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Previous: >>93367384

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>how to proxy using any printer

>Thread Question/Prompt:
What originally drew you to playing Esper?
I like 2 color eriette enough to give it a try
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I dont play esper. I am a monoblue artifact chad and forever will be.
When this nigga got printed
In case you missed it shatterbro
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This is the best art for Path to Exile and you can't convince me otherwise
>has a bird in the art
It passes
How is it? I have eriette but switched it over to shilgengar as my orzhov deck. Still like eriette as a character so ya how is it nigga
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bruh moment
its ok, lots of fun if yuo like playing gooby lower power
shes hot tho so it checks out
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Never would have bothered with it if I hadn't pulled this from a booster.
This is the best art for Swords to Plowshares and you can't convince me otherwise (has birds)
Nothing, esper sucks. The only esper deck I have is dungeons
pili pala is my homeboy
correct for the wrong reasons [it just looks nice]
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Actually, it's these right here.
Because its an aesthetically pleasing color combination. Like Estonia's flag.
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Lads. Help me decide. Do I finally replace my long standing birb commander Kangee for the new hotness?
Based or cringe?

>not a generic simic value engine
>doubler in the command zone

Is anti-tribal legendaries-don't-matter still tribal x-matters?
>not a generic value engine
>gives you free creatures for no reason (value)((simic))
Esper isnt Jund fuck that
Personally I think kastral is better but you do you, you get points either way bird sama.

Kastral costs less mana(when you consider the kicker), still buffs your birds, can draw or resurrection
Depends. Kastral will be fotm so you will seem like a fotmfag, while Kangee will make you seem like a hipster who does the fotm thing without being a fotmfag.
fucking based
if it doesnt have golgari or izzet in its colors im simply not playing it
I played him, he was fun
Protip: Clones and Glimpse of Freedom
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I preordered the bunny
Me except gruul
>Visiting friends for the week out of state
>Go to a mall with them, there's a comic book shop that sells MTG there
>Ask non-MTG friend to suggest 3 packs for me to buy on a whim
>She goes Dominaria United, Wilds of Eldraine, and LoTR (All set boosters)
>First two packs are duds
>LoTR one has a foil pic related and that one black mythic that exiles all creatures from one players graveyard
I don't give a shit about LoTR but is he fun? Back when Ramos was revealed I wanted to make an "Oops all charms" deck but I never got around to it, figure I could do something like that here instead.
what the hell happened to my wife tamiyo
What are some fun R instants and sorceries?
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Who has preorders for this art up?
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>implying there's literally any fun playing the 3 most boring colors
Which Esper commander is even worth suffering the handicap of playing WUB?

Chromium gets a pass from me though
Actually you got two black mythics
She got bunny'd
she will be producing little bunnies in 4 weeks
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Chefs kiss
The squirrel has fuck me eyes. The artist is 100% a furfag
I love the redwall set so much bros
Where can I preorder
they all are and I expect future sets to have furry animu cards since furries will spend hundreds on them
I hate it so much. It's just the way it is.
I love it I'm ordering a bunch
I have no strong feelings toward Redwall one way or another.
I'm hoping the horror movie references set will be good.
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
This. I never even heard of redwall before this set. Bring on the 80's, baby.
>goreless stranger things plane
I want it to be good, but I'm not going to hold my breath.
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The set isn't even out and they're already milking it with at least two SLDs of cards that should be in the main fucking collection. It's basically DLC practices on a fucking card game and you retards keep eating up, fuck you and fuck Maro.
>le stranger things
Wish you weren't 17
Redwall is from the 80s
Bruh I'm over 30 with a massive collection of late 80's and early 90's horror films. You just know it's going to be surface 80's kitsch and memes with little substance. I wouldnt mind being pleasantly surprised, but I'm not optimistic.
80's horror is cringe
>not a generic value engine
I still would love to see what is stranger things about the set. None of the current previewed stuff is.
The previewed stuff actually looks like it has nothing to do with 80's slasher films so I'm pretty happy
You just need to stimulate your pineal gland in order to evolve into a higher form of life.
I have genuinely never understand people who enjoy gore
Ask fans of The Boys
nah that's 2000's horror.
Sorry wotc I ain't buying SHIT
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What is a human other than a sack of flesh and guts? Sometimes it's nice to see what's inside.
>will be fotm
LOL, LMAO even. That's a card that will not be played extensively and will be a 10 cent rare from the release onwards.
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I'm so over Magic doing horrorshit in general. We had 7 Innistrad sets already and got ONE recently too. It's tired and frankly the color pie doesn't cleanly translate to horror settings where everything is fucked.
Secret lairs suck but they're better than the paypig boosters. You pay the same price and get the cards you want guaranteed instead of having a 0.1% chance of getting them.
Just got in from Commander Night at my LGS. Pretty comfy overall. Won 2 out of my 4 games, with a near-win in the third, but my Prosper deck drew so bad in terms of mana that I ended up not really doing anything at all. Tonight I gotta work on Aclazotz, and got a decent deal on 34 Snow-Covered Swamps for it too.
You're cringe.
It's more DBD than stranger things.

It's not a set based on 80s slasher movies. It's a set based on the 80s, with some slasher movie themes.
Is it racist that I can tell this is a drawing of a black guy even though its in black and white?
No, because people of different ethnic and national backgrounds have different facial features and that one is clearly supposed to be black
nah that is better since at least it's not fomo where you order in 0.1 seconds or get fucked
Nice quads but I think they're equally fucking retarded, One preys on retarded looking for lottery tickets and the other one relies on fomo so hard that they're selling 5 basics lands at roughly the price tag of commander precons.
Secret lairs were, not too long ago, made to order. I have no idea why they swapped from a limited time made to order product to a limited time, limited stock product other than to double down on FOMO
At this point they might as well just go back to the initial design of secret lairs where each set was only up for sale for exactly one day
>Secret lairs were, not too long ago, made to order.
Yeah and they were good back then. Now it's the worst product available. I barely even pay attention to them because any really cool ones will sell out before I even wake up, since I have a night schedule.
It's actually impressive how they went from being a one time, super limited thing, to a regular, consumer unfriendly thing, to slowly becoming more consumer friendly (made to order, longer windows of being able to purchase them) to suddenly snapping back to being extremely consumer hostile, double FOMO crap. I legitimately don't know how people can justify still buying them, and I used to regularly buy them but stopped when they doubled down on FOMO since it's not worth altering my schedule to get some cards that I don't even have enough time to decide if I really want. Plus the offerings lately have just been... total garbage.
the offerings have been absolute shit lately (please stop letting artists draw soul wardens and shivan dragons) but its only fomo if you feel like you need to get the manufacturer's price for them instead of buying singles when you want them. and I say this as consoomer paypig for wotc
They're pretty cool products, anon. They're the first product WotC came up with that explicitly taught me that it's okay not to consume.
They said that they're limited product and made beforehand in set quantity to cut down the time people have to wait for them. Too bad it hasn't worked.
The gathering aspect of the game has been completely retarded for a while, Alternate arts aren't special anymore because even commons have them and most cards in the set have 2 to 3 alternate versions that triple in variety when you consider whatever fomo foiling they decide to introduce in the paypig boosters.

