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Silly Models Edition

>Boarding Actions Coming Soon

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
Have you ever just decided to raid your bitz box and make a silly model?
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Primaris just look so weird.
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Sometimes I really can't tell whats satire anymore
eli5 I dont know who is doing the winning.
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The shooting army
Jesus that’s foul. That anon that just posted his basic bitch ruins at the end of the last thread needs to help these guys out. And no offense anon, I mean that as a complement. We could tell you were just using cardboard and it didn’t matter because you spent some time making some S O V L terrain.
Played some Tau in 9th. For 10th I waited for the Farsight Enclaves to release. There's Mont'Ka but I guess Retaliation Cadre represents them better.
Tau are ranged but also mobile. I hope they are fun to play with/against?
I'll never forgive them for removing the Fusion Blades...
No shooting army is fun to play against if they can just sit there and shoot. Terrain issue not an army one
Why are all guardfags like this? This one is slightly worse due to greytide.
As long as you’re not too crazy they’re fun to play against. For me as a Necrons guy Tau is a puzzle of how I get up close to kill you with skorpekhs and wraiths. Very fun and despite the stale memes Tau is a cool skew army serving as the Khorne antithesis. One piece of advice: I don’t give a shit who is guiding who. I trust you to not be a big so don’t waste 10 minutes each round telling me that shit.
if the ork player just swapped to world eaters or blood angels the outcomes of their games would just come down to whoever goes first
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Show me you fave art from your faction and why you chose them Ill start.

Love the red white color scheme, tribal confederations and going fast.
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art from the most KVNO SOVL period of 40k art
>If the Ork player started playing an army that actually belongs in 40k it would be better
Yea, pretty standard take there anon
The first. The ones who tamed the stars and broke the gods.
I wonder what they're missing, crunchwise. It is such a HFY setting that humans encased in steel are hardier than literal undying living-metal robots, but what are you going to do...
I just like the idea of ordinary people fighting off the horrors mankind faces.
And also a lot of homebrew flexibility for the guard.
Where do Orks belong if not in 40k then huh wise guy?
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Chaos Knights are literally haunted gundams. They pollute the battlefield with fear and intimidate your opponent quite easily. That is why I like them.
Also, look at this picture. Look at the bottom right hand corner.
Look at that guardsman's fucking face. That is the face of a man who has realized that, after seeing the hull of a dreadnought be COMBUSTED through the sheer RPM of a reaper chainsword, that he has no chance of surviving this confrontation. And he is the sanest person in this picture for that reason.
Anyone who owns primaris are a gay ass loser fag lmao
Because guardfags and taufags are the same type of person with differing political beliefs.
You're brown
I'm not brown but I'm a euro mutt
2 sides of the same cringe coin
>not a single painted model
That's not bad but I think it's from the same codex as that hideous lucius artwork so it cancels it out
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Please list off the worst guard player traits so I don't come to validate them.
I only know the wehraboo guard player and smelly guard player trait.
Love of God do NOT make quoting Starship Troopers your entire personality while playing Guard. Yes it's a good movie, but shut the fuck up.
No, YOU shut the fuck up
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That's a new one actually.
I should have used pic related instead of the guardsman wojak to summarize the sum of my knowledge on bad guard player traits.
Hello Sisters. I am novitiate sisters of the minor order of Wet Mantle and I was assigned to laundry duty. The robes of my fellow sisters are all dirty and stained with blood of infidels and covered with leadbelcher dust and I would like to make them pristine creamy white.
What is the best detergent I could use? More experienced sisters suggested Rakharth Flesh and then Pallid Wych Flesh as fabric conditioner, but I am slightly worried they are just trying to prank me, because they wear dark black gowns. Could you tell me your secrets?
Sorry anon no one paints minis in this general
The Order of the Gilded Citadel detergents are of middling quality and overpriced. Help your Abess instead by ordering your detergents from House Vallejo of Necromunda instead. For example, 70.820 Off-White conditioned with dilute 70.918 Ivory.
I've always played against anyone regardless of their army's paint state, but there is something just fundamentally distasteful about playing against a graytide army.

40k isn't exactly a balanced game, so graytide feels like the player is just chasing the win in that unbalanced game instead of contributing to the visual spectacle of the hobby. The longer I've played, the game has gotten less important to me than the aesthetics of the board and models playing out the battle. I'm now borderline on just refusing to play against unpainted armies, though a part of me still feels that's dickish. Like, I know people are 'busy', but if I can field a fully-painted guard army I would expect other armies to be able to put at least some effort in.
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we talking in pseudo old english now? I can get behind this!
Nay, anon!
Do not lend thine ears to this charlatan!
House Vallejo hast fallen twas once great, but thy family now permits paints be full o' bubbles most inconvenient!

I beseech you to choose Manufactorum AK Interactive, and Militarum Painter washes!
>40k isn't exactly a balanced game, so graytide feels like the player is just chasing the win in that unbalanced game instead of contributing to the visual spectacle of the hobby.
To me it's more that it's just disrespectful to my time as a player. Like you can't even be bothered to prime any of it before you show up to a game? You're gonna force your opponent to look at your boring ass gray plastic across the table for close to three hours?
>What is the best detergent I could use?
The brand you want is Golden Throne's Holy Omo; Special Executive Xenophobe edition. It's one of those love it or hate it products, so make sure to ask your fellow sisters if they love HOmo SEX before hand.
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My Order LOVES HOmo SEX, and yours will too!
What are you talking about anon this is based
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At least the Deldat players have the decency of priming their stuff
Thank you, experienced sisters. I have brought your advice to our canoness and she as a wise pragmatic woman decided to order a small batch from both House Vallejo and Manufactorum AK to wash the clothes of the ordinary sisters. Also something called Chameleon paint caught her eye, from the paradise world of Green Stuff. Sounds a bit sus to me, the armours then look like they change colours, but I have been taught to not question my superiors.
If your laundry advice will be sound, I am going to be rewarded and assigned to the laundry and armour polishing duty permanently, as even the gowns of sacresant and retributor sisters will need to be washed again. I am so happy the God-Emperor chose me for this duty. I will be sure to share pictures with you on this ecclesiarchy sanctioned image board.
I don't mind playing against unfinished armies if the player shows up to warhammer night with more models painted than last week.
WW1 was cool, because trenches, artillery, and gas masks and cool lock-action guns
WW2 was cool because urban warfare, tanks, airplanes, D-Day and cool machineguns
Starship Troopers is cool because we never see the bad side of fascism, because fuck xenos, and because Paul Verhoeven doesn't understand that a subliminal message that is too subtle to be understood is no message at all
Pew pew pew
Charging Monoliths with bayonets is silly though. Spend men, but do not waste them.
>guardfag doesn't have a single painted model
Would be nice to see a guardfag with a fully painted army but I guess that's an unrealistic expectation from someone with such dismal taste
Also who buys all that stuff without painting any of it? Like, do you buy all 2000 pts at once? Don't you buy just one or two kits at time and only buy another when you are finished with them, going slowly from 500 pts to 1000 and if you like the army eventually over time crossing 2000?
To all of the posters shitty on guard players; what do you play?
Less autistic armies
So no models no games?
I can't say for bullying reasons.
Its EC isn't it
So brown
Red Corsairs
Space Wolves
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I'm happy that GW made this canon.
Oink oink
Custodes tumm
Confession: I was listening to the audiobook Book of Martyrs, and there's a scene where an aggressive Valorous Heart Sister terrorizing a group of young male agri-monks for being scared, shoving them around and talking about "discipline" in a sinister tone. I'm ashamed to admit I got a half-chub listening to that shit.
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Alright? Jack off and be done with it
>plot twist: the guard player has no friends
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Neither do frogposters, and yet here you are.
Drukhari, Adepta Sororitas and Death Guard
This but greens
Passive aggressive woman.
Nothing wrong with that, it's good that you realize you might need to be disciplined and that such feminine presence might help you to control your vices and put your life in order.
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Not even, I just don't waltz into 7eleven and tell everyone about how I got a boner
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Frogposters are the native population of /tg/ and all of 4chan.
We were here first, not you. Now, get off my board normie.
>Arrival of Chaos Knights and Titans causes a sudden heavy downpour of relentless flooding rain, fog rolls in and a battlefield that was day is suddenly plunged into a soaken night
>Then you hear the hell horns and the sound of knight weaponry
>Not even
Your "valley girl" showing.
>I'm a marine but uh better.
>I need to hang around the emperor to protect him (fails at one job)
>Lounges around the Imperial palace all day supposedly training to guard a vegetable on the most heavily guarded world in the imperium.
>Oopsie I did a little fucky wuky. remembrancer please paint me as the victor and remove me from any accountability.

