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>The Latest Warhammer The Old World News

>TOW Official Website and Resources:

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6
Novels: https://pastebin.com/PFqPDr0H
Warhammer Chronicles: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/0xt777 (dot) zip
Time of Legends: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/q46ut6 (dot) zip
ET: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/j7d0t5 (dot) zip
TOW: https://gofile.io/d/ffbanD

>Warhammer Wikis:

>Alternative Models:

>Previous Thread: >>93369145

>TQ: Favorite region?
the nethers of a Sylvanian woman.
For me? It's Naggaroth.
These TOW prices are demoralizing.
Are we really so buckbroken that it's acceptable?
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Sylvania for me.
Based fpbp
I keep looking at my chaos collector's guide and shaking my head. It's insane how much the prices have increased and kit value has decreased.
and the Resin kits along with the book have already sold out
can't say im surprised
I think I'll just never own ushabti at this point.
the recent Salzenmund book made me really like Nordland
Amazing what happens when you make only 1-2 boxes per store
do stores even get resin models?
Anyone ]ut the various photos of the dwarf book in a pdf yet?
Dwarf release just seems odd to me. Weird collection of garbage from different eras all smashed together as it it makes a coherent army
None of them look like the same species
Same with the orcs, it's was just less obvious as there actually is multiple species. I assume it's to encourage thd grogs to expand various parts of their collection.
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They really should show more pics of these things in advance. This model is a lot cooler than it seemed initially.
His beard looks wrong
> gofile .io/d/vl5UYW

No Sorry
Talabacland (even though I play another empire region).
FFS they seriously gave Dorfs back their +1S for charging
>most inbred, diseased, unwashed, irradiated peons in the Empire
Surely you can do better.
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I really like the chaos wastes and, by extension, the far north in general. Vicious tribes, roving warbands, champions fighting for their dark ambitions, it's just cool.
I'm fine with them. Not that expensive of a hobby still.
Any Warhammer plans this weekend anons?

I'm aiming to paint a couple characters and a command group. Will see how much I get done and post pics when there's something to show.
Vampire cunny
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Bros why are Tomb Kangs so weak? Everything just gets oneshot or instacrumbles, even the constructs. It's not fair bros
You had about 10 years to save money.
So in addition to all of the above you're also asking for the pussy to be deathly cold.
Anon, you know where you are?
So no, he can't do better.
This hobby isn't for poors. You should take up a cheaper hobby like hunting for cool rocks and sticks
Ill take up a hobby of getting any woman you interact with pregnant with my seed.
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Dwarf collectors have no stash of gold.
I got the new Skaven, so I'll be assembling them.
Same here. It's actually incredibly cheap if you only buy the half you're interested in. And if you're only interested in some of the models you can find them for cheaper than the ones they replaced.
god I wish troll trader was US based.
Post new models on squares.
Book a holiday to the UK and have stuff delivered to your hotel room.
I will when I get home from vacation. Clanrats might be fiddly on 20mm but it should be doable. Rat Ogres and jezzails should be no problem whatever.
Why 20mm tho'? Why not 25mm?
I'll be using rounds in a movement tray. Being able to rotate them a bit will make the positioning easier.
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I highly recommend buying most of your models second hand. You'll have access to cool sculpts that GW doesn't sell anymore and it'll be cheaper.
Stare longingly at the other armies I've been wanting to start. Might paint some, but feeling a bit lazy. It's going to be a month or so till I start my new job so can't buy shit till then.
Enjoy! And those models are even cheaper than I expected from troll trader. Post pics when you can.

These DMH armies are making me realise I should just stop playing TOW. This army gets +1 strength on the charge and all its units have drilled, this army gets to move-and-shoot cannons and has a special deepstrike minigame. It’s just the same bullshit that turns 40k into a 2 turn combo game being inserted into something with the shell of WHFB. They don’t want to make a rank and flank game.
Do you think people will be willing to stick to the forces of fantasy and ravening hordes army lists? I haven't looked at the arcane journals or whatever they're called because they haven't released one for the army I collect, but if this is true and they're adding subfaction rules, I would be very disappointed.
The mustache looks too thick and the beard looks too flat to me. Might be the paint job? Dunno.
I hope so. When I saw the engineer army and doomseeker rules I just thought ‘this is like 40k army rules and stratagem shit, I’m not interested in it at all’.
Also yes I would say the dwarf one is so strong they are realistically subfactions and you will mostly try to make your dwarf army fit one of these variant armies. I feel the O&G were already kind of that honestly but at least they both committed hard to a theme.
>gets to move-and-shoot cannons

Oh no, a cannon that can move 3" a turn, the horror
Did you keep/put your army on the old WHFB base sizes?
Man they have a unit in here that gives a +1 movement buff in 6” to all your dwarf units. You are realistically never not playing one of these armies, and both armies are way more about special rules than any kind of rnf gameplay.
>dwarfs don’t work well in our cavalry and monsters edition, what should we do
>give them an untargetable character model that can kill entire enemy units by itself, sorted
I don’t want to play 40k my man.
The ability to mix gyrocopters and regular non-expedition units is still very strong, i think it's an argument of flexibility vs power. Like the theme lists from second ed warmachine before they fucked it all up and made them mandatory
Some of my local stores still had the book available for preorder. Too bad I missed out on the reference cards, though.
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I once again humbly request all of your Tomb Kings of Khemri wojaks, preferably the onions point Settra one. Trying to decorate a bday gift for a friend :)
>entire units by itself
>its average damage is 1 dead foot chaos warrior a turn

What are you talking about here? The movement buff is the cart, the character that can kill entire units is a doomseeker with runic equipment.
>Orcs get bullshit like underpriced Hags and Impact hits
>I sleep
>Brets get okay gunpowder weapons and unimproved version of the best infantry in the game
>I sleep
>Slowest army in the game gets some movement tricks
>Aaaaaah it's too OP! What is this bullshit! I'm going crazy help me James! Aaah!
and now the new plastic lord as sold out on the GW store
I think the Brets and TK arcane journals were OK because they were genuine variants of the army lists. The Orc journal also was, even if those variants were pretty powercrept. The Dwarf one just legitimately feels like the actual army list and that you would be foolish to run the FoF rules over it. AND it is much more about oh I use my mining tokens to zone you out, oh I use this combo and this character with this equipment to hit 20 shots on you than it is about moving and flanking ranked units.
We're back.
If you want to put 100+ points of runes/tattoos onto a mv3 character go right ahead. He's t4 and 2w. A single pillar of flame will be enough to take him out.
>check old AoS entry for runelord on online shop
>22 dollarydoos
>check new TOW entry for runelord on online shop
>44 dollarydoos
Hm yes very interesting.
Kek, and they're still trying to shift skaventide. Selling fast!
square bases simply cost more to make for GW and as such they had to double the price of all TOW product
I hope you understand
i don't think that is the best comparison since one is two armies plus rules and the other is just two plastic kits
Does the Dwarf book give them any answer to dragonlords?
And the big box is their flagship product that's had millions spent on it in advertising for months, whereas the two plastic kits had 3 months of radio silence before last week. It will never be a perfect comparison but it definitely shows they simply cannot gauge demand for their different product lines.
>Man they have a unit in here that gives a +1 movement buff in 6” to all your dwarf units.

So you're freaking out that dwarves could invest points into the ability to move at a normal speed if they're right next to another unit?

You're really reaching here my guy.
>Favorite region?
Either Tiles for the renaissance level shenanigans, or the Worlds Edge Mountains due to how "unexplored" they feel
Well you get zero victory points for killing him so NBD really. And he fucking toasts 90% of what he gets into combat with. Same with the engineers. Why run thunderers when you can run a BS5 death character shooting 2x2d3 S4 AP-2 shots per turn? CHARACTERS, MAN!
>Why run thunderers
because in one of the list Thunderers are a core choice
One, Ungrim. And even then it's sketchy at best still
These look retarded though
FUCK how the FUCK did I forget about the Dwarf preorder
Fucking everything online only is out of stock
what region are you in anon?
Because the engineer has two wounds while a comparable amount of thunderers has like 15
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>been collecting and painting on and off since I was like 10
>started with Dwarfs
>been waiting for the day they're back
>nearly everything is sold out
>don't really feel much

Maybe this is it. Maybe it's time to say good bye to /tg/. This was the moment I was waiting for and I feel nothing.
>Scout Gyrocopters are represented by regular Gyrocopters, assembled using the canards from the tail of Gyrobomber in place of the usual canard with bombs
>a canard is a wing configuration in which a small forewing or foreplane is placed forward of the main wing of a fixed-wing aircraft or a weapon
Is it just me, or does this not make any sense?
UK. Are the transfer sheets and dice only for sale this weekend?
Yeah bazooka engineer looks funny as heck, but honestly not too worried about him. It's a 108 point combo and does not much more than a warmachine of equivalent price. Also, I thought dwarf handguns were ap1, not 2?
the only thing sold out is the book, the resin models and the new plastic lord all the old Metal and plastic is still in stock
How can you tell what's only for sale during pre-order and what stays in the store? I'm guessing the Doomseekers for example are one weekend only?
Yeah i meant the points thing more as an investment over taking other things with mobility or range or durability
My local shop has a shelf full of TK, Bretonnian and Orc boxes so I'm not sure you're on very firm grounds here.
if it a limited time thing the GW says *MADE-TO-ORDER on the page so it likes Doomseekers and those imperial dwarfs from the 80s are here to stay.
the dwarf MTO is in two week going by info released by GW in a article yesterday
Rogue intern on the facebook page said the online order stuff is here to stay, at least.
I will say double moving drilled hammerers with m4 seems very solid. 20" if you use drilled to go wide on second movement. If anything is in charge range you can quite easily post up 1" away so they can't move past and you'll likely tie on initiative depending on runes. Dwarves seem like they have enough mobility they might be fun now.
Those aren't limited genius

Ah, thank you very much.
Yeah I don't get what they mean just by that description. Also, I have it on his authority that scout gyrocopters can be represented by putting your gyrocopter model on the table and saying "this is a scout gyrocopter"!
It's not their preorder window anon
Is it just me or are the prices insane? A few quid more than this box is Elden Ring plus the DLC.
I would rather see dwarfs doing this kind of stuff than have gotten bear cavalry, steampunk golem monstrous infantry or whatever else, so I'm okay with them being able to move their stubby little legs a bit faster tbf
price of box without discount
price of Elden ring on it's own without discount
this is a bizarre way of complaining about the price of GW mini's anon
Yeah, GW loves scalping it's titles.
A while back somebody compared the prices of TOW kits to their late WHFB prices, and they actually haven't increased very much after accounting for inflation. Some haven't increased at all.

