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Dwarfs edition

>The Latest Warhammer The Old World News

>TOW Official Website and Resources:

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6
Novels: https://pastebin.com/PFqPDr0H
Warhammer Chronicles: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/0xt777 (dot) zip
Time of Legends: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/q46ut6 (dot) zip
ET: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/j7d0t5 (dot) zip
TOW: https://gofile.io/d/ffbanD

>Warhammer Wikis:

>Alternative Models:

>Previous Thread: >>93348209

>TQ: Who is your favourite Dwarf character in Warhammer Fantasy
I guess bardin from vermintide?
dumb engineers are my favourite, like malaikaisson, but the magnificent sven hasslefresian takes the spot in my heart
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No contest
>They do reclaim the upper levels – and we may return to Khazid Vosk in future…
Neat. I hope they do that more often in general. Some campaign book with new army variations and maybe a new unit or two every so often sounds great to me. They should have done this for WHFB back in the day too.

Why, of course it is Long Drong, descendant of Drong the Hard!
Thanks for updating the links OP :)

>Who is your favourite Dwarf character in Warhammer Fantasy
The Warhammer Quest dwarf, since he was my first ever encounter with WH dwarfs (and dwarfs outside of like, snow white tier dwarves in general)
So. Thorgrim in the hammerer-star? Make them unbreakable so you need to grind them down proper. Although honestly that might be a downgrade to their LD10 stubborn rerolling, you want the FBIGO to make the enemy charge you for the buffs.
Oh, faq and both ravenint hordes and forces of fantasy got an update. Check downloads.
Night goblin bullshit changed.
Skavens should have their own version of the Beastmen Mangelder, named the Nutcracker
Neat, thanks for hte info, anon!

> Page 37 – The Axe Of Dargo*
Change the Strength characteristic of the Axe of Dargo to ‘S+2’
lel can't even preorder the book and there is already an errata for it. Never change James!
Thanks anon!

Lol you got there before me. Ffs James.
>0-1 fanatic per 10 goblins, max 3
Makes sense really, difficult to hide 3 fanatics in your ranks when they're 30% of your 10-man unit
Makes me nostalgic for old James, you know.
I 'member having an Errata for my 5th Edition Space Wolves before the book was out. Good times…

Anyways, there is some good stuff in the FAQ e.g.:

>Q: Does the spell Plague of Rust reduce the armour value of a
>Ward or Regeneration save?
>A: No.


>Q: Does the presence in a unit of a character whose
>base takes up the space of two or more models
>in two or more ranks reduce that unit’s rank bonus?
>A: No.
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Progress shot on lammasu

Might swap the horns for bigger ones
This is honestly coming out better than I thought it would have. Good job anon, never should have doubted you.
I do wish they also died down as the unit got thinned. As it stands, you can kill 29/30 night goblins at range and you still get hit by 3 fanatics anyways. Had it happen to me the only time I've played against night goblins, had them down to 5-6 left at start of turn, moved my knights up, hellblaster + missile troops wiffed and shot them down to 2 and my knights plus grandmaster got obliterated by the fanatics. I think they still need some way of getting baited out or they need to also be that you can only release 1 per remaining rank or per 10.
Glad GW clarified that when you choose which armour save to use on a split profile model you get to choose, for all the retards out there.
I'd have been fine with them remaining baited out, I think it's more fun that way. Not so fine with my 25pt investments becoming unusable if the unit gets whittled away (which it will, let's be honest, it's goblins). It would essentially relegate goblins to being a suicide unit, rushed at the enemy as quickly as possible. I daresay you got unlucky with that unit of 5-6, any other goblin unit would have ran off the board before that point.

I think it would be cool to have them baited out on a failed leadership test, especially with this editions bonuses to rank and Ld. More goblins in the unit, more chance of restraining the fanatics. Whittle the goblins away, easier to bait the fanatics out.
What's the state of TOW wrt Vampire Counts? I don't see them in the GW store, are they playable via basic rulebook/some kind of "index" type rules, or still waiting?
They got a PDF on the warcom site.
Don't know how good the rules for them are though.
check the legacy old world almanack article, not sure what style of VC you play but they are definitely very viable if tournie showings are any indication.
Always impressed to see sculpting with milliput. I enjoy sculpting but cannot use milliput for shit.
If it was rank though you'd still have 15 casualties before you lose a single fanatic, which to me feels more fair than the last model in the infantry unit keeping 3 fanatics in his back pocket. Panicking them through heavy casualties could be a solution but the inevitable black orc warboss on wyvern with an 18" bubble of ld9 and rallying cry means it basically doesn't matter.
GW won't be releasing vampire counts models for the foreseeable future. As the other anons explained, you can get their rules for free. As for models, you'll need to look on the second-hand market. I recommend troll trader. Good luck, anon.
NTA but I think he is using a tamiya product not normal milliput.
> make hammerers unbreakable
No one is charging hammerers anyway. And they are too slow to charge. It's just a brick to conserve your own VP.
TLDR it's pointless to invest even more into a hammerer block
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Ass someone who hated putting his characters on the edge of the front rank, this is honestly an amazing change.
It's their own idiotic first FAQ and original writing that caused the problem. Maybe if instead of writing le epic funny joke answers and seeing hiw they could work 'whilst' into a sentence, they wrote clear rules, this wouldn't be an issue.

Milliput is only good for bulking stuff out on big sculpts or mixing with other putties to get hybrid qualities
VC have the most broken list in TOW right now. Damn there everything is available to make the army since it's still around in AoS. Even without the broken scream list you can make a decent army
I was happy to see that one as well.
This is a straight up lie. GW sells a pretty large portion of their range through AoS in the various death factions. Some of it is new versions of old units meant for AoS, some are just reboxed fantasy units. All the legacy armies save chorfs have old models in the AoS ranges to varying degrees.
Ooh I missed that, that's a very welcome change.
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What happens inside the Steam Tank stays inside the Steam Tank
...uh huh. Well now I know what army im avoiding.
Also, a suicide unit is exactly and entirely what I've seen people use night goblins as anyways. They already don't do anything but release fanatics and die. Stick em in marching column and arcane urgency them to punch a whole through whatever fancy toy your opponent has. You can take shortbows and maybe kill 2-3 other goblin statline models within 18", or you could march 12" up and kill something. You could give them spear and shield and maybe kill a cav model when you get charged. Or you could march up and kill the cav unit.
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>their own weapon
If anon wants sculpts from warhammer fantasy, he won't be able to get them from GW. Everything except the ghouls, grave guard, black knights and the worst necromancer sculpt has been replaced with models that are either A) crap or B) don't rank up.
Besides, buying second hand is cheaper. Don't support GW's shitty business decisions.
>there's a crew
So can a steam tank shoot both the cannon and the gun? Guess if nothing else I now want to find points to run pidgeon bombs.
>you don't get it I need to fantasize about men
>and the worst necromancer sculpt
Sick, I didnt know they still sold the 6e metals
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Surely you jest, anon. These are awesome.
necromancer 2 seems alright, but id rather customize a amethyst wizard to be a necromancer than use anything else there.
idk anon Necromancer 1 is kinda bad
Why yes anon, I DO want to field a Shakespeare in the park version of ming the merciless
AoS definitely has some misses on sculpts but the not vc factions are pretty good.
Thanks anons. Are there any concrete plans/timetable for releasing them officially?
I was talking about TOW, which has precisely zero VC units listed. I'm aware that many AOS units are rebranded VC stuff, but official listings imply official recognition/support and that's what I was asking about.

Eh, I plan to use a mix of whatever looks the part and kitbash/convert/adapt, but I'm not hung up on official models and any event/tournament that would have issues with that is not one I'd want to go to.