Custodes have always been women. It's not a retcon. It's explanation for real lore.
If your going to be racist, you better be funny.
It's not funny, it's serious matter.
That is what GW is doing, increasing minis prices.
custodes aren't taller than primaris, they're both 8'
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Natives get eliminated, it's the way of the whites. Lay down and die.
I like Cleveland.
You'll pry my 71.041 from my cold, dead hands.
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This is the perfect tyranid artwork
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This shit still makes me mad. The Flintstones biotech side of the ork faction had so much potential and we just got sub-Warcraft slop.
they're off-brand snakebites

a squiggoth would have been better but you can always get a squiggoth, anon
What the fuck are you talking about?
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I like how goofier historical armor fits early 40k
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>Is that a gue'la baby with wings????
Ork Primaris. First the Beast, and now these faggots. Cringe. Disgusting, even.
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He's boss baby posting but his only exposure to women is via 90s comedy movies for college students
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If someone with a different skin colour and a weird face started throwing mutilated babies at you your goofy ass would run too, don't pretend you wouldn't.
Who's your favorite, anon?
I don't like babies you pedo
I was never clear on the lore about this. Do the Imperium actually turn infants into servitors or are they fake?
4. Because he's funny.

Don't answer for me.

They're not real babies. They're vatgrown lads shaped to look like babies.
>luv painting me yellow
>luv painting me checkers
Simple as
>Does the Imperium actually turn infants into servitors
>or they fake (vat grown)
also yes
The Imperium doesn't care about human life, its just a resource
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Some anon posted his carrying box for his World Eaters some time ago, full of skulls and blood in it. Anyone has that image?
>Starship troopers
You have to be over the age of 18 to post here
Outing yourself as a fraud and a fake immediately. Bold move.
>Starship Troopers is cool because we never see the bad side of fascism
I'd say go watch the movie again but you'd probably blank out with all the blood going into the massive boner pseudo-righteous violence gives you
I cant even tell if this is a 1500 or 2000 point game anymore.
world eaters.
Paul Verhoeven's movie is a satire of fascist. He began to read the book, got the fascist vibes and didnt finish it.
While in the book has the option to server a dangerous job. It isnt the military people who can vote, it is the people who put themselves at risk that can vote.
Also Rico int the book is a brown Filipino, unlike the movie aryan blonde.
>Starship Troopers is cool because we never see the bad side of fascism, because fuck xenos, and because Paul Verhoeven doesn't understand that a subliminal message that is too subtle to be understood is no message at all
Anon the movie depicts the bad side of fascism very well, if you don't notice them or see them as bad thats on you.
Also why does no one ever comment on after the bug supposdly sling a comet at a human city the government has a whole well made, heavily editied ad to join the army t fight bugs ready to go in under 3 minutes of the eent occuring. Clearly the movie shows its a falseflag attack but no one talks about it.
I've read the book and seen the movie.
Even in the movie that's not facism, Verhoven is just retarded and conflates army with scawy fascism
How should 10 guardsmen movement trays be shaped?
Hold the line? twice OOOOO
So despite this thread being full of guard hate i figured id ask the question, does anyone have some cool guard paint jobs that arent cadian?
Love World Eaters, simply the perfect 40k faction that would be over the top and silly in any other sci-fi world.
This art helps show that old good new bad is bullshit and in fact new good is possible
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I'm not exactly sure how guard squad range is measured in 10th edition. Is it by individual model range (with the exceptions of special weapons/sergeant weapon) or with a movement tray it can be measured from the edge of said movement tray?

If by edge of movement tray I would go with a movement tray like pic related
>I'm not exactly sure how guard squad range is measured in 10th edition.
With any standard measuring device.
I'd be down for a regiment based on the archetype of 2000s / Future Soldier projects.
Lots of experimental gear, mixed with older stuff to show the transition/rapid development to adapt to new forms of warfare.
Would be a newer regiment who hadn't been exposed to most of the galactic threats, probably only really dealt with Orks and some eldar pirates.
It is not a false flag, it is the bugs defending themselves from the bad guys, the humans. In the movie they say it comes from bug space.
Also Verhoeven doesnt understand distances neither physics in space.
What is this "bad side of fascism" that gets depicted in the movie, according to you?
Be modern liberal democracy or neogothic theocratic monarchy, MASSIVE casualties are a consequence of war, not of the political system.
So that's not "a bad side of fascism" depicted.
I saw inclusivity for the disabled, and restriction of civilians from exercising political power. Both of those I see as good things.
Nah it's not a false flag op. Directors are simply crap at grasping numbers in movies.
Of course it makes no sense that bugs can retaliate by hurling rocks from millions of light years away...but human ships can cross that same distance in like a month because MAGIC, so the bugs can be assumed to do that same thing too.
I know that a tape measure is necessary. I'm just wondering if groups of units range is done on a model by model basis or can be done as a group basis provided one model is in range which may mean all of them are in range.
>the one tape measuring device that is minimalist design is 21 Canadian dollars.
I just want a tape measuring device that doesn't have a brand slapped on it. :(
>It is not a false flag, it is the bugs defending themselves from the bad guys
Anon we never see the bug have the technology (biological like nids or otherwise" being able to influenc ethe trajectory of a comet, let alone fire on across the galaxy.
The bugs kill humans that settle on a planet they're on because they're territoral, the comet coming from bug space comes purely from the fascist lying human government, who fired on from the direction of bug space to frame them, and then did the same thing a second time and had on of their own fleets get in its path to show the urgecy of the need to go to war aganist the bugs.
Its a falseflag like the Gulf of Tonkin incident
>Show me you fave art from your faction
Pic related.
>why you chose them Ill start.
Flamers and fanaticism.
>I saw inclusivity for the disabled (person disabled purely because of being forced to go into war to have human rights and getting injured)
>restriction of civilians from exercising political power. Both of those I see as good things.
Ah anon didn't see Starship troopers satire of facism and nazi propoganda film becuase he himself has fascist political views. Like everyone else who didn't get the movie it only works if you see the bad things being shown as bad
>Uh why are these guys who eat and rape babies depicited as the bad guys in this movie, the director is a moron, they do it because they have to. I support the eating and raping of babies because we have to btw
Now that you mention it, I could totally believe they used that Zerg/Tyrannid trick of bending space using mind power.
It would be the equivalent of human ships using that "tachyon-capture warp drive" thingy.
if you say so
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>apply wash to minis
>notice after that the basecoats weren't full coverage
>tiny amount of primer is still visible like "tiny markings."
So how is your hobbying going anons?
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CSM are just fucking cool. They're the cover of every heavy metal album come to life and that's fucking great. Also they had the absolute best codex cover art last edition hands down.
How doe sone properly replace IGOUGO?

My idea is to introduce an initiative phase where all models on the table roll with the highest rolls go first and modifiers based on in lore reflex ability. So an eldar or space marine infantry would tend to go first while a deathguard poxwalker would get a -1.
I don't have a horse in the "starship troopers gov bad" horse, but are the bugs the only alien race man in that setting has encountered? I don't know
>They're the cover of every heavy metal album come to life
just the gay kind
ok facist
>the movie it only works if you see the bad things being shown as bad
Uh, bad things are bad, bro. It says it right in the name.
>he himself has fascist political views.
The Imperium of Man, the UNSC, and the Federation are outright and inexcusably evil...until the very instant a non-human foe is encountered.
Then kidnapping children to turn them into supersoldiers is immediately justified, for our foes are ontologically evil and defeating them justifies evil means. As long as you win.
>I move my units
>you move your units
>we alternate the activation (shooting/assaulting) of, say, 1/10th of the total army points (to activate bigger units you have to pass the activation without using all the points or just activate a big thing's weapon systems separately)
I like you anon. You see heretics or mutants and you burn them. No hesitation. God-Emperor doesn't protect you to think, only to burn, and He will do the sorting. It should really be simple like that.
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Fuck Bungie. They took a badass 10000+ year old cyborg with armor that can't be removed, and made him into an abducted, raped child soldier. The big plot twist of Halo CE was that Master Chief knew 343 Guilty Spark from thousands of years ago and they did nothing with it. We were to play as the ultimate savior of the universe.
>for our foes are ontologically evil
Are they, are they really?
What did Exodites ever do to humanity, they can't even leav ethe planets they live on.
CWE engage in peaceful diplomacy with humans often to their own doom.
Kroot serve as xeno mercs to rogue traders and inqusitors and again have never wrong humanity
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For shit sand giggles, one day I want to do a sci-fi super soldier faction that ends up completely fucking up. For starters, they try this
>harsh environment makes stronger warriors
but end up getting developmentally stunted, paranoid survivalists without proper education. Or maybe they spent thousands of years there and evolved to favor survival instead of combat, straight up regressing in many essential parts of being a soldier. Grabbing kids like that ends up failing because we nabbed some feral kids who are hardly taught table manners. Or if the milisecond the hypno-indoctrination to keep them loyal wears off, they all desert en-mass.
>Clearly the movie shows its a falseflag attack but no one talks about it.
its kind of hard to tell if thats deliberate or if the movie is just sort of cheesy sci-fi and thinks you can just chuck a rock from half a galaxy away and have it land a week later.
The fremen mirage makes me SEEEEEEEETHE
They fight some humanoid aliens in a separate battle in the book. They seem not unlike the Katara, but with guns:
>These geezers are humanoid, eight or nine feet tall, much skinnier than we are and with a higher body temperature; they don’t wear any clothes and they stand out in a set of snoopers like a neon sign.
>They look still funnier in daylight with your bare eyes but I would rather fight them than the arachnids — those Bugs make me queezy
>clone soldiers that all die of the flu
>bionic soldiers driven mad by becoming more machine than human
>Mutant soldiers that become genetically unstable and fall apart
>Be modern liberal democracy or neogothic theocratic monarchy, MASSIVE casualties are a consequence of war, not of the political system.