I miss buying cards and having the regular and foil versions of it with maybe one cool variant coming as masterpieces.
>They're pretty cool products, anon.
Not anymore
>They said that they're limited product and made beforehand in set quantity to cut down the time people have to wait for them.
Yeah nah. That's just a shit obfuscation tactic to try and keep people from getting mad at them for doubling down on FOMO. If the ACTUAL reason was to cut down on the wait time then there's other, less consumer-hostile methods they could choose.
Unless they have unique card designs I don't buy. If bloomburrow sld gives us a better version of Mabel for example I'm buying, but it's probably just going to be reprints of old shit
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>make a low powered deck
>feel weakness in it
>refine it
>it's no longer a low powered deck
gay sex is objectively superior to sex
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>I legitimately don't know how people can justify still buying them
Some people just like the taste of shit
I mean full art lands of the cute furry set being swapped to default frames would piss me off too I don't want to go to the secondary market for my sets
Non-UB Secret Lairs have never been mechanically unique, and even the UB ones that have been have been sparing.
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>sit down for some EDH at the flgs, playing typical Muldrotha list because I've had a long day and don't want to think too hard
>opponent pulls out Adriana Captain of the Guard
>haven't seen before, have to read
Oh just an anthem on the commander

>plays provoke creatures
>plays banding creatures and has to explain what banding does to the table
>plays damage redirection creatures like boros reckoner
>seems to be durdling until the commander comes in
>suddenly he's dominating every combat every round, able to cheese every attack and block with banding while sniping creatures with the boros reckoner
>plays pic related, somehow making this dogshit meme card into a lethal board controlling weapon, even more disgusting when combined with provoke creatures
>kills my commander the three times I play it, unable to establish a board presence
>one of the other two randos (Atraxa) neuters the other (Sai) with an artifact wipe, takes out some of my value shit in the process
>Atraxa player keeps getting his walkers killed by Adriana player, wraths the board
>Adriana player mass reanimates, gets his 5 creatures back, basically only loses 1 combat step
>finished by two extra combats with the melee bonuses lasting from combat to combat to turn all his creatures into +3/+3 then +6/+6 then +8/+8 (player died before the final swing)
What the fucking shit did I just witness? Do I just kill myself now?
Read my post in full and you understand why I called them that.
I am well aware that it's just an excuse, I think that it's a tactic to drum up hype and most importantly try to convince investors. I think that the interest in their product including SL, has been dwindling, so they're doing this limited run bullshit to make the product seem more desired than it actually is. Maybe they got spooked by the Magic 30 fiasco when literally nobody wanted it and it must have been a shock to them that the product barely sold.
I guess I won't be buying it then
Kino. I would have loved to see that in person.
Magic 30 is an interesting case since I'm pretty sure it's the one set that we know pretty definitively how much money they made from it, and that amount is $3,000,000. I hope it was worth the irreparable reputational damage
based boros chad
You just witnessed a plan coming together.
Every few months, I get the urge to build Tasha, the Witch Queen. When I start building and see how shallow the synergistic cardpool is I give up and try to build Sivitri, Dragon Master which has the exact same problem and I get pissed off.
>ub doesn't have enough "play your opponents cards" shit
Are you fucking kidding me anon?
he didn't say that?
Depends on how you define shallow.
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Gay Bolas
That sounds pretty low. I assume that the actual amount is even lower factoring the costs. I think every normal set easily makes a double of that.
>BorosCHAD wrecks a table with his mediocre waifu card
You love to see it
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My local bluefag just discovered the card and it has officially ruined the game for me.
>Split second counterspell that ignores all "can not be countered" effects
>Can never safely play Atraxa because he'll just leave my commander dead on the board where I can't return it to the command zone to replay it
>Not a generic value engine
>Play Consecrated Sphinx to win
Sounds like you need to learn to play around interaction
Atraxasisters, it's over...
>tfw winning against The First Sliver (him having with a small army, one being Crystalline + Syphon Sliver) with Coat of Arms, he swings at me and goes back up to 36 life
>Have Repercussions and Nim Deathmantle on board with pic related
>Sac commander to himself and bring him back with Nim on Endstep to Scry 2; see Delayed Blast Fireball, and put it on top
>On upkeep, tap commander and exile the top card, pitching 3 damage to opponent's face, then immediately cast DBF, killing everything on his board except his Commander (Coat of Arms buff snowballed in reverse with just one if them dying), and plug him for 30 damage, then fuse Toil/Trouble, targeting him with both effects
I love this nigga like you wouldn't believe.
You cried yesterday about this anon lmao
The set cost a grand, and apparently they only sold 3k, so the amount of money they got from sales is exactly 3 mil. And yeah, the actual amount has various costs eating into the total amount made. As for what a normal set makes, It's easily much higher than that. I know a guy who owns two game stores not in heavily populated areas and I think his regular expenditure for each set is like 10k? So 5K per store, that means if there only needs to be 600 game stores on earth of that level to meet the same level for a normal set, and I know for a fact that there are game stores that easily spend 3-4 times as much on magic product as him because they're in an area that actually moves that much. Not to mention that regular sets get sold in wal mart and shit.
The point is, Magic 30 was absolutely not worth the reputational damage for the amount of cash they made. They made fucking normie news headlines for how egregious the cost was.
>my 7/7 massive threat with tons of keywords is "dead on the board"
>in a deck with access to Black
you can just sacrifice her for something, anon
While I think that the cost was egregious, I think that it's the combination of the cost and the fact that they're not legal cards makes it much worse. It's basically asking people pay 100 dollars for a booster that's nothing but art cards.
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>silence effects
Post your decklist so we can laugh at it.
>atraxanigger crying bluechad found a way to stop his bullshit trigger
>never even considers swinging with his 7/7 keyword soup commander
>dosent have any flicker or removal to remove atraxa from the field
>STILL crying after posting the same story the other day
Lmao post your list so we can laugh at you
I forgot to mention that but yeah, them being "official proxies" was part of the reason why the entire set was so retarded. They were charging you a grand for a set of 60 randomized cards that you couldn't even fucking use and most of which are honestly kind of shit.
>no flicker
>with an ETB commander in Blue and White
dude put me in the screenshot this shit is fake as fuck, no one would be THIS bad
If it helps I just recently built Kangee as commander for infinite mana dumps to get unreasonably powerful deathbirds, so there will still be an anon carrying that torch if you switch
>no one would be THIS bad
You're on /tg/ my man.
>have a bunch of nice decks I've worked hard on to fine tune
>go meet up with the buds
>everyone pulls out their new pet decks
>look at all my decks
>see my mono Green Wilson voltron
>"one game with the bear wouldn't hurt"
>trash the table with him
>feels good
>how about another
>look through all my other decks
>come up with some reason not to play them
>look at Wilson
>he's so refined
>play Wilson again
>win again
I can't help but deploy the boy
>cool alt arts I can buy from chinamen at a reasonable price

