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The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

Forever Faithful edition

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Post some paint schemes from the dawn of battletech
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I honestly have no fucking idea why that specific idea got so saturated. I just ended up calling it 'Red Breakfast'.
I don't wanna.
Its odd to see a Euro who appreciates guns like I do. I always assume ya'll just don't do guns. I forget sometimes that not all of you are cucked.
Most Europeans I know who can't have guns appreciate them, they just can't get them, and would prefer things to be the other way around. But it is what it is.
You guys ever use old toys for substitutes for generic militias or militaries?
>Originating from a scenario pack and technically existing in 3025, in practice the Devastator...
is this real?
Ok, thread challenge.

Design a new autocannon type that isn't overpowered, but it's still something someone might actually use in a game (unlike most of the alternative AC ammo types).
I don't think so. They found the plans in 3023 but couldn't build it. The low-tech version was prototyped in 3033 and entered service in 3036.
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Infamous retcon. The scenario pack was about 3 prototypes in the 3040's and is one of the best scenario packs of all time. In that, they mention an earlier prototype attempt in the 3020's that was a failure.

CGL then retcons this into the Davions producing so many of the AC10 prototypes that the fucking Taurians of all people have like a hundred of them. Which would be what, realistically? 4% of their total army or something. Fucking "We stole the Warhammer PPC's for Thugs when Warhammers were having to steal Marauder PPC's" level of stupid retcon.
precision and AP are good, they just need a light ac10 to shoot them. more shots per ton in general wouldnt hurt either
>precision and AP are good
Those are the ONLY good ones. I said most.
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So Battletech is basically a universe where the Draka won?
Fucking phone.

Design an new autocannon AMMO TYPE that isn't overpowered, etc
Improved HVAC

No smoke unless you toggle the vents with optional rules (for those of you that like to make your own cover)
Jams (clearable) instead of explodes
Can use alternate ammo and the bulk doesn't hurt the shots per ton.
Inert Autocannon Ammo
Superheavy Rounds, significantly increases the difficulty chance of resisting a knockdown or decreases the damage threshold for a knockdown, or both, on a successful hit. Decreases shots per ton of ammo.
I'd just change the incendiary rules to

"Adds equivalent heat to damage/2 on mechs up to inferno heat cap"
"Does equivalent inferno damage to PBI of damage/2"
"Resolve inferno gel splash against multiple units/BA in the same hex the same as an SRM cluster."

It would immediately bump it up to Precision level popular.
submunitions -1 to hit -3 on the cluster table they blow up in front of the target and must roll on the locations table and the cluster size is tied to the weapon size i came up with this in 40 seconds hope you like it
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>Design an new autocannon AMMO TYPE

I've been on a buck-and-ball kick recently doing some research for a different project. So here.

Partial Length Armor-Piercing ammunition consists of a tungsten penetrator capping a small cased-explosive charge, sitting on top of a disintegrating case filled with explosive submunitions. The concept harkens back to the ancient "buck-and-ball" loads for smoothbore muskets on ancient Terra. The penetrator punches a hole through the armor of the target and detonates the primary charge exactly as a standard autocannon shell; this charge also destroys the disintegrating case and kicks out the submunitions in close proximity to the weakened armor section. Ideally, the submunitions will detonate inside the target's armor.

PLAP shells deal half their normal damage in a single damage cluster, and the remaining damage is cut in half, rounded up, and is dealt in single point clusters exactly as LB autocannon cluster ammo. An AC/10 PLAP round therefore deals 5 damage, plus 3 single-point damage clusters. An AC/20 PLAP round deals 10 damage, plus 5 single-point damage clusters.

PLAP shells can only be loaded into standard AC/10 and /20 autocannons. Due to the fragile nature of the case, they must be loaded in a preset firing order, and each PLAP shell requires 2 standard rounds worth of "space". Therefore an AC/10 ammo bin might contain 4 PLAP rounds, followed by 2 General-Purpose standard AC shells, for a final firing order of, "PLAP - PLAP - PLAP - PLAP - GP - GP".
Is that an Epson?
I appreciate the effort that went into this coompost. Well done.
what scenario pack is that?
McCarron's Armored Cavalry. If you haven't had a chance to play it, it's a ton of fun, but fairly difficult. The Starslayer and Spector are also part of the packet.
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You beautiful bastard.
Oh my god fuck you. That's brilliant.
Yeah, old Epson QX converted to NKRO and modern programmable controller. Love me some Fujitsu 2nd gens. I've got beamsprings and crap literally collecting dust in the closet because I've tried all the classics and the new toys but this is my boy for actually getting shit done.
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Do you see this you mindless degenerates? <THIS> is how you coompost. Actually good game mechanics, plausible fluff, AND a sex joke at the end. This is the minimum viable standard if you want to post tits in these threads. If you want to post a slut, then earn it.
Now THIS is why I come to /btg/
The what?
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Basically a world where defeated American royalists, French royalists, American Confederates, and other defeated peoples end up exiled to a colony in Africa and end up forming an aristocratic slave-empire that conquers the world.
put me in the screenshot dad
Hey Provobro, I'm not working Saturday.
If you're still up for it, I'm game to play tomorrow.
Not really
I mean it kinda is tho. Timeline might be different but similar values.
Again not really, there's some superficial things here like wormholes for FTL. And Genetic Engineering. But that shows up in so much science fiction.

But people are still people. The Houses started as just rich fucks getting out of Terra's influence early kind of like in Armor. Terra is more less the Jetsons minus the resources since it got mined out in the Hegemony. Lyrans are watching saturday morning cartoons, FedSuns have one of the best institutes of science along with planetary Appalachias.
Ramjet rounds, half of your short range becomes min range and your damage increases at higher range brackets
>But people are still people.
I mean that's the case in the Draka too. They have different power dynamics than we do today but they're still people.
You mother fucker. You absolute madlad.
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Now that's how you honor the dragon
That's a Davionman's post and we both know it you perfidious snake.
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where are the rules for the minimal/no arms quirk? sarna just says it's NOT in TacOps and doesn't actually give the penalties associated with the quirk.
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To keep the pipeline running, I bring some grey plastic to work to clean mold lines in case I get bored on my break. Every day when I come home it has become tradition that my 2 year old and I "play mechs." She's gotten surprisingly good at identifying them. Anyone have kids that they introduced to BattleTech?

Pic related. This Stalker eats dice and also apparently wears flip flops.
BMM p 87, with the rest of the quirks. They were originally included in the old version of StratOps, not TacOps. Now they live in the BMM.
Related note, I left them in my car on too hot of a day and now my Rifleman's ACs curve a bit, and dipping them in hot water didn't work. They just eventually went back. Any ideas to fix this?
They end up making an actual slave race and a master race from homo sapiens. Even Elementals are still just exaggerated humans. They're more akin to Valyrians' situation in ASoIaF than the Clanners.
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Tbf Homo Servitus is genetically identical to regular humans except that they like to serve the drakans, which isn't really that different from the situation of most of the people in Battletech.
cheers man, I only use my BMM for quick reference at the table and my group doesn't play with quirks.
One of my favorites. Thomas Barton is based as fuck. Really happy to see him in the recent KS.
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Lol god damn it NEA
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Post your lance with a timestamp. Prove you aren't a no games secondary or fuck off with this shit back to /gsg/ or /his/. If your dudes aren't painted, go put one thick coat on it and at least give us a week or two without having to see you spreading cancer around here.
>How dare /his/ people come to the /his/ game!
So basically Heavy Gauss?
Does the arkab legion have any particular mechs they favor? Thinking of painting some up
Older Kurita stuff and salvaged enemy designs no honorable samurai outside the Legions would shame himself pilotng.
*Legions of Vega
Go fuck yourself Anon. I have nothing to prove to you, or anyone.
>doesn't post lance with timestamp
Fuck off, secondary.
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Battletech is a collective work of science fiction media, and does not focus upon historical events that occurred more than twenty five years ago.

You've proven everything that needs to be proven.

All you had to do was ask.
Wow, those are almost visible.
It's historically-inspired science fiction.
Inverse of heavy gauss rifle. You do lower damage at close ranges.
Noob here.
What's the name of the merc company with a black and yellow scheme?
Barton fucking rules.
>0/1 pilot in an Awesome/Devastator.
Clans got lucky missing the 2nd MAC.
The Bumble Bees of Unspeakable Doom.
Kek, found it, was Battle Magic.
OK, you've got me there.

