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Lonely Iron Hand edition

Previous thread: >>93365293

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>Thread question:
What was the first model you made and painted for your army?
>What was the first model you made and painted for your army?
A MkIV marine back when Calth was launched.
The limited edition cataphractii primus Medicare

Never ended up getting used in my WS list and I don't have the time to play anymore :(
>I don't have the time to play anymore
Sorry, I love you, but no games have to get out :(
The adults are talking.
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>What was the first model you made and painted for your army?
This guy. First and only cuz I keep remaking the recipe for the color scheme and end up never committing to anything, as usual...
I don't know what to do for the bases atm
If I want to go balls to the wall bikes white scars or dark angels?

I haven't played since the 2.0 rules and don't care about being super competitive, I just want shit loads of bikes
White Scars have a Rite of War that makes it very easy to spam bikes, can take them in almost any FOC slot with it. And sky hunters and outriders gain Line when taken as troops, which is pretty huge. When you can take Outriders as 85 points mandatory troops units they look a bit less bad.
WS might also be worth it for the meme combo's like having a stormseer give them fleet 4 and have bikes with +7 on charge rolls.

DA can make bikes a bit more resilient with Ravenwing, re-rolling Shrouded saves is pretty good. But to get Shrouded the bikes need to either run and be unable to shoot and charge, or use a reaction which not all units will be able to do, so it is quite a bit situational.
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Herald assembled. Kinda debating if I want something on the backpack but I want to keep the armor simple.
I thought this would be my last consul but I'm gonna copy Anon and use Tellion for a pathfinder conversion after all.
AT question: i have played legio atarus for years, now want to try traitors. I play Corsair reavers for movement shenanigans, but now want to do something with a bunch of warhounds and something dumb like a warmaster. Looking for ideas for a fun traitor legio
Is that just gonna be for a painting competition or something? Base is a bit way too large.
>chogorian brotherhood
Bikes and jetbikes become troops and all of them gain Line, not just the compulsory ones. You also get to take bikes in Elites slots for when you really want to spam dozens and dozens of them.

>seeker's arrow
Bikes and jetbikes become troops, but don't gain Line. You're also heavily restricted in terms of which other vehicles you're allowed to bring, as they all need to be Fast, Skimmer, or Flyer. You're also restricted to only a single heavy support slot. Chogorian Brotherhood has no restrictions at all, so you can bring land raiders or predators to support your bike spam.

When it comes to LA traits, Ravenwing is better because it lets Cavalry re-roll the failed shrouded saves they get from running. All the WS get is +1 to movement which really doesn't matter on an M16 model. My money is on Chogorian Brotherhood because Line is just too important to pass up and it gives you extra FOC slots to play around with.
I've got a 32mm for games but I wanted to make a little diorama
Thanks, looks like scars have flexibility so if I get bored it'll be easier to add some variety

On the topic of being retarded for bikes, anyone tried converting 40k chaos bikers? It'd be easier for a traitor legion and I'm not sure how keen I am on the Harley style suspension, but they're less than half the price of the outriders

I've got a fair few of the old style 40k space marine bikes and was planning on converting the riders to MKV, but I'm going to need more if I want to get stupid with it
What legion are you painting? What time during the heresy are your legionnaires going to be painted for?
The resin mkiv heads are so kino, WB legion I presume?
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first mini of my blood angel army.
it feels like an age ago
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Trenchline complete, need to cut up some match sticks now
Looks nice anon. Fix up the writing on the knees and those rivets, and it'll look real good. Keep on making such great minis.
Legio mortis is always a nice choice to go with, though legio fureans are dope as well. ferrox light maniple is a nice dog spam one
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>angel's wrath lets units that can take rhinos choose to take storm eagles instead
>over half of the transport capacity is wasted as a result
Stupid. Stinky. Bad. Dumb. Captcha: AAHGW
Audax seem the obvious choice for warhounds, but Tempestous lets you deepstrike one if you don't mind it breaking at the same time.
Houserule it so that units that could get a Rhino as a DT option get access to a Storm Eagle instead? It's a wording issue.
It's things like these that chaos-denier "Legion's Rights" revisionists claim Horus rebelled for.
All this despite the Legionnary Combi-Magna Carta having a provision guaranteeing the right to praise the Dark Gods in the revolutionary realms.
Honestly I'm a fan of just saying fuck off to the unit size DT restrictions, if it can fit in the transport it can fit in the transport. 2 extra marines or an extra terminator don't break the game at all, and it stops shit like this and augmetic transport bay from being virtually worthless because like their lore writers, GW doesn't read their previous material.
Sorry if we've been talking Mechanicum a lot lately, just wondering what is worth picking up and what isn't? Almost everything is out of stock anyway in anticipation I expect, but I'm wondering whether it's worth picking up the main box when it comes out to build an army from.
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i never come back on minis. shitty habit of never trying to fix things
>r it's worth picking up the main box when it comes out to build an army from.
probably not 2bh. thralls are useless
Fair enough. I'll probably grab the Robots off eBay then
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so, how should i build my second sanguinary guard squad ?
i have a shitton of perdition weapons, i was thinking a mix of spear, axes and swords.
mk6 legs, sanguinary guard torsos and jump packs. helmet will be the old BA helmet pack, might throw in a mk6 BA one for fun.
pic is the old squad, unlikely i'll ever play them side by side. but who knows.
and i want to use the left sanguiniary guard shoulder pads. right one will be mk3 or mk6, but i'm a bit worried about the left ones, it often conflict with the wings of the jetpack
I love your red, how'd you do it?
Will add that Seeker's Arrow is one of the 5 DA Rites that bar the use of Inductii should you have wanted to use them.
>thralls are useless
They seem like pretty good bullet sponges.
3ppm for something with a S4 assault 2 weapon doesn't seem that bad either, even if they hit on 5s
You're going to stick all the head sin a tennis ball, right?

got mk2 assault marines second hand on ebay and as soon as they arrived i remembered veterans cant take jump packs. i guess i can make a command squad out of them
got a recast spartan off some guy from facebook. great deal. never realized how fuckin chunky they are compared to the plastic one. like holy shit what a fat boy.
planning on using it for a future IW allied detachment for my BA.
If it's 5 of them you could make destroyers
its 10, i also got 5 destroyers with the same order lol
Yeah. Plus, if it's not able to be deployed in the transport...well that's just not allowed to begin with, so no need for further restrictions I guess
vallejo air blood red
Maybe 10 assault marines then?
Assault squads with a few power weapons seems like pretty decent anti MEQ.
wat lejion?
10 man assault squad are straight up useless. and believe me when i say i've tried to make them work.
they get really pricey, really fast. and the charge reactions shut them down. hard.
40k has always been a shooting game, but in 30k it is much, much worse in that aspect
>the editions been out for 2 years and /tg/ still havent figured out that assault squads suck
What did you try?
What ended up happening?
>they get really pricey, really fast.
10 guys with 3 power weapons are 160 points. That doesn't seem that expensive.
They don't need bells and whistles, the other 7 guys are just ablative wounds
You pay a lot of points for tactical flexibility with them. I wouldn’t say they suck, as there’s a lot of things worse than they are, and assault squads can make their points back if played well unlike the things that I’d say suck. If you just throw them into them into the enemy like a retard (looking at you 40kids that only ever move units straight forward to get into charge range) then they suck ass, but if you end up being able to get them onto a good target of opportunity, or even just use them to reinforce a combat that you weren’t expecting to lose, they can be well worth the points.
>only ever move units straight forward to get into charge range
But anon, if I don't move in a straight line towards the enemy it's gonna take me a whole other turn to charge them!!!
>only ever move units straight forward to get into charge
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Has anyone tried putting the hands of the autocannons on the las canon models?
But over the shoulder lascannons are cooler
Over the shoulder LC are a 40k thing
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Forge World had.
they suck
No they aren't
40k Marine lascannons are held like rifles
Shoulder mounts are an RT/HH thing
they good if u use another shooty unit to act as screening for them
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plastic morbin bombard soon. i will be buying 2 for my IW
Artillery is lame
the king of the battlefield
>t. widdle Imperial Fist crying atop his broken sandcastle
>40k Marine lascannons are held like rifles
I'm not even sure if the thing at the back is suppose to be a buttstock. It's angled so that if the gun did have enough recoil to warrant such a thing, it'd skid up the shoulder pad and over the marine's shoulder. In an old WD it's identified as a "multi-positional recoil damper," whatever that means in this context.
>is suppose to be a buttstock
It's not, the FW ones also have it >>93390390
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Every type of hold can use any type of weapon, but I feel a Rifle hold lends itself to single-shot guns, Shoulder mounts are ideal for single-shots too (but can do both) and Hip fire are cool for multiple shot guns like Heavy Bolters (even if they can hold Lascannons too).
Never mind the pic's name
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I was going to say it seems to be a unique thing to handheld marine lascannons, since none of the over the shoulder and vehicle mounted guns have such a thing, but then came across pic related. One of the Devastator Centurion lascannons have a piece sticking out, like the recoiling slide of a pistol. Could it be that on some lascannons this part is built into the gun and recoils out when the weapon fires? On the handheld version it could be like the bolt on a Kriss Vector and direct the recoil, rather than come straight back.
Blackshields towards the end of the heresy.
I think it's the eyes and the narowness of the snout. The plastics are too fat.
i tried 10 man squads with power weapons and artificier armor on the sarge. that and a couple plasma pistols get me over 200pts, i usually added a chaplain because 4+ to hit and low number of attacks suck bollocks.
they never, ever succed in killing their weight in tacticals. they struggle against barebone 10 man tactical squads when the chaplain isn't there to babysit them.
hammer of wrath is a bitch due to positionning and terrain making that impracticable.
4+ to hit with 2, maybe 3 attacks if the opponent has spent his reaction elsewhere, is a fucking joke. it's why assault squad can sometime get shit done in some legions (WE, SW, DA...) and might as well not exist in the others.
you get to wound on a rerollable 4+, and then the usual 3+ armor crush any hope you had left for that assault squad.
but hey ! let's math it out a bit for shit and giggles.
assuming the perfect conditions where you land all hammer of wrath and get 3 attacks (4 for the sarge of course) against a ws4 t4 3+ marine.
31*0,5*(0,5+(0,5*0,5))*1÷3 : 3,8 wounds for the chainsword part
10*0,5*1÷3 : 1,6 for the hammer of wrath.
so yeah, less than 6 wounds landed on average on the easiest target of the space marine list in the best conditions possible for the basic 145pts assault squad.
And if you paint your models you only make about 80% of those hits. 75% if you're fighting unpainted models.
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i wish
A simple tac marine. Solid, reliable, and always good to use.
They may suck, but they're cool. So I'm gonna keep using them.
A plastic sabre hull would be interesting, isn't that a pretty new line?
sabre is temporarily out of stock, not sold out.
Wow i just got home from th Battle for Golgotha event. what a blast. will upload photos and batreps soon
>artificier armor on the sarge. that and a couple plasma pistols get me over 200pts, i usually added a chaplain
Jfc no wonder you think they suck. Instead of having a cheap mobile squad of ablative wounds to deliver a few power weapons you go out of your way to tripple their points to just to try and deal damage with chainswords and HoW attacks. No shit they are too expensive if you are giving them a chaplain. It'd be way more useful to get a unit of snipers to deny the enemy reactions if they bother you that much.
Goddamn the perdition weapons on the BA armory upgrade are fucking skinny, how are these things supposed to be brutal?
They are very sharp
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battel ONE!!!