Oh hey, I still have the shitty mounted necro and the one in Phrygian cap.
>Are there any concrete plans/timetable for releasing them officially?
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Surely you guys string your bows.. right?
Absolutely not
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Mini Cannons>bows

But no my suspension of belief extends to imagining a bow
>Are there any concrete plans/timetable for releasing them officially?
There was a rumor a couple of threads back that they would be the first legacy army brought back. Although different to what we would be used to.
But it's just a rumor on here. Might as well just some shitpost. There is nothing concrete and sure as hell nothing official.
>>Q: Does the presence in a unit of a character whose
>>base takes up the space of two or more models
>>in two or more ranks reduce that unit’s rank bonus?
>>A: No.
Nice. I knew some people who were tweaking about putting Demigriph Characters in units.
>Are there any concrete plans/timetable for releasing them officially?
Anon, they haven't even got a concrete timetable for the next faction in line to be released lol
Out of those, 1 is the only one I don't like..
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My giant is even more fucked against ranged now..
Girls und panzer confirmed canon in TOW!
The mounted one is also shit.
So I'd say it's 50/50 on those Necromancers.
well Black Arks are canon in the Girls und Panzer universe so it's not that surprising
sigh I'm tired of pretending oldhammer is good
then why are you here?
Goodbye then.
It's very hit or miss. Mid hammer absolutely had the best average quality. There's some old and new stuff I like but majority is ehh. Chaos in general I think has the best showing of old models.
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I think we'll be saying goodbye to the old plastics sooner rather than later
I like necromancer 2&3, rest are ugly.
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Don't care. Got mine. Enjoy your female knights with cock cage locks.
if you play bretonnia you deserve everything that's coming to you
how degenerate would it be to give my standard bearer the blasted standard, which lets the unit it's in reroll 1s on their armour saves against wounds during the shooting phase and the diabolic splendour gift of chaos, which imposes a -1 penalty on any model that tries to shoot either my standard bearer or the unit he's in? because it seems a bit OP for 75 points
hows this?

Herald of Khorne (80)
>Armour of Khorne (40)

Bloodletters x10 (140)
>full command (21)

Bloodletters x10 (140)
>full command (21)

Flesh Hounds x10 (320)
>vanguard special rule (20)

Bloodcrushers x3 (195)
>full command (21)

total 998/1000
There's not that much BS shooting you have to be that worried about, anon. So it's probably overkill unless you play a lot of irondrake heavy dwarf players locally
>inevitable black orc warboss on wyvern with an 18" bubble of ld9 and rallying cry
>a suicide unit is exactly and entirely what I've seen people use night goblins as anyways. They already don't do anything but release fanatics and die. Stick em in marching column and arcane urgency them to punch a whole through whatever fancy toy your opponent has. You can take shortbows and maybe kill 2-3 other goblin statline models within 18", or you could march 12" up and kill something. You could give them spear and shield and maybe kill a cav model when you get charged. Or you could march up and kill the cav unit
Respectfully, it sounds like you're playing powergamers. A few of us have been discussing night goblin lists and tactics over the last couple of threads and none of what you mention came up, no marching columns, no wyverns, no MSU whose only job is to hold 3 fanatics etc. Might just be bad luck and harsh opponents.
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if you like khorne, it's a great start. As much of a pain as those bloodletters are to assemble and rank up, they're lovely models and I wish I could use them with my warriors of chaos.
I really need to get around to freehanding something on the banner, though.
surely with the 30x30mm bases they rank up significantly better now?

also just ask your opponent if you can take some daemon allies to WoC, its retarded that WoC cant do that
Seems fine to get an army done quick. Can of red spray paint, couple contrast paints, a drybrush, you're good to go.

No class. 1 is the goat. Look at that collar, that top knot!
Just house rule it anon. Should be fine if you aren't playing with tournament dudes or absolute faggots.
I certainly wouldn't mind allying them in. It's bullshit they didn't include that possibility.
>I think we'll be saying goodbye to the old plastics sooner rather than later
As in, they're going to release new kits? Or they're going to squat the game?
>wish I could use them with my warriors of chaos
If you're dead set on using the WoC roster you could use a few as like forsaken or chosen warriors or something.

It's got to be because daemons are a legacy army. Can't have those PDF cheapskates using their models from other systems in their mainline TOW armies!
I haven't put them on 30mm bases because I want to keep them backwards-compatible, but no, the way their swords are positioned would still cause issues even on larger bases. You need to be very careful when assembling & basing them, and keep track of which ones go where, or else there'll be swords and hands poking models & it won't be pretty.
I agree I play against relatively sweaty people. However, on the other side of the coin, in casual game would losing a fanatic or two when your unit gets small really make fanatics too bad to play? How often do you run into situations where an opponent can afford to spend enough firepower to kill 15 night goblins out of a maybe 200 point unit before they can cross the board? I very firmly believe that toning them down so they aren't so ridiculous when they are used well isn't going to do serious damage to the experience of the playerbase that isn't even using marching column when it advantages them.
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oh I also painted up some khorne skin, i posted it in the 40k thread but I want some thoughts on it
Of course, and as the other anons mentioned it would only be reasonable to allow them to be allied in, or even to use them as forsaken or chosen warrior (which I've done previously) but it's the principle of the thing.
That's a weird and interesting FAQ.
Nice boost to shooting.
Is this for a greater daemon of khorne? it looks great, what colour are the claws going to be?
Fear is such a lacklustre special rule for forsaken of nurgle.
>Khorne: more fighty
>Tzeentch: more magicky
>Slaanesh: more speedy
>Nurgle: ...more scary... Than the other gods' forsaken... For some reason

Kinda annoying only nurgle has to take forsaken in big numbers to get their benefit. Would have much preferred regen or an extra pip of poison attack or something. Sorry for the blogpost.
its just a test scheme, i remembered last night I had this arm spare as I wanted to paint something up using the paint scheme I know for khorne skin before I bought any models to see if I enjoyed painting it

the arm itself is from kha'bandha though
>After a short wait, the Dwarfen Mountain Holds have arrived in Warhammer: The Old World
>After a short wait
>short wait
Nurgle should have given them regen 5+ or something (maybe 6+)

Tzeench forsaken also suck though
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>found an unbuilt boar boy chariot while unpacking moving boxes
>hate the old plastic boars
do I dare steal precious piggies from the boar boy WIP I was working on, or should I try and bumb a couple mutts from my resident 40k furfag and make them wolf chariots?
Despite your political brain rot, "they" is a legitimate way to refer to someone whose gender you're not sure on. So yes you can use they on men and women.
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I still think the head should be a bit higher up. Just enough for the jaw to clear the torso.
Get a couple of highlands minis or avatars of war boars printed, it'll be very cheap and will save your other boars for the boyz
I assumed he was taking issue with the possibility that an engineer commander could be a woman.
That's a grdugin, ya Wazzok!
>very hot and bothered

All steam tanks are crewed by extremely horny women now, I decree it.
I can get behind that.

Wait, decree it? Which kind of Emperor are you? I hope not one of those Sigmar faggots?!?
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Looks pretty good anon just stick a wash in those scars to darken them down.

Also post models anons, painted some more ‘summer yetis’
I thought he was questioning the fact in whether the dude was jerking off
>using bows
I wish I saved some laughing dwarf images before google got flooded by slop.
I don't see any issues with Imperial engineers being women. Unlike, say, Bretonnian knights being women.
I mean to imply that the wait wasn't actually short, which is why I stopped myself from making another line with just ">short"
>AOS models? Save me, lizardman!
Just kidding. This looks great, anon - good work. Are there any earlier wips? I never considered using wireframes to make beards even though it just makes sense
>I don't see any issues with Imperial engineers being women
I will not die a long way from home in the depths of the badlands just because some DEI hire from Nuln couldn't rotate shapes in her mind
Still, couldn't resist the obvious Wazzok posting for it.

But yeah, it was everything but short. Absolute bullshit that they had nothing on TOW for three whole months and the next thing we get is "btw you can preorder some stunties next week lol".
Just makes me think GW wants TOW to fail abysmally.
But you will die because some nepotism hire couldn't instead.

Grow up, faggot.
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Wot, like this 'un?
I made a throwaway joke and it looks like you got triggered, whoopsie anon!
>Grow up
Not, and never ever will be, an argument
>wants to push their political agenda

>gets calles out

>I… I was just joking~!

Fuck off to your containment board, faggot.
This IS the containment board.
I run them in blocks of 20 w a spider banner (poisonous), hold your line manlet it will be a death by a thousand cuts!
are the previous chaos warriors easier to paint compared to the slave to darkness line
Not gonna lie, thats extremely Catholic imagery
I'm not pushing anything, you seem the one hell bent on making it an argument. I'm not going anywhere, you're stuck here with me, bad luck!
I'm the guy you were replying to. I wanted to post something along the lines of >>93371304 without being a dick about it, and finish with "at least with women engineers you'd get to see some eye candy before death". That other faggot is just trying to rile us up, it's common knowledge that online spaces are training grounds for russian spies, who later get sent out to civilized countries in order to sow discord.
this general never fails to get a chuckle out of me.
Which ones? The ones from 1997, or the ones from 2004? They're both a joy to paint, but the old ones have a lot of trim & the ones from 2004 have some areas that are hard to reach, but are generally easier to paint.
I think so, they're about the same in terms of variety of areas and materials to paint, but the older ones are far more uniform in their poses which makes them a lot easier to churn through. Just from eyeballing it took, I think due to their closed up posing the older ones are like 80% armour, fur and cape, whereas the new ones have more open poses so they have more visible details to paint.

