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Previous Thread: >>93302201
For: Creation and discussion of Lewd RPGs; including Solo Rpgs, Homebrews, and examples of play (Greentexts)

>Don't post or ask for "Looking For Group".
>Don't sperg about Hentai logic, Hentai Artists or NTR. Take your meds.

>What's a Solo RPG?
1: YouTube (Season 1 of Me, Myself & Die! gives a good explanation)
2: Ask in the Solo RPG General: >>93311560
3: Solo is a good way to test out systems and to avoid problems such s "Schedule Conflict" or "Playing with Weirdos"

>Solo RPG Toolkit (NPC Generator, Mythic GM Emulator, etc.)

>Official Thread's Discord

>Lewd Solo Games
Labyrinthus: https://gm-bertus.itch.io/labyrinthus
Labyrinthus Random NPC Generator: https://srr5cb2m.play.borogove.io
Lewd Attack: https://mega.nz/folder/CbhQnQyB#Xn-0F9OVyr_SHQ2s7rDhmQ
Lewd Attack, Frameworks for Maptool: https://mega.nz/folder/4ixRTS7K#nSxJQ4BuNcaZYA4slPVPcw
Powered by the Lewd: https://j5drops.itch.io/powered-by-the-lewd
Rapture World: https://mega.nz/file/PPQxVYIa#EHENwjI-gTxCvJjVTzVEeTj7Y-yl_6Ubra4RM2oZ3ck

>Other Material and Systems (IE: D&D, Pathfinder, Ventangle etc)
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Any plans for the weekend?
Doing some extra stuff for Labyrinthus
Might start a new game of Lewd Attack if I can maintain an interest all the way through the character creation
you can get stuck at character creation?
like sure step sis can get stuck in the laundry, but i'm not asking about her.
how do you get stuck at character creation?
Sailing all Saturday with friends. If the forecast will hold, it's going to be a perfect day for some racing. Probably a regular game of WFRP in the evening.
I know, disappointing.
I'm really sorry to hear that. You have my sympathies. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
I think it has to do with trying to work out exactly what skills you are supposed to be looking at. There needs to be a terms revision. Not to mention that when you are picking up skills, those change your stats and you can only go up to a certain amount to start with in character creation.
i just made a new character for Lewd Attack, so i'll probably try and play it with those fishman rules anon posted a couple threads ago.
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Why play a solo lewd rpg when you can just play an actual lewd game
who says you can't do both?
Continue my LA game, and may be starting one with my wife. Hopefully all the weird stuff doesn't freak her out
Thinking about running a lewd fantasy game with a lot of bad end focus, along the lines of Lona with the scat content turned off. Maybe dnd 3.5?
Lol it's impossible for a 3.5 character to ever be defeated unless your purposefully gimp them
2d6+4 down the line stats. Or just normal stats and make good equipment rare and expensive.
It's more the character and feat builds then stats, but yeah if you remove magical item availability then that will help. I'd probably just pick a different system at that point like gasp 5e
I've had an idea of a lewd solo system that forgoes dice rolls entirely in favour of playing cards, but I'm still at brainstorming stage. How about blackjack for skill tests?
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Do you want elaborate combat? Do you want explicit corruption mechanics?
Because if answer to both of these is no, you can usel something absolutely lightweight.
Just rolled a mage in Lewd Attack, I'll see where it will go.
>Fetish rolled : big dick, dominant
I'm seeing some kind of pattern...
Without any work, I may have to pick up my lewd campaign from last summer. Good time for it, though...
Your character or the amazon has the big dick fetish?
Lewd Attack is just a clusterfuck of things to look at
Bruh, that sucks that you didn't have a good time.
You should demand a refund.
How does your game do anal?
Have sex you incels.
Are you offering?
That's what i did. LA Anon doesn't post much here because he owes me money!
How about Shadow of the Demon Lord? I'll admit, most of my games are ill suited for low power games, if anyone has recommendations it would be a big help. I don't mind detail and crunch.
He specifically asked for no scat, anon
It might work, once you cut out all scat-related mechanics, classes, spells, and monsters from SotDL, you'll be left with a lean lightweight system.
It's me asking, I've never seen.much scat in sotdl beyond goblins and I just cut it anyway. My tastes are not so shit.
sauce? this image has awakened something in me
I mean, there is a signature. Alup-chip? Something like that? Go forth and search my son.
Looking for lewd encounter ideas...
- Carved menhir surrounded by beautiful flowers with overwhelming scent that...
- Vine covered mound with giant (pink?) tree that...
- Crystal boat on riverbank, can gain 2 Exploration if...
- Rainbow bridge that leads to: 1d4...
- Tree that grows gold coins, you can...
- Rose-Bramble / Obsidian / Ice / Crystal Throne, if sat in 1d4...
- Wine Fountain can be drunk: 1d4...
- Beguiled cursed minstrel, break charm by 1d4...
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Do any of you sexualize lolis in your lewd games, or no and the sexualization of literal minor aged characters is forever uniquely a Japanese thing that can never be emulated in the West or outside of Japan?

How do the Japanese and other East Asians manage to sexualize literal (fictional) minor and teenaged characters below 18 or 17 without having some major societal and moral meltdown or a "think of the children!" moment? Are the Japanese and other Asians just sometimes that better and separating and differentiating fictional characters from real life people, all while knowing the literal minor aged characters and teenaged school girls being sexualized are not real people? Especially in this current day and age?

Do any of you dare to lewd lolis, teenage highschool girl characters and go "UUUOOOOHHHH CUNNY!" in your lewd RPGs? Any of you mad enough to try making "mechanics" around Uuuuoohhh cute and cunny?
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All displays of affection towards little girls are strictly non-sexual.
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On tangently related note, that drawing style looks familiar, I think the artist (or one of his cronies) used to shill his webcomics here.
- Carved menhir surrounded by beautiful flowers with overwhelming scent that...
>causes the character to become aroused on a failed check and masturbate by grinding on the smooth polished stone of the monument, which seems to warp in the light/shadows into an sexy fey man/woman (depending on preference)
- Vine covered mound with giant (pink?) tree that...
>squirt a sticky goo onto characters, drawing them close to the mound with the alluring taste before grasping them with the vines and drawing them inside the mound for vigorous impregnation
- Crystal boat on riverbank, can gain 2 Exploration if...
>Pay the toll for the boat ride, by eating out the orc ferry mistress/master
- Rainbow bridge that leads to: 1d4...
>a crowd of horny leprechauns, lecherous ugly bastards that lure in maidens with the fake story of gold at the end of rainbows
- Tree that grows gold coins, you can...
>Attempt to climb the tree to get at the gold, the branches seem to creak upwards just out of your reach, as you climb your clothes snag on twigs and slip off/tear, soon your character is basically stretching up and hopping for gold coins completely naked
- Rose-Bramble / Obsidian / Ice / Crystal Throne, if sat in 1d4...
>locks arms and legs in place, nice thick dildo of same construction pleasures the character to orgasm, gives a minor blessing
- Wine Fountain can be drunk: 1d4...
>Hours the character is a horny drunk, gets a negative modifier to resist any lewd attempts
- Beguiled cursed minstrel, break charm by 1d4...
>ejaculations, you have to succ the cursed charm directly from his fat cursed cock
The Artist didn't shilled anything here. He often posts lewd version of his webcomic characters on /aco/ or /ic/ but there is one anon who constantly spergs out because of such things and that anon is also regularly here, probably the same mongoloid who keeps making those walls of text posts that nobody gives a fuck about
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Yep, that is DoodlePoodle, artist and author and creator of his DnD-based webcomic Tales from the Tables. And that woman is his main OC and protagonist of his webcomic, Angela Palmer.

And yeah, I do believe months ago, George or some other neo puritan kink shaming anon was talking about or implying things about DoodlePoodle. To which, yeah it's true. Mainly that DoodlePoodle does indeed "officially" draw porn and rule 34 of his main OC Angela being in compromising situations straight out of a hentai. Yes, DoodlePoodle has "officially" drawn porn of Angela and his other female cast being gangbang'd, tentacle'd, raped by bandits, raped by monsters and black'd. Especially Angela, who in his story's main canon, canonically is in a loving relationship with her boyfriend but has drawn her being gangbang'd or being a naughty little girl.

I am however saying he officially made porn of his webcomic protagonist in quotation marks. Because ultimately the porn he draws of Angela and his other characters IS ultimately non-canon and doesn't reflect the main canon of his webcomic's story nor does it officially reflect the actual personality and canon of his characters. According to him, the porn he draws of Angela and her friends is not only non-canon, but is just "Angela's silly little horny imaginations and that she is officially a sweet girl who loves her boyfriend." DoodlePoodle also says that Angela and her boyfriend, Mark, do get engaged and married in the future of his story and any porn of her drawn by him or his friends, fans, followers and mutuals is not canon.

Yes, I am defending or DoodlePoodle since he is a pretty chill and decent guy. He even visits the porn board; usually /aco/, and I even was able to chat with him there. The guy is cool and decent since he does allows and gives his fans, friends and anons the blessings of making rule 34 and smut of his characters, so long as it ain't guro, smut, or scat.

He's a pretty chill and decent guy.
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Fair enough, "porn is not canon even when it comes from the artist himself" is a legit stance to take.
The one with the dragon pushes it a bit too far for my taste, but that's just me.
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Who fucking cares. This is not a thread to discuss about artists and what they do with their Characters
>walls of text posts that nobody gives a fuck about
Yet everyone (idiots) still respond to, so anon just keeps winning (sadly).
Compared to the schizo manifestos it's Shakespeare.
.... or you could not be a forum monkey and just make a fun character

ever see a trip party before?
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Nice! Thanks.
Anybody else got ideas?
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ok that got a laugh outa me
well done anon
>- Carved menhir surrounded by beautiful flowers with overwhelming scent that...
was an ancient moot site. causes uphoria and lower inhibitions, social checks of all kinds receive 1 automatic success here and cause 1 arousal gain. roll again on the random encounter table. if it isnt a monster you are alone here. if it is, they are initially non hostile and can be recruited if you speak their language: difficulty half monsters lust - (boobs+butt+thigh+face bonuses)

>- Crystal boat on riverbank, can gain 2 Exploration if...
you are willing to risk the temptations of your minds eye which its mirrored surface refracts
roll a mental save
0 successes means roll twice on a list of monsters corresponding to your highest fetish and take the higher result
1 success means roll twice and take the easier result

2 successes means you treat your fetishes as a chart and roll a die on it then roll twice for monsters corresponding to the fetish you rolled on and take the easier result

3 means you have a peaceful journey

>- Rainbow bridge that leads to: 1d4...
souls of adventurers long dead waiting at the gates to their afterlife
common misfortune meant they did not die heroically. now they wait patiently (albeit pretty boringly) for another opportunity to do so. they all have stories to tell and you may gain the location of lost treasures by being entertaining conversation (theyv only had the same couple folks to talk to for a long time), or you can try to grant they a heroic death to gain a blessing. failing the second option has bad results as you plunge from heaven to the banal earth, losing an advancement or level or xp- whatever your system uses.
alternatively a good fuck would make the eons pass more easily. these are some pretty experienced customers and none of them want a mortal going back and messing up their reputation by calling them a lightweight. if you arent at least 5 over your threshold to orgasm you can either fake it with an appropriate and difficult skill test. if you dont fake it or fail the test they roll all dice again and add it to the first result.

>- Tree that grows gold coins, you can...
dance for the fey inhabiting the tree each success granting 1d10 coins... and 1 lust to the lecherous little bastards. and there are a lot of em.

>- Wine Fountain can be drunk: 1d4...
lust PER exploration until you rest. the madness of dionysus brings power though: double all sex and social dice until rest
>- Beguiled cursed minstrel
1 rock off then go on a bender to celebrate
2 gotta find that perfect 10/10 that the witch/wizard they turned down said didnt exist
3 get some goblins to bum em
4 doesnt even want a curse broken but does want a magical instrument or some serious music lessons.... for a second shot at that dragon
>dance for the fey

Yeah do the thug shaker
It's one of those rare cases where the creator is NOT shilling his stuff, so... yeah. And he's most definitely an /aco/ regular, but last time he was active (rather than visiting) on /tg/, it was pre-covid.
Apparently my other post got deleted by overly zealous jannies. So instead of a pic, I'll just say thanks.
>Elfposting gets canned
Literal elfocaust.
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you are welcome my fellow man of fine taste
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I am stuck at home with corvid, so I'll finally post how my lewd solo Cthulhu/ΔGreen game has been going.

>it's Monday August 30th, and I am moving in
>moving into a shit-ass dorm
>where the fuck even is Massachusetts
>what the fuck does Miskatonic even mean
>I wanted to go to CalTech but no my dad's wife had to apply here behind my back and land me a free ride
>that fucking cunt
>goodbye dad
>goodbye best coast
>goodbye Pasadena
>hello fucking new england
>when I move my shit into my room, my new "roomie" is fucking her boyfriend on my bed
>they don't even stop when I come in, the dude is dead to the world
>princess pink freaks, finally tells him to stop
>there is something wrong with these people
>she gets dressed he just stands there until she tells him to get in the shower
>she leaves screaming she's gonna get me kicked out for being a pervert
>my sheets are ruined
>after an hour he comes out of the shower crying and saying he doesn't know where he is or what's happening
>finally persuade him to leave and that she'll totally call him later
>knock on the door, old as shit dude hands me a versafile, tells me "recipients of the Marsh scholarship are well taken care of here"
>what the fuck does that mean
>he smiles and leaves
>what the fuck is wrong with this place the semester doesn't even start for a week
>wake up the next day, princess pink never came back after she stormed out
>no great loss
>pick out course load, double major in CompSci and history
>look at metal box weirdo gave me
>shove it under my bed, I'll deal with it later
>priority 1 - internet access
>ask around and meet a few more students
>thank god they seem normal
>Chloe Campbell is an art major from the Lanesborough, which is apparently not near boston. I have an inch on her but she has two cup sizes on me
>Greyson Meritt is a Chemistry major from Westfield, which is apparently also not near boston. Must be at least 6'2" and has a kind face... the kind I'd like to sit on
>"Can I have your numbers? Maybe we can all study some time?"
>"Oh yeah, I totally need as much help with cramming as I can get."
>"I bet Greyson and I can help you out Ash."
>back to business, try the library
>they have a modem but only for staff
>I could be a librarian, it's not like it's hard
>ask if they're hiring
>"Yeah go talk to our other workstudy, he can walk you through it."
>go up to the counter
>Jesus Christ it's Mr. Non-stop from yesterday
>he just smiles at me
>"Hey are you a new student?"
>"...uh, yeah. I uh, just moved in... yesterday."
>smooth genius
>genuinely no reaction
>he continues smiling
>"I'm Ben. Ben Alden. I'm a Junior, EDU major."
>oh you're very educational Ben
>notice a patron saint medal, St. Maximilian
>explains why he didn't wrap it I guess
>awkwardly fill out application for work study while he watches
>"Awesome, I hope we get to work together! You seem really cool Cassandra."
>"Just Cas, thanks Ben."
>walk out keeping an eye on him
>I should buy mace

> Carved menhir surrounded by beautiful flowers
Like >>93383632 said, monster can be persuaded to do a lot of things. Maybe character must make a resistance check or be left in a suggestible state? And maybe the custodian dryad of the place need to be pollinated, if they are no monster or have rolled too high

> Vine covered mound with giant (pink?) tree that...
...is some kind of tentacle monster waiting in ambush. Hard/very hard perception check is needed to spot. A previous victim may be hidden as well inside the mound (roll for race/monster). If freed, roll to see how said victim react at her newfound freedom. 1/exhausted and relieved, want you to escort you away. 2/relieved and horny, want to reward you. 3/horny and disappointed, she is mindbroken and try to make you join her into the tentacle mound. 4/exhausted and ashamed, she does not want anyone to find out what have happened to her, can be blackmailed at a furter point in time or will buy your silence in some way : gold, big shop/inn discount, potion or equipment...