played against total bro space wolves player

his list was 2 xiphons and 2 stormbirds (?) each containing 15 gray hunters (?) an apoth + speaker of the dead

Pretty much ganked me the entire game lol I had no AA at 1500 points, guy was cool as hell thought
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That's a pretty based list
Isn't is the same basic hull as the bombard?
no, bombard is on sicaran hull
aquitor is like 2x bigger than the sabre. sabres are smaller than rhinos
ah, okay, I am retarded.
Would pic related be a good conversion base for a WE praetor with jump pack? Idea would be to swap the helmet out with one of the new mk6 bunny ear helmets and the power pack for a jump pack

I know it's technically a "loyalist" model but I like how clean it is
also me thinks a plastic upgrade for the deredeo is next along with plastic rapiers and possibly plastic artillery
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Battle 2 was a lot more fun

Went up against DAbro

Game seemed like it was going to be a wash for me, but honestly didn't go too badly, even with a full street being part of the map.

The special mission was a tug of war with objectives moving slightly for each turn that you have them.

Turn 1: huge ouch, I went 2nd and got half of one Despoiler squad wiped. No kills on my end.

Turn 2: Very dicey on both our ends. One despoiler squad got killed, and the other actually got a 10 inch charge off with the BA special reaction, ramming into and routing a breacher squad for an obj. I also managed to get my reserves on the board, which rocked since I was able to get an incredible round with my Crimson Paladins and Praetor pinning the Knights Cenobium, and having an incredible charge round into them, killing 3, and taking 1 wound.

Paladins crushed a unit of Indomitus termies and formed a great bulwark to keep the right side in my favor, since the breachers were pretty much it at first.

Turn 3: DAbro's volkite squad managed to score 4 wounds on my drop pod vets, which stunk a bit but thankfully they didn't get charged by a contemptor that rolled a 2 for charge. I also failed the resulting Hold The Line reaction, pushing those vets back a bit. 2nd Despoiler squad died after getting their point for an objective due to Plasma Flamer guys.
i think ive seen this exact idea or atleast something very similar and it worked out ok.
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My Paladins quickly rectified this however, and cut em up with only 1 overwatch casualty. Then, like an absolute fucking unit, my Castra Ferrum charged into the Contemptor, and won combat in a single round. The Contemptor missed all 3 attacks, and I landed all 4 of my attacks with brutal smacking the shit out of him, the first time he's ever beaten a Contemptor. I was very proud of him as I just wanted him to hold the dread up until my vets could get some cheeky desparate LC hits. Since I didn't need that (and they passed the rout test from failed Hold) I scootched them closer to the left obj. DA player activated his +1 WS and BS thingy but I still managed to beat him in the combat phase since we outnumbered him greatly. 5+ wounds rolls just kept not happening for him lol.

Turn 4: Volkite squad failed to take care of my vets but took another 2 out. The breachers that originally got routed turn 1 tried to make a final stand but the paladins body blocked the way to the objective. Final combat with the Knights had me slay them with 2 Murderous Strikes going off on my boys from the HQ. Ouchie...

My dread charged a remaining breacher squad on their way to my vets, and krumped them into running. My Paladins failed a super easy charge into the other breachers, and lost a wound from a Rhino Ram (tm) which got a good laugh out of us. Vets then moved onto the obj to hopefully get me a point next turn.

Turn 5: with not much left on the board this was a cleanup round, 2.5 more dead vets from the volkites but they refused to rout again. Breachers tried to rapid fire into Paladins but did nothin. Both squads of breachers died in the subsequent rounds.

Final score 4:1, 2 objs, 1 dead hq, more units left standing vs 1 obj
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1 final pic before i do a battle 3 writeup
Sweet, I'll put an order through for the bits now then
Awesome pic and sounds like you had a fun game!
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>grav-repeller equipped paltforms
So I could make a giant anti-grav transport if I wanted to although to fit 35 marines it would have to be pretty fucking big.
I should probably just get a stormlord.
>I think it's the eyes and the narowness of the snout. The plastics are too fat.
That could be it, it looks much nicer.
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I envy the legions who have so many bits from 40k like the blood angels, such a treat for kit bashing. A bit of extra bling here and there really does the trick.
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Battle 3: The Escape

Context: unfortunately, the Traitors were not doing well. The planet of Golgotha was going to be blown to smithereens, and the only choice we had left was to break through the loyalist lines for a desparate, slim chance of escape.

This one may have been my favorite game narratively, compared to battle 2 being my favorite mechanically.

Mission was to get units within the opponent's deployment zone, at the point which they'd count for a point. However, he would get a point for each unit killed... big ouchies because the loyalist IWbro i played against was a stone cold, no changes 1.0-list rocking ARTILLERY CHAD. His list was an Arquitor and a bazillion rapiers plus 30 tacs spread across rhinos.

Turn 1: Insane losses from my 2 despoiler squads, literally 15/20 dead. I did however make a lot of headway.

Turn 2: Some of the most fucked up scatter rolls ever happened here, and 2 more despoilers died. I then also got my reserves, which I put halfway up the board according to mission rules. Thankfully some of his tacs were super close so i got some extra inches on my Paladins and HQ squad, which actually got to the point this turn after a daring-do charge into a Contemptor that they sliced up and consolidated into the deployment zone.
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Turn 3: Many chuds died here. Vet squad was down to 3 men due to Phosphex Phuckin', and 2 more Despoilers died. Photo of the remaining guy staring down a 10 man tac squad, with nuts of steel. i gave him a proper funeral and used my BA Advanced reaction here to give him the final stand he deserved, but his body was disfigured and defaced by the bolters of the IVth before he was able to make it to them.

Crimson Paladins charged an exposed rapier for some movement, and killed 5/6 dudes in the squad. Dreadnought made its way up the board.

Turn 4: More and more men were slain by the iron tide from above, but in the end the scraps of the Revenant legion had more than enough speed to slam into the forces of the Emperor, and leave lasting scars with love from the Warmaster.

Final score was 5:3.

Guy was not only an incredible opponent, but he also had a wealth of knowledge to share with me and told me a lot about 1.0, which I never played as I'm a 2.0 baby.

All in all, the Battle for Golgotha was amazing. I even won a Jetbike box in a raffle! I can finally make a 5 man Sky Hunter squad and a bike Praetor, since I have an unpainted group of 3 that have been unpainted and unused since last year lol. Incredible dudes everywhere in the HH community.
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This guy gets it;
Assault squads are just there to deliver three to five power weapons right where you want them. They’re troops; you wouldn’t put a master of signals in with your tacticals to give them better shooting, so why waste points putting a chaplain in with assaults?

That being said, I am a fan of the 205 point assault squad with artificer on the sarge, and three plasma pistols. Even though the plasma pistols don’t make their points back in straight mathammer, they can give you just enough dead models to roll over a unit and sweep them round one. My assault squad is spears and plasma, though I’ve got them at 15 guys.
MOGGED, but in all seriousness resin mk2 is my favourite model.
It’s a different hull. It’s SIMILAR to the sicaran hull, but it’s not that close if you’ve ever seen one. The bombard is dummy thicc.
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oh got that cupola
>mfw grav-repeller equipped paltform that skimmed above the surface of the battlefield
But I wouldn't sweat it, just make something close enough to the size of the Crassus. The transport capacity of 30k and 40k vehicles never worked on any logic. Like, the Crassus is about the size of the Land Raider. The Stormlord has double the capacity compared to the other two Baneblade transports. Gorgon fits 5 more than the Crassus despite being almost as big as a Baneblade. Spartan fits over twice the marines than a Phobos, despite the hull (minus the front ramp and tracks) being almost the same size.
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It's what we in the business call a "concrete commander". The driver can't escape, if you cement them into their tank.
considering how much ammo you'd need for the stormlord it never made sense that it had a transport capacity at all
I love me little manlets

It's okay he was so cool I didnt even notice
Or that Spartan could fit twice the dudes AND twice the lascannons (and a shield generator) when the whole reason the Crusader could fit more dudes was because it swapped the lascannons (and the generators for them) for extra space and some guns with external ammo supplies. Sparan Crusader should fit like 40 marines inside it.
yeah but without 8th's rules that let you stuff multiple units in a single transport a 35 or 40 transport capacity marine tank is useless except for deliverers.
Why not swords bro?
not him but shanking one or two marines before your squads start clashing at initiative is better if you're fighting 3+ mooks.
really like your revenant legion style (i assume) vets. good shit anon.
I have to paint another warbringer before I get to move onto the rest of my consuls but I don't wanna.
>they never, ever succed in killing their weight in tacticals
I mean that's because they weight as much as 1.5 as many tacticals lol / oof.
Think about it. 145 pts base. No SotL, no HotL. That's 21-31 A.
10 Tacticals with chainswords: 21 A, 150 pts. No Jump Packs, yes FotL & HotL
15 Despoilers: 31 A, 150 pts. No Jump Packs either, only SotL & HotL.
I loathe messing with points costs, and so far it seems Assault Marines are kinda on the same spot as the other two squads (21-31A for ~150 pts)...but swapping two special rules for a Jump Pack.
I've heard Assault Marines should *not* have HotL because that's a defensive rule.
Could they have something else? Should they?
Thanks anon!
I mean it’s mostly not about the attacks I think, the deep strike and 14” movement line troops is where most of the value comes in, and like despoilers they’re pretty easy priority targets.
They’re unfortunately pretty easy priority targets*
But this is a problem players themselves must overcome with most line in the game, troops can’t do much against elites/hvy/fast attack
If you’re only taking ten guys, paying for plasma pistols and spears is almost a necessity as it means they can take out 3-5 marines before they get hit back, which makes those seven ablative wound models last a long time. It also means you can go against 15 man tac squads and win.
Lascannons should not have recoil.
Heart of the legion just needs to be removed all together or dialled back to 6+. There’s no reason tacs should get 4+++, which historically has been relegated to only the toughest of units.