Either way they're pretty easy going, they're like painting space marines really.
In tanks in the modern military tankers regularly get naked in the tanks because they are so fucking hot. Can't imagine the hell of being in a steam tank
> t. Knew tankers when in the army.
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I'm all for being told I'm going to die in a different but no less frustrating way than I expect lol. We're all here to pass the time talking about WH at the end of the day!
Nigga that head too damn small
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
NTA, but which areas on the 2004 ones would you say are hard to reach? I've been painting a few recently and keep wondering if me not being able to reach some areas no matter how hard I try is a skill issue or not.
The back of the boots, the back of the legs, the underside of the cloak after they're attached to a base and the arms.
Ah yes agreed then, I kind of just have to jam the brush behind their cape and wipe downwards and hope I got most of the boot that way

It's fine to start, but IMO Bloodletters are the weaker core option between them and Flesh Hounds.

For 2k I'd want to run something like this:

Angry demons [1990 pts]
Warhammer: The Old World, Daemons of Chaos

++ Characters [815 pts] ++

Bloodthirster [455 pts]
- Hand weapon
- Heavy armour
- Bloodflail
- General
- Spell Eater
- Collar Of Khorne

Daemonic Herald Of Khorne [360 pts]
- Hellblade
- Light armour (calloused hides)
- Daemonic Locus (Battle Standard Bearer) [Totem Of Eternal War]
- Blood Throne of Khorne
- Collar Of Khorne
- Might Of Khorne

++ Core Units [544 pts] ++

8 Flesh Hounds Of Khorne [272 pts]
- Hand weapons (claws and fangs)
- Light armour (calloused hides)
- Vanguard

8 Flesh Hounds Of Khorne [272 pts]
- Hand weapons (claws and fangs)
- Light armour (calloused hides)
- Vanguard

++ Special Units [261 pts] ++

3 Bloodcrushers Of Khorne [261 pts]
- Hellblades
- Brass bound hooves
- Light armour (calloused hides)
- Barding (brazen hide)
- Bloodreaper (champion)
- Standard bearer [Great Standard Of Sundering]
- Musician

++ Rare Units [370 pts] ++

Skull Cannon of Khorne [185 pts]
- Brazen wheels
- Hand weapon (scything blades)
- Cannon of Khorne
- hellblades
- Plate armour

Skull Cannon of Khorne [185 pts]
- Brazen wheels
- Hand weapon (scything blades)
- Cannon of Khorne
- hellblades
- Plate armour

Created with "Old World Builder"

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It's more the fact that "hot and bothered" is also slang for horny/aroused, at least in US English.
I'd probably go for bigger horns but really nice nonetheless.

Do Khorne players value the flail over the axe?
you can't not have bloodletters, anon
that's like playing warriors of chaos without chaos warriors, or orcs and goblins without orcs
to hell with the meta, put a nice regiment of bloodletters in there

There are bloodletters in that army, just not on foot. Doggos are core and they rock.
They look good. I still think I would have tried to add a little bit of green stuff fur to them.
>Engineer women
Ruins my suspension of disbelief. It's supposed to be a low magic setting
I have twenty-odd Saurus from some old Start Collecting boxes, should I build them into one big unit or two smaller units? Same with Cold One Riders, a big block of 16 or two smaller units of 8
Are you adding them on to an already existing army, or is this the start of a new army? If you're adding them on, make one big unit. If it's the start of a new one, make multiple smaller units.
As for the cold one riders, they're not going to be able to have more than one rank unless you position them very carefully on their bases. Be wary.
Throwing my hat into the ring, I absolutely adore khorne furies. 2-3 units 6-7 wide has to be just about the best per point cheap chaff to soften up your opponent. Admittedly I was playing Khorne + Tzeentch and had battle lusts to chuck on them, but even without I think they're fantastic.
anon this is the warhammer setting
This is a new start, though I might have some old models still at my parents place.
I've definitely been making sure models rank up properly before basing them, especially the new plastic Kroxigors. I managed to make it work, though they need to be placed in a certain order to actually stand base to base
Thanks anon I was planning to do it but green stuff really tilts me and I want the army finished
Can't wait for the low magic of 100's of millions of norscan superhumans coming to punt the world into nonexistence.
Then you're on the right track. Just remember to position the entire first rank of cold one riders on either the far left or the far right of the base, then the next rank on the opposite side, or their tails will prevent them from ranking up.
>It's supposed to be a low magic setting
lol, lmao
what's his little buddy doing there
is he screaming?

Picture was taken on a wednesday, my dude.
>I don't see any issues with Imperial engineers being women
There was literally one, and she was basically an wealthy aristocrat bringing funding for the school, so they allowed her to tinker with things
And she invented useless, malfunctioning mechanical horse
>And she invented useless, malfunctioning mechanical horse
Doesent that make her like top 8% in terms of contribution?
More like top 1%.
This one, the BSB my brother painted for his army. Your dudes should always be the right answer.
Lovely! Including what I presume is a book of grudges haha
Yes, those are names of the local game group.
Have a lore related question.

Playing WHFRP, and the party is all dwarfs. I'm playing a dwarf noble and we're traveling through the lands of Sylvania before the time if the vampire counts (back when they still had human rulers). We get stopped at a toll bridge on the way to Waldenhof, by several armed guards bearing the Count's colors. None of us speak any human languages well, and they massively overcharge us for passage. After several failed attempts at negotiating, and writing down a grudge for said overcharge in our throng's book of grudges, I gave one last act of mercy on them, by throwing down what I was willing to pay at the guards' feet and continuing on to the bridge. The GM has made it abundantly clear we aren't getting through without a fight, and this upset one of the players at the table, because I was unwilling to bankrupt our party funds for a simple bridge toll. Did I do the right thing?
Really nice freehand.
If I had to find some faults (sorry, I can't not do it), I'd say that paint grain makes the banner look like a towel.
The in character thing to do would be to fight. You have shown more tolerance and patience that any other dwarfs would. Not saying you did the wrong thing, but you would have been in character to crack some heads.
>Did I do the right thing?
yeah it clear the Tollkeepers are being corrupted but i do question why a part of dwarf nobility is going through the empire with out at least one person who can speak Reikspiel somewhat decently
Lores Of Magic
Q: Does the spell Plague of Rust reduce the armour value of a
Ward or Regeneration save?
A: No.

I was expecting this, though I expected it a lot sooner.
Clan is beset by an ancient curse of misfortune, and we're on a quest to find the elf that cast it (or his descendants) and bring him to justice to remove it. Player that got upset can speak a bit of Reikspiel but isn't good at it. We've also been trying to pick it up as we go, but we're rather early in our adventure.
If a dwarf knew that he was getting overcharged he definitely wouldn't just let it go, unless extreme hand twisting was involved.
>and we're on a quest to find the elf that cast it (or his descendants)
Some really convenient contrivance asides, you better have a really good boat.
Maybe they're adventuring in order to earn money to buy an ironclad from Barak Varr? That would make saving even more important.
>Maybe they're adventuring in order to earn money to buy an ironclad from Barak Varr?
Theyre going to want a really good one for their one man naval invasion of ulthuan.
Does the Curse of Arrow Attraction, which is the 2nd spell of the lore of battle magic, apply to magic missiles, or only regular missiles?
We aren't nearly stupid or stubborn enough to try and invade Ulthuan ourselves. We don't even know if this elf is even on Ulthuan, they could have joined the wood elves or dark elves for all we know. Our current objective is to find a place with a lot of elves and ask if they know anything, which we're heading to Waldenhof to get passage on a river boat to Altdorf and maybe get some answers there, if not be pointed in the right direction.
Are there even any magic missiles that roll to hit?
You are absolutely correct and I'm stupid, please disregard.
>We aren't nearly stupid or stubborn enough to try and invade Ulthuan ourselves
I will be honest, I wasnt expecting you to be. But that is basically what you would have to do without some very lucky plot developments more likely than not (or something as suicidal) because most elves live in elftown and elftown is either deep innawoods or across the ocean and behind the strongest navy in the world.

>, they could have joined the wood elves or dark elves for all we know
That doesent make it any easier, the latter in particular is going to make your life very hard because naggaroth is very far away and a very dangerous place.

>Our current objective is to find a place with a lot of elves and ask if they know anything
Is that a euphemism or are you very optimistic? Because unless theres one of those convenient plot contrivances I alluded to earlier (or you play elf politics in a way that would still require a lot of luck and knowledge you couldnt have) I dont imagine the odds of any elf being very cooperative is high.

