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Influence Edition

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>Thread Questions
How do you use the mortal world in your games? Is it something surrounding your players or just a background and you prefer doing supernatural vs supernatural action?
It depends on the game premise. for the most part they are background noise and environmental hazards.
I tend to take human organisations as just as powerful as supernatural ones, which is why the supernatural infiltrate them.

Like I created two NPCs for a chronicles game. An odd couple who exist to bridge the narrative gap.
A Beast, a sycophantic opportunist who can be relied on to toe the line to every supernatural team in the region in return for passively group feeding. Knows a lot by just being in proxy.
The other one not fooled is the Demon. They don’t gel on a supernatural level and but not gelling they have a relationship of equals.
The Demon is connected to Hunters, mortals and government forces. They manipulate mortal power and they do so by feeding them details about the supernatural or simply strange crimes caused by them. And in return for being comfortable, they feed information back to the Beast who exchanges it to the supernaturals.
They split the take.
Each side only knows their contact, but some find themselves contracted by the other (mostly by the Demon) in order to take off the books jobs because while they will always split the take, they want more.
>How do you use the mortal world in your games? Is it something surrounding your players or just a background and you prefer doing supernatural vs supernatural action?
I never leave the natural world as background, once you look past the veil of normalcy you can't look back and you notice how intertwined everything is.

All Vampires are on a spectrum of parasite and predator, the mark in either case is the so-called normal world, in a vampire game the mundane world is hunting grounds, hazardous terrain and occasional adversary all rolled into one.
I think sidelining the mundane in a vampire game sort of misses the point.

In my Hunter games the players are just regular people who went "oh fuck", they are agents of the mortal, mundane world crossing over into wonderland as directed by Tim Burton, The Cohen Brothers and Machiavelli.
The mortal world is what they protect and cherish, and a hunter that dismisses the mortal world as background noise turns into little more than an unapologetic mass murderer.

I suppose in some of the other game lines you can sideline the mortal world and that's probably why I gravitate most heavily towards Vampire and/or Hunter, it's this dichotomy which I find most interesting.
You just wiped out a cell of hunters that were tailing you for weeks but an acquaintance from before your death recognizing you is far more difficult to deal with. (with a clean conscience, at least)
You saved the world for the nth time but because you can't tell your wife about it you come home to a note saying she's leaving you and taking the kids to her sister's.

THAT'S the fun bit for me, not just being brooding super-heroes, but figuring out how to do that within the confines of society, law and family.
Not to mention the consequences of sacrificing these parts of yourself.
Semi-related to the TQ, I've got another good one.
How do you like governments and feds in your game to relate to the supernatural?
That is, do governments and their agencies know about the supernatural? if so, how much?
Some options that come to mind are
>Official bodies are completely clueless save for maybe the rare individual who's in the know
That works for games where the supernatural is VERY well obscured and the balance of power is mostly stable
>Official bodies are completely clueless with the exception of one super-sekrit agency not even the prime president knows about
Full blown M.I.B, probably performing some budget manipulation to get funding while also no one knowing about you, a la Task force Valkyrie in H;tV.
>Official bodies know about it and aren't doing an awful lot to combat it save for unique incidents
Maybe they have an agreement with the Camarilla, maybe they're convinced woofs are a problem that's going to solve itself
>The entire government knows about it
As in not just special agencies like the FBI or a MiB analogue, but elected officials too.
(Personally my least favorite options, the idea of so many retards being in the know and either keeping a secret or getting disappeared before they blab just ruins my immersion)
>The supernatural is for all intents and purposes the shadow government
Everyone who calls the shots is under the supernatural's thumb
I use mortal organizations as powerful group, in vain like this anon said >>93362358
While they might not have sheer magical power as supernatural groups, they have manpower and resources to outman & outgun most of supernatural groups, so most of nighfolk try to infiltrate and use they're resources for they're needs.
In V5 games, 2nd inquisition commands same fear in nightfolk as camarilla, sabbat or anarchs. (Though in my personal setting, 2nd inquisition is front for pentex & technocracy schemes to eliminate vampire opposition)
I run between
>Official bodies are completely clueless with the exception of one super-sekrit agency not even the prime president knows about
>Official bodies know about it and aren't doing an awful lot to combat it save for unique incidents

Something like project valkyrie or project twilight, as in, you can fuck around and ghoul mayors but if you bite too much, MIB operators will torch your ass at dawn one night.
Project torchlight/2nd inquisition*
Imho, 2nd inquisition is great way to portray powerful, project valkyrie on steroids type conspiracy in wod.
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Is this show good intro into wod/vampire the masquerade?
>How do you like governments and feds in your game to relate to the supernatural?
Depends on chronicle. Usually I just make them puppets because there really isn't a good justification why they wouldn't they be manipulated even before their creation by vampires and similar creatures.
I understand why people dislike this angle because it makes mortals mostly irrelevant but unless the supernatural population is much smaller than is much smaller than I like to depict it feels off.
Like, why wouldn't the secret service be a pawn of the guy who was nudging the scales of their war of independence with their spycraft.
about as much as TTS was good introduction to 40k
it's fine, just not my cup of tea for whatever reason.
it's a parody, so no you won't get all of the jokes and then assuming that the setting is same as in the series is like assuming star wars is the same as space balls ( yeah yeah insert star wars into a joke shitstorm here)

i think it's better to watch stuff like this when you know what they are making jokes about
To WoD? Maybe, not as much because it takes perspective of Hunters Hunted, mortals hunting supernaturals.
To Vampire the Masquerade? No, because it does not take perspective of the titled game.
WoD is all about perspective.
Imo it's hunters hunted with Jojo bizarre adventure tone
Is there way in mage the ascension to make avatar physically be able to beat people up like star platinum in JJBA?
manifesting your avatar is a merit so you can even start out with it
>Is this show good
You can't fully make the mortal world a background, it's intertwined with the supernatural. I also don't think there's a binary mortals v.s. supernaturals or supernaturals v.s. supernaturals setup. Sometimes circumstances make strange bedfellows, even if the mortals usually don't know about their supernatural patron. Mortals are most random NPCs you interact with, and every once in a while, I like to throw a dangerous or ambitious mortal into the mix every so often to remind the players that being supernatural isn't where greatness comes from.

I live where all the Feds do, so I would like to think I know what I'm talking about as to how the government operates. The government is critically comprimised by the supernatural, mostly but certainly not exclusively by Vampires. This does not mean that the president is taking direct orders from a Ventrue Elder, far from it. It does however mean that the effectiveness of govt agencies in regards to combatting supernatural threats is stymied, and that they can be guided in certain ways to benefit their patrons. But direct control? Impossible, the structure is simply too large. Most pawns in mortal government don't even know they're pawns, and very few are ghouls, because the aging thing is noticed easily in office politics. Hell, powers may make things a bit easier, but the bread and butter is normal corruption tactics, bribery and nepotism. You do have your Govt. Hunter groups like TF:V, but even they have certain "elite" interests. Sure, kill those werewolves, ash those rebellious fledgelings, but if they get a suit vampire in their sites, the operation is called off. Need to know basis.

Now this doesn't mean mortal institutions pose no threat. Supernatural beings wouldn't seek out influence in them if they weren't threats. In fact, modern governments come off as a stumbling, drunk leviathan. Slow moving, often inefficient and inept, but overwhelmingly powerful should you be caught in its path.
I always liked in the Cuban animated movie Vampires of Havana, the American Vampire Association is in debt to the Chicago Mob.
Are there any good decent fan made v5 imbued book?
I know of https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/418098 but if feels very simplistic/lazy option that's overpriced
>How do you like governments and feds in your game to relate to the supernatural?
Same way they're related to irl secret societies and conspiracies. The grunts know shit. The guy at the top knows a guy. That guy either is, or knows a ghoul. Boxes on top of boxes. Never working directly, because we are trying to keep a secret, after all.

IIRC the Ventrue book said it best. They never ghoul, or embrace, kings and great leaders. They go for the one with the king's ear.
>Are there any good decent fan made v5 imbued book?
I don't know any, how many powers do you need for your game or PC? a quick rule of 3 conversion might be enough if you only need a couple things.
>IIRC the Ventrue book said it best. They never ghoul, or embrace, kings and great leaders. They go for the one with the king's ear.

didn't they embrace a emperor from the hre?
There's a character in a germany book called Frederick Barbarossa, but he's also a kind of middling shitter Ventrue Elder which is an insult to the real Frederick Barbarossa (who not only was a legendary ruler, but someone with a well documented if weird death).

The Ventrue did embrace Belisarius though, the famous General. And I think Anna Comnena.
I know you can already simulate second sight & most of low tier powers with endowments that are in corebook but want systems to simulate gradual loss of personality & wayward creed
In that case I don't see the point in using 5e. If that is what you want the game to be about just play the version with those elements.
From mechanical point of view, can you use mechanics from Dark Age: Inquisitor to replace imbued in hunter the reckoning wholesale? As both systems use conviction/superior virtues and DA:I blessings fill similar/same niche as edges. So only 2nd sight should ported over and it's all good or are there more subtle nuances?
We play X5 system. So I'd rather backport things from legacy edition then convince my group to migrate into older system, though I think skeleton to introduce different creeds and supernatural edges is there so I think it can be done per danger dots
Bruh, In that case you just give them conditions cards like [Madness X/Y/Z] after getting their powers to convey the burdens of being an Imbued.
Avatars can be effected through the Spirit Sphere which also let's you materialize spirits so you can also use that
>Is there way in mage the ascension to make avatar physically be able to beat people up like star platinum in JJBA?
Spirit + Mind + Prime
>There's a character in a germany book called Frederick Barbarossa, but he's also a kind of middling shitter Ventrue Elder which is an insult to the real Frederick Barbarossa (who not only was a legendary ruler, but someone with a well documented if weird death).

Kind of lame he's supposed to be the new face of the anti-Hardestadt Ventrue after his sire goes into torpor but fails at it completely.
Honestly, I question why there would even need to be an Anti-Hardestadt front in the first place. In matters of internal clan politics, the Antasians pretty much won the debate. Once they complete their Agoge, Ventrue have guaranteed rights as a peer that no other clan has. The purpose of the Eternal Senate position, to protect the rights and voice of all Ventrue, and to push for Humanity has been fulfilled in every matter but the physical structure of the Clan. Compromise seems to have won the day in the modern nights, so a Fiefs v.s. Senate fight persisting seems baffling to me.
How fast can Garou change forms? Is it instant or does it take some time to change?
In most cases, 3 seconds or less.
Its also how long they last but you didn't heard that from me
It's in the stv trove so you can go check it out yourself.
Why does every attempt of "vampire utopia" by the Brujah end up subverted by infernalists?
Because if there was a place or way for vampires to prosper side by side with mortals it would fuck with the game premise.
Also the Bruhja are just incompetent and angry at every power structure they see.
>modern governments come off as a stumbling, drunk leviathan.
This is a pretty great description I think, make sure you keep up, keep moving, otherwise you're going to get flattened. It's not difficult, but at the end of the day you still have to dance to their tune to some degree.
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Variant vampire setting: Blood Potency increases rapidly (or Generation decreases) with age. Vampires swiftly become so powerful and alien that they retire into torpor, awaiting who knows what. The oldest active vampires have been vampires for 30-40 years, a tenure that puts them at the top of the usual power scale (i.e., elders but not yet methuselahs or antediluvians).
It's more a ETTS like general parody introduction to old wod

Shows pretty good with its references and writing
Small things you notice like how Kitten says his first supernatural kill was a vampire when the description and how it was killed lines up with a red cap
Or how the 11/10 goth lady fits the perfect description of a Sluagh
Markus was able to curse someone, probably because the chairs a talisman
The whole fucking horse speech with a small note of him calling Boy nephew

