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>Previously in the Mortal Realms:


Cosmology edition

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:


>Thread question:
What aspect of the Warhammer Cosmology is your favorite?
Ignoring it entirely and making my own comfy setting
I dunno, the Ghur realm is pretty neat. Continents eating each other and whatnot
Da Bad Moon!!!
I like how ghur is geographically probably the only realm where civilization can take serious root, and expand.
AoS setting is shit. Talk about anything else.
Not Hysh?
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>What aspect of the Warhammer Cosmology is your favorite?

i like the idea that there are basically stargates connecting the realms, and the first thing people did was build a city on both halfs of one of the stargates which now acts as a major shipping and logistics hub
Do you think if Nurgle ripped a bad enough fart that it could burn the entire realm of Aqshy?

i like the whole concept of aethergold and that it gave rise to an entire civilization of dwarfs that mine the skies and clouds instead of the earth and rock, and live in floating sky fortress port cities.

probably the first actually interesting innovation on dwarfs as a fantasy trope in 50 years
The map does look sustainable, but I dunno about the magical drawbacks to the realm to make a call on it.
why are dwarffags so delusional? cities is never getting dwarves and a generic dwarf faction already exists (in the shit version of the game)
dwarves already have a ror. I wonder if it will get updated with new plastics. Also why the fuck are people trying to sell it for $200 on ebay?
Screencapped, I will add it to the others, and laugh at you all. If FEC and GSG can do it, so too cane delves/dwarves.

The fact that people can travel to and live in the realm of death. The possibilities are endless, despite 80% of BL authors missing what could be, the potential exists.
>bought 4 RORs when they were 80 bucks

Rock and stone
i said this in the other thread but the sheer amount of "lost duardin keep" nodes on every realm map definitely shows to me that there's something big coming for the dwarfs, and not just chaos dwarfs, who have their own distinct nodes.
id agree with you if it was anything but dwarves. dwarves dont sell
I expect duardin unification or at the very least fyreslayers and kharadon getting a proper wave this edition.
is that a meme like eldar dont sell
last edition we saw major waves for lumineth and sylvaneth, and a new faction sub-leader for DoK, so despite it being """era of the beast""" it was definitely era of the elfs.

hopefully this time around this edition ends up being era of the dwarfs
>duardin unification
This is the most retarded meme ever, and it keeps coming back
its almost like it was mentioned in the lore or something
fyreslayers dont sell well but kharadron do. dispossessed dont sell because people are waiting to see if they're getting squatted or not and have been ever since cities units started dissapearing like pheonix temple. nobodies been buying shit for cities, elfs included, because its so uncertain. pheonix temple was a hugely popular tournament regular and staple on tables and then it was just gone out of nowhere with no announcement or lore justification
if anything its been going the other direction. barak thryng lost its coalition, tempests eye lost its coalition, and then finally we lost allies all together.

soup is off the table. we're returning to the era of microfactions and walled garden army design
it definitely does have lore justification, the urphoenix got eaten.
Nigga it has lore justification, now that they've been squatted. But the edition before, the entirety of third(except for 6 months), they were the most popular Anvil in CoS. They sold like hotcakes and still got binned.
So I've got an extra yndrasta, what should I do with it?
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>fyreslayers dont sell well
i wonder why
feels bad I'm going to shelve my favorite army because they started both this edition and last edition with shit rules that aren't fixable with points, and probably won't get a tome with a pity hero for a couple more years at least.
People still buy daemons, having a bad kit doesn't mean you'll sell badly.

I think the problem is it's an army utterly without unit variety. Look at fyreslayers and you've got what, 500 same looking foot infantry and a mono pose droth and that's it. Look at kharadron and you have light armor infantry, heavy armor infantry, jet pack guys, 3 sizes of boats, and a slew of heroes with and without jetpacks
Which army?
The one with a 130 point 10 wound infantry with no rend, and a 240 point monster with 10 wounds on a 4 up.
That doesn't narrow it down
>unit variety

It's this. If there were like a few full "Slayer" units that were Chosen-tier or something and then a lot of Aspirants / Warriors / etc with some heroes and mounts peppered in, the whole range would be far more viable.

As it is, everything looks like everything.
How about the one that couldn't use command abilities for almost 3 years in 3e.
fyreslayers issue is that they were more than likely going to be a slayer subarmy for dwrves in a 9th edition fantasy but were forced to be their own army
How about you quit dancing around it like a faggot and just name the faction
they aren't buying cos because they can't, its all sold out.
he's bitching about obr like absolutely anyone would have any sympathy for them or as if they're even remotely bad this edition, literally worst playerbase in the game.
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I’m going to paint pic rel with the new game color brassy brass for the armor. But I don’t know what color to use for the cape and armor trim. I settled on either the new game color sombre grey or game color Elfic blue. Not sure if I should use both respectively for the cap and trim, or try another color. I’m going to shade the brassy brass with agrax/strong tone.

Any tips or suggestions?
Getting into the game with Ironjawz this edition. How turbo fucked am I by not having little expendable fucks? And in general?
>people confusing brass and bronze

I know they're similar alloys, but look at a BRASS BAND and tell me the colour of their instruments.
Its hard to tell right now, people seem to be playing less chaff in general. I think goregruntas not being at the same level as other elite cavalry options hurts them, and they don't have a lot of tricks, or first strike, or fight twice, or weird mobility stuff to fuck with people's tactics like other factions.
They're both shitty metals for peasants who can't afford better, give him a break.
I just got my ass STOMPED the other night by the new deathriders, obr will be just fine
Alright, got 30 gutz, 60 hobgrots, 9 boltboyz, a sludgeraker boss, a mirebrute troggoth, and a slew of killabosses and shaman on everything but a vulcha

Anything else that I should pick up or is this enough to roll for 2k games?
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I’m not a metallurgist or paint chemist. I’m just using the names that Vallejo gave their paints. I don’t want to use gold or silver and I like the shine from brassy brass (which is a very light orange gold-ish color) and I already own the paint along with the other two that I mentioned.
I wasn't blaming you in particular, it's just people in general.
Just look up "bronze warhammer paint scheme" and see what colour combinations people use.
you could use a skumdrekk and a unit of monsta-killaz.
Breaka 220
boltboys 220

snatcha 320
Gutz 340
Gutz 170

skumdrekk 260
hobgrots 200

shaman 120
monsta-killaz 120
Lol I won every game with my OBR so far. Maybe you are the problem.
how long until the warcry schizo loadout 8 man units with 3 different types of minis smashed together get squatted?
Have you seen any of the warcry scrolls in 4th?

