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Hey who wants to do an asymmetrical base assault game?
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>greatest Wolf warrior in history vs average Falcon solahma
I'm a bit confused about Caseless ammunition looking at Sarna, is Caseless a discrete ammo type that can be used Autocannons and Light Autocannons, or is it just the ammo for Caseless Autocannons, which don't seem to actually exist? Is it that if you take any caseless autocannon ammo for a normal autocannon, that is the only ammo type you can take?

Why does CGL have to monkey paw everything about autocannons?
wasnt natasha like 120 years old
Yes, No, Yes

Just use precision ammo
>looking at Sarna
Found the problem. If you check the BMM, pg 106, Caseless is a discrete ammo type that can be used with ACs and LACs, and it specifically locks you out of other special ammo types.

So it's good when you want more ammo capacity, like on an AC20 with only one ton of ammo, but kinda pointless on anything lighter or better supplied.
Reposting my newer battle report from the earlier thread, 6000bv, clan invasion era, Kurita versus Mercenaries using the Instant Action rules. Fun ruleset, would recommend for people who don't want to write their own scenarios
This is some seriously good production value for a batrep. Glad you're enjoying Instant Action. Your Kuritan commander brought glory to the Dragon and fought valiantly in defeat.
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The rules are clear enough - you get twice the ammo for that specific cannon, your autocannon can not use standard or any other special ammo types any longer and you suffer UAC double tap rolls.

Also BT has fluff about gas injection autocannons and their missiles fully combusting upon impact - shell, fins, engine, guidance parts and all, so they got multiple systems that could be used for caseless autocannons in general use.
I play the Mercenaries. Kuritan force lore was made up for this scenario other than the fact that they were the 1st ALAG, since that's what my opponent wanted to play them as.

It's a fun way of thinking about the situation on the battlefield and usually emerges from the decisions on the field and the rolls of the dice. Hell, the entire plot came to be because that Catapult had a different paintjob than the rest of his lance. It's much easier to write about a Jenner pilot being an alpha-striking maniac after seeing her do so three times in the span of seven turns, rather than writing about it first and then seeing her act differently on the battlefield.

It also helps others, especially the "former 40k crowd" to realize that it's not actually that hard to write narrative for /yourdudes/, and that it can be very enjoyable to do so. Even if it's just giving names for /yourdudes/.

And for me, personally, it's a great way to learn more about the lore since I have to try and fit the conflict somewhere into the setting as well.

In the Diamond Gambit I played the clanners against three of my friends but was glad to lose since the Carmine Company are /mydudes/
Seeing this got me to do some more work on Instant Action. New feature: Each scenario makes it so one player sets up the battlefield, getting to choose which mapsheets to use, and usually the other player chooses which side they deploy on or move towards

I'm finally actually rewriting the scenarios for v4. This is mostly a matter of rewording things to be combined arms friendly and account for the above, but Convoy at minimum is getting a full replacement.
Looking at various ACs and comparing AC/5s:
The OG, everything else is just riffs on these. Can use special munitions. 2/5/10/20
>Ultra Autocannons
Autocannons but heavier that can't use special munitions, but you get a 41% chance to double your damage while doubling your heat and ammo. Can't use Special Ammo, small chance to get gunked up and unusable for the rest of the game. 2/5/10/20
>LBX Autocannons
Standard Autocannons that take up more crits, but come with an extra hex of short range and can fire crit seeking shot shells with a to hit bonus. 2/5/10/20
>Hyper Velocity Autocannons
Meme shit with 2 extra hexes of short range, but can't use special ammo, weigh significantly more (12 tons for an AC/5, wtf), less ammo, more heat, can't use special ammo, and have a whole host of other drawbacks like exploding and making smoke. 2/5/10. (An IS extended range AC/20 that could reach out to 15 hexes would actually be worth it)
>Light Autocannons
Autocannons with sane tonnage and crit requirements, but drop a hex of short range. Can use special munitions. Pretty much a straight upgrade in most cases, probably why they're only available for class 2/5
>Rotary Autocannons
A mashup of ultra, light, and LBX autocannon technology that drops a hex of short range, the ability to use special ammo and adds two tons and two crits for the ability pepper the target with up to six damage clusters per turn in exchange for six times the heat and ammo and ever increasing chances to jam, which at least can be cleared. 2/5

These actually seem fairly well balanced amongst themselves.
Update: I also realized that Running Retreat makes way more sense as Hold vs Recon than Confront vs Recon, and Investigate & Withdraw works fine as Confront vs Recon. So those will be swapping.

The extra medium and long range on LBX autocannons is huge too. The LB20 being 4/8/12 instead of 3/6/9 is a huge improvement.
I'm glad that you're getting motivated too!
They all seemed to be standard range brackets of Medium being 2x Short and Long being 3x Short so there didn't seem to be a reason to note that.
I personally was simping over you yesterday/last thread when I was posting my Falcons. Good work man. I need to take more pictures so I can actually write a decent batrep.
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Silly bird. Aerospace combat is Snow Raven territory.
rac can't use special ammo iirc
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Praise jesus and pass the autocannon ammunition. Gotta reload and get these mechs back in the action. Thar be clanners to stomp.

Have i told the thread recently how fucking awesome the HBK C is?
>Thar be clanners to stomp.
>Have i told the thread recently how fucking awesome the HBK C is?
Miss me with that clan shit and just use the HBK-4G as intended. HBK-4P if you're feeling funny.
Personally my favorite Hunchback variant is the -4SP, it pairs really well with the 4G.
You would be correct, as indicated in that post you're replying to.

The hbk c IS the hbk 4g. Only 2 - 3 times more awesomer.
It's also about twice as expensive.
should have had an AND rather than a comma
>Made by clan wolf
Clantech, therefore shit.
Bitch bitch bitch.
HBK C is best HBK.
Sure, if you want to play post dark-ages era with clan mechs. I don't, since that's shit.
You can have HBK C all the way from golden century through to ilclan.
This looks really good, I'm impressed you put a lot of effort into something like this. No sarcasm.
>Have i told the thread recently how fucking awesome the HBK C is?
You haven't finished those mechs yet, haven't based them, and your trying to push one of the many retarded "just slap clan tech onto it" ilsham 'upgrades'.
Too bad, this is a 3058 game, you will take your 4g's and like them 4n or a swayback, if your feeling spicey.
Nope, only in the Dark Ages onwards
They're available before the clans even invent omnimechs. Get fucked.
Wrong. Its built from the ground up with clantech.
Then show me where they're listed as a non-unique available during any of the eras prior to the Dark Age. Bonus points if you can find it in a sourcebook
MUL. and on its card.
If you played the game you would understand the value of BV.
HBK C has an entirely reasonable PV.
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Is it? Huh.
Hunchback C and hunchback IIC are not the same thing
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Definitely can be used in the Golden Century.

Nulnfag did not mean the IIC
Sorted the final mech out for my 2nd line star, dug out a spare old Mercury, though I might still replace it with an Ostroc or Exterminator. So its:
>Kraken, command mech (ancient, rumoured to be part of the first run. The techs are amazed at how well it holds up and easy it is to maintain. Pilot is either 28 or 30, noone is sure his real age. Ex-frontline for unspecified reasons)
>Conjourer (isorla taken from the Wolves. Relegated to the reservists as its seen as being below a warriors worth)
>HBK IIC (piloted by a 34 year old pilot who tested out of frontline service due to an injury, she seethes constantly over this. Mech itself is relatively new)
>Horned Owl (piloted by a freebirth who tested up, mech known to occasionally stumble or slip, usually just in time to avoid an otherwise fatal shot. Techs mystified, pilot refuses to question. Quirk only emerged after right leg was destroyed and replaced)
>Mercury (the dreaded assignment. Pilots always get incredibly jittery no matter their temperament. Techs hate working on it, insist it's haunted, and keep placing paper seals inside its armour. Everyone gets uneasy when in proximity. Oldest mech in the star, believed to be pre-Amaris War vintage. Service history scrubbed for unknown reasons)

It's a Clan refit of a classic IS mech, just like all the other IlSham refits. Same design, they just slapped some clantech into it. Anyway, 3058. No HBK-C's. What do?
I went with a Gargoyle A, Phoenix Hawk IIC 5, Hellhound 4, Shadow Hawk IIC, and a Locust IIC 4 for my second line star. The Gargoyle pilot managed to keep his Omni but won't be able to regain enough honor to actually leave the star.
You should try reposing them.
No it isnt. It has clan everything. No part of it is IS tech. Not the bones. Not the engine. Nothing.
If i was not a total spaz maybe. But me and sharp implements? Liable to take out an eye. And an arm. That way leads madness.
>Ultra Autocannons
PPC range with UAC10s, nobody expects you to double tap for 2x10, but they all count on you getting a stovepipe, making it heavily underrated. The additional hexes the UAC20 get also seem to mystify many human players.
Neat, I like your choices anon. Got any backstory to any of the pilots or machines?

It's an InnerSphere mech you nonce, and no amount of wolf cocksucking will change that fact.
And no, it isnt 3058 faggot. Because we aint playing shit with you. Goalpost moving retard.

HBK C is best HBK. That is all.
Now either disprove by posting better HBK. Or shut your lying whore mouth you goalpost loving fuck. Take your whataboutism and ahove it wherw the sun never shines.
Does the IS UAC/20 get extra range, or just the CUAC/20?
Wrong. Its a total clan build OF an ancient IS design. But all its components are clan. All of them.
Bleeding is a normal part of learning when working with knives. There's a basic body of handling advice that will make sure you only suffer shallow cuts in the process.

Plus you're going to use hobby scalpels - those are sharp enough to not make the cuts hurt all that much when they happen on your person.
Alpha Strike player detected
Not really. It was a quick Star I built up to jump in on some Zell action and throw my Batchall around with the others. The Locust IIC 4 has been the ristar though so he'll probably get some fleshing out
The IS models gets one hex in the medium and long range band, the Clanners get two in the medium and three in the long range band, so getting a Clan UAC20 is clearly always worth it.
the 4n is so weird I love it. I can't make it work well on the table top, but I think that's part of it. It's kinda an off brand swiss army knife.
Good stuff, it's always nice to build a machines/pilots background as they progress. I've got an Awesome that always loses its right leg, known as Legless (that limb is an actual fire magnet) and a Gargoyle C whose pilot is known as known as Hemlock after her several killing sprees amongst Wolf forces. Got a few others too, including a Banshee with a reputation for fisting vulnerable sections, and the pilot of a captured Adder H nicknamed Domer because of his propensity for headshots.

