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Previously: >>93355341

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>how to proxy using any printer

Most forgettable recent set?
>Most forgettable recent set?
i don't remember
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Which color mix do I pick tthis set to have fun and an absolute blast but also tons of good art (winning optional, no tokens)
Thunder Junction and Murders. It's like I had a stroke and these two places were just evaporated.
Brothers War especially
I feel like bloomburrow might be the worst set in years. Sure, the art is nice if you're a furry, but the power level is so fucking low. Next to nothing will see eternal play and it'll all be swept under the rug as a mistake. Truly kawigama 2.0 without jitte or top.
Murders I totally get, but Outlaws was pretty memorable to me for better or for worse.
fuckin uhh
all will be one
>power level is low
Not really sure where this meme came from but it's a good way to spot automatons. This set is plenty powerful
Bloomburrow's art is 30% beautiful, tasteful storybook pieces that's some of the best MTG has had in ages and 70% furfag sloppa
NTA but the feeling seems to be related to OTJ being the strongest standard set in years and BLB being weaker than that is somewhat of a correction.
Pretty soon we're going to have people using Skubidoo Markov Detective Extraordinaire tutoring Sweetie Squirrel Squad out of their deck so they can equip Haunted Game Cartridge to it then swinging at you for lethal with it because they've been complaining the whole game about how UB is killing Magic and just doesn't fit the aesthetic.
>Most forgettable recent set?
Return to innistrad and Karlov mansion
>Power level is low
What exactly is low about the power level?
There is absolutely nothing for eternal formats. That's why it's low powered, show me 5 cards that will see play anywhere outside of standard.
Edh is an eternal format and there's plenty for edh
>Return to innistrad
No that was Return of the Return of Innistrad
>Next to nothing will see eternal play and it'll all be swept under the rug as a mistake.
Laugh in squirrel and rat
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>didn't even mention the cowboy set or the wacky races set
EDH is the autistic cousin of eternal formats
Minotaur tribal chads WW@?
>plenty of new cards
>for the format that doesnt care about power level
>as justification for why a set isnt low powered
Come on, apply yourself.
Literally the most reddit tribe
One of my biggest Magic regrets is that I used to have a "kitchen table" pod, and we played "kitchen-table 4-player 60 cards, use whatever cards you own" format, and I insisted to this group that we switch to playing Commander instead. I didn't realize how soulful things were until it was all gone. I was foolish to try and confirm to how I thought the game should be (as dictated by EDHrec and other similar resources), instead of ignoring the metagame at large and just having personalized fun with my unique playgroup.
>unable to do both
At least your social group is all equally one dimensional.
The wedding and werewolf innistrad sucked. Was that innistrad 3? They killed all hype
I want the fast and furious set. I'm excited for the Hobbes, Dominic Toretto and Paul Walker UB commanders
Ah minotaurs, one of the only viable tribes in this entire game. I played hornstill in legacy for a brief period of time and won quite a bit.
If you're lucky they'll bundle it in with the wacky races set because it has cars and drivers, like how they bundled Jurassic Park in with LCI because it had dinos.
Yeah that was Innistrad 3
Maro explicitly said none of the announced sets have any UB tie-ins like that.
>trusting maro
That's your first mistake.
That would be smart
That is fucking retarded, if we don't get UB Fast & the Furious what is the point of a death race set?
what commander deck will have the best reprints?

