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Still talking about Stormcast girls Edition

>Previously, in the Mortal Realms

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:


>Thread question:
What armies should be in the 5th Edition starter?
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Can somebody help me with something? What currently in production Stormcast models have unhelmeted female heads?

I know Vindictors have 2, and Praetors have 1. It looks like Soulsworn have 2?
death versus death

Stormcast vs refreshed Ogres
Or if Ogres are already refreshed by then: Stormcast vs Malerion elves
Chaos Dwarves vs Soulblight fighting over a Dwarf Afterlife.
>Stormcast vs refreshed Ogres
That would be so fuckin sweet. GW will never do it tho because the number of miniatures in the box would be unimpressively low.

Most of them
vindictors, praetors, vigilors, vanquishers, chariot, stormdrake guard, soulsworn, neave & co etc
Basically any kit with female models will have unhelmeted lady heads.

Hey if Underworlds is kill can I use my sneaky skaven in AoS?

They have legends rules, which should be allowed in any casual games.
I have seen people use them as proxies for other things though.
Skittershank's Clawpack only has Legends rules, as do Gutter Runners.
Played spearhead today with a bud, both our first match. Took about 2.5 hrs between set up, learning as we went, talking, figuring out rules questions we both encountered. Was very fun and I lost by a hair. I had the lead most of the game until turn 3. Started battle round 4 13-17, managed to get all my tactics + underdog + objectives to get me to 21, but he got just enough tactics done to beat me with 22.
the chariot does not
What armies?
His SBGL vs LRL. I was VERY stupid and sent my Bladelords with Cathallar to deal with his Blood Knights and deny the charge in turn 1 because my Wardens wouldn't have made it over. That easily cost me the game because I didn't have either going into turn 2. Tried a gambit with the reinforcement tactic but I only got 1 bladelord back vs some skeletons.
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I am pleased he defeated you.
I had a couple moments the dice denied me. He had ONE skeleton live when I had the Take Without Warning tactic. And also that Bladelord reinforcement was trying to get control of the Dracothian objective. We felt engaged the entire time, twists had an impact. Spearhead is good, hope it gets expanded.
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You sure about that? I don't think I headswapped her but it's been a while so I could be wrong.
positive. The only build option in the Chariot kit is spear or bow. It's kinda lame
I miss the bare-armed babe from the ballista
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Managed to finish my Moulder Verminlord. Does he look okay? I'll be honest I'm mostly here for the mancatchers.
You denied the furfags their feet, thats all that matters.
I like it. I always love to see customized VLs.
What? The kit doesn't have feet in the first place.
Looks pretty great, but that one foot is either mid-step or it's doing a very shitty Captain Morgan pose.
My friend said the same thing about the Captain Morgan pose and honestly I'm sticking to it.

Respect to a real one, anon. Rats be upon ye.
the conversion is good but I do think it would look better if you filled in the space below that foot a bit.
I usually do my basing stuff once the model is fully painted. But good point anon!
My local group started a push for AoS. Got a modest amount of Lumineth, and I'm thinking of going slightly into Dawnriders+Lord Regent. Cav seems fun.
What army list builder are people using these days? I refuse to build lists on my phone.
rent free
I use an excel sheet, since warscroll builder is kill

a txt file
Humanity Fuck Yeah
Cities of Sigmar

Freeguild Cavalier-Marshal 170
- 10 x Freeguild Cavaliers 340
- 20 x Freeguild Fusiliers 240
- 10 x Freeguild Cavaliers 340
- 1 x Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk 180
[Master of Ballistics]

Freeguild Marshal and Relic Envoy 130
[Sacred Tome]
- 20 x Freeguild Steelhelms 200
- 1 x Ironweld Great Cannon 130
- 20 x Freeguild Fusiliers 240

Spells of the Collegiate Arcane
Scriptures of Sigmar
Primal Energy

2 drops

inb4 mucho texto.
I use a piece of paper and a pen, but I did download the new aos app to upload a preformatted list into longshanks. It was free to make one list and I didnt have to register or anything. Apparently that will change though?
do you really own 40 fusiliers?
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God I hope they make the umbra elves design based off the dread lords
I hope they get a little more creative, but I do like some of the pointy evil armor stuff too
I'm a certified retard not picking up the endless spells box when I saw it at my flgs a year ago...
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They could have them use a lot of illusion magic with shadow demon auxiliaries/slaves instead of giant monsters like in warhammer fantasy.
>half naked sexy elves in aos
lol no
looking to get back into the game after not having played since 2nd, but i'm torn on what to play between Nurgle and StD. bought the big box, gave away the Skaven, sold the SCE, so now i have enough to buy a spearhead. i already have some Nurgle (the old demons SC!), but i also wouldn't mind something new, and chaos warriors look really good, so i guess it comes down to fun and performance. how are both looking in 4th? will primarily be fighting Skaven.
I've had fun with nurgle so far in 4th, but fighting shooting castles is very frustrating, so it depends how your skaven opponent will play. I don't have experience with STD yet this edition but it appears from the outside they may have more options for countering that playstyle
Nah, only 30, but I could get 10 more.
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Okay nevermind just managed to find the og release for 50 bucks. Holy shit anons, I manifested it into being
do you want to beat face or be a pain in the ass?

slaves to darkness is a very straightforward raw stats army, you've got your hammers like chosen, knights, and varanguard, and then some anvils like chaos warriors (although the aforementioned hammers are no pushovers). they've got some spellcasting, and some chaff (a whole chaff sub army actually but its effectiveness is dubious), but the heavy hitters in full plate are the starts of the show. very few tricks outside of belakor, they're just going to juice their guys with steroids and smack with high damage weapons. basically no shooting attacks in the whole army, and apart from a few heroes they dont have fly, so enemy screens and tarpits are a problem but they can be fast when they want to with a 3d6 charge spell and access to a strikes last debuff means they can pretty easily win at least 1 fight a turn if they get it off. belakor is also famously strong as an anti meta pick. the melee plate armor units will be doing most of the heavy lifting and sport some of the highest damage output in the game

on the flip side, nurgle lacks heavily in raw damage (outside of a handful of heroes like the glottkin and the maggotlords) but brings a lot of chip damage, debuffs, and self healing that make it a monster of a tarpit army, with options to foil your opponents charges via anti-charge buffs or several countercharge specialist units. the army by default has a 5+ ward which puts even its flimsiest chaff on the tanky side and its actual anvils like blightkings among the toughest units in the game, and the army also has access to several types of reccursion so it has staying power in the extreme.

another misconception is that its slow. it appears slow, but between the countercharge pinballing of things like beasts and glottkin, the deepstrike and outflank of affliction cyst or gutrot spume, and 2 flying cavalry units one of which also has retreat and charge, this army is deceptively fast in an unconventional way. it also has access to a not insignificant unit of cultists which sport a 2 shot shooting attack, the same 5+ fnp as the rest of the army, and the rotbringers keyword which lets you get up to some funny business with them like taking them sailing with gutrot spume for an outflanking shooting attack, or having them explode on death with the plague cyst.

downsides are an overall lack of damage, you will struggle to find a weapon above damage 1 in the entire army outside of its heroes. it does have shooting but only short range and on a somewhat niche unit, and while the army has a lot of ways to do advanced deployment and slip around the field, its base movement speed is in fact very slow, which can present problems.
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Should I magnetize my Warp Lightning Cannon, or will the Plagueclaw just never be good?
Its pretty easy to magnetize
Can SBGL do big bricks effectively anymore? Their chaff dont seem op as fuck but they arent the dirtcheap tar pits of second edition it seems.
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Ok, so Hel Crown ended 40/60 or something., when are Skaven getting their model reveal?
LRL vs OBR grudgematch
As AoS slips forward into the abyss, as in 2016, we'll see Death vs Order come about to save it again.
they should stop selling starter box sets with sce in them jesus christ
So im building 20 graveguards