It's already done
what is?
Pestilens when
Eshin when
The condensing of the schizo loadouts. They're all just "questor weapons" or "monsters killaz weapons" now. Hell even the baboons have the same stats as the kruleboyz in the monsta killaz

There are no more schizo loadouts
anyone have a pdf of the ghb?
Maybe another 15 years if you dont get flushed to TOW in the next 5-8 years. Ratfags cried and stomped their feet for new models and then when they came out they cried and stomped their feet that they were the wrong ones. GW has no interest in making new moulds just for people to not buy them
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You can't try this bait again so soon
i hate new sprues
Then be happy you got the new sculpts and enjoy them. The reality is that most skaven players were claiming before the box reveal that they would purchase 3000pts+ of anything new that dropped, and now they've moved the goalposts and are stating that they would've bought 3000pts of anything new as long as it was pestilens/eshin/skryre/moulder/whatever special snowflake subfaction they run
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>I'm a bit of a skaven player myself
>posts unbuilt/unpainted models
Skaven always has had the highest percentage of hobby secondaries due to /v/idya spergs, and furry art. Any hype to purchase giant piles of plastic all at once are always hobby larpers and are best ignored
I took this picture on the 12th, one day before the official release date (mine came in the mail early). Currently cutting and cleaning the models.
>I swear I have built and painted models
>no you can't see them they go to a different school
>cleaning the models
Now I know its fake, 99% of pics posted on /tg/ have moldline sticking out or unfilled gaps all over.
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Here's one
>grog base
get out tourist secondary
No, I don't think I will.
Keep moving those goalposts, clown.
skaven in aos were a mistake now we are going to be infested with TWW TOW redditor tourists
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>square base
>no dirt between cobblestones
>cobblestones don't even fill the entirety of the bases surface
>primary colour scheme yellow(gold), blue, red + brown
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oy vey you got me. Gonna toss the whole bunch in the trash right now.
are you ever going to rebase those and actually play aos or are you just going to keep pretending to play a game you dont play
I just paint and my stuff includes AoS, old Warhammer and 40k.
>skavenfag admits he's a secondary
Oh wow who could have seen that coming, it's almost like a skaven player who actually plays and paints is the minority and the majority of skaven "players" are nogames secondaries, nomodels secondaries, or both
Newsflash anon: the majority of people who collect any army are not in it for the gaming side.
>projection of massive proportions
Just because you're a secondary faggot doesn't mean the rest of the hobby is stooping to your level
If he has models he isn't a secondary. Words have meaning Anon, you can't just throw them around
Sitting in a car in your driveway that you purchased doesn't make you a driver. You need to drive the car to be a driver. Likewise painting models for a game that you don't play doesn't make you a player. You have to play the game, and if you aren't playing the game then you're just another secondary
is this a discord raid? why are there so many nogames rat sympathizers?
Siting in a car you bought makes you a car owner and owning a car is the minimal requirememt to be in the car owner club
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........why does katakross have a kitty cat on his shield?
This isnt a model owner's clubs. This is a thread for discussing models that you paint in order to play a game, or discussing the game itself. If you don't play anything then you aren't part of this community, you are a secondary
Europoor hours always have an uptick in nogames tourists who have learned of warhammer through vidya they pirated or bought during steam sales for €6
IJ bros, is this the dawn of brutespam?
I think it's meant to be a skull with a fancy hat, but it looks like a cat, his banner looks even more like a cat.
It's well known that death-worshiping cultures also worship cats (for obvious reasons).
lol no, you can't spam 4" move dudes. I don't know what you play, the numbers for everything are kind of mid outside of a the unit you buff up and you can't even really buff gruntas and megaboss.
He's a big fan of early 2010s Internet
God damn this website has become insanely pathetic. What happened to this board?
faggots like you showed up.
I've been here since you were in diapers, though I guess that's not saying much.
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Does anyone know of a good proxy for fagnos?
Only thing I’ve been able to come up with so far for kruleboyz is to get a third party gargant and green stuff a giant scare shield as his face, maybe make some fake back legs like a Chinese dragon so he’s mimicking Kragnos
Brave new take. I think you've finally cracked the case years later, anon.
That's clearly Nyaagash
He did puppet an undead cat for a bit during the End Times so that checks out
Oldfags became bitter because those darn kids are ruining the hobby by participating in it unlike themselves, and newfags are too brainrotted to realize when they're being ran through a gauntlet of shitposts.
take a mutalith, replace the portal with a breaka-boss and some banners to gorkamorka, make a scenic base

rampaging bog kraken
You could also build up your own custom cogfort and then loot it for your KB. Which is something they have canonically done.
Sounds pretty cool I do have a spare sludegraker rider so could do that.
The sandbox, with countless gods existing contrary to the prolific Order Pantheon. Morrda, Cinder God, Morai-Heg, Ignax, etc are all interesting examples in fluff but the open ended approach of creating your own is neat.
On the same theme, that Sigmar and the Chaos Gods coopt divergent faiths like Khorne followers worshipping a blood kraken or Sigmar being interpreted as a bull Godbeast is neat. It's a shame they had to ruin the setting with less flexible god characters like Teclis and Morathi, just to try and pander to capeshit/primaris popularity.
sell it
convert it for anvil of apotheosis or to be used in other games
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on second thought, may I suggest mantic's kraken instead of the mutalith? the latter has the stompy nature that would fit a kragnos proxy, but the former is a less recognisable model and somewhat more boggy

you might even try to model the flying heart piercing squids and fluff the whole thing as the infamous kraken described in the thondia(?) article
there it is, it was about gallet
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If it's the face you don't like then you could just replace it with something you do like, whether that be from another gw kit, a 3rd party miniatures brand, or even an appropriately sized head from plastic animal toys. Schleich has a line of fantasy toys that would be a good size and potentially be in your local toy stores clearance section. They've got deep cuts in the sculpting and could easily be giving a spicier paintjob with little work
posting the rest
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Does this imply the Gnaw is just a tiny big of Skavenblight merging with Aqshy and actually some 70% of the entire realm got royally fucked by the Vermindoom?
Yndrasta hunts a godbeast land kraken in her novel, they're just a Ghur thing in general
That is kino desu thank you anon!
Don’t know why I didn’t think of mantic I use them all the time
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>Positive: enough area and ambiguity for yourdudes lore
>Negative: Too much land with only a handful of lore
>and actually some 70% of the entire realm got royally fucked by the Vermindoom?
don't take anything about this depiction to scale
Thank you anon for putting your time into this
Imagine this thing giving Kragnos a blowjob wouldn't that be disgusting haha
Yep, this is objectively kino and anyone who disagrees is retarded and hates fun
Vile fucking No Games secondary. Piss off back to your fucking WFB thread and jerk off over your shitty game that's dying for a second time there with the rest of your grogs.

Looks shit, but it's Mantic so who is surprised?

I can't unsee it now.

I like this model but he desperately needs a helmet.
Nice paintjobs anon, I like the basing even if squares don't look right when not in a formation imo
Don't samefag to try and make people think anyone like yours shit, anon.
Look bozo, you're annoying and no one likes you. So maybe just leave the thread alone, capiche? Don't make me unleash the beast on you.
>Look bozo, you're annoying and no one likes you. So maybe just leave the thread alone, capiche? Don't make me unleash the beast on you.