Ye, it's a fun one, and that lrm can be surprisingly effective, most players don't expect a Hunchy to start throwing missiles at them, it can shake them.

>"Waa waa, slurp slurp"
It's an IS mech design with lazy scamtech slapped in. Another "just add clantech" upgrade from the devs that completely ignores the various advanced IS techs.

>And no, it isnt 3058 faggot.
Too bad, so sad, because that's the era the gm decided for the campaign.
>Because we aint playing shit with you
As evidenced by yourself, no-one is playing shit with you. The rest of us get regular games (picrel)
>HBK C is best HBK. That is all.
Nah, it's a late era expensive upgrade.
>Now either disprove by posting better HBK
4G. Because you can actually use it in 3058.
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Forgot to attach pic. 2nd NAIS vs mercs, Victor's are beasts. That jumping AC20 won me the game.
There is no gm you dumb fuck. WE arent playing. Not a part of the discussion.

Either DISPROVE HBK C being best HBK by bringing up a BETTER HBK, or shut your cunt. Goalpost moving fucktard.
How would you know the HBK C is the best Hunchback if you've never played any games?
POST a better HBK. Go on.
Any Hunchback not commanded by you
Still not an actual answer. Or arguement.
So agter.multiple non answer shitposts, the clear winner is HBK C. The best hunchback.
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So after*
Nah, but I'm making a point. Your going "well X is best" without considering that X is at tge (current) end of a very long development cycle that starts several centuries ago at A. So no, the HBK C is not the best in the eras it doesn't exist.
If you played games you might just know this.
You've been given four answers - 4G, 4P, 4SP, and 4N - but you seem to be ignoring that in favour of spazzing out. Take your meds and get some sleep
And they are clearly NOT superior. They are nonsense answers by retards whose entire point is 'well I say 'we' are playing befor HBK C exists so neener neener' which is fucking goalpost moving fucktardation.
You are a fucktard. You have not made an actual point.
And why are they not superior? It is your turn to produce evidence that proves the HBK C is superior to the aforementioned variants.
They're superior if you've actually got a BV budget to work in. If you somehow have a cash budget then it's even worse for the C. The improvement in performance is not as drastic as the increase in cost by any metric except tonnage, which is a meme at best unless you're a time traveler from the 80s who shouldn't even know what that model of Hunchback is.
Hbk has cuac20, better range and firepower. Two cmplas, again better firepower. Whilst being faster, ergo, more mobile.

Meanwhile, your 'contention' has been
> 'fuck you doesnt exist reeeeeee'.
Which isnt a fucking point at all you cunt.
To be fair, none of you have actually brought up an argument as to WHY any hunchback is better than any other hunchback. You area all shit flinging idiots who can't articulate a point well enough to have an actual argument.

The HBK-C is (on paper) the best Hunchback by the way. For the simple fact that it is fast enough and well armoured enough to actually make proactive use of its UAC/20, while being reasonably costed at 1,893 BV.
Wrong. The BV / PV increase is totally worth it because it is THAT much better.

And again. Still isnt an actual point. You are INVENTING qualifiers and limits. You are moving goalposts that dont even fucking exist.
The best HBK is the C. None of the alternatives are actually better than it.
Going from 4/6 with a an AC/20 to 6/9 with a UAC/20 is a pretty drastic increase in performance.
But have you played with it in a game to know for certain that it is superior?
>And they are clearly NOT superior.
Cheaper, longer engagement ranges, readily available parts, easier to maintain by non-Clan units, available in pretty much all played eras. Want me to go on?
>They are nonsense answers by retards
>whose entire point is 'well I say 'we' are playing befor HBK C exists
Welcome to Battletech tech. Last game I played was in 3025, the game before that in 3067, the one before that in 3055, the one before that was in 3030, and the one before that in 3145. Your "best Hunchies" are only available at the very tail end of the currently played eras.
>which is fucking goalpost moving fucktardation.
No, it's the reality of playing in a group

>You are a fucktard. You have not made an actual point.
Aight kiddo. Go out, actually find a group that both plays Battletech AND is willing to accept you, then try to bring your 4 HBK-C's to a none-ilsham game and let us know how it goes. I can already predict what you'll be told.
That said, you have to be 18 to post here and given you act like a 10 year old Timmy...

There's at least 3 of us, maybe a few more.
>Wrong. The BV / PV increase is totally worth it because it is THAT much better.
Why? What makes this true?
Actually. You've just reiterated the points I have made about oh, five or six times we have had this discussion. I just did not consider /btg/ so retarded they had to be spoonfed THE SAME INFO again. When they can just look up the fucking sheet and see how much better it is than the other hunchbacks.
>doesn't know multiple anons are talking to him
Yes. Quite a lot.
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Sure. Sure i dont. But being cunts doesnt necessitate being treated as not cunts. Act like a pack of niggers, get teated like a pack of niggers.
>Wrong. The BV / PV increase is totally worth it because it is THAT much better.
An 852 BV increase is nearly double the price over a 4G, and that's not looking at the Cbill price. If your playing an 8k or higher game its worth it. What about 6k? What if the maps open, or there's mud/rivers/swamps? It's nearly 2k BV with a 4/5 pilot.
Alpha Strike does not count
>"Waa waa waa, people didn't bow down and agree with me, mommyyyyyyy cant they see im clearly superior"
At least one person here treated you with an iota of respect and yet you spazzed out on them. Try to differentiate between them before you start shitting everywhere. Or don't, I don't really care much of a fuckhead you act like online
No. No one has actually made a cogent answer that doesn't require constraints to make their
Hate it all you like, but it counts.
Only if you play against someone else and not solo
see also >>93394652 , anons do try to be nice to you but your so full of yourself you just chimp out at them.
Making strawmen is still not an actual point.
First of all, 852 BV is only about 1 Jenner cut from your list. Secondly, the C offers more than 1 Jenners worth or force projection over the 4G. Thirdly, no shit you wouldn't play a mech that costs almost 2k BV when the BV limit is arbitrarily set too low for you to afford it. A 1000 BV HBK-4G wouldn't be worth it at 1500 BV, but a Commando would. Does that mean a Commando is better than an HGK-4G?

The fact of the matter is that in terms of price to performance the C is better than the 4G. It has more than twice the firepower and threat range, while costing a little less than double the BV. In almost any situation where the BV limit is reasonable, the C will out perform the 4G.
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10K BV for a jihad game in a few days. Want to play with at least some celestials and BVDNI was okayed.

Want them to be fairly elite, just spittballing here but how is this?
last deva shouldn't be there, ignore that
I actually play a lot of Alpha Strike, and no it does not count.

The performance of mechs in AS is, in most cases, nowhere close to being representative of their Battletech performance, and playing AS in no way gives a sense of how they would perform in Battletech. Since Classic Battletech is the only representation of cannon mech performance, only Classic Battletech matters when discussing the best version of a mech.
Read this thread.
The method by which you actually get units is always relevant. That extra cost represents an entire other decent unit that you now cannot get. It represents pilot and gunnery increases you now cannot get. It also makes any pilot and gunnery increases you do get more expensive. You really sound like you're arguing from a whiteroom perspective, which isn't worth anyone's time. Maybe not even yours.
Wrong. The BOOKS would be the only representation of canon mech performance. The games are all games and abstractions.
See: book autocannons v tabletop 'autocannon'
>Secondly, the C offers more than 1 Jenners worth or force projection over the 4G
But less than one Jenner's worth of Battletech Moment protection. The best mech in the entire game, whatever that may be, dies to a Gauss Rifle or AC/20 shot to the head in round one just the same as a gimpy industrialmech.
Not to this discussion it isnt. The best hunchback is the C. No other hunchback can outdo it. Not even the might 5SG / 5S.
You've been given counter arguments by tons of anons all up the thread, and each time your attitude has been "nuh-uh, I'm right, your wrong". You remind me of a 40k/30k player who was softly kicked from our group years back, but your an Australian and he lives the village over do you cannot be him.

The C is as expensive as some Clan Assault mechs, which should be all I really need to say. It's nice, sure, but it's still expensive for what it is, and outdone in terms of useability in campaigns by older staples that are easier to repair and maintain.
Tell you what, you bring your 4 HBK-C's and ill bring 4 Kraken 1's. Grasslands mapsheets, which seem to be the standard from what I've seen, random 2x2 layout. Let's see what happens.
By thay metric of retardation, EVERY mech is shit and pointless and no one should take anything ever, everyone in battletech should be out there trying to brain each other with a fucking rock.
Anon, you'll have to play Alpha Strike and not Classic. Remember, that's the system we're talking about here
>you bring your fast close in ambushers to an open empty field v giant sniper turrets hurr durr

Wow. Way to out yourself as a faggot. I knew you were a cunt just using bullshit goalposts you'd invented. Just to be an asshole.

You're onw of those rules lawyering fucks who sets people up so they're fucked before the match even starts.
>The Prime is a C3 Gauss boat. Actually the worst way to use C3, but still ok.
>MMLS suck

what is bro talking about
what kind of cheapo garbo clan assault is less than 2k? I actually can't think of one, most are closer to 3k than 2k.
Either or. AS is just faster. Simple simon.
However, i am not averse to AS, with cbt hexmaps and move, optional fire rules and optional roll for each attack. So 1/2 AS, 1/2 CBT.
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>thinks a 50 tonner that rings up at 2499 BV with a 3/4 pilot is reasonably costed
My brother from another sibko. This is why I love clan players. Never change.
>Iron cheetah is available in 3050
holy cheese, it's basically a 3080 mech, and is a 4/6 dire wolf
Please refer to >>93394484
>>you bring your fast close in ambushers to an open empty field v giant sniper turrets hurr durr
Clearly you have never seen the grasslands packs, or you would know that roughly half of them are close terrain, with hills and winding valleys, and one even has a base to fight over.
>You're onw of those rules lawyering fucks who sets people up so they're fucked before the match even starts.
Nah, I'm offering you a fair fight, your the one throwing a hissy fit because I won't play in your perfectly sculpted sandbox. Again, look at the map pack. And I'll consider other packs as they become popular.

