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favorite fish?
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*draws u 20 cards for free*

you're welcome kiddo
>favorite fish?
Merfolk. All of 'em.
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How about a card that makes fish?
This ability triggers once per turn is just tapping without tapping
>activate this ability only if...
Sort of but practically it means you have to blink it or gy/revive it to trigger it a second time instead of just playing an untap effect which in most cases is simpler. Except ephemerate effects have gotten really good lately...
I just want them to put the once per turn restriction at the front of the trigger. That's it. That's all I ask. Let me know what I'm getting into when I start reading the card and I'll be fine with it.
ok final fantasy will be the set that ACTUALLY saves magic

this time for sure
Do you think they will eventually have ever single card with even slightly "risque" art redone with safe, non "horny" art?
Aerith Gainsboro, Friendly Flowergirl
Legendary Creature -- Human Priest

[Fractured Lifestream] -- When Aerith Gainsboro, Friendly Flowergirl, enters the battlefield, exile it. Then, if you have a Zack Fair, Stylish SOLDIER in exile, both players exile all permanents in their hands, graveyards, and libraries, then place all exiled permanents not exiled by this effect onto the field. Then, both players exile any card named Cloud Strife, Amnesiac Protagonist and Sephiroth, Prophesied Armageddon on the field from the game.

Yeah I can't wait.
I look forward to seeing all my favourite twitch and twitter influencers that have zero interest in Magic or FF opening 100s of boxes looking for the One of One buster sword
why would something shitty that sucks being added to something shitty that sucks produce anything other than something shitty that sucks
>Do you think they will eventually have ever single card with even slightly "risque" art redone with safe, non "horny" art?
No, the shirtless muscular beefcake art will remain untouched.
how come body type a gets to be shirtless but body type b doesnt? im not attracted to body type a. im attracted to body type b.
>MtG doesn't do horny art
When is this meme going to die? They print sexy girls in every set and you always say ZOMG HOW DID THAT GET PAST THE CENSORS??
this except with foundations
They'll print some insufferable bullshit and it'll be stuck in Standard for 5 fucking years because they refuse to ban anything.

>inb4 Thoughtseize and Fatal Push reprints
Give me 3 examples of sexy women in MH3. You can admit it's pretty rare now.
They'll print some insufferable bullshit and in 2 years none of it will be playable. The FIRE never ends.
They'll just print some obviously pushed card (probably heckin' badass Sephiroth or Masamune) that will warp eternal formats.
Predictions on if bloomburrow
1. Will be fun to play sealed in
2. Will be fun to play draft in
3. Will have cards worth money
4. Will impact non-standard formats
1. NO!!!
2. NO!!!
3. NO!!!
4. NO!!!
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check and mate
counter point: I just simulated a draft with some frens over discord and it was pretty fun.
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love the art in this set.
+1/+1 counter point: Friends are great and you should be having fun with them regardless of how shitty the medium is.
Deathtouch counter point: Discord is GAY and you have AIDS for using it
The aids is mostly avoided in small private servers built for groups of irl friends.
*sips whiteclaw*
bitches don't know 'bout my ventrillo
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>Tifa Lockhart, Perfect Woman
>Legendary Creature - Human Monk
>Haste, First Strike, Prowess
>1W: Exile this creature. At the beginning of the next upkeep, return it to the battlefield under your control.
>Whenever Tifa Lockhart, Perfect Woman enters, you gain 1 life for every creature on the battlefield, and Scry 2
(d)Eluge kek
Keep the cope!
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Yeah, I'm a fan. The plains and forest in particular are really nice
How does this general feel about Ajani?
10/10 in britain
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Every day until you like it
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The type line is what gets me.
It should come into play suspected
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the frames kill all these for me, hard pass
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2 more weeks
do you even know what MH3 is?
Magic, tHe gath3ring?
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I am so fucking ready for cute furry critter magic you have no goddamn idea
It's the most "magic" looking set we'll have in a long time, so enjoy it. I'm going to skip all the modern shit they put in.
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>draft vintage cube for fun
>lose round 1 when opponent has 30 seconds on the clock and had karakas w6 all three games
>can't even play the remaining 2 matches for fun
What a waste
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>Watch stream recaps
>Host is getting disconnected all the time
>Arena crashing at least once per stream
>Host brags about Arena client being shit all the time
>Opponent is not responding
>'UhH HuRr SaLTy RoPiNg?'
>'DuRr iS OpPoneNt SaLtY RoPiNg?'
>'OpP iS noT ReSpOnDiNg fOr 30 sEcOnDs, tHeY mUsT bE SaLTy RoPinG'
I hate this so fucking much. What is more likely - that opponent is salty roping because you created 3 Tokens with your gimmick deck or Arena crashing on his side, you fucking imbecile?
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it gets sillier every time
Ever since they switched Secret Lair from print-to-demand to limited print runs that sell out immediately I stopped keeping track of them at all which has been very good for my wallet. That said these are fuck ugly. I don't mind weird art but the readability of text is the one thing they should never fuck with and they keep fucking with it.
been away from the game since the UB shit started, came across some mh3 cards recently