Cringe inbred retard. No wonder you like WFB.
fuck off you mongoloid, quit shifting the goalposts so violently you are embarassing yourself
you asked for painted models and anon posted very decently painted rats just shut the fuck up Your dignity was shattered many many posts ago

cool rats anon, too bad giving these retards what they want is never enough to kill their tantrums in the cradle
>blaming primaris marines for the state of AoS gods
Peak schizo.
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>Arachnarok mentioned
This is a cool series to include in WD. I hope we get more of these
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Crimson Court and Velmorn are sick now. They finally made them a proper unit of vampires.
>he can't understand ironic statements
I find it unlikely, judging by the style and amount of illustrations, comparable to pic related, as well as the topic, it does look like it was just assets that were being prepared for a season of war gallet and then repurposed for a white dwarf article when the whole project got trashed

we'll never see the incarnates of the other regions or of the other realms
>potentially dropping 16 rend -1 wounds at damage 2 with a unit that takes up less space than a unit of liberators
Holy moly
Wtf actual fucking stupidity are you shitting out of your cum filled mouth? I never asked for fucking models. I woke up less than an hour ago you drooling, cock sucking retard.
They're potentionally 17 attacks 3+/2+ in the vamp subfaction, rend 3, d2 vs heroes, averages to like 19 damage.
>AOSG thread
Rent free.
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>still have to pay £50 to get the three endless spells you’ll actually use
>all the discount retailers don’t get it stocked
>nowhere is it mentioned in a visible area that these are basically necessary
>the three endless spells you’ll actually use
Or, and here's a shocking thought, you could use them all and have fun rather than only using what is "good" and being a WAACfag.
you can always just draw a spiky purple skull on a circle.
>aelf holding a fucking wine glass in a cinderfall tavern
at least it's not a floating dildo this time
It’s not being a waacfag to not take something useless, especially when it’s a detriment to do it. I’ll do it with units in my army because they’re actually cool but why would I want to use a worse fucking spell marker?
>basically necessary
Maybe if you're a waacfaggot who can't cope with the idea of not exclusively running things in the top percentage of the meta
>mawtribe ogres are allowed to coexist in the cities of sigmar despite not being in the same grand alliance

>elves should not be allowed to be a separate grand alliance because they sometimes coexist in the cities of sigmar
Who cares
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What the fuck?
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Second hand is your friend, I got my morbid ones a month ago for 25€
What? Just an Ogor who lost his hands.
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I live again.
Use big Morathi.
She loves destroying Sigmar's ass
It's been too long.
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How on earth do you decide on a basing scheme?
My first rats are all done, sat on blank white bases, I can't choose between countless different basing styles.
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These need to get changed in the battletome to 10+ models like Kroxigor. The output is just ridiculous, they hit like annihilator grandhammers and absorb buffs the best. If they did that and dropped liberators 10 points then all 3 of the basic infantry would be perfectly balanced.
>How on earth do you decide on a basing scheme?
I ask myself which texture paint has yet to dry up and go with that.
god this looks absolutely disgusting. do aos players actually play like this?
AoS looks a fuckton better than retarded Oldhammer models with shitty proportions, anon. We both know you're a grog who can't move on from the Old World, so piss off back to WFB threads.
In addition, playing with actual FRIENDS on a table is peak SOVL.
I bought Mordant Earth and Valhallan Blizzard to test them both out but I can't pick which one I like more.
Indecisive hobbying is pure syajh0uffering.
It can be hard for other "players" to understand, but AoS players actually enjoy running their game.
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Brought my Soul Grinder in his first game last night. He managed to kill two Concussors and Gryph-Hound then he brought a Lord-Celestant on Dracoth down to his final wound. Alas, that is where his tale ended for he was finally defeated by that same Lord-Celestant. Pretty decent performance for his first game I think.
Bro. I used to play WFB using books for hills.
Most people don't have terrain collections.
40kg is two blocks down
I didn't even know SOVL Grinders were still in AoS, well done anon.
I generally just consider:
1. Where my dudes are from.
2. What base colors compliment my dudes color scheme.
Interesting, since when did 40k have Maggotkin of Nurgle in it? Or Stormcast for that matter? I'm 99% sure it doesn't but hey, maybe you know more than me.

>I didn't even know SOVL Grinders were still in AoS, well done anon.
They are, I think. This was a 1st edition game and back then they were pretty decent. I've always wanted one and it was awesome to finally have the big guy stomping about the table.
Basing sand with a couple of tufts, rocks or static grass looks good and is easy to make. One important thing to consider is how much work you want it to be so that he doesn't become like a chore after the 30th model.
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Also, if you think the Soul Grinder is too "40k" wait until you see my Daemon Prince.
I've got lore for these two. Short version is the Daemon Prince, Rankspawn, was upgraded and enhanced by the Chaos Duardin after aiding them in a number of conflicts, and the Soul Grinder is an old rival of Rankspawn who was captured by the Daemon Prince and given to the Chaos Duardin who experimented on him and twisted him into an insane half machine/half daemon abomination magically bound to his old rival.
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Are chorfs the new Chamon meme?
No clue, but that's been my lore for him since like... years ago so if everyone is suddenly going on about Chorfs that ain't my problem.
Considering it's Skaven, the though of manually adding grass tufts sounds like a chore. Ideally I'd just slap on a texture paint.

Not quite sure what goes well with albino skaven in blue robes. I was considering snow but I think the white gets overpowering.
They do seem a tad OP, yeah.
The core book mentions Chaos Duardin a lot, including in Chamon.

Awesome, love the green pipes and claws.
I like the red highlights on the skulls
I'm thinking about starting an Ironjaw army, how are 'ardboyz and the big boat on the tabletop?
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It's just that I often see people try to justify retarded tech with "a chorfzard did it" when Chorf tech was never anything like that.
Nice daemon prince from chamon
>try to justify
I'm not, though? It's the lore for /mydudes/ so I don't need to "justify" it. I thought it'd be cool to have a cyborg Daemon Prince created by the Chaos Duardin so I made myself a cyborg Daemon Prince created by the Chaos Duardin.

>Awesome, love the green pipes and claws.
Thanks! :)
I'm super proud of him. He's a model I use as often as I can in games even though the Daemon Princes weren't that great back then.
TY anon (even though he's from Ghyran XD). Between him and the Soul Grinder I'm getting into Daemon Engines/Daemon cyborgs and now I'm curious about what the Chaos Duardin will have.
I'm not likely to play Chorfs, but if they lean really heavy into the daemon + tech thing I might be tempted.
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>tfw your job is to babysit the person who gives you orders
He's pretty cool (although he needs a helmet). What model is that?
Blacktalons. All except the fish lady have helmet options.
Cool, thanks anons! I might try and grab 'em on his own since I'd love to have that model but don't care much for the Blacktalons. They're just kinda dull imo.
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primariscast helmets are so ugly they look better without them
The animation in this "show" was embarrassingly bad.
No they are actually hitting appropriately hard for 40mm elite infantry. You guys are just used to the normally pillowfisted stormcast infantry profiles, this is how hard they should be hitting in combat
Tufts isn't a lot of effort. I get that you don't want to spend half an hour per base but simply slapping a mud texture and calling it done seems a bit wasteful.
not worse than the other shows from that studio.
go with simple dirt, works fine for skaven, add warpstone rocks and cracked earth with warpstone effect underneath on the bases of important guys
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Thanks anon. I've been experimenting with warpstone cracked earth since it ties into the whole Vermindoom plotline. I'm not sure if that or snow bases would be best to make a blue-green skryre army as vibrant as possible.
Anything red-ish will contrast with blue/white nicely like a desert or badlands or lava.

