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favorite keyword?
>favorite keyword?
not anything from Bloomburrow, that's for damn sure
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>favorite keyword?
Flying. Pic unrelated.
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>E Trigger
Can this mouse lead to some bullshit?
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>Favourite Keyword
Free my guy.
He is fair now.
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Great thread so far.
Keep it up lads.
does someone have the vid?
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how come there hasnt been a golgari flash flier yet
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If i still played modern I would test you with pic just to see how shit modern has become... To realize that an draw engine like that is unplayable in today's modern :(
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Reminder that all foreign IP cards are de facto reserved list as they can't be reprinted without another brand deal.
'cept some already have been as in-universe version. the cringe UB art is basically reserved tho yeah
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I'm glad this set isn't super furry-focused. Most of the animals are just animals, not anthro nuzzle sexpest shit
>I'm glad this set isn't super furry-focused
Honestly, HUGE bullet dodged there.
It'd kind of just boring, soulless and comfy, which is leagues better than most of the recent garbagefire.
I'm pissed this set isn't super furry-focused. Most of the animals are JUST animal shit, not anthro nuzzle sexfriends.
>I'm pissed this set isn't super furry-focused
Honestly, HUGE missed opportunity there.
It'd kind of just boring, soulless and safe, which is leagues worse than most of the recent goodstuffs.
I'm pretty glad to see feral stuff. so sexy and nobody is the wiser
why are revealed/GY/exile cards so tiny on my modo? is it just scaling issues because of my 1440p monitor?
you can make them bigger ingame I think
man look at all those sexy creatures like Ink-Eyes, it sure panders to a furry like me
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Fill this out, remember to COPY AND PASTE THE LINK, DO NOT CLICK IT.
I will click it
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oh shit oh fuck I clicked it by accident, what's going to happen to me?
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how do?
you're about to get cyberbullied
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does not make bigger
iclickedtwice no dice
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my bad, I misuderstood your first post, if you want to make the cards bigger you have to pop the graveyard out and then adjust the size
ah so there is no way to make them look bigger without the window popped?
>ah so there is no way to make them look bigger without the window popped?
if there is, I'm not aware of how to do it, unfortunately
ty anyway anon
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Which way, white man
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I'm so tired of Modern bros...
pinkerton's spyware
The pain I see and hear from people who have to play this game for views on youtube while pretending they still like this game is pure shaudenfreud
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>LOTR set near Rings of Power release
>Fallout set near Amazon's Fallout
>Doctor Who set near the new season
>Assassin's Creed set near the new game
I'm starting to see a pattern
every time spike says the ring is fine and doesnt need to go i get more convinced he's going full accelerationist
yes anon youve figured out how advertisement works, good job
thats what this is, it's advertisement that can make money
I can never tell if spike is an unironic wotc dickrider or if he's just really good at hiding his contempt for the game
same, i'm honestly impressed at his professional line walking
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I unfortunately play Call of Duty so I am aware of dogshit games using outside IP to hook new players. I just wish they would give us the cool shit instead of these retarded ass collabs.
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I honestly think this is the strongest brew I've made yet.
PWC was a fun anti-meta bully, but this one is just... different. You almost always have perfect information, because Brain/End/Coverup not only peek at their hand, but their entire decklist too. It has answers for almost everything now. The Lilis crush any hope of comeback.

It wins in a way that is consistent, oppressive, and almost impossible to disrupt. It has more than enough life gain to not only stabilize, but shoot right back up beyond 20+ life with ease in the midgame. More than enough Edicts for Ripper, exiles for Phoenix, and answers to Amalia. AZC without wincons is toothless. Striplands solve most issues with manlands, Geier Reach etc. Locthwain and Avarice are more than enough to keep our hand full. Small adjustments have solved our issues with Niv.

I like the deck. I really like it a lot. It's nuts. Most times we win it doesn't feel like a struggle at all, and most times our opponents win it feels like they're struggling like mad to push through lethal. Hope some of you can test it and feel the glory.

Also it's called Black Hole now.
the cool shit doesnt pay as much to be advertised in mtg
nor do they make as much back in precon sales
>Marvel set
>Final Fantasy set

I don't think we have anything meaningful for those two in the near future.
>But anon, another marvel movie!
Marvel movies are flopped because of disney and wokenism
>Marvel set
I'm fairly certain it is the comic universe and not specifically the MCU. Marvel will pull in a lot of people.
>Final Fantasy
I doubt we get a new game next year, but
>because of disney and wokenism
Nevermind, have a great day pal
Are you really saying that Marvel movies are good nowadays?
Have you see Eternals? Or Mrs Marvel 2? Or the last 2 disney+ series? Or Black Window? Or She Hulk? Or the many other flops directed by directors who hate white man and want to have diversity over good stories?

Pal, you can't deny this is one of the factors for the flops, you aren't this much of a faggot in denial or are you?
>Have you see Eternals? Or Mrs Marvel 2? Or the last 2 disney+ series? Or Black Window? Or She Hulk? Or the many other flops directed by directors who hate white man and want to have diversity over good stories?
are you saying you saw all that shit?
what the fuck is wrong with you
do literally anything else with your time besides watching marvel stuff and talking about it on the internet, please
just get a hobby outdoors
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Play Pioneer. The last vestige of Pure Magic left.
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this deck looks like i would fucking rape it
>Play Pioneer
I do!
based desert anon
Some amount of Ratchet Bombs may help deal with tokens/low curves. I can recomend Ashiok instead of Distortion in the side.
I wonder if a card like Murderous Cut would do something for the deck; exiling some cards before Elixir to remove things you don't need in certain match ups.
Pioneer even if this board will never accept it because is full of boomer is the last place where you can brew and have something ressembling "fun" playing Magic.
The man unironically liked MH2. he's just a retard, nothing special.
>the last place where you can brew and have something ressembling "fun" playing Magic.
but enough about modern and legacy
yeah you wont have fun doing that in pioneer either retard
how this win against amalia, vampires or specially: phoenix? i don't see this deck capable of dealing with a birds.
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tasty desserts
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Where in my post did I say anything positive about the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
That is a whole ass conversation we did not have. I do not enjoy speaking with mouthbreathers who cannot engage in a conversation without injecting their schizophrenic obsessions.
Unironically kill yourself you retarded fucking faggot.
That's a weird way of spelling "Modern Horizons block constructed and Modern Horizons block constructed with FoW and duals".
>Some amount of Ratchet Bombs may help deal with tokens/low curves.
I dig that. I've considered Blast Zone before but the damn minimum 1 killed that hope. Ratchet seems like a solid alternative to Peril.
>Ashiok instead of Distortion
I found no use for Ashiok. Any problem cards worth searching for, or in their 'yard, we can just get rid of via Brain and moreover Necromentia if they also need to come in. The selection of answers in the maindeck does a good job covering what Ashiok in the sb would hedge against.