> Crystal boat on riverbank, can gain 2 Exploration if...
... you accept to entertain the Fair Folk at the command : putting a show (with other performers in option), accepting one of its "blessing", going for a joyride with it.

> Rainbow bridge that leads to: 1d4...
I like the soul in waiting, good stuff. Maybe some would have unfinished business that need to be completed : a quest, getting off, a message to a loved one, revenge against that treacherous root near the river, burying their body...

> Rose-Bramble / Obsidian / Ice / Crystal Throne, if sat in 1d4...
...to see if it's a mimic posing as a throne, if it's a gnome contraption to fuck the one that sit in it, if it's cursed Hephaestus-style and you can only get off after, well, getting off, or getting off the guy that installed it there

> Wine Fountain can be drunk: 1d4...
... to see if it's the fountain of Lust, the fountain of Genderbending, the fountain of Fertility (+tit, butt and/or thigh-bonus, may prevent wearing some cloth) or the fountain of Mana/health/stamina. May only work once per person, but can be bottled to give to other people.
>2x Muyu enioyer
oh my god some ancient spirit wanting revenge on a root is gold
10/10 stealing that for normal ass non lewd games
bruh that dude is ON SOMETHING
fuck mace he prolly wouldnt feel it
buy an electric turkey carver
Anyone have any suggestions for lewd solo rpgs that are a bit more futuristic like sci-fi or cyberpunk? I've played a lot of Lewd Attack (and I've been meaning to give Labyrinthus another read) but I'm also kind of craving something that isn't fantasy focused.
There are no specifically Lewd Solo Sci-fi RPG. So you just have to pick a system that allows sci-fi and play with that
For games you can convert to solo, check out Alpha Blue and Carbon Pink though.

Converting stuff to solo is pretty straightforward, and isn't system or setting dependent. It also doesn't have to be "hurr durr use mythic"
>Carbon Pink
No need for such garbage. Either pick Alpha Blue or regular Cyberpunk
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>someone told me it was bad so I don't want people to read it
Play more games
Does regular Cyberpunk mean a specific edition or just literally any of them? My only experience with the cyberpunk genre has mostly been Shadowrun and Runners in the Shadows
Is CP even still up? I can't find any active links to it. Did find pic related though kek
He probably means Cyberpunk 2020. He may mean Cyberpunk Red. The latter is possible since he does seem to have brain damage.

The best version of the system is Interlock Unlimited, but the revised 2020 books are fine

Nothing is ever gone on the internet, you just have to look for it
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Lewd Attack updated to 0.74!
Some minor changes, nothing too spectacular. Except, whips got added, and with that, the whip combat skill. Sorry for anyone making frameworks and additional character sheets, this may came out of nowhere. But someone once noted how they are missing and so I got this out of my system. They have weaker damage, use strength and dexterity, and can attack in melee and short range. An ability for whips has been added as well. I swear, there is no plan for more skills in the future. That's it.

Aside from that:
>Wide Swing adjusted
>Bleed Strike adjusted

>Inner Kingdoms:
>I3 Brigand numbers decreased
>Difficult Mission 3 Minotaur numbers slightly decreased
>Cave Prospector mission added for Difficult Missions
>regular Minotaurs lost Rape Expert trait

>new table for treasures
>repairing and upgrading of treasures clarified
>Companions Simplified companions behavior (hopefully) clarified
>for skinning beasts, one advancement past Trained is needed
>one more scenarios for the crimes

Also, I think the change on max Attributes seems to work pretty well. I consider getting rid of increasing attributes through advancing skills in general (other sources still work), but also give characters a slight increase in traits for character creation (2 more). Furtheremore, more traits for character creation in the mental area that give additional effects. Such as "Creative I", + 1 charisma and additional successes for skills like singing, dancing and bluffing. You know, more in depth customization.
But in general, want to work on the next region soon, ideally release it in October.
>regular Minotaurs lost Rape Expert trait
Any reason for that? It did feel fitting

As for increasing attributes through skills, if there's enough other ways to raise it maybe it could work, though also possibly could go half-way and put a cap on how far you can raise attributes through skills?

Looking forwards to the new region
I'll give Interlock Unlimited a look later, thanks.
Yeah, I may revert that back. It's basically an instant loss when a group of minotaurs goes into heat. But maybe it should be this way.
>Told me
Bitch Carbon Pink was posted both in its own thread and here and the overall consensus of anyone able to read it was that it was just a lazy 5e ruleset with a coat of Cyberpunk slapped over it.
No one actually cares about a fictional sixteen year old being fucked, because the attraction is the same to an 18 year old or a 30 year old. You're attracted to pubescent characteristics.

People do care about a fictional six year old being fucked, because the reality behind the fictional scenario is that prepubescent bodies make you hot.
>No one actually cares about a fictional sixteen year old being fucked, because the attraction is the same to an 18 year old or a 30 year old
Except both the 18 and 30 are at legal age.
Pedophiles truly have brain rot
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Couple typos I'm noticing, sorry I'm a little out of it

>finally September 1st
>first day of classes
>make sure door is locked
>take shower
>get dressed
>favorite new order shirt is missing
>it couldn't be
>go to get breakfast
>see princess pink
>see what's left of my new order shirt framing her hot pink b cup bra
>she sees me and waves
>I am going to fucking kill her
>whisper great evil into my oatmeal
>at least I have ds you bitch
>guy next to me moves to a new table
>time to go to class

>English 112: Local American Literature.
>princess pink sits in the front row, flanked by what looks like most of the football team
>she puts an apple on the teacher's desk
>who even does that is that even a thing
>obvious TA walks out fifteen minutes late
>"Hi, uh. Professor Lewis, his uh. Ability to teach was delayed. Availability I mean. My name is Liam, I'm the TA. I'll be filling in until he's better. I mean here."
>oh well he can't teach but he is hot
>he spends the rest of class stumbling over words

>History 100: Western Thought to 1600
>boring teacher, boring subject, boring room.
>sit next to Chloe, send out gaydar pings
>she mostly giggles and keeps sketching in her notebook
>jury is still out
>peek at her notebook
>drawing herself naked, being choked from behind by armless hands

>CompSci 105: Computer Literacy
>one computer in the entire room
>boots it up
>shows us how to move the mouse
>turns it off
>opens the tower
>walks us through each component as he removes them
>puts it back together, one component at a time as he explains them again
>it won't post
>spends rest of class avoiding the computer and discussing creative uses for email
>I'm going to kill myself
Carbon Pink was so good even the authors literally abandoned it after "publishing" it
16 is legal in several states and countries. Pedophilia is defined as an attraction to prepubescents, specifically younger than 13. No where on Earth can you legally fuck a 13 year old outside lawless zones like the Congo. Even ancient cultures fine with you touching a pubescent would draw and quarter you for touching a prepubescent.

No one cares that Hatsune Miku or Sailor Moon or whatever given anime girl is below the age of consent in California. It's all performative outrage. Real outrage comes when you want to fuck nine year olds.
True. Lolicons often try and cope that prepubescent lust is the same as pubescent lust because 17 and 7 are both illegal.
>Breaking news: a high-level adventurer that died tripping on an uneven cobblestone is back hunting the public administration. Guildmaster says it would be less expensive fixing every road in the city to appease the spirit than hiring an adventurer powerful enough to forcefully banish the former Champion. More detail at noon.
>CompSci 110: Coding Theory
>it's the same guy
>die a little inside
>"...and this year we've received some new budget so we have enough workstations for everyone..."
>it can't be
>laptop cart comes out
>oh yes
>"...we aquired these at great expense..."
>unlocks cart
>pulls out a ThinkPad 240
>maybe this won't be so bad
>beg him to let me take one for the semester
>"Unfortunately we only have a few spares set aside so I can't"
>yeah makes sense they would buy spares with you around
>I'd hate for one of them to go missing this weekend

>long day over, head back to room
>corpse of my new order shirt with a pinned note and a peach laying on my bed
>"Hey roomie thanks for lending me the shirt"
>bitch I will cut you
>check the shirt on me in the mirror
>I look like a whore and not in a good way
>hide the peach in her filing cabinet to rot
>put the shirt to rest in a shoebox
>rest in peace with Ian little shirt
>go to bed mad

>next two days are fine
>princess pink never seems to sleep in her own bed
>Chloe and Greyson are chill, spend some time studying together
>get to know them better
>Chloe is trusting, and a massive airhead
>dangerous combination for a college girl but it also makes her hard to read
>Greyson takes a few opportunities to flirt with Chloe and I
>also obviously a virgin, and very straight edge
>they ask if I want to check out the town with them this weekend
>"Oh, sorry I have some stuff on campus I have to take care of this weekend."
>"Next time?"
>"Oh yeah, for sure."
>The Artist didn't shilled anything here.
Posting things you create is the same as shilling then.
Oh really? Time to do some hunting, I like his paladin girl.
Stop being a faggot.
>sneak out of dorm at 2 am
>make my way to the science building undetected
>door is unlocked
>strange, let myself in
>some of the lights are on
>curiouser and curiouser
>slow and quiet, focus on the mission
>check the classrooom, no dice
>check the CompLab, no dice
>let myself into the CompSci admin room with one of stepmom's cancelled credit cards
>stack of five new in box ThinkPads
>one is marked "FOR INSTRUCTOR"
>I think we can all agree I'll make better use of this than he will
>see the busted tower
>reseat the PSU connectors
>it posts
>golly gee
>leave it on for the Prof to see
>this makes us even old man

>off to make my escape, turn down a hallway
>sex noises coming from the room
>think back to Monday
>I'm not a pervert I just need to know what's going on in case it's a crime
>It's not like I want to watch what's happening
>check door, it's locked
>apply for a higher credit limit
>gently push open door
>inside seems to be a full sized botany lab, several potted saplings growing fruit
>princess pink we meet again
>she's being double teamed by Liam and Ben, while holding a stopwatch
>after an amount of time that would not be weird to continue watching for, the stopwatch goes off and they slide out of her simultaneously
>they're stock straight, in every sense, looking in my direction
>they don't react to me, their eyes glazed like they can't see me even though I'm directly in their view
>princess pink calmly starts a tape recorder and stars talking into it
>"Today's activities with number 3 confirm my suspicious of long term complications of the substance, his physical endurance and muscle continue improving but his reaction times and ability to problem solve in between doses has dramatically decreased."
>I shuffle inside and behind a lab bench as she keeps talking to herself to get a better look
Thank you, LAA. I have some thoughts on the attributes thing, but I need to ruminate on them myself before posting.
Off topic, but...
What are you sailing?
Maybe you should think that over for a bit.
Just how much overlap is there between...

>People you would be comfortable with hearing you talking about your character doing lewd things
>People who would be comfortable with you talking about your character doing lewd things
>People who wouldn't attempt to just escalate things to a real-world orgy

There's not a lot of overlap, here. Sure, it's a fine idea, but not everyone has deep enough social resources to fully flesh out such a game with other people.
sailor moon isnt for adults
35 year old basement dwellers shouldnt be jerking it to sailer moon
but something can be made to be attractive to say a 14 year old boy
but again, sailor moon was a lil suggestive at times
it didnt have them get up on stage and do a burlesque show and then get raped by ugly bastards

A deck of cards isn't necessarily a bad idea, but you've got to carefully consider what you have before you decide to do something with it.

>4 Suits (What does each Suit mean?) of 2 Colors (What does each Color mean?), each consisting of:
>2 through 10, equivalent to (d9 + 1)
>3 Face Cards: A Jack, a Queen, and a King (What do those mean?)
>An Ace (Is it a 1? Is it a 14? What?)
>2 Jokers (What are those going to mean?)

There's a lot of potential complexity for results, here. Suppose you draw until you have 3 number cards; so you have a result of 3d9 + 3, a pretty wide bell curve with an average of 18. Maybe your Suits and Colors serve a narrative purpose; some of them contradict one another, but, with 3 Suits per draw, one will win out every time. But what to do with those Face Cards and Aces? Maybe something to do with the opponent's motivation?

At any rate, be sure to use each and every variable at your disposal, here; you have lots of potential axes to play with, and there's no reason to limit yourself to just Success and Failure. That said, if all you want is one axis, you're better off with just dice.
he plot thickens
It was ultimately fine on both instances. No lewd stuff, but I don't play lewd with those people, so... But the scenario worked out fine and everyone had fun

Carbon Pink is literally trash-tier, failing at everything it is (supposedly) trying to achieve. It doesn't work as cyberpunk, it sure as hell doesn't work as lewd and it's just sloppy set of ideas.

That's offensive to faggots. Anon is just a cunt.

