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Necro Babies Edition

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Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
What is something you like about the faction you like the least?
marine scouts look awful and always have
I wish that regular terminators either got a point reduction or got better weapons. As it stands right now, if I wanted a heavily armored deep strike infantry with good shooting, I’d just pick inceptors.

I like that Leagues of Votann have an interesting art style. It manages to look future sci-fi and grimdark in its own way. You can almost imagine the emblems on their vehicles being logos for different mining corporations.
this is literally the worst they ever looked
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Progress on scorpions I built this morning.
Post your projects here let's see how far you've come
Inceptors don't have a 2+ or a 4++ or a melee profile past mandatory CCW.
Okay, but actually try getting terminators to do anything. They deepstrike in, 9 inches away, so you have to shoot for one turn at least, but you only have storm bolters (str4ap0dmg1) so you may as well shoot at chaff, but then you have to move and charge into something else, so a terminator captain is needed to actually make use of melee in a timely fashion and at that point, just get a vehicle that can blow those heavy infantry away before your terminators can reach them. Hell, storm speeders are cheaper than terminators and they can deep strike too, lmao.
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This thread is now being GUARDED. Imperially, GUARDED. Loyal regiments will report in and hook into the line.
>They deepstrike in, 9 inches away, so you have to shoot for one turn at least,
Try rapid ingress

Vehicles and storm speeders don't dig out infantry tucked away well in ruins and then contest the objective. Different tools for different jobs
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Meat sword update: this scheme looks better on poxwalkers and I'm not particularly satisfied with it atm. Considering maybe washing it down a bit, which should give it a bit of a slimy texture because VMC washes are kinda glossy. Idk. Advice is welcome.
An anon here had suggested bone instead, but I stuck with the flesh hoping that I could bring a touch more red onto this dude.
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>DA scouts
>white dudes with feathers on their heads
>Rapid ingress
Yeah, but then you have to use CP unless you get lucky with the teleport placement, and it just seems more prudent to get another unit. Also it seems like a play style issue. I play a lot of white scars so I have jump packs and bikes everywhere to root stuff out. My use case is probably different than yours.
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I took a break from my haruspex and built that extra commissar I found and finished putting the backpacks on my kriegy bois
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Boomtown squad reportin' to tha front as ordered suh!
Feels good to know I'm "Guarded".
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Acetone or alcohol to remove dried paint from my brush? Getting master brush soap too if that matters
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I don't know what I want from Warhammer related Youtube but it's not this. So much clickbait and hyperbole, which I get is by design for the algorithm but fuck it makes me not trust anything.
Why not just stop half assing your brush destroying cleaning process and dip it I'm lava?
Your suggested videos are entirely based on what you watch. Self report of the month bro
either the paint is in the bristles, and you wash it out with soap, or it's in the ferule, and the brush is kill
Guard bros, how you holding up?
>Should we reject WYSIWYG
It's an entirely personal preference, why the fuck would anyone discuss this as if it's up to the community to decide?
1984 is a warning, not a fucking target.
>when the catachan goes to the officio prefectus
WYSIWYG is explicitly not a personal preference little bro..
>little bro..
You can proxy if you like, m8. I'll be WYSIWYG.
It's fine by me.
>but tourn-
Are also free to set their own rules.
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Yeah, it's based on sorting for things related to Warhammer.
And related to videos you've watched.

Funny how I get Warhammer videos recommended to me and none of it is slop shit huh? Almost like I watch none of it so YT doesn't push it to me
>You can do X, it's fine by me
Right, so even you admit it's not a personal choice as you're giving permission. Then lampshading TOs requiring it like that changes anything.
>you're giving permission
Do you know what consent is?
Two people make the mutual decision to have sex, but they both make the individual decision to consent.
It's your decision to consent to proxies, ergo WYSIWYG is a personal choice.
TOs can require or not require it. They have that choice.
Both are (as they should be) completely divorced from the ramblings and whims of online personalities and their following.
dont dis Eric's Hobby Workshop he's cool
personally i feel a smug sense of superiority when my models are WYSIWYG but my opponents' aren't
False equivalence, nobody is talking about your decision to model correctly, it's about turning up to games with things modelled correctly. The obvious context any non-autist would understand.

It's what YOU see is what YOU get, not what I see is what I get. Retard.
Isopropyl alcohol from like walmart
They keep pushing us to use more tanks but the don't have the support yet to be good.
I certainly care way less now that 40k has switched to power ratings and gear doesn't fucking matter
Maybe more purples and should be saturated with colour.
>nobody is talking about your decision to model correctly
Correct. I am not talking about what you choose to model but what you choose to bring to the table.
>It's what YOU see is what YOU get, not what I see is what I get.
What? We get whatever you agree to allow. Or whatever we've consented to by way of attending some organized event.
Back at ya, champ.
Last (You).
This guy is right
This guy is wrong
Im right
Anyone got the 10th ed csm codex on pdf
Haven't seen guard at my FLGS in awhile. I don't think I have played vs them in 10th.
You people are still asking for it? Shit I should have saved it when that one anon shared his scans here to satiate you poor bastards.
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Here's a funny though experiment:
If GW created a Dark Mech faction what would be their signature color scheme for their "face" studio paint job models to make them distinct from all the other chaos factions and the Adeptus Mechanicus?
>Guard bros, how you holding up?
Better than Codex space marines.
>GW created a Dark Mech faction
no fuck off.
The proxying at my shop is out of control some time. Unless I'm playing my newest project of orks, I always play fully painted WYSIWYG but I'll play pick up games vs dudes running grey tide space Marines as chaos with the most random cross overs. What bothers me most are when old heads with oceans of points painted, still find the need to proxy shit. Don't be a sweaty loser and play what you have....please.
uh oh exoditefag melty
admech look ugly enough as it is, I doubt GW will ever capture darkmechs appeal in plastic.
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I'd like to see black with purple robes. Although, what keeps regular mechanics from being played as "dark"?
>actually defending Youtube's brain worm infested algorithm