That said, I still think the prices are too much for 15-25 year old kits, and there's no way I'd buy a whole army at these prices. Nor would I want to buy 36 quarellers in one go, I think that's a silly idea too. They could have split the box in half, charged 60% of the original price, and probably had much fewer complaints.
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Are we eating good, dorf bros?!
>it's LASS, ya wazzock
What is a good comparison then?
>while back somebody compared the prices of TOW kits to their late WHFB prices
To be fair this was before the most recent price hike, so it's probably no longer correct and the prices are genuinely higher now.
other minature's companies
Board/boxed games
Actually, agreed, fair point, anon.
Is it just me or does the Royal Clan list not look so great? I feel like its special rules are not worth the limits to army composition.
right who's showing off the book then?
After thinking about it for a while, I think I get what they meant - you are probably supposed to use horizontal stabilizers from a Gyrobomber's tail in place of the wings/stabilizers on Gyrocopter's chassis. I didn't realize those balls embedded into Gyrocopter's wings were supposed to be bombs.
this video has some bits in it
Yeah that's what I'm thinking, Dwarves need a strong ranged element to pressure your enemy otherwise you'll just get outmaneuvered to oblivion. Royal Clan Warriors look really good though.
>oy vey why did GW take the kino away from us? I'd totally engage in the hobby if they'd just let me buy the old models
>oy vey what's that? £52.50 for 36 dwarfs and a transfer sheet? it's anudda end times, you'll be hearing from me on /tg/
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Did a little more work on my slaver unit filler for my chorf army, and ordering a bigger head for the lammasu because I think it could be bigger

What are you working on?
I think the issue here is that 36 ranged dudes is a good box size for 8th, but it's over double what you'll need for TOW.
Push up to M4 and slap drilled everywhere and it’s fine IMO. The strength bonus is big money.
Nice blog post.
Now fuck off.
I dunno anon. Just build half as quarellers and half as thunderers and experiment with army composition. Or sell half of them online. Or buy the exact number of sprues you need second hand when they start showing up on eBay a few weeks from now. The situation hardly strikes me as insane.
It is strange that they've decided to package the miniatures in such large amounts. Did they intend for the boxes to be split between two people? It's not so much a question of dollars/pounds per model as it is oversized boxes. 1.45 pounds/dwarf (or 2.73 canadian dollars per dwarf) isn't great, but it isn't obscene either. The box is just too big!
I hope when they get around to releasing the chaos models again, they package them in more reasonable amounts. Then again, I do want a nice block of 20-30 chaos marauders, so perhaps I shouldn't speak too soon.
I am low-key happy about the Engineering Expeditionary Guild allowing "move&shoot" warmachines. T6 is still doable, plus it gives an excuse to model mini tanks to go alongside them. Being able to get two blocks of "move and shoot thunderers" as well as core mining carts is also nice.
Why does the goblin hewer come with 3 slotta bases if Malakai is gone? Could it be he's an unmentioned inclusion?
anon where do you think we're heading to after this edition is done and dusted with?
A return to 6th edition and the halcyon days of our youth?
So expeditionary force totally blows royal clan out of the water?
Transfer sheet isn't included, that'll be 23.50 plus tip
Hammerers in royal clan can be exceptionally strong. I think they can also get doomseekers as special?
does anyone have good pics of the prophetess properly painted? I need to know if GW are just shit painters or if the model itself is just absolute shite.
you get a transfer sheet but it's a small one with less options
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painting up a khorne herald

rate it
only if you take ungrim as your general
these look cooler than what Brets seem to have got.
And only if he's in that unit
wrong base
if Umgrim is your general you get the choice to take 3 Doomseekers as a special choice
I really like the brass bits. It's a great start, anon. Be sure to post pictures when it's done.
I think the red needs more depth. It's a bit flat and rubbery-looking.
The eyes are well-done but I think bloodletters look better with the classic solid black eyes with a dot of white in the center.
I'd agree if it was first round. You can get up in people's faces but you still probably aren't charging. No gyrocopters either, so no getting cute with that.
Sappers don't actually have Hostile Terrain listed in their special rules, I hope you weren't planning on using that rule
That's actually awesome, cool!
Hammerers are good regardless. Chuck rune of confusion on them and against most armies you'll be swinging at the same time or before with 2 s6 ap-2 attacks each.
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Thanks for the (you).
yeah, he should be finished later today

no idea what basing i should do for him though, maybe some black/ashen ground
Imperial griffons had twin heads on the base rules until recently. Just don't play against the most miserable cunts alive and you'll be fine.
and here is the transfer sheet that cost £23 for comparison.
Have you painted other bloodletters/khornate daemon regiments before? If so, you should make sure your herald is based in a consistent manner. If he's the start of a new army, select a basing method that you won't mind replicating across an entire army.
Also, if you'd like an added effect, slather some blood paint on select parts of each base. It adds a lot of character to the bases.
Just finished a Tomb King Civil War using 8e civil war rules. Was more fun than I expected since we got the one where you use psychology rules as normal!
My brother in bones, we must ARISE as much as possible

No they didn't, they had TerrorTwo Heads which wasnt explained.
yeah hes the start, im the guy who was posting about the 40k combat patrol

the book im using has some good and easy basing schemes, the more blackened ground one uses small patches of snow for some flair, which would make sense given how north (and south) the chaos gates are
I doubt it'll exist but I still like the idea of goat cav.
I liked that baby head.
It have a good "dwarf something horrible has happen to
>The strength bonus is big money.
It's kind of nothing to be honest, everything has great weapons anyways. And even with a speed boost your infantry are not going to be charging much.
>maybe some black/ashen ground
The issue with choice of basing is if you have regular tables you play on or armies you play against, if you pick a very thematic style of base then it will stand out quite a lot - but if you go for the usual grasslands base, it's arguably not as striking as a very thematic base.

That said, if you do go for a black ash type base, check out the mordant earth texture paint, it can do some cool lava effects. Or you could go for grasslands, and blacken the earth around their feet as if their footsteps are scorching the earth.
Scout Gyros are so fucking busted, everything that makes regular gyros obnoxious is improved
What am I missing? You gain hit and run but you probably aren't winning any combats to begin with.
It's handy as a chaff-buster, and for intercepting warmachine hunters among other things. The impact hits can add up when enemies don't have armor.
clattergun, fire and flee, BS4, just harass everything to death and then never get caught
Nobodies actually charging gyros into combat are you insane
Clattergun and fire and flee are on normal gyrocopters.
Just trying to figure out what makes them better. I see the bs4+ now though.
You're getting the clattergun for free, +1M, extra MR since Magic Missiles are the best counter to gyros
Are there any books on what Tilea is like? I've been very interested in late-medieval/Renaissance Italian history as of late.

Try the original Dogs of War armybook. It's great
>Are there any books on what Tilea is like
There's a great audiobook on YouTube called Tilea's Troubles.
Alternatively read stuff on Renaissance Italy. The vibe is more important than canon.
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not really, the book Up in Arms for WFRP4e has a section on Tilea but it's not very in-depth, some BL stories take place in Tilea but those books don't go into Tilean culture in great detail either
if you want a non-Warhammer Italy that is still somewhat similar in Tone you could give the RPG Brancalonia a shot
I thought tilea was supposed to have a Greek background
no, Warhammer doesn't really have a direct greek analogue aside from the Elves which are a mish-mash of several things
the Black Peninsula does have a lot of Greek place names I guess
>no new warriors/quarelers despite being out of scale with ironbreakers
>M4 dwarves with a 65pt unit
So this is the conceit that Melee dwarf lists don't really work? When you have to turn them into tough humans
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How come dwarfs get this shit but brets, who rely on heraldry FAR more get nothing but axes
Fuck GW
Standard pricing for 2024 to be honest. A unit of 10 things is usually £20-30 depending on the thing. Since most boxes contain around 36-40 models, the price kind of makes sense. Plus, they need to get the grog tax to ensure that the "I would play if GW sold the models" crowd do their due diligence.
>The scope of the project has expanded
Brets having zero transfers is just a result of them being victims of upper management giving TOW the absolute minimum funding before the project took off like a rocket.
You're supposed to freehand your heraldry, anon.
they did release an extra transfer sheet but it's out of stock
this is soulless as fuck.
>Googles 28mm heraldry decals
>4 gazillion results

Why do you need GW ones anon?
Videogames are terrible things to compare price to as they are basically the only product that doesn't follow inflation thanks to their business model being completely different than any physical product.
Besides it's quite possible that by the time models are done you've put in just as many hours as a video game. Does that mean models aren't overpriced?
I suspect a good number of the people complaining about prices have a closet full of unbuilt crap.
It’s kind of depends on the metric you want to use.
By GW standards it’s on par to an actually surprising deal with their average prices.
Compared to other mini companies or model kit manufacturers and it’s a joke.

