luke Skywalker… you are not afraid of the dark."
It's hilarious how often the Sith violate the spirit of the Rule of Two. But then again, they're very might makes right so it's only bad if they fail.
>has read, respects and draws elements from the EU
>puts WEG star wars TTRPG characters from games she played in 90s in her show
>"I want the guy from squid game, X-23, Trinity and Danny Manchito in star wars, so i'm going to cast the guy from squid game, X-23, Trinity and Danny Manchito in my star wars show"
>obsesses over minor shit like munn finger length
>has a writers room and picks a writer who hasnt seen star wars so her show doesnt become self referential fanboy slop
>makes sure there is no retcons in her show

why the fuck are we hating Leslie?
she's literally a /swg/ poster with that amount of autism
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>namedrops the New Sith Wars
desu the written up interview deep dives have been better than any of the stuff they filmed before the show. But because they're so worried about spoilers the press circuit stuff usually is pretty vapid.
I do believe that AMG are genuinely competent game designers, capable of identifying and understanding pain points and the consequences of rules changes. I'm not convinced they're good businessmen, but the biggest problem I have with them is simply that their visions for their games is consistently one that's not intended to appeal to me. That's not a crime, it's just that it works as intended - I personally lose interest.

That said, what I see when I look at this legion stuff is a couple of rules changes with a specific gameplay motivation, but a larger share of the changes seem specifically intended for the sake of further and more distinctly differentiating the game from Shatterpoint (their baby).
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I thought Sol explained what a vergence was in the show? I mean if you're a fan you should know anyway. The Dagobah cave is a dark side vergence, the Jedi and Sith temples are built on them etc. Mortis and the Wellspring of Life are some of the most powerful vergences in the galaxy being entire planets. Anakin is a living vergence, first of that kind. The vergence on Brendok is pretty standard; the hole in the ground that leads inside the planet apparently, it's just that the witches were able to utilize it in a way that created life. Vergences are basically force amplifiers.

As for whether this has happened before, people creating life with the force. I think so across history. Some cultures might've dabbled in it but it was a very obscure power the Jedi and Sith didn't know about. And then the Banite Sith catch wind of it in the lead up to the prequels so Tenebrous and Plagueis begin their experiments, leading to the force itself creating life to strike back against their plans.
People have unironically claimed she hated Star Wars or something like that, and probably not just because of the Ki-Adi Mundo age thing. To some people, that IS a retcon. Hell, you can see some of that in this goddamn thread
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>HEADLAND: "George Lucas was inspired by so many different films, and also in Clone Wars he was. There are whole episodes that are based on films that he loves, like The Wrong Jedi is based on The Wrong Man. He was so in clearly in love with film. I wouldn't go so far as to say that Star Wars is pastiche, but there's definitely an element of that within the Star Wars visual vocabulary. So again, I'm here, I am doing what I never thought would happen. I'm doing something impossible. I'm doing something that, like, 10 people have done, and I was like, “I would like to explore the cinematic and literary references that I like.”

>"With Osha and The Stranger’s relationship, Bram Stoker's Dracula by Francis Ford Coppola — which I know is different from the book — that film is one of my favorite films. Again, it was to have someone that was so scary, to have somebody that we clearly see is a bad guy, and he's doing bad things, and Lucy is dying, and then to have this deep connection with Mina, where you see a totally different side of him. One of the things that really works about that movie is that there is this past life, soulmate, reincarnation idea for this character that has been alive for centuries, and he is just shocked to find her Actually, in earlier drafts, The Stranger had a line from that movie, which is, “I have crossed oceans of time to find you.” A lot of Gothic romances were referenced — Jane Eyre, Rochester and sort of the Byronic hero for those two."

>"Literally the last shot of the show is the two of them holding the same lightsaber. It’s the last shot of Fight Club — these are two people that are looking out under the horizon and believing that their power is intense, and strong, and shared, and passionate."
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Well Kallus is also a rebel.
But you are right, not enough pure rebels.
Chewie, Kallus, Ezra, Boush and sabine are the only somewhat rebel trooper.
Personally I am hypped for more jedi
And people called her a hack fraud and worse
For my part I think the show is bad, but I don't think the IDEA of the show is bad.
>The Night Sisters were always all female, it's literally in the name.
I know, and I don't hate the Nightsisters out of hand as a concept, but they've gotten more attention than they're due in Star Wars lately and it's very irritating.
This is fair. It's always them too and not ever the other witches of Dathomir even, who apparently don't originate on Dathomir somehow (thanks Filoni)
>has a writers room and picks a writer who hasnt seen star wars so her show doesnt become self referential fanboy slop