what’s not to love
post list
The Chinese
think it's trying to be angry. but yeah
>needing to play a flicker in EDH
B-But this is the most casual format in Magic how dare his group make him have to respond to interaction!
Sup Skye
Skye as in Xayah?
Wow nadu is legit cancer
How many copies of this card should there be a deck. Also, is now more or less the best time to pick up copies of the card since it's been about 6 months since MKM came out?
The worst part is how long it takes to resolve since it's nondeterministic.
35-45 depending on how it feels to play
Figure out what non-slime cards you want and go from there.
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Any commander that would be good for running a bunch of bolts? I find them super satisfying to play but would love a commander who has even a loose incentive to play them since I tend to end up cutting them from my other decks. Preferably nothing where I’d be better off running 1 ping spells (Ojer Axonil types) or bigger burn spells (Solphim types). Colors obviously don’t matter as long as there’s red in it
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Any good spice for my little mouse buddy here?
Probably not what you're looking for but I had a Rith deck that ran a lot of bolts to get more value out of control. As for actually bolting people to the face idk storm shit.
You fail to consider that I am retarded. I feel like I have a tendency to add too many support cards and not enough main strategy cards to my decks.
I honestly wouldn't shed a tear of Nadu gets the banhammer.
I don't get it. What's the problem?
I hate that his profile card looks very iconic but his gameplay is absolute aids
wtf is he riding?
>any good spice for my extremely straight forward overcosted furry valuetown commander
Hmmm gee anon I wonder. Maybe something with an etb trigger or an attacking trigger, or something to stack the top of your library.
His commander has an etb the deck relies on and he can't figure out how to reset it, or build his deck with multiple strats.
Some sort of AI abstract construct
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Arthur is just a boring version of Neera, but if you gotta play him add this to your deck
So you test it until it works and you figure out the balance. I goldfish decks dozens of times before the first version is finished and ready to see actual play.
Is this version of Gisa any fun? Gisa is waifu tier and I could never make Ghoulcaller work, and the other is just not my style
20, thereabouts.
God what a neutered terrible card in a hideous frame.
it'd be more fun if you were in blink colors but it's alright
I've seen her played and it looked like a really fun control-y aristocrats deck.
why is the shaft of the shovel on in perspective with the rest of the pic?
I've been debating using her in my Discard deck as a fodder generator. 2 tokens per proc isn't that bad if you're using them for sac outlets. Instant speed interaction is pretty easy in monoblack too with stuff like Murder, Breathe your Last, Go for the Throat, etc.
Note that you can trigger both of these with the same kill (i.e, pyroclasm hits everything for 2, a creature survives with 3 toughness, if you bolt it for 3 then you draw a card and get a dragon).
What would that do? You'd have to pay 7+ to dig any deeper than Arthur already digs, and the shuffle function is very meh. I'd rather crack a fetch.
It's just whatever Winota does to blink or double strike to cheese as much stuff off the top of your deck as possible, to my knowledge there's no such card that says "prevent all effects of cards that would return a creature to its owner's hand"
I like the frame and art.
I have her in my Vish Kal deck which can just freely target opponents stuff. She's done well in there.
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Gross. It doesnt even look like a magic card. These are worse than Hazoret the Pervert, and that's saying something.
because knowing what - or if - you're going to hit lets you know whether it's worth it to swing
I don't give a shit about looking like a magic card.
>t. Arwen player
Man I don't wanna be goldfishing another format. I just want the easy answer, which is unfortunately subjective.
Because you have bad taste and fundamentally dont like magic.
you are the cancer killing magic
How did magic art fall off so hard in 5 years?
it didn't, there's always been bad art
Greg Staples is fantastic.
consoomers like >>93375276 enabling wotc to churn out slop
I get that you like your niche card, but you're in blue. Just brainstorm or dream cache like maelstrom wanderer.
yes. Like every single piece of art for the first 3 years of magic
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Reminds me of my friend's knights deck where he runs this card, which is absolutely miserable to play against. You will suicide all your utility creatures every turn, and you basically can't block anymore so once this comes down either you remove it or you're going to die in like 2 turns max
this deck should be full of big creatures and scroll rack effects, so yea knowing what fat ETB you're going to get is helpful for your figuring out what your turn is
Holy shit the "I get to play Yugioh" card
Let's fucking gooooooo
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She's really strong, people here always complain about "once per turn" clauses but they exist to make it so the card isn't completely stupid. My friend plays her and you only need a free/cheap way to target your opponent's stuff (some of which happen to be zombies, like pic related) and you can easily make eight zombies per turn cycle just off her ability, and they'll all be 3/3 with menace (on top of whatever other zombie lords you have), and the ward 2 also makes her annoying to interact with.
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Scroll rack will be an mvp in the deck since the shit keeps bouncing back into your hand.
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You use brainstorm or dream cache to stack the top of your library when you inevitably have a hand full of overcosted garbage you dumb fuck.
MH3 had a lot of fantastic arts.
which are one-time casts. knowing you're going to whiff or hit is important for the deck, anon.
how do voltron decks actually work?
i get that you have to juice up the commander to infinity, but do you just play control until you assemble the combo?
asking because looking at the cards i dont get whether its auras or artifacts that give the most bang for your back, and i have no idea how to safely get them all assembled
You include protection pieces for voltron commanders. if your commander gets juiced from just having equipments or auras on them, add more defensive equips/auras to lean into it
Depends. The most potent voltron commanders have built in protection like hexproof, or cheap commanders that snowball out of control when they swing once. Normally the moment you gain value from swinging once, all you need to do is to protect and you should be able to win ideally. The aura and spell based ones are usually more effective than equipment voltron since the former dont have the extra mana requirement to equip
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The deck is inherently a trap because it's a poorly designed card that needs to swing with something else and is one of the most telegraphed things possible, but all that aside, looking at the top for with a 1/1 flyer has been 2 mana for like 20 years. Regardless of whether it's repeatable, it's a horrible rate.
I agree the deck is ass
yooo! when the fuck did teferi get hair? now that's some real time bending shit
I have my Yuriko deck, which i really, really love to play. It was the first EDH deck i made, like four years ago, but i recognize that she's just overpowered, and nobody really wants to play against her. I only use her once every like two months, and i think it's just time to put her to rest. But the problem is, what the fuck do i do with the expensive cards i have in her deck, and what do i replace her with? I love the topdeck manipulation style gameplay she has where you have to balance the deck around having expensive spells to rip off the top at the right moment (vampiric tutor searching for draco in response to her trigger is one of my favorite things to do in all of magic), and i can't really find any other commander that has a gameplay that scratches that itch. I tried Elminster, since he's probably the most similar, but him being a five mana planeswalker that just fucking dies all the time makes it miserable to play.
why is the coon deck not made around Muerra...
to confirm my fears, there is no real way to keep equipment and auras on a commander while using flickers like Ephemerate, right?
as far as i see the only way to do that is using the "phase out" mechanic