I'm probably just a minority but the reason I love wod is the supernatural world itself not the deep personal interest or local politics

It's a wacky wild world of darkness and you're in it, have fun
God help you if you use the changeling variant rule as a baseline. every time you expend blood you need to roll BP to see if it increases.
It could be a good one shot where you are basically playing a battle royale until whatever is causing that ends
The idea itself is fundementally flawed, and the Brujah aren't clever enough to stop infernalist infiltration.
It was made for people with nostalgia towards the early 2000's gamer culture and it shows, but that is part of its charm to me. I like its character writing but I feel like pacing is a major challenge, but that makes sense because its a fucking animated series that they have to make all the images for themselves rather than shaking stills and voice acting.
The audiologs are better for setting the mood and do a better job conveying the themes of WoD while keeping the characters true to the main series.
Mage is great though and everybody who disagrees can lick the greasiest part of my anus. It's WoD with WoD mechanics told by a WoD vet using his platform and voice-acting proficient friends to communicate his love for the most damn hard to get into gameline in the series for us lazy dweebs.
MageGame>>>the Audiologs>>Chapter 2>>>Chapter 1
Dogshit not in the rankings because Chapter 1 is better than dogshit despite everything.
Just the usual dark age thing where you need to replace some abilities with their modern night equivalent
I like HtP but it is absolutely not a good source for official WoD lore. They muddle oWoD and V5 stuff a decent amount, presumably to appease Paradox. They're also clearly in favor of a fully connected WoD, which has a lot of problems they're too early in the story to run into. Read the books like the rest of us did.
The german book gives him another angle as they make him the multi clan guy as in for some reason the frankfurter ventrue don’t actually like the camarilla and want to throw out all other clans… again. But the entire conflict reads really weird like of course a prince would trade power of his clan for total power kindred in the city, especially when he looks good to even benevolent while doing it! That’s such a no brainer of a decision

They also make him the ueber prince of a entire german state and some and have him be the first among princes in the country , but I usually ignore that in my games because Europan princes sre already meant to be older and harder to get rid of than american ones and adding a boss prince would make that both more harder and pointless and I don’t really want to deal with a ueber ventrue half a country away pulling the stings if random princes even outside of his already too large domain
Why is it always the foreign language books that have the weird/stupid lore? Er... more weird and stupid lore than usual.
>Why is it always the foreign language books that have the weird/stupid lore?
because they are disconnected from the core developers, and their limits, and no one cares if they write some weird shit.
>the 11/10 goth lady

Okay I've gotta say it, she's just a fat goth chick. I don't get what's so special about her.
it's weird. The vienna book is okay if anything it's portrays the tremere in the city as weaker than implied in english books as the ventrue has a sizeable powerbase in the city including a methuselah who is stronger than etrius and the aachen book is just a run of the mill dark age book that is in another language for some reason with the only out there thing is that there is a brujah claiming to be spartacus and a mage with true faith (the karolingische Oktogon in the area is apperntly on a node)

but the frankfurt books is just weird, from anti multi clan ventrue to wyrmish tremere, a brujah that is legit going by spike and a conservative anti freedom sabbat faction.
the entire city looks like a circus
Fair enough, perhaps it isn't just a foreign language book thing. If anything, the Vienna book sounds unusually well balanced compared to even "normal" WoD. I hate it when they just say "x city totally belongs to this clan", having multiple clans with a strong presence in an important city makes sense to me. I can see aristocratic Euro Ventrue and the Tremere mega chantry existing in the same city. Of course, I follow the philosophy of pic related.
>x city totally belongs to this clan
When have they done that? I haven't read all the by Night books but it seems like they mostly all have a mix of different clans.
I'm being hyperbolic, but as mentioned Vienna is rarely mentioned outside of it being the giga Tremere super capital, and the France by Night book claims that a majority (definitionally over 50%) of all Kindred in the country of France are Toreador (I have many problems with France by Night but I don't want to go on that rant again).

It's a problem that you see more in some books (or even editions) than others, but once you leave NA there's a lot of annoying over-generalizations. Like Spain and Lasombra, or Ventrue and Germany, or to say nothing of the "ethnic" clans like the Assamites.
>Of course, I follow the philosophy of pic related.
everybody should, the amount of people i know irl who don't want to set foot(either as characters or as st's) in vtm england because of mithras is way too high

>If anything, the Vienna book sounds unusually well balanced compared to even "normal" WoD.
it's still the "tremere's town" just that unlike what other books imply that does not mean they control the entire city with a iron first

ventrue have a power block and Valerianus a 5th gen ventrue is revealed to have faked his death in the dark ages and reached golconda 700 years ago, he is the stronger than etrius methusulah i mentioned

and nosferatu are also strong in the city despite their neutrality, they even have a member in etrius true council and run auctions under the city that vampire all over the world come to

and the toreador used to be very powerful too till 200 years ago, because the clan leader (primogen i assume) of the city joined the sabbat and became a priscus

and there are 3 mage factions in the book too

i really should translate the rest of it. Perhaps i start with the tremere or nosferatu parts this weekend
I'd read it anon. I'm always down to read the official lore, even if I end up throwing some or all of it out for my own games.
Which ones are good/necessary to read and which ones are slop I will just be wasting my time on?
Depends on what you're interested in. It's been my personal experience that very, very few people like every splat.

For vampire, in my opinion, read the Guide to the Camarilla, Guide to the Sabbat, (I recommend the Revised version of both, but if you like what you see, read 2e as well. It was less subdued than Revised, for good and for ill) as well as the Clanbooks (both 2e and Revised) for any clan that piques your interest.
well then let's start with a teaser before i have to go to work

"The Sewer Rats have always been a thorn in the eyes of Vienna's lord, even though (or perhaps because) they always try to stay neutral. Too many mysteries, too many secrets, too many ranks could be picked up by members of Clan Nosferatu and there would be a giant worldwide market for dirty little secrets coming from the city that serves as a refuge to the disputed/controversal (tl note: umstritten could mean either and tremere is certainly controversal) Antediluvian.

The wind that blew in the direction of the Nosferatu was often deadly cold, but sometimes also friendly and mild. However, efforts were always made to keep them out of District 1 (tl note: that's there the tremere prime chantry is), which was difficult given the clan's history in Vienna dating back to the time of Roman occupation. The giant catacombs, countless basements, old and new U(nderground)-train and maintenance tunnels, and so forth that formed a nearly legendary realm far away from the sun didn't come by chance. and some of these tunnels and chambers are already nearly two millennia old.

The recent appointment of the most prominent member of the clan, Augustin, to the secret True Council of Etrius could signal a change in the previously unfriendly policies against Clan Nosferatu. On the other hand, it could just be the famous calm before the storm as despite various hostilities, the clan, secretly led and held together by the enigmatic Cainite known as the Trödler (junk seller), managed to maintain their neutrality, and a change in that attitude is not in sight.

Nevertheless, the Tremere regard the Sewer Rats in their city with suspicion but also with a healthy degree of caution, as even Etrius can't say for certain how many Nosferatu call the underground of Vienna their home."
Out of all the splats, I think no one wants to become a Wraith.
how would you do an alien splat? like greys, zeta reticulans, lizardfolk, etc what would you have the main "goal" be in the game?
I don't think that aliens are Player Character material in WoD myself. Mysterious and unknowable is the best way to put Aliens into a horror or urban fantasy setting.

Though I do sometimes find myself doing stupid thought experiments like
>Are there other planets out there with their own Hunters, Werewolves, Vampires, and more? Would they do any better than humans have? Is Earth a weird fucking anomaly and every other planet is normal? What would an Urban Fantasy setting that hits the true Space Age look like?
Anyone who says he would like to be a mummy (either), demon (either) orchangeling (lost) has missed the fucked up existance those splats have.
It’s because she’s a fat chick, so he thinks her self-esteem is low enough that he can actually score.
>Ventrue who’s feeding restriction is MILFs, and his herd is the local PTA
Damn, I started to get a boner just thinking about it.
Isn't mummy in owod pretty sweet deal? I know CofD mummies suck major ass, but owod mummies basically are immortal sorcerers
Yeah What are you talking about the latest version of owod mummy has the mummy spirit balance you out and turn you into the best version you can be and heal your vices and mental illnesses even bevor we go into any powers you get
I mean, a WoD mummy isn’t YOU, per se. They are a fusion of you and the tem-akh, the spirit shard that guides you to resurrection. Upon completing the journey, you fuse with the tem-akh, the resulting in a third new personality that is the Mummy.
That’s hot.
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i couldn't do the whole nosferatu right now because of a fire at work
When I came from the north to Vindobona (tlnote: the Roman military camp that became Vienna) at the beginning of the 5th century AD, I was meant to serve as a scout for my Sire. His enemies were lurking in the south and the east. Oh, he was already very old back then, and old Cainites tend to have powerful enemies.

Back then, I swore that something like this wouldn't happen to me. But the thing that roamed the harsh east back then was not just his enemy, it was an enemy of our entire clan: the Iron Witch. As she moved her deadly gaze towards Vindobona and the prideful Ventrue called to arms (tl that sentence is slightly different in german but would be arkward to translate word for word), my tunnels had been deep enough to let me disappear for a time because I am neither a warrior nor a fool.

The city was burned to the ground, and the Cainites had been destroyed or disappeared. I did what I could to help the mortals to rebuild their city because, to be honest, they were nothing but the fuel to my unlife, my herd. Over the years, other Cainites came to the city: Lasombra, Ventrue, and even the Tzimisce claimed rulership one after another. Most of the time, I just moved out of their way. However, I didn't miss the opportunity to listen in when they forged their plots and planned their intrigues.

Sometimes, I even appeared to sell information, but I always changed my appearance and name so that nobody knew who I was. I thought nobody could hate me and become my enemy.
This changed when the Tremere came. I had heard many stories about the usurpers, the magic masters, including the very unsettling ones about their abilities to read thoughts. So I decided, out of fear of revealing secrets involuntarily, that Nosferatu of my age seem to get for certain, to not trade in information anymore. I had already helped the mortals for centuries by helping them get what they needed. So why shouldn't I also try to give Cainites what they desire?

For many years, I disappeared from the memories of many of Vienna's Cainites while I created important contacts. As I returned in a big wagon in the 16th century, everyone thought of me as a stranger, not a Cainite who helped to raise the city. And soon after, one named me the Trödler (again, junk seller) - I never gave my real name-. because instead of dealing with information, dealing with items of all kinds was now my resort. At the beginning, I traded secular works of art and memories of nights long gone. However, in the following years, my list of contacts grew as did the wishes of my customers.

I sold the sword of Troile, talismans, and amulets of all origins; fragments of the Book of Nod moved through my hands just like top-secret writs of the Circles of Lilith; a handful of shards of the True Cross for the penitents and a grail for some fools. In a world where everything is for sale, I can procure nearly everything. The wishes of my customers, who aren't even all Cainites anymore, have priority. I procure everything, regardless of whether it is legal or illegal, if they can pay my price.

One of these prices was the Dorotheum, which I controlled from the beginning. Its cellar vault stores treasures that can't be bought with money at all. Nobody who does not pay my price can touch them. Even more secure than the vault is my index, in which I keep all the information of my transactions ever since I started this business.

As Trödler, I managed to survive the centuries in relative safety. Even the Tremere value my services too much to see myself be targeted by their ire. I managed to make very few enemies, although I have to admit it had something to do with a few of my transactions. However, I had to learn that some enemies you can't easily avoid. I am speaking especially of the Iron Witch, who now after all those centuries has returned. Her nearby presence sends a cold shiver down this bent spine. But to hell with it, I will not leave Vienna! Somewhere in this city sleeps the Tremere Antediluvian, where else could I be safer.....?

