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Previous: >>93374084

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>how to proxy using any printer

Thread Question/Prompt: What's your deck's theme song?
Probably this
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Why this classic of course:
>Spite - Dedication to Flesh
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Been reading Watership down to my gf at bedtime this month so I'm gunna get her this deck
r34 when?
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
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Gay Bolas
wotc putting a filter land or two in all the precons except the raccoon precon which would get fire-lit thicket is stupid
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Commander/deck to feel like pic related?
The Bolas who is gay
Lifelink is the worst most busted mechanic in a casual pod.
Looks like weebshit, so something faggy. Go for any Universes Beyond product.
Pretty stupid how they evergreen extra turns on creatures
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Opinions on this card?
How many 1drops before it becomes worth it?
Every white deck I build I think about putting it in but never do.
Maraxus of Keld.
No, fuck off with that stupid tranny meme. Casual pods usually rely on combat and damaging your opponents, so the lifegain player would always have an advantage.
They still haven't reprinted the dimir filter land yet which is annoying it's $25 and only going to eat into the reprint value of a future deck
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>wotc has been at it since at least 2005
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>EDHfags are retards
Been at what?
they intentionally shifted the pitch of the card to make him black
The new Ral is a legal commander. He's a homosexual, so he should be a perfect fit for a Jojo fan.
mono black landfall deck
share only the strongest techs
I'll start
>play two swamps in a single turn (cheating)
Hey guys did I play a land this turn? I guess I'll play one and pass
I return Bloodghast to the field without playing lands if I don't have any in hand. Sometimes, I'll sneak a swamp back into my hand so I can play it again for another landfall trigger the next turn.
He is black anon...
Tutor a land with demonic tutor.
very clearly not the original intention of the artist
Anon thats an old black man. Artists don't decide what characters look like they are given direction lmfao
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they quite literally pitch shifted the entire art cause he wasnt black originally
He is quite clearly black in the image you have posted. I mean, fuck, even just look at the filename.
kek the filename more so leans into the fact that theres no proper race for him
wotc decided for us and the artist rather than it being undiscernible
Crypt Ghast
Cabal Coffers
Black Market
Ashnod's Altar
Exsanguinate/Torment of Hailfire
Anon he is quite literally described as a black man in the lore. Do you really have nothing better to do with your time?
>anon has never seen a black person in real life
You ever notice how that one fag in these threads who always goes AHAHAHA in all caps has literally never made a single good post, and often has nonsense schizo theories? What's up with that?

Absolutely put it in a Heliod deck. Lots of valuable 1-mana dudes to help you gain life and trigger Heliod.
Ashling the Pilgrim
You're trying way, way too hard to fit in.
Take a break.
does cascade look at alternative costs? For example, what happens if I flashback a cascade spell with a flashback cost that's different from the card's mana value?
X is the only thing that changes CMC.
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Which commander should I use for this boros flicker brew I've got going? Commander doesn't really matter, deck doesn't rely on it.
>ganax/far traveler
Most kino and low powered to not draw aggro
Solid utility
Terrible art but great removal spell in the command zone
Ignore him, I'll probably build him as his own deck 2bh
>will have to wake up two hours sooner on a saturday morning just to play edh

The things I do for an in person game
got it. so for example if an x spell has cascade, it will check the mana value including x while it's on the stack?
Yes. And if you cascade into an X spell, X is zero, you can't change it.
Correct. Everything else goes off normal mana value, regardless of how you cast it.
Avacyn's the only Magic card of the listed options, so I'd say you should go with her.
There's some wonk with split cards, admittedly. As a whole card, they have both halves combined in CMC. When cast, you only take the cast half. MDFCs, meanwhile, only have their front half for CMC when they're not being cast/on the battlefield, and otherwise use the CMC of the relevant half.
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So, what commanders is everyone excited to build from bloomburrow?
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Thanks senpai. I'm building wildsear rhinos
>As a whole card, they have both halves combined in CMC.
I'm still fucking pissed about that change.
I'm not
just look up youtube videos on rabbit sex, since you're a zoophile
meme is funny and you're asshurt
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Name one (one) problem with her design
If you play a lot of lifegain or graveyard recursion then it's worth it. My Rakdos aristocrats deck would love a card like this to ensure that my Persistent Specimen or Forsaken Miner is back online ready to be sacrificed again for whatever. I don't know if white really plays that way. If you just use it to make sure that your Esper Sentinel comes back then it'll probably be a dead draw most of the time.
Is it possible to play slivers without always being public enemy number one?
>Retard complains that his "leave my board alone and I win by default" tribe gets hated out first
Same goes for all Eldraziggers.
>Implying you have a response for my turn 5 Promised end
How do I stop my friends from being whiny bitches about completely fine cards?
I drop a Jin-Gitaxias and all of a sudden they whine about how their shit is getting countered/will be countered. I specifically bring up the fact that they could work together to defeat Jin by having someone give up a card to finalize the removal but they just simply don't.
Same for Sheoldred, the Apocalypse because they feel as though they must use all their draw spells when possible and whine about taking damage and how it punishes them for drawing as though that isn't the exact purpose of the card.
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Anyone got any funny ideas on using blood tokens? Thanks to a few questionable choices I made, I now own damn near every card that can make blood and I'd like to try and get something out of it.
I still take your turn
None actually. The whole set adds a ton of shit into the 99 of the decks I already have though
Enjoy all the card draw spells and Counters.
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>same race
lol k
only thing im trying to fit in is ur bum
jin gitiaxias is a legitimately rude card.
>building a deck with too few lands because they expect to get infinite free mulligans
>good deckbuilding
Retarded takes like this are why I love coming here. Never change, /edhg/,
I had no idea this card existed until today
What are ways to make Ms Bumbleflower good?
Even so, its a relatively expensive neon sign flashing its glaring weakness in that he is forced to always counter the first spell. It invites teamwork and rewards good sequencing and smart plays.
I don't know about half of the cards made in the last few years. It's impossible to keep up anymore.
There's a lot of cards you never knew existed in some Commander precons. New Capenna Commander seems to just generate new cards every time I look at it.
Pick a different deck.
Shes already pretty potent from what I tested, but you need to run twice as many interactions than usual to mitigate the speed that cards like Rites of Fluorishing gives. Run Path to exile, Swords to Plowshares, Out of Time, Unexpected Absence, Aetherize, Consuming Tide as removal, then run all the efficient counters, swan song, counterspell, Midirection, because you're gonna need it to protect both Ms Bumbleflower and your preferred boardstate.

I didnt get too cute with howling mine effects, Ms Bumbleflower already gives enough cards. Have ways to actually end the game, I ran Approach of the Second Sun ti guarantee inevitability if beatdown via commander damage isnt a viable option.

