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>Previously in the Mortal Realms:


Pirealf, edition

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:


>Thread question:
Which realm of Chaos should invade the mortal realms next?
Lightning cocked ruination chamber should invade slaanesh. You can't make promises to someone who can't remember you made them.
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I finished these badboys just in time for tomorrow spearhead games. Damn do I love how they turned out. I tried a bunch of new things for all of them.
Unfortunately 5 cryptghouls and the big varghulf courtier will have to go unpainted, but hopefully I can work on them for next weekend.

What have you finished for this weekend anon? And also, anyone have some good spearhead tutorials I can watch? I dont even know the basic rules.
Honestly I'm with Anon, it would be rad as hell for Slaanesh to come back like Dream, and find Ironjawz squatting in his palace.
Just download the core rules and read the Spearhead section, it's like 12 total pages of bigass pictures and diagrams.
Oh sweet, that doesnt sound too bad.
Do I need some FEC ability sheets and stuff? I have the old ones from the christmas box, but i guess those are out of date now.
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looks gud m8

>dub dubs

Literally download the app or the FEC stuff from WarCom.
Yeah the FEC faction pack has them at the bottom, go ahead and get those printed. They fit perfectly on 6x4 photos if you have a Walmart 1 hour photo nearby but a color printer works fine too.
What if Archaon was taken to the 40k universe by chaos and led a crusade?
Thanks bro, I love how the flayed flesh shields and banner turned out. Guily flesh + Poxwalker + Carro crimson combo is a godsend.

Thanks hope I dont forget. Either way I remember the store already has a bunch of faction sheets printed out, FEC being one of them.
4thed rules question.

If two units are locked together in close combat. A 3rd unit, not in this close combat can still shoot into said close combat?
Wight King on foot or Watch Captain Halgrim?
I have not seen any rules that disallow shooting into combat, provided the unit shooting is not in combat itself. The shooting rules for line of sight state that an enemy unit is visible if one model in your unit has an unobstructed view of one model in the enemy unit. There will be situations where your own unit locked in combat with the enemy unit could be blocking line of sight for your shooting unit.

Units that are in combat can't shoot (unless they have a rule that says they can), but they're still eligible to be shot by other people if you can draw line of sight to them.

NTA but do friendly units block line of site?

Thank you kindly,

Follow up question. Does your own units/enemy units block line of sight for shooting I take it?
>units abilities are all based around another unit thats not included in the box

who thought this was a good idea for a starter set hero?
Visible is defined as being able to draw a straight line from any point on the observing model to the target model without that line intersecting any objects except for models in the targeting unit. So it does seem like your own troops can obscure sight
I mean, they already did that with Leviathan
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Only goddess worth worshipping shame that the faction will never receive any books
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Play spearhead with the box and if you want to go for real AoS, you know what you need to buy.

A better, faster, more sensual army?
i dont like the fact that he's tied to a warcry team thats probably getting squatted whenever the whim strikes GW that they need more shelf space for new skews
S-selling fast...

Is there a list building website ? (not the app), listbot is down
Wight King, no contest. For 30 points more you get a better save, a bit more damage, and a better version of Deathrattle chain combat that can also take a trait/artifact if you want. Halgrim is cooler looking but he's just kinda bad.
A soul grinder
New Recruit updated 11 hours ago, it has AoS 4 now
This isn't Hogwarts, your week old picture won't magically change
>150 points
don't worry you won't play him anyway.
this guy is edging close to kino if they got rid of that dumb scale mail thing hanging off his belt.
How else is he gonna protect his really long dick?
They're both bad. Wight King should be 80 points.
Oof, I mean props to them for getting it done so fast but it's unitonically 10x clunkier and slower than just using notepad and a calculator.
Yeah agreed holy shit I'll keep doing it mannualy
Well yes but that wasn't the question.
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it looks like a callback to the gen 1 stuff but man, i thought we were cutting ties with that aesthetic, why keep one of the worst parts of it?
a lot of heroes are too expensive at the moment, particularly the melee foot heroes (but not the wizards for some reason in an edition of free endless spells?)

building out my maggotkin the stupid lords (blights and plagues) are 170 a piece. lord of plagues bonus is....well i dont know how much use a charge bonus on a 4" move unit is going to be but certainly not 170pts worth. lord of blights i could maybe see a bit more, anti-charge shit on an anvil is okay, but still 170 is steep, i think i'd rather just take a sorcerer or something big
the comically oversized scale looks bad on the thunderstike too, they should have switched them to mail like the reclusians.
Is it me or is the regiment system stupid? It's making you take a hero tax for regular units, when it should be the other way around. You can take 5 big heroes with the only penalty being deployment drops.
Regiments should be forced to take non-hero units at the very least.
Hopefully they'll add custom regiments for specific heroes that have limited options for units to add.
Plenty of wizards are overpriced, contorted epitome, vampire lord, stonemage, medusa. We need a BS. A bunch of staple scrolls just need to be flat out changed too because they can't be fixed with points, stormvermin, warbringer, vanquishers, skeletons, mangler squigs, chainrasps, fiends, drycha, foxes/windchargers, calligrave, hammerers.
The system works fine, the problem is the pricing and the specific options on each guy. It should work more like Arch-Warlock should be expensive and give you everything skryre. Engineer should be balls cheap and gives you just jezzails and cannons. Bombardier is cheap and just Acolytles or whatever. There shouldn't be shit like warpseer is the best and cheapest verminlord and has full unlocks, instant auto include. Grey Seer is the cheapest hero and full unlocks and is my 3d6 cast warpgale and endless spell battery, auto include. Bastian Carthalos is the best hero in the army and cheap and full unlocks for longstrikes, auto include. Shalaxi best hero and full unlocks. Starmaster, full unlocks, and undercosted, and the only hero you actually need. Ellania and Ellathor same thing.
idk if starmaster is really undercosted, he's pretty easy to kill now, basically all their bodyguard rules are dead and the guy is made out of tissue paper. the summoning is tied to him yeah, but he's not durable like a GUO or KoS, he's only slightly tougher than your basic skink priest
>3d6 cast warpgale
That's not exactly how that ability works, you roll 3d6 and either get 13, take d3 mortals and make the spell non-unbindable or you don't and keep the highest two results. Also, a skink priest is pretty useful for keeping your Starmaster another 12" away from getting his squishy ass eaten.
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>n-not selling at all
A guo is like 500 points, what a weird comparison. He's going to be in 90% of list, that's undercosted, and he's always got a 5+ ward because saurus guard are straight up better than warriors.
Yeah yeah skink priest is broken too, lets not only give you a bonus slot wizard, one of only a couple in the entire game, but make him super cheap and throw great extra 2+ buff on him for no reason.
I wish it wasn't I don't want to drop 40 bucks on 3 snapfit jezzails.
Warriors are more efficient per wound and attack but yeah they've effectively got no ability, would've been nice to give them a porcupine ability on their weapons at least.
Finishing off my ogres for TOW before I continue with my kruleboyz, really excited to give AOS a go with my little bro
I lost my fucking Slickblade arm.

Contemplating green-stuffing a stump (which would look weird with the pose) or trying to give him a spare Daemonette claw.