"we need to find the guy who cursed our hold so we can beat him up until he undoes the curse(?)" isnt exactly going to garner a lot of sympathy from people who are more than likely all too happy to have your hold be cursed.
Obviously if your DM decided on this plot for you its going to work out, events are going to line up in such a way that your party of like 4 dwarfs will find the one random elf mage theyre looking for conveniently within reach and somehow get their resolution, probably by that elf mage being some kind of megadick who the other elves also want rid of or something (or maybe he became a ghost who is now haunting your line or something).

But its the sort of thing which "on paper" wouldnt work out at all
It's okay anon, we all overread some word in a rule and got excited because of it.
I won't lie, we'll probably not succeed at all, but the clan's pretty desperate. It's assumed they've tried everything else (and there might not even be a curse at all, but stubborn pride won't allow us to admit that it COULD be anything else). Nobody on this expedition has any illusion that we might succeed. If nothing else, the saga of our journey will be a good read for future dawi! Everyone playing agreed beforehand that it would be a cool adventure, I was just wondering if I had done the right thing in this instance.
how can i combine 2x30mm bases to make a 30x60mm?

I dont wanna fork out for cavalry bases if i can just combine leftover infantry bases

milliput in the middle and glued together?
Yup. Glue together and some Green Stuff or Milliput or whatever in the gap.
kino level of jewishness, you can get 3D print slop bases at most LGS's or online for dirt cheap. you'll spend as much in greenstuff and your time making it look good.
I saw his post and got excited, before I realized it probably does reroll hits for magic missiles despite not mattering.
>It's supposed to be a low magic setting
Where did you hear this?
When operated as per the manual, it works as intended some of the time. That's basically a B+ right out of the gate, and then you have the fact that people ordered more after the prototype proved they weren't fully impractical in combat. In Imperial College of Engineers terms that's only a few levels of commercial success and one Y chromosome away from "rename a building after the inventor" territory
>When operated as per the manual, it works as intended some of the time. That's basically a B+ right out of the gate
For no particular reason I now want Empire College of Engineers Top Gear.

!Clarkson, !Hammond and !May have to build a steam tank on a budget and then drive it all the way from nuln to middenheim.
>low magic
>every retard nobleman has a magic sword
>every army has a wizard shooting fireballs out of his cock
>their fucking banners are magical
>green rocks are magical
>magical green rocks create magical animals, which are common enough to be mounts
whats wrong with milliput, and what makes this stuff special? Ive never even heard of it before.
Literally one mentioned or directly stated that there was only ever one
Getting mad about people using they is literally just getting mad about someone not using preferred pronouns but right coded.
16 cold one riders in one block is a bit over kill. Separating them into blocks of 8 lets you get your rank bonus while giving you more maneuverability.
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Human female warriors is the equivalent of this.
Being mad about the singular they shouldn't even be politicized, "he or she" and variants are just clunky and bad. Being mad about the singular they is a sign of unrecoverable culture war brain poisoning
Anyone use Oathmark to play warhammer fantasy?
im thinking about hodgepodging a knights of Morr themed army using Some Hospitaller Knights I want to get for Use in Historicals as well (Know its more medievally then renassancy, but I want my historicals to be roughly 3rd crusade)
The other thing I wanted to ask, Are there any churchgrim's in Warhammer? I wanted to use a barghest model as one for the Morr army since they are associated with the protection of church graves from defilement in mythology.
I thought that was a cool thematic tie in with Morr's whole shtick.
A steam tank crewman will typically be a dude and hence "he" sounds more natural. Using "they" feels like going out of your way to make a point.
You know women fought in pre-modern times right? Like this isn't a new thing.
No one's stopping you but these guys would look out of place even as Bretonnian knights.
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Women pretended to fight yeah.
There might be more than one crewman genius. In fact the usage in the ruling is literally referring to at least two people. (The engineer and the hypothetical crew) You're bending over backwards to to criticize a perfectly normal use of a word because your mind is addled by culture war bullshit.
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Are you really going to sit here and pretend like Amazons aren't a thing.
Yes it's referring to the engineer's weapon and the crew's
eh, yah, maybe I should make them a boarder prince army dedicated to morr instead of imperial. Thus explaining their non standard, horribly outdated, armor.
Weapon is in the singular.
What head would you suggest instead?
Obsessed ESL. Seek help, maybe touch some grass
Go for it.
Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Moor sounds like a cool army idea.
They aren't a thing in setting at far as I know, but they're your dudes so go for it.
Reading comprehension, anon, please get some
not in Canon I think but a former WFRP developer made Morr related Dogs when he made a bunch of Dog Breeds for the WFRP so you could always try that
>It is said the shaggy Verhungern Geisthund was first bred by Blessed Aethelbert the Vigilant, a Morrian saint from Stirland. Such was his love for the dogs, he is said to have blessed the entire breed. A rangy, black-coated dog, the Geisthund now supports Morrian Raven Knights as they patrol the haunted marshes and woods of Sylvania searching for evidence of the Restless Dead.
page as a whole
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Why does TOW not have snotling pump wagons
Do you mean why isn't GW selling models?
since rules for them exist in TOW
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Ravening Hordes, p34.
>Do you mean why isn't GW selling models?
They kind of do, but you have to check in the Blood Bowl range.
I think they were mto only, like a few other things.
To you and very few others. I read the thing about steam tank commanders, and didn't notice because my brain isn't poisoned.
And yet against herd of the beastman which dwells nearby average Hans could hope only on old crossbow which grandpa brought from Tilea.
Ungor and Gor mercenaries working for the empire. Maybe some bestigors as well. Lore friendly y/n?
unless your Empire Army is basically a battalion corrupted by a Chaos Cult like the Red Crown I don't think that would work
No, but I'm interested in how you managed to obtain the confidence to ask such a question?
Being badass? Yeah that fits.
Yeah each have a singular weapon
Why would you need to go all the way to tilea to buy a crossbow? Especially when blackpowder is accessible.
The empire is more likely to team with orcs and goblins than chaos.
Anything chaos or undead related is a no no.
>Why would you need to go all the way to tilea to buy a crossbow?
because Tilean city states always requires mercenaries
Villagers in the empire leave crates of booze outside their villages as offerings so that gors get drunk and leave them alone. This is 100% canon, not an obscure piece of lore. So why not pay them to fight for you as well?
Tilea makes better Crossbows than the Empire maybe which I'm not sure would make sense considering the Empire is 60% dense forest
because Gors and Ungors view civilisation as anathema and want to tear it down, taking what is basically a bribe to just ignore a small village is pretty different than allying with seid Village to defend them from Forest Goblin, Skaven or elves, unless the entire Village worships Chaos in some regard it wouldn't work
>very few others
You don't get to speak for other people. And you "didn't notice" because either you've not been paying attention or you are one of 'those' people.