Every other comparison is just a give and take of what you think will be more enjoyable overall and whatever metric you bullshit together for hour of fun to price. IE will you enjoy Elden Ring and the DLC more than building and painting the dwarfs? Will you mess with them long them elden ring? If that metric even makes sense is up to the individual.
So are unit sizes smaller in the old world?

I got like a 20 year old dorf army with a bunch of shit. Missing some elite units, but got a strong core. If I wanted to add some Ironbreakers or Lonbeards/Hammers, how many models would I need for such units?

Don't care if dorfs suck at melee. I will dorf melee.
B-But I just hi to your mother earlier today...
>So are unit sizes smaller in the old world?
Generally? I think so.

Infantry is 6e tier weak to cav, so investing into expensive infantry units is generally not the move.
What, so it's gunline for Dorfs again?
Smaller in comparison to 8th? Yeah, huge blobs are extremely meh as an option. I’m running like sub 20 man blobs for orc boyz
Dwarfs are the exception to this. Their infantry can dunk on Cavalry with their banners.
They can just not charge you, but if you shoot them and drill march up to them you can force the issue.
Dwarfs have a lot of access to shieldwall (and stubborn) so they dont have it as bad. But elite infantry without that are really vulnerable to being cyclecharged by cav.

I dont think dwarf melee is quite there yet, theyre still very slow, but I dont think pure gunline is the way to go either. A nice meaty block of hammerers or longbeards or something is probably a must (warriors are also insanely cost effective)
speaking of unit sizes, do you guys prefer to have an even number of models in a regiment, one of which would have to be moved to the back of the regiment when a character joins said regiment, or do you prefer having an uneven amount of models which then becomes an even amount of models when a character joins the unit?
Even when the character joins. That little dude at the back can fuck with movement sometimes.
They have enough special rules that it might work, but state troops feel pretty pathetic in more ways than infantry.
My characters tend to start the game in a unit, so I just make the unit a 'full' number when including the char (so like in a unit of 15, it would be 14 troops plus character).
But more specifically for my current army, I make the unit a multiple of 7 including the char, evenness be damned.
Sounds awesome. I got a ton of old warriors. Most with a two handed weapon so I'll probably need to do some arm ripping.

Sounds good too.
Ignore these other no games, big units of infantry are fantastic, since the entire front rank can fight regardless of base to base contact there's very little opportunity risk associated with going wide, cav is strong yes but cav is more limited in width since players want to keep mobility and so you won't really see cav units wider than 6 or maybe 7, and most cav units are going to struggle to beat a 12 wide unit of anything on the charge. Add to that that combat is generally pretty grindy, you don't see 1 turn break and routes as much anymore, and that step up is gone, and having lots of bodies to absorb casualties and still punch back is a must. Personally I've been running my orc boyz 12 wide by 3-4 deep and have been seeing fantastic results
How exactly does points spread work with allying? If you have 500 points of allies, at least 125 needs to be core. But is it based on points spent for allies? Like if you have 400 points in allies do you need 125 core or 100? And if you have 1500 points in your main force, do you still need 500 core or 375?
Im starting to think these army boxes are shit bwos.
Even then comparing hours spent is a dumb metric as it assumes that time spent on leisure activities is of equivalent value.
Not necessarily. The most competitive is going to be shooting based but with gyros, and rangers more so than typical gunline. But dwarves can bring some very unapproachable blocks, particularly hammerers, and with the anvil / cart can be quite fast. Also there are some very powerful character builds.
When the OnG box was revealed that was clear
How so?
I for one am looking forward to my army of 12″ moving dwarven blocks.
TK box is the only one I might buy starting a faction out. Basically all full of some basic unit but double what you'd actually ever field.
there's no real answer to those questions, just ask your opponent before you play, if you check page 10 of the FAQ at the end then there's some stuff that might help you decide yourself
40 goblins is infinite times what you'd actually ever field because nobody is running common goblins, they're shit
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it explains why there are so many at this one LGS shelf for TOW
Stop complaining you can get a whole dwarf army for less than like $350 rn even being direct from GW. Don't make them do some dumb shit to ruin it.
Dwarfs need a lot of crutches to work as a melee army, look at 8th (which is what the +1S when charging) sounds like.

Its lame that they then get those crutches, but thats how its been since forever. But the dwarf royal host list also loses access to cannons and shit right?
>Why run thunderers when you can run a BS5 death character shooting 2x2d3 S4 AP-2 shots per turn?
Why run that when an organ gun will do more at longer range? And its going to be toucher vs return fire.
>the dwarf royal host list also loses access to cannons and shit right?
yeah there is no gunpowder in the list at all but you get better Dwarf Warriors as standard
The common goblin is honestly pretty cost effective. Theyre not going to win many fights, but theres worse "bulk" out there.
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If skaven make it to TOW which plastic version will they go with?
See, losing access to gunpowder shooting is honestly a very big deal for dwarfs. Bolt throwers are pretty decent, but regardless thats a significant reduction of the tools they have for ranged pressure.

Without that pressure their melee needs to be better to compensate for their slow speed, since they cant force the enemy to make bad engagements via the threat of ranged bombardment any more. So honestly I am entirely on board with the royal host stuff (on paper anyways, maybe the "in practice" is poorly done)

Whats this about doomseekers not giving points though?

probably "modern"
I hope for oldenhammer but I know it will be modern.
It's way too expensive and will be one of the main reasons why TOW will be considered as a failure for GW.
>Whats this about doomseekers not giving points though?
if a Doomseeker is killed the opposing player does not gain victory points, victory points are only gained if they live through the entire battle
The faq makes it sound like the overall list still counts as 2k so I think you need 500 in main army. Not convinced either way that the ally contingent is always 125 core min or not but safe bet is to just take it.
I don't think they'll make it to TOW any time soon, but if they did, probably modern. Yes they're quite recent, yes they could pass in a game of AoS so the AoS team might kick off about it, but all of that could be said for chaos warriors too.
Shitty Goblins and crummy 5th ed Night goblin sculpts really are SELLING FAST
Happy to hear that, I'm was going to try to go melee infantry heavy anyway, so hearing combat can get grindy is good news for Dwarves.
Oh god its the cancer lone wolf shit from 5e space wolves. Fuck thats gay.
Its an interesting mechanic in concept since it encourages the player using the doomseeker to use them "badly" but its really frustrating to deal with in practice
Is there a pdf of the rules yet?
They still get irondrakes which are better cannons so not a huge deal.
>Doomseekers not giving up points
Exactly that, they give up no points for dying, but if they live to the end if the game they give up points.
Super cool imo and they are nice blenders just in themselves.
Yeah but they're made totally redundant by night goblins and orcs
It's literally posted above already
same anons wanted those old Night Goblin sculpts to return and preferred them over the newer 7th edition sculpts that are still used in AoS
>They still get irondrakes
Dont those use guns though?
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I like the O&G box...
it's Rune Forgefire or something rather than a chemical reaction so I guess they are fine
Yeah, big fucking guns.
Importantly, There's irondrakes still
Not a greenskins player but I prefer the old grinning goblins to the newer snarling ones
I don't understand why they're not in it.
AoS it's the same reason Beastmen got scrapped out of AoS but are ok in TOW and why TOW isn't getting Chaos Dwarfs
>Doomseeker rune tattoo of endless battle, 2x rune tattoo of wrath, 2x rune of fury.
1d3 +1 impacts then 2d3 +4 slayer attacks any wounds generate more attacks.
Worth 170? He doesn't give it up when he dies.
To not overlap with the AoS skaven. Chaos is an exception I think because they're too prominent to be left out.
It's nice if you have like zero orcs, if you already previously started with a unit or two it gets worse real fast
Naturally this is by design, it's how all their boxes are made now, they see it as lost sales of more expensive individual boxes if people can just keep buying discounted bundles
>so it's probably no longer correct
It still is. Doing some quick maff:
Back then 16 warriors or crossbows were 30€/16 models. Now they are 67,50/32 models. That's a price increase of 3,75€/16 models. Annoying, but comparing that to, say, Grey Hunters from 40k who over the years went from 30€/10 models up to a ridiculous 47,50€/10 models it's totally fine. Even the 4 Engineers come to the old character price of 12,50€/model. Shitty thing is, you have to buy the whole box instead of just the one Engineer you may want.

What definitely hurts are the prices for Slayers though. 67,50€/12 Slayers is just bonkers.
Modern will be standard clanrat box, monkeyrat will be kept for night runners, and marauder will be an online only set of 5 like the orc big unz
>What definitely hurts are the prices for Slayers though. 67,50€/12 Slayers is just bonkers.
Just buy some of the unwanted aos slayers lmao.
Dont get why these are $60, im curious if these will ever move in the states.
it's metal I guess so it's more complicated for GW to produce compared to the standard Plastic or the resin Production they have
Can't be a secondary market in no one ever bought them in the first place.
Except for me. I'm cool like that and have good taste.
More like room-temperature, but yes.
Aren't they fairly easy to kill though and reasonably low point, meaning that ideally you don't have to pay too much attention to them besides an initial salvo? Granted, if your opponent is being a dick and taking 4 of the buggers then that's a differenr matter. Even so they're mercs (unless you go with the Slayer King).
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CAD was a mistake
Are you complaining about weapons being crafter after a pattern?
Whats supposed to be the issue here?