If anything, just dont get carried away with "being too kind" with group hug, if you have the advantage, try to end the game. Also dont get too chummy with politicking, dont yap too much, just dish out cards and say no to actual threats
You're going to have to play politics with everyone at the table. There's not much punishment for draw in those colors, but generally you're going to want to make plays where you still end up on top. Run cards that discourage people from attacking you. Every time you give your opponent something, incentivize them to use it against their opponent. Play spells in your opponents turns to give one of their big beaters flying and make it clear that they shouldn't attack you with it. If anyone does break the truce stop giving them anything for the rest of the game.
Faggots, the lot of you.
>7 mana in mono U
Legitimately fucking cry about it.
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>actually lose a game due to this fuck
>Attack all in on player that dropped Platinum Angel
>Doesn't want to trade his board and wants to attack me on the crack back
>Cast Vandalblast
>mono U
who even said anything about mono u anon
Name a single well known powerful deck that runs it. I'll wait.
>glaring weakness is it makes you intentionally throw a card into a counterspell before you can even think about removing it
I'm not sure how that's a weakness. Of course it's possible to remove but it makes you work for it while wasting resources in the meantime
It's a weakness because you have no control. Countering some shit cantrip means nothing.
>it doesn't see cedh play so it's bad
good argument.
vandalblast is sorcery speed, at what point did you cast that
Just play your creatures and attack him, retard.
Main Phase 2. L2R.
I do. And then he whines about being focused and how jin isn't even that good
Yes anon different shades of black people exist :-|
>going out of your way to make le epic filenames
Genuinely feel bad for people like you. Find some hobbies and discover yourself please ^.^
my hobby is actually making racist file names
Praetors and eldrazi are objectively bad design, essentially proto commander bait.
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>girlfriend and roommate out of town until monday
>brother isnt coming down until next week
>liquor store is closed
>no new decks to build
Lolno. They're big and splashy, for that much mana they should have an effect that wins the game.
Embarrassing response I mean it anon please find yourself. You've clearly been on internet chat rooms for so long you have no idea who you even are anymore just saying what you think needs saying to fit into whatever niche group you habe ingratiated yourself into
>girlfriend and roommate out of town until monday
they are fucking
back to the cuckshed
>liquor store is closed

found the canadian
sounds like projection
No there are plenty of high cmc cards that existed before both that were big and flashy while still playing within the confines of established card design. Eldrazi and praetors both did away with all card design theory wotc had, they are objectively poorly designed cards.
Is this possibly good
Great card. Run it in my trelasarra deck. One of the glue cards 2bh. Gives you a lofegain trigger and buys back your benevolent bodyguards and friends, Moms, and Spore Frog and kami, incidental cards like speaker of the heavens. It's a great little card if you can abuse it.
Nah, the praetors as flavourful asymeteric stax pieces in their first iteration, and if you're spending 10-15 mana on something you should win the game.

Why is it so hard now?
Orzhov has commanders that do what she does but better. Unless you go for something like bat support, which is already pretty iffy, youre better off with something else. In fact she works way better as part of the 99 in Orah
Lol no
almost insulting how bad she is compared to this guy. talm bout pushed
You're literally repeating what I am saying but you don't have the knowledge or understanding of this games history so you don't see how it flew flagrantly in the face of design at the time and was a hallmark of the horrors to come
One job. ONE JOB. This is bullshit.
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Hey, hey anon. Good cards good. Good cards look neat. Good cards do good things. Therefore I will enjoy the good cards.
Forced Fruition
OG Jin Gitaxis
Ethersworn Canonist

Group hug + Control/stax pieces, really. Give them a shit ton of cards they can't can't play.

Or you could go kingmaker and then win with Thoracle at the last second.
Except they aren't even very good cards... just poorly designed. Hell even in your kind they aren't very good
>cards that cost that much should win you the game!
And yet not a single one of them do
I hate digital art that tries to mimic the brush strokes of paintings. Makes it look half-finished and messy as fuck.
come on, thats the least they could have done.
As its stands, its basically a fair and balanced Myriim - wich i quite like about its desing.
but still
>do it twice

Myriim fags have a chance to redeem themselves and turn Zinnia into their dragon lord
good? probably not. janky and fun? yeah I would say so. Unless you're playing with sweaty fags at your LGS just make whatever you think is cool
Not what I asked, but funny enough I guess.
Is this actually good though? This is just a worse Volvo/miirim isint it?
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yeah, but thats a good think for people who want to play more towned down stuff and/or want to avoid anything simic like the plague

>Volvo is best
based connoisseur
It's obviously not as good as Miiryam, but it's probably roughly on par with Vulva. Getting extra power from going wide seems like a more reliable win condition than random simic value.
>sun titan but tons of hoops
>finality counters
It is absolutely, irresponsibley shit
Why are orzhov commanders always so narrow with what they do
its gonna be a jankfest, but i livee for that, so have fun!
*nonland permanent
It's worse than sun titan
It genuinely baffles me that there are still so many people who don't run bojuka bog or scavenger grounds in their decks. It's free graveyard hate. Please run it.
Even worse. The card is bad in every way.
I don't run it on principle. Graveyard strategies got fucked way to hard in the metagame by wizard. Mass grave exile should largely not exist, I'd like to see more targeted grave hatred and almost no mass grave hat. Especially not on a land
>t. Edh only player
If anything the graveyard isnt nerfed hard enough.
>Bojuka Bog
Comes into play tapped. Too slow.
>Scavenger Grounds
Only gives colorless mana. Too niche.
Nta, I mean what GY centric strategies are still alive in 60 card formats? Outside of Scam which still work without the GY. Dredge is fucking dead, theres no real reanimator strategy running around, Crabvine and Ruby Storm ended up being huge memes.
Graveyard decks have been the single most powerful archetype in MTG for most of the game's lifespan. There's an absurd amount of efficient grave hate cards and graveyard decks still manage to be among the best on multiple formats. Grave hate is justified in being powerful t's countering something that is even stronger
Feels like most the removal people run today is exile anyway.
Legacy scam/reanimator is the best deck in the format right now, you run reanimate for the Grief with the upside that you can also just animate Troll of Khazad-dûm or atraxa instead
Right now? I only really know legacy.
>monoblue dredge
>bant loam
>cephalid breakfast
>delver, though admittedly it isnt as fearsome as it was
>actual reanimator, often paired with show and tell
>people are greedy
Shocker. But honestly if you are playing EDH in year of our lord 1995 + 29 without using graveyard hate, 2+ wipes, and 5+ targeted removal AT MINIMUM, you should be flayed and hung.
Yes... that is my opinion for edh deckbuilding which is what you asked anon. What is this supposed to mean?
>if anything
Just an absurd thing to say. Grave strategies haven't been viable in 60 card formats outside of t1 reanimation shit
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>tfw reanimator is shit in premodern
Is this possibly good
I'd say it's decent imo. People here will likely get pissy at it but it's an enjoyable design that requires some building around it's cool I think fun art too
Doodoo art but they love their impulse draw designs these days so should see continued support. I hope you like changelings, hydras and fireballs.
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how and when do I use this card?
Faldorn is better. Even if you try to stick to the racoon subtheme, you'll be generating a lot more value with the exile matters stuff with Faldorn
In your Jaya deck when some faggot cyc rifts dumbass
Remove the commander 57 times and it costs {2}
>Wow I can run this card that's shit 95% of the time so that 5% of the time I can make someone at the table instantly concede so they'll resent me because I ran a card that's useless against the other 2 players
The art
A graveyard player made this post
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The little RB lizard :3c
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Generic GY hate exists.
The opportunity cost of running bojuka or scavenger grounds is minuscule and gives your deck a way to counter one of the most powerful and popular strategies in the game. There's no reason not to run these cards.
>some faggot cyc rifts