We took three 470s, rather than the planned six Cadets (they only had 4 left by 9:30 AM).
>There is a Crystal Boat on a riverbank. In it is a dejected young woman in a white frilly dress and shading herself with a white parasol that she twirls out of boredom. She looks longingly at the other side of the shore, and seems to be waiting for someone athletic enough to row her across. Do you stop and help?
>As you get half-way across the river, the young woman, seemingly by accident, capsizes the boat, tossing you and her both overboard. However, it seems that she is a mermaid, and you have fallen into her clutches! She drags you down to her (thankfully) air-filled den, and gives you a mischievous look that makes you blush...
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Good ideas! Thanks!
(I'd like to give you a sexy elf, but I'm afraid this is all the jannies will allow these days.)
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id rather look at paint drying then look at that
Uhhhhh... sauce?
The continuing adventures of Ronwyn, the human witch and her new friends Liebe the halfling nun and Suna the elf apprentice mage.

>Level 2 Haunted Halls: [Gothic, Halloween, Nightmare, Witchcraft]

>0. The girls proceed down the dungeon and come out in a spooky haunted dungeon. Oracle says Liebe is scared of ghosts!

>1. Curio, The Puzzle. Mind DV 7. Ronwyn is extremely smug and will always attempt puzzles and games. 3 Success, 0 Failures! >Smugness only increases. Rolls twice and Selects Old Map
>Old Map - 2 Locations, 4 Points of Interest within 10 Hexagons of Dungeon exit. 5+ means one of the Locations has Small Treasure Chest!

>Unusual Corridor, Portraits Tracking. The eyes of the portraits track the girls as they hurriedly move through the creepy corridor. Thankfully each of the girls suceed on their Will Check (9, 8, 8). Each girl feels grossed out, like the portraits are perving on them. One portrait, unnoticed, is at foot level and snickers to itself as it catches some upskirts.

>2. Locked (opens with a generic key). Empty Room - Actually Empty. Ronwyn wastes time here refusing to believe she doesn't get more treasure!

>3. Webs, No Creatures (rolled 3). 2 Successes with Perception, Strengthened Leather Gloves and 8 Scraps of Cloth.

>4. Locked (used generic key). The Vortex, Success on Witchcraft identifies the Portal as malfunctioning, 5 on 4+ means Vortex immediately activates.
>Ronwyn succeeds on DV 8 Body with a 9, Liebe succeeds with an 8, Suna succeeds with an 8. All the girls hurriedly move out of the room holding hands in a chain.

>5. Wandering Creature Barghest (Hostile but Aroused, Capture) has Captured and is advancing on 3 Scavengers (Neutral but Aroused Female Goblins). Girls succeed on their Stealth check and are unnoticed by Barghest and goblins.

>The girls wait and watch the Barghest roughly mount and fuck doggy style one of the goblins.
>Lewd goblin moans are joined by barghest barking, and the much smaller goblin girl is basically held flat under the weight of the creature
>The goblin girl climaxes shamefully as the Barghest cums while howling.
>The other two goblins firmly knead and squeeze the Barghests balls to coax out a larger load and more pleasurable orgasm.
>The first goblin lies twitching with a satisfied expression, the other two stroke it's balls and suck the Barghest's cock to get it hard again, greedily cleaning it of gobling girl squirt and doggy cum and sharing a lewd kiss at the tip

>Ronwyn and Liebe (Interest rough sex and Kink four legged creatures) both succeed on Witnessing the Lewd, so they shake off the sex-induced stupor and resist the deep urge to get doggy fucked
>Ronwyn Defeats and knocks out the Barghest with a Scorch from Stealth (Magic 13).
>Scavengers seem a little put out, but stay Neutral. They collar and leash the Barghest (for super rough beast sex later) and are willing to trade.

>Ronwyn buys all the items sans Torches (she has magic) - goodbye all her gold! Harvesting tools, lockpicks, leather armor repair kit

>Failure on Speechcraft check to inquire about surrounding area, seems like goblins are too annoyed by their fun being interrupted.

>6. Curio, The Puzzle, DV 7 Will. 3 Success 0 Failures (Smug), choice between Gold and Treasure Chest (had to re-roll enchanted armor as none available). Ronwyn takes the chest!
>Chest = 3 Silver Coins and Wealthy Reward (Elegant Skimpy Dress!)

>The dress is sized for a medium creature so Liebe is disappointed. Suna and Ronwyn stare each other down, before wrestling for it. Opposed contest of Body and Ronwyn gets the dress!
>Elegant green and black dress, high slitted, form fitting. Ronwyn carefully packs it away before the girls move on, but Suna is given a concession of first dibs on the next cute item.

>Unusual Corridor, Writing. The girls notice some writings on the stone wall off the corridor - stylized drawings of things they are interested in.
>Ronwyn see's two cute girls enthusiastically kissing with a thick load of cum between their lips, dripping from a long, saliva slick penis - arousal increase by 9
>Liebe see's a large horse with a shockingly erect cock and a petite halfling staring up at it in awe - arousal increase by 6.
>Suna see's a lithe elven girl, wrists held together above her head while a brawny human fucks her deeply in her ass - arousal increase by 6.
>The girls blush with embarrassment and hurriedly move on.

>7. Locked, Ronwny unlocks with a Dungeoneering 8 and her brand new lockpicks, smugly grinning and showing off as Liebe claps excitedly and Suna sniffs.
>Standard, Living Quarters, comfortable piles of sleeping mats and furs, area for cooking and provisions. 2 Goblins, 2 Goblin Scavengers Neutral.
>Wandering Creature, Arcane Slime, Aggressive and Horny, is winning against the 4 female Goblins.
>2 of the goblins are Defeated and slick with goo, slime cum dripping from their impregnated pussies.
>Witnessing the Lewd (Ronwyn impregnation kink, Suna arcane creature kink, both girls pass)
>Ronwyn hits with Scorch + Elementalist (Magic 14) for 13 damage then swings her Enchanted Dagger (Melee 11) for (4-3) 1 damage. Suna finishes it off with an Arcane Bolt (Magic 9).
>The two girls start squabbling over who killed the creature, while Liebe helps the dazed and slime fucked Goblins.

>The Goblins explain the Slime came up through a grate in the corner of the room, the girls push a large crate over the grate to block it off (this won't stop the horny slime coming back though)
>The Goblins thank the girls and offer to cook them food and drink so they can rest here, Goblins do NOT sneak aphrodisiac into their food (1 on a 4+).
>The girls rest and eat, the two slime covered goblins lewdly wash each other with buckets of water pulled from a cistern, they fail the Seduce skill test but Ronwyn is further aroused and watches appreciatively, +3 arousal.
>The Goblins don't know what beyond this room.

>8. Jammed, Wooden, DV 7, Ronwyn and Suna attempt to force the door (Body 11), they surprisingly get through rather easily.
>Hazard, the Mirror, DV 7 Will
>Ronwyn (Smug/Pride Flaw) has Burden Dice to resist looking, and fails. Liebe and Suna also fail.
>Sin - the girls witness themselves at the center of an orgy, naked writhing bodies moaning and sighing in pleasure.
>All the girls fail the Mind check!

>The girl's see Ronwyn restrained and roughly fucked by a handsome man with a very long cock, being pushed up to Suna getting equally roughly fucked in the ass, the two girls being forced to kiss.
>Meanwhile Liebe is holding on tight to a demonic beast-like creature pounding her to a squealing climax.
>Ronwyn Corruption increase by 5
>Suna Corruption increase by 3
>Liebe Corruption increase by 8 (Interest in Worship) - Gains the Fertile Womb trait!

>The girls watch with undisguised interest, before glancing shyly at each other and continuing on. Liebe feels a deep throbbing heat coming from her womb.

>Unusual Corridor, Fungal Growth
>Successfully pass Witchcraft to identify, and Ronwny gathers them all using her new Harvesting Tool - teasing Liebe by waggling the raunchy penis-shaped mushrooms at her

>10. Wandering Creature, Tainted Sinner (Tentacle Hair, 5 eyes located on it's body) - Neutral but Aroused (Inquire, will attempt seduction)
>The girls enter the cozy study, and are greeted by the Tainted Sinner. It shapeshifts to a tall, muscular humanoid with a wickedly long and thick cock - erect and twitching.
>It breathes it's pheromones and all three girls fail and become Aroused.
>Tainted Sinner attempts Seduction on all three girls, and gets 3 Success 0 Failures (rolled three 9s!). It beckons them to join it and the three girls can't resist.

>The Sinner lays back on the plush carpet and positions Suna over it's face - brushing aside her mage robe and panties it uses it's inhumanly long tongue to at first gently lick and then deeply probe Suna's sensitive anus
>With 3 Success and 0 Failures Suna is quickly brought to a crushingly pleasurable anal orgasm, her rising hips held down firmly
by the Tainted Sinner as her flat stomach bulges from it's tongue within.

>Liebe and Ronwyn take eagerly to it's long penis, Ronwyn sucking at it's delicious head and tonguing it's urethra while Liebe firmly strokes the length and squeezes it's balls.
>The girl's get 3 Success and 0 Failures, and Ronwyn moans as she gets the hot reward of tainted sperm from it's powerful ejaculation.
>Ronwyn and Liebe deeply french kiss with it's cum and get fingered by the Sinner
>Another set of 3 Success with 0 Failiurs and they cum hard from it's expert clit stroking and pussy scraping.

>Ronwyn Corruption increases by 7
>Liebe Corruption increases by 8
>Suna Corruption increases by 5 (gains Interest in Long Tongues)

>Pheromones wear off and Ronwyn and Suna angrily dispatch the Tainted Sinner with a Scorch/Arcane Bolt combo.
What laws or rules can be even made to shame, ridicule and softly criminalize Loli and porn that is in the expense of teenage females under the age of 18? All without going 1984 Nanny State? Because unfortunately, one cannot criminalize Loli and and hentai since those usually come from Japan. And Japan have their own set of rules, cultural norms and standards.

You'd have to radically go to Japan and convinced them to also do some reforms regarding their porn that overwhelmingly has minor and teenaged characters. But then you get the double blade of freedom of speech and expression and whatnot. One does not try to just simply outlaw Rule 34 without coming off as some sort of censorious villain trying to trample freedom of expression.

And of course the major backlash and vitriol you're gonna get from coomers and artists social media who's jobs are to illustrate popular IP and franchise characters or currently popular Flavor of The Month waifus being railed and gangbanged several dozen unattractive men. All while monetizing and paywalling it through Patreon.

>Curio, the Study.
>3 Success, 1 Failure. Ronwyn discovers a Book of Knowledge (Monster's and Creatures)
>The girls take a 1hr rest in the Study.
>Suna squirming as she sits in an armchair, her anus twitching like it wanted more the whole time

>11. Jammed
>Ronwyn and Suna get another 11 on Body and burst through the jammed door (seriously these Body 1 girls can't be stopped)
>Empty Room, The Key - +1 generic key

>12. Curio, the Puzzle (Mind, LUCKY) 3 Success, 0 Failure - we're reaching levels of Smug we didn't think possible
>selects 2 Enchanted Scrolls
>Hold Door and Accelerate
>Ronwyn takes Hold Door and Suna takes Accelerate

>Stairs Leading Down to Level 3, saves XP

And that's level 2 done. Let me know if this is annoying or w/e, feel bad for spamming
>also give characters a slight increase in traits for character creation (2 more)
You don't think there are already too many points at character creation? Humans can start with half their stats maxxed to 5.
Erm... exactly what time period is this meant to be? In the early '80s, Boston was still a hotbed of computer development. Even until 2005, the East Coast Macworld was held in Boston instead of New York. I mean, I get what you're going for, but you've got to have better reasoning for why this school doesn't even have better hand-me-downs. Hell, our Boston suburb elementary school in the late '80s gradually transitioned from "Apple IIe"s to "Mac Plus"es. So, for absolute sure, Miskatonic really aught to have at least a full computer lab's worth of "IIe"s or crappy PC compatibles, and even some modest networking.

For the sake of being thematic to a lewd game, give them a Wang Computer Minicomputer that supports a bunch of users, each on their own terminals. Give them a big spooky computer room that holds some seemingly obsolete mainframe sized thing in it that the Wang can connect to, and might even be worth physically exploring and getting up and running.

Consider the following, for the sake of picking a model:
The point is that they're pubescent characters. You could say "actually she's 18" and who would doubt you? A pubescent teenager can pass for 18. What can't pass for 18 are lolis, actually lolis, like sailor chibi. Good luck convincing anyone that she's supposed to be a pubescent drawing.

>Criminalizing loli
No one is saying that sperg. I don't, and other functioning adults, don't want to send people to jail for masturbating to sailor chibi. That's insane. But you masturbating to sailor chibi indicates that something is fundamentally off about you compared to the rest of humanity, it indicates little kid bodies make you hot and bothered. That's going to make people uncomfortable.
This comic clarifies things. A and B are not loli. You could attach 18, 20, whatever to A and B just by looking at them, because a pubescent body is a pubescent body.

C is loli. If you have a character that looks like C and say "actually she's a 900 year old demon," even knows that's cope, because that's the body of a five year old.
>We took three 470s, rather than the planned six Cadets (they only had 4 left by 9:30 AM).
Is that not an improvement? The 470s sound faster. Or were you hoping more to just each have a boat?

I used to sail Mercuries in the late '90s, and Phantoms at summer camp in the early '90s. Never got to do much legitimate racing, though.
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>post-puberty teenagers
>pre-puberty children
Not the same thing.
So, I had this idea for a scenario.

We've got some evil mastermind big bad who has conned some bimbo warioresses into thinking that he has a good and just cause, and they just happen to be dumb enough to believe him. So they lead his monster armies out into your country's lands, and you have to fight off the monsters, and then defeat and "re-educate" the bimbos to following you instead, if only for their own good*.

>*Your mileage on "for their own good" may vary.

One of the parts that I'm stuck on is the bad guy's plan, and a convincing enough (if still subtlely false) con for the big bad to deceive the bimbos with. Any ideas?

Thoughts on the big-bad themselves are also welcome.
This exactly.

This too.

