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>Previously in the Mortal Realms:


SCE Heroines edition

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:


>Thread question:
How much converting do you generally do?
Hey ben, can you stop letting your autism change the OP post around every time you make a thread? Or is it impossible to stop yourself?
Did the mods take away your thread making privileges or something, E?
Why don’t Stormcast look like this?
>Reddit spacing in OP
>Edition under the previous thread
Retard, we will change it to the correct editing with the next thread anyway.
Because it looks fucking awful.
Because Warhammer. Everything is supposed to be big and mean and scary. No femboy Stormcast, either.
DEI is really hard to take seriously when your argument is that stuff doesnt look like fucking anime
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Has anyone found card sleeves for General's Handbook cards? They are about 110mm x 160mm (4.25" x 6.5") which makes them fucking impossible to sleeve since the biggest ones available are 4" x 6" (101.6mm x 152.4mm).
GW is going to release their own special size ones
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He's arguing backwards from the conclusion.

Even if the conclusion is true, you shouldn't do that.
Just trim them down a bit. You don't need all the edge space.
>DEI is really hard to take seriously when your argument is that stuff doesnt look like fucking anime
It's more that we need women and that women need to be mannish and ugly.
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Attempting to make an oldcast version of the Lord-Vigilant. Still in the early stages, obviously, I think this might work. Opinions?
Do you know what Hanlon's Razor is
Every time I hear Hanlon's Razor get brought up I argue that there's always room for both. How much does one need to be proven or disproven to exclude the other?
Gryph charger is a cool as fuck mount, but you chose a retarded helmet
I'm sure you can stick a stormcast on a chicken and call it a lord vigilant, yeah.
Yes, but it's not a correct assumption.
>when the roided up super human soldiers dont look like dukenukem babes
id get this argument for slaanesh, but not what stormcast is trying to be
Your evidence for this being?
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occam's razor, only cooler and more hip
Is Sekhar worth getting for Soulblight?
Malice exists and so it would be foolish to attribute everything to stupidity.
>>when the roided up
Except they're not roided up, they're crafted.
If they were intended to be be ugly or utilitarian then they wouldn't have sculpted muscle armour or have women in their ranks at all.
The model looks like shit and visually fits nothing in the faction, so, no, it's not worth it.
>The model looks like shit
What an amazingly terrible take.
It's a vampire with the same cursed armour as the others and a headdress like Nef. Please state how she doesn't fit?
>he thinks sigmar cant make women as strong as men
What are the odds that we get nice maggotkin battleforce box for christmas? They haven't had one yet, I think? I would like to get more blightkings and maybe a maggotlord, but at the same time I want to keep some $$$ in my budget for christmas.
She's decently tanky and a 2 cast wizard that can get +1 in the subfaction you would take with her. If that's what you want she's worth it. There are better strategies to do with her points though, torgillius, mortis engine, belladama.
Female human physiology is just inherently less powerful than human male physiology, and Stormcast still have those same physiologies scaled up.
I dunno, if they make one I suspect they'll use guo, harbinger, or horticulous as the center piece instead of maggotlords.
they had one but that was like at the inception of AOS, or maybe fantasy battle. Skaven and Stormcast are fore sure getting one so that leaves two other contenders. Maybe Flesh eater courts and (???)
they are going for the faith/strength aesthetic
complaining that the characters look to strong or have too chiseld jaw lines is like walking in to a bakery and complaining theres too much bread
Hey, neat work anon, I'm doing hte exact same thing!
>Female human physiology is just inherently less powerful than human male physiology,
Good thing they're lightning angels in a high fantasy setting then, ain't it?
kinda wish they went all in on the beast theme, seeing the bigger mortek next to the real mroteks is gonna be awful.
>they are going for the faith/strength aesthetic
Holy people are actually usually depicted as being beautiful.
Beauty is a form of strength while ugliness is a weakness.

Then why are they ugly?
we love our (exo)skeletons, dont we lads?
go watch youtube videos about the roman empire or something man
Oh gods, it will be Cities, won't it? FEC makes sense as vampire and OBR were last year and nighthaunt before that. Destruction won't get anything, as always (maybe Ogor refresh, at least?). I doubt it will be Skaven for Chaos, there is sufficient hype with the starter box of 4e, no need to boost them more. StD got box last year, also nice darkoath box. But Tzeentch or Hedonists might use some attention. And second order... maybe Fyreslayers or IDK?
I will after you make a cogent argument.
>Skaven and Stormcast are fore sure getting one
Next year. They don't usually release battleforces for starter armies in the same year.
you faggots blathering on about the same god damn thing everyday is so fucking tiresome. Go suck off a troon and get it over with.
You complaining about it is tiresome too. Do the world a favour and kill yourself.
battleforces are predictable with the release schedule, there will obviously be a fec and cities box.
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>SCE Heroines edition
kill yourself retard, hurrrr dei stormcast trannies fucking morons. You're 1000 times more annoying than any of these people you obsess over endlessly who aren't in my thread.
But you are in the thread.
You kill yourself and I'll consider it. It should come naturally to your kind you trannygoon.
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look how edgy i am
(same talking points endlessly recycled for a decade now)
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If this was posted in earnest, i wish suffering and pain upon you and your bloodline.
Either way neck yourself.
Have the issues been fixed? Until they are I will raise the issues.
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anime website
Holy things are all over the place, in some media they're beautiful. That being said, SCE aren't ugly, they're just people, some ugly, some beautiful, some in the middle. Given new power and strength, not new faces. What, are you some beauty pageant attendee or something that you harp on this? Do you also screech impotently that Space Marines and Custodes are not the vision of beauty despite either being crafted or seen as humanity's angels?
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Pay some respect for our heroes
quit shitting up every thread you see fagott
Compared to the loli coomer bait posting, he is actually staying on topic.

And this is why nobody wants female models in their wargame, because you brain rotted coomer secondaries will shit everything up with them.
Thank you for reminding me, what kind of retards im arguing with while im here
>SCE aren't ugly
The women are very ugly.
>Do you also screech impotently that Space Marines and Custodes are not the vision of beauty despite either
No, because they're not actually divine, they are the roided up science experiments given a false skin of divinity. A space marine is not literally an angel of death. There's maybe an argument for Custodes, but they're handsome enough and as of yet have no female models.

Stop eating shit with a grin.
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>someone posts lolicast meme from years ago
>post some myself because it's dumb and amusing and I saved them years ago
>newfags fucking riot
it would be nice if the female stormcast were as attractive as the poster children for sisters of battle were supposed t be.
>>newfags fucking riot
we're just laughing at you.
Touch grass
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ignore them, have fun
Honestly I'd say SC are above average in terms of looks, as far as WH model ranges go. They certainly aren't CoS. Most of their bare heads are either handsome or cute, you've got got some generic baldie space marine heads in the mix but not an overbearing amount.
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claim your stormfu
>The women are very ugly.
Is any woman that isn't a porn star just ugly to you? Many of the SCE women aren't ugly. Some are, but not many.
>No, because they're not actually divine, they are the roided up science experiments given a false skin of divinity. A space marine is not literally an angel of death. There's maybe an argument for Custodes, but they're handsome enough and as of yet have no female models.

Custodes are hideous compared to SCE. See? You are being a massive hypocrite here. You don't give a shit if the specially crafted beautiful men aren't beautiful, but demand that the enhanced with magic SCE are despite nothing in their lore indicating that they're supposed to be. Them being holy is what Sigmar's people believe, they're no different to Space Marines in that they are roided up warriors with magic.
we are setting the bar very low...
im in a thread for aos
i clearly like aos otherwise i wouldnt be in here
so why exactly are you here? we all know the anwser, to be an annoying fagott in the thread of a game you dont play
uh the one chick with a bob cut in that one underworld set.
>Then why are they ugly?
Why does a 28mm need to be pretty? Are you such a coomer you need to be able to jerk off over every single thing in your life? Touch grass.
Sorry anon, no stormfu for me, my heart belongs to daughterus.
>neave then
>neave now
El costo de reforjar...
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nah thunderthigh shortstack
>Many of the SCE women aren't ugly.
Most are.
>Custodes are hideous compared to SCE.
There aren't female custodes models yet. The male heads look masculine enough. When they start adding female custodes I'll be ready to judge them, believe me. Custodes also aren't literally divine either, I just said there's a better argument for that when compared to space marines.
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I don’t care if they’re CADslop, I love them
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El ogros las Sigmarias...
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Yeah, this retard apparently thinks this manlet is the height of beauty
These are why tabletop gaming should never have female characters. Inbred coomer retards like you immediately start trying to jerk off them and if you can't because they're too "ugly" you cry and whine about not being able to waste a pile of cum on them.
>albino droth
>Why does a 28mm need to be pretty?
Because you want to models to look good.
>Are you such a coomer you need to be able to jerk off over every single thing in your life?
No, I'd be happiest if there were no female miniatures because I think it's pretty absurd, but if they have to be there then why not at least make them appealing?
she cute
I really like Neave. Her show was fun
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Which way, Azyr man?
I'm the getting the chariot friend, she knows how to have fun
So only looking masculine is your standard for being hand crafted to be the epitome of human beauty standards? You are such a massive hypocrite, its amazing.
Also. Again. Sigmarines aren't literally holy, retard. They are just infused with Sigmar's power. That's it.
>Because you want to models to look good.
That's why I put helmets on them, retard. No model in armour has ever looked good without a helmet on.
"oh, I'll just cover every inch of my body in Sigmarite to keep me safe, better take my helmet off though that makes sense!"
If you want models to look good, slap helmets on them. Otherwise shut the fuck up about wanting models to look good you pile of shit.
>They are just infused with Sigmar's power.
So, holy?
Holy is subjective. Sigmar is their god, his power is holy.
>see kid
>thinks cum
>No, I'd be happiest if there were no female miniatures because I think it's pretty absurd, but if they have to be there then why not at least make them appealing?
Ah sexism. Gotta love it, don't ya lads?
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now that's a salamander
Where do you think you are?
Holy is subjective indeed. But we know the reality. Its amazing how you can acknowledge that with Space Marines but not with Sigmarines. Worse yet, you do so while ignoring Custodes which are supposed to be examples of human perfection. You are contradicting yourself, idiot.
>>see kid
>>thinks cum
Clearly you do, yes.
You got the wrong anon
>Destruction won't get anything, as always (maybe Ogor refresh, at least?)
They don't really refresh ranges with Xmas Battleforces. For Destruction I could see a King Brodd with a two Mancrushers.
>B-but that's too much val-
Last year they charged €180 with €255-290 of shit inside. Discount of 35% is expected but 40% discount was a thing in the past as well. King Brodd and 2 Mancrushers would cost you €292 if purchased separately and even now GW is pushing Mancrushers for €44 with the Spearhead bundle.
>So only looking masculine is your standard for being hand crafted to be the epitome of human beauty standards?
Yeah, men should look masculine.
>You are such a massive hypocrite, its amazing.
How so?