...why the fuck did they swap "tribal" for "kindred"??? Don't tell me people were getting offended with the word "tribal"
You have to understand how entirely mindbroken and indoctrinated the typical westerner is these days. They will go along with just about anything if you tell them it is to protect the feelings of X minority group
you can only tap once every other turn, retard. so no, its not close to being the same. fucking normies ruined this game
what mtgo stops should I have against delver in pauper, some people said you should respond to trigger I guess so you can kill it before they draw a counterspell or something
Btw, they changed Totem Armor to Umbra Armor at the same time, for the same reason.

It's because they were afraid of the chance of people getting offended, even though nobody actually was. I even saw multiple instances of people reacting to the change announcement with "wtf, I'm Native, having tribal/totem in the game was cool".

Never assume the stupudity of the consumers when the stupidity of executives is possible.
>change tribal and totem in case someone might be offended (they weren't)
>at the same time give all your Native American-analogue characters in your Wild West themed set distinctly European names
I don't think there's enough food production for forage to be reliable in limited, it looks like a trap.
You don't understand, anon. WOTC expects you to jerk off to this.
That's why food is just one of the ways you can forage.
Sure, but I think the fact that it's presented as an option makes the mechanic look easier to do then it will actually be. There's not much self mill to fill the graveyard either.
I think I'm gonna buy a fat pack of Bloomburrow. The art alone has me convinced. It'll be the first physical Magic cards I own.
Enjoy the box anon it's the best thing you get from them nowadays
Did they used to include more extras?
from what i remember you would also get a booklet that had a checklist/gallery of all the cards in the set, and had some pages of story
It's a shame paper started costing $400 a page and forced Hasbro to cut those extra from the box. At least, I assume that's the cost of paper to explain such an inexplicable removal.
Alright you swarthy fucks. /edhg/ is full of retards and I need your opinion as players of real formats (pioneer players fuck off). What is a scam deck? It's grief, reanimate, and troll right?
>Pioneer players fuck off
Get the hell out of here faggot.
>What is a scam deck? It's grief, reanimate, and troll right?
Yes. Scam has come to mean "I've scammed you out of the chance to play Magic by shitting out 5CMC worth of cards with 1 land and shredded your hand while I was at it."
>What is a scam deck?
a deck that uses an mh2 elemental + some way of bringing it back after evoking it
>It's grief, reanimate, and troll right?
grief is the most popular mh2 elemental to abuse with reanimating/flicker effects
reanimate is a way of bringing it back so the two form a package
troll is just something that synergizes with both
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Look at this deck. Pioneer BLB squirrels.
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>need some extra cash
>decide to sell some cards
>they've all plummeted in value
Fuck me
Is ygra even that good?
Despite all the gay shit, is magic the gathering still fun to play?
*fucks you*
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This is my pick for best art in the set. Turns out when you stop giving every commission the direction of:
>Human centre frame stood confidently looking outwards. Give them a weapon or glowing hands if subtypes require it.
You can actually get something nice.

