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Synthwave Noisemarine Edition

>Boarding Actions Coming Soon

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous Thread:

>thread question:
What music do you listen to while painting?
If you post a batrep in this thread, you are admitting you are homosexual :)
Just some instrumental piano music. Anything with words or lyrics is distracting to my retard brain.
idk stuff like
>taylor swift
>charli xcx
>tove lo
>betty who
Can I admit it without the report?
Random youtube videos.
I generally just need background noise while I work.
No, it's not the Warhammer Way
XIV trial music or the new justice album lately
Feeding your ADHD brainworms I see.
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A variety of stuff, but at the moment I like listening to Mittsies' Voidreckon album on repeat.

Also post models.
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Rev up those dicks, here I come

I managed to get a game in at the last minute, evicting some pokemon players for a table. We set up, and then my opponent tells me he's playing 1k sons. PTSD from my awful game against graytide 1ksons last week made me recoil a bit.
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Sure. Almost done these four.
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As soon as he pulled out the models, though, I instantly didn't care anymore. Guy had one of the best-painted armies I've played against, and even if I got my shit kicked in again, it would at least be a lot of fun to watch this time.
Eh, more that when I do music, its for exercise and usually high tempo, for painting I just need a podcast or something running as I batch paint.
Does viewing someone's batrep make me gay or just bisexual?
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He deploys pretty cagey, opting to put magnus in the backfield corner instead of up front to try to evade the vanquisher squadron. His giant war engine thing deploys further up on the opposite flank, trying for a first turn charge.
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Depends if you self-insert as the winner or the loser
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Are people still pretending leagues of votann is cannon now or are they like female custodes where people are too tired to give a shit and just accepted it.
What the fuck is that supposed to be
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I do the opposite. Solar redeploys all three vanqs to line up against magnus on his side of the table, and all chimeras+scout sentinels rush into the midfield.

First turn is 1k sons, and he manages that first turn charge against my scout sentinels in the board center, killing one and damaging another one to a single wound.

Magnus bolts a chimera and a vanquisher but fails to kill either.
There's some here who are pretty into votann. Even one guy with some nicely painted dudes
Leagues have models
Femstodes don't
>evicting some pokemon players
You're scum
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I don't know heretic names. It had T10 and 12 wounds whatever it was.

IG turn 1 gets off to a good start. The recon sentinels fall back, sprinting to the center to light magnus for the vanquishers with their recon ability, and all 3 kasrkin chimeras rush forward and spill out infantry into the ruins, putting all 3 units within 3" of it.

They all toss melta mines, and delete it with 12 mortal wounds instantly.
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After the dust has settled.
Dick Status: Revved
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Vanquishers all line up their shots, and all 3 were stationary and therefore hitting on 2+ with rerolling 1s. They hit and wound with all 3 vanq cannons. Magnus passes all 3 saves.

HKs, lascannons, and plasma cannons manage to chip him down to 8/16 wounds, but tanking all 3 vanq shells keeps him alive. He starts harvesting vehicles next turn, and bolts one of the vanqs down to 3 wounds.
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On the other side of the table, the kasrkin pile into a ruin across from a chaos-held ruin and objective, and start a firefight over the street.
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>rock up with bigass boxes of models, intent clear for all to see
>hey, guys, we need this table to play 40k
>u- uh- oh... okay.
>pokemon people go over to another table of tcg nerds
>hey guys can you scoot down, we need to free up that table for 40k
>que 15-20 minutes of shuffling about as everyone moves their bullshit around
>40k chads unfurl their models onto the tabletop for all to witness
absolutely mogged
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On his turn 3, he teleports his flamer unit across the table to put some shots on the wounded vanquisher, but fails to finish it off. Magnus has to expend some of his shooting to finish the job, so one vanquisher survives unscathed and a second endures on 3 wounds.
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Mostly melodic or power metal with a sprinkle of jazz. These are two of my favourite.


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they actually weren't even playing, they were chatting between rounds for some event. Card tables are separate from wargaming tables.

The vanquishers both manage to land shots on turn 3, and they finish Magnus. plasma cannons and infantry fire manage to whittle down the flamer unit to just the character, who survives on 3 wounds. The wounded russ on 3 wounds himself tank shocks him, and delivers 3 mortals.
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How would /tg/ fix Tsons to make list building less cancerous?
I just listen to the classics
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Kasrkin manage to cripple the units on the south board edge, then move up to clear out characters. His last character survives until the last shot from the unit, which is the sniper rifle. Rolls a lethal hit, and the guy fails his save for 3 damage.
More tzaangor variety
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It's just terminators left in the board center, and they've finally stomped up to the front lines and started deleting things. They take out chimeras and finish off the sentinels, which get reinforced to come in next turn.
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This terminator unit survives 3 turns of IG trading out units with it to prevent him charging the tanks. The -1 to wound is just brutal, he tanks practically everything and picks up 4 vehicles with this unit over 2 turns.
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I finally whittle him down to a couple models, and the last chimera on that flank makes the tank shock that kills the final terminator. His character remains, but goes down to the chimera crew chief's heavy stubber.