Sorry anon, I have better taste.

Bane/Kraken 1. 10 UAC2's, 4 Machine Guns. 1950 BV2.0 IIRC. Might be cheaper. 4 together, for reference, would throw 40 AC2 shots downrange, 80 if doubletapping. That's a whole lot of diddly.

To be fair, a Stormcrow Prime or the like is, but the HBK-C.... Nah. Not for a monolance anyway.
Yes. But the stormcrow siffers for being a gay ass clan omnimech of faggotry, whilst the hunchback C is still a manly hunchback for punching and kicking rpbot fisticuffs
I wish there was a bit more to them. Insignias, basing, more than 3 colors.
If this is the best you can do, then good job. But I think you could probably push yourself to make something better.
Also, you shame yourself with this HBK C nonsense. 4G is all you could ever want/need.
>cannon mech performance
What kind of cannon? ac2's and ac20's are totally different roles.
I am thinking of a little more touch ups. A little extra. Maybe some yellow kneepads and shoulders. Or maybe the hunches need to be blue.
But generally i have to design very, very simple schemes because even those I stuff up.
I am kinda a grog but I like the "early" clan stuff, HOLY FUCK... I need this, I'm not a powergamer but my lord it's scary as hell.
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Figured I'd back up my words.

Hopefully it's not sideways
You haven't even described what metric you're talking about then, since it clearly isn't "in actual play".
Oh hell, that's so cool I haven't seen a 4n mini! I Gotta get a 4SP too, I think it's criminally under loved.
Are those 3d prints? They look good.
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I am told that this is a discussion about which Hunchback is the best. It appears that my superiority has led to some controversy.
>verification not required
>hunchback discussion
>posts a suicide booth
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Hey guys, what's up?
Yeah, a buddy of mine knew I loved hunchies, so he printed a herd.
>The Prime is a C3 Gauss boat. Actually the worst way to use C3, but still ok.
2 Reasons, mostly.

C3 cost is a percentage increase of your networks total BV. Guass boats are both expensive and very BV inefficient, C3 makes them very expensive and EXTREMELY BV inefficient.

Building your C3 force around dedicated sniper+spotter pairings, which you have to if you're going in on guass spam, makes your force extremely rigid and counterable. You have a single game plan, and that game plan can can be shut down by focusing down the spotters and then pushing the snipers that no longer have C3 bonuses.
The most effective use of C3 is actually to link a bunch of reasonably costed, medium ranged skirmishers together, so that they can all act as spotter/shooter at the same time. This grants the most flexibility and redundancy to your C3 list, as the loss of any particular mech doe not fatally diminish the cohesion of your force, and the overall cost efficiency of the unit is much better.

The flexibility of MMLs doe not compensate for the fact that they are just worse at being and SRM/LRM.
Yo. Slap some field guns on the walls and mortars behind those and we'll be golden.
Hey man, fuck you.
t. Awesome.
But it is reasonably costed, quineg?
1,679 bv2.

Probably not, seeing as how it'll get shot off the table pretty quickly.

Raise hell, praise Dale I guess.
I'd say it's a pretty fair deal, you're getting brutal power moving quickly. Personally, with out ruining flavor I'd even strip the JJs for armor, sure you're meant to die in it. But at least sprint in and not die before you get a few rolls in.
>Is not a clanmech
No, it only lasts about 1-2 turns on the table where it may or may not kill something really hard.
Please remember that this is a Battletech thread, not an Alpha Strike thread.
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I hosted one recently, 40,000bv per side and we still hadn't finished after 11 hours. Next time I'll make the objectives easier and maybe run it over a few days
NTA but, what's that got to do with anything? If I see a hunchie 2c, I'm throwing LRMs on it early. It's an easy kill and keeps me safe.

Or they mean once engagement starts in regards to turns.
Getting hit by as much as 80 points of a/c damage + 2 ermeds is no laughing matter in CBT either.
the deva prime is the cheapest one though

And i'm 90% sure that MMLS are better than a mix of srms and lrms, like the stock shadowhawk for example later gets an mml upgrade
Why is the hunchback not using cover? Most maps have plenty of woods and level 2 cover to be unhittable, and your lurms aren't hitting shit at long range typically
What's the silliest thing to happen in the setting, besides the obvious?
UACS and especially UAC 20 are overrated imo, double heat is no joke and if you miss, great you just doubled your heat for no reason, even if you hit most of the time only a single shot is hitting. It's still a lot of damage though
Atleast in my games, the first actual shots don't start happening before turn 3, and even then usually with 11+ hit rolls.

Of course, I was referring to anon saying how it gets shot off in two turns.
>inb4 memelore from people who have read nothing of said event in question

I'm going to say the Peacekeeper. EXTREMELY expensive both in Cbills and BV, 95 ton assault designed for anti insurgency operations. Completely overkill and not super mobile.
More armor? why not just add in MASC or increase the engine rating. 4/6 seems pitifully slow for something that needs to get up close as fast as possible. I'd want to break into +3 TMM at least.
Guy GMing the Mechwarrior 2e game with a quick question, would apprieciate the help since I'm not that experienced with the mech combat part that much yet:
>punching mech can punch twice (if no arm mounted weapon is fired) and rolls on the punch table
>kicking mech can kick once and roll on the kick table
>a hatchet wielding mech can swing at -1 but rolls on the regular hit table or "aim" to roll on the punching or kicking table with a +4 modifier
Am I missing anything? Because one of my players that decided to focus on melee is currently seeing no benefits of getting a hatchet over just punching twice with his shadow hawks improved fists (it might take some time before he can afford to upgrade to something heavier). They get the same -1 modifier as a hatchet, and while he needs to hit with both punches to deal the same damage he gets a better table since the punching table gets a 1 in 6 chance to hit the head compared the 1 in 12 (or 1 in 11?) chance to hit the head with the regular hit table.

Is there something more to the hatchet? Can you say get two hatchets and swing with both? Or swing with a hatchet and punch with your free hand in the same turn? Or is the strategy to fire a weapon in the offhand (like a laser) and then swing with the hatchet?
you cant punch if you fired a weapon from that arm but yeah melee weapons kind of suck, usually better off just kicking.
>the deva prime is the cheapest one though
That's because the Deva prime is fairly anaemic in terms of armament compared to it's other variants, or even other 70 tonners of the era. It also suffers from the spotter+sniper issue where it is reliant on other mechs in the network in order to make the most of the extra BV. Given that it's relatively cheap it's not a terrible idea to slot one in to a C3 force, but you'd still be better served by something flexible that would make your network more redundant. The D config is only slightly more expensive, while packing a considerably more punch at close/medium range, is tougher, and can jump.

>MMLS are better than a mix of srms and lrms
Yes, but mixing SRMs and LRMs has never been very good to begin with, and MMLs suffer similarly. The main problem with MMLs is that they just don't provide enough impact in either mode to justify the tonnage and ammo investment. An MML 9 with 2 tons of ammo weighs more than 2 SRM6s with 1 ton of ammo, or an LRM 10 with 1 ton of ammo.
You can also shoot a pair of LRMs and SRMs at the same time, while an MML can only be one or the other at a time.

ATMs they are not.
I had the exact same problem, balanced it by saying that combat weapons do their damage+the punch damage for the mech.
I also nerf kicks but that's for my own reasons
Well if you didn't have improved hands then you'd see the benefit.
Hatchets only really get good when you have TSM and are hitting into the 30s or beyond and can regularly chunk enemy mechs with a single hit to any location. For most mechs, and especially mechs that aren't heavy or assault weight, punching or kicking is better.
Even for the big boys, relying on a leg crushing 30 point TSM kick or a 1 in 6 head capping punch saves you a lot of weight.
Melee weapons do more damage in a single strike. A hatchet on a larger mech can insta-kill any mech. a 70 Axman will do 16 points with a hatchet but only 14 total when punching. Even an Atlas only has a chance to crit when getting a head-hit via punching meaning you need to hit there twice to guarantee a kill. As I recall, the -1 to hit and the +4 to aim are cumulative so it's +3 to hit over all with a hatchet.

As other anons have pointed out, arm-mounted melee weapons aren't exactly good, especially since you need to devote serious tonnage to them, but they become significantly better when combined with TSM. Assault mech with Talons, TSM (even just talons) and a decent pilot seems to be the optimal combination in my experience.
I think you need to compare MML's vs alternatives via bv, not tonnage
Correction, Hatchet does 13 points, punching does 12. Had to look up the sheet.
Agree with this anon, MML's are strictly worse than LRMs or SRMs but the point is that any mech which will mount BOTH is better served by an MML. Having multiple weapons to cover different range brackets is always more crit and BV intensive than just having 1 that does a lot of things.
Axman is 65 tons, so each punch deals 7 damage (since you round up).
>BV intensive
Depends, if you design a mech with 2 range brackets in mind and only enough heatsinks to be heat neutral for 1 bracket then you'll be more bv efficient

Pretty neat and strong mech, good speed, very cool running has a targeting computer and makes a lot of small hits for crit seeking and clan mediums aren't bad for hole punching either
MML's also let you take different sizes of SRMS, like a SRM9
Hatchets used to just swing on the punch table, which made them a straight upgrade to punching. They still have a niche as a head capper if your mech is 60+ tons, and even on smaller mechs being able to consolidate your melee damage in one location can be useful. Where hatchet outshine punching is when you want to still have a hand free for shooting, or for dunking on lighter mechs who cant deal with an 8+ damage swing that ignores TMM.