Now that weapons dont matter and they dont have shields in their profile how do I build them.
Would be unhinged if weapon options return with the new book
the greatweapons have historically been the better loadout but the hand weapons and shields are by far the more kino look.
DOK is half naked sexy female elves.
Umbraneth are men
>DOK is half naked sexy female elves.
Only whfb leftovers
I don't see the point to the warhulk over the Hurricanum, you get the same +1 except it works in covering fire and you don't have to shoot the same thing. Also take Zenestra and warforger they're busted.
they're going to look kind of cool and kind of stupid in a way that halfway ruins them. Only deathrattle is allowed to be pure kino.
I don't see how shooting is hitting hard enough with these profiles to even hurt nurgle with healing and rally.
>Its pretty easy to magnetize
also the plagueclaw will just never be good.
You brick with zombies. -1w from Cato, double invocation with Torgillius, extra d3 from gorslav, extra d3 per invocation from mortis engine. 3+3+d3+d3+d3. You can also do it with Nagash with the 5+ ward and full 40x unit revive. The other build in the book is pushing people shit in with Vhrodrai and 10x damage 3 blood knights.
Oh yeah another one is Belladamma with 20 block wolf spam. With Mortis Engine and Torgillius you're bringing back 4 per unit per turn twice a round and she gives them rend and ignore beast.
build what looks better, this community doesn't care about wysiwyg.
Guys what do I do? I had a dream my girlfriend was a skaven.
Should I tell her? I.. I want to try roleplaying..
very nice
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>hobbying for over 2 years
>AoS models are my fav and 40k is full of autists and secondaries
>4th finally comes out and the spearhead rules are easy to grasp after watching a couple vids
>have a nurgle and gitz vanguard painted and varnished months in advance
>ready to find games on forums
>don't have the fucking spearhead peripherals

what's the easiest way to get my hands on some the battle tactics/command cards from spearhead? I don't want to look for a game then expect the other dude to have a set for me. That seems pretty scummy. I don't own a printer but I can maybe use the one at work, print them out them tape them to some fake pokemon cards or something. Are people selling a lot of them online? I have a week off of work soon and I want to schedule some games before I run out of time.

tape some rat fur to her cock and experiment. we don't kink shame here bro
the problem with mortis engine and torgillius is that they're 200+ points a piece and both heroes, torgillius can be taken as an addon but only if you are taking belladoma or radukar, and the mortis engine just straight up adds another drop and can only take deadwalkers.

this is honestly a terrible edition for support pieces. they are often woefully overcosted and punishing on drops, being difficult or downright impossible to include as attachments to another regiment

like okay, adding a few extra reanimation dice is cool, but is it worth 420 extra points and bending your list into an organizational pretzel trying to fit them in?

for those points you could just get 60 more zombies.
>Are people selling a lot of them online?
yes on ebay. They also just released them as an official box.
Dios mios, mucho texto autismo
ok, nogames
They aren't dead points, they're both wizards and mortis engine has a ridiculous nuke. The recursion went up so why would it stop being a build now. If they don't get 1 round wiped they don't die period. Another one to watch is 10 block Black Knight spam with a 4+ and 3w now for only 160, compare that to skeletons from 3e except they're more than twice as fast with mw lances.
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So I don't get it. Is the Warcry stuff going to legends or not?

Kinda want these guys for my CoS
I play and paint a lot which is why I don't go on 4chan and type it 800 word manifestos. But sure projection-kun if it makes your tantrum better I don't play games
>Is the Warcry stuff going to legends or not?
no, they never claimed they were.
feels like warcry was thinned for chaos but is sticking around in a general capacity across the game. i would expect each armies unique 1 off wacry bands to stay, chaos just wont have 15 of them
no, faction specific warcry stuff is not going anywhere
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huh I didn't know this. I would rather "cheat" the game materials but I've been putting off dipping my toes into the game for so long that I'm willing to pay the 50 USD instead of waiting to find it secondhand or looking to scratch make it

how long until the spearhead rules get errata'd or significantly altered and the hardware inevitably become obselete?

I contemplated getting this set but my mind filed it into the "cool to have one day but lowest buy priority" cabinet
It's a cool kit. the nurgle Rotmire Creed warband is in the Nurgle index with points, stats, and a new warscroll with a cool flavorful ability that seems 100% deliberate.

There were too many chaos warbands so I think the lone CoS kit with nice modern sculpts is safe anon. Worst case scenario just proxy them for steelhelms or something
>how long until the spearhead rules get errata'd or significantly altered and the hardware inevitably become obselete?

Considering how they are treating combat patrol in 40k its pretty safe to say spearhead wont be touched too much. Except for more maps and maybe more spearhead teams.

Also you´re missing the mangler squig there buddy.
>how long until the spearhead rules get errata'd or significantly altered and the hardware inevitably become obselete?
Probably 1~3 months
>50 USD instead of waiting to find it secondhand or looking to scratch make it
Don't be dumb, anon. Here's the spearhead stuff.

Yeah, I agree with this guy. They're going to treat it like 40k combat patrol. It's not supposed to be balanced because it has such powerful catch-up mechanics so they won't do any rebalancing of the game after launch. They only thing they will add is more content with each book and board expansion and more teams as they release more spearhead boxes with each battletome.
Quick question for you guys and sorry if its an obvious answer, I'm having a retard moment. Do I do all of my hero phase abilities and then my opponent gets to do theirs, or is it I go, you go, I go you go until we have used them all system for each phase?
skragrott is a better character design than mangler fite me.
players whose turn it is does everything first.
Thanks I did figure that
Can somebody with an unbuilt arkanaut body give me a measure from the gorget to the bottom of the crotch on the frontside? Haven't bought any yet but I have some greenstuff bits to sculpt for them.
I just read the new main rulebook.
Here are the two interesting things that stood up for me.

Archaon helped the Great Horned Ra to ascend in order to break open the Great Pantheon of Chaos, an act motivated by his hatred of the gods.
Any idea what is going to gain from this in the long run?

The second thing is far more interesting. Tuomas Pirinen 5 or more years back talked in expos and interviews about the metaphysics of the Warhammer fantasy universe and Chaos. He said that the Old Ones recreated the same world over and over across the cosmos for some unknown purpose. The AoS new Main rulebook mentions this. They brought this plot point back or more precisely revealed it. The main rulebook says that the Old Ones created worlds with the same flora, fauna, and races in the past, present, and future. But for what purpose? Why is the template of the WHFB world was so important for the Old Ones' Great Plan?

they come out as full size pages right? Is there an easy way to shrink them if they're not image files? I've never used photoshop. sorry if it's obvious but I've never printed anything like this before.
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I like the idea of skragrot and the art they made for him but his model is not it for me. Had to fix him so he's at least goofy funny for me.
And yes I know I will paint him it's just too warm right now.
I think the cards are A4 sized, yeah. There should be a way to shrink 'em that's easy enough if you look online. I don't do this sort of thing very often so can't help much, sorry.
Perhaps if you go through a printing service/company you can request them to be printed smaller?
>Hel Crown ended
Bro it ends in two weeks
You're very wrong but also entitled to your wrong opinion
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didn't have a plan for this blightking but I figured i would try layering. this guy has so many bumps and boils and open sores that I just can't do it yet. robes and hair are one thing but I'm not ready for this.

is it that bad? Where did I fuck up? I used bugmans glow, then some berzerker bloodshade, then added some offfwhite to the bugmans glow. I think I'm going to repaint him grey again go 50/50 medium and guilliman flesh.

the purple and green and are also not it so I will be changing those too.
The fact that your sense of colour theory is this bad, and that you even tried that purple and green together shows there is no helping you. You should follow a tutorial for your painting because your own ideas are not helping you
flesh tones are notoriously hard to get smooth layers on, especially if you are using citadel flesh paints which are themselves infamous for being thick and chalky, so your paint brands and types may be working against you here. if you do decide to use citadel colors for layering, be aware that you may have to thin them more than normal paints

for layering, basically start with your deepest shadow color over the whole guy, then work your way up through several brighter colors, or if you have a wet pallet you can do a gradient mix on the pallet to make things easier (wet pallets are cheap and make layering a lot easier)

In 40k, I think Knights and Knights players are kind of faggots. Their army should not be an army.