my bet is on Bumbleflower, I think the deck itself is gonna suck balls so they're going to try to fix it with some overpriced reprints.
Maro also tells us that 90% of players don't know what a Planeswalker is. Sometimes people lie
why the fuck is this card so good and why do i never see anyone else playing him as a commander.
He doesn't outright say something isn't happening that is definitely happening immediately. He'll only say 'we've not announced that' or something.
Because deafening silence is one mana and much better?
Fuck you Brothers War was based
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This fucking asshole is responsible for everything going to shit in Bloomburrow right?
She's so cute...time to play Bant
More so the (((frog))) that hired him
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Bumbleflower reminds me too much of another absolutely terrible precon commander.
I'm betting the squirrel one has the most value out of the box.
>galaxy brain basics
He's a hired thug who did the deed, but Glarb is the one who hired him.
The dragon bird is also completely irrelevant to Glarb getting the egg stolen, that's just Omenpath fuckery, because I guess we're using this arc to showcase the bad sides of the Omenpaths after showing us literally nothing in the first arc except that some people got to the cowboy plane and a faerie got around.
Damn... I can't play reddit tribe. Guess I gotta change to a new tribe, lets see now... this looks fun with new support. Squirrels!
He's great in the 99. There are many more interesting orzhov commanders
>deafening silence not in the command zone
>you use it to get a shitload of treasures because no one cares about giving you a treasure not to stop people from casting spells
terrible comparison and does not answer why i never see people running him as a commander. i definitely see him in the 99, but never as a commander.
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The fuck is this?
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
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show me the damn wolf already WotC before I piss myself
>i definitely see him in the 99, but never as a commander.
He's good valuetown and ramp but pretty boring. I guess he'd be a good commander in a deck with lots of high cost cards
He's a terrible do-nothing value commander.
Unless you're just playing a combo deck, there's no reason to run him in the command zone.
>This will sell our product.
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>skullclamp is literally just a facehugger
Like the art hate the text>>93362770
These are meh
This card is outstandingly bad.
>5 mana
>5/5 3 keywords
>card draw engine
>also a shitty overrun engine that helps the card draw
Genuinely bonkers and I hate it
>mana cost unknown
>RG colors
>6/6 trample
>Enchantments you cast from hand have cascade
In the raccoon precon
That card fucking sucks.
Overpushed busted Squirrel reddit bullshit: the card
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there you go
Good or not is irrelevant it's the amount of stuff it does for it's mana cost, combined with it's static qualities
>I guess he'd be a good commander in a deck with lots of high cost cards
or lots of interaction and "steal yo deck" cards. i love casting crabomination on T3 because no one payed him any mind and let me get a bunch of treasure.
>There are many more interesting orzhov commanders
if you love aristocrats. being 2 cmc and the mana from treasure is far better if you want to run stax-lite, so i would prefer kambal or drana and linvala.
I bet it costs 5 mana
for you only $300
Huh? I feel like thats not right. Why would they put all of the Calamity Beasts in the Main Set but one of them in the Commander Set?
I did not expect this guy to be an enchantment themed legend
These guys are in the precon?
Love the art
You can't run the best artifact hate in your stax deck if you're planning to build your strategy around lotho treasure. He's a good card, but not an interesting commander
It does fuck all unless you have a big board, it sucks.
its a photo of an arm with a tattoo of a facehugger
Is there not a mono red legendary calamity beast?
>You can't run the best artifact hate in your stax deck if you're planning to build your strategy around lotho treasure
i did say stax-lite. stony silence may not be a good idea, but smokestack is great with him. braids arisen nightmare is great with him. big mana spells that you normally couldn't cast are great.
>He's a good card, but not an interesting commander
what is an "interesting" commander, then?
yeah, and? i am still correct in saying it is just a facehugger. who cares if it's a photo of a tattoo?
Maybe because Wildsear is something that mostly only was a problem for Valley in the past, and the set is largely contemporary, but the precons are a bit more open-ended? I dunno, we've had story characters in precons before, Clavileno was in LCI's story for example, but had only one card in the main set showing him (the one where he dies).
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>No inherent protection
>Doesnt help you build your board in any meaningful way
>Muh stats in colors/trine that can shit out a bajillion tokens anyway so who gives a shit
Dude that card actually sucks, youre nuts. (Pun intended)
It might be the Dragonhawk fills that role, despite technically not being a Calamity Beast. Assuming the card we saw for it is real (which some doubt because the source is just 'some guy from Discord').
what power level are t6 win decks (sometimes t5, sometimes t7)?
>Wildfire wolf, known to burn down forests and being responsible for wide scale descruction
>not a burn card, but an enchantress card for some godforsaken reason
what exactly is the reasoning here
cards that rely on your opponents being nice, should be way fucking cheaper.
>card where nobody ever makes a copy
wasted slot, play the superior color
Again it being good or bad is irrelevant the amount it does and has for 5 mana is silly. No one is arguing with you anon ^.^
Gay Bolas
buckbroken by squirrels yet again
>what is an "interesting" commander, then?
Teysas, Tymna, Frodo Sauron's Bane, Uncle Karlov, Liessa, the ixalan vampire Conquistadors, etc
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Hey look, ravenous is back, for some reason.
Did Nicol Bolas really get raped by Chatterfang?
Oh hey its this shill again. Still shitting up our general, huh?
so he's in the gruul precon? I thought he was main set as the big bad?
by far the biggest disappointment in the entire set for me
Ya know interesting point, but they at the very least make alot of major characters like that Face Commanders.
Really uninspired effect if nothing else.
Magical fire that causes more magical nonsense to happen? Unclear. Wildsear is generally meant to have been the most dangerous of the beasts, so maybe it has more going for it than 'just fire'.
yes, BSC (Big Squirrel Cock) destroyed his cuckhole
You are terminally online anon and you need help.
There needs to be some sort of unifying factor further than "cards I like" when you say etc anon
No. The big bad is the frog king. He hired the weasel to steal the owl egg. The owl is wrecking havoc trying to get the egg back.

The wolf is not in the story at all. It was long ago defeated and the mother mouse wields the tooth that has been passed down.
Might've been something else and they ended up realising "oh fuck we don't have the wolf we advertised the set with in the set" so they just slapped it onto something else.
Nobody cares faggot, go back to complaining about shitty 5 mana 5/5s
The wolf is presumably still alive, it's just not in the area. Cragflame is its tooth, but Wildsear itself didn't die, it was just fought off. Only two Calamity Beasts actually make direct appearances in the story (Maha and Eluge) anyway.
I hope you find the help you need anon :)
already have a teysa karlov deck, just an aristocrats combo deck. scion is more of the same. envoy is not interesting in the slightest and absolutely terrible. opulent oligarch is like lotho in that it just generates value over time, but it does it more slowly and costs more to do everything.
let's not pretend tymna is an orzhov commander, tymna is a 3 or 4c commander. also, "do thing, draw card" is "more interesting" than "when any player does thing, make treasure"?
>uncle karlov
soul sister and aristocrats deck, strategy hinges too much on having him out.
addressed this with the kambal or drana and linvala thing. would much rather a 2 mana thing for light stax than a 3, 4, or 5 mana commander.
>vampire conquistadors
mostly more aristocrats decks of slightly different flavours.
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>best reprint value in some time
>has vomit inducing eye cancer """art"""
Why, who gave this the go ahead
i fucking knew the rabbitdeck was going to be trash.
That's hilarious
should have made sure your opponents can't win the game while the protection is up
Teferi's Protection but you get to watch as some other guy goes "oh fuck I dunno what to do with an extra turn".
>It was then that the greatest among the Calamities appeared: Wildsear, the Season of Flames, the Primordial Fire, the Scouring Maw who burns through the seams of this plane and the next.
>Yes, this will make an excellent enchantment value legend
What the fuck were they thinking?
>6 fucking mana
Unironically 7.
8 if it's a combo deck.
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oh and frodo? not interesting. it is not a 1 mana commander, it is 6 mana, and let's not pretend otherwise, and a removal magnet because one touch from the evasive little scamp and you're dead.
at least list some ACTUALLY interesting orzhov commanders.
>daxos and eriette
enchantress in orzhov is neat.
politics. not good, but politicking is always fun and makes games a little more interesting.
>nalia, burakos/folk hero
party or support for tribes that need it.
cleric deck, very cool.
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Wow white got Ancestral Recall and now it has Time Walk?
Kek and based
>combo player about to pop off
>give resident dinotard an extra turn to push combo players shit in
>board wipe when you phase back in
It's not great but it can be fun
This could be decent. Politic with the strongest combat player at the table so they take out the other two opponents, then wipe the field on your turn to take them out yourself (you're group hug, you should have a board state)
shit and piss pilled
i'd rather play white Ancall >>93363168 and deal out some pseudo protection from one person instead of pozzing someone
The lands actually look pretty cool. Would fit into a Fallout deck, maybe the horror movie set too.
>Storm player goes off
>Just phase out with an army and give the storm cuck an extra turn to lament his life
This thing is probably way better than people are initially going to think.
Its great if you're way behind and need to axe the Archenemy, but at all other cases its sadly dead
its a worse teferi's protection at twice the cost.