Then what?
Shitty untyped land that etbs tapped and will do nothing most games vs stack interaction that answers literally everything.
counterspell does not answer literally everything
You can run both, bozo. Counterspell also does not answer graveyard-targetting abilities, scavenger grounds enters untapped if you don't like bojuka and it's a fucking land instead of a spell you have to spend mana and a full card to use.
you draw a card at the beginning of the next turn's upkeep
Pic related is better scavenger grounds and it filters.
>ONE fucking badger in the entire set
Slamandastron chads we got lost hard...
Mushroom mushroom
Besides, there was pretty much only ever one badger at a time in the books.
I've just switched to the sidegrade, arguable upgrade. It's better in most situations. Yes it costs 3, but comes with an abusable body and you don't ever want to play bog turns 1-3 anyway. Also comes in untapped.
>one of the most powerful and popular strategies in the game
Yes, graveyard strategies are among the most powerful and popular in Magic. These are both objective statements.
The finality counters kill it for me.
Because you're cutting good cards for good cards.
>Zoraline, Moonseeker
>Legendary Creature - Bat Cleric
>Flying, Lifelink
>Whenever an opponent attacks you with one or more creatures, create a 1/1 black Bat creature token with flying.
>Whenever a Bat you control dies, choose 1:
-You gain 1 life
-Each opponent loses 1 life
-Scry 1
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Yeah sorry I'd rather use a land that makes more than one color or at the very least has a use in more than 5% of games. If I wanted another answer to my opponents I would simply run another counterspell, which there are no shortage of.
>B-But Bojuka Bog is f-
Sorcery speed garbage is what it is. If my trump card requires me to wait until untap it should be answering more than one type of deck.
Counterspell is bad in 5% of games while Bojuka Bog is good in 5% of games.
Why do nogames players larp so hard
counterspells can exile graveyards?
You dumb fucks. You absolute morons. You crop rotate into bojuka like they do on real formats.
>bojuk's ur balls
what now gravecuck
>Spend mana and a card
I thought you said counterspells were bad because they made you do this though? That's why nobody runs them in real formats.
I guess psychic frog? Idk I play artifacts on edh.
I didnt say anything about counterspells. Unpopular opinion, counterspells are bad in edh.
>gives your deck a way to counter one of the most powerful and popular strategies in the game.
Gives your deck a 1% chance of countering them.
the thing you’re forgetting to mention is that a ton of decks do have at least one or two instances of recursion even if they’re not entirely grave focused decks- bojuka is a relatively low commitment way to make sure whatever disgusting shit has ended up there doesn’t get its way back to the battlefield or hand
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If you're playing against degenerate shit your effect needs to exile from the start.
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>building decks while watching youtube videos
>suddenly, some guy playing piano on a fish
>fucking sticking probs in a fish and playing it like a goddamned keyboard
Fuck time to grab a beer and go to bed
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I'm actually excited for Arthur.
you're in white just run the mass flickers
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Sh-should I tell him?
>counterspells are bad in edh.
He speaks the truth.
Yes. Tell me.
This is dumb. Counterspells in the way they're used in 1v1 as pure control of the game is dumb in EDH. They are there to protect your plan in this game or maybe stop a game winning threat. Countering a tempo piece or something though will indeed more often than not put you behind
Any other good ways to slap my dong on the table?

