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Previous: >>93380480

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>how to proxy using any printer

Thread Question/Prompt: What's the most recent deck you've built that isn't a soulless precon upgrade ?
I'm going to play some edh later, but friend wants to grab dinner first. It's a longish drive and hot as shit. I haven't left my cards in a hot car ever. Tips to protect my cards from the heat?
What's your favorite scam card? For me, it's Teleportation Circle.
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Any sleeper etb cards for this flappy boi?
but that doesn't work with scam
*spews rhinos onto the table*
Leave the ac on and play calming music.

Hahaha no really they should be fine if it isnt humid as shit. If it is maybe get some moisture absorbing packs and put them in a cooler with the cards? Iunno
What's some tg approved edh youtube channels? Command zone is over produced. Prof has weird guests.
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Is this card really that obnoxious to deal with? I threw together a Tergrid deck the other day and the first three games I played with it someone scooped the instant I put Oppression on the field.
I hate tergrid so much its unreal. Worst commander they've ever printed.
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not tg approved but I'll go ahead and plug my channel
Just some lofi mtg bantz. Planning to do more commander dech techs
Thnx anon will look
if someone is only holding permanents, they give you insane value just by playing the game
some people just don't want to deal with that
so what's the plan with this guy?
i was planning to build it as a control deck, put in some blink spells to get some counters on him, then use more expensive, modal spells like Cryptic Command for control/advantage.
But i'm not really sure how you win the game with it, is there a mono blue scenario where you make infinite blinks then cast a giant X spell to kill everyone?
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
>End step triggers
>Choose circle to trigger first
>Blinks it, no longer has the give back trigger
How does it not work?
you run him in the 99 of a xolatoyac deck
google ghostly flicker combos
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read the evoke reminder text
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jesus anon imagine putting your actual face into this thread. Also get a haircut right now.
I gave you a like and subscribe though
hai ;)<3
Post em
But you didnt post any decks?
>Thread Question/Prompt: What's the most recent deck you've built that isn't a soulless precon upgrade ?
Budget Nadu Storm
Wincons are
>infinite storm count then Mind's Desire
>infinite mana then Biomass Mutation
>infinite mana then Bronze Cudgels
>Naru Meha infinitely blink a pinging desert
Anyone else run Pair o' Dice Lost? On average it gets back 7 mana worth of cards and guaranteeably every single 0-mana card in your yard.
This is a bad card. Fuck bloomburrow is so shit...
Just realized this is limited to one spell per turn holy shit it's a garbage card lmao
cute synergy but I advise against sleeving up cards which require another card from the 99 to work in casual decks.
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>arcane denial is better than counterspell
>looks like that
We're in for a long one boys...
Arcane Denial IS better than counterspell.
>advising against including synergy in your casual decks
What a bizarre recommendation
Depends on so many factors it reduces your statement to no more than a starter for arguments. Yes, maybe, as you add more colours or are storming off or some shit. No, specifically, because giving your opponents card draw is bad and you should feel bad.
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mono U is the most fun mono and its not even close
I don't run joke cards
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Yes. This is an undisputed fact.
>Depends on so many factors it reduces your statement to no more than a starter for arguments. Yes, maybe, as you add more colours or are storming off or some shit. No, specifically, because giving your opponents card draw is bad and you should feel bad.
Counterspell is
>more color prohibitive
>arguably one of the worst counterspells in casual commander, because it does absolutely nothing else
Arcane Denial is
>only 1 blue pip
>REPLACES ITSELF (almost no cheap counters in commander do this) so you're not "down" a card in-hand after answering your opponent
>tempo-counters the card you NEED gone in exchange for two cards that come on a later turn
I haven't run Counterspell in a commander deck since like 2011. I HAVE run Arcane Denial since then to now.
Do you mean because it requires footfalls? Most of the deck is 1-drop enchantments so the two in that pic aren't necessary. And the rest is effects that shuffle footfalls back in.

So yeah, footfalls is susceptible to being exiled or something but there's a fair amount of shuffle abilities to protect it. And even if it does get exiled, I can pivot to commander damage ftw
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But did you watch the video? I could type out my argument but it's right there in the video.

Boils down to counterspell leaves two opponents at +1 card. Arcane denial leaves one opponent at +1 card.
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what commander will let me play the closest equivalent of Legacy lands/DD?
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You just repeated what I said and added something about tempo.
Here's a thought experiment:
Would you rather run generic counterspell or a U instant that counters a spell, draws you a card, and draws your opponent 3 cards on upkeep.

How about 0 mana, draws you a card, and draws your opponent 4 cards on upkeep?
Fanatic of Mogus
like infinite turns with archaeomancer?
>card isn't FIRE design and is actually somewhat balanced
>wtf bros this is shit i hate it
All you said was it's better for multicolor and bad because it gives your opponent cards.
I'm not going to watch your video, no matter how much you beg and bait.

Windgrace, I think? There isnt a 1 to 1 because lacking 3 crop rotations hurts you real bad.
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>turn 1
Why does this cause so much cope and seethe from everyone else at the table? Everybody has one in their deck
You need Footfalls in the deck. once it hits the graveyard the Auras are just bad or do you play more payoffs?
How much Recursion do you play to get Footfalls back into your library?
Soldevi Dagger has to show up at the perfect time or its a wasted card slot.
0 mana one would be ok in a cedh game like pact, where you absolutely have 0 intention of them ever getting to the next turn, as a defensive free counterspell whilst you're comboing. Would be dogshit in casual though.
Everyone has one in their deck because there's no reason not to have one in their deck. It should 100% be banned.
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I see the issue but I don't see what Evoke has to do with it.
The reason TP circle doesn't work is because it says it returns under its owners control.
It DOES work with a card like Cloudshift, where it returns under your control.
this post goes against the spirit of the format and you should be kicked out of every table for having such a dumbass opinion
This is a bad post. Fuck this anon is so cringe...
Edh is THE fast mana format and no matter of bitching from casuals will change that.
it's funny watching casuals cry about sol ring
go watch any casual edh game on youtube - the entire first 4 fucking turns are spent ramping anyway. you could make a rule at casual tables that you just start with 4 lands out and 6 cards in hand and the games would be identical
It's not as bad as arthur, but in edh it's pretty bad. What are you going to do, turn your islands or one of your 4 tech lands into an island and cast a single spell?
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Here's my list if you're interested:

I'm running 13 cards that can shuffle it back in. I'm also running a lotus bloom to hit off cascade. There's like 30 1-mana enchantments in the deck which aren't great without lotus bloom and or footfalls in the deck, but I'm running an enchantress package so usually they will be drawing more cards when they enter.
>Sigurd(Enchantress with a focus on Sagas)
>Ulalek (Eldrazi)
>Edward (Pirates and theft)
>Faldorn (Exile)
>Mishra, Eminent One (Artifacts)
>WiP - Henzie (Jund Dragons + Reanimation)
Not sure if anyone thinks the same but I think Red might be the most fun color but I don't like playing mono red.
>Cast a single spell
The counters persist and most counter spells are 2-3cmc. It's one spell PER TURN and mono blue is the king of instants
Edh and vintage are the only formats with any concept of ramp. Fite me.
And sol ring is in every single deck which (homi)genizes the format
Avalanche Riders and Obsidian Charmaw.
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luv me some 'grid
Oh wow, you get U per turn. For 1UUU. For only instants and sorceries. Shit's bad, baral is better in almost every capacity besides looking cool, which admittedly the big fish does.
Honestly the more I read this the more I like it
>Counters persist like experience counters
>Big beater for Timmy in blue
>Free counter spells on your opponents turns

I might genuinely build this. When I first read it I was disappointed that the counters didn't work like pic related but it's growing on me but it's growing on me
From a casual glance, Arcane Denial is a near perfect card
Counterspell requires UU and therefore is less flexable in being able to use it, whereas Arcane Denial is 1U which lets you use more varieties of lands to use it as well as generally being able to be cost reducted easier (as most cause cards to be reduced by 1, which works on the 1U Arcane Denial but not the UU Counterspell)
Then in terms of local advantage, Arcane Denial is better.
>Counterspell makes you go -1 and your opponent go -1
In a 1v1 this is fine as you go +0 in advantage with them, but in EDH there is 2 other players who you didn't affect and you just put them in a more advantageous position.
>Arcane Denial makes you go +0 (-1 from Arcane Denial, +1 from the draw) and 1 opponent go +1 (-1 card you countered +2 draw)
This makes you even against 2 players and negative against 1 as opposed to even against 1 and negative against 2.
God damn you are a fucking retard, you get more than just (u), soon you're gonna have a free (uuuu) every turn
It's 1 card in the 99. Who cares, that slot isnt going to be used for anything innovative.
>let me just leave this big fish alone on the board for 4 turns before it's good
Casuals and their love of bad cards is hilarious.
Guarantee every commander I have is less FIRE than yours. The card is simply not very good lol
Wow you really showed me anon
This would be ok mindset if we were still casting shitty elder dragons for 8 mana and paying 3 to keep them each turn but that is not the case anymore.
You dont use counters for tempo in edh, you use them for answering game ending threats. Going -1 doesnt matter if you stop your opponent from comboing off. This is a specific discrete use because they're singleton. Allowing your opponent to draw a card gives them a hypothetical out that doesnt exist with normal spells. The value of each card is higher, and while they could draw nothing, they could theoretically draw anything in their deck. Limiting an opponent's outs is essential for winning the game and progressing your gameplan. While you get two cards, there is the possibility that the hypothetical card your opponent drew can answer both of them by the nature of answers in the format. That's a risk that should be avoided in my opinion, and there are more than enough counters in the format.
God damn you're still posting this? Meds
edh but everyone has sol ring in the command zone
Card advantage is fake. Being +1 or -4 to your components is not a real thing. Mathfags should always be shunned
you are missing Goblin Anarchomancer
I goldfished a few hands. I know you want to play lots of enchantments to get the payoff but the early game feels horrible due to this. you dont have much business until your commander drops.
Says you. The only people who complain about fast mana dont have access to it. Fast mana in a casual deck is fun because you get to cast your silly nonsense faster. Fast mana in higher power is fun because it's a strategic choice with a variety of counterplay.
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>Friend that's newer to the game has told me he won't play anything above 4cmc as his commander because its too expensive and slow
Math is for blue players. I jund and kill and it always works

Math is for multicolour nerds. Monoblue chads just play artifacts and back to basics.
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i just turn big stupid creatures sideways
CEDH already shows us what ubiquitous fast mana turns the format into but sure if you can get 3 other people to agree not to turbo out a turn 2 T&N win with crypts and moxs good for you.
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You need one of these. It's my cardfu. Cast your big boy, turn him sideways, untap him and do it again.
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I hate that the commander that best synergizes with static orb and winter orb is MH urza
Cedh is defined by. Alot more than fast mana anon.
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Arcane signet should be the strongest rock legal in this format
>everyone complains about finality counters.
>I think they are hilarious, I want to play with them and the Ozolith.
I'm curious what you think that would accomplish.
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>ozoloth is $70
See I run that urza just because I love the orbs and spheres so much. I have a foil winter orb and a foil static orb too.
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i was thinking maybe slotting in winter moon since i just dump forests every turn. i do however want to find a good deck to put a bunch of stun pieces in
Ozolith can move counters onto any creature including your opponents'
>the city of me
Foil trinisphere as well. My beer delivery just arrived and I'm all discombobulated.
I bet its fun I just wish wotc werent so blatent in having him be THE legend you pick if you wanna play with the orbs
Ehhhhh that's much worse than winter orb or static orb. It's better in a higher power meta gainst multicolour decks, but the proliferation of basics is a major downside.
Ive been away for a while and havent upgraded my decks in years but does this thing even impact the game? It seems super weak
I don't have a single commander under 5 cmc.
Combos and fast mana are literally all that format is.
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Yeah I definitely need my commander before I can start cooking but there are 20 pieces of ramp so the hope is that I can ramp for the first couple turns, and then cast wildsear on turn 3 or 4.