Green grass would work nice with light blue but not so well with dark blue.

Chamon-ish base can have copper-colored stuff.
Hyshian can have yellow/orange colors to pair with blue.
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Your autism has been doing this for more than four years. It’s not a new thing.
E is projecting again.
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>Giant crossbow
>Just shoots a little zap instead of firing the bolt in it
Did you expect quality from a glorified toy soldier commercial?
Approved and published by GW of all people
10 of them average 24 damage with the easy +1 hit/wound from finest hour and the warrior chamber subfaction. That's absurd for a 200 point unit, almost as broken as chosen. 10 Libs deal 13-14 instead which is feels appropriately elite swinging on 2s and 2s with crit mortal.
I dont, all my minis have difrent bases per unit I dont give a fuck.
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>ok so normal stormcast crossbows don't actually have strings
>they shoot bolts fed by magazines through magic
>so castigators do use actual tech to launch grenades, they insert actual ammo
>this is starting to make sense
>tfw GW release >>93376905
Now take a look at blightkings and realise how retarded you are.
FUCK, just realized I am going to have to buy one of these things now

Was really hoping that free/'free'* faction terrain was going away for 4th
blightkings skew hard into durability and are pillowfisted beyond reason for their points. they have an extra wound per model and a 5+ ward built in. its apples and oranges, the nurgle stuff is all lacking in damage

but you knew that.

no combat unit on 40mm bases should be swinging at 1 damage a swing. none of them. thats absurd. the exception being the aforementioned nurgle shit which is deliberately sacrificing offense for heavy defensive skew, or something that has compensatory extra attacks like 4 or 5 attacks per model. 2 attacks at 1 damage a swing for models on 40mm bases, elite infantry, is fucking laughable. liberators and vindictors are both utter trash, vanquishors are the only one of the 3 that even comes close to being good, and even then only against the right targets.
I like how Chaos has been reduced down to "teeth grow out of shit"
thats less damage than a buffed 10 man squad of hammerers from CoS
or you could scratchbuild your own version
it's either teeth, eyes or tentacles
you can't make a shoggoth with something else
Libs can hit hard with easy buffs if you run their numbers. Reinforced Vindictors are dealing about 10 with the warrior chamber +1 hit buff and the bonus rend from being charged with a coin flip strike-first, they aren't trash at all. 10 damage is not bad, Mannfred hits for 10.
My playgroup was gonna start aos for 4th but all interest fizzled out. Convince me not to return my skaventide preorder
It released last week, so it's not a preorder anymore
No its not. Hammerers are also broken and hit harder than varanguard and karazai and kragnos.
manfred is a utility hero, not surpising his damage sucks.

10 damage is not impressive. a reinforced unit of stormcast tooled up dealing 10 damage is sad. for reference a reinforced unit of the hammerers mentioned >>93377218
are dealing somewhere on the order of 55-60 damage. dont even ask how much you can get a minimum squad of 5 brutes up to. and early estimates are putting buffed gutrippaz at somewhere around 20-30 mortal wounds alone nevermind whatever other damage the non poison hits do
Always was and has been
That’s what a shoggoth is, that’s what it will always be. Can’t wait to see one in film eventually. Aside from The Thing, I don’t think I’ve seen one.
Your poorfag ass can’t afford one. When did your “playgroup” clap?
If you're the one with the box, hype them up, get them interested, ask who wants to try Spearhead.
I don't care what hammerers hit for, they aren't a baseline for the game. That stupid unit hits harder than their reinforced elite cavalry. You're building your entire army around one unit of gutrippaz instead of it being a 220 point throw away. You keep bringing out the outlier highest damage crap in the game like that matters. If you want to keep vanq damage at 10 per 100 point range than you need to rebalance the entire fucking game around that number and the entire stormcast faction.
okay so were going to ignore hammerers and brutes and gutrippaz

anything else you'd like us to ignore to prove your point?
Which faction's models has the best titties? I'm assuming either Sisters of Khaine or Hedonites of Slaanesh, but I wanted to ask because I might be overlooking some of the other factions. Dwarf tits don't count.
nurgle or khorne
>laser cannons and spaceships are A-OK but a simple set of hydraulic legs is pushing it
Yes. Take your retarded juggernauts with you while you're at it
I'm not ignoring them and Brutes hit hard because IJs has a faction has mediocre damage so they get to spend 700 points of support to buff one slow ass unit of brutes every turn and then have them die to somebodies casual strike-last debuff. Reinforced Brute-Ragerz do 10 damage. Ardboyz do 4.6. A momentum 4 charging hakkin krew does 10. Charging gore-gruntas do 8. Such damage output, wow.
>>laser cannons and spaceships are A-OK
lizards get a free pass because they're aliens
>im not ignoring brutes
>proceeds to ignore brutes

lol. get better writing, your script is predictable
you want some brute numbers, 200 points of brutes vs 200 points of vanquishers. They do 14.4 vs infantry with their +1 damage fucking 10 less than buffed vanquishers without even using bless weapons. So shut the fuck up retard.
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Azyr is stolen land
>Play THE GOAT, pic related
>Best faction ever created every category
>Take a break from stomping on plebs to check out some other systems
>Come back
>Realize my whole army got buttfucked without lube
>Somehow F(A)EC(ES) and Faggotslayers are still playable factions, FEC even getting brand new units and expanded rooster
>Peak performance GW faggotry
maybe your local meta is retarded? 6 Longstrikes with +1/+1 will remove most any OBR unit a turn, double fight varanguard dumpster katakros, brute packs don't care about ethereal mortek. Everyone is figuring out lists, but I know having played a few of my armies that the gap is super noticeable, you're paying a premium for nothing on your units, layered ontop of the army being ultra boring to play.

Deathriders are about the only unit priced right and probably the only thing you will see. Everyone's cav is much better now, if you're not a fan of deathriders wait until you run into Dawnriders, Chaos Knights, Varanguard (esp with Abraxia), Slickblade etc.
How are fyreslayers even a faction still they have like 3 non hero kits
People people like them
NTR'ed in lore, NTR'ed in real life. Drag queen ogors live by the shafting.
I'm so sorry anon. Don't put Fireshitters and Based Eater Courts in the same category though.
Gw can't squat them bc aos wouldn't be warhammer without slayers
Ez to paint, fun to play, great lore. They're popular enough all things considered, and they'll definitely be getting more stuff in 4E.
imagine selling worse than fyreslayers
half the Order armies should be folded up or just removed
shit's ridiculous
Welcome to fantasy wargaming newfag, it's par for the course to have more good guys
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how did my squigboss turn out? I painted an orange and yellow and blue model recently so i wanted to try the same thing on this goblin I mostly did for fun.
>lets compare the brutes with buffs
>oh but we're just gonna leave off the actual brute buffs, ignore those
Imagine having less support than fyreslayers for your entire existence in the game
it's over isn't it
>Just get rid of the popular armies
Lol, never gonna happen.
Grots will be re-absorbed into Orrruks by 5th, mark my words.
Battletome: Greenskins is inevitable.
Oh boy, another faction in my tome that can’t be used together
yep, spider riders will be updated to have moonclan grots on squig spiders and the aracnarok will get towed away
>steamboat willies
yeah, real popular
got any usage stats to back that up, bitch?
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Idoneth are such a cool and original idea that it utterly baffles me that GW completely fucking ignore them as much as possible.
They're a dark elf variant, GW always ignore those
>That one, poor random Gryph-Hound that just got pasted by a Soul Grinder

Poor guy :(
Kinda bubble-gummy.
Kino as fuck
>Steamboat Willies
Driving their airship straight up your asshole while everyone applauds
Outing yourself this hard as having no taste, incredible.
Basically none of the 1E armies were designed with any expansion plans in mind. It's literally only in mid-late 3E that GW has finally started to go back to those armies and add new models, starting with IJ, Sylvaneth, and FEC.