Is there an easy way to get more bitz, by the way? Just in general. I saw some site in the UK but that shipping would fuck me.
per point guard do more damage actually, they're more durable base, and they're more durable with the ward compared to warriors with the +1.
so whats fair then?

you cant make him 500 points like the GUO, his profile doesnt support that in the least. and saying "he has a 5+ ward" and "he's undercosted" at the same time is a bit disingenuous if he has to pay 100 point tax to get it, so if you're factoring in a 5+ ward into his profile then he's really 400pts
>oh but you get saurus guard you were gonna take anyways

if you are taking saurus guard to babysit the slann, that is all they are doing, far away from any fight or objective where they could meaningfully contribute, their points are wasted other than his personal guard, and if you're putting your slann and his guard close enough for them to actually fight, he's a dead slann anyways, that 5+ ward isnt going to save him except agains the most tepid of attacks.
fuck this humidity.

i have decided to prime indoors and to hell with my lungs, its been a month of waiting. a cracked window and a fan will have to do
Lizards fags always act like its a crime their frog isn't just immortal. He has 9w and the infantry keyword, he's a +1 triple caster with infinite range and got a 4+ recursion for free and then inexplicably went down in points. He would be auto include in 26 amies.
He survives against the Deciever lucky charge because of the guard and then they fuck off to the middle to fight on an objective so they aren't doing nothing.
Doesn't the humidity mess the paint? Isn't something like 50-60% optimal?
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this guy was originally going to be red/orange metal but I think he would look better with silver armor and the red copper color as the trim/accent metallic. what do you guys think? I think the aqua blue looks better with silver.
Ulgu because it would be funny to see chaos fuck itself over with no intervention.
covering fire just seems ridiculous.
Might try the game
Have cities of smegmar box
How many points is a regular game? 2k or 3k? Should I get more horsie guys or guns?
2k but you should try spearhead.
That's 500 right? I'll run that first definitely. Flgs owner sold me the box for $10 lel.
guns, command corps seems decent too.
looking to get back into the game after not having played since 2nd, but i'm torn on what to play between Nurgle and StD. bought the big box, gave away the Skaven, sold the SCE, so now i have enough to buy a spearhead. i already have some Nurgle (the old demons SC!), but i also wouldn't mind something new, and chaos warriors look really good, so i guess it comes down to fun and performance. how are both looking in 4th? will primarily be fighting Skaven.
Archaon is the emperor. He escapes the AOS universe to find another means to fight chaos, ends up possessing a boy in 7000bc turkey. Uses this to play the long con and beat the chaos gods though it's not looking so good so far
Spearhead is more like 1k because AoS 4e is a low model count game
Sounds good. Big guns or small guns? I imagine I wanna have a bunch of dudes.
Yeah I looked on the app and the box is 630 points or something like that. 500 perfectly without the cauldron guy
>Flgs owner sold me the box for $10 lel
Of all the things that didn't happen, this didn't happen the most
Oh, the army box isn't compatible with Spearhead which is preset lists
>a low model count gam
Sans the SoB, which army can be run as the most elite one? Beastriders still viable?
Slaves to darkness, stormcast, I'm not sure beastclaw is good enough now. You can weirdly probably make elite lumineth work now.
Has anyone converted their Skaventide terrain to get more generic?
I don't know anyone who plays Skaven
that's a lot of gobbo models
Well first off he was gonna sell me a bunch of random manlet marines, couple of the gacha ones, for $10. Not through the store or anything, just some he happened to come across. I said yeah but hadn't gotten to the bank for a while. Then he wanted to just give em to me but I said I'd get the cash. I guess the store got an extra CoS box because the GW rep is a dumb broad, so he was like "I'll sell you the box for $20 since I'm doing vampires instead and I'll throw the marines in," I finally got to the bank and gave him a crisp jackson. So I guess yeah, I got the box for $20, but I consider $10 of that to be the marines
Combat patrol basically
You can tell it's a good store because they keep their shelves nicely stocked at all times.
Nice. I nearly finished the Prosecutors from the Skaventide box yesterday, just need to drybrush their bases a bit. I played Spearhead against the FEC one, and the Varghulf courtier is super scary. His ability makes him a complete pain in the ass to deal with, and he hits like a truck, especially after reaching 6 noble deed points.
>elite lumineth
Hammetime for cows?
yeah the cows look very strong.
Has anyone played with or against the StD spearhead? The Chaos Knights in that one look absolutely bonkers. They hit hard, and they have a shitton of wounds on a 3+ save. How exactly are you supposed to deal with them?
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>people continue to not want to buy models they didnt want to buy 15 years ago
But Greenskinz anon wanted them so bad
you swam them and keep them from charging.
either charge them first, or feed them a sacrificial chaff unit and then proceed to lock them down with something more hardy. the knights only deal damage when they get the charge, otherwise they run out of steam instantly.
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i need to paint more. recently finished this nurgle model for a buddy.
which manifestation lore out of the original malign sorcery box has the best offensive output? the one with jaws?
DoK Spearhead, Murderous Epiphany regiment ability.
Is it like the Hagg Nar ability where it fast forwards you 1 on the blood rites table? Or is it just you get a buff early but it doesn't shift the whole table forward
Turn 1, turn 1 buff
Turn 2, activate it, get turn 1-3 buffs
Turn 3, turn 1-3 buffs again
Turn 3, turn 4 buffs
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Reading through the core book, finally some new Morathi art. Pity it's absolutely tiny
It does not shift the whole table forward, you just get the next turn's buff one turn early. So it works like in your example.
Anon, that's just the normal Thondia terrain
Cool so far.
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Got the Skaven half of the box but seems like 6 Jezzails are the go to.
I can get 3 more for $40
Should I go for it?
I'm so mad whenever I see cool art in the books cause all I can think is "why isn't this available in high res!!"
Morathi Khaine be non binary now
for me, it's greywater fastness i wish gw gave them more love
wonder when the next soulbound book is going to be released, guess we will have to wait until Gencon to get news from C7
>more things that never happened
Did he stand up and clap for you after as well lmao
they're the good unit but not the fun ones.
Considering Darkoath just got their release and skaven are the big focus currently I wouldn't be surprised if we got champions of chaos soon. My big wonder is whether they'll do a new edition afterwards or just keep the game as is and keep adding to it, probably the latter but never know.
>I wouldn't be surprised if we got champions of chaos soon
I would be mightily surprised. There's been no indication of such a thing from their end.
If you can't handle terrain modifications on your own then you're ngmi
I bought a Greenskinz Battalion box and a box of Boar Boyz. I don't even plan to play TOW so I'm not interested in buying any more stuff. I gave TOW a chance but it turned out to be boring and inferior to older editions and there is no point in fooling ourselves Fantasy was a good game in the first place. Basically, it's Kill Team all over again.
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SCE Spearhead assembled. I'm giving myself 4 weeks to paint it so I can switch to Maggotkin. Wish me luck guys, the last time I finished a project was a CSM army almost two years ago.
rejoice on the absence or trims on warriors
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They should eat less carbs or something.
c7 doesn't really talk about it products until a month or two before release unless it's a kickstarter or WFRPG
They are all air actually
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I kinda wish that the lumineth temple spirits were just real elements instead of animals.
The cow could have been a walking mountain (they exist in ghur) and the fox should have been a tornado with arrows inside of it shooting them without a bow and just pure wind pressure.
I really hope that at least the Zenith temple spirit is a Phoenix so it looks cool also tyrion fucking when because humans flopped and it's time for the real protagonists of AOS.
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>a tornado with arrows inside of it shooting them without a bow and just pure wind pressure.
that sounds dumb in a bad way
Your example is bad because it's a human miniatures.
Just make a vaguely humanoid figure made out of wind surround by arrows and it would be awesome.
make the elemental spirit out of their elements you know.
You're entitled to your retarded opinions
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An anon asked me to share the Echoes of doom and Arcane Cataclysm PDFs. Don't know if you're in this thread, but here ya go!