Where hatchets really shine is when paired with TSM. A 55 tonner with a TSM hatchet can swing harder than an Atlas can kick. If you're playing with pilot SPAs then you can swing twice which makes hatchets really terrifying. Imagine a 55 tonner with TSM running at you at 124 kph and chunking you for 44 damage in melee.
Okay but what about a 55 tonner with TSM that kicks instead?
Hatchets don't ignore TMM
SPAs allow for multiple melee attacks but you can still only use each melee weapon once per turn
Why the fuck is it £100 to ship from catalyst to UK.
I can't buy any of the lances I want over here. The supply chain is dogshit and I don't own a printer.
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So what parts of the star league do the clanners actually admire? Because it certainly isn't the quality of life.
Besides being hegemon of the inner sphere(an even more divided inner sphere than during the star league), what would they try to recreate that would liken them to it?
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i'm thinking about gold for the cockpit colours. any other suggestions? just after something that contrasts the other colours.
try amazon

>30 year old sourcebook
You can kind of go for whatever, gold, yellow, green, red (wouldn't do this one)
At the end of the day, an MML is still a worse investment than just properly bracketing you mech.
can only hit legs.
Green metallics
They don't have the lances I want in stock unfortunately. Same with lots of other places.
Try looking for the Campaign Ops book in the UK. Can't get it.
An MML literally does help properly bracket your mech.

Look at the grand titan for example, would be a lot better with MMLS, or compare the INI-02 and INI-04.

They give close range mechs a bit of long range firepower and vice versa.

Titan II makes good use of MMLs and the Atlas-7D would be better off with MMLS too compared to its lrm and srm
The Clans were a cargo cult prior the the invasion, anon. They didn't question why the Star League was good, why the Clan way of life was superior, or whether their eugenics program was even working or not. It was all taken on faith. Nobody asked because (prior to the invasion) it seemed to be working, and they didn't have anything to compare it with anyway.
I hope you aren't a redditor who thinks the trueborn are no better than random freebirths on average
2 hatchets
Being better than something that is bad does not necessarily mean it's good.
Do you have any writing that contradicts the image directly?
life expectancy is not the same as quality of life
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Spaceman gold cockpits are cool A F.
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Gold fucking cockpits. For that pulpy sci fi look.
elementals are the only thing the clans can point to and say "see, the eugenics program can actually do something".
mechwarrior superiority can be argued as being mostly due to training and their way of life.
aerospace phenotype was shown to not provide meaningful benefit in their branch compared to IS pilots. other phenotypes are similarly vague as to whether they provide any benefit at all.
Anyone there used nail polish as a paint? There's this glittering purple I found that looks perfect for my raven.
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Gold cockpits. Gold I say!
Even if we ignore the fact that most writing already describes life in the clans as "spartan" at best, average life expectancy is usually directly correlated with quality of life.
Also, again, do you have any writing that contradicts it?
Let's imagine our current society, but kill everyone who is not productive. The elderly and the infirm. What do you think would happen to our life expectancy globally?
Well, if we're going to look at real life societies, we can look at all the command economy shitholes(tautology) this planet has seen.
We can also look at countries that have a life expectancy of 58~ years.
I really don't think saying "let's think about how it would go in real life" is a good idea, because that's probably the worst way to make clan society seem reasonable, it would collapse almost instantly.
Also, do you have any writing that contradicts that picture?
> a mandate of 'death to the unproductive' is an indicator of a high quality of life in the state
just don't be old or crippled bro. it's not that difficult.
The lack of private property and an obsession with benefitting the state over anything else points to pretty low quality of life.
Your hobbies better not rely on you having anything, because you ain't getting it. They don't even have a system for individuals to have an allowance of non-critical items assigned to them, the best you can get without breaking the law is just taking it and hoping the authorities don't tell you to turn it in.
It would explain the low life expectancy. it's different to how we see things and how spheroids see things in-universe, but it's the most logical explanation.

Are you ignoring my statement or just latching onto the "in real life" part of it?
This man has not read a single Battletech book.
literally everyone above star commander has their own stuff, even in the jade falcons (see flight of the falcon) people have their own desks and other stuff in their own rooms
Everything in the clan belongs to the clan itself, including the people. Even the warriors own nothing personally. Their only saving grace is that they are in the caste that gets to make decisions about who is assigned things and so can arrange to have some things assigned to themselves for as long as no other warrior challenges them about it in a way they can't beat.
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So you say clanner. But you cannot be trusted.
what, you wouldn't want to live in a state where
>you're given shitty housing by the government
>final say on who your partner is belongs to the state
>final say on whether your kids will be born or not belongs to the state
>you're treated as a second class person or a literal subhuman
>your access to consumer goods is even worse than the soviet union
>you get to eat whatever slop you can mix together from whatever meager resources the warriors deign you're worthy of
>healthcare of any sort is simply not an option past the mid point of middle age
>life expectancy of 58 means your family will not have the means to take care of you should any ailment befall your body
>58 is also so incredibly low that it also indicates laborer jobs are highly dangerous on average due to neglect and/or measures are knowingly taken to lower the lifespans of the laborer caste
>there is effectively zero chance for you to ever improve your life or status
>there's a good chance the warriors and scientists have released some sort of genetically engineered monstrosity into the wild, better hopes it's not the literal man eating cave horses
yeah, it would also be another point of proof about quality of life in clan space being abhorrent.
Quality of life in the clans is pretty great if you're a person who the clan values. Unfortunately the clans don't value anyone but bloodnamed warriors and scientists.

The reason life expectancy in the clans is so low is because they actively deny medical treatment to most of their population, leading to early deaths. Cancer, heart disease, crippling injury? Get fucked.

In fact, the clans have the tech to keep people alive for centuries, old Moon Moon is still alive in the ilclan era, but they literally want anyone over the age of 40 to just quietly crawl into a hole and die.
That's a worse ratio of people who benefit from the state to people who are crushed into the dirt than Stalinist USSR. There were more communist party officials living it up than clan leaders allowed to have a shelf of knickknacks and a desk with their name on the plaque.
Communism done right.

>your family
What family? The clan is the family.

You guys have wild takes on clan life.
Aren't laborers like 90% of any clan? How many of them have equivalent property rights to a star commander? Does a star commander that isn't a mechwarrior even have the same property rights as a star commander who is?
clanners can fuck whoever they want
Clanners have to fuck whoever wants to fuck them if they're a higher caste.
Nobody has property rights in a clan. You can convince the clan that the best use of certain resources at a given time is to assign them to you. The clan is ran by a handful of assholes who think the best use of any resource is perpetuating their own power and wealth. Therefore the best way to live a fairly decent life in a clan is to throw behind one of the assholes and hope you die before they do.
Well, yes, of course the clans have medical tech to keep people alive centuries. They have the star league's tech, and the life expectancy in the star league was 120 years.
wasn't talking about sex, I was talking about the person you make kids with.
that's not up to you. at best, you like someone and a scientist deems you a suitable pair. that's also if a scientist deems you suitable to have children at all.
>This person has not read the Jade Phoenix trilogy
I'm pretty sure laborers get to live in relatively close proximity to their immediate relatives.
>the clan is your family
The state telling you that the state is your family hasn't worked yet, as far as I know.
The state also has never had a society based mostly on eugenics and artificial wombs, nor been a spacefaring civilization.
oh, which part of that says laborers decide to have kids if they want, with whomever they want? because one of the introductory facts about laborers is that reproduction between laborers is monitored and ok'd by the scientists.
I think the scientists even get to tell you to just have kids, whether you want to or not, if they find someone they think you should have kids with.
Do you think that makes it more likely for that scheme to succeed? It seems like the warriors lording over you and constantly reminding you that you're inferior and separate from them isn't a good way to convince someone that "the clan is their family"
Artificial wombs aren't even the source of the majority of new warriors, nevermind new members of the population at large.
It's telling that so many people try to become warriors even though the training programs for Freeborn warriors has an atrocious fatality rate even before they're thrown into the meat grinder as fodder for the Trueborn. Warriors are the only ones who get something resembling freedom, and it's explicitly at the end of a gun.
>how do you do, brother
>get away from me, you surat freeborn trash, know your place
In what clans would this even play out positively? Maybe the blood spirits? Anyone else?
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>part of the first run
What is the power level of an average mech, how would they compare to a Knight?
>Primitive walkers armed with a PPC and an AC/10 at most
It really, really depends on the timeframe. The farther away you get from the Clan invasion the more pragmatic everyone gets. By like 3060 Joanna and Horse are literally friends. Horse bangs the Trueborn Sentania Buhallin. Clans are stressed by the needs of manpower so Freeborns are more and more heavily integrated. DOUBLY so after the most conservative factions fuck-off to the home worlds. Tons of the Dark Age and ilClan stuff has freeborns getting bloodnamed, like the only thing a Freeborn hasn't done at this point is become Khan.
What, do you mean chaos knights specifically? You know there's too much shit going on with those to directly compare them. Chaos, energy shields, power plants, weapons, locomotion. None of it works the same as in BT.
they have ion shields, A volcano cannon would one shot a 200 ton superheavy
Energy shields alone create a completely different meta and 40K units have a lot more powerful options for CC.
40k was a mistake
Wrong. They have plasma reactors that power void shields. A micron thick layer of nothing. Void shields are an accidental discovery of screwed up gellar fields and involve the warp. It is implied void shields don't actually stop anything, but just let it go into the empyrean. Until the generators are overloaded by too much incoming fire
so I got these from the star leagues focepack
which 2 other mechs do you guys think would be better add on to the above?
>STK-3F + JVN-10N
>STK-3H + LCT-3E
nah m8, knights have ion shields, void shields are on the larger titans
void shields send shit to the warp, ion shields slow things down, akin to the projectile passing through a layer of heavy liquid or something
That thing is so ugly, I love it.
as opposed to IRL where predatory economics and discriminatory politics mean I can only:
afford a shitty dwelling
be treated as a second class subhuman (white hetero male)
have worse access to consumer goods than the soviet union
get whatever slop I can mix together from what isn't outside an average price range
healthcare of any sort is basically not an option
low wages mean my family could not support me, I must work to death
effectively zero chance to ever improve my life or status outside of organized armed revolution
the political elite actually did release an engineered gene altering monstrosity on the masses
The clans honestly have more pros than cons over the reality of life right now.
Is C3 worth it?
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Anyone have any experience reposing these old Citytech minis? Wondering about what to cut with, where to cut and what glue to use
alright you made it a bit too obvious there.
If those are metal you are gonna need to pin them.
What? The truth?
Ehhh depends, it can be extremely useful but also totally negated by an opponent taking even a modest amount of EW. You shouldn't invest in C3 if you're not also taking a decent amount of ECM, preferably Guardian, so you can cancel out an opponents, otherwise it's too easily fucked with to be worth its massive cost.