MASSIVE casualties are usually a logistical issue which is almost always due to leadership in one way or another. Yeah generals fuck up, but if you REALLY wanna fuck up. You do it by fighting something you had no hope of winning to begin with.

And how is that done? Usually because some ignorant politician who knows more about taking control of a country than fighting a war.
the skinnies in the book were an allegory to the vietnam war, the whole book was conceived as a indictment of fascism, the author has said as much in interviews and correspondance.

Your fucking braindead if you think this is somehow promoting fascism, it obviously went so far over your head that you stuck it up your own ass.
>space marines and various derivatives

why am i not surprised
See now that's why I kept the army I played a secret.
>i dont like your shitty marine slop

marinefags really are the most disgusting of gods creatures
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Mission failed, you made fascism cool.
I can't play EC anon. They have no codex.
>Muslim eldarfag located
"Muslim" is not a race nor ethnic background and I'm tired of pretending it is
Does your mom know you're on 4chins this late
i did play eldar when i was a kid but certainly not a muslim, anon. i drink too much
primaris are space marines, and custodes are always taller than space marines
All cherubs are just vatgrown clones.
In reality most servitors are vat-grown clones, criminals being turned into servitors is also common but the cloned ones out number them.
And it makes sense, it's just more efficient for the Imperium and Mechanicus to just create vatgrown clones and then lobotomize those into servitors because it's just faster to do so.
One of these days I want to see a story where the "their basic training is dragging your dick through 10 miles of broken glass and barbed wire in the middle of Siberia and only one in a million survives" supersoldiers get absolutely mulched by a reasonable and sensible military force

(I guess SM vs Tau could fit that, if Tau not called Farsight or Shas'O Kais weren't still fodder)
>All cherubs are just vatgrown clones.
>In reality most servitors are vat-grown clones, criminals being turned into servitors is also common but the cloned ones out number them.
>And it makes sense, it's just more efficient for the Imperium and Mechanicus to just create vatgrown clones and then lobotomize those into servitors because it's just faster to do so.
I feel like this is just cope lore to make them more relatable since they sell a bajillion books with them as the protagonists
>CWE engage in peaceful diplomacy with humans often to their own doom.
BULLSHIT. The doom of the Eldar is that they can't speak shit without riddles that need a Phd in linguistics to understand.
And then they have the audacity of assuming their meaning was obvious, and then they call you a monkeigh when their misinterpretation of their own prophecies ends up being their own downfall.
Then they simply choose to not fuck (lest Slaanesh appears), and wonder why their population is in a faster decline than East Asia.
Don't be retarded. The Imperium is nuts but lobotomizing actual babies to carry ammo would be just be brain dead. They're clearly vat-grown. It's still fucked up and creepy.
Does someone know the name of the artist that do this kind of thing?
It's not the first time I see that artsyle here
>The big plot twist of Halo CE was that Master Chief knew 343 Guilty Spark from thousands of years ago
Yeah I always thought there was going to be one of those closed-buckle time travels, and it was going to be MC who would end up having been the one who activated the rings the first time
Every planet has such absurd overpopulation they probably have to throw babies in the dumpter anyway
Admech just recycle them
>and custodes are always taller than space marines
Nope, they're only taller than firstborn, who are 7' tall
They're not taller than primaris, who are 8' tall
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Which models were the biggest flops in recent times?
>BULLSHIT. The doom of the Eldar is that they can't speak shit without riddles that need a Phd in linguistics to understand.


Maybe you're just retarded
>the skinnies in the book were an allegory to the vietnam war
How so? What ever makes 9 foot purple lanky humanoids be equivalent to the vietnamese, besides the author saying it is so outside the book?
Bombing the fuck out of them is not a defining trait of Vietnam any more than it was of Irak. Or Afghanistan. Or Syria. Or whatever third world country the USA happens to be bombing that day.
How come Biel-tan of all craftworlds were portrayed as the helpful ones?
Even "nice" craftworlds like Iyanden would only deign to work with humans in the direst of circumstances.
Nevermind humans who spent half the campaign blowing up your people
>Anon we never see the bug have the technology (biological like nids or otherwise" being able to influenc ethe trajectory of a comet, let alone fire on across the galaxy.
They don't, they only have mind powers, no telekinesis of any kind, none that is actually even shown, so it is pure speculation, ie. fanfiction.
Nevermind that the Milky way galaxy is 100 000 Light Years in diameter.
What that number means is that it takes LIGHT, the fastest thing in the universe, 100 000 years to go across the milkyway galaxy.
How long is that?
Well if the bugs supposedly "fired"/influenced that asteroid from the other side of the fucking galaxy, it means they had to do so during Earth Middle-Paleolithic period, aka literally during the Stone Age when humanity's greatest technological achievement was a sharpened rock on a stick and fire, this is before even agriculture was invented by humans which at best started in the Fertile Crescent 12 000 years ago.

This doesn't even take into consideration the fact that there is no evidence at all that the bugs would be able to accelerate the asteroid to move at the speed of light, meaning the rock is gonna be hurdling through space slower than that, also nevermind all the fucking planets, starts, gravity wells and other shit that'd be in the way and potential fuck up the course of the asteroid.

The entirety of Starship Troopers plot just hinges on that the goverment intentionally bombed its own city to justify a war on bugs that existed on the other side of the galaxy.
Why didn't Macha just tell Gabe what the stone actually was? Literally all she had to do was just tell him that there was a daemon imprisoned in it.
>but human ships can cross that same distance in like a month because MAGIC, so the bugs can be assumed to do that same thing too.
And assumption is the mother of all fuck ups because the bugs are never shown any such capability.
And you're literally coming up with fanfiction to try and justify it.
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This, Buenos Aires was a false flag attack to justify invading the Arachnid systems. The movie is about a young guy who joins just to follow the girl he loves and then gets wrapped up in the terrible drama that is war. They show everyone else's reasons for joining aren't to kill bugs, but to advance themselves in society because they have no other alternative. They show the terrible cost in lives and injuries that the war costs, and the SS Neil Patrick Harris is literally a psychic SS spook and revels in the fear of a species on the verge of extermination or enslavement. Its a great movie because you can enjoy it as the jingoist RA RA HUMANS colorful world and get the message from it.

I think the real reason people miss the messaging is because SO many of us saw it as kids and literally just didn't have the real world context at the time to pick up on all the bad stuff going on in the background. As someone who has served in the US military, I think it actually depicts some of the personal aspects of why people join pretty well and points the blame of the cost of war at the systems and the people making decisions not the people fighting them.

Its okay to have fun playing the bad guys, after all pretend war is a fun hobby and wars need an aggressor to happen. It's also okay not to overthink it and just think muh toy soldiers are neat. That's why everyone hates the IMPERIUM IS SATIRE THE IMPERIUM IS THE BAD GUYS fags so much. Timmy with his lasgun in the PDF trying to keep his world from getting murder raped by Chaos Warband leader Rapestrangler Babymurder is a narrative we can sympathize.
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post models
>because SO many of us saw it as kids
Don't care, got to see boobies in the shower scene
Old combat patrol + new combat patrol + battleforce is a solid base for the army?
>I feel like this is just cope lore to make them more relatable
It's old lore from the midhammer days.

And people like you are the prime examples who fell for the "40k is grimderp" meme.
This is the reason why people tell you to fucking read the books, be it codexes or whatever, and not read some retarded reddit posts or non-official wikis or youtube videos.
My favorite thing about Eldar and my least favorite thing about Eldar is that they aren't anywhere near as superior as they act. They clearly get outwitted by humans and even cunning Orks. Their greatest scholars clearly can learn from the greatest human scholars. Their greatest warriors can clearly be killed by the greatest human warriors. But they still act like they are literally the most superior being in all of creation. It's perfect and very 40k, but I wish they were written better to justify how insanely strong even a random eldar civilian should be.