I think people are judging it very accurately
>need to take a fat shit
>cast this spell and copy it for each opponent
>get back just in time for my turn
>and give the storm cuck an extra turn to lament his life
no, ding dong, you give it to another player who is about to die to the storm player anyway.
It's 6 mana, just play Silence or Orim's Chant
teferis pro already does just that at half the price
You clearly have no idea how to put players on tilt. Having a Storm player blow his load and whiff, and giving him an extra turn to LITERALLY play with himself is peak meta comedy.
>giving him an extra turn to LITERALLY play with himself
An extra turn to draw and untap so he might be more prepared to deal with your next turn, you mean?
Neither provide Instant speed 8 flying power between 4 bodies.

Sometimes the funniest plays aren't the most optimal, Anon. If I have to examine this to you, then MP Magic might not be your bag.

It's tefiris but you get to watch your opponent go hrrrrr what do I do

If you don't know how to win after this you're a mid player lol
>Everyone focused on the TefPro, but ignore he four 2/2 instant speed fliers that doesn't require you ifr a turn
What if you copy it ~300 times and hope they don't have thoracle or the like
This cards cool lol. Gift a turn to whoever is about to win and then they either blow their load killing the other two or just durdle because they don't want to take big actions and have you be untouched in the end
Gift to a player that's about to lose, Anon.
the fuck 4 2/2 flyers for 6 mana gone do?
That sounds dumb I'm not here to compensate for your bad playing
You're in anthemspam colours.
Are you a retard?
At Instant speed? Pile drive someone for 8 immediately following, and that's assuming you aren't an Annoited/Parallel type deck, or buffing fliers.
fair point, still, 6 fucking mana

i dont really see the practicality in it too. its probably best if its 3vs1 and that 1 guy is about to win and you can seet what the others may be able to do.
but even then, isnt it better to spent the 6 to knock the archenemy down some more?
and even if the archenemy gets fucked, you are now facing that guy who got the extra turn special with extra dip
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It's a reach, but I could see the idea of shitting out red pain enchantments as a form of a representation of reducing everything to a smoldering heap.
Then give it to the weakest player of the two. You don't NEED to gift a turn, and people can't seem to wrap their head around this fact.
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I like the brain dead lands
cool. problem is, it has basically no protection, so I guess that lowers the rating.
Why are all the legends in this set duds bros?
Because muh squirrel memes. At least Duskmourn is looking decent-ish.
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Sweet finally
I will now rebuild Klothys without Klothys
Not all decks run or need protection. If you're playing aggressively with intent to win early and you recover from destruction/wipes by refilling the board, it doesn't matter.
Offspring secondary commander?
It's okay, I guess. Plays kind of well with offspring, I guess.
I dunno. Don't like it.
>no cast triggers
>bounces back to hand
>needs a 2nd creature
I'll stick with Djeru and Hazoret, thanks
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>grabs ulamog
Nuffin personal kid
>no cast triggers
>bounces back to hand
The precon is going to be stuffed full of etb triggers so that's probably what they're going for with this.
What the fuck does Ulamog even do with that trigger aside be a big attacker? It isn't cast and doesn't get the attack trigger.
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*makes bluetrannies scoop on sight*
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*makes wh*tebois scoop on sight*
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I didnt say resolves.
This is really bad
This general is infested with mouth breathing tourist who defend tripfags and Universe Beyond of all things, this should not surprise you.
Aw youre right tapped and attacking doesnt work, still tho good card for getting a big beater out
mouth breathing tourist here, fuck tripfags, fuck UB haters and fuck jannies
>namefag trying to call people out
>he says as he cherrypicks one of the only UB cards that has art that's not muddy AI slop
I would like UB so much more if they actually put more care into the sets
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UB truthbomb time
>Walking Dead
Like 50/50 chaff to pushed ratio, 3.5/10
>Street Fighter
No Cammy, Elena, Poison, or R. Mika 5/10 at best
Lots of flavor wins but many flavor fails, still a 7/10
>Stranger Things
Faggot art but decent enough rules, 6/10
Too many niggers, terrible Sauron design, at least Saruman got some cool cards 5/10
Whoa look it's assassin, other assassin, nigger assassin, woman assassin, and arab assassin! 4/10 because the IP sucks

