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>Thread Question:
What obscure pieces of lore do you want at the limelight for 40k?
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Basically anything about the Dark Eldar that could actually make you hem relevant on the galactic stage
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I want to see bloodpact more. Traitor guard in general as well really.
I just want more content about the different auxiliary species in Tau empire or other minor xeno empires
Who is the gayest warhammer?
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The fact that canonically the Thallax are still made and used in 40k.
Fires of Cyraxus never. Alan Bligh was an inside job.
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>>Thread Question:
>What obscure pieces of lore do you want at the limelight for 40k?
I want to know more about the war in heaven but I know it's going to be a gay shitshow, so at least give me artworks about it, that would be enough
Thyrrus. A cultural mindset that puts artistic spectacle in place of tactics is a fun foundation that more could be done with.
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You will get artwork of eldar and necrons fighting side by side against chaos daemons (including slaanesh, of course).
I would be content with the Severan Dominate (I've read about them thanks to our resident Severanon started to like them) getting a ForgeWorld-like campaign book treatment with some models on the side.
It would be a great opportunity to reintroduce an OOP Imperial Guard army like the Steel Legion or the Vostroyans or updated Catachans (inb4 use Spacenam) or Valhallan Ice Warriors or Tallarn or Elysian Drop Troops against the Severan Dominate forces.
To be honest yeah, for all their faults, the writers are still decent at coming up with interesting aliens. They just rarely seem to leverage those creative processes for anything else. More xenos in lore would be welcome, they wouldn’t even need to be on the tabletop.

The irony being that deldar left the galactic stage to hide in Commorragh.
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seeing eldar during that time could be interesting, on the assumption that they wouldn't look anything like current eldar at least
Be'lakor and Vashtorr will also be present :^)
GW have already established the Ynnari/corsair look to Basically be pre fall eldar
Anything about the Processional of the Damned/Turbulent Star would be fun.
it'd be cool if we learned about the horus heresy. i know it's just background fluff mentioned a few times in a codex or two but i think there's a story to be told there
Aren't there some WIH era Eldar still in hypersleep stasis inside some of the Blackstone fortresses in the current millennium?
Supposedly the Visarch's baroque armor is also a relic from the height of Eldar civilization, but that could mean any time before the Fall and not necessarily their warrior origins when they were all perpetual psychic monstrosities that didn't need or care for a warmask.
Yeah I wonder if Big E ever had a wife or he was just a closeted homosexual.
Make a retelling if the Horus Heresy.
Elfdar were only discovered by the Old Ones.
Old Ones never created them, only uplifted.
Be nice to have a trilogy or two about it, I agree. It's an extremely important part of the Imperium's history, sure, but you have to be careful not to get so hyper focused you spend the next 20 years making books about it.
>or he was just a closeted homosexual.
Naw, that's you.
>Aren't there some WIH era Eldar still in hypersleep stasis inside some of the Blackstone fortresses in the current millennium?
First time I hear about that

>but that could mean any time before the Fall and not necessarily their warrior origins
Yeah, for some reason I'm imagining early eldar as way less refined and way more tribal, a striking scorpion is probably the closest thing to what I imagine
I've always found that the Orks need to be brought into the limelight. Probably too obscure though.
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I'd love some more background on worlds in the imperium that aren't at the frontlines. Eisenhorn was a great book and seeing how different imperial worlds can be was great. Current GW makes the universe feel pretty small. Was it 6th edition where special characters could be used without opponents permission? get rid of that shit. Primarchs and Ghaz should be in giant ass story battles, not your Monday night 2k game
I can't wait to run Boarding Actions with just Gulliman
I'd argue that current gw makes it too big and should be even smaller. The setting as it is, feels pointless.
Yeah, letting something like that go on for 20 years would mess things up a lot since they'll eventually run out of material meaning they have to start coming up with new material, whigh rarely works out.
Like it'd be jumping the shark, but I bet of they ever got desperate they'd even write a scene where it shows the origin of chaos and how it is connected to humanity somehow.

Could you imagine that? Lmao
did you miss the opening text? It is pointless and doomed
Speaking of retcons, what's the current lore explanation for what happened to the Old Ones at the end of the War in Heaven?
Joking aside, humanity was always connected heavily to the birth of Khorne and Nurgle iirc
>I'd argue that current gw makes it too big and should be even smaller
What you mean is that the setting is too bloated in the grandscheme of things, which is true. Like GW coming up with all these bottom of the barrel "warzones" that don't amount to anything.

But anon is talking about things like Necromunda or some other random planets within the Imperium that aren't a giant warzone.

Most people forget but most worlds in the Imperium will never see or experience any war.
And most of these planets Imperium just leaves alone because they keep paying their taxes.
Knowing how Chaos works though it just doesn't make any damn sense. You have literal emotionally unstable warp batteries in the Eldar galavanting around as the dominant galactic species for most of a billion years and never ever causing even a ripple in the warp until they take the plunge headlong near the end?
It just beggars belief.
Slaanesh was birthed very violently and suddenly. Maybe the other 3 came to be more gradually so things like the black plague and ghengis khan happened because of their slow and steady awakening, which in turn fueled their power etc.
With time being compressed/weird in the warp as well, we could be talking months in there but centuries outside.
That is what people mean when they say chaos lore is badly written.
It is just bad on every potential level, even from the meta-narrative perspective, since it is obvious that GW just treats Chaos like saturday cartoon villains while also acting like they are a super duper dangerous, while they blatantly also use it as a tool to get themselves out of a corner.
"Lmao the Warp and Chaos did it, it's supposed not make sense and to be le randumb xD"
>Maybe the other 3 came to be more gradually so things like the black plague and ghengis khan
You really think that ever since WiH ended 66 million years ago before the current story/modern era 40k, there was never some horrific fucking xeno plagues or genocidal alien war lords going around genociding other aliens?
It's worth pointing out that there are no humans in 40k. The baseline human species (Homo Sapiens Sapiens) was replaced and succeeded by genetically altered inheritor constructs during the Dark Age of technology called the Men of Gold, who then went on to make several other variants like the Men of Stone and the Men of Iron. Current era Imperium is populated by the degenerate descendants of those Men of Gold.
The Eldar were protected by their own gods.
You legit stopped reading at the important part.
>Current era Imperium is populated by the degenerate descendants of those Men of Gold.
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So what's the go with legends characters, do I just announce that I plan on using one to my opponent before a battle, and is it possible to add them to battle forge on the 40k app?
Necrons and C’tan wiped out most of them, the Enslaver Plague and warp predators finished off any that were remaining by the end.
killed by ctan/necrons/demons/enslavers