Even at the side of Anigwar, once a bitter enemy of the Witch, would I not feel better. However, I never forgot my mission and more than once in all those centuries did I feel his presence. I know that he prepares for the final battle and is in need of information. I know my mission and thus my prices will change.

next would be his haven, stat sheet, but i had such a day today.... that i am not sure i am gonna do the rest today
>I have many problems with France by Night but I don't want to go on that rant again
Rant for me, anon. I like both France books (Modern and Dark Ages) as well as other materials published about it in magazines and official books. I would love to hear what you have to say and I will not go against your words.
My friend finally seduced me into playing a VtR2e game because "ST takes so long to make game happens, so just do your character and wait for it". I already have characters who do too much thinking and social play, so this time I'm doing a dumb, strong and hot Gangrel. My friend even recommended me to buy "Strenght Performance" in 2e Hurt Locker and it's honestly a good idea! However, I do enjoy the questioner/investigator archtype they put in Clanbook Gangrel from 1e. I'm glad they still got the Beckett vibe, but I need to do some context first.
This game is already something our ST wanted to do many many years ago and I had the privilege to be part of the first attempt: The city's Prince, in an attempt to control vampire proliferation in the city, kills everyone who Embraces without permission. But the Prince does not go for "the son must pay for the sins of the father" ideology, so his idea is to get all freshly embraced vampires and put everyone in an abandoned hospital surrounded by cameras. She explains the situation and reveals to them they are also in a big reality show for other vampires to watch. Those who survive and leave the building have the right of ther unlives.
I love this concept and unfortunatly first attempt ended because of players flaking.
Getting back to the character, I tried to put the investigator concept on this dumb character by making him not so good at it. He wants to know all things surrounding this new world, but does not know where to start nor knows how to do it properly, just like the Caitiff from Outcast book. I foresee some funny moments with him.
I already chose his Coalition, Circle of Crone. Not only my favourite coalition, but I like Crúac.
>I already chose his Coalition, Circle of Crone. Not only my favourite coalition, but I like Crúac.
All self respecting Gangrel belong in the Ordo Dracul.
If a Gangrel had self-respect, they would be a Ventrue or Daeva.
What, so the nerds can ask them questions and prod them with scalpels?
>Please mista Gangrel sir, I want to sleep in dirt too!
Fuck 'em.
Am I the only one who finds Actual Play videos weird? The players always sound sleepy.
That's the spirit, mate! The nerds belong inside trash cans, not inside sweet soft mother earth.
A character I'm always fond of is the investigator who has a great intuition but lacks any real understanding or intellect. He can always find someone or something but has no idea what to do with it.
Alright fine, I'll try getting into Ascension. I presume I can skip M20, since Brucato seems to be among the main authors?
But then you'll miss out on the advice for gametime dinners and not playing evil characters so you don't turn evil
Based Brucato.
Truly the hero we need.
so can i fix my life by playing a good guy?
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Okay I'm totally making a gimmick hunter for my party to face who as five fucking crossbows taped to him thanks to having a three in strength and aim maxes by only aiming for the heart. If he hits or misses he just drops the fucking crossbow and pulls out another fucking crossbow. If he runs out he just pulls out a stake and tries to shank the party.
In time all will learn to fear the power of Stakin' Steve.
Just get a couple cheap retainers and use the Chinese strategy where one guy reloads and the another one shoots.
Also get whatever the wod equivalent of fast draw.
It is weird because you waiting for people to think.
Do wooden slugs/flechettes count as stakes if fired from shotguns?
Wooden slugs and bullets do exist but you'd probably have to rule it like
>does one less damage than a regular gun
>one more difficulty in use thanks to worrying about misfires (if you really wanna be cruel)
also the issue of penetration/piercing, there's a good chance it wouldn't be able to lodge itself in the vampire's heart. Probably Stamina/Fortitude roll to determine if it actually stakes them or not. Not as reliable but easier to use and a goddam bastard to vampires for clever hunters.
Oh shit? True.
I've seen staking with chopsticks.
Admittedly they were not shot as a projectile, but still.
>Do wooden slugs/flechettes count as stakes if fired from shotguns?
Most of the time no, if you want a fancier thing build a potato launcher.
In OWoD Vampire at what Humanity rating does it become like Bloodlines where killing people left and right has no baring on your humanity (Killing drug dealers and gangbangers, slaughtering your way through buildings of Triad enforcers etc but not killing ''Innocents'') Want to make an NPC who is friendly and an all around good guy but reguarly goes Punisher cleaning up the scum of the streets.
Just handwave it.
Resurrection mummies are who they were, their souls are healed by the tem akh and they can sometimes get intuitions, memories etc of that former Mummy but they are themselves. One group doesn't get a tem akh either.
Humanity has a pretty major flaw in that the example sins do not usually consider "what if it's justified"? Premeditated killing is a low humanity break, like 2-3, but what if you're planning on killing a child molester? Or a person who is planning a mass murder themselves but for Masquerade reasons you can't tip off the police? If approached too rigidly, anyone who doesn't act like Dave the office worker starts losing humanity.

You should play pretty loose with humanity IMO. Go for the spirit of the system (acting human, not indulging the beast) rather than the letter. So if a thug pulls a gun on them, let them drain him dry without a humanity roll, but if someone starts doing really callous things ie: "I can just keep killing these guys for more blood, my dice pool is good enough that I won't lose any humanity." Auto-drop them by one.
... i have been using it like that for like 15 years and never thought about it

jack just gave that good a explanation how to justify defending yourself in the tutorial that he convinced me irl i guess
It makes sense. Are we gonna say that someone irl who kills in a self defense scenario "loses humanity"? Don't feel stupud Anon, I did the same thing as you, read the RAW humanity rules, and then kept doing my bloodlines derivative system.
Sire: Anigwar
Embrace: 398 AD
Apparent age: Undefinable

Notes: His extra level in Auspex allows the pawnbroker to see all places where items he once touched are located; otherwise, the ability is the same as Clairvoyance. His additional level of Obfuscate allows him to shield his thoughts in a way that others who try to read them only get a wave of disjointed price calculations (which are actually just about money) and data about insignificant artworks. He can also cloak items and persons in his presence in such a way that they stay cloaked even when he leaves.

Description: Although most often friendly and accommodating, the sight of the pawnbroker is anything but eye candy. He is only roughly 1,40 meters tall, stocky, and hunchbacked. His ulcer-covered skin is a light brown color, and the few black hairs he still has stick out like wires from the sides of his head. His grotesque appearance is further emphasized by tailor-made 19th-century suits.

Roleplay advice: Getting people what they want has become your obsession. As a negotiator, intermediary, and auctioneer, you satisfy the needs of others. Becoming rich in the process was never your goal; that just happened. You rather want to be left in peace so you can go about your business. Aside from that, you help your clan without hesitation because you owe it to your Sire. You avoid violent confrontation as much as possible, although you can become a cruel enemy when your back is to the wall or someone breaks into the Dorotheum.
Influence: The Trödler is certainly one of the most influential Cainites in Vienna. Not that he uses that influence in an obvious way to his advantage, except for obtaining more items. In Vienna itself, he limits his control to the Dorotheum, with all its buildings and facilities. Worldwide, he has a unique network of informants and important contacts that allow him to procure nearly any item. Besides that, he employs a large number of mortal and immortal archaeologists, burglars, and traders who are always looking for lost treasures for him.

His customers include Cainites, mortal mages, and even a mummy. Which prices are still open/unpaid is known only to the pawnbroker and his index. In the society of Vienna's Cainites, he enjoys a unique special status because he is allowed to receive customers and host them for a maximum of 48 hours without having to report them to the lords of the city. What he sold them for this right is something that is only speculated about in the Elysiums. The Trödler is the Primogen/Ancestor of his clan and its backbone. Even though he himself is not a member of the True Secret Council, it is whispered that it was just yet another debt claimed that led Augustin to be added to the advisory staff of Etrius.

Secrets: A
Haven: The pawnbroker owns extensive premises in the basement vault of the Dorotheum. Additionally, nobody knows the catacombs and sewers as well as he does, so he can practically find shelter anywhere in the city.
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Nature: Intermediary
Demeanor: Caregiver
Clan: Nosferatu
Generation: 6
(all in book order)
Physical: Strength 6, Dexterity 3, Stamina 6
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 5, Appearance 0
Mental: Perception 6, Intelligence 7, Wits 7

Talents: Alertness 6, Subterfuge 4, Dodge 6, Intimidation 4, Empathy 3, Haggle 6, Brawl 4, Organization 7, Streetwise 3
Skills: Forgery 6, Stealth 7, Appreciate Jewels 5, Melee 3, Repair 5, Security 7, Animal Ken 5, Survival 3
Knowledges: Archaeology 5, Bureaucracy 3, Camarilla Lore 4, Clan Lore 4, Computer 2, Finance 5, Law 1, History 6, Cainite Lore 4, Catacomb Lore 6, Art History 6, Linguistics 6 (Ancient Greek, Latin, German, Hebrew, Imperial Aramaic, Romanian), Investigation 6, Occult 6, Politics 1

Disciplines: Auspex 6, Dominate 3, Fortitude 7, Potence 5, Animalism 5, Obfuscate 7
Backgrounds: Clan-Prestige 4, Influence 2, Retainers/Followers 7, Contacts 7, Resources 5, Status 3, Allies 5
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 4, Courage 2
Humanity: 6
Willpower: 9
Blood: 30/6

notes: the book always uses kainskinder (lit caine's children) as name for vampires so i am using cainites even thought kindred would probably make more sense in-universe

primogen are called ahnen(ancestors) in the book

and the trödler has a canon translation for his nickname called the pawnbroker even thought that does neither describe what he is doing well nor is it a good translation für trödler which would translate as someone who sells junk or old stuff i have replaced it sometimes in the text, but pretty half heartly to be honest

the mummy in his contacts sadly isn't named and can you imagine having to go to vienna as a mage for a auction? i wouldn't want to stay the whole 48 hours, i would be gone during the next day
WtA question.
Have you played Garou packs patroned by Bear? How did you characterise him, and how much did the inherent loss of Renown that come witht this Totem matter?
I'm a newb at wod/rpg in general
Can someone give me tips how to combine H5 and 2nd inquisition sourcebook? I've read that 2nd inquisition is ideal book to flesh out options in h5 but can't see how?
Aim is: I want to play 2nd inquisition/society of leopold or SAD flavored chronicle using h5 rules, as in each hunter is part of org from getgo.
One of my friends who plays v20 said I could just give hunters few extra resource & contract background dots to represent that they can pull additional stuff due to being org agents, but reading 2nd inquisition gave me appearance that orgs have some cool stuff, not just extra background dots
yes in true mage fashion by using the instrument (acting) you can cast the mind effect that makes you a good person
>and the trödler has a canon translation for his nickname called the pawnbroker even thought that does neither describe what he is doing well nor is it a good translation für trödler which would translate as someone who sells junk or old stuff i have replaced it sometimes in the text, but pretty half heartly to be honest
I wonder whether "Dealer" would work better. It's got a bunch of connotations that could be taken wrongly, but at the heart is the mystery of what is being dealt.
The other option is "Uncle", as that's another name for a not very reputable pawnbroker. That would probably work even better if he was transplanted to another city that uses English as a primary language. (The character archetype shouldn't be too hard to map over.)
Why do you want to place the absolute worst Hunter game?
never played or even read the WtA book but you get less renown from the Bear Totem? Bears will fuck anyone up and can straight up just tank gunshots. Bear should increase renown because it's an honour to have such a strong animal become your patron
I got corebook as a gift so I want to maximize what I can get out of it.
It seems a better English gloss would be "The Peddler"
In WtA canon, Bear has a bad rep with most Garou because of his association with the Gurahl, werebears who are often antagonistic towards werewolves.
Should do a good job as kindling
yeah that would fit very well, perhaps i use that when i make the full pdf after i am done
I feel like I'd rather become a Wraith than a Werewolf. They've got a pretty raw deal, but I'm really not suited to a life of predation and violence, and I don't get angry very often so it would be a massive personality change. Meanwhile I don't really have too many self-doubts or anything for a Shadow to feed on. (I think.)