FUCK marines are retarded. Every FUCKING time.
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40k IS grimderp
>slayer equivalents
>wearing such large pants
>no dual wielding
I miss back when the Votann had oiled up newborn clones with two axes.
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Within 40k? The Votann line most likely. Recently in GW? New AoS starter.
Army is kinda shit no matter what you do with it, but sure.
This. Why do they all not have an axe in each hand. I mean, probably for gameplay reasons because they wanted them to smash vehicles but stilll...
I don't like furfags or stromcrasts, but every 40k release has been awful this year.
what happens when a male human has sex with a gsc women? does the male get infected by the teeth / spikes that she grows in her vagina?
the fact that skaven bring the furfags out is very concerning. they are plague bearing rats for fuck sake
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>Look at the bottom right hand corner.
>Look at that guardsman's fucking face
He looks to me like a "YOURE DOING WRONG IN THE WRONG DIRECTION, MORON" soldier from CoD box cover art.
It is fucked up that even an otherwordly Daemon who wishes your death speaks with more clarity than an Eldar who is actually on your side.
That whole race deserves death.
1. Picking your army based on how strong it is.
2. GSC where OP at the start of the edition.
3. They will get buffs in a month or two.
4. Not actually answering the person's question.

1. Magos Boobies.
2. Yea. that's more than fine, I just hope you aren't a new player because you should probably collect more slowly than going all in on the army. Even if you have infinite money and don't care about the material cost, it's shameful to have hundreds of unpainted and unassembled models.
fuck off destinyfag
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>but every 40k release has been awful this year
Wrong, malstrains are gorgeous.
On the bright side they're all secondaries, so even the couple buying in now won't stay for long
that's a necromunda release
>Will get buffs in a month or two
Damn 11ed is coming that fast? Sweet.
To each their own. I think they are boring as hell personally.
>they are plague bearing rats for fuck sake
We live in a world where people publicly post on social media that they microwave diapers to eat their own warm poop.
I smash evil. If you wish to stop me, either kill me or convince me. But beware, for I am harder to kill than to convince.
I wanted to argue but then I started looking into whats actually come out this year and yea its kind of weak honestly. AoS has gotten some beautiful new kits, horus heresy has gotten some absolutely awesome stuff, necromunda is great as always.

40k has gotten what... stiltman? davinci wings? jump canoness and that ork legends model are probably the best we got and both are kitbashable anyway.
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Show us whats the opposite of boring as hell then? Not even meaning this in a hostile way.
Necromunda is set in 40k universe and its using pretty much the same scale, hence why its often pillaged for bits and kitbashes.
Cawdor is like, unanimously agreed to be prime material for both chaos conversions & inquisition. And picrelated makes a great basis for the Roberto Cirillo ymgarl broodlord.
>>Will get buffs in a month or two
No, 10th ED runs like a live service with 4 or 5 balance passes a year and 2 of them are big ones that can include stuff like new detachments or army rule reworks. So your army might be 55% win rate in march and 45% in august. The only ones that are truly abandoned are Deathwatch because they are likely getting deleted or at least ignored and put into Agents of the Imperium.
>I smash evil.
Did you ever think that might have unforseen consequences?
This comic is so fucking retarded it's amazing
Yea, duh. This is 40k where only bad stuff happens. Pick another setting for sensible main characters who win all the time.
>S-S-She didn't explain!
He never asked.
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>Roberto Cirillo ymgarl broodlord
You just made me check and only now I'm noticing the sketch they copied for the patriarch
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>I wish they were written better to justify how insanely strong even a random eldar civilian should be.
Their civilian militias are more powerful than the trained line soldiers of other factions. They even strike earlier than mankind's supersoldiers. That is sure to breed arrogance.
I keep hearing they lose and lose, but their victories are basically a bunch of civilians and OCD patients using precognition to defeat professional soldiers. It's a miracle they don't always lose 100% of the time.
I do like their arrogance is their biggest obstacle. Like how it was with Yriel, the Seer council and the Tyranids.
>Necromunda is set in 40k universe and its using pretty much the same scale, hence why its often pillaged for bits and kitbashes.
That doesnt make it a 40k release. Most of what gw makes these days shares the same scale and can be kitbashed into 40k models
Yup, they still do callbacks to his amazing art.
>copied from sketch
Now you'll look at every new miniature and realize that 99% of them are copied straight from an older sketch or concept art.
Nothing is really new.
This is why guard should have been squatted at the fall of cadia
The Eldar are dumb whores.
>That doesnt make it a 40k release
>set in a 40k universe
>doesn't make it a 40k release
That's like saying Forgeworld models weren't 40k releases or that Syll'Esske wasn't a 40k Daemon release since it was originally a Fantasy character.
Not really: smashing things is the most common way to kill them, which often is the main objective.
The responsibility of explaining things falls on the 10,000 year old prescient eldar, not on the 200 year old human who didn't get go to highschool because his whole focus was killing
This is why cadia should not have fallen.
Is what came afterwards interesting at all?
Was it worth it?
Considering how retarded necromunda has become, it's far better in its own bubble where it can have all the STC retardation it wants.
>bad things always happen
Yeah in 40k specifically because people are retarded.
If your setting can work only when every single person is a knuckle-dragging retard with a IQ comparable to room temperature in celsius, then it is not a good setting or well done one.
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Are humans really that primitive compared to eldar?
I dunno, looks like a duck, quacks like a duck etc
Reminder the solution for Gabe smashing the daemon's prison LATE (he'd killed it had he done so earlier) was smashing it with a space laser.
The most retarded part is that she effectively forced his hand by telling her troops to open fire on him before he even did anything
They aren't dumb, they are fanatical. Because of, you know, the entire setting being about how humanity devolved into its worse form as a bunch of brainless xenophobic fanatics.
Or how the CWE can't actually fix the galaxy because they are way to up their own asses about it and everyone they need to help them they view as lesser animals.
Or how the Orks devolved from a more complex society that could actually do diplomacy and trading into one that lusts only for war.
Or how chaos heretics delude themselves their actions are righteous while stomping on a babies face.
Or how the Tau have become a psyop mind controlling deep state with no free will.
Or the Necrons have lost their souls in a bid for immortality and become slowly degrading robots that have a cumulative chance to go completely insane or explode and can't be replaced.
Or how the Demons are psychic manifestations of living beings emotions killed all the spirits that represent the good emotions so now the warp is ONLY BAD STUFF ALL THE TIME and is a maddening maelstrom of the worst aspects a sentient being can have.
Or even how the Votann have warped the AI technology that leads their civilization by dumping their racist uncles souls into them for 10000 years to the point they are breaking down from continuously added insanity.

Literally every faction is broken. There is only war. Have you... played or read anything 40k?
>They aren't dumb, they are fanatical.
Aka dumb.
>Or how the CWE can't actually fix the galaxy because they are way to up their own asses about it and everyone they need to help them they view as lesser animals.
They view others as lesser animals because they act like it constantly.
If you act like savage chimpanzee that pisses and shits everywhere, I will treat you like it.
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it depends
the faction is a write off after the codex, so just make the stuff you like and have fun fucking around at the table, rather than getting lured in by the sweet siren song of meta.

All those boxes give you every troop option. GSC is a very character heavy faction, so you're going to be lacking some key HQ. I'd add a Broodcoven to the list, for the Primus and Patriarch and you should be a able to pick up a discount due to the recent Kill Team release.

The things you will probably want a lot of, if you get deep into the faction, are ridgerunners and acolyte/metamorph bodies. The acolyte sprue currently has a bunch of extra limbs and heads, so kitbashing extras with alternate bodies might save you some cash.

Characters you'll want, aside from the Patriarch and Primus I mentioned are probably a Nexos, Reductus Saboteur and Biophagus. Iconwards too, most likely. Everything after that is personal preference, I'm fond of the Locus and Kelermorph, plus I proxy an old Catachan Sniper as a Sanctus. Abominants are good nuisance lone characters, too; tough enough to force your opponent to dedicate a lot of fire in order to get rid of an action monkey, hit hard enough to demolish a transport if ignored.

You'll have enough Neophyte sprues in those boxes to outfit one unit with an optimal heavy/special weapon loadout.

>tl/dr: You'll want more neophyte weapons, more acolyte bodies and more ridgerunners to cover all the basics. Past that, character and specialist units come down to aesthetic preference and detachment requirements. The 3 boxes you listed will let you run 4 of the 5 detachments, but not optimally for any of them except HoA, I think.
That's how I imagine Eldars think, this is my headcanon now
How could they be that when it was published before America was fighting over there?
>Wah wah I smash all my problems with a hammer not thinking that not everything dies to a hammer!
>I'm sitting right next to an expert on chaos, but Im too shy and autistic to ask for info on my FUCKING MISSION
>That eldar over there tells me not to smash thing I really should know about already with my hammer. I could ask why, but she's a xenos so it's probably wrong or lying or stupid or gay or wahwahwah.

>Oh a deamon? What a twist! How could have I forseen this? This is the Eldar's fault!

You know what really makes me upset about that ending? Once gabe has everything explained to him he goes back and decides tp talk shit as if he didn't just get played like a fiddle.
Yes and no. There's context you are missing. In a vaccum, humans can come close to what an Eldar can achieve, but most humans are unwashed menials who never learn anything but how to pull the lever that makes turns their dead uncle into corpse starch or do basic accounting.