Let troops be troops; if you want to do something to make them better, shift all armour saves up a point and do some major play with the overall game balance so that bolters are more reliable against marines.
>There’s no reason tacs should get 4+++,
Seems most FnP comes from elite units, specialists, warlord traits and the like.
FnP4+ is available to Curze (conditional), Lorgar's retinue, two special characters' WT (temporary), Horus fucking Ascended...and troops next to the important place.
Two easy alternatives:
a) HotL's FnP doesn't stack (it's just a conditional FnP6 that gets overwritten by actual sources), or...
b) HotL is just conditional Stubborn, no FnP

But wouldn't all of this still not bridge the gap between Tacticals and Assault squads? It is a shorter gap, but it's still there, and most of it actually came from FotL/SotL anyways.
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>Could they have something else? Should they?
Their "offensive" rule is their increased mobility and hammer of wrath, plus their ability to pin if they are chosen for a deep strike. They don't need a fancy rule on top of that. Assault squads are fine, and honestly lots of things in Heresy are fine. I'm sick of seeing suggestions on how to "fix the game" here all the time.
This Siege Tyrant. I had flipped a coin in the store on whether I'd be getting the starter box to start my Iron Warriors or Iron Hands. It landed on Iron Warriors so bought the Hereticus and some parts to convert up some units and this guy was the first that got painted.
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fuck sake, didn't attach the pic.


Some studio paintjobs get a lot of grief, yet his face is pretty snazzy. The cynic in me suspects a little digital fuckery, I do hope not GW.

>Only in death does duty end
Do the legion transfer sheets ever actually restock or am I just fucked if my legion is out of stock? I can't even find people who do like similar sheets for my legion on etsy or anything
How big should rhinos be to fit those 10 marines?
And I always have an aneurysm when I realize that Land Raiders can only fit 10 guys, same amount as a rhino, feels wrong.

40k (and by extension 30k) has long had huge scale problems. New shit gets bigger, so the old shit suddenly appears far too small. Twas ever this.

*thus, damned phone
This does not answer my question
FW scale was the best. Wish they still did new stuff in that scale.

No sweat anon.

>Open Rhino.stl
>Edit size

28mm heroic is supposed to be equivalent to 1/56 scale, so besides some hefty chopping up of perfectly good Rhino kits and bulking them out with plasticard or similar, 3d prints are the far simpler route.

I like the Rhino a lot, I've been around since 2nd so the old kits inspire my inner grog, but I just can't see GW releasing a new, properly scaled version now.
>edit size
To what? How big should it be was my question
I swear I'm not trying to be annoying

No probs at all

>1/56 historical scale
Cheers! Noted
Is the IF Templar Assault Rite of war OP/WAAC? If you brought 3 squads of Templar Brethren would your opponent be in for a shit time, or is it acceptable?
That doesn't really help though does it, because the "real" size of the Rhino is based on the size of the model kit and an arbitrary declaration. Modern GW humans are ~32mm tall, so marines should be ~38mm tall, and a 6.6m Rhino won't fit 9 38mm Marines in the back unless you fold them into cubes and stack 'em.

The real answer >>93392702 is you have two choices: stop caring about it, or disregard GW's asspull numbers entirely and scale based on the models themselves; import the STL into 3D builder, make a 40mm cube(height of marine + top and bottom plating; FW's IA 2 suggest Marines occupy a 3x3 grid in the back of the Rhino with one riding up front, standing upright with the outside rows facing inwards is the most compact you can make the arrangement), scale the model until the troop compartment matches the cube, and that's the "right" size of a Rhino. Then use features of the Rhino - doors, cupolas etc - to scale other Marine vehicles to match.

Yeah, there's a reason most people with scaletism prefer smaller, more infantry-focused games like ZM.

Now I think of it, to be fair there is a third option: become irrationally enraged at the thought other people might see the issue differently to yourself and spend your entire life seething desperately on a Mongolian basketweaving forum like Troonscaleanon.
Grinding out progress on these
Looking lovely anon, keep up the good work.
Seeing those deredeo's makes me want to get my army done faster so I can add the 2 deo's that I have planned for my 3k points
Both your legions look very nice, I like your MKII BA - Revenant Legion? Not hyper bling, very cool and unique.
I really like your opponent's breachers, and interesting choice for him to do indomitous too
I don't want solutions, I just want to be angry. So third option it is!
those look so fucking good man
I've never heard anyone complain about templar brethren
The RoW is pretty restrictive and not that different from what other legions can do
Which primarch can defeat Horus Ascended? Angron, Sanguinius or Magnus?
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There can be only one. Begone, stupid coomer
I wish to stay.
>Why not swords bro?
Swords suck. There are not 2+sv units with 1 wound and no invulnerable so fishing for 6s to wound is not a reliable way to kill anything in this game
>they never, ever succed in killing their weight in tacticals
Very few things in the game ever make their poinst back killing tacticals, you know that right?
Tacticals are designed to be cheap bullet sponges.
You are suppossed to throw assault squads at the HSS that everyone is always complaining about. Or the recons unit with nemesis bolters. Or god forbids if someone is playing a TSS
Even agaisnt tacticals, assault squads are Line. The mere fact that you are charging them and they can't win decisively in melee already denies the enemy an objective.
>Heart of the legion just needs to be removed all together or dialled back to 6+
You do know HotL IS a 6+++, right?
And that the base 5+++ comes from the apothecary?
Jfc you people talk about tacticals like apothecaries are free and can't go on any other unit.
Take some snipers ffs
>Very few things in the game ever make their poinst back killing tacticals, you know that right?
It's unfair that my dreadnought can only kill 20p of tacticals per round of combat and gets bogged down there forever. They need to be buffed asap. Give dreads 6A
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>How big should rhinos be to fit those 10 marines?
10 2e marines can fit in there.
>inb4 "that's 9"
Sarge rides in front next to the driver, as per official documentation.
- Mech box on preview today?
- Heresy Thursday returns when?
- Melee weapons ever?
- Next EB?
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>Melee weapons ever?
>he doesn't know
the recoil is just the marine flinching while anticipating recoil
>Thinking HH will get anything any time soon
Pretty sure they said releases will pick back up in october.
They said "Later this summer", which is maddeningly vague.
But AoS 4 has fizzled out, and the week of Necromunda is over.
They also said there would be melee weapon kits in spring.
I'm determined to make this list work, a test game yesterday showed that somehow despite having 20 rending (4+) guns I still don't have enough AP2, so I dropped some stuff to grab 2 thanatar calixes instead. How does this look?

High Techno-Arcana: Malagra
Primary Detachment - 3000
HQ - 470
Archmagos Prime, Paragon Blade, Power Fist, Data Spike, Servo Arm, Rad Furnace, Cyber Familiar, Rad Grenades, Cybertheurgy: Incursus - 250
2x Arcuitor Magisterium, 2x Paragon Blade, Archaeotech Pistol, 2x Servo Arm - 220

Troops - 1470
6x Thallax, 4x Lightning Guns, 4x Chain Bayonets, 2x Photon Thruster - 294
6x Thallax, 4x Lightning Guns, 4x Chain Bayonets, 2x Photon Thruster - 294
6x Thallax, 4x Lightning Guns, 4x Chain Bayonets, 2x Photon Thruster - 294
6x Thallax, 4x Lightning Guns, 4x Chain Bayonets, 2x Multi-Melta - 294
6x Thallax, 4x Lightning Guns, 4x Chain Bayonets, 2x Multi-Melta - 294

Elites - 325
6x Myrmidon Secutors, 6x Myrmidon Axe, 8x Volkite Chargers, 4x Phased Plasma-Fusil - 325

Fast Attack - 225
Artalax, 2x Arc Scourge, Plasma Cannon, Paragon of Metal - 225

Heavy Support - 510
Thanatar-Calix, Solex Heavy-Las, Graviton Ram, Mauler Bolt Cannon - 255
Thanatar-Calix, Solex Heavy-Las, Graviton Ram, Mauler Bolt Cannon - 255
They did. and that was the only part of the roadmap that was wrong.
trust the roadmap
trust the plan
Why even get excited for it. These are the same people that are selling 5 chainswords for $31 when the minimum unit size is ten. Even if it was ten for $31 it'd still be completely fucked but at least they'd spit on your asshole first.
A 175+ pts Dread can sweep a 100 pts squad
>b) HotL is just conditional Stubborn, no FnP
Sounds alright. It's about holding ground, abyways
The Calix is good, but they turn in to an entirely different unit when you buff them. I'd drop the Arlatax and one or both of the Arcuitors, grab a Magos Dominus on Abeyant with Artificia Cybernetica, and make one of the Calix a Paragon of Metal. Park the Magos behind it and buff it with +1BS every turn and use your 48" S10 AP2 Heavy 3 Precision Shots 4+ sniper rifle to just pick a unit and have a character die.
Can't you not use Cybertheurgy on a Paragon of Metal?
You should drop a squad of thallax and get some auxilia so you can have some at melee. Also because converting is fun.
According to the last FAQ you are right. Everyone agrees to ignore that in the 5 min warmup.
I don't like GW much either, but comparing a plastic melee weapons kit to a resin despoiler kit is just disingenuous.
your being d-disingenuous. trust the plan!
You are welcome here coomer anon, make sure to share more spicy art
AoS might have crashed and burned (again) but that doesn't mean that we're anywhere near priority.
You were correct.
Plastic MKII and MKV when? Getting back into the game after a long time and it hurts to see we got plastic fucking beakies before the two objectively hardest looking marks
>it hurts to see we got plastic fucking beakies before the two objectively hardest looking marks
if you think thats bad just look at what they did to mk3
Well Calth was Nov 15 (MKIV)
Prospero was Oct 16 (MKIII)

AoD Box was Jun 22 (MKVI)
Batleforce was Oct 23 (MKIII.b)

So I would guess MKII and MKV will come in 2029 and 2036 with a third and fourth redesign of MKIII in 2030 and 2037
It's a shame the artist is a pedophile.

>Smut artist is a sex offender
>In other news, rain makes things wet unlike you
It's still absurd to me that they would remake plastic mk3 before doing 2 or 5. We even know that mk2 is already largely designed from the vehicle sprue.
I suppose they where just chasing popularity, but nobody would have been unhappy with something wholly new, while replacing a well liked kit was inevitably going to be divisive.
>he drew... le kids
I didn't really care about this but with the way you put it I was expecting you to link something like -8 or shad.
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>>In other news, rain makes things wet unlike you
kinda of a normie response for a widespread issue with hentai artists
>something like -8 or shad.
"male pedophile" was one of the tags.