Final average: 5/10 aka MEDIOCRE
why kino art cards always have to be fucking triple nigger colours AND the ones I don't like
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>do thing
wow, so creative
where are the alt racoon commanders
100% of cards in UB sets are in flavor of the set they are released in, even the basics. that alone makes them more soulful than other commander sets.
but yeah, there are some extremely ugly cards in UB - looking at female vault dweller. what were they thinking with those?
Is that the alt commander for that bunny?
you forgot
>doctor who
>jurassic park/world
>dungeons and dragons
>tomb raider
and that doesn't count other IPs that have card reskins.
>not even on that counters theme
well, i figured the deck is gonna be ass
I'm building bumbleflower and you can deal with it
what are gruul alternative commanders instead of the coon
why do blue players fear honest games of magic so much?
>what were they thinking with those?
We don't use that word, chudster
Probably deliberately made it shit cos they know the art will carry the set
>activate only as a sorcery
>whenever one or more
It's total dogshit
Isn't it Wildsear? >>93362884
Show us the imagine courageous critters meant to be in the precons
pretty please
Did they errata this design nightmare yet?
So you don't know
what is this a pic for mice?
What is there to errata?
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Birdanon is eating good this set.
Retards think that "you may pay" means they can cheat and choose not to pay the cost while still getting all of the effects.
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free him
>choose x equals 40
>don't pay the energy cost
>still get 40 cards
oh boy here we go
can't gift when copying
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Windmill slam into Kangee
There is no reason this can't be black border
i think whether the gift was promised is a 'mode' that stays on like selecting modes of a modal spell
>cant fit into mono blue Gandalf
No, by design
Makes perfect sense to me
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when was the list time you played a game of commander at your LGS?
>Three color
God fucking dammit I hate three color.
They couldve just axes the lifelink and made him simic
I moved recently and haven't been able to find a new LGS I like.
Time to finally pick one up for my birb deck? How does he perform?
Kinda strong methinks. The noncreature punish becomes guaranteed after a couple of evolves
i fear the LGS dwellers
i will stay with my buttbudies
>foxglove one of my favorite flowers
>beautiful but very deadly
>fox man in fancy clothes
>has foxgloves in his hat
Awesome I love it very kino
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Most based
>mono color
>dual color
>3 color
>4 color
His core ability is pretty white (draw until you match an opponent is more white than it is the rest, though I guess it's specifically more white-blue).
>white gets group hug hot trash
>blue gets a 2 CMC high powered card draw engine that involves rules setting and power matters
all of them
a lot of them
>3 color
barely any
>4 color+
not a single one
he's great. very low opportunity cost to potentially see a lot of cards and get a potential serious threat in the air.
Squirrelfags and birdbros fucking won with this set.
he is stellar in commander, but i didnt want to shell out big bucks because cringe and greedy, 4-copies needing modern Hurensöhne gobbled it up. it since has dropped quite a bit, luckily
i proxied him
why is mono most based, explain yourself
I want to give Hazel my nut
Most limited in terms of deck building. Can't compensate for one colors weakness by offsetting it with another. Unless you're mono black because mono black gets to do everything the other colors do
he just does so much. first, he will very likely trigger at least two times per rotation, he provides very good card selection, while growing into a potential threat and filling your graveyard in the process.
i run him in my counters deck, my reanimator deck, and my tempo fliers/evasives deck
Sorry birdfag but your tribe is still shit and likely always will be. They just don't do anything.
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Has /edhg/ fallen out with Yidris?
You can tell it's a blue card because it triggers on every spell with low enough CMC instead of only once a turn.
i hate 4c sloppa
at least it isnt partners
So he's a Windmill slam paired with this new birbro?
>swings with commander twice
He's a bit one-note. Basically a souped up voltron deck. If cascade's your thing, spinning the wheel with Maelstrom Wanderer's way more run
Kros is an absolutely brutal control commander though.
Perrie was absolute ass
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go ahead
attack me
i TRIPLE dare you
Is cryptic command worth putting in decks anymore? It has fun nostalgic vibes, but it looks pretty fucking shit in FIRE design meta.
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I make six copies of Sunspine Lynx.
But that shouldn't be a problem for you anon, since you run a lot of basics. You do run basics, right?
Unironically would have been a better designed card if it was white and triggered once per turn and switched out evolve with training or another white +1/+1 counter mechanic. As it is, it basically draws at least one or two cards every full rotation in high powered groups.
He's one of the only expensive non-triome cards from New Capenna for a reason. He's good as fuck.
of course! Ledger Shredder is just an insane value piece, he will get knived
it's good enough in mono blue, or a two colour deck that is heavy blue. otherwise, nah. UUU is too big of an ask a lot of the time.
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Oh me fuck. I'm getting spoiled. Absolutely 360° windmill slam right into the bird deck
I love this guy like you wouldn't believe, he's sgonna do so much work in my playgroup
This cards genuinely incredible if used on someone who plans on winning through combat damage. Let them have another turn to swing out and punish with your new birdies and whatever else you had
>gets to do everything the other colors do
But enough about green
Black can't destroy artifacts.
Double digit elo
Reminds me of Shadowmoor.
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Thats where youre wrong kiddo.
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two years
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the anime cards in mtg are all absolute repulsive tacky, the demand for them baffles me.
truly a testament to the tastelesness of the average Anime fan
Now that i think about it, all of Bloomburrow is very kitsch
Old cards aren't indicative of the colour pie, and black hasn't had artifact removal for years and years now. It's sparingly had enchantment removal, but usually with a cost.
How many goddamn cards in the past few years have had some variant of "cheat/copy/cast for free" as an effect? If everything can bypass the mana curve, why even have it? And what the fuck is there even worth casting?
Best Toski art? Love this little squigger like you wouldn't believe
you will still face against a stronger enemy after all that. it still has a very niche use case, but i will try it
Didn't this little nigga get phyrexianatedized?
Koma definitely did, I think Toski did too. But Special Guests aren't canon anyway.
Oh, yeah, Toski's on the Invasion art, and he's very much compleated there.
>discard Sunspine Lynx with Faithless Looting
>i declare that it enters the Graveyard
>you all get burned and i win the game
You will fear the tree rat.
power scaling in this game just sucks
t.got my nuts burried in the garden
Chatterfang is mid power at absolute best.
talking about how squirrels and soldiers are 1/1s etc
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>thinking being compleated matters in the year of our Lord 2024
Yawgmoth would've been solo'd by Kaya or Aminatou
It would make sense for Lorcana. Disney squirrels are about as effective as Disney soldiers.
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kek im really surprised kaya wasnt an integral part of the story soloing 3 praetors or something
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Prove me wrong
>love green art
>love red art
>love white art
how do I resolve this, I don't want to be a triplecolorfag, two is most for me, I'm too low IQ for more
Simic with white
multicolor with green isnt all that hard really. your going easy mode, dont worry so much
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honestly discarding lands to burn everyone should've been how the wildfir wolf works
he also should be in the main set and not relegated to the commander set
I don't know how they messed this up so badly, maybe they'll do it better in Bloomburrow 2 in 8 years
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the goalposts are moving on their own!
She's one of the two main reasons Teferi could time travel into the past during the Brother's War set and she did solo Heliod then fought off Ajani right after
I can name several times soldiers got merked in disney films.
I can not name a single time the squirrels lost.
feet for FREE? ahh gonna have fun with this for the next decade until next version
>he's very much compleated there.
he doesn't look phyrexianized there, looks like he's facing off against a phyrexianized sarulf.
We've been in this hobby much longer than you. You're the guest, you don't make the rules.
3 color can be awesome. Legends/original Alara were pure sovl. My Jacques Le Vert ass battle deck is very fun, if not very good.
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>all of Bloomburrow is very kitsch
get better taste
Squirrelfags are a plague
Why the fuck is Wizards so shit at completing cycles? Why the fuck would use the art of a flaming wolf to promote the set and then skip the red legendary calamity? Jesus fucking christ it’s not that hard.
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When did blue become the alt wincon color?
Can Wizards fuck off already?
If they think this is a good rate for this effect, Teferi’s should be banned
so they can put the red calamity on another plane so they can go "member?" even though the thing to remember is only two sets ago, but there is so much shit pushed out at such a rapid pace, how could you be expected to remember on your own?
I'm cooming, add Hazel to this for threesome
Why do you want there to be eternal cards? Legacy has become a shitty rotating format latelt and I hate it
idk man, my budget is not too great either, I probably would need some good shit for 3 colors, besides I haven't seen commander with those in Bloomburrow unless I missed something
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that's a mouse
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I said fuck off.
>I haven't seen commander with those in Bloomburrow unless I missed something
you have. anyways, when you have green you just build most of the deck as green and use green ramp spells to search for basics. all your duals are GR or GW, don't really use WR dual lands.
>posting the bad version of Baylen
the good one will be too expensive anyway
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I'm still annoyed how trash the MOM Phyrexian deck was and how it wasn't poison counter related
Gotten my Maha pile down to 125 cards, but now I'm basically hard locked between if I wanna commit to Discard or Death Triggers. Maha makes killing super easy because of the 1 toughness thing, but I fear that if I commit to that, people will just hold all of their interaction for her. Discard is cool and works into the Ward, but I just don't really know.
"players hate poison counters" - wotc
now, after a year of new players being infatuated with poison counters because it is brand new to them, they have decided players dont hate poison as much
send the list
Why is there so much squirrel wankery? There is more squirrels in this one set than has ever been printed in the history of Magic prior
i dont ever go above 100€ for my decks, green has the cheapest ramp and fixing spells avaiable.
Expensive Fetches and dual lands are overrated, you dont even need those in non-green decks
Hazel wants your nut, that's why, also reddit animal
Because it's an animal themed set with Squirrels being one of the supported tribes? That's like asking why Ixalan has so many Dinosaurs.
I will NOT pick the greater evil
I feel retarded, I thought I did
If they aren't girlcocks you aren't impersonating me very well
let's just all adopt a trip at this point since it's acceptable behaviour it seems
how about we call ourselves swordbros?
The monkey paw curls..
Okay so here's the plan for your deck
cut almost all of the discard cards except ones that benefit from discard AND enable discard at the same time like Aclazotz and Haunt of Hightower. subtheme not main theme main theme should be killing people's creatures.
check Draugr and Gisa again, they say "exile it instead" which is counter to all of your death trigger cards
I actually like swome rof these like Wurmcoil, Meteor Golem and Sol Ring, but at the same time i just wonder why Wizards releases so many SLs with bizarre, weird art. Like, why are they taking these risks? Just release anime secret lairs, they will all sell out in 5 minutes.
20 counters and 20 cards is a big ask, not going to run this in any of my wizard decks
based fuck treasures
it's an OR not an AND. you can easily pump the counters to be 20 or cast a big draw spell to get the cards in hard.
Sup pedofaggot. Why are you internet friends with 16 yearolds?
cause it's legal in europe, next question
It was before the pandemic. I hate my LGS, they only play cedh and every match ends in 3 turns, it's retarded
>taking 4chan this seriously
Shit, you right. While I could make use of stealing, it's not on-theme or relevant for the deck, and it would disable a LOT of my major pieces. Kicked them both out.
I'm not sure just because there's so few cards that both cause discard and reward discard at the same time, those two and Tourach I think are the only ones I can think of.
I could heavily trim the Discard cards and just keep the AoE enchantment ones that hit everyone as a light form of "stax", with the payoff cards as bonuses in the deck rather than the main gameplan.
Forgot your trip bud. That's really weird, why are you internet friends with a 16 yearold?
My gf is 17 what you gunna do about it zoomie
sometimes it just be like that
there was a 15/16 year old who would join /vg/ custom games and became a regular face and we were friends for like a year before drifting apart naturally
>call random idiot a pedo
wow 2009 called, call him a leftist it's way more damning
using avatars and signatures is against the rulz. if we don't enforce them. soon people are allowed to post pedo shit on blue boards
using a trip is literally not against the rules
Pedo apologists justifying a tripfaggot's nonsense. Classic.