I expect we'll see more of this in 4E, especially since it's basically just Ogres left for WHFB armies needing a range overhaul.
Maybe IDK will actually get expanded beyond "cavalry the army". More monsters or more infantry would be nice since they're already kind of hero heavy.
does anyone remember the greentext about the wargamers who become historical grogs when they get older ? I can't find it and i think it was hilarious
by "half the order armies" you're looking at elves, elves are the problem, elves should be the ones to fuck off
chaos can also be split along the lines of the ones who participate in the great game of the gods and the ones who are instead doing their own thing and perhaps working to break it


now this is perfectly balanced
>become historical grogs when they get older
Why would I ever want to play historical games?

"Man hits man with sword" is far more shit than "Dragon ridden by a Lighting Angel devours a demon whole while carving through half a dozen mortal worshippers of a mad god with its claws"
>elves are the problem, elves should be the ones to fuck off
Shit take.
Opinion ignored.
I think so. They only appear in black library as Moonclan and even things like Scuttlings, Gobbapalooza and Blanche's designs are really discouraging with a new trend of even 8e kits not being new enough to stick around.
I hope they're reworked and the savage aesthetic is kept but I doubt they'll even refresh them.
I think we have room for at least two more elf armies
Umbraneth, Emberneth, Kurnothi
Take your prick
Big monster is the last thing I want. Turtle and Eidolon already eat up a bunch of storage/transport space. Infantry or just more multi-model units would be welcome. I personally want an Isharann equivalent to the Akhelian King with 2 casts, Namarti bodyguards for foot heroes, and an Embailor with a selection of sea critters to control.
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rules q as cant seem to find it, if a unit is hit with a weapon whose rend makes it exceed a 6+ save, I.e 2 rend weapon hits zombies that have 6+ save, do u still roll a save for the zombies? or does dmg immediately go through?
kurnothi go in sylvaneth, umbraneth join khainites under ulgurothi, emberneth are fucking extinct
muh tournament data
because the majority of consumers are totally the <250 middle-aged fatties that show up to those
damage immediately goes through.
This but the inverse with saves isn't true, because 1s always fail
Who gives a fuck about tournament data, the question was any proof existing that BoC sold more poorly then Fyreslayers. The statement was given, GW squatted BoC and we have no definite idea why. Unless you can prove it, it's conjecture.
thanks m8
Why do autistic brainlets keep trying to reinvent the wheel that’s grand alliances? I remember when you idiots thought grand alliance stormcast should’ve been a thing god I hate you
I'm secretly livid about the underworlds teams going to legends because those felt like they help fill a gap in the range at least a little bit and I know it will take forever to replace.
Yeah that change really fucked IDK especially because UW and one foot hero is all the new stuff they ever got.

At least you're probably on the shortlist for Warcry releases.
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>Why do autistic brainlets keep trying to reinvent the wheel that’s grand alliances?
Because GA in general was bad idea and exists as atavism from the early days when GW had no idea what to do with AoS
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>no change through the whole week
Ugh, fuck anything but a god damn warcry band. Mixed base sizes, probably an non standard number of models, leader model good enough to look like a hero, but isn’t, different weapons across the unit thrown into one profile on the warscroll.
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Why are you all so greedy?
>waaah I only have 2 infantry and 2 cavalry options
>I'll only use a fraction of that to get to 2k when I factor in my heroes and other units but I need MORE MORE MORE MORE WAAAAH
Clearly you don't actually like your faction and chose poorly.
I don't like you.
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On that note: When's the fucking box, James?
Who are you even speaking to, retard?
I like the map. But I would have liked to see the city while it was under Chaos rule.
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Does the Amulet of Screams work everytime an enemy wizard casts a spell or only once per turn?

Im new to AoS and the reaction system has yet to click with me.
Kragnos will steal all
>Human cultists of the GHR
I always find this interesting, I wonder what they'd look like
No clue who you're sperging out about, but it's pretty normal to want more of things that you like and think are cool
>In the Gilder District, high society has rapidly converted to worshipping a new deity known as Good King Gnaw. In service to their new patron, the cult has undermined the Stormcast Eternals, though the screeching horde pays little respect to their treachery.
>GHR finally gets human cultists
He’s a big boy now! Demons when
I mean literally still better than an UW band which you were just mad about losing.
>1st edition: Ends with Order getting its teeth kicked in, scrapped by during the Realmgate wars campaign books
>2nd edition: Nagash kicks Order in the teeth while chaos fondles his balls
>3rd edition: Everyone kicks Order in the teeth including Order
>4th edition: Order is getting its teeth kicked in
>tfw Chaos
Didn't Nagash end up getting his face pushed in by Order?
You're revisioning a lot of history here, pal
That wasn’t me.
I should get this set. I have a bunch of stuff I want to get but haven't because I can wait, but then GW has taken to deleting more models which is anxiety inducing
Nope black LRL from the novel still managed to fuck up
>realmgate wars: chaos gets cucked by order
>malign portents: chaos (khul) gets cucked by everyone
>soulwars: chaos gets cucked by katakros
>broken realms: archaon gets cucked by morathi, tzeentch gets cucked by seraphon, belakor gets cucked by grugni, slaanesh gets cucked by 2 bitch hunters, beasts get cucked by sylvaneth, and archaon also gets cucked by kragnos
>era of the beasts: chaos (beasts) get cucked by everyone
I really want to eat the squig.
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>I've never read the lore
We can tell.
You keep using that word, but I don't think you know what it means.
feel free to replace the first c with f
The Carnacs at GW are relentless
>now this is perfectly balanced

It actually is better than the breakdown now and I'd roll with this. The way the factions are broken up right now is so fucking haphazard, because it inevitably leaves so many orphaned armies who've gotten almost nothing in the last 10 years, then everyone is shocked and amazed when they're squatted.