No way. I could see a very unlikely group of beastmen controlling their behaviour just enough to get paid, but I couldn't see the empire trusting a bunch of beastmen to control themselves no matter what price they were charging.
>. I could see a very unlikely group of beastmen controlling their behaviour just enough to get paid,
they are children of chaos through and through. they can't and wouldn't want to do that.
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>6 months on, I am forgotten
How did this end up being the first hobby article GW have posted in years, only for them not to do any more since? Will they ever do another, do you think?
First article was
>check out this thing people do so they have to buy less miniatures
Guess whoever was in charge of that got a talking to
>You don't get to speak for other people
Fair, I don't.
>You didn't notice because...
See above, you don't speak for other people. Other than you in the responses though I see coomers and weebs who don't see upset.
>Play warhammer rpg from 90s till 2020
>Play wfb from 90s till 2008
>Still read news/watch some battle reports and mini painting vids
>See how retarded GW have become, both with their system, rules, pricing and treatment of their clients.
>All of my itch to get into hobby again evaporates instantly
Anyone in similar boat? I sold most of my stuff beaides books and lizardmen army. I even like new model range from aos and thought about buying them and maybe use them for some old world army, but then i watched some battle reports and its just measuring contests, not to mention all the cash I would need to spend to just get 20 new saurus models, I would just pick some to paint it up for old times sake, but I dont want to give GW a single penny.
2nd hand market and other paint companies, anon.
Yeah kind of. I got back to chipping away at some WHFB models in my backlog because I just love the miniatures. There was a period where I lost all motivation to work on that and it just upset me to look them, but I never sold them off.
Bought some MtO stuff I couldn't afford as a teenager, but aside from that I have no interest in participating in anything they do. Models will go on WHFB sized bases, not ToW.
Still love the models and the setting, but have no love for the company. Not to mention it's not the same thing anyway. Basically nobody who made the things I liked works there anymore and they've become too corporate.
I don't see a harm in playing. Odds are you are some base adapter trays and either buying or downloading the core rulebook away from playing, or just sticking with old edition. I personally TOW find is a lot of fun and have stepped away from 40k since picking it up, though I can't say I played an edition without pre measuring.
For the pricing, I can't speak to your situation but at least where I live, models are expensive but not horribly so. Like rent is 1600$/month, food is 150+$/week unless you're really trying to budget hard, etc. 2-3 boxes of minis a month feels pretty small compared to any other expense in my life.
Empire and Bretonia really do not scratch that itch at all. hopefully Kislev or Cathay can when that ever releases.
The fuck is badass about a yank-tank?
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Bunch of slack jawed faggots round 'ere riding their french and japanese toy cars
>the Marauder Giant came
Somehow, I thought he'd be taller...
Kek probably true. Unit filler article, gross misconduct
>I dont want to give GW a single penny
Other anons have covered it but just to add another testimonial, these days I:
>Buy other brands' paints, they're better quality and come in dropper bottles
>Get my GW models 2nd hand from private sellers, no buying retail or from box splitters who fuel retail anyway
>3d print more models than I buy 2nd hand, there are some great designs out there now
>3d print my terrain, or buy premade from 3rd party
>Buy books from my preferred past editions
>Build my armies for my preferred past editions
>3d printed movement tray adapters so I can play TOW now but don't have to commit to it
The only things I've got from GW retail in the past couple years are the TOW rulebook, some paintbrushes, and a couple specific paint colours that are key parts of my army scheme.
>which I'm not sure would make sense considering the Empire is 60% dense forest
That forest is literally swarming with beastmen, tilea less so
very cool jim, wanna play a game of spearhead after we hit the gym?
Beastmen are Chaos personified and hate humans. What you're describing could never happen
spearhead? nigga it's ToW 1.25k escalation league or 40K 4 player boarding action custom scenario. don't forget to paint at least one model in-between sessions or I'll force you to wear a kippah that says "I don't paint". I'll hit the bench that's right next to our based-ment game clubs table while you set up. This is exactly what's happening this Sunday.
Explain 40k beastmsn then. Beg you fucking can't poser.
No, not unless your concept of "empire" includes chaos cults.

Beastmen are inherently chaos aligned and inherently hate civilization and humanity, they will only work with humans insofar as they might think the chaos gods want them to (i.e alongside a cult or a chaos champion). The empire has nothing they want and nothing it can offer them, there is no coexistence with it they can accept.

At best they might accept heavy payments in human flesh for a temporary truce (a-la kalkengard) but such a deal would be predatory in nature.
40k beastmen are human mutants, like squats and ratlings, they are not a separate species like WHFB beastmen
Are marks of chaos given voluntarily? Can they be rejected? As in, could a champion of chaos who worships all 4 of the gods (aka chaos undivided) have his soul be "stolen" by one of the gods with a mark? I understand that marks of chaos are a game play abstraction to represent devotion towards a particular god, but this seems like an interesting topic. From what I understand, gifts and mutations are just something that happens and the champion who receives them has no say in the matter. If a particular champion were to serve all 4 of the gods, would they prevent each other from bestowing him with a mark? Or is the mark of chaos undivided (which is another game play abstraction) represent that the champion/regiment has received the mark of all 4 of the gods?
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Neat, thanks, didnt know there was a dedicated bit on dog breeds for WFRP in general.
is a pretty bad ass name too.
>Are marks of chaos given voluntarily?
What do you mean?
>can they be rejected
No, as with any chaos mutation or gift.

>As in, could a champion of chaos who worships all 4 of the gods (aka chaos undivided) have his soul be "stolen" by one of the gods with a mark?
No, if the gods were all actually invested in a single dude they wouldnt let one of the others just yoing them. In reality though "chaos undivided" worship is less "I am 100% for all of the gods" as much as it is "I am 10% for all of the gods", which might eventually develop to say going 30% khorne or nurgle or whatever. Chaos undivided is generally less a coherent position religion wise and more the casual form of chaos worship where you vibe with the general idea but arent particularly drawn to any given god (and arent likely to have garnered the favor of any given god)

>I understand that marks of chaos are a game play abstraction to represent devotion towards a particular god
Sort of. Marks ARE a real thing in universe, theyre a symbol of favor and dedication granted by a chaos god to "mark" its favored followers.

There is however a level of ambiguity in the sense that some of the times the "mark of chaos/X god" is refered to its in the context of non-chaos agents using the term and using it as a means of identifying chaos cultists/agents, in which case it might just be a more general term which covers mutations at large.
No it doesn't. Perhaps you simply need to read more books (with fewer pictures); literate people don't bat an eye at such things.
You guys should catch up with time. GW told you to buy Skaventide this summer
Thank you anon, that makes sense. I'm asking because I've recently started to write up proper fluff for my chaos warband and I've realized that, though my army started as a purely tzeentch army, it's since grown in to a truly undivided army, with characters and regiments bearing different marks, and I wanted to understand how marks of chaos worked in-setting. I really like the whole 10% for all the gods thing, it makes it seem like my undivided sorcerer lord is just in it for power & his own self-interest, while his lieutenants/warriors are off on their own paths.
>Whaaaaa companies use marketing
new Warcomm article about dwarf models
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New Warcom article about models. Nothing too fancy but this line made me excited:
>Better yet, they’re in modern plastic, demonstrating what’s possible for the Warhammer: The Old World Range moving forwards.
so one multipart plastic kit per faction then?
Definitely at the start. Gonna get more plastics in the future for sure.
Very interesting, especially the part regarding "truly classic" models. They found the old moulds, then had new ones made. This is promising! I wonder if they'll keep it up for the other armies. There are a couple really old-school chaos champions & sorcerers that I've had a hard time finding on the second-hand market & I'm curious to see if GW will finally do something cool and make more.
>it seem like my undivided sorcerer lord is just in it for power & his own self-interest, while his lieutenants/warriors are off on their own paths.
Yea, youre going to have that divide, hell youre often going to have that distinction even within the more "devoted"/"marked" members - between those who say, pursue khorne out of some genuine ideological agreement or those who were seduced by khorne in the "a demon whispers in your ear and offers power if you just massacre that village" sense

I liked the preview of the rules. But if the engineering rules are actual engineering runes (for warmachines) shit is going to get silly. Master rune of slaying on an organ gun will murderate even dragonlords. Although the implication seems to be "runic handguns" which is while less exciting still cool.

The dwarf models are also annoyingly good looking.
You missed the point
>Prince Ulther and his Dragon Company will be available to order on a Made to Order basis on the day of release.
so dwarf MTO in two weeks then?
This reads like the turbo faggots that got mad when MTG swapped from "his" to "his or hers". And it's just as cringe now too. Their works in this sentence, and it's not the woke agenda at play. Go outside amigo and get off telegram
>be me

Thank god, last thing i needed this year was a prolapsed anus. Thank you anon for making the cutoff there
Whats badass are female knights
Im not sure if im a fan of the "well actually all the crazy shit malakaisson invented was around before him, he just was the one to popularize old designs that never caught on".

Its not that it doesent make sense in theory, we know a lot of dwarf inventions get shelved forever and the idea that there are these blueprints and concepts from way back when which would later become the things we recognize is reasonable. But the fact that it is EXACTLY what we know makes the world feel just a bit smaller imo (and sure, thats a general problem with all units, what do you mean every faction was exactly the same 300 years ago) but it could have been cool if the olde time axe thrower was just a tad different to the goblin hewer, or if it was some other war machine (maybe even use it as an excuse to pull out the properly old 3e era war machines)
>Can they be rejected?
>game play abstraction
You are a fucking retard. The Forge ruined tabletop games forever.
The forge? I don't know what that is.
Fuck you
No thank you.
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>toy cars

>“The Goblin-Hewer is another interesting returning unit”, says JTY. “It doesn’t come with Malakai Makaisson, because he hasn’t been born yet. But we delved into the lore and discovered that Malakai might not have invented everything he says he did. He’s an amazing character, but many of these contraptions – including blimps, zeppelins and the hewer – had already been developed.* He might have refined or reinvented them, but they already existed in principle – the Goblin-Hewer in particular had become quite a dishonourable weapon before Malakai’s time, falling out of use until he struck upon the blueprints. It was actually already caught up in patent disputes, even back in the World of Legend – seems to be something about an axe-tossing engine that makes young Dwarf Engineers want to claim ‘I invented that’.”

