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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Robert Jordanslop Edition

Previously on /slop/: >>93353430

Thread Task: add acrylic and other paint styles to your prompts

News: It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.


/slop/-approved styles, prompts and perspectives

Videogame art styles

Useful links
Color identifiers -- https://www.htmlcolorcodes.com/
List of art movements -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_art_movements
List of hair styles -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hairstyles
World folk clothing -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folk_costume
World body armors -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_armor
Names for general clothing styles (PDF) -- https://files.catbox.moe/3r0ux6.pdf
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>mfw everything
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If she is the cleric that an adventuring party has to regularly visit for healing and curing curses and poisons and what not, then she is just as /tg/ related as any other post in these threads. I solo wargame with miniatures and have been using an AI writing assistant to help write stories about the characters in my campaigns. I use AI gens for character art of my existing characters and also inspiration for setting and stories. My main characters are (almost) all attractive women because those are characters that I like and I am solo gaming and writing stories for myself so I don't think it hurts anything.

That is really nice. Looks like its from an actual animated film.
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You misunderstand, I don't have a problem with anything anyone posts. I was just arguing that certain things are more appropriate for the board than other things. Not coming at you or anything.
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Very nice, interesting leg/tail combo.
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I like that you like attractive women characters, myself. I personally like monsters a lot. Putting what you like in your games makes sense.
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I see. I'm sorry anon.

Maybe you could run a game with monstrous characters sometime if you're not already?
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Nice ones
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>local village chad asks you out
>it's that time of the month again

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Somehow, SDsisters returned
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In what possible way are you solo gaming if you're not making the characters, doing nothing based on the story, do no worldbuilding, and aren't even writing the ideas or coming up with them yourself? You're gooning to chatbot output, which sure is a hobby, but it's not a /tg/ one.
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"Welcome to Avernus, traveler. Care for a guide?"
I should probably actually finish the series. Think only had two books left.
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You misunderstand, and maybe I did a poor job expaining. I solo play games with miniatures, terrain, dice, tape measurer, and rules. My games are in a setting I created myself with my own characters. But I like to make AI art of my characters just for fun and use AI art for inspiration. I also write stories about the characters, sometimes based on outcomes of games and sometimes their own standalone thing. I'm not a very good writer and use an AI writing assistant to help. I know people seethe about AI art and maybe even moreso about a writing assistant, but it's just stuff I do personally for my own entertainment and not like I'm monetizing or publishing anything.
Anyone had any luck with basket-hilted swords? It only either makes a standard European sword with crossguard or just put a wire waste basket somewhere in the image for me.
Okay sure that sounds more /tg/ when you explain it that way. Personally though I don't get the point of dropping an Oracle or co-players to get a language algorithm to spit plot beats at you. You'd get better if you practiced through the uncomfortable beginning stages....
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If you made it past winter’s heart and path of daggers then you’re past the worst by a country mile
>thread task
Used a prompt from mid-2023 that involved heavy word play and mentioning of different art styles, added acrylic and gouache, full prompt is on the filename
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Pic related.
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Alternate output for
>Thread Task
Barely looks like a plague doctor but i like the mask style and how her hat is melting
Hmm. Is she a guide or a recruiter?
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is this bing? If yes, what is this artstyle called. Care to provide a prompt?
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Does this look like a gnome? I'm running out of ideas on how to convey gnomishness without a hat doing all the work the mushroom in this case is part of their body
What do gnomes look like in your setting?
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What if 'fantasy acrylic painting' is one of my default styles?
that's what I'm trying to figure out. I want them to biologically distinct from halflings and dwarves, so even if they don't have hats, they're still very clearly gnomes. I dont think this is doing it though
>Does this look like a gnome?
Frankly, it looks like "kill this shit with fire".
>I'm running out of ideas on how to convey gnomishness without a hat doing all the work
Perhaps allow Gnomes to be Gnomes?
For example, how I see them in my setting is taller than halflings and only slightly shorter than dwarfs but much less stout. Give them the big schnozz and often eccentric hair and you have your gnomes
>Perhaps allow Gnomes to be Gnomes?
what do you mean? Make them the size of a book?