ive been wanting to use the Envoy of Ghosts since an inbuilt protection from creatures, with token generation and face protection seems like an extremely good basis for it
either that or King of the Oathbreakers
but i fear that i would have to rely a lot on mana artifacts and "return from graveyard" to get them to where i want them
i dont play since there are zero players in the vicinity so i cant gauge how fast youd need to ramp
Take the Maelstrom wanderer pill. Storm out like a mad cunt for an hour and a half.
Tenth Doctor can be a big mana top deck manipulator commander. But, probably not it if you specifically want to be just stacking the deck for good stuff to immediately cast.
>i have no idea how to safely get them all assembled
That's the problem with most voltron decks. They're too much of a glass cannon. Smart players just keep your commander off the board and you sit there doing nothing.
correct, but just indestructible on a creature puts it out of reach for all but an exile effect
take yuriko, put her in the 99 of that deck. your new commander is satoru umezawa.
That doesn't make any sense. Satoru doesn't care about topdeck manipulation, and he won't synergize with the high mana cost cards a yuriko deck wants. He's a horrible commander for ninja tribal too since he doesn't provide a way to actually end the game. He's a "cheat eldrazi into play" commander.
>your new commander is satoru umezawa.
nice suggestion. yuriko is waifu but too good for most casual-ish pods
you can run her and a select few ninjas in the deck as well as a lot of big creatures (I like big fish, personally.) I have no idea why you think the guy who cheats eldrazi into play doesn't care about high cmc cards but frankly you sound like a huge asshole, jerking yourself into a stupor over tutoring in response to Yuriko's trigger. Most people can overlook such behavior if it's not every game and the deck is doing other things than that. And because you're still running dimir, you can keep all of the tutors in for both consistency and doing this gay thing you want to do
Have you heard about our Lady and Savior?
i see, i might have to revise my thinking
thank you for the input
>but frankly you sound like a huge asshole, jerking yourself into a stupor over tutoring in response to Yuriko's trigger
Don't know how you came to this conclusion from my two posts. Satoru doesn't care about high CMC, he cares about cheating big creatures into play, the CMC of those creatures just happen to be high because they're powerful, the cmc itself does not affect his gameplan in any way.

This satoru is a MUCH better pick if you want a ninjas deck that isn't helmed by Yuriko, but the thing is that i don't even care that much about ninjas, i'm more of a fan of the topdeck manipulation gameplay

This girl and the Tenth Doctor the other anon mentioned do seem interesting
etbs will work but attack triggers will not as they are already attacking and dont have room to be declared as attackers thus skipping the attack trigger
>Don't know how you came to this conclusion from my two posts.
the part where you said "vampiric tutor searching for draco in response to her trigger is one of my favorite things to do in all of magic."
>Satoru doesn't care about high CMC, he cares about cheating big creatures into play, the CMC of those creatures just happen to be high because they're powerful, the cmc itself does not affect his gameplan in any way.
Are you autistic or do you just not understand what you write? He can have enough high mana value creatures in his deck such that you can run Yuriko in the 99 without being particularly penalized.
Yes, its one of my favorite plays, that doesn't mean i'm "an asshole who loves jerking myself off into a stupor". You didn't tell me to make a new deck with Satoru as a commander and throw Yuriko in the 99, you told me to literally just replace her with Satoru on the same deck, and it won't work because they're built different. Most Yuriko builds do not run that many big CMC creatures, instead opting for high cost instants and sorceries, which Satoru can't do anything with, and the creatures they do run (like Draco) are there more so for their cost rather than usefulness. On top of that, Satoru BARELY gives any incentive to run more ninjas in his deck since his once per turn triggered ability is negligible (which is why the other satoru is a much better pick for a ninjas deck), and he also won't really make good use of cards like scroll rack, brainstorm, lim dul's vault and etc because he doesn't need to stack the top of the deck. For these reasons, the suggestion of just replacing yuriko with satoru umezawa is nonsensical.
>create up to 8 3/3s with menace a turn cycle
Sure thing hoss
I doubt you have to swap more than ten or fifteen cards, considering Yuriko and Satoru both want:
>High mana value cards
I wanna play 6/6 demons with flying and Trample. I play Lord of Riots right now, which ain't a bad deck for it, but are there any other choices you can think of? Maybe Showstopper?
Honestly I really wish this guy was a legend
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I've had some fun with voltron-tribal, where I fill in with boggarts and darksteel myr and shit so that I have backup targets after they inevitably kill my high-payoff commander.
I'm especially fond of this nigga because he's not worth building around by himself but you can slap literally-anything onto him and make a damage-proof wall that keeps getting bigger.
Over time my decks morph onto janky control decks which take the most reliable path towards steady value over time, they aren't actually good, it's just fun to feel like I'm waging war against removal and winning.
i exclusively play slivers
Hear me out: Background tribal
Unfortunately i'd have to change more than that. Between removing all of the topdeck manipulation cards, all ninjas (because they're not really worth running with satoru umezawa) and replacing all high mana value non-creatures with creatures, it would eld up being like 30+ cards changed and ultimately would also lead into a deck that doesn't really have anything about what i find fun about Yuriko.
>because they're not really worth running with satoru umezawa
This is plainly not true, read the giant block of text on his card above "creatures in your hand have ninjutsu 2BU"
I already mentioned that it's a mediocre ability that only triggers once per turn, it's not really worth adding ninjas to the deck just for that, you're better off just having a bunch of evasive creatures and the big stuff you want to cheat into play. The ninjas are just going to dilute the deck for almost no benefit.
I run a voltron deck with two partner commanders who both have very low cmcs. By the time one commander has been killed enough times that it's too expensive to play anymore, my opponents are running low on removal and I can either switch to my other commander or draw into a non-commander creature that makes a good voltron target
Also I pick equipment with low equip costs
There is literally no point in playing satoru if you aren't playing with ninjutsu and cheating in big creatures. Otherwise he is just dimir colours you'll do nothing with I'm so confused
looks like a good substitute for mithril shirt or darksteel plate, nice card anon