I'd class that as a Humanity 2 violation, so... 1.

If you are trying to use "what if it's justified?" you fundamentally misunderstand how humanity and similar morality traits in WoD work.
W5 Scent of Decay and H5 Alma Maters are finally dropped in NewVola!
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>renegade trash
>friends playing V20 on Foundry
>everyone is excited with the game, having fun and trying to figure out mutiple plots and having nice and heavy interactions with their favourite NPCs
>friend's SSD crashes and probably lost all game
>he didn't have an unified updated external backup, just some chat logs, docs and pics spread throughout players and me
>not first time this happens in my group
I hope he recovers his game a 100%, but why people don't do backups anymore? My most important game I have an updated backup in Roll20 (where we played previously), my own computer, google docs and spreadsheets. We also avoid hosting in someone else's computer and we have a free-but-weak server of our own.
People got that lazy regarding saving files?
>People got that lazy regarding saving files?
YES omfg yes they did! i used to work as tech support and half out tickets been about costumers just losing their data and having no back ups

half our team including me got fired for saying "no backup no pity" a few times too often
One thing I'm being lazy on doing it is saving all my Pinterest images on my computer in case something happens. It would be an herculean work, but that's something I need to do earlier or later in my life.
>Lamers don’t have back-ups
Couldn’t be me. Virtual Adepts rule!!!!1!!!!!
Neat, I will take a look later and laugh a bit.
I heard about what is found in Alma Matters and for the most part it sounds ridiculous.
I'm working on a drop-in replacement for the Masquerade system, and I am curious. Do you think players will want it to use d10s, or do you think they will care if it just completely abandons them?
What problem are you solving with your system? And are you trying to sell people in general or your group on it? Because people in general won't use it regardless of whether it has d10s or not unless there's a good reason.
At least wait for full Curseborne to be released.
Just play Requiem with Masquerade lore.
The Masquerade system is and has always been janky as fuck. It doesn't scale well from the power level of a newly embraced neonate (or worse, even a mortal) to truly powerful kindred. It plays very slowly, especially before V5. In short, it's very obvious it was made by people that were not conversant with probability, The system is, in short, an afterthought to the setting and the general concept of the game.

As to "sell people in general" or not... I would like enough people to like it that it gets used over the baked in system, at least by a decently large minority of players. That said though, I just really, really hate how the shit-tier system design has marred such an otherwise stellar game.

What is curseborne?

I've never read Requiem 2e. Is it really that improved?
>I've never read Requiem 2e. Is it really that improved?
You should read because it improved immensely.
>I've never read Requiem 2e. Is it really that improved?
By quite a bit. Just about every roll is just one roll with a simple 8-10 are successes, roll another for each 10 you get. 1-4 successes is a standard success, 5+ is a dramatic success. Rolls are modified simply by removing or adding dice. A dramatic failure can be had naturally if the pool is reduced to zero and they roll a chance die to try anyways, where 1 is a dramatic failure, and 10 is a standard success.

There's no target numbers to set, 1s don't reduce success count, and damage is just how many successes over armor you score on your attack roll+ the damage the weapon does.
I've been reading through all the core editions of vampire so far, is there anything in V20 thats better than Vampire revised?
>What is curseborne?
New attempt at dark urban fantasy by OPP since Paradox doesn't allow them to do CofD anymore. Seems promising.
Imma be honest, people say that the VtM system is awful and whatever, but I never had any issues with it. Seems like an ivory tower concern to me, same with people complaining about casters in less interesting game systems.
And I think for most people it works well enough and is simple enough to understand that there isn't any *reason* to change. So good luck.

I prefer Requiem 1e to Requiem 2e myself.
Trying to make a Hollow One who is a ghost fucker. Crazy for that ectopussy. Looking to score that Stantz experience. Which Spheres will I need? Spirit is a no-brainer.
You've clearly never had a combat start that involved several people with Celerity (in Masquerade). Some combat rolls require 4 fucking rolls each, and in Masquerade Celerity gives you extra actions at your full dice pool. A combat like this can last the entire fucking session.

Yes, combat is supposed to a rarity in Masquerade. That doesn't fix the problem when it does happen though. Ain't nobody having fun during that session.
How is fucking spectral women going to lead to Ascension?
Probably some kind of prime and life to create a way to physically interact with the ghost
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Wait, its that easy to hide diablerie? Legit just find somebody willing to teach one dot in Thaumaturgy and then learn the cloak of blood ritual? Goddamn.
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>the most broken combat discipline is broken
holy shit, water is wet. if you had several people build fucking celerity characters your table should have known it was getting into a combat heavy build when you have multiple people stacking up on celerity.
In this modern day and age, I now keep most short term important things (Documents I'm actively working on, games I'm running, etc) on a cloud backup service. There's no reason not to have a free dropbox account or something where you can put non-sensitive notes and such, a notepad file takes up virtually no room.

For long term storage or things I wouldn't want to trust to a cloud storage, those go to a network attached storage device and another offsite backup, but I could understand how someone might be too lazy to work either of those.
this is why you should keep physical copies of any documentation you make for your games
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Do you guys use tiles for WoD? Because I keep coming across measures of distance without any actual rules on like what a standard measure of distance in WoD is or how a tile would function.
Nope, theatre of mind.
fair! it does lend itself to a little less crunch in some areas.
WoD combat is somehow both under- and over- designed, just eyeball or houserule things you find lacking.
I mean, yeah? That seems pretty dumb. If you want combat, play a combat game.
I think the campaigns I played in averaged about 1 or 2 combats the entire chronicle (at least that I participated in anyway), and I don't think most of the people had celerity, so they were over reasonably quickly.
Like I said, maybe combat's awful if everyone has super optimized for combat characters, but anyone who doesn't play for that purpose won't be sold on the idea of changing systems like that, and anyone who does probably should just play a different game anyway.
& like the others said- using Requiem as the ruleset and Masquerade as the fluff is always an option.

It's still likely better than 3.5, regardless. If you want grindy combat, look there. I've had multiple-session-long combats in 3.5 where I've gotten about 10-15 minutes of play time during each 4-5 hour session.
I've been running WoD combat awhile in fairly combat heavy campaigns. Its definitely a problem even if you do a lot of house rules to streamline things.
In an age where it seems over 80% of commerce, maintaining one's self, etc. has a digital presence of some modicum, it's like- VITAL to back shit up. Hell, warehouse stores sell 2 TB Drives marketed SPECIFICALLY for backup and file saving purposes. We're not in the age of Adobe Reader and Google Ultron shit anymore.

>Inb4 called a redditor or newfag for mentioning the IT thread
If it's guns, google what range a gun is effective, and ineffective at. You're not gonna snipe with a 9mm Glock, usually. A lot of WoD combat from what I've experienced is close enough quarters that you're nearly ALWAYS in range or you're setting traps from far away enough to be trouble to anything you encounter.
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>Players wanna fight a werewolf
>4 non-imbued hunters who just got revealed that monsters are real.

They're absolutely fucked unless they blindside the werewolf as a human, right?
>No protection against Delirium
>Probably way lower stats

Only options are silver, explosives, or numbers and even then yeah it doesn't look good due to the fact they'll panic when he transforms.
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They will legit get torn to shreds, have you considered using a Gangrel vampire in its place? Just have the dumb fucks actually think he's a (real) werewolf only it turns out he was some delusional retard.
They already saw the werewolf in the woods. It didn't see them but it came in with the shotgun of the game hunter it EVISCERATED.
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>Didn't explain where it came in
Fuck, forgot to elaborate. One of the players is a gunsmith in his dayjob and the Garou came in as a human looking to get it repaired for personal use.
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How to salvage the situation....
AH! Have the woof get jumped by a black spiral dancer having a terf war and have them focus on mauling each other with the PCs trying to finish off the wounded one.
Have the wounded woof still mangle them even with half of its arms and legs broken so they learn to not fuck with Garou lightly.
for some reason my bf loves this show and it's unbearable cringe to me, while I loved TTS and he cringed at it
I just don't think the characters are fun at all, or fit the tone of Hunter, and the humor feels to me like a penguin-of-doom-tier sporkfest (which didn't bother me so much with TTS because I guess 40k is already so absurd)
does it get less lolsorandumb after the first couple ones ?
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And world of darkness isn't ridiculous?
Lemme put this into perspective on how ill formed the basis of this setting is.
Even assuming the horrendous math that from the biblical times of Caine somehow only sixteen vampire generations have passed is absurd assuming that vampires only create childer every 300 years but they still insist on the population rule of a rough estimate of 100K kine for 1 Kindred yet somehow Chicago is still filled with fucking vampires despite it only being suitable for lets generously give them 30 vampires for 2.6 million yet there's way more than that there despite their rule of thumb.
Logistical nitpicking is a low bar though as assuming people can actually think about it for more than half a second.
What about Pentex? Like the corporation that literally gives people evil spirits for using the goods and services that they provide because they're literal captain planet villains? Or WoD's awkward attempts to avoid vampires being responsible for human tragedies because "humans really are the REAL monsters". No ma'am, the guy literally sucking blood out of my neighbor's neck with a sippy straw is.
I think the issue you're having here is somebody is shitting all over everything you like and it fucking sucks because it feels like they don't understand what makes it good while you didn't have as strong an attachment to Warhammer. World of Darkness is super flexible and can be a lot of things. It can be a personal descent into horror as you struggle to deal with your new circumstances into an unknown world you imagined. It can be the story of a bunch of supernatural superheroes taking on the monster of the week. It can be a game of intrigue and doubletalk. It can be a hack slash werewolf monster game or a free form spellcasting romp where you struggle to juggle the power you have with paradox. It can be a neo noir with supernatural criminals. And it can even be a shitty humor series of sketches. That's the joy of it!
Only slightly. The team like the more campy aspects of WoD, but do go down the dark route where appropriate. The people in WoD in the know about the supernatural make jokes about "spookoi ghooosts" and "insane theocratic neo-pagan berserkers" and how a ghoul can shamelessly call himself a junkie to a man trying to deny giving him a fix on moral principles. Then the dark stuff actually happens to someone the character's care about and the tone shifts to the complete opposite. The team itself doesn't rest on normality for long, they simply don't find it that interesting, they prefer the vibrant colours a story can tell.
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you know what, I appreciate your impassioned response and I agree on a lot of points you're making; oWoD is ridiculous and that's what makes its charm
I don't think it's really being mad at them shitting on something I love because I absolutely adore 40k in all its goofiness, and I'm not really "mad" at the Hunter series, just a little befuddled
I don't think they disrespect the source material, it's just the delivery that I find awkward
maybe it has to do with reusing the characters, something I tend to be allergic to, and it being a sour reminder of TTS being cut short, or simply liking the more intimate feel of Chronicles (even though I plunder the old lore extensively)
quite frankly, reading your rant has brought a smile to my face; it's nice seeing such love for the game and it's true that versatility is one of the best features of WoD/CofD
made me wanna write silly stuff for it
appreciate your perspective, maybe I'll give it another go
the first ones felt like a rough start for me, but I guess that's expected, given the circumstances
is there enough of a throughline between seasons that you can't skip the first ?
kinda curious to check out their take on Mage
Mage stuff is good because the ST is quite flexible and creative. One of his players changed his character's main drive to something different and the man went with it and routed to an ending that neither person expected. The other players had quite formulaic approaches done with their character introductions but then you had the one exception. So he likes his rails, but can build new ones as needed quite well.