https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/0zp04d.pdf
https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/z7dljg.pdf

Let me know if you lot need anything else from my read order :)

Warhammer Age of Sigmar - Mighty Battles in an Age of Unending War
The Realmgate Wars: Quest for Ghal Maraz
The Realmgate Wars: Balance of Power
The Realmgate Wars: Godbeasts
The Realmgate Wars: Ironwarp Citadel
The Realmgate Wars: All-Gates
Age of Sigmar Blightwar
Malign Portents
Age of Sigmar Core Book 2nd Edition
Battle of Glymmsforge
Soul Wars: Forbidden Power
Carrion Empire
Feast of Bones
Aether War
Shadow and Pain
Soul Wars: Wrath of the Everchosen
Broken Realms: Morathi
Broken Realms: Teclis
Broken Realms: Be'lakor
Broken Realms: Kragnos
Age of Sigmar Core Book 3rd Edition
War at Amberstone Watch
Season of War - Thondia
Fury of the Deep
Arena of Shades
Echoes of Doom
Arcane Cataclysm
Dawnbringers Book 1 Harbingers
Dawnbringers Book 2 Reign of the Brute
Dawnbringers Book 3 The Long Hunt
Dawnbringers Book 4 The Mad King Rises
Dawnbringers Book 5 Shadow of the Crone
Dawnbringers Book 6 Hounds of Chaos
Age of Sigmar Core Book 4th Edition
Assault On Hel’s Claw
Endless Spells and all this bullshit is the worst thing we got with AoS. I really hoped they will squat them with the new edition, same as overpriced faction-themed scenery. No mini should come without a points cost.
the endless spells are fun nerd.
KO players are suffering
no they aren't.
i'll never understand why they chose the edition where everybody gets free endless spells to squat spell in a bottle.
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>Your example is bad because it's a human miniature.
>Just make a humanoid figure
>i wish gw gave them more love
They made them the secondary posterboys for CoS
>i dont like the fact that he's tied to a warcry team thats probably getting squatted whenever the whim strikes
Retard alert
Those models were already out of print 15 years ago XD
Animals reinforcing Asian theams with a Himalayan ox and Japanese kitsune are better tha characters from German cartoons.

That being said, Greco-Roman water horse is a miss
we just lost half the warcry teams in the game, and GW continues to unceremoniously squat kits without fanfare. nothing is safe, especially the warcry teams
Don't get me wrong I don't dislike the current kit but fox doesn't really scream wind for me.
By humanoid I meant something like what you posted
Endless spells are cool
GW squatted warcry warbands that didnt have a proper AoS faction, you are just a retard that believes whatever bait meets your eyes
>The cow could have been a walking mountain
It is tho? It just has a cow head attached
if they wanted to use something Asian for wind they should have used a karasu tengu you know a bird man that can manipulative wind
>They wouldn't squat these Warcry kits... That's an exception... GW have changed this time guys
You're a retard
whore you talking to?
That's why I don't mind them that much because you can see the element it represents unlike the fox.
I just like the idea of a literal mountain standing up and crushing people.
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Started on this questor today and the armor is p much done. I never really saw the point in highlighting metallics but I do like the shading I tried today. Blue tone with some black lotus straight in the recesses. right side is before, left side is after some highlights and shading

I know the cape is kinda rough on the upper back parts but the shield will cover most of it. I think I'm going for brown hair with highlights leaning into red/skrag brown, but blonde is also cool...

what do you guys think?
What do Ulgufags want out of Malerion and his elves? Nagash but dark elf?
I hope they squat some of the elf factions. especially LRL and DoK
did you jizz on his face
Magical intervention is so hard to get off unless you're tzeentch or lumimeth...
maybe dont go for a difficult spell?
Maybe my opp shouldnt go for an easy unbind then
>Annihilators w/ Greathammers
>Thunderhead bomus says they get +1 if near non-hero Non-Warrior Chamber
>They hit on 2s, Wound on 2s, have 2 Rend, and deal 3 Damage each swing
What the fuck
lumineth doesn't even have bonuses outside teclis and teclis sucks.
they're like 70 points a model, they're not even that good
yeah? 3 guys with 3 attacks for 220 points should hit hard, big news.
I didn't realize how much of a timmy I was until I made a list.
your opp can do whatever they want. its your decision to spend 1cp on magical intervention and fail it because you didnt chose an easy spell.
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not an ulgufag, but I've got autism and my own expectations
>shadow demons and bindings of/with them must be present in the same way elementals and their disciples are present in lumineth
>hints and nudges about ulgu being the shadow realm 40k's mandrakes come from, should be present
>reinvented drakespawn riders (like goregruntas are reinvented boarboys) should be present
>all remaining old dark elves go back to the old world, umbraneth are all new models (dok are allowed to keep their old models, except the doomfire warlocks kit is squatted and warlocks instead get a kit for them on foot)
>the fluff from order serpentis about aos' dark elves experimenting with draconic creatures to create all sorts of hybrids should be kept and expanded: as well as new drakespawn a new dragon-hydra should be made and there should be some elves with draconic features like scaly skin and clawed hands or forked tongues and more
>to expand on the reptilian theme above, these dark elves should have shapeshifting infiltrators in all sorts of societies and governments
>the warriors should be fully armored, not naked, the old malekith miniature and the visarch should be golden standards for the armour design
>main colour scheme should be cold crude iron, not the old dark elven black and purple
>fluffwise, malekith should explore heavily his role as the true eternity king and what that means for elvenkind in aos
>I want shadow elves to stand more with idoneth as lumineth theoretically would stand more with sylvaneth, potentially being tied by having offered them refuge
>as a miniature, malekith should be like morathi in the sense that there are two models, one for him in a simpler form and a monstrous one for his stand/shadow, they're not separate entities, unlike with morathi, but no one can tell who's the real malekith, if any of the two
>>hints and nudges about ulgu being the shadow realm 40k's mandrakes come from, should be present
All of this is utter shite, anon. Please leave this thread.
>>hints and nudges about ulgu being the shadow realm 40k's mandrakes come from, should be present
That's not the case at all. Mandrake world is Aelindrach, which was the base planet of a pre-Fall Eldar cult which summoned and made deals with the shadow daemons.
>Summon Spell
Imagine casting anything but summon gravetide when intervening
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You know I'm right about mandrakes
I love the tracer effect the shadow elves have. I’m sure it will be very present in malerions army.
This. I feel like TOW should have been online only or something with a far more limited release.
>I don't knw 40k lore.
We can tell, anon.
nothing about 40k lore prohibits it
you just don't want it due to your biases
>nothing about 40k lore prohibits it
It literally does if you read the lore for the Mandrakes, Dark Eldar and Aelindrach, retard.
no, it literally doesn't, you cannot pretend it does just because you don't like it
>no, it literally doesn't
Yes, it literally does. Stop being a tard, please. I know you probably can't, but please try.
I think that cloak sticks out far too much on the model, but that's just me. The rest of him looks fine though (besides the missing face lol).
That's a pretty neat custom anon, looking good!

>before I continue with my kruleboyz,
Hey, another Kruleboyz player! Nice taste bro, I like you.