i see, the card seems like fun
i wanted to build envoy of ghosts spirit tribal since i like the theme and they kind of go hand to hand with enchantments plus im a sucker for tokens
turns out that the king oathbreaker is a more suitable match due to mentioned phase out keeping attachments and being just all around cheaper and more robust
doesnt have a nice boob window to look at though
I think we're having some sort of communication issue. Yes, i agree, you should run big creatures to cheat in with ninjutsu, but the thing is that you're using the ninjutsu he provides, there isn't much value in using creatures that already have natural ninjutsu in his deck because the triggered ability you get for activating ninjutsu isn't that good. Instead of adding ninjas, a better way to build Satoru is to double down on evasive beaters, interaction to protect your commander and big boys to cheat into play. Random ninjas aren't going to add much value, you're better off running other utility cards to protect your gameplan of cheating big things with ninjutsu or to draw more cards and etc. Maybe add like specifically the two ninjas that draw cards on hit and the one that makes treasures, other than that i wouldn't really fill his deck with ninjas.
>Rakdos Muscle
Which one's the easiest to combo with?
Unironically what makes Muerra good that you would make her your commander over Bello? The "spend 8 mana to exile 2 off the top of the deck?" I mean by the time you can pull that off shouldn't you have won or be close to winning already? Bello is just a more constant threat imo. Drop a Nature's Will and the game's swung into your favor the entire rest of the way
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By far my dumbest deck idea yet.
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This is some impressive retardation anon, Godspeed.
my reasons would sound retarded so I will keep quiet
I'm stealing this deck
Does the landbase even fucking matter?
Ideally you want to cast your commander on 5 or 6, so the specifics aren't important as long as it fixes you enough.
Why's that? The deck looks fun.
Scry and Surveil lands would be must-haves in that deck though.
replace progenitus with Eternal Dominion
Yes. Who doesn't want to draw more cards?
Enlightened Tutor into Blightsteel seems good, although not very fun.
Working on my Aclazotz build, but I have no real idea how decks like these win. Is Discard focused on draining with it, or payoffs like making the 2/2 zombie tokens? Or is it more about mixing combos into the deck like Sanguine + Exquisite, Bolas/Sensei's/Aetherflux, or stuff like Pitiless Plunderer + Gravecrawler + free Sac Outlet to storm off with Bitter Ordeal? or maybe focus on Blood Artist/Zulaport?
I legit have no idea how this stuff usually wins, it's gotta be better than just punching with my bat commander right?
Discard is a shit meme because once people are out of cards you completely run out of steam and cant do anything
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No, THEY run completely out of steam, you by contrast are only 86.66% out of steam and then you're supposed to win the game with the other 13.33% of your cardpool.
My plan is to try and make that work with the other stuff like token generators (Bitterblossom, Jadar, Raven Man, Ophiomancer, etc) and sac outlets (Phyrexian Altar, Ashnod's Altar, Gutless Ghoul, Sadistic Hypnotist, Mind Slash, Ayara, etc) so I can still act even if there is very little left to discard. Trying to use some draw engines like Geth's Grimoire, Phyrexian Arena, Ayara, Dread Presence, Throne of Eldraine to keep my hand stocked enough to be active throughout the match. I have a slight Crime theme as well because so many of these cards are targeted, such as Kaervek the Punisher for some recursion on my cards, Gisa the Hellraiser as a token generator for the earlier sac outlets, and Forsaken Miner because he can recur himself every time I crime for 1 mana and he feeds my sac needs.
I actually wasn't sure about using The Rack explicitly because it picks an opponent as opposed to Torture Wheel and Rackling which both just hit everyone but you. Then again, 1 drop that can be very punishing, I'm gonna put it in.
I gotta get like 70 cards out of this shit lmao
There's two ways to build discard, one is to lean into waste not which means you want your opponents to have cards to discard.
The other way is to try and force them to play handless and go into topdeck mode.
The first will give you a wincon but you have to hope that they don't combo before you can drain them.
The second lacks a wincon so try and run stuff like Tourach to beat them down when they're topdecking.

I actually built Aragorn (with actual LOTR art) oops all charms deck

Its fun, but you'll constantly be annoyed at having to keep several different combinations of mana up if you don't have prismatic/chromatic/world tree
Okay, I'm sorta halfway between them at the moment, I think. I've got Bone Miser and some other cards that pay off my own discard, so I think forcing it into topdeck and trying to combo off might be the route. Beat them with Bat, Tourach, and Haunt of Hightower for the two scaling threats.
Post list

Also I realise after posting this you can't include world tree in a WUGR deck, but definitely the other two
I would think it's mostly burn stuff like Megrim Raider's Wake Liliana's Caress but Dauthi Voidwalker is absolutely insane in Discard too
Since you're running sacrifice outlets you should probably run Mind Slicer, it's one of the best cards to get everyone hellbent.
If there's a decent amount of tutoring in your meta it's worth considering thoughtseize/duress/pilfer
stop chewing your fingernails, my god.

So here's the thing, I'm sorta between some stuff still. Got some stax pieces, some token generators, some sac outlets, discard, discard payoffs, etc. It's very unformed, gotta whittle out the way it's gonna play. The cards tagged in green are ones I already got out of my binders and put in.
Also I'm still kinda doing that stupid snow subtheme thing where I just kinda wanna include some snow cards and Winter Moon because it's a bit silly. Contamination and Desolation are more serious pieces though.
Holy shit that actually could work, wouldn't it? unlike death triggers, Discard is just the action isn't it?
I had totally forgotten Mindslicer and now he's in
I threw in Thoughtseize just now since I did get one from when I was opening Thunder Junction. Might as well use it.
>that fucking combo section
>Sanguine + Exquisite
>Aetherflux Citadel
>Bitter Ordeal
I see your Pitiless Plunderer and all the ways you plan to abuse that with Reassembling Skeleton, Gravecrawler, and shit.
First suggestion is cut Bag of Holding. It looks cool but there's a reason it's like 10 cents, any instant speed removal after using it to loot and all of a sudden all of the cards you saved up are gone for good. Kaervek and Containment Construct are way better.
Retard he's going to be discarding his own cards without the loot ability so he can just do it in response to get a hand back
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Why did they have to make Mabel part white color, I don't want to play boros aaaaahhhhhhhhh, I'M A GRUUL NIGGA BUT I WANT A CUTE MOUSE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>want to suggest cutting abyssal specter
>the ruth thompson are is so metal
>references lim dul so it keeps to the autistic "ice" theme
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>Your deck needs to run graveyard hate!
Or I could just counter the mass reanimate effect without including middle-finger cards that blow out exactly one matchup.
>You need boardwipes to get over increasing ward costs
or I could just counter the creature on the stack
>You can't just hold up mana for interaction the whole game! Cheap spot removal isn't worth it anymore because it puts you down too many cards over the other two players
Or I could just take my turn on your end step.
>You need protection effects
Or I could just counter the boardwipe
>You'll need an answer to permanents in the board
Or I could stifle the ability
>You need stax effect to stop storm decks!
Or I could stifle the storm trigger
>You won't always have it!!!
20 slots in my deck and the best card draw at instant speed say I will.

God bless blue.
Well I did say I didn't know how I was supposed to win, to be fair.
If I gotta use a bunch of go-infinite style wincons while denying everyone else resources, then so be it.
So I'm torn on it, because I do agree that it's a pretty lackluster looking card, but at the same time I might have enough recursion to do without the risk if someone uses a card to remove artifact abilities.
Hell yeah boy
If you unironically can't figure out how to win without random generic 2-card infinites you deserve to suffer.
cut the maybe cards they all suck too hard except the specter
Okay you said handless so my suggestions are to start by cutting the megrim/liliana's caress cards. Keep geth's grimoire because it can be a blow out and and fell specter for cool factor but the other when your opponent's discard stuff isn't worth keeping.
You can cut the sifter of skulls/pawn of ulamog unless you want to lean into nim deathmantle combos.
Then trade your generic draw cards for aristocrat draw cards, species specialist/morbid opportunist/erebos bleakhearted.
Nah I was saying I didn't know how to guarantee wins with a Discard deck, so I jammed in a bunch of infinites to tutor up or try to establish a wincon. Discard just doesn't feel like it does more than annoy people most of the time with small drains and denial of resources, I wanna draw into something that shuts the game off.
Fair, the skull seemed cool to counteract how much stuff costs life in this deck
Play a fatty and turn it sideways it's not hard.
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Squirrelbros how we feeling?
Okay, I'm picking up what you're putting down.
Though, I was hoping Sifter and Pawn would benefit me pretty well with the Gravecrawler/Reassembling Skeleton/Forsaken Miner stuff, but I'll toss 'em for now.