Also, go compare crom and the exalted hero with two axes.
Nice try James
What's a good unit size for Dwarf Warriors?
I got a bunch of old ones but they are all mostly equipped with shields and 2 handed weapons, as in the past you could still use the shield vs shooting. From what I understand this is still legal?
I don't think there's anything particularly egregious here that CAD can be blamed for. Certainly not like, say, angron's face where it looks like they did the left half and then pressed Mirror, or the new skaven whose fabric is dripping off them in long sharp points
I don't even know which ones you're getting mad about since all three axes are different.
It’s pretty standard GW fare for ‘starter’ boxes
Some are perfectly generic starters with a generic leader and solid troop picks with a oddball choice or two
Some are a big/named hero you will only want one period. bonus points if it comes with bad or an illegal number of troops
And some are a random fucking gaggle of units with no leader so terrible as a starter set to play with, but great for just getting a bunch of solid options
Oh wow they stuck on a slightly different rune after hitting ctrl-c - ctrl-v They're completely different!
>From what I understand this is still legal?
It is. Furthermore, AFAIK if you give a unit shields and GWs then you can choose whether or not to use GWs or hand weapon & shield at the start of each combat.
2 handed weapons would count as great weapons in this edition, and when you select great weapons you still get your regular hand weapon and can still take (and use) a shield too unless I'm mistaken. Your issue is probably one of whether you really want to be sinking lots of points into great weapons on your basic troops.
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this may sound retarded but I actually really liked it when models that shared the same mark were really similar & shared certain aesthetic choices
you could tell the same guy sculpted it and loved the little bits he made so much that he used them twice
Those midgets are unwanted for a reason, anon.
Each new combat that is. You can't switch between them for each round of the same combat.
Plastic Injection molding takes a couple of seconds per sprue, but has high start up costs

Resin needs to have molds filled and the resin set, then the molds removed.

Molten metal is run through a spining centrifuge into molds around the outside until it sets and the molds removed

tldr resin and metal are old tech and take a lot longer than plastic
Chaos should an eclectic mess imo but I respect your opinion. If for nothing else it makes it easier to have different load-outs for the same character.
it's important to remember that metal (and finecast, but let's not get in to that) models are much easier to sculpt, as the molds don't need to be as precise as the ones for plastic models
that's why gw used to put out 16 different chaos champions for each god, and 22 different chaos warriors
NTA, but the axes are secondary details on both those minis so slightly tweaking them and then reusing them is kind of a nonissue vs if the actual man focus point weapon was totally reused across two leader units
I don't want to be pedantic but I don't think the axes are the focal points of either the new gun dwarf or the shield bearer dwarf
All I can think about is making the world's most annoying list with dwarves
>expeditionary force
>spam mining carts in core, plus maybe a few scout copters
>sappers for bubbles of dangerous terrain
>doomseekers in mercenaries
>more gyros / maybe artillery to fill out special
>you have dangerous characters that you only score on if they live
>once you get near the cart horde you start taking dangerous terrain tests for sappers
>you'll be hitting 65 point single carts in combat that blow up when you kill them
>each follow up triggers more dangerous terrain
>the rest of the army is copters that will be miserable to catch
I mean that’s what I said.
Reused and slightly altered axes are whatever on those two vs if say a dwarf character was holding up that same axe high and proud as a sort of “hey look at this bit” and then it was also just on another guys back or something
my bad, I got mixed up in the reply chain, please disregard

Huh? You're not doing it right then. TK are one of the best factions rn. They can get crazy casts with the Mortuary Cult AoI.
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so besides the old Prince Ulthar Dragon company models what do we think will be the Dwarf MTO

> Royal Clan Army
> Ungrim
> 500pts of Core
> 16 Doomseekers runed to the eyeballs

Name of the game is, can my army deal enough damage that the opponent cannot possibly catch up. I don't know what Ungrim costs but I reckon that aggressive use of Doomseekers will result in an unwinnable situation where being tabled still isn't enough VP to win.
I think he means like low T and low wounds. Which is true, BUT that's what Arise is for.
I think you only get 12, 0-4 per 1k plus 4 in mercenaries.
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For an actual fair comparison, the dwarf units that were in AOS have actually gone DOWN in price compared to the AOS boxes. Comparing GW's prices in Sweden to a second-hand retailer that stil has the hammerers/longbeards kit, it's 680 for 20 vs 435 for 10. It just looks like a lot for the plastic kits because it's a large amount of models compared to what you'd get in 8th edition. The metal kits are retardedly expensive still. If you're building for points/money you can easily get to 1500 points with the battalion, a box of irondrakes/ironbreakers and the king/thane kit. Unless you're going 4 bolt throwers and 40 slayers or something it's fine.
Again, weapons being manufactored after a common design is not something out of the ordinary. Even something like a legendary weapon could very plausibly be designed from a common design but to a considerable higher standard and pimped out. In fact, I'd go so fas as to argue that it makes sense that a skilled smith, and especially one from such a traditional leaning culture as the dwarven one, would likely aim to master a specific design of weapon. Given time said shape might even become a hallmark of quality which would encourage other smiths to adopt it.

Only Khorne Herald worth running is the one on the Blood Throne 0/10
Thanks bros.
It's literally just the basic troops you'd want anyway with something extra for doing damage, in what world is it anything but a decent starter box?
>in what world is it anything but a decent starter box?
By virtue of including the ugliest version of dwarfs.
It's the latest version, what would you choose instead?
for the price point they are missing at least a character or two. Idk they should have thrown something else in the greenskin and dwarf box.
anon this isn't age of sigmar, don't expect to be able to build an army with just start collecting boxes
The greatest sin of the orc box is that terrible chariot that could have been swapped out for anything and be better

20 Longbeards
10 Ironbreakers/Irondrakes
2 Gyrocopters
Painted up some Irondrakes today, just starting them off really, gonna add the polish to them tomorrow, get them based and maybe move on to at least priming some Breakers if the weather is permitting.
The plan is to get all the grey tide painted up before the new old boys arrive.
none of these units are core you mongoloid
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aside from his base, i'm calling this herald done
you did a good job with the face.
Longbeards are core in grand army if you have a king as general and always in royal clan.
Scout gyros are built from normal and core in expeditionary.
It looks good anon, but I would put a little bit of shade paint on his left horn, right at the point where it connects with the iron horncap. That way it'll look identical to the rightmost horn.
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I might be the wrong person to ask since I've slowly been collecting an army consisting almost entirely out of old metal dwarfs ever since the Jaeckelalone blog gave me a fetish for them.

If that isn't your cup of tea there are third party alternatives such as Momminiatures (albeit they shouldn't be mixed with GWs stuff since the former tower over the latter), or GW alternatives such as using the current Ironbreakers/Longbeard units to represe them or earlier iterations such as the Battle for Skull Pass (who should probably still be availible fairly cheap second hand).
I have a bunch of avatars of war slayers and rangers, their warriors are pretty good too. But GW can't put that in a battalion box.

TK, Brets, Orcs and Dwarfs all have the common trait of ugly Core models. However, the remaining armies are in a slightly better place.

> HE: Could go either way; either a horrible abortion of Spearmen/Archers/Helms, or a lovely reprint of IoB Sea Guard and Reavers.
> Empire: 7E pyjama monkeys and ancient Knights
> WE: Aesthetic AF Glade Guard, Eternal Guard, Glade Riders and Dryads.
> Beastmen: In what world do Beastmen have the best model range? 7E Gor and Ungor are great, probably has Minotaurs and Bestigor as well
> Warriors: Storm-era Warriors, lovely Horsemen, probably ruined by a honking great brick of Marauders
Lol, lmao even
I was going to pick up one or two models, but decided my Bretonnia pile of shame is already enough, so I settled on just picking up the arcane journal instead. I am 2/10 proud of myself.
I quite like the marauders. I already have a chaos army, so I probably won't buy the big army box, but I'd get 40 marauders
I'd rather have 64 fugly retards than the "conditional core" shit they did with AOS boxes
is the book invalidated yet
Link for TOW - Ravening Hordes.pdf seems to be ded for the gofile.

Everything else seems to work fine though.
Nice work, anon! Any idea already what you'll do with his base?

My guess would be a metal Thane and some 6e metals. Maybe Longbeards?
If they chuck pajama men in the empire box I'm not buying it personally. If I were picking up dwarves the longbeard + irondrake + gyro is pretty appealing. Part of my issue is also that it's a lot easier to 3rd party basic core than the special options. Like for a battalion box price I could have enough to build a few dozen each of halberds, spearmen, crossbowmen, and handgunners that look pretty similar to GW sculpts. Lot less easy to find appropriate looking knights / demis / etc in 3rd party.
Sure but again GW are not considering 3rd party. These are their basic troop models of their game. If you don't wanna buy it cool, that doesn't make it a bad box.
I fear they'll chuck in the retarded pyjama mongoloids. They are in the pics of them showing off Empire.
Luckily I still have a boatload of 6E soldiers. But man, I really should get off my ass and start recastimg them for myself.
From who's perspective is it not a bad box? If it doesn't contain interesting units, it will likely sell worse. That's bad from GW's perspective and bad from a customer perspective if the bundle value is the wasted on units they don't want. Looking at current AoS and 40k rules, and to a lesser extent Horus Heresy with Rites of War, your army comp is basically 'run whatever the fuck you want'. I can't imagine systems moving in that direction isn't inspired by sales.
I'm sure they will. I'm not the greatest case because I'm mostly interested in grabbing another box or two of knights and maybe if they bring back something old like teutogen guard.
I too would buy the fuck out of a box or two of knights.
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Not what you asked for, but I put them on their round 25 mm bases for now to see how they rank up.