However, lately I've been developing the desire to play and collect Sons Of Behemat. What's your perception of Giants players?
Same feeling as knight players but funnier because they never win
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I think the sores should be fine, just keep layering up the skin with a bright tone and then bring it all back together with either a diluted wash or a heavily diluted contrast paint for a smoother transition while leaving the holes in his skin untouched repeat that process until you're happy.
Depending on how much work you want to put into that guy you should also consider introducing some purple, blue, red, yellowish or even green tones to the skin immediately around those sore bits and boils, depending on what you want your sore skin to look like, just go easy on it with fairly translucent layers to make it blend in well with your other skin tones.
With that being said, you should propably go in and fix that unpainted stomach hole before anything else, since it will be a pain in the ass to do when your model is nearing completion and you're forced to do it neatly.
giants don't skew the game, they're on 4+ saves with no strength stat.
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More reveals soon. It should be the rest of SCE and Skaven
it'll be one stormcast, they said they're show all of skaven after helcrown or whatever that shit is.
They are cool and look like they should. I would have more respect for 40k knight if they didn't look so shit
yeah they said the winning side will get their models revealed on August 10th
>Building the Gorewarden for my FEC
>accidentally cut off half of his pointer finger
>building my Archregent
>part 6 (his thumb and finger) is missing from the sprue, don't remember clipping it off, can't find it anywhere
>order some proxy Horrors
>The Courtier model arrives with a missing pinky and half of a middle finger

What the fuck
this is like a whole ass backstory for some custom yourdudes shit. make it work
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Maybe you need a simpler model kit like pic related. When your motor skills advance to an adult level and you can be trusted with a knife you can come back to your warhammer stuff
Will I ever need 80 Mortek guard or 3 harvesters in 4th?

wondering if I should sell 20 guard and a harvester.
this, double down on it

have one dude with a necklace of fingers fluff it as ritual mutilation
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How many armies do you have anon? I've been playing for the last 20 years and I have five.
2 for AoS and 2 for 40k
They're all elves.
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thank you guys, I figured I would keep at it and it came out better. I think I can take it from acceptable to good if I can tie it together with really thin wash applications either all over or in just the recesses. the skin is so uneven in terms of how high the bumps go and how low the folds and sores go that it's like a minefield.

I covered up so much of the original layer that next time I shouldn't even bother and just do precise, thin wash applications in the folds.

>citadel paints
I mostly use vallejo but bugmans' was my fastest way to get a skin/fleshy color. I've been adding more and more VGC off-white and I think I can do one more layer on the most pronounced parts.

I'm also going to darken up the boots, change the pink to another color, and repaints the tentacle but I'm not sure how, so I'll probably look at some dioramas or guides.
>those kits

I already collect orks for 40k anon, no need to tempt me.
that looks like too many points to be realistic.
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Personally? Nurgle Chaos Warriors look better with paler skintones, here's one of my pile of shame Nurgle Lords for non-AoS stuff. (Sidenote: Goddamn does the Nurgle Fantasy stuff hold up so well!)

I used Rakarth -> Reikland Fleshshade -> Rakarth/offwhite 50/50 for that bloated corpse look. Still! The tentacles you're doing look sick, with a bit of blending you can absolutely make it look fantastic.

SoB are pretty neat. IMO I think they're really great for conversions, if you sculpt them some plate/armor it'd look sick.
>posts no models
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gloomspite gitz
eyeing fyreslayers next but new edition put a kink in it

genestealer cults
black legion
black templars
leagues of votann
kind of nurgle daemons (from the maggotkin)
been reducing my 40k collection over the last 3 or 4 years, not a big fan of the game or the community
>170 for that shitty starter
lol. how to suck at attracting new customers 101
Never heard of Fingerfood?

>How many armies do you have

Too many anon, and I only returned to the hobby as an adult less than 5 years ago.

12740pts Stormcast
5830pts OBR
5370pts Ironjawz
5240pts Soulblight
4950pts Serapon
4840pts STD
4190pts Gloomspite
3320pts Khorne
2480pts Slaanesh
2450pts DoK
2000pts Deepkin
1350pts Fyreslayers
1230pts Kruleboyz
980pts Lumineth

And if we're counting 40k I've got a playable amount of Space Marines, Tyranids, Sisters, Death Guard, Votann and Custodes.

I haven't painted nearly everything (how could I?) but I don't take armies to my LGS unless they are fully painted so I do have at least 2000pts painted of a few armies, and 1000pts painted of even more (LGS does regular 1000pt tourneys) and my Stormcast are about 80% painted.
The rest is all assembled for use in home games and awaiting inspiration for painting.
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Assembled and ready to go?
Imperial Guard
>Horus Heresy
Raven Guard

I have a shitload of Chaos that I'll probably turn into 1k worth of Nurgle dudes.
Killer Kharadron! They were an army I was eyeing after AoS .5, but the Fyreslayers lore swept me off my feet. I'm hoping the rumors of CoS getting new Dwarfs is true, as I'd like another full AoS army. I did snag a few KO for my Warcry Fyreslayers team though. Love these fuckers.
>not including the new knight vexillor
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I can't realistically post everything as I've never actually lined everything up for a photo, they are mostly just in boxes in my basement.

But here's a couple years old pic of my stormcast from when I had them on display.
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And here's some of my painted bonereapers
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And at the risk of spamming, here is my 1000pts Blackoath.
Now we have half naked sexy Lamias which is objectively better
thats cool, where did you get those feet holding hands?
>Goddamn does the Nurgle Fantasy stuff hold up so well!
because its end times stuff, just like blightkings
Based anon is baseder everyday
No price on the frog head sold separately?
Damn fine work. I'd add a few extra scatter rats to the base or something though
But named characters are the big gay. Also I'm avoiding any whfb models because I know they're being squatted in the next year.
Is that a fucking KISS army?
everyone gets a frog head, they're free.
8000 points of FEC fully painted and based.
3000 points of IJ painted and based (used to be more but I sold all my WHFB minis)
3000 points of LrL built, but only just started painting for this edition.
4000 points of Militarum Tempestus (most of which is illegal for matched play for rule of three reasons).
2000 points of knights painted and based (used to be 10k, but had to sell them off during a move).

