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The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

Everyone loves Romano edition

Last Thread: >>93361917

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I like the CCAF
Alright /btg/, it's once again time to prove that you're not a terminally online loser who doesn't actually play battletech! Respond to this post with the nearest major city and see if you can find someone near enough to play with!
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3 archers?
Please be in London
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no.. 5 archers.
5 archers. a star of archers
She doesn't seem crazy enough from that picture.
Shilohan Wolverine.
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I knew you had to be Australian.
>She doesn't seem crazy enough from that picture.
The hairclips are what does it for me. She's how old and she's putting those in her hair? Plus the way her shoulders are pull forward makes me think she's taking a selfie.
This woman is 35 years old and running a Great House but something about her is still trying to act 21.
Do not share secrets with this woman.
All the best posters come from Australia.
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if you are in southern California in the Thousand oaks area I play at zanders and game ogre
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Man, it really doesn't want me uploading this picture.
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can't handle the bantz?
Preston, Lancashire, UK.
I'm in Harlequins nearly every Monday, and can be in any day bar Wednesday evenings.
i thought we were all autistic here. for the love of god keep your paints within the panels. Why do you have the gold of you cock pit glass escaping out of it? Nuln oil isn't the final step, you gotta go back and clean up the parts where it over pooled. and add some water to your paints man, i can see the physical globs where some of the thick shit you put on pooled and hardened.

I would like to play with someone in and around the North Austin Area. Maybe somewhere near Game Kastle, in Well's Branch.
Don't. He'll have an autistic meltdown. We already tried giving him advise and criticism, it just makes him screech, chimp out, and turn the image spam up to 11.
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Got to play a game against the munchkin again. 15,000 BV. I let him know I was bringing a clan star and that it was the clan invasion era. So naturally he brought a bunch of star league era mechs and a Gargoyle mixed in as well. Kids, what are you gonna do?
Well, we had 3 mats to play on and were just playing a deathmatch, but mechs could be forced to retreat via the crippling damage rules.

Clan Wolf:
Fire Moth, Prime
Warhawk, C
Timberwolf, E
Stormcrow, Prime
Nova, Prime


The game started off with basic positioning maneuvers. This was my first time getting to use a Fire Moth. It's one thing to see the numbers of 10/15[20] on paper, it's a very different thing to use it on the field. Wow. Using this thing was great and due to the activation differences, I was able to save it to move last pretty much every time.
Very wholesome. Is Battletech learning him some mathematics?
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Attempt at Lore: The pirates had attacked a lone clanner before and with a vast numbers advantage managed to take down a Gargoyle and get it working. They then attacked a nearby star of clanners thinking that they'd have an easy go of more big salvage.
It was an attempt at lore on my part, meager as it was. The munchkin really doesn't care about lore accurate games, despite his love of the lore.
Anyway, back to the game.
Grasshopper, Centurion, and Hatchetman were just charging forward. They were intent to get into melee with clan Wolf and were missing shots at the Fire Moth as they got closer. As great as the Grasshopper might be though, it made the mistake of thinking it could just run in a straight line at a Warhawk. The Grasshopper took a fall.
Fire Moth was pelting the rear of the Hatchetman.
Timberwolf, Stormcrow, and Nova were dancing at a distance with the Gargoyle, starting to take shots at it.
Those same tactics continued in the next turn with the Fire Moth getting into point blank range at the Hatchetman's back.
The Grasshopper lost a leg and was disabled by the Warhawk as the Nova triggered an ammo explosion on the Centurion with a rear attack.
The Timberwolf had taken a few hits over the turns, which would normally be fine, but they were all landing on the CT as it quickly found itself with 30 of its 36 armor gone.
Spokane, WA. My work schedule will likely be dog shit for the rest of the summer but I frequent Gamer's Haven and am in their disc if you want.
Presumably. He ain't my kid. I just throw out the invite for a Battletech game and the kid is always eager and the first to respond. So, it's whatever. He's not a particularly good player from what I can see, but he's got an infectious excitement for Battletech and now that I know to not expect lore accurate games with him, I can just get past it before the game even starts.
Huh, it's not weird playing with someone 1/3rd your age who isn't related to you?
The only solution to that piece of shit is to ignore it and report it for spamming.
Those look good.

Those we've seen like, 50 times before.
Do all your exes live in Texas?
Clantech should have become standard for the great houses by the end of the fedcom civil war. Any inferior equipment or weapons should have been deemed outdated, like primitive tech, and used mainly by cheapo vehicles and the periphery.
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The Pirates continued their advance as the clanners did some tactical backing up and shooting. The munchkin called them dishonorable cowards, but I pointed out that pirates were not worthy of receiving honorable duels.
Hatchetman desperately ran forward again, but all it did was make it a very vulnerable target and it was quickly downed.
The last picture of the battle, needs some context. The kid denied it, but I'm convinced that after losing the Hatchetman, he stopped trying and started to throw the game.
To his credit, he did crippling damage to the Fire Moth. What that really meant is that 4 Medium Lasers eventually hit it on 4 different spots. Fire Moth retreated, but lived. Aside from that though, his followup actions were very questionable.
He started to move the Gargoyle and Bushwacker around the hill, exposing their rears to my Stormcrow and Timberwolf. He even exposed the rear of his Atlas, to my WARHAWK! 2 ERPPCS and 2 Large Pulse Lasers went into the rear of the Atlas. He got lucky that 2 hits were to the arms, but I did get a crit on the gyro and engine, prompting a retreat from the Atlas. The Gargoyle also took big damage and the Blackjack was destroyed by the Nova.
There was 1 more turn after this that I didn't take a picture for, mainly because he started to move his non-injured guys off the board. I don't know why he did this. It wasn't part of an ongoing campaign, but whatever.
End Result
Clan Wolf: Fire Moth forced to retreat due to crippling damage
Pirates: Centurion, destroyed. Hatchetman, destroyed. Grasshopper, destroyed. Blackjack, destroyed. Atlas, crippling damage. Gargoyle, crippling damage.
This game was a slaughter. No other way to describe it. It felt like the kid never had a chance. I told him before hand he was welcome to bring up to 16 units, but he opted to bring 8 and up their stats to 3/4 with the Atlas even at 2/3. Didn't matter though. The IS mechs just fell one after the other. It was fun though.
Highlander with Gauss desu
SLC, but I've already met with another member of the general on the field of honor. Though I do need to see about getting another game with him. Hour and 15 isn't a long drive but with gas prices being what they are it's not one I can make too often so we haven't played since then. Hey Snord, if you see this and are interested in another game some time in the next few weeks hit me up on discord.
Launceston, Tasmania.
It all makes sense now.
3 is bedroom eyes. Those eyes are saying "fuck me" not "I have secrets"
No, it is weird, but we're playing the game at a public place. Presumably his parents know as they drop him off there for most of the day. Mainly I just try to think back to when I was his age. Warhammer Fantasy was my first wargame and there was a gaming club at school. A teacher there hosted it and would sometimes even play the game with us. I played some games with him and I never thought anything of it back then. Yeah, he was an adult and I was a kid, but it was a public area and we were just both enjoying the game for what it was. A bunch of us had trouble ordering stuff back then, so he organized an order for a bunch of us kids and allowed us to pay him for the stuff on delivery. This was back in the 90s, so shipping made things pricier and there weren't online stores. I think he was a good influence on us kids.
So I try to just handle myself like that teacher did with me. I've met other Battletech players at the LGS too, adults. I can of course invite them over to my place for a game of BT and it's no problem. Never gonna do that with the kid though of course.
Ultimately though, it's just playing some Battletech together at the LGS. I'm far from the first adult to play BT games with him too.
Real JoRobe vibes FR FR
Tasmanian has internet?
What secrets are there in your country, o strange one?
A not unexpected end, the lad foolishly brought slower close quarters units against a Clan lineup and decided to zergrush rather than play smart. Try to talk him into some 4 or 5k succession wars games so he can learn to play smart.
Salt Lake City.
I might be working Saturday, but Sunday I'll be free.
Just a heads up, I haven't played in two years.
Are you actually in SLC or are you further north and or south? No need to specify exactly where you are just trying to figure out what the best logistics for a meet up would be.
Had a 6k introtech game with him before. He zergrushed then too. Funnily enough, that time I also practiced the tactic of walking backwards and shooting. I've learned though that he loves his Assault Mechs and star league tech.
>Presumably. He ain't my kid
And doesn't have a hot single mother either I assume.
You need to be 18 to post here.
Meanwhile you must be at least 18 years old to post here.
No such thing, used cocksleeves are fucking nasty.
Stop trying to make this weird anon. It is wholesome and it shall stay as such. Now how about you post a batrep?
If yall were running a Clan NARC missile focused star:

Warhawk B
Hellbringer A
Stormcrow D
Shadow Cat C
Adder C

What Clan would this star fit best, do you think?
Remind me after my next game this Sunday and I will. Actually that reminds me I need to get two more mechs painted up first.
Tamar Wallabies have green poops
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Washington D.C.
I will do no such thing. You must remind yourself.
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My pledge arrived!
Don't I wish.
Hey... that's not a porch! I know there's at least 1 anon here that kept saying you'd only be helping to pay for a porch. Well, don't worry, I'm sure that anon will definitely show up to apologize to you for his remarks and not try to just act like he never made them.
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Join us for a match in lancaster you coward! :)
To get the number of internal heat sinks in an engine, you divide the engine number by 25, right?
Which Lancaster?
I've got three I need to paint before Tuesday. Gonna be busy this weekend.
Des Moines
That's funny. What is a Tamar?
>The munchkin called them dishonorable cowards, but I pointed out that pirates were not worthy of receiving honorable duels.
Oof no hegira for him.
No exes here, thinking of a different anon?
I'd point out that clans don't consider it dishonable at all to shoot someone from outside the range they can respond. If they did the invasion would have gone very very differently. Hell if they did their tech would also have developed towards massive close range firepower rather than effective long range sniping.
Pretty sure he's making a country music reference.
George Strait buddy, c'mon. C'mon.
Tamar is the name of the major river that Launceston is built around. The local wallabies are called Tamar wallabies to distinguish them from other subspecies.
Which of the ironwind metals actually look good and dorky as fuck?
*not dorky as fuck
Imo, most of the sculpts after 1990 are decent, when it’s not whacky shit like the yeoman.
they're slowly working on making the cgl and ilclan mechs into metal, those ones look relatively good. anything with the sculpt originating post 2015 won't have that old mini jank to it, though there are exceptions. they're working based off the lineart afterall, and if the lineart is fucking stupid, then the mini will be too.

still their shit is fucking expensive, i'd wait til one of their sales if you're wanting to get metal.
As with the plastics the further back you go the worse things look
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Regarding printing mechs in the previous thread. Bought myself a 3D printer like five years ago because I wanted an Imperial Guard army for 40k, looked at the models and went "lol nope". Got a Mars 2 Pro for like, 200€ back then. The quality has only gone up from there and the prices have gone down, basically.

I've made around 2k€ printing bits and models for 40k players, Blood Bowl teams, and more recently mechs and Battle armor. So, yeah, it has more than paid for itself. At which point I bought a FDM printer for terrain too, and am currently making a table's worth of hextech.

They are absolutely fine, as long as you get a good STL file to print. The "You can see the print lines!!!" is a meme by people who somehow still prefer buying overly expensive plastics. For resin printers, atleast. On FDM, you absolutely can see the lines but who cares when it's terrain

Lost my sense of smell for a while though, so, like, set the resin printer in a ventilated garage or set up one of those weed-tents or whatever, don't be an asshat like I was and just print in your fucking kitchen
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Fuck that noise, what is the dorkiest, ugliest IWM mini? My money's on the hitman
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Tampere, Finland. But I actually got a game done today followed by a quick introduction to Alpha Strike so I'm good thanks.
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thanks been practicing recently
that top heavy piece of shit called the reseen marauder
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>nuln oil isn't the final step
Yes it fucking is
There any rundowns of the series of IS omnimechs? I remember seeing one of the 3050-3060's comstar mechs a while ago and was womdering if a similar thing was done for omnis
Hard to beat the ReSeen Stone Rhino for "what the fuck were you even doing" points. Also the Blood Kite, an unfathomably stupid looking (yet very effective) machine.
You're a dumbass. What is hard to understand about the importance of PPE and keeping toxic chemicals away from food preparation spaces?
>Blood Kite

First time I'm looking at one and yeah, this thing is unbelievably ugly. Why does it have propane tanks on its shoulders?
NTA but from context it's UK not any of the lancasters in the US. Preston is right next door to Lancater. Source: Used to live there.
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Poughkeepsie, New York
Well I tried.
>Write a sonnet about Battletech

More people should do this anyway. Enjoy a 1st draft.

In realms where metal giants stride the field,
Their thunderous steps shake the earth below,
A dance of death, where honor stands revealed,
The Inner Sphere, where mighty warriors grow.

From distant stars, they come with steel and fire,
Their MechWarriors, skilled in art of war,
Each 'Mech a titan, driven by desire,
To hold the line, show esprit de corps.

From cockpit seats, they weave their deadly dance,
Mechs wrought of steel, with firepower vast,
Each pilot skilled in tactical advance,
In battalion, regiment, and lance.

Come /btg/, where warriors boldly strive,
In tales of valor, may *your* legend thrive.
I'll make a new one soon
Scholars debate this mystery to this day. It's built by my favorite clan, and uses a nice set of weapons, with a good philosophy on practical construction.

Yet it also looks like something that lurched out of a Michael Bay Transformers movie, mid-transformation. Why... no man can say.
>What is hard to understand about the importance of PPE and keeping toxic chemicals away from food preparation spaces?
>You're a dumbass.
You answered your own question there. But hey, lesson learned.
Someone fix this bot.
South, I'm actually between SLC and Provo.
Do opponents get a +1 penalty to GATOR from laughing when they shoot at this fucking thing?
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You got a problem with Propane!? Listen here spheroid and I'll tell you what, that's a clean running mech right there and if you got a problem with that I'll challenge you to a Bat'chall and kick your ass!

Those are some clean paintjobs man!
Damn. Those probably look amazing from a few feet away.
I'm in Provo myself. I couldn't do this Sunday, have a family member who is visiting from Europe, but if you are down for next week and we can find a gamestore that's open in a central location that works for both of us I'd be happy to meet up for a game.
I chuckled.

Portland, ME
>My pledge arrived!
Nice cope for losing your money. You can photoshop whatever you want into your shitty picture, but you're never getting your stuff and you wasted your money.
Sure, sounds good to me.
Your mech ugly. You only like mech because you sexually attracted to metal drum because you came from one, dumb Tanker!
Fairfax, VA
Alright, have to see if there are any stores open on sundays where we can get a table then. I know one in Saratoga Springs thats open but they close at 4 on Sundays and the earliest I could be there would be like 2:40ish, which really doesn't leave us time for a game.
When did you get your email?

Star Commander Hank, Bill, Boomhauer, Dale, and Khan as a bondsman they picked up.

What Clan are they from and what mechs do they use?
Anything made by Colonial Tractors, I'll tell you what.
Any recommendations on getting mechs to look rusty? I have an old pot of citadel typhus corrosion but I'm a bit hesitant to use it
What's a good way to RP pirates? All light mechs and tanks?
I'll find out tomorrow if I'm actually working this Saturday or not.
Otherwise it might be easier to plan for next week.