It's definitely a gimmick and I'm not saying it's a great gameplan but it's fun and I've tried to build it to be as consistent as possible. I don't love anarchomancer since most of the deck is 1-drops that can't be reduced, also I would rather use the slot for ramp that's also an enchantment
He's kinda right. It's one of the reasons attack trigger commanders suck so much ass.
>play Mr. Foxglove for 5 mana
>he gets swords to plowshares'd
>suddenly need to invest 7 mana into a mediocre effect
it really depends how greedy your pod is with their mana bases. if they're running 3C+ with only like 4 basics in the deck it'll stomp them but if everyone is in mono color it won't do much
Ah ok. So also giving a finality counter to an opponent's creature once per turn? Seems cute, I suppose.
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With expensive cards like that which I will never buy until a reprint I like to proxy UB cards that are that card like the Godzilla cards.
I think the Nibelheim mako reactor would be a good proxy for Ozolith, Nibelheim housed Jevoha and her cells which were distributed to create new life similar to how the Ozolith stores and redistributes counters. It also stored experiments made with her cells which also fits.
And stax. And small value creatures. And hatebears.
I have a dream: an urza deck that plays as many k4rnstructs as possible. I think it could be neat and fun.
nesting grounds too
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>make deck that is just a nostalgia shitpile
>it actually works
name a better feeling
helps that my pod sucks so I can get away with shit decks lol
I also would not be surprised if they were going to create this exact card for the FF set.
Is there a FUN way to build Zoraline? I'm racking my brain but she just looks so boring.
that does sound fun but artifacts is so oversaturated as a deck archetype that any time you try to make the deck better it just devolves into the same synergy piles youve always played
That's a lot better because it'll actually move the finality counter off of your own creature. Ozolith doesn't help your creatures from still getting exiled.
I like that. Upvote.
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the other way to skirt finality counters is effects that exile and return creatures
No one would run stax pieces or hatebears if the format wasn't defined by the fact its a fast mana combo format that needs those stax pieces to slow peoples vomit of fast mana down.
They're called scam effects anon.
They're called flicker effects you zoomer.
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>all edh groups in my area are either extreme cedh or hyper casual shit piles
Why is it so hard to find groups that are actually at that 7/8 powerlevel sweetspot?
Shared command zone
Or, you know, counter-removal.
>I see the issue but I don't see what Evoke has to do with it.
>don't see what evoke has to do with scam
Oh okay you just don't know what scam means
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flicker can be scam but not all scam is flicker
No they're called scam effects. You know, like paradox wave or restoration angel.
woaw they made loki from the hit marvel series loki an mtg card
I mixed up scam and theft, you got me.
Because that means you actually have to know how to build a deck, but dont play any other format so you dont have any overpowered cards. It's the smallest niche, dont be surprised.
how does one deal with obnoxious blueniggers who ruin fun for everyone at the table? Why is it always blues who fail to pick up on social cues?
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Gay Bolas
Its obnoxious if you can get this out on curve but they are playing against Tergrid in the first place so.
nta, I have been playing magic since the original Ravnica block, and this is the first time I've heard the term "scam." Flicker and Blink are terms I've heard.
No they're not
Vexing Shusher there you've now cucked the monoU player forever.
Git gud scrub. Just apply yourself for one second.
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For me it's this. Great scam card.
>bait out counterspell
>play real threat
Red Elemental Blast/Pyroblast
But they are, same with flickerwisp and felia. Scam is anything that you want it to be, isnt it magical?
In my experience, the most autistic players who consistently fail to pick up on social cues and ruin the game for everyone else invariably play black. Only sometimes splash blue.
>Not running red counterspells
Punisher effects for casting spells like spellshock
>"Game's gotta end sometime!"
>*plays the most uninspired 2-card combo ever and wins*
How do you respond without sounding mad?
I'm confused. 7 and 8 power levels still play overpowered cards. They just aren't hyper focused on degenerate combos as much. I wouldn't think twice if I saw a mana crypt at that power level, but would question someone doing a demonic consultation/thoricle combo.
>Good game anon
I will then hyper-target them every game they play that deck.
"How is that related to your commander"
But grist exiled by agatha's soul cauldron, and metalic mimic is technically 3 cards.
>"Game's gotta end sometime!"
That line drives me fucking mad. It's always, ALWAYS used by people to justify why they're playing some sort of combo that has nothing to do with their deck.
The game does actually need to end though.
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>demonic consults into Thassa's Oracle every game
Erm, why are you mad? The game NEEDED to end.
>They just aren't hyper focused on degenerate combos as much.
See, this is the problem. The players with good cards who play other formats want to play good decks. A "7 or 8" is a weird minmaxed zone that only exists within edh only players.
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I'm not sure what you mean. It's in his color identity.
>thoracle! Everyone always thoracle! The whole format is thoracle!
This is how you tell someone doesnt actually play the format or see combos, but rather they like to complain about boogeymen on the internet.
lol anon it's the best combo in CEDH
No. It is a combo in cedh, an efficent combo, but it has a massive risk reward gambit that everyone is prepared for.
its true, its usually simic decks cheating out some easy to assemble creature combo using some retarded tutor card.
My go to combo is still Blood Bond
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the rage it induces is delicious.
>using a well known example = nogames
You're weird.
>it's the best combo in CEDH
Not only is it well known, it's the only combo most of them know that has been meme'd into the abyss.
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>play bug control for the first time
>basically lock down the board by just stealing everyone's relevant permanents and drowning in card advantage
>can't find a wincon because my friends convinced me to take out Torment of Hailfire right before the game
>everyone just concedes as I sit there and loop Flotsam for the Xth time
ok I can see why people don't like this color combo
>>basically lock down the board by just stealing everyone's relevant permanents and drowning in card advantage
>>can't find a wincon
Why is the truck stronger than the robot with the gun?
They're the same thing anon.
good argument
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That makes even less sense
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>You dont use counters for tempo in edh
Yes I do. It's a game of turns. If I delay an opponent for even 1 turn, the game is either going to be vastly different by the time it gets back around to them, or possibly just over because someone else won.
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anyone got any advice in upgrading the quick draw precon? i want to keep it mid power ish and i like the pingers and token creatures them. its not super consistent though. maybe i just need a lot more cantrips?
I don't know if I'm beating a dead horse at this point - but I am /unbelievably/ tired of Simic Decks and the identity that Wizards is constantly pushing them to be.

Yes, I am aware that certain color combinations are more akin to having more of a solid, set identity.

Yes, Izzet are primarily spell slingers, Boros loves combat, and you can bet that Golgari likes to fuck with their graveyards heavy. So what exactly is my problem, you might be wondering?

Simic is so fucking boring AND Consistent - It's the worst possible combination of often manipulating the 2 most important resources in the game, Mana and Cards. All the while pretty much never sacrificing tempo to do so.

Listen, I am not against interaction by any sense of the word, and I think blue is the glue that holds the game together sometimes.

But like, how does one interact with [[nadu]] or [[Kinnan]] or [[Volo]] or...you get my point - it legitimately feels like every single time I see a new Simic Card printed for Commandertm I pretty much know exactly what it is going to read. "When you do X - gain an extremely disproportionate amount of value to the resources you spent to do X - Either via Land or Cards (Sometimes both)"

I dunno, it just feels unfair that a card like [[Firesong and Sunspeaker]] or [[Toxrill]] exist that have to work literally so hard to get their gameplan going for comparatively low value in the same format in which checks notes [[Aesi]] exists.

TL;DR: Land and Cards are all this color combination does and it's not only extremely broken - it's also extraordinarily boring.

Rant over, I guess.
simic sneeders (reddit) are by far worse than simic players
It's a shame because I'm a biologist and Simic really speaks to the intersection of the rational and mysterious that drives my curiosity. I just feel emotionally drawn to it. Also, it used to be a bad and under-represented color combination.