I genuinely think you only really need to watch the pub video (Important characters are introduced for later parts), the story time with Big D audio log (Discussion on monsters and the world) and the final episode of part one (To see the consequences of such monsters) to enjoy it from there. Part one felt like (Hey, these guys are BACK but only kind of) to me, and I liked that and some may not have liked that. After the first arc is where new characters are introduced and they can really flex their creative muscles.
Is that James Rolfe as a hunter?
Because GAWD will not allow such blasphemy
Until you've known the embrace of a fat goth chick with a pale pussy, you cannot truly call yourself a man.
Anon is clearly referring to Mummy 2nd Edition, which predates MtR and depicts immortals doomed to never die permanently (although the book hints a nuke might work), but rather will slowly lose their memories and Humanity until they become shambling horrors in a tomb somewhere.
That's like your opinion, man.
H5 is good at what it is, HH1 transplanted to V5 setting. Corebook gives pretty much everything HH1 did but updates it to modern system (granted I'd agree that HH2 sourcebook and HtV 2e corebook gives more stuff right outta gate) also after rereading 2nd inquisition sourcebook quite expands options in H5, as they h5 gives descriptions of orgs, gives you idea how to justify some endowments of perks in that orgs flavor, while 2nd inquisition gives you ideas how those orgs operate, how YOU as ame ber would go on about hunts & what you'd need to justify requisitioning additional backup and resources. Again, book gives me weird vibes that H5 was supposed to be used alongside vampire or werewolf and in this light, I can't justify it being Corebook instead of sourcebook like HH 1 & 2 were.
But after playing few h5 seasons I start to like it more & more. All hunter games (HH2, h5, HtR, HtV) have they're merits and all great in they're own way
I really like WoD/CofD, but I really hate the politics its authors push and have pushed for years now. Are there good alternatives that aren't as pozzed?
werewolves being weak too silver is common knowledge btw just remember that and remind them that their character should know this and maybe they might get out alive against one woof
Make them roll Intelligence + Occult to know this. They probably will. But you know, common knowledge or otherwise, maybe not. I'd debate if you should make them know this if they guess it themselves, but if the players don't notice it on their own, definitely make them roll.
>they still insist on the population rule of a rough estimate of 100K kine for 1 Kindred
going from "hehe stupid leech" too "oh god he's in the fucking walls" is peak hunter
>I really like holidays but I hate travelling and being in new locations. Are there any good alternatives in my house?
>WoD is INHERENTLY gaymosexual poz

No it isn't
To be fair, Chicago was always meant to be an overcrowded mess of a city. Trouble is, the book was so succesful it basically became the mind-map to everything - professional or fan content alike - that was produced afterwards.
I fucking dare Paradox to add a transgender nazi vampire or at the very fucking least a Transgender that's not a marry sue

They can't even let us have native American werewolves
>Stolen Moons
Skinwalkers everyone else calls them skinwalkers
>Oh no there's cultures and religions not European? Better remove them entirely as not to offend some freaks and make a whole fuking book about a biracial lesbian fanfic
>We can't have religious references when vampires come from CAIN who was cursed by the CHRISTIAN GOD and his angels
At this point, I'm very afraid for M5
They're doing neither because trannies are a holy people who can do no wrong to cisshits
cities should always be overpopulated with vampires because that creates *** drama *** when they start fighting over who gets access to blood
>transgender nazi vampire
Would be based and historically accurate.
I keep thinking of Lestat's mom, cutting her hair and then waking up the next morning and finding it long again, and screaming as the body horror sinks in. Imagine a vampire who gets the stab-wound-surgery every day and then wakes up the next morning and has a dick again.
I don't know that I agree (some games you want the drama on the back burner while other stuff plays out), but either way, that means those big overpopulated cities are still meant to be exceptional, with a norm that allows more room for the Masquerade backdrop.
It just so happens that we tend to prefer our playgrounds to be exceptionals - wherever we create them. On that I'll agreee with you.
If the thing you don't like is in all of WoD the thing you don't like is part of it.
It's not in all of WoD. Stop with this. Enough.
>Stop complaining about politics
Political references to covid 19 masks and how your a murderer if you don't get the shot, is not the same as political intrigue between a Prince and a Fay court
Not everything needs to preach a fucking message
It's him as a one piece character but it looks like he's a hunter doesnt it so that's why he's perfect.
I learned about this shit but apparently a few native american societies have this weird as fuck like "speak of the devil and he appears" belief. So like you can't even say the words Wendigo to a Oji-Cree or Skinwalker to a Navajo without incurring some form of bad luck upon them as it draws the focus of the supernatural kind upon them. So by like talking about ill shit they feel that it gives evil shit power and that we're only increasing the bad shit out there.
Also being fair Skinwalkers and Wendigos are inherently very Baned creatures. Making them playable is retarded and they should be Wyrm enemies.
There is a generation cap.
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yeah but realistically if we wanted like a vampire series where like the generations made sense. Assuming God made humans around the time we roughly appear in the table around 300,000 years ago. Lets assume the first and second cities lasted around 100k years each. leaving us with the post flood generations. Even giving them 500 years that they slept underground assuming they were in torpor as a 1 humanity vampire. Lets give them an insane amount of credit that the 5th and 6th gen vampires would take around like 500 years per generation they created and their childer did as well and didnt go hog wild in creating kindred. That means there would be fucking TWO HUNDRED GENERATIONS OF VAMPIRES FROM THE TIME OF CAINE TO NOW WITH A FIVE HUNDRED YEAR REPRODUCTIVE CYCLE. Like the generations make no sense as the time of the thin bloods would have happened thousands of years ago and Gehenna would have already happened before the new millennium Anybody with the slightest idea of how shit work would realize that vampire generations make no goddamn sense.
i assume that's not what the anon meant there is limit to how high your generation can be and that limit grows with time, during the dark ages 13 was the max generation, a cainite of the 13th generation couldn't embrace, it always ended in death.
Then the max generation was the 14 and 15th geneartion for the modern setting, but we don't know when th*nblood became possible it could be anywhere between the 16th century and the victorian era a cainite of the 15th generation also couldn't embrace same as the 13th in the dark age setting, but bjd's then showed the 16th generation becoming a thing

so there is a timer before the next generation becomes a thing, but we don't know how long that timer is
Then you've got nothing to worry about. Use the bits you like and don't be a retard.
void engineer desperately trying to make his amalgam not put him in the loony bin (he has been ranting about malicious EDEs inside cereal boxes that turn kids into cannibalistic serial killers for 3 hours now)
>Yes Ted, we are well aware of Pentex putting harmful entities in consumer products
>No, we will not do anything about it because the amalgam has invested too much money on that company to allow it's bottom line to be affected.
Uh? Maybe WW/OPP should stop being retards and publish content actually worth playing to someone who doesn't have pronouns or a Ukraine flag in their display name
Oooo? Okay so vampires have inbuilt dry spells too that artificially limit the population so undead don't overrun the earth. Interesting That still means though we'd be dealing with some old as fuck vampires like I know vampires occasionally go into torpor when they get bored or experience malaise but that means you'd be dealing a LOT more thousand year old vampires more commonly. Unless a huge chunk of all vamps ever were diablerized?
Actually its Palestine now. Nobody has Ukraine flags.
I still see Ukraine flags, but yeah, I see more Palestine flags. In either case wanting WW/OPP to stop pushing their $CURRENT_THING leftard trannoid politics is entirely reasonable and the heavy-handedness of their messaging is a valid critique of what they've been doing in the last ten or so years
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>he learned of Pentex?
I never liked werewolf, but The Book of Hungry Names is pretty cool.
Thanks for reading my blog.
Then the problem is WoD as a whole and see this >>93377482. If the problem isn't WoD as a whole play the bits you like isn't of being autistic and hyperfixating.
Alright, in Your World/Chronicles of Darkness(TM) what's the reason for the Crowdstrike outage?
>unsubtle vamp attempt to purge masquerade data
>etherite or virtual adept fucking around
>cyberdog retaliation against mainline glass walkers
>>cyberdog retaliation against mainline glass walkers
I'm going with the dogbois.
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I think the issue more that they stopped like focusing on the actually important shit that they were into and decided to just become kinda homogenized with current year shit. Like they're dropping the whole eco terrorism thing for werewolf despite that being like one of the biggest parts of the setting is a bunch of woofs vs Pentex who's ruining the entire world from their vast spread of resources and abilities. Like Eco Terrorism is a hard line stance to take for a game and it is very hard left but now they're mostly brand friendly leftism like nobody is gonna get any dangerous ideas from Rudi compared to something like Mage or Werewolf where they shill the destruction of the power structures that be. Hell, even the Anarch movement kinda leaned on the whole "vampires are interested in social change too" but a lot of it seems to be stalling out in favor for more general platitudes that you can find in literally any left leaning product. Though I guess its a consequence of VtM being a lot more passe when Goth subculture and DnD being the literal Satan game is now fairly normal and mainstream.
Iteration X fucked up the update and got whacked by paradox
Uh, no? The problem is the newer parts of WoD, not "WoD as a whole." Stop doubling down on this, tranny.
Then play the older parts dipshit.
well there is a misconception in your post here >>93378173 that i didn't adress, wod is a young earth, at least in vtm, most clans are only 14 to 10 thousand years old (and set is only 7 thousand years old), Japheth is hinted to be actual japeth from the bible which would mean the flood was only between 7,248 BCE and 7,225 BCE and after that you still have the 3rd generation being the hypocrites that they are enforce embrace embargos on the 4th gen (the founder of the ananke bloodline had to flee babylon because he was found out to have embraced) because caine told them that he'd come back to judge them when the blood became so weak that the youngest cainites would be barely above mortals

the only lore that contridicts this is the lasombra fiction novel series that states that montano was embraced when the first when people where leaving africa which would make him like what 130k years old? while the next eldest known 4th gen, vasilisa, is 14k years old

and yeah a large percentage of vampires, died during the age of fire (you had entire cities in the hre where vampires been completely wipped out) and a lot elders died in the following anarch revolt especially of the clans that would become the sabbat clans because they threated the younger members of their clan the worst

but yeah there are probably a lot of unkown ancient vampires, but most of them would be asleep, topor becomes harder to resist with age(not supported by the mechanics), last longer the lower your humanity is, with the max being a millenia (althought there a npcs that have been asleep) and being awake for longer than 500 years at once makes it possible for you to get the thrist of caine (you can only drink vampire blood) if you are unlucky, which does not go away even if you go into topor later and that's not even getting into the trouble of staying hidden for a millenia while asleep or rejoining society after a millenia, remember the cam is only 500 years old
>read up on Tychoidian cosmology
>reality is just a hypercomputer
>any computer simulation made by something capable of though (i.e humans) becomes part of the simulation
isn't this literally just the same as the Virtual Adepts? does this mean that it fits 100% into a Void Engineers paradigm that they can hack a tree and make it explode?
Funny enough I just had a game where a rouge adept was about to release a bunch of supernatural covers to thousands of agencies
Or, we can insist that WW/OPP publish new shit that's up to snuff, tranny
Or you could not ask retarded questions you know the answer to/not get butthurt when obvious answers are given to stupid questions.
You guys are going to get that one deranged janny to nuke the thread again.

Yes, whatever political nuance the setting had went out the window with WoD5. WoD5 generally has the most milquetoast corpo-leftist take on things, and it bleeds into almost everything it makes. This will not change unless Paradox sells the IP, or fires everyone again and starts over and even then I'd doubt it.