Before the range refresh my FEC army was larger than the studio army, so that's neat.
I wish you would realize how cringe this army is and stop posting it lmao
Let's see your army then faggot.
NTA, but get pegged anon, then post fully painted and based army
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is james using chinesium glue on their tape or did the LGS sell me a leaked pack of index cards.
Don't take notice on how the uninteresting fyreslayers are in mint condition.
>obsessed and mind-broken

How about you let people have their fun instead?
I'm thinking of picking up a unit of the new ardboys, but I'm not a paintfag, so do you anons think they're actually any good, or am I crazy?
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have another pic, thread is dead during EU anyway.
>fully painted themed army
There's no scale available that would measure how much of a fucking stupid faggot nigger you are. Also post yours, let's see those golden demon tier stormcasts
I wish you would realize how cringe this kind of sentiment is and stop posting it lmao
Huricanum isnt going anywhere
good by what metric?
>Uh oh shit taste paintlets melty
Would you like to try that again, but in adult English this time?
Looks good overall, torso seems a little awkward but he's a difficult size for kitbashing
Are they worth their points compared to other options? They seem pretty solid for the cost, but I've been wrong before on that front.
I just reailized I hate the soulblight faces because the faces dont have a full set of teeth. I wonder if greenstuff could fix that up
Are you looking for anything particular? Black girl with the fro in the vigilors kit is my personal favorite
yes it's a fetish
I'd be very surprised if it didn't get migrated to ToW only when empire gets their inevitable book, along with marshall on gryphon and any other ToW models that still haunt the range. We know empire is coming to ToW sooner than later, and that game will take at least 3 years to die out.
At this point who knows. The fact that it isn't a bespoke AoS kit already puts it in danger, and it's not terribly out of place with the new freeguild but it is still different enough that they could justify it
post models or fuck off
>compared to other options
the other option is brutes and statistically their extra wounds aren't worth the massive loss in damage in my assessment.
TOW is set in the past, the Hurricanum is specifically excluded from their army list because TOW predates the colleges of magic being formed.
I could have sworn it was in the forces of fantasy book.
Is from that ogor underworlds band, wouldnt recommand getting this kit if you dont also have use for the ogor in an army.
They threw that whole concept out the window, old world is just fantasy mishmash now
Okay, thank you for the input. I'll skip em. Any thoughts on the new brute ragers? They seem wildly overcoated to me for something that will die like a gerbal in a speed bag
TOW also predates the War Altar of Sigmar being created, but it's there anyway.
a moderately important consideration is that a unit of 20 with an ardboy boss will do 6-8 mortal wounds with shield bashes, which goes off before incoming attacks, even strikes first, so they could actually be a prickley anvil to try to smash in melee, and the bosses rally bonus means shooting them off the table isnt the easiest prospect either.

i could see bringing a unit of 20 with the boss, it might prove a good counter to shit that counters brutes, like deepkin cavalry or other fast elite first strikers who cant afford to eat 7 mortal wounds before even attacking, but can outmanuever your brutes and eat them for breakfast before the brutes get to strike (ragers are a different story).

but i think if you're not running a reinforced unit WITH the ardboy boss, then they're strictly inferior to brutes
Except there is at least an in-lore reason why this is in but the Hurricanium isn't. Malaki didn't design it, but found the blueprints. There. Simple. But with the Hurricanum you can't say they 'found blueprints' or 'made it before'.
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There were War Altars of Sigmar before, Magnus just commissioned the big one and one that came out in 8th. The War Altar of Sigmar is for pic related. So that isn't a 'GOTCHA'.
Okay, how about the Doomwheel being present despite it first being used in 2367?
>inb4 timeline stuff doesn't matter for legacy armies
True, but I think of all TOW armies, the one where Forgeworld is most likely to actually try and overhaul the roster a little bit over the long run is Empire. Giving it a half-assed reused list on release of the game is one thing, but logically the army that should be the most changed by the setting period out of all of them is Empire.
I mean legacy armies don't really matter, no. If you wanna use it, use it. I don't think people will care as long as the base is right.
I don't think that you understand. They simply didn't give the Verminlord rules in TOW. There's no "right base" for it, because there's literally nothing there for it. They did not include the unit in the army pdf.
They could easily just say that they started the college earlier. They are in total control of every detail of these settings they don't give a shit about what already happened unless it can be marketed
OK, but the point is they didn't. You can't play a Hurricanum in TOW.
Not currently but that doesn't mean they can't just add it later when CoS get their 4th ed book
No one is going to shoot a 20 block of ardboys. They can do something if you soak buffs into them at least 2 of zoggrok, +1A, +1dam, crit hit 6, but 10 Brutes hit hard with nothing on them. Brutes just turn things into control 0. Brutes don't need a shitty 130 point hero tax that adds maybe 3 damage to them once a game.

It's a black metal army, but I have thought about painting Varanguard or chosen up like Gene, Paul & co as I am a fan of theirs too.
Oh, did they not? I didn't even look at the Skaven legacy. I looked at Lizardmen, saw how shit they were now and closed the pdf. But I did the same with Seraphon (inb4 well if you spam X or Y and run Z then you can win by spamming Q!).

I mean sure, it depends on how far they decide to do this. I am sure they're building up to the Chaos Invasion and will do a Magnus the Pious model. Perhaps they will FINALLY do a Imperial Dragon model and allow you to run Magnus on it. Or make a new character that can ride it. They already retconned stuff by making there be High Elf colonies off the coast so they can justify having High Elves in the setting. So just go a bit further, do the invasion, have the colleges set up and have the thing made.

But I think what GW is likely going to do is simply use this window to invent new things, precursors or stuff that got faded out or lost. I mean GW also said that Steam Tanks were more common in this period because they hadn't been lost or whatever but there is still a limit and it says there are only 9 still.
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Is modelposting acceptable here? Wanted to share my Lady O
Ragerz have a very specific role, they can redeploy and counter-charge with first strike. So they're very scary if 6 of them are just hanging around. This is kind of blunted by their damage being very mediocre without anything extra on the though.
>I am sure they're building up to the Chaos Invasion
I just don't see it, they've made such little effort to stick to any specific time period and are rereleasing such schizophrenic kits that I think all old world plans have changed dramatically
i dont think i'd take zoggrok. too expensive. 20 ardboyz+ardboy boss is enough to hold the midtable, but i wouldnt overinvest in them, they arent going to carry the game.

>Brutes don't need a shitty 130 point hero tax
no, the brute hero tax is 230 from what i remember, he's about twice as much.

>that adds maybe 3 damage to them once a game.

the timing of the damage is pretty important. going off before any strikes means its reducing incoming damage, and if you are being charged by one of those hero+unit chain fighting combos where the hero gives their unit +1 to hit when they chain fight, you can shield bash the hero out of existence and simultaneously remove their buff. wont always happen, and wont always work on the mortal damage doing enough, but its an option.

i dont think i'd spend more than 500pts all said and done on ardboys though. either 20+boss or 20+shaman/weirdnob in a weirdfist for the ward. leaves you 1500pts for the rest of your list and a 40 wound hard to shift brick for midfield objectives and front line. i've got 20 and an ardboy boss so i'll run it and see how it goes. maybe im wrong, maybe not. maybe matchup dependent
>52 burger tokens for this
How do these people sleep at night
if you don't take zoggrok then you just lose to hit debuffs.
Honestly I think it's just a way for them to make money from people wanting Middlehammer stuff.
It gets better (worse)!
Return to reddit where you posted this already
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Absolutely stunning! Great work, anon.
Thank you for reminding me this guy exists you just gave me an idea for my CoS
>Brutes don't need a shitty 130 point hero tax
>no, the brute hero tax is 230 from what i remember, he's about twice as much.
You don't have to take the megaboss, yes he's bad. They hit hard without him. I'm not convinced brutes are even very good btw, IJ doesn't look very good to me overall.
If ardboys are good in this meta then chaos warriors are straight up incredible.
What a retarded idea
they throw a hit debuff, you pop AoA, its a wash. a lot of the hit debuffs i've seen have required you to be wholly within bubbles, often of casters who may not be charging, so i dont think they are going to be ubiquitous that im going to take another 200point hero just to counter them for a unit i already dont want to overinvest in just to hold the center while my offensive 75% of the army actually does the work.
On the US side at least, the only dwarf things that sold out are the Journal, Transfer Sheets, new plastic Dwarf Lord, New Ungrim, the battlebox, and the doomseekers, slayers, Bugman and Engineers. So not great.