Why are there no good Temur commanders? I feel like both the Bloomburrow jeskai amd MH3 jeskai commanders could have been Temur without changing anything about them
Depends how big of a tempo swing it is. If it's a card like The One Ring you legitimately have to answer it immediately or it will just make so much advantage you will lose on sheer attrition unless their deck legitimately does nothing or gets unworldly clog.
Seems like a fun ability without being too over the top. Why not?
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More power to you man
I'm pretty sure there's one of those gay Mutate guys in those colors that's "good"
>he doesn't put on hours long podcasts while performing another task
Not going to make it.
You will be building AND playing the fotm commander. You will be THAT guy.
lol no. Arthur isn't going to be the fotm commander. I doubt he'll ever even come close to cracking the top 100 on edhrec
Apparently you don't know what fotm means
Literally every commander from a new set is fotm
He's bad. Not just memey oh haha it's edh and it's fun to play bad cards bad, but genuinely awful and a horrible trap for new players. What was your first thought seeing him? Something something swing with the mouse and then get a powerful creature from the top 6 to do something cool? Well, here's where I rain on your parade. The bitch aint got no protection AND requires you to swing with another creature. You go through the trouble of casting him and poof, your opponent bounces whatever other token or small creature he's with and you dont get the trigger. But okay let's say you do get the trigger, and you cast him on curve but didnt draw any cards extra cards but your one per turn. That means you have a 6/87 chance of hitting your big boi, roughly 7 percent, which is bad. So you put more fatties in your deck to increase your odds. But now you've just utterly fucked your deck construction because you have all these big boys to draw that you cant actually play. Long and short of it, you're going to have a real bad time, even with manipulation effects because the deck is inherently pulling in two directions at once: your mouse and his friend vs. setting up big bois for him on the top deck.
i exclusively play slivers
That's like saying you only jerk off to boobs.
It'll be a sneak attack type of deck. It'll be a little heavy on the top end of the curve, but it's really not as bad as you're making it out to be.
>winota with U is bad
>he's bad cause he needs a gameplan and it can be interrupted!!!!
Epic edhbrain
Just run 50 good midrange creatures, especially creatures that have good attack triggers and creatures who give extra combats, durdle until turn 4 or 5 and then hit the board flailing.
Probably a Uigger
It's exactly that bad, if not worse. Your "combo" is extremely fragile and conditional, and in order to get a payoff you need to open yourself up to brick city. You're also in Jeskai, one of the worst colour fixing identities in the game, casting the most telegraphed removal bait type of commander that exists. I get it, mousey cute and big thing swing. The juice isnt worth the squeeze on this one.
He's not amazing, but this is a really cringey take.
Post sum artifacts
I'm thinking Isochron with Brainstorm to repeatedly Blightsteel.
I'm pretty sure its the same autist over the past few threads who's been having melties over the tiniest little things.
>especially creatures that have good attack triggers
Would attack triggers be good though? If they're coming in through Arthur's ability, they're already entering attacking, so attack triggers wouldn't trigger.
Build your stupid mouse, do the thing once every ten games, and take the deck apart. I'm just warning you this dumb mouse has Rakdos Lord of Riot's curse.
Probably meant etb triggers
That makes much more sense.
No, I mean attack triggers. Make a deck where you want to attack with 2+ dudes per turn anyway even if you don't have your commander. Stop trying to make a combo deck.
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Not as spicy but definitely a card I keep thinking about.
>stop telling me how to play my bad commander, I want to make terrible decks!
Okay bud.
Why would it use coin tokens if you arent flipping them? Fucking wotc...
I appreciate the concern. I'm well aware he won't be crushing any cedh tables. But I've had the same three commanders for the past decade or so. If I build something, I don't normally take it apart. He actually gave me that brewing feeling that I haven't had for a while. I love commanders with a neat ability that aren't overpowered, and he seems to hit that sweetspot.
looks like he's a "run a bunch of adventures" commander. most have really cheap instant sides for interaction and can still be decent sized bodies for his ability
Initiative might also be good, if there are enough cards to support it.
Except Winota lets you keep the creature on the battlefield, she doesn't have to attack herself to trigger the ability, and she gives the creature coming in protection. They're not even remotely the same in terms of power level. I'd say it's closer to the Boar God.
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Idk anon, if it gives you an errection or whatever you do you, I cant really argue with that. It will take A LOT of tuning and the best version of the deck might be centered around lots of small guys and value rather than a big swingy turn.
>turn 10+
>ur dragon player is going to lose 10 life and lose the game
>casts cyclonic rift
>table groans
>one guy just says 'what if we just ignore it?'
>loser loses his shit eating grin as we ignore his cyclonic rift and continue
>pulls his deck back out and tries to start casting shit from his deck
>because 'we aren't playing the game right'
>we three agree to be the winners, game is cancelled due to sperg out
>spills his deck on the floor
>his face
you're in white, scam it onto the battlefield, esp w good etbs
I don't even know what's real anymore
yeah all those single target blinks surely won't work! oh, the blue ones too!
Here let me just have more open mana after manafixing for my expensive commander, and setting up my top deck, and playing another creature to swing with it, and protecting both of them.
Gay story cheater anon. Dont play magic if you cant handle it.
>want to build Mr. Foxglove because he's hot
>can't bring myself to do it because his mechanics are boring
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The best part of this commander is how you can be greedy as fuck with the counterspells you run.
You're kinda right actually now that I've thought about it, it's more like you want abilities that trigger on damage and abilities that can be activated when attacking, then it plays nice with Arthur's ability and yet it's still useful even if you don't have Arthur. My point is that you should build a deck with CMC4-6 creatures who want to attack all day long, then your deck works even without the mouse, and when you put down the mouse and sift for creatures then it just accelerates the thing that you were already doing. It's tempting to pick the creatures who give the greatest payoff when cheated in via mouse but a deck full of those creatures won't really work.
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>tfw they'll never print a commander with my fetish and interesting mechanics
Furries get all the luck...
What kind of fucking meta do you live in thar you can never attack with a 5 toughness mouse and another creature. You larpers play in the most bizarre combo heavy but also beater heavy and everyone also always has 7+ pieces of removal heavy metas it's absurd
I'm a furry and Bloomburrow is ass. Every single legendary creature is uninspired.
I have a janky white weenie soul sisters deck that this thing slots into beautifully
Yeah, but you get yiff jace. I'm never going to get guro anything.
Would sundial be good in this?
>cheat in stax pieces under rule of law then end the turn so they stick
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Anon I play edh twice a week and have built hundreds of decks, even for people in this very thread. Toughness has nothing to do with it, you need to protect both your mouse and whatever you're attacking with from 3 players of removal, and the effect is obviously powerful. It's about as telegraphed as a combo can get.
you've got vidya for that
So this was basically just a "dies to doomblade" conversation?
>playing voltron
>opponent tries to living death my board away and kill me with his gy
>crop rotate into scavenger grounds
>cheat out talon gate to phase my commander out
>bonk him to death next turn
Get fucked
Always satisfying.
I don't think so, because it doesn't do anything unless Arthur has already triggered, and it doesn't help Arthur to trigger. It's winmore and it encourages you to run more winmore (big fatties that aren't useful unless you can cheat them in with Arthur).
If you extend it to "mana intensive, dies to doomblade on it, or another creature on your board, and is likely to wiff" then sure.
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They chose the saltiest version of Sorin.
The real question is, which unplayable fatties are the best flavor-fit for an Arthur deck? I don't think this lil guy should be summoning eldrazi (though I admit that his wooden horse gives me the creeps).
knight tribal
I like the idea of a tiny mouse summoning leviathans and krakens.
I'm looking for a new Commander to play and I'm having trouble finding what I want. My group is relatively casual, and I've found that my favorite Commanders are ones that give the other players things to do to (ex. Zurzoth, Chaos Rider making everyone draw and discard cards). Does anyone have any suggestions?
All those words and not a single one related to my post
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I want to find space for it but it really feels like the chance you just hit something disastrous is too high.
They should have given him ward 2.
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Sorry anon, I'll counterspell your doomblade.
what's the worst that could happen? just have it backed up with a counterspell
Eldrazi player in group so on-cast trigger that exiles half my library.
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My opponent misplayed pretty badly when they were ahead on board but this bastard won me a game.
chair tribal but i give them all flying
>bluetranny counterspells my wincon
>my bf and bff agree to just ignore it
>saltlord scoops and leaves the table without saying a word
I'll take "Things That Never Happened" for 200, Alex.
dumb ass take
>Greentranny tries to turn his fatties sideways for game
>Table agrees to just ignore it
>Saltlord scoops
Good for Shilgengar?
Seems like it works well to me, though the synergy is there the reward comes down to how often you're expecting him to get hated out or how much you need the bonus life. I'd say do it and if he feels lackluster in your actual matches, toss him.
Speaking of bats, down to like 127 on my Aclazotz Discard/Sacrifice hybrid garbage bin.
Shilgengar can get all the blood he needs from a single angel. Playing a five drop that gets incidental value from the opponent's creatures dying when that's not something the deck plans to facilitate means it doesn't really contribute, especially when it's neither a demon nor angel.
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Hmmm I think dubs speak. My commander is already 5 mana which is insanely expensive by todays' standards so my curve needs to be low. It was already very sad to discover this guy doesn't remove the finality counters when reanimated with his ability
why wouldn't he? he sees them enter, and they have a clause to enter "with" the counter on it as part of the ability resurrecting him, his ability doesn't go on the stack until after that ability fully resolves
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Why do you think it doesn't work? It enters with a finality counter, the theif's ETB triggers and wipes away all counters, and you're good
You know for a second I was about to go "nu uh" but then I realized it says "as" he enters, so it's a replacement effect and not an ETB trigger.
Thief is not "when" but "as", it's not an etb. Both effects happen at the same time, when the creatures are not yet permanents
I see. That makes sense. Still, nothing you can't fix with Teleportation Circle or the like.
Another option is that 3 cost enchantment that stops counters from being put on things. Maybe it was only players, but I think it was anything.
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Solemnity's main issue in this context is it's only useful beforehand. Thief of blood can clean up afterwards.
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went and found it for myself, it's dis one
Good point, it has to already be out. I'd say some nice simple flicker tech could be really helpful then. Teleportation Circle, Conjuror's Closet, or just simply slapping in stuff like Flicker of Fate and Ephemerate for some decent ETBs would be solid.
>In the quiet of the meditation realm, the two last surviving elder dragons of dominaria lock eyes
>Their gazes are filled with equal parts apprehension and anticipation, looking to the other for guidance in the moment of vulnerable intimacy
>As their bodies draw closer, their instincts begin to take over, their heartbeats quickening in unison as they join together in a way that feels like it was always meant to be
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pic related works together correct?
if Mortus Strider dies, I can just put it back into play assuming my opponent lets me?
So I think if you order the triggers correctly, yes. Both are a "dies" trigger, so both would go on the stack and you'd choose the order as you control both, so i THINK it works that way.
>Strider dies (meaning it hits the grave specifically)
>Strider and Bane both trigger
>order it so Strider resolves first, placing it in your hand
>Bane now resolves, allowing you to choose a creature with equal or less toughness to put into play
As far as I can tell, it checks out.
yeah that was my thought process as well
I was just confused because not many decks on edhrec have it
I usually skim edhrec for anything I might've missed or a synergy I haven't seen, but I find that lots of combos with cheap and completely forgotten commons tend to float under the radar as people end up cutting them for one reason or another and they don't end up in final uploaded decklists.
For example, your particular combo is really nice, but unless you have alternate recurring methods, it's 100% better to just give you the draw so you don't have what is effectively an infinite death/enter effect. The difference between going infinite is someone saying "draw a single card", you know?
sure, it's not really a combo piece unless you're colluding with another player
but I find the Bane struggles to sometimes have enough creatures to toss into play since people would much rather risk the chance of me having a creature than just a raw card
it's more like grease that keeps the engine rolling than anything else
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This could help.
I wanted to buy a bunch of cards and then I found out a bunch of them are in the next set precon
I tend to order a couple of new precons if I see that sort of thing. I recommend it, and gives some chaff for your binders for the cards worth a few dollars and a bunch of regular junk in case you ever need it
Yeah, I feel you. If it serves your purposes, I totally recommend it, I just figure that the fact it can't combo is part of why it likely ends up cut from other Bane decks for something like a tutor, utility, or the like. I say use it because playing cards that people have likely never heard of is one of my favorite parts of magic. In my LGS people didn't really know about Tombstone Stairwell or Uba Mask til I brought mine in.
I'm so fucking horny. I'm swearing off mtg until I get laid
Good luck, anon
Thanks man. Just this once, hope to read you tomorrow lol
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Some of these I own, some of these I'm looking at buying. I hope to turn it into a decent pile somehow...
Good luck finding an irl Foxglove.
First thing that comes to mind is that if you're doing sac/recursion, those two discard cards are pretty tame/not very good. I'd say swap the Beetle out for Nezumi Bonereader. Same mana cost at 1B, but it doubles as discard and a sac outlet. B, Sacrifice a Creature: Target player discards a card. Sorcery timing.
Pilfer is fine because I assume you're being intentionally selective. Otherwise, you've definitely got a LOT of draw and removal in there lmao

