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Previous: >>93362263

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>how to proxy using any printer

Thread Question/Prompt: Are any of your pet cards too far past their prime to run anymore?
bunny c*nny set
>Are any of your pet cards too far past their prime to run anymore?
all of them, but i run them anyway
can we please go one thread without talking about impregnating an animal
Tempt with *unnies, even?
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I really want to make a shitty deck with this thing, but it really hurts my soul that a Stifle will neuter the deck completely these days. They're not common cards to see, but I still dislike how the change was made. I, however, have several times thought that I'd weaponize the change by making a Roon deck.
What do you mean Mimic Vat is past it's prime? I'm still running an original print foil I opened while it was in standard.
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I have a Roon deck. It's not good, he's too slow and too expensive, but flickering Brutalizer Exarch over and over to send people's lands to the bottom of their library never gets old.
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
what's a good site for to get the cards' art in high quality?
thanks anon
What's gonna have more fun this set, Boros or Gruul?
My main reason to build it was and is that I just pack all cards in colour that can counter triggered abilities, so if my opponent allows their commander to get exiled, I'll use Stifle to keep it permanently there.
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Might I recommend Sundial, then? Bear in mind that it's highly unlikely someone will be dumb enough to let a commander be exiled rather than just putting in the command zone, but you never know.
I can just use it as a permanent removal anyway for other targets and it's also removal for commanders too.
>Finish the Maha deck
>do some test plays
>most I end up being able to fully empty hands pretty reliably
>draw an okay amount of extra cards
>draw into pretty much none of my creatures
>anything i do draw into isn't really a payoff or is for the other half of the strategy
>realize this was all an incredible error
Uh oh, I might be dropping the bird deck
>build for two strategies
>the pieces never come together without like 10 tutors
story of my life, anon
My more recent decks are all over the place, so they all work out strategy wise, because I expect nothing.
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>every time I go on tcgplayer or card kingdom with a strict budget I end up picking up way too many things
>hurts to cut from my cart because I went double my limit
$40 budget, $80 price total
What do you guys prioritize when brewing a deck? Going for Darigaaz the Igniter list by retooling the Atarka Starter Precon and while there's decent pieces already in the deck I'm wondering how luxury pieces like Oracle of Mul Daya and Bladewing the Risen would fit into the list.

Any bored anon willing to help me out for a bit?
Here's my full cart of upgrades. Just want an opinion on what to trim.
You know, I feel like I relate to this. I might try to rebuild the bird and stick to the ice theme with the on-kill effects rather than do the discard synergy thing. I was hoping that if I ran enough discard, it'd basically be built in hexproof and a hard denial of resources, but I found myself never having enough resources to do anything but punch with my commander.
meant to reply to you too
It really do be. My last few decks feel like they work a bit better even if they're a tiny bit all over the place themselves. Prosper and Coram feel like they work fine. I struggle a bit with Karlach + Veteran Soldier, Elesh Norn, and Don Andres at the moment.
Coram? Post list
Honestly, the biggest problem with the bird is that there's not much payoff with it. You can kill everything with Night of Souls Betrayal or Kaervek, but so what? The bird doesn't even synergise with discard, aside from having hexproof basically if your opponents do not have any cards in hand. Maybe a deck like that could be good to teach newbies the importance of removal, but honestly, what the bird does could be done by using a wrath, at least discard would make sense with like Chainer or Geth, since you could reanimate the shit your opponents discard.
Hey anons I’m trying to give advice to a friend but I’ve never built the kind of decks he wants to do

If you’re to do a deck like rat colony, dragons approach or persistent petitioners, what’s a good amount to have in a deck to make it worthwhile?
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I'd cut the tutors in general, no dragon is good enough to be worth 3-4 more mana and an extra card. The orbs of dragonkind are terrible. Fiery Emancipation is winmore. Charnelhoard wurm isn't a dragon. Hag Hedge-Mage doesn't do anything. Ognis doesn't do anything.

In general, when I'm buying cards I want to buy cards that have an irreplaceable function. If I'm playing a deck where Cryptic Trilobite is good, there is practically nothing else that does what it does (convert a single +1/+1 counter into two mana). There are 50 cards that do the same thing as Hull Breach.

It's a little unclear what direction you're taking the deck. What's your goal?
Swap the commander for Aclazotz
I mean it's basically just "big combat damage into burn damage" there's not really like a handrip or sacrifice theme it's just a pile of cards I like to play a no thinking required deck. But I see your point, thanks for the recommendations on what to cut! I appreciate it
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This is a banger of an uncommon. Hold it up for counterspell, or just some good card selection, graveyard filling and draw if nothing needs countering
No problem. In general my advice is to make sure your deck has an actual strategy and that every card contributes to it, because it's really easy to add a bunch of cards in your colors that are cool, could be useful, and do stuff, but they don't actually progress you towards winning. That can be more than fine at casual tables but it's an easy way to end up with a deck that feels pretty directionless and isn't fun to pilot.
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>only deck of mine that is winning recently is my shittiest deck that's basically just a shitty theme deck worse than precons
Is it better than Dismiss or Thassa's Intervention? Four mana is a pretty nasty breakpoint for a counterspell, even if you can just fire it off at end of turn if there's nothing worth sniping.
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That's kinda where I got stuck, you know? I could wipe the board, but then there's no point in death-triggers because no one is gonna play a creature until they remove her or use it for a quick ETB (I could use Torpor Orb because originally it was gonna be a stax deck), and then I figured maybe Discard would mean I'm still doing stuff on my turns, but it all just got kinda messy and boring. I ended up hating the way it felt because I could reliably empty my hand, and then do nothing, or destroy the board from tons of wipes I could draw and then... do nothing. Sure, commander damage is a way to win, but if I'm gonna do that I'd rather do it with Coram. I guess the thing is that the bird is an enabler, but not a payoff to the strategies that it presents, which makes it feel kinda bad in some ways. Like, back when I was trying to make a weird amalgam deck of Faldorn and Prosper, I got stuck with Korvold because there's no Jund exile commander, but it felt like shit because he wasn't a payoff to my actions or the cards I wanted, just an engine of his own, of which there are significantly better playstyles.
Here you got, I laid it out special just for you, Anon
You know, you might have a point. A discard deck around an actual discard enabler AND payoff could be way smarter. Thanks anon!
Tell us about the deck
>Tell us about the deck
It's just a Doctor Who deck. Clara as companion. It's pretty schizophrenic because Doctors barely synergize with each other. At best, there is a minor tribal and legendary theme. There isn't much of a win con except somehow aggroing people out when my biggest base power is 4/4.
I won last game because people took out the player that was a threat and left me alone with my 5 Doctors and a lot of mana so I ripped a mirror entity off the top.
Though I must say that getting the game win via Tardis kill was very thematic