Why is his only friend on archidekt a 16 year old with spelling mistakes in his bio?
There's nothing to justify lol
If there's grass, play ball.
i exclusively play slivers
>Why is his only friend on archidekt a 16 year old with spelling mistakes in his bio?
>he's being followed by this person
>he is not following this person
>their profile says they are 16
>joined 2 years ago
since hes a streamer im surprised hes not being followed by more retarded kids
I was somewhat hoping the Toxic Squirrel ended up being a Phyrexian mook that got Bloomburrowed but WotC are cowards and can't even decide if Phyrexians even touched Bloomburrow.
That's actually cool. Slamming this in ezuri
>hey I'm an adult who's friends with 16 year olds, clearly I'm someone who should be tripping in the general
Sure thing fagboy.

>he's a streamer
Oh another faggot feather in his pedo faggot hat. You got proof?
why did you ignore the answer, retard
clearly that account is owned by an 18 year old, anon
i hate tripfags and all but this retarded witch hunt shit is 1000x more cringe mate
oh shit you're right, guess it's going into azami along with triskaidekaphile, thassas oracle and jace
try Necroskitter and that one elemental that gives all of your creatures wither if you want to get through indestructible decks or +1/+1 counter decks
>he says as my 17yo gf blows me
>tombstone stairwell
card seems shit, would remove
>temporal extortion
eh, this gets much worse as the game goes on.
>bone miser
how much do you think you will be discarding yourself?
>words of waste
unless you are a dedicated discard deck this isn't that good. even then i have trouble justifying it.
>mutilated cultist
dark depths combo too cute. like, maybe if your meta is filled with walkers or +1/+1 counters then keep it, but seems like more of a meta call as the only thing that you play that wants to be targeted is dark depths. you don't even have anu cumulitive upkeep shit that you can reset.
>bite of the black rose
voting will never put you in the position you want.