I was hoping to do more than just punch with Aclazotz, you know? There's nothing wrong with that, I just figured there could be something else
>39 lands in monocolor
Dark Depths doesn't make mana, and on top of that if I'm gonna be discarding a lot I expect to miss a lot of land drops as the lesser of two evils in terms of binning.
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Have all new Bloomburrow cards been revealed now?
Will we get this art in the precon or the lame old art?
lame old art, Imagine:Critters is a bonus sheet thing
It's strong if left unchecked. My buddy plays it from time to time. Any Gisa deck worth its salt can commit a crime every turn. Eight 2/2 zombies in one cycle with a +1/+1 bonus = 24 potential damage split between 8 bodies. Pretty great rate. The trouble with the card is weird, you're constantly reminding your opponents that you're a problem because you're constantly fucking around with them for crime triggers. You can't fly under the radar like you'd really want to with her. You will lose a few times because the gameplan draws people's attention and can get you tunnel vision'd if you fuck with the wrong person for a trigger.
cut Phyrexian Obliterator, it has nothing to do wit hthis deck
So what's the Ms. Bumbleflower wincon? Isn't she creating too much advantage for your opponents? I want to buy a Peace Offering deck to play it in our precons-only group but I never played with/against a group-hug deck before.
>So what's the Ms. Bumbleflower wincon?
The alt win-con
I normally wouldn't want to, but I guess it's not really that important to the deck.
also gonna throw in the towel on Icehide Golem, it's cool but while being 1 cmc, it just doesn't do anything
combo engine, superfriends, or "control" build around destroying creatures with flying
>kaalia of the vast
>onto the field tapped and attacking
so this triggers both ETB and "when this card attacks" effects, right?
No, "when this card attacks" are triggered when you actually declare them as attackers. being played as an attacker doesn't set them off. You will get the ETB though, obviously
Try Teferi's Time Twist.
>draw a bunch of cards to trigger your effects that trigger on card draw
>put a million +1/+1 counters on your shit
>swing in with the flying she gives
>hope that the opponents don't just kill you with the cards you gave them because they gave you barely any ways to protect yourself
Honestly the more I look at this decklist the more I kinda like the idea despite normally really hating group hug. There's something kinda neat here.
well, twenty-toed frog and trsikadekawekameccaphile present a possible win.
I’m going to make furry alters of all my decks now, some even NFSW
What really bothers me, is why Stuff like Master of Cruelties gets it's trigger in this case, even though it's also an attack trigger.
Actually Master is a “not being blocked” trigger you fucking moron
Read it again, retard. It's a delayed attack trigger.
Hey niggerfaggot, he is brought in attacking, and the trigger happens upon not being blocked. Try not to drown in your own drool cup.
>whenever X ***attacks*** and isn't blocked
doesn't work that way
NTA but that can't trigger unless it isn't blocked, which can only be known after declaring blockers.
So when it happens it checks
>am I attacking? (yeah, its brought in tapped and attacking)
>am I blocked by anything? (no, blockers have been declared and it isn't blocked)
Oooooh fuck get bodied you fucking mouthbreather
why are you impersonating swordbro?
I am Swordbro, just in a different posting mood.
>a namefaggot isn't being relentlessly mocked for posting.
Absolutely disgusting. This thread is a travesty.
it's always the same with narcissists (every tripfag is one). you make them understand that they are not wanted, and they slowly spiral down into a mess of aggression and endless seething because their degenerate mind cannot comprehend them not being the center of attention.
are you guys retarded or is this ironic? it's not even the same tripcode
I've got 4chanX with anonymize turned on, to me everyone's an anon.
Does it matter? Namefaggotry is cancer no matter who is posting.
I can't decide on Jund Tokens, null-blue 4 color tokens, or 5 color tokens.
>Folds to Cancel
>Earliest play is t7, when you're likely already going to lose
>Progenitus simply dies to the vast majority of board wipes regardless
This is peak retard magic.
Color is irrelevant to land count outside of Standard and maybe Pioneer. Unless you are playing a turbo cEDH deck that's looking to win with their opening hand, 39 lands is ideal no matter the colors to assure you hit your land counts per turn and don't mulligan down.
>unironically using 39 lands in monocolor
you only need 30-34 MAX in mono color
>Pulls 1 land opening hands and begs his playgroup to cheat and give him free mulligans
>his mulligans aren't free
retard this is a casual format, anyone who actually takes less cards is fucking stupid
It’s my aggressive tripcode weirdo
>Yeah, so?!
Thanks for proving you're a retarded cheater.
>What originally drew you to playing Esper?
I had a copy of Merieke and a dream of stealing everyone's creatures.
Does anyone in your pod know you use 4channel.org?
I don't care about your 20 year old meme.
They're reprints of shit I already have so I just order proxies of the alt art because Wizards fucked the contract up because htey're retarded money grubbers.
my pod is 3 trannies, so I hope not.
Discard on its own is rough because a lot of players run graveyard interaction these days for redundancy.
I run raven man and use symmetric discards, but also make it so my own discards get me advantage(madness, reanimate targets, flashback, etc.)
Discard is rough because EDH players are emotional rrannies that cry about 5 mana do-nothings like Tergrid. You can always tell a player is some combination kf bad or new depending on their thought process over the concept of counterspells or discard.
Bluetranny post
You smash people's face in with a giant flying rabbit. Other than that, the other usual group hug alt wincons should work, which the precon has. Twenty-toed toad, Simic Ascendancy, Triskadekaphile should all be very possible to win with, especially Simic Ascendancy since you have numerous ways to place counters fast.
May god have mercy on you son.
They're all pretty normal and nice desu.
Rakdos by far. Cruelclaw not a combo deck at all
Shit like this is why tuck needs to be brought back. People need to learn to actually build decks.
Shutup mom
Bro he's already gone
that's what all down to the bone evil people want others to believe
>Anon doesn't realize all of those things are not at all different than what he's being told he needs
Good job?
>introduce forage
>don't use it on a card that literally wants you to have foraged
>every card should be an engine that activates itself!
Finally, a well designed set.
Why anon? Please tell me what it changes about his posts
Are you retarded anon? That is not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying it's needlessly wordy, they introduce a keyword and then decided not to use it even though the card could simply say
>activate only if you've foraged this turn
Kill yourself you needlessly angry roomtemp IQ retard
I have it and
>>93375327 and >>93376223 are accurate
She's really strong but you're constantly reminding your opponents you exist, even if you're doing mild/ harmless "crimes". But the ward makes her annoying to deal with and I you have the potential for eight 2/2 zombies plus a +1/±1 anthem and menace = +24 power on your side of the board every turn, add to that the fact that mono black can already solve all its problems and zombies as a tribe have some great lords in mono b.