some instances suggest they didn't actually go completely extinct but rather the last few went away
So who were the men of gold then? Men of Iron were the robots/AI, I thought the men of gold were the humans during the DAoT
I mean, as far as I understand from the 10th edition warcom articles, Legends are fully legal for matched play.
I really do wish that people would push more against the Legends shit because down the line I have no idea how its gonna work out. Are we gonna see Primaris Intercessors LEGENDS'd circa 2030? Because the thought honestly seems somewhat obscene
Yeah just tell your opponent before the game, and no, only BattleScribe and new recruit have legends rules. The app is trash.
whoever the men of gold were the text that mentions them says that they were essentially replaced by the men of stone on the galactic stage

basically the men of gold were the new men like perpetuals or some version of peak mankind, and the men of stone were genetically engineered colonists
in time the colonists became the norm
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>"Lmao the Warp and Chaos did it, it's supposed not make sense and to be le randumb xD"
That's (and partially the art direction) honestly my main issue with Chaos.
The metaphysics of Chaos really do give off a lot of "not so smart people trying to write smart stuff".
And to me, when that sort of writing is coupled with abundantly overexerted focus on Big Four coupled with Daemons both playing the 2nd fiddle narratively to Chaos Mortals (in spite of being their de-facto masters in fluff) feels really unappealing. Daemons themselves should've been either massively more fleshed out or never been released on tabletop and kept as super nebulous and mysterious things like idfk, DAoT or Rangdan or what have you. When the cultists are more interesting & fleshed out than the object of their worship I feel like it just kinda sucks to be interested in the subject matter to begin with.
I wanna love Chaos, I really do because I dig a chunk of it's aesthetics, but I can't really let go of my feelings regarding it above.
The idea that your models turn to dust when GW decides they're legends is one I only see in internet circles.
Any in person games, people will use what they have and proxy it accordingly. I saw an entire oldschool SM army a few weeks ago in all their manlet glory playing in an office GW store and nobody cared including the owner.
Thanks lads, appreciated. Was only planning on playing the one legend character and he's fairly ordinary so I don't think anyone would object to it
Are you retarded
What do you do when your models move through ruins at your LGS?
Do you set the models on top and say "oh they're inside, this is just easier"
Do you lift up the ruin, move the models in, and set it back down?
Or do you slide each model in while the ruin stays put?
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>got the second display cabinet up
>Got enough armies to fill 5/6 slots
>whoops haha will just have to get another won't I haha
No the setting is.
can't you put the books or scenery in there?
Did you make it yourself? I've just been using cube shelves atm but most of my shit isn't painted so no need for a display case yet
I buy neither
just 2 ikea rudsta. I don't think they're actually all that great as the gaps lead to dust ingress eventually but meh

scratchbuild scenery? handmade /your dudes/ sourcebook?
scratchbuilding scenery might be fun. Or make the entire shelf into a diorama.
>can put two characters with a Boyz unit if one of them is a Warboss

Do they mean an actual warboss or a character with the warboss keyword? Is it possible that I could put blackhawk with a unit of 20 boyz and then attach another character to them?
I'd say the latter for flavor reasons. He's a warboss, ain't he?
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>Daemons themselves should've been either massively more fleshed out or never been released on tabletop and kept as super nebulous and mysterious things like idfk, DAoT or Rangdan
I'd add that Word Bearers should have been the face of CSM and the black legion that mythic fabled force "what do you mean there are STILL veterens of the HH founding myth still alive, what do you mean their lead by the 1st Captain of the Sons of Horus".
Daemons are in desperate need to be massively fleshed out or just cut. There should be many different forms of a chaos gods daemons and not just '1 greater daemon form, 1 daemon troop form, 1-2 daemon beasts,'. Like that conversation a few days ago about Chaos should operate like the outer gods of Elden ring, different manifestations and beings created by the same god
You consider adding more shelves?
He's got the warboss key word but I'm not sure since he's not in the codex, as I think a warboss is the only unit with the warboss keyword that can be attached to boyz in the codex.
"Warboss" is a keyword that applies to multiple characters, similar to how Darnath Lysander has "Terminator" and "Captain" keywords, but he's not the same character as Captain in Terminator Armor. You can have a second character attached to your Boyz if it qualifies (not sure of limitations, I know only certain SM characters can pair with a Captain, for example).
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>Daemons are in desperate need to be massively fleshed out or just cut. There should be many different forms of a chaos gods daemons and not just '1 greater daemon form, 1 daemon troop form, 1-2 daemon beasts,'. Like that conversation a few days ago about Chaos should operate like the outer gods of Elden ring, different manifestations and beings created by the same god
I remember having a vaguely similar conversation with potentially the same anon (being you), while also touching upon Aetheric Dominions. Think we sorta conceding that projecting these ideas on existing skimpy fluff is a bit "copey" but I appreciate the sentiment and the ideas.
But yeah, I do agree. This sort of approach however would necessitate a completely different Daemon model range (think every kit being basically old Chaos Spawn kit but weirder). Or as I've posed in earlier post, not have Daemons on the tabletop *at all* aside from maybe CSM princes and some lowly Beasts.
If its in capitals, its a keyword.
Fantastic, not sure if it's a good idea or not but it seems fun at least. Just the way it's written here I assumed it had to be an actual warboss but as you two have stated it's a keyword.
I feel like I've discussed this topic many times with many different anons but it def could have been me. Another anon the day posted his idea to flesh Daemons being a new game called the 'Great Game'.
Set within the Great Game we can see all the different forces of the chaos gods, chaos xenos factions, different cultures that worship the same chaos god differently leading to radical design differences, big expansion of daemons, minor chaos god daemons, independant daemons etc which I think would be awesome. Like an expansion of all those chaos warcry kits and how varied and different they all were from each other. Chaos is far far to stictly organised and catalogued to feel like chaos.
My only hopium is that the current daemon models are all ancient, as are the Grey knights who really really suffer from scale creep when stood to new stuff, including their own new character units. So maybe GW will refresh the daemons alongside Grey knights sometime
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Thousand hours on paint
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Perhaps my takes are a bit too pessimistic, but I feel like the current art direction for the Daemons is fairly cemented in stone and Undivided Daemons being purged is not exactly a good sign either. I appreciate Vashtorr's appearance but if it's just a standalone model & some detachments down the line it might not be quite enough to tickle my fancy.
I like my occult stuff as much as I like my flesh/biotech stuff and in a better world I'd do some freaky chaos nid extravaganza because spiritually my heart sings to the prospect of conjoining spec.evo & occultism. But honestly in this skein of fate I am a kinda content/happy that nids are basically immune to it while not "overselling" their fluff like some high-end Daemon metaphysics do. I'm sure you at least partially understand the position I'm coming from.
I still have a Chaos Android killteam project down the line because cyberdaemons are cool.
Thats just yet another failure from the GW app.