>No model in armour has ever looked good without a helmet on.

What's sexist about it?
>Also. Again. Sigmarines aren't literally holy, retard. They are just infused with Sigmar's power. That's it.
You could just say "I've never read the lore" you know?
They're fucking lightning angels from Heaven sent to fight legions of demons, retard.
If there would be Ogor refresh, battleforce box might be nice way to empty the shelves in warehouses
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if she doesn't count because she has a helmet then the ballista girl
Nice but the brass/orange beard on the forge looks awful
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Coom Coom
No, you're merely projecting.
>Yeah, men should look masculine.
Men should. But apparently Custodes who are supposed to all be handcrafted and beautiful can be ignored while SCE which doesn't have such a claim do.
You're a hypocrite because you only want the wimmnz to be beautiful. Your excuses are just window dressing. Stop being a retard and be honest about it. Otherwise you'd be screeching about Custodes 24/7.
>>No model in armour has ever looked good without a helmet on.
Correct, actually, but if you really GENUINELY think that a fully armour warrior with their helmet off on a battlefield looks good, then you've revealed that you are:
A) Fucking Stupid
B) A retard with shit taste
And thus I now know there is literally no need to talk to you anymore since nothing you say has any value :)
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Good choice. That's a real nice model and we're lucky that it's so new so it won't get squatted anytime soon.
They are. But they're not literally holy, they are just infused with lightning magic of Azyr. They aren't literal angels, its just the subjective belief of Sigmar's followers
>(shows art where all characters look like kids

Ok anon. Get arrested.
Will we get some Tyrion models or Tyrion inspired elves this edition? I feel like every time Tyrion is not on screen, elves should be asking where is Tyrion.
>beauty exists only for me to masturbate to
what happened to decades of fights against objectification?
We got a legit schizophrenic here
>But apparently Custodes who are supposed to all be handcrafted and beautiful can be ignored
Well they're not actually divinely wrought, so I think them looking like tough manly guys is enough. But if it matters to you so much then I can accept that Custodes are too ugly. Will you now accept that female stormcast are too ugly?

>Correct, actually
No, incorrect.
>But they're not literally holy
They are though. Their bodies are literally fashioned by divine beings.
Who the hell are you quoting? No one in the thread said or implied anything remotely close to that, Jesus Christ high in Heaven, get some help.
>Because you want to models to look good.
You are no-models, because 28mm faces barely have any details, you have to draw them, you would know that, if you ever held a miniature in your hand
No, they're just handcrafted from the start using space magic by a not-God. And neither are Sigmarines. Why do you keep ignoring the bit where Sigmarines aren't literal angels but just warriors infused with lightning magic? Do you need to take some pills, anon?
>Will you now accept that female stormcast are too ugly?
Nope. Because they were never supposed to be the absolute pinnacle of human beauty like Custodes. Only if you believe the same of Space Marines will your logic make sense.
Does that make all of Chaos Daemons holy now too? They're all fashioned by divine beings. Like I said; its all subjective. One I generally agree with, but when talking about the nitty gritty its important to mention it.
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Probably, dawnbringers hinted quite heavily at him and the rebirth of the ur-phoenix, his symbol.

But then again he and malekith were mentioned in broken realms too and we didn't see jack shit about them during 3rd edition.
They are holy to chaos worshipers, they are angels of chaos gods
>28mm faces barely have any details
They have plenty, this isn't the 80's anymore you old troon.

>No, they're just handcrafted from the start using space magic by a not-God.
They're changed using alchemy, and not made directly by the Emperor given he's dead.
>Why do you keep ignoring the bit where Sigmarines aren't literal angels
They are though. They're divinely crafted.

>Does that make all of Chaos Daemons holy now too?
They're the evil side of the coin, yes.
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Knight-Arcanum, though the mask is a bit nice too.
She's getting a cushy job in azyr.
Be happy for her.
True, see also all the IDK stuff in Broken Realms that went nowhere so far.

When in doubt, i think new models are a better indicator of new releases than lore events that could be setting up something much further out.

Going on Dawnbringer lore+model releases, I think the Order armies we'll see get decent size releases in 4E are probably Fyreslayers, DoK (Krethusa is a big pointer) Sylvaneth (Belthanos+serious Kurnothi lore wanking) and LRL (to finish out River Temple at minimum, maybe some phoenix stuff). And CoS obviously, there's no way their initial wave was everything.
>They're changed using alchemy, and not made directly by the Emperor given he's dead.
...So not space magic, then? There is no alchemy in reality that works like that. Also, nothing about the Custodes changed from wh30k to wh40k, so until the lore says otherwise they are the same.
>They are though. They're divinely crafted.
No, they're not. They are empowered by Azyr. By your logic the Space Marines are divinely crafted. Just because people worship these powerful beings doesn't mean that they are literal gods.
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Isn't it funny how one of the lines announced by the harbinger models has been squatted already?
It's such bullshit like Lord Ordinators are explicitly not Azure pencil pushers like Lord Arcanums but they're apparently recalled just the same.
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To be fair to anon you can see where he's coming from. AoS is a not a child safe zone.
Nighthaunt are next, there's no need for old ETB kits when GW has new shit to sell pay up
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what I find more insulting is that the shroom gobbo was hands down superior to any other release the gsg got
there are not enough mushrooms in the range
>...So not space magic, then?
>There is no alchemy in reality that works like that.
Yeah, but it's arcane future science.
>Also, nothing about the Custodes changed from wh30k to wh40k, so until the lore says otherwise they are the same.
Yeah, nothing changed, and the Emperor doesn't fashion them all personally from magic. He alters children so they grow into custodes and has a team of scientists for this process.
>No, they're not.
Yes they are. They literally explode into lightning when they die and get new bodies made for them. The Imperium alters people using genetics and chemistry. Sigmar and friends literally weave new bodies into existence using magic.
This is why space marines are custodes are not really divine, whereas stormcast are. This is also one of the reasons stormcast fail conceptually by the way.
Dude showed a load of art of "sexy" Stormcast and then complained someone accused him of jerking off over them.
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Or how the warqueen was relentlessly memed on at the time and now people wish darkoath looked as good as her
Darkoath are surely the next on the chopping block after their set never sold, right?
See posts:
yeah I'm really concerned about the wellbeing of children anyway here's my loli softcore folder I'm dumping itt
rope yourself pedo
What's worse is Zarbag Stabba/Shootas mogging the ancient 6e kits we still have
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Never jerked off to lolicast. Just like cute things simple as.
You're calling them sexy.
>Never jerked off to lolicast. Just like cute things simple as.

Yeeeeeah no on believes that at all. Neck yourself pedo.