But yes, now it's absolutely beaten to death and it's sad. It's like watching your favorite local band go mainstream and just replay their tired hits to an arena full of people you suspect don't even like them for the same reasons you do. I guess I'm a hipster now, but damn Wizards. Make Simic cool again. I want to see more esoteric commanders that do weird knowledge-based stuff. I don't know... whenever a creature you control gets one or more +1/+1 counters, scry 1? Whenever you deal combat damage to an opponent, they play with their hand revealed until they draw their next card? Let's do some weird shit.
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had to find this shit on reddit, are they in the right bros? is simic unstoppable? should aesi be a banned commander?!
One has wheels and can go faster. Same mass. Do the math.
How is the energy deck? I don't like energy as a mechanic but I am considering the MH3 energy precon because Satya looks fun and I am open to changing my mind on Energy.
the basic idea of simic too is just that they ramp early and then backup that ramp with good card draw to just take over the game. so they are the weakest before they're able to fuel all of their big spells. but wotc really just wants to give them uber cheap value pieces to spit in the face of this idea
>A "7 or 8" is a weird minmaxed zone that only exists within edh only players.
That describes me pretty well. I only play edh anymore (along with some cube and draft), and that's the spot I like to play in.
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>mfw its only turn 47 and the game has been soft reset via boardwipes 10 times and some faggot topdecks his other combo piece to win
Ive actually been shouted at irl by an esika player when I managed to topdeck a buried alive for a combo win with 0 cards in hand and half my deck in exile
Noob here. Do Commander decks/sets go out of date. I don’t want to get new editioned. Yet again.
>best draw
>best ramp
>entire identity is built around value engines after ravnica failed to establish a good archetype for simic
>wincons are combo 99% of the time
>turns the board into a fucking mess of permanents, tokens and +1/+1 counters
honestly its that last one that makes me hate it the most. I just cant stand boards where I have no clue wtf is even going on because there are 17 tokens and every cards has some kind of counter on it
Damn. Anyways.
no its an eternal format, bans are the only thing that disallow cards and bans never happen anymroe.
the entire format gets soft rotated all the time just like modern and legacy
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I wanna revisit Rakdos. I narrowed my choices to these three guys. Which one would you choose in terms of power and replayibility?
Using buried alive to win on the spot is a pretty faggot move anon.

So a friend made me a decklist and I’m picking up singles but postage alone is gonna hit me pretty hard so there must be a way people do this. I have 2 LGSs locally but never been a TCG man (since Fossil set Pokemon anyway). Can I just present them my list and see what they have or what do I do.
>nooooooooo that's gay thats against the spirit of the format!!!!!!!!
I dont care the game had lasted an hour and a half at that point and the esika player had board wiped a solid 5 times while flipping a dozen walkers with the bridge side
I will always shill this card for any UW deck and I will shill it again here. It's good. You can shut off two rocks with the offspring, or treasure and a rock, or two good activated abilities and steal them yourself. It's just solid. Often its a 2 drop dork in your opening hand that effectively stone rains someone else trying to ramp with signets or sol ring while accelerating you.
So offspring is just fixed squad huh?
so... how do you actually end a game by a combo/big spells etc without making people mad?
What are the criteria?
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The dirty little secret is that this applies to normal Commander as well, but people who have only really played EDH don't realize the entire format is aping Simic decks, 100% of the time.
>so... how do you actually end a game...without making people mad
You can't. Winning is toxic and against the spirit of the format
I decided to build this after reading all the seething in this thread. Thanks guys
So long as it's not something I've seen a million times we're good. If you hailfire or craterhoof or moonshaker calvary or use any number of predictable cards, I'll probably roll my eyes.
It's almost like 1v1v1v1 40 starting life is an outstandingly retarded concept in a game 100% balanced around 1v1 20 starting life.
>build simic jank deck
>no +1/+1, no counterspells, no protection, 3 tutors, only interaction are blue board wipes and my ETB removal timmy creatures
>absolutely demolishes decks several times its worth with infinite power trample retard strength attacks
grug like
Is mine the only meta where people regularly just die from combat or commander damage?
>come back after like 8 years
how do I construct a deck without buying "essential" singles from the past years.
All the shops I used for singles actually are dead and the only ones that are still there have a very limited selection
No, but my group specifically arrived for this. We ban a bunch of high salt stuff and also combo
dont get back into the game its not worth it
if you really want to play use cockatrice or tabletop sim
>the entire format gets soft rotated all the time just like modern and legacy
give it 5 more years. soon edh will be a solved format with everyone running 99 sol ring level auto includes and 5 color commanders.
just buy a precon released in the last few years. watch some reviews and pick one you like. most are at least moderately powerful.
I’m gonna have to look into this
Is now a good time to sell out of Magic? I collected for a long time and stopped playing during the pandemic. I have a ton of old cards as well as many old border foils just sitting in long boxes.
I mean, that's already pretty much the case. The trick is to play with people who choose not to.
Everyone I've ever known who has sold their collections eventually regretted it.
I would argue we're already there.
I cringe whenever I see one of those YouTube videos recommending metric based deck building like "always have 36 lands, 15 sources of ramp, 10 spot removal, 8 wipes

If anyone actually follows that they're a brain dead retard and your deck is going to end up boring and generic as fuck
Nope, you are good.

If they ever start doing it, commander dies as a format. Play what you want.
Nta but I'm at the point where my "collection" is so big that I don't even know what I have anymore. It's just taking up a bunch of space in my house and if I ever want to build a new deck I end up buying all the new cards because it's more time effective than searching through my entire collection for the one thing that I need. Because of this though it just keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger
I understand but with MtG so pozzed I don't see myself ever getting back into it. I was an /edhg/ poster for years. I still can't believe black Aragorn fucking happened. I just want to get the most bang for my buck so I have money for new hobbies and clear up all the room the long boxes take up in my house. I'm half tempted to take my collection to an LGS and accept pennies on the dollar.
Yep. No doubt.
Why not just keep decks you like and a box of staples, then sell the rest?
>culture war nigger
LOL seeya faggot
Playing against glacial chasm, maze of ith and field of the dead made me realise none of my decks have land removal
how do i play windgrace without being a giant nigger
serious question
already refusing to put in gitrog combo/glacial chasm
-1/-1 counter control and proliferate
the game is being whored out to any ip it can get. Even if it wasnt pozzed Hasbro would still be milking it bone dry in another way. Its going full MMO nearing the end of its lifespan where it sacrifices everything to such a degree that retarded whales still stay but everyone with half a brain already left
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Inspired by the late Sheldon's own deck list with my own tweaks
Chainer with every Wheel effect you can grab. Get your creatures back in the process.
My Phage the Untouchable deck is my favorite deck (I used to keep a little slip of paper in the sleeve with tally marks keeping track of kills) so I'm tempted to keep that one but it also has a ton of money in it as I'm a huge mono-Bfag. I might keep one deck of each color (except blue) and sell the rest.
how do you build child of alara without making it the worst shit to play against (and as)? I got the new Miku SL as a gift from a friend and I want a deck for it when it comes in the mail, but it seems turbo aids. But I don't want to waste one of the cards gifted to me.
indestructible tribal
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You are going to Build a shit deck to spite all the people who told you it was a shit deck?
I was thinking about doing this as a politics deck where I make other stuff indestructible for people for favors or something, meanwhile all my stuff is indestructible.
Proxy bro. It’s easy. You can play the game and not give them money
Nobody has any good arguments to why this is bad and neither do you
this argument only works if all cards are equally valuable
they're not, so any talk of
>this is +/-1
is retarded. Arcane denial sucks because it lets your opponent draw and every potential draw has a chance of being the silver bullet that kills you.
If you run blue you have card draw so all you are doing by using arcane denial is sabatoging yourself.
You want an actual good counterspell? an offer you can't refuse. Because as much as the dogshit players here cry about fast mana, mana is useless without cards, it is always better to give mana than card draw
Just jam in a wasteland and a strip mine and you're good to go.
Would you share your Kaysa list?
alright, had me a greentext story today. think I finally hit my zen as far as no longer being frustrated at all.