This three.
You can also just whack off to whatever fantasy you want and then not post it or only post an edited version to these threads. No one is going to give a fuck unless you go on and on about lolis.
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The evil mastermind is somewhat justified because your protag character is a lecherous asshole (or has been painted so), and big bad just makes appeals to order/morality etc.
1999, look at the character sheet

Also read the following posts, it's literally the first plot thread
>other functioning adults, don't want to send people to jail for masturbating to sailor chibi.
Not to jail, no. But there are other options.
Why does this thread keeping gaining and losing posts? Is there a janny in here? HI janny!
tranny couldn't handle beautiful elven woman
FATAL rulebook page 52
The intoxication table?
>DoodlePoodle, Tales from the Tables and his OC Angela
Yep I've also seen him in my feed too. Surprising he really has visited and posted in /aco/ and in this Asian basket weaving website to begin with. As far as I know most social media artists who're like him stay away from this website because of "Nazi right wingers". But I guess he isn't a complete lefttard that he does post his content in a porn board here.
>Yes, DoodlePoodle has "officially" drawn porn of Angela and his other female cast being gangbang'd, tentacle'd, raped by bandits, raped by monsters and black'd.
>officially made porn of his webcomic protagonist in quotation marks. Because ultimately the porn he draws of Angela and his other characters IS ultimately non-canon and doesn't reflect the main canon of his webcomic and canon of his characters.

If you ask me, looks more like he's trying have his cake and eat it too by providing first party on-model porn of his characters in multiple controversial categories and then saying it never happened she's not NTR gangblacked. All in order to attract DND nerds and horny bastards who might not give a shit about his webcomic's story let alone the stories and actual canon of his characters but just want to fap to his OC.

>"Hey guys. Check out the latest chapter of my comic and stay tuned to my socials for and upcoming adventures of Angela and friends. Also here's spicy images of Angela being in a sticky situation with three dudes at the gym. But remember! My porn's not canon and Angela IS a monogamous good girl who loves her boyfriend."
>"Also here's this old piece I drew of an older OC of mine and Angela being fucked by two random dudes and Angela being a cheater- but wait! Its all just a dream and never happened! Its not canon!"

Why not just make a new or separate comic and set of characters for his horny posting if his main OC is not a cheating slut or a vapid hentai girl and his webcomic is sfw and not porn.
Op pic is hot as fuck and also reminds me of my exs art style. Now I'm horny and sad.
...Make it a sexy beholder, and we are in buisness.
What, they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder
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>Let me know if this is annoying or w/e, feel bad for spamming
Greentexts are always better than having people arguing over stupid shit.
Other than that, remember that you can only cast a spell or attack (see the fight with the Arcane Slime) and it seems that with 1 Character and 2 NPC the encounters really go one way so you should add more creatures. When i test the game all allies never hang around for more than the same level they are found so i should came up with a solution for that
I honest to God thought you could do 2 actions, my apologies. And yup, I've made sure to add more enemies from Level 3. And I can't give up these NPCs, I like their friendship too much
Is a recent change but even back then it was worded in a way you could think you can cast and attack so i corrected that mistake on my end
>And I can't give up these NPCs, I like their friendship too much
Let me know if adding enemies balances things out
I say keep on posting it
Making me want to try a true party set up instead of having main character with their non usuable lackies that my games normally devolve too
How are you keeping track of all the girls? 3 sheets, condensed spreadsheet?
Thinking about doing a lewd Ars Magica game about a Tytalus and his cute apprentice. THe hope is that the mechanical complexity of the game will spark creativity.
good luck!
NPC relationship sheet from the labyrinthus downloads, and just using an NPC statblock for each girl (Nun and Apprentice Mage). I'll probably have them go up a NPC stat block rank when the player character increases rank
Now that would really throw a wrench into the whole game balance. besides, have you considerd to also hop in the Labyrinthus Discord? i could really use an active tester
Not quite what I was going for. Not that I don't get the relevance of your reference, because I do... (I should at least try those games at some point...)
I get that it's a plot thread; it's just a grossly unrealistic one. There's no way this school doesn't have computers at that date, even if they're weirdly esoteric and outdated ones. Plus, it ruins the opportunity to have a big spooky haunted mainframe or something.

Given the date, give them some outdated Sun Microsystems desktops or something. That would be era appropriate. And at least they'll run Java.
You have extreme autism and not the sexy kind
Dunno bruh, you're kinda sounding "You need to play MY way!". Maybe reevaluate your comments and determine if that's the case?
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>C is loli. If you have a character that looks like C and say "actually she's a 900 year old demon," even knows that's cope, because that's the body of a five year old.
It's pedophile but for other reason.
Discord scares me but thanks anyway
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We might as well apply the rule for alien maturity.
that's not how it works, once everyone involved is over arbitrary age threshold the age difference doesn't matter
No worries, i'll wait your reports in here then

>As far as I know most social media artists who're like him stay away from this website because of "Nazi right wingers". But I guess he isn't a complete lefttard that he does post his content in a porn board here.

When DoodlePoodle was just starting out with his webcomic he did post the first few pages here but he was quickly chased away by fa/tg/uys who sperged out that he was "shilling". People like that are why /tg/ never gets OC anymore.
I mean he has Tiefling Characters, so that's a big no-no
Maybe he shouldn't post things that he created if he doesn't want to get called a shill. No OC at all is better than OC used for commercial purposes.
>When DoodlePoodle was just starting out with his webcomic he did post the first few pages here but he was quickly chased away by fa/tg/uys who sperged out that he was "shilling".
So in other words... Autism from dudes who're accusing him of shilling, but would no doubt approve of shilling if it's product (s) or particular media fa/tg/uys will collectively like and enjoy. Seems to be the case many times if you ask me.

>People like that are why /tg/ never gets OC anymore.

Has it been like that? I do indeed remember there be having OC threads many years ago in /tg/. But as far as I'm aware of, OCs and OC threads are longer brought up here because over neo puritan arguments over sexualization and whatnot. Anyone still remembers Charlotte the Paladin?

Ah yes. And when guys like you cry and despair over /tg/ material going woke and being soulless corporate slop, but guys like DoodlePoodle provide some alternatives that isn't corpo owned slop. You'll chase guys like him off even though that screenshot looks like him just trying to strike up a conversation or any typical tabletop talk. But no, because you recognize his webcomic and his art style. Autists like you just have to chase him off with poorly applied gatekeeping because autism.

Bravo, congratulations. No fucking wonder why I had an OC thread instantly deleted a few years ago and got a warning out of it.
Shilling is shilling. Surprise.
>We now have neo-puritans pushing their agenda in the lewd thread
>They are retarded enough to claim loli content = noncery
>They haven't been chased off
How we have fallen.
Loli isn't noncery because it involves 2d characters who look only vaguely like human minors, at best. Unless you decide to go down the slope of applying human rights to 2d images and at that point you hit an uncomfortable pit involving every bestiality, rape, gore, snuff, ryona, and bad end manga, doujin, one off image, and none-H work. All the while looking like a 20iq retard for staring at a cartoon drawing and going "Dish ish a chuld! Dish ned protecshun"
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>Trying to defend Loli
>M-muh 2D
>You can't apply human rights to images
Petods trying to justify themselves is so pathetic
>"y-y-your a a a a p-peto (can't say pedo, redditsave me).... n-no I'm no-not crying!"
Run away back to where you belong, your little safe space where you can shriek into the echo chamber about how evil it is that this one anime character didn't have cowtits.
Shut up Groomer
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Idiots are the gifts that keep on giving.
You first, predditor
So long as we are talking about our current legal system, I agree entirely.
>Ever since the appearance of those 1000y "immortal" person, it was discovered they are fully capable of destroying mentally someone less than 200y old.
>After consultation and vote with all the other 1000y new laws were passed to catch the pedophile among those immortals.
I have no strong on opinions if loli is considered noncery or not, I just think it's shit taste.
Goblins are built for the knot ngl
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Don't even look at "it", bad taste may infect you

So /tg/ will have multiple GW and 40k threads a day with anons drooling over the products and marketing of a multi-million publicly traded corporation, but it's the small lone guy sharing his art who gets denounced as a shill?

Great going, comrades, you really stuck it to the Man.
Takatsu is so bloody good
>were you hoping more to just each have a boat?
Yes. We used to just race using 6 Optimists, but the marina with them bankrupt during covid, as their main revenue was tied with training large groups kids. When racing, there is no challenge if it's just two yachts, and when it's done for fun, the more the merrier.

Welcome to neo-puritan /tg/, where horsecock is fine despite blueboard, but elven females aren't

You mean creativity with lewd spells? You realise that's just asking for unrestricted pile-up of fetishes, to the point it exceeds the territory of even regular magical realm and just goes nauseating... right?

... why are you even in this thread, other than it being summer and you being bored and starved for human interaction?
>"I-I dont WANT yoiu hear"
>"you- your AFRAIIIIIDDD!! all the p-p-people" >"(hah) that hate ME are AFRAID and ir - ir -uh- >DUMB. FUCK YOU!! heh sh-showed-d him."
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the modus operandie of the gentleman spacefarer
While you are at it i also need you to test out a variant of the Elementalist Feat:
Instead of adding +4 it will automatically maximize the spell damamage output so if you roll 2d3+3 is always 9 when you use the feat.
I'm considering this variation because I noticed that with the current feat and a will of 3 you deal 2d3+7 damage aka between 9 and 13, while using a One handed weapon with a body of 3 will deal between 4 and 9.
Also in the same case Power Strike would get the same treatment
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>manage to get close enough to see she has a few trays with medical instruments, and some apples
>slide over take a better look at the plants
>oh my god they smell delicious... but this is not the time
>two apple trees and two peach trees, don't look especially normal but what do I know about trees
>the pots are real weird though, they look old and have... hieroglyphics or something on them
>"Number 5 has received only one dose at an indeterminate time, however given the remote attraction hypothesis proved true at 8:15 pm I would expect it is now close to eight hours since ingestion."
>then she just sits there and watches Liam
>now's my chance
>look around for proof of this bullshit
>could easily get some fruit, but I see a composition book I might be able to reach
>go for the notebook
>thank god this bitch is oblivious
>might as well take some of the fruit on my way out
>okay time to leave
>grab the ThinkPad from where I left it in the hallway
>make my way back to the dorm
>I'm sure those two guys will be fine
>fuck I have to rescue them or something don't I
>alright that can be a tomorrow problem
>back in my room
>hide the rest of the fruit in the bitch's filing cabinet
>oh shit that peach I left here is growing eyes like a potato
>I almost ate one of these
>alright that can be a tomorrow problem too
>unbox my new laptop
>wow this thing is fully capable of running Java
>I mean it's not as good as the nice desktops in the computer lab, which I obviously couldn't effectively steal or hide in my room what kind of idiot would even try that
>look at the composition book
>look at the marvel of IBM engineering with a new gen P6 chip
>I'm sure those guys will be fine for now
I almost got baited into replying to >93393417 but >>93393070 reminded me, it's summer. Guess this year's underage raiders are tradcath larpers and neo puritans, with a dash of reddit anti loli/anime faggots.

Well, decided on my next lewd character, she was going to be an Amazonian huntress but now I'm thinking loli magical girl or priestess/sorceress
Good shit anon, keep it up. Are you using Cyber Pink? What's your oracle.
The new △Green from arc dream publishing, and a tarot deck for my oracle. I wanted to try something weird and new after I messed around with mythic and D&D for a couple months.

I spent a bunch of time at work making tables for the game to keep it tuned to the modern setting though. Here's one I don't use for a while:

Random Location (Off Campus)
1 Abattoir
2 Airport
3 Antique Store
4 Apartment Building
5 Army Surplus
6 Asylum
7 Bail Bondsman
8 Bakery
9 Bar
10 Big Box Store
11 Bookstore
12 Bunker
13 Bus Depot
14 Café
15 Car Dealership
16 Cathedral
17 Chapel
18 Church
19 Cinema
20 Clinic
21 Clothing Store
22 Comic Book Shop
23 Convinience Store
24 Costume Shop
25 Courthouse
26 Department Store
27 Diner
28 Dive
29 Dockyard
30 Drive-in
31 Dump
32 Fabric Store
33 Factory
34 Farm
35 Farmstand
36 Fire Department
37 Flea Market
38 Flower Shop
39 Funeral Home
40 Game Store
41 Garden
42 Gas Station
43 Graveyard
44 Gun Store
45 Gym
46 Historic Site
47 Hospital
48 Hostel
49 Hotel
50 House

51 Junkyard
52 Knife Store
53 Laboratory
54 Law Office
55 Library
56 Lighthouse
57 Liquor Store
58 Mall
59 Mansion
60 Mechanic
61 Military Base
62 Morgue
63 Motel
64 Museum
65 News Station
66 Newspaper Office
67 Nightclub
68 Office Building
69 Park
70 Pawn Shop
71 Pet Store
72 Pharmacy
73 Police Station
74 Porn Shop
75 Post Office
76 Power Station
77 Prison
78 Radio Station
79 Record Store
80 Sewage Plant
81 Shitty Music Venue
82 Shoe Store
83 Sports Field
84 Stadium
85 Strip Club
86 Strip Mall
87 Supermarket
88 Sweat Shop
89 Tailor
90 Telephone Directory
91 Theater
92 Thrift Store
93 Tourist Trap
94 Train Station
95 Truck Stop
96 Video Store
97 Warehouse
98 Wharf
99 Whorehouse
100 Zoo
Good stuff, might steal this.
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Concept: You're paired up with a semi-random NPC waifu, who you also control, but has Pendragon style attitude axes like "honest/liar," "patient/impatient," etc, and you roll to see how she acts if there's a conflict of interest. In this context would you rather it be,

A) Monster-Girl Isekai
> 1) you're her retainer
> 2) you're her charge
> 3) you're her peer
B) High-Fantasy Iseaki
> 1) you're her retainer
> 2) you're her charge
> 3) you're her peer
C) High-Fantasy General
> 1) you're her retainer
> 2) you're her charge
> 3) you're her peer
D) Low-Fantasy Isekai
> 1) you're her retainer
> 2) you're her charge
> 3) you're her peer
E) Low-Fantasy General
> 1) you're her retainer
> 2) you're her charge
> 3) you're her peer
F) Mecha Musume
> 1) you're her retainer
> 2) you're her charge
G) High-Fantasy Sorcerer
> you summoned a semi-randomized demon servant
H) Urban-Fantasy Sorcerer
> you summoned a semi-randomized demon servant
I) Other
> reply with situation and relationship

You'd get about half as many points as rolls that there are to be made. So if you rolled for 10 aspects, you'd get 5 "fate points," or whatever, that let you tweak your NPC a little to be more to your liking, but you can't control the whole thing and make the perfect, ideal waifu; therein is half of the conflict and intrigue. Might even work as a Solo, or probably have solo alt-rules at least.
I've began messing around the Lewd Attack Companion rules, to make it generate all kind of reccuring named NPC : recurring ennemies, suitors, companion (of course), rivals, and making the evolve Shadow of mordor style.