Still not playing Magic btw, game is shit.
Only in a controlled setting when you're playing with people that you like. Otherwise you're dealing with sweaties that smell just as bad as they look. I can't in good conscience recommend MTG to anyone that isn't already a part of it.
>at the same time give all your Native American-analogue characters in your Wild West themed set distinctly European names
Please understand, they needed to clue people into the fact that the not!Natives from Thunder Junction are also colonizers (but it's okay because the actual native population of the plane weren't sapient until the colonizers arrived)
Weird that this card names a guy who, to my knowledge, has literally no presence in other cards. Feels a bit old-school Magic in that sense.
Well, they make a point that the Atiin have 'real' names, but they don't really establish WHY they use the other names, so it's honestly still pretty crappy. And they gave us no Planeswalker's Guide or anything to explain things either, so best I can guess is Atiin, being nomadic, tend to take on new names wherever they travel to to fit the local names a bit more.
Yeah, instead we get
>otter center frame standing confidently looking outwards with glowing hands
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No. The sheer number of words on the cards makes the game extremely tiresome to play. Having to ask what everything does then getting a fucking tome read back to you that you ain't remembering for shit, not to mention keeping up with a million static abilities and random shit is quite simply just tiresome.
is it better quality than the one included in the commander precons?
There's only five cards at common/uncommon with forage. Only one is repeatable. I think it'll be fine.
Mine? This is my favorite art in the set.
I didn't say no cards were like that, but it feels like less of the set is along those lines.
>bart van etten copiuming about cheating
What a cuck lmao
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Just remember it could always be worse
Can someone look up how many "exile cards you may play them this turn" cards have been printed in the last 2 years or so? I swear half of the cards do that or create x tokens.
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At least YGO players know what they're getting into. Wizards once printed a joke card with a silly amount of words on it. This card no longer holds the record for most words on a card.
Magic prints such busted cards now, lmao. Glad I dropped this shit years ago.
That card will likely see no play.
It's funny how every aspect of this version is worse than the original. Pose, detailing, the sword, wings looks like they're not connected and they're just cloth billowing behind. The original even has an eclipse behind it which is the orhov's sigil. The comparison perfectly encapsulates everything I hate about modern MTG art.
If I don't get some legacy powerhouse card from my favourite franchise Rosewater is a hack
If you play fucking artifacts in any fucking way... Die, die and suck my dick.
>tfw my only LGS is known across the world for taking money for pre-orders and never delivering
Where should I buy my bloomburrow shit from in the UK?
You have no eyes
Are you suggesting where to buy or asking which shop is my robbing LGS? lol
Im a burger and only know about bigorbit for shops in your country
so yes to both
What is the point of monored existing? What does it add to the game?
My robbing LGS is Seventh Dimension. I didn't realise the reputation it has, but apparently when the One Piece TCG got released, they just started keeping peoples money and not sending them the shit they preordered. There's even threads on reddit of burgers getting got by them. So I guess, avoid them if you ever see a deal from them that tempts you.
Dont you have friendly badgers and otters to play Bloomburrow with? Over a cup of tea? Or are you in the Muslim part of the UK?
No idea about the past two years, but there's at least 150 cards that do such a thing in the entire game. More than enough for a Commander deck...
I'm in the Irish part of the UK, so it's more sectarian fatties and glue sniffers that I play with.
Monored is the fun police, it ensures you need to give a shit about the enemy.
Monored is the shittest for every other deck. If you can't beat RDW in a Bo3, then your deck is absolute dogshit and needs to be fixed. However, since you're an Arenafag who only plays Bo1, you don't know what a side deck is, so you don't know this.
Is anybody playing pre-FIRE formats? I miss old magic and arena formats get old quick. Vintage and legacy are fucked, modern is a meme, and 93/94 players are boomer snobs
I’d jam some 2017 modern or something if there’s a group for it
I am once again reiterating how stunned I am by the sheer difference between all of Magic's recent sets and Bloomburrow, in terms of aesthetic. I cannot believe that simply removing the need for black, fat, disabled and gay people made such a drastic difference to the quality of the art.
Honesty? Or you prefer facing only Sorins, Lotus, Amalias and fucking Phoenix? When you are facing a mountain you know what it is, there is no surprises, no shits just cretures, buffs and damage to the face. That's it.
He's a Standard player, I can guarantee you that much.
yes, keep bragging about aesthetics because you will not see this sets cards outside standard never again
There should be an Embers format that uses only cards from 8th to Dominaria.
Look for Japanese Modern groups.
Modern without supplimental sets or LotR etc.
I don't care about powerlevel.
So are people ready for Duskmorn spoiler season to start in 2 weeks
Exactly, it's just better tapping
Even if they priced held you would need months to sell them. People aren't buying shit.
even otters are autists now
I'm not excited for Duskmourn, I want more Bloomburrow story
I don't like Duskmourn compared to Bloomburrow but just for the few spoilers already showed it seems Haunted House power level will be miles away from cute little animals...
as long as we get more of these
>spent 900€ on cards this week
I have a problem
The Bloomburrow story is so pitifully short because they were worried people wouldn't like it.
But instead people didn't like Duskmourne, so they had to release some early spoilers first.
And then Foundations not long after. At least there's nothing after Foundations until 2025.
>At least there's nothing after Foundations until 2025.
I'm pretty sure jumpstart 2025 was leaked and it's supposed to come out before the end of the year
Seriously... This product storm must fucking end is too much for fuck's sake.
Hasbro needs benefits please understand, think about investors and their families, chud.
Nah hasbro has said that they need to make money so its endless new releases. Remember when the special card of a set was a full art land? Now you get like 30 special frame/art cards to throw your money at every month. Some cards have like 5 speciality version already
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For all the mostly deserved hate Double Feature gets, I really like its foils
>remove brackets
This was such an odd design
Like, I know people say everything is Kicker, but Cleave is functionally just weirdly-done Kicker. I get the idea behind it, it's just strange. Also didn't feel like it fit Innistrad.
It's kicker with more words.
Well, no, Kicker would take more words to do some Cleave effects for sure.
I wouldn't be surprised if Jumpstart is just part of Foundations.
"Target player reveals their hand. If this card was kicked, choose a nonland card from it; otherwise, choose a nonland card with mana value 2 or less. That player discards that card."