Occasional historical references do not make Battletech a 6mm Napoleonic war game, though I'm sure /hwg/ will at least be amused if you've got ideas about Austria getting to field an Atlas at Austerlitz.
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Also the Thumpers, although they're more yellow and black than black and yellow, they're highly specialized (in a way that little Timmy can enjoy, exclusively using Assault weight mech), and they stop being mercenaries after signing up as a permanent military unit for Filtvelt.
Anyone used MechMortars or Thumper Artillery pieces? How well did they fare in urban or suburban combat?
I've used mortars, it felt like they actually worked a little better than LRMs in a dense area since they can target hexes instead of units with their common ammo, but the abysmally low ammo per ton really, really holds them back.
iMortar could really be a good weapon if it existed. Mortars have good abstract rules, they're just held back by being given bad numbers. Too few tubes for too much weight and too few shells per ton. But if you had, say a 'Mech Mortar/10 with somewhere north of 6 shots per ton (rather than the current max size of 8 with 4 shots per ton) it would be a lot better. Maybe one or two more special ammo types.
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Never fear, Quikscell is here.
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I got into BattleTech via MechWarrior 5, and I want to “import” the company I had during the campaign onto the tabletop. I’ve got my models ready, but I’m stuck on the color scheme since you have free rein to customize whatever you want. Pic related is apparently the canon scheme for the Cavaliers prior to the Black Inferno attack. I don’t know how to explain it, but there’s something about the colors that makes my eyes hurt looking at it.
Those colors do not belong together, at least not in that style.
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That happens when you are a couple notches off of complimentary on the colour wheel
Finishing up this Jade Phoenix for tomorrow. Taking the variant with talons and a very good pilot, hoping for some glorious DFA action (only ever done it successfully before).

Just need to finish up the base and add transfers; not sure if I will do the latter tonight.
Oh great, /k is raiding again. Wonderful.
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Forgor pic
If anyone knows how to remove the stupid sharpening/blending features on your standard iphone 12 just let me know because it is butchering all of my pictures.
How many troops per squad is normal for IS mechanized infantry?
I love this stupid thing. If it was a little cheaper C-Bill Wise, it would be the perfect Mook.
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For reasons I don't think are ever explained in universe it varies based on what they are armed with and what kind of vehicles they are in.
Prior to TW, a standard platoon was 4 squads of 7, regardless of weapon or mode of transportation, the only exception being jump platoons with 3 squads of 7. I don't know why they changed mechanized to this weird variable platoon sizing.
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Well I'm doing tracked mechanized, which is squads of 7 unless they have SRMs. I'll put 7 guys on the base, then.
I assume it was because they didn't want to have to figure out a way to calculate infantry BV that reflects how annoying a hypothetical 28 man LRM Hover platoon is.
This is the kind of shitpost I come to this website for.
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I post batreps here, focusing on flukes. I missed the last two weeks because last game was cancelled and I drank too much for the game before that, but there are plenty before then. Timestamp is scroll the fuck back in 4plebs until you find them. I can't be bothered to do it for you. I don't hate on people for playing with unpainted minis, but I don't do it myself.
>I'm also the guy that provides prints for beer to locals that ask for them, assuming that I've already got a model that I've supported and plated up
>you want me to slice and support something new, it's going to cost you more than beer
I'm new to the game, is it possible to run only Infantry, tanks, vtols and artillery against mechs? Or is this a misunderstanding of the game that will only be annoying and not fun to play with or against?
It's possible. They tend to be more fragile and less capable of dealing with all terrain, but the guns are the same, and you get capabilities most mechs don't have.
Right on. I think combined arms are cool.
id say through one or two mechs in there just to keep the numbers on your side reasonable maybe a locust or two
In a game about giant stompy robots, playing conventionally tends to be looked down upon. Like >>93383612 said, throw in at least a few mechs and try and balance it out. Got a big ass assault mech? Give him some light support from lighter tanks, aircraft, and lightly armed infantry. Ligt mech? Go ham with the heavier tanks and support. Gotta play it by ear.
I really like the look of the locust. I got both starter boxes from catalyst. I'm not an old head, but this game and universe seems pretty tight. I should get a few games before I start fucking with the combined arms stuff. Thanks for the advice btw
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yeah i recommend learning the mechs first because they are what most players mess with and it will benefit you if you know how to play around the map if you know what terrain must be used by your opponent all the rules you will need are going to be in total warfare it covers mechs and everything else
It's not combined arms when you're deliberately ignoring a key arm for arbitrary reasons.
You're right, this game is a fucking rulesbeast to begin with. That does make it cool though.

Sick paintjob on the mechs dude.
I gotcha, I just like the idea of troopers fighting against all odds. That probably plays better in my head than it does in an actual game.
Infantry calling in air and artillery strikes is still combined arms even if the armor isn't involved.
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reminder that SLDF Gunslinger graduate is 2/3 at best
thank you just remember to get your fundamentals (movement and hit locations) down first than see how you can make your forces perform well together
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Re: Infantry: Got these guys going. Waiting on more bases to get off the printer
help, i really have no idea what to do with the rifleman and the cyclops model I ended up with
You got it boss. I wanna get my drinking/painting buddies into a new game, this could be it.
if you do the game shines in campaign play
heavy ACs
IS tech
stats are relative to basic IS ACs
20% heavier than equivalent ACs
50% more damage per shot rounded down
50% less range rounded up
no minimum range if equivalent had minimum range
+1 crit slot
equal heat
20% less ammo per ton
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That's interesting, because the average member of Rubinsky's Light Horse, Ramilie's Raiders or the New Avalon Cavaliers is a 1-0 pilot.
Campaign operations is a sourcebook and therefore is outweighed by the pilot cards. Sorry, but your table isn't canon.
That's what I was thinking. Sort of like we all tool out our mechs like hot rods or something. Do a bunch of one on one fights, and carry over damage between battles. Then maybe as mechs break down we buy new ones or do themed missions to get c-bills or something. The setting seems like it has a lot of potential for a small group to have little rivalries and shit talk.
not in total warfare
That's not from a canon product. Post what Total Warfare says.
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yeah, yeah
Total warfare doesn't have force quality rules, silly billy. It has some rules for randomly generating a force, but they are seldom used because aren't very fun. They often result in wild mismatches despite the arbitrary guard rails.
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There we go. Five platoons of mechanized infantry, three platoons of foot infantry, and two artillery pieces, deployed and towed.

My mechs have support now.
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Combined arms is possible. It's not a question of "will it be fun for the other player?" but a question of "how much damage can I inflict before I get tabled?" Conventional infantry die to a stiff wind. vtols drop like flies with a lucky hit to the propeller and your tanks will be out-paced by anything with average speed. Biggest thing to know is what map sheets to play on, since vehicles have terrain restrictions. It can be done but it will be rough on the player that uses the non-mech force. You stand a much higher chance to win if you use some battle armor rather than regular infantry. And i say all of this as a Hell's Horses fag.
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Nope they are Elites.
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Bravo good sir, bravo
The dispute wasn't what the unit's ratings were, it was whether or not Campaign Operations is a valid source for what those ratings mean.

Wolf's Dragoons and Kell hounds are of course also elite but its less funny to imagine a legendary gunslinger being put on a performance improvement plan in those units.
Total Warfare is the same. An elite unit is a Gunnery 1 Pilot 0.

He's right.
Also to clarify Campaign Operations is a valid source.
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nah you are just lying, it's literally impossible for an elite IS mechwarrior to be better than 1/2, and he's just as likely to be a 2/3 or 3/4
>Asks for a timestamp
>Doesn't include a timestamp of their own
>using a wet palette for the first time
Holy shit this is night and day, game changer
I believe they still live in stratops just the current version is behind. Startops also contains the list of vehicle quirks
I'm a new player and gave the scenario book a read, and... What the fuck?

Pretty much every engagement is company-level (with usually supporting elements too), and features absolutely obnoxious amounts of defenses (three CF150 turret towers with 3 LRM-20's with 9 tons of ammo, for example, not to even mention the level 4 holes with bombs at the bottom) and artillery support.

Like, how are you supposed to play these in under six hours, if even then? I guess the attacker does have some bonkers pilots to the tone of 1/2 skills on several dudes, but still, what the fuck?
Most of them are geared toward players who can already play the game at an efficient pace. For starting out, try the latter-day starter books like Sword and Dragon.
Taking the option to drop this in here if you want. I made these for quickplay between balanced forces.
SMART shells use insensitive warheads and propellants, which are only armed and primed once the shells have been loaded into the autocannon itself. A penetrating hit to the ammo storage, even without CASE protection, is not the catastrophic event that it would be for other ammunition types. The insensitive propellant, though resulting in a lower velocity and reduced maximum range, is of far superior consistency contributing to increased accuracy at short to medium range.
Which Kerensky was right
and by right I mean... FAR LEFT
I mean, I guess Natasha would be a lib by clan standards, so still Natasha.
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This is completely irrelevant to what I was talking about.

Credit where it's due though, this set of missions is good based off of the one (1) game I played and I know that there's a bunch of Finns playing these scenarios out at RopeCon today to help inject spice to "just deathmatching it out". Currently writing a battlereport of the game out.
>there's a bunch of finns playing my scenarios
weird feeling

Gotta work on v4 some more.
One was lamenting that they had only two copies printed, while a third said they had a copy printed too so it should be enough.

For v4, may I suggest either a scenario or objective of "Diversion"?
...huh. How do you see a Diversion type scenario working in gameplay?
Sort of like a round trip there and back. Such as scoring a point for hitting the enemy with a 'mech and having that 'mech survive a certain number of rounds, or having to enter the other map sheet before retreating (possibly with a similar turn limit as there is in the confront-recon scenario), or making the other lances (whom I would think is confront, hold or destroy) mission objective something along the line of "destroy an enemy mech and retreat off the field" as they realize it's a diversion.

