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>Boarding Actions Coming Soon

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous Thread:
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Might as well try asking here. Does anyone have the 4th Edition Blood Angels Codex?
How do I into deployment, reserves and primary
cause i feel like thats why i lose most of my games
hide everything behind ruins
a single deep strike unit in reserve
tactical mission
I've got the specific white dwarfs but they're not in English
tough luck
>all eldar vehicles should be symmetrical
>all eldar units should use craftworld colors only
>alaitoc should use blue and some white with red gems, blue and yellow looks like shit and is already used by iyanden
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Going to the LGS tomorrow, to play Combat Patrol against my friend's Sisters vs my GSC again. I barely won last time, ignoring the Rhino was huge but Repentia just fuck my shit up with anti-infantry modifier.
Terrain sucked last time for we had no idea but will ask for help this time on setting it up. Another friend will bring his CSM Combat Patrol on Sunday.
Deploy behind l shaped ruins and take potshots out of windows
This is the worst fucking thread. Try again.
>nothing painted or based fully
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Post models and wips
Noone cares about any of that shit, paint things how you like or you're a cuck
How should eldar repairs be handled in a 1st person 40k mmofps with realistic physics

If bonesingers are the only repairmen then all vehicle users would use them, this might necessitate giving a repair gun to dire avengers (grenade slot) so it would be less weird
Do you have even one of these finished yet
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>craftworlds colours only
>How should eldar repairs be handled in a 1st person 40k mmofps with realistic physics
This is irrelevant because only factions that people actually play are featured in vidya
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Still in progress.
Some people get triggered by power rangers colors for aspect warriors because they think all armies should have a uniform color scheme.
Aspect warrior colors:
>big gae
Craftworld colors:
>beautiful, consistent, chad
Huh. I forget that sanguinary guard are relatively new. Used to be regular old honor guards.
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He says when Thousand Sons are being prominently featured in the biggest 40k game ever, an army that nobody plays
It's 2024
You play elves, all the paintschemes are gay because they're being applied to gay models.
Marines of all kinds get a pass because they're the protagonists and antagonists of the universe. Everything else is side character shit
Wraithbone is a self-repairing material with the application of psychic focus. The driver or the spirit stones placed within the hull of a vehicle would be able to regrow the structure of the vehicle passively just by thinking about it.
There is no evidence that the eldar are not heterosexual. In fact, the need for a stoic lifestyle suggests that they are trad.
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But the Votann appeared in vidya before 40k.
Even the most depraved Dark Eldar think nuclear families are totally bad ass.
The evidence is that all the models are twinks wearing spandex
Painting aspect warriors the same colour sounds boring and takes away a lot of the personality of a colourful faction.
As a painting enjoyer, it's also nice to switch it up without having to work on a different army. It does seem this "uniform colour chad" hasn't posted any models anyways, so shit opinion discarded.
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>GSC at 1%
>Marines of all kinds get a pass
Even Emperor's Children?
I kind of suspect that as much as people are hyping that army up that it is going to sell worse than Leagues of Votann or World Eaters did.
Noone knows what these are and they look like ass. I don't know why you keep posting them
Exactly. Everyone cares for them. Including you.
Repainted them both to better fit Argent Shroud.
It's too warm to keep painting today ree
As a Dark Eldar fag I enjoy painting each of my subgroups (Kabals, Cults, Covens, Mercenaries) a different color scheme even if it makes them look less harmonious on the battlefield.
these look like a generic forgettable enemy they would put in a capeshit movie
Out of curiosity, is the joytoy the same size as a Paragon Battlesuit?
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Been trying to paint this stupid Immolator for a year. Send help, or just shoot me.
paragon warsuit is bigger, there was a big 40k display in a gunpla store I went to in flushing, new york. They also had a bunch of space marines and titanfall stuff which was cool.
Anyone managed to find pdfs from those gnarly Spanish patreon painters by chance? (Elminiaturista, josedavinci, that Angel giraldez, etc)
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I kneel
Based. I'm also putting my pilots in white outfits rather than matching blue, it seems logical that different sections of an armed force would have different uniforms
I wish i could tell you but my battlesuits are in storage
It's 10.5cm toe to helmet and i think a paragon warsuit is 7cm
>Genestealer abberants have two profiles? consolidate them
>Your Neophites have 4 profiles per unit? no, you must take 6 different profiles
Who the fuck wrote the GSC codex holy jesus
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posting my latest finished skittle
But colorful is just a codeword for bad design. You never see anyone applying more than 3-4 colors to any individual design because it looks retarded, but suddenly it's supposed to be ok for armies. The rainbow army trope is nothing but the demented legacy of Gaywin who simultaneously created the eldar and doomed them to faggotry and bad design.
looks like we're both in this thread
I'm going to buy the new Necromunda set and maybe shadow throne this weekend. I'll probably ditch ST and spend those funds on something to use brood brothers.
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Should an IG regiment get pocket grenade launchers as an autopistol side arm?
So glad we finally got 40K news! https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/07/19/weta-workshop-unleash-the-despoiler-in-all-his-diabolical-glory/
that red is hot
that green really pops
work, work, off I go then
nice sisters
Youll finish it one day, and it will be great
I suddenly, inexplicably, want power dueling shields.
Good shit anon
>So glad we finally got 40K news!
After having nothing but shitmar for weeks, we get an article about a giant man-doll for rich people... FUCK!!
>>Boarding Actions Coming Soon
hell yeah, how am I the only one excited about this?
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Got a recast of the old blood angels tac kit, but wanted to make them look more scifi victorian church and less bright red, would burnt red with multiple dips in the black wash be good or should I add some bronze?
It's a damn shame when all we want is news about tiny man-dolls for rich people.
I am, gonna print up a bunch of terrain for it soon
I love skirmish shit and not needing to field vehicles or walkers
That's what a boltgun effectively is.
How many sisters is it legal to field? Can you play them as a horde army?
Boarding Actions was one of our favorite weekend activities for my group so we are all actually very hyped. We already have 2 printed and painted sets of terrain for it. We tried playing the free 10e update for a while but it's pretty jank and needed some rules updates so hopefully this fixes up all the armies to a playable state.
That’s what a bolt pistol is.
A basic Battle Sister Squad is 115 points for 10 and you can field up to 6. So 60 is only 690/2000 points. Throw in some characters, a few other kinds of infantry, and you can probably run close to a hundred foot sloggers if you wanted, though transports would make them a lot more effective.
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those nids are my bf's, I only play sisters + Imperial agents
Thanks. I really think once I finish building this retributor squad, I'm just going to push through and finish the immolator. It won't take too much more to get it at least table-ready.
They need their tanks and transports to do anything.
Thanks anons. I probably shouldn't put so much effort into basic troops but I just can't help myself
Is your bf the twink poster?
How stupid an idea/unit would biker battle sisters be?
Not dumb and people have asked for them for like 5 years.
mogs the hell out of my skit attempt, good shit
Naw, I bought him some nids to try to get him into modeling and painting with me but no traction so far, sadly.
Bike Sisters would be cool, but I'd really like cavalry sisters on robot horses too.
Hey now, there's at least 3 of us
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Magnus is literally me
Do you think Imperial Knights are inflated by all the people who own 1-2 for their Imperium army, or there are that many people running a full knight army?
Big titty biker sister
Pretty sure those stats are based on tournament registrations and what armies were registered for each participant. So that's just the percentage of tournament players running Knights as the army, and the percentage that own 1-2 would actually be quite a bit higher.
tfw no cyclops sorcerer bf
I might gotta use this scheme. Good work.
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lads... I think I will do the deed...
wrong thread, and this is AOS levels of idiotic.
Oh, tanks and transports are needed? I looked at the numbers and 6 squads of regular sisters should be only 600 points. Maybe I could throw in 3 squads of dominions and 3 squads of retributors too, for additional 645 points? Maybe 3 zephyrim squads and 3 sacresants squads, for another 720 points?
Total I could have 165 sisters and maybe still fit in a hospitaller or dialogus. I really like the idea of owning over 100 sisters (although thinking about the time and money, it's probably not meant to be).
Biker sisters is a great idea. I’m sure it will happen sooner or later.
That was a mechanically disappointing boss fight. Both his original, Bayle, and Midra were better. Should've had Formless Mother hijack his body mid fight or done someone we haven't beaten before like Godwyn instead.
Do you really think a short 4chan post is going to be able to cover everything? Just put some thought into things.