>captcha: vaj4u2

Thank you captcha.
I have no clue how people get such good results with milliput without mixing with greenstuff. Good shit anon
That's fucking dumb. Hadn't they they marketed Demons as 40k and Fantasy compatible or am I misremembering things?
there are some rumors on aos and 40k demons getting brand new demons that should be incompatible with traditional demons.
NTA but it's tamiya sculpting putty.
Nicely done
Oh yeah, I also need a box or three of Knights. But at the same time, they really need an update and I hope the'll get one.
I also should have more than enough State Troops I have ~80 Halberdiers (with unit fillers), ~50 Spearmen, ~40 Greatswords and and uncounted mass of Handgunners. All 6E.
But thinking about it, those retarded pyjama mongoloids could go well as some forcibly conscripted rabble with shoddy gear next to the professional soldiers…
Looks decent. I have 20 old clanrats, mixed with them should allow to rank those guys pretty good on 25mm square.
>Hadn't they they marketed Demons as 40k and Fantasy compatible or am I misremembering things?

They don't market demons at all outside of AoS. Hell they took like 2+ years to even be playable in the current HH edition.
Looks good!
Unironically yes, it's got an entry in this week's errata lmao
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NTA, I want a block of marauders too but I think the old models look a little derpy. I wish magori miniatures would make a full kit of picrel, they look quite fitting and like great fun to paint
Sure, common aesthetic is good. But with crom and that exalted hero (or borgut facebeater/grimgor) its very clearly a case of "they retouched a different model to release as a new character.
Because as we all know, when they physically made the models they NEVER had parts that looked similar or were reused, every single part was always uniquely hand sculpted from scratch.
The only similarity (other than them all being axes) is the haft on two of them.
They do have the same overall "skeleton" to them, like I can definitely see them all having used the same base at an early point of sculpting.

But yea, that anon is a retard.
I was gonna say that my bet's on Marauders being a new plastic regiment for Chaos but given that the old uggos are clearly displayed in the Ravening Hordes-book that's definitely a no-go.
Besides the obvious character on dragon, what kit, if any, do you expect we'll see?
Might aswell make it extra fun by also asking what kit you'd like to see?
As for me I think that a likely kit is a BSB, potentially on a Daemonic Mount, but what I really want to see is a highly customizable kit of Chaos Ogres.
I mean they all have the same overall skeleton because they're one handed single bladed axes, there's only so many ways you could make it vary while having the same aesthetic
Im sure theres some truth to that, but at the same time theres a LOT of different single handed axes in the game or even just the dwarf range.
>If you're building for points/money you can easily get to 1500 points with the battalion, a box of irondrakes/ironbreakers and the king/thane kit.

I plan on getting the battalion, irons, and the 3 character command set at my local place when they're available and it would only cost me like $350 for what can easily be 2000 points. Which is really fucking good value if buying direct from GW.
I feel like converting a character up will remain the far cheaper option.
I mean there's probably quite a lot of cases of axes in multiple kits having the same type of weapons with very similar looking hafts/hilts
Almost certainly. Its not an unreasonable "shortcut" to take, models are generally not made from scratch every time but rather use elements that already exist which are then sculpted onto/carved up to create something new.

Shields are also a big one for that sort of stuff.
Yeah definitely, I'm getting the character box just because I'm not spending that much to begin with. Without it you can a 2000 point army for like $250 which is better value than the vast majority of even limited army sets.
How do you make a good daemons list? Every time I try brewing something up it just doesn't feel like there's enough to compete with other armies. Here's an example
>Bloodthirster, Bloodflail, General
>Demon Prince of Tzeentch, Dark Magic, Twin Heads, Fly
>2x8 Furies of Khorne
>24x Bloodletters, Champ + Banner, Totem of Eternal War
>3x3 Bloodcrushers, Champ + Banner or 2x4 one with Great Standard of Sundering one with Skull Totem
I could run a burning chariot instead of the prince but I would have bad odds of getting good spells. If I run flesh hounds instead of bloodletters I'd be even further down on staying power.
>How do you make a good daemons list?
Make the best of a bad situation.

Generally I think you just avoid all non-fury infantry, then you grab a DP/keeper of secrets and a bunch of cav, then take two skull cannons (maybe) and call it a day.
I'm not a fan of converting characters generally because I can't sculpt worth shit and there are already companies that make characters that fit with the GW style and look more unique.
Thats perfectly fair. Its a shame AoW went full spastic recently, they had some nice stuff.
Yeah I never had the chance to get their full dwarf range. They fit really nicely with the newer GW dwarfs.
Hm, it's difficult to say because most of the chaos range is already in plastic and shown in the rulebooks like you say...
I think a character is a good bet since every other faction has had at least one so far. And maybe a special character or two. Perhaps no new non-character kits since O&G and dwarfs didn't get any, to my knowledge.
So what I think we'll see? A new generic undivided lord or sorcerer, maybe both, maybe a BSB yes, and perhaps asavar kul? Or whoever the everchosen was at this time.
What I'd like to see... A tastefully done forsaken kit, or just an upgrade sprue like the old mutations sprue. And a set of god-specific resin upgrade bitz for the undivided lord and sorcerer they'll release, to allow people to personalise their characters a bit!
>How do you make a good daemons list
Find a 7th edition gaming group and take whatever you like :^)

>AoW went full spastic recently
What have they done?
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How is the old world holding up bros? What should these be proxied as for vampire counts? I was thinking ghouls but werewolves should probably feel tough and strong.
>What have they done?
Basically axed their entire range and moved to just selling STLs

Vampire counts dont really have anything that werewolves work well for. Crypt horrors maybe.
I wouldn't know they don't sell models for my army so everything is 3D prints and second-hand models.
only thing that would use werewolves is some alternative timeline where empire focused on ursun or whatever the gay norse god for them was.
crypt horrors seems like it'd work
I already know they don't, but whenever I am reminded werewolves just arent a thing in wfb I get surprised again
use them as dire wolves?
>I am reminded werewolves just arent a thing in wfb
They are, skinwolves/norsca.
Thats just a total war warhammer thing tho innit?
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Assuming they're getting a plastic kit like the others(unless you're green) what could they get?
Their range is pretty solid.
Nope. Skinwolves are from Monstrous Arcanum. Norsca having werewolves has been in the lore for a while, theyve just never been a proper faction on the TT ever.

Who? High Elves? New warriors would be a godsend, those spearmen just get mogged so bad by the dark elf warriors.
>axed their entire range
Thanks... Explains why I couldn't find what I wanted last week!
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I'm going to finish printing my army, do some minor greenstuff fixes, finish up gluing what's left to their bases and then start on priming and deciding on a color scheme before buying the paints I need.
While doing that i'm also going to print up some hills, trees, buildings and some scatter to avoid playing on a barren board.
They're tiny so ghouls maybe?
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technically they are

Oh lmao theyre that small? yea, crypt ghouls, not horrors.
yep, ghouls, no other thing for them unless you want to give them houserules, but how strong can you reasonably make something that small?
That's a shame. Is it worth sticking a khorne dp in to get special bloodcrushers, or just go slaanesh / tzeentch dp + keeper and with some chariots + cannons?
I would probably take a bloodthirster over a khorne DP, a slaanesh DP can do just fine.

Keepers are insane, but a bloodlfail BT can also done fine imo. Its still a fast wrecking ball, it just cant do the 2d6 killing blow hits from the assailment spell with illusion.
>no new non-character kits
I'd certainly say that's the safest bet.
>A new generic undivided lord or sorcerer, maybe both, maybe a BSB yes
I'd say that it's likely that any Champion of Chaos-kit is going to include the option to turn it into a BSB.
>asavar kul
I honestly think that'll they hang back with the Asavar Kul (riding on a big ass chariot) model for a later 'Alliance of Chaos'-themed list that'll be released in a couple of years when every faction got their Arcane Journal and they shift towards pushing themed/campaign journals rather than army-based ones.
One thing that could be fun to get to for a named characters would be a pre-spawn Scyla.
>A tastefully done forsaken kit
Fuck yes, that would be marvellous!
>an upgrade sprue like the old mutations sprue.
>a set of god-specific resin upgrade bitz for the undivided lord and sorcerer they'll release
Oh, I'd love it if they released mark themed upgrade sprues. It's such a no-brainer that it bothers me that they haven't done it yet. Even ones intended for Chaos Space Marines would likely have some usable bits on them.
Ghouls or even dire wolves seem like a good fit.
>werewolves should probably feel tough and strong
I don't think that they should necessarily be better than a gor. After all, they don't have to be anything more than a human mixed with a wolf.
Oh yeah, Crypt Horrors could work.
I have mixed feeling about werewolves in vampire armies. Werewolves have nothing to do with undead. I bought this guy - and I'm gonna use him as chaos hounds handler.
You don't really need to know how to sculpt to convert unless you're doing something crazy. Converting a regular infantry guy into a distinct character shouldn't require it unless you want to get fancy.
>how strong can you reasonably make something that small?
Just have them standing on a pile of dead bodies and/or in the middle of slaughtering some Empire State Troops with body parts flying all over. What they lack in brute strength they can make up for with savage frenzy and sharp claws/fangs.
>I already know they don't, but whenever I am reminded werewolves just arent a thing in wfb I get surprised again

But they are and they are numerous. Skinwolves, werewolves cursed (made) by Tzeentch, Ulric werewolves - plenty of dem furries are running around.
>Werewolves have nothing to do with undead
They're a staple in vampire-themed stories
? Maybe post-twilight but most media that focuses on vampires typically has just vampire and maybe some minor undeadmm4h
That's a creepy ass model and I like your idea of using him as a handler.
Don't be a dingus.
Nah, vampires and werewolves are both associated before twilight.