Yea it's my fault I randomly get suggested to watch livestock hoof care videos, because of all the livestock hoof care videos I watched.
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WSYIWYG died as a rule so my squad leaders could have 3 visually different guns with the same rules.
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Does anyone have pdfs of the imperial armour books? I have a trip coming up and I want to read something on the plane.
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Would it be rude to bring 2 mek guns to a 750 point game?
I'm not mean enough to do 3. All bubblechukkas of course.
oh wow
still no new 40k news
you just got news for boarding patrols. Shut up and get your wallet ready for overpriced terrain.
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Working on more ultras. Almost done with this squad.
Eh, not really. They're not even that great at the moment. As always when in doubt, though, discuss it with your opponent.
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GW would need to ask the good modellers from AoS/Necromunda/horus heresay to make 40k models if they wanted to have the faction standout from the current admech line

dont know if they can though, we'll probably just be stuck with the 40k modellers
YT gives you more content of what it thinks you want, yes. I watch Vince, Cult of paint, occasionally NJM, BDCF, and some other small painting / wh channels and I don't ever get served sloppa. You do, because it clearly thinks you like it.
Read a book on paint thinning too jesus.
WYSIWYG didn't die, GW may have been retarded in some instances but it's still important for the guy with a flamer to be represented properly.
Eric's Hobby is fine. The rest you need to click the dots and Not Interested. It won't fix everything but it will help.
that's not thick paint that's phone digital zoom ruining the picture
Not interested barely works. What does fix it immediately is removing videos from your history.
eric is cool but the thing on his neck is so distracting
it's unreal how good the heresy admech models are compared to 40k
>heresy admech models
When do the new ones come out? I want that tank.
Mine almost never kill anything.
was doing pretty good until Thousand Sons fucked me in the ass without my consent
I’m building some terrain and buildings for my at home 40k table. My friends and son play 10th-adjacent homebrew where we don’t get retarded with visibility and the current ruins rules. I’m making some buildings with multiple floors and was wondering what GW terrain heights are for floors? I’m doing 3 inches myself.
GW doesn't standardize terrain
The old upgrade sprue still looks good on the new bodies and I hope GW puts effort into new and units rather than release a codex that is just the index but with a new sonic marines sculpt and a pity model that's just "slaaneshier marine".
My ideal is new sculpts on everything but given GW track record the best feasible outcome is something like
>Combat patrol EC:
>10 sonic marines (legionnaries with one copy of the noise weapon pack and 2 copies of the noise marine upgrade pack)
>10 Bikers of slaanesh (extra heads to supplement the marines above)
>Doom Rider
>the anniversary sonic marine model as a captain equivalent
>sonic dreadnought
Cult of paint is good. I've met Henry in real life. He's a damn good painter and a genuine nice person.
3 inches is generally community accepted standard, at tournaments and other organized events
I wish my 3 inches could be accepted...
depends if its painted or not.. you do paint your measuring tools for games right?
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On the cleanup stage of painting this thing. Couldn't get a game last week but I sure as hell got a lot of painting done, instead.
No release date yet, but we’ve been on a 40k/30k release drought for nearly two months now. Once AoS finishes releasing, we’ll probably start getting news again.

Personally I just want to know what the promised HH melee upgrades will look like.
I don't think EC will just get Legionaires with an upgrade sprue, they'll get Noise Marines and lose Legionaires (and every other non-EC unit), like every other God-specific CSM army did.
It's just gonna be World eaters all over again where they release half an army and forget about it for a few years.
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Ale dairy
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Ork bros, how are we holding up?
thing is I still think they'll give the cult legions daemons and squat undivided daemons as a thing. so EC units plus daemonettes and seekers etcetc
What happened to phoenix terminators, did they all end up corrupted? It’d be kind of a shame, they’re on the cooler end of legion-specific terminators.
What are the odds they actually increase admechs point value? I have only like 2080 points of admech after 2 battleforces, combat patrol, boarding patrol, a skorpius, and a spare chicken, giving me little choice in what I'm running.
You too get those? I thought I maybe got them because I watched some sheep herding dogs videos

It's the only Chaos colour available, I'm sorry it has to be yellow.
Dark green with neon green accents
Livestock hoof care is important anon
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Sudden urge to paint cow-print elves
>scammer terrorizing my local trade group
>tons of different accounts and tons of aliases
>its a transformer
/toy/ club is two doors down
Same thing here, although I don't know the real identity of the individual. Every day there's a a few fresh new listing's that are all scams
>cult legions daemons and squat undivided daemons as a thing
Would probably be for the best, though not sure how Belakor or Vashtorr would work then.
Probably gonna need to rename Chaos Space Marines to just Chaos or Legions of Chaos or whatever, if they're gonna roll the daemons into it
There needs to be a retard filter scammer in every areas group to teach the mouthbreathers adult life skills. Some guy scammed one of the members of our local trade group into buying 1k in fortnite cards in exchange for a titan that never got sent
Vashtorr already has his own detachment, Belakor gets given one for CSM-brood brothers where its "take 2/3rds your army as daemons" or some shit
i agree its stupid to get scammed but its actually kinda refreshing that people are so trusting in the hobby. like every other aspect of life it seems everyone is trying to scam/grift you.
Sky tallon finally came back in stock, been waiting for like 8 months to buy that stupid thing. Was honestly afraid they were going to oop it. Just waiting on a vulture now and ill have almost everything I need to complete my small totally not starship troopers force.
>Belakor gets given one for CSM-brood brothers
Yeah, could work.
Probably could be added in a dataslate or something upon the squatting of the daemon codex next edition probably
>it's refreshing to surround yourself with retarded people
It absolutely is not. The whole warhammer hobby community would be leagues better if it's participants had more adult life skills. I'm tired of hearing about warhammer players with 12k piles of unpainted plastic tell me they don't have money, or that everything is so expensive. I've seen multiple retarded warhammer players with kids buy $500+ piles of kits at my lgs just to be brought back the same day with their gf or mom standing behind them tapping their foot and chewing them out about their kids daycare or their apartment rent payments. All those retards deserve to be scammed out of their money until they learn how to be a grown up
Ehw is great. But hobby related videos are just friendship simulators, and absolute timesinks. Unless you're learning something productive from them, they're a complete waste of time. Your time would be better spent reading or painting
Jesus christ anon, just regularly swish them in normal water while painting.
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what is the eavy metal way, and what are the alternatives?
Alcohol soak for 15 mins and then working normal shampoo through the brush to remove the remainder. Running conditioner through the bristles will also help paint flow from the brush as it will smooth the surface of the bristles.