Game ends in imperial victory.
I genuinely don't know why space dwarfs get some people's panties in such a twist here.
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Dwarf bros, lock in! Took my lads to an RTT today, got 0-3'd but had fun. My army seems to like late game scenarios but I didn't get to play past turn 3 in two of the games. I guess that's why people play lots of sagi's, makes being aggressive early easier.
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Space manlet 2
something something starcraft something beards something destiny something retcon something new bad old good etc etc

>overpowered at release
I am just getting into the tabletop. I want a shooty Ork army. How do I achieve this? I know next to nothing about the game aside from the basics. I just bought ninth edition and Ork codex

I've read a little bit about Bad Moonz Loota lists shredding the shit out of things with up to 90 shots in an ideal round.

Pic related. This is what I'm aiming for with painting my Orks. No green, I want them to look like mutant savages.
>I just bought ninth edition and Ork codex
Not to be rude, but have you considered actually kit bashing and sculpting mutant savages army and using ork rules as opposed to doing weird unfluffy paintjob?
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I love planes!
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what can i say... im built different

No. I like Ork fluff alot but I want to be a special snowflake and have non-green Orks. I like how they look with regular skin.

They get camo britches and US marine helmets like so.
>3:58 AM
Go the fuck to sleep
Fuck you!
Do you have a playgroup who has stuck with 9e? Otherwise a pretty pointless endeavour. To answer your question, the only time it would have worked was a brief period of retardation with flyers. Past that shooty lists don't really work. But again.. depends what sort of group you're playing with.
LGS plays a lot of 9th and 8th. I know there was controversy with 9th but like I said I'm extremely new to the actual tabletop game. I already had an 8th edition codex from a friend.

If they play 9th for some unknowable reason, then yeah, you cannnnn play a shooty Ork army. Certainly better than you can in 10th. Though I'm gonna tell you, a lot of people are going to look at you funny for having non-green Orks. And they'll be right to.
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he can just say they're diggas
>captcha lmao
Is it a big town? Also is it an actual games workshop warhammer store?
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I hope so. If some faggot gets mad I didn't paint my orks the 'right' color then that's his business.

im putting american flags on them. they're the marine corps.

Relatively big, and no.
I live in Toronto so im really curious what the warhammer scene is like in areas where you may have only 8 people in the whole town who know what warhammer is.
I wonder if anyone here deals with that
I'm from a town like that on the west coast, travel to Vancouver to play games twice a month. Occasionally my brother will play a game with me but he's mostly just a fluff/books guy.
So have there actually been any good 40k novels in the recent years? Or is it literally all diversity ESG slop like Age of Sigmar?
Figured I'd ask here; is there a mega of 40k books somewhere that I can download? Looking for either PDF's or EPUB's, doesn't really matter.
the recent Cawl/Bile book was good in my opinion
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cranking out a ton of terrain today
b a s a d o
looking great anon, please keep us updated. im a huge sucker for terrain
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I've got so much old terrain from old display boards and shit I figured it's past time.
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Here you guys go, my personal MEGA folder of loads of 40k books. Password if needed is soitgoes. Fuck GW

Whats a good store to play at in Toronto? I mostly play with a small group at personal residences but I'd like to go make some more 40k pals for opponent variety.
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My newest edition to my IW army, the Iron Tyrants, Warpsmith Umrek Bahravox, the Iron Tyrant, Despot of the Myrani Domain, Unmaker of the 197 citadels and Lord of the 27th Grand Company. Base mini is Abaddon, mace is from a AOS chaos chosen mace head and Varanguard spear and power axe hilt. In the future imma stick the Warpsmith backpack to him with the mechanical tendrils.
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Fucking incredible, thanks anon.
The Sword and Board is pretty good. Every sat they run open play 40k games.
Love when people kitbash abbadon to use as /yourdude/ nice anon
melee rubrics
heavy weapon rubrics
jump rubrics
disc rubrics
sorcerer squad
sorcerer tanks
daemon engines of tzeentch
No problem, free media for the free media gods.
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I play at the warhammer store at 3251 Yonge St, its near the laurence subway station so its easy to get too from anywhere in the city.
Theres events every saturday and pariah nexus campains are on sundays
The staff is also really great
The Sword and Board are pretty good, they host games every saturday.
nice anon, love the fluff
Password if needed is soitgoes. Fuck GW

3 toronto anons? o.O
My Iron Tyrants KT
Havoc Champion
Black Templars characters
Damn, that looks good anon!
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>mfw the only way to tell raven guard, iron hands, and black templar dreads apart is to ask them how they feel about civilian casualties
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>Xiv trial music
90% that this is the orange and teal marine guy he accidentally posted his models in /xivg/ earlier
I bet he's a lalafel player
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I finished painting my haruspexocrine. Only the base to do now.
I love your dwarfs anon
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>Brings back Fantasy
>Outsells AoS entirely
>Warhammer 3 will likely remain more popular than the table top as it brings the table top to life
All we need is Dawn if War 4. Ain't no one gonna spend hundreds on model kits when a game can bring it to life.
Khornate mages.