>You're calling them sexy.
In quotes because I don't see them as sexy, because I'm not a pedo like you, but you clearly do, because you're a pedo.
>Dude showed a load of art of "sexy" Stormcast
No, no one did.
I hope you're able to work out your taboo sexual attractions without harming anyone.
He's clearly trying to say they're "sexy" because he was talking about Stormcast being ugly, dumbass. It's disgusting and he showed be burned.
I was being sarcastic. Regardless, by every lore we have on the Custodes, they should be the epitome of beauty.
>Yes they are. They literally explode into lightning when they die and get new bodies made for them.
That makes them as much angels as they are any other word for supernatural warriors. Demons. Devils. Einherjar. Either way, nothing in their lore points to them needing to be pretty. Besides, again, its obvious you only give a shit that SCE females aren't wankbank for you.
>This is why space marines are custodes are not really divine, whereas stormcast are. This is also one of the reasons stormcast fail conceptually by the way.
Copium. Space Marines are built using the gene-seeds of Primarchs that were created via a deal with the Chaos Gods. The Space Marines are as much "angels" as SCE are.
The warqueen doesn't look good.
People are talking about the warchief, if anything.
WTF is this thread today? Like seriously.... just wtf bruh...
Pedo started projecting after seeing some cute girls.
None of those posts says what you think they say.
>He's clearly trying to say they're "sexy" because he was talking about Stormcast being ugly, dumbass.
The two things are completely unrelated lines of posts, you schizo.
We've got some mentally ill person latching onto anything and everything in order to get mad about their boogeyman, be it the use of an acronym, an opinion, or an anime girl.
>I was being sarcastic.
I don't care.
>Regardless, by every lore we have on the Custodes, they should be the epitome of beauty.
Wrong as discussed.
>That makes them as much angels as they are any other word for supernatural warriors.
No, because they're literally cribbing on Classical->Christian aesthetics, and again, they're bodies are literally crafted by gods.
>Space Marines are built using the gene-seeds of Primarchs that were created via a deal with the Chaos Gods.
And? They're still boys made through surgical and chemical enhancement. Not literally created from the essence of magic.
>Wrong as discussed.
In all mention of Custodes in wh40k, they are mentioned to be the pinnacle of humanity in shape and form. Your copium is just getting sad now.
>No, because they're literally cribbing on Classical->Christian aesthetics
Wrong. They're based more off of the Norse Einherjar, where brave warriors are taken into Valhalla. It has very little Christian imagery. Unless you think warriors with wings is exclusively Christian?
>and again, they're bodies are literally crafted by gods.
No, they're not. Their bodies are reforged to fit the power, not crafted. Custodes are crafted, not SCE.
>And? They're still boys made through surgical and chemical enhancement. Not literally created from the essence of magic.
Those genes are literally filled with magic, genius. So they're getting infused with magic genes that change their appearance to align with their gene father. Unlike SCE. If anything, now that I think about it, your screeching makes way more sense with Space Marines as well as Custodes.
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Oh, let me see, I'm curious how you're approaching this.
where does the left cloacked guy comes from?
There's a lot of model lines that still need looking at both in relation to harbingers released during dawnbringers, for much needed second waves or updates, long awaited releases or finishing thouches on some factions

I absolutely believe they will want to prepare for TOW2.0 too which means that seraphon will also get 2 or 3 kits, there's way too much stuff to do in this edition not everything will make it.
Horus heresy 2 came out like 10 years after the 1st one, same will be with TOW
Oh guess you're still around. Was wondering last thread.
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The body is from the CoS Whisperbade.
Don't sound so disappointed.
>In all mention of Custodes in wh40k, they are mentioned to be the pinnacle of humanity in shape and form.
They are because they're physically much more powerful. They aren't divinely wrought though.
>They're based more off of the Norse Einherjar, where brave warriors are taken into Valhalla.
Einherjar were just dead guys though, not divinely created beings.
>Their bodies are reforged to fit the power, not crafted.
They are crafted from magic.
>Those genes are literally filled with magic, genius
They're not, hence why anti-magic fields don't affect them.
I don't believe so, there was a lot of changes in how the company at large and FW specifically operated that don't make the 10years gap some intrinsic part of their releases schedule, they've clearly picked up the pace and the resources to pull out way more products, including plastic kits now.
And although I'm not saying TOW2.0 is going to happen in 3 years, I'll say that GW will want to address the overlaps in its side of the range as quickly as possible.

I see more chances in updates for dryads, spider riders, flagellants, saurus guards, grave guards and the 3 ogre infantry units than I see in the release of umbraneth, a fyreslayer rework, an idoneth second wave or tzeentch warriors.
I want to make out with her while she is wearing the mask
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>mogging the ancient 6e kits we still have
My suspicion/cope is that were getting armored goblins this edition.
>They are because they're physically much more powerful
They are repeatedly stated to be unnaturally beautiful, the epitome of human perfection, etc, etc. And you respond by talking about strength alone? Yeah, you're done here.
>Einherjar were just dead guys though, not divinely created beings.
I said based on them, not based on Christian mythology like you mentioned. Stop switching the goalposts. You started this entire rant by complaining that they are not beautiful holy angels when they are not based on beautiful holy angels.
>They are crafted from magic.
Enhanced with magic. Its still the same body. Nothing about them has changed except that they got bigger or older. Unlike Gene Seed which actually has changed the appearance of characters drastically.
>They're not, hence why anti-magic fields don't affect them.
It doesn't work on Primarchs either, despite literally being created using space magic. Unless they're powerful Psykers like Magnus.
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You're all imbeciles. THIS is how you design a good female model that pleases everybody.
not hairy enough
is this kit fun to build and paint or a bitch like every other multi-legged big model I've built
>They are repeatedly stated to be unnaturally beautiful
>I said based on them
But we're talking aesthetics, and they're very much based on Classical->Christian aesthetics.
>Its still the same body.
No it's not, their bodies can be totally destroyed, they turn to lighting and new bodies are made for them.
>It doesn't work on Primarchs either
It does actually if they're using their powers beyond what their enhanced biology allows.
Quite the opposite.
Oh? Let's see now...
>His face was reflected perfectly back at him in the crystal panes: tan skin, broad cheeks, and the epicanthic eyelids of the ancient Pan-Asiatic peoples. His hair was trimmed to a bristly fuzz over his scalp. Custodians were all perfect beings, but there was something particularly fine about Achallor. He was a handsome man, beautiful even.
>Then came the recognition for the Lion’s Gate, and, with a sudden spike of recognition, I saw Valerian walk up to the podium, clad in his restored armour. It was the first time I had seen him since Vorlese. He went helmless, and I caught a glimpse again of that starkly handsome face, serene and untroubled by the extravagant theatre around him
>I saw a human face revealed, though greater, like a Space Marine’s to look at, only less brutal and more beautiful. It was a courtier’s face as much as it was a soldier’s, betraying both power and subtlety. Then we were fortunate to find you, the golden one continued. I am Navradaran of the Ephoroi of the Adeptus Custodes, and I am here to take you home.
Speaking of Reclusians, I am looking at their warscroll and I don't really see the point over, say, Annihilators or Praetors as far as three-man units go.
>But we're talking aesthetics, and they're very much based on Classical->Christian aesthetics.
Again, their aesthetics are mostly Norse mythology inspired. Their hairstyles, their names, their being just worthy warriors returned from death, their culture, their polytheism. The only thing remotely Christian in aesthetics is perhaps the heavy armor. Angels are created, SCE are just warriors imbued with power.
>No it's not, their bodies can be totally destroyed, they turn to lighting and new bodies are made for them.
Which is not the same as crafting a new body. Its recreating what their enhanced body. Space Marines do way more crafting with their bodies than SCE do. Being reborn is not literally making something new.
>It does actually if they're using their powers beyond what their enhanced biology allows.
Primarchs were created using space magic. If they can ignore Blank abilities until they use literal space magic, then you have proven my point. Space Marines also ignore Blank abilities until they use space magic.
>AoS fluff is so souless.

Could write a fucking essay on this, but the short version is that much like 40k books, if you've read one AOS novel, you've basically read them all. The reason is because very very very very little can actually alter the central premise or ever resolve anything in a final manner for the same reason that Batman is never permitted to resolve his parents' deaths, or the Punisher is ever satisfied with whatever measure of revenge he gets.

If these characters ever actually developed in truly meaningful ways, they'd stop being who they are. They could go on and attempt to continue to be WHAT they are, but since those two things are so heavily interconnected, they'll never change because lmao we gotta sell comics.

Put "tiny plastic army men" in place of comics, and you'll understand why the fluff is written the way it is. Whether "Order gets its shit punched in" or "Chaos is winning" or whatever - doesn't matter. Obviously the setting is one of (essentially) eternal conflict that no one can ever truly win unless they actually blow the thing up like End Times and everyone knows how well that was received given how ham-fisted so many of the write-offs were for many characters unceremoniously disposed of.