>tldr: clean your brushes made of natural hair the same way you'd clean your natural hair
Eavy metal way involves painting your models nicely and carefully applying your highlights. The alternative is that your models look like muddy slop and only get complimented by talentless europoors with less than 5 painted models
eavy metal is basing, washing, highlighting your base back up then edge highlighting everything
there are tons of alternatives including oil pinwashes for shading and volumetric highlights for more advanced painting
and things like zenithal/slapchop for lazy sloppy volumetric highlights
Show your nicely painted models that totally aren't a muddy slop then
why are you so defensive of the models you will never own or paint?
>not posting models
i assume you don't have any either then
not that anon, just laughing at how instantly pissy you got :)
nobody has ever pulled off blanchitsu model painting well other than blanche, even duncan's attempt at it just looks like every other grimderp pigment slop paintjob
Taking pictures is for secondary faggots. Why would I waste my time taking gay pictures when I could be painting kino models, or playing games. Maybe wash sloppas have extra time to take pictures but I certainly dont
you post this exact same bait every few weeks and nobody falls for it, yet you continue to do so
can the angry people please leave already
John blanche is such an utterly talentless hack that even he can't paint models in his own style and make them look good. Pic very related
(you) tried
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>everyone who hates wash sloppa is the same person
>hes gangstalking me and keeps making fun of my ugly models covered in tidemarks
your pathetic ass knows I'm talking about the same low effort baitpost of I-I'M TOO BUSY PLAYING TAKING PICS IS FOR GAYS AND GIRLS WHO DON'T OWN MODELS
Sounds like something a wash sloppa with too much time on his hands would worry about. Maybe if you were spending more time on each model you wouldn't have time to stress about the bugmen making fun of your models anymore
'Eavy Metal style exists because it's the best way to compliment a model, hell I could say it's the best way to paint a model period.
It may not be someone's style, but at the end of the day there's a reason why it's used for the boxart, it's that good.
except it actively makes certain schemes look worse
for example, dark angels look infinitely better without neon green tron outlines
>calling yourself a bugman
I actually like it, I was thinking of using DAs instead of BTs
Now I could have been really nasty and used the HH 2.0 SoHs which I adore, that'd have rustled some feathers
>except it actively makes certain schemes look worse
>for example, dark angels look infinitely better without neon green tron outlines
This post was typed by paintlet hands that only touch ugly models
the knightly chapter doesn't look knightly when covered in tron outlines, simple as
they could even go with a less garish yellow-green to highlight to alleviate this trash but they continue down this path
I want my power armour to look like power armour
If I wanted my power armour to look like metal, I'd paint Grey Knights or buy some Bretonnians.
is it fair to take a brigand in 1k? assuming not in 500
>newfag take located
Absolutely abysmal taste. Bright edge highlights on DA are kino and sovlful
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I will now post my favorite DA miniature ever.
these are not the same level of highlights as these >>93375727 which literally proves my point that even a less obnoxious highlight color would improve the current eavy metal scheme for dangels immensely you disingenuous faggot
>I want my power armor to look like power armor
you're complaining that the knight chapter is supposed to look knightly and ruining their aesthetic as a consequence, go play your milquetoast grey knights and fuck off, retard
>proceeds to post an image from GW store and not an image of his own miniature
many such cases
That is a lot of words to type when you could just say you're blind, have shit taste, and are shit at painting
Post your models
I like Poorhammer
It won't change your shit taste or make you any better at painting so I'll pass blind-kun
>Tau Empire species:
>Tau, Anthrazods, Boaburi, Brachyura, Charpactin, Demiurg, Domati, Formosian, Galg, Greet, G’nosh, Hrenian,Jagordian,Ji'atrix, Kroot, Morralian, M'uh'ja, Nagi, Nicassar, Phosiab, Poctroon, Pohu-Agg, Ranghon, Tarellians, Thraxians, Vespid, Vorgh, Yabi-Yabi.

People prefer to buy bad designed britbong gumdam ripoffs.

Fuck this gay world.
This can't be real
Nobody gives a fuck about your heckin wholesome halo covenant of auxiliaries
I don't listen to the opinions of secondaries
>Verification not required.
Noone has ever cared about gay communist ayylmaos. Only reason anyone slightly cares about tau is that they get big robots
I haven't painted it yet, I'm not gonna paint it until I'm *that* good.

Nice try!
She can't keep getting away with it
Lmao post your mudshitter DA models you queer, just get it over with lol
Ghost of kyiv strikes again
>halo owns unions of aliens
I kneel
I care
Opinions of those with bad taste are irrelevant
>you're complaining that the knight chapter is supposed to look knightly
I want to congratulate you, for you have failed to read so much that you understood the opposite of what was being said.
Live by what you preach, either post your models or be ignored, that works for me!
That's exactly what I'm saying, that is sad that people don't like some original xenos boxes sculpts.
I also hate the neon chunky highlights some do in DA. Desaturated is better.
People prefer another marine lieutenant.
Auxiliaries are coming in Chalnath, screencap this and cry
>dark angels look infinitely better without neon green tron outlines
Well I don't care much about marines, but looking at pics I'm with you.
As a robot fan, what I don't get about tau ones is that they don't look good compared to others IPs.
Is it just me or does Vashtorr have a weird niche of needing to buff a vehicle while hitting something with his hammer and flamethrower? How likely are you to do all 3 of those things in one match and get your points worth?
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>Anthrazods, Boaburi, Domati, Formosian, Greet, G’nosh, Hrenian, Jagordian, Ji'atrix, M'uh'ja, Nagi, Pohu-Agg, Ranghon, Yabi-Yabi
Form and strengths unknown
A tiny dexterous-limbed crustacean race, they are unmatched in the delicate assembly of small plasma generators needed to fuel Tau Earth Caste inventions. So small tiny multi limbed crab-like people
Sentient fungoid creatures, They communicate entirely in bursts of ultraviolet colour, whose strobing emanations prove surprisingly effective at subduing and transfixing living beings. Reminds me of the Thyrrus
There squats allies to the Tau
Look like pic related like a bad lovecraft wannabe alien race, live underground and when their empire collapsed they ventured to the stars to work as mercs
Form and strengths unknown but also work as CSM xeno mercs
Look like a flat polar bear and psyker race of pacifists, travel in sublight speeds in hibernation/ generation ships
They can see reality in nine dimensions (???) and slip through the void unharmed (?) These abilities are a boon to the Tau Empire's extra-orbital construction. Form unknown
Kek name, they were the first ever xeno race to join the Tau. However within a few generations, disease destroyed the indigenous population. The Tau, who were immune to the plague, inherited the Poctroons' homeworld, renaming it Bork'an and turning it into a prime world. So Tau genocided them with small pox blankets to take their lands?
Known as dog soldiers, but have the form as bipedal lizards/crocodiles, hate the impeium for destroying their home world, work as mercs. If Tau ever get a third xeno race playable it will be these guys.
Chitin-covered multi-armed xenos, were migrating into Imperial space before they joined the Tau
Kaiju xenos, peaceful nature
>Tau genocided them with small pox blankets to take their lands
Holy Nurgle Taus
Galg look fun, it's a pitty that 40k is so humanity centered, their xenos are usually pretty lame and anthropomorphic.
>Kaiju xenos
Fucking hell, we need Kaijus to punch with a Titan
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I want a rak'gol kill team box.
>It manages to look future sci-fi and grimdark in its own way.
>What is something you like about the faction you like the least?
The Red Legion happily abandon drop their flags to join more opulent factions.
I like the chapters idea as easy way of make your dudes, but I hate space marine armour, looks like the wet fantasy of a 12 year old child.
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Pretty sure they're in IP hell and not owned by GW, seems like the Khrave have replaced them as 'powerful pirate xeno race that can go toe to toe with astartes'
I utterly agree
And I want Gal Gadot's lips around my dick like a gasket, but we can't have it all anon.
>can't into volumetric highlights
>edge highlighting unnecessary shit
It exists because it's consistent and approachable for beginners. There are better ways to paint black than bluing all over it.
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>powerful pirate xeno race that can go toe to toe with astartes
Here you go
This doesn't look good, looks too cartoony.
>looks too cartoony.
can you filter GWs site to show only generic space marines, it shows me a list of 200+ units and I just want to see generics
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This model that you posted as evidence why edge highlights are for beginners is covered head to toe in edge highlights. You can make the claim that you don't like blue edge highlights on black which is a subjective thing, but edge highlights are a tool used by everyone from beginners to the best painters in the game
I haven't exactly followed the rumors but is Deathwatch getting axed?
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>the Khrave
Boring, they are just like the AoS vampire mutants.
Nah they're just doomposting. At worst they'll be part of the agents of the imperium codex.
Even then I doubt it cause I think they want all marines under the marine label neatly.
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>Deathwatch axed before your 2nd game is out
Checks out, the game is still using old cadian designs too
so you're just making up a conversation in your head huh
The fact is that Deathwatch combat patrol was pulled from the store at the same time as the Inquisitors and Assassins. If I had to guess, they're being rolled into the Imperial Agents codex.
Wait, centurions are from manlet days? That means they might get an update of some kind or get squatted with the rest of the manlets. Which is good, because they look like shit.
What are you talking about anon? Centurions sold so well and are so beloved they based the entire primaris line on them.
>That means they might get an update of some kind
Gravis, gravis is just the same idea "strap more armor on top of a standard power armored marine" as centurions but done actually well.
no they will make primaris centurions, they'll have knee fins and a roll cage, GW can't miss a chance to bloat the codex more
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Don't forget the stubbers!
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Finally managed to secure a Fire Prism after months/years of it being out of stock.