Slaanesh getting out of prison is more "when" rather than "if" imo.
anyone scratchbuilt their own endless spells? looking for inspiration, especially the morbid variety
>Slaanesh getting out of prison is more "when" rather than "if" imo.
slaanesh staying in prison is more interesting
just slap random bits together without any thought like you were always going to do
Late into 3rd I was in the process of making a Skaven version of the spell portal by building two little Tesla towers, but I scrapped it when I learned that Warp Lightning was no longer a thing in 4th.
Sylvaneth Focused Stories:

Legends of Age of Sigmar: Sylvaneth Anthology

From The Deep (Short Story - Inferno! Volume 2)

The Garden of Mortal Delights (Short Story - Oaths and Conquests Anthology)

The Low Road (Short Story - Untamed Realms Anthology)

The Call of the Hunt (Short Story - White Dwarf 494)

Everqueen (Short Story - No Anthology)

Dawnbringer Chronicles IX – Wrath of the Forest (Short Story - Free Online)

Dawnbringer Chronicles Part XII – Spring the Trap (Short Story - Free Online)

Beastgrave (Novel)

The following a Kurnothi but the Kurnothi are Sylvaneth related so here you go:

The Warden in the Mountain (Short Story - Conquest Unbound Anthology)

Chains of Fate (Short Story - Direchasm Anthology)

The Roots of Death (Short Story - Direchasm Anthology)

The Hunter's Quarry (Short Story - Untamed Realms Anthology)
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Since manifestations are free
Why shouldn't I always bring a Krondspine in every game?
because it's utter shite, 6 attacks hitting on 4s is not great odds for what it's supposed to do which is kill other manifestations
That is me, and THank You!!
Because manifestations, endless spells and other free shit are unironically cringe.
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Wouldnt this need to move through combat ranges too for it to work? I wish they just made the manifestations units this shit is overcomplicated for nothing
Anytime, have run! I liked Arcane Cataclysm but I'm an elf love so that ain't surprising haha
the fly keyword lets it ignore combat ranges when moving it just cant end within 3" of anyone
Summoning it in the enemies hero phase to fuck with their movement/charge phase is legit.
>Want to read the spearhead core rules cause games are in an hour
>The pdfs are fucked
T-thanks gw.
youd be casting it on a 9 with magical intervention
it should be readable on the app
doesn't the krondspine come at the exclusion of a different manifestation lore?
today I ran SBGL against KO, it was a lot closer than expected. I managed to tag the Thunderers into close combat with some skeletons using Mannfred's redeploy ability but it was crazy how much counterplay they had with the decksweepers shooting in close combat as well as the ironclad teleporting tagged units out of combat to shoot at full strength. Managed to eke out a win with some well-timed grave guard double fights though
nta but didnt know about half these, thanks
Thanks, I also was looking back into what I had and missed the Arena of Shades and War at Amber Watch. Besides those last two things, I've got everything I like about my Elve's and Tragic immortal warriors. Thank you all the same for handing me those previous 2 pdfs!
Where can I download the unit rules and stuff for spearhead? Is it just the faction packs?
They're at the bottom of the faction packs, yes
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See I would have found that out out if the pdfs werent fucking loading like my grandma trying to run a triathlon holy fucking shit
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Are you guys enjoying Spearhead so far? Is any kind of meta and tiers starting to shape in your area?
Skill issue.
I've never managed to find a scan of War at Amberstone Watch but luckily I bought Dominion when it came out and had the booklet laying around so I was able to read it. Be sure to share a scan if you ever find it, I'd love to add it to my AoS PDF folder!

Here's Arena of Shades.

>previews for dwarfs, the least popular warhammer fantasy army, sold out instantly
>even the rulebook and generic foot soldiers from 20 years ago sold out
>skaventide literally cannot be given away
AoS is dying and there’s only one thing that can save it
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They should've released them in 3rd edition instead of KB
>he doesn’t have a +2/3 caster
Magiclet faction
They produced for sure the same amount of the Dwarf release as Skaventide.
They still haven’t restocked any of the resin Bretonnian stuff since February in the US
so ugh..6 melee stormfiends is gonna be the way right?
what region did this happen in?
rogres are better for that
They should have. Maybe that would save this failing Britishly retarded company.
>failing Britishly retarded company

Based on what are they failing?
It's over AoSisters
>meta for casual pick up games
By sold out instantly you mean not sold out at all
Literally sold out in all regions. Going for its weight in gold dust on eBay already.
same, I just read Dominion instead. I was thinking that you had it instead. All the same, thank you and I will try and share.
You do realise it's gonna be the exact same shit as with previous TOW armies, right? Grogs that were waiting for the rerelease will buy what they want and once that saturates the sales will drop to almost nothing
If you're using Stormfiends on Moulder, yes. Stormfiends in Skryre are still better ranged but it's more questionable whether you'd take them at all.
You do realise the person telling you AoS is successful is the person trying to keep draegon gierl shaedow aelves from you, right? Considering this how could they have your best interests at heart?
they cant take a hit.
the damage for shoot+charge with either build and buff looks basically the same, for warpfire at least.
its not that shrimple
The only thing sold out in the US is the resin dwarf lord, literally nothing else in the entire range.

The resin characters aren’t even getting new production waves if Bretonnia and TK are anything to go by, because those sold out immediately and never came back.
As someone who owns a bunch of Dispossessed and could be convinced to pick up a few things just to complete my shelf collection honestly nothing really looks temping other than the new plastic dwarf lord.

The old artillery models are shit, the slayers might as be cast in solid gold for what they cost you, and the battalion box is bloated past the point of interest by including two overpriced Gyros. If it was 64 Dwarf Warriors for like ~$100 I'd consider it, but $185? Hard pass.
>Stocking up in that much crappy old Ork models
Storeowner is either an old nostalgic grog or just retarded.
>bought the big box, gave away the Skaven, sold the SCE
Big brain move here
Is it possible to reinforce even monsters, if the unit isn't unique?
Shame the belegar or whatever model for warden king is oop thanks to ToW's weird decision to remain chronologically consistent (despite WHFB having long dead characters and such, on top of ToW making no sense chronologically anyway)
units with min size 1 cant be reinforced
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Slimux and some Beasts of Nurgle seems like a fun addition to a list in 4th. Anyone used 'em together yet?
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>instead of
*together with
This is what they fear.
I have heard good things when those things are paired with the maggotkin.
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I don't play much Warhammer these days. How's the new edition compare to the last one?
Kinda better. Kinda worse.
Stop embarrassing yourself Anon. Every single game on this planet can be turned competitive by the very nature of the general concept of a game.
Better than 3E, worse than 2E. We peaked with Soul Wars.
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I really wanna pick these guys up but I dont know how I could paint/make these guys mine.
>can be
Can be does not mean should be, autist-kun.
Mixing in Underworlds minis and weapon-swapping really helps in personalizing them.
Cities is so hard to evaluate with these million ass units.
the stormcast side of soul wars was the worst ETB kits ever done by GW
ignore all elven and dwarfen units, also ignore the griffons and the steam tank

none of them is going to survive
considering that Half the Gloomspite Gitz models can also used in TOW and GW currently doesn't have a replacement for things like the steam tank or the General on a griffen for CoS they will probably be fine for another year at least
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>Gloomspite Gitz
TOW goblins got their own kits and minis for squigs, trolls, wolves and night goblin infantry, the only things that overlap are spider riders and aracnarok, which gsg are going to lose
at best they'll get a spider squig cavalry of moonclan/scuttlers
considering they don't sell Dispossessed as an AoS product anymore and we know the Griffon and Steamtank will join then as Empire releases, I think you're uninformed
sowl bwight bwos...what do we think about adding two zombie dwagons in a wist?
you know what could make a neat story? An Ossiarch and a mortal being forced to do office work together.
They'll survive this edition. The elf warscrolls look excellent actually, especially the two cav.
>OBR and some random people running an Orruk farm, where they cut Greenskinz into pieces and let them regenerate for almost infinite resource of bones
>Warmasters automatically become your general
Greet, fuck named characters
>You don't have to give your heroic trait to your general
In this GHB, there are significant buffs for targeting units in the General's regiment, so who ends up being your General is more important than you'd think.
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>be OBR grunt
>hear your regiment got a new transfer hire
>he's agreed to work with you in order to pay off his own debt
elves are legacy in TOW, they are safe until 2nd edition of TOW which can be anything from 5 to 10 years from now
fuck you.
Can't your general automatically take another hero (generally, not just the pity ones)?
Dios mios, mucho texto autismo
Normally you cannot take more than 1 hero per regiment, including the general's.