On VERY RARE OCCASION you'll get a writer to sneak an actually amazing story between the paper-mill pulp stuff that comes out of BL. That is to say, stories that could easily stand alone outside of it all as good books. A good example is Nemesis from the HH books - and it's also why Nemesis was one of the very small number of HH books to get multiple physical reprints. Dunno if I could say I've read an AoS novel yet that would meet that criteria.
They're efficient if you put the ward on them with the subfaction. They hit harder than praetors who are harder to keep the bodyguard effect active on. With the fight twice they wipe things out and they won't lose models before activating again with finest hour for 2+ 5+, but vigilor is expensive and its all he does so that's optional. They're more durable than annihilators and cheaper. It sort of works out like this, you play warrior chamber as the kind of default list and you use questors and vanqs and annis with palladors and longstrikes. You play bleak citadel to get the ward so you can play prosecutors instead as your fast unit because they're cheaper than palladors and then you put reclusians in as a back up target and they become good.
Batman changes and then someone else comes along and retcons him back. Its not a fundamental problem to his genre, they're just conservative with him and spider-man because they're the best sellers. X-men changes all the time.
>Oh? Let's see now...
That's some examples of some being handsome (though one's an Asian guy so...)
They are not generally pretty.
>Again, their aesthetics are mostly Norse mythology inspired.
Simply incorrect.
>The only thing remotely Christian in aesthetics is perhaps the heavy armor.
The armour that makes up almost their entire aesthetic? Their defining trait that appears on almost all their units?
>Which is not the same as crafting a new body.
It is though, their bodies are created from scratch, not grown from a child's body into something else.
>Primarchs were created using space magic.
Yes, but not everything about them is magical.
>Space Marines also ignore Blank abilities until they use space magic.
Unless they're psykers they don't have any space magic to use.
Synergies, mostly. Ruination is mostly about the buffs you can put on them.
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dont remember who asked
Who asked?
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Damn, check the thorax on that bitch. Mad wobble in that bobble if you feel me
>much like 40k books, if you've read one AOS novel, you've basically read them all.
This is absolutely not true. Sounds like someone coping with skill issue. Khârn: Eater of Worlds, Lords of Silence and Lord of Excess are totally different and great on their own despite being focused on spiky Marines doing shit in a universe stuck in the constant status quo for decades.
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It's actually pretty nice to build, the legs all have tabs that fit in to the body pretty firmly. There's also a little bit of poseability in the last digit of the front two legs so if you have multiple you have some options for posing
Dios mio, mucho texto autismo
Ok, for real anon, why the fuck do people like you play this game, paint the models, browse this thread etc if you hate the game so much you're willing to write a fucking wall of text about it?
Are you a fucking idiot who refuses to stop playing something he so clearly hates, a No Games Seconday pretending to know what he's talking about, or a troll?
Fellow bro. Just claimed victory with Fyreslayers in my first game of 4.0. I rolled super well to be honest as my Auric Hearthguard always rolled 3 for their D3 ranged damage and warriors kinband came up big quite often
>Batman is never permitted to resolve his parents' deaths, or the Punisher is ever satisfied with whatever measure of revenge he gets.
Stopped reading when you started talking about capeshit
>my autistic nerdshit is superior to your autistic nerdshit
touch grass
>Ok, for real anon, why the fuck do people like you play this game, paint the models, browse this thread etc if you hate the game so much you're willing to write a fucking wall of text about it?
Retardation, mainly.
My autistic nerd shit at least gives me a reason to leave my house while capeshit just encourages to stay in your basement and post on reddit
Lorelet? Nagash is back to Realmgate Wars pseudo-death, Morathi is a god and two separate entities, Grungni is getting directly involved with his people, etc
Lorefags seething at this post despite being objectively correct
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What are you guys working on this weekend?
u painted them the wrong color
looking to get back into the game after not having played since 2nd, but i'm torn on what to play between Nurgle and StD. bought the big box, gave away the Skaven, sold the SCE, so now i have enough to buy a spearhead. i already have some Nurgle (the old demons SC!), but i also wouldn't mind something new, and chaos warriors look really good, so i guess it comes down to fun and performance. how are both looking in 4th? will primarily be fighting Skaven.
Good to know; thanks. I was hoping that it would be more like the Venomcrawler (which also has the leg-fitting pegs) and less like the Soul Grinder (which just has free ball sockets), so I'll probably get one now.
Anyone got a Dawnbringer Crone pdf? Aswell as the recent FEC tome
>Lorefags seething at this post despite being objectively correct
It isn't, but keep samefagging. People totally believe you.
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Wanna play lizardmen. But the Old World didn't exist until recently, so I had to deal with retarded 'ur order demons lmao' lore until they finally started to fix it. Most of the rest of the lore is still garbage.
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Nice cope.
If he isn't wrong prove him wrong, retard
Well then fuck off back to ToW where your shitty opinion is shared with other retards and stop polluting the thread :)
The lore does move forward and is constantly changing. Characters do grow and develop (just look at Vandus. First ever character made for AoS went in a direction few expected). Events do matter. The novels are not all the same if you actually read them.
That was easy!
But this one has better rules. Note how nowhere in that post does it say that the game itself is bad. Just that the novels and lore are total dogshit.
anon posted models and a game
I'll paint them whatever color I damn well please
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why is it always green and purple?
I must be autistic because I literally can't play games I hate the setting/lore for. It just doesn't work for me. I think WFB is fucking dogshit in terms of lore so I can't play it, same as things like BattleTech.
Whatever. Enjoy your scalies.
Because purple is objectively without a doubt 100% the best color. And green is ok
You list minor changes like a side character getting more depth as the 'setting moving forward'
can't tell if bait or retarded
>Just that the novels and lore are total dogshit.

They're not dogshit, they just never really develop anything. They are still entertaining just like watching Godzilla fight King Kong is entertaining. But there's no beginning-middle-end or real development by the conclusion because they're always written in a cyclical manner. How could there be when the literal product the lore is selling is ETERNAL WAR? Even if your favorite character dies, the war goes on cause lol fuck dude we gotta sell models.

It's always (literally, since the very beginning of 40k and WFB) kept the setting held back, but then when you go buy a BL novel, you basically understand what you're getting into. You're not going to get some deep literary experience. You're going to get walked through some pulp a dude churned out under contract with a list of bullet points that say shit like, "And then make sure Thostos goes back to normal by the halfway mark" or "Tarsus and Mannfred knew each other at X time," or shit like that. You think those authors know it all? As in everything about the setting and characters and little particulars of warrior chambers and shit? Hahahah FUCK no. Some might know more than others, but they all have an Art Director or Creative Director feeding them outlines they work off of and BL editors working their drafts.

So no, they're not dogshit - they're just 98% the same. They're pulp. They're meant to be read and tossed. They all have the same editors who edit under the same premise (ETERNAL WAR) and so shit does not progress in any meaningful way. It fucking can't. Not because of anything within the story, but because the central premise to fleece dollars by sell fucking tiny plastic army men to seething grognards on a Vietnamese Etch-a-Sketch Forum is to keep the setting going for as long as possible.
What about that time morathi took over a city? Or when the nighthaunt raided the ruins under lethis and unearthed a whole ass playable army
Morathi turned into a god and invaded Aqshian free cities to celebrate, but doing so loosened Slaanesh's bindings and he's going to eventually break free now because of her selfishness. Nagash completed a ritual to empower himself to unheard of levels and then got his ass torn open by the high elves for it. The Skaven literally just conquered a quarter of Aqshy in a lightning-fast invasion after a Verminking appeared to unite the squabbling clans of Blight City. The fuck you mean the setting isn't moving forward?
Don't forget that time 5 minutes ago when the horned rat ascended and it became the big 5 now with the skavendoom emerging and nuking half a realm in the process
bit it already happened in the end times
and then it was said it happened in aos1
and now it's said it happened only now
AoS has a bad problem with reversing developments
>Oh no Rite of Life has caused a Ghur quake creating incarnates, turning people into beastmen and...
Averted and cancelled/squatted.
>Oh no Nagash has unleashed the Necroquake and empowered himself while the newly opened Sacrosanct Chamber is sent to combat this and find a cure for reforging flaws
Averted, squatted Sacrosanct and cancelled their relevant in the fluff. Now we have no lightning gheists and reclusians instead. Nagash is dead again like the setting opened with.
>Oh no the Skaven have spread ruin throughout the realms
It's all so tiresome, this is going nowhere
You literally prove me right in your own reply, things happen like Nagash getting power and then he inevitibly loses said power before he is able to make any meaningful change on the setting. Every bit of lore has a build up and then a conclusion which results in nothing meaningful changing about the setting. Morathi warmongers, conquers Har Kuron and then Sigmar conveniently forgives her leading to zero consequences on the setting. Nagash gains a bunch of power, warmongers and then loses his power with basically no consequences on the setting. The vermintide invades, burns down a couple of literal who settlements and then gets beaten at the end of 4th edition by a newly added army/ model update, with, once again absoultely nothing changing in the grand scheme of the setting. The setting changes as much as World of Warcraft does, new villains are added and then are defeated at the end of the edition with nothing meaningful altering the setting.
What the fuck do you want? Someone to win and the game to be cancelled? You want more squattings like BoC and Bonesplitterz? The only things they can feasibly do are add new units, subfactions, and armies to the game as a consequence of lore developments. Anything else is going to be actively damaging to the game.
To at least pretend it's not irrelevant edition promoting fluff with no real bearing on the setting? GW just fucking suck at world building like retconning Storm of Chaos, Tamurkhan and only progressing anything with the end of the setting
You didn't answer me.
By your logic, there is no such thing as a setting in fiction that doesn't have irrelevant world building.
I was just agreeing with the poster who said the setting isn't allowed to change. It's you guys who are soiling your pants with the "no bro! the setting TOTALLY changes in meaningful ways! Look Vandus got a new paragraph of lore in the 4th edition book!"
You didn't answer me.
Nagash didn't lose power. He just got defeated temporarily. He'll be back shortly to continue his rampage. Morathi hasn't been forgiven, she made a deal with Sigmar to stop the rampage of Kragnos in exchange for being allowed to keep Har Kuron. Kragnos wasn't defeated, Morathi and the frog just warped him somewhere he couldn't cause more damage... for now. The vermintide has now actually, literally reshaped the main continent of Aqshy, erased a huge chunk of the Realm map and replaced it with a gash in reality itself.
>The setting changes as much as World of Warcraft does, new villains are added and then are defeated at the end of the edition with nothing meaningful altering the setting.
Nothing has been undone. The undead are still rising on their own due to Nagash's ritual, it's just at a decreased rate now thanks to the Rite of Life counterbalancing it. But the Rite of Life caused other cracks in reality to form, which unleashed Kragnos, who has not been defeated and is still rampaging through Ghur unopposed. Slaanesh is about to be released back into the Realms due to Morathi's selfishness, which only adds further to the shit sandwich engulfing the Realms at this point. Everything is getting increasingly dire and desperate, no threats have been stopped beyond temporarily and at great cost. You can say it doesn't count if you want to play mental gymnastics to avoid confronting the fact you're objectively wrong.
What is a "meaningful change" to the setting?
you got a lot of stuff wrong
>post facts straight from rulebooks
>nah you're wrong
kay, shitposter
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Shut the fuck up and talk about this

