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Flesh is Weak Edition

>Pariah Metawatch Companion Stuff

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous Thread:

Thread Question:
What bit of culture in the lore is actually interesting? Can be from any faction.
What chapter should I paint?

I want to run some phobos, some jump packs and some regular tacticus in impulsors with a gladiator or two
Your custodes army IS all men right, anon?
Oily men
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I rather enjoy the idea that the Death Guard have little gardens on their ships. Plants are nice.

Post models.
I don't play bananni. My skitaari however, are so heavily augmented you would need a blood test to determine their sex.
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Discuss older Dark Angels.
Fuck Primaris lol gay ass loser lmao
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>sit down to paint
>cant do it
I wish I had more energy
Those are just space marines now. Firstborn arent a thing anymore.
your own chapter
Necropolis Hawks
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My Custodes have mastered the secret martial ka'tah, gunkata
Salty firstborn detected. Cross the rubicon or join the Votann in the manlet pit. Those are your options.
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Any thoughts on the SM2 leak? Saw the gameplay footage before youtube deleted it, seems pretty nice.
I'm honestly surprised they didn't get a ranged detachment with its own stance to use all the FW stuff they have.
nah, i'll play it when it comes out
tbf the custodes codex is clearly written by the mediocre side, especially pre-balance dataslate. FW as it is goes mostly ignored by GW, no surprise they weren't really taken into account.
What prints are those? Looks fun.
Yeah, they really got the short end of the stick there. I know they deserved a few nerfs (no army should have access to that much free, army-wide fights first) but that was just obscene. I don't even play the army and I felt bad for the dudes in my area who did.
They're Venatari arms. I don't have an STL but I think I'll find one, I want to do a whole unit of these guys
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But soon enough this bastard will join my death guard and help them with his gardening skills.

Watch GW send his sorry ass to legends in the new daemons Codex.
Here, just take em. I found the files the other day when I was just dicking around on cults. I don't even play custards but I'm gonna make a squad as a birthday gift for a friend.

Love the colors anon, awesome stuff. One thing I've seen people do is that snails often have spots on their shells and people hide little Nurgle symbols like that. Might be worth considering.

Personally I just hope there isn't a daemons codex and we just get daemons alongside the cult legions like they're depicted all the time in fluff.
What are you gay or some shit
It's been a while since I've done cad stuff, but are 3d prints for minis really >200 megabytes these days?
To be fair it's the entire 5 man squad's sculpts split into their component parts, including weapon variations, but yes.
Neat, thanks anon
Aren't Venatari fielded in units of 3-6? Though with wargear variation.
You're right, I'm just used to most infantry squads being 5-10 so I just threw that number out there.
I think that the diversity of human culture is really interesting, and too a lesser extent eldar culture too. What I love about the world of 40k is that there can be a normal earth like world with completely different morals just chilling in any random part of the galaxy, or even worlds in the imperium that aren't bad to live on. And then they interact with the imperium and you get this really evocative drama from the clash of those cultures and the xenophobia of the imperium. I loved the interex in the HH books, I love the mechanicus, I love the theological internal strife in the imperium. Its these little anthropological details that give the setting the life and vitality it has, because just on earth we have thousands of unique cultures with very different ways of living. No multiply that on the scale of the galaxy, and you get absolutely wildly crazy cultures with values most people would think are good or bad. Even something like Lord of the Rings doesn't have the massive width of 40k where almost anything is possible. 40k is like a huge shallow ocean you can explore forever, where as most sci fi settings are very deep but constrained.
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Dark Angels themed Custodes?
>I want to run some phobos
The gate crushers
Yeah, it does look nice. I think everyone agrees that it's exactly what it was supposed to be. I'm not going to bother with leak, I rather wait for a full version than play discount beta/early access lol
No you wont, poorfag
if i was a poorfag i'd be playing it right now dickhead
ok poorfag
Admech I think cyborgs look cool especially when they don't give a shit about continuing to look human. Also Metallica's pursuit of complete sterility resonates with me
I want to take part in a competition with this miniature and its squad, do you guys have any suggestions for improvements?
The base seems a little plain and not enough on-theme for a competition-level mini.
mouth bone is too flat/bright
grenade should be another color
chainmail/hooks looking a bit flat/clean compared to the rest
very good job btw he looks amazing and you are bound to win
I miss darth vader angry helmets.
Skin on the head seems very flat and the red on the bat wings has some pretty obvious pooling. This would be very nice for an army or tabletop but it's got a little ways to go in terms of winning competitions
I love the ubiquitous love Battle Sisters show for Cherubs.
It's pretty much perfect, but I would add some tufts to the base and make his chain mail a bit rusty.
Anyone got any pics of Chaos Space Marines done up in just gold? Otherwise post your Chaos schemes. Pics or your life. Deliver!
>ubiquitous love
I did not know that
I do my guys up in brass mostly, which is like gold kinda.
>darkest photo of all time
Why even upload this?
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To make you mad.
Why is he finnish?
Very nice. Thank you.
>What bit of culture in the lore
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chaos is for losers
When the Squad of 5 is complete i will do a big base.

I will dirt so the Metal parts a Bit und give the grenade a green tone

I was looking at some pictures of very pale people and the did Not have very much Contrast in their faces.

Yes a litte Rust will help
Thank you very much guys
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>more energy
Know how you feel, anon.
>too tired after work
>too drunk or hungover on the weekends
I'd have painted the grenade a different colour, it kinda melts into the chain mail. Maybe rust some parts of the chain mail, doubt he'd keep it pristine like that.
>chaos is for losers
On the topic of CSM color schemes, some novels describe a lot of chaos power as having their pre-Heresy colors marred either blackened with ages of grime and disrepair or scraped down to nearly-bare ceramite.
Anyone seen any paint jobs like that?
Do chaos space marine legion make new Astarte's?
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Colors very desaturated and flat. The green fire especially doesn't look like it's producing any light. Neck wires and some pieces around the waist are a bit scuffed and need a touch up. The chainmail needs another wash.

I'd look at some osl and avoid using too much greyscale in your shading. Think of your palette and what colors you can mix with what you have, or add if there's an ideal shade you want.