>I wonder if a card like Murderous Cut would do something for the deck; exiling some cards before Elixir to remove things you don't need in certain match ups.
Collect Evidence does that well enough, but I've considered Cut too. It's a good card, but it loses some potency when Elixir loops are scooping our yard up constantly.

Great ideas though, will test. I won't be surprised if Ratchet makes the cut over Path to Peril.
you could just not play those cards tho
theres literally 1 MH block card in crab vine
>Have fun playing in MH environment
Hahahaha what a cool story anon.
Though, now that I think of it, I hadn't considered Ashiok's potential to very quickly grind out a mill win. I'll slot him back in and do more tests with that in mind.
I watched Eternals from pirates bay stream (took me a while because I couldn't watch more than 20 minutes without pausing and doing something else).
Didn't watched the other things because trailer and audience reviews showed things I didn't liked.

And that is what I m talking about. Until like Avengers Infinity Wars people loved marvel. Then we got Mrs Marvel (shit) and Avengers End Game (bad). After that there was a increase of "wokenism" in the movies and series and people got burned out. Saying there isn't a correlation between the diversity and people's disinterest in those "blockbusters" is pure dishonesty from you.

Even Marvel comics are selling bad now, that is why I fail to see how the marvel set would serve as publicity for something new from marvel. Imo the license was cheap now because disney need some money.
>You could just lose every game against MH bullshit card anons, you will maybe have fun
I do not believe you are a human being above the age of 18.
>will ban nadu for modern content while the one rape is free for all
Doesn't matter MARVEL comics is barely alive now. Everything marvel is worth shit after 2019. Just stop being a faggot. Go touch grass, stop being delusional and fuckoff.
its still selling packs
the ring will be banned after the ip license runs out next year
not joking btw
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This does feel a lot cleaner for the SB. I didn't even know Ratchet Bomb was in Pioneer.
Cheers for the suggestions mate.
ESL or chatbot?
turn one of the bombs into this
it's literally ratchet bomb with extra text, it's only bad if you have more than one because it's legendary
Done and dusted.
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my pleasure chef
You can return to doom post now, faggot
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The brewing will continue until Pioneer improves.
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>Act like a retard
>Get upset when called out for it
Kids these days are so sensitive ;)
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Will be monitoring the progress notes.
Hope you can try it out some day!
I'm only lacking the Professors and Ends, if I put it together for this weekend I'll post the results.
What's the memeist thing in Standard to do with Doppelgang?
Outside deserts, copy your Freestrider and their shit.
Hopefully it serves you as well as it has in my tests.
Extracting Fable often matters more than Ripper firs, as we have plenty of ways to deal with Ripper but fewer to cleanly answer Fable. Sorin you can ignore, save your removal for the bodies not the enablers.
Phoenix is a breeze as long as you remember Spell Pierce exists.
Other than that, once you see your opponent's deck you know what the big threats are. Hit them one by one. until there's nothing left.

Niv is a tough matchup that I'm still looking to solve better. It's mainly why the Debt to the Kamis are there.

Would be happy to get more thoughts on it, at any rate.
>get bullied
>change name
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I do what I want, nerd.
this was 100% Jace in the original art. They just changed the cloak and gave him elf ears.
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Yo this card is nuts.
If you create three copies of a creature that has an ETB trigger when other creatures enter, would they all trigger each other's ability
>3 mana: maybe draw one card
not really
Yes, it gets crazy with Trailblazer and Kiora, but you can realistically deck yourself so don't do that.
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Guys I think I'm simping for Cruelclaw what do
Go to a furry convention and get topped, I guess
I could fix him
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More secret lair experimental art.
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Some of these look like early AI gens.
The text is even similarly unreadable.
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Basic Lands
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just 5 more years until pioneer 2 bros, hang in there
fucking hell that's hideous.
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couldn't they experiment with trying to make the cards look good instead of like vomit?
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Can my opponent chain removal to make me have to pick something else back up with glint hawk?
Command Tower and Wurmcoil engine have decent looking art. Meteor Golem and Kikijiki are slightly acceptable. I get that they're going for a 'circa 2000 MTG video game card image' look, but further corruption of the game's art style is insulting. Would it have been so hard to put these in normal retro frames?
I don't even know what you're asking.
As the ability resolves, you return an artifact to hand.
Your opp. can cast spells before the ability resolves, after it, but not during the resolution.
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>he thinks kids can afford to play constructed in current year
Once you declare which artifact you're returning to your hand, it's too late for your opponent to target anything. They can cast things with the Hawk or the ETB ability on the stack to force you to bounce something in particular, or even kill all your artifacts so the hawk dies, but they can't react to your choice.
Got it. THank you
also what happens if the Glint target is destroyed after its ability is on the stack?
I miss standard being a real thing. Less than a hundred for a deck. If you were good you could trade or use store credit to build around rotation without spending too much money. Just a different experience 10 years ago
Notably something which said "return target artifact you control to its owners hand" would require you to declare the target when the ability went on the stack and then an opponent could respond to it, possibly countering it by removing its target (not that they'd necessarily want to, the ability wouldn't force you to pick a new target in that case, it would just be countered and do nothing).

Now, if you only have one artifact and your opponent removes it before Glint Hawk's ability resolves, then Glint Hawk will be sacrificed because that's the only option left. But also you could flash in a new artifact in response to your opponent removing your artifact.
>20-card impulse in Alchemy (fake Standard)
>Golgari because ???
This card is perfect evidence that FIRE design is never going away.
Note that Glint Hawk's ability explicitly does not target. When it enters the battlefield, its ability goes onto the stack. Priority passes, each player has a chance to respond, yadda yadda. If your opponent wants to do anything, this is their last chance.

Once the ability begins to resolve, only at that point do you make the choice of whether to sacrifice the hawk or return an artifact to your hand, and then make the choice of which artifact to return. All of this happens during resolution of the ability. No targets, no additional rounds of priority.
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>be poor teenager
>have 3 budget standard decks, $10 mono blue tempo, werewolves, RDW
>lend friend tempo deck for FNM
>gets matched against a guy who just finished building junk aristocrats at the height of its popularity
>2-0's him
>guy seethes to my friend about bad draws