They can take another non-hero unit, for a total of the general + 4 non-hero units.

However, some hero's regiments allow 0-1 of a specified hero, so those ones can.
>reading the fluff in WD about the Ruination chamber
>the Lord-Celestant that started the issue is referred to as 'they/them/their'
>not sure if this because they're from a mortal tribe that doesn't do he/she pronouns
>not sure if this because they've forgotten if they're male or female and don't recognise being referred to as such
>not sure if this is just some dumb shit
Anyway, the idea Morrda avoided being eaten by Nagash and is now empowering Stormcast is interesting... Taking it away a bit from Sigmar. So time for Taal to return....
Why are you so focused on what pronouns a giant floating muscle man is
it is just because of dumb shit. it always is.
And there'll be more of it regardless of your complaints
Exactly, I have no idea if it is a man. I cannot visualise something without a frame of reference. Calling them they/their/them does not help me visualise what they look like because I can't.

I was hoping it was 'they have died so much that they have forgotten even basic things like what gender they are and don't react to he/her/she/him anyway in relation to themselves' which is kinda dark, the fact you can forget such a base part of yourself. But if it's just dumb shit, it reads fucking bad too I thought I was going mad, it just doesn't read right.
Where are the stats for manifestations? Is it with the main rules on the warcom page?
It's one of the least stupid uses of neutral pronouns since ruination chamber stormcast are losing every aspect of their identity besides "Fuck Chaos".
That's what I am saying/asking. Is it a case of them losing knowledge of even their most base individualism - whether they are male or female, or is it a case of they don't refer to themselves as that because of their mortal life, or just dumb shit that GW has to put in to pretend that this shit matters and gets twittertards off their back.

One is pretty dark, the other is weird but not an issue and the other is just dumb.
Stormcast have sculpted differences to show their gender. There's not a single instance of a female character wearing the sculpted pec armour. Also you don't need to visualize what they look like because they never remove their armour
Cities of Sigmar is like the tankiest army in the game now between their cheap 3w 3+ save cav, the hold the line order, dwarfs, zenestra, the warforger, -1 rend from fortify on 4+ fusiliers. That's just weird design they can be tougher and more wounds than stormcast.
Someone told me the hammerers are OP. Is that right? I dunno how they work in COS so I was wondering if someone could break down the synergy of it.
Their stats are some of the best for a unit in the game for their cost both in effective health and damage output. 20 of them for 300 points put 27 vs a 4+ with the strike order while having 20 health a 3+ save and a 3+ ward. They have access to +1 hit, +1 to wound, and +1 rend which pushes their damage to about 56 average.
5+ ward not 3+.
Man, glad I assembled all of mine as hammerers instead of longbeards.
They're definitely good, I'm not sure if they deserve the designation of OP.
They're 150 points for 10 3+ save wounds with a 5+ ward if they're near a duardin hero (spoilers: They're near a duardin hero) and put out 21 4+/3+/-1/2 attacks.

This can be buffed to some pretty crazy levels but requires 2 regiments with a runelord and a warden king, both of which can only take duardin units.

So add on a third regiment if you want humans/elves, which you kind of do because CoS have a 3d6 charge spell which makes hammerers suddenly not slow at all, which otherwise they absolutely are at only 4" + 3" for an order (and you're not swimming in heroes the way humans/elves can be, so you need those for Strike Them Down or Hold The Line)

So they're definitely good and certainly viable but I wouldn't say they're insane. Realistically they're probably not going to be running a full 4 hero doomstack set up because 20 3+ save/5+ ward (with maybe an extra -1 to hit) is tough but not tough enough to be your sole damage dealing unit, even though they'll mulch whatever they charge.
if the lumineth player at the US open is on here, fuck you man. i acted cordial but that was a cheap strat asshole list
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You called?
>salty about a tournament

lol lmao
I am here. Stay mad, legal lists are legal.
I wish those aos tournaments got streamed...
Shine on bro
This is the worst glossary system I've seen in any book.
So just be near a runelord that you want anyway and run a battlemage with +2 to cast you'll be running anyway, and you get a unit that hits harder than anything in the game even without any buffs. They're twice as durable and deal twice the damage per point as Kurnoth Hunters. How is that not overpowered. They don't need even need to hug the hero since they wipe whatever they touch. On the opponents turn you just hold the line and aod and they become unkillable.
Imagine going to a competitive tournament event and being upset someone's running a meta list
nah its entirely fair if it was some bullshit windcharger fox shit, which is probably was.
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evil guys always make the best team ups
Don't go to tournaments if you're going to be sore about people running lists to exploit the meta. Just stay home and play with your hot wheels on the carpet
They're not really any harder to kill than a unit of 10 nurgle chaos warriors near a sorcerer, plenty of stuff can wipe them out. They're also vulnerable to being wasted on chaff for obvious reasons.

I think they're very good in CoS but they lack mobility and true durability, which is a good thing because that means they're at least sort of balanced.
its a tournament isn't an excuse, people trying to make warhammer a sport are turbofags.
So I started playing 4th and manifestations seem like a constantly present thing now given that they are free and lores got shrunk.
It's still confusing.

1. Do they block movement with a 3" range like every other unit unless they have move 0 by themselves?
2. Can they not charge by themselves? So the only way for them to use melee profile is to be charged?
3. Do they lock people in melee if charged? Can they retreat?
4. Do they not count for closest target for shooting etc?
5. I assume they don't count for any death trigger?
I'd like the 4th edition core book anon
dawnbringers book 6 would be great anon
No it's not, read the fucking rules on them.
Anyone here played, or played against, Fyreslayers in 4th Edition? Gonna get my first game in next weekend.