I wonder if the artist didn't know she was supposed to be a green-eyed redhead, or if he just didn't care.
Same way you RP any good merc unit. They found a lost Star League cache on some forgotten world and equipped themselves with top of the line mechs so they can compete with anyone else.
Say yarr and aye a lot. Use bugs and (depending on the era) mechs from previous eras. Vees are probably more logical but this is battletech so mechs are what they're mostly going to use
Case in point, in the civil war use 3025 machines, in 3025 use TRO:2750 machines ;)
Easier said than done, and to be fair it seems likely that's what's happening, just slowly. Dracs have clan tier weapons for their command mechs and such, Lyrans are ramping up production of clan level mechs, etc etc. Plus, iirc clantech is going to be obsolete in the 3200s, meaning that at some point the IS outright surpass clantech in a breakthrough of rapid innovation.
>Plus, iirc clantech is going to be obsolete in the 3200s, meaning that at some point the IS outright surpass clantech in a breakthrough of rapid innovation

half ton IS medium laser!?!?
you're assuming they don't write the clans as being the ones who make even better clantech
If they're going to do it to where there's perpetually better shit we have to keep track of in ever-expanding rulebooks, I'd prefer they just start deleting the obsolete gear from mech loadouts and not even bother.
Probably the second.
you don't need to play in those eras
they don't need to advance the plot
Stippling/sponging browns and oranges with a very light hand, concentrating on high-wear areas like joints, corners, and panel edges. The scale of BT minis is relatively small so it's very easy to overdo it. Also consider something like Vallejo rust wash.
Bring any mechs with 2 hands, energy only loadouts, decent speed, and less than 75 tons.

Having a disproportionate number of light mechs is good, because that's more little shits to smash and grab with.
Whitewashing Asian characters is pretty racist.
She was never Asian.
>Star Colonel Cotton Hill, Old enough to be a Solahma three times over
>Too good at killing freebirths to ever be relegated to it.
>Had his legs shot off at Tukkayid when his cockpit was hit
>they just sew his feet to his knees.
Romano Liao was never Asian to begin with.
Wasn't she the one born out of an affair with a notably Han Chinese underwear model?
Who's coping more; the guy who got his stuff or the guy who's being salty about another person happy they finally received their Kickstarter?
>Des Moines
Iowa City.
hi, i've never had any experience with the battletech rpg, but know the franchise from the old 90's pc games mainly. I want to get some miniatures to paint of some of the older units (madcat, daishi, atlas etc), I found the ironwind metals site so far which i'll probably order some stuff from, what other sites produce good battletech miniatures? thanks.
I got shipping confirmation yesterday. It is being shipped out of Florida and I also live on the Gulf Coast so if you live on one of the other coasts it might take longer tho.
I think she's the one who had an affair with a notably Han underwear model.
> Stippling/sponging browns and oranges with a very light hand,
Agree, very light.
>concentrating on high-wear areas like joints, corners, and panel edges.
Disagree, areas with high wear tend to have less rust.
>The scale of BT minis is relatively small so it's very easy to overdo it.
Totally agree, plus what kind of MechWarrior lets his mech get rusty? Isn’t most mech armor designed to resist corrosive or oxidising atmospheres?
>Also consider something like Vallejo rust wash.
‘Dirty Down’ also does great rust, moss and verdigris effects paints, look them up on YouTube.
We are all Clan now. The spawn of Hanse Davion won the game as always intended.
Where dost one start with the Mechwarrior games?

She's a green-eyed redhead in her first appearance in the fiction. Mad Max's wife (and presumably Romano's mom) Elizabeth Jordan was white.
Just go with MW5 and its DLCs. It makes for a good game.
We also get pademelons and potoroos which are basically smaller and smaller versions of the wallabies. I live literally five minutes’ drive from the CBD of Tasmania’s second biggest city and my yard swarms with the cute fuzzy native plant eating bastards. I planted about $200 worth of native shrubs and grasses over December-January and they ate the lot.

I wonder why there aren’t any mechs named after Australian animals? I think it’d be funny to have a mech named the Quokka (a cute furry friendly little marsupial) and have it be a ravening fast moving Assault brawler.
Or a sneaky medium designed to hunt Lights, I’d call it the ‘Dingo’.
Or a Heavy optimised with improved JJ’s and kitted for DFA a la the Highlander, only faster, that’d be ideal as the Kangaroo.
Food for thought.
Defiance Industries on eBay.
Manhattan, KS. I'm moving in a few weeks to the Barstow, CA area.
AGOAC box set
>vidya, action
MW3 Mercenaries or later. Avoid MWO.
>vidya, simulation
HBS Battletech with the BTA3062 mod, just be prepared to get mysteriously hardfucked by the RNG for the first 20-50 missions depending on difficulty.
(Yes I have started a new game at 1.03 difficulty. No, I have never seen so many shots miss at 75%+ hit chance ever before. No, this is not confirmation bias, the OPFOR is hitting 80%+ of their shots and my hit rate is lucky to get 40% overall, with PPCs and LL’s/LPL’s dropping even lower than that despite reported hit chances upwards of 60%).
MWO is your only choice if you want to regularly play a mechwarrior game against humans
>Barstow, CA area.
You poor soul, couldn't have at least waited till summer was over?
You are obligated to have at least one (1) pirate Banshee in your collection.
Not my choice, job requires me to be in the glorious Mojave Desert. I've been there multiple times, it's gonna suck but I'm not really that worried abou tit.
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You know what they say.
Also NY but that's a good 3+ hours away
Do hovercraft, mechs, BA, and vehicles suffer penalties to hit the enemy if fully on the move? And can tank move body 360 degrees on same hex, or spend tmm to turn on hex while still moving? Also is there a rule or design quirk for a vehicle to reverse in same speed as going forward?
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You seek the cache that the First Lord locked away. He feared the terror that these weapons may bring, and so charged me with their safekeeping. Your 'mech is not strong enough to crack my face, as many have tried before you. I can only be released from this vow by one who bears the blood of the First Lord.
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Is this enough blood?

Oh hey, I used to play at Game Ogre.
Sure, let me scoop up nearest settlement, exsanguinate them into a cistern truck and bring you the mix, some of that DNA is bound to match.
was amaris that bad? i mean, given how the star league treated the periphery, isn't it some kind of karma biting the camerons in the ass?
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You mean script kiddies and troon haxors? Yeah nah.
Who told you that Amaris was bad?
Ignore anything you hear about mass enslavement for his war machine and draping flayed skin on his mechs. That's just SLDF propaganda and no canon source has proof it happened.
Does MWO have a hacking problem?
Check your ego at the door get used to quiting out of you dead trial mech and picking the next
It has a being shit problem and the only people that play it have been playing it non-stop for about 6 years now, so any new player that tries it will find themselves stomped quickly and repeatedly. Doesn't make for a good time.
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Is it literally your first day on the information superhighway, sonny?
Honestly you could chop all but the Aimbot up to Comstar Shenaniganery with super amazing targeting suite.
was it wrong decision to remove an entire faction from the game? like comstar, wob, the republic and stuffs
Not really. Frankly there are more factions which really should die. If you're gonna have a world progresses as time passes then you need to be willing to kill of factions. If no one can loose and die off then it's just status quo forever and there are no stakes.
Nah, killing off factions is fine. ComStar in particular had outlived its purpose and keeping it around post-Jihad was a bit weird. Having it survive Gray Monday wouldn't have made any sense at all, so it's better for it to die
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Bremerton, WA. I have people that I regularly play with but I do not refuse batchalls from others. Clan Invasion and SW because grog, and I like BT.

I don't normally mini shame, but dear God. The one in the middle looks like a failed print, and they all appear to be primed them with bedliner.

Congratulations on your victory, and you were right to refuse him the honor of zellbrigen. Your usage of spheroid names for your mechs concerns me almost as much as your clan. Again, congratulations on your victory, but you deserve annhilation.
the real issue is that multiple successor states(CC, FWL) have survived situations they should have never recovered from.
at least one of them should have died by now, I don't care who. it makes it so every "bad" situation has zero stakes, because they'll always recover, no matter how bad it is.
It's an interesting question and it sort of gets to the heart of what a developer faces with a game that also has rich lore that people invest themselves in. On the one hand, you want to advance the story, because stagnating too long bores storyhounds and advancing it adds new opportunities in the way of products.