You're not going to get these results, but note pic related as an example of what I'm talking about. The highlight of the green fire is really bright yellow, the red robes contain violet in their shadows.
Short answer: no
Long answer: they bolster their numbers with other Astartes falling to chaos, or if Fabius Bile gets lucky with a successful batch of clones
It happens. It can happen through a process somewhat similar to the loyalist but where some organs and the precision of the routine is replaced at least supplimented with chaos rituals. There are also more elaborate and gruesome ways like the daemonculaba.
>Xhe doesn't paint drunk
If they don't post a roadmap this week I'm masturbating to porn instead of painting models
I love to paint faces.
Post some of your dudes faces anons.
After I mistakenly painted half a squad by thining my paint with my drink instead of water once I'm reluctant to go at it again.
>take a female slave
>feed them chemicals and food until they become 1000 pounds
>augument them with tech and stolen gene seed
>tear them open then seal a fully grown human male slave inside them
>they born again in days with no skin
>sew skin (stretched and flayed from living slaves) onto them and train them if they are worthy
if i had billions of dollars id buy GW and make a R rated horror movie about an inquisitor investigating a chaos cult only to be captured and witnessing this process
Can you guys rate my 4ed SM 500 pts list?

HQ I - 185
Officer (Master) - 75
Terminator Armour - 25
Adamantine Mantle - 35
Bionics - 5
Thunder Hammer - 30
Master-crafted - 15

Troop I - 172
5x Tac marines - 75
Crux Terminatus - 15
Artificer Armour - 20
Bionics - 5
Purity Seals - 5
Auspex - 2
Combi-Plasma - 10
Lascannon - 15
Meltagun - 10
Frag and Krak Grenades - 15 (5x (2+1))

Troop II - 85
5x Scouts - 65
Heavy Bolter - 5
Frag and Krak Grenades - 15 (5x (2+1))

Transport I - 58
Rhino - 50
Reinfoced Hull - 5
Smokes - 3

I haven't played in quite some time, and I remember hearing that 500 pts was super fun, plus it'd be easier to restart 40k this way.
What do you think, anons?
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I pass???
Would yellow weapon casings look good on this scheme? I've seen them on black armour and it pops really nicely but I'm not sure it will work with bone armour.
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You mean like this?
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The only face I've ever painted isn't for 40k.
Oh wait, I misread. You said casings. Editing it again.
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I saw these BTs and I love how the red and yellow spots look but I don't want to paint black armour. I love how bone and green look so I'm stealing it from the dark angels and red still works but I was wondering if I could still include the yellow. I fear the armour being warm and bright already will make the yellow look weird instead of contrasting the black.
No, 79% is a fail
Here's a bunch of faces.
red casings will look better
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What's wrong with my list?
Any detail pic?
This makes me want to continue with my squats but I have other projects.
When did Hagrid get a sword?
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Not a fan a white+black dot eyes, but it doesn't look bad.
How else can you paint eyes at this scale? MESBG models are even tinier than 40k.
The Red Legion has won.
Yeah, I got a few.
That's a plasma gun
That's about all of them. Exactly 1000 points with upgrades.
Without using white, at least not pure white, just the dot over the eye, if the wash are well used the you don't need to paint pseudo lashes and white eye.
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Is the next DLC a clown?
Not bad for battle ready standards.
You need to find more references for pale skin under a wider variety of lighting. Look up natural makeup tutorials to get an eye for what people use to shade and highlight paler flesh. As is now it doesn't sell as flesh as well as your tattered flesh does
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I think it was an assassin.
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See you in 5 years when I'll pirate the completed game
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>Bully boyz and green tide get nefed
>tfw they are a joke now

Ork bros getting JUSTed
Really the best decision, I completed the game without the DLCs and I don't feel like I will ever restart it or play it's expansions.
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Played into some murder elves last night, was a fun game but they just couldn't chew through all the bodies.

Opponent made the grave error of charging 2 glass cannon units into accursed on opposite sides of the board when I have 2CP, and that was sort of the end one flank when I inevitably interrupted. Love my mutant boys, people seem to not want to even shoot at them at all because of the surge move so they tend to get into combat only missing a few 1W chaff from the unit.

Plague marines are still great outside DG, using them as skirmish pieces coming out of rhinos, especially when you can give them advance+charge to solve their mobility issues makes them perfecto
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and I guess here was top of turn 1 for my opponent, scoring a cool 11VP off the bat from Containment and Area Denial. Couldn't have asked for a better draw when you have bikes that go wherever the fuck they want
Boy is that table ever ugly
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Create your own.
Looks boring.
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The new necromunda trailer was pretty good.
You've tried to force this meme way too hard. You had a good thing going but you immediately ran it into the ground.
Based anon
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How is anyone supposed to take your army's psykers seriously if they don't have a cranium larger than their torso?
What detachment were you running? The advance + charge makes me wanna say renegade raiders but IIRC the index detachment still has it.
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Do you think this is going to be the last edition of leadership scores? They just got rid of them in AOS, and battle shock is pretty much a dud of a mechanic That people just forget most games anyway
doubt it but then again i never thought they'd get rid of BS, WS and attacks
Fuck identity politics lol gay ass loser lmao fag
Mmmmmh you gotta source for that little tweeteroono?
That's complete bullshit, we've known about the Custodes situation for years. The only reason they weren't mixed already was because whoever was managing it back in 2016 said the models were already done and they were all male so they didn't want another SCE situation.
What was the SCE situation? Were they all male in the first model wave but had women in the lore?
>Rountree is notriously against DEI garbage
People believe this shit? lmao
Every other character is black, besides space marines every other faction has had women forced into it etc
>Not one but TWO rogue agents with no company oversight
If you believe that I've got a presidential shooting to sell you
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>according to sources
Like the deepest depths of his asshole?
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Can you not post trannies here thanks
Yeah. Since all the models until the second edition were already made, it became increasingly stupid that all the books had them mixed but all the models kept being male only.
cult detachment? would you say the minimum to play that detachment is 3 max accursed cultist squads?
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Riiiight, even a wagie intern can do a steps up on GW. You think that make any sense?
I hope it's true so I can go there and delete primaris from every book since it's so easy.
so are primaris the official gay ass losers now?
They had to ruin the thing they were trying to replace because they can't stand on their own, what else would they be?
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>choose colour
>browse wiki for canon chapter
>read fluff
Wa la
Loyalist marines were always losers, yes. Almost on par with any eldar.
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why does imperial guard attract the worst players?
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>Leagues of Voltron
>fully painted
Did I wake up in bizarro world today? I thought they were a meme army that people buy and never paint.
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>twitter post
>from a literal who? vtuber faggot
You're a gullible fucking idiot and retard if you believe this.
By what metric?
>They had to ruin the thing they were trying to replace
Primaris didn't do that.
He's like the only anon who did though so that's saying something.
There was another anon too but he proonted them so he's a fake fag. Also he painted them poopy brown for some reason.
>Primaris didn't do that.
They had to change every design and the lore of the entire army aswell as purposely give firstborn units straight up worse rules to justify their existence.
I dunno, I just think they're neat. I'm waiting on either the infiltrating dudes from kill team to get a separate release or the second wave/codex to get any more for now though.
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Is getting one of each unit a good starting place for a new army? Or do you usually need multiples of the same unit beyond troops or specific combos?
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>believing a fag on anything
Nevermind that his twitter is just full political grifter shit.
Anyone who believes this literal faggot is a moron.
>pays for twitter
Striving for a "muh realistic military army" in a game about psychic buzz lightyears fighting ebil psychic buzz lightyears while living fungus, living robot skeletons, and gundams zoom around in evil demon space is a sign of retardation
>They had to change every design and the lore of the entire army
They didn't.
You have autism.
in still learning to paint faces they all suck... i like my helmets though!
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>muh realistic military army
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bruh x2