Why are you reserving a unit? If your opponent doesn't make a blunder, would it not be better served simply walking up the board?
Are you setting up a unit within x" to do something if you draw it first turn?
Are you deploying in a way that respects threat ranges? If your opponent has an 18" gun and moves 6" you don't need to hide to be perfectly safe just be 24.01" away.
Whats your win condition? What units do you need to take out or contest? Can you get to them?
abberants consolidating wargear is fine by me, as it means I can field my necromunda abby with knives and still be wysiwyg

Neophytes were more of a toolkit unit that relied on wargear; I miss shotguns and cult knives. On the other hand, being able to use a spare lasgun as 'combined arms' means I can get more mileage out of my bits box.
They split flamers and autopistols for acolytes, I can see a future where neophyte heavies become a separate unit or bodyguard.

Mixed feelings overall, especially if wargear makes a return next edition and fucks around with unit profiles again.
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>steals repressors from Arbites
>now wants their Lawmasters, too
60 is probably the most amount you can field reasonably.
You do you mate. If it's mainly for the hobby aspect or just to have the collection then more power to you. But as you suspected it will be quite expensive. And if you have never painted a horde or played with one before, I will warn you that both of them are at total ass to work through and very time consuming
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>abberants consolidating wargear is fine by me, as it means I can field my necromunda abby with knives and still be wysiwyg
what kind of wargear can gsc take in necromunda?
Thanks, honestly the yellow and black tools and trucks are the main reason I went with it. I like to joke that they get their tools from Forgeworld Dewalt. If you're looking for tips, I realized after starting that it's very similar to the Sons of Jormungandr scheme depicted in some editions of the codex.

I chose to have their tattered cloth pieces be red to represent that they are secretly living hidden in the portable labor force of an Admech explorator fleet (my other army), so the members who have taken down a skitarii or tech adept who wandered into their lair wear a scrap of their robes into battle as a sign of status.
>1:6th scale abby
>2 foot 11 inches or 89cm tall
>Abby is 17 feet 6 inches or 534 cm tall
Good lord
You dummy. You absolute buffoon.
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sorry anon, i am legitimately clinically retarded
they get a free hazard suit, then it's a bunch of common weapons that break down or run out of ammo quickly; shotguns, autoguns, basic melee weapons

it depends greatly on if you're playing straight cult or an infected house gang, which open up different starting gear during a campaign. During a campaign you can pick up nearly anything you want, so long as the dice and campaign events go your way, and you have enough credits

the advantage of a knife wielding abby is that you're only paying for knives and the base profile is tanky in melee against nearly everything

3 armed models also get advantages with heavy weapons, as well, so snipers are pretty popular, as are gunslinger type gear loadouts

The vehicles are pretty good in an Ash Wastes campaign, assuming you have the models already

Familiars are probably the best unique option they have, allowing them to absorb a hit for the character that owns them. Wyrd powers can be pretty potent as well. GSC mind control actually controls minds if it's successful. Psyker powers are kind of a crapshoot.
I remember the color red having some significance in some cult lore. What it represents specifically, I don't know. Could be an elite, or represent they killed for the cult. I go with red armbands and loincloths on a few models.