I saved almost 10 words. Suck my hairy balls.
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Here you go.
I want to get back into magic after a decade
What boosters should I pick up at my LGS for actual worthwhile usable cards?
Print proxies.
Buy singles. Nothing else is worth
Really? Nothings even remotely worth it? I miss playing but I also miss cardboard gambling
disciple of Freyalise
Kaalia of the vast (alternative art, non NFT one)
>Nothings even remotely worth it?
if there is, I don't think anyone here can help you, the majority of people who want to talk about magic are players, not collectors, and when it comes to playing the game, getting singles is always the best option
yes (if you play pauper)
>Fiery Temper
>Fiery Temper
How is any of these bad?
Alright, fair enough. Any recommendations on decks I should build that're decent for a reasonable price?
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More Black Hole updates.
This one may seem like an abstract kind of include, but I think it plugs even more holes. Might end up going back on them after more tests, we'll see.

Candy Trail. Fast filtering lets us drop some lands (1 for now) and ups consistency. One of the biggest things we lacked was fast filtering, and I didn't want to bring in more of the black self-draining draw spells as killing ourself is sketch as fuck. 12 bonus FREE life gain in the maindeck makes the life of burn decks hell. The temporary -1 CA feels like a non-issue, when it helps you draw the right removal pieces and hit your land drops in the meantime.
I suspect Candy Trail will be a big upgrade to consistency , and not a huge loss to topdeck potency as in the late game you can just crack it the same turn you play it. Seems like a perfect piece for the deck, and might even open up Delirium options if I want to try those out.

Ratchet Bombs are popping in and out of the sideboard. A chance encounter with a Rats deck showed that tokens with haste are a sort of achilles heel. The Ratchets are in for now, though still pondering Bile Blight too.

Fuck this deck is fun.
synth is like hearthstone with even less skill
>oops i synthed into a two for one that gave me two more two for ones, lol
>Any recommendations on decks I should build that're decent for a reasonable price?
I would first need to know what people play at your LGS, most likely EDH + something else, and we can't help you with EDH
Modern. Sorry, should have mentioned it.
Seems like a fine spread of aggro, combo, and midrange. Mono-U Serpent still puts up results so there's a viable tempo deck in the format as well. Pauper's only real issue at present is the lack of a good control deck to keep the combo shitters in check.
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how much you're willing to spend?
$150? I don't know how much a good deck costs nowadays. Looking at MTG goldfish now, mono red or bant poison looks within my range
>$150? I don't know how much a good deck costs nowadays
you can't get a full modern deck for that much, but you can start building one and upgrade it over time
at that price range I'd recommend prowess, affinity or dredge, I can get you some lists if you want to
>Looking at MTG goldfish now, mono red or bant poison looks within my range
those are standard decks, not modern ones
standard? wait 2 weeks it's literally about to rotate when bloomburrow comes out
modern? sorry, youre not building anything decent for less than 3-400
you can build burn for cheap but burn is not good
Why not play Pioneer? What is it about Modern that's intriguing you?
Seeing what a plane looked like by way of seeing basics while cracking packs was a big part of immersion for me when I was younger.

I wish WotC would at least put normal art in packs and fullart in precons.
he said it's what people play on his LGS
bitch im a magic player i cant read shit
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$350, best I can do, boss.
OK I'll wait for standard, my LGS didn't have any events this week but they start up standard again next week
>hearthstone invented 2 for 1s
I played both hs and mtg and have no idea what you're trying to say
A 2-for-1 is a card that goes -1 (itself) to net +2 (2 other options. For example, most midrange/tempo decks have 1-for-1s (it trades itself for another card), whereas any combo deck worth its salt has an X-for-1 (Living Dead turning into X monsters being the prime example).
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I meant why is he calling it hearthstone when 2 for 1s are like basic card game fundamentals lmao
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this nigga was 2 for 1ing removal when hearthstone was a twinkle in activision-blizzard's eye
I can't parse it either. Synthesizer isn't even a "lolrandom" card like HS would have.
>Gift a tapped 1/1 blue Fish creature token
Why was this so hard to figure out?
because that snot how they wanted to word it
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>Wording it right was not how they wanted to word it.
Sorry, excuse me?
>draw only the X you paid, not declared
Why was this so hard to figure out?
you heard me
Yes, I did. You just said something retarded so I am astonished.
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No card from Bloomburrow can slot into any of my brews.
No card from Bloomburrow has me interested in making a new brew.
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Yes I corrected a few mistakes.
Thank you for spamming the thread about it. Very helpful.
cute draft chaff
When the fuck are we getting decent reanimation in pioneer? The jump from 2 mana reanimation in modern to 5 mana reanimator in pioneer is criminal. Picrel is so close yet so far
>When the fuck are we getting decent reanimation in pioneer? The jump from 2 mana reanimation in modern to 5 mana reanimator in pioneer is criminal. Picrel is so close yet so far
Pioneer is apparently doomed to the "mana value 2/3 or less" reanimation for all eternity