People like IG because they are basic humans with bigass guns and historical references, not because they are realistic.
It's better to buy what you like the look of. Rules will change and make you dislike units that were good last edition. At least if you bought your models for the aesthetics then even if they nerf them through the floor you will still enjoy some aspect of them instead of having this thing you don't enjoy at all anymore
Not in my experience, the worst one I faced was a land whale nu-squat player (formerly SW player). He got angry with anything that doesn't were like he wanted, screaming and beating the table.
The historical references are the realistic part
New sentinel is too rounded and too tall.
Fucking downgrade.
Guard player here.
If I had to throw some guesses out there, I would say it is because significant numbers of guard players have hipster/hero complexes. What I mean by this is that they want to make their miniatures heroes of the Imperium, but are too much of hipsters to pick the space marines, so they pick the normal little guy army, and from there they justify it a lot like saying the guard are the real heroes of the Imperium or sayings like that.

I hope it clears that up. Even if just a little.
What's the point of taking an armoured sentinel to the tabletop battlefield gameplay wise?
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Rounded surfaces deflect projectiles betters.
Also the new sentinel is almost the same size.
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For some smaller armies like Votann I guess it would be a good start. But Eldar are almost as bad as marines when it comes to variety of shit to buy. Better off focusing a bit more.
Speaking off, I really hope the next combat patrol is wraith focused with a spiritseer instead of farseer.
No they aren't lmao. Comissars are a historical reference and they are an over the top meme, not realistic at all. The uniforms of the guard are historical references and they still carry unrealistic lasguns and plasma guns. And most of all, historical realistic games don't have your little dudes shooting at aliens.
>SOVL vs slop
Why did they give the new one a giant buttplug?
They're also much more difficult to make, which is why pretty much all 40k human armour is steal slabs riveted and bolted together.
>base sizes
Were the sentinels formerly on 60mm bases?
I've got a friend who 3D prints and I have a armoured/scout sentinel STL.
The historical "references" are what makes IG awful. Especially when you put them next to Rambo. Hell even the 30k equivalent looks better and they are goofy looking
>Rounded surfaces deflect projectiles betters.
So... round Russian tanks are better at deflecting shots than blocky western ones?
Thing is, I don't want to fall into the trap of making a list, buying everything and then having several dozen models to paint. I want to buy a box, paint it and then buy the next and if I do that, painting the same unit 6 times in a row is gonna kill me. I don't mind painting duplicates of one or two specific units but I was wondering if maxing out the 3 allowed of each is the go to in list building nowadays.
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>Rounded surfaces deflect projectiles betters.
Yeah I'm so fucking concerned about ballistics in my fucking 40K tanks.
>The uniforms of the guard are historical references
>historical realistic games don't have your little dudes shooting at aliens
Yeah that's why I'm saying they don't fit the game and are only played by retarded people
This is why realism fags deserve the rope
>I've got a friend who 3D prints and I have a armoured/scout sentinel STL.
Could you share it?
Yeah gimme a few minutes my storage device I put my STLs in is unorganized even with a search function it is difficult.
>they don't fit the game
Says who? Why can't they fit the game but things so different as eldar and orks fit just fine? Why should everything in the game look the same?
Squatted once 11e hits
It depends on the army. A lot of units serve a specific niche that you want to be able to cover, but don't want to be left with a bunch of them when that niche isn't relevant. The needs also shift based upon your local meta and how often people bring, for example, space marine infantry. If there's a lot of them, then you want to run multiple units with D2 damage weapons. If there's not, less so.
>An absolute unrealistic design for an extreme inpractical biped vehicle ruled just by coolness.

>Also, 40k.
>Also "almost" same size is not the same size.

Just say that you like it more, anon.
Naw predators will be fine. Rhinos are out tho.
Also you act like it fucking matters. Unless you're an official tourney fag play with whatever you want.
The plan is to have two or three 1k point armies to lend to friends when they come over to play since no one wants to buy or paint their own shit but would like to play the game. I live way too far from any LGS to play regularly there.
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Almost done, just heads to go.
Yeah that was never a factor in any sentinel design lmao
Hard to play with whatever you want if they remove the rules. Hard for something you like to remain relevant if no one can buy it or use it.
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Thanks anon.
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Here you go. It got DMCA-hammered by GW and I haven't seen it on many bluewhatsapp group so do me a solid and share it a lot, please.
It's one of the coolest Star Wars ripped designs of all 40k.
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Gymkata is where it’s at.
>Hard to play with whatever you want
As long as models exist you can whatever rules.
In that case you have complete authority over what your own local meta and game matchups look like. Get your game designer hat on and consider what makes for fun and close matches. I suggest building balanced lists then for all of your armies, because that will lead to the most interesting play and the least degenerate games.
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Always liked the Cadian pattern sentinel the best. Reminded me of the M3 scout car.
Man some of these RLM videos feel like they were a lifetime ago
I can also play pretend with rocks and sticks but at that point I'm making my own game, not playing 40k.
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>so do me a solid and share it a lot, please
Take it to Calvin Ball General then, this is Warhammer.
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Makes sense. I was considering something like this here. Not sure if current points will fit this much stuff but two or three troops, an hq or two, then a variety of units without or very few duplicates. It's not like my friends know how to play so matches aren't gonna be super competitive anyways. I managed to entice them with KT and they like it, but buying a handful of teams is much cheaper than a handful of armies.
Raiders, yeah. The extra AP is pretty big too when accursed are running AP1