should also be playing kaervek the spiteful, replace one of the sorceries.
This is what always happens when people trip.
>trip wants attention
>starts samefagging to get attention
>someone hates it and does some stupid shit
>trip keeps samefagging desperately to protect his online ego
>t. Squirrelfag
This is not what's happening at all lol
Based, I chose the right precon, All treasures must die.
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Right after landless blue deck t1 wins were neutered. So 94ish?
>he says while samefagging and defending a tripfag
Sure thing bud.
That's fucking genius, I hadn't thought of that. Goes well with Massacre Girl, Known Killer too!
You get used to retards seething until they tire themselves out.
>Tombstone Stairwell
So basically, the main reason I like this is because it gives everyone a bunch of creatures theoretically every single upkeep, then wipes them, effectively if everyone had like 3 creatures in the grave, that's 9 enemy death triggers per turn and 3 of my own. The Cumulative Upkeep is probably the only other thing I was gonna target with Mutated Cultist, yeah
>Temporal Extortion
Sounds good to me. I've always wanted to use Temporal because it's cool, but it probably deserves the cut. So I'll toss it
>Bone Miser
Well, I have a few enchantments that make everyone discard, which is where it'd come in handy, but at 5 cmc I could probably just draw more cards rather than use 2/2 zombie payoffs.
>Words of Waste
It FEELS cool, but yeah it's probably not worth it unless I always have out Geth's Grimoire to turn my skipped draw into 3 draws.
>Mutated Cultist
Yeah, it's just Dark Depths and Tombstone Stairwell, it probably doesn't need to exist when Hexmage does the same thing. Maybe Hex Parasite? Could pay XB to remove however many counters, and lets me target other things to fuck up Walkers/+1/+1 counter synergies better.
>Bite of the Black Rose
You know, I considered that in my head both outcomes are good for me, but they will always pick the one that's least detrimental or least beneficial to me at the time so yeah despite being both things I wanna do, it'll never do the one I want
Putting him back in right now!
>they only play cedh
what decks do they play? budget, proxy, or are they actual paypig whales?
Drop Mind Slash because it's just Sadistic Hypnotist but worse and if you find Sadistic Hypnotist sucks in games swap it for Mind Slash and try the enchantment version
Or maybe you should stop being an online attention whore. Are you delivering OC? No? Then you're holding on to a faggy online identity for attention whoring purposes. It isnt for the general's benefit, that's for sure.
also, why no archfiend of ifnir? it seems to be a good bone miser replacement, because it actually kills your opponents shit when you have to discard to your oppression or whatever.
bad idea he needs more active discard forcing during his turn or else its pure symmetrical and that's bad
They officialy do not proxy (since there's a lot of official events there) but in reality i'm pretty sure everyone is buying cards from the chinaman since pretty much everyone has mana crypt/cradle/fow/etc in literally every deck. Hell i've faced tabernacles and mishra's workshops there, and they claim it's all legit (even more unlikely once you consider how i'm in a third-world country). But the decks are exactly what you'd expect, a bunch of partners, some value-based stuff in the command zone, i don't know what they run nowadays since i haven't played there in two years. But even if someone showed up with a different deck it always ended up being a pile of the same tutors and free counterspells to end the game on the spot by turns 3-4 if everyone else's free counterspells had already been fired off. I've lost more games there to thoracle than to any other win con
Holy fucking shit I forgot that creature existed, since I always used it for Cycling memes and never really thought of it as a discard card. That's an incredibly synergistic pick, thank you!
Kinda torn since I've always wanted to use Mind Slash and it feels like a good redundancy with Sadistic at lower cmc.
Adding to this, one of my favorite stories to tell from this LGS was when a newbie showed up with a Krenko deck he made and a bunch of guys were looking over his list and making suggestions when one dude unironically went "dude where's your mana crypt? It's a must include for a krenko deck, why didn't you add it?", not taking into account that it's a fucking 300 dollar card
unironically cut Black Market it's a shittier version of Revel in Riches that you have to use during your first main phase and no other time
Actually kind of a reasonable idea, and Revel in Riches works way better with Tombstone Stairwell than Black Market does too.
Thinking on it, if Revel is out and so is Tombstone, I should get a lot of treasures per end step, from my own and everyone else's, which could either win me the game or just pay for the cumulative upkeep for a while. I sorta forgot Black Market is Precombat main phase only.
Blue literay had zero win conditions until they started printing "Win" directly on the cards.
kek, trapped in cedh hell, my condolences
>toes not visible in art
am I missing something? for what purpose?
not sure where the twenty came from, but i think it is mostly just a "toed toad" homophone joke.
Unironically if all these posts are made by a single person then it's actually pretty fucking based. Aside from their choice of place to post of course
I promise you poison is not a greater evil than treasures.
pretty sure it is a single person, pretty sure they are articles on a separate site with just links being posted to reddit, and he does it every set.

Like I said, that's honestly pretty fuckin' based. Especially since he's probably been at it since like, theros.
that much is clear to me, but the cards promised 20 toes and I ain't seeing no toes
>wins on the next upkeep
okay anyway
>wins on the next upkeep
?? if you thoracle'd you exiled your library. thoracle has no labman static ability. you just lose to trying to draw from an empty library.
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im sure you could use your imagination in the pissing contest
Ah yes every thoracle pile is sitting on some instant speed flickers just in case!
>blink decks dont exist
>implying you wouldnt put it in a blink deck for its effect alone not even including winning the game
why wait till your upkeep to do it in the pissing contest? if it's all just made up "i always have it" logic, why not do it the turn after angels grace is cast, in the upkeep of an opponent before they draw? let's not pretend you didn't legitimately forget thoracle has no static.
i said the next upkeep not my next upkeep?
u r gay
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>Doesn’t use the current “Create a (cardname) token” format when making a literal token that is almost word for word, a copy of the card that shares its name.

Why push “tokens that are just a copy of a real card, with mana cost!” into paper if you’re not even going to use it?