Vampires are themselves typically tied to dark gods and general evil magic, its usually a curse from god or a deal with satan or demons or whatever, so that doesent really work in warhammer.
Only when vampires are turning into wolves - like OG dracula. But those aren't werewolves - they are shapeshifting vampires.
>inb4 van Hellsing/Underworld
It's superhero movie, anon. It has Frankenstein too in it.
Godzilla meets King-Kong tier.
>>inb4 van Hellsing/Underworld
we can't really talk about warhammer fantasy without embracing pop fantasy, anon
Yeah problem is I want my thanes etc to look distinct an have fancier armour.
>It has Frankenstein too in it.
tbf so does the Vampire Bloodbowl team
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Thanks. I was looking for model that resembled werewolf from Bad Moon 1996 movie (I consider this werewolf as a peak werewolf in cinematography)
>But those aren't werewolves - they are shapeshifting vampires.
I mean, werewolves are often just that, dudes that turn into wolves.
Frankenstein is undead tho'.
>Nah, vampires and werewolves are both associated before twilight.

For the life of me I can't think of anything besides maybe a few B movies or pulp novels.

The OG Dracula doesn't make any mention of them, unless I'm just forgetting since I haven't read it in like 15 years
>besides maybe a few B movies or pulp novels.
Thats more or less it, theyre just often together in schlocky horror (and also vampires turning into wolves)
I mean if you want a whole new set of armor, you're basically making a whole new model instead of converting.
turning into a werewolf after getting bit or killed by one is very parallel to other curses of undeath like zombies and vampires and the join the spooky club on halloween, clearly they belong together, but yeah there's enough of a difference as well as precedences in other factions that they warrant a tangential history rather than falling under the umbrella of vampires in a more straightforward way

I once put it down how I'd write my headcanon for the history of lycanthropy in warhammer, I have to dig it up
In Warhammer they are man-wolves tho' (bipedal monsters). I mean usually, because I guess they are some examples of "hispo" (the term from Werewolf: the apocalypse) - big nasty wolf, but generally they are bipedal.
then the complaiant about werewolves in that van helsing film are irrelevant then
Sure, in warhammer theyre quite different. But speaking more generally in terms of "folklore" I guess werewolves were a bit of a different thing before becoming more codified as the humanoid fictional monster.

Then again that goes for most monsters
Like I said - Warhammer has many types of werewolves so you can probably invent any type and it will be more or less OK with the lore. For example - your werwolves can be just transformed vampire thralls - because some vampires can shapeshift.

No. Dracula could transform into big wolf, but he doesn't use the term "werewolf".
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Dunno. I remember the fighting fantasy gamebooks which were contemporary with oldhammer and werewolves were one of the monsters lurking outside not!dracula's castle. They were a staple of Transylvania-like settings.
There was Vampire: The Masquerade I guess.
I just wanted to underline that van Helsing is just a superhero movie and Godzilla meets King-Kong tier, nothing more.
>Werewolves have nothing to do with undead.
Some stories about vampires (including Dracula) have them be able to transform into a wolf.
An alternative approach would be to hint at a better quality gear by greenstuffing a rich pelt and the odd jewel-decoration on the armour (the latter being a dot of greenstuff wherever suitable) and then swap out the colour on the armour from standard metal grey to gold. That way you could sell the appearance of an armour similar in style to the rest of the clan but fancier.
When are we getting next faction?
maybe I found it, but it's weird, I thought I had gone more overboard with trying to connect the true origins of werewolves to the weres of the north, I also distinctly remember having tried to shove collared werewolves as a tool of some vampire hunters at one point
>>So if werewolves WERE put in the undead faction where they belong, how do you explain them? Like, what's their background, why are they working with the undead?
>>slavery, obviously
>>a lone and brutish member of the von carstein bloodline set forth to create the ultimate undead servants that weren't mindless zombies, rare wights, or more vampires, always too prone to individuality and treachery
>>he laboured with his necromancers and mixed arcane arts, local powers and his own blood to create the ideal footsoldiers of the night, the result was a new undead curse, derivative of vampirism, but not vampiric anymore
>>the pack mentality and the vigor of beast life made them superior troops to other undead creations or vampiric monstrosities and packs of werewolves became popular among the von carstein families and beyond, with the original vampire master of these new breeds growing influential enough that some started recognizing him as the beginning of a new bloodline of wolflords
>>until a rebellion happened and a war erupted between vampires and their werewolf slaves, the stillborn new dynasty of wolflords was torn apart by wolves and vampires alike who ultimately won the war and stigmatized the wolflord's heirs, hunting them down or banishing; the use of werewolves has been since reduced and itself looked down upon by many vampires, but for most the situation is completely under control
>>though rumours abound of cursed packs still roaming in the wilds and of the wolflord himself having survived in the north
Right now.
two to three months would be my guess, GW still need to announce what they are realing next in general for all their lines not just TOW
dwarf MTO in two weeks followed by the dwarf second wave with the remaining O&G models
I remember two examples of werewolves in older Warhammer books.
One: from one of the WHRP official adventures - the werewolf was a cursed by Tzeentch dude;
Two: Ulric from "the Laughter of the dark gods" book. He was a norscan berserker and werewolf. Not clear if he was a werewolf thanks to Ulric or chaos gods.
Neither had any connections with undead, vampires, Sylvania etc.
>Some stories about vampires (including Dracula) have them be able to transform into a wolf.

That doesn't make them a werewolf but shapeshifting vampire tho'.
Probably a decent bit. Dwarfs are now only on preorder and they havent even teased the next faction.
Sorry, Eric known as Werewolf, not Ulric.
two more weeks
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In the WoD vampires and werewolves are very different beasts (and are mortal enemies btw.).
Are chaos dwarves fun and are their warchmachines any good?
I get the impression they're more infantry heavy in TOW?
Oh sure, I just wanted to give an example of some "pop" horror depicting both in a world. I think they are enemies in most pop horror settings.
Yeah, pretty much. Makes me sad.

As I said somewhere later on, maybe those retarded mongoloids can work as some force conscripted rabble next to the professional soldiers.
But probably not even that.
Werewolves were usually depicted as belonging to Translyvania-Dracula stuff because of Universal monster movies and Hammer Horror stuff imo and there was a fair deal of it in old pop culture.
You have iron demons, basicly a steam tank but better and special instead of rare.

The standard cheaper shooty artillery suffer alot of the problems artillery faces in general but you do have the really scary and expensive things like helcannons and dreadquakes that are still fun.

Also a lot of your points will inevitably be spent on flying heroes.
I'm giving some I got in a joblot to a mate to use as his blunderbuss brigands as lord knows I don't want them
Sounds good to me. Guess I know what my second army will be.
What some good terrain options you like beyond the hill and trees the book shows?
I don't get it. The ones up top somehow look worse.
They're solid. In core it's all infantry, both black orcs and shooting infantry are good. It tends to be that outside core, bull centaurs and iron demons are the best picks. The artillery is a bit meh. Ironsworn are solid but you already have very hard hitting blocks in core with black orcs.
>I consider this werewolf as a peak werewolf in cinematography
Have you seen Dog Soldiers from 2002?
>$112 for five metal ogres
What the fuck is James smoking? Who the hell would buy those over the $60-for-six plastic ones?
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Box paint scheme wasn't the best.
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Ain't 52 bucks' worth of soul.
Wrong ogres grog
I mean they aren't amazing models by todays standard I guess.
But they get the job done and fit the picture of professional soldiers.
Those retarded pyjama mongoloids on the other hand… Every 5th of them doesn't even have shoes. They are worse off than Bretonnian Peasants for Sigmars sake!
Yes. They are my third - after American Werewolf in London. Dog Soldiers is cool movie, one of the best, but the costume is superior in Bad Moon imho.
>No. Dracula could transform into big wolf, but he doesn't use the term "werewolf".

Well yeah could turn into a bunch of things because he's a shape shifter, simple being able to shape change into wolf doesn't make you a werewolf.
October at the earliest I would guess
I have a game against hordes of chaos today 6th edition, we’re doing 2k. I’m bringing my skaven, sucks skaven only have access to their spell list which is still good. Just wish I could bring lore of beasts to turn off horses and fuck them chaos knights over.
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Anyone has a size comparison between those and plastic ogres (now called "gluttons/ironguts")?
There are a couple stores that sell updated minis in the style of the old ones, imo the 5th edition guys with the spears held upright in the back rank are still great. Also the guys who look barefoot are wearing some kind of medieval shoe that just looks like toes at that scale, can't remember what exactly it was. Either way GW have just fucked up the Empire troops aesthetic by making them all mongoloid peasants when they already have a militia unit.
Aight bros, what's good for Dwarves? I got a bunch of old Warriors and Quarrelers, maybe 10 Thunderers somewhere from my 5th edition days. Got some Cannons and an Organ Gun too.