On the other hand, advancement without change is just another form of stagnation, leading to the impetus to actually do something. That often winds up killing off units and/or whole factions, and that's rough too because the guy that just spent however many months and dollars painting up the 27th Snorlac Ranger and buying the official patches and dice and turnip twaddler for them is understandably pissed.
You can still play dead factions.
A guy invested enough to pick a faction often doesn't see it that way. I mean, you're absolutely right, but it still pisses people off.
Shit dude your from my home town! I could just jump across the sound on a ferry and game with you that's rad ass shit
Perth australia
>Personally, I think Word of Blake damaged the story so badly that its completely stalled Battletech. There’s a reason why we keep revisiting the 4th Succession War through the Clan Invasion.

>I’m rarely a fan of cutting huge swaths of canon out, but I would be okay with going back to the Battle at Tukkayid and getting a re-do from there. You can keep most of the story progression, but make changes to actually build forward. Not just nuke your whole setting.

I hate these people
living between Seattle, WA and Tacoma, WA. Just started and kind of learning through MegaMek
Aighty here's a question I've been thinking on for a while. Everyone agrees that 4/5 pilots are the standard for every mech but in all honesty? That doesn't really seem "realistic". Why would a military force put a "regular" piloting say, a Atlas or a hatamoto chi? Arguably I can see a 4/5 piloting say, a Jager or a Charger at the maximum weight limit or priority given. Along with standard mook mechs like whitworths or clints. But realistically what Mechs would pilots be assigned too to match they're skill levels to bring out they're maximum potential?
Hey a other washingtonian! What's up my man! How you enjoying the game too?
i mean they're not wrong though. jihad was fuckin stupid by virtue of dark age being stupid. fedcom civil war would've been a better story if it was Katherine getting the davion nobles fed up with bankrolling lyran stupidity. these kind of narrative choices have knock on consequences where we end up stuck with whatever retarded ilclan wolf shenanigans until 3251
4/5 is the average it doesn't mean everyone is a 4/5.

The average lance is also like 2 stingers a wasp and a phoenix hawk. Especially in 3025 it's extremely likely your atlas is in some kind of assault or heavy lance in the davion assault guards which are rated a lot better than regular.

>But realistically what Mechs would pilots be assigned too
remember that especially early in the setting a lot of mechs are family heirlooms and such and people aren't being assigned to them

You assign mechwarriors to stuff like a valkyrie, Atlas's are basically always going to be a commanders ride, like regimental commanders even. And even in a regular force the commander is likely 3/4 or 4/4 or whatever
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Have to do a few touchups on these, but I'm hoping to get these guys sealed and panel lined before my regular game day on Sunday.
I don't think it was stupid
How do you get them to stick to the wall like that?
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i'm liking it. fun fluff, big stompy robots, and way less hassle than warhammer in terms of the number of models needed and pre-assembled. kind of wish i knew about megamek earlier, before buying this many models for just couple lance's i'm aiming for right now (so i could have tested before buying the packs)
Through the power of the Celestial Wisdom, anything is possible.
>I’m the scion of a noble house, beloved only child
>filthy rich, but only just passed mechwarrior training
>parents have billions of c-bills in the bank
>buy me my first mech
>it’s a flea
Nepotism doesn’t work like that.
Also, ancestral mechs, salvage/scavenged mechs, or someone who just plain old found a mothballed depot or fought their way up from tanks/vehicles. There are plenty of reasons why average people end up in more expensive mechs.
the good thing is most mechs have enough variants you can find one you like, some are RADICALLY different
>if it was Katherine getting the davion nobles fed up with bankrolling lyran stupidity
I understand that the flow of money and materiel was towards the Davions, but I guess some of it built roads and flush toilets somewhere, so they do have reasons to be stark ravin mad.
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How would I emulate this paint scheme? Paint it a darkish green and dybrush the highlights? Bit of a noob
Lot of money and men flowed into Lyran space to save them from the clans.
Still Memphis, TN. Still a three hour drive from any other city.
1.5 if you meet halfway
Who? Did you invest a strawman?
I'm glad you've advanced to picking out panels, nuln.
just a random post i found on reddit
You know the joke about the guy who broke his leg in two places?
And his doctor tells him to stop going to those places?
Stop it.
What about the black bits? I only have grey primer would I use that and then basecoat black and then green ontop?
>Killing a faction off?
Nope, nothing wrong there.
>Killing off a bunch of factions because you have an inability to flesh out a pre-existing faction which then has your writers hit a wall with a bunch of other factions so that they might as well be dead?
Yup, full retard.
Start with a very dark green, or black from the looks of it. Then dry brush lighter shades of green until it looks good. If you can mix two paints together and dry brush with that, you'll manage.
After five threads I'm fairly certain that none of you motherfuckers live within 500km of me. It's a reassuring thought.
Yeah but you don't need to paint black everywhere. You can throw it in the joints and pick out specific panels, then thin it down to wash-like consistency and run it into the panel gaps and recessed details.
If you invest in a bottle of liquitex acrylic medium it really helps get to wash-like consistency instead of creating an overly-thinned mess. I use it a drop at a time so an 8oz bottle has lasted a cool two years, cost something like ~$4

You could also "wet brush" the whole thing. Quotes because it's a dumb name. Same technique as drybrushing but you leave more paint on the brush. The mechanical act of brushing spreads the paint evenly and it's good for laying colors down rapidly. Start black, then heavy drybrush your main green, then light drybrush your highlight green
I'm not saying you'll get a smooth texture if you do this, but there's a lot of different ways to paint and this is one of them.

Your pic honestly looks like wet blending to me which you could also try.
Our own history is full of examples of nations and peoples pulling back from far worse than this, re-unifying their lands or regaining their independence, to then become regional or even major powers.
That’s not drybrushed, it’s just a bad wet blend job
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You got the wrong guy friend.
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I was reminded today that there are """"people"""" who acknowledge setting developments past the 3060's.
Im in Northern VA, there are a few groups around VA/DC/Maryland area
you should try to glaze the orange over a metallic silver for the cockpit. or use an orange air paint. the rest the minis look absolutely amazing so the plain orange canopy glass sticks out.
>WHM-6D (3/4)
>CRD-3D (3/4)
>BJ-1DB (4/4)
RFL-3C (4/4) or CN9-AL (4/4) for the final mech?
Tamiya panel liner is great for joints and panel lines too.
centurion and it isn't close. Rifleman still has terrible armor and extremely vulnerable from the rear, weak legs and arms too, a single ml to the rear torso is going internal.

Two ten point hits is nice but with only 4 gunnery it will be hard to hit, rifleman is usable if you can find partial cover but cent is better
10 rounds of ammo isn't much
Oof they both suck but I’d go the centy
The problem wasn't as big before as PGI used to ban them, but nowadays i think they just don't care.
Ace kaller/FaithMcClosky/House Master Po Ding retard has been hacking in MWO since like ~2014 and he had like a dozen accounts that got banned, but he's still around in his newest persona of a racist asian stereotype, still aimbotting like a retard that he is.
Also, it might just be that the player count was bigger so you wouldn't run into the same dozen of hackers every other match
No idea why you'd even use aimbots in fucking MWO were everything moves at a snail's pace and it's mostly played by boomers with the reaction speed of a geriatric.
>The Quickdraw, the Clint, the Vulcan, and the Rifleman rapidly become the bane of your fucking existence if you play early periods and use a RAT
are they really that bad?
AL is one of the best introtech designs
Vulcan ain't bad imo, only 600bv and it jumps 6 and the ac2 at least forces the enemy to come to you
What the fuck is that guys major malfunction and why does CGL enable it?
>Defiance Industries on eBay.