Is this supposed to be a cop-out when autistic people like me ask about those Future Sight token makers?
>Look, we’re still using that design space! it’s okay that we have like three different versions of “Tokens of actual named cards” mechanics, even if it’s needlessly cluttered and superfluous design space!
>Choosing to take out the best player on the pod regardless of board state is considered fair
>Tactical scooping to divert benefits to the killing player is considered poor sportsmanship
Explain yourselves. These unwritten rules are retarded and inconsistent.
I prefer, or almost exclusively like to scoop at sorcery speed unless I'm genuinely angry in a game and I think it's because people don't scoop at instant speed for anything other than a "neener neener neener you're gay and i'm mad" moment. Taking out the guy who you know can explode off and crush the table is just the smart move and doesn't feel "salty", you know?
it might be a case of not all design teams in communication with each other. i expect it to be more normalized in the future. i honestly wouldn't even put it past them to do errata to roxanne, llanowar mentor, this enchantment, and a few other cards. it is useless at this point in time, but all cards that make kobolds of kher keep tokens could also make tokens with a mana cost of 0. i think it would be neat if in the future they printed a card that says something like "choose W, U, B, R, G, 1, or 0. then destroy all nonland permanents of with that mana cost."
It's literally no different and comes off extremely salty.
their goal is to win and so is yours, if you cannot win the least you can do is make it more difficult for them
>Commander is a political game
In a nutshell. Nuclear deterrents are politics, and informing a player to divert attacks away or you'll snap scoop to deny them resources is 100% a political move you'd be retarded NOT to do. People can call it petty/mad, but those are the rules of the game, and weaponizing the rules is literally what MtG is all about.
>it's literally no different
this is disingenuous argumentation from someone who keeps their combo in hand and then goes from no board state to winning the game in a split second and is salty that their playgroup caught on to their playstyle and start taking care of them before they combo out of nowhere.
Because if the best player at the table is really "the best" and they're not me, then the battlefield matters far less than you think and removing them gives all the other players, including myself, a better chance to win.

On the other hand, tactical scooping means nothing for you, other than spite and a rather pathetic showing of it too. If the other player doing whatever action was enough to make SCOOPING a real option, you were cooked anyway and it means nothing. In fact, against players like myself, I WILL press you in ways to make you scoop, if you have done it consistently in the past. My personal playgroup knows this now and only scoops when there's no chance at victory.
>cntrl-f "aftermath"
It's been memory holed for being shit
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two impact tremors on one card
Scooping in general is bitch behavior.
Your nuclear deterrent is a siren call to me. If what I'm about to do to you is enough to make you scoop, then brother, WE'RE BOTH ABOUT TO GO TO HELL.

Which is why going after "the best" player or the player with the most wins IS a winning option. Make them sweat and work!
objectively correct take
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>playing omo
>get mana screwed
>5 mana turn 7
>shit out aeysir, lotus cobra, nisa, cultivator colossus, doppelgang, reshape the earth
>finale of devastation magus of the candelbra
>untap all lands, including maze's end
>10 minute turn
>feel guilty/horrible about winning
It's always telling that people need to resort to "ur mad," as a scapegoat for an actual argument. I've scooped games with zero emotional weight behind it because it was clear the potential to win has vanished and playing further will only draw the game out or kingmake someone else. Using scooping as a deterrent to prevent someone from landing a killing blow is a tactically sound strategy to potentially buy yourself an out. For a format that gushes over the political aspect of it, this being considered poor sportsmanship is extremely funny to me.
bitch behaviour is when you are fighting alone against 2 burn players and ur dragon because they teamed up, and the lifegain retards tries to attack you too despite you being the weakest player on the table.
instant scooping and preventing the lifegain retard from leeching off me, only for him to be ganked to death by the burn players and ur dragon next turn, was my most satisfying defeat.
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I've scooped twice in the last month.

>against vraska, yawgmoth
>sacrifice/removal spam
>have no non-land permanents and no hand
>turn 6
>play commander
>removed instantly

>playing energy precon
>steal deck vandalblasts, removes most of my permanents
>attacks me and exiles off the top, casting my spells
>casts 8 of my cards
>removes the rest of my permanents
>he has more of my cards on the battlefield than I do
>scoop because I have nothing left and too behind
>gets pissy that he can't keep all of my stolen cards
>"not my problem"
Good, phyrexian users deserve to suffer.
I'm waiting for the basedjack edit of the opponent from the second story
Scooping is a part of every format. Only commander players are stupid enough to take it personally.
Commander is the only format where scooping actually affects the game instead of ending it
i don't care about how you "use the threat of scooping as a political tool." i will swing at you and just end it there then, don't think you have sway over me. pretending like there is no difference between attacking the guy who always wins and scooping when you;ve already lost to prevent value is the same thing. like, they aren't even close. the only way you can equate the two is in the situation i described, as disingenuous argumentation from someone who is salty.
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Is it story time?

Opponent is bitchmax azorious w/ smothering/rhystic out. Playing red/white tokens. Kikijiki’d tax collector, then had mondrak. Stopped cyclonic rift with red elemental, and force of will with pyroblast.

