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Scry edition

>To make cards, download MSE for free from here:
>Mobile users might have an easier time signing up here:

>Stitch cards together with

>Hi-Res MSE Templates

>Mechanics doc (For the making of color pie appropriate cards)

>Color Pie mechanics

>Read this before you post cards for the first time, or as a refresher for returning cardmakers

>Design articles by Wizards

>Primer: NWO and Redflagging

>Q: Can there be a sixth color?
A: http://pastebin.com/kNAgwj7i

>Q: What's the difference between multicolor and hybrid?
A: http://pastebin.com/yBnGki1C

>Q: What is precedence?
A: http://pastebin.com/pGxMLwc7

>Q: How can I proxy my cards for testing?
A: <https://pastebin.com/9Xj1xLdM //> https://mtgprint.cardtrader.com

>Art sources

>/ccg/ sets
(/ccg/ collab set in development)

OT: >>93310734

Thread Challenge: Post a card that scries
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>Thread Challenge: Post a card that scries
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I got the backup UNSC commanders, accidentally completed the thread challenge (though I still need a background), and I even have some Forerunner stuff. Any suggestions of what to change?
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I saw some classes in the bloomburrow spoilers and immediately decided to make some myself, because clearly that is what my set was lacking.
Now that I think about it, I wanna remove Mantle’s Approach’s ability to instakill and make a ‘composer’ equipment that does the thing and it can be equipped to big vehicles
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Weekly autosage is a bane. Reposting since I posted this at the end of the thread.
It's been a couple years since I last posted an update to the Yu-Gi-Oh! MSE template I've been using. There isn't too much new, though I added a frame for generic tokens as well as Pendulum Link monsters, since someone might have ideas for those. The main difference from previous versions is that I spent a couple days sorting through the remaining spaghetti code and improving it to the best of my ability while fixing bugs and little issues with the template.

For the time being the only change I can think of is making it so text between parentheses isn't italicized in Normal monster cards, but I'll rant about MSE scripting and its dogshit documentation in the next post. If anyone knows how to handle it, let me know.
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So I want to take the code in pic related and make it so text between parentheses (which only occurs at the end of a Normal monster's text) is not in italics. There's a built in replace function, which uses regex, and you just need to remember that you need two back slashes for each (undocumented) escape character except backslash itself.
>replace(input, match: "\\(", replace: "</i-flavor>\\(", in_context: "\\(.*\\)\\<\\/")
>replace(input, match: "\\)\\<\\i-flavor\\>", replace: "\\)", in_context: "\\<\\i-flavor\\>\\(.*<match>")
But despite "input" being used in the existing code, it apparently isn't set. Trying to do a hacky "input == { the stuff in line 49 }" doesn't work, and trying to create a new variable is another can of worms. A temporary variable makes sense. You initialize it, you set it to line 49's string, then you set it to each replace function, where it's fed as the input, and then you return it as the final text.
Well MSE scripting says no. == tells you the variable isn't set, := makes MSE bitch it can't convert the value you're initializing the variable with to a function, and there are no data types. This should work according to the documentation that afaik is only on the Wayback Machine at this point. Add to that that + concatenates anything that follows to the assignment, ; indicates the end of a function, line breaks are meaningless, and naturally brackets limit the scope of the code within, so even if variable asignment worked, it wouldn't be accessible by the rest of the function. So there doesn't even seem to be a real way to use a variable in a function to begin with.
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I would word it as “Whenever a creature would be regenerated, its controller sacrifices it instead.” I don’t think you can sacrifice other people’s things.
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Yeah thanks
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>>93380573 (OP)
>Thread Challenge: Post a card that scries
Only other relevant/interesting scryer in the set

Idea is that you can send him out to scout the area w/ suspend


This is effectively the same as "creatures can't be regenerated", since no one really regenerates a creature if it's not going to die
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nta but it's slightly different because sacrificing could trigger things, but honestly it probably needs to be an instant, because nobody ever would regenerate if it was active. Or just have it say 'creatures can't be regenerated'.

>Age of Abandonment
I want it. Stick that in my death and taxes deck and watch people get so mad that they can't do SHIT.
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What is a basic permanant? I know what basic lands are, but I can’t recall anything else being described as such. Or are you just saying ‘all creatures are legendary, destroy duplicates’?
It's a permanent with basic as a supertype.
And that only exists on lands.

Weird phrasing.
>Weird phrasing.
It is how all other supertype, type and subtype referencing is framed.
Your two vehicles need a crew cost to be crewed.
First mode triggers off tokens, so it goes infinite with itself.
Age of Abandonment if flavorful, but locking everyone out of casting non-instants for the rest of the game is pretty miserable.
Fighting as a downside on Conflict is pretty neat, though one red mana is trivially easy to pay.
Age of Discovery looks fun, but letting people discover for 0 is pretty problematic in formats that have 0 mana suspend spells.
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I haven't done this in a VERY long time. I got a lot to catch up on. Also, I'm currently unable to load images in MSE for some reason.