The codex does not have it as "Warboss", it is "WARBOSS", which are different things.
I hope boarding patrol becomes fun, I dont wanna play 2k games anymore.
Not till GW figures out how to shove marines in there.
>decorated bases
>not even primed
I clench my fist in rage
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It already is, just need to home rule some shit.
I appreciate your posts sally anon. Always.
Its always doomed to not get proper updates, largely because it explicitly requires specific terrain that nobody bought. Yeah you can make it or print it, but thats still a barrier to entry
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First squad built, really glad my favourite aspect warrior is in plastic, I'd love to see swooping hawks next
Not a bad kit. The poses are so fucking boring though
Looks far better than my shitty 4th ed metal ones
I always aim to play 1.5k or 1k games. 2k games on the regular is just exhausting.
Are you blind?! Look at those rocks they're on! Very dynamic poses.
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I know a lot of people hate these davinci admech models but I really like this thing and had an absolute blast building and painting it. I even magnetised a couple things for the hell of it
Exercise more
It's insane how bad the mould lines still are on GW's "premium models". You'd think that was a kit from 2003.
>Want more terrain
>Look at GW terrain
>Costs an arm and a leg
>Take a gamble on secondhand terrain for $20
>Legit the best terrain I've ever played with
Fuck L-shaped ruins, ork-like terrain is now my best friend.
Yeah, they only have one pose to build according to instructions. I ended up tweaking arms and head direction so they aren't exactly the same as the next squad by clipping the neck pegs.
Otherwise you can make them without helmets which apparently makes them "ynnari".
>Undivided Daemons being purged is not exactly a good sign either
maybe I'm letting Realms of Chaos dictate my thnking too much but Undivided daemons make no sense and seem like a lazy decision done for gameplay reasons. Independant Daemons are not undivided daemons, they are daemons that are not connected to the major 4, while undivided daemons would be a creation of all 4 major chaos gods, like Belakor.
I do wish Vashtorr would bring his own cyberdemon faction of chaos daemons, the sudden creation of Vashtorr is a good sign GW is at least somewhat considering different types of chaos daemons. Maybe if he succedds in his quest with Wyrmwood we'll get his faction. Fleshy bio-tech daemons are a missing aesetheitic for chaos daemons.
>but I feel like the current art direction for the Daemons is fairly cemented
I'd say that the core forces of a chaos god are set but we could get other forces for them. To give the Elden Ring example, the 'THE FULL/DARK MOON' outer god is connected to Raya Lucaria so all the warriors wizard socerer enemies could be the 'forces' of it as a chaos god, but its also connected to Falling star beasts and Astels/malformed stars, but also the claymen that live underground. So we get a large amount of variety from a single force which is what I want from
I meant mentally exhausting, not physically.
When the first turn takes like 1+ hour against some people I kind of just tend to tap out mentally
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and what Ork terrain would that be

>When the first turn takes like 1+ hour
Something is very, very wrong with your games. First turns should be relatively short affairs unless you're an army whose go-turn is T1 and thats rare
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Thanks guy.
Pics? Name of the terrain?
Don't keep us in the gallowdark.
I swapped things around a bit on my second squad but other than the arm actually aiming his pistol they're all just kinda standing around posing. No running or striking poses or anything.
The larger vehicles aren't so bad. It's the stupid little ones that look like dogshit.
Poised to strike I guess, but you're right.
Are there any examples of models who are in a striking pose?
I know there are definitely a few running poses
Why aren't you making your own terrain
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post moar CHAPLAINS
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>maybe I'm letting Realms of Chaos dictate my thnking too much but Undivided daemons make no sense and seem like a lazy decision done for gameplay reasons. Independant Daemons are not undivided daemons, they are daemons that are not connected to the major 4, while undivided daemons would be a creation of all 4 major chaos gods, like Belakor.
Fair enough, guess I should've worded it better as "Unaligned" as opposed to straight up Undivided but that's the language I'm most used to around these parts due to how there are really only 5 marks Crunch-wise.
>Fleshy bio-tech daemons are a missing aesetheitic for chaos daemons.
There was that one art of daemonette with a hand-gun graft but honestly I feel like DEldar and nids have already largely called dibs on the outright biotech of the setting, but I can totally see Vashtorr's cyber-daemons having such grafts.
>the 'THE FULL/DARK MOON' outer god
I haven't played the DLC yet but I usually have taken a more reserved position on what is and what isn't an Outer God in ER fluff. I.E. I don't believe Fell God is an Outer God per se since it's never called as such and there are other, regular Gods in the setting.
But I wouldn't wanna derail the thread with ramifications of this and I agree with the spirit of your example.
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Take the custom-built terrain pill anon.
GW terrain is nice to use as secondary.
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Can't get a pic of it right now, it's in storage
>Name of the terrain?
No name, the dude just made it himself. But it's more or less walkable ork-like walls with a lot of ork parts and stuff on it. Surprisingly sturdy tho.

That's what I've done so far. Though that's mostly just cardboard that I've glued together and spray-painted.
What's the Ork equivalent to a chaplain? A chaplork, if you will.
>Tuska the Killa-Daemon
NTA, but if you include set up through 1st turn, it might take the better part of an hour yeah. Setting you your units one by one to have any that have a toe poking out of cover removed before you even tKe your turn sux aswell.
Just play necromunda
The only true way to do terrain in 40k
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thoughts on this khorne daemon flesh?

I think i used too much orange, but does it look good?
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>humie spotted
>Please almighty Machine God let me become 1337 like Belisarius Cawl.
I have a feeling its EonsOfBattle's Orky upgrade to Octarius. I'm assuming it's a 3d print?
Why the fuck did they squat warboss and nobz on warbikes? It's just a silly decision isn't it
I agree with you, but the Octarius orky fort was amazing and it makes me sad how shit GW terrain is by comparison. I love how all the pieces fit together to make one big ork fort.
>video game devs remember that the trike boss's klaw is a grappling hook
>GW rules writers don't
Whoever's making SpeedFreaks really loves orks and it shows.
When's it coming out?
Looks good enough.
They put out a post a few minutes ago saying that they're releasing the early access on August 6th.
Of course the early access is more finished than some "full release" games nowadays.
Was the website changed to super compress photos now?
Kind of cringe if this is the case
The 4 aren't the entirety of chaos, they are a part of it. Older more powerfull entities exist deeper. Some demons may be unalinged, some may have a connections to the big 4, but still stand separately to them.
You've outed yourself as a phoneposter
Aren't we all phoneposters? Don't really have a choice when I'm at work
Fair enough. To answer your question yes the mobile browser version of 4chan compresses images to shit. Use Kuroba or KurobaEx if you've got an android. It's far better than a browser.
Oh I'm not that anon, sorry. As I phoneposter myself I thought I'd just say that anyway
>you can make them without helmets which apparently makes them "ynnari".
I will forever wish ill on the people responsible for this trash.
Never get to have bare headed dudes without some retard thinking you accept this abortion of a faction.
Well the question is answered regardless. I myself phonepost at work because kuroba solves captchas for me, while my laptop 2 feet away doesn't.
>Octarius orky fort was amazing and it makes me sad how shit GW terrain is by comparison
Do you think Killteam wasn't made by GW?
>look up trailer
>shitty zoom eternal dubstep music
Nothing says orks like shitty wubwubs
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Got some turrets touched up last night, working on sponsons and other things I've skipped over for years.