Picrel. It's my wee chaps.
>they are not considered units except when they do but then not always
Yes it is.
And each of those exceptions is listed, but you're too dumb to read them.
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we got all dawnbringers
>I'd like the 4th edition core book anon
That's in here :)


Here ya go :)

thank you
I’m trying to get into AoS, is there anywhere I can get a quick run down of what every faction is about and what they play like?
>go to a tourney
>get mad that they get rolled by a tourney list
Why are aosfags like this? I know aos is a hypercasual dadcore beer and pretzels game but even a retard would know what type of player goes to tourneys
>I’m trying to get into AoS
Be sure to refer to my reading order if you want to read through the lore :)

i paid barely 100€ to gift my gf a full Skaven army, i see that as a big brain move
core book is a good bet, buy a cheap copy on eBay be it the current one or last edition's
that's way too much stuff to dump on anyone, I don't even get why you fell for reading everything
it's fine to pace yourself or read on release but most of this is now irrelevant or non-canon, the summaries in current books are all you need like wow the latest realm changing hype event is so interesting until GW abruptly abandon it for the next narrative event
>dwarves selling out
>skaventide didn't
Thaggoraki on suicide watch
And nope.
Nice job showing you've never read any of the lore :)

>that's way too much stuff to dump on anyone, I don't even get why you fell for reading everything
Not dumping anything on anyone, just making sure he knows what to read if/when he wants to read it.
Please tell me how the war of life, soul wars, rite of life, etc are relevant now? They've literally squatted sacrosanct and written them out of the new fluff lmao
>No, you really need to read Seasons of War Thondia to understand AoS
do you seriously think past events stop being canon?
Non-canon is something like Beastmen being prominent in RGW lit or Mannfred's characterisation they abandoned. Not that it matters, if you actually read the fluff you'd know the older lit is basically myth now hence the comment about summaries being enough
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You'll get what's coming to you when they drop the individual box-kits, dwarf-thing! We're simply bide-waiting!
Again, no :)

>war of life, soul wars, rite of life, etc are relevant now?

Morathi's ascension making her a major player in the lore.
Har Kuron's rise weakening and dividing the Pantheon of Order even more.
Nagash's defeat leaving Death weakened and basically leaderless.
The Era of the Beast and thus the Dawnbringer Crusades which are directly fucking related to the current events in the lore.
Let''s go further back? OK :)
Literally the first ever AoS piece of lore. The Battle of the Brimstone Peninsula became directly relevant recently when Khul, Vandus and so on threw down and fought in the Brimstone Peninsula, leading to the death of characters introduced in the first ever AoS products (Threx Skullbrand and Vekh the Flayer).
Fangathrak was recently caught by the Ironjawz, this beast was first mentioned in the The Realmgate Wars: All-Gates supplement released in 1st Edition, in 2016.

Please, stop being a retard. It's not a good look.

Incarnates are still around. Just because they haven't been mentioned in a while doesn't mean they're non-canon. Plus, it's a continuation of the storyline in War at Amberstone Watch, so if you read that, reading Season of War - Thondia makes sense.
You are not a smart individual
>if you actually read the fluff you'd know the older lit is basically myth now hence the comment about summaries being enough

Battle of the Brimstone Peninsula is directly related to Dawnbringers.
OlD StuFf DoEsN't MatTer

Dumb tit.
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I played and won my first game of spearhead today. It was a difficult learning experience, since my opponent spoke french and little english, and I spoke english and little french, but we managed. Here's how the game went.
Diagonal map, the green one. I went first, I play FEC, opp is playing Skaventide Stormcasts.
First turn I move my Archregent, my varghulf, and my cryptguard into the center, I send my knights around the side to try and fight his flying guys and then retreat. He my units charge into his, i try to focus down his hero (the nongryphon one) but that is one tanky bitch. My regent and Varghulf dont get much action first turn. On the crackback his griffon charges my knights and I lose one, and then I lose a cryptghoul, good rolls considering.
Or the fact that Kataky would’ve been thanos snapped from existence if Nagash’s whole victory marathon during second is irrelevant
Let us get even more obscure, actually. The Dirgehorn. Introduced in the Realmgate Wars: Quest for Ghal Maraz supplement, it appeared again in Broken Realms - Kragnos.
Shall I continue? Or have I shown you how fucking stupid you are? :)
Turn two a big skirmish takes place topside of the map. My regent and cryptguard smash into his hero, (who survives with like 2 health) while my varghulf charges his infantry stormcasts and devours all but 2 of them. I retreat my knights over the wall to the center, and charge them into his stormcast soldiers as well, but some bad rolls keep them alive. In return, his griffon knight smacks my two remaining knights, killing 1, then some lucky crits from the 2 soldiers kill the second. (i forgot at this point that I could have used the varghulf's noble deed points to ressurect one knight during my movement, first game mistakes) My regent also gets smacked a bit, but lives on 3 health.

Turn 3 I finally kill his footed hero with my ghouls (6 noble deeds from the varghulf frenzied the guard) and then my regent runs in to kill the remaining two soldiers (hitting 6 as well). All the while, I drew an event card that removed the griffon knight's ward, so I attacked it with my varghulf. He unfortunately had a fight first, so he smacked me first, but my varghulf lived on 1 hp. he wasnt able to take the knight down, but he was able to rip 3 health off it. On his turn his flying guys (which snuck around in my territory) shot the varghulf and it tanked everything like a BEAST. But then the griffon attacked, and despite its best efforts, it died.
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Turn 4, we're close on points, im 11, opp is 10. I draw the most perfect cards. Its just 2 units both of us, my regent, his griffon, my guard, his 2 flying dudes. I move my regent to center objective, blocking the griffon's path, and move my guard in range to charge the flying guys. Despite his redeployment attempt, I still hit a nasty 11 inch charge to get back in range. He counter charges his knight into my regent. I choose to fight with the regent, hoping to take down the knight. Unfortunately he was a beast and lived on 2 hp. He attacks my ghouls, killing a few, but the remaining 4 kill his fliers on the crackback. Then, the knight attacks my leader, and in a series of miraculous roll, the regent lives on 1 hp. Denying him the free point and easy charge on my ghouls.
Not only that, on his turn, last turn of the game, he reinforces the fliers to the top of the map, and brings 2 infantry models back as well with a card. His fliers shoot my regent, but I save him with a card and he misses all his attacks. Then he charges with his 2 soldiers, but he fails with a lowroll. His fliers then charge into my ghoul, and I save him with a d6 heal from the cards I drew. He lives on 1 hp again, and at long last the griffon knight smacks him dead. but it doesnt matter, the proud servant of the realm did his job, delaying the enemy just enough for me to win by 1 point, with 4 little ghouls left alive.
I hate grand alliance order when will GW drop the narrative of every single person hating sigmar and leeching off him like a parasite. He had exactly one (1) friend and he’s a depressed retard trying to manage an entire race of depressed retarded midgets
This pantheon is so fucking gay as if it’s hard to have an eternity of war if everyone doesn’t hate each other
Nagash was sigmars only friend.
>when will GW drop the narrative of every single person hating sigmar and leeching off him like a parasite
Morathi dropped that act a long time ago and now makes it pretty clear how she feels about him.
Nonsense. Nagash never had friends.
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Well Seasons of War Thondia ahs really good info on Ghur
>Lore on pre-Age of myth

would have like them continue with it and give more lore on the natural life in the realm
Sigmar has decided to reboot Warhammer fantasy once again. Only 8 factions can join, who are you taking?
He has slaves, which are like friends but they can't leave.
legions of nagash, and uh...
>Cities of sigmar
>Slaves to Darkness
>Ossiarch Bonereapers
>Orruk Warclans
>Gloomspite gitz
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Behold, the most evil being in existence!
>Defends territory without incident
>Lends aid at the battle of the Allpoints
>Citizens behave nicely in Azyr
>Builds you a free death-proof arena
>Doesn't fuck up Slaanesh's Bindings
>Hasn't murdered entire cities(Teclis&Tyrion), invaded allied territory(Morathi), waged total war against a seed of hope(Alarielle), or hunted Sigmarites for sport(Idoneth).