Very fun to paint. I am wishing I had put more colour into the crystal though.
>That means they might get an update
I pray for this everyday
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wait hold on so half the people that are arguing over paint styles dont actually paint themselves?
Looking good. Didn't know we had multiple people into Iyanden here
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Christ, I wish it was only half.
Of course. I have posted models with barely highlights and even no highlights and no one called on me and got praised.
I accept your concession
I'm not personally fond of ochre but that's a very subjective thing. Good shit anon, very tidy
The only people who throw fits about other people's painting choices are those unable to make their own painting choices.
I hate elfs, but this chasis is pure kino.
No it isn't, they all have the knee pads that send your rotted axewound into a fury
I think it's just the lighting the white backdrop messed up the iphone's camera a bit.
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>barely highlights and even no highlights
Honestly, if the paint is smooth and you paint within the lines without overspilling and put a basic wash on it, the shit looks fine without all the edge highlights or whatever.
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Nice try
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You caught me!
I usually do bright colors as a base and then start using washes to make the minis dirtier
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>This model that you posted as evidence why edge highlights are for beginners
Quote me where I said this schizo.

You even felt the need to point out that the model has edge highlights on it like it's something anyone with eyes would fail to notice. I'm afraid you're addicited to "winning" convorsations with retards (yourself, in your head).
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and that's totally fine.
I like doing a bright basecoat, put a wash on it that darkens it down and shades the recesses and then just go back to the original basecoat for a brighter highlight. Literally just a single paint and a wash and you have a shadow a midtone and a highlight
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Thats also a great method. I think that washes are more fun to use in general
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Those cans look so unfinished next to those marines
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Thought I'd post a pic of my whole Iyanden army while I'm at it.
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I never realized the new avatar was that small. Wraith titan turned out pretty cool tho anon
Stuff looks pretty small next to the revenant. One day I'll get my hands on a phantom and then they will really be dwarfed.
based, i farm (You)s with my shitty airbrush jobs
It's a huge model though
Is the salamanders fag here? I'm looking at the thunder hammer in the samalanders upgrade sprue and wondering if it would fit on a terminator or be too small. Does anyone know how those arms on upgrade sprues compare to terminators or do they just look too small on the heavier armour?
Not quite. I do think nothing but edge highlights looks much worse than doing proper volumetric hilights, which are also quicker. I don't get why they say edge highlighting is better for begginers when begginers don't have the brush control to make it look decent and takes ages to paint every single edge multiple times on top of being unnatural. Finding where to put the volumetric highlights might be a bit difficult at first but there's tricks to do it. I'm not an expert myself but I think my models look way, way better painted this way.
Anyone else still want the old chaos lord over the new one
I had assumed he was knight sized for some reason
Bad case of marine scaletisms
Painting secondaries love saying that something is for beginners because it makes them feel superior in a field they have no practical experience in. Edge highlights like any painting technique can be used well if they're done mindfully and with purpose, just like drybrushing has a place for heavily textured surfaces like groundwork and fur but suffers when used on smoother surfaces
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Why are we still here? Just to suffer? How did we get to this point?
These are tournament win rates of different armies.
We don't have any eldar players at my current lgs and the lgs in my old town had one but he played Oops all jetbikes. This is my first time actually seeing the avatar outside of the box art and next to another model
Those are clearly timestamps on a youtube video
Yeah. And?
based retard
Because thr game is difficult to balance due to the variety of units and focused melee is especially hard to balance in a game where shooting can be so powerful
You pretended they were win rates. Tier 1 and 2 are meaningless without context.
Tier 1 - top tier. Highest win rates.
Next time put some effort in and post actual winrates. The other auspex tactics watching faggot did.
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None of these include any tangible data, it's all just arbitrary lists with no numbers to show what you're talking about
I thought everyone was crowing about how the ork codex was good? What happened?
Absolutely malding, E
I don't enjoy the ice bases but the ogryn turned out very nice
That actually looks nice!
Nice job anon, i'm sorry i doubted you
It got a ton of nerfs for some reason.
Didn't they get massively nerfed in the dataslate?
They were and then the last dataslate happened
Tier 5 signing in.
What's a non-skewed take all comers marines list designed to be kept for a long time and not altered with the meta?
GW balanced it to shit.
God, ogryn models are dated.
Would be nice to get an updated Ogryn model, maybe a female one with huge tits
Only things that stay in the fat middle of the meta tend to be basic dudes like intercessors, assault intercessors, lieutenants etc.. everything else tends to ebb and flow in competitiveness but basic dudes always trend towards the middle. If you paint as /yourdudes/ then you just pick whatever flavour of marines runs the best at any given time.
How does it feel to be at the bottom?
You can't do that and stay meta. You can build an unchanging 1200~ point "core" of your army that you triple varnish and don't ever change, and then adjust your remainder of your list to whatever is hot at the moment.
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In hindsight early primarised characters were really done dirty. If he released today he could have been a proper terminator again and his honor guard wouldn't be bog standard MKX with a cape
>that you triple varnish and don't ever change
Based and stillmanpilled.
Maybe he'll get Primaris'd 2.0
Shrike is an abomination.
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I rike him
I can print as many non-centurion infantry as I want thanks to accurate designers and scans of GW models but I do lack vehicles, so all I need to buy would be vehicles and the odd character I guess.
It's great. I'm saving money by not travelling to events, and I have heaps of time to paint now. The homos at GW will surely fix things eventually.
The fact that you had to put the helmet that wasn't designed to even fit on his neck already tells much.
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In hindsight I don't think I'd have minded his bare head.
It wasn't a very hard conversion in any case.