What are you guys working on?
Thanks to the kinds of people who bitch about gw protecting their IP 'too aggressively' gw will not do that.
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I've been thinking about how older 40k was much better, having started in 3rd, leaving at the beginning of 5th because of life, and then coming back to 8th which didn't impress me at all so I didn't play it, 9th, and haven't played any 10th (though I am trying to force myself because my local is mainly 40k and AoS with a smattering of HH, MESBG, Necromunda, and TOW). Anyway, and I can't believe I'm saying this, I think that the module system that AoS is using now should come to 40k but way better. It's something you can add or remove to tailor the game to what you want, right? Well, what if it went further? A Wargear Module, bringing back, well, Wargear and its choices. An Initiative Module, which brings back Initiative, Weapon Skill Module, Blast Template Module, (additional)Tank/Vehicle (rules) Module, etc. It could be a relatively easy way to add the depth that was once there back to the game as options that players can choose which to use (or all, or none). Hell, scrap the current "Matched Play" which is tourneyfag shit and may as well be "Competitive-lite" for all I've seen. Crusade, which will be the actual simulation and wargame, and Competitive, which will be for stupid faggots who netlist, want fixed squad sizes with zero granularity, and just want to win.

I don't see anything wrong with my ideas here. Crusade can be an optional, amazing return to an actual wargame and not a boardgame with a thousand rerolls. I see no downsides. Oh, and you could also release campaign books for Crusade like they're doing now, but made for the new modes. Do them in the style of Imperial Armour. Wowee, I'm making money for GW here. Name a downside. You can't.
What music would orks listen to? I'd assume it would be thrash metal or something like that
Not sure I follow. Isn't them refusing to make new stuff that could be copied, overprotective?
Other music is pussy shit for snotlings.
you don't know what wubwub means you just use it to describe something you don't like lmao
It's weird, I'll likely keep all my aspect warriors in helmets, especially since the targeting systems are apparently part of the strength of scorpions and it ties into the "war mask" thing (I'm still learning the fluff for elves).
I might have some guardians, wizards, or pilots without helmets dispersed throughout the army though so I can flex my face painting skills
It's FreeToPlay so I'm not holding my breath but least it's not $30 and earlyaccessmaybewe'llupdatesomedayDayZ
The horus heresy books established that the emperor and horus were so powerful they fought through back to the beginning of time and the emperor killing horus created the first three chaos gods and the emperor is the 5th and 1st chaos god who also doesn't exist in this timeline but whose chaos realm does exist and has cults dedicated to him.
I should have said "The rest of GW Terrain" so that's on me. What I meant to say was when they want to make good shit they do. So it's shitty how rare it is.
No, that's reasonable protection. Why would you invest in making cool stuff if people are going to be faggots and fuck you over.
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>The catachans in the cupolas
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Some terrain and an arthromite duneskuttler proxy for necromunda
Sorry, I worded it poorly. I meant I'm not sure I see the connection between people calling James overprotective and them not making new stuff
I always thought nundams were bigger, never seen them in the wild
Ah. Gee. Thanks. That sure does clear everything up. Definitely makes the setting better. Nice to see Big E was always destined to fail no matter what he did because the universe decided it before he even existed.
Slide them when playing casually, just whatever is fastest when playing competitively.
There's no such thing as intellectual property.
Haha. As an aside, my only minor gripe with the diorama is the basing. The ground is same-y and unnatural looking. The grass tufts are also quite boring. The tank is amazingly well done with the military modeling aesthetic done to great effect. If only it had won something instead of just being commended.
I've been mad that they haven't been a mainstay with their own codex since Eye of Terror. Horus Heresy has two options for traitor guard, either traitor Solar Auxilia or Traitor Imperialis Militia, so why can't 40k have at least one?