How convenient. Brilliant writing, just like all the named WHFB characters survived into AoS so they could keep selling the models. Is there anything they will not half-ass out of lazyness? Laughable.
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>“The Goblin-Hewer is another interesting returning unit”, says JTY. “It doesn’t come with Malakai Makaisson, because he hasn’t been born yet. But we delved into the lore and discovered that Malakai might not have invented everything he says he did.
He is correct though

The way marks of chaos are implemented isnt how they work "in universe", its a simplification/abstraction to allow them to cleanly and meaningfully translate into gameplay. Every nurgle worshipper isnt actually covered in a protective swarm of flies or whatever.
Its not as convenient as every factions aesthetics remaining the exact same for like 2000+ years, but here we are.
a youtube video about GW dwarfs
>he thinks the ground scale in 28mm wargames is a simulation
You can throw an apple farther than most guns shoot in wargames. There is nothing that is not an abstraction there. Also what the hell is the forge?
Why exactly couldn’t it just be set in generic warhammer fantasy time period?
Because they can't undo the end times and want to do new stuff + whatever other bullshit office politics are happening at GW
Could have reworded this so much better.
"He developed the modern Golbin-Hewer, but there where prototype concepts before"

Instead, now Malakai is also a stolen valor instead of just being a heterodox inventor.
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GW wanted to have new BL books and have continuing events like in the Dawrf book the taking of Khazid Vosk from the Greenskins which they couldn't do if they didn't set up a time period to set the game in
I just think it's stupid to exclude Malakai when people would obviously want this kit for collection purposes
>uuuuh he hasn't been born yet so he couldn't be in the kit
Just don't give him rules or make him a genric slayer then. Yeesh
>Why exactly couldn’t it just be set in generic warhammer fantasy time period?
I have no idea how to parse that sentence. WHFB is not generic. It is a specific setting with specific characters. Every army book specifically had a timeline in the front of the book mentioning the big players by name. There is no such thing as "generic warhammer fantasy period" because the army books even mentioned which characters coexisted and could face each other on the table. The number of steamtanks in existence is in the single digits and they each had a name. Does that mean that GW only ever sold that many models? No of course not. But why would you retro-actively destroy the setting when you could just as well sell Malakai and his warmachine without futzing with the setting.
Sounds like marvel shit
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Yes we needed those female knights.
get to get GW DEI score up
The issue isnt that this is impossible, its that the reasoning which makes it possible allows for far cooler shit which we arent getting (yet?).
>female knights
Big tough muscled women who will step on my throat and make me saying "thank you" as I choke. That's what.
except orcs

Spin to win, friends.
That sounds very gay of you, you might want to get checked for hypogonadism.
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Mmmm keep going...
>That sounds very gay of you
That fits me well, honestly.
GW/specialist games probably thought the Banner bearer and Boar riding character model was good enough
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I love this massive stupid feather head like you wouldnt believe.

You think its from a phoenix?
a Griffon feather is probably the most likely but it be a lot of things like a Culchan or a Cockatrice
I pretend the moot is full of oversized farm animals and vegetables

so that might simply come from an actual huge cock
>the Empire is 60% dense forest
This shit was always retarded
but we love it amirite
it's a people's intelligence, resourcefulness, ingenuity and craftsmanship that lead to superior crossbows, not the degree by which your people have failed at basic deforestation
Germany is 30% forest right now, and they don't have to deal with beastmen.
It's a lot more sensical when you consider they worship Gods that disdain crossbows and elevate regular bows (Ulric and Taal)
Do you guys think there's a chance GW will re-release this chaos bsb? From what I understand it was part of an army box set a long time ago. I already have a converted battle standard bearer, but this one looks pretty cool.
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Very close now to finishing my initial army, only 3 ironguts and an ironblaster left.

Saying that there are some additional bits like
>a bruiser
>some gnoblars
>a half painted stonehorn I’ve been gifted that I’m going to cover with moss
That I’ve received after these that also need doing but it’s been great fun
That looks like a conversion. That banner is from the Storm of Chaos BSB (kordel shorgaar)
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I recognize that fur!
Im scaning online for some lizardmen spearhed secondhand myself, just so i could paint them, but when you compare aos spearhead box to old world batalion, price to model ratio is ludacris. Its like 15 plastic models for 100dol while you can get some good heavy boardgame for half of that, or the same when you want some minis (and its probably 25+ minis minimum).
I think everyone know what im speaking about, 100dol isnt to much, but for the amount that you need to spend for some armies its just very bad.
Also its probably my autism but ahit with bases gives me ocd, saurus probably wlcant rank up on 30mm bases, maybe they do with some tactical rocks, but its another minus for me.
Teach me your wisdom zoomgit, sadly my prolapsed anus hasnt healed since it manifested during end times.
Oh, my bad. Well, thank you, anon. I guess I'll try to convert my own version of it, then. It's surprisingly easy to find the really old metal chaos warrior models.
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DEI scores aren't effected by the contents of products. It would be diversity hires in the staff. Of course, the reality is simply that most of the famous writers at GW are woke
It was kind of funny given the love of crossbows in the holy roman empire. GW sometimes mixes up their history I guess
who the fuck goes around with that kind of shirt?
The kind of person who thinks that making golden space Hitler a fedora tipping faggot is some kind of profound political statement
then why are empire make the best guns of all the humans if those gods also have complete disdain for those?
they also got this guy, also technically it's a resin/FW/expert set
It ain't "woke" to know there's no such thing as "God" kiddo.

He was already a faggot, have you seen the Custodes?
God he looks awful. That weebass Chibi head if fucking shite.
I don't know what it is but something about the way GW does orc noses now feels off
I really dislike the guys nose, but its otherwise a really cool model.
who the fuck willingly shakes richard dawkins hand
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that new model would fill the same niche as the Thane on an oathstone with a gun
Yes yes we know everything should just be farmland and 99.9% of the population should be farmers. But aesthetically and thematically creepy dark ancient forests are just perfect for warhammer
I still think "thane with gun" is a really strange choice. Even with the new runes I dont see anyone taking them, but maybe theyre just THAT good.
That's from the Southern end (Nuln mainly) who don't really worship the old northern gods anymore. It's actually a point of contention because the northerners look down on the rich southerners and their COWARDLY weapons.
I don't know him but he looks like he's a guy who knows how to be logical
I think it's why nobody remembered this guy.
My first reaction was also just "nope". Then I thought, "maybe with a headswap?" But then i can just buy a different model altogether for a third of the price.

The Brian Nelson orcs had a teensy tiny pig nose with a prominent tip pointing forward. On some of the other models it turned into two holes like a skull. I think the little pig snouts look better on them.
99.99% of the territory the empire actually controls IS farmland. The woods are within the empires borders of the map, they are not "part of the empire" from a practical perspective.
The army full of hot bimbos canonically?
Taalacacland and Hochland control their forests it's just Ostland, Nordland and Middenland that can't
>conversation moved on hours ago
>these people are still bringing it up
>"go outside" from the guy who can't let it go
>(but it's not an agenda, of course not)
I disagree with the idea that it's a bad cost per model. Most the combat patrols / spearheads are more in the realm of 20-30 models (at least all the chaos ones I saw). Yours specifically has few models because it has a carnosaur and Kroxigors. Nemesis has I think 26 minis for a similar cost. The dark souls board games core sets have <20 minis and cost 120$. Neither of those will have anywhere near the mini quality of GW. The one miniature board game I can think of that matches or exceeds GW quality is Kingdom Death which ~44 minis for 420$ usd. Similarly, price per model isn't much better in the other wargames I've looked into / played (Conquest, ASOIAF, Shatterpoint), generally with much lower quality minis. GW definitely has some lines that are awful pricewise, particularly admech to be fair. But generally their prices grow under inflation and aren't unreasonable compared to the industry.
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>saurus probably wlcant rank up on 30mm
I think some anon posted the new saurus ranked up on 30s a while back. The big open poses like picrel and their tails made it difficult. But otherwise you're right, vanguard boxes (or whatever they're called, spearhead?) contain a fraction of what people need for a TOW army, so I wouldn't call them viable anyway.