Could score points from any of the following, dependent on what direction the scenario ends up being
-Mech survived to the end of turn X
-Enemy mechs destroyed/crippled (and thus won't be joining the "real" fight elsewhere)
-Non-diversion mech escaped before the end of turn X
-Mech hit the opponent and retreated off the field
Basically anything that forces the "diversion" player to actually get up in the face of their opponent in what seems to be a stand-up fight before just going "oh yeah nope lol" and disengaging (preferably without losses).
Hmmm. Some of this, like "get close to the opponent and then retreat" is covered by Recon. I'll definitely keep this idea handy, though, thanks.
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I actually like it, reminds me of the PED Suit in Prime 3
> Check out Battle Magic
> pretty specific notes about mech lance composition
> Just got an Archer, a Wasp and a Stinger I wanna paint Black and Yellow.
> "Fuck this at worse I'll say their some buttfuck mercs and call them the Killer Bees or something"
It's more in the lance buildup, I'd feel. You wouldn't send a recon lance to perform a diversionary attack/raid. More of a striker/cavalry situation? But yeah, not sure if/how it fits, I just like the idea of diversionary attacks.
>You wouldn't send a recon lance to perform a diversionary attack/raid.

why not? Not like the enemy can just ignore it and you can move in deeper or to other targets to cause more mayhem and avoid stronger foes
Well, yeah, no, I was just being stupid and thinking of game terms instead of military terms. Send in a fast unit to force the enemy to divert some forces towards them and retreat before they get to attack them properly. I suppose I'm just thinking of a lance that *looks* like it should be there for a proper fight but actually isn't.
I'll always play somebody with an unpainted formation, but people should be encouraged to field painted lances. Having color on both sides of the field makes the game more visually compelling, and if I'm playing at an LGS, I'm hoping that the game will catch people's attention and get them thinking about possibilities beyond 40k. The aesthetics of the game play a part in that; nobody will give a shit about default grey pawns being pushed across a flat game sheet. But throw in some terrain and some color and people start to check out the table. More to the point though, my previous post isn't really about whether anyone should play with only painted minis.

I'll refer back to >>93383035, but also, I haven't spent the past few weeks baiting people so I can spam bad essays on NRx talking points in fucking /btg/. I want nothing more from this thread right now than to lurk while others actually talk about Battletech, and not to have to trawl through several posts of some utterly brain-rotted misinterpretation of it.
They're a good lancemate with wasps and stingers. Bring a phoenix hawk to babysit them and you got a recon lance.
heaviest canopianlance
It's a strong color scheme but it looks functionally impossible or excessively difficult to get on a mini. The vidya schemes do some cute shit with line work but it doesn't translate to tabletop very well.
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>You wouldn't send a recon lance to perform a diversionary attack/raid.
You'd think that, but then you remember that a twenty ton mech with hands can carry a 4000lbs bomb.
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I've got a need for Sneede.

How are you liking the GHQ inf? Been thinking about nabbing some modern french.
I will coompost without your permission
Then do it coward.
Definitely would.
With a laser.
Do mech cockpits have windshield wipers? How do they deal with rain?
Chucke's Fucke and Sucke.
Can you put the version in the PDF too? 4chan strips filenames and I can't always tell which one is it when I forget to add it during saving.
>How do they deal with rain?
By shaking it off like a wet dog.
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They direct their loudspeakers towards the cloud cover, naturally.
just rename it?
The pilot is fed more than just the info their own eyes can see. Remember the machine is covered in cameras and sensors that sweep multiple spectrums. Rain might mess with normal visuals, but you'll cycle to whatever mix of inputs that care the least about the rain.
Their screens are probably displaying Gundam-style AI visualizations compounded from multiple, independant sensor data feeds.
In my experience, by falling over repeatedly while the BA slog towards them to eat their knees until the weather gets so bad that my BA get destroyed by tornado conditions
It would still be a good idea to put the version of the rules in the PDF.
That's a Sharknado full of BA.
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How tall is that Marauder? If the pilot looks out from that window, is he as tall as the window or is he prone at the controls?
I snagged A Time of War from a used bookstore for $20 and plan to get my usual TTRPG playgroup into trying something new. All of them are aware of Mechwarrior as a concept but haven't played BT before. I am going to keep the starting stuff as simple as I can and have a roster of mechs to choose from to start


With players rolling initiative to pick their mechs. All of them will have two record sheets available to start, with the possibility of minor modifications. Since my players are unfamiliar with the whole setting I expect any min-maxing to be accidental and easily controlled.

For the missions I am sketching up a three mission operation to start out, aiming to give them a taste of mission types beyond just playing bumpercars. Players will be Capellan mercs during the opening phases of the FedCom invasion, with their main opposition for these missions being a Steiner expeditionary force.
>mission 1 is a convoy raid and easy battle, basically a tutorial. enemy lance will be three light mechs with shit 5/6 pilots and one shadowhawk, along with a few non-combat transport vehicles
>mission 2 is a recon mission of the Steiner forward operating base, with a strong emphasis on actually scouting the place and leaving. opposition will be two light mechs backed up by a griffin and a thunderbolt, although their positioning on the map will give the players a couple turns to get positioned and escape without a brawl
>mission 3 is a followup to the recon, this time hitting the base hard when the main force is conducting operations elsewhere. opposition will be a couple LRM carriers, infantry, a couple light mechs including an ace 3/4 pilot with a wolfhound as the main threat. besides normal salvage this will also include a factory fresh hatchetman as captured loot

This gets the players some experience doing a little bit of everything and leaves an open plot hook for the Thunderbolt pilot to seek out revenge.
Why does the madiic have so many small lasers?
Because birds are not allowed to shit on clan tech. That's dishonable.
How is the merlin mech?
Fat Vindicator.
A decent midrange mech for the IS, a good high class mech for the Periphery.
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It's pure Merlin, a beaut'
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Trothkin, my time serving surkai with the labor caste has paid off. Though finding the right chemicals to strip the offending primer was challenging, it yielded in the end. Star Commander Kotare's Stormcrow will soon be combat-ready once more.

(also took the time to repose him a little more dynamically)
probably 10-11 meters
it doesn't really look like the pilot can sit close enough, seems like it should be a torso cockpit
The fuck is that.
Brone Kotare's canon Stormcrow omni variant. He's got 5 ER mediums in the right arm, an LRM 20 in the right torso, and a pair of Streak 6es in the left torso.
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What kind of base should I give this guy?
Maybe he's leaning forward on a Kawasaki style motorcycle seat.
What the fuck is he planning for?
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I would like that. One of those Code Geass type cockpits.
I dunno, you'd have to ask him. He did remember to bring more than 1 ton of ammo for that LRM though, so he's one of the smarter Jags.
Dark blue. It would help the sandy look he's got to stand out.
Very cool idea.
God damnit well played.
Yeah that sounds much easier than windscreen wipers
It's good for mercenaries since it uses a lot of energy weapons and is easy to maintain. You can even get ones without a machine gun bomb.
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Nice bro! I was the main guy advising, what did you use?
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Is that mech behind the Locust what I think it is?
Tried 91% isopropyl, it laughed it off. Tried this Zep Industrial degreaser some people mentioned being gently on miniatures, didn't give the slightest shit. Even after 24 hour soaks, no changes.

Then I tried "LA's Totally Awesome All Purpose Cleaner" and that did quite well. There's a little bit of primer down in some of the nooks and crannies I can't really reach without stabbing around with a metal pin or something, but I'm not fussed about them. The cockpit panels and missile ports were nicely resurrected, so I'm pleased.
Ah, I can’t get that stuff in Tasmania but I’ll see if it’s on Amazon or something. I got another can of the Transtar grey primer today and wondered how you were doing. Good to see a clean strip. Wooden toothpicks work wonders for winkling out recalcitrant crevices paint by the way.
God only knows where it gets shipped to, it's just at the Dollar General here in the states. Currently it's working to unfuck a failed star of Falcon Vau Galaxy I tried to work on a while back and *completely* failed to thin the grey basecoat, resulting in rather claylike Falcons. I was trying to be cute and save my speedpaint with some basic bitch Walmart grey acrylic instead, and paid the price.
I just had a look at the ingredients and they seem to be citrus oil and sodium hydroxide (caustic soda). No wonder it works, if I were you I’d make sure to give ‘em a warm detergent bath and thorough rinsing to make sure no citrus oil remains on the model before painting.
Its not impossible.
No worries, they've had an extended scrub and bubble in preparation for their next adventure
Looks real nice. Where are those numeral decals from?
Best mechs for mercs in 3060?
your favorites
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how does a command console work (the component, not the quirk)? is it just +2 initiative so long as the pilot isn't KO'd? do i need to do anything special to have it working?
Define best. Best economy? Best BV/ton? Best weapon of war? Best availability and ease of maintenance?
If you're completely lost and got no idea where to even start, just get a Bandersnatch.
Best for a new player who is doing a campaign and is probably gonna get beat to hell even if he manages to scrape out a win and doesn't want to go broke.
What are some actual maintainance procedures that need to be performed on a Battlemech? Does it need it's breaker fluid flushed? Repainted? Lasers retuned?
In 3060, anything from the 3025 era is going to be cheap as shit. Might start there, get some random introtech machines. Can't go wrong with an Awesome.
Haven't they all been powercrept by that point?
Get some common evergreens, like any of the the 55t trio, Awesome, Thud, or Archer. Most have a higher-tech variant that fixes some problems with the originals. An early IS omni to learn the difference, like an Avatar, may be helpful too. Bushwackers and Uziels are perennial merc favourites too.
Yes, but git gud. On a more important note, they're easy to repair, rearm and refit as your game progresses, and if you fuck up and get shot to shit, they're not nearly as painful of a loss as some fancier machine would be.