Nice work on the killdozer.
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Anons, One of the Gremlins at my LGS just recognized me because of Models I've posted here and then said he had "Plenty of Room in his Ranger" while Shadowboxing?
I'm currently posting this from the Bathroom and am too scared to leave :(
go get pregnant. Its the only way to get this over with.
Mechanicus from forgeworld Milwaukee are coming for your ass
Don't do that bro, that's like 3 armies worth or a reaver titan worth of dosh for something too big to fit in a display cabinet meaning you'll be dusting it all the time
They killed the repressor kit and bumped it to legends, doesn't count
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Tell me about your Genestealer cult.
>oi wot if you primed with a color that isn't black, if you're going to paint it with a color that don't cover black good
>and wot if instead of basecoat + wash you deliberately recess shaded and played with saturated colors
you guys should watch Suggys new video a lot of you really need it
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Pick your favorite army
Bring back one retired or legends unit (or add a unit with models from a side game)
Send one current unit to legends
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I've got these guys based up but I can't prime because it's been raining (thank God because it's been a month of draught).
I like what you got going on.
Buy an ad, faggot
Please dont mock it anon, I tried my best
they sometimes send brainwashed disposable agents to assassinate imperial officials
>doesn't count
I'd like to get more mileage out of my toys though.
world eaters
brass scorpion
Lord of skulls
>drives a Ford ranger
>plays 40k
>capable of flirting
Sounds like a rare warhammer chad to me
I'm just bitter that I didn't buy one when they were around. Now I gotta mangle a rhino with some third party stuff to get my beloved repressor.
Just buy a recast
I am doing so
world eaters
red butchers with better plastic sculpts
eightbound and exalted eightbound
I can't tell if I've broken my fingers to many times for me to be unable to do this or if she's got weird ass alien joints
That's a good idea, but I've never done it before. I've only been in the hobby about a year now. It's worth looking into, anyway, so thanks for the idea.
Sentinel Powerlifter
Scout Sentinel
They're space pirates and part of a heretical Rogue Trader fleet.

I might make some scythes of the emperor to go with them, one day. One day.
>After the spotlight passed, the Sister was then raped to death
Crystal treatment, not even once.
Isn't cheap n fast in russia. I feel like this might have been an option a few years ago, but I dunno if they'd still be fulfilling orders rn
Hardened Veterans
This person's accent is completely fucked, anyone who has that annoying trans atlantic mix shouldn't be speaking, at all
What does this even mean anon
Oo neat, I'll check it out when I get home. Thanks, hopefully it works out.
I have gotten orders from both russia and ukraine over the last 6 months, its business as usual for a lot of people
Those are both things I already do though
>Hypermobile joints are common and occur in about 10 to 25% of the population
It's not that weird.
Kek, its been a while
Anon thats just a scottish accent
Weird ass alien joints, got it anon thanks
>its business as usual for a lot of people
It absolutely isn't, because you can't mail direct from Russia anymore. Orders are less reliable and slower because they have to do parcel handovers.
Might not be the same person then, although she looks very similar to the other bird
Going to start a new army
Marines but with HH models only/mostly.
But I'm struggling on choosing a paint scheme. Torn between BA, Lamenters or charcharadons (no maori shit tho, that's retarded)
>no maori shit tho
that's not Carcharodons then
and HH models don't fit BA, not ornate enough
lamenters pre-42k could feasibly work since they were getting so fucked by everything they'd only have scraps of legacy armor to replace their shit with
Imperial Agents
Legion of the Damned
>tfw found small solid chunks in my agrax earthshade

Didn't know until I put it on my model? Does this happen often? I gave it a fairly decent shake before using it
Blood angels are CRINGE and GAY and SUCK. Try picking your choices again.
Lamenters or you're a coward
more like thoroughly inbred anglo joints that repeatedly baffle christendom by continuing to bend
Never had agrax separate before. Unless you left it to settle for like 10 years then you got a bad pot cause I've cracked washes I haven't touched for a decade and they're fine
Same thing
zackgame and miranda are chinese, if it matters
lamenters are a reddit army.
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>Proper Space Sharks
Its only a few months old but fuck knows how long it was sitting in a warehouse before I got it
Firehawks never die.
Wait for NuMk4 and go Red Scorpions, got a fuckton of bits for them out there
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such a good model.
Its a shame that he only has a plasma pistol for ranged weapon tho
Congrats on knowing how celebrity feels. Just be an adult and say he crossed a parasocial boundary and needs to be normal
I love them but painting yellow and doing checkers is very tiresome
uh oh autism meltie ;^}
Never liked red scorpions really.
But I really liked the Lamenters and charcharadons performance in badab, that's what draws me in
Subtle maori shit is based. A subdued Tā moko kneepad or two on special guys rules
I think you fucked up priming him dude.
Why, oh why, did they force that melee only loadout? What is going on at that fucking company?
Is this melt(ie) shit a British thing? Only heard Brits call each other melts before
I've only ever seen it used in /xivg/ on /vg/ before where it's just short for meltdown because a race's playerbase there is prone to having teen girl drama levels of tantrums
no idea where it started here
Meltie is derived from meltdown, whereas the bong melt just means idiot
Charcharadons should remain as their Badab self. Maori shit is Tumblr tier fanfiction
It means meltdown anon, its a zoomer thing
just study the mission deck and figure out what you'll need to score points and what you need to deny your opponent scoring

if you're playing narrative rather than matched, then fumble your way through until you git gud
>yet another redditor circlejerking badab like it's some based obscure part of the setting
it's all so tiresome
Sure, go for it.
Dark red in general could work as well, kind of like how some people paint Flesh Tearers pretty dark red.
That's what I meant by subtle, that kneepad there and the shoulder. The pseudo tattoos on the helmets is a bit much for me
>zoomer thing
zoomers don't play mmos
anon what the fuck are you talking about.
what's that got to do with it?
not spoonfeeding
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>No wheels

Anon just put it on cinderblocks
The fuck do you mean?
Badab is well known
>D2 Cabal, not any D1 Cabal legion