I kind of almost wanted to get some dwarf warriors since I already got a ton of the 8E dwarf inantry, but $85 for a box of Warriors or $185 for the battalion box...uh, no thank you.
Post model half as good as that one anon.
The warriors are pretty shit anyway, the only good dwarf models are already in AoS
The crazy part is that someone, somewhere is going to buy these. Maybe even more than one
chaos warriors dont have that pre-fight 6-8 mortal wound shield bash though, which is a big selling point to me, changes the math on what may or may not want to charge into your brick. imagine sending chosen into my ardboyz and losing 2 of them flat out before we even fight.

also the ardboy boss isnt nessecarily a slouch. 7 attacks at 2 damage a swing is considerably better than most normal foot heroes his size. if anvilsmasher was closer to the cost of the boss or a shaman, i'd consider taking him, but 210 feels very steep to me
I don't need strangers validation to know my models look good unlike your fragile ass
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I'm not the anon who posted that model. Post models anon, or you admit you're a shitty painter.
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The resources Hammerhal put into the Embergard expedition could have been used to lift this siege. Instead everything remains shit and is getting shittier.
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Hey if you're really into those models it's either that or getting ripped off on ebay
That said TOW is probably the first the when prices have genuinely deterred me. I can consoom a lot but those Ushabti prices? Bro. Most of the plastic and resin prices are alright but GW really went full retards with the metals.
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welcome back fatcast
If you had an adult level of reading comprehension you'd know I don't need to do either of those things you're demanding as I already know my stuff looks great
>they're good because I say so but I'm too much of a bitch to show it to anyone else
lmao okay buddy
warriors don't need it they're going to be on 120 effective save adjusted health and hit twice as hard.
Stay malding reddit tranny
What a shitty announcement
>Inquisition is BACK, baby!
>As a hodge-podge of random one-off or borrowed models you can technically field as an army but probably won't
>You can take them as allies, though!
>Oh and ONE new model!
>Ok the new model sucks ass and you'll probably just stick with the old version
>Look at these boxes nobody would ever buy, though!
the price of Pewter made GW go crazy fro whatever reason
i cant stop dealing 9 wounds to troggoths fuck this stupid game
Fuuuuck that is awful. Why do people still play 40k?
I've already got 3 RockgutTroggoths, a LoonBoss and some squigs and herders.

I'm interested in Spearhead, so is this box worthwhile or are the extra troggoths and loonboss a waste or would they be good for expanding out to real AoS?
This dude is so dopey looking wtf is this lmao
>Stay malding reddit tranny
You've got nothing and thus resort to insults. Like a literal child XD
Thats not middlehammer, middlehammer is the plastic kits they released, thats porper oldhammer right here
why do you know that was posted on reddit, anon?
What is it like it your small little world anon? How does it feel to know that you'll never actually matter?
the loonboss is a waste but everything else in there is stuff you could use in duplicate. not sure how much of a savings it works out to be if the loonboss isnt used though.
Sperg fight
Fucking finally they properly announce this thing. Still no info on its release date, though.
How do they continually manage to drop the ball for 40k? It's already so successful just don't release retarded shit like this
I feel like I am losing my mind, does anyone else think OBR got really fucked over with index hammer? The only reason I'm going to run Katakros is because we have fucking nothing else worth taking aside from Arkhan. Am I retarded? Am I missing something? All I can see people talking about is planning their 3 drop army with soulreaper and I feel like I'm losing my mind
that's will probably occur at Gencon since that's the next big event for them
Are you playing index obr against 3e armies? no.
Troggoths are fantastic in 4th, the Loonboss not so much.
i am still waiting for champions of chaos.
take nagash
Imagine being a fucking Varanguard and you get killed by a bunch of green retards with their dicks out lmfao
AoS cannot stop winning, bros.
blogpost from august 2021
>Ruins of the Past is expected to release in PDF in Q3 of 2022, and in stores Q1 2023.
they missed those dates by a wide margin wonder what happened over there
>the only reason im running one of the best buff heroes in the game is because we have nothing else to run except one of the best wizards in the game

If you already have katakros then what's the problem? Stop being a whiny bitch
It's been like that across all their games. I don't know why but my guess is they're just taking on too many commitments.
unironically what is your list? what models do you have to work with? i've gotten stomped twice by OBR now, they definitely have play.
1 CP for 3 units getting +1 save is "best buff heros in the game"? huh??? They fuckin surgically extracted all of my funny white boys flavor with a straw man, I don't care he has a 33% chance to maybe fuck over the enemy. Arkhan is great though I'm not shit talking him he stays winning.

It's not even really about Katakros though, he's fine. It's more that the rest of the heros seem like "taking this is throwing" tier except the mobility chair

wow great advice retard I bet you really had to think about that one huh?
Whoever made this model should be ashamed of themselves
Holy hell they are not putting the A team on 40k anymore
yeah they just have to meny games to surrport with the small production team they have, even if we only include the Warhammer RPGs they have to currently support, that's still five separate system with minimal overlap of of mechanics between them
Go cry about your named characters somewhere else nigger
Sorry, to be clear I don't think they're bad per se, just that a lot of their units are basically trolling to pick. I'm going to suck it up and run Katakros and Arkhan with some shitters and ghasts and I'll probably do fine. I just don't really like what we ended up with and everyone in OBR specific places is just talking about taking the shittiest caster we have and I felt like I had to say something lmao. The Ossefector can't even take the fucking catapult that gets a passive buff from him for christs sake
Seraphon player detected. You should stick to playing with your dinosaurs and trying not to drool on yourself
Why does the eagle have 2 heads? That shit is common in reptails, but i haven't sen this in birds
to mirror the imperial symbol
I think it's artificial, like cherubs
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Have you ever glanced at the bird thingy that's welded onto just about every single piece of Imperial hardware in existence?
Unbelievable downgrade
> just that a lot of their units are basically trolling to pick

like what?
>1 CP for 3 units getting +1 save is "best buff heros in the game"?
Yes, why is that hard. Not to mention pushing your retarded army wide 5+ ward to nearly the entire board. Just shut up.

They know people will buy it. No matter what, it will sell. If it's a Marine, it will sell. There are enough whales, completionists, or just fans on sheer weight of numbers who will make it worth the print.

Knowing this, why not phone it in? Why bother putting your best-of-the-best sculptors or art team on the job when arguably AOS "needs the help." IE: If 40k releases a model that looks like dogshit, it will still sell. If AOS releases a model that looks like dogshit, it will DEFINITELY NOT sell. However if AOS releases models that look amazing, it's just that much more to try and get people into that side of the store.

Can't tell you how often when sitting down with 40k that even hardcore grogs will admit that AOS has vastly superior models. If you can get even people like that to begrudgingly admit stuff like that, then you can tip potential customers just on the model quality alone. The rules / game / lore / etc - all that's after the fact.
>1 CP for 3 units getting +1 save is "best buff heros in the game"?
Uh yeah that's an incredible buff? You do realize most armies can't buff saves at all anymore, right?
Is he human sized? Could make a good base for a warrior priest
OBR doesnt have a single shitty caster. this is a nogames meme
I weirdly like the simplicity of the new model
What about everything else
Should work, would be a pain though he's almost one piece so you'd have to hack him apart if you want to really get in there and change stuff
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There's really still people out there who think 40k and AoS are skirmish games...
Yes that is one of the best buff heroes in the game, yes. I don't think you understand how good +1 save is in 4e and I don't think you understand how making 3 (THREE) units +1 save is good. Especially when you're pretty resilient anyway.
Thank you for updating us on your argument with some other annoying fag
this just comes from how skirmish is defined within rank and flank games. in whfb skrimish is a specific unit formation which means loose models that dont have to strictly rank up and can move around freely within like an inch of each other