Baseline, Eldar are probaly like 280 IQ by our standards, .000001 second reaction time, physically stronger, immortal, and have access to insanely good education and mentorship programs.

Obviously the strongest and smartest humans, especially post humans, are more than capable of having meaningful conversations or being serious threats to an Eldar, but their racism is supposedly justified because most humans ARE that shitty. Also, Eldar tend to be better educated and have more "good aligned" morals which conflicts with the turbohatred the Imperium endorses. In the lore, there are plenty of Eldar and Human partnerships. Inquisitors or Rogue Traders sometimes visit craftworlds and if they are flexible enough are even decent enough house guests to learn from them. But your average fanatical imperial citizen would die fighting a particularly angry and mean rat.
The point of 40k is that everyone is the worst version of themselves and the world is hopeless. And even the "good ones" can't do anything to change it. That's what Grimdark IS.
>Wish you were here.
Weeping Reactor is what I call women on their periods lmafo.
>x faction does shitty thing.
>See? filthy xenos! never trust them!
>humans do shitty thing
>The point of 40k is that everyone is the worst version of themselves and the world is hopeless. And even the "good ones" can't do anything to change it. That's what Grimdark IS. It's just a shitty setting bro don't overthink it.
I've been wanting to make my army more "my own", even though making it all beakies already makes it quite unique among the primaris armies, and I always loved the industrial look of RT marines full of tubes and cables. I found this, would it be too much?
Now that is a kino map.
I fear the tubes are gonna look weird on a model that isn't covered in filth like this one.
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What's the problem with this?
is it weird that I want to fuck a tyranid?
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Just one tip to make your L ruins look a million times better, add chest high sections of the other two walls. Not enough to block LoS, but looks infinitely better, like there was an actual building there before and not just two walls, helps blur the edge of the base and is more visually consistent with the fact that you get cover inside the entire area. Also a bit of rubble both inside the building and in separate bases to scatter around. Those little things make boards look and feel way better without changing much or anything about the playability.
>>x faction does shitty thing.
>>See? filthy xenos! never trust them!
You realize every faction is written so they can be the main character right? A real human isn't supposed to go "filthy xenos! never trust them!" unless they are larping as their imperial faction. Idk what nonsense words you projecting into my mouth, but my point is that every faction is broken, including the Eldar. Do you think the Eldar haven't done equally stupid and retarded things because of their own faults and idiosyncrasies? What retarded cope post is this? I like CWE. Here's your (You).
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Chigyu-looking ass mutant.
Nah tubes are cool, go for it anon.
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>tfw trying to paint a blue ork and failing at it

Hope you boys are working on something better than this
>I'm just wondering if groups of units range is done on a model by model basis or can be done as a group basis provided one model is in range which may mean all of them are in range.
I actually want this cleared up too. If a whole movement tray'd guard squad can fire at one target when only one model is in range then sign me up to get some movement trays asap.
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>failing at it
nigga you've just done the basecoat of course it's gonna look bad, finish the paintjob. This is why you do test models, to see how it all looks finished before commiting.

But if you want tips for blue, try to do a gradient of that nice sky blue as a midtone and a darker blue with maybe a hint of purple for the shade. Then do some edge highlights with a lighter blue. Like pic related.
oh yeah its just base coated but theres a few things that i dont like already. using a dark metal for the axe followed by a slightly darker metal for the handle was quite bad. i do like the bright colours that deathskulls use though, not sure i could commit to painting 1092108408102810093049081720 orks this way though

ill give those tips a try, ive got a few blues in front of me (macragge, caledor sky, teclis) and was going to try out tyran blue, i cant remember the purple wash that gw sells but ive got it somewhere
Have you painted blue before, or just talking out of your ass?
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Necromunda was the capital of a DAoT human empire and only joined the Imperium a few thousand years ago. Admech can scream and seethe, send as many undocumented genestealer immigrants as they like to destabilize the planet, but they'll never have the military capacity required to march in and loot all that sweet, sweet archeotech.

Gonna cry about it some more?
I'm wondering how big the quarantined area is. The crater is said to be at least a hundred miles across. So that's some frame of reference. The red dotted line at the edges of the map shows the perimeter of the Dust Wall, and even then we can't see the whole thing. We're looking at a containment zone of millions of square miles.
oh and these are test models, ive got a fair few nobz that i probably wont ever play due to them having big choppas but plan on painting them all different styles so if i do play them i can just say they are all from different clans (or kulturs) that have banded together to krump shit, or something. these are just throwaway models, i mean this fucker is from the black reach boxset
>That eldar over there tells me not to smash thing I really should know about already with my hammer. I could ask why, but she's a xenos so it's probably wrong or lying or stupid or gay or wahwahwah.
I dunno man he seemed pretty open to her explaining things. I think it was just autism.
The trick with horde armies is to simplify the colours. Pick just a handful of materials and keep it consistent. You don't want to paint 14 different colours per ork boy. For the axe I'd suggest painting everything in the same mid silver tone and then use washes to turn some parts of it into copper and brass to break it up since it's much faster. The biggest point of interest in orks is the skin followed by the spot colour of the armour. The rest is less important and mostly fabric and leather which you can paint fast with contrast paints or something similar and do a single highlight if you feel like it. If you're up for it, try mixing up the recipe of the green skin. Keep the process the same but pick up two or three 3 colour triads of shade, midtone and highlight and paint each batch of models with one of them. Takes the same time but makes your orks look way more natural and varied, IMO.

Since we're at it, check this video where I took that pic of the blue, she's painting an ork so you might get some ideas.
Hey you never now, painted models are painted models. Maybe GW will see the light and reintroduced costed wargear so the internal balance of every army isn't whack and you can actually use more than one loadout.
Do whatever.
might be worth buying or making a greenstuff roller and breaking apart old electronics for bits
time consuming, but if you like it, then do it
>>Wah wah I smash all my problems with a hammer not thinking that not everything dies to a hammer!
Preposterous. They even autowounded in earlier editions
>Once gabe has everything explained to him he goes back and decides tp talk shit as if he didn't just get played like a fiddle
Marines are hypnotized to feel disgust and hatred where a normal human would feel fear and despair. Gabe cannot fear the daemon; he can only hate it.
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Definitely an Eldar tism here
>asian woman
No thanks
>Marines are hypnotized to feel disgust and hatred where a normal human would feel fear and despair. Gabe cannot fear the daemon; he can only hate it.

Can he feel failure and self awareness of failure?
They're cool, just so weird how GW made them the poster boys yet never give them anything.
It kinda seems like making White Scars the main poster boy marine army and never even making a captain on bike model.
thats why ive decided to paint my army as goffs, its simple enough for me and i can just hit most of the ork with transparent / contrast black that looks somewhat reasonable. its possible to use contrast on metals to turn them into something else (fyreslayer flesh for metal into copper, a 50 50 mix of fyreslayer flesh and iyanden yellow for brass) which will make shit quicker. ive got a decent recipe for ork skin but i dont know how much time i have to experiment with it. so many greens, inks, washes etc that ive never bothered to use

sorry anon i refuse to watch that video, her accent sounds fucking stupid and i refuse to believe thats a scottish woman. sounds like shes spent way too much time either online or in the US somewhere
>no fear
yeah nah, they feel fear, have self preservation and adrenaline, they're brainwashed into not letting fear influence their thinking in a 'negative' way
What are the Blood Ravens up to nowadays?
tbf ill definitely keep the big choppa nobz, they arent awful by any means and i can meme up the squad if need be (use a big mek, or even blackhawk for the maximum meme bully boyz play)
>If a whole movement tray'd guard squad can fire at one target when only one model is in range then sign me up to get some movement trays asap.
I don't think that's possible. I think it is a model by model thing even with the guard, but if permitted it would be so funny how abused it would be.
can anyone confirm? I want to abuse this if possible with my Tau
dying, hopefully.
I’m pretty new, only started off at the start of 10th and I just recently bought the last few units I needed to finish out my 2000 point list. In terms of painting, what do yall usually prioritize? I work very long hours during the week so I usually only get 1 good night of painting in a week.

Right now I only have about 40% of the army painted. Also, any tips to help grind through SM infantry painting? I think I’ll invest in a paint gun for the vehicles, but I’ve been doing 5-10 marines at a time brush only and it’s taking a long time.
>In terms of painting, what do yall usually prioritize?
I sleep and let my minis paints themselves.
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>I’m pretty new
>and I just recently bought the last few units I needed to finish out my 2000 point list
You're not supposed to make a huge jump into this hobby unless you know it is for you. Like buy a Reaper or Wizkids mini and a few paints and a brush and try it out.

But since 40 percent of your army is painted then I'd say you've done more painting than people have done here. And keep at it whatever you're doing as you seem to have a nice speedpainting method.
>just started
>already has a 2k point army somehow
>fucking space marines

sorry anon i have to be toxic, someone has to do it
Samefag less.
wait how am i samefagging, where is this other reply thats apparently mine?
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>How so? What ever makes 9 foot purple lanky humanoids be equivalent to the vietnamese, besides the author saying it is so outside the book?
Bombing the fuck out of them is not a defining trait of Vietnam any more than it was of Irak. Or Afghanistan. Or Syria. Or whatever third world country the USA happens to be bombing that day.