>mfw smokebomb
We're getting so many new impact tremors effects, you can now have like six of them in the same deck
Once you assign attacks, yeah. But there is absolutely zero moral difference between threatening scoops and actively attempting to take out the best player at the table before they've done or presented information to illicit that sort of responds. If threatening scoops doesn't sway you, then you have nothing to lose since you've already agreed to being denied whatever resources that may come from it.
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finally more ETB shit for norin, can't wait to upgrade him
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The amount of ass hurt seethe this card has caused.
It's fucking hilarious every time.
so all the offspring cards are gonna make populate better, r-right anon?
>But there is absolutely zero moral difference between threatening scoops and actively attempting to take out the best player at the table before they've done or presented information to illicit that sort of responds.
one of them is bitch behaviour trying to weasel out of a loss, the other is recognizing from all past games which player is the biggest threat and knowing that they can potentially present a win at any moment despite having no board in this moment. these are not the same and the fact that you think they are speaks volumes.
>If threatening scoops doesn't sway you, then you have nothing to lose since you've already agreed to being denied whatever resources that may come from it.
i will take the loss to put you in your bitch place. don't think you can use that as a tool to sway me in the future. with the exception of one bitch who only shows up to game night half the time, my group rules in favour of getting the bonus anyway to prevent spite scoops (because they are for bitches). if i am swinging at you with a big lifelink that will draw me a card when it connects, if you scoop after i swing but before damage goes through, my group will let me draw and gain the life anyway. because spite scoops are gay as fuck.
I'd say by default they do since Offspring being given to anything on Zinnia means that if you're in Jeskai, the white Populate cards are effectively "copy target creature you control" I'd say. It helps that White also has Mondrak, Anointed, and Ojer Taq.
>I'd say at the start and end of the same sentence
I MEANT to say "I'd also say" for the second sentence. I'm retarded.
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How many copies of Ray Colony/Relentless Rats should be included in this deck?
Can't wait to again have people running Aurelia and people thinking that they get trigger off her when it's put on the battlefield with that thing.
35-45 depending on how tests feel. Also depends on how many noncreature cards you're running. Are you going all in on rats, or are you running something like Discard, Removal, etc? Thrumming Stone would let you pop off as well in the 99.
Why so many? The triggered ability refills your hand with the most important card. So, shouldn't one budget for less rat cards and more enablers?
You're assuming it will stay on the board
You should assume it will not, and be pleasantly surprised when it does
50-55, use the hot art too
I enjoy the russy too, but you don't gotta be this aggressive about it.
That's fair. EDH format I have the least experience with. Reckon that guy draws too much aggro from the table.
If people see it go off at once, it will likely become KoS very quickly. So you'll probably want your Rats to be reliable without him, a Karumonix in the 99 could help as well. 3 people's worth of removal is always something to be worried about if people are being difficult.
>3 people's worth of removal is always something to be worried about if people are being difficult.
i hate this the most. i probably have the jankiest decks out of anyone in my group, yet they all hate me out the most, only for the same guy to combo win every fucking game.
It's really hard to work yourself out of that situation. A lot of people will respond to anything that "sounds" crazy by going "I HAVE TO KILL YOU REEE" and autistically screech about it. I recommend picking something that looks unassuming like Shirei. It's popular, memey, and the creatures you're recurring are so nonthreatening a lot of people won't even spare a passing glance at something dogshit like Serrated Scorpion or Bone Shredder, and there's plenty of cheapish creature sacrifice outlets like Mind Slash, Viscera Seer, and if you wanna spend $5 you can get an Ashnod's Altar.
Normalfags fear what they don't understand and jank is something they will never understand.
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most of my decks are on that level of jank, though. THAT'S what i hate.
Then have fun taking nothing but L's. Here's two:
Man that fuckin' sucks, maybe try something janky but a little stronger at taking individual players out like Coram. That's been my go-to for when I get targeted, because he can go from 0 to 100 and just knock a player out with Commander Damage
>Then have fun taking nothing but L's
you're the one scooping, bitch.
I once swung for lethal with a juiced-up Karametra, only for my friend to tap out to cast Teferi's Protection.
The look on his face when I hit him with the tithe was incredible
Salty af
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It's astounding how people will just skip/ignore combat completely, even when there is little chance of getting punished for let, let alone actively impact the board state.
I am guilty of this. My favorite way to play is to subtly turtle up and don't make splashy plays or draw attention to myself, then win out of nowhere. I feel like attacking will draw aggro so I just don't even when it's babby stuff in the first couple turns like a mana dork or something.
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For me, it's pic related.
>Go second, drop a Mountain
>Ashling player t1 Mountain into Mana Vault
>t2 drop land, Talisman of Indulgence, and Evoke pic related, destroying his Mana Vault
>Dude looks at me like I just slapped his newborn baby in front of everyone and asks, "Bro, why?"
>Ask him why I WOULDN'T
>He gets to his t2 and scoops
I've done something similar to two players this week alone. It's astounding to witness.
You've lost a fuckload of games for being a coward, and you don't even realize it.
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No, I realize it. It's also won me a ton of games.
>Liberal Arts Degree Style
Would he be good in Sigurd Saga focus?
That's actually a cool card. Shouldn't be legendary, but it is a cool card.
Man, I fucking hate Sigurd. The fact that the activated ability is boast, makes it complete garbage.
I have not had that much time to playtest him but even without the Boast, he is still a 3/3 Trample Vigilance Lifelink for 3 that gets +1 counters each time a lore counter is put on a saga.
I may just swap him for Eivor if I don't like him as the commander although.
>eivor is only the lady
pretty gay
I agree but I don't hate female Eivor, I do think they should have just had two arts in the set.
I get why Alexios and Kassandra couldn't do that for their respective roles because their names are different but Eivor isn't two characters the same way they are.
I was excited about him in the beginning, because I missed the fact that it was Boast. I am extremely starved for those kinds of effects, but the limitation is just too much. I run Esika sagas and I have pretty much every way conceivable to reset my sagas or remove counters from them. Once a turn would be acceptable, if it could remove multiple counters or you could do it on opponent's turns too.
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>shit out blood avatars like 7 times a game
would it be fun___?
I thought Ink-Eyes was the only hot rat?
For you? Yes
I'm not responsible for my opponent's fun.
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depends on your taste in rats
>3/6 tokens
Should I spend $50ish dollars on a Sacred Foundry and Arid Mesa?
they deal 3 dmg to everyone on attack, plus make them sac a creature. was thinking to run populate and some spell copying effects plus all the cards that care abt casting a commander a lot
no, write them on an island and be done with it. run them if you pull them at an event, otherwise no.
>Play the card for its impending cost
>Have Bello, Bard of the Brambles out
Does it animate into a 4/4 despite still impending?
i believe it'd be a 4/4 even if you hardcast it
When did we get regular art for this kamigawa reject?
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>agatha's soul cauldron exiles grist
>metallic mimic naming insect
Holy fuck
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What happens if the opponent's deck has no viable targets?
Wait no fucking way, holy shit. That's awesome!
Evolve makes this card less fucked since its not a may, so eventually it stops seeing a lot of spells. still probably good in non-creature focused decks
They reveal their entire library, exile nothing, and shuffle their library.
I believe you get a "failed to find" and they just shuffle up and you get nothing, Gene Wilder style.
"mana value LESS than ~'s power"
It sees more and more spells
From the thread that brought you "one ring is bad" and "nu Phlage is shit"
How do I run two of one card?
I wish my lgs had cedh pods more often.
I force people to engage with the combat step every turn if I can. If they forget and try to pass I remind them they MUST go through it whether they like it or not.
hoes dont want to make "enemies" from the start, not realizing they only have enemies the moment they sit down, and that i will punish
them harder for their slacking and durdling this much.

"Eh" you say?

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