The same guy complained to me the first time I went to draft - when I had just started playing - about drafting a deck around pic related with mill cards to support it. He also lost that match.
thanks a lot again
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Infinity-card impulses are part of black's mechanic.
Note that assemble the Team is played as a 18-card impulse in a 60 card deck and a 81-card impulse using arenas deck limit.
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This 3 mana 4/4 might be playable in standard.
I know it's because both birds and bats are all fliers in this set, but this is a card aimed at constructed, they could given it trample or something actually relevant.
who cares, it's a joke format with effectively no rules for card design. there are like 5 different cards that all just share the same art.
What a miserable pile of decks
Bloomburrow is about to enable so many pioneer brews. It's tragic that the rcq season is ending just before the format gets good
Most people don't do surveys, so we can be statistically overrepresented if we keep filling them in
someone please kill mtg. This ritual of humiliation is not funny
a moment of silence for the fact nielsen is not included as a bloomburrow artist
He's married to a fat jeet. He is not a wise man.
i make ai art and my ai art is times better than this, and i don't even consider myself a top ai artist
I know people who are personal friends with - admittedly, Legacy and Vintage content creators - and they've said in private things that oppose what they say on stream or in videos, such as IamactuallyLvL1 saying months ago that Urza's Saga should be restricted in Vintage despite saying in all his streams and videos that it's good for the formats health. I've also heard that Spike will sometimes say 'hot takes' to farm engagement on social media.
Vomit is pouring from my mouth as I view this list
I can afford these decks, but why would I want to be around other people that would spend the money on them?
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the best part about using proxies and not buying cards is that you can put whatever art you want on them
White pill!
What a man would do for a piece of clussy...
I just got a match loss on mtgo because my opponent made a million ocelot tokens and the client couldn't handle it.
Anybody got any experience on the other side?
If you're the one making the tokens will it give you the win if the game crashes or do both parties lose?
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you can put clussy in every basic land if you print your proxies so you'll always see her when you draw
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Bros I tried to play a new brew but my opponent cast Thoughtseize and all my cards set on fire please help.
I want to punch whoever designed Sheoldred, the Apocalypse in the face
At least those people are trying to get paid for playing this dumpster fire of a game. There are people who literally pay WOTC money so they can play this game. There are some in this very thread. Imagine being so mindbroken and/or retarded that you pay for official MTG product and care about the game beyond kitchen table jank with your unimaginative normie friends that don't want to play better games.
Literally has every single problem all other formats have.
This is the perfect Modern Black deck, pared down to the most essential, most broken elements. Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility. I admire its purity. A greedy, unfair deck... unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality.
So.... why haven't they fixed this card yet? We know they know it's broken, and we know they're going to fix it. What are they waiting for? Can they only do Gatherer updates on certain dates? Are they waiting for the Bloomburrow release or something? What's the point of having an online reference database if you can't update it whenever you want?
>So.... why haven't they fixed this card yet?
They just changed the rules so the broken wording technically functions through a rube goldberg machine of hidden effect references.
You know, instead of errataing it.
Or not printing fucking broken cards in the first place.
>They just changed the rules so the broken wording technically functions through a rube goldberg machine of hidden effect references.
No, they haven't.
The last change to the CR was when MH3 released, and none of those changes involve this card.
Quit talkin' bullshit.
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I just realized this a hate card for Duskmourn.
Oh nevermind.
Better question: Why is nobody playing 2R: Draw 20 cards?
>Oh nevermind.
So you admit you were making up bullshit to get mad at your own bullshit?
>Flying, Ward - Pay $5
You can't get me to admit NOTHIN'.
You'll never take me alive!
>Better question: Why is nobody playing 2R: Draw 20 cards?
Because Head Judges have the final say at tournaments and all of them are going "yes, it's broken. yes, they're going to fix it eventually. in the meantime, play it how it was intended to be played".
I just remembered that flashcaster mage has been scrubbed off from legacy with tarmogoyf
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>and all of them are going "yes, it's broken. yes, they're going to fix it eventually. in the meantime, play it how it was intended to be played".
Uhhhhhh well then fire them?
Oh wait they don't get paid xD
This isn't funny or charming or wacky or cute. It's annoying and pathetic. Seek therapy.
Because they don't make two color creatures that could be just one of those colors.
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It's simple algebra all X's must equal the same amount so you must first pay X energy since it's the first line of text in the card so you cannot draw any amount of cards since all X's must be the same upon resolution.
why would they fire them for doing the job correctly?
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>Job is to enforce the rules
>Encourage people to break the rules and ban people for playing according to the rules
Anon, it's already been established by the rules and confirmed by WotC that the card is broken. If you think otherwise, you are objectively incorrect. Don't waste time.
This discussion isn't even about if it's broken or not. It's about why they haven't fixed it yet.
ten lines of text
you realize them being able to override a card like in this situation is granted to them by the rules, right?
Are you having a stroke?
WOTC is stupid and often wrong, the existence of Nadu is evidence of this.
>you realize them being able to override a card like in this situation is granted to them by the rules, right?
Point to the rule where it says judges can say cards do things other than what it says in the Oracle text.
Section 3.6, paragraph 2, sentence 5 of the Magic Tournament Rules
I don't care about the rules of the card I care about mathematics. All X's are always the same in math problem so we can be able to properly read equation.If all X's are not the same they would've used a second variable like Y or said "draw any amount of cards" rather than X since it would be unreadable as an equation.
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>"What's that?"
>"Pay people properly so that our cards work right?"
>"Pff, nah."
>"Get those guys who pay us to suck our dicks to fix it in post."
The problem of the card isn't that the Xs aren't syncing.
I an no longer going to respond to you. This isn't a debate, the card is factually broken. If you wish to understand the nitty gritty of why the card is broken, you can look it up on google. There is plenty of discussion about it already.
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simp for Mr Fox, instead
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>"We'll fix it in post"
>"No, we didn't mean post production. We meant post malone."
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The card reads fine to anyone who hasn't failed basic middle school mathematics. I searched reddit to see what you're complaining about and the reason it says may is to prevent it from being a red discard spell because of Narset and Hullbreacher. May effects are a balancing feature to preventing you from mitigating your cards downside by completely punishing your opponent. The way it is worded is how wotc intends people to play the card.
the wheel isn't even only only card with the broken text, there's this card as well.
the thing that gets me is that there's a properly worded third card that was released in the same goddamn set, not to mention all the properly worded cards that came before the set.
show me a fucking middle school algebra textbook that says where "you may pay X" requires you to choose an X you can actually pay rather than choosing X=50 and declining to pay it
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Go for the throat will always be better for standard.
It's not about the second "may" clause, it's about the first, you can say that X=20 and then simply choose not to pay X energy. Normally an effect like this would have "If you do," between the first line of text and the second, they just forgot to do that. Alternately it could force you to pay X energy and you would simply have the option of saying that X=0 (which is how the judges are reading it even though that's not what it says).