If I'm not mistaken, that activated ability on Queen of Hatred should be "3BB, T, Pay 10 life: Destroy all creatures target opponent controls. They can't be regenerated."
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I'm currently trying to make a DotA-themed set, /tg/. Help me try to maybe balance it out or with the wordings.
And here are their signature spells
Blue does not get direct damage, so Rylai needs a different passive. She has that mana passive which could translate to extra card draw

Furion's Sentinel of the Forest ability is really niche, and giving him flash on top of a cheat way to cast him is a little redundant (especially since that ability will pretty much only resolve on your own turn, as land destruction is rare and nobody is going to be targeting a basic forest, so the only thing that will really pull that off would be like an aura you are putting on a land)

Tapping a creature and removing it from combat is also a little redundant as most creatures will already be tapped when attacking. Also take a look at stun counters, as that's generally what WotC is using for "does not untap during the next untap step" makes for some better wording

I see you are trying to make Nature's Call combo with Furion's ability to cheat him out, but you can't even cast that spell without him on the field, so it seems clunky

Why is Heartstopper Aura an actual Aura? It affects every creature, not just the creature it's attached to. Seems like it could just be a regular old enchantment, no need to be attached imo
Also another point Nature's Call, I'm not sure if green ever gets the ability to sacrifice your own lands for abilities. That is more of a red ability imo
No cards reference nonbasic without also referencing lands
I was actually more worried about the Treant is a Forest but not land interaction and Aphotic Shield being a transferrable aura but I can see the redundancies of the effects you pointed out simply because I leaned more on flavour than the color pie.
>Tapping a creature and removing it from combat is also a little redundant as most creatures will already be tapped when attacking.
It's an umbrella clause. What you said is true but you can also target an attacking or blocking creature during combat.
Here's the revised versions.
And the tweaked signature spells
Slight recommendation for Counter Helix: consider rephrasing it so the amount of damage is clear. Something like "Target blocked creature deals damage equal to its power to all other attacking and blocking creatures." That way there's less ambiguity - the way it's phrased now could possibly imply the damage dealt has something to do with the attacking or blocking creatures, not the target blocked creature.
You're right. I also just caught the "Untap X Forests" and I may have to reword it to avoid untapping an opponent's forests as well as per the Teferi problem.
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gard bump
Yeah, maybe something like Untap "up to X Forests" or "up to X forests you control".
I like seeing that ability on a creature- you don't see preventing non-combat damage very often. Could get out of control easily though if enchanted - might be worth considering lowering its base toughness. If the idea is completely locking out burn though, it'd be very effective w/a few enchants or some damage redirection cards.
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How strong would this be?
I'm actually kind of surprised that there's not an existing instant/sorcery that gives a temporary Future Sight, the closest thing I could find would be The Belligerent. Would it make more sense for the card to be an Enchantment that sacs itself at EOT like Underworld Breach?
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Here’s a Chance for Glory reprint
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more gard
Forced Fruition meets Glimpse the Unspeakable, neat
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m o r e
g a r d

Yeah I dig it.
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Working on Draft Archetypes for a cartoon inspired magic the gathering set. Mostly it's just me going off vibes and including inspirational touchstones
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Not him, but you are wrong.
Maybe use Prototype as a W/B mechanic to represent rough sketches of characters?
for clarities sakes your referring to the white/blue combo? or white/black?
B generally refers to black
U generally refers to blue
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gotcha. Prototype could be a cool spin for the set idea. I know I already intend to utilise Absorb from Future Sight to represent some of the way cartoon characters just take stupid amounts of damage and bounce back.

for the sake of content here's the Rakdos Uncommon legend. Might change it from tokens to creatures but it felt like a fun nod to like...a bunch of shit.
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Posting another one of my alara cards. I like the idea a lot, but also feel like the numbers on the card probably need to be tweaked for balance.
I don't really like how both the first effect AND the second can target creatures, it feels somewhat redundant even if the second ability can sacrifice tokens besides the pumpkins.
I would try to differentiate the card's effects by having the second effect exclusively target players. You could also have the pumpkin tokens deal 1 damage to a creature instead of giving -1/-1, that feels a little more flavorful for what I presume is an exploding pumpkin.
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I think I'm leaning into this set being Phasing and Flashback mechanically. They both fit the vague flavor I'm going for.