Why? I will drybrush some white on, and then add contrast.
it looks kinda grainy.
So nobody buys the 4 of them that James made
Their nid fleet has been brought down to a single queen too wounded and famished to do anything
When the local inquisitor pokes it with the proverbial stick to see what it does, they get tortured by horrifying visions.
He pokes it often
Lord Solar
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Could be, but it will be covered by drybrush anyway. I'm not bothered by it desu.
Like... with his cock?
>multiplayer up to 4 people
Im actually pretty excited to try it.
A few of us have 3d printers so the terrain should be no problem.
Painting yellow is a blast, and checkers are based
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Fuck I forgot the picture. Post ruined. Ill try again next thread
They’re extinct because the got caught between a bunch of chaos cults and /mydudes/ sm chapter. There’s only a couple of cells left trying to rebuild.
It is indeed satisfying, but holy shit is it tedious.
I've already painted a couple of marines like that as practise but I don't know if I can paint an entire army in this decade
Yes and?
If I wasn't I would be milking richfags with commissions or making videos
Will be cool to see what sortve models come out of it and how quickly they get shot out of the sky with the copyright cannon by james
I'm hoping for another Space Hulk reboot
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They just ambushed some stupid player characters in my 40krpg who thought they were smarter than the cult. Idiots. 2 of the players died to genestealers and my Magus escaped because the arch-militant player thought they could 1v1 an abominant and got hammered to death after 2 hits lmao.
Inqisitorial stormtroopers come back
Jokaero go to legends
mechadendrites but same difference
In a fight, right?
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How do you do your yellow anon? I've found preshading and prehighlighting to make a big difference in getting yellow smooth. Premixed glazes make yellow very very easy these days.
It’s neat that we got a new Tyranid sub faction that’s not tied to the main hive mind. I wonder if this means we’ll get to see Chaos GSC become a thing again.
...So just like the rest of Fantasy, then?
>When the local inquisitor pokes it with the proverbial stick to see what it does, they get tortured by horrifying visions.
>He pokes it often
reminds me of Pacific Rim 2
NTA, but I feel like everyone hates yellow because they learned the hard way (like me, many moons ago) to not base black and go straight to yellow, but didn't bother to figure out basing orange makes it come out super easily. You don't get that banana yellow without extra work, but I'm a fan of rich colors more anyway
No, the queen is miles beneath the earth in an SCP level installation hundreds of layers thick, where he carries out horrifying experiments to try and make a friendly hive fleet that likes humans and spits out humans.
He basically wants to turn it into a respawn point.
Yeah I wrote this before GW revealed Hermiatus.
Literally just white primer and Vallejo sun yellow.
What's your method
I can get my pinkie out further than that while holding something that way. Is that actually odd?
Are there any planned reveals or announcements coming out of the Tacoma Open, or is it just another tourney to ignore?
I did my Lamenters prime white scar then contrast Imperial Fist yellow over where relevant. They were my first paint project and I'd do it again.
The thing is that you can tastefully draw it like that on art but not on a mini so you have to scale it up if you want to convey it
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I start with a bone primer, wash with seraphim sepia(although I've been like ap soft tone and gw skeleton horde lately too), highlight or drybrush bone, all over glaze with gw lamenters yellow or super thinned back gw badmoon yellow. Then highlight bright bone. If you want chips you can use any chipping method you like, or just leave it as is if you want it tidy
And that's why you straight up don't do it
Stick to grey, black, white and blood
>just spent a few hours cleaning parts and drilling holes for magnets on wraithguard
>still far from done
God this is BORING
Maybe start by saying what army and what style you play because that's one of the most important things when considering how to deploy.
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change the angle and it's the classic teacup grip
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I used to think skaven in 40k would be interesting until a nogames austist zoomer (valid descriptor: he plays D&D, admitted to being autistic, and is in his late teens) said he wanted to see 40k skaven because "it would be so cool"
>He also spews a bunch of surface level opinions & memes
>Now I don't think I want space rats
Just commit to a build, don't be a pussy. Mine have wraithcannons

how would you know what it actually is? What if all the armies you have dont match your "playstyle" and your just wasting your time getting stomped all the time
how do you even prevent that
I want Skaven in 40k as the mutations on humans by joining the cult of vashtorr
necromunda would be able to tackle them without excessive furry/autistic fallout on the wider 40k
The Imperium are Skaven.
Nah I'm gonna commit now. Also I'm not going full autismo. Building axes and cannons now. Doing swords and D-scythes next time.
Not gonna magnetize the wrists and all that stuff.
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Gonna get the age of darkness box and a couple special/heavy weapons boxes to make a marine army.
Should I bother magnetising or should I just commit to making a bunch of proxy units for the primaris equivalents?
No more news. They're trying to pretend Necromunda and Boarding Patrols are a big enough deal to placate people asking.
ratskins were squatted decades ago
>somebody I dont like likes what I like so I wont like it anymore
faggot behavior
They just uploaded an official tutorial on doing Lamenters on James' channel a few days ago. https://youtu.be/QvQyD8Pm55g?si=rR5yhLPO9pqOxRqt
You should've used pins instead of magnets, then it'd be riveting.
>marine is dirty as fuck
>flag is pristine
Good job Sergeant.
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Damn it, GW. Just give us an updated roadmap, you ignorant fucks!
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My man did his duty
I dont understand the appeal of rats in 40k
>mindless swarm army
>le ebin swarm army but funny
This just boils down to slapping contrast and meticulously do recess shading and edge highlights, and I'm turbo shit at recess shading
Look out sir but for a flag
To be fair I am pretty hyped about boarding patrol
ratskins had nothing to do with skaven beyond having a theme about rats, and even then theirs wasn't about idolatry, just a hunter's trophy

skaven under necromunda would make for a cool reason why the ratskins hunt giant rats in the first place or why they have been less and less present (meta reasons about them being a "problematic" vision of redskins aside)
The aesthetics of Skaven are very unique and fun.
Even if they have some kind of analogues present, it's not Skaven.
why dont these space skaven retards just collect a fantasy or aos skaven army?
because I want to play my funny ratmen against roided out xenomorphs and monks in half a ton of armor
there are lots of roided out xenomorphs in aos and stormcast are exactly what you are describing
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Someone help me, I'm shit at making these kinds of decisions
stormcast aren't anywhere near as funny to fight as marines and aren't canon anyways, and there's nothing on the level of nids in aos
Realistically just do primaris proxies
>and aren't canon anyways
The fuck's going on in AoS nowadays?
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I love huge Lawmasters. One of the best things Space Marines ripped off.
God skaven fags are just insufferable.
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Mechanicus be like
Very nice truck too. Solid colour choices.
This is a reddit tier bit
Somewhere to start at least since so many people are afraid of tackling yellow.
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Something awakens in the webway
I don't like them so they aren't canon, simple as
Maybe I should just choose the proxy units to make and be done with it.
That box and two other weapon option boxes basically give me around 1.6-8k points and then I just fill what's left with a couple agents and/or an arbites KT I have
uh oh exoditefag melty
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The Grt Drvr has come
The perfect organism.
>or charcharadons (no maori shit tho, that's retarded)
Then you don't want Charcharadons.
Go back to gooning to your furshit.
I struck a nerve huh
>The aesthetics of Skaven are very unique and fun.
Not in 40k.
Pretty much all 40k factions are high tech.
Plague shit is pretty much 100% monopolized by Nurgle and the Death Guard
And the sewer dwelling reject niche is already taken by GSC.