Game I won before that I just had a godly opening hand and also hit the best Doctor I could off 14's effect and was just way ahead of everyone else.
Honestly, that sounds like it's pretty fun and plays different every time. The Doctors had some neat cards, though I haven't gotten around to trying any of them as commanders or in my 99 yet.
well, first and foremost you gotta start using a tripcode
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It makes things very inconsistent. You could get a Doctor that's a massive dud in the deck like 12, War, Fugitive, or 15. Or you could hit something really nice like 6, 8, or 10. A lot of cards are pure gimmicks. It is fun, though, and people are less likely to try and rush you out.

Pretty much
>Bad doctors to hit
2 (doesn't benefit the deck at all)
12 (can work if certain doctors are out, but they probably aren't)
fugitive (pretty much just makes a clue in this deck)
war (only does something if you happen to have 10 out)
Arcade gannon (I literally forgot to take this guy out)
15 (Doesn't do much with the deck and you'll just end up milling half your good shit)
9 (only good if 10 or 11 is out)

Mediocre hits
11 (low stats but at least usable with an ability that MIGHT come in handy)
5 (same thing)
13 (same)
1 (Self synergizes with Tardis. Fetches Tardis. Low stats. At least gets you something, though)
3 (pretty shit but has some potential)

Good hits
Four (I like looking at the top of my deck and his stats are passable)
Six (probably the strongest to get. Amazing ability.)
10 (second strongest or tied. Decent stats. Great ability)
Eight (decent stats, useful ability)
Seven (good early body. Effect can be useful)
>Sound of Drums
Why the hell does this card keep coming up?
Anyway, I think that the idea you had for the bird seems like what I run for RB Neheb, but the additional colour gives me much more wiggle room, as well as having Neheb actually be a card that supports my strategy. Unfortunately, the bird by itself is a bit do nothing, too bad it doesn't affect power, so it's not as defensive card, but I guess WotC wouldn't want a hard to remove creature that completely nullifies a lot of decks.
I feel that your idea ends up like my Child of Alara deck, and it's not that interesting to play against or with, since my wincon is basically just hit opponents until they die, no reason to play anything since everything dies the moment I decide they need to be gone.
>Why the hell does this card keep coming up?
It is extremely underrated
>Why the hell does this card keep coming up?
I've mentioned it a lot as of late because of a really stupid thing that happened to me with my Coram deck.
Not sure if anyone else has been buzzing about it, but it's very good, even just slapping it on your own creature.
And yeah, I can relate to that idea, Child of Alara ends up just being "The baby is here until I decide to boardwipe". Started a preliminary run on making Aclazotz right now before I go take out the trash and feed my cats, and I forgot about the card Containment Construct so I can use it to cast/play cards I discard.
Honestly, I'd probably ask to give the deck a try if we were at the same LGS just to give it a go. It sounds a lot like playing eels and escalators, and god knows where the dice will land.
Stop saying that. Or I'll be forced to buy one for myself
It's like a dollar 50, anon. It isn't expensive. It isn't some secret staple, but it is half decent in the right deck.
But it's a Dr Who card, just like Ensnared by the Mara, which I like very much.
There's nothing really wrong with that. You could also proxy it with different art like the Goblin War Drums style art from old Alliances stuff. I'd say just grab it since it's like a buck and it's extremely good, and the recursion built in makes it quite a powerful tool.
>There's nothing really wrong with that.
Some people have crippling autism
Anyone who'd throw a fit at an actual LGS would likely get in trouble with the store if they threw some kind of hissy fit over using legal cards. I wouldn't fret over it.
I mostly have issues with it because I don't have a solid idea on where I should shove it, so it was just an excuse, but I am in middle of building Coram, so I could just ape what you're doing.
I unironically recommend it, Shovelman benefits greatly from it. I've gone from non-threat to straight up removing someone in one swing. Coram is a buttload of fun if you don't mind him being somewhat middle of the pack or even on the weaker side in terms of his own capabilities. Makes him feel super unassuming until you swing, flip your Yargle or Lord of Extinction, or if he goes unblocked and you instant speed drop Entomb.
no, Hazel will squirrel away my nuts
I want to try my luck in playing stuff my opponents mill rather than making a deck that works when goldfishing.
Honestly, that's one of the other massive benefits to him, you almost never miss a land drop and can steal spells. Granted, mine is almost entirely focused on making the deck itself function and I rarely do steal, but your idea sets yours apart from mine in a unique and stylish way. I say go for it, man. Also, run a Praetor's Grasp so you can steal wincons for big funny, I managed to beat a big timmy dinosaur deck by snatching his Akroma's Will.
>all cards I love the art for have weird as fuck skills or colors I don't like
why would those wotc faggots do it like that
I probably should actually snatch another Praetor's Grasp, I only have one but it has a spot in my Xiahou Dun. I'm too lazy to switch my cards in between decks. Thanks for your suggestion.
>ensnared by the mara
based. it's like a 4 mana sorcery that combines combustible gearhulk with etali. i love ensnared by the mara and will run one in most red decks.
No worries, and I totally get not switching between decks. I have two Demonic Tutors because I couldn't be assed to switch it between Urza and Prosper.
I really like it in my Krark Thrasios deck. Two of the people took the damage and one let me cast stuff. The damage takers took both at least 20 damage, one of them getting reduced to single digits and the only guy who let me cast his stuff essentially got to draw 2 cards because I hit two instants or sorceries and I failed both of the coinflips, one of the cards was Crop Rotation so I even went down a land
Not a furry but I love group hug decks. Thought the new bunny commander looked ugly AF till I saw the alter. Is this JP exclusive or a pull from the set?
pullable from collectors boxes
All I know is I want to touch the bunny inappropriately
unironically based
I think the chances of drawing an anime card version you want in the collectorboxes were around 140 boxes before you get it. Better just second hand buy, I don't think everyone that opens boxes care for this card enough to not sell it off.
conventionally attractive and breedable woodland animals
thank you
Thanks! It keeps the urges for children at bay
btw the password to his actual tripcode is "Gwotgwotgwotgwot"
hey guise, I'm going to an event and might end up playing commander. how should I prepare if someone eventually asks my pronouns but I don't like talking about it? is it rude to just say that to their face, trying to not sound like a dick of course
based swordbro!
Hey don’t give that out, also I am a huge faggot.
all the anime ones are jp collector exclusive from what I know
50 dollar card pls understando
50 dollar for the ugliest shitstain of a card known to man* pls understando
ummm but anon....LE FURRY SEXO?!
ummm anon I think you lost your taste, do you have covid?
he is right though?
card looks cute enough to me so dunno about that
the original is bad enough, the anime version turns it into a grotesque caricature of itself
"cute enough" for what, anon?
just say you hate furshit, will make your entire argument easier.
Explain why it's great?
>explain why you like a thing that is subjective to personal tastes
>explain why you dislike a thing that is subjective to personal tastes
*autism beam noises*
how does the "invalid target = spell fizzles" rule exactly work if the spell has multiple effects? for example, I was told that blight grenade fizzles if the target is indestructible. does that apply to spells like Revival // Revenge, especially the revenge part, if the opponent becomes an invalid target (making himself hexproof or scooping)?
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time for some REAL art kino
you just got upset and accused someone simply due to their taste
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time to build an Esika+Reweave deck where the only enchantment in the deck is Divine Intervention and the only creature is Vampire Hexmage
you got scammed. indestructibility doesn't disallow the effect to try and do it since it's not hexproof or shroud that explicitly says cannot be targeted. HOWEVER if a spell has multiple TARGETS and only one of them becomes invalid the spell still tries to resolve as much as it can.
in this spell's case if the single target was made invalid the spell cannot try and resolve any more since NO target is valid anymore
same with revenge, hexproof stops this
tldr: your spell should have resolved
this is the most hideous shit they ever made. Good fucking lord.
>most hideous shit
thats why it speaks to me on a deep roted level