Ironbreakers/drakes, Hammerers, Longbeards? Which of these are worth taking?
I know I'll need probably at least 1 Gyrocopter but always hated the damn thing.
That's a nice box actually; it even comes with Belegar.
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might be a bit off
I just barely started listening to Road of Skulls and already there's a great difference. There's no prelude by Felix, where he alludes to events to come throughout the book.
Hmm, they look pretty similiar in size...
and it costed like $95 or somethin
Irondrakes, gyrocopters, cannons, organ guns, and rangers are all great. Warriors, quarrelers, ironbreakers and thunderers are okay, longbeards are solid. Stone throwers / bolt throwers are meh. Flame cannon is awful. Hammerers can be quite good in certain builds. Anvil is a must have for most lists. Bugman's cart is amazing for anything other than strict gunlines. Kings, thanes, engineers / sappers, runesmiths all have their place. The slayer characters are good but I don't see much appeal in normal slayers.
Well at least I got a bunch of cannons and organ guns then.
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Mother Ostankya, Daughter of the Forest.
Is she evil?
I bet it grips like a mother fucker.
Ugly people are inherently evil
What factions would make for a good narrative campaign against each other? Tomb Kings and Empire excluded.
Based and 100% true. The jacked guy who plays chaos in my group is one of the nicest people I’ve met in the hobby. Worst person I ever met was a tranny that literally smelt like fish and bad eggs. The ugly are ontologically evil.
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Orcs vs Emps
>Tomb Kings and Empire excluded
in the old worlds setting? beastmen and anything that has women in it.
Chaos and Chaos.
Warriors of Chaos vs Orcs & Goblins
Warriors of Chaos vs Dwarfs
Warriors of Chaos vs Ogre kingdoms
Warriors of Chaos vs Vampire Counts
Warriors of Chaos vs Lizardmen
Warriors of Chaos vs High Elves
Warriors of Chaos vs Wood Elves
Warriors of Chaos vs Dark Elves
Warriors of Chaos vs Chaos dwarfs
Warriors of Chaos vs Beastmen
Warriors of Chaos vs Chaos Daemons
Warriors of Chaos vs Warriors of Chaos
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I couldn't agree more.
greenskins and dwarfs because they have both practical logical objectives and easy to roleplay personal objectives that might arise during a campaign, such as avenging a particularly burning defeat even if it comes at a greater cost, or just going for a specific engagement because it sounds like a propa scrap
Beastmen and wood elves.
She is a white woman, so yes.
>Doomseekers runed to the eyeballs
In royal fully ruled doomseekers are 250pts.
>20 giant slayers with great weapons, strollaz rune and master rune of hesitation.
>4 doomseekers
>demon slayer

Job done.
Beastmen vs _________
Can't take both hesitation and strollaz on giant slayers, that'd be 20 points over their rune budget
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shalom shlomo, sorry everyone forgot that you ain't white if you don't support Israel.
Read the new dwarf rules.
>Play dwarfs
>Wood elf opponent drops 3 pillars of fire first turn with his cavalry
>My magic resist never factors in as dwarves weren't targeted.
>Can never dispel them as cavalry just stays out of range of my runesmith

Well that wasn't a fun game.
Dwarf magic defense still needs some work imo.
https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/U9wWOaG5LJ9Aheva.jpg This might help.
bongs bake a new thread
Damn I could make that list. Almost. I've got 2 doomseekers.
Are snotlings useful in an O&G list in TOW?
Cheap swarm that's core. Not bad at all. Just don't expect any damage output and they tarpit fine.
As other anon's pointed out, you have the 5th ed DoW army book which gives a blurb on each of the main tilean city states, as well as the 4th ed Up In Arms RPG book giving some small tidbits on mercs and the occasional BL book.

However, since it's mostly a "blank" territory you can add or modify what you want, which is how I make up fluff for my DoW army
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Had a 6th ed game against a mate, the horned rat smiled upon grey seer brux boogle, who devastated the forces of chaos with his magic. My mate didn’t bring any wizards or dispel scrolls, wiped an entire unit of knights with a plague and finished them off later with warp lightning. Devastated 2 units of chosen with plague as well. Had a great fun time.
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Was a great game, 6th ed is peak fantasy.
>bits of paper as movement trays
Hobo soul...
>paper movement trays.
Chad gamer spending no money and getting games in.
I left them at home!
You should post one of your games with your pristine movement trays.
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>I'm aiming to paint a couple characters and a command group.
Spent so long tidying up basecoats on last week's models yesterday that I only started the first character at 8pm. Command group is probably off the table now, but going to try getting 1 character finished and the other basecoated today. Despite the slow progress this is the first army project that I haven't abandoned after painting a few models, and seeing it all come together is really motivating, so I'm enjoying that a lot.

Paint something in your backlog before buying new stuff anon! (A case of "do as I say, not as I do"!)

>Tomb King Civil War using 8e civil war rules
That sounds fun! I missed 8e entirely as I was chasing my career at the time. I'll check the rules out.

Sounds good anon, show pics when you can! What is in the stunty backlog, are you feeling confident about finishing it before the reinforcements arrive?

Very cool anon! What army is it, and which STLs are you printing for it? I've printed some rivers and buildings too, but I want to do the hills the old school way with foam and flock. What kind of trees are you printing? I bought a load of picrel but they didn't come with bases, so I found a tree stump STL online and made my own magnetised tree bases for easy transport. I'll share the files if it's helpful.
Glad to see 6th edition being played still, kudos anon! Although I will say, the opportunity was missed to reduce the movement trays' footprints as your units lost their ranks... Probably the biggest advantage I can think of for paper trays!
I'm not disparaging, it's a great idea in a pinch.
Ah I misread what you wrote, guess I was hobomaxing
6th is alive and well, so many options in those lovely army books for every factions. So much cool stuff you can do with your dudes. There was a group of young dudes like 16 - 20 watching us play and I encouraged them to pick the game up, hoping we can grow the real warhammer fantasy.
Games are the best way to enjoy the hobby, especially with friends!
I started Tomb Kings because I wanted to do them before the setting went tits up. Now that they are back I jumped at the chance. I had no idea how powerful they'd be though. I was expecting them to be sub par like they used to be. I actually feel like that guy now.
What are you finding works well?
Well the sheer amounts of healing for one. Why just yesterday in my game against dwarfs. A unit of chariots took 3-4 cannon balls and i brought them back to full strength. Also Scorpions are insanely good for their cost.
Addendum: I thought i would have to cast spells to get models back, like it used to be. Which meant chances to miscast or dispel. But doing it on a LDR test is much better.
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Anyone else very much considering splurging far too much money on a regiment of spear-wielding dwarfs? I've always loved the look of it and it doesn't seem like a bad load out either when paired with heavy armour and shields.
On that note has anyone here tried out Mercs in one of your games and if so how did they do?
Don’t worry, they’ll nickel and dime you so dwarf arcane journal VOLUME TWO will have the runesmith and slayer armies and the units you need.
I hear that unit was around in 1987
I think they’re gonna need to reconsider that slain doomseekers award no VP rule.
Would be cool to see a dwarf pike block facing off against a goblin pike block.
I'm definitely going to print some for my empire army when I come to expand it. The old sculpts are kino but they don't fit with the rest of my army, and even if they did there's no way I'm paying £31.50 for 5 rank and file guys when I'll need 15-20 of them.
Yeah it's a big bonus to move healing away from casting for sure. Did the dwarf player spread his resources across multiple of your units or focus everything on removing 1 unit from the table? I think that has to be the way to go, to deal with tk
Well shooting is not the answer. since I can easily get 5+ models back, unless some extreme focus fire it used. I think the best thing to do would be to take out my constructs.
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So now that the dust has settled
Was the crocodile Ushabti ever found?
Oink oink
Is it generally considered a dick move to bring two lvl 4 wizards?
>Very cool anon! What army is it, and which STLs are you printing for it?
VCs and mainly Highland Minis, Monstrous Encounters and some Heresy Lab stuff. A few Raging Heroes prints which turned out to be too fiddly and ornate for my tastes.
>I've printed some rivers and buildings too, but I want to do the hills the old school way with foam and flock. What kind of trees are you printing?
PrintableScenery's various trees but I haven't started on them yet.
>I'll share the files if it's helpful.
It's cool I have bases and i'm not going to be transporting terrain, this is for the home table.
we're not allowed to talk about the crocodile ushabti
It can be a bit much against certain armies, but if you discuss it with your opponent and come up with a fun scenario, it should be alright. Hell, lmao2lvl4wizards was the basis for the Storm of Magic expansion, which was the coolest part of 8th edition. In my opinion, it's cooler to have one level 4 wizard and a bunch of level 1 and 2 wizards. It's less effective, but it makes sense for a powerful wizard to attract students/weaker wizards to fight at his side.
All Warhammer fans come to this thread let's expose Warcraft as a ripoff that's the only way to revive the old game which was much better than Age of Sigmar even Total War is missing some characters and army units
Just grab some wing bones and put some eyes on it
>and rangers
Post fully painted WHFB elf army with timestamp
You must be over 18 years old to browse the 4channels, anon.
I'm not even sure it's good.

A dedicated mage like a puppet chaos sorceror or oaken stave spellweaver will eat both their lunch at the same time anyway, and the miscast that stops your whole phase also sucks.
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Aighters, I can definitely see it being a bit much to bring to what's supposed to be a friendly game.
>it's cooler to have one level 4 wizard and a bunch of level 1 and 2 wizards.
I can't help but agree. I've been considering trying out a lvl 2 Nurgle Sorc with Daemonology on the flank in a unit of Chosen Knights while my lvl 4 sorc with Dark Magic sips around on a Flying Carpet behind my center consisting of a unit of 4 Nurgle Ogres and three units of 6 Forsaken.
I guess it would also be fun to try out a lvl 2 Battle Magic sorc on a Daemonic Mount with the Burning Ring of Ruby if I could squeeze in the points.
Do you guys reckon there's much need for a BSB in a WoC army? My main reason for wanting to bring one is that I like the notion of a Daemonic Mount-riding one with Dark Majesty and the Doom Totem. Seems like that build would be hella' fun when running with two Giants.
The idea would be to have atleast one of them running up a flank to maximize the chances of it getting off its spells while shutting down the opponent's lvl 2s. That being said, since I'm playing WoC it might be more cordially (and certainly less expensive) to just bring the puppet.
This is the peakest fantasy senpai
>Do you guys reckon there's much need for a BSB in a WoC army?
From a hobbyist standpoint, even from a "being a guy people enjoy playing against" standpoint, I would say there's a need for a lovingly-created custom BSB in any army. Gameplay considerations come in at a distant third place for me!