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I know it's not difficult, which makes it even weirder that it wasn't an intentional build option. But in any case, the new design is simply worse in every way to the old one. They just had to fix the proportions not change everything.
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Luv me Admech
Did the Sororitas and GSC codices get scanned?
The emo heads just made me think the sculptor was taking the piss desu.
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Out of 40k, 30k, and AoS, which setting do you think has the best Tzeentch army?
>johnny-come-lately has awful taste
Where does the trend of painting Ork armour vibrant colours like >>93371788 come from? I remember a White Dwarf around 2010 with a battle report featuring some guy's Evil Sunz painted with brilliant red and orange armour plates that looked great but it's kinda random , unlike other armours the material is just metal so are orkz slapping fluro paint on it
Your tone transitions are so smooth anon, looks sublime
I do love me some tzaangors.
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they're really not that bad
I like the Conan looking bastard
>Conan looking
My fucking sides.
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You fear the truth
I have pictures of the sister codex and a physical sisters codex, but Im not disassembling my codex to get a scan of it. Its not too big, if I could just take pictures without removing the pages from the binding I'd be open to doing it but I wouldn't want to edit the pdf.
They got overnerfed because they were winning too many games in tournaments, and less tracked absolutely STOMPING casual games.
When deathwatch goes away next month I'm going to miss them. I love those bolter ammunition strategems, and they just fixed captains not being able to do them for free.
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I don't know where the trend itself comes from but I simply enjoy bright models. To me, they're more pleasant to look at both on the table and in a photo.
Releasing new models for them right before primaris was a retarded move. On top of that it's a conversion heavy army in the modern hobbyscape.
That said being like 4% of armies really isn't bad when you're one of many space marine armies and a mostly unsupported one at that.
I can't ever imagine myself using any sort of bare heads for space marines.
Helmets forever for everyone.
>40yo looking emo
RG is the secret true cringe chapter.
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The rubicon primaris gave them a new lease on life
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Rapid ingress helps termies a bit. Though the problem with termies is that they don't really have any targets they're good at hitting, and they're not tanky enough that you can just forget an objective if you're sitting on it.
Their melee isn't good enough to justify their non-existent shooting, they're kind of expensive and they're slow, which means not a very good unit unless it's legitimately unkillable.
lol someone at GW was malding
>When I was
>A scavver
>My father
>Took me to the spire
>To see the Raven Guard
If you want to see what terminators need to do to be usable look at Deathwing Knights. One of the most pushed units in the entire game as of now.
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Apparently, the T'au know about the DAoT and the STC.
What would happen in the T'au got their hands on an STC?
Tau tech probably already mogs anything an STC could make because GW love them that much
And this is why we have the Minotaurs because space marines are fucking mentally deranged
If the chaos bikers ever get an update do you think they'll get a more modern chaosy model with fleshmetal bits, teeth and perhaps the bikes tranforming a bit into beasts? Or perhaps some daemonic halfway joining centaur style? Or do you think they'll stay their old style evil spiky marines?
Probably get horrifically raped by it? I doubt the AI inside of it is keen on being used by fish aliens
3 miniature lords of skulls
Do recasts normally have a ton of flash or did I just get a bad batch?
Did you forget that the Drukhari claimed an STC and corrupted it for their purposes?
i hope its just a modern refresh true to the originals because the old bike design is metal as fuck
I did wtf did they use it for?
Political flexing and then as a bioweapon.
>Weirdwaaagh! Zagdakka decapitated
>forge world Columnus saved
>Iron Father Kristos and his conduct are scrutinized by a council of his peers under the observation of Martian officials
There's nothing about it that would warrant a punitive action by the High Lords.
I know they found several mega important cures and medical miracles and decided to keep them locked away or even reverse engineered them back into bigpox just for the luls and because they can feed off of the suffering of plague victims or something. Drukhari have a bunch of weird bioweapons like one that makes bones grow erratically into a prison in your own body or transformation people into living statues of glass.
Vile xenos
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>terminator armour is super great, made with advanced materials and can survive getting stepped on by a titan
>Russ is a terrible death trap that dies to a stern look
>both are made with plasteel and ceramite
Wish the writers stopped drinking the internet meme Kool-aid.
>Leman Russ
A single Hammerhead skimmer tank is a match for a formation of Leman Russes. It outranges, out-speeds, out-maneuvers, and outshoots Imperial tanks.
This was made painfully obvious in the second battle for Agrellan when Imperial tanks outnumbered T'au tanks by a factor of 10 to 1 and STILL LOST.
Man people are selling their armies out of nowhere for some reason
thought russ' were made from plasteel and ferrosteel, not ceramite
Do Necron have artillery?
Yes. Monoliths, Doomsday Cannons, Megaliths.
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Remember when Calgar lifted one of these to redirect its fire at a C'tan cage? How much do you guys think it weighs?
When are we going to see Imperial planes shoot down one of those Tau titans, since titans are dumb and inferior to air superiority. Or is it ok when the Tau do it?
>tau wank
>look up source
>tau books
This is how it goes for any faction really
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was bully boyz really carrying orks that fucking hard?
I like how he chose to only use marine pictures except for the one votann pic
I mean to be fair if you put every 40k faction on a board and threw a dart at it there's a really good chance you'll hit some flavor of space marine.
Not if you’re Eldar :(
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Not a bad look for 'stealers.

The Gav Thorpe curse
Sidenote I'm reading Valedor right now which is slightly better but I like how its idea of a planetary scale invasion is a dozen raiders with like 10-20 wyches each
With numbers like these chapters being 1000 marines make sense
good paint job but these models still look dumb as hell.
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Patrolling the Ash Wastes almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.
Black to neon highlights often looks good when it is pulled off.
When's the OP link going to have the new Codexes?
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mutations and deformities aside, I vastly prefer their poses and proportions to normal stealers, normal stealers are too humanoid, these at least try to look like xenomorphs
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Didn't GW already make new genestealers a little while ago? Did I just imagine that?
Nobody is scanning the new codices.