Because it was relevant at the time the book was written, you absolute moron. Everything you listed hadn't even happened yet, and while it's not the first time the US flagrantly attacked civilian populations in war, it was the time they were doing it closest to when Heinlein wrote the book and ergo the easiest allegory to make when trying to set the tone for audiences buying the thing when it was published.
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These guys and the translocation overlord are great but i mostly agree
I guess “just started” is a lie. I started playing when 10th laughed after getting a few boxes as gifts, played a bunch of 1K points games, and then realized that the game isn’t really balanced or designed to be played at that point level. I only recently bought another few hundred points to finish up a 2K army so I can actually play with most of the people in my area.

Also cope, seethe, mald, dilate and lastly, bow down to the master plural pronoun. Y’all
If he manages to hit it and quit it, basically nothing. She might get pregnant and give birth to offspring that will be a hybrid of the next generation (if a regular, unknowing human fucked her then she was probably 4th generation which means she's popping out a Purestrain Genestealer).

However, hybrids coupling with humans not yet in the cult will always try and honey pot them into coming into contact with an element of the cult that can hypnotically indoctrinate them - the Magus or Patriarch. They may also be given the Kiss, so that they can go and sire hybrid offspring with other genetically pure humans.
You mfs need to get your dick wet desperately
fuck off phoneposter no cunt asked for your shitty opinion
are you offering
Putting your penis into a vagina could help with that pissy attitude of yours as well
so this is what you take from someone asking an unusual lore question? ive got a missus for fuck sake
I'm just stating lore facts. I know the dude was trying to try and justify his fantasy of fucking a bald lady with three arms and not get a "bad end", which is technically possible but honestly he's probably fucked. I didn't address the extremely likely possibility that even during the act, the hybrid has already arranged for a dozen of her brothers/sisters/cousins to prepare to capture her victim to bring them to be indoctrinated. So I'd say while it's a technical possibility, in just about every actual case the victim is going to end up in the cult.
>order some infernus guys to make a squad of salamanders
>realize the models are gay and I really wanted outriders to make white scars
>too late already spent money
>make some money on the stock market
>afraid to spend money at all, easy come easy go
>still want those fucking outriders
In a year, perhaps.
outriders arent worth it at all, just get some horses and stick some marines on em.
>The point of 40k is that everyone is the worst version of themselves
CWE are very far from the worst version of themselves, because clearly Dark Eldar exist
>Necromunda was the capital of a DAoT human empire and only joined the Imperium a few thousand years ago.
It was conquered during the great crusade.
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Even the Nids, Necrons, and Daemons?
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I wonder how Ork Genestealers honey pot?
>Oi git! Wanna see the experimental dakka the mekboy gave me? Meet me in the Arby's carpark after sundown.
>*bag over head*
>forcefully boofs Ork with an infected Squig
Ask pavel for an early Christmas gift.
>t. 30 year old who has never even kissed a girl
All the women around me are fat. I don't want to kiss them.
not exactly, the Imperial Fists showed up and helped them repel an Ork invasion
the rest of the Araneus Continuum then joined the Imperium

It was an independent human empire for 15,000 years according to books. Not sure if that changed in nu lore.
I've kissed a woman though. Not even counting my mum. Or your mum, for that matter.
nta but isnt 90% of the thread phoneposting? do you not use your phones camera? do you not travel and have jobs?
Ben has neither job nor leaves his room.
is this cunt still projecting? this is getting embarrassing. its that same phoneposter who gets on here at the same fucking time every day and just spams posts of very low quality. probably an australian as well
You lore faggots are just as guilty of autism as the coomers
Necrons and Demons yes absolutely, Tyranids are one of the few points of 40k that is still not well elaborated on but if they wrote lore for their origin probably that as well.

>destroyer virus
>random decay
>cant reproduce, when they die true death its over for them
>no soul
>massive species wide trauma from being genocided multiple times

>all the "good" spirits have been killed and consumed
>only the evil twisted aspects remain
>consumes itself
>all the gods are dead
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>everyone I don't like is the same person and they keep saying mean things to me
no idea but it would explain the bad posts, particularly the no models no games fuckwits

>do you not use your phones camera
i do but that isnt required to post here, particularly for the no models no games individuals, wtf are they gonna post?

>do you not travel and have jobs
got a job but not all of us are normalfags who think its a good idea to post on a board like this while on holidays, fucking hell cunt thats the last thing anyone wants to do
this is how i know ive won when they start posting rubbish like this
You always post this same picture.
I mean I agree with you, they were one species once. CWE are not in a good way though and that's my point.
i had a look in the archive hes only posted it twice, its probably a different filename on his phone though so who knows how many times hes really posted it. ive seen it a lot too
>the bad posts
That's what happens when faggots like you who tongue janitor anus completely fuck the board. Why the hell would I not phonepost when merely posting things that hurts j*nnies feelings gets me a ban for offtopic? I'm just going to keep on keeping on and faggots like you who enabled tyranny can be down there on the ground, suckin cock (make sure to be the OP for the next thread).
mad because bad
You're all chimpanzees.
>not exactly, the Imperial Fists showed up and helped them repel an Ork invasion
The Imperial Fists showed up and conquered them without much resistance, with the core world that would become Necromunda surrendering before any shots were fired upon it. Then as things were being brought into complain once aliens invaded, and ended up trashing the planet, which was renamed Necromunda in the aftermath.
Can I post my list here or are we still doing the “mucho texto” thing
Git gud faggot
How dare you imply that I'm a primate?
Poco Texto
the Continuum was more than one planet
'conquered' is not the same as 'surrendered', but I'm not going to continue to quibble over semantics, especially when the lore is full of unreliable narrators

The point of my original post was to point out that people getting pissy over STCs for lore reasons are in fact lorelets.
just post it in jpeg format anon, at least it doesnt shit up the thread that way
dios mío, qué maricón insufrible
I post on my phone all the time, I dont know why your schizoing out on people who use phones.
it's just the nogame throoder
>t. terminally online friendless loser
This may shock you, but sometimes people go outside their house sometimes
>t. nogames who constantly shitposts from a phone trying to save face
because its guaranteed low quality, and as the retard above stated, he posts garbage all the time and clearly gets banned so hes FORCED to phonepost. very easy to spot since its some of the worst posting ive ever seen
the nerve has been struck i see. phoneposters coming out of the fuckin woodwork to justify their shitty actions its actually hilarious keep posting boys so we can all see it
>the Continuum was more than one planet
Yeah, and the other planets were conquered.
>'conquered' is not the same as 'surrendered'
Conquest comes as a result of surrender. The ruling classes of what was to be Necromunda capitulated to the military strength of the Imperium and so were conquered.
Most of the fluff concerning STCs comes from House Van Saar, which only came to Necromunda some five thousand years after the Imperium had conquered it.
Ben, why do you pretend to not post from your phone constantly?
are you projecting again anon?
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Apologies for phone posting.
i really wish i could help out but i havent played tau since 4th ed
Almost like the setting was made with historical stuff in mind.
What do you mean since 4th edition, that wasn’t so long ago… right?
Wow this looks boring as hell.
>The big plot twist of Halo CE was that Master Chief knew 343 Guilty Spark from thousands of years ago and they did nothing with it.
Did he or is this your interpretation of a crazy robot's ramblings?
>We were to play as the ultimate savior of the universe.
4 turning him into a literal space Jesus is the worst development.
please dont anon
you are angry at ban evasion, not phones dumbass.
just ban yourself from existence cunt already
>wet palette dries out within a day
>a fucking day
i dont get it, its winter here. are some wet palettes shitter than others?
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What do you mean failing? He looks fine so far. Get a wash and highlight on that blue and it'll look way better than it is now.
Drill your barrel, too.
i dont bother drilling my barrels until the end desu
Alright fair enough. The model does look good though.
For speed I would recommend painting pieces in this order, as I've done around 110 boyz now and find this makes things have a lot less cleanup.
Skin>pants>shirt/arm bands>leather straps/boots>metal parts>blue parts>misc stuff like topknots. Might not work for everyone but that's just what I find easiest.
After all the basecoating is done I do the washes next. Sounds like your blues are quite similar to mine before I switched to pro acryl. I still use tyran blue for my washes and if you want a darker wash for recesses i recommend drakenof nightshade.
I know that anon said to simplify colors for hordes but I dislike that. I enjoy my 100 Boyz all being colorful.
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Which historical period do BDSM elves & H.R. Giger's Crab Dinosaurs belong to?
I mean, where is “here”? Are you in a humid place or a dry place? Do you have a humidistat?
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Can someone tell me which combi weapons 92 and 93 are? Imma assuming 91 is some sort of combi plasma shooter
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Good morning /40kg/.
I painted 10 guard dudes and I think I found my go to basing scheme.
It is pva glued on sand with AK paints afro shadow and drybrushed with grey brown.