The trouble is new armies sell hard on a new asethetic along with an expectation of support. Lol when that support doesn't come though (and other shit is getting pushed out for already bloated rosters like SCE), it just makes the range feel hollow and makes it seem like GW never learned shit from their mistakes.
Flesh eater courts
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Wait... you read the lore?
>1e army
What? They didn't get new models in AoS back then. Just WHFB shit.
Yep! Recently sat down and re-read all the lore we've got for AoS. I finished my re-read last Thursday. Here's my read order anon, be sure to read the lore for the game you play :)

Warhammer Age of Sigmar - Mighty Battles in an Age of Unending War
The Realmgate Wars: Quest for Ghal Maraz
The Realmgate Wars: Balance of Power
The Realmgate Wars: Godbeasts
The Realmgate Wars: Ironwarp Citadel
The Realmgate Wars: All-Gates
Age of Sigmar Blightwar
Malign Portents
Age of Sigmar Core Book 2nd Edition
Battle of Glymmsforge
Soul Wars: Forbidden Power
Carrion Empire
Feast of Bones
Aether War
Shadow and Pain
Soul Wars: Wrath of the Everchosen
Broken Realms: Morathi
Broken Realms: Teclis
Broken Realms: Be'lakor
Broken Realms: Kragnos
Age of Sigmar Core Book 3rd Edition
War at Amberstone Watch
Season of War - Thondia
Fury of the Deep
Arena of Shades
Echoes of Doom
Arcane Cataclysm
Dawnbringers Book 1 Harbingers
Dawnbringers Book 2 Reign of the Brute
Dawnbringers Book 3 The Long Hunt
Dawnbringers Book 4 The Mad King Rises
Dawnbringers Book 5 Shadow of the Crone
Dawnbringers Book 6 Hounds of Chaos
Age of Sigmar Core Book 4th Edition
Assault On Hel’s Claw
Name a single battle that Archaon personally lost that doesn't feature Malerion in the Age of Chaos.
After getting everything he wanted except winning the entire setting?
he was there when kragnos trashed his fortress in ghur, a little late, but he was there to see him demolish everything

he just left instead of intervening, I guess he knows that he can't use the eye of sheerian to have an advantage against kraggy
So the bad guys winning means they get an army book and model release first, correct?
That is colourful. Good job.
Are the spearhead army rules up anywhere? Like the ones for Ogres, Fyreslayers, etc?
yep, and bragging rights for having taken the place forevermore
Why did like every single stormvermin kit in existence seemingly just evaporate
Not on GW, not on ebay, no LGS has them...
Yes. To be honest this one is far less interesting than the Tyranids winning the 40k one because everyone had been expecting another Marine win, but here I think it's really heavily favoring the rats from both a box side and a Fandom popularity side.
That's not true. I suggest you read the text. Kragnos was long gone when Archaon arrived.
Nice. I don’t play skaven, but I am more curious to see those models then the storm cast ones.
No. It's literally just for early reveals. The releases themselves will not be affected; it's likely that both SC and Skaven will drop at the same time anyway.
delete this...
it's a city in aqshy, it will get referenced in books for years to come
This is a non-sequitur. He didn't ask about the lore turnout.
Had some games with bonedaddy last week. Gonna play more this weekend. Fun!
Very cool anon. Post more Skellingtons!
Elves are always the problem and should not be allowed to exist.
Why did they decide to add these to Slaves to Darkness instead of making them their own army? They do not pair with the rest of the book at all, and they don't even gain access to the faction rules like chaos marks and stuff.
Utterly bizzare, why would I ever bring any of these units into my slaves lists?
The smell of salty brine won’t come out of this robe for weeks…
Just this other pic.
Anyway, short unit review from what I played so far.
I find the Deathriders to be kind of mid. Their MW on charge doesnt work unless you move over an infantry unit. Which kinda sucks.
Morghast of both flavors put out a ton of hurt but they cost a lot of points.
Tried 2 Crawlers for laughs and they put out a pathetic amount of damage for the insane point cost. Maybe they're overvaluing the strike last ability too much.
Immortis Guard are okay but are they the only unit to take double damage when the hero rolls a Ward of 1? The damage isnt even passed over!
Stalkers feel terrible. Pathetic damage output.
Mortek Guard are pretty decent tankers for the cost.
Katakros is okay.
Arkhan is okay.
>Elves are always the problem and should not be allowed to exist.
A second shit take.
Opinion ignored for a second time.
Welcome to the plight of the Kruleboyz.
There you go. Have fun with it.
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Slaves to darkness have always had marauder guys, it was just that they looked too terrible for anyone to run them
>it was just that they looked too terrible for anyone to run them
Implying this has somehow changed with the new Darkoath guys?
Typical elf-cuck. Always a pathetic bitch.
You can not like the new ones, but you definitely can't argue that the new ones are anywhere near as shit as the old school ones
because marauders and marauder horsemen have historically been units of the chaos warriors and they represent the first steps of the path to glory that the whole army with warriors, chosen and princes, depict
making them a separate faction would put them in the situation of not having enough units to cover all roles an army may need in game or enough variety to make for a satisfying collection
ideally they could have been made into a whole army if they inglobated all chaos-related warcry stuff, plus maybe the war altar, but even then it would be an army of 17 infantry units that cover a similar role
not many chances to be successful
keeping them within std while having a battle formation/subfaction to really focus on them and their related units and more specific style will be for the best
They're not Chaos, they're just trying to be lmao

More realistically: They wanted a "more human" counterpart to COS on the other side. It's part of the whole "Sigmar Lied" tagline that was part of the ramp-up to 4th.

If some rando Chosen or like Varanguard or some high powered Chaos fuck was like "BRUH SIGMAR LIED" then far fewer people would care because it's coming from someone who a reader would assume is already corrupted or their point of view is compromised. When it's "tribes in the woods" or a more human advocate for the "dark gods" then the stories seem more parallel and people are more willing to at least consider that point of view.

Ergo we get the "Darkoath" book and "Darkoath" lore and "Darkoath" blah blah blah....

Ultimately two goals accomplished: One, sell new plastic. Two, sell new plastic via more plausible lore while grimdarkening the setting more by casting Sigmar as a more gray figure rather than "good guys and bad guys." Same shit behind "Magnus did nothing wrong" and whatnot.
So people don't complain about their army only have 3 units
I could, but that's an argument these threads have seen before.

>Typical elf-cuck. Always a pathetic bitch.
You've shit takes and awful taste. Amazing!
Dubble bubble lookin ass
What are your thoughts after reading all of this? Do you actually base your games on any of this?
They were online only so nowhere near as numerous as clanrats. Prices soar when something has just been discontinued but they might become cheaper and more common when the upcoming refresh is released.
>What are your thoughts after reading all of this?
I fucking love it. The setting is great, characters are interesting and lore is unique.

>Do you actually base your games on any of this?
Yep! We're doing a huge narrative campaign based around the lore :)

My Maggotkin (from the Blighted Duchies) are currently launching an assault upon a stretch of territory in Ghyran that was recently recolonised by a Dawnbringer Crusade.

The Hallowed Knights are fighting to stop them reconquering the land but they're outnumbered, isolated and unlikely to receive any help from Azyr because the Era of the Beast is drawing so much attention to Ghur.

Before this, in our previous narrative campaign, the Lord-Celestant of those same Hallowed Knights was carrying out a secret mission in the Great Parch shortly after the fall of Anvilgard and the rise of Har Kuron. The Stormcast were attempting to stop a force of Daughters of Khaine and their Darkling Coven allies from accessing a Stormvault and recovering a deadly artefact Sigmar could not allow Morathi to have.
Kill your self
Move over could just be touching the tip if that's what you mean, but their big benefit is just how fast they scale up with damage. Critting on 5's and +1 wound on charge is pretty crazy number.