Thanks checking it out now.
Terminally online mentally ill retard that literally lives in his parents basement and has actual terrorism charges in his criminal record.
It's hilarious how CGL seems to love that retard.
IWM metals is the go-to manufacturer of *official* metal miniatures.
They have a lot of the old sculpts from the 80s-90s, but are also slowly building up a range of the modern sculpts (pretty much everything post 2010s is pretty good)
Though shipping costs outside of US from them are high (not as retardedly high as CGL mind you), but if you're in EU, Fantasywelt or Sci-fi trader are good sources of IWM miniatures as they stock pretty much all of them
Yeah, CGL loves him so much that they blacklisted him from ever writing for them again.
There shouldn't have been a first time.
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Well, the Po Ding persona is technically a Death from Above War gaming character for a one off game
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So I was curious about how an anon from a previous thread brought up that MW5 added in obscure melee weapons from the tabletop like the lance. So apparently it's true, but it has a weird system where certain weapons can only be used by mech from a specific weight class.
For example:
>Medium- Claw, Lance, Mace
>Heavy: Hatchet, Trench blade, Hammer
>Assault: Claymore, Greatsword, Battleaxe
etc etc.
What's weird to me is that the trench blade, which is clearly the Berserker's style of hatchet, is only for heavy mechs when the Berserker is an assault mech. Don't really understand why they did it that way. Overall the melee variety is a cool addition, but it definitely should have been part of the base game to begin with.
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By the way, here's a Greatsword. This is a Battlemaster holding this big ass slab of metal by the way. Like holy shit, clanners would throw a fucking fit if a spheroid actually ran at them with this thing.
I don't think any of them are bad mechs, they're just better at other things besides mech on mech combat, and when 90% of the time people are just playing pick up games of lance v lance the mechs that aren't great for that role get a bad rep. If you have to deal with something like conventional infantry, BA, air forces, etc then suddenly those mechs shine.
I want to like MW5 but everything they implement is so hamfisted, it looks like a game from 2009, and it's double the price in DLC for a game that should have released in that state and from a developer that "couldn't figure out how to implement infantry" and charged DLC prices for access to mechs they had ready assets made to reuse. It's a bad simulation of battletech and is loaded with weird and apocryphal designs, along with the persistent (video game) issue of star league designs and lostech/advanced tech spreading very quickly. Mechwarrior was a franchise ripe for modern innovation like VR but, like the rest of this IP, we're cursed with weird, small, and amatuerish studios owning it. The only thing I'll applaud MW5 for is the hard point sizing system.
They're pretty bad, but so are a most mechs in 3025 so it smooths out.
Some are, but if it's 3025 there are basically two kinds of 'mechs: deathtraps like Clint or Assassin and invincible destroyers of worlds like the Awesome 8Q or Grasshoper. The deathtraps are the vast majority, so odds are you'll be fine.
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>The only thing I'll applaud MW5 for is the hard point sizing system
Ironic, I actually disliked that. I'd have preferred it if they let you customize your mech more indepth. Maybe on some planets with mech factories, you could pay to have your hard points moved around and change out your engine, in exchange for it being expensive and time consuming.
Otherwise yeah, I pretty much agree with you. It's mediocre game that feels like it came out a decade earlier than it actually did. At least it was sensible enough to have co-op.
He's still in every single CGL discord buddy-buddying around with the rest of the doxxing crew and seems to be BFFs with the retard bryan young and had no issue endorsing the pride fagazine that proudly had his name on the cover.
I wouldn't be surprised if in a year or two they let him back onto shrapnel or some other asswipe they end up doing.
I don't know what the fuck that is and i don't care. If it's something that retarded faggot likes, i do not care for it.
I suppose you must hate battletech then since he likes it
I don't consider that he actually likes battletech. He's just a parasite.
You asked for it McLancastrian, now pick your doom: LAMpocalypse or the Thunder of the Tripods?
As are all grogs
It depends. If your a modern kiddie using bv2.0 then, as >>93376042 says, they are okay to good cheap chassis.
But your not, your rolling on the RATs. So you roll a Vulcan and your opponent rolls a Cicada or a Vindicator. You roll a Clint, the other guy rolls a Wolfhound. You get a Quickdraw, I get an Ostroc, etc. Or worse. So now your fighting with something that's nowhere near as good as my stuff. It can be done, but it requires skill and a bit of luck.

His stuff is good but he's stupidly expensive for what he is.
There's someone else from TN up thread.
I've started rolling for my forces, it's more fun. Me and my opponent agree on a BV, and then I roll on the xotl tables in accordance with the weight class distribution rates for the faction I want in the appropriate era. So if that faction and era is say, 30% lights, 40% mediums, 20% heavies and 10% assaults I roll 3 lights, 4 mediums, 2 heavies, and 1 assault. From those 10 options I then build a lance and use pilot skills to adjust BV as close as possible to what my opponent takes.
I just look on the MUL and pick a force rather than rolling
>stupidly expensive
Not when you get exactly what you want in an industry where so many people buy blind boxes.
Kick starter fulfilment doesn't change Loren from being a scumbag.
I like getting variants I wouldn't normally bring.
The age old problem of assault mechs, lots of armor so you want them to "tank" but they are too slow to ever be in the front
The age old problem of unskilled players.
At least for introtech, my 'tanks' are 4/6/4 or 5/8 mediums who are there to hold you up while my assaults waddle into range, and then your damaged mechs are fighting my fresh assault while my mediums disengage (hopefully before I lost more than armor).
There are other, cheaper, options for 3d printed mechs that are almost as good.
it's kind of awkward if you don't want your lighter machines to end up in front but still need to keep up their TMM. You can't just stand still as they will be easy targets
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Is this cheesy? How bad is the ****stars reputation?
There are directions besides forward and backward. Do you play on featureless mapsheets with no terrain?
me too, Capellans are the best
It can't be, it has a mk1 Loki.
Would you drive down to NH?
The what star?
heckstar you pleb.
I'm not familiar with the heckstar. Is it a variant of the hellstar?
The Dutch don't do military stuff, right? So you probably can't teach them battletech.
Name some
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I think infantry were cut into a mod because of console performance problems, and looking at the files for the infantry is explaining a few things for me. I snagged the mod tools and popped some stuff into Blender - the bottom two dudes are the basic low detail/lowpoly infantry models, and they don't set off any immediate alarms for me. They're each something like 3.6k triangles and they're both mapped to one texture/material for their whole body, so there's very few draw calls, not a lot of presumed strain on the CPU and such. The potential problem comes when we move to the three dudes above them - and how they aren't merged.