Treating a nonvalue as equal to 0 is a very natural thing to do, but it's not technically right, by the rules you should be able to set X to 20 or 30 or whatever and then simply choose not to pay X energy.
That's definitely pretty good. Worth testing in almost every black deck, at least. Might not make the cut over Triumph, still interesting.
>Every potentially playable card in the set is a fucking uncommon
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I feel like if there was a good way to mill three cards T1 this would be a lot more versatile
Thankfully there's a bunch of ways to get a Food token T1
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They've been drip feeding us green turtles that care about toughness for a future set
It really is just a kicker cost that's been poorly worded, isn't it. Fucking lmao.
I mean, it becomes doomblade++ if it's past turn 3 and you aren't using your graveyard, but how many decks black decks want 2-mana removal that you can't cast on turn 2, and how many black decks aren't using their graveyard?
heh heh, Necrobloom go burrrr
>I mean, it becomes doomblade++ if it's past turn 3 and you aren't using your graveyard, but how many decks black decks want 2-mana removal that you can't cast on turn 2
A few. It's tough to judge. Bitter Triumph is often as a 1-of and the tradeoff of not neither doming yourself for 3 or going down on CA is noteworthy. Like I said, worth a test, probably won't make the cut.
It's really not worth it to pay a food, or at least it's not worth planning on paying a food, you should just run better removal.
>paying 2 grand to play with ubshit in your "brew" (contains 8 new cards)
No thanks
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>brewing intensifies
>kills you on T3 with SSS
pssh... nuthen personnel... bitch...
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A variable will always be the same value no matter even if the solution for a problem can have the variable be any number.
The first X can be any number but it must be the same as the second otherwise it would be unreadable.
exactly, so if you choose x=50, it will be 50 in the second line and 50 in the fourth line.

So you decline to pay 50, and then you discard and draw 50.
The card doesn't say pick X then pay X, it says pay X. The card says you draw what you paid in X not what you declared as X.

That's like if a shop said you may enter my shop, if you do you may pay me X dollars. I will give you X goods. Then you walk in and say X is 100. I refuse to pay. Give me 100 goods.
If you refuse to pay 50 then you didn't pay 50. You paid 0 and you get 0 cards.
The may part is added to prevent confusion of what amount needs to be payed with may giving off the impression that X can equal 0. I think it communicates what it's trying to do just fine since the only people complaining are rule sharks.
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>That's like if a shop said you may enter my shop, if you do you may pay me X dollars. I will give you X goods. Then you walk in and say X is 100. I refuse to pay. Give me 100 goods.

no, it's not like that, because customer-shopkeeper interactions are not governed by the Magic: The Gathering Comprehensive Rules

But you're not drawing cards equal to the mana you pay, you're drawing cards equal to X. X is always the same value, as >>93367954 points out.
> I think it communicates what it's trying to do just fine since the only people complaining are rule sharks.

Anyone who actually tries to play the card as-written in a tournament is a moron. I'm not complaining that the card should work as-written, I'm complaining because this is magic and not yugioh and the cards and rules should work the way they say they work.
*energy you pay

that's how little I care about the actual card, I just like rules to be technically consistent
>The card doesn't say pick X then pay X
Anon, the GAME RULES say you pick X first, THEN you pay it. That's how X works. Declaring the value of X always happens before you actually pay X, and if you actually pay X.
Everybody understands how the card was supposed to work. Wizards put text on the card that doesn't make it function with the game rules. You can piss and whine all day, but you aren't correct and you can easily search up exactly why you aren't correct rather than shit up the thread about this topic for the 1000th time.
>Wizards put text on the card that doesn't make it function with the game rules.
To be more precise: they put text on the card that functions within the game rules, just not the
function they intended.
Be advised that you are now shifting legal rules to kitchen table rules by invoking "spirit of the law" rather than "letter of the law", meaning that tournament rulings will become progressively meaningless as more and more judges allow various degrees of leniency rather than reading cards "as written".

You're just as bad as an Arenafag.
What the fuck are you shitting me the rules actually say this
anon what do you think errata is
the card is getting errataed, the "judge says so" is just a temporary measure until the errata happens
Just like Alchemy, nice!

Don't reply to me in the future.
do you still think walls can't attack
do you think Hostage Taker still draws the game on an empty board
>my post clearly said "don't reply to me"
>replied anyways
you told that anon not to reply to you, not me. Please be more specific if you're arguing with rules pedants
If we existed in the same space I would fucking kill you you fucking faggot I fucking hate you I fucking hate your stupid ideas and you didn't fucking prove anything you fucking piece of shit you acting like a fucking faggot isn't the same as a card text needing an errata
grieves youre "spicy brew"
What do you think should happen, then? Judges should let people play a 2R "each player may draw their deck" spell?
>107.3a If a spell or activated ability has a mana cost, alternative cost, additional cost, and/or activation cost with an {X}, [-X], or X in it, and the value of X isn’t defined by the text of that spell or ability, the controller of that spell or ability chooses and announces the value of X as part of casting the spell or activating the ability.

>107.3d If a cost associated with a special action, such as a suspend cost or a morph cost, has an {X} or an X in it, the value of X is chosen by the player taking the special action immediately before they pay that cost.

>107.3f Sometimes X appears in the text of a spell or ability but not in a mana cost, alternative cost, additional cost, or activation cost. If the value of X isn’t defined, the controller of the spell or ability chooses the value of X at the appropriate time (either as it’s put on the stack or as it resolves).
>601.2. To cast a spell is to take it from where it is (usually the hand), put it on the stack, and pay its costs, so that it will eventually resolve and have its effect. Casting a spell includes proposal of the spell (rules 601.2a–d) and determination and payment of costs (rules 601.2f–h). To cast a spell, a player follows the steps listed below, in order.

>601.2b If the spell has a variable cost that will be paid as it’s being cast (such as an {X} in its mana cost; see rule 107.3), the player announces the value of that variable.

>601.2h The player pays the total cost.
>602.2. Activating an ability follows the steps listed below, in order.

>602.2b The remainder of the process for activating an ability is identical to the process for casting a spell listed in rules 601.2b–i. Those rules apply to activating an ability just as they apply to casting a spell. An activated ability’s analog to a spell’s mana cost (as referenced in rule 601.2f) is its activation cost.
why are you listing 602 here?
What do I think should happen? MtG should fire all of the diversity hires and uninspired zoomers looking for an easy gig using whatever COMP-100 code string program that is auto-generating these card effects for EDH and having Zoom meetings and two-hour lunches, and bring back societal failures willing to actually play the game non-stop for four ten-hour days balancing cards.
Does all that happen during the judge call or what
because i'm replying to someone who replied to my post about "you always declare an undefined X before actually paying it", and 602 is an example of that.
ah yeah guess that is just being thorough
Yeah, you'd know this if you played paper (aka REAL) Magic and not relied on Arena's automatization.
>The card doesn't say pick X then pay X, it says pay X. The card says you draw what you paid in X not what you declared as X.
You are objectively wrong, go read the comprehensive rules. Paying X energy is optional and doesn't do anything, as worded there's no reason to pay X energy, judges are simply pretending that it has "then if you paid energy in this way," clause because that was obviously the intent. But as worded the draw-X clause isn't dependent on the "May pay X energy" clause, and the "may pay X energy" clause is optional (and pointless).
Basically this, except that I don't think you'd have to be a moron to trust in the technical integrity of the rules, they'd check the oracle text (which hasn't been fixed) and see that it really does work like they think it does and then they'd think that they're clever for understanding it because that's how the game usually works (because this isn't YuGiOh it's Magic: the Gathering).
The Gatherer rulings contains this entry:
>"Some triggered abilities that state that you "may pay" a certain amount of Energy describe an effect that happens "If you do." In that case, no player may take actions to try to stop the ability's effect after you make your choice. If the payment is followed by the phrase "When you do," then you'll choose any targets for that reflexive triggered ability and put it on the stack before players can take actions."
Which implies that the card is supposed to have an "when you do" clause or will later be changed to have a "when you do" clause, but the oracle text still doesn't have an "if you do" clause.
maybe not a moron, but at least extremely autistic
Autistists have trouble with social cues and context, which doesn't apply here, a person who tries to draw 20 cards for free at a tournament is correctly judging the social context, it's just that the social context is betraying him.
If they correctly judged that the social context would betray them, they probably wouldn't do it to begin with
>anons seething about the wheel
The rules are the rules, you fucking brainlets. How it FEELS to you doesn't matter. It's broken and doesn't work the way the designers wanted it to work. "Muh common sense" isn't an argument when it comes to interpreting MtG rules text.