Backup plans to make degenrate combos even harder to interact with? Perfectly fine.
Interesting aggressive but ultimately not game breaking suicide speed brews? Unacceptable.
If a deck hinges on the fulcrum of a single card, it is not broken no matter how much bad players piss and moan. Simple ass.
Lurrus would like a word
now that finality counters are a thing, I don't think we'll ever get true reanimation for cheap
Lurrus was more powerful than Black Lotus, Time Walk, Time Vault and Oko combined. It's an outlier.
Hopefully never i fucking hate reanimation and Pioneer is already full of degeneration.
SHE is an outlier, fucking chudcell
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We will get the last fair reanimation spell when they will push the Pioneer back by the Innistrad block.
Duskmourn will make Dredge/Delve great again i have faith.
Duskmourn has Delirium, so probably not doing Delve, and DEFINITELY not doing Dredge.
Oh shiet another horror set with dissapointment
what's the best thing to Necromentia against Lotus Field?
Just the fields obviously, but if they already have one out say. Would Pour Over the Pages take the next best hit?
Chandra, the fairy, Lier, Ultimatum, Recovery, Omniscience...
Okay, I absolutely despise the idea of untapped dual lands and untapped fetches. How viable would a 2 color deck be without them? Obviously, I know it'll be weaker but how much weaker?
I mean Omniscience maybe.
Wouldn't Pour be a better option in any case, though? If they can't even get to their wincons, don't need to extract them.

Omniscience is probably the most c rippling as far as wincon removal goes.
Unplayable dogshit, you are playing a turn slower than every other deck in a game that regularly ends turn 3 in the lowest power level formats.
It's Pore. You "pore" over pages and information. "Pour" is when you pour something from a container.
I've seen too many fucking published books make this mistake, I WILL correct it even on a shitty forum.
Significantly. Let's say you have 24 lands in your 60-card deck. Let's say 8 of them are B, 8 of them are R, and 8 of them are dual lands. That means your deck has, effectively, 16 B generators, and 16 R generators. Remove the dual lands, and divide them equally among both colors. Now you only have 12 B generators, and 12 R generators. You've reduced your generation of each color by 25%.
>pores tea on ur stupid books
Being ahead a full turn of tempo without losing card advantage is worth ~3-5 mana.
Starting a game behind 3-5 mana worth of value because you have only taplands is basically suicide.
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One more update for Black Hole: Ifnir Deadlands.
I slightly hesitate to bring them in, risking the pain, but the prospect of both uncounterable and backup removal if we ever get into a midgame topdeck wrestling match sounds just too valuable. The only thing we'll realistically be draining ourselves for is a fast Avarice draw.
I don't want to include too many as we still want Swamps to make sure Locthwain enters untapped. Still, seems like this is a simple and nasty 2-of. It's a sidegrade, but the inclusion of Candy Trail should offset any potential pain from having to tap them for B.

This also brings us to an extremely kino 13 Swamps.
Yeah, I was going to only go with basics but when you put it like that it's suicide.
I'm a retard who hates the idea that multi-colored decks have as good mana as they do. There should be a huge cost to running multiple colors to incentivize using the lower power cards in a color.
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Something about the way this old card is worded isn't parsing in my brain, so I need some help clarifying how picrel actually works. It has players that it targets, but it also "chooses" a number of things that they control. Are you choosing the number of creatures, or the creatures themselves?
You will get better results with 100% basics than you will with taplands, usually.
Outside of limited, and weird fringe constructed situations like Niv to Light where the taplands come alongside some other value.
I choose Mark's Ragavan, Mulldrifter, and Jackal Pup, then I choose Johnson's Primordial worm, Reef worm, and Purple worm.
Both people exchange control of those.
The thing is, you have to select the same number both times. So you can't just trade 1 creature for 3, if you want to take 3 of your opponent's creatures, you have to give them 3 of yours.
Thank you. I knew the number of creatures had to be the same, but your example helped clarify the rest just fine.
You aren't a retard for feeling that way. It was originally intended that the more colors you add to your deck, the more difficult it is to activate spells, with the trade-off being that those spells are significantly stronger than fewer color-intensive spells of the same CMC. We live in a post-Ravnica world where that's no longer the ideal.
>Synthesizer isn't even a "lolrandom" card like HS would have.

flipping over the top card of your deck and praying it's lightning bolt is LITERALLY lolsorandom, you goof
It's a combo kill with Cauldron Familiar. One cat in the yard and one in play can loop infinitely.
>Drawing cards is lolsorandom
Maybe not that part, in my ideal world creatures would have a lot more mana symbols than they do. Somethings (3)B, no it should be (1)BBB.
But I remember Return to Ravnica being incredibly popular with the guilds and I guess got people more addicted to always playing 2+ color decks
I just want blue to die. Fuck that colour, fuck islands, fuck counters, add counters to other colours too.