Now texture/material wise, they're condensed to one each, which I consider a good thing. However, if you zoom in you might notice you can see the individual triangles on those dudes, like they've been flatshaded or something. This is bad. Not because they're flatshaded, because they aren't. Oh, lord, they aren't. EVERY SINGLE TRIANGLE has been SEPARATED. They may range from 19-24k tris, but that's about 56,000 to 63,000 vertices which my brain recognizes as BAD. That's more than 20k over what the high detail dropship set-dresser on the left weighs, even if he has way more polygons. What's more is that none of these guys have proper LODs, and only the high detail dude on the left has them. I don't have the full context but it makes the incompetence angle seem like a more valid explanation for why infantry were cut into a mod.
>Your usage of spheroid names for your mechs concerns me
Bro, what are you talking about? Names like Timberwolf and Fire Moth are not the spheroid names for those mechs.
i dont think any of them are IS names lol
This is what we get for allowing the other Castes onto the Chatterweb
Let's be clear here, you think that the Timberwolf is the IS name for the mech and that MadCat is what the clans originally named it.
You need to answer this point and how you do will determine how much everyone will laugh at you. Not responding will be taken as an admission that you don't know what you're talking about and will also result in you being laughed at.
No, infantry got turned into an optional mod because they sucked. They simply weren't fun to play with and everyone has gladly turned that mod off after trying it for a single time.
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Yep, that's PGI. They're the best developers.
why is there dirt/grass texture on a roof?
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I'm more concerned by the clipping on a static object. These are the devs that didn't know they'd left hidden geometry on their mechs until the forums pointed it out by looking at how shadows were being cast.
The shadows are hilarious in MWO, sometimes they're completely immobile, sometimes they have floating mech pieces showing
It is genuinely impressive how incompetent PGI are (though, CGL seems to be much much worse)
I'm more amazed by the willingness of the audience to accept, pay for, and engage with. the products of either company.
>paying for a free game
You didn't actually buy camo did you?
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Bring both, we're familiar with all the rules >:3
Jesus Christ, all that time spent on something never cut and even then it could tank performance. Is it so hard to just make infantry that look like it came from the original Xbox Era? We don't need to see every pore, just enough when we're stomping them flat.
The closest thing to a Mech Game that I've liked, that's given me that MechWarrior feeling, was Titanfall 2. Anyone know any games like it?
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Deep Periphery (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Yeah. There's a spiritual success to Titanfall 2 called Apex Legends. It's basically the same game, you'll love it.
>a locust on the Drainage Basin mapsheet
Dear God. You poor bastard.
Whales and shills gonna keep bitching.
As i said in a previous thread, the player had a learning experience. The Hunchie player (also a newbie) had a harder learning experience. Pixe and Shad players were rolling.
What are some alternative mechwarrior games?
There's nothing like Titanfall. If you don't mind archeology, though, there's Steel Battalion.
Hey BigRed, can you keep this topic of discussion limited to Reddit where you first posted it?
Is still the subreddit a thing? Last time i saw it it was a ghost town with few active users....
These aren't mech sims by any means but they are mech games
>Synthetik, from some german autists. basically a bullet hell with cover
>Brigador. Turn off "Screen absolute" controls immediately. You get to smash buildings and mechs have directional facing. Lots of options.
>Phantom Brigade. XCOM but robots and there's some time manipulation that makes it a puzzle game.
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The new meta is to play battletech in 1/35 scale
GBO and its many spinoffs, Titanfall, Brigador, Earthsiege, Front Mission, Armored Core, if you want popular ones. If not, there's quite a bit both in the West and outside.
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Newport News, Va. recently started working on steel viper alpha galaxy
Berkeley, CA
I'll be honest, some part of me painted it that way to try out cockpit jeweling, but I've been chickening out on finishing that part of them because all the tutorials I see for doing it with orange seem pretty daunting and I'm not super confident at my blending skills. I'm going to try it with this current batch though because the copies are fairly big and if it looks awful, I can repaint it easy.
Heh, all good anon, I don't actually live in the city proper any longer, but it's still my closest metropolitan area.
NTA, but I don't know that is much better.
Steel Vipers, Hank Rifleman C, Bill dispossessed clan infantryman, Dale Exterminator 4D, Boomhauer Black Knight 6
nta but other than earthsiege none of those really scratch the MW gameplay
I wouldn't call anything with a mech in it an alternative to mechwarrior.
Good luck then because there's basically no other first person mech games.
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>The Dutch don't do military stuff, right?
You don't comprehend the level they're operating on.

Batchall refus'd, you dare and durst, surat?
"Refuse your what?" you cry, barbaric lout
A full Tri'nry! What hope have you 'gainst that?
My name--Malthus--fortends the coming rout

This here the point of honor's very claw
Clan Falcon, Jade, trueborn and bloodnam'd too
Kerensky's sons, iron born, without the freebirth flaw
Which like a canker in this foul Sphere grew

Ignoble blood is damned to such an end
As fits the Lords who Star League's corpse covet
You soldier for a jackal House and spend
life's lucre t'ward a wan dezgra puppet

If you be bold, a bondcord for your wrist!
Elsewise, a grave, and none shall think you missed
I meant the pennsylvania dutch, the amish, the buggy-driving no-worldly-things guys.
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I want to make a Security/Defensive lance of the slowest Mechs possible, but prefer only having one model of a Chassis, if possible. Therefore, which two other Mechs should I add to a lance, which has an Urbanmech and an Annihilator? Or do I just need to make it the three Urbie siblings and their Ara Arannihilator?
Except his advice was advice. And not
"Reee get fucked why are you alive reeee" tier nonsense like you, assclown.
Its on topic. And they're new-ish. I dont see you posting new minis. Or any actual content at all.
By the way Nuln, I'm glad you're over your schtick about having all four mechs in a lance match perfectly.
Wrong, he's been given legitimate advice before. He just acts like a spaz regardless of what you say to him
No good ones.
Child sacrifice to moloch. Of course.
Who the fuck is Nuln
Yeah, it's starting to look like 3/5 assaults are the next slowest mechs, the 2/3 movement profile is too rare for four unique chassises.
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Wrong person, OBSESSED.
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Still not me, crazypants.
Lolno. Personal attacks are not 'advice'. Lunatic.
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Did someone say fwoosh?
You're the real lunatic here.
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Or did some one say FWOOOOOOSH!
Wrong, you were given legitimate advice you just choose to ignore it out of spite
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I think the running pose for this Thunderbolt is so much better than the jumping one, desu. Even if it is a bit funny to consider a 65-ton killing machine sprinting the way it does.
Please. The lies are embarassing yourself.
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Running pose is cool too.
The idea that half these mechs can somersault without ripping armor panels off is still hilarious to me.
I like Nuln Oil. He keeps the paintfags out.
Wrong again, but of course you're too stubborn to admit it
The idea that any mech could somersault at all is absurd.
And yet they do in the highest level of canon.
Screaming 'go do open heart surgery now reeeeee' at someone who's reading a basic biology textbook isnt 'advice'.
Nor is 'why the fuck arent you doing btain surgery right now you faggot useless cunt reeeeeeee'.
Thats the sum of the level of 'advice' you've given. Since I am pretty sure you're

>everyone I shitpost slavering madness at are acshully all just Manic reeeeee

Thoughts on the War Crow? It’s got some nasty-looking loadouts and Ferro-Lam armor which I desperately need to try out, but it looks hella expensive. I’m somewhat worried it’s one of those mechs that’s just way fucking cool but too expensive for what you get.
it's not that expensive, same as a timberwolf. Outside of outliers you aren't getting a clan heavy or assault for less than 2k
Because unfortunately video games and such give us very 'unreal' depictions of battlemechs. Because myomer is muscle. The armour on a battlemech should move pretty much like armour on a human, just more form.fitting and attached. So mech armour should flex and move as the muscles under it do so. At least like an american footballer in full pads.
NTA but that is a gross misrepresentation of what I have observed. Yes, some anons have been rude but frankly you have encouraged that with your own cuntish behavior. You aren't the victim in this. You intentionally provoke people and then screech about how they are in the wrong for responding to you goading them.
As thick and large as the plates are, they really shouldn't flex the way you are describing
Nulnfag is also easily goaded into posting off-topic. This thread i a perfect example
It's not ruinously expensive for a Clan heavy and ferro-lam is stupid strong. Definitely try it out if you haven't.
>Blatant samefagging
Absolutely Dezgra
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I still dont see you posting any minis.
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That's because I don't have any, Nulnfag.
Secondaries get out. Go back to /40kg/
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To be fair, it was fun but my problems were
>Infantry spawning is nonsensical. You randomly find one or two men out in the middle of nowhere
>The infantry ai was awful, they didn't move or fight as a section
>The models themselves are minute, thanks to pgi's scaling issues, infantry barely come up to a mechs toe when they should be just over ankle height to a Shad.
The one time I found myself fighting them in an urban area though, that was amazing. Infantry smacking missiles into my mech from alleys, overpasses, and roadside hedges, whilst Scorpions rolled out of sideboards to strafe autocannon shells down the highway as they raced across it and back into cover. A nightmare to fight, but amazing nonetheless.