its probably the same reason Anime artworks find so much appeal, they are essentialy the polar opposite of the Braindead cards: clean, idealistic, overly pretty.
they are both tacky and overexaggerated in opposite directions
It only fizzles if the target is illegal. Indestructible permanents are valid targets for destroy effects, it doesn't matter whether or not the spell manages to destroy them. Revenge does not resolve if your opponent becomes a illegal target, since it's the only target the spell has.
ah yes it certainly didn't happen the other way round first
> if a spell has multiple TARGETS and only one of them becomes invalid the spell still tries to resolve as much as it can
>Indestructible permanents are valid targets for destroy effects
>Revenge does not resolve if your opponent becomes a illegal target
thanks for explaining. I was confused because someone argued that illegal target spells fizzling is related to paragraphs between the effects or something like that.
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Show me hot Rat cards or alts
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I hate this alt-art because I know someone at WoTC said 'make it as unfuckable looking as possible'
WOTC you filthy fucking DEI niggers what the fuck is this retarded choice of planewalker in the squirrel deck you are fucking kidding me? I hope you fucking kidding me.
It is literally compliant with the set style, what the fuck did you expect. An anthro fuck 6 tits?
well NOW I am
I recognize this post
>generates Tokens
>is also removal and card draw
>has an emblem that helps the go wide strategy Squirrels have
Seems like the obvious choice, who would you pick instead?
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Whose the best do thing twice commander?
Me, hitting up your mum twice
this isn't furry. It's just zoophilia.
Teysa Karlov
There's no difference.
Based retard
how long do we have to wait for the eurofag to release the bumbleflower list?
Wanting to pull this, anything I shoul grab atm or wait till precon list is revealed?
that art will only be in japanese collector boosters
Sorry I meant build, not pull sorry
Damn its sad how easily 4channers are mindbroken
in that case yeah, just gotta wait for the list to get spoiled

It's definitely going to be garbage though, I don't trust wotc with a "group hug" deck at all
>outlaw signatures
>skirt around with technicalities
>suddenly nothing is illegal anymore
you are enabling pedos btw
Buddy my gf is 17(im 30) I don't care if he talks to 16 year olds. Swordbro is a better poster than you
oh my god they are already here!
remember, letting tripfags exist allowed this
Give it to me straight bros, is the bant yeti the best snow commander
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>squirrel ass rapes your Dockside Extortionist
Nothing personal bro
you'd think they are stupid enough to kill themselves with this out but nah, we are big brain and I'll remove it first
how. you gonna sack your treasures to do it, killing yourself?
dude.. I always have it, bro
I'm making a deal with my bff to kill that little shit for me.
$40 budget is retarded. Add an extra $10 and you get free shipping.
>implying I don't always have a counterspell
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Is this real?
Surveil 2; Draw 2 is always decent at Instant speed. The fact it can be used as a Counterspell in a clutch is great. There is no reason why control decks wouldn't run that card.
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i want to build this as a clue/token combo deck
is this a fairly high power commander?
Not at all
yeah, subcommander for the group hug deck. It looks ass
She's the face commander of a precon, maybe start from there?
SHE???? nvm
what's a high powered clue based commander besides tivit
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>high powered
>clue based
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There aren't many spells that fizzle completely if a target is lost. Anything broken up in multiple lines of text will still do every line of text possible, but something like pic related that is a single line of text I believe would fizzle of even one of the targets stops being legal.