>guy that always plays high powered shit, pub stomping
>play an equal level deck
>spams removal/counters with standard grixis good shit
>gets pissy and talks shit when it's thrown back
>removes everything on my board multiple times
>do the same to him
>gets more and more pissy, whining loudly that he should've taken me out first
>get half of my library milled then bojaka'd
>end up winning barely, as the guy just seethes and whines
>realize this is what I would sound like if I just spoke my mind

next game..
>guy is still agitated and gossiping about last game
>everyone plays different decks except him
>spams ETB non-land destruction
>everything I play is countered or destroyed, guy is still seething
>realize this is incredibly toxic and scoop, go to a different table
>guy is smirking and super happy that he made me scoop
let me ask you a question
your opponent casts Kozilek, the Great Distortion.
Is it better to cast counterspell or arcane denial?
arcane denial because now he gets 9 cards instead of 7 and will kill someone else instead of me for a turn or two
Here you go.
Was hoping the wolf from this next set can replace Ruric Thar, or for there to be a sea monster guy in this set since I kinda want all my commanders to be from different planes
nice Diao Chan. Love 3 Kingdoms stuff. Hoping to get all the main characters's cards one day.
I almost made Ashling instead of my red deck since I started playing at Lorwyn/Shadowmoor, and was kinda hoping her MH3 version was more like her original. Not a fan of her new version and I do not have high hopes for the return to there.
I thank God for bloomburrow, finally free from DEI shit and not having to look at garbage like niggagorn.
I will take furshit over that any time.
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I'm a slowboi but ashnod's altar + trudge garden + blood artist is an "infinite" combo right?
if you already have 2 mana floating yes, otherwise the death/lifegain triggers will go on top of the ashnod's mana gain trigger and you'll miss the chance to pay 2 to make the token
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neat my deck has two wincons
The game needs more anti-infinite combo tech. Being able to just keep the combo and ignoring interaction is kind of lame for some of them if you aren't blue and can't stop things on the stack.

'If another replacement effect would occur, instead that source's controller loses 3 life'

'This spell can't trigger abilities. Split second. Until end of turn, whenever a permanent with the same name entered the battlefield 3 or more times, or a non-mana activated or triggered ability triggered, activated, or a spell is cast or copied 3 or more times this turn, exile it and exile all other spells and abilities.'

'Whenever an ability an opponent controls triggers more than once, you gain control of all abilities."
Game needs aggressive banlists.
We need to bring back mana burn
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It's infinite.
Shut up, retard. Ashnod's is a mana ability, it doesn't use the stack.
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>only one wall in bloomburrow
>it's a token
This is bullshit.
should've been a red Wall for a Redwall joke
What were you hoping for?

A "Red" wall, perhaps?
Just more walls in general. It's my favorite creature type.
The wall token doesn't even look much like a wall.
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Play stax. It's like ejaculating; the easiest way to stop cumming is to never start.
Saturday at the lgs 0-3 all losses my fault, heavy punts
>g1 playing hazezon, realm razer, have the game, forget to leave open a white source t swords my opponents flyer which kills me, opponents literally had nothing after realm razer was played, I had lands cryptolith rite and sand warriors for mana still
>game 2 playing varchild, give the Henry wu player 12 tokens because my edhfagbraing tells me I shouldn't attack the same guy twice, Henry wu foodchains off next turn
He had to dig for it but still shit luck lol
>g3 sholgengar have game winning combo in graveyard, blunder 2 pieces of removal and that ends up putting me a turn behind so I'm too late to combo off
Fun games still, enjoyable enjoyable successful day
Yeah this card kicks massive amounts of ass.
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Total noob here, is it me or the family matters precon has something like 10 or less cards with bloomburrow theme? Whats the F point then? I was going to gift the deck to my GF but without cute animals it's not going to work.

Is it better idea to purchase a draft box? They seem to cost almost the same but those have all bloomburrow cards.
This is the only good suggestion concerning how gay the game has gotten
I got a draft box to open with my gf. She wants to play magic with me and I figure this is a good cute set to introduce her to it. And I'm getting her the bunny precon cause it's cuter. The fuck you getting the bird for bro birds are gay
He sounds like a tool. There are plenty of him out there.
Your girlfriend is fat.
It would be ok of it had actuall birds, the deck is full of cards without bloomburrow art or am I missing something?
>gf (male)
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Oh shit we POSTAN?!
Not pictured here is a Meren of Clan Nel Toth deck I took pieces out of and the Darigaaz the Igniter deck I'll be cooking next week hopefully when my TCGPlayer orders start coming in. You know I have thousands of dollars of cards in these decks but I'm more excited to play this lower power dragon tribal compared to what I have. Nothing will ever beat my love of werewolves though. Luv red and green 'ate blue, simple as. Awoooooooo
Actually the best cEDH combos are ones in your command zone, followed by ones with Breach. Thoracle is just an easy one that requires no setup.
>all that tribal slop
t. bl*e player
Your parents should have casted Counterspell on your birth
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Gross. You are a collector of garbage.
Commander precons are never cards exclusively from the set/plane they're associated with, with the sole exception of Universes Beyond ones. This is especially true for new planes, like Bloomburrow. The only one that was advertised as being focused on a specific type of animal was the squirrel one, and even that ended up being only half squirrels. I have no idea why so many people expected them to be bird, raccoon, and rabbit tribal, when absolutely nothing implied any of those three would be, especially with the squirrel one making it clear that if they were going to be focused on a particular type of animal they would have explicitly stated it.
>OG Quint
Hell yeah. I was debating on making a deck for him and Loremaster. Whats your like?
Yeah, the Squirrel deck is like half Squirrel stuff, half generic token swarm stuff.
>"A player having fun in EDH? Not on my watch!"
>*casts Cyclonic Rift*
We ban all Bl*e players at my tables
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This all said they did make SOME reprints with Bloomburrow art, just not all of it.
Being bad and building exclusively tribal decks isnt fun, it's stagnate. The next step in evolution is to engage the game mechanically rather than playing a dumb matching game and blaming blue players for it.
A man is having fun and that scares you lol
My girlfriend is young and skinny but she will soon be fat with my baby yes.
Precons are generally a method for wotc to print a lot of nearstaples so keep their prices low, mixed in with some new cards. The set is where new cards are found ^.^
>you need to play the game the way I like to, no other way is valid
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These are mine, Disa is just the precon that I want to keep unchanged so I have something to play with other precons
Cyc Rift should have been banned with Thassa's Oracle YEARS ago
No? A man is rolling in his own shit repeatedly and I'm telling him to stop. Why would I be afraid of that?