Anons explaining the effect aren't "rules sharking" they are telling you that wizards fucked up. Expect errata eventually.
If this were even remotely true, then pumping Amalia, running mill, using toxic, using Tron, or playing Storm in any format would be banned. Players are competing to win. It's not the players' fault that WotC printed a busted card.
I don't know what you mean by this.

"If autistic people didn't try to make plays that they knew judges wouldn't let fly, storm would be banned"?
If they did their research to find out that judges were ruling against the literal wording of the spell, then yea, they wouldn't try to draw 20 cards for free. But failing to do this research doesn't make you more austistic, if anything it suggests that you are less autistic than the average player. In the past the game has always worked on a legalistic framework, and if you take the time to read and understand the FUCK-HUGE comprehensive rules document then you can always trust spell effects to work as described, and you can always trust that you won't get dicked over by arbitrary rulings from judges, this game and its community has always worked that way in the past and it deeply deeply incentivizes you to think that way.
It really comes down to people who trust the game based on its reputation vs people who understand that Hasbro is putting in less effort than it did in the past.
>If they correctly judged that the social context would betray them, they probably wouldn't do it to begin with
Most social contexts agree that stuff that isn't "play big creature on curve and swing" is rude. Scam is rude. Prison is rude. Board wipes are rude. If you used those decks on a kitchen table, then the social setting would sour. Social context would state that when you're playing with friends, you don't play bullshit. You wouldn't use Wheel of Fortune as it's written at the kitchen table. Social context is meaningless in a competitive game state. That means you would use Wheel of Fortune as written in a competitive game.
Because drawing 20 cards while paying no energy is bullshit but it's no more bullshit than exiling your own Oblivion Ring to perma-exile. This is why we have the FUCK-HUGE comprehensive rules document in the first place, so that the players all have a fair and equal chance to understand the game and they know that they won't have to play mother-may-I with the judges.
i accept your concession also errata soon anyways so its nbd stop writing paragraphs
Stretch your legs, drink some water, pet a cat.
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So let me get this straight.

The reason so many people are having trouble understanding why Wheel of Potential is worded wrongly is because they think X equals what you put into it, and not what it was declared as?

So to these people, if they put one red mana into a Blaze with a Ruby Medallion on their board, it would would deal 0 damage, not 1?

>Incorrect, "Wheel only lets to draw what you paid in energy" people:
- Cast Blaze using one red mana
- X is 0 because Ruby Medallion reduced that part of the cost
- pay one red mana to deal 0 damage

>Correct, "Wheel is broken" people:
- declare X is 1
- Blaze cost is 1R
- Blaze cost reduced to R by Ruby Medallion
- pay one red mana to deal 1 damage
>you can always trust that you won't get dicked over by arbitrary rulings from judges, this game and its community has always worked that way in the past and it deeply deeply incentivizes you to think that way.

Making incorrect predictions ("the judge will DEFINITELY agree that it works like this") using rigid logical principles sounds pretty autistic to me

What does rudeness have to do with it? Do judges give game losses to people who use degenerate strategies?

It's not about raw powerlevel, it's that you should be able to read a card and go "hm, as written, the first two lines don't actually do anything except let you get rid of a bunch of energy for no benefit. I imagine the designers intended the card to work differently and made a slight templating error. That templating error really changes how the card actually works, so there will probably be an errata at some point, but the error is also subtle enough that there hasn't been one yet. This is a unique situation, and I will try to gauge the community's reaction to see how I can expect the card to be ruled to work in competitive play"
Is spoiler season finally over?
>What does rudeness have to do with it? Do judges give game losses to people who use degenerate strategies?
You can't even see how you're contradicting yourself because YOU, specifically YOU, want a judge to rule Wheel of Fortune as it's intended, meaning YOU want judges to give game losses to people who WOULD USE a degenerate strategy in a competitive setting, which is using Wheel of Fortune AS WRITTEN.

Go back to /vg/. We're done here. You're either incapable of learning or just shitposting.
Wheel of Fortune and Wheel of Potential are different cards.
I'm curious. What do *you* think that *I* think the relevant different between wheel of potential and grapeshot is?

but I could tell what he means, so I am responding to him accordingly
>You can't even see how you're contradicting yourself because YOU, specifically YOU, want a judge to rule Wheel of Fortune as it's intended,
Yes. And that is exactly how a Judge will rule.
WE all understand what is intended, and WE all agree how the card works. It's that simple.
(You) are the autistic loser trying to go against the grain. Squeal and suffer, you have no epistemic power.
>Making incorrect predictions ("the judge will DEFINITELY agree that it works like this") using rigid logical principles sounds pretty autistic to me
It's not though, like I said, it's consistent with how this social institution has always worked it he past. Autistic people have their own internal logic (which is sometimes more logical than everyone else's and sometimes less) and they don't understand when the social conventions around them are in conflict with that logic. The social context in competitive magic is that you play the rules as written, and if something looks unfair then you should probably take advantage of that, it's been that way for decades.
>"hm, as written, the first two lines don't actually do anything except let you get rid of a bunch of energy for no benefit. I imagine the designers intended the card to work differently and made a slight templating error. That templating error really changes how the card actually works, so there will probably be an errata at some point, but the error is also subtle enough that there hasn't been one yet.
This card has been legal for over a month, has MtG errata ever taken that long? I can't even think of a time where there was true errata on this scale, the error isn't subtle at all, it's not like they're reconsidering some weird corner case here.
>This is a unique situation, and I will try to gauge the community's reaction to see how I can expect the card to be ruled to work in competitive play
Exactly MtG players have never had to do this before, it's a unique situation. YGO players are used to it but MtG players aren't.
Take your meds.
>but I could tell what he means, so I am responding to him accordingly
>if something looks unfair then you should probably take advantage of that, it's been that way for decades.