There is nothing interesting or unique that space skaven would ever bring to 40k.
Nevermind the fact that GW killed the entire idea of space skaven ever happening due to Skaventide, they literally just updated and gave them a massive range refresh in AoS.
And since GW has constantly shown that it does not want army ranges that you can play in multiple systems, it is 1 certain army in 1 setting and no where else, for the same reason you will never see Old Ones in 40k, fat frogmen are AoS exclusive.

All of this just tells you that rats are AoS exclusive, and any and all furfags should fuck off to AoS if they want to play them.
It's like baroque traitor guard basically?
>brings up dumbass shit that'd serve no purpose in 40k
>lOOkS LiKe I StRUck A NeRvE hUh
You furfags truely live up the the collective IQ of your chosen faction.
Soul grinders in AoS. Skaven in 40K. Is nothing sacred?
They are trying their best.

Loxosceles cult looks for key military members to convert based on their skill sets. So my nexos is a retired general and the cult command use modified weapons/vehicles from his trophy room. While this means they might have less actual military converts than your jab everything gsc. It does mean they can combine cult guerilla tactics with imo guard firepower and training to ensure decisive engagements.

Current edition rules they aren’t doing so good since the cult portion can’t ambush properly now.
>all the same 4chan account
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its true.
>I'm not mad just look at how I seethe at you when you say I'm mad
exoditefags really are pathetic lmao
Nexos commanding his boys in the shadow of the father.
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who would win?
>clear bases
>non-clear movement tray
so it was lazyness towards basing all along, wasn't it?
>brings up dumbass shit that'd serve no purpose in 40k
But he's not the one fighting for elves riding dinosaurs?
bases look horrible, not going to lie
Naa, I play skirmish games and it looks better.
I wanted to genuinely try the rts unit selection thing but I thought it looked shit on bases so I opted to do the move tray as a compromise autist kun
No one was.
You really are pathetic if you think people haven't clued into your shtick yet exoditefag
Well the avatar would job naturally so that narrows it down a little
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I want elves riding dinosaurs, I want space marines riding dinosaurs!
Here’s a closeup of some of the impguys.
I mix them in with neophytes and though it represents well the special weapons coming from ex guard stuff
Front left: locus
One right: kellermorph
One further: primus
They were camouflaged hah
quads confirm
How can that anon be Exoditefag? I thought I was Exoditefag.
Lastly here’s my battlefield. I actually lost this by 1vp, they’ve really gutted neophytes my lord.
I hate both of them.

Neither exodites or skaven have any role or function in 40k.
Skaven for the reasons mentioned and in general a dead horse getting beaten.
Exodites for the sheer fact that you will have extremely hard to justifying them appearing anywhere for sole reason that they are confined to their own planets and specifically are a faction that doesn't go out of its way to get into trouble or start shit with the other factions.
They are shit ideas and contribute nothing worth while.

Nevermind that exodites are also 100% confirmed to be off-limits in 40k for the fact that lizard men exist in AoS.
GW already has their dinosaur autism faction being, meaning it'll never get ported into 40k ever.

Anyway has the one other gsc person here used much brood bros? I’ve been thinking of actually running mass acolytes with mining weapons.
So 2x5 for cp gen(so fucking stupid that a deep striking anti tank melee unit is forced to sit on objectives)
And a 1x10 with icono or primus to rapid ingress and visit ruin upon a dreadnought
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>Nevermind that exodites are also 100% confirmed to be off-limits in 40k for the fact that lizard men exist in AoS.
>GW already has their dinosaur autism faction being, meaning it'll never get ported into 40k ever.
I love when faggots just say shit like this like they think people will believe it
we're all not as dumb as grummz is anon, you have to try a little harder than that
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Couple of marines I did a while ago, 1 of 2
thin your paints.
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Couple of marines I did a while ago, 2 of 2
>need to have some level of education to get the joke
Into the garbage it goes.
Isn't he a little short to be a marine?
paint style feels very retro and nostalgic, pre-internet days
he's 7 feet tall like every other firstborn marine
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Exoditefags vs Skavenfags is just scalies vs furries and they should just fuck already t b h
nobody is an exoditefag
uh oh eldarfag melty
>porn addict assumes nobody likes anything for anything but sexual reasons
Try not exposing yourself so hard next time
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>should just fuck already
Dude, gay.
Which is better for a 500pt tournament?

Uthar the destined
10 hearthkyn
5 einhyr hearthguard
5 einhyr hearthguard


Khal with appraising glare
5 hearthkyn
5 hearthkyn
5 einhyr hearthguard

First list fills out the points nicely and has more firepower I think but the second gets me a 5th unit and a transport for more utility.
I think the best BAs were 6th (I think?) And 3rd. Loved how you could attach a shit ton of independent SPs to squads for way more wargear since they are supposed to be #2 behind iron hands for wargear fetish and riffed on the old 4e variant codex squad apothecary rules which made sense for them.
Liked 3rd because it gave an actual downside on the table to what should be the most insanely OP loyalist first founding
>Probably best psykers
>Best CC
>Fastest recruitment and creation program
>Second best wargear, their own forge world
>Best and most respected chapter master
>best and most respected primarch
>Tee hee we aren't a legion I promise chapter blood ties
>Only chapter with a national holiday in the Imperium AFAIK

Would be cool if there was more secondary background about how they are the iconic space marines to Joe civilian and in reality they tend to be sort of stab happy and flying real goddamn close to two suns (yes this metaphor works on at least 3 levels because BA are possibly too cool to survive)
>500pt tournament

LGS is trying their best, but have to get the thing done before closing time.
The best BA is a dead one.
rent free
You can get 3 x 2.5hr games in with breaks for lunch just going 9-5, the fuck kind of opening times do they have

You first, Horus
>jump pack slams you into the ground so you're a paraplegic
>eviscerates you with relic power sword
>Pulls off helmet
It gets worse from here
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Mostly done, cleaning up some bases I think came out too dark and a few wysiwyg details
Baffling but fair enough.