>Nagash wasn't defeated he was just removed from the lore until they need to asspull him for a new edition
>Kragnos wasn't defeated he was just removed from the lore until they need to asspull him for a new army
>Morathi wasn't forgiven, she was just forgiven until they need to asspull her for a antagonist
The undead are still rising on their own, it just isn't brought up at all anymore and has no impact on the setting after 2nd Ed
Just talking about Nagash and the necroquake, I think the introduction of endless spells and Katakros being set free are pretty meaningful changes to the setting, even if you want to ignore all of the smaller lore only things that happened in the soul wars. Ushoran being recruited happened because of Nagashs big power boost as well I think, but I'm not 100% sure on that.
Terrain is kinda shit and utterly worthless for Warcry, but the warbands are broadly alright.
I wish they'd lean a bit more into the horror aspect with the Sylvaneth (e.g. beehive in the abdomen), but it's still an interesting take.
the intro sets this edition seem kinda weak imo
>removed from the lore
>removed from the lore
Wrong on all counts, and better yet, you've shifted goalposts yet again. You said they're gone like it's WoW, but they're not, no threats to Order have been defeated or undone. At best they've been delayed. Now you're doing exactly as I said you would, playing mental gymnastics to avoid admitting you don't even know the lore of AoS enough to shittalk it properly. KWAB.
umm squatting factions and removing them from fluff doesn't make their lore irrelevant!
shills getting paid their 50p per post today
So, what we have is Lore that loosely changes based on some narrative points. Some are there to justify new releases, some are there to justify why stuff is gone and others are just there to keep the lore in movement.

Of course the Lore is there to justify the game and give more depth to your little plastic game figures, and books and other stuff is basically just a byproduct so you can enjoy your hobby in a different way as well if you're in to it.

But this premise doesn't mean shit doesn't change. The whole SCE lore is growing and adulting with each edition, from faultless Paladins of Sigmar we went straight to them having no cure for loosing their shit due to reforging. The overall Lore might not have changed, but the perspective for us as readers/players did. Same with Morathi. People early asked if there is any reason for armies within a Grand Alliance to infight and the Morathi Ark is basically a good example for what happens inside order. Prior to this we only had some textboxes about how Morathi is not to be trusted. Now we have a prime example in the lore how she used other Aelves to piss in Sigmars yard and make him accept it because of how bad his situation is.

Meanwhile I have to say that Lore of 3rd was a fucking letdown and I wish they didn't fuck up the Kragnos/Destruction Focus of the edition by simply not doing anything with it.
does this mean I won't be able to buy the sylvaneth warband alone for now?
>he's stuck as a cripple in Shyish
>He's fighting a literal endless wave of Saurus
>She literally was forgiven
they're as far removed from the lore as they can possibly be until they get reintroduced for a new edition.
You're such a blind fanboy you will unironically argue over the setting having meaningful changes despite being objectively wrong, I can smell you through my screen. Take a fucking shower
fucks sake I wish I had friends I could split the box with
Since the firegheists and riverblades are available to buy separately now, does that mean we over at 40k can look forward to the night lord killteam to be available soon too? Since both boxes came out around the same time
Just as with the NH/LRL warbands that are just now going up for pre-order, you won't get the standalone sylvaneth warband until the next Warcry set is out.
why do they do this? it makes no fucking sense to me
Hey, so I’m new to the setting, and wow are these models beautiful. I’ve heard AoS is more casual and I want to pick up an army. I’d like to know what play styles each one has (ranged vs. melee, aggressive vs. attrition, elites vs hordes, etc.) and I looked everywhere but everyone seems to not really know how to distill each faction. I looked on YouTube, Reddit, everything. Anyone know a resource where I can find out which faction is good for me?
I'd get Briar & Bone but not Pyre & Flood. Not because they're bad, but I just hate Nighthaunt. Not a big fan of OBR or Sylvaneth either, but those models just look cooler than "High Elves 2.0" and "Everything is a floating bedsheet."

Meta-wise, I like seeing smaller Warcry armies but the game (generally) seems to favor warbands that pack a little more chaff than not.

As for terrain - if you've bought even one of the Warcry big boxes (for Ghur), you've already got a good batch of terrain that goes together theme-wise. If you've bought 2 or more? Lol dude, you have a fucking shelf full of terrain: more than you could ever reasonably use without clogging the board. Enjoy transporting it anywhere besides your living room.

Also they're some of the most unreasonably annoying pieces of terrain to assemble, ever. They look good, but holy shit if I didn't know some of the tricks I know (ie: some sections want you to multi-join 3 or more pieces simultaneously that are structurally reliant on one another), it would be nearly impossible to assemble. Pieces at the bottom don't fit flush, so go figure it creates a growing fault on joints higher up on the tree. In before some sweaty fuck who claims every single piece fits perfectly who never so much as touched the kit despite every single person who's ever assembled the Ghur box stating the trees are horseshit.
The tree is so retarded looking. And the terrain piece is pretty bad too.
On the offchance this isn't a subtle heywoah shill because his video is the only thing I can think of that actually does a full faction rundown: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJLMRNg_NpY

Note this out of date for 4th edition in terms of playstyles etc.
>he's stuck as a cripple in Shyish
And still sending his undead hosts out to conquer more lands in his name, and they're still winning. As soon as he's done regenerating, which won't take long thanks to the Necroquake empowering him so much, he'll be right back out there leading his armies personally.
>He's fighting a literal endless wave of Saurus
You are aware that he was warped into the distant reaches of Ghur, right? Apparently not.
>She literally was forgiven
No, lol. Literally in the same passage where it mentions Sigmar signing a truce with Morathi it adds he has not forgiven her at all, merely delayed his revenge because she's still fighting Chaos and Destruction. And the Stormcasts that once guarded the city are already raising a liberation army to retake it. You don't even read the rulebooks. Begone, shitposter.
/tg/ schizos are your best source
What type of army playstyle are you looking for
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>shills getting paid their 50p per post today
can I get paid to shill? sounds comfy
>I’d like to know what play styles each one has (ranged vs. melee, aggressive vs. attrition, elites vs hordes, etc.) and I looked everywhere but everyone seems to not really know how to distill each faction. I looked on YouTube, Reddit, everything. Anyone know a resource where I can find out which faction is good for me?


Only thing I'd mention on top of this article is that AOS is (generally) a melee-focused game. You can build shooty lists or ones with way more magic than others, but generally the game is melee heavy.
I just got a 50-30 on Ogors for the 4th game of my GT (3-1 currently)
yeah its a WIP. flames on the edges arn’t painted either
I was more >>93395608
looking for an accurate play style breakdown because I’ve already seen a couple lore primers, but thanks at least.
Nobody really knows yet because 4th is just launching. What do you like the idea of?
Well, I honestly don’t know. In RTS games really attracted to rounded armies, but I lean more towards ranged weapons and fast cavalry while I have some cheap units holding the middle. How good is magic in AoS? Is it worth picking an army with wizards (like Lumineth?)
An army with ok line holders, decent ranged options, some good cavalry and flanking options, and maybe some magic, since the lores sound cool.
If morathi made a deal to stop kragnos then she wouldn't have been prosecuted in a court AFTER the siege of excelsis, but she was, because there was no deal.
Kragnos is not rampaging through ghur but sealed once again by draconith, lizards and alarielle, you want to keep up on that.
The necroquake is factually halted and teclis sealed part of nagash in the form of a constellation over hysh.
The vermindoom conveniently doomed the non-worldbuilt third of the parch.
Slaanesh is not getting out anytime soon.
>Mobile, Vengeful, Ambushers
They have some of the worst teleports now, and can't ambush shit
>I want to be able to do everything
Stormcast or Lumineth
Magic is good entirely upon how good the faction is at magic
Lumineth are well rounded, with a focus on ranged and fast cavalry with wardens holding the middle. They have really strong magic i've found, and can be based around magic entirely if you take Teclis
Lumineth sound like a solid pick for you. Excellent magic, solid ranged, vanari dawnriders look like super aggressive cavalry (at least into infantry) and they have decently tanky infantry between alarith and other units with shining company activated.