Just to be clear, you're saying that I can go to my local modern event and use wheel of fortune as written and expect the judges to take my side if the opponent questions it?
No, to be clear I'm saying that you wouldn't have to be stupid or autistic to do so, that's not quite the same thing as saying that you should do it. I'm saying that Hasbro did us dirty.
This exact conversation is why, in my deck case, I carry a coin, several counters of various colors, proxies, and a loaded Colt M1911.
I don't know what part of "you need to be stupid to do something that will obviously go badly for you" you disagree with
based AF
rules sharks = brainless sweaties
we all know how the card works
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Commander at least gets more toxic cards.
no I'm a rules shark I just know what rules I actually have a chance of sharking. I'm just going to keep whining online until we get an errata
Remy, sit.
Remy, speak!
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The part where it's obvious, it isn't obvious, you are wrong to imply that it is obvious. If I weren't spending a lot of time on internet forums and I were still buying packs then I would crack that card and say, "Huh, the first line doesn't do anything, I wonder if I'm misreading it". And then I would go to the comprehensive rules and to the Gatherer entry and find that I wasn't misreading it. At this point I would assume that there was some gimmick mechanic that rewarded you for spending energy on nothing.

A person who cracks a Scornful Egotist might say "hmm, as written the mana cost is way too high and does nothing. I imagine the designers intended the card to work differently and made a slight templating error". That person would be wrong.

I don't know what part of "Hasbro did us dirty" you disagree with.
Gatherer doesn't explicitly say you're reading it correctly, it just has a ruling that is irrelevant to the card as written but should also be a hint that something's fucky

Yes this is hasbro's fuckup but we live in a society with norms of behavior that deviate from "technical correctness in all things"
Oh, I understand the confusion now. I apologize, I made an assumption about you. That was extremely rude of me. You see, I live in a WHITE neighborhood.
>Yes this is hasbro's fuckup but we live in a society with norms of behavior that deviate from "technical correctness in all things"
Yea, sure, NOW we do. 40 days ago we didn't. Assuming that you're talking about the society of competitive magic players and judges, because I don't know why you'd be talking about anything else.

When I talked about Oblivion Ring, it wasn't about raw power, it was because the designers clearly intended for the exile to be temporary, and that clearly does not matter. Or, rather, it didn't matter. It does now and that diminishes the game. Because it's like the other anon said, it creates a precedence for judges to say "That card is silly and damn the comprehensive rules", and this diminishes the game. They've never had to do that before.
Oblivion ring does work as intended unless you get rid of it at instant speed. Wheel of potential doesn't work as intended (if we make the reasonable assumption that it is intended to let you draw no more cards than the energy you spend on it) ever
Also the fact that the oracle text is unchanged says that I am reading it correctly. The oral text says that you don't have to pay any energy and that X can be whatever you want (which is the same thing that the printed card says). There is a complete lack of ambiguity here, thanks to the comprehensive rules, which have never betrayed me before now.
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what about it
Oblivion Ring is a bad example because those types of interactions were discovered 10 years before with the Parallax cards.
It's another case where the comprehensive rules don't explicitly tell you how it works (at least not in relation to other cards that modify deck searching) so that it actually does come down to judge fait, and that's a fair point, I'd forgotten about that one.
...I actually liked Eternals (pls no bully), because of it's unusual sombreness compared to the rest of marvel movies.
You can flicker it to reset it.
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Is there any reason to run Ice Fang Coatl over Psychic Frog in a zenith deck that features all the relevant colours? I can only think of pic related
I don't think you would run coatl over frog specifically but I could see running 1x coatl over something else in the deck if you have enough snow permanents to just have a flying 1/1 with deathtouch that draws a card as a zenith option
Those are ok though.
At most wokeness is a sign that the writing is shallow and phoned-in (in the same way that white men killing foreigners is a sign that the writing for an 80s movie is shallow and phoned-in). You're in denial about capitalism and how it ruins things, you need something else to blame so you blame "wokenism", but you're also in denial about how uncommon your identity politics are.
>brain dead
pretty accurate description to whoever owns these
You're using buzzwords as scapegoats for stupidity and greed. Stupidity and greed have existed inside and outside of every economic model you can imagine.
When Marvel movies were about heroic white men, they were the most successful movie franchise to ever exist, now that they have shifted to be about LBQTPOC+, they are some of the biggest flops in cinema history. How could one blame capitalism for that? If it was capitalism running the show, they wouldn't have fucked with the formula that made them a gazillion dollars, or at the very least would have backpedaled like mad after realizing their new formula is losing massive amounts of money, but instead they are doubling down, that's like the opposite of capitalism.
Agate Instigator will be my pet card in the next Standard. I will make it work.
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this is the best pridemate variant ever printed, and it also has good art
i just remembered amalia exists
so not the best one every printed, but the best one that will be legal in pioneer come next month
consider the following
>He really believes Amalia will be banned
LMAO even
Sorry sweatie but it dies to Bowmaster.
dies to push and is harder to cast
channeler keeps being a threat after it dies to push if you have another dude in play
No Bolt no play.
>harder to cast
in a mono w deck?
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culling ritual my beloved
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Reminder that Amalia got even more support
It's actually fucking insane how big of a difference the lack of humans has made to the art of the set. Just not having that DEI spectre looming overhead has improved the art quality 50 fold.
Are vintage cube packs supposed to be seeded to have roughly equal amount of colors per pack or do I just shuffle the whole thing and divide that in packs of 15?
Imagine a 3cmc 3/3 creature with menace that has following text: "When you deal damage to your opponent you may draw & cast a randomly selected card for free"

And the card selection is:
>Archfiend of the Dross
>Fatal push
>Vein ripper
>Sheoldred the Apocalypse
>Sorin The imperious bloodlord
>Bloodtithe harvester
>Fable of the mirrorbreaker
>Dusk Legion zealot

Do you think the card would be broken or not? Be honest
this is some roundabout way of asking if something that already exists is broken, isn't it
>When you deal damage to your opponent you may draw & cast a randomly selected card for free"
you forgot "you may only use this ability of your hand isn't empty"
Sounds like the new weasel
Can every set not have humans going forward?
oh, then it would have to say when this creature deals combat damage and not "you deal damage" as in bolt. what a retard
God i want this too.
I've been thinking the same thing. Most cards since WAR can be summed up as "Confident-looking humanoid in the centre of frame poised for action. Their hands might be glowing."
>chokes your whole bitch of an idea
loot would be the new mascot to be carted around
It feels like wotc wants magic to be both players doing a thing that doesn't interact with their opponent besides hitting in the face.
and hand. they did ban the battlefield interaction elemental tho
Maybe they're finally listening to the people that want 2015 Modern back
2017-mh1 modern meta was my favorite.
They ain't doing shit.

2017-WAR, you mean. Teferi and Narset immediately ruined Modern.
But the majority of characters in this set are also humanoid.
It wasn't great additions but i dont think it was too bad overall. But yeah thats fair
I need fucking alternate wincons... This WOTC should work more into this instead of making stupid red cards
I would say black is the current issue. But yeah, if they wanted the games to be not interactive then we may as well play exodia
Like anything FIRE: What makes the card playable is not how broken it is in comparison to older cards but how good it can fit in an archetype or how good it will play in the field.
The weasel looks like garbage when you consider the other FIRE bullshit.
Remember the demon that is Dread Return on a stick? It is literally unplayable (and it is a 4 mana 5/5 flying trample...)