>I was expecting you to link
I'm not looking for a ban, kek.
no, don't make tacticals stupid tax again
I mean as in a post where the guy straight out admits it (-8) or someone reports on that.
>I'm not looking for a ban, kek.
There is a point where you get banned so many times over the years (some without any reason, just because the mods might have interpreted something in some weird way) that one stops caring.
People are still thinking of tacticals as just being a stupid, obnoxious tax. This HotL being too strong meme must be a psyop.
But bro, they’re freaking IMPOSSIBLE TO SHIFT! I simply have no weapons or squads capable of beating a 100-200pt WS4 3+Sv unit.

But really though, I do appreciate the game having such an emphasis on troops. The Line subtype is an awesome addition imo.
The real shame is the volume of resources devoted to catching actual child predators that gets wasted on quadruple checking anime shit because some 14 year old thinks he’s the fucking caped crusader because he reported anime art on twitter to the FBI and interpol.
Problem A is that they’re still looked at like a tax, and problem B is that heart of the legion totally invalidates breachers as a troop choice, and can make them durable enough that it isn’t worth fighting them with other troops.

Tacs are only the issue because they’re the only troop that’s gotten a huge buff, while the “elite” or specialist troops haven’t, so you’re left with a bunch of other troop choices that just suck now. Dropping heart of the legion to plain stubborn is an easy change that helps rebalance the troop slot so it isn’t just a “take two squads of tacs that are universally better than other troops” game again.

2.0 is so fucked that it isn’t going to get fixed by saying we should keep the strong things, the rules really need a good once over from the ground up to evaluate how different things interact in the core rules and generic LA units. HH never had good balance in the legion specific units, but I think that’s really a secondary issue to the general lists problems.
Will Squats ever get 30k content?
Breachers are just shit, that isn't the fault of tacticals. Breachers need a points drop at least, they're overcosted as fuck. Nerfing the shit out of tacticals isn't gonna make people play breachers, because tacticals will always be the cheaper token troops tax unit.
>Points at Militia and Cults army list.
They are already a provenance in both editions, what else do you need?
>the volume of resources
What resources? Telling someone that the artist likes little girls? Stop regurgitating retarded twitter talking points, lolifagging is not actual CP but everyone who likes it should be hung.
The plastic kits are pretty weak in general, but then again you don't have to remortgage your house to get them. The FW resin MKIV was fucking beautiful though

Now that 40k is done with old marines I think it will be a long wait before we get more plastic HH marines, especially marks they haven't already done

It makes me kind of sad looking at my old black books and seeing the variety of armour on offer, and in the new books everyone is just MKVI with different paintjobs

I get that a lot of the pre black library/FW art of the HH depicted marines in MKVI, but it is kind of a shame that now apparently towards the end everyone had MKVI, feels like it takes away from the RG and the siege
>Breachers need a points drop at least
Breachers need a 2+ save instead of the useless 5++
The old black books definitely over-showed the latest thing (you can really tell when the leviathan/deredeo came out, just by how they're all over the book) but it was a slight overrepresentation. In the new ones, you've got to scramble to find anything that's not the latest thing, and it feels like we lost soul for advertising.
100p tactical squad is not going to break with stubborn when you kill 2 models
Specially when they have a serious chance of scoring a wound back with crack grenades
NTA but literally everything after the part you quoted is an example. I’m not getting involved in this dumbassed argument, but y’all gotta learn to read.
Taking away 16% of their durability specifically when they have an apothecary that already gives them 33% bonus durability is not nerfing the shit out of them. If HotL didn’t stack then breachers still have a reasonable slot as the durability choice, but as it stands tactical are just better breachers, and it’s really all thanks to HotL.

Make HotL not stack and then give breachers a blanket force disordered charges unless they’re already in combat.
Yeah that's true, I can't tell if it's because I know which pieces are from the black books, but I feel like the new art is lower quality, like it's trying to replicate the style of the black books but the artists haven't been given the same amount of time

Mostly I'm just sad whenever I see MKII because it's listed as artificer armour, it makes me feel like we're even less likely to see plastic MKII marines
God please.
And while you're at it, oh mighty lord, please give us plastic Rapiers.
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A healer knows which blows wound the most.
Step one: Do harm.
>That crippling pain you feel? That was me just rupturing your liver. Hold still, I'm only getting started...
The best form of healing is mitigating future damage
- Very angry apothecary
Nice, what are you using for the mace head?
That's from the Dark Angels veterans upgrade, now "sold out online"
Is there really a demand for that ugly brick?
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forgot vets cant take jump packs for some reason so welcome these new destroyers for my imperial fists. las totally awesome is really good for stripping paint
Jealous of the MKII assaults but honestly the shoulder mounted rockets look kind of goofy
i didnt have any of the underslung and the original intention was to have it be vets
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>three squads of twenty tacticals
Finished my first veteran too.
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Real shame that there's no veterans with jump packs or bikes. Plenty of legions that should have them.
I think the missiles look cool, a unit of jump marines with rocket launchers tickles my fancy.
Man, I remember when using GK nemesis weapons as power weapons was haram. Good times.
Two squads of 20 tacticals and one squad of twenty assault marines.
Anon the more Veterans with X you put out the more you run into the realization that the new WS chart was a mistake and WS5 is the new WS4.
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this too is good
2x squads of 20x tacticals with apothecaries and 2x 10x cata units in spartans with chaplains and potl
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>20 Tacticals
>20 Despoilers
>20 Assault
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>six squads of ten IW tacticals
60 despoilers
>2 spartans
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Falchions seem awesome, I’m kinda tempted to get one. Would it be a dick move to bring one to a 3k match, and also does the kit go well together? Never built a resin vehicle before
Your opponent will thank you for bringing a 500 point model that their HSS can pop turn one for free VP and denying you 1/6 of your army.
>implying that at 3k you're not going to be having lascannon hss sniper-dueling each other all game
>Never built a resin vehicle before
most require a hairdryer and patience, both of those requirements increases exponentially the larger the vehicle gets
If you've never built a resin vic before I recommend starting with a sicaran or spartan variant
if you can get a sicaran to line up properly you can build anything
Okay sweet. Don’t really care if it gets popped, just want it cause it’s a cool model and would look awesome on the table.
Hmmm I see…Do you think something like a javelin would be good practice then? I don’t necessarily need or want a sicaran to be honest since I have two plastic ones already
I just think there should be veteran varianta of more shit because right now a marine who becomes a veteran instantly forgets how to use jump packs, bikes, boarding shields and so on. A thematic reason, fuck the game, the old WS chart was better anyway.
Do people actually bring Las HSS all the time or is this /hgg/ fear mongering? I didn't see a single one at the narrative event I went to yesterday or ever at my LGS.

Thanks anon, and yes Traitor BA as revenant legion.
I've just stopped bringing Leviathans because they never get more than a round of shooting off before they get blown up. Even when my opponent holds back and only brings one squad with lascannons, he's got two more with autocannons or Missile launchers or some shit because he's death guard and gets to take then as troops. And that's not even getting to the three deredos he has to clear my tacticals off objectives.
I apologize for your misfortune anon, that guy sounds like a cunt.
It's a super heavy with 12 HP. It doesn't suffer from crew shaken, stunned, or weapon destroyed, and a 10 man lascannon hss needs to be real lucky with the dice to one-tap it.
Bring a deredeo of your own and have it decimate those hss. Deredeos are tough enough to have a very good chance of surviving a lascannon hss return fire.
>Do people actually bring Las HSS all the time or is this /hgg/ fear mongering?
2 dudes at my LGS do, but they give a heads up when they are. If you don’t plan for them then they can be a pain in the ass sure but there are so many ways to deal with them that I don’t much get the complaint behind them. The units that can deal with them well are nice to have in a list even if your opponent doesn’t have any HSS anyway
Nice dudes.
All things are true:
1. Breachers are overcosted...but only by 10 pts. 145 would put them right at the same level as Assault Marines, their direct counterpart (mobile vs unmoveable)
2. It is the fault of Tacticals. Or rather, the fault of Heart of the Legion. Specifically, its access to conditional FnP4. There is a gap bewteen 10 Breachers and 15 Tacticals, but it's only made wider when one squad gets two special rules. 3. Breachers are just shit. They don't get an invuln at the cost of losing two special rules; they get it at the cost of a higher points price. Meaning they lose 2 rules and get nothing for them.
You could easily remove the +1 to FnP from HotL, make Breachers 10 pts cheaper, and give them a rule that gives them a niche:
>Defense on the objective
Tacticals: HotL, FotL
>Defense anywhere
Breachers: Shields (doesn't work vs bolters lol)
>Overwhelm the objective
Despoilers: HotL, SotL
>Overwhelm anywhere
Assault marines: Jump Packs. Anons complained they could never kill their weight in marines, but then also said they're totally fine because at least they do so fast.

4. Removing conditional FnP4+ from HotL is not "nerfing the shit out of tacticals". FnP4 is otherwise incredibly rare, limited to Primarchs, Warlords and such. And as you mentioned, Tacticals would still keep their niche of "cheapest tax around".

I reckon Boarding shields should work against bolters too, but the game needs less 2+ saves and less 5++ invulns. Re-rolling armour saves of 1 is less powerful than outright Artificer, and it's still vulnerable to AP3.
That at the cost of reducing the 5++ to a 6++.

As for the Breachers themselves, i'd like to give them something like their Defensive Grenades of old (as long as they're in base contact)
>it is the fault of tacticals
>>oh no, tacticals are slightly more efficient than breachers! Because of this I have no choice but to use them! They must be nerfed! Here is my seven page document on ho-
Legitimately what the fuck is wrong with you minmaxxer fags? Take the units you like who cares if they’re good or not, this is a hobby and narrative focused game anyway, not taking stuff because the rules are bad is cuck behaviour
>a serious chance of scoring a wound back with crack grenades
10 S6 AP3 kraks vs T7 2+ save do like 0.5 wounds on average.
But true. Unless the sarge is dead, they'll prolly not flee
the balance of making a cool list and making a viable list is razor thin
i disagree
>dick move
I don’t think so, but the vast majority of the games I’ve played are from 1.0 where every 3k army had a super heavy. Considering that even now, most 2.0 armies are two starter boxes and a couple extras, maybe, but I still doubt it.
>easy to build
No, very much no. The fellblade tanks are one of a few kits that were hybrid resin and plastic, which means there’s a lot of careful bending that needs to be done to get parts to fit nicely. If you’re going recast it’s even worse as the long, thin baneblade parts are a giant bitch. There really isn’t anything that can adequately prepare you for the bitch that is hybrid kits, but you’ll probably want to work with some resin first so you can understand how to heat bend well.
Is it evil to want balance? You present me a unit that is worse than another for 1.5x times the price, then get offended when I point it out.
What, did you write those rules or something?
It sounds like you need more terrain. Every game insist on playing city fight and have so much terrain that none of those long range guns do anything. Top it off with a whirlwind scorpius or two behind LoS blocking terrain and just wipe the floor with him.

