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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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From a dark, primitive time of /traditional games/ comes an epic thread of /slop/. A time of when evil power triumphed across the board. A time of uncontrollable demonic forces. A time of the sword and sorcery. A towering spectacle of merciless warlords, fearless warriors, lusting women, and awesome conflict

Previously on /slop/: >>93366133

Thread Task: Pulpy sword and sorcery

News: It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.


/slop/-approved styles, prompts and perspectives

Videogame art styles

Useful links
Color identifiers -- https://www.htmlcolorcodes.com/
List of art movements -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_art_movements
List of hair styles -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hairstyles
World folk clothing -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folk_costume
World body armors -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_armor
Names for general clothing styles (PDF) -- https://files.catbox.moe/3r0ux6.pdf
what the fuck is this swordaxe lmao fucking aisloppers
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>Pulpy sword
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And you still wonder what problem people here have with you and your posts...
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Official (partial) face reveal, although the beard got little too long
>And you still wonder what problem people here have with you and your posts...
Excuse me? I was inspired by a classic painting by Boris Vallejo.
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Yet none of them contain tight latex/leather pants revealing a bugle, or pile of naked dead fatties, you fucking pervert.
>Boris Vallejo
An absolute hack
Have you considered coming out of the cloister?
Looks like cursed bastard of AR and AK, but this was the closest thing I had in mind when I promped it.
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As you wish! (Conan by Vallejo.)
>naked dead fatties
Anon, duge cut his way through unit of Trolls. Give it a rest.
You have problem with anything posted here, especially when it's a girl, or elf, or both. Yet you made yourself known as a tripfag who posts borderline gayporn. What do you expect?
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Looks like Bing really likes comics style, or its so widely used. The comms girl wasn't prompted at all.
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>especially when it's a girl, or elf, or both.
Do I?
>What do you expect?
It seems there's some kind of misunderstanding. Neither I care about your opinion about me nor I care about your opinion about my posts.
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Seriously, fa/tg/uys are so anal about things sometimes.
Better than the circus that the other boards allow to take place but still.
Buff dudes killing ugly things has been part of tabletop art since always.
Same goes for the womenfolk. Skimpy, sexy women, be it heroines or princesses in distress is in the foundation of the genre.
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Don't you agree?
Yet when I want to make dumb looking weapons like that it refuses to
It's awesome! I even made sure to post one in the transitional image
As long as it doesn't look boring
If it looks like a player character, like an NPC or like an antagonist it is fine. Monsters too or sci-fi stuff. Tabletop games have a wide variety of flavors. But when people start to post the same characters over and over again in the same poses without variation it gets really boring.
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"I may have taken up the cloth, but that doesn't mean I stopped removing it."
And you'll always be remembered as the guy who went to complain on /v/ when people got annoyed you kept posting wow stuff.
And that you mostly post vidya stuff
And extremely samey stuff
and that you like to spam
And that you often had meltdowns

But still, I'd prefer you over namefag
People take slop very seriously
I only take hypocrisy very seriously
Took a look at /v/ dall-e
Bunch of bulging ghost cock in there for hours now ...
Not that I don't like it but there are boards for that sort of thing.
Plague Dooser
As a matter of fact, I often see more repetitive things posted here by others, but I'm not complaining, because who am I to tell people what to, and what not to post?
Honestly, Bing's Designer can make surprisingly good scenery pics with very minimalist prompts.
Hey guys, I just had a good idea. You know how the shitposting troll gets off on (You)s and enjoys seeing how upset he makes other posters? Well, what about if, instead of ignoring his retarded shitposts, we all give him lots of replies and devote the majority of the thread to discussing him? I bet that would really hurt his ego. It might even be enough to make him stop posting altogether.

Let's all start giving the tripfag lots of attention.
Why would the Native fight with a Werewolf?
those pants don't look comfortable
not that I'm complaining
look at that guy with a knife arm and two axes on his back, definitely ready for a fight
absolute unit
Me and the boys checking on the local hobo after throwing a whole bucket of maggots on him.
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>thread task
Couldn't do much of an action sequence thing but the style is pulpy enough, right?
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Race: Elf
Class: Bard (Glamour)
Background: Feylost
Random Oddity: Demigod. You believe divine blood runs in your veins.