Remember Doom Whisperer? That card that was a favorite from this thread? Pay 2 life Survail 2 in a 6/6 body with double evasion for 5 mana? Unplayable.

That is how shit mtg is now.
How popular is pioneer? I like the idea of playing an eternal 60 card format, but hate the idea behind Modern Horizon sets, and universe beyond slop
>What makes the card playable is not how broken it is in comparison to older cards but how good it can fit in an archetype

I know you've been playing for a whole TWO YEARS now Arenabab, but please, stop talking. Everyone said Oko was good but unplayable because there was no existing deck for him.
There's a world of difference between 3 and 4/5 mana though... And weasel itself doesn't just provide a body, it protect you from mana screw, draws a card and allows you to evoke it. It's a better version of cards rakdos already runs.

Here's a thought exercise, name a card that does what the weasel does
It will take at least 5 more years until wizards think about pioneer horizons, and then about 2 years for its implementation.

But the format is kinda shit now. There are 3 tier 0 decks and about 7 tier 1 decks. They need to ban things to heal it.
Other than the tier 0 shit, the format looks like 2016 modern ( = anything has a chance, if you are not playing against the tier 0 shit)
They have newspapers in Bloomburrow?
I heard about the Amalia combo deck but what else is tier 0? It seems interesting at least and I think one of my LGS has a small scene so I'm going to check it out
Those are the big baddies of Pioneer, you can beat them, they are not Nadu shit tier, specially if you have the right tools on main/sideboard but they are though matches
Three Tree City is the size of New York.
>or how good it will play in the field.
Yeah, see that?

Oko fits in this. Play him, opponent will never be able to attack it down and you can generate infinite blockers.
In the time of Oko (and golos/field of the dead) (the first few exemplars of FIRE) some people thought you had to make a food deck to fit oko, but he was playable in anything that could splash U and/or G.
I remember that era because I got to see a Golos vs Oko match being played at my lgs (i think I had played an eldraine draft and there was a standard FNM right after)
>Here's a thought exercise, name a card that does what the weasel does
any of the "not cascade" cards from nu-ixalan?
The thing with the weasel vs preacher is that preacher serves as a good blocker and is not something you want to block (also 4 toughness). The Weasel will not block shit, If your opponent has stuff he will block the weasel, also it is easier to kill.

In magic Christmas land I like Cruelclaw. But I can't say it will be played or will be good because there are so much non-sense and bullshit being released that it is probable that he ends up as another nothing burger.
Probably news-leaves, moreso.
>Yeah, see that?
Yup, that's your plausible deniability to shift the goalposts.
Which demon is this? I don't keep up with every release
Doom Whisperer was the king of Standard.
they banned fury because bots and wotc prop players on mtgo are too stupid to know when to evoke it and what to target
What a stupid card. Im glad its gone. Free spells are bad card design.
What? No it's not. Everything about Panglacial Wurm is covered by the rules.
i play heartstone though
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Here's Mousespeth. Elsqueak? Whatever.
Literally looks more like Elspeth than Archangel Elspeth, somehow.
heck yeah another missing Explorer card
Who ever had the retarded idea of making elspeth an angel needs to be fired
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>wish for archfiend alteration to be good
>monkey paw curls
She'd been hinted at being angel-like for a LONG time, to be fair. She always granted a lot of abilities that were very similar to what angels had, etc.
i still just dont get it
>serra??? just shows up???? or a memory of her
>angelifies elspeth
what the fuck
So, Serra's Sanctum was condensed down into a power source for the Weatherlight by Urza. When the Weatherlight was compleated during DMU, its engine was salvaged and repurposed into the time machine that Teferi uses during BRO. That time machine later blows up, releasing Serra's 'essence' which sort of just lingers around for a while until Elspeth does her big sacrifice to stop Jace doing the thing they all went to Phyrexia to do. It's largely implied Elspeth's always had some angel-ness to her, she just hadn't properly ascended to it yet.
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She was a walker from bant (not native but lived there long enough) and in bant some sigils/blessings/magic grant angel like abilities
not gonna live sounds like contrived trash mate
so its spot on for modern mtg
She's originally from Capenna (or possibly Serra's Sanctum itself, the wording on her being 'from' Capenna isn't actually super clear) so having an angelic connection makes 'sense' there.
Im going to cum if i pull eluge and counterspells in prerelease
No, she is from new capenna or some other plane.
She isn't from Serra's Realm, that would be stupid and retarded.
Urza condensed the artificial plane (Serra's Realm) about 40+ years before the Phyrexian Invasion.
Elspeth was born in a plane with a phyrexian cell. Elspeth is almost the same age as Daxos as we have her planeswalking to Theros in "Godsend" as a kid meeting with kid Daxos.