She's one of those decks that can tend to not do a whole lot when she's on the field though, but her ward really helps with that
If not one person has made a Gisa deck called "I'm with Stupid," this community as a whole is fucking gay.
And this is exactly why so many idiots don't run enough land.
>well my shitty ideas work when I play the game improperly
Even when I'm at an LGS and the pod says "nah you don't have to" I bottom cards because I'm an adult and games are the most fun when they are played properly
I've been pleasantly surprised with this set.
Me too I'm glad I bought my box the other week. I'm debating paypigging to the extreme and upgrading to collectors when I go pick it up next Friday. Probably stick with normal though cause I'm gunna open it with my gf so she will just be happy to see more cute cards as opposed to fancy cute ones. Probably get the group hug precon instead. Cheers
Heading to my lgs today to preorder a box, already preordered all 4 decks, the starter deck, and a bundle(fat pack)
>folds to wrath of god
They literally fish for 2 land hands + ramp, and fill their deck with generic value engine shit to carry them through the rest of the game in place of land slots like any normal person playing the game proper would do (automatically creating an unfair advantage before cards have even been drawn through the deckbuilding process alone). Hariously, these same people fucking SEETHE when you wipe their board or (if in non G) remove their mana rocks, because it completely kicks them out of the game.
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Except this way it triggers even if you sacrifice a food token to gain life or move those cards from your graveyard to somewhere else. Triggering only if you've foraged would be pretty parasitic.
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This opens it up to more uses. If it said "activate only if you've foraged this turn" it would only work on specifically foraging, and not the options of foraging (e.g. sacing a Food, which can happen in Foraging or by using the Food)
You're accurately describing a guy I play with. Constantly complaining that he's being picked on any time anyone even looks at his board.
>come on guys, I only have a few lands
Hmm that's true but in that case it's just poorly designed tribal bait
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Why did they not release Mabel as a boros commander deck, fuck sake. I want boros I don't want the shitty fucking bunny aaaaaaaaaa
she get sowrd.
Flavor wise, you can make a case for Matthias being G, but the case for W or R is much stronger. Remember that he started out as a monk at Redwall Abbey, there are heroes in Redwall who got their start out in the woods but he definitely isn't one of them, and Mabel is blatantly based on Matthias (I, AM THAT IS).
People bitch about "once per turn" but if they designed this card without that clause it would be broken in half. It's actually at a good power level provided you can commit one crime per turn
>wahhhhh why is wotc trying to explore different archetypes in precons I want boros equipment deck #83
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>Mice have a Valiant gimmick in BLB
>both Mouse Legendaries don't have it nor interact with it (unless you squint and say Mabel making Cragflame lets you spend 2 mana to trigger a Valiant)
Mice got fucked hard
>People bitch about "once per turn" but if they designed this card without that clause it would be broken in half.
Otherwise any card that can just target something for free would go infinite with her.
yeah, wotc wouldn't want free targeting to cause infinite combos, could you imagine?
Yeah that should only be for simic not lame shit like boros
This is my biggest gripe with the set as they were the tribe I was most excited for going in. Mabel is uninspired and Arthur is over costed and bad
>Mabel is uninspired
>no Watership down and secret of nimh secret lair
I’m surprised they held back from making a 5 color “critter tribal” version of Mabel with them highlighting her party and the amount of “if XYZ creature type enters the field” effects
Anon, the correct answer is DON'T DISMANTLE YURIKO. You enjoy playing it. You already play it in moderation. The pieces in the deck could be used to build something else but if you like the deck, why do that?

>nobody likes playing against it
I can't speak for your pod but in my pod everyone has decks like that. Someone pulls out Gitrog, Jadzi, MW, Thassa, Krark/Thrasios, etc.? You've just been invited to play Yuriko! Will they still whine? Maybe. Will they know on some level that it's reasonable? Probably.

Play what you want to play, in moderation when necessary.
watership down is way too gory for nu-wotc
secret of nimh secret lair on the other hand... I guess it's not worth the license if they can't turn the critters into africans
>automatically creating an unfair advantage before cards have even been drawn through the deckbuilding process alone
>good deckbuilding is an unfair advantage
Retarded takes like this are why I love coming here. Never change, /edhg/,
>come on guys, I only have a few lands
but that's not the full story, isn't it? I've seen this shit time and time again
>ganging up on the weakest guy
>instead of teaming up with them against the actual threat to your own plan
>instead of focusing the guy who shat half his deck onto his board
>instead of hindering the combo player from setting off
all the fucking time, I have to argue with retards about how the weakest player should never be your target, because focusing him will only help the strongest player, which isn't you. even worse are the retards who team up with the strongest player, basically playing kingmaker and then seething why they've lost another game. I have witnessed people trying to remove ur dragon, only for yuriko to counter the removal for ur dragon and then getting eaten by it. it's mind-boggling.
>We've reached such a critical mass of newfags, zoomers, and election tourists that people no longer see a problem with tripfagging
The internet I grew up in is dead and buried.
I hope Steve Jobs is rotting in Hell for creating the iPhone and making the internet accessible to the braindead masses.
Fuck you faggot.
Bloomburrow has vegetable-based constructs that they use for transportation. It's not elaborated on much, but it shows up here and there.
Okay cool but can you answer my question?
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>bloomburrow Spoilers
So. I know where to find bloomburrow spoilers, and where to read cards. But what I can never find easily for any set is How complete the spoilers are, or when they are finally done?

Does anyone know an easy place to find a #count
(and if you say scryfall somehow, you're gonna have to show what search criteria you are using please.)
The previews are all done. Set's fully revealed. You can find it all of Scryfall, or on WotC's card image gallery.
Because tripfagging, at its core, is just being an attentionwhore.
The whole point of 4chan is thats its fucking anonymous. Its one of the last places on the internet on which you can BE completely anonymous. Thats the point.
If you want a username to gain clout with, you could go to Reddit, Twitter, literally any other social media site or chat room and youll get that attention.
But no, your snowflake, attentionwhore ass goes to 4chan. The anonymous imageboard.
All that tells me, and anyone else who has been around long enough to know how reviled tripfags are, is that a tripfag is an individual who cares more about getting attention than having anything actual meaningful to say.
Its like asking a prostitute a physics question, but at least the prostitute has the decency to tell you shes a prostitute.
Tripfaggots are nothing more than attentionwhores, and have been lambasted and mocked since the beginning of time.
Literally take that shit to Reddit if having a username is so important to you. You dont belong here.
anyone else excited for the new ETB burn synergies for mono red? ojer axonil is already insanely fun, but now he gets actually viable ETB storm tech instead of just beinh burn stax
I asked what it changed about the content of his posts anon. Please learn how to read and respond accordingly
The fact that he has a trip means that no content he presents is worth anyones time because he's too busy trying to make it about himself.
Fuck off newfag.
Best card in the set
Well Gisa is waifu, but WoTC desided women need to be ugly in cards now, so all the Gisa Hellraiser is fugly at best.
Why is this black instead of green?
What new synergies are you talking about?
Because green doesn't directly damage opponents?
What on earth about this card is green to you anon
peak green player brain capacity
It's an obvious LANDS MATTER card in a colour that gets zero land synergy. It's like they wanted to make a frog assassin but couldnt be fucked to make it green.
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>hurdur it had landfall so it must be green
Why is it not Red?
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Every colour can do landfall. Green facilitates it the best, but every colour is allowed to care about lands in some way, at the very least its own lands.
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Fuck off newfags, get out
Guys, really?? Here must be other landfall cards guys
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I mean, the iconic mono-black one?
Love this little negro
Or, more relevant to the idea of a damaging landfall in mono-black..
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Black has lots of cards that care about lands that aren't Landfall, though mostly Swamps
Yeah, every colour's allowed to care about its own lands as a matter of course. White does it the least, I think, but red and black both have stuff that care about you having Mountains or Swamps, and blue has the occasional Island-matters thing.
Really scraping the bottom of the barrel with that one.
forgot i preordered the squirrel precon do i keep it
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Anon absolutely btfod