King Arthur and his valiant Knights of the Round Table, fervent defenders of Christianity, did not shy away from offerings bestowed by the Pagan deities of the Fey. For though they humbly knelt at St. Stephen's Cathedral, and their shields bore the sign of the bloody cross, their hearts still held reverence for the ancient powers that once ruled this land.
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hey guys, get on my back
They work on the right people
High contrast. Dark lighting. magazine illustration, 1980's. Faded oil painting, style of a fantasy book cover, Photocopy dithering, in the style of Elmore:
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I like this one too. Prompt?
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Indeed. Pic unrelated.
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>High contrast. Dark lighting. Red and black color scheme, pulp sword and sorcery magazine painted illustration circa 1960's. Photocopy dithering. full-body portrait of princess with green skin, red hair, freckles, wearing diaphanous gown and silver crown, shocked expression, hand over mouth, eyes wide. a sinister black-skinned drow elf with silverly white hair grins maliciously at her.,
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I love you /slop/ :D
now give her headpat or a hug, I guess she's too young for other displays of affection
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You have exiled me one hundred years ago. Today I come back – to repay in kind.
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Pulpy sword & sorcery? Fuck yeah.
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proompt the last character you played
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>Tiger Clan Barbarian.png
This is what I got when I accidentally prompted "Tiger Clan Barbarian.png". Good night.
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>alternate thread task output
Let me guess? This is a 1980s PG-rated movie focusing on a young semi-nerdy kid who acquires a magic sword of light (and a cute little animal/monster companion) and through a series of setbacks and facing down villains with his friends, saves the town/city/state/nation/world/galaxy/universe and gets to kiss his crush and thinks that's the highlight of the whole adventure?
You are disturbingly on point, except for the part about the monster companion being "cute"
Called it.
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I want to watch that now
I will grind you down until the very SPARKS CRY FOR MERCY! My hands shall RELISH ENDING YOU

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And even when your hope is gone, move along, move along, JUST TO MAKE IT THROUGH!
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This came out cornier than I envisioned
"Look here, anon. It says I own you. And your family. And all your assets. Now come quietly."

i tried pulp fantasy art but it didn't really look as good as op's.
Wowee Piro that's not very cash money of you
If you had had enough cash money she wouldn't have to take everything from you.
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>edon't talk to me or my horse ever again
Put her in a Barbarians outfit, then you're almost there
Still not quite as gritty but it works
Shame I'll basically never use these for anything.
But pulpy! Looks great
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Anyone have any tips for getting Flamberges? This is about the closest I've been able to get after rephrasing and shuffling the prompt around a bunch.
This was meant to be a centaur facing a wizard, but it kept making her a human on a horse, so fuck it
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Very nice. What style did you use?
Funny enough, the wizard somehow ended up a centaur in one gen
If you like them, that's enough
When you first meet her and after your adventure is done
Have you tried wibbly-wobbly sword?
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Obligatory forgetting image
File deleted.
>grainy, minimalistic painting, muted colors,
posted the wrong version
You could use them randomly as the description for NPCs if you never use them as player characters
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At that point I'd just show them the picture, a lot less work
Hello, a Bionicle reference?

I guess I probably should've went with colored knights or automatons or something. Oh well.
You're reminding me of a now dead spelljammer campaign we had where I ended up making Onua as a plahable character. A warforged druid/fighter mix
That's what I mean, the description would be short like "you reach the tavern and at the door is a tall lady, by the looks of her she is a hired mercenary from the barbarian clans working as guard for the place, she looks like this" then you show the picture
I believe this is the first bing /tg/ ai thread if anyone cares
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I made that shitty thread, if anyone cares
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the robot is refusing to give me spooky or evil undeads.
prompt: zelda screenshot. A ghost is a incorporeal undead creature of great power. Roughly human sized, and weightless, it looks much as it did in life and can be easily recognized by those who knew the individual or have seen the individual's face in a painting or a drawing. In many cases, the evidence of a violent death is visible on its body.
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and of course, it made one of them black. lol.
Anyways, some turned out cool but it is very annoying.
Some people are so desperate for (you)s.
>People considered it something like drawthread back then
And now some complain that gen tools are free to use by everyone, because thread "quality".
Haven't messed with undead much, I know that we had some people here that made some really gnarly looking stuff in the past though, if they are still around they could probably help out.
Somehow, AI image generation hasn't made everyone equally good at generating images.
Rate my villain, Mordantus Rex
I love it.
Great stuff.
Damn, I can't believe one of my posts was so early.
Reminds me, I haven't prompted Diggory in a long time.
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>Nogen bitching about everything detected
You can just say when you don't get something, mate. Affecting a butthurt posture isn't doing you any favours.
Has there been any AI program that's gotten good at genning Warhammer 40k stuff yet? Some can just about eek out space marines, but for the other races not so well.
cool style, adding it to my collection
Oh shit, he holds his axe in reverse. You know he's a badass.
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Here' where I took the thread theme from
I forgot to include
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Shit, guess I'll bake unless someone gets to it before me.
New thread: >>93387303

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