I gave cult a go and yeah, there is no point playing it without 3 big accursed units. They are by far your best unit. I don't have the amount of traitor guardsmen and stuff to make it worth it I think. The power from them is crazy but the rest of your list gets very little other than some mobility
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For me was the Elysian Drop Sentinel, so it's over or china cancer models i guess
Ben, samefag your offtopic posts less.
You're just whiners.
You should post stuff like that less frequently then.
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I don't know how good they actually are, but the armies in these batreps always look pretty fun and proper.
the answer is always brazen claws
First ever minature i've painted, tips?
Just using the basic tool kit from GW
The removal of Force Organization Slots was a mistake.
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>The IF in the basilisk
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10th's listbuilding is just ass in general. No points, no upgrades, no options, no FOC. IT's just spamming the best units with the best weapons until you hit the limit.
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I'd like to see GW Elysians. FW had kinda funky proportions
Paint too thick. Can't even tell what model it is.
Why, because I don't want iconic, uniquitous units being squatted? Of course I'll whine.
Huh. While technically a nice sculpt it distinctly looks the wrong scale for 40k. Or at least the more elongated facial features and proportions feel more reminiscent of something like infinity.
>No points
What do you use to pay for a unit?
>no FOC
How many of a datasheet can you have? What is Battleline? Do you need a character?
>no upgrades
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It's cold.
Yeah FW were moving away from heroic scale at the time for a more gritty realistic look. It kinda worked for krieg but not everything.
>iconic, uniquitous units
Box with treads isn't iconic or unique.
Not IRL or even in 40k.
SoB got rhinos and its variants.
>What do you use to pay for a unit?
Power level.
>How many of a datasheet can you have? What is Battleline? Do you need a character?
That's not the FOC you and I both what we were talking about.
Not upgrades like what we used to have on many units.

Be petty somewhere else.
I can't fap to this, where are the tits?
Ubiquitous doesn't mean unique. It means common. Rhinos are iconic and common.
Better than old cadians and new cadians.
>Power level.
Points! For example when you get your army ready you might play at 1000 or 2000 points :)
>That's not the FOC you and I both what we were talking about.
But it is a FOC.
>Not upgrades like what we used to have on many units.
But they are upgrades

Blown out, sneeding.
>where are the tits?
Obviously they're bolt-ons
You mean these?
Good shit, love orange votann. Wish I had patience enough to learn how to paint that color.
>Points! For example when you get your army ready you might play at 1000 or 2000 points :)
It's power level, not matter what Cruddace tells you.
>But it is a FOC.
No, the FOC is a specific thing, not just limitations to list building.
>But they are upgrades
Fucking retard.
Looted by damnable orks.
I think new cadians have just the right scale, I just don't like the redesigns.
Then you're an ESL, meaning your post is worthless.
Still SoB have all that shit, so go play with barbies.
Don't need to keep giving me (you)s after you get proven wrong babe, take the L
>n-no um upgrades you pay points for aren't r-really upgrades
Maybe the body, but I hate their shitty little faces.
Not sure if it's a sculpting error or just an optical illusion because of the dumb chin straps
Not the same anon but they look really well painted, but the scheme is terrible.
That's the one.
>But it is a FOC.
It is not.
The current "you can 3 of whatever datasheet in your army" "FOC" is ass and the reason why we have absolute shit tier meme list armies like 21 marine captains making up a whole army.

1. it's fucking stupid
2. it makes zero sense fluff wise
3. it's fucking stupid
I thought the same, I've never seen one of those head unpainted in person.
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Honestly I'm just not sure how to improve upon it, even though I've learned a lot since painting these.
The scheme looks better up close, but unfortunately they're a blob from table distance.
With time I'm starting to accept some of the votran infantry models, but the fucking votran vehicles are just bad shit.
>The current "you can 3 of whatever datasheet in your army" "FOC"
3 of any datasheet, 6 of any battleline and/or dedicated transport, at least 1 character

> meme list armies like 21 marine captains making up a whole army.
Based and funpilled list, stop being a pissbaby.
You paint better than me, so idk, maybe use a more bright colours (getting away from the general brown) in the skin of the ones without helmet?
Using buzzwords just proves you're a low effort shitposter trying to stoke up a flamewar.
And I already know your next post will be "Nuh uh"
Kill yourself at the earliest convenience.
>no argument at all
FOC doesn't result in "fluffy" lists if thats what you were implying. I'd laugh facing 21 Captains, that sounds fun. Which is the whole point of the game.