Alternatively, just tell him you don’t want to play against that and that it isn’t fun for you. Unless he’s a giant dick (in which case, maybe just don’t play with him), he’ll probably try something different. If he bitches and moans “that’s what my army does, it’s in the rules!!!?!” Then straight up tell him you’ll find someone else to play with. He’ll either change when he realizes that you’re not bitter about losing and actually just not having fun, or he’ll double down on being a bitch and call you bad or some gamer bullshit and you can call him a spoiled child.
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Keen for it
Not taking things because of rules is a bit of a bitch move, but wanting the rules to allow for a variety of effective play styles isn’t. Unless you’re one of the instagram fags who only cares about painting and showing off how amazing they are at painting because they can follow a two hour YouTube tutorial and turn on an airbrush, you might actually find you enjoy the game itself. If you aren’t a total brain dead moron, there actually is a strategy game in here, though it’s covered by several layers of stupidity that have made parking lot boards with no terrain and no options for movement besides running straight towards the enemy the norm. GW’s marketing is really geared towards the people who just want pretty things and will pick up the hobby for a year or two, build and paint four partial armies, and then move on to something else. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being in warhammer just for the pretty things, but for many of us the game was a big part of why we started.

If that was too long for your attention span, the long short of it is: why are you pissed off that people want things to be better?
>1. Breachers are overcosted...but only by 10 pts.
stopped reading here.
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Found a beautiful thing in my brother’s old stuff and got the okay to take possession of him. Not sure how I’m going to fit him into my force but he’s going to have a place amongst the XIIth eventually after some stripping and cleaning.
All these years and I still have a near complete set of marines from battle for mccragge. I was a filthy tau player for much of my early 40k years, so I haven’t used them much, but they’re there.
I've been tempted to buy a metal dreadnought for my dudes but to be frank I should just strip one of my 40k ones since I'm not going to be playing that anytime soon.
Put a slightly oversized, angry head peeking out of the sarcophagus and play him as Ferrus Manus.
Hopefully some of the more heresy appropriate fellas find a way into your armies then anon. Veterans should never be on the sidelines.
Does 40k still have rules for boxnaughts? Honestly would have resumed they’d have gotten rid of the rules once they stopped selling the kits.
>Does 40k still have rules for boxnaughts?
basic dreadnoughts, no variations. There are legends rules for the older types but people get anal over legends.
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What kind of loadout would you make for a vorax-leading loyalist Iron Warrior Pravian that is known for being "perpetually livid?"
But Assault marines cost 145 to Breachers' 155 x.x
Thunderhammer, nemesis bolter, and cyber familiar, because fuck these guys here but also fuck that guy over there and fuck that little alien fucker stuck in the baby carrier as ablative armor.
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Power Fist. Come on you've got one of the best looking minor characters in the range, I'd find any excuse to use it if I could.
Well, the Vorax won't be getting the best use of their speed attached to a Praevian, so pretty much anything that helps the Vorax with their rotor's pinning shit I guess.
combi disintegrator
volkite serpenta
Power fist
Melta bombs
Options? As in, plural?
Ah you mean for the Praevian himself. Mathhammer says thunder hammer.
I find it so weird they don't get Servo Arms or Corposant staves.
If I were a Praevian I'd have one of those like an electrical prod to keep the bots at bay; Vorax are said to have the minds of wolves after all.
>costs twice the points of two scorpius whirlwinds
>is less effective than one
It can ID T5 but loses two points of rending and 12” of range? ouch
>flagpole snapped for a second time
Gravity, I hope you're in this chat because I'm gonna find you and fuck your wife in front of you before I gut you like a fucking fish
Replace it with a brass rod already, bean-eater.
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Which fagpole? The legion vexillas? The new command squad ones? 3rd party? Use thicker poles, pin stuff when possible (thicker poles help), and multiple points of contact. Pole with a banner making contact with the arm or hand of the wielder, giving it extra support. With the legion vexillas, I cut the fat connecting point off, drilled a hole into the backpack and sunk it so that the lower crossbar could also be glued to the top of the pack, giving it multiple points of contact. Or I just used 40k back banners, which have a much sturdier pole supported by the banner making contact with the base.
>resin sicaran
>4 hours of gap filling and bending
>plastic sicaran
>4 hours of mold line removal for the track assemblies
There really is no winning is there anons...

Does anyone have a stl for filling the gap on the inside of the plastic tank? I dont want to be able to see all the way through it.
The only stl I have for that requires 4 hours of support removal.
>mold line removal for the track assemblies
Would they be too noticeable? Can you cover them in mud or something?
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Lol. I was looking for something to fill this space with. Maybe I can just use black construction paper. Not like anyone will see. But I have been meaning to buy some sheets of stock material.
I probably could have gotten away with cleaning only the top halves of the tracks, but supper muddy is not my favorite style. I havnt actually decided on a basing theme, but arid martian is what Im leaning towards (or istvan rubble). Neither of which would really cake up on the tracks like mud.
Mostly my own autismo really.
Hello China crack anons, I was planning on buying from nobz, has anyone bought from them lately? How is the quality nowadays (was like 6 years since I bought, is he even alive?)?
no idea who is that guy.
there's some better-than-FW cast in china for sure tho
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Fuck off.
One of the worst changes that also shat out a fuckton of problems.
not really, that change alone would have been fine in 1.0, and mostly fine in 2.0 without all the other changes to WS, taking away AP2 etc.
Are 40K Grav guns just a different design pattern of Graviton Guns?
I’ve got 1 Graviton Gun and two units I want to give one to, and I do not want to have to buy 10 from FW, or even a recaster, just to build 2 models.
Are they completely different weapons, or just another case of GW keeping designs separate in their marketing, while in the fluff both were around during the Heresy?
>people get anal over legends.
So many complaints about 2.0 are just ‘old man shouts at cloud’ levels of being unable to get your head around changes.
Sure, it makes parts of your opponents army tougher to remove from the board, but the same is true for your army, because it’s a game of HH.
Unless you’re playing one of the ancillary armies, you’re going to have access to 99% of the same units, and most Legions have comparable options for the final 1%.
Whatever problems you’re having with your opponents army, they’ll almost certainly be having with your army too.
Rather than bitch about the change, grow up and work out new strategies to deal with them. Hopefully then you’ll play against someone who refuses to learn and blames the game like you used to, to justify why you’re now curb stomping them.
What are my options when it comes to worthwhile ranged termies? I'm not sure if Disintegrators on Nullificators would be too expensive for this purpose, and haven't looked too hard into how generic Terminators might interact with legion rules.
Such anal individuals might be a bit behind the times. You might even say they're cracked.
Yes. Different patterns, no. WTG/AW sells them as bits, cyoa(mount).
>Unless you’re playing one of the ancillary armies
I am. I only got shafted by the change and now everything seems too fucking hard to shift because the only brutal I have is on WS3 and unlike 1.0 where I can buff WS through cybertheurgy I am stuck with it unless I paypig. My army is fucked anyways mind you, GW forced me to go from melee to shooting peashooters at range and hope the donutsteel W2 units fail their charge rolls or that marine players forget that even their tacticals demolish most of my army in melee and just park them on objectives.
What army? SA or Mech? Do you have a fixed force you’re not going to change (based if so), or are you prepared to spend some money to go a bit meta and WAAC faggy?
Is the whole point of legacies that it's 100% legal and part of the game, it's just not in the libers specifically? It's not like 40k legends, which are separate and not balanced.
I was making bum jokes because he said anal. I don't play GW games.
Cool on the Grav front. I might take a spare 40K Grav gun then, and use spare Contemptor Grav fist parts to give it a bit more era appropriate greebles then.
Legacy index stuff is mostly a way to provide rules for things that don't officially have models you can buy anymore but could theoritically have previously owned or could convert up yourself. It isn't an optional thing and all options are 100% legal to be taken in lists and to comp games, with some units (like boxnaughts outfitted with gun arms and indomitus terminators) being frequently seen on heresy tables
this is true to the extent that 2.0 isn't worse or less balanced or forcing you into fewer options than 1.0, but it isn't better either, just replacing old problems with new problems. Where something was broken it is now a wet noodle and where it was bad it probably isn't better. Complaining is definitely justified but at the same time these kinds of 'fixes' are par for the course for company releases across the board from vidya to card games, we shoud grin and bear it while thanking the stars that we only need two books instead of 8.
I don’t entirely disagree, but I do honestly think a lot of the complaints about 2.0 are heavily overblown and due to people thinking online mathshammer is the same as actually playing the game.
With the exception of Contemptors, who genuinely are massively undercosted, there’s very few units that are completely broken or unviable.
Take the complaints about thunder hammer Caterphractii command squads, and their WS5 Brutal ID death attacks, as an example.
Yes, they would be a pain in the arse to shift and a nightmare to fight in melee, but such fear mongering completely ignores how bloody expensive the unit is, that there’s only going to be one of them, how slow they are, how lacking in special rules they are, and the fact they’re hitting at I1. There’s plenty of ways to deal with them that could at way less in points than your opponent would be spending, even just as simply as good old tar putting them, or just running away from them.
2.0 is the most well balanced mainline GW game I’ve played in over a decade, and you are absolutely right about how few books we need. It’s far from perfect, but at least it’s not AOS or 40K, both of which are an absolute shit show in comparison.
oh yeah along with TOW it's head and shoulders above the rest of the slop GW puts out, the designers made a sincere attempt at making a game that heresy players would enjoy and given the scope of the changes it was one of the biggest overhauls they have committed to. I think with very little effort they could push it over into being an absolutely superior game to 1.0 as well.
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Mech, cybernetica cohort following 1.0's restrictions.
>fixed force
Mostly fixed, I fell in love with the Sarum fluff when FW first wrote about them in the IA books and with their mention in betrayal I knew they were going to follow their story and maybe add some 30k flavoured stuff so when book 2 dropped I decided to build an army as during the time between 2ed 40k and 5th I only read the codex and IA books. Over the years I made other separate armies because it felt wrong to change things in my main one for reasons outside of fluff or fun but still swapped some models out for some better painted and converted ones once I started getting better at that. Here are some unconverted mak grosser hunds I plan to run as domitars as an example. I have built and painted 2 to familiarize myself with the model and have 4 unbuilt ones that are going to get converted with stuff like chainblades, grav bits for their gun, skulls and trophies, etc.. thank you for reading my blog. I also plan to do some gun clanners as militia allies to add on if I need more points still taking inspiration from mak. If I were to add some new unit it would be some of the daemon engines in this order kytan>scorpion>slaughterer but I want to keep it mostly cybernetica.
Where is this "breachers = static" stuff coming from? I see it everywhere and it's baffling because even their fucking *name* should tell you how wrong it is. Breachers are assault troops - in the sense of being a unit that is meant to advance up the field and engage the enemy - not static defenders. They should be designed around what they're supposed to be: troops resilient enough to advance into the teeth of enemy fire, return that fire, and have enough guys left to take an objective or finish the job in melee if they have to, at the cost of not being as agile as capital-A Assasult Marines nor as capable of holding their ground as Tacticals.