If wotc says otherwise it is just shit writing like Disney's Star Wars
Okay, so she's from Capenna, that much we DO know, but the wording on her backstory is weird because they say she and her mother "were welcomed by the people of Capenna" instead of just saying they were from there. She'd never been to New Capenna prior to the set though, she was only in the desolate wasteland where the Phyrexians still roamed.
Idk how you could care about MTGs story when wizards obviously doesn't
Is there more to the plane than just New Capenna? Maybe they came from outside the city
Literally its entire backstory was that it was a more standard medieval fantasy world before Phyrexians invaded (old Phyrexians, sent to try and conquer worlds for resources), then the plane's angels and demons teamed up to fight them off, then the demons betrayed the angels and sealed them away and built the giant towering city that is New Capenna. "Old Capenna" is the rest of the plane, and it mostly is awful. Old Phyrexians roamed there (unclear if they still do post-MOM), and some survivors exist, but it's not great.
worse than locking them away
they liquefied them
also still not sure why capenna's angels specifically are phyrexian repellent when no other angels in the multiverse are, not even fucking serra's realm was immune
Just how the plane is. Planes just have different things going for them. Halo is sort of 'purity', and that resists corruptive effects like compleation.
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Anyway here's Domri he's a fucking porcupine for some reason.
oh wow that looks bad
>delver of squeakrets not canonized
it hurts
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>Is getting pumped!
anon this only mills 2
if you really need 3 cards in the graveyard t1 you can just decline, assuming you don't whiff, and you have 3.
This is getting ridiculous levels... When this faggots will shoot down this rabid pest of winged rats is something i will wonder till august and problably beyond that
I would add UW (needs Deluge bug to be fixed), Lotus (is difficult to play so less meta %share) and Nyk Green (people are still picking up on it)
I don't think Pioneer has tier 0 decks, everything is beatable and there are solid SB plans vs all those decks. Amalia is annoying because of the forced draws.
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>try to force golgari
>have to make it a sor&tell.dec
pic rel
Treasure Cruise is guaranteed to get banned eventually, but at the moment it's not getting touched
oh right the spell itself counts as a card
well shit I forgot about that
>Two more ban announcements!
there's still a month to go until the next ban blog
no, it'll take something like Thought Scour in Pioneer to get it banned
>Sorcerycycling {2}
>When you Sorcerycycle this card, mill 7.
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Looks like they're ALSO doing Secret Lairs for the animal-fied Planeswalkers because of course they are.
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Also, one of the commander deck reprints shows what happens when a Bloomburrow native ends up on another plane.
The answer is "nothing, they're just walking talking animals still".
>look at this commander product
>also look at this other commander product
>man, I can't stop talking about commander
who the fuck cares?
Why would they turn into nonanimals? They were always animals, that's their default form.
It's been confirmed they don't turn into something else a long time ago, before spoilers.
Because people for some reason got it in their heads that because people turn into animals when going to Bloomburrow, that means every animal the LEAVES it must turn into a person, even though literally nothing ever indicated this.
It's nice to have a clear visual confirmation thereof, at any rate. People were weird about this question.
He's a punk-u-pine, of course.
All this furry art fucking sucks. Wait no it's just that all secret lair art sucks.
nta but I wouldn't be surprised if at some point an animal leaves Bloomburrow and actually does turn into a person, to reveal they were secretly from another plane the whole time. I was half expecting it for Cruelclaw, honestly.
Take Cummander to the Cummander general please.
Yeah, but that's a separate thing. Cruelclaw I'm pretty sure is just a guy called that, though. Probably not his actual name of course.
There's no way wotc will destroy two expensive cards before using up their reprint equity
20-card impulse is effectively the same card as your pic which is banned in every format it would be legal in (except the clown format)
Kek, I love this one and no one else plays this because they scoop decks from top 8. Black also has some other degen draw from Kamigawa alchemy
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Anyway, Garruk's a badger (I think?).
Why not a fucking hog?
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The rest of the Secret Lair was also shown. Huatli's a bird of some kind, not sure which.
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Kiora is an axolotl.
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Tezzerat. This one is actually just entirely correct from the ground-up, he is the most rat-man there ever was.
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And Vraska is a snake despite the story having her be a lizard, so I guess you can argue these aren't quite "Bloomburrow-fied" just generically animal-fied. Or there was miscommunication, or in-story Helga just confused a snake for a lizard.
Does anyone know how long I'll have to draft bloomburrow until the next set prereleases and it all dries up?
a week
no more, no less
seven days
Snakes are a type of lizard.
Snakes on Bloomburrow are Calamity Beasts though. Granted, so are owls, and Ledger Shredder is an owl, so I guess the what-if land is a bit looser on what's okay. Canonically she'd be a lizard, I guess, but in Secret Lair what-ifs she's a snake because of course she is.
>also still not sure why capenna's angels specifically are phyrexian repellent when no other angels in the multiverse are, not even fucking serra's realm was immune
It's not the angels themselves, it's Halo, a substance they can produce. Only Capenna's angels knew how to make it pre-MOM, but other angels can be taught how to make it - Sigarda is taught how and uses it to help defend Innistrad, for example.
>It's not the angels themselves, it's cunny juice, a substance they can produce
Yeah, they just broadly said angels are more innately resistant to it (not immune, it CAN be powered through), but only Halo was a way to really give that to others.
The other question was whether they'd be small or not, and that's one big raccoon.
No, they're not. Snake and lizard are two different categorizations. Both are reptiles.
Is this a calamity beast?
Yeah, why isn't he a dolphin?
That's pretty normal-sized for a raccoon?
Yes. It's an elemental, all Bloomburrow elementals are Calamity Beasts.
Raccoons are bigger than you think
He looks human-sized
>for the first time in forever, Bloomburrow has me hyped for a set based off its style
>the cards suck
>the mechanics are boring
>power-wise it's overshadowed by the horrendous cowboy set
Maybe Magic isn't for me anymore.
The perspective isn't super clear, to be honest.
Time to fuck off indeed if you are so obssesed with power level. Art is superb, Mechanics are new not some regurgitated slop and there will be some strong cards.
>Mechanics are new not some regurgitated slop
Let's not get ahead of ourselves here


>Mechanics are new not some regurgitated slop
I really, really, really wish that MTG was designed around standard rotation and core set releases. Imagine a game where a good 1/3rd of cards in a set were re-released staples rotated out two rotations ago that help keep after-market costs low and maintain engagement within Standard.
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These are fucking dope, you guys are retarded. Looks like something Sam hyde would make
You mean notorious right-wing school shooter that also destroyed the entirety of Harlem and ruined the Detroit Automotive Industry after starting a series of anti-Japanese race riots, Sam Hyde?!
Nobody liked core sets. MH3 is a core set
I still can't believe Foundations is gonna be legal until 2030.
It makes sense though. If you want some basic functionality like Naturalize or Divination to always be legal in standard as the floor of what's viable, then printing them in a set that rotates every five years makes more sense than reprinting them constantly.

Now, the fact that standard power level drifts more frequently than that and that card legality isn't necessarily the same as card availability? That gets dicier.
>Nobody liked core sets.
Yes, but they were necessary to keep standard healthy
MtG story after 2013-2014 are all trash, they even changed most senior writers from world building/creative at some point during 2014-2018. The seniors in wotc's creative teams are all retarded who have started to work there in the past 8 years

It is over.
What other societies call corruption is what our society calls progress. Greed always exists, that doesn't mean you have to worship it.
Also capitalism isn't really a distinct economic model, it's a story told by rulers to justify their power, similar to communism or the mandate of heaven. It tends to lead to the destruction of market economies and the creation of corrupt ineffective bureaucracies (which is what we're all seeing) but you are correct to note that this is not the only way to get a corrupt and ineffective bureaucracy. The thing is, corrupt and ineffective bureaucracies usually happen by accident, sometimes slowly over the course of centuries, capitalism is unique for saying that this process is a good thing and should be accelerated. And small-government-retards are unique for believing such a story.
When it was a new fresh take on something old and familiar it was popular. Now it's an iteration on an iteration on something that has been around for 20 years. The Avengers is over, all the familiar names have gotten 2 movies if not 4, now you're seeing femthor and she-hulk and Agent Carter and it's basically the same story as females in wrestling, it's a gimmick to inspire a little more engagement for a little bit longer. I don't think that you really care about big-budget movies or how they're made or why sequels suck, you arrived at this argument by way of the culture war and now you're posting it on /tg/, to try to explain why Hasbro is such a corrupt and ineffective bureaucracy.
The entire game is designed around "dies to creature removal" which means that creatures are somehow simultaneously shit and broken. They can't even try to print strong noncreature permanents because the game is balanced around every deck running shitloads of creature hate. It's so stupid and makes synergistic and fun creatures unplayable
everything is either attached to a creature or the spell itself has 3+ options to make it relevant.

even now regular creature removal from green with bullshit fights/bites/swipes but its a rarity to see someone destroy an enchantment or artifact specifically.

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