When it does work though, it's awesome. I had a C3 lance with a custom Cata with Extended LRM's belting my opponent corner to corner of the map with total impunity. It also makes it much much easier to play range brackets. you can hover mid-long range with your own weapons while mostly staying out of the enemies line of fire. That being said, do not invest in better pilots if you are taking C3. 4/5 is good enough and the cost of both C3 and better pilots is gonna fuck you hard enough that you'll be at a massive tonnage handicap vs an unaided opponent without much material benefit.
Were the city tech minis always so thin?
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Old minis are shitastic crapola. Is why new sculpts are so good.
your vulgar blaspheming is not endearing
The only good minis are MWO 3D prints.
There's just something about the original posing and design on this little guy that is so appealing to the eye
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while I like MWO models, they are not the only ones I think look good
based on how he's butchered some mechs, I do dread the thought of shimmy mangling the celestials
Today I played some battletech.
My condolences.
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You think you can just come into battletech general and say that shit?
No one cares about your jihad/dark age/ilclan fanfic crapola.
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Blergh. New marauder is so much sexier.
The Celestials look great IMO. I assume they're a total bitch to actually assemble, but I really like that they all have a singular unified design aesthetic that's distinct from pretty much everything else. That's one thing that's really missing from the setting IMO, there are very few mechs or groups of mechs that look like they were constructed with the same principles in mind. They're all extremely diverse. I think only some of the Clan totemic mechs come close to having that sort of uniform aesthetic, but none do it nearly as well as the Celestials.
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I'd be totally fine with totem mechs not existing at all.
if you want to shoot 2 targets at the same time (srm at target A that's right next to you and lrm at target B that's 7 hexes away) which one should you pick as the primary tatget for higher chance to hit?
huh, the slime bt youtuber guy might be coming back
>what would they try to recreate that would liken them to it?
Absolutely nothing.

The Clan plan has traditionally been to plant the Cameron Star on Terra, maybe rebuild Seattle, and then roll out the Clan system over the IS.
How can someone with such great painting skills have such bad opinions?
he still needs to do the grogtech assault tier list.
Well, big H was a pretty decent painter, at least in my opinion.
Artistic ability isn't a very good measure of taste nor intellect.
My problem with the totemic mechs is that some of them (like you pictured) go WAAAY to far down the furry end of the spectrum. Alpha Wolf, Jade Phoenix, Jade Hawk, and Kodiak are all cool. The fucking Shrike, Gyrfalcon and Balius are all too far. It's the same problem I have with the Proto-mechs.

Turn down the furry like 50% and these designs would be fine.
Also needs to redo mediums, Lancelot was left off the heavy list to be part of the mediums, yet it's not on the medium list.
Slimy if true. Source?
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Ha ha ha. I know my painting sucks. But hey, I LIKE THEM.
And the new sculpts are infinitely superior
he posted something on his youtube community feed about an hour ago. his twitter's still dead.
Can you start namefagging so I can filter your posts?
I see. We will see what the future holds.
>buying multiple copies of a limited box and then just painting them all the same.
i feel bad for the people who wanted to buy it but couldn't because you bought 4.
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Im not a faggot. So no.
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I love ALL those mechs. Like you dont even fucking KNOW. They are my sexy beautiful girls.
You compete with bottom.
Bottom had better mechs and less ironically did less attention seeking.
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Maybe this is just how NEA gets his kicks since there's not much technical talk in these threads anymore, just poorly painting some random extras and pretending to have borderline personality disorder
A mech wouldn't last 2 seconds against a knight.
On the final turn I did a DFA and hit the head twice, enemy was displaced off a level 3 onto level 0, we all fell down.
That's like saying cowshit is worse than dogshit, strictly true, but they're both still shit.
Any time I try to talk about the game I get screamed down. Frankly I don't know why I'm here.
>pretending to have borderline personality disorder
No need to pretend.
Dogshit is way worse than cowshit. It's no contest.
>bottom had better mechs
Yes, I'd say so.
>did less attention seeking
Let's not be so hyperbolic.
Nobody in /btg/ has been as much of an attentionwhore as bottom.
Because there is no point having a kid if you're not going to neglect them in favor of arguing with random internet strangers about toy robots
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Because you have hope, and because us anons who don't constantly shitpost actually enjoy lurking and hearing what you have to say
I'm the anon who works with cattle, dogs don't just randomly drop a juicy turd on you that covers half your body just because.
I'm still boggle that people enjoy Mechwarrior Living Legend.

Gameplay is shit, you can only play at peak times, animations is god awful.

I think it only gets praise is because of the "Combine Arms" aspect of it and even its still shit because the gameplay is fucking bad.
I personally love the Thunder Stallion: "We were trying to make a totem mech, but that turned out to be retarded so we made a good mech instead".
man, people enjoyed playing the 1992 mechwarrior game
Ah clanhater anon, how’s it going? Still raging about fictional societies like a little kid told he can’t have another slice of cake I see.
What a weird post.
Cattle shit is mostly just undigested grass. Dog shit is much greasier and contains far nastier bacteria.
I can clean up most any pile of dogshit with a dustpan.
I regularly need to pressure wash my clothes after working with cattle in sorting chutes.
If we did less lurking and more commentating this place might not be so full of shit.
The volume is admittedly a factor I had not taken into consideration.
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>Im not a faggot
Factually and demonstrably untrue.
Cows also give zero fucks where and when they shit, I often see a calf or two in the herd wearing a diarrhea hat because mom dropped a deuce when it was getting milk.
Stick around. There’s one guy who’s probably Antifa or something IRL who’s constantly raging about Clans because muh eugenics muh politics muh setting, you’ll learn to recognise his shitfucktardery soon enough.
Forces 2 pilot checks at +1 rather than 1, it's easier to hit and with the damage you're likely to crit a leg and make the PSR even worse
Plastic celestials have apparently been confirmed to be in development
Are they in a different firing arc? Anything not in the front is automatically a secondary target if any other target is in your front arc. If they're both in the front then generally make the closer one the primary, they're probably trying to get close for a reason and I don't want to find out what that is.
I like you guys.
Fuck you.
Seconding the motion.
You're a faggot, so it's perfect for you.
Does anyone with an IWM black hawk KU mini have pictures of which way around these legs go? They kinda fit both ways and the pictures online are kinda hard to make out. There's a flat side and a chamfered side to the hips, and then everything below that is pretty much symmetrical.
You've accused more than one person of being that, you're also absolutely hysterical.
Suck me.
Get some strong alcohol, and spill some at the Mercury´s feets. Also light some candles around it. Get your time to personally take care of the mech, dont leave that job to the Tech.

Enough tankers have told me that if you treat the tank with respect and care, it will answer back in kind.
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Here you have anon
You know it brother
You do know that clan society revolves around the warrior caste, right?
Kek, maybe they will try that at some point. The background for this Star was pulled out of my ass as I was working the lineup out, just putting bits that felt right together. I liked the idea of an old SLDF vintage mech that had survived an awfully long time and just was not 'right' in some unfathomable way, and the pilots rarely last long, usually being broken by the mech. Why? Who knows. That ancient machine has been through something and whatever it was, some of it stuck.
>Trueborn are tubbies and I'm not sure if any of those are actually intended to be anything but Warriors.

You know they have like a 95% fail rate and all those 19/20 failouts have to go join everyone else. Seems to vary by author if they breed after that. The dudes definitely could if they wanted, but some clans in some eras have their females fixed.
Would a grasshopper or merlin be a better mech for a pirates?
What do you mean by 'fixed', like permanently sterilized? I think all the Trueborn warriors are on the space-pill or equivalent. It's clearly reversable based on what happened with Diana. The same books also make several references to male warriors knocking up lower caste with some kind of regularity.
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Merlin is more common and easier to buy with booty. Antallos is right by the Outworlds and a ready source.

Grasshopper is exceedingly rare, especially in the Periphery, but could easily be some mercs that went pirate when they went broke like so many do. At least until they start making them again in 3064. Then you gotta fight Dracs for them.

So both justifiable. Depends on where and when you want it to come from, really.
They're both extremely rare, so it would be a shock to see them among pirates in the first place, but the grasshopper do got them hands.
why two pilot checks?
Merlin post-3020. Grasshopper its supposed to be rare to see, very few made until the began again the 3060´s.

Would not be surprised if the techs didnt try something similar already. Techs, no matter the time, tend to be a bit "superstitious". Maybe if the pilot cooperates, the Mercury will give something back.
I'd go with the Merlin. Having a flamer and machine gun seem on-brand for pirates, since they'd presumably spend more time engaging infantry and resisting civilians compared to regular military units or mercs.
More like tubes tied. It's not a pill.

>meaning there is like, 4 times as many Freebirths?
Now start to do the math on how many of those Freebirths are descended from Trueborns with 18 year generations since the 2800's. You don't want to make your warriors unable to do anything else.
>extremely rare
It's in constant production from its inception and is always on the open market, with features that make it attractive to private parties that have to worry about things like maintenance and ammo budgets for each individual mech they have.
Pill analogy was meant to be illustrative. Can't be tubes tied because that is not a reversable procedure. I think it's something semi-permanent and bio-chemical. Peri is able to reverse it so Aidan can knock her up.
Every variant I can find doesn't have an availability rating better than D in any era.
Are clan and IS ammos compatable? I.E. I salvage a C-SRM6 off of a mech and stick it on my own, can I run regular IS SRM6 missiles through it?
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>Clan warrior society is all piloting mechs, fighting, shooting guns, dying gloriously, and busting fat angry nuts in your hot sister-cousin.

I don't know how any of you can think this is bad. Clearly too low-T anons infesting this board.
>Meaning Clan Society is NOT mostly based on the Iron Wombs...