Leave Heart as it is. Give Breachers the Relentless rule so they're not restricted to waiting to be charged, make charges against them Disordered or make enemies fight one initiative step lower than they would otherwise or something like that, and then for good measure give them an explicit exemption to the bayonet/boarding shield/two handed rule interaction.
It's just nogames nomodels ruleslets secondaries thinking they are the ones who understand the game the best, and that they know what changes need to be made.

The sad thing is, this is accurate.

Imperial Armour 1 has the breakdowns, not just for soldier placement in the rhino but also embark/disembarkation and exit routes via rear ramp / side hatches.

It's a mess, but Technically it works.

There was a video from forever ago where someone from the scale modelling community asked if rhinos are out of scale to the marines that ride in them. I'd argue that the external size is correct, but that the interior spaces are pit of whack.

The benches are too pronounced, the walls too thick, the access door to the front compartment too narrow.

The insides are a fucking Mess.
How retarded is this list?

IF - RoW Templar Assault
HQ: Praetor with paragon blade and lightning claw 160 points

5 man Templar Brethren, SGT with Solarite Power gauntlet, all with combat shields, Land raider Proteus with heavy flamers: 390 points
5 man Templar Brethren, SGT with Solarite Power gauntlet, all with combat shields, Land raider Proteus with heavy flamers: 390 points
5 man Templar Brethren, SGT with Solarite Power gauntlet, all with combat shields, Land raider Proteus with heavy flamers: 390 points
5 man Templar Brethren, SGT with Solarite Power gauntlet, all with combat shields, Land raider Proteus with heavy flamers: 390 points
5 man Templar Brethren, SGT with Solarite Power gauntlet, all with combat shields, Land raider Proteus with heavy flamers: 390 points
5 man Templar Brethren, SGT with Solarite Power gauntlet, all with combat shields, Land raider Proteus with heavy flamers: 390 points
GW tanks are indeed a different scale to the infantry models, but not that much off, and you’re absolutely right about it not being as bad as the modelled interiors would make them out to be.
Real world armoured vehicles are also cramped as fuck if you’ve ever seen them up close. They’re built for utility, not comfort.
You’d likely be seen as a WAAC fag for cheesing AV14 and Elites but if your opponent was similarly building a list to be as annoying as possible, there’s a decent chance you’d get tabled before you even got into melee.
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WIP blackshield in corroded bronze and pre magnus TS colors based on the idea of what alternate pre magnus colors might be used and the terran TS theme of persia and the bronze age
Falchions are cool as fuck but awful to build
Seems like an absurd waste of points
I think the big problem with breachers is just that they're shields don't do what they need them to do, they're basically worse tacticals in most scenarios, bizarrely even less durable against small arms fire when they're camping on an objective. A 5++ is useless unless your opponent decides to send some AP3 or better your way, and really not worth a 50% points increase. Like other anons, I think they'd make a lot more sense if the boarding shield just conferred a straight 2+ save.
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I though HH was getting shitty remakes for the armor marks and generic characters because we are a secondary concern but holy shit. I think the people working on HH might actually be the A team
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I was just looking at that lol. Had to do a double take, because couldn't believe it when reading that was suppose to be Coteaz.
>Also why is the new model wearing a power armour diaper?
what the fuck
He looks morbidly obese
Guess the Imperium is also into body positivity
Why does he have hair now? Turkish hair transplant? Also no loincloth big mistake
I for a black reach monopose dread like that too
This can't be real.
>it's real
Fella needs a loincloth to hide that power diaper.
He looks like a mix between a grandpa pulling their pants up to their belly button and Robby the Robot
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Christ what am I looking at, he looks like a fat stormcast
That is not even close to being the same face how do they fuck that up that badly
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Still need to base it but here is one of the two speeders I need, both with volkites and mm
Yes I did fly it around and make pew pew noises fuck you
what the fuck
>volkites and mm
Why? Seems like a bit of an odd weapon loadout. Nice paint job btw, luv me some javelins.
Holy shit....that's bad
I wanted something to deal with infenty and be able to drop into back lines and cause problems
Im running 2 of them and thinking about running a squad of fire wing inagmatus with a Chaplin

Rest of the list is 2 lr with 2 5 man knight squads just driving up the board with a cuntemptor along side at 2k points
I just stuck with the cyclone missile launchers on my javelins, seemed solid enough to deal with infantry whilst also being able to bully scorpius whirlwinds.
I thougth about that to, but i mean truth be told....i just like volkite, BWAWAWWAWAWAWAWAWAW Microwave lasers
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Also side note i need opinions. This is my list thus far

5 man knight squad + Land raider
5 man Knight Saud + land raider

10 man tact squad x2
Javalin x2

Now which of the following do you think i should do
5 man recon marines + Vigilator all with nem bolters?
3 man firewing Enigmaticus squad with a Chaplin
One of my knights.
More boys less toys
Already got more than enough melee with those two knight squads, so the enigmaticus aren't needed.
Ok chatGPT draw an old man wearing golden power armour with some wolf fur. He has the ][ sigil on his crotch area, skulls with sunrays on his vents and a thunder hammer. Copy the hammer from coteaz. Add tactical rock. Remove details from armour. Less details chatGPT. Add purity seals to fur. Now draw him giving birth to a two headed eagle.
Looks like GW made the stormcast guy sculpt this from a list of things the old model had while they forbid him from looking at it. He also had 1 minute to do it.
I actually like it, but not as a coteaz model. This feels more like what would be worn by a unit of generic inquisitors in power armor
They made Coteaz wear a power thong.
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stormcast mog him
lmao thats fucking brutal
They forgot half the list if so
that's a power diaper
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That is one of the worst models they've made in years.
Terminators are mostly a melee unit. Even then, there's some like Tyrants, Fulmentarii and Grave Wardens that are ranged. Though Contekar, Cenobium and Varagyr are still melee, even if they all can get big guns (or a pladma flamer).
What are you looking for?
Are not really any.
Terminators are in a super weird spot right now. basically if you are taking a terminator squad, The entire reason you take them is to fuck on your opponents melee unit which usually in terminators as well.
So if you cant get your terminator squad swigging AP2 weapons at WS5, they kinda suck ass.

So when it comes to ranged, you dont really get anything.
>we remade this old good looking model into something that looks like shit
If I ever want it I'll look east for the old one. Train your sculptors GW.
This just a down grade in every single fucking possible way. The longer i look at it, the worse it gets too.
This is a character, he is meant to be covered in intersting gribbly bits.
>No thigh purity seals
>No Loin cloth
>Shin armor embellishments reduced down to sad knees
>Rivits are gone
>Book is gone
>Chain necklace resuded to a small broch
>Random leather chest strap
>Fur cloak looks worse and now only on one side.
>No eagle
>Lose of face detail
>Power diper
>No hour glass
What the fuck did they do? Who the fuck is GW hiring.
This is a WIP sculpt right?!
They are stupid expensive but they are the only non-legion specific option that has consistent fire power. You could go with the cheaper toxiferran flamers too. Rending 6+ is not a joke when you are eating 5 templates at once
They did. On marine models. Why do you think all the "power armor but not marine" models look like shit recently, they just take a storm cast or primaris model in CAD and shrink or stretch it out. GW's reaping what they sowed.
>feet bigger than the hammer
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They're the same picture.jpg
That's what I was looking for. Should've told me this yesterday lol
>Give them Relentless, so they can actually go Breach
It even helps them when using their graviton gun. Thanks anon.
>So if you cant get your terminator squad swigging AP2 weapons at WS5, they kinda suck ass.
Isn't that when you'd want your termies to actually be packing guns, since you know they are inferior to the other guys and they need all the help they can get? Preferably before the actual melee?
Melee termies often don't get combi-weapons themselves, it seems.
I like his chubby fluid-retentive elephant feet OwO. I bet he can carry a lot of weight!
>old model: anatomical PA
>new model: anatomical(american) PA
Anon, /hhg/ only understands mirror matches. You kill melee terminators with melee terminator and if your melee terminators are worse than theris then your army just sucks and you complain about it.
Please don't bring wild ideas like 'shooting at elite terminators instead of getting into melee with them' into this conversation. You might give someone an aneurysm
No because they dont have the ability to pack enough range fire power for their price to be worth it.
If you are not getting your terminators into melee comabt, you are wasting points with them.
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I was thinking about drawing your model and it just occurred to me I already drew him last year
I think anon is proposing a case where they are given access to such firepower that they can be worth it, even though that's not currently the case.
do you have a collection? ive been seeing your stuff in threads for a while.
if youve posted a collection before i must have missed it.
Its not even that its just if you cant swing WS5 terminators because of the changes to WS to hit chat, you are going to get fucking mogged on.
So in a situation where we just assume that termiantors can get access to various weapons. Like say for example, some sort of Heavy support options were you can only take a power sword, but you get access to heavy weapons like Auto canons, plasma cnaons, melta ect ect.
I mean i maybe could see a niche for it? But then we jsut run into the problem of thats going to be a really fucking expensive unit that is going to have difficulties getting up the board.

Which means you need to deep strike them in, or you are going to be driving up in a transport, which at that point if you are driving up the board to get terminators in range, you might as well just fucking kit them as melee at that point. because they are going to get tied up in melee and any other terminator squad with any sort of melee option is going to eat them alive.
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>paint cape as the American flag
>armour blue with red and white accents
>give him an autogun
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Nah am lazy-- but I should put them all together soon and post, maybe to mark the end of summer classes
No, i'm just saying you shoot them with combi-meltas, *then* you hammer them. Not viable?
>Spending 10 points per model on a single shot weapon you are only ever going to get to use once any way, against something that has a 50% chance of ignoring it.
Bad bet anon.
TH are already 15 points a model, you wanna spend another 10 for a 1 shot weapon? Maybe like 1 or 2 sure, but a whole squad? nah
In my experience the 2 wounds problem is literally entirely fixed by having plasma go back to AP2.