Probably the first list. 500pts rarely ends up being an objective war, it's just killing.
Uthar's kinda shit at the moment from what I remember. You'll also want the extra mobility and fire support from the sagitaur.
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Nice to see GSC being posted. Great scheme.
I always wonder what's the best way to take pictures of an army with them all lit and in focus. I assume you have to take several photos and make a composite image or else have a good camera with a really wide angle lens?
It's the first option, that's what GW does for promotional and codex images
>take several photos and make a composite image
This is called focusstacking/photostacking. The camera can only focus on so much at once, so if you want even a single mini fully in focus, it is probably necessary.
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man the psyker model is great
Yeah I love it.
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I miss for honor so much
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I really wish more people in my area played GSC. The only guy I know with them doesn’t have any painted. They seem like a cool army but I never get to play against them. Instead it seems like it’s mostly knights and Necrons lately. And it’s getting tiresome blasting giant robots with melta guns every single game.
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>Hitting one heart through when you know they have two
I guess there is a reason that didn't make the first page when you Googled Blood Angel Vs Serial Child Rapist
Actually I was looking for the scene where Talos rips a blood angel out of a dreadnought then makes him seethe by showing his stolen BA relic before killing him
Close enough
Literally who the fuck plays Knights? I've seen and played tons of games at my store in a big city and only seen one Knights player (a lot more Knights allies though)
This is easily the best model GW has ever done.
its the worse primarch to fucking paint.
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Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door, the action figure club's two blocks down.
No his bug wings suck and his pose is gay
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no this is
you can really tell they had the AoS team work on this one
if they did the model would look like world of warcraft shit and not as good as it does
go back to bed old man.
Nobody tell him
anon, the model does NOT look good.
nobody asked for your contrarian opinion, hipster troon
You did by posting my dear.
Wow edgy headcannon anon.

Why are you drawn to playing a chapter of pedophiles? What about that resonates with you personally? Clearly it's not for crunch because... lmao night lords. Or fluff, since Night Lords have been humiliated by everyone more elite than the Savlar Chem Dogs, primarch killed by a mortal, geeze. I guess you get to go full Epstein on kids though, maybe that's your angle. Vampiric Da Vincis still canonically wreck your shit 100% of the time though. Sad.
Now THIS is the best model.
Not that anon, and I don't collect chaos stuff, but when I read the codex I liked the part about them murdering and terrorizing all the bad guys/criminals on their planet, making it kind of ironic or whatever. But I don't know if that's more of a 30k thing or not.
Also the lightning paint job looks cool
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To be fair you have to have a very high IQ to appreciate Night Lords so I don't blame you.

any of you have a paint and/or wash you like for dull gold?
What could have been an amazing shot ruined by "battle ready" paint standards. Yuck. Amazing terrain though.
red wash is best for gold, really brings it out.
who asked?
>uined by "battle ready" paint standards
Half the models in that image aren't remotely battle ready nigga
the entire enemy army isnt battle ready and sallyanon's are well above battle ready standards
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>well above battle ready
yes, they're edge highlighted and have freehand out the ass you braindead tertiary faggot, battle ready is just every detail painted in and some basing
I'm trying to mute the gold not bring it out.
I guess I try a blue wash then?
black or brown wash
Now that enough time has passed in the 10th edition, I want to hear your opinions please.

How do you feel about the new rule that there are no costs for upgrades? You can take whatever you want, and it's free.

Also, how do you feel about the reduced significance of weapon appearances (i'd call it "simplified WYSIWYG")? Claws, swords, maces - they're all power weapons or accursed weapons, for example. What do you think about this?

Do you miss the finer nuances of upgrades? Do you want there to be differences in stats between 'claws' and 'maces' again?
Tau Crisis good yet?
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I don’t like it. I want overcomplicated weapon options to switch around and fine tune things.
Don’t mind the reduction of wysiwyg that much. I like accurately modeled stuff but I can deal without it.
I do miss the nuances of different weapons a fair bit. But only for melee stuff. Bolters don’t need to have 6 versions.
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I do have an unpainted squad of scouts in there, to my shame.
psykik dreadnoughts are stupid.
ask in the next thread.
The introduction of the 10th edition has certainly brought some significant changes, particularly with removing costs for upgrades and simplifying weapon appearances. I find these changes quite beneficial for several reasons.

Firstly, the elimination of upgrade costs has made it much easier to model my units and construct my army lists. This streamlining allows me to focus more on game mechanics and strategic planning without being bogged down by the minutiae of point differences. The freedom to model units with various "accursed weapons," for example, provides a refreshing level of creativity without the need to manage multiple weapon profiles during gameplay. This not only enhances the aesthetic diversity of my army but also saves valuable time during games, contributing to a smoother and more enjoyable experience.

However, this shift is not without its drawbacks. I have a particular distaste for sponsons on Leman Russ tanks, yet the new rules have somewhat forced my hand in including them. Additionally, I do miss the ability to field more economical, stock versions of certain units and the nuances that came with varied upgrades. It's somewhat disheartening to see specific bits, such as bolt pistols, fall into disuse in favour of more universally powerful options like plasma pistols. This change has undoubtedly streamlined the game but at the cost of some of the finer details that many long-time hobbyists appreciated.

Despite these minor grievances, the overall impact of these changes has been positive. The enhanced freedom in modelling without the pressure of sourcing additional bits—potentially a costly endeavour for those without extensive collections—has made the hobby more accessible. The simplification of weapon appearances under a unified profile reduces the complexity of managing different stats, ultimately making the game more approachable for newcomers and more streamlined for veterans.
>the new rule that there are no costs for upgrades?
What a bizarre way of looking at it.
There's no 'new rule' they just did half the work and framed the results of their laziness as an intended feature.
>Do you miss the finer nuances of upgrades?
>Do you want there to be differences in stats between 'claws' and 'maces' again?
Don't really care.
"freehand" doesn't elevate you above battle ready when it is a child's drawing of a fire. They're battle ready. Thats about the limit of it.
Like a 2/10 if I'm generous
you don't know what you're talking about, tertiary
"A lesson in darkness" narrates when Curze first reunites with his legion.
A planet rejects unification, and repels the Imperial Army compliance taskforce. The freedom fighters return planetside, joyous, but find their cities empty.
Then the bodies of their civilians start raining on them. The Nights Lords hail them across all vox channels:
Feel free to post your models
I wish I had that book lol rip
>How do you feel about the new rule that there are no costs for upgrades? You can take whatever you want, and it's free.
Terrible fucking decision. A lascannon and a flamer are objectively on different levels of power and usability and they're priced the same in terms of a unit's overall cost now. This also creates a knock-on effect where an entire unit will be increased in points cost now to nerf a single piece of wargear, which punishes the people who weren't running it.