Learn to embrace your inferiority and develop those ambush skills.
Somewhat, but many of the 'upgrades' of latter eras suffer from shiny toy syndrome, that is include tech that doesn't help them but is new, hard to find, and expensive. There's a number of 3025 'mechs, like the Grasshopper, that are perfectly usable even in 3152.
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The second Legends book is so fucking great, genuinely we should be buying it for a great expansion to the game.
>Some fucking chad was just like HELL YEAH THEYRE ALL GONNA BE BADDIES
>Damien Redburn nearly kills two Khans.
>Paul Moon is BJ Blazkowitz.
>More like Janella LakeWOULD amirite
>Marshigama’s Legionnaires now canon
>Peter Cobb's story shows more of the clans are changing like the Scorpions.
>I can totally understand how Sterling McKenna played so many dudes. The skeletal earring is a nice on-the-nose touch.

Every character looks like a real person, but slightly cartoony. Like "Real life plus", as if battletech was a wargame running on wrestling logic.
If the engine says XL, itll send you to financial hell.
>Haven't they all been powercrept by that point?
Only to a point. The stock Awesome, Grasshopper, Guillotine, Gladiator and Archer offhand are all still very usable in 3151 because now their BV are super low while having good armor and heat scales.
>halfway decent art
>published battletech book
What sorcery is this? Did they fire the crack head fetishist?
Why does MUL load so fucking slow?
The fuck do you mean 'as if'? It's exactly how Battletech operates.
Fighting Piranha.
First draft of the Battlereport is done now. Figured I'd give you your (You) since we did use Instant Action for it.
I'm pretty sure the component requires a separate person in the cockpit to do the stuff.
Shitty code, would be my guess. If you open the developer console on their cluster table game aids, you can literally see that not even their 2d6 function works correctly. It gives you equally likely odds to roll headshots as CT hits because some dumbass intern just wrote it to generate a random number from 2 to 12 instead two random numbers from 1 to 6, which means every outcome is equally weighted instead of the normal distribution.

namefags resorting to reheated tumblr posts to get attention, fucking embarrassing
Take your favorite video game character, or at least one you like. Think they could survive as a pilot in Battletech?
One of the things that I think should have been included is there G/P stats.

But hey what do i know.
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Stop being a faggot

Not as a Mech pilot, but I'd bet Samus would ride a battlesuit pretty well. Or at least, she'd ride some Smoke Jaguar battlesuit pilots pretty well.
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>raised by Tetataes
That's the start of a good command lance. The Cyclops has some ok variants early on and gets a few better ones later. The Rifleman starts out completely dogshit and then receives a bunch of sweet upgrades starting in the late-Clan Invasion era.
Hey, there is NOTHING wrong with the Rifleman-3N!
There's a reason the FedSuns considered the fortress impenetrable and put one of their top guys in an experimental DVS-2 as a commander. The scenarios are HARD. It also just goes to show you how good Marcus Barton and the Big MAC are. Everyone likes to clown on Capellan militia/line units (for good reason), but often forget that units like the Red Lancers, Warriors Houses, and McCarron's Armored Cavalry are no joke.

As for running it, use multiple players and assign each a lance of the Big MAC.
>she'd ride some Smoke Jaguar battlesuit pilots pretty well.
based Samus enjoyer
kys, genuinely
>able to potentially take down Mechs just on foot...
That's bullshit though. No one should be able to take down a Mech without massive help or a Mech of their own. You don't see that sort of Mary Sue bullshit in canon material, and for good reason.
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I'm tired of manic, I'm tired of bottom, I'm tired of nuln, I'm tired of the false flags. Bait should not be as common as it is in /btg/.
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Maybe you should go back to plebbit or the OF. We've said it time after time. This isn't a place to be nice or have real discussions. This is a place to be mad and shitpost and drive people out of the game. If you can't deal with that then you should'nt be here. It's your fault for using the site wrong.
Anon, lone humans take down mechs with IED bola's in the fucking novels. Guerilla's living innawoods even.
Yeah, it's pretty depressing compared to how great this place used to be.
The three people I mentioned are worse.
Had a nice game today, my banzai debuted and blew up spectacularly. Very happy with deciding to get one printed up.
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Nah, she's an infantry unit. If she can get pre-rendered sequence powers, you could maybe stat her as a light quad with a support laser and a light machine gun, but that's the high and low of it.
When Reddit has better discussion, things are indeed grim. I thought I posted some okay OC but it went quietly appreciated, I suppose.
Clear newfag
4chan is the way it is so that you can truly hear what people have to say, you may have to wade through a lot of shit, but that's the only way to get the real gems
Except for everything that's wrong with it.
Ironic, you haven't been in /btg/ long enough to know it used to be better.
Hey, it can shoot both ACs and one Large laser without overheating!
When was the last time he even posted? He's not living rent free in your head is he?
I've been in these threads since for over 10 years, and I can assure you that this place used to be NOTHING like the rest of 4chan. Now it's full of retarded faggots like you, shitting up the place with dogshit takes, rage bait, autistic rage posting, coomer bullshit, and blatant retardation.
I have never heard of this title. What is it?
Painting up some Falcon 2nd liners
That's a really interesting effect, did you highlight the edges already?
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I think there's just not as much traffic, you know?
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It's an old isometric RPG that came in the same jewel case as as Shogo: Mobile Armor Division.
Septerra Core has a lot of magitech. Shogo is a kind of janky first person mech game with on-foot and in-mech sections and a "we really want to be anime, but are Americans" story
Drybrush up to near white then wash in green. I'm on to details now.
Wow, all that and almost as much armor as a blackjack.
We're at double the regulars from the Forever 3145 days.
There is a reason /tg/ is possibly the only board that has actually seen lower traffic while every other board has increased, despite TTRPGs becoming more mainstream and popular, but if you mention it your post disappears.

I'm digging it, almost seems weathered already.
It's an old PC weeaboo fightan magic RPG with ATB mechanics and combination attacks in which the world is saved from certain doom through card games and a timely application of tramp stamps.
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>weeaboo fightan magic

Boy, I've not heard that in a long time...
The Shogo mechs can transform into hover vehicles to go sanic fast. But man, these graphics have aged like milk.
There is definitely WAY more traffic in these threads than there was back in the day. A single /btg/ thread used to last around 2 days.
christ, the era of late 3.5 experimentation leading into 4e's development is so long ago that my knees hurt when it rains now.
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Draw your own conclusions.
Seeing people get upset that Battlemechs stomp infantry will forever be funny.
Just don't get shot at, you trip-posting anon. You're supposed to hang back at 15 hexes.
This very thread has lasted two days
Are you dumb or do you not know how long two days are?
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Imagine No one Lives Forever without the spy gadgets, the story, the voice acting, the halfway decent looking 3D models and even worse shooting mechanics.
Instead, you get to occasionally pick between three big Doomguys with very long health bar.

Oni pretty much was the only one of the western weeb game somewhat above average.
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Feel free to tag my post when the new thread gets posted
>western weeb game somewhat above average.
Was Perfect Dark a weeb game because Nintendo?
Mostly former groundpounders and faggots, but I repeat myself.
Thoughts on the new Battlefield Support and mercenary campaign rules? I like the idea of simplified campaigns at least as they are logistically hard to run IRL.
Maybe share those rules too? Not all of usare american.
i want to read them first im liking the the vehicle cards so far
The guy who does Master Chief voices is in it.
Thanks man, it's a good side effect I hadn't considered.
Speaking of mechs, I need one more for this star. Currently got:
>Hunchback 2C
>Horned Owl
I'm not sure on what my last should be, maybe a Mongoose?
I understand it's good because it's directly built on the Goldeneye engine and any claim that it's trying to be anime would be far-fetched.
can you guys help me find a davion color scheme that is
>relatively easy/simple to paint (like, no white red stripes)
>not green (being used for some other lance)
>used by forces around introtech draconis march area
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We've all been living in armerica for like 30 or 40 years.
that's the overall board traffic, not the traffic of /btg/ threads.
Shit. I do not like any changes that simplify the game.
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I playtested them and noted my displeasure at the over simplification of infantry, vehicles, artillery, and air. Sadly, cgl does not appear to have listened.
>namefagging spikes during mutt elections
Expected on /pol/, but here?
That's kind of what they were designed to do, so that's not surprising. It's like complaining about the excessive involvement of water in new naval rules.
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I'm thinking Liebherr for the crane, Caterpillar for the digger and Manitou for the two cutter/welder mechs.
It makes them akin to as units, except you don't even have armour/structure pips. And dedicated infantry killing guns like machineguns, flamethrowers, and the like are now useless against platoons. There's fixed gunnery/piloting in one skill value.
They are beyond shit.
Read it again: the rulebook says AI weapons like flamers do extra damage to platoons.