No "Tibalt Trickery" is not a counter is a trash wrong designed card
have you played against synth? matches are decided by flips literally all the time
In my Magical Christmas Land, there would be an "actual" CMC and an "effective" CMC, wherein a 3B spell would be significantly weaker than a 1BBB spell. But the current game state is how you say.
Countering spells is a trait that is most at home in Blue. Other colors are only allowed to have counterspells if they're not as generally good.

Also, just learn to play against control players.
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>add counters to other colours
counterspell was supposed to be the baseline power level of the game, but wizards is too fucking dumb to print more strong color-heavy cards at costs like WW and BB
>laughs in Invoke Despair
White should get more Remands. Red should get more Forks that are actually playable. Nobody else should get anything.
B-but how am I going to play my 4 color goodstuff deck if there's multiple mana symbols on cards??
I agree with this line of thought. Too many cards are too easily splashable because their mana symbols aren't restrictive enough.
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Would pic related still see play if she was {B}{B}{B}{B} instead?
Less play, but she'd still be very powerful nonetheless.
Yes in Modern, but every other format would be hard-pressed to run it since mono-B isn't strong enough in older formats, or all of their broken cards are banned in newer ones.
Here you have to work for your reanimation
Her best deck is Necrodominance so yeah I imagine she would still see play there
They're literally already doing this, and mh3 has that one ww creature that land destroys too, and prolly + more
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>forgot pic
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>you can just play modern boros energy in legacy
damn that's kinda crazy
>anecdote is the singular of data!
Powerful strategies in Modern usually translate well into Legacy, I remember when somebody randomly decided to register a Modern Yawgmoth list in a Legacy Challenge and it got to top16.
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Why does every magic Youtuber name their videos like this
>Corny hook line, often in caps
>As many tags as possible including the deck name, colours and 'MTG'
they're trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator and giving the youtube algorithm everything it likes
Putting the deck name/details in the title is completely sensible though.
Because that's how marketing works.
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>just go first bro
Skill issue.
Learn to RNG manip, nerd.
Meme format
Because that's how Youtube works. If they don't do that shit, the algorithm dumpsters their videos.
vexing bauble is based
if your deck relies on free spells to function, you deserve to be punished
Are you retarded, put that shit up to next to its recent BB brothers and compare, dauthi void walker is a much stronger card, a 1b card that's generically good and can slot into a bunch of decks is exactly what this card is trying to do
It's my bauble and his mox. I still think it's a badly designed card, like Grief, that widens the play/draw disparity. And I like MWI so it's not like it's stopping my Force of Wills.
based white chad
I'm waiting for the nadu ban, but I really like the way new eldrazi plays, having 8 sol lands is awesome
Eldrazi aggro or Eldrazi Tron?
technically eldrazi aggro but it's not traditional RG aggro
you need a reasonable amount of 7 drops to make ugin's lab consistent
I can't get Grinding Station.dek to work and it's really grinding my gears. I know HOW the cards are supposed to interact, but I'm not drawing them and I'm starting to think this is a one-in-a-million chance kind of deck idea.
it's a shit deck, anon
grinding station is a bad deck...? n-no... it can't be...
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Treasure Cruise should be banned in Pioneer.
Living End: 2-card combo with redundancy
Grinding Station: 5-card combo with no redundancy
Aside from Living End, 'Delver', storm variants, Tron, and Goryos, are there any decks left in modern that largely don't care about forced rotation? I want to build 1 deck viable in current year to play at my LGS for social reasons without having to gobble up the latest slop every time it releases
Sorry, but Fable, Bloodtithe, Vein Ripper, Sorin, Amalia, and Mutavault take priority.

Yawgmoth, Rakdos Scam, and Amulet Titan immediately come to mind.
>Duress your Edict
>Thoughtseize your Edict
>Sorin, Ripper
xD skill issue, chump
id also recommend zoo, creativity, omnath, scales, and boros aggro
Recommend me some cards to buy
least expensive deck you can make and basically immune to MH/Standard sets. If something DOES come out then you'd be able to easily replace it.

Buy proxies.
Invest in Karumonix while there's still time.
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Alright bros, it's been a while since I played. I had two main decks back in the day. It was an Innistrad-ish era humans deck with Champion of the Parish+goodstuff. Then while it wasn't standard I had a fun kitchen table treefolk deck with this fella that I had a lot of fun playing with.
You could use treefolk harbringer to stack your deck so you'd always get the treefolk you wanted. Or, you could put a rootgrapple on the top if you needed to get rid of something.