This is what I'm currently working on
Need to make 25 more cuts
It's hard because I need the sacrifice/death triggers to sorta carry the Discard to the actual win, but I hate the idea of getting half of either strategy when I draw in and just sputtering around.
Foxglove is a pretty common plant anon.
cool card neat
No problem, you can also use Mind Slash as a 3 cost redundancy but as an enchantment. Same timing rules, but harder to remove than a creature.
Thank you for this cute ratto, I am saving him
Oh yeah forgot to include that Mind Slash actually lets you pick the card similar to Pilfer but has no rules on what kind of card.
Hey faggot who stole my old trip, stop pretending to be me.
people definitely impersonate others to be helpful and informative, anon
Bojuka Bog is a very annoying tapped land. It always comes way too early or way too late. a slot for Soul Guide Lantern is worth so much more
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What are some obvious includes and replacements?
mana crypt
imagine designing that card and thinking "yep seems ok"
that flip should be if the Crypt gets untapped or not, not some stupid burn
Hey watch out, I have /b/ lore and love being an attentionfag
If that dipshit was so helpful he could probably help himself with the “25 cuts” hes been needing for his deck for a week now. Hang all tripfags and tripfag apologists.
wasn't it like 80 cuts two days ago? no one should makes doubledecker decks and then try to "cut them down" lmao
everyone complains about finality counters.

I think they are hilarious, I want to play with them and the Ozolith.
No one should, but if you’re that retarded in the first place I doubt anyone could talk you down from Mount Drool Cup
Crazy how the rat mechanic in this next set is milling and graveyard stuff and there isn't a single cheap CMC creature that surveils in black.
Guess Undead Butler will remain the king of cheap self mill in black on a creature.
That can't be right. I have it on good authority that you can tune a piano, but you can't tuna fish.
I can't make mono white artifacts works, the fucking deck does fuck all in 2 out of 3 times despite running. recommend me a list please so I can learn what people with skill are actually doing
He's a shit commander. Don't know why anons are getting upset, play it if you want but it's bad. And that's okay
Love the homosexual dragon, quite the fun deck
>this commander DOESNT ramp, draw, protect itself, feeds its own ability and doubles the value on the vanilla test?
>Yes, unplayable trash, a beginner trap
>What the fuck even is a build around?

edh brainrot through and through.
retarded sentiments like this got us Voja, Myriim, Isshin
I really hate Farewell.
It's not because it makes the game drag on, or because I don't like having my stuff destroyed.
It's because I look at 100 potential cards that say 'your shit has hexproof and indestructible' and go , nope, don't care.
I look at 100 cards that say 'return your whatever to the battlefield' and go nope, don't care.