But then, knowing GW, if we got one they'd have worse stats than Imperial Guard, less options than then, and with random leadership again.
There's no such thing as property.
It could have been good. A new faction of death cult space elves isn't terrible, execution was horrendous. Still would have preferred exodites riding space dinos tho.
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What chapters did Thomas Jefferson approve of?
Will Boarding Patrols be back as bundles?
The platonic ideal of a "Space Marine" is my personal property
Aspect Warriors without the helmets is a terrible idea for a faction aesthetic. Existing models just painted red is an even worse idea. Three named characters with one being mandatory and one being busted to hell is an even worse idea for a faction on top of that.
Ynnari are probably the biggest piece of wasted potential in the lore and a bigger mistake than Primaris.
>It could have been good.
Sure. When you make them their entirely own army with an initial release of their own units and prevent them from taking anything from my faction, ever.
That's the only way I'll accept them.
They are a tasteful size honestly, the only problem I have with them is WHERE DO THE LEGS GO? It would look so much better if the arms were also encased, like the legs and arms both were extensions of the body. But the legs just look strange. Better than the gray knights baby carrier though.
>Suit bends knees
>Calves snap
Alternatively, they chop the legs off before stuffing you into the suit.
The Anti-Federalists, the Sons of Jeffer, the Magnum Charter, and the Servant Seductors.
You own only what you can defend or petition your masters to defend on your behalf. I do not bow to your king.
In hindsight it's not surprising that the Servant Seductors were corrupted by Slaanesh.
Marine chapter that engages in dwarf tossing their serfs
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I mean they could amputate the lower limbs, kinda how Xcom's MECs do it.
Not sure why stop at the legs, leaving the arms exposed is a massive vulnerability
Legs wouldn't reach the knees, but if the suit bends or rotates around the waist you are fucked.
Maybe it doesn't have that kind of mobility
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I wonder if tau prosthetics are standard strength or if these cunts can punch through walls like Adam Jensen
he did, check out old lore regarding "sensei"
That’s just the Pissmarines.
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I fail to see the issue with the position of the legs and fitting them before the robo-knee, they could also bend a little to save space since the robo-thighs are obviously thicker
Given the slightly heroic, not exactly realistic proportions of human themselves in GW miniatures I think it works
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Post WIPs.
Those legs seem kinda short
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kitbashed plaguecaster for my DG
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Ministry of silly walks
Honestly, that seems like it'd be fucking exhausting to use
I think the left arm (the one with the flies) seem kind of awkwardly posed and kind of messes with the models feeling of direction
They're obviously in those locked leg bondage suits that make them fold their calves up behind them. They're still BDSM nuns.
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>I'm sure to win because my speed is superior
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first sloppy basecoats for robes getting slapped on between work calls
wtf i love nundams now
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Why would a shooty deldar be charging into combat, Anon? He should be at distance thinking that his ultra hitech gun is going to win against the archaic technology of the terminator suit. Also dying means nothing to the deldar because he'll just be regrown in a lab. All in all, a terrible attempt at a meme.
That's a wychbro
Unironically, yes. That's how modern warfare works.
>Shooty eldar
>Wych with a splinter pistol
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Aww not the McMechanalds staff on the front line.
No it isn't.
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My MK4 marine, mostly done, just need to glue on some purity seals and start painting.
They probably have something up their cooch too that rewards/punishes their performance as the battle goes on.
>bypasses your defenses because they're too slow to intercept
I dislike how thin the trim on that pauldron is
Modern fighter jets are slower than their 4th gen counterparts. Stealth and logistics are king right now.
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While it is a Wych and ostensibly a melee unit, that's still probably not going to end well for her.
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That's the MK4 armor for you
At least it has a trim unlike the MK6 armor
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And what 40k army has the best stealth and logistics?
Mike Brooks please, that's a man.
Alpha Legion
Purple orks
Terrible helmet choice.
Raven Guard
>Modern fighter jets are slower than their 4th gen counterparts
But the missiles are faster.
Yeah, well, your mother is a terrible helmet choice.
I prefer the old long-nosed MK4 over the newer flat one as it looks a lot less like the primaris one.
>Bad mouthing the snoot helmets
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>what 40k army has the best stealth and logistics?
Craftworlds. How is this even a question?
>inifinite resources produced by feelings
>streamlined production that's as natural as breathing
>ability to teleport across the galaxy
>move faster than standard sight can follow
>budget cloaks of invisibility on basic troops
>psychic obfuscation at will
Helm feels a little out of place, but I like anyone using green stuff.
One of the rare, piece painter chads.
Tau. Ghostkeel, stealthsuits, Pathfinders, sniper units, hover tanks (I assume they move relatively quietly).
Bonus: guerilla warfare expert colonial troops (kroot)
>skitarii violently torn apart by cyber-nematodes
if thats the case why do they lose so god damn often
What's a weird quirk of your local meta for your play group or LGS that you don't think the general population probably has to deal with as much?
flat bitches
>look it up
>they dont even fight
What the fuck
Because GW wants to sell a game where the factions are equivalent but wants to sell literature where the Imperium wins but wants to sell a setting where everything sucks.
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Of course not, they're not wearing dresses
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I'll shove yon down a flight of stairs
I'd kill myself if I tried to paint skits fully assembled
common tragedies of the frontlines in the far future
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I've also done a MK5 conversion which is a lot messier, but hopefully paint that hide the rougher spots
The helmet is actually a MK7 that i greenstuffed and riveted to look more like a MK5, because i ain't buying resin ones (also because i can't find any in stock anywhere)
For some reason my phone camera weirdly distorts the mini, making it look squatter than it actually is
Heavy bolter for my first CrimFist tactical squad.
>Based crimson fists enjoyer
That's a Tortuga body isnt' it?
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Heads and shoulders to go.
Raven Guard and Raptors.
It is. I got 20 Mk 8 bodies last week and a few bionic bodies in Mks 2, 3 & 4 to make characters and veterans about a month ago.
New one is superior and only good one.
I will eternally stay here.
Are Custodes just irredeemably shit now? They just feel way too squishy for how expensive they all are.
The hognosed Mk 4 is the best one.
Down to three guys And a Cadian Command Squad I shouldn't have purchased because it's annual car registry sticker time
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Oops, forgot picture
Man, I still need this guy. Missed an auction recently, feels bad man
It's deserved
Mine should be here tomorrow or next Friday. 2nd ed.
Admech or Votann better rn?
I remember these were less silly looking in reality when you compare them with grunt sisters size-wise.
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I am becoming more and more tempted to paint this sword as if it were made of flesh.
>New one is superior and only good one.
Imagine liking the proto-Primaris helmet.
imagine being this buckbroken
That could look cool.
What of bone?
>Star wars CIS tri fighters
Don’t care
Both armies are semi-horde gunlines with subpar rules. Admech at least has a little flavor going on right now. With votann you actively play against your army's fluff at the moment.
armageddon ork hunters because theyre cool
>would just be another awkward army that never goes against their preferred target same as grey knights and deathwatch
Man, they should just steal XCOM MECs wholesale. They look great and they fit 40k perfectly.
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Sure, here's the chaplains from my manlet character collection.
Modern warfare is being dictated by infantry and artillery with the new inclusion being drones to better direct artillery.
Artillery is still the king of the battlefield, as it has been since WWI.
>semi-horde gunlines
what if I take 20 votann termies and 10 berserkers
I care about (you)
How are you anon? You drinking your water?
Yes anon, you can always build the semi-horde armies to be more elite, the same way you can also build admech to be a vehicle spam army.

However, your suggestion there is almost exactly how votann is ran at the moment if you want to do well. Hearthguard have shitty knees due to carrying the army so hard. But be warned: Your army rule is boring, your detachment rule "fixes" it by giving out judgement for free instead of how it's supposed to accrue, and your datasheets are almost always extremely lacking in STR across the board.
If you want votann, get them because you like the models. Not because you want to play a fun army.
Oh, it's also worth mentioning that votann has a chance to get better with its second wave and codex, most likely coming out next year. Admech has no such hope. By that margin alone votann wins.
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>135 bongs
thats like what, $210 in real money? chump change amirite?
Well, fuck that then.
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I have them base-coated now, I like this green it almost makes me wish my army's main colour was the same.
I also have a feeling when I do a nice orange on Fire Dragons I'll feel the same way
I'll do yellow stripes, and some red or blue details (cloth bands on their arms) to tie them into the rest of the force. Bases will help with that too
reminder that you need two of them
It's just walls and doors, I guarantee there's a cheaper suitable third-party replacement.
lol, my LGS bought like six sets to try to host a boarding actions tournament. Or maybe a Kill-Team Gallowdark tournament. Probably both. They cancelled the tournaments because not enough people signed up and then sold the terrain for $50 a set. So I got one for myself real cheap.
Honestly I can just use styrofoam to make up walls and shit, or just use cardboard. With cardboard I can make doors which you can open as well. There's also the 3d printing option, I don't have one but there are places where you can send your STL file and either have it delivered it you or you can go to the place itself and have it printed there.
I got it for $180 on Amazon during prime day.
You're thinking of Gallowdark. This one comes with everything you need afaik.
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Personally I find it very funny how they're just trying to price Aus/NZ players out of existence.