Also be careful not to water down your pva glue too much otherwise the grass doesn't really stick up.
Teen Age.
humid place (australia)
wtf is a humidistat? if thats a combo of a humidifier and a thermostat ive never used either one of them
>actually peak 40k is if you remove all sci-fi from it
91 is the plasma, 92 is the melta, 93 is the flamer
Forever fuck GW for getting rid of different combi-weapon profiles.
Should I give the sister superiors other weapons instead? One is getting the crossbolt already
You've completely lost me in your leaps of logic.
A humidistat is basically an upgrade thermometer for your house. It tracks the temperature, the humidity, and a bunch of other stuff. I got a cheap on on Amazon for $20 US

I’d get one of those and then go back and look up what humidity your wet palate best operates at, then adjust accordingly
That is the worst static grass application I've ever seen
Try to keep up.
I know, anon.
That's why I included the warning bit about watering down pva glue too much then applying static grass.
I think what happened was the wet pva glue travelled up the static grass and caused them to come down.
It's up to you. There's no points difference.
Personally I like the Inferno Pistol, but then I play melee Sisters.
The Combi-weapon is going to be more generic in its utility but the Condemnor having Precision can make it useful it popping wounds onto enemy characters, even against non-Psykers.
>Also be careful not to water down your pva glue too much otherwise the grass doesn't really stick up.
Habibi your grass is dead flat. Please make or buy a static grass applicator.
Isn't the inferno that one handed melta?
Yes. Only 6" range, so you basically have to be in melee to get the full effect.
Those guys look like a humorous bunch.
That worth it with martyred lady?
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I didn't actually make them, I got them from Etsy or something.
>cheapest static grass applicator is 109.00 Canadian leafdollars.
Knowing myself I'd probably burn the house down by screwing up the electronics in making my own static grass applicator.
I'll just look up static grass application on the model train part of Youtube. Seriously those guys are masters of DIY anything.
That's what I played in 9th.
Still waffling in 10th between Hallowed Martyrs and Army of Faith. But still mostly focusing melee.
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>I'll just look up static grass application on the model train part of Youtube. Seriously those guys are masters of DIY anything.
Use a balloon and rub the everloving daylights out of it
Do you mind showing something that is super interesting in your eyes?
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>Yeah, and the other planets were conquered.
which planets are you talking about specifically?
>The ruling classes of what was to be Necromunda capitulated to the military strength of the Imperium and so were conquered
Yet the terms of surrender grant Necromunda a bunch of freedoms not seen on other Imperial worlds. Even the Ecclesiarchy can't interfere with the political structure of Necromunda. The noble families from the old Continuum are still noble families in the 42nd millenium
>Van Saar
They're one of the minor houses. Necromunda had STCs left over from when they colonized the planet, not to mention xenos tech and a bunch of scientific advancement that would be seen as heretical by the current Imperium, such as openly studying xenos tech, unearthing archeotech and playing around with genetic manipulation and drugs that enhance psychic ability
Does anyone know any good print producers? I don’t have any money for a 3D printer but I don’t want to waste all my money on fucking battle suits
Havent painted mine yet. Stuck on assembling 15 retributors.

1 sister superior with condemnor boltgun and power sword, 4 retributors with heavy bolters are the only ones I planned out so far. I know that the other 2 squads are gonna by flamer and melta, still stuck on their superiors weapons
>Use a balloon and rub the everloving daylights out of it
My hobby station is going to have the weirdest things with "practical" uses piling up around it at this point. And I'm all for it.
Thank you anon.
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Would be cool if we got a new terminator pattern.
Could easily be just fluffed up as something Cawl came up with by mixing the ideas of gravis and termie armor patterns.
And I know pic related will never happen, at least not by GW
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>IG based on the different cultural regiments of the Britsh Empire and its enemies across centuries
>Aliens are just aliens with their own design seperate from human cultures (humans did influence deldar BDSM stuff but you get what I mean)
I don't think its complicated anon
the 80s
aliens, predator, terminator, hellriser, star wars, the thing
all 80s
what are the best guides for making oil effects.
>which planets are you talking about specifically?
The other planets in the Araneus Continuity.
>Yet the terms of surrender grant Necromunda a bunch of freedoms not seen on other Imperial worlds.
But they were still conquered.
>The noble families from the old Continuum are still noble families in the 42nd millenium
Not really, the ruling dynasty of Necromunda was elevated into place by the Imperial Fists after a failed coup by the remnants of the previous regime. Indeed the closest thing to an anti-Imperial continuity is supposed to be the desert dwelling bug people.
>They're one of the minor houses.
Being a minor house doesn't mean they're unimportant. As to the rest they are in fact not very open about such technology or studies. Almost everything is far away from the eyes of the Mechanicus. Mars absolutely could smash and pilfer Necromunda if it felt the need to.
Put a lid on it.
I'm glad 40k isn't grimdark anymore. Grimdark was tying the franchise down, GW realized this and now the setting is primarch focused. I hope all the primarchs come back and then GW makes a movie about them coming together and fighting each other. Hopefully all the daemon primarchs can be redeemed so that the Emperor can return and all xenos can be wiped out. Hail GW!
God I wish that I could take big units without being afraid of giving my enemy free points on being it down. The biggest unit I’m willing to take these days is a gladiator lancer. Because I know the enemy will focus it down and there’s no point using it outside of trading down their armor
These are bots.
its true
and you are a phoneposter
i always do

i mean thats good and all but
>then adjust accordingly
i have nothing in this house that allows me to change this. guess im just gonna have to live with a palette that dries super fast
But it's true. Primarchs are the only thing in 40k that matters anymore. The age of /yourdudes/ is over. The age of special characters and competitive play is now.
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Why is everyone sour on the shining spears? I tested some out in a TTS game because I was considering getting some to play with. They came in from reserves, made a good charge into the backline ghostkeel who was harassing me and had some solid output (despite the fact I think that's tougher than an optimal target, leaning heavily on LANCE keyword). Ghostkeel had some drone things to negate damage but against a softer target, I'm sure they would've killed. They get passive -1 to be hit, 4+ invuln when charging/advancing that turn. 1CP to let them fallback and charge.
basic lance is
>3A 3+ 4S -2 2D (+1 wound on charge)
star lance slightly better on exarch
>4A 2+ 4S -3 2D (Lance)
and some shooting to clear out chaff
Yeah fuck you too, buddy

You can’t buy a humidifier/dehumidifier?
Wouldn´t the mechanicus get onto deep shit with the fists then though? Given it´s one of their recruitment worlds.
If you have a lid on it, the moisture is sealed.
He just has a personality disorder.
its the shitty AP one so im not surprised its not sealing properly

between the initial and ongoing costs (power) i dont think so
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Is there ever a reason to take the Macro Plasma Incinerator on a Repulsor Executioner?
I'm having a couple of games tomorrow, and it's looking like at least one of those is against guard.
So whats gonna be the difference between killteam and boarding actions?
>So whats gonna be the difference between killteam and boarding actions?
One is a different game, and the other is indoor 40k.
Got it. Thanks anon. So that tells me boarding actions is probably faster than killteam but with less customization? Idk I kinda dig it.
>Delete this!
Our genetically engineered “Super Sister” is unstoppable.
It was great in 9th edition, but has been bad in 10th. That's why GW is fixing it and releasing a new book.
Why the hell would BA be quicker?you have to set up TWICE the indoor terrain and from experience just ONE set's ass.
arbites killteam has three variants for each model
damn this thing looks kind of cool, maybe I should paint my space marine backlog someday...
I have a custom yellow chapter, red pauldrons with white lion heads (custom decals).
a lot of killteams have more wargear options than their equivalents in main 40k
Saw a tranny at my LGS last week. Should I rape her?
They should really just remove killteam from 40k altogether.
GW should make game called strike teams or something where you field like 5 squads and only light vehicles. Maybe just one tank.
For the anons who don't know, a lot of the teams are built with 90% of the team being a forgone conclusion. That said, there's wiggle room for fluffy lists. Most of the customization comes from it being a small team so people spend more time on the models.
>Mars absolutely could smash and pilfer Necromunda if it felt the need to.
Doubt. Imperial Fists, Sisters of Battle and multiple Guard regiments before you even get to Spyrers and their weird xenos toys. You may as well say Mars could take Terra if it wanted to. Necromunda builds it's own voidships, munitions and servitors completely independent of Mars.
combat patrol
Just bring back Chancers and release a bunch of narrative scenarios.
Combat patrol has no customisation so no one wants to play that shit more than a handful of times
Couldn't you just play 700 points and no more than 1 of any non battleline unit and 3 for battleline and call it a day? You'd get exactly that.
These guys are just begging to be remade and the designers can have fun since each model is an individual.
Bring back Penal Legion too. GW is trying to break into the urban demo, so there's that as well.
tfw no Warrior Woman gf...
she'd snap your pencil dick in two.
This might hurt your feelings, but uh... you're not my type.
I played KillTeam 1e which had a lot of customization. I guess they took that away in 2e?
>setting up terrain takes anon a long time
What? Just put the plastic on the board anon how hard can it be?