Farewell being the premier board wipe, it's the one I KNOW is what I need to play around because it's almost certainly what I'm being hit by. And there isn't really play around ( it resolving I mean, obviously you can counter it) other than phasing out.
It just makes so many cards and strategies redundant imo.
i love that he makes eggs viable and faster, instead of super durdley. but at the same time he makes them too fucked
i hate Farewell without a plan, and plainly using all modes - which is the only way i ever see it being used.
After it resolved, the player who drew the most cards before just wins
you see, this requires even a smidge of creativity and build around, something the other anon is obviously incapable of processing
there's a guy in our pod who openly admits farewell is his favourite card ever printed, aggressively mulligans/tutors for it every game and plays most game with just removal/counters, slams a farewell to reset the game, then wins with an A+B combo from hand most games. It's a legit way to play but i do find it rather boring.
Also if i'm not in colours that can counter the farewell, i often feel there's not much i can do about it. I'd rather the card cost like 5 or even 4 and didn't exile considering its so wide range, or maybe only one of the choices could be 'exiled' or something.
Some fags are opening collector's boxes, I guess here's a preview of what kind of rarity and cards can be expected
>3 (three) planeswalker cards in one pack
what the absolute fuck
sounds like a massive fag, im glad our pod hates combo shit.
but at least this bitch has a plan and just pops Farewell whenever. How does he not get hated out each game?
and i agree, it is annoyingly pushed that you can just chose however much, it should be an Austere Command type deal with a choice of 2
he tells everyone i'm the threat at the table each week and it's kinda stuck. I'm the complete opposite in terms of deckbuilding - i use powerful cards (it's a high power pod generally) but everything i do is kinda 'on the board' as it were? Describing it poorly i guess, but like a Teysa deck - you can see all the parts there so it looks scary right? Wheras someone drawing a lot of cards, accumulating advantage is less obvious?
Anyway he generally directs the other people in the pod to consider me more of a threat, they are less experienced players (he is by far the best mtg player in general there) and tend to believe him. It's kinda become the pod 'in joke' of 'anon is the threat' and he has openly said before that if he beats me he wins pretty much 100% of the time because the other players dont pack removal and he diverts threat onto me for this reason, but people still just don't really learn.
Whatever, my cross to bear. but tying that to why i hate farewell is if i know someone is gunning for me every game, i could pack recursion, reanimation, protection etc. But you cant even pillowfort effectively vs farewell because it doesn't target, it exiles, and hits multiple permanent types so unless im in blue to counter it, or can hold up teferis protection it's just over.
I like Farewell because its an out to retarded shit like "haha my shit is indestructible and hexproof fuck you"
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Who the FUCK is Sazacap?
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im building a SedrisReanimator list right now, my self-milling of choice is Draw/Discard.
i need to cut about 5 cards and i wondered how much Draw/Discard effects i should run.
Im currently at 21, at what point is it too much?
>bluefags will get even more free counterspells
>phyrexiantroon defends cancer Jin gitaxias AND sheoldred
you deserve the hatred you get
so basically your table were so salty at the green player you cheated?
experienced pubstomper playing newbies like a damn fiddle. many such cases. if they cant learn, look for a new pod
>And there isn't really play around
Don't overextend. That used to be common knowledge before they decided to start printing a dozen ways to make your board indestructible and hexproof.
so you're saying you are upset that you go wide every time you play, get board wiped and lose after a single boardwipe...
this isn't a high powered pod you're describing the average new player experience. Get good, if you're actually complaining or losing to singular board wipes then you are fucked lmao
Certain decks have far more ability to do this than others though. Some decks need more on board pieces to accrue advantage, imagine the difference between say a Tymna deck and a rustic study. The end game of the don't overextend line of thinking just leads to people holding up A+B combos in their hands and winning on the spot, which decreases deck diversity imo
No, that's not what I said at all if you make the most base level attempt to engage with the post in good faith. It's not about me being upset, I'm saying the nature of the card being so popular and exiling crowds out a lot of other strategies and redundancy gameplans which I think makes deck building less diverse and contributes to more boring games. Nobody is saying they're losing off a single board wipe (except you trying to build a strawman and then epically own it to look edgy on the chans) but the ability to recover after said board wipe is far more narrow since reanimation, recursion, and the vast majority of protection is completely irrelevant.
>It's not about me being upset
yes it is, you're cleverly trying to dress it up as a legitimate criticism of farewell but in reality it's just a half assed attempt to cover up the fact that you're seething over getting your board nuked
be a better player instead of crying
This is shit for shilgengar. You want your 5 drop to be him in that deck. And to combo off next turn
Ok if your argument is just going to be
Lol urmad urmas urmad like a 12 year old I won't bother
You got me bro I'm totally epic mad seething trolled!
Anon shilgengar is a combo deck. Your win is by creating and sacrificing blood tokens for blood artist effects not reanimating a huge board. I entombed mirkwood bats, outriders en kor and angelic protector. Make angelic 0/1010101010 and sacrifice her. Win game
just don't go wide next time there's no argument you can make rationally about farewell that doesn't also reveal that you're a low skill retard
>he doesn't know that /edhg/ plays in a meta where everyone plays with their full deck in hand at all times
Why do you think "do thing, draw card" is so hated here? Because when you play with 100 card opening hands, you never need to draw.
It was a 300 card list 2 days ago anon ^.^ he's done plenty of work on his own and his posts are objectively more substantive than. Yours
Yes there is you're bad at searching up cards.
Fuck you, I hope you get a hangnail that gets infected.
That's not scam dumb bitch
It is in essence giving you the same desired effect as using any of the scam effect cards. You are getting your creature permanently for much cheaper than you should have.
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A real nigga
No. This is like that one time the guy called his voltron deck a tron deck. Words mean things.
Yes they do, and these are both scam effects lmao. Like by definition. You are scamming the downside (returning or sacking it) by flickering it. Which actually is also used in real scam packages they just prefer the not dead after all varieties
Those are flicker cards. You mean run flicker cards. Scam specifically refers to cards like malakir rebirth and feign death. You're just a newfag slopping up terminology like a retard.
WB Scam with Ephemerate is a thing.
>yadda yadda modern nonsense
I only play legacy. You scam with reanimate, like a boss. Whatever weird shit you think you're doing is not scam and if you want to fight me about it I'll psychic frog all over your chin.
Those are just decks that play ephemerate in scam decks with scam packages. There are decks that run grief with reanimate and no scam package that aren't called scam decks, because they don't run scam packages, newfag.
WITH ephemerate. There is a good reason flicker/blink decks are not called "scam" decks. Lmao kid you just used terminology wrong, just admit it and move on.
Yes they are flicker cards, and the flicker effect provides the scam in question here.
>scam with reanimate
Literally not scam you fucking retard lmao that's just reanimating.
>those are just scam decks that include alternative ways to scam in the main deck
Genuine retards lmfao
The orzhov scam decks Main deck 4 ephemerates and only 2 malakirs. Ephemerate is how they are scamming lmao
That's reanimate, not scam. I also play legacy. We don't call it scam there. There are "scaminator" decks, but they run the scam packages.
Flickering is not scamming and you zoomfags need to get off my fucking lawn.
When's the earliest we can expect previews for 2025 cards? Are there any cons WotC will be at coming up?
What's the deck's name? Do you see any stupid whatever you're talking about?
It quite literally is holy fuck
Scam decks are thoroughly newfag territory lmao
>screenshot fell off
The decks name is Orzhov Scam and it's built around scamming thief with ephemerate
Zommers getting sloppy with language is not my problem. Is Restoration Angel scam card? Uhhh teleportation circle? You don't even know the evolution of the decks you're talking about. They started out WB and nobody called them scam. Eventually they added the scam package with the black feign death cards. Hell scam also specifically refers to the pitch elementals. Juts because you guys sloppad up your naming conventions doesn't mean you have to sloppa up ours. Goddamn you zoom zooms are hopelessly broken and retarded little creatures.
You're new. If you don't run pitch elementals it's not scam. Simple as end of the conversation. Your mouse deck isn't a scam deck.
You're objectively wrong anon. It's okay you can type as much as you want, flickering is still used in scam decks, even in place of malakir type cards, for the scam effect. It literally has NOTHING to do with the specific cars you're scamming and everything to do with the negative effect you are avoiding hence the term SCAMMING
Nothing to do with the cards you're scamming WITH*
No one even plays this deck according to mtggoldfish you lying fucks. Ephemerate is flicker, scam is reanimating grief. End of discussion.