But then again that also fixes HSS, TSS, and a bunch of other shit nobody bought because they have no love for silly fun
This is true. Still, each shot is about half a Cataphractii casualty. Which is about 40 pts a piece. So maybe you don't need hammers on everyone: that's your designated casualties.
Also, most obnoxiously, I suspect Combi-weapons may be overcosted.
Think about it: regular marines pay 5-10 pts to swap their Bolter for them.
Terminators swap their COMBI-bolter for them...for the same cost? Nu-uh.
I say +5 pts for Magna Combis, and Minor combis for free. Now it starts to sound affordable.
IMO, I think Plasma should go to AP3, breaching 3+ possibly still 4+
The issue i see is if they make plasma flat AP2 again, then thats all people are going to end up taking forever. I think Plasma should be a good solid Anti Sv3 weapon, with a very high chance to pen Sv2. That way you can leave melta as the "I dont want to leave anything to chace." option.
>So maybe you don't need hammers on everyone:
Have you gotten into melee with terminators before? Because there is a reason why everyone is taking hammers right now and not even bothering to look at fists.
If you are going up against a squad of terminators with all hammers, if you are not swinging back with hammers you are probably going to lose.
Because terminators are now W2, anything thats not Str8 is gonna suck ass against them because trying to chew through a Sv2 and 4++ is brutal beyond words. This is why the TH is the go to weapon because its focing sv4++ with brutal 2 meaning you are more then likely going to fail one of those and failing 1 means a dead terminator.

Maybe if meltas had the brutal rule itself it would be worth taking but spending 10 points on a single shot hoping they fail their 4++ is not a good bet. ESPICALLY if it means you are skipping out on a TH in the process.
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compulsory line squads (or any compulsory selections) are not a tax
>compulsory line squads (or any compulsory selections) are not a tax
For some legions yes, for others very much so a tax.

For example, for IF and dark angels? Absolutely not a tax, easy can get them either hitting on 2+ with bolters, or hitting with a +1 to hit in melee with swords for dark angels. Super useful

Thousand sons? you get nothing they are pure ass, 100% a tax.
Nah melta still holds out as the ultimate Fuck You Bitch weapon, for both heavy inf and vehicles. It's place is unmoving.

AP2 plasma however, now presents an incredible risk as you can't save it without an invuln or apothecary, in addition to losing breaching or rending for the larger plasmas, giving melta even more room in it's niche

my nigga. If you think a troop choice is a tax, for any GW game, you're either playing the wrong game or don't love the army enouugh.
Eh, breaching in no way encroaches upon melta. Breaching is just ap2, rending does the auto wound and or bonus to armor. which is why i think AP 3 plasma with breaching 3+ is a better option here.
If you make plasma straight AP2 again, we are going to be back to HH1.0 situation where whoever can spam the most plasma basically wins.

As much as i would like it, do you really wanna deal with silly shit like DA just spamming plasma repeaters and melting everything they shoot at? god forbit their plasma flamers which would now be AP2.
The solution to DA plasma, even in 1.0, was to simply intercept them, 24" range gives you plenty of breathing room to do that or get into cover for an invuln save. Ever since 3e plasma has served its role well, especially since it does carry risk.

Plus, give the WBs some more toys to play with. Pinning Warpfire should hit harder.
I mean if we are talking about making special plasma weapons' not shit im here for it.
I just dont think raising the bar to AP2 base is the best one because then its the catch all be all, and the problem we are seeing with TH, would be the same thing that would happen to plasma, its all anyone would want to take.
I still kinda disagree, Volkite and Melta still have great niches, rotor cannons and heavy bolters too if you can get them enough turns of shooting. Everything would definitely have its place.
Volkite is ok, and melta is ok as well but hte core problem there is no one takes TSS because they are WAY over cost at the moment.

Roto canons are poop, and HB are not worth taking on a HSS.

If the TSS was cheaper volkite and melta woudl be in a great place. But Plasma at AP2 base would be far to good of an answer to everything at that point. no one would take volkite anymore because at that point fuck it, plasma can melt TEQ and MEQ alike.
Melta? Why bother take plasma to get more range, still wounding on 2s, sure your not ID but you are going to be able to deliver so much fire its not even funny.
Trust me im on team buff plasma, but im for using a gentle touch not a sledge hammer solution.
>It's place is unmoving.
Unlike the enemy, that can just move away this edition when you get into the meager range of a melta weapon
Rotor cannons are definitely not poop, they're a staple in my list. Same with HB, just because there are better options doesn't discount them at all. Volk Calivers may seem rough with heavy but they put in work when you get to lead them up the board with very little pushback. And for plas, 10 shots will really only get you ~3 wounds against Cata or equiv, its not as insane as it seems especially for the cost.
>they're a staple in my list.
What legion do you play.
Idk that seems like a skill issue, if you haven't baited out movement or for some reason just walked a 3+ save up the board Withdraw is not a big deal

Iron Warriors
>if you cant swing WS5 terminators because of the changes to WS to hit chat, you are going to get fucking mogged on.
I feel like you guys completely exaggerate how good WS5 terminators are. All legion specific terminators with WS5 cost minimum 250p and their weapons are usually nor even as good as a basic bitch thunder hammers
A lot of legions don't even have WS5 temrinators
The only unit that has WS5, a weapons as good as normal TH and don't cost 300p points are Suzerain, which are very under costed, but are an outlier, not the norm
>I feel like you guys completely exaggerate how good WS5 terminators are
we are not. there is a reason why a lot of people were upset about he WS to hit change.
>The only unit that has WS5, a weapons as good as normal TH and don't cost 300p points are Suzerain, which are very under costed, but are an outlier, not the norm
Correct the problem is terminators a a situation of mutually assured destruction. Terminators fucking mog everything they run through, because there is not a lot of ways to reliably deal with sv2, espeically in melee. So how do you deal with that? You also bring terminators to basically have them run into each other and fuck each other up, because if you dont, your going to have terminators running basically unopposed against anything they can reach, which means you have to be swinging back at them just as good if not better. Whci his why everyone is taking TH now to beat the shit outta terminators. Since everyone is taking TH now WS is what matters.

Its one of the big reasons why Inner Circle knights are probably one of if not THE best terminators right now.
275 points for WS5 and WS6 terminator with the ability to EASILY get a +1 to hit via deathwing, if not another +1WS from slayer of kings.

WS5 terminators are really important right now because of the mutually assured destruction of them.
>Have you gotten into melee with terminators before? Because there is a reason why everyone is taking hammers right now and not even bothering to look at fists.
Oof don't tell me. I faced them with a Veteran squad. Their power weapons and Charnabal bounced off them, then they got hammered...then the Sarge's hammer killed 4 of them.
A single guy with a hammer did vastly more damage than the squad itself. Hammers are that good.
Uh but yeah, like I was saying all the more reason to not let them swing, right? 30 pts for a 40 pts casualty :^)
Then it's 4 against 5
...then it goes away because nobody actually seems to use normal termies here, it's all WS5 ones. The ones I fought were Dominators.
I used Grave Wardens against Despoilers and it was too fucking close wtf.
Fuck man Iam looking for a quote from "fear to tread" something along the line of "seeing the universe and its start is all the gift I need" and Iam pretty sure Meros ssid that. Wish I could find it
>the problem is terminators a a situation of mutually assured destruction.
>So how do you deal with that?
You guys are fucking obsessed with mirror matches that make no sense and don't happen unless you go out of your way to make them happen
Yes, it's hard to kill terminators in melee for basic troops
That's why you shoot them with meltas or las canons or you through a dreadnought at them
Using the exact same unit and then complaining that the enemy's much more expensive unit is slightly better in melee is ridiculous
>Its one of the big reasons why Inner Circle knights are probably one of if not THE best terminators right now.
10 Inner circle Termies 525p:
21 Attacks->Hit 14->5 with ID, 7 with ap3-> 2 Dead guys, 1 maybe wounded
10 Cataphractii 475p, 8 survivors:
17 Attacks ->Hit 6->5 wounds->2 guys die, other has 50/50 chance of diying
This is your example of the most broken WS5 terminator unit and why they are such and issue this edition?
Yea sure, assuming the enemy doesn't get any benefits from their legion I guess you can kill 3 guys per turn instead of 2 and it only costs you 50 extra points per unit
>if they make plasma flat AP2 again, then thats all people are going to end up taking forever.
I'm a melta man. Why would I take plasma? So I can attack vehicles with -1S and -1 damage chart? You pull a melta's trigger, and your problems simply go away.
>we are going to be back to HH1.0 situation where whoever can spam the most plasma basically wins.
Wouldn't such a foe literally kill themselves with AP2 Gets Hot? Can't Terminators defeat them, because now they have twice the wounds? Not to mention LR are cheaper than they used to be, and are immune to S7
Yes, which is exactly why the change is more necessary than in 1.0. Increased risk, and more reward/need for using it.
>Why bother
Plasma is not the ultimate evolution of all things. Allegedly hordes exist, against which those other weapons are good. And rotors & volkite calivers can hit plasma TSS earlier than they can.
Glass cannons.
mark 3 is just so sexy bros...
It is. It is so sexy I wish for femarines, for I'll shag the first thing I see wearing mkiii. I won't hold back.
If Gets Hot became a self-hit instead of an autowound at the gun's AP (that doesn't have the rest of its profile), AP2 Gets Hot Plasma would be survivable on a 1 to wound, instead of being an autowound at AP2.
But like, I'm just saying...
>my jank ass models got attention from the resident drawfag
I’m incredibly flattered anon
How about Plasma is Ap2, but assault 1 24"
why does the mark 4 tactical box come with a heavy bolter, missile launcher, plasma gun, glamer, melta and combi weapon?
Why not?
Because it was intended primarily as DLC for 40k players
Assault 1 24" is arguably better than Rapid Fire 24"

Because it's meant to be able to make a Veteran Squad
What for? It's not like being able to charge after firing is gonna fix any of the problems with plasma guns. All it does is cut plasma gun damage at 12" in half, like bitch they're garbage enough already.
imagine questioning extra options and bits
god we've fucking fallen so far from the tactical squad kit
I miss the old days bros. I miss it.
>Assault 1 24" is arguably better than Rapid Fire 24"
Not really. A TSS has no business getting in melee and would do a lot more damage waiting to return fire or do overwatch. Everything else that can take a plasmagun has relentless either way. Even if it didn't, if you are going to put yourself in charge range you might as well take a meltagun