Yes. The only way to play magic is to read the cards, figure out how they work together, and build around their interactions.
How good is Inalla ?
Lolno. Cyclonic rift is perfectly fine, it doesnt destroy anything.
Easily my strongest deck
Because you're rolling in your own competitive shit repeatedly and being a fucking hypocrite?
My main problem with Cyc Rift is that it's so splashable. Price is the only thing holding it back from being in every deck where a commander has blue in its color identity
Except tokens.
Technically speaking Blue could have a card that says "destroy target token" and it'd be perfectly in-pie.
>if a deck isnt tribal it's competitive
Ah, the brainworms. There is a wide variety of deck building options that arent laser focusing on the type line and jamming them together. That's the second lowest form of deck building.
Do you have a list? NTA but I have been meaning to make her. She seems to be a fun balance of value shit while also constantly having the ability to combo off to win the game if shit needs to end.
Holy fucking shit we get it "Tribal Bad EDHREC netdecking good" can you shut the fuck up and fuck off already? You haven't even posted any of your decks but I bet you run the most CEDH cards available like >>93389442
this guy in the story who sperged out over losing
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I can't speak to Satya specifically, since I'm a stubborn bastard and am sticking to Temur, but energy is fun as long as you enjoy the Rube Goldberg nature of having some pieces that generate resource, other pieces that expend resource, and additional pieces that capitalize on the whole thing. You do get hard countered by anyone dropping Solemnity, though. I would say that, of all my decks, it's the one that I've spent the most time playtesting just so that I can execute my turns in a timely manner without slowing things down for everyone else.

>MH3 Ashling
Personally, I'm just relieved that her visual design wasn't even slightly changed. Between that and the handful of MOM cards giving us a glimpse of Lorwyn, I'm at least somewhat hopeful that they won't completely botch the visuals when we go back. The gameplay, though, could really go either way. Especially since it's only a year and a half after Bloomburrow, which feels like it's hitting some of the same thematic space with stuff like gifting a fish.
You mean like Farewell in white
or Blasphemous Act in red
or Toxic Deluge in black
or Bane of Progress in green
>he thinks netdecking is a thing and edhrec is a helpful resource
Low iq anon detected. I understand, all the typelines arent the same so it's hard for you to understand, but there are ways to build decks that arent tribal. It's just embarassing that you spent thousands of dollars building the second easiest type of deck to build.
Are 2mv counterspells too slow for a Yuriko deck that's high power but not quite cEDH?
Would be worse than "return to hand"
They should totally replace it with that
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And yet you're the one seething and still replying to tribal decks being posted...
If you think any of those are on Cyc Rift 's level, you have to be a nogames
I am outside your home.
>Yes the only way to play...
Tribal does all the things you said anon!
No it couldn't at all. Just because that is what happens when you bounce a token doesn't mean that blue is now destroying tokens
Is this thing fun? Has anyone here built her? Seems like skullbriar but in more interesting colors. I have skullbriar and love him but this one seems to have a bit more flexibility
If you're not running Blasphemous Act in every deck with red access, you're the nogames. It's literally 1 mana for 13 damage you'd have to be retarded to not see how hard that trades up to the point you want to run it in control decks because it answers almost all early aggression short of a cEDH combo (where rift also sucks)
Literally every single card except BoP is a must-take if it's in your identity because they are absurdly cheap and/or flexible boardwipes.
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Need to cut a card from the birbs. Any recommendations?

huh? that's not me
Just ordered 6 decks, 1 for a friend and 1 for the wife, the rest for me, very excited as one is a pet deck that i tried to make work ages ago
Functionally it could. It's a sort of thing that'd NEVER be printed, but Blue is entirely capable of doing that. Technically makes it the only colour capable of destroying any permanent type (but only if it's a token).
Prove it
I changed a lot out a few days ago
I'd rather not cut any of the new Bloomburrow cards until testing them. I know Perch Protection is kinda shit but I want to play test it with my pod before deciding if it's staying in the 99.
>Dire Fleet Ravager
You aight, white boy
I see. What's the deal with Aether Channeler? I understand it's pretty good in general, but I see people talking about it like it's the second coming for Inalla. Do you bounce him back and have a way to go infinite with him or is it just really good value? Also, is the deck fun to pilot?
It's a cool ability but I don't think it's any skullbriar desu, skullbriar's huge advantage is coming down turn 2 and having haste

That being said with "me" you get some interesting colors and more variety of counters, so it could absolutely be a fun build, I would be curious what izzet colors bring to the strategy
No anon not functionally or technically. Blue can bounce things.
It's just really good value, the deck is fun for me because it's easy to set yourself up to loop creatures and spells from the graveyard and grind everyone out
Sweet, I may steal your list and cut some of the stuff I don't feel like affording, like Snapcaster.
I don't expect it to be a super strong commander, but as a Skullbriar enjoyer, I thought she might be a fun take on the archetype. Currently scryfalling to find some fun cards.
>What's the most recent deck you've built that isn't a soulless precon upgrade ?
Waifu material
Skill check
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smash mole into ppl
this but don't ban any other fast mana. I deserve an advantage due to my financial status
this but unban the moxen
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My bae
based. was also considering him
i made a $20 deck with her, was pretty fun, thinking about how to upgrade her
It's almost more fun to run her on a super budget
it was actually quite fun since having the army of 1/1 deathtouchers is a really good "stay tf away from me" for higher power decks.
I'm really starting to enjoy building decks where the commander's threat level effectively scales with the number of opponents. Anyone have any suggestions for new ones I can try?
A lot of the Doctor Who 'villain deck' legends are kind of like that, scaling when there's more than one person they're going against.
Could this work with reaper king clones to go crazy?
You can literally run the Sakashimas and Spark Double for Me Me Me
I mean, you'd need a way to reliably make copies of it, but sure? And eventually they'd run out of targets and have to cannibalise themselves.
Duke Ulder Ravengard
When I get home. I'm at my buddies house playing mtg.
I play with no infinites, removal for specific permanents that stop me from playing the game, and flavor cards for my commander. If I don't get interrupted or board wiped I can probably win on turn 8 or 9. It's a tribal deck. What's my deck's power level /edhg/?
10 go to the cEDH table.
Don't forget its brother.
do you think this and big dumb spells is would be fun if my favorite decks are actually filled with low cmc cards and a million triggers per action?
I've grown to like this guy in my 99. How fun is it to play him as commander? Mirrorworks, Ugin's Nexus, Rings of Brighthearth sound like fun times.
I kinda want to make my thousand moon smithy deck with him as the commander instead of losheel
I'm gonna include it in my Omo deck, will let me counter w/o holding mana, or cast a fuckhuge spell
The REAL question we need to be asking is: How much bullshit stax should I put in my Bello deck?