Why lie? And why be objectively wrong. Check spikes list lol not even a malakir card, just ephemerates. YOU NIGGERS ARE WRONG GET OVER IT
No, the pitch elementals make it an Evoke deck, as officially labeled by WOTC.
>doesnt show up on the top decks
Wow just because some faggot invented some bullshit doesnt change the fact the scam package in LEGACY is grief troll and reanimate.
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I was playing with some friends the other night and got of this sick scam combo
I literally linked to it winning multiple tourneys. You're bad, you don't know the game, you don't understand archetypes. And instead you just get mad throwing around legacy (which doesn't matter). It's sad anon
You think you're funny but it just shows how dumb you are to not understand what the scam archetype is trying to achieve.
That's mono B reanimator.
I actually watched the deck form from the beginning over multiple years and formats and called Fury one of the best cards in the set during spoiler season. I know more than you ever will babby. You only get to call ephemerate a -scam- card if it is in a -scam- deck.
Yeah check out this sick scam combo I just invented.
>shu yun out
>cast ephemerate on recruiter of the guard
>get solitude
>exile an attacker and swing with my one punchy boy
this card has saved me more times than I can count
Because it reanimates atraxa as the backup to the scam package.
Love this card in my R/W scam deck. It's so fun scamming ardent elementalist, and getting this into a lethal attack.
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>bunch of irrelevant stuff that literally only serves to show her stupid and narrow minded he is
Way to go champ. The essence of scam is using a flicker of malakir effect to circumvent losing your free creature. That's it. No you don't need grief grief is just one of the best targets cause it can be cast for free and provides control
Is using Flickers/Undying on Prototype creatures in Standard a scam deck?
I love this card, but its always fucking life loss, or increments of like 1-3 multiple times that kills me.

its never one big wallop that I can reflect.
Scam is a specific strategy, with a specific set of cards, in specific formats. You don't get you start calling all flicker and reanimate cards "scam" in all formats because you started playing magic two years ago. Words mean things, especially in magic. If you muddy your language too much, you don't communicate ideas properly which is why where in this retarded back and forth anyway.
If you use only flicker, no. If you use feign death, then yes.
Sure is. Also using sundial of the infinite on sedris' reanimated boys is scam.
You can at the very least say "scam" is using undying effects on evoke creatures as that is the core of the scam decks, but still.
Yes and that specific strategy is cheating the downsides of creatures that you got into play for free to keep them there. Words do mean things! And in magic they represent ARCHETYPES, specific game functions you want to take to receive a desired outcome.
I will accept that if you can accept flicker and reanimator are distinct from scam.
When did you start playing magic?
But anon your opinion comes from modern and that isnt a real format.
Flickering an evoke thing is probably still close enough to scam to count, but not flickering in general.
2005. You realize scam is a very new strategy right anon?
Modern is where scam decks were invented anon...
So why do you insist on breaking established naming conventions?
I'm not. I'm looking at the essence of the archetype and saying you can find it other ways which is done, and has been done in tournament settings and had success. It's sad you guys don't even realize how stupid you are. Let's say the first creature ever reanimated was grizzly bears. Your arguments is essentially saying
>ermmm no that isn't a reanimation deck cause where is the grizzly bear!? Archetypes evolve and expand to allow more card selection within the archetype to still achieve your desired effect.
Once you start pilpulling, I'm done with you. I will be making fun of you in the future however.
>once you beat me I'm done but i will make up a reason for why I'm not actually a loser
Ironic you cry about the misuse of words then pull out pilpul improperly
>I'm looking at the essence of the archetype and saying you can find it other ways which is done, and has been done in tournament settings and had success. It's sad you guys don't even realize how stupid you are
Sure thing rabbi.
Yes anon having an actual intellectual view and outlook on the game is very Jewish. I pity you greatly and hope you can one day let your Aryan savior Jesus into your heart. What's ACTUALLY Jewish is ignoring the argument and reasoning I gave and instead deciding to try and discredit me, thoroughly kikeish behavior.
Flicker is not scam.
Reanimator is not scam.
Scam is scam.
Done. If you disagree you are wrong.
I've already proven you wrong every step of the way provided actual example from the game and tournament settings and real arguments. You're just too dumb to think for yourself anon and it shows. Feel free to respond to my reanimator comparison because that is what you are doing
>that's not the first creature ever reanimated this isn't a reanimator list!!!!!
You're really having a melty there huh? Why is calling every archetype in the game "scam" so important to you?
>ahktsually what if reanimator decks reanimated grizzley bears
>I just want to expand the nature of the word to fit my arguement
There is tron voltron guy, and you are now flicker scam guy.
>tron voltron guy
you mean suicide voltron (control)
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>token spam.deck
>have secure the wastes
>notice Martial Coup is only one white more
i know cheaper is usually better but a flexable boardwipe seems handy
Just wait until they find out about ReScaminator
>token spam deck
>guy at the table plays leyline of singularity
Abdel Adrian/Far Wanderer
Chainer, Dementia Master
Winota, Joiner of Forces
Roon of the Hidden Realm
Meren of Clan Nel Toth