Thetrolltrader has WHFB saurus warriors for £1-1.50/model if you're up for doing a little eBay rescue project. I'm in the middle of one myself and it's quite rewarding to give some unloved models a brand new coat of paint.
Sounds like what AI would write on a banner for red and yellow empire soldiers lol
new interview with Gav Thorpe talking about Dwarfs for those that care
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Gav looking a little different
Bs4 hurts but at least in empire I've taken a shine to giving my bsb the dragon bow and sticking in back. A thane with gun could fill a similar role.
why does Gav even care about a random FMV game on steam that everyone thinks is shit?
I'm very confused by the trend of all these warhammer youtubers pulling any ex-gw staff they can find onto a zoom call for an interview, like they've scored an interview with a celebrity or something. Maybe I'm just not the target audience.

I will say I'm jealous of that guy's gaming room though.
Have you never scrolled through a thread you're just walking into?
They should have just go with 'Total War:Warhammer World' so they could have every Legendary Lord at the same time and we could have le funny memes about summoning the electrocunts against Joan D'arc. But no, they would rather have this pre WHFB era thing to piss the dying fanbase even more.
For political clout or something.
Yes, and I check how far up the thread I am before replying to a contentious topic.
he was probably upset because it's a stark reminder he will die a virgin. Same reason he was into the pronoun bullshit. Desperate losers hope being agreeable will get them some attention.
It's the "isn't there someone you forgot to ask" meme but Gav is the one who they forgot to ask
Human female warriors is the equivalent of AI slop? No, I disagree. Human female warriors have the correct amount of appendages and digits, at least before the battle.
they are desperate for Views I guess and the nostalgia of it for these guys.
tbf at least Thorpe was still working on WF stuff like that rumored WFRP campaign he wrote for C7.
>why would warhammer youtubers want GW designers/former GW designers to provide their insider perspective on stuff
I dont know, its a real mystery.
That's grudgeworthy.
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I actually gasped. In real life.
I just hate how they always pretend to give actual insider info like "THE REAL REASON WFB DIED" and it's always obvious these people don't want to insult anyone at GW, especially not their former colleagues and they don't want to put the blame on anyone so they always pussyfoot around everything and it's always the consumer's fault.
They might still be under some kind of NDA even.
There's enough examples of inventions getting named after who popularized it instead who invented it that I couldn't care less.
that's fine but that has nothing to do with the character that was conceived and written as a MAD INVENTOR not having invented his own inventions anymore.
>Beloved character? He totally stole all his ideas!
I can't wait hear that. I'm not allowed to like Karl Franz because he owned slaves.
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>talking with someone online last night
>they post their 1000pt 40k list of SoB, with GW prices for each model
>over £300
>just under £300 depending on retailer
>not including paints or glue

>look at my 1000pt TOW army that cost me a 3rd of that
do 40k players really accept this?
I just read about this game for the first time. Is it actually supposed to be serious? I don't think a serious game with this premise would be any fun, but then again, I'm a staunch opposer of personal development coaching and all "self"-improvement that requires someone else to help you (including media).
Yeah but for dwarfs lying is basically worse than pedophilia.
Yes, they're the biggest pay piggies of all.
The worst part? They are for some reason convinced TOW/WHFB is prohibitively expensive compared to their game.
Anon, even if you take the idea that all of his ideas were simply iterations on older tech that wouldnt make it theft - it would be pushing for older technology which didnt get a fair shake in the past
Karl Franz stole the idea of being prince and emperor from his predecessors. He's just the most popular one.
Didn't know dwarves were big fans of Kant.
I buy the models I like. What am I gonna do, not own them?
There was a non zero chance that the creator actually did take himself seriously but that just made it funnier.
Goddamit, where do you get tomb scorpions?
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TOW was a mistake.
besides the GW store?
it's a resin model so I don't think Gw sends those off to third parties
Get real scorpions and base and paint em
That's cruel, he should just let them loose on the table without a base. But do still paint them.
Well that isn't quite what I meant
Look there's even tutorials online!
I think a living one would make the tooth picks unnecessary.
Paying a tithe to not be killed in your sleep != commerce and potential cooperation
That still doesn't explain why they could source a crossbow semi-locally.
40k beastmen are a result of intentional genetic manipulation and drift, sometimes caused by chaos influence but not enough to demand the whole groul. Fantasy beastmen are always chaos mutants.

>40k beastmen are a result of intentional genetic manipulation and drift, sometimes caused by chaos influence but not enough to demand the whole groul. Fantasy beastmen are always chaos mutants.

No, 40k beastmen are always created by Chaos too.

In WHFRP you could play beastmen, they could be adventurers who weren't devoted to tearing down civilization and being evil.
>In WHFRP you could play beastmen
I'm not sure that was every official supported in any edition of WFRP unless you count Skinks as Beastmen
Buy cooler 3d party ones.
A very lucrative one.
Given how shitty WHFRP is, this is a good reason for it not being a thing in fluff.
I mean it's basically just the inverse of the people who wear Christian merch.
>No, 40k beastmen are always created by Chaos too

You're just plainly wrong lol
You can laugh now, and then we will enter HH territory of point inflation.

Give me a passage that disputes that then.
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>“Imperial Dwarfs can be taken as mercenaries in Dwarfen Mountain Holds armies, where they’re essentially Dwarf Warriors with access to spears, or they can be hired by Empire of Man armies, which is rooted in some of the older material from Warhammer Fantasy Battle, with Dwarf communities living and working in Imperial cities. The profile is deliberately flexible, to allow players to use older metal miniatures or convert newer plastics.”

Not gonna like, this is great news - I always wanted some dwarfs in my imperial army. Just to be clear: does it mean imp. dwarfs will be MERCS in imperial army - or another core/special choice?
It says "hired" so I ASSUME as mercs.
Give me a passage that disputes what I said.
They can't be worse than state troopers. Lol
there will probably be part of the Mercenaries options for Empire lists since that seems to be how GW adds to grand army lists
In 40k beastmen are either considered stable abhumans or mutants. Since we don't know exactly how they were created - it's an open question, altough the existence of tzaangors may point into chaos direction. I am leaning towards chaos explanation.
they are going to be Dwarf warriors but with the option for Spears so a bit better compared to standard state troops
That's what I thought. I like this new system of mercs in TOW. Finally we can bring some ogres and dwarfs into our Empire armies, like in the old times.
I'd assume they are mercs because the empire core army list is already written up, and any further additions to their own roster would come in their arcane journal.

Am I right in thinking ogres can also be taken as mercs for empire? This is very interesting... Now if they come up with some halflings I think empire are going to have to by my next army project
Is using multiple chaos sorcerers & the skull of katam, which gives a +1 bonus to all spellcasting for wizards within 3", too cheesy? It sounds like it'd be fun & I like the idea of a bunch of wizard clumping together and acting as living, sorcerous artillery, but it seems like it'd be a bit game breaking.
Yeah, its very classic and also gives some cool variety.
Yeah, badlands Ogres can be mercs for ANY Grand Army.
What are the advantages of taking a BSB, are they auto take for a lot of armies?
Nah, its a really heavy investment and with how magic works now taking lots of low level wizards is risky.

>In WHFRP you could play beastmen, they could be adventurers who weren't devoted to tearing down civilization and being evil.

In what fucking edition/sourcebook? Oh wait, you couldn't retard
Guys, I have not played in a long, long time and I'm so hyped for the Dwarf pre-order but how do I know what options to equip them with?

I keep trying to get invested in game systems but I always burn out trying to make an army list and pick assembly options.

>Who is your favourite Dwarf character in Warhammer Fantasy
burlock damminsson. he's seered into my head as the image of dwarfs from around 2001 when I started collecting and yet I never actually picked him up.
Not to be rude but have you read their rules? They're pretty straightforward so the benefits aren't difficult to work out.

They give your unit an extra help in winning combat, they bolster the morale of nearby units, most of the time the BSB is a decent fighter in their own right, and of course you can equip them with a magic banner which can bring about all sorts of different synergies depending on the choice of banner.
But I wouldn't say they're an auto-include, especially at lower points limits because you could have a whole extra unit of something for the points cost. However at 2000 points it's just not cricket if your army doesn't have a freehanded battle standard to raise in the face of the enemy.
If Khorne had decided to form something like the Teeth of Khorne in 40k, what ranged weapon will be his favored choice for his ranged champions?

>Slingers carrying hot brass to throw at the enemy, sometimes even chucking it by hand.
>Dart throwers with bleeding darts
>Axe throwers
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>what ranged weapon will be his favored choice for his ranged champions?
The one that helps initiate melee combat faster
I love how his back banner is just his name and a painting of his right hand lol.
If you keep burning out trying to listbuild then it's probably better to keep it small and simple and play a game or two, then add incrementally. Maybe start with 500 points of pretty basic stuff, then after a game or two, write your next 250-500 depending on what you think would benefit your army most.