Was that the argument? Sorry stepped in the middle while I was working on other stuff.

Yeah, Iron Wombs are not the majority of clan reproduction. The whole society is based on eugenics but it's tiered.

1. Iron Wombs: Tip of the spear of the genetic fron, best of the best. Failures drop to level 2.
2. Arranged Matches: Still matching people based on genes but without all the artificial infrastructure.
3. Kids from lust/love: Crank out those extra hands for these trash colony worlds even if it slows down 1 and 2

One thing I never got. If pretty much everyone in the lower castes have arranged marriages, what happens when #3 fucks up scheduled #2 happening? If people are all fucking willy nilly, that has to happen a lot. Human gestation takes so long then some Mechwarrior railing his tech and making a kid when she's supposed to be having one with Technician Ted has to come with come kind of major penalty or #2 doesn't work at all.
Availability ratings for mechs only shows the rarest piece of equipment on that mech. It doesn't actually give you any useful information since autocannons and standard large lasers have a worse Availability than PPCs in certain eras.
>busting fat angry nuts in your hot sister-cousin.
Now we know why Krazy Kat ended her life as a clanner. She found her people.
Availability rating also indicates how common the chassis itself is.
Fucking down seems to be fine, fucking up is where you run into problems. A child who is half trueborn is supposed to be genetically a leg up on a normal freebirth child.

That being said, a large percentage of your 'arranged marriages' you mention are rubberstamped regular marriages.
Well, I'm not really into childfucking or getting fucked as a child, so the warrior life isn't my thing. Dezgra, chalcas, etc, I know.
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It doesn't, it only rates the rarest item on the chassis. And since standard fusion engines are rated E in the succession wars, even Locusts and Wasps are rare as fuck. Don't use Availability ratings for anything, the system has holes big enough to drive a mech through.
>rubberstamped regular marriages.
I remember the scientists doing that among themselves since they get to make those decisions, and the Ghost Bears being rumored to do it, You got a source for the laborers and such?
>determining a unit's final availability
I interpret that as how common the unit itself is.
>even locusts and wasps are rare as fuck
Is that supposed to be one of the issues?
>the system has holes
Battletech itself is full of holes, it doesn't dissuade me.
Some one posted a screenshot from one of the sourcebooks a few threads ago when we were having a similar discussion. I didn't save it. I believe it is in Clans: Warriors of Kerensky.
>Circle Of Equals
>Confront Vs Confront
>This is the simplest scenario in Instant Action, a normal stand-up fight. During setup, both players roll 2d6. The player who rolls highest sets up the battlefield, while the player who rolls lowest determines which map edge is their home edge and the opposite edge is their opponent’s
>During the first turn, both forces move onto the battlefield normally from their board edge.
>The last player to have units on the field is the winner. If both players’ forces are reduced to no units on the field in the same turn, the game is a draw.

What do you guys think of this "one person chooses the map, other person chooses their home edge" setup? I think it's going to be a major feature in new Instant Action, seems like a good way to ensure a fair battlefield to me.
>Is that supposed to be one of the issues?
Yes, because it makes it useless for comparisons. Let's look at a King Crab and a Hunchback, not counting arbitrary things like the devs saying they're extinct.
Large Laser CDCB
Everything Else CCCC or better
King Crab final availability: DEDD

Lasers, Medium and Small BBBB
The Rest of It CCCC or better
Hunchback final availability: DEDD

These units are not equally rare. They have identical availability in every era they both exist in, and theoretically every era forever.
How does that work if you have a limited number of map-sheets available. I also think that the person choosing the map edge should gain initiative on the first turn since setting up the battlefield is a pretty big advantage.

Also potentially consider instituting forced withdrawal and a turn limit.

I play instant action with the non-recommended forces fairly regularly (north of 10k BV) and all of the scenarios work pretty great for an afternoon/evening of gaming EXCEPT for the ones with no turn limit and no forced with drawl. Even the games that do have forced withdrawal we had to institute a house rule that a withdrawing mech needs to move at its max run speed or walk it's max speed backwards towards its home edge to keep things moving.
Sorry, that's KGC-0000. The 000 goes DFDD because of FF armor and CASE, incidentally.
What rarity if not the ease with which you can acquire it(availability)?
How is availability determined?
Production date.
It's nothing is what it is. A Locust has the same rarity on any of the worlds that make Locusts as it does on a world that has never had a battlemech touch its soil. In the succession wars it's almost as unavailable as most of the star league unicorns since the worst they can without being extinct is F and every single introtech mech is at best E rated.
Availability is the broad access the entire tech base has to that item. The ratings have nothing to do with an individual or organization or even state's ability to find that thing, it's the entire Inner Sphere and near Periphery's broad access to that thing as an entire collective. The entire inner sphere across all worlds and all industries and all militaries has a D rate to even get basic large lasers during the succession wars. PPCs are C rated.
This system is basically useless for us because nobody is doing anything at the abstract level of "all of known space except for the clans".
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Interesting, that's useful info. As for limited number of mapsheets, you'd get to choose from a limited pool and arrange them how you like. Not much I can do about that besides advising people to buy a map pack. though.

>Forced withdrawal and a turn limit
Most scenarios will have one or both of these. There's also going to be a way to make your enemies subject to forced withdrawal via the Gambits and Conditions system I'm working on.

>house rule
Pretty sure that, rules as intended, you have to walk/cruise as fast as possible towards the target, though the text could do with being a little clearer.
That's the way IRL military works anyway. If someone of a higher rank wants to fuck you, you bend over if you know what's good for you
By looking at the massive table in Interstellar Ops, finding out which thing is the most rare for a given era (star league, succession wars, clan invasion, dark age) and then applying the rarest rarity of all components on a thing, to that thing. A is the least rare, F is the most rare, X means it doesn't exist at all in that era.
Standard Fusion Engines are rated CEDD. All introductory technology mechs are rated E. Every single one. There is no introtech item with an F rating and they all have standard fusion engines.
Dorsal guns are retarded. They should have put the gun in the torso where the sheet says it is. That's the whole point of a WYSIWYG game. Everything on the mini is where it is on the sheet.
This is weak bait and we all know it
That's not NEA you are talking to. You know that right? NEA uses a really rather distinct formatting and voice in his posts. That's why bottom kept calling him a boomer for a good while. NEA types like someone born in the 60s.
What is the rarity of a mech in the succession wars?
Locust? E
Hunchback? E
Hermes II? E
That downgrade of the Hermes I? E
Archer? E
Atlas? E
Guillotine? E
Dragon? E
Merlin? E
Vulcan? E
Charger? E
Clint? E
Urbanmech? E
Literally every single variant of every single mech that exists in TRO 3025? E
They're all rated E on an ABCDEFX scale where A is ubiquitous and F is extremely rare.
That's pretty clear.

We also use the DFA wargaming scenarios and that house rule applies there as well. Our understanding, based on the TW rules, was a mech only needed to end its move closer to its home edge than it started. This lead to interesting shenanigans like a viper zigg-zaging across the board and being supremely annoying but because it ended 1 hex closer it was legal.
>How does that work if you have a limited number of map-sheets available.
Buy more mapsheets, obv
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After MONTHS of not being able to get out to the local group I finally got back in the saddle today. Was real nice and we did a 10k Game in IlClan.

My 7th Sword of Light vs his Taurians
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Get back in the box, Cappie.
Pretty sure NEA is over 25, so that's why he's a boomer, anon.
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Baby Boomers were born closer to a century ago.
>thinking that definition matters
Ok boomer
Good for you anon, I also played ilClan this weekend. My Falcons vs some other unidentified Clanners but I was paired up with the 'clearly so far on the spectrum it effects his ability to function normally' teenage so while I kicked his ass it wasn't a super enjoyable experience nor did I have an opportunity to take pictures.
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we rolled up the "kill everything" mission so off we went

I think that comes with the table top gaming package sometimes. Good on you for giving the poor guy a game
Go back to beg for porchbux at Patreon Shimmy

nicholas or alexander, who do most clanners think is best?
That Mongoose is so good.
Neither. They're both just awful and never should have been born. Everything would be better if the Star League had just fallen ASAP and left the Taurian Concordat alone.
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his RAC and gauss heavies stayed back while one of the Toros circled wide. I sent the panther to go harass him and everyone else went up the middle. the Tenshi started blasting while the dragon took a lot of hits and kept going
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appreciate it!

dragon survived the combined firepower but only just, his MRMs mostly going wide. Battlemaster and Tenshi blast armor away from each other. Daiyku tosses lots of 5 point blips downrange
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I asked about stripping paint from resin minis last thread - the Simple Green wiped out the paint easy enough, but it didn’t do much to the primer. I opted for a 5-minute soak in 91% isopropyl alcohol to try and get that off, and it seems to have done quite well. The only reason I haven’t gone for another soak is that it seems to have made the gun barrels on the arms somewhat soft - they are ever so slightly pliable and I’m worried that another soak to remove the remaining primer would make them far too flimsy. Does the resin re-harden over time? Should I just proceed with priming and painting again, or risk another soak? I suppose I could cut his arms off and re-attach them after a second IPA bath if they are too great a risk.

Yeah I know, lot of work to salvage one printed mini, but I’m determined to at least learn a few things if he can’t be saved.
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the lights annoy the fuck out of the Scourge while the dragon tries to shield his stripped side to no avail, his engine is knocked out
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so primer usually has a bit of solvent in it to bond to the surface (the entire point), I'm surprised you got it off. Try some sunlight to see if the guns reharden

the panther is knocked out but I bag a toro in the process. The hunchback is in forced withdraw and has no guns or arms and shuts down
Isopropyl shouldn't be harming it, that's what is used to clean fresh prints.
Hardening is achieved by UV exposure, leave it in the sun.
get an ultrasonic cleaner
>primer usually has a bit of solvent
Most of our hobby primers aren't primer, just paint with higher pigment density..
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didn't know that. I generally use krylon as it's cheap and good. Burnt red for orks and white for battletech

the battlemaster takes 98 points of damage in one turn and doesn't give a shit
IIRC it's because primer solvents are a risk of damaging non-metal models.
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Tenshi is starting to come apart and I can't seem to put down the enemy command battlemaster. Hunchback is essentially a kicking machine in slow retreat. Lights continue to be solid annoyances

....haven't they been used for decades?
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the battle lines have dissolved into a complete scrum
Dunno, I know solvent primers from a carpentry and automotive background, never found any in my time painting models, and a good first layer of black acrylic works fine.
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Tenshi goes down to engine crits after being unconscious for multiple turns, most likely taking the firepower I needed to win off the board. The spider has been a boss all game but gets his leg kicked off and is basically done
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I call it in favor of the Taurians. The Scourge is beat up but far from dead. the Toro is missing a torso but the rest of the mech is effective. Lupis and Hunchback are both effectively out of the match. I've got a legless spider that would probably be an easy kill and a intact mongoose but too much armor to chew through.