It's nowhere near a presentable expension, even by EA standard, but if some ideas can help someone, here I go : each NPC has 4 relationship stat which define how they interact with the PC.
Respect, that show how polite they are and highly they think of you;
Affection that show how much they trust you and are attracted to you;
Fear that show how afraid and how well they know you;
and Hate, that show how much they dislike you and are likely to betray you.

I need to figure how to make those value change depending the player's action/senario and a few interaction table. Shouldn't be too hard, right?
Easier than you’d think.
>Each time your Fame would increase, your Companion’s Respect will you will increase by the same amount. May vary between races/classes (Thieves may gain Respect for successful criminal acts; Amazons gain Respect for each Champion and Legendary Beast you defeat)

>Affection is increased as normal in game, perhaps adding a clause for spending time with them at the tavern or in a generic town scenario (My idea was rolling a d10 and earning a point of Affection matching or under your Charisma, up to a max of your score)

>Fear is earned whenever you successfully Intimidate them or a significant enemy such as a champion or legendary creature. Might also be influenced by how much Corruption you have or how much damage they witness you do in battle.

>Hate is earned when you do something against their interest. If you use Intimidate to keep your allies after a failed mission, they may not be too pleased by it. Catching you cheating on them might be another, etc. Priests and Paladins might hate you instinctively if you have any corruption, and some still may hate you for your specific class or race (Mages and Priests may not get along, nor Dwarves and Elves, that sort of thing.)

I can help brainstorm/workshop if you’d like. LA homebrews give me something to do on these boards
Is there anything in the game like a humiliation stat?

>I can help brainstorm/workshop if you’d like. LA homebrews give me something to do on these boards
Thanks, it is appreciated.

Interesting, for allies at last. If fighting and defeating a sworn ennemy cause your Fame to rise, I don't think it should cause them to respect you more. Not automatically, anyway.

Already going to keep and expand the existing rule. At first, I would have considered something with Seduction, something like if you have more success than they have Affection, affection incrase by 1. I must say, the "going on a date" feeling of what you proposed pleases me a bit more.

A successful intimidation against them, sure. A significant ennemy, not really, it might even turn on an amazon or incrase respect of a strength-valuing NPC. But using Corruption? Yeah, I can see uncorrupted (or a least "pure of heart") NPC gaining Fear from witnessing it... But automatically? That would fill the Fear stat too fast, no?

An Intimidate check against an ally, not that sure, it would make more sense to incrase the Hate if you go against the goal/belief of said NPC... I'm not too fond of "instinctive hate". Hate is something strong, it needs to be cultivated, to be earned. Perhaps something in an extra starting trait?

Not to my knowledge... Perhaps something that has a chance to raise the Fear or Hate stat, unless the character has the right fetish. Something like when you humiliate NPC X, roll 1d4, 1-lose 1 respect; 2-gain 1 fear; 3-gain 1 hate; 4-roll a 6 on a d6 to give degradation/exhibitionnist/another appropriate fetish to NPC or nothing happen?
I am playing a female PC for the first time in my current campaign, and a few days ago during a session I got into some somewhat lewd situations for the first time. It was hard to play it cool around my group, but pretending to be a woman in some lewd situations really hit the spot for me and was a ton of fun.
I figure the more famous you are, the more respect you’d have among other adventurers, especially those who witnessed it first hand (saving someone, slaying a dragon, whatever), but they won’t just Respect you for anything (such as those scenarios where you only earn Fame if it’s less than 4 or whatever). Maybe they start off with a Respect score equal to half your regional Fame. This is just a starting idea, I’m not married to the concept.

I’m glad you like it. I know the point of the game is lechery, but I felt the date option was more apt. Could even add gift giving or something.

Roll a d10. If it matches or is less than your Corruption, your Companion starts with 1 point in Fear. That’s it. How they gain more Fear towards you, I have not considered yet.

Yeah, you do have a point. I guess I was thinking a bit too mechanically and not considering the actual raw emotion implied. I’ll think more on this.

Out of curiosity, what did you plan to do with these additional mechanics?

Being unrealistic is a choice, and not necessarily a wrong one; but it should, at least, be carefully considered. I prefer to default to hard realism. Having gone to college in Massachusetts during that period, if someone had told me that there was a Massachusetts College just north of M.I.T., Harvard, Tufts, Northeastern University, and Wentworth, I would have KNOWN FOR A FACT that either...
1. It was exclusively some kind of "Arts" school that was behind the times exclusively due to ignorance (Who doesn't want to learn computer art, or write music via computer?)
2. That College was willfully and dangerously backward (admittedly, Miskatonic really could be this, but not without deliberate intent)
3. The person talking was just actually crazy

It isn't my intent to say that things couldn't have gone the way they've already said. But they need to put a hell of a lot more thought into "why" and "how", because there's no way that Miskatonic wouldn't be swimming in free (albeit obsolete and esoteric) computers for the simple cost of bothering to remove them, if it was ever their intention to have any. Which they would, if it was ever their intent to have a computer education program to begin with, as presented.

I'm not saying it can't be as the Player thought it up; just that it needs a much better explanation.
>Sunday morning
>it's just a restless feeling by my side
>that could just be the lack of sleep
>but hey the computer is set up just how I like it
>so what if I don't have a way to get online yet
>as Morrissey says these things take time
>around 7:30 princess pink shows up
>"Hey have you seen my notebook? It looks like-"
>"A notebook? Yeah no."
>return deathglare
>"Kaythanks, well if you do-"
>"I've got your number."
>return deathglare
>she leaves
>you're going down bitch
>peek down the hallway
>she's talking to Ben, no sign of Liam
>Ben has The Look still, staring a hole in the wall, holding a paper bag
>fucking pod people or something I swear
>she points at her watch and then our room, says something to him and he starts walking
>oh shit
>shut the door
>frantic search
>find nothing
>I really should have bought mace
>doorknob turns
>okay we'll try diplomacy
>Ben enters the room
>"Hey Ben"
>looking through me
>"...what's the status of my application?"
>he locks the door
>oh fuck
>make for the window, he drops the bag and lunges for me
>catches the back of my shirt, slip out of it, make it to the window
>they're glued shut
>see the princess walking the quad
>oh you sneaky bitch
>turn around
>he rips off his shirt and unbuckles his belt
>"This may damage our working relationship Ben."
>no response
>from his mouth anyway
>try to dart past him
>hurdles were never my strong event in track
>shoves me towards the bed, fall into it and crack my head on the wall
>he's straddling me by the time I get by bearings
>tears off my wet panties
>okay so I'm turned on a little sue me
>"Ben, Ben maybe we can talk about -"
>two thick fingers in my mouth
>something thicker slides in elsewhere
>oh Jesus
> 2. That College was willfully and dangerously backward (admittedly, Miskatonic really could be this, but not without deliberate intent)
I remember there being a modern setting novel that depicted Miskatonic as basically being deliberately frozen in Dover Boys-style '20s college fraternity life because something something Nyarlathotep something something Shub-Niggurath.
Sure I can do that, honestly I feel like current Elementalist is perhaps a little too strong and will often wipe a single powerful monster in 1-2 hits. Tempered obv if a resistant to that element monster appears
My guy, WHAT was the lewd situation

In general, I prefer Hard Realism with Fantasy elements on top; which isn't Low-Fantasy per se, but it's close enough by default. That being said, I'm less picky about genre than about other things, like setting-specific stuff.

I'm not sure you've fully covered the spectrum of possible relationships.
> 1) you're her retainer
This means you're her servant, like a Butler.
> 2) you're her charge
This means she's protecting you in a supervisory capacity, like a Nanny.
> 3) you're her peer
This means you are both equal to one another.

There's no real situation in which you're in charge; for example. No guard duty, concubine, maid, slave, what-have-you. For the sake of better feedback, you might be better off abstracting the issue with numbers, where 1 means you're completely in charge, 3 means you're more or less equals, and 5 means they're completely in charge.

On that scale, I'd be anywhere from 1 to 4, but I'd only settle for 4 if I could get unlimited platonic snuggling privileges. I get that other people might like 5, but it's not for me.

With regards to Mecha Musume, I'd absolutely be her engineer; it's just a matter of how I relate to machines. Under most circumstances, I'd be a 1 or 2, although I would absolutely have fun posing as a 4 to her being forced to convincingly portray herself a 2 just for me to humiliate her as a genuine 1 to her actual 5 when it's entertaining. XD

As for the personality trait stuff, I think the execution of that depends specifically on what those traits are, and how that applies to the intended gameplay. For our purposes in this thread, I could absolutely imagine "Bashful - Brazen" and "Prudish - Lascivious" being in there somewhere.
> retainer exclusively means servant
> charge exclusively means nanny
> doesn't even answer the question
man, I forget how autistic mfs get in here

Potential useful points of interest:
Boston & Cambridge (obviously)
North Shore Mall
Glaucester, and its "fun weird" maritime traditions (see the "Greasy Pole" contest): https://discovergloucester.com/2023/06/21/st-peters-fiesta-and-the-greasy-pole/
Canobie Lake Park (Amusement Park, just across the border in New Hampshire)
Salem (less than an hour away)
>You didn't answer the question!
Yes, I did, the best I was able.
As I said, in general, I prefer a base of hard realism with any fantasy elements on top of that. And that I'm not picky about genre, more about setting specifics.
I generalized the question of my relationship with the hypothetical NPC in order to better answer where I'd prefer to fall in general, and got specific if and when it mattered.
And, since I didn't get anything like a full game-specific list of personality trait axes, I by no means could answer that in detail.

If you didn't like how I answered the question, then maybe the question itself needs work.

Another potentially useful point of interest:
Crane Beach in Ipswich is a good "date" beach for a hypothetical "beach episode" (not that that necessarily fits with the base genre). The Atlantic is noticeably warmer than the Pacific in summer; according to people from the West Coast, anyway. A fried clam roll or a lobster roll are great beach-side food.
>Out of curiosity, what did you plan to do with these additional mechanics?
The basic idea was to have reccuring character to hate and to date.
I've read the greentext/playtest of LA, and I noticed the highlight were when an NPC was coming back a few time in the story. That kid saved from some monsters for the third time in three day, the drow sorcerer that mindbroke mothers, the companions rescued in your escape from orcish captivity... You know, when you began to read some fapfic or lewd comic for the porn and ended staying for the plot/character? I realised that they were no rules to support that in Lewd Attack.

So at first, I've tried to expand the Companion's rules to create all kind of NPC : rivals, bootlickers, nemesis, friends...
Then I found the Affection mechanic from Inner kingdoms companion 0.68 lacking. Even in a lewd RPG, you can't use only the want-to-fuck-meter to define every character. So I started with something to give more depth to the NPC. Something that could make a NPC react to your action, to make the orc you beaten three days ago coming forth to duel, dating and courting/being courted by the shy elf you saved from goblins, or putting the alpha wolfman that raped your character on the shitlist.

I'll probably put some advantage/disadvantage at some treshold on the Respect/Fear/Affection/Hate ladder, but after that, I'm still uncertain what to do.
I've started by copying the Reputation mechanic for the four stats, but I've opted out, as the NPC diversity is too vast to be acounted on the same table.
I'm trying to make NPC types with a table to roll for each, with variations induced by their Relationship stats. I'm still testing.
Perhaps I will make "playbook" for NPC with ability/attitude unlocked when they reach certain treshold, like companion with high respect will take a hit for you, or try to take one more opponent to protect you, or straight-up backstab you with high Hate. It's a work in progress.
Keep us posted; I’d be very interested in trying it out on a playthrough.
Thank you for showing interest. Hopefully, it may help my ADHD ass to stay on track
St. Peter and the Greasy Pole is an excellent Band name.
Watch out for the greenheads on the beach at night though, those things are killers especially in late summer. Crane was always really bad for that.
The North Shore is Lovecraft Country so there's really no end to ideas, speaking as someone who went to summer camp at the real-life inspiration for Miskatonic. You've got old abandoned coastal forts, perfect for sneaking around in; old graveyards with skulls on all the headstones; generally a lot of insular communities with weird traditions; and who of course could forget Mahket Bahsket.
Also was the liberty tree mall a thing yet in '99?
>Cute apprentice spell list (Part 1)

Angel Fingers (CrCo 10)
R: Eye, T: Individual, D: Diameter
The target feels incredible, mind-blowing sexual pleasure without an apparent source for the duration of this spell. At least one orgasm is guaranteed by no means the limit of what this spell can do for the right person.

Aura of Innocence (MuIm 10)
R: Touch, T: Individual, D: Sun
The target appears more sweet, innocent, and trustworthy. Numerous subtle changes in appearance bring about this change, including a slight supernatural illumination of the face, a more submissive posture, and a cuter and smoother voice.

Bottomless Hole (MuCo 5)
R: Touch, T: Individual, D: Sun
Enchants the target such that nothing inserted into a specific orifice will cause harm to the target by its length and girth alone.

Curse of the Eager Boy (ReCo 5)
R: Voice, T: Individual, D: Momentary
Causes an aroused male target to immediately and violently ejaculate. The target must make a Stamina roll (EF 9) or lose a Fatigue level in the process.

Cupid's Arrow (CrMe 15)
R: Eye, T: Individual, D: Sun
For the duration of this spell, the target feels overwhelming lust for an individual of your choice, seeking to fuck without break or rest until it expires.

Deny Adam's Right (ReCo 5)
R: Touch, T: Individual, D: Sun
The target is unable to orgasm for the duration of the spell, no matter what kind of stimulation is applied.

Invisibility of the Standing Scamp (PeIm 10)
R: Touch, T: Individual, D: Concentration
The target becomes invisible, but the spell is broken if he moves (aside from breathing and shifting slightly in place). He still casts a shadow.