I think they're going to make an unusual tempo-confounding mix that breaks up normal gameplay. Considering a pseudo-flashback keyword that has a different effect if you "flashback" ala Geistblast.
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For Flashback, the plan is to avoid effects that directly create card advantage (Drawing cards, dealing direct damage, making tokens etc.)
I want it such that the Flashback is the card advantage, basically. Flashback on a card functionally turns the card into a cantrip, you get an extra cast of something when you play it.
Effects that maybe CAN generate advantage, sure, but not so directly. Experiments will continue.
I like it.
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A foray into Phasing.
Yup, changed it.
Here it is the second set of heroes! This time there is a thematic focus on Prellex (W) and Kanna (R) as they correspond with the Ancient War. I was thinking maybe the Radiant be UW and Dire be BR which leaves G to be the shared color between both?
Their signature spells. I been debating in my head whether I should just outright replace the word creature = creep and have Hero be its own card type but I don't know if that can run afoul with some rulings. But even so, I don't really see any distinct difference than what separates a Hero from a creature other than they have unique named abilities.
Here's some artifacts.
Hey I made a few DotA cards a long time ago

Clinkz, the Bone Fletcher
Legendary Creature - Skeleton Archer
First Strike, Reach
BR, Sacrifice another creature: Clinkz gets +X/+X until end of turn, where X is the sacrificed creature's toughness.

Legendary Enchantment
Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, flip a coin until you lose a flip or choose to stop flipping. If you win one flip, copy that spell once. If you win two flips, copy that spell twice. If you win three or more flips, copy that spell thrice.

At the beginning of your end step, create a 2/2 black Zombie creature token with decayed for each creature your opponents control.
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Nice, it's been on my mind as well but initially I did one for Skyrim. Never could do shouts right, both flavour and mechanics-wise.
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This is all what I made. Maybe I'll get back to it in the future but I'll just focus on DotA right now.
Oh, I guess there's pic as well
Why did you delete it, anon?
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I forgot an intervening if condition for Ridley.
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Another pass
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With the prerelease of Bloomburrow coming up, just wanted to remind everyone that I've been using a mechanic named Forage since before the Pandemic

Have a great pre-release weekend everybody!

PS: Also, I see a lot of great posts recently - would love to give feedback to those but out of time right now. Hopefully later today/tomorrow!
>catbox links dont work in MTG.design
Final post for a while, a treat for DotA players ITT. A Meepo theme!
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Here are some legendary leaders I have for a wedge faction set with some lore and mechanical ideas

BWG - Finality counters matter. This faction has a lot of recursion and will benefit creatures with finality counters on them, and potentially be able to move those counters around. The lore for them is they are a faction of plagued exiles from around the world who follow a cult of a mysterious faceless king that promises them salvation for the sick and damnation to those who exiled them

RWB - This faction cares about having lower life than your opponents to eventually build up an aggressive board to swing in for the alpha strike with the 'Vengeance' ability. The lore behind them is they are a professional army that worships a young and charismatic prodigal conqueror (think fantasy Alexander the Great) who has ascended to demi-godhood through pure martial strength alone.

URW - These guys focus on a go-wide equipment strategy, where instead of the usual voltron style of equipment decks, this faction cares more about making sure every creature is equipped with only one equipment. Lore behind them is they are the remnants of the civilized war as everything around them has been consumed by total war of the other factions.

BGU - This faction cares about having only a few creatures, specifically 3 or less, but those creatures will get huge with the "Chosen Few" faction ability. Lore behind them is they are an empire of slavers and warlords with a strict hierarchical culture where everyone is constantly trying to backstab each other to get ahead

GUR - This faction focuses on big spells and big natural creatures. Base power 4 or greater matters along with a spell slinger theme, such as giving creatures with power 4 prowess or allowing you to tap base power 4 creatures to copy spells, etc. Lore behind them is they are a downtrodden tribe of barbarians seeking to cause a massive thunderstorm that will cleanse the world of artifice, disease, and civilization
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I have been working on a four player draft set. It's not a commander draft or anything, just a normal four player draft.
One of the major mechanics in the set is energy, as I like that it is something players can use to impact the game even if they are tapped out. Here it is themed as political favors, and unlike previous times we have seen energy, getting it requires you either giving other players resources or other players agreeing to give it to you. or play black.

I really like this design of cards that require finesse to get advantage from. Honestly, I just really enjoy these kinds of cards. I also like how either white or blue decks can grab this in draft, but defiantly makes you want to go into white and blue for the full effect.
>abzan guy
*lesser mana value. Nit aside, seems reasonable.
>mardu guy
This seems a little too pushed for the mana value. I'd say crank him up to a 4mv 4/4
>jeskai guy
Also a bit too much value for the mana cost. I'd suggest rewording to either get a single soldier and a single equipment, or give the player the choice of 2 of either.
>sultai guy
I am really not a fan of chosen few as it's currently written. Having three or less creatures in play feels like a trivially easy condition to meet. I recall an old limited mechanic (DKA? AVR?) which incentivized only having a single creature, and that often felt too weak. Perhaps rebalance the mechanic for having 2 or less creatures?
>temur guy
This seems a bit too much like a card that if you untap with it, you can cast a handful of spells, and then just win the game on the spot. I'd suggest making the token generation cost 2 on cast of an instant/sorc, but also give the card itself ward 2. This would raise the floor of the card and lower the ceiling.

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