The new Purestrain Genestealers and the upcoming Malstrain Genestealers are different units made for different games.
Nope, they got their refresh recently, and moved from 25mm to 32mm bases.
It's just that different studios at GW don't communicate with each other at all
I know. I just can't tell if they got updated or not.
I guess the sprues look relatively new
>BA Tier 1
since when?
Since Auspex Tactics said so into his 30 year old microphone and put it into a power point video
always, space marine fags are just really fucking stupid. Its why you should never pay attention to their win rate.
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>punk gang warfare?
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>Didn't GW already make new genestealers a little while ago?
With the launch of 10th edition and the related Tyranids wave, yes
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Spyrers and Van Saar were always the high-tech groups.
>Now have two tier 4 armies and a Tier 1 army
I know what I'm playing till the next balance pass
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Post models
We want the Infinity audience and injecting off-theme bullshit into our current niche skirmish game is less expensive than making a new one.
>none of these AS far ahead
Nigga it don’t matter. CWE were catching nerfs while they were below 55.
Prepare your anal cavities, this is just how we do things now.
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>but these models still look dumb as hell.
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Its fucking kino af and totally inline with necromunda.
Why do all of these look so retarded
I guess necromunda players have always enjoyed eating shit
Leave this one to me
ngl spyers look awesome but I just know they'd sit on my backlog and that money could go to another unit or two for my army
Found a Guilliman from the imperium magazine and got it on a whim
I dont play marines yet and I was going to start a BA/BA successor army with HH marines and I was thinking of turning Robute into a big ass sanguinor
Does anyone know of a good wing stl asset that I could attach to his back?
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Why can't actual 40K look like this?
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you're a special kind of stupid
Those are not the nu kneepads. The nu Cadian designs also go far beyond just kneepads.
Did you think people seethed over any kneepad? How embarrassing.
Because this isn't a lady who fights on the battlefield, she's a flashy rogue who goes on adventures. You can run her in the rogue trader entourage though as an ally to any imperial army which might be much better once the imperial agents codex comes out.

Rogue Trader armies, Navy armies, Inquisition armies... ah I'm so hyped.
What's the difference between edge and volumetric highlighting?
>rogue trader entourage
I wish it was more customizable, instead of just being the Kill team loadout with 0 options.
If anything, a rogue trader and his/her crew should be the most customizable and varied unit possible
edge is when you jerk off without cooming and volumetric highlighting is when you highlight based on the objects shape and lighting
Honestly rogue trader/inquisitor squad should let you take a model of basically any infantry unit in the entire Imperium. From a preacher to a space marine.
Will never happen because it would be a nightmare to balance™
I think it'd be feasible if we still had unit costs per-model.
Space marine is 15 points? Pay 20 points for a Space marine bodyguard in a Rogue Trader unit
Sister of battle for 10 points? Pay 13 points to have her alongside a Rogue Trader etc etc
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edge highlight is highlighting the edges to add definition
volumetric lighting is highlighting surfaces as they would be hit by a light source, it's what you see people do for a lot of display pieces
ignore the clickbait sloptuber thumbnail it was the first image result
Left marine is much more SOVLFUL than the right one
This mf need to learn how to shave his face properly
OK that makes sense, thanks anon. How is the volumetric highlighting normally achieved? If I could do that through stippling I'd be pretty happy. I've seen it a lot on bigger models but it usually looks like it was done with an airbrush

>If I could do that through stippling I'd be pretty happy
You 100% can do that with stippling and it creates a really cool texture if you do so.
any amount of ways to paint would for it, you can just stipple with lighter and lighter as would make sense, or you could do something like layering and glazing to get really smooth transitions like that thumbnail example
>Try stippling
>Make a mess
I hate being a retard
I'll go back to my trillion glaze layers
Fantastic I'll give it a try at some point

I'm yet to try glazing and feel like it would be much harder and take way longer, but it looks better than stippling I'm guessing
Edge highlighting is not always meant to be a literal rays of light catching edges of something.
A lot of organic substances are thinner and lighter towards the edges, just look at your nails
What I am trying to say is that it's not exclusively a lighting-focused technique in spite of the name
They're fantastical models but they definitely look less like xenomorphs than regular stealers, xenomorphs are very purposeful, streamlines and symmetrical, while these are pretty discordant. They're the Alien 4 human-morph to regular xeno what malstrains are to purestrains.
The only thing I don't dig about malstrains are the huge ass spikes, those look like they wouldn't fit inside air shafts, which is quintessential for xenomorph-expies.
They're more like The Thing than a Xenomorph, i think.
But they're so fucking cool.
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Eldar Exodites 2025
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>those look like they wouldn't fit inside air shaft
I'd imagine that like codyceps fungus, which is what the spikes are obviously based on, that they're not a hard material and are actually fairly flexible
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Blangels and Furries have been doing really well. Death company marines and thunder wolf cavalry are some of the best units in the game. The problem is that the rest of the marine dex tends to be fairly meh. So if you aren’t running an deviant chapter you tend to got roflstomped if you don’t know what you’re doing.
Sticking to one rules system is a great way to keep your pile of shame manageable. Specialist games a common trap for beginners to get sidetracked on
Maybe I should filter every image I see so I only have to see new models.
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Sorry, I can only paint so fast. Those guys are third from the last and I didn’t take a pic of my scouts. The post model man didn’t specify new models. I figured I’d wait a week or two before posting my jump pack dudes again so here have the newest predator that I posted last thread.

The scouts should be done sometime next week, then it’s Typhon or Mk3 armour Hellblaster time.
I hate you and your earnestness/ childlike joy in the hobby.
Are you really trying to make 40kg show less painted models. Even if you saw them before its better than another
>how would x fair in 40k
>Why is x so bad in the current edition
>Why did gw do x in the lore instead of y
>games workshop will die in x weeks
>X black library book is gay/written by guys
>new reveal bad
>X army is for gays, y army is kino
Now now, he was right to chastise me.
You should let yourself have fun instead of being a miserable faggot all the time
Probably. But it’s more fun to piss people off. One day I WILL get Sallyman to flip his shit.
How does the same handful of samefags going "post models" and then seeing the same 5 models a 100 times enhance my 40kg experience? "Oh well you see I had to post them because someone asked!"
Besides my filters affect only me.
Be the change you want to see.
He definitely was not in his right to be a cunt Sally anon. Any painted models are welcome in the thread, especially from you given your continuous work to keep painting stuff. Anyone who would rather see another thread of nothing but arguments over a thread full of painted models is brainrotted
Even if it would lead to a better product, repackaging the old upgrade sprue instead of making a new sprue would be an optics nightmare.
How would Sigmar fare in 40k?
Why is internal balance so bad in current edition?
Why did gw do nothing with Fulgrim lore instead of foreshadowing his return
games workshop will die in 104 weeks
Most recent black library book is gay/written by guys
new reveal bad because there are no new reveals
United States army is for gays, Ukrainian army is kino
Considering getting some Cadians to paint as Rynnsguard to run alongside my Crimson Fists.
Because this is a hobby about painting cool dudes first and foremost. And even if you've seen something you should be able to appreciate that someone else is putting content into the thread that isn't just another shitpost, baitpost, or pointless complaining
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Turned some attention to my wraith units, got a lot done on the spiritseer, pretty happy with my colour choices, I think he matches without completely blending in.
Wraithguard will have white heads
Played against Dark Eldar last night with my Death Guard. They just have so much endless trash to run objective play and screening with and still manage to hit like fucking trucks. I could easily pick up anything I charged but then get wiped on the counter charge.
The loss of PBC consistency has ruined this matchup that used to be an easy slam dunk.
Still ended up close at the end but I could feel how behind I was all game.
Sallyanne returns