The writing is what utterly failed the show, so there's the problem right there.
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>Personally I am hyped for more jedi
Not a fan of Glowsticks, but understandable the idea of a full Jedi list sounds pretty interesting.
For my part I'm more hyped at the prospect of Shatterpoint Delta Squad, though I wonder how it will work (Boss as the primary obviously, then I guess Sev would be the secondary and Fixer & Scorch as the Supports?)
>KX droids
with the IG droids, Vader, Dark Troopers and the Probe Droids, this faction will be the ultimate droid team in the SW universe.
More seriously these look really good for Corp Troopers and the Marksman could make for a nice Iden proxy.
>Tube-top Ahsoka
>but the color change was very, very retarded and goes completely against Lucas' established canon
I thought it was stupid too, but it didn't feel like it broke any lore- wasn't the lore that you can 'torture' crystals to make them red?
this only makes whatever happened with EP3 even weirder. Seriously, what the fuck, why that episode tank so hard?
See this is what baffles me; I read that and I see transparent, hollow pandering. A desperate attempt to use trivial details to feign knowledge of and affection for a story that they fundamentally don't understand or appreciate. A literal "how do you do, fellow kids" scenario.

So why do cretinous, credulous faggots like these >>93379456 >>93379542 seem incapable of seeing the completely obvious? Just because Pablo Hidalgo has given this living Minifig some talking points to spew in softball interviews doesnt make her "one of us", and if she actually was a fan she would have produced a *good* Star Wars show instead of DEIslop that's literally so shitty not even the Everyone Who Disagrees With Me Is Racist/Sexist/Homophobic/Literally Hitler defence can stem the tide of ridicule and insults. And since dimdumbs keep pretending otherwise I'll keep reminding everyone: there has been "backlash/review bombing" of every single SW show and movie since TLJ, and it's *never* managed to shift the needle the way it did for this show, which means one of two things: the show is so shit that everyone hated it, or the show is so shit that it has no significant number of defenders to counteract the "minority" of disgruntled critics.

Either way it's shit.
Rapist-enabling ghoul, don't forget that part. And people call her those things, that, and more because she is.
That's cool
SWT only reads prequel shit and thrawn
Kreia would probably perceive Luke to be naive
Based Shadows of Mindor appreciater
>Osha and The Stranger’s relationship, Bram Stoker's Dracula by Francis Ford Coppola
Dracula is literally, not allegorically, a murderous monster. If you walk out Dracula not realizing that. . .I don't even
>the last shot of Fight Club — these are two people t(.....) believing that their power is intense, and strong, and shared, and passionate
Yes. She comes SO CLOSE to understanding it. These are two utterly self destructive anti-heroes believing they made it, but they set the world on fire and destroy EVERYTHING.

I get the underlying idea. Anti-heeroes, the Jedi portrayed in a more ambiguous light, non-Jedi force users..
But holy shitting dick nipples, the writing and directing hit those ideas like ten thousand firebombs hit the center of Tokyo.
Bram Strokers Dracula (film) was shit precisely because it told you to feel sorry for Dracula and that he was a victim despite him literally killing babies
And were right, and justified, and objectively correct.

And that was before she injected her identity politics, and her lead actress called anybody who dared voice criticism racist..
Kreia doesn't like anyone except the Exile, and she says he's naive too.
Again, I unnderstand why it is appeealing (and even immportant) to take a deeper look into the enemy, the monster, the antagonist, the evil galactic empire.
But for fucks sake, even the TIE Fighhter games from 30 years ago did a better job of portraying the 'bad' saide of the story.
And they used text and EGA sprite graphics.
lmao you are a fucking retard jesus christ hahahahahahaha holy fuck hahahahahahahah
gorilla retard hahahahahaha
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the fuck?
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>responses to comments from two days ago
Tell mee you'ee butthurt without saying you're butthurt.
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>"I knew that Darth Plagueis was going to be in the show before we started filming. And that's just because I got really weird about the lore. I pieced it together. So I said, “Okay, Leslye, you have these twins that were created through some kind of Force magic. We know that. And Anakin is sort of a immaculately conceived through some sort of Force magic that is alluded to through the story of Darth Plagueis by Palpatine.” I was like, Darth Plagueis got to be a factor up in here somehow. And I came to her in pre-production and I said, “When is Plagueis coming in?” And she said, “Who told you that?”

>"And I said, “I just know in my gut that this must be where our lore is headed.” And also, it's one of the most interesting parts of the Star Wars lore. It's one of the most interesting parts of the canon that I think so many people have been curious about for so long, and given that it was set in the High Republic era, I just thought that this must be factored into our story somehow."