>Also, how do you feel about the reduced significance of weapon appearances (i'd call it "simplified WYSIWYG")? Claws, swords, maces - they're all power weapons or accursed weapons, for example. What do you think about this?
This I can honestly live with in most cases with melee weapons. Most of the one handed weapons like swords, mauls, axes, etc. were just moving around a pip of strength or AP before that really didn't matter too heavily and in most cases people would just pick the "best" option. Letting people model whatever melee weapons they like the most is just better for everyone since it lowers the burden of knowledge, removes superfluous options and gives modelers more freedom to just have fun with their toys. Where it becomes an issue is when too many weapon types get consolidated down - stuff like lightning claws not having their own profile when they served a different role between handheld melee weapons and larger heavy weapons, and were typically ran in pairs. That's kinda shit. Also fuck "combi-weapons" as a profile. I can have a flamer and a bolter, each with different profiles, but when I tape one to the other they suddenly combine to make a single, shittier profile?
Concessions accepted
>Firstly, the elimination of upgrade costs has made it much easier to model my units and construct my army lists. This streamlining allows me to focus more on game mechanics and strategic planning without being bogged down by the minutiae of point differences. The freedom to model units with various "accursed weapons," for example, provides a refreshing level of creativity without the need to manage multiple weapon profiles during gameplay. This not only enhances the aesthetic diversity of my army but also saves valuable time during games, contributing to a smoother and more enjoyable experience.
While I certainly agree with the sentiment, and have benefited from the upsides such a system engenders, I have negative feelings beyond the obsolescence of certain weapon options, if we look at Kill team, we can see how options like plasma pistols can be balanced by being tied to worse melee weapons for example. But my main grievance comes from the haphazard way this simplification has been implemented, look for example at weapons like those on the neophyte hybrid kit, as it is now, a neophyte hybrid unit outfitted with it's optimal loadout has two mining lasers, two seismic cannons, two grenade launchers (loading either krak or frag grenades) two webbers, an annointed pistol, and eleven hybrid firearms. Such a loadout could be significantly simplified by reverting the change in special weapon selection.
In comparison, a unit like the Genestealer Abominant had two weapons, power weapons, and the improvised heavy weapon (recently consolidated from heavy power hammers, power picks and improvised heavy weapons). Apparently such a loadout was too complex, and the option of the improvised heavy weapon has been removed.
>Also, how do you feel about the reduced significance of weapon appearances (i'd call it "simplified WYSIWYG")?
It hasn't reduced at all, GW just decided to throw a few wrenches in there.

2 Models having Thunder Hammers, one getting a S5 AP1 D1 profile and the other getting a S8 AP2 D2 Dev Wounds one is just plain insanity. It also doesn't somehow diminish the importance of 1 model in a squad having a multi-melta being modelled as such.
>I can have a flamer and a bolter, each with different profiles, but when I tape one to the other they suddenly combine to make a single, shittier profile?
I play no armies with combi weapons and yet I still think this is in the top ten retarded changes in 10th.
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The switch over to PL and more merged weapon profiles is stinky to me. A good example of a unit that was massively hit by both of these is Nobz. In 9th they had a ton of weapon options with massive customization that their kit supported quite well, albeit not entirely. Big choppas sucked ass but had points to reflect that towards the end of 9th, and you could also run a Choppa in the offhand for a free attack. If you wanted a power klaw, which was definitely a better weapon, you paid more for it.
Now in 10th you always, always take the power klaw because you're already paying for it. Big choppas and kombi weapons aren't worth taking at the price of a klaw and they never will be with this system.
The rest of your weapons were deleted. Kombis got axed to be worse shootas and the killsawz, choppas, and power stabbas were deleted.
Nobz were my favorite unit/kit in 9th for their jack-of-all-trades schtick. In 10th they're a husk of their former selves.
It's just madness. Like who the fuck even had this in the top twenty of any list of things the game needed to trim down? I'm all for trimming certain things down in the name of making the game faster or easier to pick up but there's definitely a point where you're just changing shit to change it without thinking about if it's actually solving anything.
>metallic purple and green sisters
i can't believe someone managed to create a worse colour scheme than those orange and teal marines
post models
Part of me really wants to run my sisters with paved bases, but also fuck doing that for all of them
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Personal preference. I like that man's sisters, when they're finished.
That Orange and Teal anon really gets a lot of anons' jimmies rustled.
Seems nobody liked it, then. Oof. Too bad there's no consequences against GW. And if there ever were a consequence, it'd be against 40k instead.
I would like to remind everyone who jerks off over the Space Wolves giving the Inquisition the finger in the Months of Shame that the Inquisition purged the population of Ferris itself after Magnus' little invasion at the end of M41 and that Grimnar was forced to watch like a cuck.
/Your dudes/. Where do they live? What's it like?
In your walls
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>check an Ork list that placed 2nd
>8 characters
what is going on with that army
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Got the new custom heads done for some of my marines (I advocate for Total Helmetless Death)
You poor bastard.
>Oracleus Minor I , Knight world/death world colonized during the DAOT, brought into compliance during Great Crusade after a short war by Night Lords troops. Site of a 3 way battle between various renegade forces during the Heresy. Most of the world was destroyed by orbital bombardment by one of the involved parties. The perpetrator’s specific identity have since been lost to time. The planet was recolonized during The Scouring but devolved into a Feudal World of hardscrabble scavengers and desperate farmers. Limited terraforming was performed by Forge World Tejana and local feudal lords were cultivated into Imperial Knight houses, Ostensibly loyal to the Forge World and its armies. In return for periodic delivery of new knights Oracleus exports archaeotech and agricultural goods.
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> Oracleus Minor consists of large plateaus made habitable by admech servitor terraforming millennia ago and vast glassy desert trenches or wasteland between the plateaus. The plateaus are controlled by the Knight houses and their feudal kingdoms. The trenches and glass desert are the result of the destruction wrought during the Heresy. Vast Necropoli are found in these trenches wastelands, remnants of the past civilization that covered Oracleus. Small tribes of nomadic freedmen, mutants and Orks inhabit these wastelands. These groups often prey on would-be treasure hunters. Despite the danger a thriving salvage industry exists. Managed by knight house guilds funding various Yeoman scavengers to mine the ruins. Such workers are unimaginatively referred to on the world as Diggers and also serve as a lowborn militia. These expeditions often encounter Age of Strife and Heresy era archaeotech requiring them to be very clever and careful Sufficient finds have seen some men elevated to Knighthood. However, corrupted or demented tech horrors also lurk in long sealed facilities and forgotten cities. The dangerous nature of their work has bred a well armed and well disciplined subculture and their children are often selected for recruitment by the Coal Hearts. A disproportionate number of the diggers being descended from the Yeoman of the chapter who have left its service for one reason or another and settled on Oracleus Minor as freedmen
You poor bastard:
What do Oracleans farm? What are the ruins like, and what were they used to be like?
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Finally started to paint my jet bikes for my eldar. But bummed Saim Hann doesnt have a single named character model. Tell anons how would you design a chieftan them.
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I like painting my little doods. There are many like them, but these ones are mine
They farm mostly derivatives of corn and barley in bulk alongside grox pastures. Occasional orchards intersperse the fields and brightly coloured houses of the field workers. The orchards are tended more as a hobby by the local nobility to provide more lucrative exports such as Lho and Recaf.