Also, what was your prompt for that image?

that's not remotely distinctive in any way. you don't understand what I'm talking about at all
OK dude then your gnome are 18 feet tall, rainbow colored and have nissan skylines for heads
>Perhaps allow Gnomes to be Gnomes?
>what do you mean? Make them the size of a book?
No. I mean: "If Gnomes wear hats in about every media, then let your Gnomes wear hats as well." Deconstruction (my Gnomes are Gnomes but hatless) for the sake of deconstruction is pointless.
>Also, what was your prompt for that image?
See the filename.
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If you want truly distinct Gnomes – perhaps make them small Earth elementals?
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I'm not saying I want to remove the hat. Far from it. I'm just saying I want to be able to tell even without the hat
As >>93367798 said, make them small and lean (as opposed to Dorfs who are as broad as tall and plump Halflings), give them hair and/or skin of impossible colours (green, gold, violet), and some more clothing eccentricities (Halflings wear simple and practical green or earthly toned clothes, Dorfs wear sturdy chainmail (inherited from grandfather and still looks like new!) while your average Gnome wears a scarlet tunic and blue-green hood (it looks quite good)). But before it ask yourself: do you really need Dwarves, Gnomes and Halflings (and presumably Goblins, Kobolds and Ratmen as well) in the same setting?
halflings should never have been a thing desu. they existed for the sole purpose of plagiarism. The only reason I tolerate them is half-foot marcille
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About the discussion (but more accurately shit flinging) from the last thread
Noticed that it's nogens who are the most caustic, dictating what's /tg/ or not, and what should be posted on /slop/ ?
Rather presumptuous of you to imply that everyone that doesn't post a gen with every post is a nogen.
It's rather hard to believe on mere "I posted shitload of pics this thread, trust me bro", don't you think?
If you don't want feedback then you can post this shit to your Downloads folder. This thread operates under the pretense that you're creating content which other people will care about and discuss. And if you don't want to hear about it then you can shut up and post your gens and stop stirring the shitpot.
And you think I'm stirring it? Not all those caustic fuckers spewing bile on everything that appears here? Or that tripcunt posting his gross fetish pics?
I can see that you're part of the problem.
It's actually true. People won't post their gens while criticizing others to remain anonymous.
They're just cunts that can't take any eventual criticism of their gens, while flinging tons of shit on everything else.
Hypocrisy much...
It's meaningless because the conversation inevitably becomes about the other guy's gens, completely dodging the point.
The point is that fags like you wanted to dictate what should, and what shouldn't be posted here. All this criticism bullshit is about you smearing everything in shit and calling it "not /tg/", while posting nothing, or avoiding to be recognized, because they know they would get shit themselves.
>you smearing everything in shit
There's no need to smear something in shit if it was already shit to begin with.
And of course if you didn't like it, nobody did, right?
Aside of lower lifeform tripfag's gens, since they're objectively speaking vomit inducing.
The vast majority of people in these threads have a grossly inflated opinion of their own gens, yes. Why else did some people spam a thread with 20+ images of the same thing that they apparently felt was so imperative to share?
Show us your "works of art", then we can speak of quality.
I'm not the one whose getting his stuff deleted and bitching about it. If you are being singled out then maybe it's time you consider maybe it's not everybody else who is wrong?
It's hard to have your pics deleted if you don't post shit, don't you think?
Anons, calm down. Drink a glass of cold water or something.
So far the best gen I got including both character and his dragon.
Fragile egos itt hurt that someone criticised "their" gens are really precious to behold.
>Inb4 post something you nogen
No thx, nogames.
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Hi might not be the fastest, but he's the best river guide available.
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Now is a good time as any to post my 1girl standing tt
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That’s SD, not Bing
I have shared many a time my prompts and exactly what I use but janny deletes my posts like they’re going out of style
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>Give us all your money!
Now guess who's behind it
"Or else, what? Don't threaten me with a good time, ladies."
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>thread task
been playing some Elder scrolls games set in Morrowind, so tried some Dunmer in watercolor.
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and here is a younger female
I'm loving that we can make wp now.
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Have a meth-head Tim Curry. You're welcome.
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What artstyle is this?
>sad moody atmospheric, navigavi artstyle, minimalist colors, High quality dark fantasy painting with thick black outlines, low color saturation, line threading
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Why is she(?) so damn smug?
She knows what you do when you think you're alone
>evil smoking baby
Because animetards mistake sm*gness for having a personality.
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Why does she drink?
Not the prompter, but I'm certain it's Polish vodka.
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Grieving for friends lost in battle, and for the life she may have had, before the war took them from her.
sharp facial features, traditional dunmer hairstyle, even the clothes look legit, very close to the OG aesthetics
generic ai sloppa anime babe
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that's a good skeleton
Post your OC's "Player 2" pallet
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Pseudocatholic nuns with unreasonably large hammers REPRESENT!
I don't understand.
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>Maybe you could run a game with monstrous characters:
Yeah, that's one of my major campaigns right now. I've been playing in that particular one for about a year and a half now. I share things from the games from time to time in here.
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I support king frog for fantastical senate.