Stormcast would be another solid alternative.
Based Slayerbro. Are you finding out that you're using the same rune oh the same battle rounds during your games so far? And any stand out models for you?
>That's some examples of some being handsome (though one's an Asian guy so...) They are not generally pretty.
They are called perfect beings, and I gave multiple examples of Custodes being called the most handsome people ever. And instead you double down. Yeah, your copium has reached new heights.
>If morathi made a deal to stop kragnos then she wouldn't have been prosecuted in a court AFTER the siege of excelsis, but she was, because there was no deal.
How is someone so confidently wrong about something you could learn from just reading a rulebook? Sigmar sent his right hand man down to stop the battle at the city and negotiate a truce. The terms of the truce were "go stop Kragnos or I'll fucking kill you right now." The truce didn't say Morathi wouldn't be prosecuted for her crimes against the Order alliance. Good job undercutting your own point, shitposter, by claiming she was forgiven when she wasn't, though.
>Kragnos is not rampaging through ghur but sealed once again by draconith, lizards and alarielle, you want to keep up on that.
As of 3rd edition tomes he's still free to rampage, so unless this is 4th edition lore you're just making shit up again.
>The necroquake is factually halted and teclis sealed part of nagash in the form of a constellation over hysh.
The quake was put on pause, but the effects of it aren't. Undead are still rising due to the wild magic released throughout the Realms, Nagash is still empowered, Endless Spells are now a common fact of life in the Realms, magic in general is way stronger and more unstable than before. Nagash is still growing stronger every day and planning his revenge, his undead hosts are still ravaging the Realms, he's not been stopped at all, shitposter.
>The vermindoom conveniently doomed the non-worldbuilt third of the parch.
Lol, so you just flat out admit you don't read the rulebooks now. Great. I can now dismiss you as the seething retard you are now that you've shown your hand.
stormfiends should do impact mortals, dude has little looney tunes spinny acme buzzblades and saws and shit sticking out all over him.
>The armour that makes up almost their entire aesthetic? Their defining trait that appears on almost all their units?
Armor is not their most defining traits, its just one of the more obvious ones. The fact that they are reborn in the storm and are reforged brave warriors are massively more important. Also, there is very little Christian aesthetics in their armor to begin with. I was trying to throw you a bone there.
>Yes, but not everything about them is magical.
They're literally born from magic. And yes, everything about them is magical. They are 9 foot demigods with fantastical capabilities. They are even more magical than the SCE.
>Unless they're psykers they don't have any space magic to use
You only proved my point. Just because something is enhanced or created from magic doesn't make them divine, let alone having to echo concepts of angels. Thanks for playing.
>The Horned Rat became the fifth Chaos God because... uh, he just did okay?!
I can't mark chaos warriors with ghr so it's completely meaningless
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Is there any artwork/visual descriptions of Evercrawl?
>the underworld where Skitterstrand Arachnaroks come from
I'm trying to figure out what to make the howdah look like for mine but I can't seem to find much besides the fact that it exists but maybe there's something in soulbound or some random book that I'm missing
It really is annoying they didn't give us a rat mark.
first two are almost always first Strike or 5+ ward, I try and hold off on 5+ until I have 3 banked on Runemaster so I can get saves as well. the other 3 are pretty malleable
I posted my list last thread but I’m running 3 MSU of Poleaxes since they melt enemies with crit mortals, Runemaster is pretty much an autotake since he’s preist(2) and Runesmiter deepstriking 20 shield Vulks is working out well for me so far, since I can cast prayer of ash right onto them
Thanks for the concession.
It only annoys me because they made a big deal about him "being a part of the great game" when they didn't need to do that at all. Like ok, he's part of the great game now. Wtf does that even mean? He's still just all skaven followers, he didn't get a bunch of daemons or anything, what does it actually MEAN?
>How is someone so confidently wrong about something you could learn from just reading a rulebook?
You tell me, you still think kragnos is free and that there was any sort of interaction between prime and morathi before the end of the siege of excelsis, or that anons didn't accurately predict what third of the parch the vermindoom would hit simply by knowing how fuckall was in that side days before the map's reveal.

I'm not the anon you were talking with a few posts prior, by the way, I'm just telling you you got your shit wrong.
new people shouldn't get into stormcast, too many of their staple units have ambiguous futures atm. Until they add new alternatives I'm not telling anyone to buy palladors or dracoths or longstrikes.
It means he did the equivalent of kicking the door down to the place the other major gods play at, sat down unannounced at their table and started eating their snacks without asking and they're just too stunned and confused at the audacity to know what to do with him despite knowing that if they don't chase him off now he's never going to leave.
That doesn't actually mean anything at all though. He's always been a chaos god doing his own thing, the only thing that's changed is that archaon said he was aight
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I'm gonna make my KB skulbugz themed and no matter how badly you torture my cock and balls with needles I won't change my mind
Okay, what should I pick then? I’ve been looking at Idoneth Deepkin, Daughters of Khaine, and disciples of Tzeentch. They all have really cool models but people seem to say that new players should pick up stormcast or lumineth.
So confidently wrong, as usual.
>You tell me, you still think kragnos is free
Because he is? That's what the rulebooks for 3rd state. After he got booted out of Excelsis by Morathi and Kroak he's left to his own devices roaming and rampaging through Ghur.
>any sort of interaction between prime and morathi before the end of the siege of excelsis
What are you talking about dumbfuck? Why do you think Morathi showed up to save the day at Excelsis? The Prime put her up to it in exchange for keeping Haron Kur for the time being. Read the goddamn rulebooks and stop with this retarded headcanon. Christ, you somehow thought Morathi was forgiven and now you've exposed yourself so hard as a shitposter.
Do you want to win or do you want to have fun?
If you want to win, take the lumineth, if you want to have fun just grab whatever army looks the coolest
IDK, DoK, DoT all are solid so if you like them just pick one of those. Stormcast are usually recommended since they generally speaking can fill every role with something from their army and they're typically easy to find for cheap
>what does it actually MEAN?
Technically it would mean participating in the wars for 'territory' in the realm of chaos, which is as much a war of land with armies of demons as it is a war over the control of metaphysical concepts and the souls of mortals, both the dead and the still living across the multiverse.

except we don't know if blight city erupted in the realm of chaos as well as the mortal realms, or if the rat has started making demons that aren't greater demons, and talks about winning over the minds and souls of mortals is still very minimal, not to talk about going multiversal.
DoK are the opposite of a well-rounded army. They're fragile but fast and lethal, and most importantly heavily melee-oriented. That doesn't make them bad, though, just not what you said you wanted from an army. Idoneth are a bit more rounded than DoK. Disciples of Tzeentch have more of a magic/ranged focus than either of them.
nta but skaven sounds like a good pick for you, and they're the antagonist faction so you should be able to get an army much cheaper than normal
shooting. magic. flexibility. cheap bodies. cavalry in the form of rat ogres or doomwheels and warp flayers. more elite melee options. They are able to do basically everything you could want
The closest thing we got is this artwork but it most likely what any spiderfang lair look like

the only thing we know is
>The Evercrawl is where the spirits of all slain arachnids can be found, scuttling and crawling through websilk, forests, and rotting ruins
>The Skitterstrand Arachnaroks, the brood of the Spider God, watch over the afterlife and defend it from outside forces, such as Nagash and his many forces. Though they care not about the goings on of the wider Realm, they will defend their lair at all cost and lash out at any magic wielders that cross their paths
>Spiders and grots scuttle through the web tunnels the Nests as they tend to eggs within brood chamners, brew poisons to use on hated foes, and pay homage to their deity, the Spider God

it also right next to Chitinia the underworld of insects and lair of the skulbugz kruleboyz
I think about 5 factions are S tier from the ones I've analyzed so far, not just loomies. Being good doesn't mean you can't have fun with them. They actually are the all the do everything all-rounders Stormcast is supposed to be.
everything in skaven outside of the new box is sold out.
Because they're getting a full range refresh
by the time you're done with the box the new models will be out
If they so much as even hint at GHR showing up in 40k I'm fully done with this company
pyregheist look cool as shit, their warscroll sucks though.
Nagash is never truly dead. Only lost his physical form.
shush, don't feed the shitposter
I guess this means no new dreads for sylvaneth for a while. F for the treebros
How is it any different to any other warhammer plot? None of this shit means anything these storylines exist soley to sell models
Not everything is being replaced, stormfiends, lightning cannon, doomwheel, hellpit, gnawholes, thanquol you can't get atm. There's still some verminlord kits left though.
Always loved this art even if it's fairly simple
Remember Warmachine? Remember when it advanced the setting and killed off half the factions? Then it became a dead game?
I'm fine with them having "stakes" narratively but it shouldn't affect the game. Go ahead and kill off a bunch of characters but just leave their warscroll in the game, a ton of the fantasy characters weren't alive in their story for the game they just let you use them anyway which is how it should be
the game died AND THEN they killed off half the factions in a last ditch effort to reinvent it after 3rd edition