So far, so good.
Why does everyone here like FEC so much?
its easy to make an army with, you dont even really need to use the official models if you get creative with it.
Their theme and lore is fun and interesting. They have flavorful rules that feel good to play with and against. The model range is varied, well-sculpted, and generally easy to paint. Ushoran.
It’s an example of the gay cuck chains of WFB being torn off an idea/faction and being executed near perfectly
What sizes neodymium magnets should I buy to glue my bases? The friend I played with tonight had 1x8 mms but they seem a bit small looking at the pics.
I just bought a bunch of 5mm diameter by 1.5 mm thick. They work pretty well.
I use 2x5mm for infantry and 2x10mm's for bigger models. Use multiple 10's for the biggest models and 1 10 with supporting 5's for models inbetween 40mm and 80/100mm bases.
because it was cheap.
>12 wounds. Can't be removed with one banishment
>160mm base
>punishes opponent for using manifestations with 3d6 charges against them and a d6 heal
>free real estate for tzeentch and Lumineth who have ways to cast it with a guarantee
Guess they're trying to sell leftover stock
It's 130mm though
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I like oldworld Fantasy dwarves
They're cute
I honestly hope they make him the good guy and the twins assholes constantly provoking him. It would be a fun subversion. Just everyone constantly thinking he will betray them all and is gonna backstab them only to be the most dutiful memeber of the sigmars pantheon would be hilarious.
>>not sure if this is just some dumb shit
This is the writer.
I didn't quite realize how big new gorgers are, that's cool as fuck.
2-1 after day 1 with Fyreslayers. here's to keeping it up tomorrow
How do they play in 4e so far?
Who did you play against?
still very toolboxxy. its all about popping the right buff at the right time. I'm not really the best guy to ask desu, since half of my games this edition have been at this GT, and I probably only played about 15 last edition. but they feel super good and I think they have a lot of potential
Khorne (hard loss)
SbgL (close win)
Ironjaws (clean sweep)
what was khorne playing?
I got outdiced and misplayed hard focusing his general's regiment of Skullreapers and lost 2 units of poleaxes

here's his list
List 1 (1990 points)


Grand Alliance Chaos
Blades of Khorne
Khornate Legion
2000 Points Limit
Drops: 3

General's Regiment
Mighty Lord of Khorne (160)
• General
• Firebrand
Skullreapers (440)
• Reinforced
Regiment 1
Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage (470)
• Ar'gath, The Kind of Blades
Bloodletters (200)
Bloodletters (200)
Skulltaker (160)
Regiment 2
Slaughterpriest (160)
Bloodreavers (100)
Bloodreavers (100)

Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App
Exported with App Version: 1.0.0
Data Version: v122
Endless spell tierlist?
If it ain't Purple sun then proxy it as purple sun
how are there bootlegs of this already
Anyone have a pdf of Soulbound: Champions of Destruction? Trying to get some ogre hero inspiration.
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>>Cities of sigmar
>>Ossiarch Bonereapers
>>Orruk Warclans
what was your list?
1Droth (1960 Points)


Warrior Kinband
2000 Points
Drops: 3


General’s Regiment

Auric Runefather on Magmadroth (350 Points)
• General
• Ash-beard
• Ash-cloud Rune

Hearthguard Berzerkers with Flamestrike Poleaxes (280 Points)
• Reinforced

Regiment 1

Auric Runemaster (190 Points)

Hearthguard Berzerkers with Flamestrike Poleaxes (280 Points)
• Reinforced

Vulkyn Flameseekers (160 Points)

Regiment 2

Auric Runesmiter (120 Points)

Hearthguard Berzerkers with Flamestrike Poleaxes (280 Points)
• Reinforced

Vulkite Berzerkers with Bladed Slingshields (300 Points)
• Reinforced

Faction Terrain

Magmic Battleforge

Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App

Exported with App Version: v1.0.1 (7), Data Version: v128
how'd the hearthguard treat ya? i was a bit worried about the reduced save and ward.

Thanks buddy!
they're hammers now, super fragile, but the crit mortals make most enemies melt like butter
The characterization of hobgrots here makes me really want to see more units for them
I had to look it up, but a reinforced unit of skullreapers can put out a ridiculous amount of damage.
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okay i really dont care for the dragonriders apart from ionus, and i dont want to field a bunch of longstrikes or really any 1st gen/vanguard shit.

can you build a decent stormcast list without that? looking at like 3rd and 4th ed units, i like boots on the ground (really dont want to spend $60 for 3 hammer annihilators though), the chariots are okay, the new reclusians and prosecutors look decent (i wish they had just done actual wings like yndrasta though). the hero with the giant bow is cool. not super keen on the giant dragonheart dragons but i guess i dont hate them. bastian is cool, most of the newer foot heroes are cool, i like the vigilors and vanquishers.

can i make a good army with that or are my options too limited?
Emergency toilet paper.
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went at this knight p hard this weekend. took about 2 days.

what do you guys think? i don't play stormcast or own the skaventide box. I just got this guy cause I like his sculpt and slayer-pose. I really hate how tiny and inaccessible they made his face though...

I can't find the little tactical rat skull that goes in the base peg
What purple did you use?
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the new vallejo game color deep magenta.

for the highlights on the hilts and the layering on the shield, I just added an offwhite to the deep magenta
looks great anon i love hidden trans pride colors
Ugh, the amount of trim…
left is not a model in the WHFB range.
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thanks but I did not intend to paint the model in trans pride colors. I've been looking at Kairic acolytes a lot and I liked their colors.
looks great anon i love hidden lesbian pride colors
not only is it not a model in the whfb range, its a golden demon winning custom job.

comparing a custom conversion golden demon winner to a studio out of the box eavy metal job is about the level of dishonest shitposting i'd expect from the wfb trolls
looks great anon i love pride colors
but what else can they do? they dont own or paint any minis so they have to go for someone elses.
I pity them.
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Fellow Slayerchad. I'm going to play my first game with mine in about 2 hours but I'm too embarrassed to show photos as they're not finished yet. Yours look great

This isn't the TOW thread.
You posted in the wrong thread anon, you were meant to post here
It's actually growing I my area unlike 40k or TOW.
tbf dwarfs are tiny
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You can't just post slayers ITT. They're terrible models that everyone hates and they don't sell! CAD CAD CAD!
Heaps of people at the club were talking about ToW before it came out, but since it's released it's been complete silence, still never seen a game.
AoS has got a normal league, a spearhead league and a PTG league all starting with full entries
I mean they are objectively terrible models with the smallest player count in the game so seethe harder
Enjoying my KINOslayers, thank you very much.
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He's the Hades figure of the pantheon. Associated with terrible aspects that people fear but actually the most dutiful and reasonable of the deities.
Based fyrebro
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Have you ever asked yourself why vulkites actually look like that? The answer is quite simple.
It's to allow total interchangeability between a wide range of different beards and weapons. To achieve this the poses had to be sacrificed a little, otherwise beards and weapons would obstruct each other constantly.
Does pic rel look better than a vulkite? Yeah sure it's also completely monopose without any options(you can change out the axehead for a shovel), the arm is sculpted into the beard.
Vulkites are a great kit for what they are. Basic infantry with lots of building options. You could build like 60 of them and have not a single one be identical.
Hearthguard are somewhat similar because they were built around 3 weapon options though they're more intricate models still.
That actually makes a good deal of sense
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Fyreslayer players out in full force to defend their dogshit army
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>mfw have posted models on /tg/ with hidden pride flag schemes for 10 years and have only ever received compliments
>only ever received compliments
We both that's not true regardless of pride shit
4e "armies" are maybe a 1/4 of that
Sounds like paintlet projection
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well thats not fucking hard since gays claimed every single color combination ever imagined for their made up genders

you cant even enjoy a rainbow now without seeming gay, god damn it
At least put our magmic invocations and terrain piece in between the different berserker and hearthguard units so I can tell them all apart
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Cope and seethe, YWNBM etc..
This isn't fine but stormcasts "50 versions of gold tin cans" and bedsheet nighthaunts are.
Try and get better bait, pedo gay boy.