>"But Leslye didn't actually fully admit to me that it was Plagueis in the moment. She kind of said nothing and winked at me. And it was sort of a secret from me as well, and from everyone, because she was trying to keep that information under wraps as much as possible. So it wasn't until I was watching on Tuesday with everyone else that I saw him for the first time."
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>CW Crab Droid design instead of original ROTS design
Boo! Boo I say!

Their cool but I would of preferred more organic Separatist troops, some Koorivar Fusiliers or Nimbus Commandos (hell even Sun Guard)
>the Dane literallly as Uncle Tom mowing her lawn
Yyou can't make this shit up.
Where did they post those damage control statements?

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Yeah well thanks for the links.
I wish I hadn't asked.
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Anime style mecha in Star Wars; your thoughts?
Definitely not. The genres are too similar, so you would just end up with Star Wars with Gundams, or Gundam with Jedi. If you want to crib ideas, you gotta do it from something far enough afield it can be repackaged and integrated into the aesthetics and tone of your work and become a unique synthesis of the two.
I'd be down it was some obscure planet's native tech.
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Grey Jedi are so lame they don't even have their own name, they have to ride the coattails of the Jedi to even get any rizz. The only time the concept of a fence sitting force user was even slightly interesting was the Imperial Knights, and these guys still managed to suck anyway.
Just make it a big droid
Mean Star Wars itself already takes a lot from a samurai flicks and possibly anime given prequel fights.

Or… here me out; give an AT-ST arms and only need a single pilot.
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>they visit a force nexus
>adapted the soule vader comic about torturing force crystals
>inb4 "muh fallen order" mavel did it first
>darth fucking plagueis and where he got the life creation from
>coven was a hivemind with ceremonial force leeching
>it all happens because the lead jedi wanted a daughteru


i kneel.
Ok, take a crackpot engineer who makes ends meat by scaving for parts. When board, said engineer hoards some choice pieces of junk to fuck about with and over time ends up taking an old AT-AT head and adding a bunch of crap to it. Like putting AT-ST legs on it and turning the short pair of AT-TE legs into heavily modified weaponized arms, while also adding a slot for an R2 unit
The jedi were gonna leave the schizo cult and alone but his uncontrolled pedophilia made him insist on staying
Nah,, doesn't really fit.
The hotshot kid in SW becomes a starfighter pilot, not a mecha pilot.
Yes. It was Lucas who established that red crystals come from making them "bleed"
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That already exists in the old canon, the Mandalorians had Basilisks which where effectively just mechs. Basically ZOIDS with an open-faced cockpit.
>these guys still managed to suck anyway
No, they didn't.
>No, they didn't.
All they did was bitch and stomp their feet for the majority of the comic run while the drug addict main character did all the work
Look at this dude
You can also do Starship Troopers or VOTOMS with the Darktrooper phase 3 and Spacetroopers.
>main character is a main character
Insane-level complaint.
It makes sense, but it’s a goddamned miracle they managed to get anywhere like that. The extended canon explanation that they had living receptacles of their knowledge is sensible
If the crystals react to negative emotions and bleed because of bad feels, why didn't General Grievous have red sabers? He was mostly droid but he still had an organic head that could feel emotional content. In fact his whole reason for fighting was revenge, which is negative as fuck, so what's up with that?
Based and runcuntsover-pilled
so is this nigga stalking the boytoy?
I read the interview, main director carries his references on his sleeve. Going as far as to being afraid of being called a pastiche director
Cade Skywalker is the chadest of chads
>Talented pilot
>Manly space pirate
>Pops space cocaine
>Has token black friend
>Has thirsty floozy orbiter
>Bangs evil red twi'lek Sith girl
>Wears his grandpa's evil pants
>Makes the Imperial Knights seethe
>Disrespects Luke, long before Disney
>So, does (I presume) Plageius already know that his Sith apprentice is taking on a new apprentice (Osha)?
Becoming a Sith Lord apprentice is a whole ritual. The Stranger is not a Sith Lord by any margin, he's just a moderately powerful dark sider.

Is he Plagueis' Acolyte and apprentice candidate, or is the Muun literally stalking him like some schizo hermit, well we don't know.
The original reason the Jedi were so favored was due to being on the right side of the Great Hyperspace War. Not that's non-canon, the Jedi just sort of gained power just because.
No screens, no selfies, just bros living in the moment
>what is a "Vergence"
a force nexus pulled straight from the late 90s EU.
>create a being
because the force by itself basically runs spacetime, it isn't even it's most ridiculous feat
>has this ever happened before
Sol goes at length ranting how this basically changes even the Jedi's understanding of the force and the jedi have arguably the most in-depth understanding of the force of all force cults..