Tell you what, that cursive shit in the background is homo as fuck, just in csse you were looking for feedback
I wish more eldar stuff had the kooky smooth facemask that the spiritseer has
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I never left. I’ve been here. Watching, reading, judging. You’re right about the cursive but I don’t tell my beloved what to do with decorating the kitchen. If it was up to me the house would have zero soul since I’m shit at interior design.
Dark Eldar actually have quite a few of them I think
>is a great way to keep your pile of shame manageable.
Already way post that point but hey never too late to fix it.
Nah basically only the pilots. GW employees just get to cheat for their projects when it comes to bits.
Built a flamer guy. Four more and the squad is built, then I can start painting.
maybe primaris aren't so bad after all
If that’s what you like, I guess. I’m not a fan.
This seems kinda stinky
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>flinches and crushes your fingers with power armor gauntlet by accident
Is this supposed to be funny? :weirdchamp:
The fuck? Is that a discord thing?
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Ah shit, here we go...
Care to elaborate?
I hate you.
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i love lesbians
>he doesn't know
You are kinda evil anon.
In a funny way.
Fuck you :)

I don't know what people are hating you for, we've had early leaks of the warcom site before.
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Here is WIP
I don't understand how you're still working on these, it feels like I've been seeing these for over two months now
When will warcom have news about 40k...
NTA but sometimes life intervenes.
I have some half painted squads myself I haven't been able to get back to in over a month because of travel/health
What's the matter? Not excited about the "new" boarding actions game mode update?
better than the orange and teal fag showing an unprogressed wip 5 months later
Okey dokey.
He always does this. His name is E- ACK
Lot of bitterposters today, huh?
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Always bitter all the time
NTA, but if i posted my "progress" you'd see the same mini for half a year.
Being busy and tired is a bitch
Where do you see primaris parts there? The head?
What the fuck
Wrong train of thought. Try another.
he's saying tortugaslop makes primaris look good
just yet another larper pretending he owns or cares about the difference between firstborn and primaris models
That head isn’t primaris. I got it from a Tactical Squad kit.
Christ. So much effort, yet it looks so terrible.
They hate us ‘cus they ain’t us. Model posters are are nice to see.
You seem upset.
tiresome seeing three faggots circlejerk over muh firstborn muh primaris day in and day out
I just like firstborn, dude.
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Can't imagine how fucked my boy would have been
I just want them to bring back Cortez.
No i am not excited about that
these guys look like fat cosplayers with tiny heads
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VGH they're truescale as all marines should be
he's a nogame attention whore
sorry, these look bad. Primaris had it about right with scale
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jesus christ what happened here?
Those hazard stripes are fucking heinous. Combine that with poortuga gay bodies that makes these the worst looking marines in the thread lmao
both of these look awful
that's not tortuga
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Bong education at work
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Now this is.
Those aren’t tortuga, seetheposter.
Sure but you probably haven't been posting the same wip model pics for 60-90 days straight
I can imagine the people at your local store half-heartedly going "Wow, so cool", holding back disgust as you excitedly put them on the table.
I'd just like to point out that whenever you see this filename format it's the same guy shitposting 99% of the time.
still looks better than >>93378026
All troonscale shit looks the same and is all dogshit
didn't ask, brainrot-kun
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You pussies just can't handle TRUEscale
>All those jump pack fins
>A silencer on what's essentially a grenade launcher
>Tacticus body but Phobos legs
>That gay mask while his helm rests shamefully on his hip
>Not just a tactical rock, but a tactical pillar
>benposting in 2024
This is definitely ass but still mogs all truescale trash because at least the base sculpt has not retarded proportions
You don't need to ask, everyone already knows
>primaris BAD
>manlets BAD
>anything else BAD
You don’t enjoy anything lmao
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I will not have you losers badmouth Shrike
They got the characters noone cares about out of the way early in the primaris pipeline and it shows
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Some were pretty good
I don't hate primaris or manlets. I do hate bad conversions that lead to wack proportions though
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Not much of a yiffer but Ragnar's probably one of the best upgrades
This is just a normal intercessor with a big belt buckle, a cape, and a bird
>complains about proportions
>but likes ill-proportioned manlets
Consistency is important, buddy.
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top knots are top notch
Numanlets pretty sweet and properly proportioned, I do agree the old squatting guys look pretty retarded though
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I thank the God-Emperor every day that I was not born a Space Marine player.
Fuck primaris lol gay fag loser
except one little thing HES NOT ON A FUCKING BIKE
I’m beginning to regret my choice.
they didn't exist yet lol
>this marine is just a marine + additions
>and properly proportioned
Their thighs are overly long and they have too short torsos.
Primaris over all have the better proportions and the better size.
It's what all marines should have been upgraded into model wise. Yes, even chaos marines and all firstborn.
Might be due for a new bread
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Kor'sarro was always a footslogger character.
That’s a pretty good werewolf in human form face. They’re getting better at the subtle wolf thing.
don't, marines reign supreme and anything to the contrary is just inferior seethe
I hadn’t noticed how long the thighs are until now, jeez. Femurs? More like threemurs lmao.
He had rules for a bike and conversions were encouraged
I mean I’m not going to abandon my project, I just regret that I chose the armor autism faction when I post here.
I don’t think so.
>but muh rules
Those don't matter, especially if they don't have an accompaning model.
I can't believe I bought snaggas and squighog boyz, I feel sick for falling for the sniggers meme
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every army is the armor autism faction
look at the retard seething about kneepads on new IG models
look at every eldarfag seething about identical models in range refreshes
I'll give you 50 bucks for it
well, you're simply wrong and retarded
I've never seen ork players complain about armor design
I've never seen GSC players complain about armor design
I legit thought the kneepads on the new cadians thing was a meme.
>every army is the armor autism faction
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Let me guess, this giant hunk of junk will cost like 2000 USD, wont it?
Yea, he's really ho-- I mean badass
literally 5 posts above you is an ork player complaining about armor design
GSC complain about ONLY having mining equipment and brood brothers
higher up in this very thread is one melting about the new marine game having "old" cadians
didn't ask for your cope
It is a meme.
A meme as in that low skill autists throw a thread long fit over it.
some new ork fans don't like meganobs for some reason
>literally 5 posts above you is an ork player complaining about armor design
Oh so you think literally everything about a model is armor design, cool.
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We are immune from such faithless discourse do not ask about the Paragon legs
whining about an ork having fur trim and tribal tats is the same as somebody melting down about a marine's helmet looking different
I’m guessing yours is the green marine.
I like how eldarfags get to be plural but IG fans are just a singular boogeyman.
>I'm not invested in this thing so it all looks the same to me, I'm so mad about people complaining!
Fuck off, no one asked you.
>didn't ask for your cope
Didn't ask for wildly incorrect statements but you gave one anyway
can I ask about repentia attire?
I'm sorry that you are schizophrenic and seeing statements that don't exist, anon!
you didn't need to announce yourself like this lmao
>Orkish armor autism
Real tuff ladz don’t even wear armor.
>higher up in this very thread is one melting about the new marine game having "old" cadians
The game literally uses the old Cadian designs, anon. I don't know what to tell you.
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Somebody seems upset.
explain the kneepads on the guardsmen then :^)
Doesn’t even look out of place. Orkz are the best for kitbashes and conversions.
there's a reason why IGfags are number 2 on the whiny tierlist just under eldarfags and you're displaying it perfectly
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Some of the old cadians had kneepads to show heavier armor. it's also lifted from kasrkin for visual variety in a video game.
They look absolutely nothing like nu Cadian designs. They even have straps holding them in place.
crazy how they ONLY have the kneepads like the nu models and none of the shin/thigh armor then
>Drukhari tier 1
>Aeldari tier 3