100% even the lands should be stax
Tap out for a win on your upkeep effect and give them a turn to try to kill you.
Hey I just lost a game playing him!
The fact it pays for both blue and colorless means it's going to be used in the most annoying type of deck: Extra turn tribal.
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>Jeremy Win
a 2 card combo where the commander is half of it, requires little mana, and requires a counterspell to interact with due to the nature of priority and repeating the combo over removal/interaction.

>Kyle win
A deck that is good stuff and better than other decks at the table, and simply wins through value attrition and then combos out, usually has blue in it to counter the little interaction the table has.

>Dipshit king
Using the best good stuff crutches such as mana crypt, dockside, smothering, rhystic etc then using shit-for-brains combos such as thassa's oracle/demonic consultation.
sweet, i loved new cappena, it still got some surprises for me.
>stealing a damn Sol Ring, when you just know that player kept a greedy hand just because of it
>shutting off cabal coffers
All three of those are cEDH wincons.
Najeela, Sisay, Tivit, Pip-Mizzet
Kenrith, ironically Kinnan and Nadu
>Dipshit king
Any deck that has it in color identity
Yeah the amount of seethe I have caused doing exactly this brings a smile to my face
Fixed how
Are you a dumbo?
No I just like squad mechanically and flavorfully
Oh shit sorry I was too distracted by that other guy
I basically took the skeleton of Commander Mechanic's decklist back when Strixhaven first came out and bought what I could afford and then substituted in the gaps of what I couldn't

Haven't updated it or built the new Quint because I only got back into Magic in the last month thanks to Bloomburrow. God I wish the fetches were this cheap when I was only focused on buying cards for this game heh
This is my "budget" version
We all use TCGPlayer, right?
I like not having to order from multiple sites, so, yes. Card kingdom is never going to actually have everything I want in stock for a big order
Nice, thanks for the lists. I was gonna go for something similar with a bunch of Sun Titan effects but it looks like there are plenty of ways to recur.
No list but I plan on making a Stax Enchantment deck inspired by Legacy Parfait.
Fixed power leve wise
I like to use Hareruya because the yen is basically worthless at this point
Don't run Cartographer's Hawk
>running cards I think are cool
>running cards that provide the most value for the least cost

Why do I always choose the latter
bc ur a shitter
It's the hardest lesson every player has to learn. Good job anon.
All of those are at least symmetrical.
They all also cost less and make it more difficult for your opponents to replay their cards.
I mix the two. The problem with only running 1 is that you never get to do cool things with them unless you run a bit of 2 to help get them out and going.
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The thing is that I 100% believe they will do some abomination stuff with the elves and kithkin.
Like we will see black kithkin and we will see obese elves as "Perfects" in their society. Shit that was never there in the original showing of the Plane.
The Elementals are mostly immune to this but I am also glad they kept Ashling the same looking. Her design is perfect.
You don't look half bad anon why the schizo haircut
I know some of you perverts made an all female version of this deck just for the offspring joke. Anybody got a list?
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>bought my buddy some packs for his birthday
>he pulled a Nadu and a foil Flooded Strand
Felt good
I have the opposite problem, I choose commanders that give me a flavourful excuse to run all my favourite high cmc shit

>ovika, enigma Goliath
>codie, vociferous codex
>sauruman, the white hand
>the mimeoplasm
All top tier choices
you cute
Mfw this is the dude I've been arguing about arcane denial with in these threads
Tell him to sell Nadu ASAP before it inevitably gets banned from every format
That's what I'm doing with the 20 Shuko's that I had in my kamigawa bulk.
I was able to turn a bunch of Shukos into a volcanic island. I love when random bulk suddenly shoots up in price.
I just noticed they removed "Totem" and it is now "Umbra Armor"
Holy fucking shit who the fuck do they think is being offended? Where are they spawning these imaginary people from who are offended from Tribal and Totem?
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This just made me realize the only two cards that mention haste counters are both from Jurassic Park. I can get why they aren't more common since functionally they're not much different than haste for a turn, but still. I guess in theory if you could make Me a dinosaur Owen Grady does offer up some nice counters, though that'd be a bizarre set of hoops to jump through.
Oh boy, I hope nobody tells this guy about what happened to tribal cards...
It's not impossible, and I'm wondering how much it's worth it to put in cards to make this possible. Cards that have an effect and incidentally make Me a dinosaur. Maybe tossing in Omo might not be bad just to give her an everything counter on Omo's etb. Still a waste but also big payoff for trample, reach and haste on her. Those tokens are not particularly easy to come by, and it only needs to work once or twice to get forever keywords.
kys richfag
Nice. Bought two packs on a whim today and pulled a cavern of souls, promo card was a toski too very successful day of magic
clearly only the savage brown people have ever been in tribes or used totems anon, so it's offensive for us (smart and white) to print those words on our cardboard. get with the times bigot
Ive been away from mtg for a few years
Hows the format holding up?
Can I still play piles of removal and big dumb creatures and have a shot at winning?
Controversial option, but while I think the reason for the change was dumb I prefer "kindred enchantment" etc. to "tribal enchantment". If you aren't already familiar with magic fan terminology tribal doesn't really communicate that this is a card that counts as a specific creature type. I know I found the term somewhat odd until I learned "tribal" is the common fan term for decks built around a specific creature type. Kindred on the other hand does indicate kinship with the creature type, and there already existed a cycle of spells called "Kindred [something]" (i.e. Kindred Discovery or Kindred Dominance) that care about creature type.
>Build a combo deck
>Can't keep up with all the triggers
I honestly might be too dumb to play
Play aggro
As long as you don't say "typal" which is such an ugly word
I'm not particularly upset about this one. All but 2 of the cards that provide the armor have Umbra in the name. Also, totem armor doesn't even make sense. Neither from a usage case (like with umbra) nor from a flavor perspective. There are no totems associated with the protection nor the cards that grant them. My only issue is change for the sake of it or change for imagined offense reasons.
won twice with big dinos
lost once with rakdos group slug
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>was able to win with ajani in a literal 2v1 against mono blue urza and chatterfang
Lmao, 2cat. Ban when?
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There's also the keyword Kinship.
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Honestly might build this just to use up alot of my bulk.
Depends on the table, as always. Most places, sure. There's some pretty fucked up reset buttons like Farewell that can make it difficult for battlecruiser to seal the deal, and some annoying A+B combos that can end the game out of nowhere, but it's still EDH. Main thing that's changed the past five years is that everything's a turn or two faster and there's endless amounts of incidental card advantage/self-powering engines. We've unironically hit the point where Solemn Simulacrum is too slow and doesn't do enough, which is dire.
In 20+ games I think I only saw it once of twice.
Shouldn't she be asian? With one half of her head shaved and a color streak of course.
I wish. Then she'd be hot
True. Asian women are notoriously attractive. I don't think they make sexy magic cards though.
>We've unironically hit the point where Solemn Simulacrum is too slow and doesn't do enough, which is dire.
Not if you run fast mana. T2 Solemn is very good still.
Yeah, anyone that thinks this card is "bad" are fucking morons. This thing does a lot, and is a perfect Jeweled Lotus target to power out t1.
Please goldfish your decks anons. One of the guys at my table tonight cast a tutor ever turn and spent 5+ minutes during every single search.
There's a guy in my playgroup that does this and it's infuriating because of how god damn stupid he is. His decks are almost always UBx and contain every premium tutor and counterspell for at least twenty of his deck's cards no matter the power level of the table. Every single tutor takes ages to resolve, every single interaction point takes a minute to resolve because he's not sure if he should counter something minuscule, and it's just tiresome.
How has your playgroup not ganged up on him to the point where he doesn't do that anymore?
It's a combination of several problems. Poor threat assessment is the main one, they don't' really understand how threatening tutors are. They also are generally not good at taking their free attacks to get in for minor damage and pressure life totals. And then our tables are generally lower interaction besides myself and the idiot UBx player who will just counter something if he has a counter and mana available for it. Idiot UBx player also will just play spite and use all his counter magic on the first person who targeted him for the entire game.
NTA but that sounds awful. What are you supposed to do in that situation?
i still love my solemn. i value actual land ramp very much in non green and i will pay the premium for it, instead of waiting until my mana rocks get blown out.
granted, i have a playgroup, we dont play combo and dont feed too much in to the powercreep, and i abuse him trough cost reduction and reanimation loops.
>but it's still EDH
thats the main point for my playgroup at least, there is still enough playroom to dick a round a bit and "take a turn off" to play Solemn, it might even be a good lowball and way to take some heat off of you
punish him for his stupid use of interaction and point it out if it costs him the game, rub it in his face, if you managed to win because of it.
might take a while, there are some REAL slow learners out there
>Poor threat assessment
Let the others know after the game about better plays they could have made.