In any case, again, they were designed to be simple, so they do their job in being simple. If you don't like them, use the real rules. What kind of simplification were you looking for that isn't too simple?
NEA and MCA have been trying to hold this general together for years, and NEA at least has been here since 2010 at least. Namefagging for good content has always been a thing here. NEA, MCA? Thoughts?
There shouldn't be simplified rules at all.
Accessibility is bad, the wider audience is bad, new players that are dissuaded by complexity are bad.
lol, and furthermore, lmao
>Read it again: the rulebook says AI weapons like flamers do extra damage to platoons.
Huh, they must have at least listened to something then
>What kind of simplification were you looking for
None. Simplification will be the death of Battletech and should be denied at all turns.
It has been shown time and again that corporations catering to people outside of the core fanbase deteriorates the quality of the product and only draws in undesirables.
Does anyone know of a good transparent file with a battletech sized hex grid that i can overlay on top of other images to make maps? I have specific ass needs not met by any of the existing maps
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>Accessibility is bad, the wider audience is bad, new players that are dissuaded by complexity are bad.
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I post here on anon way more than I do with the name. If you see me posting with a name on for stuff that's not relevant to one of my projects, that's just me forgetting to take it off. Namefagging for its own sake is bad, but it's sometimes useful to be a recognizable presence.

Cranky because your mechs don't have fire support from a Paris class sky battleship aren't you?
If I see someone saying "cranky because X?", it's probably you.
Your derision is meaningless because we all know you packed fudge.
Everytime I see Leviathans, I am reminded the IJN models don't exist yet and it fills me with sadness.
Unfortunately Japan is still a ways out. They'll be part of wave 2 along with Austria-Hungary and the USA. Gotta get the core 5 out first.

Someday, there will be Levs models on shelves. Someday.

Leave me out of thread drama tonight. My kid's making his debut as a professional operatic soloist in 20 minutes and I don't have the time or sufficient fucks for this bullshit today.
We're gonna show up and play a huge game of Battletech on that liverpool map
>My kid's making his debut as a professional operatic soloist in 20 minutes
>Better hop on 4chan to shitpost
Man, what a lucky kid!
You were more defensible before you became friends with bottom.
Who the fuck is bottom?
You've tried denying the person and reality before.
Do you really not know how bottom anon is? Genuinely? Honestly? Truly?
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Bottom-Anon used to show up in this thread to meme about batchalls and clan turbo death raptor occasionally, sometimes posts tummy, but more often posts mechs. Hasn't been seen in a while. Bottom and I ended up actually sharing a hotel room at Adepticon where the most exciting thing that happened was we watched Columbo. We also hung out with NEA for a few hours after meeting at the Leviathans demos. Picrel.

I don't think NEA and Bottom have talked since Adpeticon, though.
>we only watched movies!
The lady doth protest too much.
If effortposting isn't appreciated then the amount of effort decreases.
Unless the trans person advertising his body in /btg/ two days ago wasn't bottom, he was just here.
Yes, I'm new here.
>We only watched Columbo
>"Just one more thing..."
>Oh, nothing, I just think it's interesting that you're painting a Grand Dragon, when you told the murder victim you're a Davion player. Davions using a Grand Dragon. Ain't that somethin?
Well he's an annoying attention whore that uses /btg/ to beg for a boyfriend, post cropped gay porn and pictures of his body, and he's openly advocated for inserting identity politics into battletech.
>You know my wife is a big fan of black and gold,.
>What Davion unit would that be?
>Well you see, I recently began painting a Kuritan unit to oppose my Davions. It's only natural that I create an OpFor for my troops.
>Right, yeah, yeah, so you're building a set of enemies for your Syrtis Scourge company. Huh...that's just bizarre though. Syrtits Scourge...I'd a thought they'd be fighting Capellans.
>Well, I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for you building Kuritans anyway. I'll get outta your hair.
Probably a replacement fag, wouldn't put it past woke invaders to be on a discord together and the queer got sick of being demeaned here so he tagged in a fresh ally to take over shitting in our space.
Remember the fag admitted to posting here instead of reddit to deprive his perceived political enemies any space that doesn't have fags in it.
Donegal Guards
I'm sorry, what?
Have you heard of our lord and savoir the DMM red? It's only exactly the same scheme as the SoL.
If he wants a real answer he can look that up easily
Super, blessings to him!
isn't that the lyran one?
Realistically, how much damage could an assault mech do two handing a sword? Think it could cut into a building, or even cut a light mech/protomech in half?
You'd be better off with a fuckoff huge axe.
I need to make an effort to go to adepticon next year. I have had the means for a while, just not the inclination or a predictable enough schedule that far out. Would be fun to actually you know, go to a con and socialize with other semi-normals. I haven't been to a con since like Miscon in like 2014 or 2015 when I was still in highschool.
Isn't there a SPA that allows that? Otherwise, it should be the same rules for using a tree, girder, or severed mech limb.
Congratulations to you kid.
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How to strip paint from resin miniatures? I am not really loving how this Snow Raven Beta Galaxy is turning out, colors look off and I don’t like how I blocked them out in the first place.

I still want to paint something Snow Raven, preferably something that’s active up to IlClan so I can drop in at any point in the timeline, but I know for a fact I’m not fucking with Alpha Galaxy because I do not want to paint tiny feathers all over my mechs, that sounds miserable.
>Realistically, how much damage could an assault mech do two handing a sword?
Well, assuming two-handing doubles the damage, for a 100 ton Mech it'd be 22.
So I'd say a good chance of cleaving a Light Mech at least.
Simple green, LA's Awesome Orage
I'm pretty sure that it would be faster, cheaper and easier to just print another.
It's been on my to do list, life is busy. Sucks I'm not even 40 and been into BT for over 30 years. Never made to a BT con.
Can confirm with NEA, MCA have his moments, but sometimes it gets tiresome with his weeb waifu unit.

Now, there are some other past namefags that i would love to see here again, but they wisely choose to move on, or go back to post like anons...
>his weeb waifu unit.
If it makes you feel better, they aren't actually pretty or anything
Paint them how you want, no one will care. 90% of the "cannon" paintjobs are simply shit paintjob done 10-20 years ago by volunteers. Most have zero color sense. Only way they could get people to work for free recently is by offering cannon schemes if you do enough work for them by painting stuff for media/events.
Is that the one with the freehand image drawn on the King Crab? I appreciate the worksmanship.
It's "Canon" dumb-dumb.
I'm tired of you.

Have you sealed it? You might be able to paint over it.
Battletech is basically historical wargaming but with giant rowbuts because the creators need money to build their porch.
>no one will care
Have you considered that the guy painting them cares?
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unless they updated the special pilot ability since my copy of MechWarrior destiny was printed, the Zweihander ability does as follows
>The Zweihander ability grants the MechWarrior the ability to
punch or use any one-handed physical attack weapons with bothof their BattleMech’s arms, as long as the warrior’s ’Mech is equipped
with hand actuators on both arms. A two-handed attack can only
be delivered to targets in the Zweihander’s front arc and applies
all To-Hit Modifiers for any damage to actuators in both arms, in
addition to the normal modifiers for movement and terrain. If this
attack succeeds, it delivers additional damage equal to 1 point per
10 full tons of the attacker’s weight (2 if the attacker’s ’Mech has
Triple-Strength Myomer active). However, the attacker must then
make an immediate Critical Hit check against their own unit on the
arm where the attacking weapon is mounted (or on both arms, if the
Zweihander attack is delivered unarmed).
Any critical hit effects that occur will apply in the End Phase
of the current turn and will not affect the damage delivered by the
Zweihander attack itself.
so a 100 tonner with a sword would do 21 points of damage or 31 with TSM, though could be outpaced by an 80 ton mech with a mace, as the mace would do 20 damage (mech weight divided by 4) with an additional 8 from zwiehander (mech weight divided by 10 added to base damage) for a total of 28 damage, and 36 with TSM. I think that's the most damage a melee attack can do, though I could be wrong. (not counting some shit like glueing a nuke to your mech's fist or something.)
Nah, my unit is just this black and gold with red recess. I don't do much freehand, the guy with the King Crab is way better at it than I am.
Holy shit, just propose to the namefags already. It's tiring seeing you verbally suck them off so much.
> I don't have the time or sufficient fucks for this bullshit today.
Who do you think you're fooling? If that were true you wouldn't have even responded.
>Leave me out of thread drama tonight.
How you gonna get involved in drama? Like just turn off the screen. lol
If you don't have a pet force that you've expended a lot of time and effort on and done at least a little fiddling around with their lore/backstory, I think you're approaching the game wrong. Maybe not "wrongfun", but you're certainly missing out. I don't usually post my mercs here because I think they kinda look like shit but I'm more than happy to post the Falcons.