its a semantics problem. rank and flank players are not using the word skirmish to mean the same thing as the rest of the wargaming community
it might be more of issue of lack of terminology for the scale that 40k/AoS are on
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When will they be good again?
Never, they're leaving for old world. We'll get a new vyrkos version with an ugly dyke
Excellent, thank you. I'll check the index, maybe the loonboss could be converted into something.
My friend actually tossed the kit my way and it was missing the front torso bit entirely so I had to use some stormfiend bits and milliput to give him a bit of a paunchy belly. Not exactly how I'd have done it but now I feel like he's got that special little difference to him
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Slap some greenstuff or chains on that part
Every time I see failcast sprues I just get mad
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As you should.
Never forget.
Never forgive.
I'm used to dealing with them so they don't bother me anymore. I'll take anything over metal
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I was thinking of getting one of those super market twist ties as a bandage or something
How many of those do you think they had to cast to get one without any bubbles or deformities for the promo pictures?
Tons according to Peachy.
Forgot which interview it was though
tbf they only had to get one were there were no bubbles or deformities on the front
I'm not even half as mad about finecast being garbage as I am about GW marketing teams trying to sell it as a groundbreaking improvement of good quality. Dishonest advertising is honestly the biggest cancer of todays consumerism driven capitalism
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GW, give me Kurnothi and my life is yours!
That azhag just flat out doesn't fit together I got one years ago and it was a fucking nightmare. It's still sitting in my closet unpainted but it's good because I had an atrocious plan for it
You already have them
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It's pretty funny seeing people like Peachy shit on it now but you were totally going along with their retarded lies though. You helped scam all those customers, don't pretend you're any better than them.
Peachy is such a useless fag lol. The only reason anybody cared about him is for some insider info. His painting was shit and he isn't anywhere close to being as likeable as Duncan. Of course I agree with your point. You gotta remember he was an employee at that time though, it's not like he could just call that shit for what it was on any official gw material, so I can somewhat excuse him for that
Every day I am thankful that AoS is has "weird retarded" models and not "safe retarded" ones
Nobody at that company has a marketable personality. Even Duncan was just kind of "the guy", the only reason he gained any kind of following was just because he was the dude they used for stuff so everyone was exposed to him for years
That Archon is one of my favorite models ever. Needs a plastic resculpt.
I don't know man. When I was starting out in the hobby I almost instantly started liking Duncan. I'd sometimes even watch his GW videos of models I didn't intend to paint. That literally never happened with any of their other people. Now I'm not sucking Duncans dick because I think it's kind of sad that he's still stuck teaching the same standard of painting even after all those years and markets overpriced paints but he was A LOT more sellable than anyone else that ever was in james' videos
Quick question the SCE riding the draconith they’re the younger ones right? Chances of their being other draconith coming? Also any rumors on CoS releases?
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The sick fuck himself
is there a core rule restricting how many units you can have deepstrike or outflank in your army during deployment?

i know 40k has rules like that from what i remember
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I miss when Warhammer was low-fantasy
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Me too, man...
This picture is such a fucking fever dream. I love it.
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For real. The plastic replacement is horrendous.
But Dark Elves are even more of a forgotten faction in 40k than they are in AoS.
One unit + one hero does not an army make.
Just look at Fyreslayers.
>Now I'm not sucking Duncans dick
Yes you are.
Well deepstrike is not a core rule in AoS. So that falls exclusively in the domain of battle traits for your army that specify how many you can set up like that (usually one regiment).
That guy on the far left is legit my favourite 40k model ever. I fucking ADORE him.
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But Fyreslayers are an army, a gorgeous one at that.
ok man I didn't know enjoying someones content in the past means sucking his dick, you learn something new every day
>But Fyreslayers are an army, a gorgeous one at that.
Sure, dude, whatever you say...

Defending him online like a thirsty bitch is basically cock sucking him.
Well you did basically tell us you had a crush on him immediately
James, you forgot to post about Warcry.
They'll definitely update the stardrake and say it's a grown up one
Yeah they fucked up the army even more this edition somehow, I'm sure Katakros has a lot of play this edition and will probably be a required take (again...), but holy shit does 90% of the army feel bad now and just boring to play.

I'm still trying to figure out how bad they fucked up that they changed mortek to have zero rend and then made the anti-charge from our battle trait not stack with their weapon ability.

Mortek, Harvester, Boneshaper, Ossifector, Soulreaper can be safely piled into a hot furnace this edition, until Kavalos get hiked up enough to be Chaos Knight priced, which doesn't really fix anything with the armies problem. Then you'll probably see people shift over to Nagash + Harbingers.

At any rate you'll have 95% of people tell you the army is fine because they got ass plowed by some sperg with 30 deathriders.
He didn't forget
Stealing your idea
Nta but why would you ever take a soulreaper, boneshaper or ossifector over a soul mason? I'm really curious.

Comparing to other armies, what makes those three casters comparable to something like a Knight Arcanum or a Necromancer? Seriously take a look at Necromancer and take a look at boneshaper and tell me if the chance vs impact makes any fucking sense.

mortek are pretty bad, harvester's suffer from the same problem as last two books with even more restrictive ranges and easier targetting, and boneshapers roll a 3 up once per battleround to restore 3 health (and if not damaged, 3 health worth of models). You have zero incentive to invest in a recursion/healing package over just spamming deathriders.

It's not even just about having a better option, or internal balance, the army lacks flavor and just feels like a shittier take on stormcast, with no healing or fluffy rules.

There's a certain segment of OBR players that love playing with 7 models on the table, and the other segment that likes having something that resembles a combined arms kinda list, and the latter keeps getting fucked since 3e, even though GW pushes hard to market the army that way.
>he doesn't know
Whats your idea?
The eagle looks like a 40kg edit
>Seriously take a look at Necromancer
soulblight is designed around the necro, you can't just make those comparisons.
>Knight Arcanum
stop trolling
>over just spamming deathriders
Don't worry, GW will just have to make the cavalry cost 270 points and force you into buying the two big figures instead of making each unit interesting to pick
I've been playing since 2006, only had beastmen until this year. Now I have Kruleboyz so 2 total.
>mortek are pretty bad
>the 4+ unrendable 5+ ward infantry with anti charge +1 rend, crit 2 hits, and access to unlimited spell 5+ crits, retreat and charge, and a -2 debuff to charge rolls against them
>pretty bad

hooooo boy. thats a steaming hot take.
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Finished playable armies zero
Untouched armies 7
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That's for me to sit on and do nothing with and for you to never know!
Post your pile, pige
he's pretty badass, I want to try him with quicksilver and 6 reclusians.
nta but only unrendable if they don't move is a pretty fucking big part to leave out. Also requires you to dedicate a spell to in a list where your probably can cast empower twice a turn max for 5+ crits, and why would you ever retreat and charge with them? Also can't R&C and have 5+ ward... have you actually looked at their sheet? Why are you counting a hero trait as something mortek can do as if it was even good for them (it isn't)
It's all stashed around my bedroom. Found a KO battleforce that I had completely forgotten about the other day in my closet
you are generally not using a move action in the turn the opponent is charging you unless you redeployed
Yes every unit is good if you stack every buff available on it
reform ranks doesnt conflict with impenetrable ranks
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Lesson learned last night. In 1st edition, Plaguebearers cannot tarpit a Lord-Celestant on Dracoth. Lost 240 points to this fucker :l
are you only looking at your units without any buffs?

....do you play without your buffs? that might be half your problem right there. this is a game that revolves around buffs, and bonereapers are a buff/debuff dependent army more than most
The imbalances in the indexes look waaay more fixable with points than the 3e battletomes. Even Sylvaneth would start looking decent if it blanket dropped 15%-20%.
This guy was a tranny in the novel.
do you look at your chaff units with all the limited buffs you have that could go on something useful? What's happening to the rest of your army while you spend literally everything making one/two unit of shitters decent? I mean you can have a 12-18" deathblob sure but if you're winning games with that your opponents are trolling
last ride of the fatcast.
You should work on your terrain.
Also, the Beasts of Nurgle in 1st were like the most schizo unit ever. They can do wonderfully, or terrible. My Beast in this game killed 3 Liberators (one was wounded, but still) in one turn, took no injuries the next turn, then died to a group of Judicators shooting him.