Indestructible doesn't prevent targeting, btw.
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lol. lmao even.
You run lightning bolt in EDH?
I want to play fireball tribal
Well, almost. I want to turtle up, amass mana, and unleash a [[Fireball]] so big it kills the table.
What commanders do you think would be conductive to this strategy?
Which are your favourite fireball spells in EDH?
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>vedalkin fish
I'm not sure what's more annoying between the art clearly being a merfolk or the fact that it could've been a merfolk but they had to add 'detective' so they chose fish instead.
Unrioncically, why wouldn't I?
oh fuck didn't even look at the creature types (because I'm based)
it doesn't even have extra fingers
because unless you are playing a spellslinger or copy deck. 1for1 removal WILL lose you the game
>He DOESNT run bolt in EDH
The amount of stupid little value engine creatures that exist in this format with 3 or less health is considerably more than you think.
They should have made it an enchanment
Looks pretty good actually
I don't know if she fits the turtling up part well, but Rain, Scion of War comes to mind.
Potential really big discounts on spells, that you pour into a big X spell.
>1 for 1 removal will lose you the game
You are bad at Magic.
his ass that is
ad hom ect
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They probably thought it would've made her "too strong" if she was a merfolk.
>5 mana
>no protection
>has to attack to do anything at all
>no evasion

even on the off chance you get to trigger its ability, the majority of the time it's only going to draw you 1-2 cards. Even if you get to cheat something out it's not going to feel worth it since you probably had to build your deck in a weird way to enable Foxglove in the first place
It's not because it would have been too long it's because she's supposed to be a simic hybrid
You either get to draw, or you get to cheat out any creature, you don't have to provide damage, just attack someone. So it's not too bad
>I only play KoS legends
I hate FIRE design
Does not have to be turtling, I just want the commander with the highest potential fireball type card damage
Fallacy Fallacy.

Knowing when to use your removal spells and what to use them on is whats important.
By your logic nobody should run counterspells because most of them are 1 for 1s
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better art
oh boy, so I get to spend 5 mana and wait a whole turn to cheat out a 6 mana creature?

sounds like a steal to me
the jank that I play is beyond your understanding or desire

I'm sorry that the furrybait isn't playable
that's good art which is not consistent with bloomburrow setting art so not sure what you are trying to prove
>People getting sick of WotC soft rotating the format with pushed FIRE bullshit like Dockside, Jew Lotus, etc.
Its a subcommander in a grouphug precon. Its fine. Not every legend has to be cracked to the fucking gills.
But I will concede that Foxglove probably should have gotten a small Ward effect because he is pretty slow and conditional.
bolt kills nothing in my pod that doesn't want to be killed
so it's lotus to enable craw wurm or what
I get that, but they really should've made her more visually distinct from ravnica's merfolk, because the only real difference is the smooth skin which is barely noticeable because she's fully clothed. It's just a bad precedent for card design to have ambiguous features.
Yes, I want good cards. No, I dont want garbage cards and I wont make excuses for it.
>craw wurm
your understanding of jank is inadequate
you are so fucking retarded

do you think that when people complain about power creep it's because they want to play with weak cards?
Cards like Foxglove uphold the Spirit of the Format. Ill take 100 Foxgloves over even 1 more Chulaine or Korvold or any of that shit.
If you want something else I urge you to go play something like Legacy or Canadian Highlander instead of crying that WotC isnt soft-rotating EDH fast enough for you
i exclusively play slivers
5 toughness is bigger than 90% of the things you will see on the board at any given moment. So his attack trigger is good enough, and it refills your hand or cheats things into play, very good effect
>on the off chance you get to trigger his ability
You're retarded you will always get to trigger it because it's a bad card right and no one will waste removal on bad cards!! You will also draw as many as you want???? Like are you fucking retarded nigger lmao
>have full grip
>can attack with full grip to cheat something into play
>or you can cast spells then refill your hand
>weird way to enable him
Genuinely you are just dogshit at the game
>You are retarded.
The only retard here is you. Format staples/fan favorites have been pushed out of the format because of the ludicrous speed and value-vomit nonsense WotC keeps pushing. Former pet cards like Phyrexian Arena, Gilded Lotus, and Solemn Simulacrum sit in bull bins because of how fucking nuts WotC has made EDH.
Foxglove would have been perfectly fine in 2016, but WotC has absolutely ruined this format with their meddling and conditioned you to think anything that doesnt win the game on the spot isnt worth your time.
Fuck you and fuck what you and your ilk have done to this format
I'm building a r/w flicker deck around archaeomancer(ardent elementalist) packages. What are some fun instants and sorceries to cast repeatedly?
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>work 10 hours in the heat
>go play magic after work with friends
>unemployed friends whip out stupid jank after stupid jank

Idk why I keep going but I do.
>bats are my favorite animal
>Zoraline sucks
>Aclazotz is boring
>only 2 options in all of Magic
Guess I get to wait for Bloomburrow 2
Disrupt Decorum/Spectacular Showdown/Taunt From the Ramparts
>Bunny commander deck doesnt look like complete ass
>decent manabase, essential grouphug pieces included
>has the treasure hating poison squirrel
>Unemployed friends
You say that as if you're not 18-22.
If you're older than that and have multiple unemployed friends, you might need to do some thinking. Stupid jank is BASED and in the spirit of the format!
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>sit down with guys from work
>"I'm gonna play my new deck"
>"it's a precon I only switched like 5 cards"
>"awesome I'll play lower power decks"
>winter orb
>mana crypt
>chain veil
>force of will
>force of negation
>fierce guardianship
either just tell him no proxying high power cards like that or make fun of him for buying overpriced cards
Time and time again this happens, never play based on what your opponents pick, play based on what you want and when reveal theyve been trying to trick you, youre already playing something you enjoy and are more comfortable with
what was the new impact tremors card again? I wanna know how many copies it can make of itself. this is relevant for my over axonil deck, because if I can make multiple copies that all trigger of each other, it's pretty much game over for the table
Why the fuck do we still have Japan only alt arts?
A couple of them are just autistic to the core and try getting jobs but no luck yet. I don't mind the jank, it's just the same jank over and over and over again. Their basement is hot as fuck too which sucks ass.
It has Offspring so it makes a single copy
very nice, but axonil is mono red
I see. good card for him anyways.
the trick is to scoop early and say that your deck stands no chance. retards are free to play with themselves, no need to get dragged into their 4 hour stax game
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>Not seeing Urza
>Not holding artifact removal
>No bullying him
Stax literally does not win games. Why people lose their shot over ot is hilarious to me.
Because Magic gets fucking trounced everywhere that isn't the US, and Hasbro may be moronic but they're not stupid.