You do not have a choice in the matter.
>barely related to the thread subject
>Sigmar is…. LE DOOMED!
Please kill yourself faggot
Blood Pact guys we're honestly more like blood-diviners than active combat sorcerers. They just used blood cups to help locate new victims for the regiment.
>smegmar schizo lurking just in case somebody disparages his dead setting
>Brings back Fantasy
>Outsells AoS entirely
Delusion, Old World would be lucky to outsell HH or Necromunda
what will your cope be when the next non-collectible report comes in and smegmar still isn't in the top ten even with a new edition and TOW is
I said Dawn of War 4 anon.
I thought it did outsell AoS?
kek you just know hes in here complaining about 10th ed and constantly moaning about how 40k is dogshit too
Don't need to go calling him a pedophile anon
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You're ignoring the khorne given visions, the demon possession and mutation, the auras effects they can generate, and more, mentioned that they perform. They do more than just divine.
It did, TOW boxes sold out instantly while skaventide is still available weeks after release even on their own webstore
Least obvious samefag of all time

What they weren’t biting in the AoS thread? Post models or talk about 40k or fuck off troon
0/10 apply yourself next time
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lmao schizo moment
Post your models
I'm this guy >>93392196, you can stop being the resident schizo anon now
Thanks for the read anon! Sounds like it was fun and both armies look awesome. I am a huge sucker for the oh kasirkin, there is just something about those exults that is just so good. I also really like your tanks, especially that double chimera turret, is really cool. What pattern leman Russ are those, and can you recommend some places to get cool bits and bobs like you have all over vehicles?
>I thought it did outsell AoS?
>small scale release of a game with half the factions missing
>outselling GW's second most popular game
Shelf life is a very rough and not exactly accurate indication of game popularity.
For the record I don't give a fuck about sigmar, I just find you "ToW is backkkk baby we will soon topple even 40k just you seee" hopium-addled beasts to be annoying.
Warhammer is my time away from the computer hobby by design. So no you are wrong.
The novel Horus rising just had Horus shoot the emperor, was that a body double or what? Horus didn't die in the fight
Horus goes to a planet that claims their emperor is the real emperor of mankind (he isnt). Horus kills him.
>better painted army
What would happen if Lucius got killed by a Man of Iron?
why is the heavy bolter depicted as basically a combi bolter when it is closer to an autocannon?
He'd still burst out from within it.
Though Slaanesh might turn him into a little girl for the lulz and because he sucked so much he lost to a machine.
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The tau blocks your path, sporting a strange hand signal.
I often bid on things I don't want, purely because 99% of the time someone else will outbid me and pay more for what they want. Out of spite.
Ty anon. I feel like my sloppy seconds have been selling for more dosh recently.
Does anyone have any idea as to why the reivers and the lieutenant in reiver armour suck so much?

I don't think I have seen something this weird in a codex in a while, is there anything this bad in other codex?
>no highlights
>no shading
Reivers are just primaris scouts with bolt pistol/melee weapon.

Reminder that phobos was just primaris scouts, and that the release of both terminators and scouts show the backlash against primaris.
Must be frustrating being retarded
Is a value of 6.4 points per euro a good value.
Trying to rationalize that I'm going to spend a good chunk of money soon.
Stop being a poorfag. Buy things that you like the look of or like the rules for. Making an army out of the absolute cheapest possible units is actually pathetic
Ever since I got into 40k I have never given a shit about female marine/female custodes shit.
I've seen the inane retardation that entire topic spawns and all I see is petulent, toxic, manchildren on both sides.
I chose marines as my army because I like power armored super soldiers, not because what they have between their legs like some fag.
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I'd have said it was more frustrating to be right and deal with projecting morons, but I stopped caring when I realized these threads are full of genuine retards.