Bearing in mind £1 = 2.14 $NZ
If you want a 4'x4' board, you need two. The set in the box is 704x1214mm, or roughly 2.3 feet by 4 feet.
Jesus that's worse than the American markup. AUS is probably hell to ship to though and the player base is a lot smaller so lower sales
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How would The Old Ones deal with a Tyranid invasion?
They would be eaten
They'd make a species with a synapse effect that could steal control while maintaining independence and pull a StarCraft Broodwar.
where are the boarding patrols to play the game with
Which maps require 4 of them though?
You already own an army with some infantry right? Then you own a boarding patrol.
How about plasticard?
He's skipping the part where you leave long gaps between the terrain pieces for rooms and hallways connected by doors. They actually end up quite spread out.
Even the White Dwarf scenarios with thing like ship-to-ship boarding just uses docking bridges you place between two boards made with one set of terrain eachm
this terrain set has tons of knock offs and is incredibly easy to 3DPROOOOOONT. No one should buy it.
I dont understand. Are the rules in the codex?
Very nice, elfbro. What green is that, because it’s great.
I don't want GW to ever touch the age of apostasy since they'd ruin Sebastian Thor's character because he's not grimdark enough. Therefore I propose exploring the Macharian Heresy because its an excellent opportunity for explaining Imperial vs Imperial battles without chaos being involved.
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None? I said two, if you want a 4 feet by 4 feet board, which is pretty normal for smaller games.
Thank you, it's Scorpy green by vallejo.

I'm curious, is anyone here colorblind? Here's how they look with the most common form of colorblindness
I’m pretty sure Sallyfag is the only colourblind regular poster.
Every time an image like this is posted, I can only imagine how many people think "did he post the wrong image?"
They made the tyranids
Badab War is the most peak Imperial v Imperial conflict, followed by the Horus Heresy
I meant 4 game boards. The BA box comes with 2 game boards. Can you show some official scenarios that require 4 boards?
Lol they became alaitoc when you are colorblind
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There's a guy at my LGS who's blue-green colorblind. Bad luck for my scheme.
Yeah I assume he's full of shit. All the maps look like 2 game boards worth of stuff.
War of the False Primarch has potential to be better, but you’re right.
>orks are brown to anon’s friend
Would you like if eldar minis looked like this?
No, that looks like shit.
I want GW turn CWE into what they were going for with the Corsairs/Ynnari.
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World Eaters seem like a lot of fun. How are they to play as / against? I'm a big fan of mindless slaughter as a tactic, can't score on objectives if you're dead.
What else was going on with the ynari other than 3 models
Badab War is just going to be Space Marines vs Space Marines though, plus it became a Chaos vs Imperium conflict at the end. The Macharian Heresy on the other hand was literally just a bunch of Imperial Armies fighting each other because nobody knew what was going on after Macharius died. You could also throw in a few Xenos armies like the Orks and Eldar since there isn't any fluff explicitly saying they weren't there.
Are those the 3d printed sponsons?
>It took a seventy year-long Crusade under Warmaster Solon[3] consisting of one hundred Space Marine Chapters to finally put an end to the Heresy. The Order of the Argent Shroud also distinguished itself in the conflict.
>seventy year-long Crusade
>one hundred Space Marine Chapters
holy fucking shit, I knew the Macharian Heresy was a big deal but I didn't know it was THAT big of a deal for the Imperium
>just going to be Space Marines vs Space Marines
you mean the only thing that matters in the setting
I've seen people shill those rust-oleum spray cans, am I getting rused or are they actually good?
Anyone got a pdf of the 10th Ed CSM codex
I finally bought one because I couldnt get proacryl to stick to my tamiya or vallejo cans
it's got a little bit more texture to it even when sprayed extremely lightly but it's very easy to apply cleanly and paint grabs onto it like crazy
There's a few 3d printed alternatives but they aren't really cheaper.
If you don't win the coin flip, don't go first, you lose. You don't use zerkers outside of transporting a master of execution/kharn, and rely on the ugly as sin exalted eight bound to do anything. Oh, and you need to skew into the 8bound btw. Angron will also likely be the first thing that dies off your side of the field as well. I can go on about how awful world eaters are, but please take my word as to the fact that they are extremely boring to play. Even knights are more engaging.
they used to be WAY better, but they changed formula awhile back and now its just okay.

give it plenty of time to dry, like 24-48 hrs
That doesn't look fun to play against. Apart from that ability, 4 fucking attacks?
NTA but if you have kharn with a squad of bezerkers in a transport does one of them still die every turn due to not being in engagement range?
Is there a particular one that is good for models? I got told to avoid one variant of those cans but can't remember which one
nah kharn goes to sleep when hes in a transport. So your squad should be safe in a rhino or a landraider.
>it's ok to pay 135 bongs for half a board because GW made the rules so you only need half a board
Children of alcoholics the lot of you...
don't get the paint and primer can or the filler primer, the 2x ultra cover is what I was told to use and it behaves well enough
It's two boards and you have yet to explain why you'd need 4 for Boarding Actions. Show me one official map that says "For this you will need 4 704mm by 607mm board" and I will concede. Till then you're just being angry to be mad.
what a cool dude sleeping on roadtrips instead of being obnoxious in the back seat
5 attacks each on the charge at S6.
Alrighty too easy, thanks for that anon
Yes that looks 200%dope
What was the whole deal with Ynarri anyway and why didn't they keep going with them?
To be a fly on the wall in GW's offices.
>What was the whole deal with Ynarri anyway
To kill Slaanesh so that GW could market to kids.
>why didn't they keep going with them?
Management changed and decided they still wanted Slaanesh around. Also Eldar suck and don't sell, so fuck'em.
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They're unironically great to play as and play against. They have good flavorful rules and just got a model refresh so their kits are ace.
Looks fun to play against as orks. Love me another melee army me
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Drew a Culexus Assassin hope this fits here
troon insert coombait imperialservice that becomes irrelevant?
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I have this problem where I love so many different factions and my intense interest in them oscillates so frequently that I keep buying new kits for different factions instead of sticking with one. I have probably 2 2,000 points armies worth of models but none of them are enough from one faction to make even a single 500 point army.

How do I cure this?
People unironically say melee armies are boring then play Tau or Guard. Okay.
Awesome, really captures the essence of 40k
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Between 40k, HH, and AoS, which setting do you think does Tzeentch the best?
you've never failed a charge roll.
Literally me. Recently I've been selling off extra stuff and committed to 2 factions (for 40k). I've accepted that some models I have are just for painting project without any aspiration of being an army.
not 40k and not HH. probably a toss up between the fantasy settings when you consider the fact the settings aren't stagnant.
I like to run my Zerkers with a Juggerlord instead of Kharn or MoE because he allows re-rolls to advance, charge, and surge.
Good shit, anon.
AoS with ease. Ruleswise too, aos tends to represent it much better, also the human cultists and daemons are part of the same cohesive faction.
Pinks auto split no bullshit rolling, so you know exactly how many blues you need, and you get fun casting (40k doesn't really have casting any more)
How do you make world eaters interesting?
Space Marines v Space Marines is imperial v imperial. Titans, Guard, pirates and the whole menagerie fought in the Badab war.
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a few more tank bits. procrastinating doing the actual tank because it's going to be a bitch
They can phase through walls?
40k for sure.
Used to be AoS but now it's 40k
whfb unironically
>How do I cure this?
You have ADHD. There is no cure.
Very fun and interactive to play against. Don't listen to no games about not going turn 1. If your army is getting shot off the board T1 you should practice deployment. If you can't go to your LGS a lot play some games online on TTS and ask for advice while deploying. I went from getting my knights tangled up chaff every game to actually understanding the value of screens and charges. Melee armies are generally at a disadvantage in this edition but they are actually more interactive and give you more opportunities for skillful outplays and making the right target selection than an army like parking lot guard or battle suit spam.