"Media Create, a Japanese company that tracks and analyzes data across Japan’s TCG industry, recently published a report ranking the 15 TCG franchises that accumulated the most revenue in Japan during the fiscal year of April 2023 to March 2024.

The top 15 franchises amassed a cumulative revenue of more than 276 billion JPY (~US$1.77 billion) over the 2023-24 fiscal year. They are as follows:

1) Pokémon – 133.7 billion JPY (~US$857.3 million)
2) Yu-Gi-Oh – 47.1 billion JPY (~US$302 million)
3) Duel Masters – 28.9 billion JPY (~US$185.3 million)
4) ONE PIECE – 26.5 billion JPY (~US$169.9 million)
5) Weiß Schwarz – 13.9 billion JPY (~US$89.1 million)
6) Magic: The Gathering – 5.3 billion JPY (~US$34 million)
7) Battle Spirits – 3.8 billion JPY (~US$24.4 million)
8) Shadowverse EVOLVE – 3.7 billion JPY (~US$23.7 million)
9) Union Arena – 3.2 billion JPY (~US$20.5 million)
10) Yu-Gi-Oh Rush Duel – 3.1 billion JPY (~US$19.9 million)
11) Cardfight!! Vanguard – 2.9 billion JPY (~US$18.6 million)
12) Digimon – 1.2 billion JPY (~US$7.7 million)
13) WIXOSS – 1 billion JPY (~US$6.4 million)
14) Build Divide – 900 million JPY (~US$5.8 million)
15) Rebirth for you – 870 million JPY (~US$5.6 million)"
Rhystic froggy. Probably not as strong as Esper Sentinel or the actual Rhystic Studies since you need to at least evolve it once to benefit from 1cc then another one for 2cc.
Because it's boring anon. It's not very hard to figure that out, try thinking next time
Was the list for it posted?
Do you also get upset and call it boring when someone board wipes your big board Timmy?
>has the treasure hating poison squirrel
I hope it's also in the squirrel deck, all treasurefags must die
Land ramp into dumb creature that snowballs into more creatures is boring. Calculating which lands to untap and sequencing your plays to best slip put of the stranglehold is what high IQ players like to do.
>believing it will be a 3/3
>in a squirrel deck
rumao even
id argue the fact it can trigger multiple times a turn makes it better then esper sentinel, and they don't have a choice.

Having evolve makes it even easier to use.
No how is that boring?
>game actions being limited is boring
>durrrrr do you also get upset when big game actions are taken
You have the IQ of a gnat
>baseless projection followed by masturbatory declarations
The chances of your IQ being higher than mine are incredibly low anon
>Because Magic gets fucking trounced everywhere that isn't the US
Japan isn't the world
>yeah I'm not interested in winning I just want to make the game as unfun as possible for everyone
stax players have a smidgen of self awareness challenge: impossible
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Simic says "fuck you it's all octopus now".
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They also say "here have an octopus".
The rest should get their heads out of their ass and just upload the videos and decklists already.
So I'm gonna make an X spell deck that just focuses on damaging spells and I guess the decision to make is which commander, and I guess to make the choice easier I should just pick the colors. Do you all prefer gruul, rakdos or izzet?
You want gruul and you want Wort. Alternatively before I lost the entire deck Sasaya was a lot of fun big mana big X or big mana dumps
temur lucea kane with lots of untap effects, play fireball tribal and just banefire for 14 and copy it a buncha times
He should have just been honest so I could run my worb deck.
I didn't even get a skunk/opossum commander, it's over
That's rough
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Hey do you have enough mill or discard to enable this deck? Not that I have any experience with this but it just seems a little light to me.
Is this still under construction? Do you like it...
>Tell me about this deck.

I've been very, very much looking into building a dredge-like deck lately and this is kinda the sort of thing I'm looking for.

>Null Brooch
Fucking Baller of ballers.
a bit lame, not gonna lie
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Brightcap Badger - {3}{G}
Creature - Badger Druid (Rare)
Each Fungus and Saproling you control has "{T}, add {G}".
At the beginning of your end step, create a 1/1 green Saproling creature token.
Fungal Getaway - {2}{G}
Instant - Adventure
Create two 1/1 green Saproling creature tokens.

Guess we had to get the "Badger, Badger, Badger, Mushroom, Mushroom" joke SOMEWHERE.
Can't sell boxes to the retards if the precons aren't shit
I was thinking those 2 but also Rowan if I go Rakdos, there also seem to be a bit of izzet but none of those commanders look that interesting at first glance, I don't really care much for the X monsters so I think in the end it will be either Wort or Rowan
Wonder if you could merge the convoke precon and Family Matters since they’re essentially just Jeskai tokens, also looking at the deck list I think I like Foxglove more as the commander than Bumbleflower
So if I have opalescence and enchanted evening out, everyone's lands die right?
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Ze Amerikans won't stand a chance against DAS HAMSTERSPHERE
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Maybe if you're bad. I win with my stax deck all the time because I learned my lesson after trinisphering myself 1000 times.
Kill yourself, furfag tourist.
Does edhrec have a way to see the average deck costs of commanders?
>doesn't replace ALL tokens
Disappointing, gotta admit
Do you have legendary creatures in the 99?
It is to dumb weebs.
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Are they based?
Cope, tourist
Cedh tranny tier. I dont think that partner combination is played as often as it was there these days either.
It's not the world, but a TCG making particular steps in Japan to do more business in Japan makes sense on paper.
Yes, unless someone has an anthem. That is one of the many fun things you can do with those cards.
How come a variety of games can thrive there, but we’re forced to kneel to the same three for all of eternity?
An incredibly high level of urban density means people are close enough to game stores to actually walk up and play rather than drive a half-hour from the suburbs. Same reason Japan still has arcades.
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New wincon
If you have 20 cards in hand and can't win the game already I'm not sure what your deck is doing
you could've googled the card name and gotten a high-quality image instead of using a reddit screenshot
Why you still using big foot quality pics, we have the clean card pics now?
It's not a wincon, it's mercy, so that the blue player can get the fuck on and win already so we can start another game and kill him turn 3.
drawing cards, I would guess
Come on the command zone you fat lazy fucks
Gay Bolas
Got this dude on a trade after a guy pulled it from a booster. I myself got that Nadier's Nightblade.