For nurgle, a putrid blightking or the rotbringer sorcerer would be a good base to work off imo. They both have arm options with long wooden staffs, which you could expand out into a big banner pole.
>not combining the two and making /yourdudes/ warcraft-y
I'm not a metamancer by any means, but I've also been experimenting with having my sorcerer lord use the lore of dark magic, mostly because I think template spells are fun, especially the lightning bolt signature spell, and it seems like a good idea. You'd still want a daemonologist on hand though, and a nurgle sorcerer seems like a great option for that. Battle magic is also bananas, even with the 2 crap spells for chaos armies (arrow attraction & oak, though oak can be good if you have a regiment of marauders), arcane urgency is so good that it's always worth the gamble. As for mounts, I still don't know how I want to run them. I have 2 versions of my sorcerer lord, one on foot and one on a daemonic mount, but I really like the idea of wizards, especially chaos sorcerers, being in infantry regiments & fighting alongside their men. I've had terrible, terrible luck letting my sorcerer lord join my knights so far, but maybe I was just playing wrong.
Regarding a BSB, it's mandatory for style points for all armies, because it just looks cool. A leadership bomb sounds like a fun idea, too.
Nevermind I'm stupid, the oak spell that gives a 5+ ward is insane if you let a sorcerer with it join a unit of chaos warriors too, it's just useless if your sorcerer is on his own
So only 1 bum spell, and even then it can be useful if you have marauder horsemen
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How could they get the orcs and goblins release so right yet the dorf one so wrong?
>stubborn units can't be broken initially regardless of if you double outnumber the unit
>also can just choose to give ground instead if they have shieldwall
I actually hate this. TK and other armies that don't have to break test sacrifice a lot for it. Meanwhile 4ppm Bretonnian peasantry can just choose to ignore having to take break tests.
The o&g one also sucked.
dwarves just suck, ogres are probably the most popular army that has been released so far.
is it possible to play at 500 pts to get an idea of how the game plays?
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Fuck no.
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>fuck up lore
>character assassinate some popular figures too
>shit release all around

The book of grudges grows.
Might want to modify some of the base unit sizes lower for 500 point games. Also, you really won't see a rank part of the rank and flank.
gay raids are gay
You'll have one, maybe two small regiments and one or two characters without any magic items. It'll be a very simplified, watered down experience, but you can learn the turn sequence and the rules with that amount of models, yes.
As I've said before, TOW simply was a mistake
So what did they change or are you just reflexively doomposting?
there are some fan made rules to help with making games ar that points level or below but im not sure how balanced they are
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Any tips for a newbie on how to play the Tomb Kings, what are some good ground rules? I'm building a list and wondering what are some vital units to include, I have pretty much every model.
Malakai is apparently a fraud.
I wouldn't go below 1000 pts. You rule out most units below that.
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>I would say there's a need for a lovingly-created custom BSB in any army.
A very fair point!
>putrid blightking
Yeah, made my sword and boardy footslogger that way and used the rotfly-riding variety for my Daemonic Mount-mounted one. Love those kits. Especially the PBKs is probably the best kit that GW has ever manufactured.
I also have a second footslogger stuck in WIP limbo based on the body of the Lord of Blight with a banner from Momminiatures. I really need to get around to greenstuffing the arm so that I can start painting it.
>You'd still want a daemonologist on hand though, and a nurgle sorcerer seems like a great option for that.
Yeah I really love the notion of a fighty and melee-buffing sorc but I learned from my latest game that it's perhaps not prudent to solely rely one it for your wizardry needs.
>Battle magic is also bananas
I'm not a big fan of vortex spells and since I've primarily eyed it on a free roaming sorc (likely because I've been blinded by the allure of Fireball in order to bring some much needed range dmg to my WoC) I haven't really seen the potential of it since that set up is just wasting Oaken Shield and to a lesser extent the Signature since I'm mono-nurgling. You might be banging the nail on the head with your suggestion of taking the lore on a wiz accompanying some warriors or marauders though, or even something like a larger unit of Marauder Horsemen.
>A leadership bomb sounds like a fun idea, too.
Doesn't it? And yeah, it absolutely is worth the consideration for style points if nothing else. I do however also like the concept of adding one to a unit of Warriors in order to double up on the War Banner and the Banner of Rage which together with the fightiness of an Exalted Champion would make the unit actually a bit scary. I'm not a big fan of the Ogre Blade though so I'm currently struggling with coming up with a decent alternative weapon for it. The Headsman's Axe is fun but highly situational (which makes me like it more on a mounted BSB such as the previously mentioned LD bomb) and while the Runesword is handy against the WS3 crowd it's really quite expensive. As such I'm increasingly considering trying out a flail with the Poisonous Slime-mutation. Taking it would allow the BSB to invest in such much needed protection like the Bedazzling Helm or Armour of Silvered Steel.
Do any of the Bretonians have a flail or mace that I could kitbash onto a lord on pegasoos.
Blame that on the rules writers making level 1/2 wizards practically useless.
i think one of the grail knights models do
I don’t think WoC in their current ideal form really need a BSB because your units are small, hit very hard, a substantial part of your list is probably a dragon lord, your characters are all outrageously expensive and units probably have pseudo-veteran anyway. But it is cool, a chariot BSB can probably do decent work and the Doom Totem is one of the coolest standards in the game.
One of those is exclusively the first time IIRC.
Build around the ressurects, it's stupidly strong.

I thought bow ushabti were shit on first glance and they kinds are, but they are also unkillable because of ressurects and hit you all game long.
>a substantial part of your list is probably a dragon lord
Why would anyone not actively taking part in a tournament want to be that boring unless they've recently modelled one?
Thanks man. Can you go into more detail? Should I stack liche priests or ushabti? Which units should I seek to resurrect? Can each liche priest use Arise! once, giving me access to multiple Arise?
>they get the orcs and goblins release so right
I think any difference between the two releases can be attributed to momentum. Orcs came out fairly soon after the two initial armies launched and were the "first next release" so to speak. Then we had 3 whole months of precisely zero old world news, but constant sigmarine news, articles, painting tutorials etc. Then as soon as the big AoS launch was done (and the price rise had happened), like literally as soon as the sigmarines were out the door, James was like "by the way here's some dwarfs, preorders open in 4 days, stay tuned for tomorrow when we'll talk about dwarfs again and then the next day when we'll talk about dwarfs some more". They let the iron go cold.
I dont think its a good idea to let a product ride solely on momentum tbf.

can anyone find a pic of this?
Absolutely. You should start at 500 and increase the army from there in increments. You'll get the basics and then learn more as you build up. Plus you won't be investing hundreds of dollars for a game you might not enjoy.
Whoever says otherwise is a literal nogames faggot.
People keep saying that everyone should run a dragon, but as the other anon said it's kind of lame & boring. A fun project, sure, and I've had my eye on a particular metal dragon from a manufacturer whose name escapes me that could act as a fine mount for a great chaos lord, but I don't think it'd be fun on the table - both for myself and my opponent.
They tried to do that back in the day. Actually a good idea for that bridge between skirmish/mordheim and larger games
Each liche priest can Arise! and can take items to do it multiple times. You also want the banner so you can re-roll your failed Arise rolls.

Ideally you want to avoid casting it on heavy chariots, monstrous creatures and behemoths as you only ever get one wound back, whereas a level 4 would give 4 back to ushabti, or 4+d3 to infantry etc.

So a level 4 or more priest, some ushabti and a brick of tomb guard so you are getting good value for arise, then to taste. Tomb kings shoot surprisingly well so don't shy away from that, especially with wizards and the Casket and Catapult.

The only shit unit to avoid is the melee horsemen, everything else has a place depending on your strategy.
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Orc Hyperborea is being invaded by Lizardmen in a 1.25k match today, will post battle report in next thread after game is done. Nomadic waagh will protect it's pastures!
Oh shit, you can bring back Ushabti? Feelsgoodman...

Right, I definitely need to up my priest game. Thanks a bunch for your help man.
The Old World‘s timeline when it comes to tech is completely fucked
I think once we had a discussion about the timeframe of gunpowder and surprisingly there was enough in real history for a significant period of stagnation regarding its development and spread, but yeah, it's all fucked up, but what's worse is clothing, the old world has been culturally stagnant about those too
Why them piggies secured?
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One retired from service due to injuries, the other is being subbed out for this battle. The chief got a new chariot painted and it's his debut game therefore we had to make staffing adjustments to nail that 75%+ charge conversion ratio.

honestly my autism is hoping to build a cohesive home narrative escalation campaign of where I posses enough homebrew terrain to progress my friends as they invade my orc lands.
>the dreaded pass, mountainous choke just past dwarven holds, very dense mountain terrain ripe for ambush, night goblins and spiders may be present as well as caves
>the hinterlands/river crossing, semi open grazing and scouting planes of the north orc tribes, domain of the river trolls, hag and Orguz Swampnigga
>finally they arrive at a mostly open plain where the orc outpost itself resides

we getting there bros
Yeah, the fact that a lvl 4 can bring back 4 wounds for any monstrous infantry/cavalry within rangw makes such units really fucking tanky.
Sounds hella' rad, broham!
>the fucking helicopter
For fucks sake ....
Shit like that is why I can't love WFB dwarfs. They're so close to being some of the most interesting dwarves in fantasy but GW couldn't help themselves.
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thanks dood, I'll post bat rep when can, night gobbos are sitting this one out n it's a pure nomadic waagh list. Hoping to get some value out of my boarboyz and to make sure the magical attack wep guys actually get to the shitty slann.
Dragon lords and the skull of katam are the only reasons to play a chaos army.
Could someone post the image that's on the front page of the Warhammer site?
You only need to remove the vignette that's over that pic to download it, and then convert it from webp to png. Can't do it myself atm. Thanks.
Nvm. I wanted to use that image for a new thread, but >>93393923 already did it.
Nuh-uh, I play chaos because chaos is cool.

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