>last ride of the fatcast.
Ok, that made me laugh XD

mortek are bad.

bonereapers are probably bad. their heroes are memes (despite the fact that half of them are 2 cast wizards with +1 to cast or better). their units dont work. their shit is overcosted, they are so bad

sooooooo bad.

so why dont you sell the army? go ahead and list it. might want to mark it down extra cheap since its so shit. but wait to list it till next friday, thats my payday
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This picture also came out super high contrast and my Plaguebearers look like they're made of cheese.
I just don't live in magical chistmass land where my unit can always be the target of all of my succesfully cast and not dispelled spells, and within distance of all of the buff bubbles.
Sure mortek guard CAN have 5+ ward and 5+ crit etc... but it's disingenuous to talk about them as if they'll always have access to all of that

Tbf I'm not the other anon and think the mortek are fine (albeit slightly overcosted), but I agree that the OBR index is badly written and doesn't allow for interesting listbuilding
all that shit he mentioned is aoe crap you'll just take anyway, did he say drain vitality, or zandtos, or soulreaper, or soul-guide, no.
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They aren't usually cheese-looking.
huh, skaventide sold out from my local game store. Kinda sad, was hoping I would be able to get cheap. Maybe amazon will tell a different story.
ALL of your wizards have +1 to cast. your basic ass 1 cast foot wizards are already better than 80% of the wizards in the game.

your spellsare very low casting values. empowered nadarite is fucking casting value 5 on a +1, you just need to not roll 1s and 2s on both dice. oh and half your foot heroes are 2 cast just because.
It's not exactly hard to find cheap.
Considering you somehow think *any* of our wizards aside from Arkhan or Nagash get a + to cast unless you're taking the shit subfaction and think that 3 of the heros that are level 2 wizards are somehow moving the needle I expect you wouldn't be able to afford them lmfao.

For what it's worth I'm nta and think mortek are mostly fine. Just thought you being a disingenuous retard was annoying
So are you asking if the tape looking like that indicates the pack has been opened? Due to the tape seals being broken at both ends? Or are you commenting on the quality of the tape itself?

If the former I think you might need to check in with your care support, if the latter mine were also packaged with seals like that which tore with almost no pressure, very thin tape.
judas priest album covers were pure kino
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>But Fyreslayers are an army, a gorgeous one at that.
all of those things apply to much better units in the army, and if you're talking about externally than there's way more impressive stuff out there for foot infantry. Vanqs & Chaos Warriors are much better with a lot less setup and aura reliance.

That ward clause is such a fuckin lie as well, it doesn't apply to outside the combat phase and ethereal 4 up is a liability more times than not, especially against something like sentinels or clan rats. Nobody gives a fuck about retreat & charge on 4" infantry, and the -2 charge is nice but it's not really part of the mortek package.

Mortek are okay anvils but aside from the initial charge (where they only get -1 rend), they hit like wet paper bags and will fold in two rounds of combat or less. They just buy time for an army that wants to get their good shit in combat asap anyway, so they're pretty much pointless.

>why don't you sell the army?

spoken like a true waacfag, imagine someone buying into an army because they like the armies or the fluff.
>calling anyone else disingenuous while saying a subfaction 15 armies would take is shit
The fact you don't account for counter spelling means you're a dwarf player and I can disregard your opinion completely
Is there any consensus on which spearheads are strong?
LGS is doing a spearhead knockout tournament with prizes. And I wanna win.
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seraphon and mkon I believe. Sylvaneth too maybe?
Autistics lack theory of mind, they cannot easily imagine another person's perspective and thus tend to operate as though their own opinions are objective. This, of course, tends to lead to a lot of hurt feelings.
It certainly explains the attitudes around here
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I have Kruleboyz and need advice on if gobsprakk is worth taking. My local gamestore isn't full of metachasers but they usually bring decently tough lists. Is the mortal damage on unbinds worth the extra points over the slippery scumbag boss?
this general is worse than 40kg and that is really fucking hard to achieve
those are already dykes, anon.
Not this level of dyke
I mean it's contextual based off how valuable your army finds foot wizards. I'm sure there are a ton of armies that would love it, SBGL especially since their foot wizards do some shit.

It's about the same value or a little higher than our 4 choices, depending on what you're trying to build. We're settling on soul mason because 2 cast for 160 is the best bang for the buck, and a magical intervention strike first is super chancey but decent.

You have to understand that numbers are shifted around and not nearly as impressive as you might think. Crit 2 hits on a 5 up sounds awesome for your army, but considering the army starts with wounding on 4's and 4 up saves for it's "core" troops with no easy way to get to +1 hit, it's just bringing that gap closer. Asking for a cp to do all-out attack is a big deal this edition.

Yes our troops are competitive with all the buffs in place, but they're not outstanding enough that the babysitter tax makes sense. Comparing to my SCE that have a billion ways to give out +1 hit, and can finest hour, their finish line looks more like hitting on 2's, wounding on 2's, with a 2+ save, and many have wards, the army has more mobility, better healing, and much better ranged options.
that mini is cool as fuck, fight me
>t. never kissed a girl
>the only bloodline that should be relatively normal looking
>the bloodline that makes the least sense to have fucked up rotting armor
Why did they make this model
You need to be 18 to post here
>History is marked by the exceptional, by events that are far from out of the ordinary. Those who are old enough (you may have to ask parents or even grandparents) will remember the day man walked on the Moon for the first time, [...]
> In the context of our hobby, just such an event is about to occur.

Oh my fucking God, it really sounds beat-for-beat like Krusty the Clown introducing Poochie to the world. Maybe the writer knew they were introducing a shoddy product.
I think he was just referencing the craters in the models when comparing it to the moon landing
and funnily enough SBGL *do* have this subfaction, gives vamps +1 cast and +1 wound on charge lol . TBF it's not shit it's just not interesting really. The most boring "generically good" subfaction. tbf "boring but decent" is OBRs new name it seems like
Pretty much yeah, once you throw Katakros in the picture you don't really care about the aura range as much and your gameplan is still try to outtrade by BR3 because you don't have the mechanics to win otherwise.

Somehow they fucked up and made OBR even more boring to play than ironjawz. Literally the toughest decision you have is whether or not you want to use +1 wound or a 5++ for a combat phase, and most of the time the answer is 5++ anyways.
They removed everyone's hyper specific cheeseball mechanics. Everyone has to play AoS now instead of getting to force people to play their own mini-game.
I'm fine with that for indexes it makes sense. I just hope we get some more interesting things with the actual tomes
we're just making fun of you, it's not that deep, pseudo.
What´s the most shooty faction ´round here?
KO and SCE. Other factions have good shooting just not as many options as those two.
Kharadron and it's not close
>everyone else agrees with me
another fine demonstration but a little superfluous
we're as in the people who replied to his original post, yes. Are you geniunely retarded or just lack reading comprehension?
Ah, metaphor
You can make a skaven shooting army that would blow ko off the board.
Well yeah because KO blow chunks this edition no matter what you shoot at them.
Well I mean it's probably going to be another 2 years. It's one thing to play a faction with a good portion of units that aren't great, it's another to play one that you don't even find fun and the units aren't great.