Great game and was just happy to roll dice against a very fun local guy
How many obnoxious taurian jokes did he make about getting off his lawn? And how if you mess with the bull you get the horns?

"A" is like staplers, so in that context "E" makes sense for Mechs.
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zero. His only comment was I should have brought my Calderon Protectorate guys
Can you guys help me choosing the subfaction/color scheme for my Davion dudes?
>from Mara I, Draconis March
>the system was attacked and taken by DCMS in 3015. /mydudes/ escaped.
>after losing muh home planet, enrolled at the Robinson Battle Academy with help from their distant relative, Aaron Sandoval
>graduated about 4 years later. Eager to fight the Combine and take their planet back.
>the Mara will be taken back by the FedSun by 3025, according to Sarna
>the OpFor/my other lance will be the Sword of Light (sp, painted in red)
not sure which one of below should I paint these dudes
>Draconis March Militia (red, unfortunately)
>Robinson Rangers (again, red)
>41st Avalon Hussars (color scheme looks relatively easy, was stationed right next to Mara and no notable deployment history during this time; more room for myfluff)
>4th Crusis Lancers (color scheme looks simple, and kind of like their fluff)
>4th Davion Guards (like their symbol and nickname, rivalry with the Sword of Light, difficult to paint though)
That board is beautiful. God I really want to make a terrain setup like that.
>You've accused more than one person of being that
How would you know?
You've accused me and I know you've accused someone besides me.
But it does mean that it's not useful for comparing mechs. There are vanishingly few mechs that even make it to D rating once you're out of the star league, nevermind C.
They can actually get all the way up to C during the star league era, and it's not even that difficult. But from succession wars onwards, D is optimistic and E or F is more common. Most lostech goes straight to F during the succession wars and a lot of regular tech drops from C to D.
Is there any reason to use a hatchet with a mech that's below the headcap threshold?
Lovely match Anon. Both your dudes and the taurians were nicely painted minis.

What do you think were your mistakes in that fight?

Also....Toro or Panther for PPC totting light?
An interesting thing on the availability table is that there's also entries for unit types as a whole in addition to the individual components that make them up. So no mech can be any less rare than this part of the table shows it as.
Interestingly, standard LAMs are exactly as rare as standard battlemechs, although with one higher tech rating (which in the abstract just means they're that much more advanced). Primitive mechs are one lower than normal mechs, for comparison.
That FF rating for later eras really shows Herb's bias. We're lucky they don't slap it with a double X.
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In the succession wars, that is. They're slightly rarer in the star league and fall of a cliff later. It's interesting that primitive mechs have a rating of D in the star league, when even the outsiders were using standard mechs and everywhere the league itself touched used star league standardized designs. These era ratings are so broad that it's probably including stuff from the very inception of the star league, before it could standardize everyone by force.

You guys sure you're doing availability and not tech level? Like was it any tech level D world could theoretically support battlemechs?
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I swear this mech is made of glass. Every time I try and use it it never survives the game.
Tech level is that single letter after the Tech Base entry. Availability are the four letters next to that representing the four very, very broad eras that are listed.
You have to consider them both when thinking about whether something can be supported. A higher tech level with the same availability would mean that it's harder to make in that era, but a lower tech level that then moves into a worse availability might be lostech or obscure or just beginning to be prototyped with the final product not being widespread until later. Hatchets are a B tech level, but an F availability in the succession wars since its actual proliferation is mostly just the Lyrans fucking around with the Hatchetman as a proof of concept.
there's more fragile heavies but i think it has one of those "Oh shit it's an [x]" auras that make people target it an undue amount
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hold on a second
does that say superheavy tripods existed during the succession wars?
Is battletech woke? I really wanted to get into a tabletop game and i'm thinking of buying a beginners box for cheap. I was reading a few of the older battletech comics i had on hand and its pretty neat, Besides some bickering about discord nonsense and whatever pronoun bullshit in some battletech game i haven't seen anything to suggest the hobby is infested by trash. Am i wrong? Also how are the battletech novels?
Not yet, give it some time.
it's got trans anime catgirls and black samurai everywhere, stay away, its horrible, never touch it
Yes, and that they were invented by the FWL during the deepest depths of the third succession war. Exciting, innit?
This. Atlas Aura.
but what does that mean? there isn't even a known industrialmech fitting that description.
>black samurai
That's incredibly racist. Who wrote that?
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Now, you might think that this is just a typo or something, but grok this. Superheavy structure is no bueno, but myomar and gyro? Mad third succession war FWL scientists strike again! What are they even putting that gyro and myomar in? Nobody knows!
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thanks man! I did it in the winter. I don't love my mat for it but it works. I really need to get my printers up and running again, they're on the fritz

I should have kept the tenshi at range. the massive kick is tempting but he's a sniper and should play like it. Dragon should have also held back. The MRMs could have come into play later in the match

They fucked up. FWL should be that superheavy tank thing they did.
Industrial superheavy structure has the same rating as those.

Oh, shit.
why do you keep calling it that
Calling what what? FW on that table is the FWL.
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>look what shimmy did to my boy
no, not that. you keep saying myomar.
But for reals, what superheavy industrialmech was prototyped by the FWL in 2905 and actually put into production in 2940? That's a big claim for that table to be making.
Myomer myomar, tomato, tomata.
New guy here. So I'm getting ready for a game I had coming up, and I had a thought about a rules interaction tonight on my drive home which I wanted to make sure I understand. We are going to be using the "Called Shots" rule from Tac ops, among several other tac ops rules. This rule states the following.

>Any attack can be a called shot. The player must announce the type of called shot—high, low, right or left—when the attack is declared. All called shots must be made with an additional +3 to-hit modifier. If the attack hits, the hit may be resolved on a different table than the one that would normally be used... For a successful called shot aimed high, consult the Shot from Above section of the Special Hit Location Table.

Looking in total war that is basically the same as the punch table where the head is a six. The rule also specifies that

>the more generalized nature of “calling an area” as opposed to trying to hit a specific location means that even “scatter-style” weapons can be used in a called shot

The rules for head hits as I understand them are that every time a mech takes a head hit the pilot takes damage even if the armor hasn't been penetrated, and that every time they take a point of damage they have to make a consciousness roll. So if I make a called shot high with an LBX auto cannon and I hit, I would then roll each individual point of damage on the Shot from Above table, and on every roll of a 6 the pilot would take one damage and have to make a consciousness roll right? So I could theoretically force multiple consciousness rolls and eventually potentially kill the pilot outright if I can get five of the bbs to hit the cockpit even if I never actually penetrate the armor? Am I understanding this right? It seems broken as fuck. I mean holy shit killing the meat and not the metal seems way too easy with this. It's cheesy as hell. I have to be misunderstanding something right?
What a weird thing to even acknowledge in a table.
>What are they even putting that gyro and myomar in? Nobody knows!
That chart actually tells you anon, look at the date on industrial superheavy structure.
You got it. Getting rattlecanned sucks, but it is a legitimate thing.

However, that 3 malus to your shots matters a whole lot more than you think. If you opponent is smart, he'll range cuck you and beat you to death on 8's while you flounder on 11's.
That looks cool as fuck.
Right, but cluster munitions have an inherent -1 right?
>It seems broken as fuck. I mean holy shit killing the meat and not the metal seems way too easy with this. It's cheesy as hell. I have to be misunderstanding something right?
There is a reason TacOps rules are optional.
Yeah, so it's an effective +2 with that.
Honestly I think Robinson's Rangers are pretty cool.
You and your opponent need to agree to use those Tac-Ops rules before you actually use them on the tabletop, otherwise you need a Targeting Comp or an immobile target in order to make a call-shot in addition to their being specific restrictions on what weapons can make one for exactly the reason you described. I believe also per TW you can't target the head or there's other specific restrictions.

Battletech is very much a 'choose which rules you want to play with game' the thing is you and your opponent need to have a common understanding. I really like some of the Tac-Ops rules, expanded crit scale for one but some of them are weird.

And as the other anon said, a +3 to hit is a HUGE malus. Gunnery 4 Pilot, walking, shooting against a target with a TMM of 2 at medium range already needs 9+ to even hit, which is already only a 28% chance.
Incredibly obscure, the sarna page didn't even exist until early this year. And the illegal traits and reported abilities of the thing bring into question whether its original form is even canon anymore.
My opponent and I have agreed to use those rules. I am aware that they are optional. We sat down last week and talked over what rules we wanted to add. He proposed the list of rules he wanted to use and then asked me what I was ok with.
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>Aaron Sandoval hating Dracs and paying for education
Give this motherfucker a GOLD STAR in loremanship.

Do DMM. Mooks vs. Kuritan Kream is the kind of setup you need. Maybe think about adjusting the Kuritans to a different color unit like one of the Regulars or Proserpina Hussars or something.
And yeah, that is a big malus but if I can manage to get into short range it seems like it might be worth it to roll the dice. Especially if I have a gunnery 3 pilot. 5's to hit in short and 7's in medium assuming there was no cover seems worth it. Even if they are in the woods or something and it goes to 6's and 8's that seems worthwhile to me to gamble on.
Myanmar? You're telling me that mechs are run by hundreds of little asians shoved into the armor to act as muscles?
That's just sick.
Convee chads win again.
It's also worth noting then that certain types of armor are going to completely negate LBX pellets, it's certainly still a strategy, but there are strange interactions between stuff it's always best to consider before building out your force.