It's fun making characters and seeing them change and grow with time and experience, adds a personal dimension to the random battles which in of themselves are also fun. Sure everyone's gonna have their own board line weird idiosyncrasies, but it's always more fun to play against the meticulously constructed and babied force than the 1st Grey Plastic Division. That's my 2 CV-bills.
Too many anons here are obsessed with staying well within the confines of established lore, even going so far as to treat it like 40k with rigid codex lists of faction exclusive units.
There's so much blank space in the lore intentionally left for you to fill in. These guys technically have a canon scheme and organization, there's just absolutely 0 details as to what/who's in the 9th Talon Cluster or who's commanding them at the timeframe I've built them around. I can add in whatever I want within those restrictions; that's the fun. Autism be damned.
I don't find people interesting enough to care about or create OC characters.
Restrictions are fun. Having access to everything and the kitchen sink is boring.
I like my third Benjamin regulars, and I like trying to build my force around the limitations that entails. I’ll have fun the way I like, and I suspect you’ll have fun the way you like.
>Having access to everything and the kitchen sink is boring.
Then go play a game with restrictions, like 40k
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What are you trying to do? Flavor? An effective star? (Not possible with those selections, but whatevs.) How many points?

The 66b Mongoose has always been a solid performer for me. Also worthy of consideration at about the same price point is the Db Hussar (faster, no ML's, no heat issues, more armor) and the Piranha, particularly the 2.
battletech has similar restrictions if you don't ignore them
Not every merc company NEEDS to have stumbled upon a castle brian or have collected mechs from every end of the inner sphere. Some people like playing rank and file mooks.
Show me the rules I'm ignoring.
I'll give the Simple Green a shot, shouldn't be hard to find. Thanks.

If I owned the printer, I would. I probably ought to get one eventually, if only I had the space.

I like the Ravens, so I wanted to do one of their color schemes. Yeah, I know it doesn't matter for pickup games but that's why I have generic camo on so many things. I wanted to do something different and start painting some mechs as if they came from a specific unit.
>openly advocated for inserting identity politics into battletech.
So whats the problem?
Must be shitty mercs that have never salvaged a fallen enemy mech, never bought one from their employer faction, never bought one on the international free market.
That and merc companies tend to hire mechwarriors who have their own mechs, who do come from literally all over the inner sphere.
>if only I had the space.
My printer lives and operates in a rubbermaid tote under a table.
Who's going to sell you a screecher?
Don't you have to worry about like ventilation or some shit, and set up a curing station for resin? I hadn't researched it much since I figured it was one of those things that's a pain in the ass to recalibrate if you move it around or in/out of storage. I think I recall something about the FDM printers having issues with leveling if you don't keep them totally flat or if you move them. Just figured it was one of those things where the printer ought to have a permanent spot.
Are you going to bring a dragon II to a 3025 game?
Are you going to bring a clan mech to a pre-invasion 3025 game?
Most of these dudes are MekHQ generated, that being said they develop weird quirks in my experience the more you play with them.

'Everything and the kitchen skin' wasn't really the focus of my post. Everything I have is valid for the Jihad era timeframe I built them around with the exception of the Jade Phoenix and that's not really a part of the force just yet. They're also a common enough set of mechs I can just drag and drop individuals together to make a force for a 1 off skirmish using whatever variant is appropriate. My main point was, if you don't really 'build out a force' you just buy a bunch of mechs and slap some paint on them, you're missing out on the narrative experience. The fun of having a unit and tracking the personnel battle to battle. It adds that extra layer to a game, even a random skirmish, makes it more fun to play and more fun to read other people playing.

Like that guy who posted the Diamond Shark vs Inner-Sphere batt-rep in PDF format with background? That shit was cool as fuck; I really want to start doing that.

Ventilation is a good idea, and there are a number of ways to tackle it. Washing and curing can be as simple as shaking up your prints in a pickle jar full of alcohol and then putting them out in the sun, but lower end curing stations are pretty inexpensive. There is nothing to calibrate unless you remove the vat, and even then, you're usually good to go if you install the same vat. Relevelling a resin printer takes less than five minutes when it does become necessary, which is very infrequently.

Inappropriate for minis. Don't let anyone tell you differently. Resin for minis, FDM for large scenery and actual structural things. The cheap ones are indeed a pain in the ass to level and keep levelled, but the expensive fancy ones do that automatically.
Look at the costs for transport. Unless you're a big name merc unit with your own jumpship, you're not going to be doing a tour of duty across all the successor states, probably fighting for or against the same two or three houses in the same region of space for almost their entire existence.
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>Are you going to bring a clan mech to a pre-invasion 3025 game?
>one of those things that's a pain in the ass to recalibrate if you move it around or in/out of storage.
I have had mine in storage, moved around hundreds of miles in a truck and it is still plug and play, only had to level the plate when I first bought it.
Ventilation is as easy as having an open window within a few feet of it.
Don't know, that's for terrain and bigger lower detail stuff.
Using something before it exists is rather obvious, production dates are part of the game.
But no faction has exclusive possession of anything, if the game were meant for that we'd have codexes with army lists and rules explicitly stating to stick to them.
>Inappropriate for minis. Don't let anyone tell you differently

Oh for sure, I only mentioned them since I was aware the leveling was an issue on those, but like I said, I'm not well-researched in 3D printers yet. Thanks for the info though - might be worth looking into getting one of my own sooner rather than later.
Then I imagine the odds are low you'll be allowed to play.
Is it obvious? Is there a rule saying you can't?
And what of the one-off mechs that were only built by a single faction and were confirmed to be destroyed?
>might be worth looking into getting one
I went from a dozen or two minis a year to an average of one every 3 days in the past year, at less than half the price, it paid for itself in my first weekend of printing.
I bet some of you would complain about a guy having a Kuritan lance that's 3 Panthers and a dragon because it doesn't have a Raven or something.
is it plausible to think that the clans might have sent people other than just the dragoons for scouting before the invasion? (like mw5 mc's dad) or the dragoons and that's it, the other clans or the clans as a whole didn't bother to sent out their own?
They will not dare refuse my batchall, anon.
>verification not required
what the fuck is a batchall
Not really. Nobody was actually interested in scouting. The Crusaders wanted a full blown invasion, and the Wardens wanted to prevent that. The Dragoons were only ever a compromise that nobody was actually happy with.

However, it is easy to imagine an alternate timeline where the Clan Invasion happened 50 years earlier. All that it would have taken was for one of the Crusader clans to defy the council and invade anyway. The other Crusaders would immediately follow, not wanting to be left out.
if your mercenary lance isn't three archangels and an orca, they are probably shit and you're playing the game wrong. or so I've heard.
I don't think it's IMPLAUSIBLE is it LIKELY I err towards >>93391135 's assement. No one was really interested in scouting. It has military utility so it would make sense to do a little, but nothing on the scale of the Wolf's Dragoons who got like a full regiment of mechs. Several Clans are known to have fucked around pretty extensively in the periphery (a few Periphery bondsman are seen in the books pre-invasion)
Since when do the clans care about military utility?
>(a few Periphery bondsman are seen in the books pre-invasion)
can you elaborate? passage?
how the fuck someone can NOT be interested in gathering intel before launching a millitary operation?
Not a problem with pet forces, i personally have two (Knights of Randis and 69th Heavy Hussars). But sometimes MCA post the same minis WAY too much, as much an NulnAnon.
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In Way of the Clans the bondsman who adjusts Aidan's neuro-helmet at the end of his first round of warrior training lets it slip he's from the periphery and hints a littlebit about the Inner-Sphere.
Dont remember anything pre-invasion. They took peripheric bondsmen during it.
For as much meming about 'lololol clans are retards' they actually do have a legitimate understanding of the conduct of war. They hamstrung themselves initially because they didn't understand war at a strategic scale. Their failings are almost always operational and strategic blunders. Mech-to-mech, even when numerically inferior, they regularly beat the spheroid's asses.
It's not a meme, the clans don't understand war, they understand how to duel within the confines of their very specific honor system.
That doesn't mean they understand war, and their utter strategic incompetence proves they don't.
To imply they, as in ALL OF THEM, wouldn't see the value military utility in any kind of scouting because 'the clans don't understand war' when really they suck at logistics, is retarded. Your semantic distinction is irrelevant to the point.
To successfully wage war is to understand strategy and tactics, war is not dueling.
The clans understand neither strategy nor tactics. All of their military success comes from technological superiority, skilled warriors that only understand personal combat, and, most importantly, authors that decided the clans win.
The clans don't understand war, nor do they care, and to practice it in the conventional manner is itself dezgra and grounds for reaving. Those who care for anything besides "clan honor", individuals and clans alike, are exceptions and looked upon with suspicion.
That you believe they understand conventional war indicates you have a deep misunderstanding of quite a few things about the clans.
The impression I had on reading some of the MW5 stories is that Nikolai Mason is actually a merchant caste runaway/washout who rolled with dark caste bandits before making it to the IS. Seems more like he was escaping Clanner pirate life than playing scout.
so, even when you're skilled more than enough to qualify for a warrior, if you're just unlucky that day, the technician was lazy, or the guy next to you pulled free-for-all in the trial of position or something then you're fucked for rest of your life?
As I understand it generally yeah, though Ghost Bear apparently allows second chances as an example. Could fail out of an Elemental position, and in theory successfully test into a MechWarrior position as I understand it.
>the clans are retarded and don't even have basic grasp of large scale war, but the dragoons somehow was good enough to become the best mercs in the inner sphere and somehow was able to set up the one of the best intelligence agency out of thin air
>what is unreasonable shit tier author fiat?
None of what you said is actually substantiated by any texts. You're protraying the most strict interpretation of Zel as a universal ethic of all clans, through-out the entire time line. This goes out the window as soon as the invasion starts.