Id say the armies I have the most fun fighting are Orks, World Eaters, CSM, Sisters of Battle, because they are very fair and have a clear game plan. Asymmetrical 40k is good 40k.
Isn't that just daemons and chaos warriors?
Theyre already interesting. If you don't think they're interesting or can't think of something interesting to do with them already then get the FUCK away from my faction before your skull adorns the base of His throne.
They would be more scary if wargear was brought back, and the general amount of models on the board was reduced to like 1/4 of what it is now. Blood tithe would be nice than the gay ass fucking army rule they have now as well, an actual range would neat too.
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It's what I decided my slann will roll around with

not sure if I'll treat it as a flyer or a tank, the latter would be more needed, I've obly got a gunrig as other 'vehicle'
Make them more like sharks. Blood drives them crazy but they're ok otherwise.
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I hate playing against SoB. Their shit always feels like cheating. It sucks when engagements come down to a single high stakes roll and they can just spend a miracle dice on it. It feels incredibly shitty to be on the other end of that.
As far as I have read, yes but I hope that its not a fanon thing.
I cant find it in the wikis so maybe 1D4chan?
Huh I didn't think about it but the trifighter kinda does look like it could be a slaan vessel. Nice.
>If your army is getting shot off the board T1 you should practice deployment.
its not about getting shott of t1, its about how fast you fucking run out of resources compared to any other army. YOU NEED that initiative otherwise you will lose on your pieces that can impact the board, and then you find yourself in turn 3 with nothing but a jahckal or two.Genuinely if you want a better experience just play your world eaters (minus angron) as csm. Boggles the fucking mind Legionaries get both better melee AND shooting compared to zerkers.
Do you know the difference between a cure and a treatment?
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I started looking out for the other droid tank at first, the one that most probably inspired the tau hammerhead, then I found out kits by revell were both suitably large and cheap and when that thing appeared in my searches it just clicked immediately

other star wars stuff was too recognisable, but that one with the gyroscopic center is perfect, when the kit arrives I'll try substituting the droid-'brain' with a pilot
will probably use a print of an eldar vyper gunner and replace the head and feet for froggy ones

or at least is does seem in reviews that the transparent dome and the inner globe are different parts, if it's not doable I'll just paint the globe with a galactic pattern
I feel like being consistent combined arms is more fun to play against than shit like Tsons or Custodes. It's just my opinion. Sisters army rule is good, among the best, but all their units are super squishy and expensive. Drukhari is really fun to play against too.
>the gang's all here
Legionaries in no way shape or form get better melee over Berzerkers.
I think a lot of people lack the critical thinking skills to know how and when to make tactical or strategic decisions, it's the same reason people copy and paste army lists but then cannot win with them compared to the person who came up with the list. There's more to 40k than just buying the correct models and putting them on the table. Melee armies are not just about melee, but about when and where to melee and I think a lot of people fail to grasp that.
What a cute boy.
Yea good question but there are things to consider.
If you dont paint them you are just procrastinating and you don't "Bond" with the factions you own making them less valuable and making all the other shiny things distract you. Making up lore for them and for the fights you make helps giving them character and let you care for them. Maybe you hate painting an that is your way of procrastination or you just want to posess and collect the figures to indulge in daydreaming about the stuff.
There could be that you haven't found the "your faction" yet. could be (if you play at all) they look like you like em but they don't play like you want.
There is also the possibility you just like to explore and experiment and don't care about the hobby in a few month when you are done and change the game or go to a completly new hobby.
>copy and paste army lists but can’t win with them
It’s scary how many of the compfags at my LGS this applies to. Meta chasing only works if the player has the IQ to actually know how it works.
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im not gonna pull up the math hammer for it, but its at the very least comparable.

oh yeah there is more skill expression to be had with melee armies,I dont disagree wtih you there at all. There is however, much more rng you have to fight against with them, and some of these armies just do not have a safety net for that.
>Combat Patrol is agreed upon to be a mess
>The starter box missions barely scratch the surface of the game
So where do I start?
Discipline; ADHD meds can help you rewire for discipline, but it's still up to you to push for that. It's important to be able to find pride in the thing you're doing vs just being happy to chase the thing
Get 1k points and play a game?
TTS and hope you dont get paired up with an autist on that DISCORD server.
You can go on about how you're a shitter but nobody needs listen to it
buy some paints, tools, and one autoinclude battleline unit box. see if you enjoy the hobby at all, and then go from there. Also consider using tabletop simulator to try out the game itself.
So, I´m probably gimping my retributors with combi-weapons now, but I don´t really care. I´m giving 2 superiors a combi-flamer and combi-melta each for the burning squads. Just which combi-weapon (none of the above) should I give the superior of the heavy bolter retributor squad?
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and a good cope n seethe to you.
CP actually works if you just want to go through the motions and get use to the game. Otherwise up to you to pay up more for 1k+ games.

Basically it comes down to getting use to dice rolls and rules.
>They're so shit
>2nd highest winrate
>Thinks the only way to play is full mongo turn 1
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Nah, I want elves in skimpy samus suits
>using win rate
Anon you look at the battle reports for those wins and you'll see some patterns as to why world eaters won those games solely because they went first or not. The change they got to favor of khorne was because of how consistent they were to face fuck your opponent on their turn, its still doable but you more room of error.

Hell watch the red path, where they interview World Eater Tourney winners and they'll tell you exactly how fucking tight the army is.
Combi flamers and Combi meltas don’t do anything anymore. They’re just worse bolters with dev wounds.
I know, I just want them to match their respective heavy weapons. ...fuck it. I´m giving the heavy bolter superior the crossbow.
>battle reports
>solely because they went first or not.
No thats just you needing to rather than playing the army properly.