>What for?
To make it a longer range option compared to meltagun but trading off ID on marine infantry for it
At that point I'd just stick to plasma cannons. Better range, same number of shots, but also small blast so there's actually a chance to hit more models.
Plasma canons and plasma guns don't have an overlap, they are not taken by the same units.
Cannon would also need to be nerfed in some way if they had ap2 all the time
Maybe plasma should just be Ap3 and that's it. No breaching or rending. Reliable against MEQ but does barely anything against a 2+
I feel like there isn't really much access to ranged ap3 weapons this edition. Everything has ap2, a rule that gives it ap2 or it just doesn't go through a 3+sv...
>To make it a longer range option compared to meltagun but trading off ID on marine infantry for it
What's wrong with 24" S7 AP2 Rapid Fire?
>Cannon would also need to be nerfed in some way if they had ap2 all the time
Nerfed? I thought we were going to buff it?
>Reliable against MEQ but does barely anything against a 2+
Ah yes, I remember plasma countering marines but not terminators
>AP3 plasma
This man does not know Imperial and Tau plasma coexisted with different profiles. This man could not tell you the differences, in 1.0, between phased and regular plasma.
>What's wrong with 24" S7 AP2 Rapid Fire?
That it would be too good compared to a meltagun, it'd be twice the fire power at 12" and still double it in range with single shot
>Nerfed? I thought we were going to buff it?
I mean, they would get ap2 as well
>Ah yes, I remember plasma countering marines but not terminators
And I remember plasma not being ap4
This, 24" rapid fire AP 2 would be so good no one would want to pass it up. I legit thing people who are saying plasma should be AP2 again did not play HH1.0 and remember how annoying and how deadly it was compaired to 2.0.
People seems to either not remember, or never experienced the parking lot game play that was HH1.0
Just because things were one way in a past edition doesn't mean they have to be the same now.
I don't see a problem with changing the utility of plasma to be only a MEQ killer.
No one is using it now so I don't see how that a bad alternative. It's weird that TSS and HSS have weapons that kill hordes and weapons that kill TEQ but they have nothing that specialized in killing MEQ.
Mecanicum phased plasma could just not have gets hot. Thallax could also use the buff
>It's weird that TSS and HSS have weapons that kill hordes and weapons that kill TEQ but they have nothing that specialized in killing MEQ.
If plasma cannons had ap3 and you assume they'd reliably hit 2 targets every time they fire, they would kill 1.6 marines per turn
Compared to that a volkite culverin kill 1.2 of them without even ignoring the armour
You'd be changing +33% damage for a 1 in 6 change to blow yourself up. It doesn't look like that bad of change
>That it would be too good compared to a meltagun, it'd be twice the fire power at 12"
Worthy targets have got twice as many wounds now, so Plasma is literally equal to Meltaguns now.
But better against infantry (which it should), while melta is better against vehicles (which it should)
People say it like nobody bought melta in 1.0 because plasma was there.
Bro, nobody bought melta because Armoured Ceramite was there.
Now that termies are 2W and plasma is AP4 (lmao), it is the age of melta. Should plasma become AP2 it would be the age of...balance.
>so Plasma is literally equal to Meltaguns now.
Srry, Plasma WOULD literally be equal to Meltaguns IF it was full AP2.
Which it currently isn't.
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plasma is ap2
provided you breach
So you have mathematically proved my blackshields list is objectively bad?
Please tell me you're not that "plasma gunslingers" guy lol
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>4+ is 60%
Hey thanks, I was looking for this pic but couldn't find it. Yeah, the meme said 60% idk
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>Please tell me you're not that "plasma gunslingers" guy lol
I could tell you I'm not him... But I would be lying :^)
lit af senpai
>plasma cannons mounted under the speeder
>instead of each crewman shoulder one
No one is taking either plasma or melta
TSS are just too stupid expensive to be worth it
And las canons are too good compared to either in a HSS
What is this list about? Aside from spamming plasma?
Fucking THIS.
TSS are to fucking expensive.
Man im a dangles player and im not gonna lie, I dont care how over cost it is, or even if its any good, but im looking at a squad of black knights from 7th end and thne looking at outriders and thinking. "You know...plasma flame throwers on bikes do seem really fucking cool..."

Also, opinions, anyone think that giving a 10man tac squad with an apoth in it, marked stromwing, would be worth spending the 35 points for a defense line to have them basically bunker on an objective?
11 dudes with a 3+ 5++, 4+++, and a reroll on template saves seems like an annoying thing to chew through.
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List is 3k Blackshields
Pride is Our Armour, Only in Death Does Duty End
(oops no troops, oops no VPs for you)

3x Delagatus + 9 man command Squad
Bolter Nuncio Vox 20 Plasma Pistol
485 ea

2x 10 man HSS
10 Plasma Cannons and an Augury Scanner
295 ea

3x Techmarine with Cognis-Signum and Plasma Pistol
2x Techmarine with Boarding Shield Cognis-Signum and Plasma Gun
420 total

Land Speeder with 2 plasma cannons

Macharius Omega (Plasma blastgun welded to a stripped down Spartan with no regard for safety)

The techmarines found it easier to weld it to the speeder than the pilots. And they actually fit perfectly in that spaced gap

It was a meme list I made for the release of 8th ed that was 25 beakies with plasma pistols in 5 5man squads and the Warhammer World exclusive rhino with TL plasma guns as the only weapon for the HQ. Then Rule of 3 and codex changes kept killing it until I shoeboxed it.

Blackshields dropped and I realized I could run it and I like the idea of techmarines stealing a titan grade weapon and mounting it to a tank like some third world warlord would do to a light artillery piece and a pickup truck. Also I wanted to mess around with the techmarine poses so there were in various stages of excitement, confusion, or denial. They look better with the backpacks but this is a better picture.

I still need a color scheme for them. Taking a break while I am messing around with some color shift paint and trying to see if I can make it work for my IH
TSS should be 12ppm and 5p less to all the gun options
There ain't no fucking way a marine without Line, without HotL, without FotL and in a support squad should be 17ppm for carrying a flamer or volkite charger
>There ain't no fucking way a marine without Line, without HotL, without FotL and in a support squad should be 17ppm for carrying a flamer or volkite charger
Espeically when you consider that you got shit like the Dark angels inductii who are 100 points for 10 volkite chargers already.
TSS should absolutely get HotL
>It was a meme list I made for the release of 8th ed
OH i did that to but with Tempestis scions.
It was something like 30 or 40 plasma guns deep striking into rapid fire range and just unloading, it was either they were hitting on 2s or they were getting exploding dice whne they hit on 6. But then i would be able to do first rank second rank and it was just stupid.
>TSS are just too stupid expensive to be worth it
Was mostly thinking from a Magna Combi's perspective. But true, TSS are very expensive
Aight noted. TSS go to 60 pts per initial squad, retain their 12 pts for additional marines cost.
Since they will go down in points, they won't get HotL, FotL, Line and such.
Even then they are 20% more expensive than a Tactical who does get all those rules... but a Plasma TSS going down from 245 pts to 220 is something. Right?
Or should they be full 50 pts a squad of 5, +10 pts per additional marine?
>Aight noted. TSS go to 60 pts per initial squad, retain their 12 pts for additional marines cost.
120 points for basic bitch tacticals with flamers or volkite.
I will point out again, that inductii for da are 100 points for 10 dudes with volkite and get heat of the legion.
So shoot again.

TSS need to gain heart of the legion to begin with and drop down to 60 points. Thats still 120 points for a full squad of 10 before weapons.
>they are 20% more expensive than a Tactical
They'd be slightly more expensive but have a flamer, charger or rotor cannon for those points.
>TSS should absolutely get HotL
Anons were saying yesterday that they don't even want HotL to be as powerful, don't grant it to yet more squads >.<
>Espeically when you consider that you got shit like the Dark angels inductii who are 100 points for 10 volkite chargers already.
Eh, DA Inductii don't get Hexagrammaton (or character support) and TSS do.
I was thinking about stuff for Inductii because anons wanted to bring more of them but they can't bring them as tax (lose Support Squad...but also Line), but that's a different thing
Flamer or charger, Rotors cost extra.
You two fight each other >>93408904
I mean yeah inductii should not fucking be support, but that is another issue.

I hate how inductii are just better then tacticals most of the time.
No, all gun options need to be 5p cheaper too. Rotors should be free
>Anons were saying yesterday that they don't even want HotL
That was the one guy who thinks HotL gives you a 4+++ all the time for free. He is dumb
>inductii are just better then tacticals most of the time.
You must have the Australian version of the book where the rules are completely different
>You must have the Australian version of the book where the rules are completely different
Well at least for DA and TS they are better. and or really good.
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>I hate how inductii are just better then tacticals most of the time.
Some are, some are not lol
Well fair, at least in my expeirence they are better then my tacticals
You get breaching bolters.
Literally all of my armies are set at the burning of prospero, so they’re pretty set in their aesthetics. I think there’s only one or two MkVI that I could cobble together, and I do occasionally look at them for the nostalgia factor. Also, as a correction, it was assault on black reach. I didn’t want marines at the time and so I didn’t go halfsies on Macragge - fucking shame too, the crashed Aquila lander was some seriously sexy terrain.
If you have to spend four hours gap filling on a resin sicaran you either live in Oz or you need a better recaster. The resin sicaran is a fucking dream to assemble. >>93400562
You could just fill it with black epoxy. It’d cost a ton but it would be even cooler to fill it with tungsten steel repair epoxy, and you’d have a 19.2 g/cm3 brick to whallop anyone who sassed your models. >>93401006
That’s Z. He’s alive again and has been using his nobz email. Still middle of the pack at best, but a hell of a lot better than he used to be. His kid took over the business and really ramped up the quality. The QC is still shit, but higher quality products means you’re more likely to get a good one, and his customer service is seriously amazing. The last order I made he emailed and said that one thing would take a month to produce so he just sent the other stuff separately.
The biggest thing with a lot of the “issues” that I see is that there’s not much diversity encouraged (though 1.0 didn’t either) and the few things that are better aren’t just a bit better, they’re twice or more better than the alternative. >>93401827
It’s the shields, which are a defensive option, that pushes me towards looking for defensive options, but fuck, relentless would be an awesome choice. Maybe slow and purposeful (can’t run or sweep but relentless). If you could move and still fire off grav guns or lascutters they’d be great assault troops.
DA inductii bar you from using the DA RoW, they lose the ability to take AA on the sgt and can't be joined by any ICs or apothecaries all to get volkite chargers that do the same damage as ForL bolters at close range and no damage at all at long range.
TS inductii have the same drawbacks minus the RoW thing and in exchange gain a psychic power that is more likely to cause them wounds than do extra damage to the enemy.
I really don't know what makes you think those are better than normal tacticals
>"it's S3"
>Hits 6" earlier, shoots 4-2 times as often
>Pinning, Shell Shock
>"Rotors should be free"
I disagree, seemingly for some wild reason
They are not free when the marine is already more expensive than a tactical and has none of the rules. They would just not have a cheaper option
Would the Ravening Madman rule technically make it so that attacks you take from an overwatch reaction would be at -1 strength or is there something I'm missing?
But we're talking about reducing the cost of the TSS who wields it. So they would no longer be more expensive than a Tactical who also has HotL FotL Line.
I have a plasma and a melta tss in my army, but that’s really so that I can fill out my tactical sections.
Nu bread, check'em
I said reducing them to 12ppm. They would still be more expensive than tacticals

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