Here's my own 500pt dwarf list based on that philosophy. It's got some fighty stuff, shooty stuff, a character, some miners for the fun of painting, and a war machine. Keeps things varied in both painting and playing, and is all stuff I'd want to keep right up to 2000 point games (except maybe the ballista)

++ Characters [62 pts] ++
Thane [62 pts]
(Hand weapon, Full plate armour, Shield, General, On foot)

++ Core Units [241 pts] ++
14 Dwarf Warriors [141 pts]
(Hand weapons, Heavy armour, Shields, Veteran, Standard bearer, Musician)

10 Thunderers [100 pts]
(Hand weapons, Handguns, Heavy armour)

++ Special Units [193 pts] ++
10 Miners [138 pts]
(Hand weapons, Great weapons, Heavy armour, Prospector (champion), Standard bearer, Musician)

Bolt Thrower [55 pts]
(Bolt thrower, Hand weapons, Light armour)

Created with "Old World Builder"

Slings it is, quick to provoke, easy to make. Nothing angers someone else harder than discontent and defiance through a stone's throw.
I'd say most armies bsb isn't a good fighter, w2 a3 for most.
True, I just meant relative to a regular grunt, I could have been more specific.
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excellent, I won't feel bad for giving it a try then. I really like a lot of the retro chaos sorcerer sculpts & I wanted an excuse to get a bunch of them. I've got chaos sorcerer #2 from pic rel on the way, can't wait to paint him.
Love how creepy that screamer is compared to the goofy ones we have today
>open ebay to window shop
>search "old world warhammer army"
>multiple results for half-assembled, unpainted TOW starter boxes
A time of cheap square based minis is on the horizon once more brothers
>burlock damminsson.
i'm guessing you happy he a character option for the dwarfs in TOW then
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Gotrek without a doubt.
His adventures with Felix have been awesome so far (and I'm currently listening to Zombieslayer). If I ever get into TOW game, I'll definitely gt his model and use him as a Daemon Slayer.

Needs striped trousers, an eyepatch, no loincloth and that shit off his shoulder
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>striped trousers
regular trousers is fine, looking at some of the artwork.
>an eyepatch
>no loincloth
Gotrek does wear loin strips so it's alright imo
>that shit off his shoulder
yes, but idk if it would be too hard to remove it and sculpt-in any missing detail, on the shoulder.
His nose thing was always kinda gay.
I ordered some metal minis from GW that are out of stock and online order only. How long of a wait am I in for?
Were the words "made to order" listed anywhere on the page? If they were, upwards of six months.

It's been a while since I built my AoS Gotrek, but I'm fairly sure there's just a small hole in his shoulder it'd be pretty easy to fill in
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Seems doable
His hair looks so much better like that than the cadslop "because we could" anime hair
Doesn't say specifically made to order. Just that it's online only and temporarily out of stock. 6 months doesn't sound too bad considering I waited 20 years to be able to afford these minis that I always wanted as a kiddo.
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Thanks, anon. I appreciate the info and starting list for comparison.

Dude, I'm stoked. It's a 20 year old blast from the past for me.
Then you should be good, once they're in stock the delivery usual only takes a couple days, maybe a week, depending on where you live. As for how long its going to be before it restocks... no clue. Good luck, anon.
No worries anon. Let us know what list you decide to go with!
>anime hair is when long
Thanks. Would be nice to get them within a month since I'm stockpiling minis for my first TOW army and plan on painting them during my summer vacation, but it's not the end of the world if they don't arrive yet. I'll have lots to assemble and paint anyway.
I know, but the pic showed a yank-tank and it implied it was as awesome as female knights.
Female knights are obviously way more awesome.

Shit. They wouldn't even need to make me say it. (Although it is more fun to let them make me say it)
You know what's good, anon! You are definitely a person of culture.

It's shitty CAD sculpted fur. James never got the hang of it. Even after ~15 years, they still suck at it.

The mercenary giant is still missing. We might never get it, but I'll always hope and moan about it.
if Empire gets a giant it just going to be a normal giant rather than a Bonegrinder which was the merc choice in the O&G book
I sure hope they will. But as far as I know there is currently no option to take a giant as a mercenary in an Empire army.
My brother in christ he travelled the entire known world with a tall effette manling and got Super Sad when he presumably died at the fall of the World That Was

Gotrek is as gay as the ace of spades, my friend
Is there anyone who makes tk skelly heads or any other bits to spruce up the tk skeletons and horses?
Medieval and renassance germany was pretty foresty. they only managed a lot of that stuff going into the early modern age. France was more open and agricultural.
Germany was pretty city-y due to aforementioned forests. Burgers and all.
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Can someone please post the Settra / Khemri basedjack point image? I got a friend s birthday present of some Necropolis knights and would like to decorate the package w the printout of Settra onions pointing kek
Does anyone happen to have the audiobook version of Road of Skulls?
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Nope but I have this
I'm impressed by your ability to post here.
Has anyone tried converting Bretonians into vampire counts
Should be pretty easy. The paint job is 90% of the work.
Look up Mousillon lore and go from there. Literally just make your doods Merovech and his crew and paint the eye slits of the helmets red instead of black
Oh shit im blind
That book was really disappointing. I was on board for the plot to take Snoori Nosebiter to Karak Kadrin and to see what happened to Felix and Kat... and then Road of Skull completely abandoned all the established plotlines, completely changed the characters personalities and was generally rubbish.
Don't the Ulricans make an exception for artillery or something? I guess they could make up for it by never inventing artillery resistant siege warfare but I think there's something about the Fauschlag having one of the largest batteries north of the Reik
um ackshually serfdom is officially abolished in the Empire, it's just that nobody bothered to tell the peasants out in the sticks
>get 2 squads of empire knights and a steam tank in on a charge to an iron demon
>also tag it with word of pain
>it lives, and mulches half a knights squad
>and mulches half a knights squad
Were your squads 4 man?
No, but it’s on audiobb for free. So if you want to get it, you’ll find if their.
I'm not a huge fan of giant mercs in Empire army desu. I'm pretty sure they never were a thing back in a day, unless you are talking about DoW Avalon giants. Dwarfs, ogres and halflings were present, giants weren't.
>DoW Avalon giants
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when the giant got its plastic kit there was a big push towards allowing every army to field it and plenty of conversions featured in white dwarf
I guess ruleswise it would have been from the DoW list of mercenaries you could hire back in the day and not a specific Empire armybook entry.
And fluff wise there is also the SoC picture of a giant loading the fuck-huge canon of Middenheim.

But either way: want mercenary giant!
Oh right, totally forgot about that one!

Good thing I downloaded all the WDs from the grogs so I can have a look again. May the dice gods bless 'em.
I don't remember having a giant entry in any of my armies besides orcs, chaos (warriors and beastmen) and ogres.
I did it back in 8th, it looked pretty cool but I gave up halfway because of all the fucking yellow for mousillon. Would work as an army that could be played as either though if you were liberal enough with conversions
it wasn't in the armybook, but it was there for a time
In WD?
It does have rules for Dog of War giants. Empire, DElves, VC, Kangz, Rats and DoW could take them on as a rare choice.

Can't upload the pdf because it's too big, but you can get all the old WDs in the /grog/ thread.
Like I said - not a big fan. I mean, sure - I have nothing against allowing people using giants in armies that would get along with them, but somehow they look out of place in armies other than orcs and chaos.
Ogres I like - as mercs - and hate as standalone army. It is the only army I wouldn't like to get back to TOW.
Also - imperial dwarfs wouldn't like to fight alongside giants...
I guess the Imperial Dwarfs wouldn't like Badland Ogres either. But they still exist as a mercenary option.

Giants look a bit out of place in other armies because GW forgot about DoW and stuff like mercenaries for a long, long time. So only Orcs, Chaos (and Ogres) could take them.
But I like the idea of a fuck-huge moron being bribed by my army to fight for them. So I'd like to see a return of the mercenary giants.
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nta, but here's the link for that particular WD issue:

New Thread?
Doing hte work I'm too lazy for. Thanks anon!
fellas I think they under produced on the dwarf stuff.
just like the japs and rurouni kenshin's creator
Ogres are true neutral beasts. And they don't usually fight in greenskins armies unlike giants do. So I don't see a reason why dwarfs would be particulary against ogres.
orges did burn down some dwarf holds so probably that
But dwarfs don't have hatred against ogres but greenskins armies (of which giants are frequently part of). They also dislike elves (lorewise). I never saw any indication they hate ogres. if anything - ogres are fighting against greenskins and dawi zharr.

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