You're a pissbaby.
Pale, cold skin on the actual dwarf would contrast nicely with the warmer tones everywhere. In fact, I'd test using a dark, bluish grey to shade the metal and add a hint of cold to the whole scheme, might help with contrast and making them less blobby.
FOC results in more balanced lists with a variety of units and specifically prevents skew lists that can lead to total shutout games in the list building step before even deploying, which is a big problem for lower skilled casual players. They did make that restriction less and less enforced as time went on though, allowing a lot of ways to force skew lists anyways.
>and specifically prevents skew lists that can lead to total shutout games
t. nogames
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>add a hint of cold
What do you mean by this, assuming it's not just an affect that'd be done by the wash? Any recommendations on a wash that's blueish grey? At the time I just used nuln oil.
hit the white parts with a wash then drybrush the original colour back on so only the inner parts are stained
get a nice bright colour for the eyes, thats the stuff that pops when you got a big blob of them (dont forget to hit the gun eyes)
contrast could be nice for the talons and hooves since you are already starting at white, gets them done quick with a single layer
maybe use a warmer bone colour on the teeth so they stand out from the flesh
Push your highlights brighter to get more contrast and you'll avoid the blob look. Beyond that you just need to start working on being cleaner. I don't think you actually need to add a ton of colors, just try to give each color more separation from the rest, which you can do via shading/highlighting.
Ah yes I remember when force composition meant you couldn't run msu lasplas razorback spam
Why is it just so much bigger like everything else seems to be getting?
Because it's so much bigger like everything else is getting
colours can split into warm (yellows oranges red beige copper and gold) and cold (pure whites, greys blues silver)
notice how your models and bases contrast greatly, your base is all cold colours, your models are all warm
"Scale creep is a myth", he said with growing dread.
Just try. It will happen with time. Just remember to paint over yellow or white and use a few thin coats.
god just image how easy it was to transport a 2k army before you needed 2 9l boxes just to carry your vehicles and oversized character on a 5 inch tall battle rock
I would play these just to piss people off.
All Imperials fight for the anti-christ (Big E)
>God this sucks anon mutters as he puts his entirely optional model into his transport case
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New avatar is such a mog king
Why does it have a room for skulls?
juan diaz is the worst one.
It's not a mystery why Custodes are so popular, since they're one of the only armies that can still do that.
See I was mulling this over a bit. As in instead of nuln oil I could try a brown wash for the metal and a red wash for the red, using nuln only on black areas. Worth a test model for sure.
If it's still not to my liking I'll go ahead and try out adding some cooler tones to the scheme. But I've got a lot to paint before I get back to votann.
1991 model was actually a downscale and the 2006/2022 one were returning to the correct one.
Primarisfags pretend no one ever in the history of 40k took tactical squads.
>1991 model was actually a downscale
A downscale of what? It was the first model in 40k. Khaine has only increased in size over the years.
Scale creep isn't about big things finally having models as big as they should have always been. A regular human is still 28mm tall so the scale hasn't changed at all.
Lamenters or you're a coward
I'll get called soi by the wokesloppers here but I don't care. One of the things that got me into 40k in the 2000s was the women fighting really sold the setting to me. In such a hopeless world, you wouldn't waste the labor and manpower. It felt like one of the only sci fi settings where women fighters didn't feel forced, its just as colorful and silly as the rest of the galaxy. Lot's of great women guardsmen characters, like the officer from the first space marine game. I was a guardsmen player and now I have sisters as well. 40k has always had women in it, and not just in the Heavy Metal megazine pin up way (though it has that too). Sure they didn't get models for quite a long time, but anyone complaining about their inclusion now is cringe af and a newfag.
Compare the epic scale to the 28mm one
your own chapter, advertising some other literal who chapter is for fags.
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The Emperor slaughtered all the christians on the planet and buried their ideaology in deserts of the lost oceans of Terra.
Its a great sculpt, I'm excited to see if the new scions kit is going to be a spiritual successor to the Elyssians.
>A downscale of what?
Of the Epic ones, dumbass? Do you not see the models on the 2004 Epic base?
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Some lads I use as objective markers for my lamenters
trips checked and kino painting checked out
One of the things that got me into 40k in the 2000s was the women fighting really sold the setting to me. In such a hopeless world, you wouldn't waste the labor and manpower. It felt like one of the only sci fi settings where women fighters didn't feel forced, its just as colorful and silly as the rest of the galaxy. Lot's of great women guardsmen characters, like the officer from the first space marine game. I was a guardsmen player and now I have sisters as well. 40k has always had women in it, and not just in the Heavy Metal megazine pin up way (though it has that too). Sure they didn't get models for quite a long time, but anyone complaining about their inclusion now is cringe af and a newfag.
newfag here, so I had to google FOC. Isn't any army composition format going to be skewable? At least 10th edition its simple. 3 of anything non battleline. Where there really no skew armies in older editions? Did people not make overpowered waacfaggotry style lists?

Currently a lot of armies meta is just bring a bunch of efficient melee troops and 3-6 of their most cost efficient vehicles/monsters.
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Agreed. Battle Sisters are amazing because they perfectly match the tone of the setting while still being badass warrior-nun women.
Man you can't even run that anymore since they made tacticals only come in squads of 10 or else no one ould take intercessors.
Nice dudes.
The difference is that, on top of the rule of 3, the old FOC made you choose between things of the same slot. You had to choose predators and devastators and land raiders becaude you had 3 heavy support slots. Now you can take 3 of each.
>Where there really no skew armies in older editions? Did people not make overpowered waacfaggotry style lists?
Obviously they did, skew as a term has been around for decades
What year were the epic models made in, dumbass?
Oh I don't actually think scale creep is a real problem. I just wanted to post that for the pun.
Well, for the armies I play, for example Sisters, could I run 3 castigators and 2 immolators because they were transports? Where the lists really that different? When I look up lists from tournaments it seems to me like the HEAVY skew lists that bring way more tanks than 3 tend to not perform as well as the ones that actually dump points into screens for the tanks.
Scale creep isn’t a thing. New Arbites aren’t even a head taller and they are newer by about 32 years.
Skew isn't really a problem in competitive play for that exact reason. They're not actually good against all comers and have a lot of easy counterplay.
Which is why I specifically said it is only a problem at the casual player level, where individual armies can get terrible games against skew lists they aren't prepared for even though those same lists would perform terribly in a tournament.
Thanks anon, they were very quickly done but I still like them quite a lot even compared to things I've spent 10x the time and effort on
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Repost from last night. Almost done.
>have to wait a week for replacement parts for my 3D printer
>nothing to paint until then