For example, I played vs a dude that brought several cheap AC/2 sniper units with armor piercing ammo that didn't account for the fact we were using extended crits. AP ammo has a chance to through-armor crit with a malus on the crit confirmation table depending on the weapons size. AC/2 is a minus 4, this guy didn't take into account we were using extended crit scale where you need a 9+ to crit, meaning it was literally impossible for his snipers to do their job and make through-armor crits.

It's a legitimate strategy, but factor in likelihood into your planning. Even doing DFA with a talon equipped assault mech with a decent pilot i've only ever gotten the 3 head hits necessary to completely destroy a mech one time despite doing it quite a bit. Rolling a bunch of sixes is a bit more finicky that it comes out to be.
>legitimate strategy, but factor in likelihood into your planning. Even doing DFA with a talon equipped assault mech with a decent pilot i've only ever gotten the 3 head hits necessary to completely destroy a mech one time despite doing it quite a bit. Rolling a bunch of sixes is a bit more finicky that it comes out to be.

Fair point. I don't know that I was planning on it to be my whole strategy, but I knew I was taking some mechs with LBXs anyway, so I figure if the opportunity comes up why not?
And I'm a retard and just realized I didn't account for TMM. Nevermind. Feel free to point and laugh.
To be fair people going hard with AP AC/2 probably aren't thinking much of the odds even in normal circumstances.
This. AP isn't really worth it except on 10's and 20's unless you're shooting at V's.

Having a Pike just rangefuck something like an Alacorn is a sweet thing.
Keep it in your back pocket as something to try, but don't rely on it. Being a good commander a lot of the time is knowing how to make the 70/30 plays and not the 55/45 plays if that makes sense.

He had like 3 cheap light mechs with stabilized actuators who's whole job was to do that and sit on back field objectives. The rest of the match didn't go well for him either. We started with 50% of forces on the field in relatively close deployment zones and some of his key units got fucked up pretty bad on turn one. Extend-LRM custom Archer got through-armor crit in the arm and suffered an ammo explosion. He kinda got pissed off and conceded after my Night Gyr A beat the absolute piss out of his Battlemaster with a few lucky UAC/20 shots.
Makes sense. I'll admit that I'm looking for any advantage I can get. It's a campaign and I really really don't wanna just get fucking destroyed and have my guys die off or go bankrupt and I know I'm not very good at the game yet so it seems highly likely. For a moment I thought I might have stumbled into something that would improve my odds, but I clearly hadn't been doing the math right.
where are the STLs for those buildings? i like them, they're reasonably sized
I want your opinion, /btg/.
I love the idea, regiments, mechs and stories about the Regulans.
But I hate their paint schemes.
What should I do?
don't use their parade colors. Pick a unit you like and paint them camo for wherever you decide they're stationed. Use unit insignias
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Paint the cockpits an evil red and roll out. Use a bunch of noncanonical accent colors like black and silver that can be explained away as mechanical stuff.

Their parade IS camo, ahahahahaha!
I guess maybe you could try to figure out what mercenaries were dragooned into the 30th Hussars and then paint those for whatever short time period they were there, but Regulus isn't really known for using anything other than their own troops. That camo idea is probably as good as it gets.
introtech highlanders really should have halved the ammos and put like 2 more mls and 2 more heat sinks
>Introtech Highlanders really should have stayed extinct

No one competes with me. I'm the best.
My trothnigga. I had concerns about the validity of the information that your technicians were giving you, but they appear to know their business. That truly is an old Bane.
is split firing against multiple targets worth it?
so, being 40s~50s is not even considered old in the 31st century?
This was explained in Warriors of Kerensky. The official answer is that you stay with your arranged marriage and that's it. The unofficial answer is that effective contraceptives are easily available and as long as you're not screwing up your child quota, you can stick your dick in whatever you want. It's not a problem until it's a problem.
Not on outside the Clans and the Periphery.

In the Star League, folks on core worlds regularly lived to 120+ IIRC.
would it be possible to make /yourdudes/ lance that's belonging to regular army (like dcms, affs, lcaf...) to be traveling/stationed/deployed alone, separated from the main body regiment and sort?
You can do whatever you want forever.
One for being kicked, and at that weight with TSM it'll be 20+ damage which is another check and adds a +1 modifier to all PSRs that turn.
Not uncommon at all, this is the basis for some of the game's earliest scenario packs. For example, Sorenson's Sabres are an independent company of the Fifth Sword of Light, the Rolling Thunder are a sometimes-detached company of the 1st Regulan Hussars, and McKinnon's Raiders/the Fox's Teeth are an independent company of the 7th Crucis Lancers.
Merlin's where available to Merc Outfits and it wouldn't be uncommon to see a Merlin in a pirate outfit for various reasons.

Grasshopper where pumped so hard that when the Star League left the remnants that stayed behind spread the mech to the 4 corners of the InnerSphere.
opacus venatori
What kind of force would you expect to be defending a small mech factory in the 3060s if in the objectives book it doesn't specify what or who is protecting it? Battalion? Regiment? Reinforced Company? All of the tanks?
at least a company I would say just for the factory with other forces on planet too, but idk what im talking about
I think bare minimum company strength with supporting armor and infantry.
if the entire mw5 and its dlc stories was canon, how significant would the mc merc's contribution to the inner sphere history?
What's the next level up for a dropship for mercs after a leopard? Is there something in between a leopard and a union?
two leopards. Also a single lance merc company is not really taken seriously, you need at least a company to be really credible. It's not that smaller outfits don't exist but they tend not to last long, lose 1 or 2 mechs and you are basically useless and maintence etc can leave you with very little.

A single lance of mercs is going to be more of a supplement and take pretty boring jobs, at least in later eras
NTA but /MyDudes/ have 3 Unions and a modified Fortress as an HQ base.
Well, we'll see how long I stay nobodies then. I could technically afford more mechs I suppose. If they were lights and mediums I could probably buy my way up to a company with the funds I have from force creation. I rolled pretty well fle budget. Maybe it's just cause I came from the games, but the idea of not having my own transportation and relying on someone else to get me to, and more importantly off, of hostile planets seems absolutely insane so I'mhesitantto buy a bunch of mechs with no way to get around. Course operating with only a few lances is also kinda fucking crazy really. Seems like a no win scenario.
Do hovercraft, mechs, BA, and vehicles suffer penalties to hit the enemy if fully on the move?
Can tanks move body 360 degrees on same hex, or spend tmm to turn on hex while still moving?
Is there a rule or design quirk for a vehicle to reverse in same speed as going forward?
And can dropships fire weaponery while entering atmosphere
Man that game was jank, clearly rushed (inclding story content) but fun.
>Howd MCAs (games mecha) fare in BT?
All your rules can be found in a rulebook
Would three lances make a good mercenary Company?
Three lances would make a literal company, yes it would and that's like the minimum number of mechs needed to make an independent group and have an impact in the universe and large battles.

Plenty of examples, Opacus Venatori, black widow company etc
In that a Company is literally 3 lances by definition yes. Unless it's like 3 lances of locusts or something.

What the fuck is with the WOB master unit list, just loads and loads of clan mechs which ok fair they are salvage from tukkayid I guess but feels weird
3 lances of locusts would still make a decent merc company, it would have a niche
>Unless it's like 3 lances of locusts or something.
I believe a Company of Locust is also called a Plague...
just gave me the idea of a plagues of egypt merc unit, one is locusts, one of blood (blood reaper, blood asps etc), frogs could be toad elementals
>I thought you said you had a reinforced company of four lances. 16 mechs in total.
>Yep, the Plaguebringers are indeed a reinforced Company.
>Were your other dropships delayed somehow? I only see two leopards.
>Nope, that's the whole company
>Leopard bays open and out troop 16 locusts.
Gotta love abusing the Compact Mech Quirk!
The literal reading of that passage is 'plague of frog' singular, so one amphibian-themed 'mech would do. There are ten plagues, so one unit for each is a perfectly fine company. To make up the final two, you could have extra locusts and/or extra 'beasts' or 'flies' which could just be Wasps or Stingers.
>the plague of frog is actually just one super disruptive frog
I like this way better
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Plague of darkness: No guns. No weapons. Just ECM and smokes.
High Lego energy (Don't sue me, germanic laywer)
the black marauder....
i still don't get why did they had to remove whole comstar faction
how are you deploying it? change up your tactics or loadout with a mech if it keeps suffering losses.
yes, it's extremely woke. now fuck off and go back to myfarog.
ComStar had no purpose left. Their role as "sinister and vaguely religious version of Asimov's Foundation who fuck everything up" ended after the 4th Succession War, which left them basically just controlling communications and wearing robes. Then they decided to do the Blackout as the setup to MWDA, and ComStar's only remaining purpose of running the HPGs suddenly didn't exist either. So both out of universe and in universe, it wouldn't make much sense for ComStar to stick around as any sort of player. Sure, ComStar going away kinda sucks for ComStar players, but on the other hand, a ComStar that isn't really ComStar anymore would be worse, and those were the only options.
Should have integrated comstar into the Republic of the Sphere as their version of ROM but with battlemechs and a private army that does a lot of shady 3 letter agency stuff.
Would have been far better than just offing them like they did.
Assuming that you belive there is any value beyond 3057.
so yet again mwda ruined everything?
>>the plague of frog is actually just one super disruptive frog
>I like this way better
>One of the Plagues of Egypt was just Michigan J. Frog
comstar was never "offed", the comguards joined the republic or just quit and comstar still technically exists in 3152
>comstar still technically exists in 3152
Wrong. ComStar went bankrupt in 3136 and its assets were sold. Various organizations carried on the name as good branding for a while, but Interstellar Expeditions bought out the Explorer Corps and ComStar News Bureau also shut down.

>Jason Schmetzer. "Redemption Rites" Catalyst Game Labs, May 5, 2022, Page 228
Page 74 of shattered fortress
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How is this 10k list?
Novels' narration beats forcebooks, try to keep up
It's a 10k list with only five units, most of which aren't great. You're gonna die.
new thread: >>93401692

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