Also, last session, we got around to figuring out that the "ghosts" that the party had encountered were being bound from resurrecting by a pretty vicious demi-fiend. It was using the pull from the "Ending of Death" in the bowels of the city as a type of sustenance.
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Thx! Good goat too!
Oh, I could have fun with this.

In arcade fighting vidya games (Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, etc), choosing a character as P2 often results in an alternate color palette for the character's costume. At least, that's what I think he means.
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I have plenty of those.
Patrician taste.
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AI will be the end of me. I'm ready to be put in the matrix Elon.
You are going to have a gf at last
I am a 30yo kissless virgin. It's about damn time.
"The Lord calls, and I humbly answer."
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An alternate color scheme for a particular character.
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I know that feel anon.
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Trying to make an image of someone resembling Aurora Aksnes dancing barefoot on a tavern table, Any tips?
Am I getting close?
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>in the style of brave little toaster
Well, either way, if you like where this is going, feel free to use this prompt as a starting point, and modify it to your tastes:

>highly-detailed romantic dark fantasy acrylic, gritty realism, detailed lines, of a young beautiful Scandinavian female dancer with (princess-cut long straight platinum-blonde hair with square-bangs), black vest over white silk robe, standing on a table in a warm candlelit crowded tavern filled with many patrons, dancing, stomping, fancy footwork, gold anklets, painted toenails
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>oil painting in the style of larry elmore
Gotta say, a fembot with lingerie stencils on its casing is a cool image and I love how AI combines different concepts like this.
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>acrylic painting in the style of frank frazetta
What prompts?
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I like this.
Thanks. It's a theme I've been playing around with for a while.
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I dig the femdroids.
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This is so much better than what I've been getting
Anyone got a good link to cracked photoshop to do image editing?
Just use GIMP.
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Thanks anon
>Finally, with the power of AIslop I'll have a consistent artstyle for my campaign!
Trying to get my southern elves just right
Vanilla Celine
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At a glance, a dwarf image from another thread looked like something else, which inspired this
>travels the material plane searching for bins to loot
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I gotcha bro
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Used this for a fight me and the bros had against a hag coven. Final move was our buffest caveman grappling the hag queen in place so an archer could stick her fulla arrows. Shit was cash.
>our buffest caveman
H...how many cavemen do you have?
>pictured: the weakest caveman
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We were all cavemen. The game was a homebrew stone age settlement builder.
One of our scouts was abducted by the hags while he was out foraging, so we sent out a raiding party to get it back. The GM tried very hard to eke out at least one fatality, but the dice favored us that day.