Perversion's Lash (MuMe 10)
R: Eye, T: Individual, D: Sun
Changes the target's mind so that he is overwhelmingly attracted to the thing of your choice, like a normal sexual fetish but much more intense.
Cute apprentice spell list (Part 2)

Prying Eyes (InIm 5)
R: Eye, T: Room, D: Concentration
You can see inside a room, as long as you can touch one of its walls. If the room is unlit or poorly lit, you can only see as much as you could if you were inside, but magical enhancements of your senses do apply. You may change your viewpoint within the room throughout the duration of the spell.

Revealed Flaws of Sinful Flesh (InCo 10)
R: Touch, T: Individual, D: Momentary
Instantly reveals the target's sexual history in physical terms - how many, what kind of act, orgasm or no orgasm, etc.
Ye after some considerations in the Discord the overall idea was to tone down Elementalist, Power Strike and Weave Expertise (which do the same thing for different attacks) to just let you max the damage without rolling, but at least from now on Stabber, Black Widow and Lady Killer can be applied when using Power Strike since the latter only add 1 damage.
Plus i'm going to reduce the two-haded damage from 2d6 to 1d10 which is more reasonable
then say:
> "D, I guess, but I'd prefer a broader range of relationship options, including ones where the PC may be in charge."
or pick Other and say,
> "Other. I prefer realism, I guess, the over-all themes aren't that important to me. I'd prefer it though if there were a wider range of relationships, including ones where the PC may be in charge."

> -maybe the question needs work?
I gave you a list of options and said: pick one, including an Other so you could just post a variation you'd prefer, and you chose to make a thesis statement instead of following simple instructions. Ain't nobody got time for that, but thanks for the input.

If you care, I generally abhor pure power-fantasy, and think the most value from a potential isekai setup comes from the innate fish-out-of-water aspects it carries. The best isekai are usually bereft of said power-trip elements. Getting thrown into a new world of, for example, monster girls, but you're in control of whatever one you're paired up with, basically turns it into r34 pokemon, and puts you on the path of the pure power-fantasy as you dominate her, her victims/subjects/etc, and basically become as-strong-as your pocket waifu. This is an exaggerated example, and obviously 'real relationships' are never so simple, but we're talking about a TTRPG.
I have the guards lap-dances, then one pulled me into his lap and made out with me while feeling me up. Another guard came over to have a feel as well when my group kicked down the doors and rushed them. I kind of didn't want them to lol
A1, B2, C3, or H
sounds like you were having a good time
>I kind of didn't want them to lol

You dirty slut you, I love it
Please go outside and never look back
I felt awkward being so into it but near the end I just embraced it. Everyone else found it kind of funny, but it's making me want to see if anyone would want to do a campaign with some lewd aspects.
I'll have to try and get into more situations like that. Didn't envision enjoy rping like that as a girl, but it was a fun change of pace! My dm talked to me later and said she had a lot of fun going through it too. I'd love to end up getting lewd campaigns, going to check out some of the rules or systems!
>I felt awkward being so into it
enjoy yourself you slut
Im going to for sure next time anything like that happens in the campaign!
Dude maybe see if your DM would be open to a side one on one session what if scenario if your party didnt interrupt or write one yourwelf
is labyrinthus homebrew stored somewhere?
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Labyrinthus doesn't have any homebrew as far as i know
i sneed and seed
must have it had confused with LA
thank you anyon
Hi anons, creator of Bitches for Thoth Amon here. Sorry I haven't been working on it for a few months, but the project is far from dead. I'm starting work again, now mainly on the Bestiary section with the following factions of enemies and their themes. Each faction would have 5-10 actual enemy types. Do you think these look good? Alternatively, what additional categories or interesting enemies would you suggest?

The factions are:

Outlaws: Bandits, easiest enemies besides civilians. Worst statlines and gear, but bandit leaders may have good stats or pieces of high level gear. Won't make for good slaves apart from some bandit leaders with good rolls on stats or job stats.

Urban Dwellers: A mix of criminals, mercenaries, prostitutes etc. Each character in this group will be a specialist in some way, either combat or job stats, and can be good early targets for slavery. Actually capturing them may be difficult given the urban setting and presence of law enforcement

Barbarians: Characters have poor gear but have more combat-related perks and gimmicks. There are also some specialists with high job stats or important non-combat skills (e.g. tribal dancer, healer)

Cultists: Low stats and poor gear but large numbers. Not relevant to character profiles, but also tend to be supported by non-human enemies in combat e.g. imps, apemen etc. Leaders can also have esoteric sorcery or gear that inflict corruption on PCs

Amazonians: Very high combat stats and decent gear, and specialists have very high job stats. Meant to be mid-late game enemies and slaves. Also all of them are female, as the name suggests.

Stygian Military: Very high stats and very good gear across the board, with very strong combat specialists and high tier job-stat specialists. Meant to be end game enemies, maybe mid game bosses or hard encounters.

Aquilonian military: Similar to Stygians but with some distinct subgroups like Black Dragons, Bossonians

folder of Bitches for Thoth Amon files linked here for your reference. The Bestiary of Bitches file already contains characters for the Civilians faction, as a proof of concept of statblocks
thanks again thoth anon
probably dont do this
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>what additional categories or interesting enemies would you suggest?
Groups for various biomes: Not!Bedouin desert guys, Not!Viking arctic guys, Not!Mongol steppe guys, Not!Kushite jungle guys, etc.
But reckon you should probably concentrate on the ones you currently have, iron out all the bugs, and then add more later.
Is this an Ancient Egyptian setting?
yeah that's what I was thinking, it wouldn't be hard to add say the Cimmerians, Aesirs/Vanirs, Kushites, Zingarans etc. right now the bestiary is more like Archetypes that can be used as generics, culture-specific NPCs can be variations on the archetypes when I or the community get around to making them. Also great taste on that particular cover of Red Sonja, easily one of my favourites

it's the Conan the Barbarian setting, the Hyborian Age, although you can probably reskin it for any generoc sword and sandle setting and it'd still work
Out of curiosity; any particular reason you're interested in H but not G?
>fail Will check in Whispering Room and become Lustful for 6 hours, willing to "lose" against anything Horny or Aroused

Uh oh
One of my favorite hazards.
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Genre preference, primarily. Any chance I can get away with an urban or science fantasy setting, especially for lewd, I’ll take it.

Except for mecha musume. I prefer girls to be girls and mechas to be mechas (not counting gynoids or similar).
A&B - all
C - 3
D&E - 3. Prefer to avoid low-fantasy unless the PC is an outlier with access to powerful magic.
F - none. Hate mecha stuff unless the PC is destroying fleets of mecha and aircraft with spells or powers.
G&H - absolutely. Any day, every day.
I - Modern horror aesthetic with light fantasy elements hidden in character creation. Relationship randomly generated based on modern norms.
I - Gothic/Victorian horror aesthetic with minor occult elements hidden in character creation. Randomly generate relationship based on period norms.
I - Comfy slice-of-life fantasy Sorcerer. You're her master, she's your apprentice, and there's a possibility of additional apprentices.
>hours pass
>he's not coming, and he's not going
>I've circumnavigated the globe at this point I'm pretty sure
>can barely think straight
>but the princess will be showing up eventually
>wait for the right moment
>slide off the bed, he catches my leg and I flip and land on the floor facing it again
>he just steps over me and starts in again from behind
>fishing under the bed for something I can use
>feel metal
>swing for the fences
>connect hard, he slides out and falls to the floor
>oh fuck did I kill him
>still has a pulse
>look at my savior
>a now dented Versafile
>well taken care of indeed
>stand up
>fall down
>fumble my way to the window
>see princess pink making her way back across the quad with the dean
>check the paper bag Ben dropped
>small tray of weedlings
>that green-thumbed bitch
>possession and assault, been here before
>don't panic
>attempt to haul Ben up
>not gonna happen
>slide him under the princess's bed
>toss what's left of his clothes after him
>rearrange her storage boxes to hide him
>throw on some clothes
>shove the bag, notebook, laptop, Versafile into a backpack
>strip off one of the hot pink pillowcases
>of course it's silk, why am I surprised
>open her filing cabinet
>apple eyes have turned into thin pink tendrils that are extending out towards the top of the drawer
>swear I can see them moving a little
>gently pull out all of the peaches and drop them in the pillowcase
>gently shut the drawer
>wrap up pillowcase, stuff it in backpack
>unlock the door
>look back at Ben's hiding spot
>make the sign of the cross
>godspeed, great dick, don't get caught
>make my escape, walking totally normally I swear
>Bottomless Hole (MuCo 5)
I just have a vision of flashlights made out of bags of holding.
This was not a good vision
Something I've been wondering recently; what systems do a good job of mechanically differentiating characters with different sexual skills? Like Lewd Attack obviously has seperate skills for oral, anal, footjobs, etc, but are there other ways of doing it?
You either have different Skills (Lewd Attack) or Feats (Labyrinthus) but that's that. I don't see any other way to "differentiate" how good you are at something other than these two things

>If you care, I generally abhor pure power-fantasy, and think the most value from a potential isekai setup comes from the innate fish-out-of-water aspects it carries.
O.K., that at least clarifies things a bit. See, I was naively assuming you meant your question to be more applicable to a general audience, and that you simply made poor choices in your use of terminology somehow in trying to express your question that way. Now that I know that, no, you always meant your audience's characters to be equal or lesser than the hypothetical girls, I know that it isn't as general audience a question as I thought, confined almost entirely to your personal taste, and that I was simply mistaken that it was even worth discussing.

I'm not crazy about pure power fantasy either; as I said, I prefer hard realism; that's about as far from "power fantasy" as you can get! But if I'm stuck in another world, my default modus operandi is to trust nothing and no one until individuals have earned my trust of their own accord. And, frankly, there's usually very little reason for anyone of a superior station or superior capability to bother. So, to be clear, I'm fine with being someone's equal, or even their lesser by some reasonably small margin, if they've proven themselves genuinely worthy of my trust... but why would that even happen? Those circumstances are far too specific, and aren't necessarily included in the more general case you outlined.

So you're just going to have to excuse me for thinking your question was one actually worth responding to, instead of being some poll on how we'd prefer to have our characters be subjugated. Good luck getting other people to address it at face value, after trying to drive off your only responder.
>library is closed
>science building is closed
>main building is closed
>everything is closed on Sundays I guess
>fucking new england
>I'll take a bus somewhere
>get to the bus stop
>schedule says no bus service on Sundays
>fucking new england
>I guess I'm just going to wander off campus and see where I end up
>at least the campus is basically in the center of town
>can't believe they call this a "city" though
>end up by the waterfront, run-down dockyard looks mostly empty
>sit on some cinder blocks outside of an abandoned cannery
>check around
>coast's clear
>toss the plants into the water
>shame but still
>pull out laptop
>open notebook
>transcribe everything but the little hearts on the "i"s

>the princess is in fact Grace Larrabee of North Carolina
>botany major, of course
>found the fruit hiking in the mountains on a church sponsored youth retreat
>two of her fellow youths ate some, thinking it was normal
>she, instead, made a flower crown out of the blossoms because of course she did
>they started to follow her around, would do anything she asked as long as she kept the instructions simple and she smelled like the pollen
>problem is they don't exactly act normal while under the influence
>eventually her two "friends" get booted from the retreat
>since then she's been experimenting
>convinced the discovery will make her rich and famous
>gradually realized that she could make people do whatever she wanted
>gradually lead to sex
>notes that her continued exposure to the pollen has increased her base level of arousal
>experiments lead to a low dose blended into perfume
>seems to have convinced herself the problem was resolved
>someone is vacationing riverside in egypt
>most of the rest details subjects number 1 & 2, based on calls back home
>their mental faculties degraded significantly after her feeding them the fruit daily for weeks and never recovered
>nervously look at backpack
>this isn't going to end well
idk about the other guys but if my female PC gets raped I like to have her go kill bill. Maybe I'm just not porn brained enough?
just use the automated character sheet
>I like to have her go kill bill
Yes, and?
>late afternoon at this point
>last night and this morning are catching up to me
>battery has done all it can for now
>finished with the notebook anyway
>everything back in the backpack
>head back to campus
>dining commons first
>caffeine and protein, since I didn't get any this morning
>...why not?
>plug in laptop and search the note file
>now understand a page full of dates and times I didn't before
>she's seeing how long they can endure after being told they aren't allowed to come
>work backwards on the calendar
>she's had Ben on the fruit since the start of summer intercession
>what a monster
>finish eating and charging
>stare into coffee cup
>gradually develop a plan

>starting to lose the light
>the sunsets here are nice, I'll give them that
>see Grace headed to the entrance
>is that a fucking cheerleader outfit?
>Ben in tow, head now bandaged
>sorry about that
>lower myself back into the bushes
>she unlocks the door, must have her own key
>head around back and let myself in through the window that no longer has an AC
>make my way to the room as quick as I can
>get there first
>set up the bucket
>take my place next to the plants
>pick off a few flowers and start rubbing them into my skin
>pick up the shears
>strike a pose

>she sees me through the crack in the door
>"Don't you fucking dare!"
>pushes through the door
>bucket falls
>direct hit
>vodka everywhere
>peach slices everywhere
>she's stunned
>I put the shears on the table
>she takes a few steps, slowly
>cussing me out
>slurring her words
>"W-what's wrong, can't handle some sangria?"
>she looks at me confused
>point at a lab bench and tell her to sit down
>she climbs up and sits cross legged on the blacktop
>walk over and reach into her pocket
>take her gel pen
>pull out her notebook
>Experiments with percutaneous absorption show significant merit
>make sure to put little hearts on the "i"s

So I'm trying to develop different NPC types and I've encountered a problem.
Each NPC Type has a starting bonus in two of the four Relationship Stats. For now, I've settled on bonus/event/attitude change tied on the Relationship stat and I'm contempling making an event table to making the Relationship stats evolve. Example:
>At 9 Respect, Detractor bard reporter James J. Jonahson (starting with +3 Hate and +1d4 Respect) will start a shouting match if he hear someone talking shit about you that he does not found justified (She may be dumb and a slut, but she's no homewrecker!)
So far, I have
Grudge Holder

>It depends [placeholder]


See, the way I've originally designed the thing, the NPC are acting or reacting based on how they percieve your character or how you treat them. You are at the center of the universe and they do not exist without your input.
Now, can someone tell me what is a Mary Sue? Yeah. That's the problem. The player's character always have the big end of the stick in its relationships with other character.