Have there been any cool treefolk/good cards that I could add to the deck to make it a touch better to compete with current decks? Or just fun cards in general, I only care about winning 30% of the time. I know Doran was a thing people played but I didn't feel like splashing the other colors and I didn't feel like drawing him as a brick.
Temur Pl-Otters
Railway Brawler
Otter prowess tokens
Not unless you’re wanting to play Commander.
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Damn that's a cool as hell card. Combined with this guy, it's a sick combo. Although truth be told, if you got this combo online the games probably functionally over by then.
Is commander that big these days? Someone was telling me it's huge now. I still have it somewhere but I made a Rafiq of the Many exalted commander deck that was sorta fun. I dunno though, I prefer 60 card formats.
This is /mtg/ and not /edh/ so all I will say is that Commander is, regrettably, the most popular Magic format these days, which is partially why the entire game has gone to shit. If you want more information, then you will need to change generals.
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It's so popular that it gets its own general? Things really have changed.
I guess I can kinda see it, everyone has their pet cards they like to make work I guess.

Ignoring that, it's a shame we never returned to Lorywn. I guess it's not super surprising since if I recall the set sold extremely poorly. At least they print Treefolk from time to time I guess, even if they don't seem to be spectacular
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Commander would be fine if WotC would stop printing cards that are specifically designed for it that are too good not to play. They basically gave it the Modern Horizons treatment just slightly more gradually.
There's a new Lorwyn set coming late next year
Wait really? That's sick, I hope they have treefolk. I'll probably buy a box to relive some of the nostalgia then donate the rest. I hope it does well and has nice direction
>has nice direction
if only you knew how bad things really were
dumb doomigger
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>favorite fish?
The only blue first-striker ~ Vodalian Knight. I guess if she were printed today, the island restriction would be erased and it would be 2/2 flying with "W: gains first strike"
I hate how 50% of brewing for pioneer is
>What is my answer for Vein Ripper
and the other 50% is
>what is my answer for Phoenix and Amalia
>blue creatures that can't rumble unless both players have islands
I mean I get the flavor of needing an oceanic arena but what the fuck was Richard "I Hate Mondays" Garfield thinking making one color's creature theme "hope your opponent is stupid enough to pointlessly opt-in"?
so wait
i can just flicker a Prototype creature and get the big one when it re-enters?
yeah, it's an old trick, like flicker-turning Morph creatures
shame none of the Prototypers are good lmao
could have been a fun brew
I find them really cool
Did they really need to trim "enters the battlefield" down to just "enters." Cards read so much stupider with the new text as if they're about to make a shitty "walks in to a bar" joke
I really wish we could just have magic cards that actually look like fucking magic cards
>singlehandedly obliterates Phoenix
get dick slapped. son

I think this card is extremely under-valued and deserves to be tested more in Pioneer
>Have there been any cool treefolk/good cards that I could add to the deck to make it a touch better to compete with current decks?
lol, you better play commander...

Back in 2014-2016 ppl played Leaf-Crowned Elder in Modern shaman-tribal but those times are gone
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>E Trigger
Am I retarded or does it keep the +1/+0? I thought they got rid of any counters that weren't +1/+1 or -1/-1
>Am I retarded or does it keep the +1/+0? I thought they got rid of any counters that weren't +1/+1 or -1/-1
Yes they indeed fucking forgot he "until end of turn" when they printed it like the retards without any quality control they are.
Don't worry though, they fixed it in post. :^)
>We have to prioritize what the most people want. I understand there is money tied to that, but also people. If 500,000 people want product A and 5,000,000 want Product B, why doesn’t Product B win out? It makes (at least) four and a half million players happier.
Thanks Mark, for making millions happy around the earth!
>It had my bike stolen...
Appealing to the masses is unequivocally one of the greatest mortal sins.
It's up there with betraying a gracious host in the list of things which are truly, truly profane.
Damn, if it kept the power it might be worth as a haymaker. Okay probably not but it might be fun
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i just can't stop brewing bros
whatever happened to that one RG shaman tribal brew in modern?
The Great Henge
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>whatever happened to that one RG shaman tribal brew in modern?
Trips of POWER!!!!!!!!
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You only see those videos because those are the ones that Youtube's algorithm knows how to show you. There's still content makers who are very no-frills gameplay but they're small because most casuals don't like that.
Its the reality of the format until bans
Yeah, I love Montolio's videos and other "passion" youtubers who aren't actually youtubers but just normal people who upload videos of stuff they're into. Firetruck is another good one and I (somewhat) learnt how to play dredge from him.
If Firetruck is another grimelord like Montolio then I'll definitely check him out. I don't have the patience personally to put a few hundred bucks into virtual cardboard and grind out leagues, but I'll watch someone else bazaar a person who made the mistake of trying to play magic as garfield intended.
I stopped getting mad at Mark for his shtik a long time ago because it's like getting mad at the rain. He will reliably come up with an excuse/explanation for why whatever WotC or their Hasbro overlords have decided to do right now is always the correct thing for them to be doing and if they completely reverse course next week he'll come up with a new reason for why they ought to do that because that's literally his job.
It's a shame because with his tenure and breadth of experience I'd have to assume he has some genuinely fascinating thoughts on game design and how a TCG should be run, we'll just never see them until long after he's out of the business.
Mark Rosewater is a _______
what if 500k people want the rl to stay and 5m people want the rl gone?
I can't sleep
new retarded brew incoming
it's EXTREMELY retarded this time
like, more retarded than any of my other brews by several orders of magnitude
He plays Bazaar decks and plays them really well, by my inexperienced eyes.
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This is not the ultra-retarded brew I was talking about.
But it this shitbrew has a comedic amount of perfectly acceptable support.
honestly... it's looking less like a shitbrew by the second...
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oh god oh man oh god oh man
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dies to push
still looks fucking hilarious