Wow. For the longest time I remember Aeldari being undisputed top tier while Drukhari being squishy dogshit. How things change.
I should take a break from marines and focus more on my caveman orks. They’re so fucking retarded, I love them.
You won't pay for the Warmaster but you will certainly pay for Celestine, won't you, waifufag?
Drukhari are the older ones though and the eldar are the students.
All types of space marines are for man children... Except one.
>things can only ever reach the heights they're already reached
>things can never improve
Why are warhammer players like this? Clearly the White Scars character should be on a bike
>you don't like this over priced hunk of junk
>it totally means you will buy this other over priced hunk of junk
Why do you care about Auscuck's opinion?
Celestine is WONDERFUL AND PURE and if I didn't get her model my Greyfax would be lonely, okay?
>Clearly the White Scars character should be on a bike
No. He was always a footslogger.
>but muh rules
I don't care.
Didn't play much 9th edition did you? True, DEldar were midtier at best for most of the games history but the 9E codex was fucking cracked in like three different ways and they had to be nerfed three times to get below a 70% winrate.

Also they're not as crazy as they seem right now in 10th because they are still a very difficult and tactical army to play effectively, but they definitely have a very high skill ceiling right now.
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For sure. Post more when you do them later.
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Why else would I buy big overpriced figures?
tbf this is Kristos. The marine malevolant who impersonates an iron hand. This guy is the reason IH are the way they are.
Hey hey hey I'm complaining that I feel like I was forced to grt snaggas for anti tank / monster nonsense, I'm not having a sook about their model design, I don't mind them desu (although there'd a bit too much going on with thr beastboss)
I'm so hyped about the direction of the Eldar refresh.
the right balance of sleekness and decoration, we have things like the ornate new avatar, but also the simple and perfect guardian refresh.
More organic-looking bone armor would have been so shit and also invalidated the good plastics we already had (wave serpent, wraiths etc).
The fact that I can run my old guardians beside the new and no one would notice is great
She is bare feet'ed.
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I found one part of the kit that didn't fit properly and had to file down something but other than that they are far better than the old metal ones
I wish
I will. The snag I’m hitting is what to do for Nobz and a Warboss. I was thinking of using the current models for both and just painting their clothes as buckskin, make them look a step higher than the boyz they lead.
I know down the line I'll gather a 1000 points casual Raven Guard army because I like the Phobos Army and the Vanguard Detachment.
VGH camisole...
>Modern technology allows for better sculpts
IG fags just can't help but respond to every post criticizing their boring sperg army
Give me Frateris Militia NOW.
I think I'd probably end up doing CSM over Space Marines, even if both are pretty far down my list. I just don't find any of the loyalists particularly appealing. Maybe BT. Raven Guard have a great color scheme, I have to say.
>The snag I’m hitting is what to do for Nobz and a Warboss
ironjaws and gorgers
There can't be multiple Eldar fags because I am all of them and single handedly responsible for making Eldar 6% of GW's total sales.
Vandire lost. The temple will not rise again. Cope.
To be fair there's a sizable population of tourists who buy eldar whenever they're the best army in the game again(every other month)
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You're preaching to the choir, brother. I don't dare hope for new crusaders/frateris in the Imperial Agents army.
>I like this black and white chapter
>but I could also be tempted to paint this other black and white chapter
Why don't you just pick the sculpts you like and paint them in a black and white scheme, it sounds like you already have an idea on colours you like
Passive aggressive.
I don't like Marines really, that was my original post.
Now if only the upgrade kit on the left had as many things as the one on the right.
I agree with the IJ from aos suggestion. They’re beefy boys and the underworlds ones don’t even have chest armour.
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>6% of gw sales
Lmao you fucking wish dude
We have been over this.
Frateris Militia are not permanent armies aka standing armies. By mandate of the Inquisition and the High Lords of Terra all Frateris Militia are to be disbanded at the end of each war.
Failure to do so would result in dire consequences.
Haters gonna hate, I think they look cool
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This anon gets it.
I don’t know why I was under the impression that the Ironjaw megaboss had been axed, but he’s perfect. Those madlads riding giant boars are great too.
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>Give me Frateris Militia NOW.
>t. bald 30 year old virgin
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Anon, I... >>93376332
I buy all the Dark Eldar and the Craftworld Eldar and the Harlequins/Corsairs/Ynnari and all their kill teams. I am 5.5% of the player base.
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>my highly armored super soldier is the same as a bunch of scraggly peasants willing to die as a canon fodder for the sisters.

Frateris Militia are temprorary forces of volunteers organized for Wars of Faith, and a common part of sisters armies in lore
>buy cawdor gang
>run with voidsmen rules
>stuff you can see from across the table
>shit that look pretty on the store page but becomes meaningless blur at arms length
>admech so expensive that they clock 3% for an army no one plays

Could also run them as crusaders, you can have 2 units of 6 I think.
Those are player rates, not sales. AdMech are obviously at least 20% of their income at those prices.
Snagga armor design isn't for me but I'm not one of the paranoid idiots who thinks it's "replacing" the normal Ork aesthetic because my brain is capable of focusing on more than one thing at a time and thus I am able to recall that the snagga release was accompanied by an only slightly smaller number of Ork kits with the typical design on full display.

I fucking abhor Ironjawz aesthetic with some very fringe cases, though, I absolutely hate that they did away with the brutal-but-functional armor design of Fantasy for the actual garbage of Ironjawz.
post your eldar then
>lazy lower detail sculpt actually... good
the power of the contrarian mind is truly staggering sometimes
New thread since we hit image cap and all that
DW should be an ally unit for any imperial faction
I'm surprised GW hasn't already opened that can of worms so they can sell marines to every army
I would but we are at image cap. Just Google Eldar models. First result. Any results. They're all mine, as the only Eldar collector.
it's a primaris arm. If you have any sitting around you can decide for yourself if you think it's too small

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