Its faster because there's no alternating activations
>Its faster because there's no alternating activations

anon... that's the best part...
It needs to be officially sanctioned and have a cool name.
Several come with tanks or dreadnaughts.
free yourself from shitty waacfaggotry, embrace houserules, homebrew and cool terrain
About 400 points.
does wanting to give my Ripper a plate of BBQ Ribs count?
Cool. You wanna play strike teams with me bro?
You now have a roster that you pick from.
they didn't
>The age of /yourdudes/ is over.
No one is barring or stopping you from making /yourdudes/ not even GW.
None of the new lore has even prevented that.
Hell, GW literally came up with the Ultima Founding so anyone could come up with their own primaris chapter if they want.
>Yeah fuck you too, buddy
Struck a nerve, eh?
It's a vibe GW and the fanbase give off. You're not discouraged but you're not encouraged either. It used to be the core of the hobby. Now it's more like you can do it if you're a contrarian.
>I'm too lazy to do it so obviously nobody does it and GW totally doesn't want you to do it
>Begin writing up stuff involving a Tyranid Fleet and GSC due to interest
>End up looping back around to a few specific ideas for the cult and fleet (a person who gets remolded into new form due to usefulness, a Broodlord/Human hybrid, a hybrid unaware of their origins gradually awakening buried instincts due to a signal from the Hive Mind) but continuously dismiss them on the grounds of most likely being too out-of-line with the canon
>New Model introduces a Zoanthrope/Human hybrid
>Necromunda creates "even Ymgral wouldn't want you" mutants and has a Techpriest who is integrated into the Broodmind and allowed to respawn due to usefulness
>Later find there's a book with a Genestealer who's resisting being reintegrated into the Hive Mind until it can find and kill the person who murdered it's parents
>MFW I've not even been going overboard in comparison
Just admit you're a hobbylet next time it'll be quicker
>It's a vibe GW and the fanbase give off.
Did you miss the part about the Ultima Founding? How is GW literally adding in an excuse and a way for people to make their own chapters them being against /yourdudes/?
>other people
This is also bullshit, literally go anywhere on the internet like fucking reddit and even that place is full of /yourdudes/ shit.

This all just sounds like a massive fucking cope and excuse.
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As always they hated him because he spoke the truth
>I have no real points so I'll pretend I won
I hate MtGhammer 40k
My point is not being an insectoid and being able to pick up vibes.
Grim shit.
>I'm not wrong I just interpret imaginary signals that tell me NOT to homebrew
>I'll just ignore that GW loves homebrewfags since they buy more kits than anybody else for kitbashing and converting
Pros/cons of inceptors with plasma? Yeah it’s 2more strength and +1 AP but you have to risk blowing yourself up to meet the raw damage output of bolters

Plus the Sustained hits 2 isn’t bad either
Just look how upset the NPC gets when called out
Reminds me of how Tyranids encouraged you to just make your own specialized characters or individuals in 3rd and 4th and had a part of the Codex in 5th that said you were allowed to just make your own special characters for /yourdude/ and have them just use the statblock of one of the normal characters if you wanted to do something like run OOE in a Leviathan swarm or just have a unique monster for your Hive Fleet.
I feel like the sentiment still holds true for Tyranids to this day (numerous people make OOE stand-ins and custom Swarmlords) but I've always felt like it would be totally reasonable for people to just do that with other armies and create their own guys who just follow the same rules/restrictions as the special character they're subbing for.
you could at least try to be subtle next time
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>acts like a retard and says dumbass shit that isn't remotely true
>"well uh, I'm still correct anyway because lol :)"
You're truely scraping the bottom of the barrel here.
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>posts Hatt
>speaks of vibes
She's making a u-turn for you right now you fool
>engaging with low level bait
you're no better than him
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Yep. Here's /mydudes/ chapter master that I just run as the Sanguinor statblock
New jump pack captain body? Very nice. I love your blue angels.
>like run OOE in a Leviathan swarm or just have a unique monster for your Hive Fleet.
OOE having his fluff changes to be fleet-agnostic is good though. An idea of acarnifex alpha being made to propagate the spook of a living legend among its prey is far cooler than a just one-off nid creature. It actually explores the idea of kids being aware of and understand human emotions, while being willing to exploit that.
OOE changing colours of his coat between fleets doesn't matter. It's the 40k slasher villain that keeps coming back.
If I embed an invader ATV into an outrider unit do I lose its ability to overwatch for the biker unit?

Running stormlance btw
Thanks anon. The torso is from a discontinued firstborn captain kit and the legs are from BA chaplain and something else I can't remember.
Lmao sorry for phone posting btw

>all rank zero flank
>Broodlord/Human hybrid
That doesn't quite make sense IMO
A magus can be a stand-in for the patriarch when no me is present but a Broodlord is basically a big pure strain alpha. A hybrid is a hybrid. I feel like that situation can only arise in a cult that has lost its access to purestrains, which would be an even more defective cult than Malstrains, which are already the weakened ones compared to its kind.
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>Paul Verhoeven doesn't understand that a subliminal message that is too subtle to be understood is no message at all

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I hate it. There's lots of games that are simple and streamlined. I want granularity and goofy wargear choices that allow me to kitbash and convert. In 10th I can't give a shit about WYSIWYG because it'll all the same cost and who give a shit. I'm sure they sell more these days but every unit having their own special rules sucks ass over USR too
verhoeven's a hack who didnt even read the book and just assumed a meritocracy must be fascist
he tried and failed to make a fascist satire and ended up making a campy fun action movie
there's no punchline to the criticism of the perceived fascism in the movie, the hero and his friends make it out just fine and the only real examples of the satire are the vignettes of the over the top propaganda and neil patrick harris showing up in a nazi uniform
Remember when the old white Sky Marshal fucked up, resigned, and got replaced by a fat black woman? Just goes to show fascism comes in all sizes and colours.
>the fat black woman was more effective
What did Paul mean by this
she learned from her predecessors mistake
Well Amanda Waller might be a bitch, but she´s usually competent until she activates the suicide squad.
>didnt even read the book
His script writer did, and is the same guy who fed him the details and summaries to write and direct the film. Verhoeven made a campy action movie on purpose.
Also, quoting the article:
>[The book] ""clashed with Verhoeven's childhood experiences in the German-occupied Netherlands during World War II""
So I don't know what you were expecting when the German occupation survivor turned a famously pro-fascist book into a parody film. It's like when the director of JoJo Rabbit's intentionally researched zero details about Hitler for an occupation film parody (arguably better than Starship Troopers, in comedy, satire, and serious tones).

>meritocracy must be fascist
Having read the book to write essays, I thought it was about civic duty. That shit is literally goes back to ancient civilization.
>Responding to 22 hour old posts
it's still not satire if there's no tangible critiquing of the subject, showing a mother manically clapping at her kids stomping cockroaches isn't that
>In 10th I can't give a shit about WYSIWYG because it'll all the same cost and who give a shit.
Having the same cost doesn't absolve you of modelling the correct wargear. If something is supposed to have a heavy weapon you should give it one and no, having 8 different units with gun proxies isn't good enough
Knowing brainlets like you have the same voting right makes me die on the inside everyday.
>no argument
every time with you pseudo-intellectuals
go back to circlejerking on /r/medialiteracy
who makes these cool gifs? ive seen them around for along time but i have no idea. Are there any eldar ones?
They were all made by him
Coolio. The legs were throwing me off with the rest of it. Nice job.
new bread

>OOE having his fluff changes to be fleet-agnostic is good though
Old One Eye himself is not fleet-agnostic, he's an ancient Carnifex from the early days of Behemoth and more importantly he's still alive to this day (albeit once again frozen in a block of ice and now worshiped by a Genestealer Cult as a prophet). But even though OOE is still around and a unique character besides you were always totally allowed to just have your own monster to fill in the role anyways. You didn't even need them to look similar. Which I think is a good thing because it allows you the freedom to have your own personalized monster if you want to and just have it use OOE's rules, letting you make /yourdudes/ even more of /yourdudes/ if you want to. And as you mentioned, you can even view it as having a fluff justification ranging from "This Hive Fleet has created a super 'fex to lead the beasts that's reminiscent of OOE's legend" to "The Hive Mind is aware of OOE's unstable mutation causing it to be difficult to control but knows the fear and destruction it brings is on a scale of it's own and so will attempt to recreate it to take advantage of it's legacy's impact on the minds of prey as needed". It's just a good idea.
The point I was making is that I think this attitude is applicable to every army and I don't think there's anything wrong with using Calgar's rules for your own custom Chapter Master or making a kit-bashed Overlord who functions like Imotekh.
sure, boot up TTS.

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