Acolyte pretty became a bridge between the EU and Disneywars. Main director was an EUfag that even played the tabletops. Plus Acolyte is basically the Epilogue of the Marvel High Republic comics, the green jedi should have clued you in.
No. No not really.
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He’s based in a “2Edgy4Me” kinda way, they don’t make this sort of character anymore
>I can hear crawling by linkin park emanating from this pic
>>Disrespects Luke, long before Disney
I mean at the end, despite being an edgelord, he acknowledged his destiny as a Jedi.
Here's to Headland becoming the next Filoni.
>main director carries his references on his sleeve
Isnn't the main director a woman?
>Going as far as to being afraid of being called a pastiche director
We alreeadyy have dozens of people on youtube going scene by scene, and most shots are very much copies of earlier scenes from existing movies.
Cade was just tsundere
no idea i just started paying attention an hour ago after i catched up and the season end blew my mind

if I had money to throw away I'd pay them to reshoot EP3 and break that "i didn't watch star wars" retards legs
Her show bombed harder than Kenobi and Ahsoka.
pic related I guess
I require Disney to a Jar Jar Binks show
>seps can now run 112 b1s in a list
a bad initial reaction yeah but in 10 years this thing is gonna get a dozen redemption documentaries, mark my words.
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It's basically canon. They've canonized a lot of "Old Republic" stuff and the High Republic seems like it was purposely created to avoid stepping on the feet of those eras. It's really only the Dawn of the Jedi movie where I think that'll diverge from the Legends version. Depends how much Mangold and Filoni want to use the EU though. Like I could see us getting things like the Rakata and the Tho Yor recontextualized in a new story but they could also just do something completely different.
Controversial Opinion: Exur Kun was shit, his short double-bladed saber sucked and his silly bracelets were lame
Sith power bracelet/back-of-hand things were some top tier bling, up there with the goa'uld hand device and maybe better.
Maybe stop taking those insanity pills, m8
If Revan is canon, I don't see the point of changing the Infinite Empire as being the first galactic empire and first darkside users. Especially if the old games are getting remakes. That whole first game was just a means to flesh out super early canon like the Rakata, Infinity Gates and the Sith civil wars, but I doubt Zayne Carrick and his Old Republic comics are still canon. And if the games are remade, how sabers worked in them would have to be changed (which sucks because new saber canon sucks).
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I always found it weird the Rakata existed at the same time as the Je'daii. Felt like they should've been out of the way by the time the order appeared on the scene. IMO the Zygerrian Slave Empire would be a good stand-in for them in a canon Jedi origin story if you want to have the Jedi's first major victory be them liberating slaves. Which would tie-in pretty nicely with some of the lines in Phantom Menace.
>>has a writers room and picks a writer who hasnt seen star wars so her show doesnt become self referential fanboy slop
senpai that's how EP3 happened.
I still want a super early Star Wars story where everyone uses vibro-swords because lightsabers hadn't been invited yet, like some of the old Sith foundational stuff.
He literally said "they're not mood rings" They don't change color depending on who's holding it.
He’s not force sensitive
Being not force sensitive isn't a thing anymore. Everyone is slightly force sensitive in the new canon, even it's 1%. Being a total force null is only old canon.
Well that’s when we had grievous so
I'd rather Grievous had come back from the dead than fucking Maul, Maul sucks and his stupid brother is even worse. Fucking Savage Opress my ass. Jesus that's almost as stupid as the Luuke shit.
So how come Vader is the only Darth with a non-edgy name? His just means father, and that's not even the name's in universe meaning. Everyone one else is a Darth goober with maximum edge names. Shouldn't there be more Sith out there with more normal-ish names like Vader had?
Kreia is a Sith Lord manipulating the player into trying to murder the Force because she has such a massive ego she's decided that if she can't dominate the entire Force to her will nobody should have access to it at all. Everything she says is a self-serving lie, and this is obvious when you play the game more than once and see her give *completely mutually-exclusive* feedback to some of the dark/light/other scenarios you encounter.
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Krennic, Tarkin and who are the other two?
>The ACKolyte is a classic, you'll see!
>And...and there will be Sequel Kids! Any day now! It'll happen, even though it had already happened by now with the Prequels and it hasn't for the Sequels, it'll happen!

Honestly sometimes the tendency around here for contrarianism is just sad.

There are exactly two plausible scenarios for Star Wars' future; Disney flog its already diseased and dying corpse all the way into the ground until one of the most popular and profitable franchises of all time is an unprofitable irrelevance, or they hard-reset the franchise and Lucasfilm and in some face-saving way cut out the entire cancerous post-buyout era of content and start anew making things people actually want to watch.