Could i make it work with the dregs of the Mothman & Caesar decks along with <$0.50 cards I find?
Does Mothman have reliable selfmill, I forgot. This guy needs a consistent haste enabler though, you want him to attack asap
>The squirrel deck is meh
RIP scalpers
You're probably just playing blue
The squirrel deck has the highest reprint value.
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Kinda late for that
Saw in Half getting reprinted wasn't something I thought I'd see any time soon. Makes sense it'd be, but I guess that makes it the first Un-set card to be reprinted in a non Un-flavour?
You dont need enablers if you just jund em and attack https://www.moxfield.com/decks/8kMLUwtex0S0C9hvjXq90g
Perhaps you would prefer some Dinos instead?
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Based or what.
I made that deck, won most of my games with it, then took it apart.
It wasn't fun
So I need a little clarification. Looking at the new Bello precon there are several cards that trigger when creatures enter but are the artifacts and enchantments that are turned into creatures going to count? They are only creatures if you control them which means they have to be out on the field first right? Goreclaw also only cares about creature spells so that shouldn't work I think.
They are creatures as they enter the battlefield.
So is his deck any good?
Yeah, Goreclaw would not reduce their cost, but they do enter as creatures because they're just statically creatures on your turn.
That's not a deck that's just a card anon. Are you stupid?
Whats not to like?
Why is this Japanese only
I'm pretty sure the Japanese alt arts aren't Japanese-only, I thought? They're just English AND Japanese only.
they said in the announcement stream that the jap-arts are exclusive to japanese collector boosters
Neat both Kosti and chaffertang are in the precon, good thing I surely haven't played a squirrel deck before and therefore own them. Why would I need 2 squirrel decks?
The gameplay
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Straight from the youtube trailer had english versions
That Hazel artist DEFINITELY is a furry.
Accidentally sharted my pants at work. Had to go home because of an "emergency" to change them. I'm about to head back. Cards for this feel?
Its flavor text character even sounds like Britches.
Clean yourself up anon
Flubs, the Fool
I don't really play stax, Anon. It's a tool to slow down decks that turbo out cards way faster than they should have any right to do.
>family matters is ass so this shitter will soak up the entire value of the precon
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Glad I didn't preorder.
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unironically when was the last time a precon came with a spell list this good?
only 1 shitter
This seems kinda nuts
Pray with me that rhystic frog doesn't spike because that and impact lizard are the only two cards I want from this set
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>Pray with me that rhystic frog doesn't spike
Anon you are delusional if you think it won't.
>exile grim and basalt monolith
>all food makes infinite mana
>all activated abilities of all CREATURE cards exiled with Hazel's Brewmaster
Illiteracy strikes again.
>creature cards
he'll be a >$10 card for sure.

you forgot 3 other precons. seriously the only good deck seems to be the "squirrel" deck and not because of the tribe but general good shit you get in black.
deadly dispute, plumb, saw in half, Zulaport Cutthroat, Morbid Opportunist and Nadier's Nightblade are all edh staples.
>skirt around with technicalities
it's not "technically" legal to use a trip, it just is. If it wasn't, there wouldn't be a function for it on 4chan, dipshit. Avatarfagging is repeatedly posting with various images of a character to represent yourself in conversation and signatures are like putting ~~HugeDickMagicMaster~~ at the end of all of your posts.
>retard wants to get angry at wotc
>reveals himself to be stupider than wotc staff
Raccoons seem pretty good. I like their playstyle too. Still not getting it though: All of my decks are gruul or gruul+white/blue
only gains the effects of creatures exiled so that doesn't work but you could do the same idea with pili pala and paladium myr or something
Is it true everyone hates chaos decks
>exiles pilapala and llanowar tribe
sissies just hate them blindly
everyone hates ones that dont even have a single wincon and just durdle and make the game obnoxious to play
Post decks, I want to see how much variance you have
I can't stop building gruul/gruul+ decks
Yes. In terms of most hated it goes:
I built him and he can be extremely effective. Milling the whole table is more effective than self mill. I added Ghoulcallers Bell, Syr Konrad, Eye collector, and altar of Dementia among others. Just 2 triggers nets you 8 cards to choose from. Definitely add "additional land per turn" effects and you pull ahead consistently. Must have cards are Lhurgoyfe and Lord of Extinction. They'll make him lethal if they stay in the dirt.
Yeah. 3 people are just held hostage by their good will appeasing the chaos fag who mistakenly thinks he is bringing some much needed joy to the table
>oh hahaha ha he exiled your cards and gets to play them lololol so much fun!!!!!
>20 minute upkeep triggers are soooooop chaotic hahaha aren't you having fun!!?!?
Only time I've ever stopped was cause some guy brought his chaos deck to a precon game and locked the table out from any enjoyable game experience
It sounds like fun but in practice it's just a lot of awkward shuffling and giving players the stink eye when they end up with one of your cards because you're more focused on making sure they don't steal it than you are in the actual game. Plus it means most players can't really develop a gameplan, which is fine but still somewhat frustrating because it doesn't feel like you're actually getting to play the game so much as spectating your deck play itself.
>retard is retarded
>gets shown he's retarded
>acts smug afterwards
Yes. Cards can go infinite especially when they get abilities! Oh nooooooo
Are the bloomburrow commander decks worth preordering?
Squirrels absolutely.
Raccoons yes.
Bird no unless you just need rhystic frog for another deck.
Rabbit no.
Bit late to preorder, they release in a week.
What are some combos that you can think of?
Kiki Jiki
Rabbit is the best
iv damke
Glad I did
I dont need to preorder. My LGS always has stock.
I want her to store my nuts for winter
>I don't need a wincon. I always have removal.
I hate squirrels so much it's unreal
don't be squirrelphobic
Any decks where I can accidently kill myself?
Any of the Black inclusive decks where you pay life to do shit.
combo/pop off decks with forced draws
ive died to archmage emeritus before
Lmao if for some incredibly unlikely reason my LGS doesn't have it I'll just buy it online anon. You're the kind of person who won't run interaction because you think its bad sportsmanship lol
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It's the entire point of the deck. All or nothing.
Those are entirely unrelated trains of thought fuck sakes this general is dogshit
I've accidentally milled myself out with Yusri before
Maybe don't post here then? Im an anon of your caliber won't miss us.
>between 1 and 5
>you can select 5
I have a duty to the good posters of this general to keep on making positive contributions and calling out dogshit ones. If this upsets you sort yourself out
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>non blue players will never experience other players looking at you for permission to cast their own spells
>looking to you for protection for their creatures
>looking to you to answer a board altering threat
Blue truly is the mindbreak doujin color
Does your ego require me to be upset? I dont care if you post, you were the one who was complaining.
I'm building heartless hidetsugu
Oh yeah I forgot they actually showed off Baral's face. Back when they had art made just for the story, and the story wasn't ridiculously condensed.
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Oh, wait, no, that one was used on card art, huh. Forgot this card even existed.
Read it again
Chaos slows games, adds complexity, and is extremely disruptive to most strategies. You do the math. If the chaos player has thought ahead and is well equipped to play though his own bullshit, the game can still progress quickly, but this is almost never the case.
thanks, that means I played the card correctly because I insisted it still works and I forced the table to agree with me. like the germans like to say, a big rock fell off my heart
You must target six different creatures. If you can't, you can't cast Hex. If some of the creatures become illegal targets before the spell resolves, Hex will still destroy the rest of them.
It's apparently cool to hate on cultivate and kodamas now but you all are cringe
why run them when you can just run 1/2 mana ramp instead. they're good if you need to load up lands in your hand for some reason but there's just better ramp options in green
My friend built him
>let him do the gay untap cantrip cascade loop twice
>on his 3rd attempt I destroy it
Skill issue