How will he ever recover?
...because its a black card?
i hate greentards so much
Wow you posted the three cards. It's totally a solid part of the color pie now
There are like what, 4 lands matter cards in black?
why do autists get mad about colors having tertiary mechanics
or core mechanics of the game, like lands, being outside of the 'haha funny big lands' color
how fucking dare we
hey buddyretard, you know your best friends gitrog and lord windgrace, muh turbolands commanders?
guess what?
golgari and jund
you know what those have in em?
Black is allowed to do literally anything the other colors can do besides artifact hate.
retards who dont want the color pie to be bent want the game to be extremely stale
it's okay for colors to get off mechanics sometimes
>besides artifact hate
I'm about to post 3 cards
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Lands are not exclusive to green they are a core fucking part of the game holy shit
There are tons. They just usually name swamps specifically
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The fuck does that have to do with landfall you schizo?
erm..what the deuce? this is basically a multani ripoff
greenbros we are so fucking carrying this game it isnt funny
Swamps matter != lands matter
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>It's an obvious LANDS MATTER card in a colour that gets zero land synergy.
I'm refuting this point
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Wtf how could they do this green
umm.....why are blue and black such heavily featured tertiary colors??? dont they know green is the only color that is supposed to give a shit about lands????
what the fuck???????
Are you autistic? Swamps matter isnt the same thing as lands matter.
Actually it does!
why does it fucking search for lands??? what the fuck???????
wow just fucking powercreep cultivate right out of the format huh
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That's like saying Auras matter is the same as enchantress
>that's like saying this other factual statement!
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This guy just had his autism buttons pushed.
All squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares.
Deck archetypes aren't shapes anon I'm not sure what you're trying to say here
We cant make a new thread now, anon is about to have an autistic breakthrough and transcend into the autistic godhead.
give me color combo for a retard that just wants to have easy fun
Monoblack landfall.
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jesus man
any 2-color?
Don't mind me I'm just here to say: SEXOOOOOO
True but this is the savant autism where he's 100% right
dimir landfall
Any one green, or gruul deck
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One of the biggest flavor fails of MtG is how all of Ugin's cards are just Eldrazi support when he's supposed to be their biggest opponent that sealed them all away.
RG, RB, and RW are probably the most brain-off fun 2-color combos.
Do you have a problem with any other character who shares a color with any of their enemies having synergy with them mechanically?
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When it's this obvious as the intent, yes.
Ugin isn't really an 'opponent' of the Eldrazi in comparison to, say, the Gatewatch. Ugin wanted them sealed, yes, but he also believed they served a purpose.
Ugin's also honestly fairly analogous to the Eldrazi, being an enigmatic asshole who doesn't explain anything.
Ms bumbleflower is cute, it's too bad she's so useless and terrible
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>dont run blue
>combo player is pissy that my 'countering' his combo plays is killing his shit and swinging at him
>'but I have nothing! pls'
>dont kill him because fine, we should all get to play a little the table says
>combos 100-0 instawin on his turn, expected
>acts like he outsmarted me and rubs it in that I should've killed him

fucking cunt, it's called being nice, I wouldn't even be mad if he won, but it's like he thinks taking advantage of me letting him do it was some kind of scam
All 4 color commander piles are lame and gay
>with maybe one cool variant coming as masterpieces
I miss the days before this. Kaladesh was the beginning of the end
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as a man once said "there is no mercy"
You did the right thing by being nice, maybe feel him up under the table a little too next time
Record him saying "You should have killed me" on your phone and play it back every time he complains
Can't give some people an inch. Bring this situation up every single time he whines in the future and show no mercy.
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This is going to be great in Inalla
Very cool card.
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I'm making a mono green pile, which of these would be the most interesting commander?
Sick tech in Minn decks, hopefully it stays low.
"Leaves without dying" is interesting stuff to care about. Is this the first set we've seen that text?
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Why is mono green so boring?
I'm sure there are some fun commanders it's just those are the only legendaries I own
He's clearly an ally and servant of the Eldrazi Gods.
Go buy a Thrun the Last Troll
See if you find out how to play him besides voltron.
When you say "pile" you mean just good stuff yeah? Azusa is probably best for that. The other ones all tend to lean into different strategies like elves for marywn or Freya, creatures for nylea. You could do arasta too I suppose, I have no idea how I would build that deck
I'd go with Nylea
Of the five Arasta is the most interesting since Mono-G tokens is a neat little niche when it doesn't revolve around elves or saprolings. Freyalise and Marwyn are just elfpiles, Azusa is oops all lands, and Nylea is just big stompy dudes.
It's the smoothest brain colour with the least secret tech and the most straightforward gameplan. Basically babby's first colour.
Hard agree
Chainsaw is Evil Dead more than anything.
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I can’t wait to see Chandra as a heckin 80’s girl! OMG Jace in a leather jacket!
I actually lol
Personally I want to see chainsawed in half Nissa and body horror teferi but that's just me.
There are ways to make it interesting but you have to be creative
Like what?
>big stompy boi
>many little bois
>oh god so many elves
>land and land accessories
>foodchain ghalta storm (actually interesting)
>yisan birthing pod shenanagians
I think that's literally every single green deck.
He is the GOAT, pair him with Worldslayer
Yeva combo, enchantress, mono green dredge, mono green artifact stax. Just try being creative
>green artifact stax
Not enough cards to pull this off. Believe me I tried.
I guess.
No idea how this works. Enlighten me.
>monogreem dredge
Come on anon, you're just making shit up at this point.
Big Mana Helix Pinnacle
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I love flicker so much it’s unreal
>OMG Jace in a leather jacket!
They already did this in Shadows over Innistrad
Slaps in Chun-Li, too.
Ah yes, OG omnath, I forgot about this guy, though admittedly the deck would be much better with blue in it.
Me three
So kruphix?
Eh, the commander matters less than getting incredible untappers and artifact synergies, especially if you're generating a finite amount of mana.
It's a shame commander is so busted that archenemy works poorly with the format. I like the 1v3 aspect a lot. Have any of you played the WoW TCG? The player-tailored raid decks were such quality design; it could take hours to reach the end.
if it had blue in it, it wouldn't be mono green.
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>mfw trying to get my new card out of the taped top loader
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>mfw I do the desk tap technique
Use an exacto knife you sausage fingered dork.
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What card is it?
I was referencing omnath with blue in it dumbass
>put card on cutting board
>find which side has the most room
>cut sleeve open with exacto knife
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Is Nils Hamm one of the best artist in Magic?
Can the next thread question be about your deck's theme song? I need some new music while I deckbuild.
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why not just make the thread?
I... I'm phone posting and ever since clover got borked I dont feel confident in making new threads.
When it comes to collecting MTG for both Commander and Set binders for collection purposes, how should I go about it?
Do I just buy singles or crack open packs?
I don't want to sell cards as in dupes and trading seems like a pain in my little community.
lamentable, but understandable
Obviously it's cheaper (in theory) to just buy singles anon
Because tripfagging, at its core, is just being an attentionwhore.
>secret tech sac tutor lands
Yeah, Nils is very based.
Baxa is pretty great too but doesn't make many pieces lately.
*in your path*
get fucked man
I would feel for you, if you weren't also playing blue.
this is amazing
This but unironically because I'm not a jaded miserable fuck

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