Does any of you elegan/tg/entlemen have any insight as to how to subvert this annoying byproduct of design? Some quest/complication for each NPC Type? New NPC Type that show the character isn't the world's navel (Mentor, Crush, "sempai")?

Part of the trouble of trying to do Lovecraftian stuff in the modern day is that a lot of the intended isolation doesn't have natural causes anymore.

Compared to California, Massachusetts is much more dense, and ocean-front property is even more in demand. As such, an abandoned cannery is a lot less likely to exist, unless, say, the loner mob guy who was using it for prohibition alcohol smuggling died under "mysterious circumstances", and, as such, the property has had no opportunity to be legally acquired. Also, expect a bunch of historical shipbuilding stuff, where it hasn't been sold off.

In order to peg Arkham somewhere where it has no access to the North Shore Commuter Rail, we'll have to put it somewhere around Essex. That means we only have to sabotage one bus line in order to keep it isolated.

Once your character gets some sort of short range transportation, she'll find that, while Massachusetts's public transportation options are fairly comprehensive, they're old, tired, and slow. As a West Coaster, it's pretty clear that she'll want a car.
I love that people assume since the character is not from Massachusetts I must not be from Massachusetts, rather than thinking it's funny to play a west coast trash leaf peeping transplant

More tables for anyone interested

1 Art
2 Theater
3 Liberal Arts
4 Journalism
5 History
6 Psychology
7 Sociology/Anthropology
8 Archaeology
9 Political Science
10 Computer Science
11 Physics
12 Math
13 Chemistry
14 Biology
15 Geology
16 Astronomy
17 Botany
18 Medicine
19 Engineering
20 Medieval Metaphysics

Building Modifiers
1 New
2 Run Down
3 Abandoned
4 Crime Scene
5 Crowded
6 New Age-y
7 Conservative
8 Strange
9 Creepy
10 Gross

Ah; I see. Well, I apologize if I've been stepping on your toes at all. So I guess she's just been ignorantly jumping to conclusions the entire time?

I definitely find it hard to relate to stupid people, so that's probably part of the problem. :P

Still, the abandoned cannery, while thematic, doesn't make much sense without a backstory.
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Do you guys use a particular version of Call of Cthulhu? I want to play something modern but I've only played in a 7e one-shot last month.
No worries, you're not the first one to assume. I genuinely think it's funny

Yes she's 18 and rebellious, and very much upset that her step mom tricked her to get out of the state so she could get at her dad's money

Stupid not exactly, but definitely young dumb and soon to be full of cum

Lots of abandoned buildings on the coast outside of Boston. Miskatonic in the 90s, with where it exists (which canonically is Essex county) would not be super well developed and would have lots of business that went out over the last 15-20 years.

Re: canning check out

It impacted a lot of coastal towns fishing industries

I am a big fan of 7e, I also like the new Delta Green well enough. What do you want to know?
>Cute apprentice Rachel is suspended upside down in her master's laboratory.
>Each lash against her thighs and cunt a thrilling revelation.
>Angel Fingers (CrCo 10) force her to enjoy this and every other degradation the old wizard can contrive.
>Back arching, toes curling, eyes rolling, she cums for him again and again.
>"As much as I enjoy toying with you, darling," the master says, "There is some shopping I'd rather not deal with personally. I will attend to your body once again when you have earned such a punishment with your obedience."
>"Wait, no," Rachel gasps, "I'm so close to another, please give me one more."
>Well, phooey, she thinks
>A fully-clothed and generally frustrated Rachel is now on the train to Boston
>Determined to make this worth her while, she decides to cheat at cards by giving the nice gentlemen who have just dealt her in and their lady friend a fetish for losing.
>Let's call our boys Bertie and Gussy and their lady friend Agatha.
>"Don't worry, folks, these little incantations are just for luck."
>Three stress rolls to cast Perversion's Lash (MuMe 10), she just needs to not botch.
>One of the goddamn dice is a 0. Thankfully she does not actually botch.
>Each roll comes out way above the Ease Factor (10) so she's not even winded after fucking these people in the head.
>A truly clown-shoes hand of poker ensues, treated as an opposed Perception + Carouse roll, with Bertie, Gussy, and an Aggie all subtracting their modifier instead of adding it.
>Rachel rolls a total of 9. Bertie gets a 4. Gussie gets a 5. Agatha gets a 6.
>Everything's coming up Rachel! She makes off with Bertie's cufflinks, Gussie's watch, and a bottle of expensive perfume from Agatha.
>Thanks to the spell, these people are now randy as hell. Rachel decides she'd rather take in a show than play silly games, so she casts Cupid's Arrow (CrMe 15) on Agatha, twice.
>Once again, she's rolling to not botch. She gets both spells off (no pun intended), and gives poor Aggy an uncontrollable yearning for sucking on Bertie and taking it up the ass from Gussie.
>Proprietary crumbles as Agatha throws herself across the table, making lewd propositions to Bertie even as she hitches up her skirt for Gussie.
>The crowd in the train car goes apeshit at this licentious display.
>Rachel would love to at least flick her bean, but Master has her in this gosh-darn chastity belt. >She instead eagerly takes in the spitroast with wide eyes, burning with desire, as her outraged fellow travelers look for some kind of authority to break up proceedings.
>Rachel decides to make sure Agatha cums using her own Angel Fingers (CrCo 10). Roll to not botch.
>Agatha keeps on cumming right even after the horrified conductor drags her out from between her paramours. She is dragged from sight begging the conductor to finish her off.
>"Bad luck for you two chaps," Rachel says, "Fancy another hand?"

>What do you want to know?

How easy is it to adapt it to lewd options and such and on which versions you can focus more on urban exploration and opposition that is less on the eldritch side and more on the weird or strange side. I think I want to play as someone who, on her free time, likes to investigate cold cases and rumors that she hears or reads.
>Mary Sue
This is a product of bad writing/storytelling, ie how the player decides to tell their story. No amount of game mechanics and table management will fix that, I’m afraid.

That said, the idea of NPC “types” should be left up to the player to interpret the relationship between their PC and the NPCs. Lewd Attack is *riddled* with tables as is, so I think the player being able to interpret those values for themselves and dictate how an NPC interacts to the player and the game world is important. After all, if they have any points in any cardinal relationship value, you SHOULD make up some significant part of their world and vice versa.

Though if you’re married to the idea of making tables for this sort of thing, you could make d10 event tables based on each Relationship aspect, where a number that matches or rolls under the value leads to a unique event, with the event being more lucrative/severe the higher the number. Maybe a combination of events per aspect? (Imagining an NPC with high Hate and Fear hiring an assassin against you, or something, idk I’m spitballing)
>How easy is it to adapt it to lewd options
Very. For my solo game, which you can read about above I just slotted into the sanity system and am tracking a second pool of "Lust." I have some ideas for more detailed rules but this one is working fine so far.

I assumed nobody would want to read about rolls and stuff though, so I've been alluding to them but not including them

>which versions you can focus more on urban exploration and opposition that is less on the eldritch side and more on the weird or strange side

This is entirely down to the GM (also called a "Keeper" or "Keeper of Arcane Lore" in the books FYI.) There are scenarios/modules written with no tentacle horrors and just chainsaw maniacs, or vampires, etc. Check out the Blood Brothers scenario books.

Delta Green (which is basically the same system) is written to avoid locking into the mythos at all though, so it's easier to divorce (no "Cthulhu Mythos" stat just "The Unnatural.") Lots of people use it for X Files or OCP type games

>I think I want to play as someone who, on her free time, likes to investigate cold cases and rumors that she hears or reads

Anything "Cthulhu" is very likely going to aim at the PC(s) to be investigators more than adventurers, so you're on the right track
I meant "SCP" not "OCP"

Also, I realized your first point may have been more general. Cthulhu stories often contain hypnosis, mind control, tentacles, monster breeding, weird sex magic, transformation, etc, etc - I'm pretty sure whatever you're into would be easy to slot in

Oh right, I'm reading the Delta Green pdf and it's interesting. I think I'm going to stick with Coc 7e and see what sort of characters the dice give me. Any oracles I should be aware of to roll for rumors and incidents?
I've really been enjoying using a tarot deck for my oracle, I bought a cthulhu themed one for the game but you could use whatever

As far as tables go, I have a bunch I've written out but a lot of them are aligned to my tastes and the game I'm playing. If I see a request for a table I find interesting I may make one and post it though

I've attached an adventure hook table I've used in the past for you
So I'm trying to start playing Lewd Attack and I'm stuck on character creation, particularly with HP. Is it only supposed to be the BASE stats that go into HP? Or are you supposed to gain the modified versions? For example, I have a beastgirl. She has Body 2, Str 2, End 3, Agi 3 and Will 1. This puts her at 13 for base HP, but she also has bonuses to those stats. Does that increase her HP to start, or does only advancing skills cause her to gain more HP?
>Or are you supposed to gain the modified versions?
This, and if you increase the attributes, it also modifies the HP, MP, Stamina.
There is an automated character sheet that automatically adjusts these values based on the current attributes.
That's just the thing, no it doesn't. It determines the base values, but won't insert the mods, since the HP only looks at the stats of the general reference sheet and isn't told to look at the modified versions. I see it has a chart on the right for adding in a modifier to the HP, but I thought that was just for when you choose to gain HP as a part of the level up. I guess both of those go in that slot? So I should have 7 bonus from my stats and then when I level up I can get another 10 and the mod will become 17? Like that? Or I could choose to increase Body if I advanced Resistance to 10 and then I get another +2 HP because Body increased?
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Alright, time to make some memories with my investigator.

>Lorena Mariana Díaz, 39 years old
>Lives in the countryside far away from her problematic family
>Finished her education in a night high school
>Works in a local newspaper
>Mods Facebook groups in her free time and loves to read local gossips
>Last week, a taxi driver accused of being a sexual predator died in a house fire
>Time to interview the locals

>Also, she has a dick.
This is the first time I ever see anyone having any trouble with this. Yes, the part "Bonus HP" is for the additional HP if you take that from advancing skills. You just type the additional 10 HP into this and it adds to the overall HP.
Labyrinthus Anon with a small update to the rules and the Foudnry World.

>Core Rules:
Two Handed Weapons now deal 1d10+Body Damage isntead of 2d6
Elementalist, Power Strike and Weave Expertise now no longer add bonus damage but instead you automatically deal the max amount of damage of the weapon/spell used
Black Widow, Lady Killer and Stabber can now be used with Power Strike

>Adventure Compendium:
Added guidelines for playing with more allies instead of just with your character to balance difficulty
Small Corrections

>Creature Compendium:
Fixes to certain creatures
Added the Twisted Phantom

>Foundry World
Updated to the current changes
Alright, sorry. I know it's a stupid question, but I thought the automated sheet would be more intuitive. Anyway, last question. For the Heirloom, can I really just take ANY of the rings? Because if so, I guess I will take the one that gives 20HP. I figured something l like this would have a caveat.
I can't speak for what the rules actually intend but I always read it as whatever your stats after character creation ends up being, so modified the sheet myself. I am not looking at the sheet right now but I believe you switch it from H to K in the formula of the field (don't quote me on the exact cells)

also Idk if that's the actual rules it just always made sense to me
Right, I figure it is like that too, it seems the only reason the sheet doesn't auto modify like that is because of things that further modify the bonus, such as Greater Endurance giving you more stamina relative to your Endurance stat.
>Added the Twisted Phantom
Thanks for this. The Ancient Ruins and Haunted Halls wandering monster tables just got a lot better.
Looks like its time to play with the bimbo give her a taste of her own medicine so to speak.
>I didn't really have a plan for this part
>"What is your damage princess?"
>blank look
>this is gonna be like pulling teeth
>"Why are you trying to get me kicked out of school?"
>"I... don't... like you."
>"I got that. Why not?"
>"I was supposed to have a single."
>are you fucking kidding me
>"Is that seriously it?"
>"...it would have been okay... if you were uglier."
>deep breaths
>Ben finds his way through the door
>"Stop. Sit."
>looks back and forth from me to Grace
>body is already starting to feel very warm
>grab another flower and crush it into my neck
>I hope this isn't permanent...
>he complies
>start going through her pockets
>nothing interesting besides the keys to the science building
>check her bag, which Ben was kindly carrying for her
>few packets of seeds, notebooks, and
>jackpot, three bottles of perfume
>start pouring them down one of the sinks with the water running
>"Where is Liam?"
>points down the hall
>"Why? What did you tell him to do?"
>clearly struggling to tackle two questions at once
>"Need to... experiment. He's touching... himself."
>...it's permanent
>"Get up, lead me to Liam."