So just don't support them financially. Pirate it all, we have a MEGA with everything, even STV content. Use the old books from before the culture wars kicked off and ideological brainrot began infecting everything. Hell maybe run a game with implictly conservative themes if you want to, it's not very difficult to have a horror story with a conservative message. We had a guy a few threads back who wants to run an implicitly christfag VTM game, and more power too him. Essentially, fuck what the publishers or authors believe, you run that game about whatever the hell you want.
You're the one getting butthurt that we don't like your Tranny: the Pronouns shit lol
virtual adepts are just technocrats that are to juvenile for the rest of the union, their magic fits 100% into the technocrat paragrim

althought if i remember correctly most techno mages who out grow the adepts join iteration X instead of the VE
>no u
No one gives a shit about 5th, why even bring it up? It's a barely supported line with shit mechanics.
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Huh, okay. That makes a bit more sense even if thats really fucking odd how they love trying to tie in our history with WoDs only for the actual back end of history to fuck with like how old the earth actually is. I guess I kinda assumed they'd wanna follow the actual history of the earth but I mean going with a slightly more creationism timeline makes more sense? Still yeah I forgot the Age of Fire and the Anarch revolt lead to a lot of vampires getting merced but my point was more upon that you'd need previous generation vampires to go up a generation or two to keep it stable. Still that's such a fucking weird way to keep to the 16 generation thing and the time of the thin bloods. God I hate math sometimes.
> A few native american societies have this weird as fuck like "speak of the devil and he appears" belief.
The Werewolf Wendigo totem isn't the same as the NA Wendigo
It's a guardian spirit of the tribe (Pretty sure it used to be Bigfoot)
These aren't human NA they come from an extremely different culture

Maybe the Wendigo wouldn't call them that
But the rest? Yeah, the rest would call them Skinwalkers, PeltWalkers, Skintakers, Tanners,
The thing is, I got into "CofD" when it was still called nWoD, and the conceit that these are totally different gamelines hadn't really set in yet. I wasn't that invested in the eco-terrorism angle of Werewolf as much as I was invested in the pack territory, animist spirit politics stuff that became the focus in Forsaken 1e. Even Forsaken 2e doesn't have the hardline messaging I'm seeing in newer material that comes out of WW and OPP.

And it's a shame because there's a lot of stuff in the modern era worth exploring more that could be a big deal in WoD/CofD. It's not like urban fantasy as an idea became obsolete in the 2020s, even though D&D is no longer Literally Satan.
Yes? No u is correct here
None of CofD really does that sort of thing. They're written by progressives and are inclusive in character examples and locations but it's not like there is some sweeping political motivation to the core of those games.

Although nWoD was always a different gameline to oWoD. Very explicitly.
mind you that's only in vtm, wta had dinosaurs, dtf had weird phases where both are true because was cosmos was weird before the fall, and changelings think/claim that they made everything that didn't just spawn out of primordial mist despite being created by the dream of other beings

and then there is also the whole age and wheel think from asia which is basicly it's own cosmology
Because 5th is where +90% of the shit being complained about is from.
Yeah, see that's the odd thing, its basically just using the name without any of the actual like mythological aspects to it. So I can kinda get renaming the tribe if it really isn't actually connected in any way beyond we thought the name was cool, its the same reason you can get away with dodging Ravnos making all gypsy vampires commit crime compulsively with just some rework. It was just an odd decision but I guess this was back when you couldn't google shit to get an answer. But yeah no I'm down to kill Skinwalkers, I'm just saying that's why Navajo get so fussy about bringing them up.
nWoD was originally packaged as a reboot of oWoD, very explicitly. The conceit that they're totally different and unrelated came later. When it was still called nWoD, it was basically treated like just a different edition of the same game. It's partly why you see so much overlap between them, and they end up being lumped together even now.

The transition (hah!) from nWoD to CofD is where the lefty politics really started to seep in to an obnoxious extent and the extent to which it infected the games varied by splat. Since we were already discussing werewolf elsewhere ITT, I'd say Forsaken was one of the less woketarded ones and Ling was one of the more woketarded ones. The absolute worst as far as I recall was Beast, but that was a meme splat anyway, so.,
>nWoD was originally packaged as a reboot of oWoD, very explicitly
Yeah? So they're not the same?
>The conceit that they're totally different and unrelated came later.
Oh, you're trolling. No one thinks that and has never thought that. Go read the title of this thread.
Are you... trying to come off as retarded?
They're different game lines anon that's why they're called different things. If they wanted VtM 4th ed they'd have made VtM 4th ed.
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dude the original cofd books been sold not even as new world of darkness but just as "world of darkness", white wolf pulled the still at the time ongoing dark age line from shelves because hobby shop owners and costumes where both seriously confused as to which book belonged together

most hillarious example was that you could at the time still order "a world of darkness" which was a old vtm book that was not compatible with the book named "the world of darkness corebook" in shelves now!(2004)
So? Basically every reboot keeps the original title. That doesn't mean they're somehow the same thing. Nothing in nWoD acted like anything in oWoD was in anyway relevant to nWoD because it wasn't. It's why Translation Guides existed. Because they're obviously different game lines. Like, that's the whole pitch for nWoD.

So, the reboot from oWoD to nWoD was basically just a new edition of the old game. Changing the names from Masquerade to Requiem etc doesn't change that. They were basically the same thing, and even today efforts to try to bifurcate WoD from CofD fall flat, hence why both are in literally the same general.
The whole reason it exists was to not make a new edition of their existing game lines because they weren't selling well enough. How did you even learn about nWoD without knowing the most basic fact about what it is?
What are you two talking about they announced ToJ as the end of oWoD and that the following released would be something new.
>"Many other publishers have released new editions of their games over the years. Some with more success and fanfare than others. That’s not what’s happening here," said Tinney. "In this case we’re delivering on a promise we made when Vampire first released in 1991. This end is real and this World of Darkness will never be seen again. What will ultimately follow is going to be wholly different. A new and compelling setting."
>the most basic fact of World of Darkness 2 is that it has nothing to do with World of Darkness 1, they're totally different and not related in any way because we changed the word Masquerade to Requiem

Come on, that's sad strawman even for this place.
Nwod only really became its own thing with the releases of vigil, lost and Prometheans
Can a mage be a monster hunter as well? Not mechanically speaking of course but like be apart of hunter org while pretending what he does is different and non supernatural in origin?
like 90% of hunter questions it depends on which hunter in this case which hunter org
yeah I believe they're called the Technocracy
Guys!!!! , I finally got a fine goth bitch
She talks a lot about sculpting and chairs but she's an overall wonderful women
You just described the Tecnocracts
Does anyone have that VTM clan tiermaker? I thought I had the link but I can't find it.
>The Adepts are crippling the Syndicate’s infrastructure through the most coincidental rote
>Meanwhile the Syndicate is preparing its most sadistic Enforcers and HIT-Marks to pay a visit to the Adepts responsible
nah it's time those Virtual Adepts did their homework on the spirit sphere, they should send in invisible unhittable VE death squads
All right, gentelmen, I want to play Requiem 2e with my bros. They've played a bit of V20 before, so they know the gist of it. What should I expect, is the book/setting even good?
you can't keep asking this every thread
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Wait what? That's the reason?
Did I? Serves me for having a bad memory.
Yeah, the guy who was originally put in charge of V5 was an oWoD LARPer and an unironic literal Nazi, and it took THIS incident for Paradox to remove him and take over.
The system is better and I like the setting, but you don't have a lot of "here's what the movers and shakers have been up to" that Masquerade had. There are Night Horror books though that have a bunch of NPCs in them. Then again, since it was V20, I guess that isn't a big a deal. The core book has a couple of city write ups. A lot of setting stuff is in 1e books or ST Vault 2e books, like the Clan and Covenant books, Requiem for Rome and Ancient Mysteries, but it isn't like you need them. There is a 2e Covenant book and Thousand Years of Night (elder book) though. One of the biggest improvements though is Disciplines. They're just so much cooler, and not having to deal with multiple actions from Celerity is nice.
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>actual nazi
>in world of darkness
the most... left leaning game possible? what.
>people say that World of Darkness had alt right dogwhistles
Okay I can get bitching about Clan Ravnos because it was a really retarded way to put the Romani in the game by making them "GYPSY VAMPIRES LITERALLY COMPELLED TO COMMIT CRIME" and the connection between the Romani and the Gangrel was based off the whole Werewolf and Gypsy bs in Universal Horror flicks but like World of Darkness had like openly gay characters in the 90s and 2000s and tried heavily to use World of Darkness to lean on social issues in lore albeit ham handedly. Is this one of those things were DnD is altright for including Half Races or appropriating other cultures but its more just the times have accelerated and it was simply a different time? Like what the fuck?
Fog of Ages
I mean, in addition to the Chechen thing, he was inserting the number 1488 for various example rolls. There was other shit he did, but that’s what I remember off the top of my head. People were complaining to Paradox about it, but they didn’t really give a shit. Until it had real-world implications and NOW they want to be in the driver’s seat. Booted him and steered V5 HARD into the sterile Woke edition we know today.
In 2e Geist, why there's no "I returned for my living loved ones" burden?
>he was inserting the number 1488 for various example rolls
lmao is this true? Where are some examples of this?
The Hungry
Aren't those for material things and belongings? Stuff like money or research.
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NTA, apparently it was in a playtest document that was quickly scrubbed from the internet but I've managed to dig it up
Other shit was
>skinhead Brujah being nazis
no big deal, not every vampire is meant to be your friend
>pedo vampire named Amelia who only feeds on kids
Actually sus.
>>pedo vampire named Amelia who only feeds on kids
>Actually sus.
Not even the most fucked up diet in the game.
It was more that it only specified teens and kids and you LOOOOVE the youth that's eyebrow raising lol. Also being fair the Venture diets are some of the weirdest fucking things. I laugh imagining some fucking ventrue, regal and haughty starving to death because he can't get any blood from crippled black lesbians so he has to find the nearest dark dyke and take a baseball bat to their knees.
>regal and haughty starving to death because he can't get any blood from crippled black lesbians so he has to find the nearest dark dyke and take a baseball bat to their knees.
This happened to one who could only feed from rape victims...
Fucking Ventrue man. Did he get a ghoul to do it or did bro think of England with touch of life and was like "it isnt for the nookie think of my sweet vitae"
To be fair even european leftists don't like gypsies.
Nah bro dominated another mortal into doing the deed.

The character has humanity 6 btw.
yeah, but it be like making when you make a black character with you automatically get like minus to -1 or -2 intelligence dice and automatically fail all swimming rolls. It's really hard to pretend that the Ravnos clan weakness isnt racist when they were like GYSPY VAMPIRES for all of their western counterparts. Like genuinely I don't know what they were thinking lmao.
Bro had to have lost humanity by doing that, that shit is fucking heinous. Like forcing somebody to rape somebody else makes this like a double rape and then bro drains the blood to top it all off. Like jesus lmao, if that happened i'd expect at least a one or two humanity loss given that conscience roll is really hard to justify
The virgin "my Ravnos is a compulsive thief Gypsy caricature" vs the chad "my Ravnos is a compulsive rapist Gypsy caricature"
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Rapist chad, I kneel.......
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vs the stacy "my Ravnos is a compulsive rapist Gypsy caricature (female)"
would i?
>one piece character
Oh... yeah I can see it. Are you using that pic for a character?
Nope but I totally should, why got the same idea?
Not really, just curious. That said one of my players in my Call of Cthulhu campaign is a youtuber, more specifically a Star Wars/Marvel shill like RLM's Nerd Crew. If he ends up dying he's gonna play a video essayist
Kek, interesting pick but that's a fun as fuck idea actually.
>Just some Ventrue
No, isn’t wasn’t just some Ventrue. It was THE Ventrue. The Camarilla idealist, Jan Pieterzoon himself. It’s the real reason they killed him of in V5. And by Theo Bell, of all people, too. Which, besides being very out of character for Theo, is ironic. Why is it ironic? Because Theo was the one who made a guy rape a random woman for Jan could feed and recover. Paradox maybe be trying to erase problematic elements, but they can’t erase SOUL.
I miss the old edgy WoD.
I always thought it was a weird that Jan had that blood requirement, given his personality, humanity score, and how the Ventrue curse usually reflects something about the character themselves.