The ruins vary, from small cities to towering hive sprawls that have been left to decay. The architecture is recognizably human and quite advanced. Even small quantities of Auramite have been recovered on occasion. Even after 8 millennia of exploitation and neglect some of the facilities are still powered.
The largest necroplis has been taken over by the Coal Hearts and its upper levels converted into a Fortress Monastery of sorts. Truly more of a series of interconnected bastions housing huge vaults of salvaged and restore wargear. It is kept stable using enormous grav generators received from Tejana as a gift. The lower levels serve as training grounds and have never been fully explored.

They used to be full sized and fairly pleasant cities like any well developed civilized world in the Imperium.
Autarch on bike for sure, with a lance. I would consider making him a graduate of shining spears as well, so you could give him the special jetbike they use.
only 4 of them
What is <your dudes>'s tax policy like?
Boss can krump ya at any time fr'dat teef in yur skull. Don' like it? Just krump 'im back an' see 'ow it goes.
The draft, I guess.
All boyz is made equalz but some is more equalz den uddaz
If you can make it out here through all the pirates and aliens we’ll pay you. We’ve kept the receipts in any case. The last time the tax man came through was over 260 years ago and they took a bunch of geneseed. No clue if they made it back to Terra.
Dactylis (or Spineshield Tyrant Guards)
Norn Beasts
Craftworld Nyandrasar operates on a resource-based tax system where contributions are made in the form of resources, labour, and services rather than currency. This communal approach ensures that all members support the maintenance and prosperity of their society. Contributions vary based on one’s role and status, with higher-ranking individuals and those in high-risk roles contributing more. Resources are allocated by a council to address infrastructure, defence, healthcare, and cultural projects, emphasizing sustainable practices and environmental stewardship. Cultural investment is significant, funding arts, rituals, and festivals to preserve heritage and foster community cohesion. A social safety net ensures that those unable to contribute due to hardships are supported, and defence contributions include training, patrolling, and maintaining weaponry, reinforcing the craftworld’s martial culture and collective well-being.
Death Guard:
They have to play with the nurglings or something idk lmao
My bugs eat all the biomass
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Land value tax enforced by abominant death squads.
Not abberrant, ABOMINANT death squads
Thank you. I tried.
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They are the tax.
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Apparently yours is seven years of autism.
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See but im talking lore wise also because Saim Haim need there own Eldard. Just a total bike riding chad.
I’m trying to understand how common the fly keyword is. I’m trying to pick between the Hammerhead gunship and its heavy railgun vs, Skyray and its seeker missile rack. Hammerhead has the ability to reroll its hit or wound on the rail gun but the Skyray gets a bonus against jnktz with the fly keyword and it gets 3 T14/AP3/DmgD6+1 attacks but the rail gun is T20/AP5/DmgD6+6.

Of course, I could just retool my list to have both but I’d have to give up a ghostkeel. I’m playing Kau’yon btw.
Neither is a wrong choice.

Just consider that the Hammerhead is a straight upgrade for its go turn, given it gets 2 seeker missile shots with the same statline as the Skyray's rack plus the railgun shot.
Joining an escalation league that starts at 500 pts.

Going with LoV.

Einhyr Champion
Einhyr Hearthguard x5 fist/plasma
Hearthkyn Warriors x10 Hylas HW
Sagitaur X1 Missles
Brkynyr Iron-Master

Champ and Hearthguard in deepstrike.

Either Iron-master in transport, or 5 warriors in transport, and Iron-master with the other 5 warriors. Really just there because I had 65 points left over.

That's not the old plague marine upgrade kit
Does anyone have the white scar and ravenguard wojak where the white scar is angry at the raven guard marine?
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I've made rocky terrain via foamboard in the past but am finally starting to try actual buildings. Loving it as it's so different from painting my actual minis. Doing 3" floor heights to support my homebrew 40k and BLKOUT.
This clearly isn't built to code
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The guys over at /WIP/ helped my boomer ass figure out how to flip phone images too. So thanks guys if any of you are here!
>hey monkeigh, check out this cool jetbike!
>*passes out from coolness emanating from the jetbike*
Based. Thanks anon n.n
Ironically I'm an actual OSHA SGE so I appreciate the shit talk. Though to be fair general duty clause let's you pretty much shit on anything if you're a cunt.
Looks very usable. Really want to make my own board one of these days
It does look really cool, but that price just isn’t worth it. Money can be better spent.

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