I cannot comprehend who sat down and wrote the boneshapers rules and thought "yeah, this will feel not frustrating when it fails, and awesome when it goes off", and another designer over there is writing Sorc Lord, Necromancer, Gormayne or Knight Vexilor.
So you haven't kissed one yet.
Holy shit we got Epstein in the general. We truly made it /aosg/
It's ok anon you can stop projecting now
I've kissed like, 500 girls. All hot too
tzeentch seems to be forced to just run a horror blob so every unit they have has a ranged attack.
She's a hottie
After three games with my OBR I'm inclined to play 60 Mortek Guard. They slap.
I really wish that pontifex wasn't required for a CoS list. I actually like the model, but named characters are turbo gay aids.
I don't think they're still making that. They already said last year that what they had imagined would be the game's Chaos splatbook had ballooned into a project where they were more or less developing a whole new game, and they weren't sure it would be titled Champions of Chaos or something else. Not a peep about it for almost a year since then. Point is that Soulbound quite likely isn't getting any Chaos shit.
They'll prob have generic priests out before end of 2024, but without the lol banish shit Pontifex has.
It's not the lol banish shit, it's the fact she has priest 2.
Ogor mawtribes won over the weekend locally, take from that what you will.
He kills wizards. He can disrupt missiles or deal damage to monsters but his main thing is killing wizards and you will use him for it. Use Klaw formation so he can hide near a bush.
Do you need to counter lots of wizards? Are you doing a bad job currently?
So I've not been in AoS since 1st edition, can somebody help me with what is good for the following factions
>CoS (I already see this Pontifex, which I just looked up, seems to be...)
That's it really. I have no idea what is good now or what to look for or how to work this shit out. I am retarded.
for cos, drakespawn knights, darkriders, hammerers, cavaliers, fusiliers, executioners, darkshards, warforger, pontifex, hurricanum, command corps, foot marshal, maybe callis and toll, all look good enough to be staples.

For seraphon Slaan, starpriest, aggradons, krox, saurus guard, engine, ark of sotek, hunters of huanchi, maybe raptodon lancers.
Thanks. I don't suppose you can explain why they are good? I'm looking at this stuff and seeing new rules like Anti-Infantry and stuff and I can obviously work out what that does and shit but I am not sure what is good now. Like in ye olde days, shit being S3 T3 was a baseline so anything above that you could at least work out what was better.

As for specifics, CoS seems alright in terms of a mix of old and new (I saw the new stuff, interesting) and Seraphon seems to be half and half. Also Kroxigors being good but still no Kroxigor hero is really odd. I don't think they even had one in Anvil of Apotheosis rules.
NTA but I want to get pegged pls
Big, big fan of how I can't just add X amount of models at X amount of points to a unit incrementally because adding +X to XX just isn't fun or something. I don't even understand why I'm trying to like this shit when even the basic list building annoys me. Fuck. I don't understand how you guys put up with this for three editions.
Go play old world then
Back to ToW with ya then. Your fellow shit taste having twats will welcome you happily.
We do it to spite you
>NTA but I want to get pegged pls
Be there soon <3

I love this model. She's fucking badass looking.

Probably leaving for ToW soon, sadly. So they aren't likely to get new rules in AoS.
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Why do half the anons ITT want to get pegged?
It's an AoS thread. They're all fags.
Don't knock it until you've tried it, sweetheart.

Damn he looks pretty good. I don't even like Skaven but he's cool!

>God I hope they make the umbra elves design based off the dread lords
Dark Elves NEED to be spiky and edgy so it's a safe bet they'll look like this imo.

Darkling Covens Sorceress.

Lol, pic made me giggle.
Case in point for >>93407212
drakespawn and cavaliers are your high damage cavalry for killing shit with 3w each and a 3+. Drakes are better off charge and hit harder with the better elf attack order. Cavaliers get human buffs like +1 save from the warforger, 5+ ward from zenestra, and +1 hit from the hurricanum.
Executioners do a shit load of mortal wounds. Hammerers are super efficient in both damage output and defense so you can use them to hold the middle.
Darkriders again are super efficient in their stats, very fast to use to score battle tactics. They a great ability to retreat for free.
Darkshards and Fusiliers are very efficient horde shooting. Fusiliers can get stupidly tanky with human buffs. With the command corps and hurricanum you can have two units covering fire on your opponents turn with +1 to hit.
Pontifex gives you a double priest who can chant a 5+ human ward aura every turn.
Command Corps is a pile of wounds with good utility abilities. Foot Marshal lets you extend your orders range. Warforger is a wizard with a free +1 save buff. Callis and Toll gives you 2 heroes for orders and they're a pile of wounds on an objective with good damage output and come with built in deepstrike. They're basically a CoS version of Questors.

Slaan is auto include with his casting and 4+ revive. Aggradons are your damage. Krox horde clear infantry off points. Saurus Guard are just better Saurus Warriors and bodyguard the slaan. Raptodons run on the board sides to do tactics. Huanchi deepstrike somewhere to score points and are super cheap. Engine can spam aoe heals or save up its mechanic to give your shit strike-first while being a decent body. Ark of Sotek is stats efficient, you take it for its durability and control score. Starpriest is a free hero slot cheap wizard with an excellent free buff you put in every list.
whats the average time for a 2k point game now
It's not cringe, everytime I open the pic I can hear the screeching voices and thunderous rattling guitars

3 hours for an evenly matched game if both players know what they are doing less of course if one player gets washed.
Combat is faster but there's more to do in the opponent's turn and no battleshock means combats go on for longer.
So it ends up being about the same as 3rd.
Def opened and viewed. Whenever that seal is busted on ANYTHING you just know.
Will they be kissing?
Stormfiends seem like they're in a weird spot this ed, stats that look decent but also feel too expensive to reinforce in listbuilding but also 3 don't do enough.
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so on a unit of 10 hexwraith this dudes +1 hit is adding 2 damage average. That's super disappointing for 180 points on a crap body.
Haven’t gotten around to playing a standard game of 4th, but here’s a list I can make real easily. All I’d need is Sigvald and more Twinsouls - boxes I planned to buy anyhow.

What’s your input, /tg/? The manifestations are up for debate.

Goals (1000 Points)

Hedonites of Slaanesh
Supreme Symbarites
1000 Points
Drops: 2

Spell Lore - Lore of Extravagance
Manifestation Lore - Manifestations of Depravity


General’s Regiment

Sigvald, Prince of Slaanesh (260 Points)
• General

Blissbarb Archers (140 Points)

Slickblade Seekers (180 Points)

Symbaresh Twinsouls (130 Points)

Regiment 1

Shardspeaker of Slaanesh (130 Points)

Lord of Hubris (160 Points)
• Glory Hog
• Pendant of Slaanesh

Faction Terrain
Fane of Slaanesh
the list so bad it killed /aosg/

And yet here you are sucking my crab-claws.
Brainlet take bro
Check out comparable character's scrolls, they will both cost more and do less than this.
I can't help it — you're delectable!
he hits for 3 and his +1 hit is doing 2, he's doing about nothing.
How tall is the varghulf model?
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It feels good man. Why do you think people are flocking to Har Kuron, the pegging capital or the mortal realms?
I haven't played yet and I don't believe he can hide in a bush because your unit needs to be wholly within 3" and I know his base is larger than 3"
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armies for this feel?

FEC. Alternatively, Gits.
Jesus, they look bad.
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>What armies should be in the 5th Edition starter?
I don't fucking know that's at least four years away. Maybe Ironjaws? Humans vs orcs is a classic match-up.
DoK vs Gitz
Solely because they're my 2 main armies and would love new waves for them
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It's assumed that every starter set will be SCE vs a non-order faction. Does anyone have the numbers of how many people buy Stormcasts vs other factions? Because I don't know anyone who plays SCE while every 40k player seems to have at least a 500 point Space Marine army, but that could just be my friend group.
Nah it's the same with me. Everyone seems to have a Space Marine force even if small, only a couple of people have Stormcast.
In the Spearhead league I've just started, of the 20 armies, the only duplicate is Seraphon, the rest are unique.
No Stormcast though

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