Wait, fucking THEO did the dominate rape on Jan's behalf? What the fuck... either they were really ride or die before V5 character assassinated Bell, or Theo has some fucking issues.
>stv trove
I'm going through Da Annex, Da Curated Archive, etc., but I'm having no luck. Can you help me out a little?
Disregard, I suck cocks.
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Trying to play VTM tabletop for the first time and finding a table that will allow me to play a fledgling (as in literally JUST sired) is fucking pain
it was such a pussy move too
having a character FORCE a woman to get raped just so he could feed is like the ultimate expression of why all vampires are inherently the bad guys
That's not really surprising. If you play a fledgeling the other players have to hold your character's hand through the period of "I don't know shit about shit" and it's hard to justify going on wacky coterie adventures when your sire should be teaching you the ropes.

There's a reason default VtM gives you a statline that assumes you're a neonate, but not an abject fledgeling. You've been around at least a couple of years is the baseline expectation, and you can start older from there if the game suits it.
House hardestadt ventrue‘s feeding preferences seem to be based on self image

Juergen could only feed on soldiers that got defeated by the knights of the black cross and related ventrue because that’s how he saw himself as too

Hardestadt (the younger) can only feed on veterans and he seed himself as the veteran who won the war of princes

And jan is stated to have been groomed by hardestadt since he was a child and there is one scene in the novels that implies that he also raped him or did something that jan interpreted as rape at least as he has the text book sexual abuse victim reaction to ash trying to seduce him which also conjures images of hardestadt in his head
Is Paradox a Pentex subsidiary?
Interesting thought. The idea of Ventrue curses having trends across lineages is an interesting one but I can't think of any other examples.
Pentex wouldn't tolerate the unprofitability. They can tolerate grabasstic incompetence and stupid business practices, but you gotta keep that bottom line up and keep the quarterly report numbers above rookie numbers.
Holy fuck it's shit. 7 pages in and I'm raging.


Fuck the piece of shit who wrote this trash.
it's a NWO operation meant to make people who play their games slowly have their minds changed so that they start to see themselves as the nation itself and not an individual.
why do they want this? weeeell it's y'know they like uhhh want to make like um super-politicians or something I don't know
Nothing bloodline wide, but There are some examples of ventrue having similar or even the same feeding preferences as their sire the biggest example is probably the one in night road where all local (and related) ventrue have sleep related feeding preferences
Well the Crusader king 2 era dlc policy does in hindsight sound like it could have been in a wta book and everyone would have thought it’s a parody of actual dlc practices…
All descendants of alexander have feeding restrictions related to homosexuality.
But that has nothing to do with alexander who could only drink the blood the of unmarried women in love after all

It’s because they are french and as we know with the laibon, the land itself can canonically change bloodlines
>alexander who could only drink the blood the of unmarried women in love after all

The fuck kinda NTR shit is this? I guess there's nothing saying they can't be in love with him.
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Well he was a “great lover of romance” and loved watching other people’s romances even going so far as to give out boons to vampires who could convince him that they had a chivalry romance thing going on with another vampire

But he was also a complete yandere when someone tried to romance him and he fucking tried to turn a toreador into a rose, which caused the cainites of france to unite and throw him out (it’s a bit more complicated then that, but i am in my phone right now read up france in the dark age europa book if you want all the details)
this is objectively correct but I'm still going to whine about it because I want a medium other than VTMB to explore this trope
Yeah I knew he was such an abject lunatic that he somehow got his own clan, a clan infamous for nepotism, to work with the Toreador to kick him out.
Not just the Toreador. He was so bad that they asked Goratrix, the local Nosferatu, the Setites, and a fucking Baali for help... and that's not even mentioning support from other Ventrue like Hardestadt and Mithras, who are also both said to have helped.
I assume this is something Alexander didn't know because after he gets thrown out of Paris, he then goes to sleep on Juergen's couch and gets himself killed trying to prove to Hardestadt that he can be useful.

However, there are also a lot of unnamed debtors, the books mention that his childe and the Toreador leader can't actually rule the country now because they are so deep in boon debt
i guess that's how the tremere got away with eating another clan
Occasionally I want to get out of my combat and hijinks heavy Hunter-Werewolf-Mage bubble to play other gamelines but reading the thread talk about the kind of shit VtM Lore gets up to reminds me why vampires suck.
There are several sidebars throughout the game and various supplements that tell you to ignore the metaplot as well as any established lore on a city you want to run if you feel it runs contrary to what you're going for.

You can repurpose/edit the stuff they wrote OR throw it out entirely, this approach is fully endorsed by the people who actually wrote this stuff.
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Got a Requiem question. Is there any way to be a ghoul that can produce your own Vitae after a fashion, even if it means damaging yourself? Probably a Coil.

I was going to make a Dhampyr Vampire hunter but that entire writeup gave me the ick.
How would you homebrew H5 orgs to be playable option?
Personally I would do similar to status (org) that give additional bonuses with higher ratings (similar to HtV compacts/conspiracy bonuses)
Or special background/lore sheets that would give you options related to org. Failing that, just give few points in allies/contacts/mentor/resources & some special item list to requisition from
>Inb4 just play HH2 or HtV
Yeah yeah we all know this, I'm asking specifically for H5
>Is there any way to be a ghoul that can produce your own Vitae after a fashion, even if it means damaging yourself?
Nope. Self-sufficient ghouls really runs counter to their whole thing.
>Probably a Coil.
Ghouls can't learn Coils.
>I was going to make a Dhampyr Vampire hunter but that entire writeup gave me the ick.
How come?
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(VTM Revised) I have a very ambitious player who wants to learn many disciplines outside his clan. Desires to learn ones like Protean, Dominate etc what I want to know is how exactly does learning/teaching other disciplines work? does it take days/weeks/months? is it like a meditative like training where with guidance you look inwards or is it physically grueling where by the end you are mentally and physically exhausted.
NTA but they're basically just unrelated to vampires in terms of powers.
We'll have to agree to disagree on that one.
It is true. The disagreement would come from whether or not that's a good thing.
If you say so
>Ghouls can't learn Coils.
My bad, I meant a Scale procedure.
>I was going to make a Dhampyr Vampire hunter but that entire writeup gave me the ick.
It's a lot of mechanics for a very particular style of Dhampyr that I'm not really interested in for the concept, is all.
Requiem lacks the same fluff and charm that makes people enjoy Masquerade in exchange for a simpler world with less restrictions. Biggest problem with Requiem is that a lot of the setting stuff is very long but sparse in content compared to Masquerade's also long ass material.
The idea of nWoD in general was that you build your own metaplot, but then few people actually did so
>How would you homebrew H5 orgs to be playable option?
Make them lore sheets or copy paste the Vigil rules for compacts.
That's just called plot, anon.
>It's a lot of mechanics for a very particular style of Dhampyr that I'm not really interested in for the concept, is all.
You can translate the ones from Accursed Heirs with the conversion guides.
>condescending remark
>it's not correct

Typical of 4chan
People do make their own stories but no it's rare to talk about it for the same reason people don't talk about their original D&D plots.
Its hard to make people invested in random bullshit like that.
>Accursed Heirs
I've never heard of this, could you give a QRD?
An ST can't make their own metaplot.
>people don't talk about the games they run and their plots

>I've never heard of this, could you give a QRD?
Long story short its a STV book about how to make a Dhampir game with additional mechanics for making and playing them.
They get some small powers and merits to differentiate them from Revenants.
One day, the whole Pentex debacle will blow up on the Syndicate's face.
Cheers anon. I suppose I could also do Revenants from OWoD too. Thanks again.
>make a cool and unique part of the Syndicate in one book
>nuke it the next book and make it unplayable
why tho
Well, look at what happened to Hedgefag. He got run out of these threads for talking about the game he ran and his plots because enough people didn't care about his random bullshit.
No but seriously, I see people telling anecdotes about their in-game exploits as though they are real life all the fucking time. It's an age-old tradition in TTRPG spaces. People also tell each other all about the plots and worlds they wrote that are for their game exclusively. Anybody who thinks otherwise needs to touch some grass, like actually.
Nobody's saying it never ever happened. The other anon said it's rare and it's hard to get people invested in random bullshit, and I pointed out a namefag who did talk about his games and got run out of these generals for it.

These threads are more given over to autistic screeching than people sharing shit about their games. Talking shit about the Phil Goat carried more generals than people sharing their in-games experiences.
Most anons here are just selfish midwits that are too ashamed that their own games are boring and therefore that means other game stories must be de facto boring so they're primed to dislike it. Pre 2015 this place was so much better.
>The other anon said it's rare

Not only is it not rare but it's common, typical even. Go to an LGS. Touch grass.
Hedgefag is never really gone, he always returns.
Okay, you owned us both, buddy. Go tell all your LGS buddies about it.
Bruh, I have shared and read stories here. Most of the time there is fuck all to talk about beyond basic mechanical bullshit or some clarification.
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Does Psychokinesis last a scene or does each roll cost a Willpower?
Might want to specify system and edition, they work differently.
2e corebook.
For a Scale, it might cause aggravated damage every time they gain Vitae as their body auto-cannibalizes itself. It would have to be very limited though. Maybe have it so their master put a piece of themselves in the ghoul, and they don't handle it well, losing them a dot of Stamina and lowering their max to 4.
Point being it's far from an ivory tower concern, as >>93374775
When people tell me stories about their games and plots around 80% of the time they do a poor job selling me on why it would actually be fun. People are worse at recapturing the magic of a session with multiple people adding energy to it using their words than they are simply retelling the story's plot without extrapolating on the fun tabletop shenanigans so they tend to just do that. Its a limitation that comes with the fact that most role playing people aren't also moonlighting as comedy writers that happen to have Eidetic memory.
Let me get this straight. The Lancea et Sanctum wants to scare mortals into having stronger faith, right? So what would they think of the Catholic hunters in Vigil? The ones with the holy powers and everything. Would they happily let themselves be destroyed because the hunters clearly have God on their side or what?
It's not clear, but based on other merits such as Telekinesis on the same book, I'd say it would normally last a scene. However, it will ultimately depend on ST and what you would do with it: I think if you wanted to do something really complicated with it, it might cost multiple points, while doing something insignificant might not take any.
They'd probably avoid them. After all, why would they seek death when they've got a purpose to fulfill?
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>we built several combat heavy characters and am now mad because combat takes too long
I don't know what you expected bro. Literally celerity is built around letting you do a bunch of shit with dice rolls.
>Lancea et Sanctum
What? I though it was Lancea Sanctum.
Celerity specifically says it doesn't change the number of things you can do in a turn. You get an initiative boost, a defense boost, a reaction, and a dash. That's all.
which version are we talking?
The good one, clearly.
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Okay faggot, I'll be enjoying my refreshed die pools. Have fun with your abilities.
lol everyone acts like vtm celerity slowing the game down is obvious until someone brings up vtr celerity and they suddenly start defending their dice rolls like a dndfag
I never said it was a bad thing? Only that yeah, if you're gonna use VTM's rulesets and use celerity no shit it lengthens combat. It's fucking retarded to assume otherwise. If you like combat or not is another matter. Me, I enjoy some violence and throwing some dice around. Anyway if you're gonna bitch about it there's always the v20 rules which altered it so its a blood point per action if I recall correctly.
Here's a hot take: I've played since 1e, and Celerity is the very first discipline I house ruled to not be as obnoxious. The system for it is crazy broken, rules as written (in Masquerade). I can't speak to it in Requiem or V5 though.
There's a paid gaming session site where you can search by system. V5 seems to have a lot more games listed for it. Is that just an effect of it being the most recent version, you think?