>room 106 turns out to be an empty office
>Liam is in there doing what she said he was doing, kneeling in the middle of the room
>probably since the last time I saw him
>no signs of thought in his eyes or relief on the floor
>nice cock though teach
>there aren't words for how horny I am becoming
>try to brush off some of the pollen
>I do owe her some payback, and she owes both of these young men an apology
>everyone obeys
>can't be the odd man out
>look her over
>"Do gymnastics?"
>she nods
>pinch her nipples hard and pull her in
>take her mouth for a test drive
>"You said you need to experiment?"
>sit on the desk and spread my legs
>"Welcome to college."
>she gets the idea
>"Never leave a lady waiting boys, and cum all you want wherever you want."
Ooh nice, can't wait to check them out, thank you!
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>Your ...pet is murdered by a globe-spanning cult.
John Wick does Masks of Nyarlathotep?
>two hours is enough for me after today
>check the time, about 11
>give all three one last dose
>grab Grace by the face
>"You will not come until I return."
>she nods
>pat her cheek
>spin her around and slap her ass hard enough she falls into Ben
>"You two will fuck her until I return. And keep it quiet."
>get dressed
>leave the room
>lock them in
>back to her secret lab
>snip snip go the magic saplings
>goodbye you truffula tree motherfuckers
>pieces go into the fume hood
>acetone and a match solve the problem for good
>toss in her seed packets and notebook as well
>not all of us need satan to get some
>spend the next couple hours scouring the lab and surrounding rooms
>goodbye weird pots
>goodbye secret weed plants
>goodbye backup tray of sprouts
>pretty sure that's everything
>back to the dorm
>go through absolutely everything she owns
>tear apart her bed
>go through every box
>check every notebook and nightstand
>two more packets of seeds meet the zippo
>just the filing cabinet left
>top drawer, nothing
>bottom drawer, ...nothing
>I left apples in here
>pull out every file
>go through every folder
>feel around the sides, top, and back
>bitch I went to catholic school don't think I don't know my shit
>something taped to the back of the drawer
>just a business card
>front is just a green triangle
>someone wrote on the back with a fountain pen or something
>"Good work."
>lick finger
>wipe at it
>big smudge
>sit on the bed
>who the fuck took the apples
>lay down
>I'll just close my eyes for a minute

End of Act I
>Lots of abandoned buildings on the coast outside of Boston.
Well, now that I know you have some idea of what you're doing, I'll have to take your word for it. I'm more of a suburbanite, and haven't seen or heard of much of that. I kind of wonder why the real-estate developers are failing to exploit such locations...
>A fully-clothed and generally frustrated Rachel is now on the train to Boston
Commuter Rail, I presume?
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>Day 2
>Found a vital clue regarding two gruesome murders
>Said clue was an old digital camera with pictures of my character, a futanari statue and the corpse of the only informant my character had
>Failed sanity check
>Lost six points of sanity
>Rolled on an expanded Bouts of Madness Table
>Sexual episode
>Rolled in the Yes/No oracle asking if my character masturbated herself
>Yes and...

A sanity loss made my character have a nine hours gooning session.
tfw no lewd digimon game
Boston and it's feeder towns are very different from the coast towns or the west part of the state, they have an exponentially larger population and a checkbook to match. It's like how Martha's vineyard is basically its own planet, and the cape is a fundamentally different place in the off season

I absolutely believe Arkham would be a shithole town with a safety school, not the ivy league. So that's how I'm playing it

I'm sure it's how he would want his death celebrated
I feel like making my own desert region in Lewd Attack, with blackjack and hookers (perhaps literally). What sorts of things should I include?
Very skimpy dressed ancient egyptians, tanned haughty lolis and big dicked muscular beast headed men
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Does anyone know where I can find the adventure modules and compendium for Labyrinthus? They don't seem to be accessible from the OP links.
It's literally right there in the OP, I just used the link myself
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Mysteriously smiling sun-tanned femboys in jewelry of turquoise and gold, heavy eye makeup, and diaphanous linens which reveal everything and nothing.
Oh no I shouldn't be gay
That actually brings up a difficult question. It's been settled science for a while now that femboys are basically women, which is why having sex with them isn't gay.

But in Lewd Attack, you *play* as a woman. So is a woman having sex with a femboy - who basically counts as a woman - considered to be gay or not?
It's not gay but it's a waste of time, what's the point of a woman fucking a femboy
Not giving the femboy a choice.
Well, I had a fun time with Lewd attack. A lot of interesting things happened and I might write it up as a small story sometime later. I'm honestly surprised that it went so well, since the last time I played, I remember my rolls being pretty bad and ending up getting raped by bandits after I infiltrated their hideout.
That's strange because they work for me
The struggle snuggle is real.
Next room was a trio of incubi
>trio of incubi
How? A Single Incubus is a Dangerous Encounter and they usually appear alone. Maybe a trio of Cambions?
Lesser incubus, which is just a normal wandering monster plus chained devil hazard room
Nah, leave the "hurr durr bussy" out of it. Femboys are a meme and exceedingly gay.

Seconding haughty tanned lolis, promiscuous tanned women, big dick beast headed men, also jackalman beastman types, large insects, mummy's, and sacred watering holes.
>- Carved menhir surrounded by beautiful flowers with overwhelming scent that...
... makes the character's primary and (partially) secondary sexual characteristics so sensitive that even wearing clothes becomes unbearable. The menhir showing images of debauchery doesn't help.
The scent can be harvested and preserved in alcohol, and used as a perfume, for much of the same affect on its user and whoever comes nearby.
>- Vine covered mound with giant (pink?) tree that...
... is the house of seven very horny dwarves (or gnomes, or whatever little folk you have that fits) who don't usually appreciate somebody crashing through their roof with their upper body still sticking out of the mound. But in this case, since the opportunity presents itself to have some fun, they'll surely take it. And they insist on it being the "payment" for the damage to their house.
>- Crystal boat on riverbank, can gain 2 Exploration if...
... you manage to exhaust the nymphs guarding it so you can steal it while they're still happy in the afterglow.
>- Rainbow bridge that leads to: 1d4...
... Santa's reindeer-girls, who are quite surprised somebody found them in their retreat, but are happy to have pleasurable company.
>- Tree that grows gold coins, you can...
... try to grab one, but the first already turns your whole skin golden, turning you into a mannequin - which the owner of the tree gathers up some time later, strips, and puts in various lewd displays together with their collection of other golden life-like statues they have for sale. If you weren't greedy and only grabbed a handful, the effect wears off after a while.
>- Rose-Bramble / Obsidian / Ice / Crystal Throne, if sat in 1d4...
... plant golems / shadows / living water / translucent humanoids manifest and kneel down, offering your their services. They are very much nude, quite attractive, and just the character's type in terms of "equipment" and body.
Both Femboys and Loli are cringe
Lolis are tradition at this point, and built for correction.
Femboys are a zoomer meme and over hyped.
Extremely loose and revealing dress code and casual nudity, with little to no reputation increase from dressing indecently and complete inability to purchase any clothes or armor of the Covered type. Supported by heat mechanics that force occasional resistance checks with less revealing clothes increasing the difficulty.
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>Femboys were invented by Zoomers
So you have brainrot other than being a groomer. Ok
LAanon here, letting you into a little secret: I want, in the future, work on a region like that. Not saying that to deter you, but maybe we can fill the lands out more efficiently and avoid too much overlap.

Two big ideas: egyptian-themed or arabian nights-themed.
I thought to make the native people of the egyptian-themed beastmen/beastgirls, because egyptians=cats. And also because I want to visit the homelands of many of the playable races. Potentially with a focus of the not!egyptians as a lost civilization, so the region offers you tombs, ruins and pyramids to plunder and get riches, India Jones style, and make this the reason to venture into this region. With beastmen as natives, the interaction with them should also be different and potentially difficult. Maybe as untrustworthy nomads.

The arabiiiiiaaaan niiiiiiights region could have a focus on bandits and maybe being a bandit yourself, trading riches, mad wizards, maybe slutting yourself into a kalips harem? Corruption, debauchery, all the cliches. Maybe something with slavery, not necessarily being a slave yourself, but selling and trading slaves.
And also this >>93411468
Traveling even from one village to the next should require preparation and be little adventures in itself.

Of course you can also do something completely else, these are just my ideas.
Trade caravans, with gold, spices, fabrics and slaves. Hidden oases with mysterious inhabitants, some of which can only be found under specific circumstances... for example, by a full moon, or only by people who aren't searching for them. Religious warriors of various denominations clashing. And maybe the occasional nuclear submarine or crashed spaceship.
My brother in Christ, I'd insta nut for an Egyptian region for labyrinthus, as egyptian is a huge fetish of mine. Unnf, dress up my character in very slutty white cloth dresses and gold headband
No, but they were not mentioned anywhere near as much until recently, when the zoom zooms started discovering the Internet.
Lol, nice try.

What about a jungle/rainforest region, populated by strange cults, tribes, reptilian men, and lost empires?
>What about a jungle/rainforest region, populated by strange cults, tribes, reptilian men, and lost empires?
Also planned
But these take a while. If you think you can be quicker than me, then go ahead.
Last time I tried to do anything for LA was LABO and that was an incoherent tiredness and stress adled disaster. Maybe, if I can find the time and read up on LA again, not played since Lydia when I got us kicked to /trash/ for a while.
Glad I caught LAnon’s attention with that. I’ll borrow the Arabian aesthetics if you don’t mind, and leave native beastgirl region to the rightful creator.

Lots of magnificent ideas here, and a few…hmm. Desert lolis and femboys, huh?
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Good luck, anon!

I still need to find the time and motivation to properly write my petplay fetish kingdom as a "proper" RPG setting book, for any RPG really, so I realise this can be a daunting task.
>lots of beastgirls/beastmen,
Can't go wrong, catgirl/catboy are a given in any lewd legally-distinct-from-egyptian setting. As Snakes are also everywhere, to benevolent protector to vengeful hungry monster, they can be introduced in any kind of flavor : giant snake, lamia-style snakefolk, snakepit, sandworm, pet snake...

In fact, I can see something like the ancient egyptian civilization created beastfolks as servitor/pet race and got overtook along the millenias. Maybe only the higher part of the elite contains humans anymore. That could bring interesting dynamics with slavery.

As for tombs and ruins, most undead are not corrupted and wanting to eat your soul, they just want that adventurer stop nicking the stuff they are using in the afterlife. Retrieve grand-mummy necklace some graverobber have stolen, that kind of thing...
there's also the Bondage Bandage mummies (or embalmers),

One more thing : the most important thing to ancient egyptian culture was the Nile. Half of Egypt's old gods were tied to the Nile in some way. It was everything : transportation system, irrigation system, fertilization system, hunting/fishing ground. It is one of the few constant things amongst that literal eon of culture we cobbled together as "egyptian civilization" (to grasp how vast that period is, I like to point that Cleopatra is closer to us than the end of the Old Kingdom, and by a fucking half millenia). It is something that is sadly too easily forgotten at the profit of the desert where NO ONE LIVE and tomb and pyramids. Sorry for the rant, Egyptian antiquity always triggered that autistic part of my brain
>Along stranges eons
>Nile is life, desert is death
>Egyptians Kingdoms
>but they were not mentioned anywhere near as much until recently
Back in the day they were just called traps
"femboy" is just a new word for the same concept, except using it doesn't make twitter angry
It's not settled science. You are just a degenerate.
>It's been settled science for a while now that fucking a man is straight
You can just be gay, dude, it's fine. Or bi or whatever.
Producing more femboys?
That's what big dicks are for


They're not ready
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>If you think you can be quicker than me, then go ahead.
LAnon, listen. We love your work, and we really, really enjoy your game and we appreciate what you do...but GRRM writes faster than you. Being quicker at writing and developing than you is a distinction without meaning.
Rude post, but made me kek reminding me of that guy's OC getting KEKED

>The arabiiiiiaaaan niiiiiiights region
Don't forget the various flavors of genie/djinn and whatnot (all others, to be sure, but particularly the flavor that inexplicably falls in love with their master, especially if they're an astronaut).

Captcha: SH0WVR
For this setting, I'm enthusiastic about big-breasted, agile jungle elves with mesoamerican themes but in small villages, and lots of martial arts prowess in addition to their bows and spears.
>Back in the day they were just called traps
Maybe I'm just misunderstanding things, but as I naively understood it, the distinction between a Trap and a Femboy is whether or not they're tricking you on purpose. As such, the former is still legitimately justifiable among some as anger-inducing.
>not necessarily being a slave yourself, but selling and trading slaves.
considering that fractured marches has a pseudo slavery system already, even if you don't, I'm sure that someone else will do it for you

also was wondering if you're planning on making an underdark setting?
Hey, did you see the dungeon crawling system that someone came up with a few threads back? Kares, or something? What were your thoughts? If that anon isn't going develop it, I kinda want to, but if it's something you're absolutely opposed to, then I won't.
Oh, fuck off. I remember a time where Blizzard was one of the best game company that existed. You know why? Their motto was "It'll be ready when it's done".
Quality take time and effort, and you'll enjoy something better a longer time than you waited for it.
If it's so much of an issue, instead of whining, ask what could you do to help.

Take your time LAnon. I only speak for myself, but your work and the care you put in it are appreciated.
Your first I) suggestion is probably similar to what I'm picturing when I say "Urban-Fantasy Sorcerer," just in that it's modern times and there's secret wizards and shit; unless you've got something much more specific in mind.
You win the Autism-off; I'm not reading all that.
Counting you I have 3 so far; for mid-threat, 2024 4chins, that's about what I expected. If I could get up to 5-6 I'd be elated.
May I suggest something about infiltrating the Sultan's harem? Courtly intrigue are a recurring plot point in that kind of setting, with courtier, courtesan, great vizir that does a better job than the sultan, with the odd fakir/sorcerer from not!India.
>plot twist : some members of the harem are men in disguise in infiltration.
>plot twist twist : among them are specialist advisors the sultan bring into meeting to vet the ideas of his ministers.

On an unrelated note, ghouls are cadaver-devouring, cemetary-haunting monster from Middle-East legends.

>plot twist : some members of the harem are men in disguise in infiltration.
Not the relevant anon, but... these harems are usually guarded by bulked up warrior Eunuchs. Any and all other men (not counting young sons in need of some degree of babying) don't belong there, in principle, and often also in practice, if only out of selfishness by the Sultan. Not a lot of wiggle room for your hypothetical there.

>plot twist twist : among them are specialist advisors the sultan bring into meeting to vet the ideas of his ministers.
Yeah, I have no idea where you're going with this. Discworld had a harem of women functionally running the Sultanate behind the scenes by gently "coercing" their Sultan with sweet whispers to his ears and gentle touches to the usual places, with his advisers and so on none the wiser; but you lost me with what you were trying to get at.

The typical sentence for any kind of "infiltrating" a harem for any reason was death. The modern equivalent would be breaking and entering into ("infiltrating") a little girl's bedroom. Even if they never got the chance to do anything untoward, the assumption that they might have if they got the chance is too big of a threat for that culture to allow such a "beast" to live.

That a man could survive in one long enough to impress the Sultan enough to bring into a meeting as a stealth advisor, while maintaining a disguise convincing to literally everyone, without anyone catching on, is, at best, a stretch of the imagination. More realistically, the girls would catch on and reveal the imposter as soon as possible, if only to keep the Sultan from killing every last one of them for disloyalty. There's just about no chance for any more complicated plan in that time.
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LA Anon has other projects to work on, so Lewd Attack gets updated from time to time for this reason

>Captcha 4t2NTR
For the two NTR? Whad did they mean by this
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Congratulations degenerates, you finally got a thread all the way to the bump limit.

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