warmachine was a narrative focused game that had been advancing its story since day 1, thats why you had shit like hailey 1, hailey 2, and hailey 3 even as early as 2nd edition.
why would any mortal follow or even accept a blessing of the GHR when you have better options for being stinky or scheming with less drawbacks
He doesn't really have a physical form, go read the early lit like Nagash the Undying King or The Realmgate Wars books that are relevant. That's how Nagash is again presumably, broken and withered unlike his Soul Wars era omnipresence.
Thanks, I'm making a shaman from there and I have the color scheme picked out but I wasn't sure if there was any specific descriptions of the ruins since I was gonna make the howdah from scratch and wasn't sure if I was gonna go with bones/web or a more brick/stone ruins thing
GHR is for followers who want to actually accomplish something with their lives at any cost and think they're smart enough to outwit everyone else, Nurgle is for doomers who have already given up and just want everyone else to suffer like they do
>why would any mortal follow or even accept a blessing of the Pantheon when you have better options for being a chaos follower or scheming with less drawbacks
All mortal gods have physical avatars, only Chaos Gods are exceptions to this rule because they're not people elevated to godhood, they're primordial concepts beyond reality itself. Nagash isn't an exception, he just has the innate ability to rebuild his body if it gets destroyed because he's undead and his ghost persists even if his bones are shattered.
So as others mentioned, IDK and DoK are more limitited due to a smaller range. That means: Less models to build your army from, less diversity in list building, more likely to have a bit of monotone feel on the long run. This doesn't mean that they are bad or unfun or the bad army for you. This just means a smaller pool of units and therfore less access to different mechanics. A faction with a bigger pool might easier access mechanics while a smaller pool might lack units for certain roles.

Disciple of Tzeentch have basically 2 "pools" merged: Mortals and Deamons. This is basically true for all 4 God-dependant Chaos Factions. You can imagine them as 2 armies in one with some synergies and some buffs limited only to one part of the army.

>Armies with a huge pool:
Seraphon, S2D, Ogors, SCE, Orruk Warclans (although might get split with tome), LRL, GSG, Skaven, Soulblight, Cities (might shrink to small when Aelves and Dwarves are removed as people are afraid of)
>Mid sized Pool:
All 4 God-Specific Chaos, Kharadrons, Flesh Eater and OBR, Sylvaneth (Althou one might argue that their pool has become quite huge recently as well)
IDK, DoK, Fyreslayers, NH (arguably might be a contender to mid), SoB
I could see someone failing one of the other gods/archaon and taking a ghr mark of ruin that basically just guarantees the destruction of their soul instead of being tortured for eternity
speaking of gods, i wonder when grungni is going to start taking a more active role in the duardin armies. he's supposedly just been chillin with sigmar up in azyr forging him armor and overseeing the sixsmiths, but if the chaos dwarfs start to muster and march on the realms maybe he finally steps up
Wrong? Nagash has avatars, Teclis has avatars. Stop posting like you know anything lorelet lmao why are you even arguing
I'd ask if you were retarded but the fact is you clearly just don't read the rulebooks.
>just been chillin with sigmar up in azyr forging him armor
Not even that, he's been in his own forge making a dildo for himself for a while now. He randomly showed up to vouch for Morathi(for some fucking reason) but that's about it. Most dwarfs think he's a useless pussy because he is
didnt he forge all the mk3 stormcast armor?
Teclis has one of his avatars killed and mentions how he splits himself and that the other gods can probably do the same.
>Soul Wars, Undying King, any book with Nagash
He's not an entity with a body but projected avatars.
You have no clue, stop posting
because Order needs Morathi and they know it. She's now single-handedly blocking the Skaven's attempts to invade the rest of Aqshy by sea thanks to Har Kuron being the perfect fortress for it
horny rat is for furries from mortal realms
You seem very confused, which is unsurprising given your aggressive wrongness.
>Teclis has one of his avatars killed and mentions how he splits himself and that the other gods can probably do the same.
Yes, the same as Sigmar splitting parts of his essence to create the Stormcast. Or Morathi using hers to create the Scathborn, or the fact there are two Morathis now. They all have something in common: living bodies that can be killed.
>He's not an entity with a body but projected avatars.
You should really read those rulebooks. He is indeed an entity with a body, which is why if he loses his body he's crippled. Due to tying his essence to the Realm of the Dead, he persists as a ghost rooted to his domain if his body is destroyed, and he has to wait for his body to be rebuilt before he can make moves again. You will note that this is a property of his nature as undead, rather than a godly power.
>Not even that, he's been in his own forge making a dildo for himself for a while now. He randomly showed up to vouch for Morathi(for some fucking reason) but that's about it. Most dwarfs think he's a useless pussy because he is
Just say "I don't know the lore" and move on, retard. He made Thunderstrike armour, and before that he was roaming the Realms judging the Duardin and trying to unify them, before that he was helping craft the Stormcast, in fact he was central to their creation.
He spoke up for Morathi because he knew Order needed every "ally" it could get, and while Morathi is hardly an ideal ally, she's better than nothing.
Wrong and you don't have any sources. Does Nagash have a body in Soul Wars at the height of his power? No, he doesn't.
Your headcanon doesn't count for shit
Grungni wasn't just sitting in Azyr twiddling his thumbs waiting for thunderstrike armor he was in his own forge/pocket "realm" and when sigmar needed his help he made thunderstrike armor. Grungni's entire plot is him thumbing his ass while everyone around him actively dislikes him or comes to him in an hour of need for him to design something, and once it's designed the six smiths actually make it
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I don't know how we got so deep into this thread with only shitposting and arguing but
Lots of No Lord reading retards spewing shit today.

>Wrong and you don't have any sources
NTA but he's right. Nagash PROJECTS his being via magic, he still has a body. He is constantly shown, in lore, novels and rulebooks that his body is upon a throne and he projects himself to where he needs to be. This body is broken by Teclis, trapping his soul in Shyish.

>Does Nagash have a body in Soul Wars at the height of his power?
Yes. See above.

>Grungni wasn't just sitting in Azyr twiddling his thumbs waiting for thunderstrike armor he was in his own forge/pocket "realm" and when sigmar needed his help he made thunderstrike armor. Grungni's entire plot is him thumbing his ass while everyone around him actively dislikes him or comes to him in an hour of need for him to design something, and once it's designed the six smiths actually make it

Learn to read, spaz.
"He made Thunderstrike armour, and before that he was roaming the Realms judging the Duardin and trying to unify them, before that he was helping craft the Stormcast, in fact he was central to their creation."
He spent most of his time trying to aid the Duardin, while staying separate from them at the same time so they could develop on their own.
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Frens, I fucked up and assembled and primed my Clawlord with his chest missing. Didn't notice it until I was priming him this afternoon. Am I fucked? Is there any way to salvage? The piece is supposed to go inbetween his 2 sides, so I don't think I can just cram it in.
>Does Nagash have a body
Page 995, The Realmgate Wars Volume 2, The Prisoner of the Black Sun.

"I am blind. Souls flee my realm and my body withers on its basalt throne."

Fucking retard.
Why does it have a shell on it
I need to finish painting the rest of my poleaxes and also my runesmiter then after reading this. I've just loaded my army with berserkers (both shield and dual axes) and they've done the business for me. I'm spoilt myself by starting with warrior kinband because I don't know if I'll switch off it now
World’s most intelligent skaven player
you're fucked, time to buy another box
and people think starter boxes shouldn't be snap fit.
I've got a Maggoth Lord who needs assembled and painted that I've been putting off for over a week now. I fear, anon, I fear.
I've been wanting to have this model in my army for over a year, but now that I've got him I fear fucking him up.
Because he's shy. I dunno anon I wanted something weird and different for my scuttleboss and was originally going to make a unit of spider riders in shells but had a big one left over from hermit crabs when I was little and the scuttleboss tucked right up inside and I liked it
Could probably fill the gap with greenstuff and reprime, bit aside from that you're pretty much SOL
Spider riders are frustrating. I don't hate them by any means, but unless GW went a fully retarded direction and made them squig-spiders or something I can't see how an update wouldn't improve them. So I'd like to buy a bunch, but if an update comes out I'll be kicking myself, but if I don't get them and they end up being squatted I'll be pissed that I didn't get them when they were relatively cheap
Man they really must have been selling fast. Glad GW quickly plugged the gap with new boxes.
Get a lot of green stuff and some sculpting tools. No time like the present to figure out how to fabricate pieces.

The prime won't matter as much if you apply enough thin coats or (more convenient and realistic) you re-spray a black or dark zenithal shadow (ie: you spray from the bottom to create shadows against the relief of the model) and it might come out alright.

Generally zenithal style highlights work by priming black or dark first, then doing your white or light prime as a highlight - usually various white / black values with an airbrush. You could do this with a rattlecan if you were careful. Then go back with contrast paints.
I hate... every single model in this box. Impressive...
Probably because hermit crab Spiderfang is a really cool concept for a beach-dwelling Gloomspite army. Could even throw in some Dankholds since they already have barnacles, just gotta swap the mushrooms for coral.
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bottoms of models don't matter according to /aosg/
I have Tamiya putty would that work?
Never used it.
It's on grass
cut out the bottom hair and slot it in then use green stuff over where the hair was
>more schizo warcry warbands
Thrilling, is that game dead yet? Can they finally kill that abomination of a game
>Still posting this years later, probably posted a hundred times by now

Literal mental illness.
>this nigga don't know about beachgrass
Case in point
Its sea weed
Let it go bro, ffs it was YEARS ago. This model didn't kill you're fucking daughter, how empty is your life that you still bring up a fucking model not having a bottom? Like... for real, get help.
Spider riders just suffer from rank and flank restrictions. No spider looks like that, the arachnarok certainly doesn't
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>Let it go bro, ffs it was YEARS ago
My hate is ETERNAL. If I let it go it might as well not have mattered in the first place!
Whatever. Live your evidently completely empty life then.