Crawlers are good but swingy, 2 and Arkhan or katakros is too few bodies on the board, I could see 1 or dropping them for running 2.

IG are pretty disappointing overall, but they feel required for small heroes against some shooting threats.

Stalkers are definitely not stalkers of old, haven't played with them but relatively as a foot troop I'm thinking they're better ROI than mortek, but only reinforced and only with Kat's +1.

Mortek are kinda wasted as a blob and best in 10's now, you're not going to restore models anymore against a reasonably intelligent opponent (boneshaper heal is not reliable and impact isn't high enough, harvester is too niche and easy to kill). Ten is good enough to be a screen and give non dedicated hammers trouble removing them in a turn, 20 just flops over to most dedicated hammers.

Kat & Arkhan are both overcosted a bit. 1 CP is a big deal this edition to spend, and he takes up 500 points. Arkhan's attack profile sucks but getting 3 manifestations out is good, but your soul mason is 160 and 2 cast, with a potential +1 from the formation.

tldr; everything is priced as if we're returning models but we don't now, so we're kind of a shitty stormcast/s2d without deepstrike and bound to auras. Kavalos spam & Nagash seem good.
Red and sapphire Skeleton armour looks great anon.
Thanks for the input. Ill try messing around with riders more and using more Mortek MSU.

Thanks, my dude.
Skaven sweep
Based lore enjoyer.
I’m not nearly as well read in the lore as you, but I enjoy the setting and see lots of potential in it. Do you see the same issue I happen to observe with the setting in that it feels like GW often squanders the potential of it by being so nebulous on many things about it?
>Based lore enjoyer.
Yeah, I've grown to love the AoS setting.

>GW often squanders the potential of it by being so nebulous on many things about it?

God yes.

Shyish is perhaps the greatest example of this. A land where every afterlife is real, where the living can meet the dead, where ancient champions still dwell, ready to defend their lands, forgotten, slain evil sorcerers still plot their revenge, cruel kings rules courts of the dead. SO MUCH could be done with that, but we rarely get to see even bit of that potential.

The Dawnbringer Crusades are another piece of the lore I wish got more exploration. A multi-novel series about a crusade attempting to resettle a land once owned by Chaos that really leans into the post-apocalyptic vibe would be fucking awesome.

The whole concept of the "Lesser" Gods is interesting af. Hashut, Valaya, Morghur, Morrda and so are characters/beings we never get to really see.

I feel like GW, despite all the hate they get, made AoS an awesome setting that is great fun and a joy to read but they certainly miss out on some of the awesome shit they could do. I adore a lot of the characters in AoS as well, Morathi and Be'lakor are my current favourites and I can't wait to see where the plot of Har Kuron goes, and I hope we see more of the Cursed Skies as well.
still no usage stats? just your faggot opinions?
Why do they have such pitiful helmet crests?
It’s literally the same thing just not retardly thick
Whatever happened to the silver and red stormcast anon with the red bases?
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I liked Strylka (Blue). Too bad she had to share scenes with Strylka (Pink). The constant yelling hurt my ears.
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I still don't understand why they left Excelsis.
the cloth does alot.
>all the extra jezzails from parted out skaventides are getting bought up massively
oh god this army is shit outside of shootspam, its kruleboys all over again..
One of the few praises I'll give that game is that the cutscene near the end where her one half is addressing the wizard dude in the future and her other half has no fucking clue what she means is pretty neat
ogres, moulder lists will be important once they get their battletome.
she also breaks the fourth wall to talk to the player directly.
>I will be building my moulder army for cheap
Who else /blessed/ here?
would a skaven force entirely of albino white rats with red eyes be feasible fluff-wise
Albinos are scooped up by the Masterclan after birth though obviously the quality of those Skaven vary so while some wind up Gray Seers there are absolutely albino Stormvermin and such. If you want to go lore accurate such a force would skew elite so you're not taking 200 Clanrats.
GW basically retconned them
>Jezzails are going for $40, you want 2-4 max
>Rat Ogors are $28-35, you can easily do 6 or more
I dunno man, that math ain't math'n
that'd work for me, as much as I love the skaven horde gimmick I don't have the endurance for painting that many models
Sure, but you're not running a list entirely of Jezzails. If you're running 6 units of ogres that's likely the majority of your army
i do need sfm porn of her, but yeah her last cutscene was kino
I don't think anyone ripped the assets so your need will stay unfulfilled
...yes that's literally what I said. In response to a post saying Moulder would be cheap compared to Skryre because Jezzails stonks are up. Yes Jezzails are expensive but you don't need many, ROs aren't that much cheaper and you want a lot in a Moulder list unless you want to swap some for melee Stormfiends.
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It's basic maths, rat ogres are the main unit of a moulder army, Jezzails are a sliver of the units of a Skryre army, everything in the skaventide box will be the cheapest units on the market so how isnt moulder going to be way cheaper than skryre
>honour guard works on shooting
Surely this won't break anything, will it?
big bow chads gonna break your boipucci.
My FLG is having a Spearhead tournament in a month, should I go for Skaven or Lizardmen?
melee stormfiends being actually good is so nice. I don't know why they're 40 more than Kroxigor, but I can deal with it.
skaven will probably be easier to paint up
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What do I get next? Mannfred? Vhordrai?

I also have the Crimson Court (RIP).
try getting some taste, failing that I'd say a vengorian lord
Mannfred is BALD and FOOLISH
Vhordrai, dudes scroll is insane in bacchanal of blood.
Dont buy retarded named fags, Wright King on steed is cool af, maybe some bats/necromancer or more horsmen.
Thats definition of shit taste pleb
Mannfred all the way
Well he did say failing that, meaning getting it would be in line with bad taste.
Neferata. Cool model, fucking badass character.
I still don't understand why they retconned Callis into the generic "angry black guy" we see in every other story when he really wasn't that in City of Secrets.
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What happened to Fleetmaster Arika Zenthe? Did she die in something and I didn't see, or is she merely a character who will never appear again? Seems weird to have Callis and Toll roaming about without her being involved in the plot somehow.
I liked her, or more specifically I liked seeing the Scourge Privateers and other Delf stuff.
>Scourge Privateers
lol, you might as well ask for swifthawk agents!
>swifthawk agents!
I'd like to see more of 'em as well. Appeared in a Blacktalon story but that's the last appearance of the Swifthawk I remember reading.
I suppose you could say they're both older and gruffer, although I will admit that's a flimsy excuse.

She was mentioned in Broken Realms: Kragnos where she's basically the boss of the Excelsis navy.
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Swifthawk Agents are going home...
>She was mentioned in Broken Realms: Kragnos where she's basically the boss of the Excelsis navy.

Yeah that's the last time I recall seeing her. She's the woman who helps Morathi and her forces break through the Greenskin fleet and reach Excelsis, if I remember right.

So that was the last time we saw her, damn :(

Still, it was fun to see that mention if nothing else. Means she's still out and about.
I want to paint a symbol on the banner of this guy. What are some FEC symbols I could try to freehand?