Nigga, we have all politely given that assclown advice, and proceeded down the insults route after he spazzed out and began spamming his godawful minis and reeing about "muh paintsnobs"

Seethe, dial8, snog a dropbear, etc.
That's maybe 2 weeks evenings work.
>Who the fuck is Nuln
Some boogeyman he made up that lives rent free in his head 24/7. He's called about 10 different people here Nuln by now. At this point nobody even knows who he's talking about, including him.
You first, tourist
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>putting Elmer's glue and sand on the bases of your miniatures is akin to open heart surgery
I love you. Please keep posting, thanks in advance.
If you have four of the same mechs painted the exact same way you should try some basic reposing so they look better.
I'm dubbing you clone anon from here on out, due to you just wanting your lances to be 4 of the exact same thing every single time. Also, we've all seen the pics of these minis about a thousand times by now. You know what we haven't seen? Your minis being used in an actual game.
Oh, didn't you see? He played a solo game recently
I didn't. Until yesterday I've been busy with IRL things for the past 2 weeks. Well, a solo game is something at least. Certainly better than what he does now. Dare I ask what he even ran for the game or how it turned out?
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First attempt at basing, I went a little retarded. In the future I will give the grass a bit of a trim before applying and properly prime the base. I'm trying to decide whether I should do a more contrasting base, the point of camouflage is to blend in, but on a mini it might be better to stand out.
Just paint the base a concrete grey and that wild tuft will make total sense.
Use white glue and add some sand to the base to give it texture. Applying tufts is absolutely the last step.
I don't want to be shedding stuff any more than it already does. Does the glue dry clear or white?
>Who the fuck is Nuln
One (apparently Australian) poster who slops paint poorly onto his models then bathes them in nuln oil. Has never played an actual game against another person before. Gets very, very, defensive when offered advice or called out, and will have a full on tardrage meltdown. Has avowed to never improve in order to "trigger le paintsnobs".
He's got at least one "follower", the anon who did the tmnt mechs and latched onto nuln as a sort of proxie or ally, also refuses to improve, and will run to Nulns defence. He's completely indistinguishable bar when he posts his crayola toy like mechs.
Usually clear. Put some white glue mixed with water, put the sand, give a few light taps to remove excess, let it dry, and apply another mixed glue/water layer to "seal" it.
That's Nuln, resident troll who manages to be a bigger faggot than the retarded femboy who tries to use the thread as his personal grindr.
That's... actually really good, anon.
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Those were my mechs. They're not finished mind you, still figuring out how to make the mountain range look clearly like a mountain range.
As for the solo game: it goes.
Figuring out LoS rules by my self was a blast. The Clanner backed into the hills to save their Crab 27b from a Guillotine and Vulcan, but now the IS forces have the good open terrain to use LRMs from. And the Salvage crawlers (the empty bases) are getting uncomfortably close to the omnimech wreckage (doubloons)
The Cyclops, Orion, and Cataphract are all fresh, everyone lighter has been shot to shit with multiple open components. Guillotine is down with an arm and leg shot off, pilot has bailed.
Only the Warhammer IIC is undamaged for the clans. The Incubus has everything except CT and head open, upper arm actuator, upper and lower leg actuator, and an engine hit so far. He is not long for this earth.

How was your last game?
And since we know what his awful, unbased miniatures look like we can avoid him in the future
Neat, when do you guys meet?
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I am not the guy with the wash problem.
I like. How'd you do the masking?
It's all freehand. I really don't want to mask at this scale.
nta but its not to bad with the thin tape
That's good freehand then. Very nice.
Tuesdays at 6pm at the board and sword
Dearborn? Milan? MOnroe? Oh god, say Ypsi - please say Ypsi that'd be so fucking funny

Ann Arbor here, if you ever wanted to meet a 4channer in real life
esl question. so lyran is lyra (the constellation)+an (the suffix), capellan is capella+an, taurian is taurus+(i)an and so on. then what +an is the marian (hegemony)?
I assume the writters, with the Marian Hegemony, wanted to make a homage to the "Marian Reforms", when Gaius Marius, a roman General and Consul, reformed the Roman Republic Army, and it was the base from where the Legions grew. Also ELS.
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See, that's just it. You don't even know when you're talking to me. You're just another delusional obsessed faggot, who gets upset and plays the victim when he's called out and you don't like me because I push back on you. I'm cordial and nice with plenty of people here, but not you, because you've proven yourself to be a scumbag that just stirs up shit. So you don't get the nice side of me anymore. You got that plenty of times and were an insulting jerk everytime. So now you get the ugly disgruntled Navy Veteran side of me who tells you to go fuck yourself and you're going to get that every single time you show up with your self important condescending pencil dick attitude.
By the way, your eye for painting sucks. You couldn't even tell that I was in this topic from the start, posting a batrep. Not that I expect much from someone whose developed brain damage from huffing so many paint fumes mixed in with his own farts that he'll be an eternal no-game faggot for life.
I'll try, might be tough with transport (I'm on the train)

Honestly, I don't really care to read that block, save
>Navy Vet
That's cute, and I honestly do not care, your "muh vet" status does not excuse your shitty attitude or behaviour here. And desu, you and nuln are so similar in posting that most anons can't tell the difference between you both.
Why not go back to pleddit, where you clearly belong?
Oh, BTW, I've not been active in this thread all day because I've been in the Peaks and haven't had signal. Food for thought, eh, tough guy?
I genuinely don't know why preston/lancs public transport is SO shit. When I was commuting that, there were three trains an hour... all shoved into a single 20 minute window within that hour. Fucking nonsense, even if it was all at the mercy of west coast mainline scheduling from scotland to london.
Tell me about it. I was nearly stranded in Grange Over Sands last weekend when they just cancelled all the trains without warning. Managed to get the last one out to Lancaster only to find there were but 2 trains headed to Preston.
Got home in the end, but bloody hell, the trains are a joke. Can't wait to be driving.
I only mentioned the Navy vet because that's the side of me that isn't nice and calls you a cum guzzling gutter slut.
We're on 4chan, that's a term of endearment here.
Anon here is right >>93380050, >>93379955. We insult each other for fun. Isn't that right you Zebra Buttfucker?
No. It was a term of endearment with my Navy buddies in which insults were commonplace. The phrase curse like a sailor exists for a reason. For that anon, I am conveying genuine disdain and disrespect to a freak. He's also the only anon in the /btg that has it.
Oh c'mon Big Daddy Delish, you cant just start me up like that and leave me hanging, tell me what a dirty little whore I am and how much you despise me. In *explicit* detail.
Atlas LAM, go!
And a Navy man knows a Thing or Two about guzzling cum!
You're a sub-par painter.
Charger LAM. Just to DFA someone by transforming into a hundred-meter elbow drop.
Nothing I can teach you about that that your mother hasn't already.
I'm sure you were just doing what you had to, so far from land, women, and even sheep.
Ah poo, you can do better Cap'n
The Internet Tough Guy act is an utterly impotent show of force, you know that, right? It does not make you sound cool, it makes you sound extremely gay, and more importantly, extremely bothered by whatever that guy said that you started trying to flex on him with vet status, which I guarantee he is laughing at.
We already know he's gay he served in the Navy. Come on, show us your real insults.
Must not have been a deck ape or you'd have a little more experience with painting.
He probably rode a desk.
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DESU, outside of the gay act, im actually stuck between chortling heartily and feeling sorry for what is clearly a mentally disabled member of society.
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The sheer waste those lawns represent is disgusting. Speaking as someone who lives in a desert just zero scape for fucks sakes.
Those are crisp mate. What model is the Hellbringer?
Yep. I went to a college in a desert that got a big grant for a "beautification" project. They installed grass and the sprinklers to keep it alive. You could go out at night and see the puddles of standing water that resulted from this and just know that that standing water had been paid for with your tuition money

Glad that Vegas passed some ordnance against it but of course the golf clubs and HOAs are finding every little trick to fight it.
Sounds gay. Nature exists for man to impose his will on it and shape it to whatever form he can imagine. Department of Mega Engineering was based.
Call me when your Department of Mega Engineering has a good way to refill aquifers.
Crash ice comets into the planet.
Where is the nearest comet?
Fusion-powered desalination plants. AI is already working on incremental breakthroughs and efficiency gains that are getting it closer and closer to viability, and we'll need it for mechs anyway.
They swing by from time to time.
Love me some unseens. you gonna add another tank so you don't got half a point leftover?
Finally some nice old minis among this sea of Shimmyseens....
Amen. Rock garden or whatever and save the water for drinking etc.
Deserts go without water for so long the soil becomes hydrophobic. It refuses to hold water. You need so muchnfuckingnwater to get thensoil backnto wet conditionsnfor green plant life its obscene. We are talking a gorillions of olympic swimming pools per shoebox house crappy lawn. Truly wasteful.
Thanks, it is a converted CGL model, I really like the alt-A so I turned it in into one using some plasticard, gs, and spare bits.