I am fiddling with the idea of running some games there, for money, since I have over 30 years of experience with Vampire and almost 50 with RPGs in general. Thoughts on this?
Or they'd test them to see if their faith is actually a strength.
>V5 seems to have a lot more games listed for it. Is that just an effect of it being the most recent version, you think?
More that Paradox pushes it as the "only" version right now, just like how DnD 5E has way too much mindspace in TTRPGs.
Corpos are pushing for "One" branding
One Mortal Kombat, One World of Darkness, One D&D
Side effect is that normalfags and casuals will buy the marketing line and think they really are all you need
holy shit, you're one of the OGs lmao. What was it like playing DnD with the boys back in the 80s?
Honestly it was some hot shit. I started at 9 years old with my older brother's D&D books. We did stupid kid adventures with them, but when I got to Jr High, I met some guys that played AD&D and the real shenanigans began.

Weekend sleep-over D&D all night Friday and all day Saturday was the norm. Those were golden days.
I would say it just appeals the most to the kind of demographic that would unironically pay for Tabletop games.

Only do it if you're starving man, making a hobby into a job is a great way to kill your enjoyment of it.
I used to play with a group of guys that included one waste of skin that once described a Nosferatu he intended to play in the session that evening as "a butt." The character's face was literally a wrinkly old man's ass.

I would think that if you're paying for games, you're going find a slightly more serious set of players than that.
that guys still had enough social skills to join a circle that wanted to play without having to bribe his way in... i assume

this is not given in the paid ttrpg space. like think about it all the ttrpg horror stories we know or experienced still featured people who could show up to games, even if the game never got off the ground because of said horror story, without having to pay to make up for their lack of social skills
You're assuming a lot of negatives about the people in the paid games space. You do know you don't have to take money from anyone that waves it at you, and can vet people before you let them in your group, right?
i know, but there is no good reason to pay for a ttrpg to be run for you if you don't have to so it's either gonne be a "waste of skin" or a imbecile

there is also the problem that comes with expections when you pay for something, it's different from the normal game where you go there with assumption that everyone is there to have a good time and people in organized plays/ conventions are already stereotypes as entitles toddlers that throw a fit if you tell them no
>"waste of skin" or a imbecile
People here play with randos from this board. I really think people that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
nta but I unironically I totally would play with people here.
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I don't care how good you are at running games, Table Top Games is an experience you share with friends and I am NOT paying for friends
Not that I know of, but if he's going to be hunting vampires anyway why not just have him drink a bit when he does?

They decided to change it because "it wasn't good Latin". Instead of treating it as English, which any sensible person would have done.
Now it's still not good Latin, but now it's not good English either.
I recommend ignoring 2e entirely. You'll never find *me* referring to it with the 2e name.
>I recommend ignoring 2e entirely.
Bad take. You might not like some of the minor lore changes, but CofD/2E versions are better overall.
>You'll never find *me* referring to it with the 2e name.
Should we care what you say in particular or something?
I have yet to see anything from 2e versions that I've liked, and that isn't just the lore changes, but fine, I'll bite. What's so great about it in your opinion?
>local anon doesn't understand English pragmatics
A shocker, truly.
Who are you, and do you think being a 4chan celebrity actually nets you something?
I wouldn't know, I've never played with people that pay for tabletop, but never assume people will actually put effort into something they're paying for.

You may get a serious business player who is from a place where he just can't find a group and is willing to pay. You might get rejects who need to pay the get a game. You may get people who watched the WoD critical role knock-off and are expecting something so curated and specific in flavor that they'll drive you up the wall.

It's a grab bag and attempts at being "discerning" could get you labeled as needlessly combative. Or you wait so long for three or more good players that some of the other good ones move on. A lot could go wrong, or maybe it could go perfect. It being transactional does set a very different tone to the GM-Player relationship, and I still stand by the belief that you should only do it if you need the money, because even if you don't get absolute cancer players, it could kill your passion for it.
Not him, but I like the Disciplines a lot more, especially the changes to Animalism. I also like flat XP costs because otherwise I feel a powerful urge to minmax, even when it doesn't work for the character, because other
>yes, my biker who gets in a lot of bar fights could whoop mike tyson, why do you ask?
*because otherwise it feels like I'm wasting XP I could spend on cool stuff.
Basically every bit of mechanical design is better in VtR 2e IMO. Especially when it's in regard to character options and things players will be doing.
See, I can do it to you back.
I hardly think I'm a celebrity. I'm barely even on these days. But I will certainly complain about people making bad linguistics decisions for no good reason.

I'll look at the disciplines. So far I see that animalism took away your ability to make animal ghouls without it? Plus there's a territory one that seems like it's treading a little close to some of the bloodline disciplines.
I actually prefer the increasing XP costs.
No, you can still create animal ghouls. Animalism 2 lets you create zombie animals. They take less damage, are better at interpreting orders, and you can communicate with them over a long distance. There's a Devotion in the book that lets you turn ghouled animals into familiars though so they can use Disciplines And not just Animalism has a territory power. Obfusicate does too.
Yeah disciplines are across the board improved. Even if you don't like the flavor of one or two abilities (which desu can be said about virtually any edition), the design is a lot more consistent and balanced. Dominate and Majesty are my favorites in 2e.

Most of my problems with 2e are core CofD2e rules, not anything Requiem specific. And they're all fairly easily houseruled around.
Question for the mage players, our storyteller was going over CC and we were discussing this merit here

>Legendary Attribute
(5 points) [Mage: Revised - Supernatural Merit]

Your mage has a superhuman Attribute, something in which he has the potential to be greater than human. Although this Attribute is not necessarily automatically better, the mage could potentially exceed the bounds of human ability. Such a gift is rare and precious, and many people with this capacity never even manage to fulfill their true potential.

In your character's legendary Attribute, your character has the potential for a rating of six dots. Thus, your mage might have the Strength of Hercules or the Intelligence of Occam. This Merit does not confer such a rating automatically; it must still be purchased with Attribute points, freebie points of experience.

In addition to the potential for inhuman power, your character has some miraculous capability tied to that Attribute. A mage with legendary Stamina might have the ability to roll a soak against any form of damage, for instance, while a mage with legendary Wits might be able to shift his initiative category by one place in any given turn automatically. This power is generally automatic, and it is subject to the Storyteller's approval. Its potency varies with the character's actual Attribute rating, so a character with a legendary Stamina of 1 has a weak legendary power that might grow with time and experience.

This Merit obviously has the potential for abuse, and it is not appropriate for all chronicles or characters.

He was under the impression that taking this starts you on a whole new 'legendary attribute' track and you would only have a low level bonus power, even if you took it for something you had 5 dots in. I was under the impression if you took it in an attribute you already have 5 dots in, it would be a more substantial ability.

Which of us is correct?
The only gripe I have with 2e is that Auspex feels kind of samey.
Well, he’s the ST, so he ultimately has the final say, even if he is wrong. But to answer your question, yes, YOU are right. Read the description
>potency varies with the character's actual Attribute rating
It would start at whatever number of dots you had in the attribute when you bought the merit.
>[Attribute] 1 = Start off with weak ability, but has potential to grow
>[Attribute] 3 = Start off with a more refined ability
>[Attribute] 5 = Start off with a near broken ability
Seeing how this merit can be abused, I’m surprised your ST agreed to let you buy it when he didn’t clearly understand it. The ability that comes about has to be something you can both agree, because yeah, it could break his Chronicle. But then again, it did cost you 5 freebie points, so the merit better be damn worth it. You have to strike a balance.
I didn't take it, and ultimately it didn't seem that much better than cranking up blessing in the background section. I was just curious because it seemed strange to need an investment of 10 dots to make use of the ability to its fullest.
Hmm, I guess that's...fine. I don't know that I would have put it as a core part of a discipline as common as Animalism though. Maybe as a ritual for Crúac or something.

Looked through the rest. Most of them are pretty meh. Like not a change I felt that needed made, but not one that is all that objectionable either. Protean aspects are kind of neat, but I don't know as I'd have pushed them as two levels of Protean.
And I did see the obfuscate territory one. Same deal- feels like it's imposing on the territory of Tenure and Domus.
2e Nightmare seems like it would do better as a nWoD Dementation than Nightmare to me.

Another major complaint I have is that you have to go flipping through pages to figure out what half of the abilities do. Conditions were a massive mistake.

That said:
They absolutely *butchered* Auspex. Butchered it! My absolute favorite discipline and they butchered it! No joke I have taken Auspex with every single character I can remember making for oVamp AND nVamp. This alone would make me not want to play 2e.

>And they're all fairly easily houseruled around.
I'd rather just houserule 1e with the things I like :)
I'm pretty sure you're baiting but I want to see you justify the absolute trash 1e physical disciplines as superior to the 2e ones.
>Becoming a NWO Agent so I can brainwash the Verbena bitch into becoming my loving trad-wife
>Your higher up requisitions her for their use
>Doing that instead of just cloning her
I’m starting to think my “higher-up” doesn’t actually deserve to be there. Incompetency is a sign of weakness. And that’s sign to start exploiting. Not that I would think that, of course. I definitely not would.
I kind of skimmed over those because I've never taken one in my life. I'll look at them again.

(I will say that one of the things I definitely like about 2e is that it has a table of contents. Even if it's a little overlong.)

Celerity 1e:
>dots in Disc. subtracted from attacking dice pools
>adds to initiative
>adds to speed

Celerity 2e:
>add Disc to dodge
>immediately move to head of initiative queue
>smaller speed bonus
I'll agree that 1e's speed seems a little excessive, but you can't get THAT far with it since it's only one turn. Meh.

Resilience 1e:
>add to stamina
>downgrade agg to leth

Resilience 2e:
>add to Stamina
>downgrade Agg to Leth except sun
>subtract from damage OR subtract from bane damage
I got nothing to say about this

Vigor 1e:
>add to Strength

Vigor 2e:
>add to Strength
>add to athl, brawl, weaponry
>lift and hurl
I'm not sure it's necessary to give double bonuses here.

Seems like a meh change to me, like I said. I'm still not going to take them for any PCs I make. I might give an STC one if I want him to be boring I guess, but that doesn't depend on the strength of them.

Why does everyone always accuse me of baiting when I give my opinions on nWoD? They're honest opinions. I don't even care if you respond. Is there some way I'm writing that seems bait-y?
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>cloning her
The objective is to cuck you, bro.
how will he clone her without having access to her body? also you better be careful because implying that your superior is planning on "cucking" you is very unmutual
>how will he clone her without having access to her body?
You’re acting like the Progenitors cannot clone an entire human being from a single strand of hair.
Crying over a bitch? Couldn’t be me.
it's for a... a new Iteration X project too see if you can 3D print a human so they need the whole body for um comparison and so they can scan her for the model
>Iteration X
>Interested in the human body at all
Those Mechanicus rejects wouldn’t dare waste an ounce of Computer-senpai’s precious resources on such a backwards project.
Anon... computer is gone... Iteration X has gone mental and lost it
Wait…if Computer’s gone…and Iteration X has lost it…and we’re over here…and the Syndicate sucks cock…WHO WAS SUPPOSED TO TURN OFF THE HIT-MARKS!?!?!
new thread
It definitely reads as bait. Very uncommon opinions that don't always read as fully supported. The smiley face struck me as fishing for a reaction.

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