i am BORED
If someone wants to be a faggot in casual games and ruin a match for their opponent, rules wouldn't stop them.
I suck at power weapons
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This thread is in serious need of some SOVL.
Any good leaks/rumours lately?
Ah, okay. I can understand the complaints about stuff like free wargear (which means that some models need 4 datasheets for their old loadouts) but I feel like list building is really fluid in 10th and from what I hear FOC was kind of annoying for fluffy fun stuff outside of overpowered White Dwarf stuff. I kind of wished I played in the days of SOUPER SOUP even though I understand why it was horrible for the game. When I was a kid my uncle randomly gave me a black and white paperback bretonnian army book and the allies section really tickled my brain about all the cool scenarios you could come up with with those rules.
Plan your next project out in autistic detail. Write down a guide for yourself and stick to it religously when you begin painting in order to keep yourself from getting distracted or lost
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Too bad you started seven years ago and have no soul.
I have ADHD so I never see armies thru anyway. I have 3 unfinished projects it's kind of a problem
In case you missed it new scions kill team kit has been pretty much confirmed with a little lore blurb they released and usually those have 40k rules. Probably going along with the Agents of the Imperium codex.
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who the FUCK has ever cared about them
I really couldnt care less.
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If you add a hint of coldness to your non brassy metals it will contrast nicely. You can do this by mixing the tiniest bit of a cold blue or grey into your metal to get it a bit neater and blue.
You can also mix it onto your wash, thin it down with medium and mix it to make your nuln colder. I don't know if there are dark blue washes, but they might also work.
Of course you might not end up liking it and prefer the warmer colours everywhere, but it's worth a try. Usually warm highlights and cold shadows give a nice, punchy contrast.
Just try to make the lightning effect thinner and not as wide. Not a bad effort though.
>own a 3d printer
>not having an infinite pile of shame
I call bullshit
young Matt Hutson and Phil Kelly could get it tee bee aych
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Then you don't have an issue with having nothing to paint. You have an issue with being a flaky faggot.
I had a real good leak last Friday on my way home from the pub.
I find the process of printing to be an enormous pain in the ass and only print new stuff as needed. Plus haven't printed anything for like 3 months due to work and uni double teaming me
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no you didn't, you spent Friday night alone in your room on 4chan
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Just do molten weapons. Infinitely easier.
Yeah your dad leaked all over the back seat of my hellcat while I was railing his ass. He also told me you have no models and is disappointed in you as an adult
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Post a model you're proud of!
You could sell this molten effect even better with a light sponging of your black across the whole sword.
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Very nice use, so far I’ve just been ringing the edge of the blades or hammers with a really dark brown. I’ll try a sponge on my next power sword.
Did you realize your grog thread was a lost cause?
Thanks. For the life of me I cannot get a good brush tip. It's likely my fault as I've tried every kind of brush imaginable.
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This guy's probably my favorite in my army. It was the first time I'd tried painting weathered yellow and sold me on lamenters and the colour is now my favorite to paint.
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Not much but I think this guy is my best job yet, really wish I was better at the chipped paint effect.
I find it funny how newfags gets so defensive when someone dares like an older edition better than the current slop.
You're probably just overloading your brush. Try using the base as an area for pulling excess paint from the bristles and twirling your brush into a point.
Thinning paint is a tricky thing. It takes much trial and error to do right. Sometimes the brush gets less than you thought and you get thick lines or the opposite and you get watery paint that doesn’t go where you wanted.
Looking back, all editions are kinda shit. I can't think of one golden standard to fall on.
Have you considered that they are just on the other side of the fence as you and don't really care about older editions much like I'd imagine you don't care about the current edition.
That’s because you’re an overly defensive newfag.
You’re oldest models are from 8th edition, you’re just a fake grog.
Guargh just squeezed out a real rancid fart models for this feel?
3rd/4th. No contest. RT and 2ed have their fans but the scope is very different. 5th to 7th was the decline and 8th onwards it's just gotten worse and worse. Well, I prefer 9th to both 8th and 10th but that's not saying much.
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>Custodes army
Not a thing.
For me is the best with the jes goodwin one.
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I'm hype af for it, stfu loser.
>Roundtree is against DEI
Then explain to me why the Imperium has been less "comedically backwards regime" and more "inclusive HFY Marvel superheroes" since 8th Edition.
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This is definitely my best one.
I really like them.
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Coulda been skitarii, but they ain't
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I honestly think this guy has the best Ork skin I've ever painted.
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Probably gotta be Maugan.
Am I a fake grog if I still play 8th Indexhammer?
Upcoming 40k stuff for those asking:
Scions kill team
Agents of the Imperium codex, possibly with a deathwatch rework in some form
Asurmen model
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Are you really concerned about this or are you just (you) fishing
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Thallax exist and could be ported to 40k
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The usual.
>Asurmen model
C'mon anon, be reasonable.
The script is really nice on the back, and the skulls have a really satisfying amount of contrast to them. Good shit anon
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I use mine as ogryns.
Are they the size of Kastelan or the size of Kataphrons?
Thanks anon!
Converting and adding stuff is my favorite part.
These guys are very cool. I like your bluish steel and the skulls on the heads are a sweet touch
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>bugman lashes out in anger when confronted with the concept of SOVL
Trvly powerfvl.
Good stuff, wish I could later like that, I just base and drybrush
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You really ought to think of another phrase. Bugman means something different in Warhammer.
Shit man most of the models I paint are just base+wash. I only layered him because the wash was uncharacteristically thick and I needed it to be lighter. Ended up being incredible but it took a while to do. Looks like it'll be something I start doing for characters.
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I think that they are just a little more tall than an primaris.
Well shit what model could you use them to proxy when playing Admech?
You two should smooch and date and stuff
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I hope that she is sexy
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There's so much untrustworthy "trust me bro" bullshit that it could feed pic for weeks.
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Post your 3rd edition army
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We getting AT-ATs soon?
>someone recommends Majorkill
>Guy spends 10 mins trying to sell 3d printed minis and patreon porn
>Video is 3 minutes of content stretched across 20
>"Haha he said retard zomg"
>Guy makes millions
Shit like this makes me wanna neck ngl
Stick a stick in their ass at the convenient distance and proxy them as the stupid birdmen of the admech, they even have jumpacks.
Buy an ad, no one wants your rage clicks
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Ages ago.
>someone recommends Majorkill
Grim, seek better circles to frequent.
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>mfw khorne hates psykers so I can never make a khornate psyker character who spews blood and flames
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Khorne's feelings for magic are as complicated (and gay) as his feelings for Slaanesh.
You can do whatever you want with your fluff.
That's not how engagement works, fellow skitzo
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Not with that attitude
Fuck you ESL
What is up with Dark Eldar right now?
They are insanely overrepresented and have a huge win rate despite not actually winning any tournaments and being the least played faction.
Does that mean they're actually busted or just have some hardcore lopsided matchups they always/never win?
Fake and gay numbers
Upset someone called you out or what
What's the best way to kill a LoV army that spams hearthguard and has two land fortresses? Hardly any troops just one set split into Sagitaurs
Cool bugs
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gee I wonder

Tough enough to ignore small arms fire
Small enough to be ignored by anti-tank fire (which is focusing on your bigger tanks)
Their battle line units are actually useful, and transport shenanigans are really good right now.
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Looks like War Horde is good and the rest is mediocre to bad. Kult of Speed was two players winning 6 and losing 4 so you can't really infer much from it.
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They reroll all failed wounds vs vehicle and monster targets. If you're also running recon sentinels, you can be hitting on 3+ rerolling 1s with triple lascannon triple HK missile, wounding almost anything on 3s and rerolling the fails.