He had a fitness score of 6. Everyone else had 5 or lower.
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That's adorable.
What flavor of Southern are we talkin about here?
it's really hard to get european features with dark skin, and doubly hard to get any kind of quality at all with reversed sclera
Have you tried "gyaru"
Dwellers in a forsaken land of everday, immortal prison wardens and guardians of an elemental conflux who want monkeys (humans) back in their cages.
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So elf trailer trash, got it.
I regret making this
She's not a fan of the new color.
What's going on there?
Monster Hunter International has those.
May as well do Player 3 and Player 4 colors
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"Well...I like it..."
I tried to add an Aure wearing red and black. Bing refused to cooperate.
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They're not her favorite colors.
Anyone got a prompt on how to decently generate rapiers? Bing is spitting out these weird katana hybrids
Finally got one that was passable.
Even if Bing insisted on putting elf ears on Aure when I specifically told it she had round ears.
And the two of them were supposed to be pointing at each other, shocked that the other stole their colors.
Another one that tuned out decent
Just "rapier" tends to get me generic-looking, but at least thin, swords.
Telling it "long, thin, rapier with a swept wire hilt" tended to push it in the right direction. In this case, putting a few "musketeer" prompts helped it get a long thin blade.
Bing's still not great at getting specific sword types. Or keeping them a straight line if they pass behind something or someone.
In my experience, if the word "elf" is anywhere in the prompt, and there's more than one person, they'll all be elves, 90% of the time.
Frustratingly true.
Thanks, I will try this next time, when I did it, the term "fencing blade" worked as well
Ah yeah, that might also do it.
Sometimes euphemisms are great to bypass the idiocies of the AI.
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Love the origami look
Got any advice on basket hilt swords? It keeps just giving me generic European swords and occasionally adding wire wastebaskets to the background
Adding "basket handguard" got me the occasional wires tangled around the hand. But not nearly good enough to call it a proper basket hilt.
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My first tabletop character ever, back in D&D 3.5
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Hello there!
Betty Boop meets World of Darkness
Contemplate the aroma
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She got a lot less spunky and a lot more brooding
I recognize that reference to current events
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The Devil is leaking!
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Behold, my Pixie, killer of Goblins.
Bow of the heart.

Still hoping for redneck space ogres.
I bet right have so much more fun
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Don't care for those city slickers up on New Seattle Space Needle
Intredasting. Thanks anon; won't work for an ogre, but I'm going to die on the hill of playing that in a game.
Looks like a friendly lad.
Struggling to think of what a redneck ogre is up to besides tooling around the rigs
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Haven't you guys ever heard about 40k Ogryn?
As man spread his dominion across the land, spirits suffered, yet they did not die. In places of grassland spirits, the factory fume spirit took place, content to watch the smoke rise.
Those are abhumans.
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They're right tho - big, fat, tough, slab of muscle is the stereotypical ogre.
Why it hasn't been deleted yet?
He keeps prompting with different tweaks to his artstyle until nothing looks consistent
Player 5 has entered the game!
Haha! I caught a shiny Piro!
What about a 2P 2B 2P version? Pale skin and black hair
At taht point I'd be breaking the Piro prompt that it's not really her any longer.
Not a problem with pale skin dark hair elfs, but the brown skin, white hair and gold eyes is kinda the baseline of her design i would have to build up from
And cheese wheel shield
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The horror ... the horror ...
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That seems to be consistent across every board, there will always be some dude saying that every pic sucks
Nice! Prompt for a Cybertroll, pretty please?
Tally onwards.
One image too early, sweetcheeks.
He's right back where he started with nonslop...
I was actually frustrated because bing doesn't understand locations and asking for anything cybernetic tends to give me a big cyborg

>shadowrun, dark urban fantasy, hero with fair skin, muscular troll with big horns and tusks, artificial lower legs, Japanese anime impressionist, detailed and intricate illustration, soft watercolors, by yoshiaki kawajiri
Thank you very much.

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