Pre-invasion yes, this is literally the plot of Way of the Clans.

Post Invasion, everyone becomes a lot more pragmatic. There's several instances of people getting second chances just because they need bodies.

Don't cite examples, this guy is coked-up on his preconceived notions and vibes.
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Cleaning up the panel lining, then off to cockpit jeweling.
IS are bad at fighting how many times must it be said
The "texts" mention at length how the clans had zero idea how to handle logistics or strategy, they just kept rolling through planets because batchalling the garrison solved everything, and the IS very conveniently no longer had warships to contest the warships that the clans similarly conveniently still had, according to the authors.
The power of single mindedly pursuing your plot goal and ignoring all the contradictions and bad writing that creates.
>clan society is easily able to out compete inner sphere states
>laborers have an average life expectancy of 58 btw
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>no bottom annon.
we truly live in a society...
Both of things can be true. Maybe the IS is just that shit that a Clan society with a 58 year life expectancy can out compete them. But you won't consider that because you want your opinion to be right.
>maybe the IS is just that shit
The average life expectancy for the entire IS is 90.
wrong pic, forgot i had the OG and cropped but it doesn't dhow which is which.
god fucking dammit
and every day that is true is a blessing
I see that you're new to the lore. You have some reading ahead of you.

Depends on the clan, the era, and the specifics. Officially most Clans didn't allow it around the time of the invasion, but in practice, at least some did under varying circumstances. Jags, Blood Spirit, HH and Vipers are mentioned specifically in Warriors of Kerensky.

With regards to luck being a factor, that may not be accidental. I'm reminded of Larry Niven's Known Universe setting of sci-fi novels, where one of the subplots is that an alien race convinced humans to institute a birth lottery to keep the population size in check, but it was secretly an experiment to see if luck had a genetic component and whether or not it could be developed via evolution.
Doesn't have anything to do with their ability to put compete the Clans.
Really? How many countries with sub-60 average life expectancy are out competing any of the actually productive countries on earth. Do command economies have a proven, consistent record of success and efficiency?
Perhaps you are completely illiterate regarding the topics of economics and demographics, so you aren't aware that average life expectancy has an almost 1-1 correlation with a country's HDI ranking?
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this has nothing to do with battletech. post game stuff
If you'd read the books, you'd know why Clan life expectancies are low. Their health care is comparable to the Star League, which it basically is.
>clan medical care is prioritized for the most productive members of society, just like all other resources
>resources are limited and birth rates are high
>clanners did the math and concluded that replacing humans instead of fixing them is more efficient
>scientists still average ~80 years because they can remain productive while old and infirm, and are therefore worth fixing to a point
>warriors die early because CERPPCs
>laborers die less early but still early because it's simple to train more

I swear to fuck half the people here get their info strictly from Tex and Red. Read the fucking books. All of this is explained.
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I suppose that's one way to concede.
>post game stuff
No. Battletech is real life and if something doesn't work in real life it won't work in Battletech either
>the clanners did the math and concluded X is more efficient
No, clanners can't do math, and the authors concluded the clans won.
I made a Clint II in an effort to make a mook, and tis Clint II is both lighter, cheaper, and better armed than the regular Clint. How?
I'm guessing you didn't use an AC/5. Otherwise being lighter tends to make something cheaper if you don't go stuffing it with fancier tech.
>I deliberately came into a game setting I do not like, and now I am mad about it. How could this possibly happen?
>I think you have to believe the clans make sense to like battletech
Since Clans ARE the setting now yes, you do. If you don't like them, then you should not be here.
so based
>I think you have to believe the clans make sense to like the clans
you would have had to make something that is nothing like the clint and inexplicably named it after the clint
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you dare not recognize his batchall?!
so, carrying mg ammo and/or xl engines and stuffs are less detrimental to light mechs, because they're fucked when they get hit anyway?
yeah, but you get BV discounts on those anyway. It's also often worth dropping piloting in something with zero armor since if you need to take a psr you are dead anyway
>Blocks your path
>headshots you
No it uses an AC5, but the Light AC5.
>unaware of phelan wolf discussing his shock at seeing "vintage" star league non-military stuff in common clan use
>unaware that the clans didn't bother developing anything non-military past star league standards because they didn't care about it
>unaware that the clans never forgot star league tech, and in fact continued using it

As a rule of thumb, I don't apologize to secondaries, but I do feel bad that you came here and tried to have a reasoned discussion without knowing much about the setting. You should probably go back.

While you're seething in the 40k thread, read some books. They literally explain all of this, and you would know that if you'd read them. This is not 40k. The lore is deep, and it's not easily summarized on Youtube.
Protip for FDM printers (esp. cheap ones): Level the print bed after you preheat it. When the bed heats up, it expands and warps fractionally enough that it's hard to notice but will fuck up your leveling.
nta, but why do you guys bring up 40k as some kind of derogatory term? like, many guys in my gaming group/store play 40k, some even play both 40k and battletech, and most of them are cool dudes. they sometimes tell me about their setting and i can see why quite a lot of people like it
I genuinely like his custom mech. PPC capacitors are cool.
I like that its mostly similar to the invictus/commodus just slightly tweaked, makes it feel like a realistic custom
I figure the idea is newcomers who get most of their lore through youtubers like the BPL/Tex and BigRed were part of the '40k refugee wave' that happened in the last few years, and that parroting the same memes, jokes, and generalizations is a sign of someone who's new and hasn't gone through the material themselves.
many reasons

1. Meme lore. These are the guys that know nothing about the setting outside of memes, call the imperium "the empire" and perpetuate meme lore enough that people start to think its actually canon. Now they are more common in battletech with le steiner scoutlance and pay your phonebills memes, (I actually hate BPL now because of this).

2. Warhammer is a more sweaty game with more of an emphasis on factions so some people perceive ex warhammer players as bringing too much of a competitive mindset or not understanding how factions in BT work.
I think it's less to do with Clanners determining what is more efficient and more due to their philosophy. Clanners believe that thanks to their eugenics program each subsequent generation is inherently superior to the previous one, so why bother keeping around obsolete models. It's the same reason most warriors who grow old (i.e. over 30) without dying in combat get shuffled off to garrison duty or get given a Hunchback IIC and told to go die gloriously in battle.
What if I build my own Mechs?
Then you're playing a custom mech manufacturer's security force rather than a custom merc company
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CGL took Bottom Anon from us!
They only want us to have Corporate Approved homosexual crushes on Officially Licensed Fembois, those bastards!
Mercs could feasibly frankenmech things out of won salvage (esp. to repair their mechs in lean times or away from advanced facilities), but trying to scratch-build something out of that is probably going to be less efficient than just selling the scrap and buying a mech, especially once you factor in trying to maintain it.
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Mech pilots are asleep, post conventional assets.
>>clanners did the math and concluded that replacing humans instead of fixing them is more efficient

I know that's canon, but I always need to take the moment to point out that that's bad math. The cost to feed, cloth, and raise a child until they're productive is way higher than the cost of the routine medical treatment necessary to get people to live into their 70s.
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Altthough this mech is here for scale
It's the same reason most RPG players outside of 5th ed have a lot of scorn for 5th ed players. Popular yet weak ruleset, lowest-common-denominator playerbase.
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It's a battleforce map anon
Funny how people claim to love combined arms but don't play dark age when everyone even the clans embraces it. I'm talking galaxies where more than half and as many as 4/5s of the points are vtols, vees, battle armor or CONVENTIONAL infantry
>Then you're playing a custom mech manufacturer's security force rather than a custom merc company