Yeah, this really doesn't look great does it? Pictures like this really show how bad the Fyreslayer range is imo.


That would actually be pretty neat. Like Hades. People think he's evil, but he actually does his job well and isn't a treacherous cunt.
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I think I worked out why AoS fluff is so souless.
Man, just develop some integrity and leave then? You're not a background writer and you'll never have any influence on the game so find another hobby because you don't belong in this one
>why AoS fluff is so souless

you've never actually read it
Alternatively: No.

I'm practically a AoS fluff genius, it just happens to be bad.
>I think I worked out why AoS fluff is so souless.
Implying you ever read it lol
We both know you haven't, so shut up.
Vanquisher rules, bastian is strong, yndrasta as well and prosecutors are great for battle tactics. The knight judicator is decent as well
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>I'm practically a AoS fluff genius
I played them once against a competitive list. I lost 36-29, trading punches equally but loosing on battle tactics and loosing the runefather on droth in my own t2 because the 6 longstrike shooting at every turn is fair and balanced
I've probably read more than you.

But it's true. I've got a very grounded loathing.
>I've probably read more than you.
I'm the dude who re-read all the lore recently, so probably not :)
Here's my read order, love. Be sure to follow it when reading the lore for the first time.

I read all that plus reams of BL novels and even the RPG stuff.
>I read all that plus reams of BL novels and even the RPG stuff.
Did you really? Reeeeally, anon? Be honest.
But let's pretend I believe you (I don't, btw). What's your problem with the lore?
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Is Trugg any good in 4th? Where are his rules found btw? I think I'm just a retard because I can't find his stats...
Is there some ability that blocks retreats?
Enjoy all the strong black female characters then
he's in the gloomspite index. seems decent for his points, at least as far as 4e stuff is concerned.
>he's in the gloomspite index
How the actual fuck did I miss him? Thanks anon. Forgive my blindness :(
thank you anons
Well, you're a troggoth player, so it's only fitting you're dumb as one
Just kidding I love troggs too
>Giant Ravens for SCE
>Vanguard units squatted and replaced with Ruination Chamber crossbowmen but more like Judicarors than Raptors
>Eshin unit, blindfolded with chained weapons
>Plaguemonks are more like censer bearers
>City Duardin are coming but the Delf range is getting squatted
>New Steamtank AND Cogfort
>Kruleboyz get a pity hero with a salamander looking drake token, uses a halberd but seems really uninspired
i'd face fuck and cuddle with her
whenever i see a ''''leak'''' i skim it and if i see CoS dwarves i know its fake and dont bother reading the rest
>Did you really? Reeeeally, anon? Be honest.
>But let's pretend I believe you (I don't, btw).
What's the point if you don't believe me? I'll give you a top 5 anyway.
1. Stormcast suck, have always sucked and will continue to suck.
2. The understanding of Chaos is just all wrong.
3. Advancing time line, but normal human lifespans mean important events now come across every few years. The "era" of the beast lasted for a few years for example.
4. Unless a faction existed in Fantasy it's purely skin and bones.
5. Failure to commit to themes. Is it supposed to be grimdark or not? It certainly doesn't know
BONUS: Strong female characters everywhere, all the time.
It's they, biggot.
>1. Stormcast suck, have always sucked and will continue to suck.
They don't, but everyone is allowed to like whatever factions they want.

>2. The understanding of Chaos is just all wrong.
YOUR understanding of Chaos is just all wrong, clearly. That's a fucking dumb thing to say. This isn't 40k or WFB so Chaos works differently. Chaos works like it does in AoS, and not how it does in 40k because this is AoS and not 40k.

>3. Advancing time line, but normal human lifespans mean important events now come across every few years. The "era" of the beast lasted for a few years for example.
This is perhaps my favourite part of AoS. The constant wars, disasters and Realm-changing events explains why the setting is such a post-apocalyptic Hellscape that few can survive in, it also explains why Order is struggling so much to continue the fight as all the different factions have just been pummelled over and over again. Plus, it lends the "good" factions a real sense of heroism as they've got that "I don't hear no bell" energy as they continue to fight in the face of such constant horror.

>4. Unless a faction existed in Fantasy it's purely skin and bones.
That is just literally not true at all. You just proved you've never actually read the lore, which we all knew already anyway :)

>5. Failure to commit to themes. Is it supposed to be grimdark or not? It certainly doesn't know
Not really. 1st and 2nd were noblebright but the end of 2nd, all of 3rd and (so far) all of 4th has been pretty much 100% grimdark. Again, you just proved you've never actually read the lore, which we all knew already anyway :)

>BONUS: Strong female characters everywhere, all the time.
And that is merely retarded sexism on your part.
the good units in stormcast
infantry shit
reclusians if you're in bleak citadel
annihilators shields, if you're running thunderhead host(thunderhead is really fucking good btw, most of our shit is warrior chamber)
retributors in thunderhead
praetors in thunderhead if you can keep their ward up.
Fast shit
Vanguard Palladors, these are ridiculous now
Stormdrakes if you're playing lightning echelon and have multiple extremis hammers
Fulminators, same as stormdrakes
Prosecutors, if you're playing bleak citdels otherwise they are way too fragile
shooting shit
longstrikes and judicators are both good
lord relictor and bastian, banner chad
Karazai is good, he's pretty hard to kill
The Templar is anti hero/monster and the lord celestant is anti 3 health elites, both can be a big problem is you put the 1/dame strike first artifact on them.
Ionus is very good for being double priest, but his damage/survival is mid. Krondys because he's our +2 double wizard.
yndrasta and prime aren't worth it.
Considering she's only worked on the game for about 2 years, she's been good at granting some soul back after the loss of Josh Reynolds
vulkite poses look so fucking silly man.
>the same unit literally copy pasted for a picture doesn't look so good?!
>3. Advancing time line, but normal human lifespans mean important events now come across every few years. The "era" of the beast lasted for a few years for example.
Broken Realms was 20 years ago
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A new realmgate has opened:
Move along.
>They don't
They do and it's clear.
>This isn't 40k or WFB so Chaos works differently.
It shouldn't given this is supposed to be a continuation of WFB.
>it also explains why Order is struggling so much to continue the fight
But it isn't because of the constant tonal flip flopping.
>That is just literally not true at all.
But it is.
>Not really. 1st and 2nd were noblebright but the end of 2nd, all of 3rd and (so far) all of 4th has been pretty much 100% grimdark.
Wrong. 1e happyclappy, then 2e was more grimdark. Then 3e was happyclappy. Now 4e is grimdark.
>And that is merely retarded sexism on your part.
Incorrect. "Yas qween slay" is simply incompatible with gritty fantasy.
I’d hit.
Had my first game of AoS 4.0 with slayers today and they did the business. Never got to use my Magmadroth but the berserkers did their thing and the new edition seems fun still. The runes are very good being able to decide to start using one on your opponents turn rather than yours to keep it a mystery, and invocations can honestly fuck off, there's no downside to them and they just cause a bit of fucking chaos on the board.

It was only 1500 points but I genuinely enjoyed them I'm going to enjoy painting the rest of these up to 2k

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