Needs more enablers than just Ancient One though.
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i'm gonna cum
when life gives you unicorns, make lemons
I shall post my next brew in the next thread.
It is my spiciest, most retarded, shittiest of shitbrews to date.
Brace yourselves for this one, homies.
It's a real motherfuckin' schizo midnight insomniac shitbrew humdinger.
I agree. I think it would actually mitigate complaints too. If Sheoldred was 1BBB or BBBB it wouldn't get anywhere near as much animosity as it does now.
There's a ton of metrics behind the scenes that tell people what's working and what's not. I recall a brief stage where all the titles were just things like 'another one? of course.' or 'they said I couldnt' and then the focus of the deck being in the thumbnail. People are just following the data to maximise views.
Remember Magic's big anniversary?
Giant growth is basically a dark ritual in that deck.
I found a second enabler, but it cost 4, which is probably too slow.
Not only does it cost 4, but it's not creature until you remove all the slumber counters, so you don't get any synergy until then. So yeah way too slow.
This logic doesn’t work because it makes an assumption that both groups of people are equally informed and equally possess the necessary foresight to maintain the longevity of the game. By catering to the lowest common denominator, Magic has been reduced from a mathematical exercise to a mobile gacha.
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Yes. It’s not hard to understand.

Hot girls are the “Male Gaze”. This is sexist and bad and promotes patriarchy.

Also, hot men are also the “Male Gaze”, again, sexist and bad.

Only fat, ugly, none-sexual woman are allowed. And only effeminate twink boys, like that boring Kellen they keep shoving in every set, are allowed.

And if you don’t like it, you are a bigot. It’s simple

Why do you think they made urza (white male Chad) the bad guy and retconned his wife into a thick black woman and (surprise!) she was always the good one doing all the work and she was always secretly a powerful wizard…

It’s really simple
Why does western culture hate itself so much bros? We conquered the world, we should be proud of who we are
FUCK, this post is too dark and depressing anon...
I'm probably going to get banned for this, but I'm going to give you 100% truth on the matter.

It was recently discovered by mainstream science that, no, black women are not pretending to be in more pain than white women during injury or pregnancy. They actually are in more pain. After hormone analysis was done, it was determined that white women, and by extension all Northern and Western Europeans for that matter, have higher levels of oxytocin in them.

Ocytocin is a chemical that serves several functions. One of them is pain tolerance, which was observed in studies as part of deconstructing "Western medicine". The second is pair-bonding and trust. Oxytocin floods women's brains during birth to have affection for their babies despite the physical trauma birth inflicted on them, helping with pain, and also forcing "love". (Never mind how the lower levels of oxytocin in non-white races affect the pair-bonding they have with their children. Never mind how psycho-stabilizers affect oxytocin hormone flooding.)

These higher levels of oxytocin are noted specifically in Northern and Western Europeans because their native climates are so incredibly hostile four-to-seven months out of the year, that it was necessary for tribes to learn to set aside their differences to survive the harsh winters via cooperation. Africa, Asia, North and South America, and Australia provide climates that don't require cooperation for tribal survival. They have flatlands, plains, jungles, and other advantageous food sources. Europe has forests and foothills, to be sure, but also taiga, tundra, mountains, and craggy hills unsuitable for agriculture until after "civilization" has established itself. Those who trusted and cooperated more--those with more oxytocin--survived, and passed on their advantageous traits to their offspring.

What this means is that Northern and Western Europeans, by virtue of this extra oxytocin, are the most gullible, stupid, foolish people to ever exist.
Card games?
*coughs up blood*
mtg... is dead...
... /mtg/... is also dead...
*shits self and dies*
Play premodern. It has fetches but they can only get basics. People play shit like treva's ruins and coastal tower in winning lists
Kkrrik cedh started pissing and hitting hit dick with a hammer in phyrexian joy
lmao they're lmao technically pirate captains
>What this means is that Northern and Western Europeans, by virtue of this extra oxytocin, are the most gullible, stupid, foolish people to ever exist.
If that's the case, how come Europeans don't worship everyday items they received from other cultures as divine gods the way Africans and Pacific Islanders do?
I always thought this card looked like an emo Moist Critical
what exactly do you call the british museum
too tall, the long face makes him look more liek azmo

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