They're also almost 200 points for a squad of 3, and they can be the target of your once per game Reinforcements strat. That means when they die, you bring them back for 2 CP and use fresh HKs all over again, effectively giving you 10% of your army value back for free. It's like starting the game with a 2200 point list in a 2000 point game.
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>ordered a few 3rd party models at the start of the month
>took them over a week to send the package
>tfw it's coming from Ukraine

I'm guessing those models are never going to turn up
watched 8 seconds of one short and hit "Don't recommend this channel".
You can't really infer much from any of the data, its like 3 dozen players a faction spread across multiple individually tracked detachments
No he’s a just dumb ESL that belongs elsewhere.
and why is that?
Truly wild that Mohg actually beat the allegations.
does sovl mean ads? You should really buy a sovl then.
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why does he look like that
>Primarisfags pretend no one ever in the history of 40k took tactical squads
Because you didn't.
Everyone took scouts because they did everything tacticals did but better and were cheaper.

A PINT! A PINT! A PINT! SIMPLE AS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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>ingame model
Kek, pic rel titus in 2012, where half of you were toddlers.
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I'd be open to GW retconning Khorne a bit so Mohg like powers were okay
>I have a magic spear that can tear through time and space to stab and create a wound on khorne and throw his burning blood so its not technically magic just a magical artifact
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What do you mean? It's Leandros
Wait, it is?
This is actually starting to look pretty neat
Doubt my PC can run it though
Yeah, same.
I got a nvidia 960 geforce, I doubt my machine can run that.
I really need to upgrade
why not just buy a new PC? you play 40k I assume you have SOME money
Isn't that shit basically what Khorne priests do already? "Nooo, your blood is boiling because I'm so badass, it's not maaagic!"
>just download more RAM
>Isn't that shit basically what Khorne priests do already?
No, Khorne priests go "Oh Lord Khorne who art in the Brass Citadel, that fucker over there is a wizard, please give me the power to make his blood explode for his whack ass usage of sorcery".
I mean, Khorne would probably totally be down with a dude cutting open reality and spilling some of his blood to burn some fuckers. The exact mechanics of how Khorne priests works are hardly set in stone, beyond more blood betterer.
So it's magic
No, it's prayers. Completely different.
...I said buy a new PC. even 3rd worlders can afford good PCs.
Hello, is there still a MEGA link with 40k novels please?
Chaplins after Terminators and Dreadnoughts are one of the main reasons I might get space marines
Bodies finally arrived from Tortuga. Been building some Crimson Fists, was the Rynn’s World book any good?
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GPU pricing is like 10 times more retarded than GW at their worst. I refuse.
Looks good, I want to get some of those bodies but can’t justify it when I have a 3D printer. Just too lazy to print more stuff, which will only increase my back log
Nvidia is printing all the money they can before GPUs get replaced with NPUs and probably will make those too
Imagine if they wrote Cities of Death with the same philosophy of this book lmao.
Yeah, they’re quite nice. Only asspain is the wait for shipping, but I’ll definitely be buying more.
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So Killteam+ ?
just get an amd gpu instead of nvidia you fuckstick
They so, so badly want to lock armies to exact configurations so they can sell them that way, but they know the playerbase hates it and it won't work.
update your fucking roadmap you hacks
I was really into 40k when I was in highschool/college and amassed a fairly large army. I haven't played 40k since then, and I'm not really interested in getting back into it so I'm looking to sell off my models. I don't want to deal with shipping stuff on ebay, and I've already given away a good chunk to friends who are still playing, so I think I'm going to list them on Craigslist. Has anyone here had any experience with selling minis on Craigslist and what's a fair price for models? They're a mix of unprimed, primed, and poorly painted.
Scouts couldn't take las plas.
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Welcome back, Formations!
Post them, no other way to assess how much I’d pay for them.
That's it I'm killing Crud.
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Their screwhead kneepads are so fucking stupid and ugly.
>They were sculpted like that to make it easier to paint quarters.
Yeah well everyone paints them solid gold and they look both ugly and dumb.
Yeah, and everyone still took them because they were simply better in every other way.

It's like comparing thing X and thing Y.
X had 3 good things while Y has 9 good things.
Keep larping.
Something is just so amusing about marinefaggots gobbling this absolute slop up
At the same time, they know they just need to keep chipping away at that edifice until the consumer base accepts it, just like they've done with Power Levels and box-locked loadouts.
Joytoy has to be a money laundering scheme there is no way these things sell enough to make every single 40k and 30k unit.
Iirc JoyToy sells standalone Mk7 heads in Asia but GW won't let JT sell them anywhere else
I like the female custodes because I really like it when custodes players get upset.
>Bring back Boarding Actions with a full book
>Don't bring back Boarding Patrols to help shill it
I don't have pictures on my phone, I was thinking in terms of % of whatever GW is currently selling them for. Off the top of my head there's about 100ish infantry, 3-6 sentinels, same number of heavy weapons teams, 4x LRs, 4.5x chimera, a manticore, macharius, valkyrie, Thunderbolt, and two baneblade variants.
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It's probably that they're extremely cheap to make and sell at a huge markup. They already have the 3D models, they probably just scale them up, print them out and get some money from marinepigs. Pretty easy money.
That being said oof these look rough
gross, a blood angel. If only it was a world eater, with his nails singing along with him...
>my red blood tard is the best
You’re both gay.
Im hoping they are bringing them back for a limited time or something again.
I really don't find it hard to believe that marinefags would buy garbage. Probably a market among secondaries too.
There's a bunch of non-marine joytoy figures don't be a retard.
Does anyone here own one of those miniature storage / transport cases, the ones that come with metal trays? Amazon is currently selling them at a discount for prime day and just wondered if it was worth getting one, wanted to hear if the anons of these generals have much experience with them
I'm trying to make some myself with some plastic containers and ventilation sheet metal; they stick really well and keep my dudes from sliding around. I tried magnetic paper but the hold isn't strong enough.
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Posting my fun list for a best coast pairings tournament coming up. Its not going to be good but it should be fun, and thats what orks are about.