I love these guys. Need to get some for me Gitz. I want Trugg as well.
Literally out of production and squatted
Spiderfang on suicide watch
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Honestly, Trugg looks decent in 4th. 360 points is... a lot however.
This doesn't solve the problems with that kit
Moldline police here, license and registration please.
The arachnarok still holds up fine it's just the riders that are shit. Hell even the scuttleboss doesn't look bad, I would love an update for him but he honestly does hold up for the time being
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That's what I said
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You're thinking way too hard about realism in a game about ghouls and goblins fighting magic goldmen and skeletons. Maybe there's very large land snails in this part of the jungles where they're from. Maybe the jungle is very close to the beach. Or maybe I put a spider in a shell cause it looks cool and that's it lmao. Pick whichever soothes your soul bro
Fucking hope they get squatted so the spider theme becomes available for something that isn't retarded.
He mentioned beach not me I never even said it was bad
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>You're thinking way too hard about realism
>beach gitz are on grass bases
>who cares bro fantasy bro
They aren't beach gitz though, the scuttlebosses spider just found a comfy shell to hide in and brought it with him.
>They aren't beach gitz though
Then why even butt in about it
Because you're still thinking too hard about something I already said was done for fun and for a ruleset about spooky ghouls, goblins and ghosts, and eel riding elves who zoom around on a magic invisible wave.
Wrong game but painting ogres before I start purring resin KB bases
One anon had somw pretty good paint scheme here. With painted cetipede IIRC
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Where's my kommando KB unit? I fucking hate gutrippas, boltboyz are cool but super monopose and that warcry warband is a travesty
This conversion is deceptively fiddly to pull off. Whoever did that must have patience on tap straight from the keg
Its over, KBro. Think about monstakillaz conversion like I do
Go outside sometimes retard, beaches have grass and other plants. Imagine some beaches have no sand... wild I know. You will learn this and much more if you go outside, but first take long shower.
In 40k
Silent Ones when?
They're not even spiders they're just humanoid bug people
Don't fear, even if you fuck up you will learn things and next gonna be better. Even if he wont be good enough for you it will be painted and thats 1000x better than grey or not finished. Nergul watches over you.
>projecting this hard over someone else's models
Lmao, you're right anon the fact that there is any grass at a beach automatically makes a fully grass base obviously beach themed, especially when the person who made it specified that it ISN'T a beach thing
>HaHa I just pretended to be retarded.
U got me.
I’d be fine with monsta killaz if the apes actually did anything or were a separate unit
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I don't even know what you guys are arguing about anymore lmao.
Trying to magnetize a zombie dragon or a terrorgoose on a base is probably a bad idea innit
He's angry about me pointing out that it's stupid to call a grass base a beach theme and his argument is that because there can be grass at a beach I'm retarded. Even though no one is going to see a grass base and assume beach, it's like me basing something on marble tiles and correcting people that he's actually on a volcano it's just outside
Which part would you be magnetizing? I've only put together one terrorgheist but I can't imagine how magnets would make anything easier. If you mean just the base itself it's not a terrible idea as long as your case is tall enough to make that worth it
They should, i hated that potgrot was a nothing model until 4e and now swampcalla has a cool, unique rule
I don't see why, making the heads swappable and/or adding a magnet mount for a ghoul king/vampire lord isn't very difficult. Well, it'd certainly take some work for a fully assembled one but you can definitely do it.
The curse of every warcry warband, all or at least one good idea delivered in the absolute worst way possible
>Beastnob hero/unit? Awesome
>Monsta-killaz unit? Awesome
>Howlerz unit? Awesome
>Sneaky grot unit? Awesome
>What's that? You want them all mashed together into one kit for no fucking reason?
Monsta-killaz are kino aside from the random apes
So you're mad about him being mad at you being mad because he's mad at you? I don't get it, but I hope the rest of your day is better
I also don't like that beastkilla boss model, looks like someone robbed a secondhand
That's fitting, but free range animals aren't
There are freshwater snails found in forests.
Spiders are bugs, anon.
>Beach: A strip of land covered with sand, pebbles, or small stones at the edge of a body of water
Plenty of beaches in forests.
He's just too messy, looks like a bad conversion
Why don't you read the thread of posts you're responding to
Wow this thread's been shit today, huh?
Improve it then
Don't let the Kruleboyz catch you making such declarations
My point exactly. Eggs are cool, so are random animal trophies. Weapons are ok. Charms are meh. But why give him everything? He would probably get stuck on every branch in the forest
One of the weirdest decisions they made with Skulbugz. Spiderfang need to be acknowledged in some way, whether it's squatting or updating, and they go out of their way to discourage mixing two very similar subfactions
I am cheating with the color scheme but they'll have lots of bug bits
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Misprint, it's actually a Smegmapede for HoS
Actually it's a Sigmarpede for CoS
It's missing big lips and an afro
It's especially weird because Skulbugz are depicted with centipedes, when myriapods *also* aren't bugs.
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Is that clawleader exclusive to this book? I don't recognize it from the Skaventide images I've seen.
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Pretty sure that's just the clanrat unit champion
I think he's just a clan rat.
Yep, they're separate sprues so this one looks different
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Why is his cloth sewn onto nothing
More kunnin that way
So's 'e can stikk ya while yer all confused
KB are covered in random shit like that, they must be rings or something since a huge portion of them are on edges of cloth/leather
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Can someone identify this sprue for me? Khorne Blood something something?
starter set bloodreavers
>"Burning Up/Physical Attraction" *(1983)
>"Borderline" (1983)
Daughters of Khaine
>"Lucky Star" (1983)
Gloomspite Gitz
>"Material Girl" (1985)
Kharadron Overlords
>"Gambler" (1985)
Slaves to Darkness
>"Papa Don't Preach" (1986)
Idoneth Deepkin
>"La Isla Bonita" (1986)
Flesh-Eater Courts
>"Open Your Heart" (1986)
Blades of Khorne
>"Causing a Commotion" (1987)
>"Express Yourself" (1989)
Disciples of Tzeentch
>"Rescue Me" (1991)
Stormcast Eternals
>"Deeper and Deeper" (1992)
>"I'll Remember" (1994)
Soulblight Gravelords
>"Take a Bow" (1994)
>"Human Nature" (1995)
Cities of Sigmar
>"Ray of Light" (1998)
Lumineth Realmlords
>"Frozen" (1998)
Ogor Mawtribes
>"Nothing Really Matters" (1999)
Maggotkin of Nurgle
>"Beautiful Stranger" (1999)
Hedonites of Slaanesh
>"Nothing Fails" (2003)
>"Give it 2 Me" (2008
Sons of Behemat
>"Ghosttown" (2015)
>"Bitch I'm Madonna" (2015)
>teams gt
>team gets 5th
>one of our players was 0-5
feels bad man
>low quality post
yes, that's a unique sculpt. They do this every edition btw.
New edition and endless spells are mandatory. I bought them and now it feels like I played right into James hand.
Should've just had the lore I needed 3d printed right...
So far I am a fan of the edition, apart from this. If everyone has them it adds an interesting layer to play, but unless/until everyone has them it's just kind of a feels-bad thing.
I'd be more okay with it if there was a more standard base size so I could convert my own, but things like the gravetide and palisade are freakishly proportioned.
I take it we never got a Book VI scan?
catbox link in the july 17th thread
we did
Thanks fellas.
oh my god i forgot the ossiarch bonereapers
meds too
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Like nothing in that box looks cool.
what should I ask for this

everything built, very little is primed.

50 vulkite berserkers with dual axe
10 vulkite berserkers with shield

15 hearthguard with poleaxe
5 hearthguard with broadaxe

6 magmadroths (4 runeson, 1 father 1 smiter) have all the bits to build alternate ones, so no issue getting more fathers/smiters

only heroes are battlesmith and flamekeeper + the heroes from the 6 magmadroth kits.

275$ a cool price or do I need to go lower?
Into the trash
Doesn't seem like an unreasonable price, you can always start there and lower it if necessary.
275 if you want it to sell instantly, its clearly worth a lot more than that.
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Calling these boys done, way more edge highlighting than I've ever done before and they are a bit inconsistent but I'm happy with them.
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libs would look much better with swords.
Just put lib helmets on vanquishers
I noticed they did something like this on the new Blood Knights today and found it almost insulting.
really? how bad is it? They should have learned by the end of 2nd edition.
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Honestly, almost as bad as that Gryph Charger, a bit more shape to it and it's deeper up into the model than that one. You can very barely see it in the webstore images.
Imagine choosing ugly men with long hair instead of 11/10 cute elves that will peg you.
Models bottoms are important
I chuckled anon

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