All scam decks btw
yes yes my counter beats your counter and so on and so forth
Show me a single scam deck that doesn't run pitch elementals. I will wait until the end of time.
I thought the "scam" part of scam was more about Evoke rather than the flicker/reanimate instant
It is, but one autist is having a melty about it applying to every archetype in the game.
No, this one anon thought tron meant voltron and spammed it for many threads.
Oh I missed that one
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I pulled this guy the other guy, is he worth it in a red storm/spellslinger deck? I know he's good in standard but I dunno if he scales to commander
>prowess on a flying hasty body you can cast for “free” on turns later
I don’t see how he is not an include in spellslinger decks
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>walking my dog to the corner store to get some delicious watermelon warhead ghosts
>thicc big tiddy latina with glasses and a cute face walking around the corner
>see her dog
>my dog sees her dog
>starts borking
>she apologizes and bounces by smiling at me while my dog is losing his mind
>sigh, finish my quest, go home and buy some mh3 boosters online
it's mostly about if he is a proper finisher or not. shit like grapeshot, aria of flame, aetherflux and the new otter can pretty much end games, while this guy is nice but at best he can "only" knock out one player, and storm/spellslinger is usually not a deck that plays the long game, so quick finishers are preferred
I guess I just slot him in and see how he performs in person and then decide
My 0-creatures Nadu Voltron deck did surprisingly well last night, though it definitely needs some blue bounce spells to keep the board in check. I found I couldn't even swing in half the time because my single creature was so thoroughly outnumbered that I feared every crackback.
Why not add urza's saga and polymorph? I run a creatureless deck just for that reason.
Urza's Saga makes a creature. The point of the deck is to not have a 10 hour turn with Nadu, and to just get 2 activations/player's turn using cheap targeting protection and pump spells.
Yes, a creature that you then sacrifice to polymorph to cheat out any creature in your colours. It'll take your bad idea and make it a good one.
The point of the deck is that it turns a strong commander that combos with almost anything into a much fair commander. Your idea has nothing to do with the strategy and sounds fucking boring.
The point of your deck is to be intentionally bad, as is the style of the time. The new point of your deck could be good, or it could be bad. That's up to you, use your imagination. Get gorzoroth or whatever. Either way, you're just begging to have your commander removed twice and your deck to turn into a useless pile of cardboard, which is the definition of boring.
>Either way, you're just begging to have your commander removed twice and your deck to turn into a useless pile of cardboard, which is the definition of boring.
The deck insulates itself against removal with any number of instants that give indestructible/hexproof/phasing. It also has Riptide Laboratory to dodge board wipes, Command Beacon for high tax. More important Nadu himself ramps you off your pump spells so his commander tax is rarely that steep. You just made a lot of weird presumptions about the deck to suggest your stupid polymorph strategy.
>stupid polymorph strategy
Says the guy building creatureless nadu, you're making a lot of weird assumptions about a proven t1 strategy that's also flavourful and fun. You only get to draw two cards a turn and if you're scared of combat with multiple blockers you're obviously doing something wrong. What if someone pithing needles or dranith magistrates your bird or casts ensnaring bridge. You're going to have a bad time. Instead, you could polymorph out apex devastator. Or progenitor mimic. It's up tp you really.
>a proven t1 strategy
>What if someone pithing needles
On a creature with no activated ability.
>you could polymorph out apex devastator
A creature that must be cast. Very specific bait post but very good.
Polymorph is a t1 strategy in edh.
So is playing mana rocks
That does not make Sky Diamond a good card
>Polymorph is a t1 strategy in edh.
It's true, haters gunna hate.

But playing mana rocks alone wont ever win the game. Casting polymorph will, or at the very least it will do exactly what you want.
"im playing a voltron deck."
"erm, have you tried playing a polymorph deck?"
are you perchance retarded anon?
answers my question, carry on
>i hate Farewell without a plan, and plainly using all modes - which is the only way i ever see it being used.
I hate pretty much any boardwipe being used like this. "Oh I'm losing in a turn or two? Better board wipe, that way I can lose 5 turns from now!" If you know you're probably still going to lose after using the boardwipe and all it's going to do is make the game take an hour longer, don't fucking boardwipe.
>Hm... I'm going to lose in a few turns
>but if I stop my opponent from winning, the game will take longer!
>better throw the game instead
>they dont know
Ah my little summer children, one day you'll see the glories of polymorph in a game and go "holy shit that's busted".
You could change literally three cards and have a much stronger and funner deck because it's already creatureless, which is the biggest hurdle in a polymorph deck. But instead you'd rather build a bad deck with a good commander for a moderate-but-not-execeptional amount of hipster points.
I see you've never experienced the hell that is boardwipes extending games forever. I'm sure once you play a few more games, you'll see it eventually.
I've played commander for like... 10+ years now? You're just a baby.
I'm amazed you've never experienced that in all your years. Very surprising. I guess you're just lucky.
Boardwipes are usually pretty bad unless you're playing a bad deck.
No, I have, I just don't consider it a problem. It's gameplay. Are you new? Did you get onboarded to EDH by content creators always looking to make the game "fast" or something?
I don't care about fast games, I just hate when one fag keeps slamming down boardwipes that accomplish nothing other than pointlessly extending the game.
Well his board wipe dismantled your gameplay, so clearly you need some way to insulate yourself against it.
>opponent builds a big board
>slam down a boardwipe
>opponent now has less ability to win the game
>opponent slowly builds another board
>do it again
>repeat until your opponents deck is dumpstered
Seems like it's accomplishing something.
Incredibly tedious and durdly way to play the game, especially when you have no ability to make a comeback yourself and are just hoping to topdeck something usable.
No more or less durdly than summoning a bunch of shitty creatures and being stuck in an eternal stalemate.
>especially when you have no ability to make a comeback yourself and are just hoping to topdeck something usable.
LOL anon this is how Magic is played, are you fucking retarded?
>ugh, why did he bother playing swords to plowshares and kill my wincon to extend the game... he didn't even have a way to win
Yeah, no shit the guy with a board wipe doesn't have a way to win you fucking moron. But it certainly betters his odds of drawing into a win.
Sounds like a skill issue
>/edhg/ hates durdly games
>some guy on youtube says fast games are good
>/edhg/ now loves durdly games
because nobody actually likes durdle games, when people say
>I want to durdle
what they actually mean is
>please let me build my board of absurd threats uninterrupted
the truth is, deep down everyone just wants to win. People who admit this to themselves learn to let go and lose with grace. This is called sportsmanship
people like the dregs of edhg can't do this so instead they make up excuses as to why their opponents are bad people for winning and why they and they alone are based and deserve to win every game. It's just ego
I'm going to play some edh later, but friend wants to grab dinner first. It's a longish drive and hot as shit. I haven't left my cards in a hot car ever. Tips to protect my cards?
*gives you a fish*
Boardwipes fuck over players that overextend with greedy value piles, and is the only way to play removal without getting fucked over on card advantage. You're just a retard.
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Casual deck using the ring, once you've been tempted 3 times you have Killer Queen
Pick the commander who most reminds you of David Bowie

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