Da Stompiest

3x killa kanz (3x rokkit launchas) 125
3x killa kanz (3x rokkit launchas) 125
6x killa kanz (6x rokkit launchas) 250

Deff Dread (2x dred klawz, 2x skorcha, stompy feet) 130
Deff Dread (2x dred klawz, 2x skorcha, stompy feet) 130

Gorkanaut 280
Gorkanaut 280
Morkanaut 295

10x gretchen, runtherd 40
10x gretchen, runtherd 40
10x gretchen, runtherd 40

Mek (kustom mega slugga, killsaw) 45
Mek (kustom mega slugga, killsaw) 45
Mek (kustom mega slugga, killsaw) 45

5x stormboyz (slugga, choppa, nob 1x power klaw) 65
5x stormboyz (slugga, choppa, nob 1x power klaw) 65

Led by a mek but we all know its actually led by tripplekan.
I've asked this question before but I forgot if someone answered it or not, does the +1 hit during waagh for the morkanaunt stack with the buff from a mek? I'm assuming it doesn't
No, they're both just +1 to hit unfortunately. A hit roll cannot be modified by more than +1 or -1.
The only way they would technically "stack" is when the Morkanaut is affected by a -1 to hit from something. Then they would "stack" by cancelling the -1 to hit and remaining at +1 to hit.
If +1 to hit no, if +1 to bs then yes.
OK that makes sense, thought it would be a bit odd if an ork vehicle was hitting on 3s
plusses to hit are capped at +1. meaning if theres negatives to hit you get both bonuses, but otherwise its redundant
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I've actually had my morkanaut hitting on 2s during a crusade, thanks to BS bonuses stacking, and crusade buffs handing out BS bonuses like candy.
>BS 5+ base
>+1 BS from Shootier Gunz
>+1 BS from weapon enhancement on Mega-Zappa
>Mek slaps Mork giving it +1 to hit
It was always hilarious seeing the opponent react to it. Was usually a "holy shit" moment before the Morkanaut got deleted from the board next turn.
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Does the razorback kit have all the sprues for a rhino in it? I'm tired of waiting for restocks and need some chaos rhinos.
>>+1 BS from Shootier Gunz
>>+1 BS from weapon enhancement on Mega-Zappa
You can't stack BS modifiers either
Yes. But just buy a deimos, it's cheaper than even the basic rhino and it comes with the extra CSM weapons like havoc launchers.
It does, just built one the other night. It’s a rhino kit with an extra sprue for the razorback parts.
>30 shots within rapid fire range hitting on 2s

Fucking hell. Are detachments a thing in crusade games? That and dread mob would be nuts
Oh hey. I'm actually genuinely excited for this. My group love boarding actions.
Also does anyone know why naunts are sold out everywhere? I noticed that they were hard to come by before the codex came out, did gw just stop making them or something
Based I love Killa Kanz
GW always has supply issues for stuff in high demand, usually right around codex release. Right now they have supply issues on everything because all their production is focused on Age of Sigmar for the new edition launch.
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I noticed that supply issues have definitely been a thing with certain ork units when the codex came out (meganobz, warbosses, killa kanz etc) but that naunt has eluded me for months now. On the odd occasion that someone is selling one on marketplace it sells within an hour if that. I'm more than happy to buy one second hand at this point
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Oh oops I should mention that it's a gorkanaut that I just ran as a morkanaut.
Yes they are. What's funny is that you can mix and match enhancements from separate detachments in crusade, due to enhancements being gained from a requisition and not just a points buy. In dread mob I had my warboss in MA use the tellyporta.
They absolutely do, the only restriction is that they can't go to a BS 1+. Show me the rule that says they don't.
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When the new plastic ones come out I'm planning to run them as Eradicators with my marines.
I'm planning on taking Roundree hostage until they put all the 30k AdMech units in the 40k codex.
>Yes. But just buy a deimos
>rounded door shit
>buy failing HH kits to boost it
Maleceptors and Exocrines come to mind
Vortex beast is another one
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Checked. The ends would certainly justify the means. Omnissiah be with you in your martyrdom for so noble a cause.
Might be due for a new bread
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deimos is out of stock as well. razorbacks are the only thing available in my local atm, unfortunately... I might just be boned for the lack of havoc launchers tho. So now I can either:
>buy razorbacks, and mald as the shitheads I play with won't be able to remember the havoc launchers
>buy havoc launcher bits, and get royally hosed, end up paying 1 dollar per point
>wait it out and pray for restock
Idk... maybe if I spin a chicken for my sins or something GW will forgive me and print more rhinos? FUCK
I bought a Heresy Scorpius to use as a Whirlwind, but now I’m worried it will look weird amidst all my square door tanks.
uh oh xenotranny melty
There already is one
May the Omnissiah guide you to success
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I'm proud of all my minis
How much of a loser can someone be to film a batrep without a single painted model?
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I'd say wait and get the deimos, I'm sure you have something on your pile of shame you can paint in the meantime.
I did the same and while it doesn't look bad alongside the rest, I think I'm gonna buy a deimos vindicator to replace my old one simply because I much prefer the shield to the giant spade and the deimos exhausts look a million times better.
Paint them in post
GPU pricing is nowhere near as bad as it was a few years ago, you can get a decent GPU for a few hundred bucks. Or, like >>93361519 said, buy AMD. "le drivers tho!!" is a meme, the cards run fine (I've had issues with two specific games on my 7900xtx, both of which were shortly resolved). Don't be misled into thinking you need cutting edge shit, either, plenty of older cards still run 1080p very well, and you don't need to play on a massive display like so many people try and push.
idk but i got one thing to say to you:

meowdy pardner
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The lack of basing says otherwise
Khainehu akhbar my brother!
kroot heavy weapons guy
is the axe floating?
>best coast pairings tournament
how competitive are these?
Model some temporary havoc launchers with plasticard or something.
I wont lie, Abaddon model with the giant SW giant axe is pretty based.
I kinda want to buy the Abaddon model but convert it into a loyalist captain.

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