I was thinking a fanged vampire skull or something, but the banner is a bit small for me. Also, should I do it on the outside or inside of it?
nobody liked that chariot back home
That's what makes their tale so tragic
FEC isn't really known for its iconography, for the most part they just build coats of arms and stuff out of corpse bits with no writing of any kind. You could do the bat-winged skull icon I guess but it's not like you'll ever see any canon images with anything painted on their man-hide banners and such, thanks to the power of unchecked schizophrenia painting skills are not required for ghoul artisans.
Lots of 1-2e lit was abandoned and now half of it refers to squatted models or abandoned concepts because they're only now defining their original take on CoS and such a decade in. Frankly, it's embarrassing af coming from WHF/40k lit.
Ty yeah I like freehanding stuff and Id like to try something cool for mydudes. I like to imagine that one artist they kidnapped drew it for them before they went insane.

Also I forgot the pic in my previous post.
Vhordrai/VLoZD is and always will be the head of the army imo, expensive in points but worth it
get the mortarch kit and magnetize the riders.
That is properly horrifying. Good job GW sculptor.
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Callis wrote her a letter in Dawnbringer letter
whops wrong picture
consider the possibility that the symbol was already on the skin in the form of a tattoo that an enemy might have, and that the ghouls flayed it specifically for that rather than hanging a random skin on a pole and painting it with a symbol afterwards

What are the armies your dudes usually fight? maybe there's a way to cleverly turn one enemy symbol into a ghoul symbol
Huh, interesting. I've read the Dawnbringers stuff but never spotted this mention. Cool!
So she's still about and doing shit, good to know! :)
Could always do bloody handprints

Oh that's sick too
>Lots of 1-2e lit was abandoned
Yeah, seems to be the case. A shame, there was a lot of interesting shit and fun characters in those books and such I'd like to see again.
there's a few coat of arms from the battletome (that are more illustrations than symbols) but each does have a line of flavor text suggesting the essentials of each major court's heraldry
Sword-axe fucks
AI shite.
>What are the armies your dudes usually fight?
None, I have yet to play a single game of 40k or aos. however, if I finish these knights I can play a spearhead game tomorrow at least. Thankfully I only have a bit of highlighting left.

Very cool, I should look at that book sometime.
>Bastard+ length hilt
>unusually long total length for its battle-axe-sized head but not nearly long enough to be two-handed like the hilt suggests
>wide blade is wiiiide, really just shifting the weight away from the axe head where you want it
>bearded, but you can't really choke up on it as a bare-handed barbarian because it's a fucking sword
It's aggressively stupid
What's a good wash to pair with Orruk Flesh? I was thinking of Biel-Tan to give it a deeper green color.
Standard practice is to use a blue now
Has this been cancelled or what?
it going to be this weeks announcements said by Elain the guy who leaked the Ironjawz wave back he also say about the TOW dwarfs last week as well
do you have his full leak?
Any leaks for what's next for warcry after briar and bone?
fuck I wish they made the dogs and birds seperate units. Hate the centaur and cyclop guys.

Hope this is the edition for a second wave, though I know NH & SBGL will each get a bunch of units and we'll get a Ossiarch Cartilagous Cunt with a 3+ roll to give out +1 hit to Mortek Guard once per battleround.
I really hope the 2+ rolls are just a placeholder until factions get an actual battle tome.
I made shooting star for my fec dudes, they are on pilgrimage looking for Ushoran(star).
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unfortunately his leak was;
General Handbook-->TOW dwarf-->Warcry

nothing trustworthy but it saying that the next season is still in the Gnarlwood but it going to take place inside the Eye of Chotec ship very space hulk
I like it, I enjoy the dynamic of needing to think more about gameplay fundamentals and basic stats, and not being able to rely on certain buff/damage abilities being 100% reliable
I get where you're coming from, but I would like my shit to actually do something.
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I tried doing some test freehands on the side... maybe Ill leave the model alone for now
I shelved mine due to movement issues, and well last GHB was garbage if you couldn't cast merciless blizzard.

They are staying shelved in 4th because I don't have time for two armies and I picked up and painted an SBGL army.

I like the models and I like that they are sturdy. Its nice to pick up and move your units without worrying about something breaking.
it really bothers me that nothing does 1mw on a D3 mw roll
20 grave guard
those are supposed to get a refresh so I would advise against it unless you want to kitbash em. I am curious if they will stay on 25mm bases moving forward.
It's rare, but smite still exists.
without a roadmap that can be anything from early 2025 to late 2026.

Any proof of this rumor beside the kit being old tho?
when are we getting a roadmap?
Who is stronger, Sigmar or the Emperor of Mankind?
If IF we are getting a roadmap it would have to be at the Hell Crown model reveal show 10th of August when they show off the winner post-box models and battletome
Probably the Emperor, he is on the level of the chaos gods, whereas Sigmar is not.
>Any proof of this rumor beside the kit being old tho?
all we got is the rumor engine and the fact that AOS wants separate from the old world.
Vamps aren't in TOW
Sigmar's roughly on par with Archie, and Archie is a serious threat to the chaos gods, whereas the Emperor decidedly isn't.
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If that somehow did happen they'd just pull out older models. They're selling these night goblins right now
Media literacy
Yeah, it's kinda embarrassing. Though we both know that anyone who wants to buy night gobbos for TOW will just buy the AoS ones.
fair, personally I do like the 6th edition grave guard on face value compared to the 7th edition ones. I do however hope that the grave guard update can move away from the idiotic design that the 7th ed ones have.
Sigmar is a chad, the emperor is a virgin, even his children he managed to have without losing his virginity and their children are virgins.
Do you think if a nurgling farts that anyone even knows it happened?
millions dead
i hate these older goblins so much. they're not cute at all. the new ones are so much better
Have my first ever GT tomorrow, wish me luck
Good luck anon, which army are you playing?
literally just imagine your dudes fighting somewhere appropriate and recreate the terrain you envision
4thed rules question I need clarity on.

Does damage from multi-damage attacks spill over like last edition?

(A unit of 10, 1 wound models take a wound from a 3 damage attack. Does one model die, or 3?)

Thank you kindly.
it's funny bc kruleboys are the most visually fitting with kragnos and literally style their armour after him. the vague asian style fits his oni look
Some of the heroes even wear trinkets that match his shield decorations.
Three models would be removed in your scenario. Also, if a unit of three wound models took a total of four damage, one model would be removed and the unit would have still have the one remaining damage applied to it. The only time when damage is lost would be if the unit is destroyed.
Yes. The exact way damage works is damage applied to a unit, then every time the damage total exceeds the unit's health value a model is removed and the damage is reduced by that health value until either no models remain or the remaining damage is lower than the health value.
Quick, in here!


Would you be willing to share echoes of doom and Arcabe Cataclysm? I’ve been trying to find them for months now, but I’ve had practically no luck getting pdf’s of them unfortunately.
Sigmar is stronger - he killed a mountain-sized monster in melee combat. Emperor has to use his magic powers to compensate - though the emperor is much more comparable to Nagash since both of them are schizo personality break tyrants
I miss 2nd edition /aosg/ boys

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