Anything black with Ad Nauseum, Bolas' Citadel, Necropotence and/or Necrodominance
I once deck myself with a Betrayer of Flesh emblem in a Mishra deck
This but unironically.
10 counterspells 10 pieces of removal unlimited card draw.
You WILL experience classic control dismantling your value engines and stopping your finishers.
You literally can not accidentally kill yourself with anything on that list but Ad Naus because they all let you see the cost of your effect before you pay it.
>2 mana to get 1 land out of deck
>3 mana to get 2 lands out of deck
>0 mana to cast flare of cultivation
Also, have you ever considered you can run both the 2-cost land ramp and the 3-cost land ramp?
>choose a number between 1 and 5
>if you won five flips
this implies that you can pick 5, even though it says a number between1 and 5
unless its actually 2/3/4 and youre supposed to have a flip an extra coin card
I didn't ask for faggots' opinions on my facts tho?
Anything with Bolas Citadel. I run Torbran with lots of efficient symmetrical burn. If Torb gets removed at the right time, it's pretty easy to suicide or Kamikaze the table.
the squirrel precon seemed kinda mid, like sure its fine but the way ya'll hyped it up you'd think parallel lives would have been there
do not fucking tell me 'between 1 and 5' means between those 2 options, as in only 1 or 5
the only fucking whole numbers between 1 and 5 are 2 3 and 4
>why isnt the commander precon cedh level
Ok anon.
>token doublers
Deranged and strawmanning
You can pick 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.
Flip that many coins.
Each flip you win you draw a card.
Each flip you lose you lose 2 life.
If you picked 5 and you win all 5 flips you get to draw 5 cards and cast spells from yout hand without paying their mana costs.

I hope this clears things up for you.
i just dont get it...
Ok anon.
ok but you can run enough 1/2 cost mana ramp to not need the 3 cost. Unless you're doing like a land ramp deck Flare is chill bc it's 0, esp in some reanimator deck
So, usually speaking, in english (since you're likely ESL if you aren't being a pedantic retard) "between X and Y" includes those two values, and isn't strictly literal to numbers exactly between them.
Thats ok. Just forget it anon, you probably won't see him in your games much anyway.
whadafak mang
>Based Swordbro explaining reading to literacy-challenged anons
The rest of you fucks were just insulting the confused guy.
For cedh it's one of my favorite decks.
You just need to know what you are doing, so your turn do not take 10 min.
It's probably one of the few cEDH decks that actually feels like control.
to be fair it is worded poorly. "Pick a number from 1 to 5" would be better worded
It doesn't actually need explaining anon! It's important to let people figure obvious things out for themselves.
clearly it did
No, it isn't worded poorly. In real life when people say "between 1 and 5" you accept that 1 and 5 are possible choices.
Only a severe esl would lack the cultural understanding to come to this conclusion because words and phrases get their meanings from culture so examining words and phrases in a vacuum is impossible and judging things based on that reveals a staggering lack of education
>parallel lives
Well you just made my day, anon.
>anons are too stupid to understand a strawman
Actually just a really solid spell
>Four mana counterspell
It's never good.
Comes in handy imo, options are always good but yeah its no cryptic command of course but still not the worst slot in
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there is an exception to every rule
But anon, cryptic command is pretty much unplayable...
How would you abuse this card?
I really like this, but don't really know what deck would want to run it. I guess it's just generically good in any deck
Probably by attacking with him when I have lots of cards in my graveyard would be where I started
finisher in an aristocrats style deck i guess
You're shit at magic