I think we all know which of those is more likely, and neither of them includes this shit being sincerely "reevaluated" by anybody. Oh I can see some of the minority of turd-slurping poofters who defended this shit at the time producing 1984-tier reality-denying thunkpieces in a few years pretending people view this shit differently, but those will be no more honest than their shilling for them in the present.
Kreia is also an idiot who isn't able to conceptualize the fact that you can't kill a universal constant anymore than someone like Qin Shi Huang couldn't conquer the ocean by having his solders shoot arrows into its waves. Let alone a universal constant that, according to her own description of it, is alive and sapient, and therein wouldn't give someone magic powers if that person wanted to kill it in the first place.
Think far left is meant to be Thrawn and far right is Admiral Guy-From-The-Death Star.
It doesn't mean father, it just sounds like father in Dutch or something. It was never intentionally father because Vader being Luke's father was only made up in ESB.

I think Vader now is supposed to mean "invader," same as Sidious with "insidious."
That doesn't make sense, Vader didn't invade shit. Vader being "invader" would imply he was never loyal to the Jedi in the first place, which is false.
Any post-hoc explanation doesn't really make sense since Vader was just supposed to be the guy's last name when he was created. Making "Darth" a title was a mistake.
Darth as a title would be fine if the title actually meant something and people kept to the fucking rules therein instead of the writers room equivalent of just throwing dicks at a wall.
Didn't Dave Prowse say Luke and Vader were related in an interview two years before Empire was even released?
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Grand Admiral Thrawn on the left.
General Cassio Tagge on the right, the one who says the Rebels could find a weak point in the Death Star plans.
I'm not sure how they'd differentiate them beyond different mixes of Direct, Strategize, Spotter, Take Cover (for Tagge I guess?) or Compel.
Maybe Guidance or Pull the String.
I'd like to see something similar for Rebels with people like Mon Mothma, Dodonna, Rieekan, Ackbar, Cracken or Madine.
Reinforcements? Handing out scout to your guys? Letting you activate two units in a row (like The Sith will rule)? Standbys and free moves?
Exemplar, obviously.
There are quite a few ways of making them different, the question is if the empire really needs so many officer type guys
You're fucking retarded and didn't understand the character.
Kriea isn't a character, she's a plot device.
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Early comics bad color print two-tone lightsabers need to come back. I like the effect of not having a white core to a saber.
You already proved yourself a retard, stop reinforcing it.
If she where an actual character with a valid point, you would be able to side with her at the end of the game. Not being able to makes her ideals irrelevant. She exists only to move the plot, which is ironic considering her hatred of not being in control of her own destiny.
You do side with her at the end of the game no matter your choices because that's what she wanted from you. I'm sorry you're too dumb to understand a children's game.
Not exactly, she gets pissed if you go full Sith and shit talks you before you kill her.
Kreia's true motivation is protecting and nurturing the Exile. The rest is all varying degrees of misdirection. She's an unfulfilled mother having lost her actual child and all her apprentices in worse and worse ways. She says this explicitly on her deathbed and explains how it justified her actions until then, it's not unclear.
Kreia never personally mentioned destroying the Force. That was Atris and Kreia can easily have lied to her. It's implied her real goal was to train the Exile and make the Exile follow Revan's path. She says this after defeating her.
>>falling for the 'Kreia wants to destroy the Force' meme
She just says all that shit so that you chase her to Malachor V and fulfill your destiny. She doesn't truly give a shit about destroying the Force. She wants the Jedi and Sith that both betrayed her eliminated, to reset things back to tabula rasa and to allow you to complete your training by killing her and following Revan to face the True Sith in the Unknown Regions. The entire 'I want to destroy the Force' motivation is a ruse. She is a liar. She lies at every opportunity until the moment you stab a lightsaber through her heart.

>From the moment you awoke, I have used you. I have used you so that you might become strong, stronger than I. I used you to keep the Lords of the Sith from condemning the galaxy to death with their power unchecked. I used you to lure them to Telos, where they could be at last fought and killed. I used you to reveal Atris' corruption so that her teaching could be ended before it began. I used you to gather the Jedi so that they could be destroyed. And I used you to make those who wounded me reveal themselves, so they could be killed by the Republic.
Depends on which appearance. Sometimes it was, sometimes it wasnt.
And what is the roadmap for Edge's new rpgs?
She probably isn't lying about wanting to destroy the Force in abstract, but that wasn't why she went to Malachor.
Nu bread

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