>Don't understand how threatening tutors are
If someone tutors once, they're getting the best card in their deck. The odds of your opening the game with your best card are like 10% after three draws, so you could roughly equate someone casting a tutor as casting thirty card draw spells. If someone tutors twice, they can have an A+B combo and threaten a win. You are statistically not likely to have an A+B until you've drawn 60+ cards without a tutor. You do your best to explain that to them, but some people literally just can't see past someone drawing extra cards and ramping because the tutor is "hidden" information even though you know the tutor was done.

>Not good at taking free attacks
If you have utility creatures and they have no blocks, you swing the utility creatures. If you have utility creatures and they have utility creatures that would trade with them, blocking will fuck them over worse than not blocking, so they should not block you. Simply put "if my creature won't die or will trade, I should swing it." generally, but there are exceptions where keeping your utility creature can be better.

>Low interaction tables
This one is tough because each table and player is different. You should have a decent chunk of interaction in your deck, but some decks want or can afford more. Increasing the amount of interaction available at tables with poor threat assessment is not good though, it just leads to kingmaking plays.

>Player playing spite
The answer is to not invite them again, but I don't have control over that in my situation. The second answer is part of threat assessment actually. If you have a player at your table who you know will not play in good faith, then they are the most dangerous player at the table for everyone and it is correct for all three players to focus the spite player down so they can't play kingmaker someone.
Sort of related to what you said about threat assessment. The reason why Rhystic Study is so good is because it's not flashy and it's a one card engine. Players are FAR more likely to target he player who sets up a three card engine because they've cast more things and they're drawing cards. Most players do not pay for Rhystic Study and will not punish the Rhystic Study player because it doesn't look as dangerous as the three card engine, even though it's probably drawing just as many cards while costing less.
So what, do you just hate out the person who plays Rhystic Study?
In my experience most people just beat down the person with Rhystic Study nowadays
Yes. You avoid paying it for as long as possible. As soon as someone breaks the seal, then the Rhystic Study player has to die in order to avoid the Prisoner's Dilemma.

You have no idea how badly I wish this was true.
I'm guilty of not recognizing tutors as threats, but when you spell it out like that it makes me realizes how incredibly wrong I've been for not doing so. I always thought tutors were a tempo loss for card quality so there was a trade off, but taking a small tempo loss for essentially the same value as drawing thirty cards isn't really a trade off. I'll definitely try to punish people who tutor more now.
>the beatings will continue until morale improves
yeah your dipshit kingmaker player is actually going to learn from that
I don't think anything tilts me more than people who won't pay for Rhystic Study but will spend removal on someone else's engine.
The average player is literally too fucking stupid to use removal properly. Unironically, most people should not play removal in their decks.
>actual good gameplay discussion at the end of the thread
Like pottery
Is the squirrel golgari precon focused on tokens or does it have other way of playing? Squirrels look fun but I hate tokens.
Unrelated to the rest of the discussion, but I hate people who build multiple decks only to include the bulk of the same cards. What's the point of making multiple Dimir decks if over half the deck is exactly the same?
Dimir players are like Simic players in that 70% of their decks are exactly the same and all play 100% identically. The difference is that the Dimir player thinks they're really smart for playing 70% cheat code cards, but the Simic player doesn't give a fuck and just does it because it's easy.
I never thought I'd see the day someone defends Simic players.
Your bit about tutors = 30 card draw is flat out wrong, and depending on the type of tutor in question is often card disadvantage. It's better to look at tutors as a 2nd copy of a card you want in a deck that removes all copies of it once it's cast. Not only that, but the use of tutors tends to change depending on how strong decks are, where low powered games they fetch proactive cards, high powered games (where most EDH games are played) they tend to fetch reactive cards, and in cEDH they fetch combo pieces.

You don't get to just plainly say "Demonic Tutor = 30 cards drawn" when an actual 30 cards drawn is astronomically more powerful in every conceivable way you can imagine.
>you could equate a tutor to drawing 30 cards
Is so fucking stupid you people say the wildest shit
Sounds hot desu
>terrible player types out an essay just to present a thinly veiled bitch post about how much he hates tutors
hmmm and yet demonic tutor isn't the king of cedh, rhystic study is
because card draw is objectively better than tutors, because the game is dynamic, it doesn't matter if they tutor for their "best card" if they have no means of playing or protecting it. Meanwhile draw gives you more threats and more answers, giving you an actual mathematical advantage in a way a tutor does not.
but by all means, continue to expose what a dogshit player you are
>and some annoying A+B combos that can end the game out of nowhere
That's always been a thing in edh.

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