>How would you abuse this card?
Licking it all over and then bend the four corners
Says the guy that needs help "abusing" the most basic bitch card in the world. If you seriously needed someone to tell you that a card that synergizes with the graveyard would be good in an aristocrats deck then you're a fucking retard.
Me and the guy you said "nice" to said the same thing anon. Don't be so silly
Whatever. You had a chance to come up with something interesting and you blew it.
A little trolling goes a long way
Based, I never thought of doing this
Okay memers, how would you abuse THIS card?
Answers that don't mention a specific card to synergize with it don't count.
Necrobloom, and have only lands in the graveyard
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>have Zinnia in play
>cast Image, pay for Offspring
>have both Images enter as a Grizzly Bears
Is the token Image a 1/1 or a 2/2?
A 2/2, for the same reason that the nontoken one is a 2/2 and not a 0/0.
I overspent on Ultimate Guard Boulders haha, got 4 deck boxes (Rhodonite for Darigaaz, Malachite for a Blightsteel Colossus EDH deck, Frosted White for random money cards, Clear for the MH3 Eldrazi precon) so that was the $50 I could have spent on pieces. I really needed the deck boxes for storage and organization though
Grouphug haters are weirdos that can kiss the ass of the tokens I give them
You can both deck yourself and burn yourself to death with him
People hyped it because squirrels are a meme tribe
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/edhg/ told me it was fake
>love Hazel's art
>hate tokens
owari da, why does it have to be this way. Why does wotc force fucking tokens and treasures and clues and fucking nigger heads and pumpkins... I don't want to keep track of all that shit
filtered, just like i like my fags
>Four mana counterspells aren't good
>Posts zero-mana counterspell
nigga I would play blue if I wanted uber autism.
A normal Image's base P/T is 0/0. The Offspring'd one would be a 1/1, but it's irrelevant because that's immediately overwritten by the thing it's copying. Both are 2/2s.
But anon, the gameplay is NUTTY!
In all fairness it's okay to not like Tokens but it's the easiest fundamental gameplay aspect to introduce new players to so that's why they push it.
I'm buying all 4 precons though I love all of them but the Raccoon and Squirrels will be my favorite ones to pilot
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I love gang violence
You really don't. It's a pretty straight forward, fair card.
I'm a timmy at heart, I like big shit with big numbers
ok kam patterson
Despite the draw this seems really mid
Hazel even seems better
nigga that's nuts
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My gang will fuck yours up meet me at 3rd street nigga
being kodama and cultivatepilled is based
Works well with Raccoon man
Y'all about to get bullied
>Bello alt art is a kemoshota version
Okay BASED I need that one for my Gruul Smashy
that will be $500 + tip
>33 presale
wtf that niggas so strong he's holding an i-beam with bad leverage and two lil dudes on the far end
he looks like he could take on about four squirrels
Ehh that much? Is there a serial number version of it or something??? Last time I bought actual boosters was back in MH2 times I have no idea how they revamped the rarities these days
they just get past your swing and they're on you, like meth-amped gophers
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>pre order bird deck because looks fun
>trash raccoon deck looks neat
>see decklists

It’s like all of the crazy shit in this set aren’t in the decks at all
Most 1-mana ramp doesn't fix you and is extremely vulnerable to removal while generally being less versatile overall. If your deck's "I win" turn relies on having bodies or comes extremely early, then sure, run the 1-drop ramp. I wouldn't run it in a slower control strategy though.
Yup people has been bambozzled so that they will also buy the boxes
zero mana counterspells can be cast for zero mana
this one requires you to have four mana untapped
see the difference?
Offspring is a core mechanic of the set
The precons seem generally better than Outlaws (except Stella) but the main set seems much weaker
That's some pretty neat art actually. Looks like older mtg art
Woah, did they just power creep arcane denial?
>Doesn't even draw your opponents cards
looks to be the case
For a bird deck, sure.
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Are we thinking of the same card?
>The anti treasure squirrel that doesmt really synergize with group hug strats is in the group hug deck instead of the squirrel deck
>The rhystic frog that synergizes with +1/+1 counters is in the Offspring deck instead of the group hug deck
Gotta make the piggies buy all the precons.
It really seem like that was the thought process.
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we already had the animalfucker set and it's not this one
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Birdbros feasting in this set
>grrr the group hug deck won't have a wincon
>ermmmmm this is off theme :-|
This is a terrible card.
>giving your opponent an extra turn to build his boardstate lmao
It is actually :^)
Won't see play in cedh
I liked Ikoria but in retrospect the top down design was dogshit.
I think it turned out well enough, they just never decided if it was a humans vs. monsters set, a monster hunting set, a pokemon trainer set, or what. It was very thematic but tonally discordant.
Just give it to the one thats way behind, or to the guy with the biggest board so he can kill everyone else but you. You'll probably have boardwipe/mass bounce/answers since the deck draws everyone a shit ton of cards anyway
*Won't see play in edh
who cares about cedh
The saviour has come
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Speaking of shattergang someone tell me what the fuck to cut.
And i will not cut the pig or juri they're out of the question
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>start my reanimating skeleton / gravepact infinite
>niv mizzet player casts curiosity at flash speed, infinites
>completely styled on me
>made me feel like an idiot I could win for once
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>doesn't work against people with lots of mana
No. You think I give the slightest fucks when I have 3 cloud posts and an urza's tower and Omo out?
aww someone saved my meme :)
They all look really bad.
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>preorder the bunny precon
>it is trash and doesn't even really have any good cards for my group hug decks
peak niv mizzet
>group hug decks
Barf. You're truly the worst.
You're running two Juri. Also you should run Aspect of Mongoose, it's very good in Shatterbros
This. I'd pretty much always give it to the guy in the lead or just behind me if I am. Gives every a whole bunch of turns to fuck around with eachother and get rid of resources. Then I untap perfectly fine with some spot removal or a wipe or whatever I need. I love the card
Holy shit im blind thank you anon
It's a 1/1. These two >>93373212 and >>93373372 are wrong. The thing that gets copied is Grizzly Bears, not Phantasmal Image.
hi swordfag

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