Spend less time on youtube and more time practicing
I think the reason people are saying you either go first or lose is because they're deploying with Scouts in extremely aggressive ways (probably out in the fucking open) and getting shot off the board if they have to go second - that's the only way that makes sense.
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>uses win rate
>wont look at the context of the game
What's with the skaven on the barrels bro
You know who to thank.
NTA but I’m pretty sure those are the dragon heads from the chaos lascannon sprues.
Guess dragons come in rat flavor too
I can confirm im actually garbage at this game for this reason. I keep understimating my melee units. I keep getting bodied by terminators
I've crushed so many morons like this who just chance it on a coin flip. It's harder to deal with a WE player going second if you're not stupid, their mobility is nuts
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>I keep getting bodied by terminators
How do I deal with them? I beseech the omnisiah with this tribute of a sexy toaster
The Omnissiah can't help you, for GW's main studio hates AdMech. You only need to submit to the superiority of terminators.
The answer?
The funniest part about boarding action is that it's both simultaneously one of the most expensive game modes to set up a table for and the cheapest. The rules make it extremely fucking easy to play with sheets of graph paper if you live in a region that James hates / can't be fucked to build the terrain yourself like our wargaming forefathers intended / don't own a FDM printer.
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>when the magos needs your genes for science
First thought upon seeing that pic was about that emperor guy from dune.
Will Emperor's Children get a whole box of these guys do you think?
No you’ll maybe get 1 the box will probably be:
Demon Prince Fulgrim
10 noise marines
some EC cultists tier unit
Your picrel
Probably not. You'll get noise marines for sure, but they'll have sonic guns and not cool guitars.
>Imperial assassins no longer available for purchase on the webstore
>Not even listed as out of stock, just gone

Agents of the Imperium
and that's a good thing
and that's a good thing
So you think he'll probably be an HQ to attach to noise marines specifically then?
That was the first tab I checked, other than the Year1+ Vindicare they're nowhere to be seen.
repackaged into a combined box
Ohhhh fuuuuuck here we go!
Im legitimately hyped
They were removed because they are getting new kits. Also deathwatch stuff is gone too. Agents is about to get a big release and a bunch of stuff is getting new kits/ shuffled around.
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Are grey knights still there?
Gray knights are still there. We don't really have enough to go on but I'm kind of expecting deathwatch to get some changes. I don't think it would be best to completely fold them into Agents but that might be what happens. My biggest hope is there is a sisters, deathwatch and gray knights detachment that each has a detachment rule that says 50% of your points can be spent on units from those armies, similar to the GSC brood brothers rule.
No. They'll be gone until the 'Agents of the Imperium' supplement/dex releases.
Same. I really want to run some heavy bolter sisters rocking up with my Inquisitor.
>Airbrush seems to need at least 30, sometimes upwards of 40 psi to work
>Try a cheap shitty one and it works at 20psi like everyone says you should use
I swear I've cleaned this thing like 5 times
gladius being such a good detachment makes it so virtually no marines are better using their own than gladius
for example inner circle companions get +1 to wound in the inner circle detachment

but in gladius? 6 of them with azrael can literally 1-turn Angron
Hey, I’m a newbie reading my codex for the first time. Does making intercessors veterans give them any special abilities? Which intercessors get to be veterans? (Heavy, regular, assault, assault with jump pack) I can’t see a veteran intercessor datasheet so I’m confused.
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Pic related.
You know you can run an Inquistor in Sisters right?
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some new stuff done-ish
Nta, but I do have grayfax and a condemnor boltpistol inquisitor that I run in my sisters attached to BSS games some times. Giving meltas Anti-Psyker makes meltas ANNIHILATE nid monsters. Hell, even the condemnor boltgun does decent damage to them.
What do you think would be a cool idea for a new minor chaos God in 40k or different aspect of an existing one? What would be their emotional power source?
who or whatever it is, the emotional power source will be cringe. pure ass clenching tiktok dancing cringe.
That's an actual thing that comes up in War Zone Charadon. The admech purge planets for the sake of raising the hallowed rad count.
I dont want to run a sisters army anon. I just want the retributors.
Their warp power would stem from schadenfreude - wait nevermind thats just cegorach.

When are Harlequins getting more support?
Should I do track guards on both my Dorns or is it more interesting to have one look a little more stripped down?
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Hurts like a bolter
Does the Imperium still do the exterminatus a world if they saw daemons thing? Because I'm pretty sure daemons appeared on almost a hundred thousand worlds when the Great Rift became a thing, including Terra itself.
emotional power sources must come last during the creative process
first and foremost demons are made from visual archetypes (red devil, shoggoth, zombie, succubus, and now cyberdemon)
more visual archetypes could be drawn from scenes of the apocalypse like the swarm of winged scorpion-wasps-locusts whatever and drive home the theme of famine, moving away from nurgle for them
other elements could be ghosts, surely there's something to be made in terms of miniatures about demonic entities that look like torn pieces of the cosmos or shadows of the warp, these could probably grab the long overthought element of fear, specifically of the void and unknown
one thing I always found interesting was the association between aliens and demons, in this sense one category of demons that look like more or less convention ayys could be fun, they could look different from your technological advanced demons by making their tools less recognisably technological and more like very arcane instruments that vaguely look like technology, they could be extra spooky if they were presented as utterly alien even to other demons, as if nobody knows from what layer of the warp they come from or what's their deal
finally the biblically-accurate-angel meme is something too cool to pass on, demons that are more abstract and less humanoids, like the infamous wheels within wheels or some crystal evangelion ripoff or a living floating rune with a burning eye could be very cool, theme for them? dunno, cognitohazards? the very element of knowledge and awareness?
If demons are made from negative emotions, I'd love some minor demons/demi-gods that represent emotions like Protecting, Xenopboia, Nurturing/Parenting, Asceticism, Neutrality. Stuff that COULD maybe if you skewed it fall under one of the current big 4 but more their own identities. They have to hide in the warp because demons tear them to pieces and feed off them if they are found, which is why they are so rare. Maybe make them unaligned forces models.
It really depends. Conventional forces might not even see the threat a demon presents thinking its just a weird alien, some inquisitors actually have the means to purge a world enough to prevent demons from respawning there. Others exterminatus a world just for fun.
Bread is a little stale...
Do it yourself. Phoneposters can make threads now.
Bheaked yeah thats good
Do the fuck?

Given that new Tyrannid “faction” announcement, could we be getting more differently aligned nids? Perhaps the return of chaos aligned gene stealers?
they get ready to fight and then the camera pulls out and both have a guy standing next to them who proceeds to fuck them, there isnt any clam smashing anywhere it sucks
does anyone have the video for how to use citadel pot paints?

where you smear the back of the tongue against the rim to get the paint off?


but it's mandela effecting me right now that i cant find the video or any traces of it

nobody knows how to do it
definitely didnt dream it
I wish that at least 3 of the space marine detachments were viable (in their own way)

I want more on the farsight enclaves. I wish they were more fleshed out and more distinct from the regular T’au empire. Also I want human auxiliaries for T’au
I wish. I’ll settle for keytars though.

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