>trying to scratch-build something out of that is probably going to be less efficient
Not necessarily, thought it might be abusing game abstractions that make Campaign play possible; Basically every Mech Component besides the Center Torso is considered interchangeable.
The Dougram Trio, all being 55 tonners, effectively have cross compatibility under these rules.
Thanks for the recs anon, I was also considering an Ostroc. Yeah, it's a flavour thing, it's a Falcon 2nd line star, so its going to be a mix of newer non omni mechs and older legacy SL clinkers that are still operational.
Griffin iic is really good
I recall there being one on the booru.
anyone have that line of sight infographic?
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Not sure if it's the latest version
>Are you going to bring a clan mech to a pre-invasion 3025 game?
Death Commandos.
Aye, sadly it's hard to come by the unseen version, and I'm building this star entirely from non-CGL metals.
so mechs count as 2 levels high, regardless of their weight class/size? (like, assaults tends to be taller modelwise)
Yes. There is significant debate as to how much mechs actually vary in size.
a hit dog will holler lmao
and all woods are level 2 as well? how about buildings? 1 story = level 1 and so on?
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I think this is the latest; it's more recent in any case.
All woods are 2 levels and you're correct about buildings
Vehicles, infantry, BA, protomechs are all 1 level high.
Dropships are 5 levels high
Superheavy mechs are 3 levels high but you don't see many of those
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Do you play combined arms in the dark age?
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Have you prayed today? Or are you a disappointment to Morgan Kell, Patron Saint of Archer?
That's because dark age is ass and combined arms is just as viable in non-ass eras.
dark age is based and combined arms is viable sure but its much more common lore wise in dark age
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If I were playing Dark Age, not only would I pack infantry heavy combined arms, but I'd also bring an IndustrialMech Technical. When else will I have the chance to?
By playing campaigns where the morally ambiguous player force are tasked with stopping striking miners who have modded their Dig Kings with military equipment
Knowing my group, they'd side with the striking miners and turn it into a Seven Samurai situation. We're playing Lancer for a reason.
isnt lancer woke
That's why you pre-establish that they *aren't* the good guys at the start.

and tell them they aren't getting paid to side with strikers. Mechs won't repair themselves
Please understand that the clan's low life expectancy is because their warriors die before they hit fifty due to being assigned to suicide squads and them having a very spartan mindset of "if you can't work, you don't live". They basically off people instead of giving them a pension to retreat and live their old years away, for the most part. Live fast, die young, leave your genetic imprint behind. It's not analoguous to real third world countries in the slightest

You're saying that nobody, not a single person, ever, across the entire clan society, could have gone "Fuck you dad! I'm invading the Inner Sphere myself!" and fucked off to the Periphery?

Because modern 40k is shit, the lore is superhero-tier and nobody writes their own lore or plays their own subfaction anymore. It's one big reason why so many fled 40k to come play Battletech instead, only to see there being a push to making it more like 40k.
How are they getting to the IS exactly?
Thing is. 5th ed isnt even bad. But all its modules etc are all fuckawfully retarded and shithouse.

Like there is one with a horde of undead... and the actual FIGHT part is supposed to be handwaved in the module. There is nothing in it to actually FIGHT the big fight the whole fucking thing is even about. The whole module is just retarded free to play open world mmo tier fetch quest nonsense to add to the handwaving part of the big fight.

Imagine, if you will, a battletech campaign of "The battle of tukayyid"... and your players entire part... is to drive trucks of supplies and dig trenches.
Well, now you just show your misunderstanding of fairly basic memery. 'Pay your phone bills fucko' isnt a
>comstar cool/good/badass
meme. Well, it isn't JUST that. It is ALSO a 'fuck comstar, they are giant assholes' meme.

Which pretty well sums up the goddam phone company having more guns than the fucking army on any given planet.
sounds kino
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>giving a shit about "woke"
Lancer has a mech with an exploding lance and a ramjet named after my favorite historical admiral, who gives a shit about anything else
All games are woke

To be less snarky, there are probably some records in existence, they could have been with the Wolf's Dragoons, or they could find other like-minded "Fuck you, dad!" individuals from the other castes and fuck off to the IS/periphery together. The scale of space is so vast that it's foolish to just say "no" to the possibility of such things happening.

Not that I'd personally want to see Clan mechs pre-invasion or honestly post-invasion either, but it's plausible if someone -really- wanted to do so, I'd be willing to write it into the game.
This is exactly the reason I write these. Validation from strangers
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>officially licensed femboys.
this is CGL, they're going to give us ugly ass troon niggas, like the moderators of two specific sites.
Shouldn't you be cowering in terror of NEA's batchall right now?
that cowardly bitch refused to play me, why should I be cowering from him?
My issue with Lancer is that it's supposed to be a game about mech combat bit the mechs explicitly don't matter in the setting. They're purely propaganda pieces with everything actually important handled by the navy. So why don't we get to play as the guys who actually matter instead of some chumps that only exist for PR?
under what circumstances would students in military acadeny (like new avalon, sun zhang and etc) be sent to war?
This is like saying that the Flying Tigers didn't matter in WW2 because all the real fighting was done by armies. Mass scale warfare is mostly handled by the various navies, sure, because it's a space setting, but there's still loads of stuff that mechs do, including boarding actions as part of the naval engagements.

Campaign I'm playing in right now is about power struggles on a planet inspired by 19th century Russia. We were sent here to protect the tech team that was going to fix the planetary printer, but the space tsar learned about how the Union will break up their system of serfdom and threw his lot it with some anti-Union power. Now the five of us have to escape an entire planetary army hunting us and get to their enemies. We can't rely on the Navy for help, because it took us 35 years of cryogenic travel to get here, and Navy help is another 35 years away.

It's definitely different from Battletech, but it has some fun stuff.
When their military academy is invaded by the enemy
it happened in Ilclan, jade falcon invaded mars and massacred everyone
Desperation. Usually it's the grunts that suffer attrition, though, and most armies will have a surplus of junior officers, so the straits will have to be dire. An easier solution is to have the academy itself be besieged.
Anon, it's a tabletop game. It's as "woke" as whatever group you're playing it with.
how the fuck is the zeus an assault mech with only 11.5t of armor?
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you must have a very sad and lonely life if you're still doing this over a year later.
i pity your family who sadly shares the same genetic pool as you.
because it's assault weight, the cyclops armor isn't any much fairer
Surprisingly often in BT, and it always raises an eyebrow from me. Mostly because the fiction tends to treat them like a regiment that is ready to mobilize, pretty cohesive, etc. In real life, other than scenarios where they're just defending themselves in their immediate vicinity, probably never.
Same way the Victor is an assault mech. 3025 tonnage doesn't tell a good story if intended design role.
Victor has jump jets taking up its tonnage, Zeus just has bad weapon choices.
Why are you talking to yourself? Did you forget to take your meds?
wow you're very original and creative, retard.
bussy has spent the last year trying to convince everyone that there's someone who pretends to be him, because he can't just either admit he's an idiot or stop namefagging.

it's extra sad because if he just took the name off he wouldn't get mocked because his posts would disappear into the background of dumb shit. i have to wonder if he has a humiliation fetish and this is how he gets off.
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Never forget
why do you feel the urge to project your faggy fetishes every time? this isn't reddit
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>Bussy believes the photo is actually NEA
In before him insisting it's someone else pretending to be him. Because that'd make sense on a completely unrelated board.
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hmmmm, i wonder why that post with my name doesn't have a (YOU)
new thread? new thread! >>93393133

check the latest, retard
Because you're both a phone poster and a desktop poster
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Get your minis off of the lord's book.
Yes. People that aren't fags give a shit about not having to deal with "woke" and only the pro-woke types like you would even say such a thing.
Oh look, another horrible namefag.
That may factor into it, but the stated reason is that they'd rather have the freebirths fuck more lower castemen into existance than try to maintain the existing ones past the point of uselessness.

I actually layed out a scenario of how this could have happened, but the chances are low. There are too many hurdles. At a bare minimum, I'm going to need an invasion force large enough to have a chance of succeeding and enough jumpships to transport them. Then, since no navigator knows the entire trip, I'll need enough navigators to be able to figure it out. At this point, we're basically involving a whole clan, so we'll need the khan on board with it. Then, because we're violating the edicts of the grand council, we should expect a trial of annhilation coming our way once everyone that hates us is done batchalling each other for the right smash all of our shit up, meaning that anything or anyone left behind in clan space is forfeit.

That having been said, it wouldn't be completely beyond the realm of imagining that one of the crazier Crusader clans said, "Fuck it, and fuck you, we're invading anyway," moved as much of their shit as possible into the IS with the aim of staying there, and other Crusader clans deciding to follow suit soon after. That actually complicates things for you, as one or more of those invading clans might be coming after you just as much as they're going after the IS. ("We will follow those traitors as far as we have to in order to destroy them...even into the IS, if necessary.")

So could it happen? Yes, but if you're the khan, you're betting your entire clan on a number of things going just your way. Odds are that you're going to wind up without a clan at the end of it. The safer choice would be to use politics in order to influence the council to sanction an invasion, which is how things actually played out.
> Right so I've designed the mech with heavy influence from teutonic knights, what shall we name it?
>Based on a knight? I dunno, something British, Nelson?
>The 18th century admiral? Sure that makes sense
Fuckin' yanks
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Trying to clear my pile of unpainted shame before my Kickstarter stuff arrives. Primed and zenithal highlighted these (Striker, Fire, Heavy Lance + Essentials) last night.

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