Ill have to do an unseen photo shoot sometime. Just got an original Bane in, and some Galleons.

Aye, I do plan too, it was part of an internet sale and thus far represents the only Clan tank I have. Not sure what to add with it.

Danke anon, I will endeavour to post more old classics. Got a merc company that is entirely unseens/old RP sculpts.
>even sheep.
I'm not a muslim.
>Not being obsessed with painting like me makes you mentally disabled
Seethe more paint snob.
Funnily enough THIS is why elon musk is trying to solve the Low Earth Orbit problem. As soon as he can get "To Orbit" costs below a million a tonne, humanity becomes post scarcity overnight as we start mining the asteroid belt. Free water and ore and oxygen forever. Then we literally can start terraforming earth. All the deserts can have trillions of litres of water introduced to change them into arable farmland. Which makes food a post scarcity too.
>Has avowed to never improve in order to "trigger le paintsnobs".
The one that got me was when NEA, for some utterly retarded reason, actually offered to help him and asked the guy if he wanted a personalized "how to paint decent" video that NEA would make for him to help him improve. That's a level of reaching out I don't think I've ever seen here, and Nulnfag rejected the offer. He WANTS to be a shit painter.
Bitte schön anon. is always nice to see the old metal and plastic minis painted. I hope to see your merc company someday.
Read again. I didnt reject his help. I just told him, correctly, that he would be wasting his time. You lying dogcunt.
What the fuck did you just fragging say about me, you Davion swine? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Sarna Academy, and I’ve been involved in numerous covert raids on Davion holdings, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in mech warfare and I’m the top mechwarrior in the entire Capellan armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in this Inner Sphere, mark my words. You think you can get away with saying that scrap to me over the chatterweb? Think again, dirtbag. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the Confederation and your comm signature is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fragging dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my Raven. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Capellan Confederation Armed Forces and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the galaxy, you little scrap. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fragging tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you idiot. I will rain fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fragging dead, kiddo.
That's really creepy.
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scored a victory for Clan Coyote tonight.
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Paintfags are creeps. They stalk and trawl the archives being cunts and lying about things
This. It's part of the reason I'm so happy that CGL is finally making prepainted models.
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I have now tried the first recipe from the meme cookbook. It's pretty okay.
Did it taste like a Jade Turkey should?
flat green carpets of short grass are the most boring shit, unkempt nature looks good
either pave over it all or neglect it completely, I hate lawns
>It's pretty okay
I expect most of the recipes are since CGL had no hand in making them
If you know that you aren't a good painter, then why do you insist on constantly reposting your paints?
>to goad paintsnobs
If you're trolling fags by way of reprisal, then why are you getting upset that they're calling you a noskill faggot spammer?
As an amateur painter myself (who doesn't have a camera good enough to post mechs), I don't even think your mechs are really bad, but you have to acknowledge that this is a cycle of violence that you're perpetuating on yourself.
Crispy bread, green pesto for the Jade part, and sliced turkey. Fried like a Nova Alpha Striking.

Then again most recipes are mostly suggestions, unless baking. Baking is fucking SCIENCE and Comstar-tier mythicism sometimes.

Namely, I put in a little less pesto and added honey mustard. Next time I will put in more pesto but will keep the honey mustard.
Chattanooga, TN.

I met a guy part of a larger Battletech group in the area purely by coincidence a few years back, but he didn't seem interested in having anyone new join so I kinda gave up playing and stuck with painting.
IIRC, what anon means is that someone found out that all of the non-cocktail recipes were just ripped from top Google searches, given diegetic names, and left uncredited.
Recipes aren't copyrighted by default. I don't really mind about that part.
There's two other TN people in this thread so far.
Can be wrong, but it appears that while the recipe is itself not a trademark, the exact way to mix the ingredients, is, and the CGL just copy paste from a number of cooking sites.
To be honest I don't really mind it either, but it's fun to meme and poke fun at CGL here since I can't really do that in any other battletech community I'm in cause I'd get dogpiled and shat on.
Rem and the password people send their shills everywhere. Just ignore them. Or look for uncontaminated communities...
In either case, would have been nice if they credited the original person. Then again, it's not like "Turkey panini with pesto" is something that doesn't have a billion recipes already.

It really says something that the only social media site I actually end up enjoying being on is 4chan.
Man why do we not have more nsfw BT art.
Just got done with Decision at Thunder Rift, and now i'm all hot and bothered for Lori
We should replace all the Mechs with 12-meter tall cute girls. with bare feet
No, get back in the box you gremlin
Were you expecting them to hire a chef for this? It's a value add on a toy soldiers kickstarter.
I'm not excusing it, I am simply asking what you expected.
"Hey bro we'll give you 5k bucks to change names in these recipes to fit our fantasy wargame, that cool with you?" is not exactly difficult.

We already have amazons in canon, it's the next logical step.
>it's the next logical step
No it's not
Liaos (and most Capellans) are hapas
Pictures of women are degenerate and don't belong in Battletech. Warfare is a man's business and women have no place in it. Stop being a coomer and get out of the hobby.
Your choice in guns is shit. Use a semi auto like a normal person under 80.
>don't belong in Battletech
Have you ever read any of the books

It fit on the table better than my AK.
You WILL marry a Liao Girl and you WILL like it.
>my AK
Commies leave.
>Originating from a scenario pack and technically existing in 3025, in practice the Devastator...
He might not be a commie. He might be European. Or African.
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I have a 629 myself, kinda dogshit build quality.
>Hello Battletech, ripping off Macross again I see.
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Finnish, to be specific. I take offense to being called a commie.
That's what I said. A commie.
>actual meat in his cappie food
either a poser from St ives or a member of the Liao family.
Land of the Free to die rather than call an ambulance
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Look bro I'm not a Capellan, I just like the foods from different nations of the Inner Sphere. Kuritan is honestly my preference, but they've got lots of good stuff all over.
Is that a .308 AK?
Are you holding your food under a heat lamp or something? Why is it so damn... glowing orange?
>I'll try, might be tough with transport (I'm on the train)
Our common friend who owns a dog plays with us every other week, could you ride share with him?
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It's the Zastava M76, chambered in 8x57JS. The shopkeeper had apparently got his hands on a shipping container full of these so I bought it for like 300 E-bills. Worth it, though the price of ammo makes it a rare gun to actually shoot for me.
new thread? new thread!

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>Is in a future historical thread
>Doesn't like beautiful historical style of weapon
You forgot
>endlessly reposts the exact same photos every single fucking thread in defiance of rules against spamming and yet never gets a slap for it
>navy vet
Coast guard reservist confirmed.
This guy knows what’s up.

By all means post your paint jobs but be aware that if they’re not good people will criticise them, and if you keep posting them as some kind of ‘own’ the you’re just shitting up the board to satisfy your own narcissism.
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>and I say this as a man who’s had a lot of unusually deep-voiced, broad-shouldered cum guzzling gutter sluts from Thailand to Trinidad
>talk about CGL’s political agenda and its effects on the Battletech IP and community, get bans nd warnings
>talk about environmental issues completely unrelated to Battletech at all and not a peep
I hate this place sometimes.
Fuck off. You’re just as bad as the gay losers who want everything in Battletech to be about men putting their penises in other men’s rectums.

Nature purists can get fucked.
We should replace all coomers with empty space.
How about you learn what a semi-automatic gun is first you idjit.
Don't project your faggotry on to me.
Coast Guard actually turned me down. They're super picky. Navy let me be a nuke.
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Very proud of how brave you are!

>I do take advice. Effort isnt the problem. It is that usually, effort just results in me screwing up harder.
Stop posting pictures of trannies.
God damn it Miyazaki

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