I'm right, you can't change that, you can try, but I've been right so much that I don't give people like you the benefit of the doubt anymore. Get fucked.
Could you not be fucking cunt?
I'm buying what I want, not for rules of metafag reasons but because I think it's cool. It's just that if at the same time I'm getting a good points deal it's a bonus.
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>second most popular game
>I don't care
>I just typed out a whole manifesto about how I don't care
Retard located
>Stop being a poorfag
Start treating money like it's precious, my guy, you're gonna need to learn that for later.
I don't care about what you say, but I care enough about other people to let them know how I think about you.
We're not alone here, despite popular belief, you're not the center of the universe, but you might be just as dense.
Cry more pissbaby, if you need to convince yourself you're getting a good deal when buying plastic spaceman for a premium than you are truly a moron
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Something like this
>I don't care
>I just need to let everyone know I don't care
Lots of bullying going on in this thread right now
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Solar Auxilia.
Just say you don't know faggot.
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>deldar player
>sleep at night
Give me your lunch money right now or I'll touch your models with my fat cheeto dust fingers
I wanted some banter, and you're hitting me with shitty emoji and the same broken record, be creative ffs
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Based Iyandenbro
Just ordered the Chad prince from a recaster since GW won't sell him
Delete them along with the other monogod legions and Demons, make 4 monogod armies instead. Tsons become a detachment buffing rubrics and Magnus in Codex Tzeench.
Not what I meant, their rules are just awful
85 points per 5 is too high, I wish their ability to Kool aid man verticality was built in as a skill instead of having to choose deep strike vs verticality ignore

The one thing I actually got to use them for is with a lieutenant enhanced with visage of death for precision shooting with shoot and fade into a precision charge, force half OC control and battle shock to fuck with objective holders, it's objectively good enough in deathwatch Beacon Angelis and blood angels visage of death

It's almost as if they don't want us to play them despite having potential, then you have the lieutenant in reiver armour who has no deep strike, increases the aura of battle shock and doesn't really add anything else, in fact it takes utility away, it's the saddest leader for an overcosted unit
>instead of having to choose deep strike vs verticality ignore
Pretty sure you can have both
and for free at that now
Rules suck because it's a unit going down the drain, it won't survive too long as a kit.
It's one or the other in 10th, you pick them as wargear and exclude each other

Neither the reiver lieutenant or the reivers have deep strike as a core rule, in fact even if you choose to dep strike with a reiver squad as soon as you attach the dedicated reiver lieutenant you lose deep strike, it's that bad
Which would be an absolute travesty, the kit is fun to build and the helmets are fantastic
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I don't see it dude
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>visit lgs site
>box of thing I want, good discounts
>"In stock" "last units" "order now"
>Shit maybe I'll go there and get it, don't need to wait on placing an order in my regular lgs
>Call to check and ask them to set it aside for me
>"Sorry no, all that means we have to order it from GW, it will be 2 weeks to get here"
I hate all of this.
Guess I'll stick to my normal store then
Holy shit they fixed it?

I have been playing with half rules all this fucking time?

My point stands in the reiver lieutenant though, but holy shit I can actually do some cool shit in deathwatch on top of the reiver bomb, this is great
Enjoy anon.
I got some reivers in the raven guard battleforce so I hope they become useful too.
I mean they aren't losing me games but I can think of 5 times I could have Kool aid man my way into victory instead of doing a zigzag on ruins after shooting then charging, those games could have been so easy
I wouldn't mind making a squad of phobos dudes to lead my scouts, phobos is growing on me
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Its a very very clever and subtle dune reference, a Lisan al Gaib in 40k that failed. Cacodominus wasn't a xeno cyborg but a powerful astropath and navigator human.
Pic related is another fun 40k story
You literally just don't know enough about GW. The reason skaventide didn't sell out is because they produced way more copies dumbass.

TOW was actually growing and gaining interest but GW axed it, and they did axe it at least for the short term, was because of production issues. Unironically they massively overextended their ability to support too many products so the suits had to axe something, and TOW is the riskiest investment they currently have.

Anti charge/shoot infiltrators are cool, harrassing eliminators always force your opponent to reposition badly and incursors are kinda fun, Reivers are overcosted but shit man seeing them crowd control and bouncing around the backline in blood angels is always a pleasure even if it's objectively speaking not the best use of 140 points, precision just ruins so many plans and Phobos are good at it
>bowery electric
Infiltrators look hella cool
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Games Workshop... you bastards... give us Gue'vesa already... YOU BASTARDS. Sure I can kitbash them as Fire Warriors, but it's not the same and you know it.
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Imagine human aux before vespids or any other T'au aux, that'd be stupid... Oh not it's happening.
There was some Battle Shock fuckery y in the 1st Company Task Force with Fear Made Manifest, combining it with the Lieutenant's ability to increase the range of the Reiver's Battle Shock effect. But that's obviously more of a 'heh wouldn't it be funny if I pulled that off?' interaction than something to rely on. I still wanna try it though.
Melee rubrics are an awful fucking idea
We got kroot recently, I meant a missing Aux
10th edition is pretty shit tho
He is simply too based
dimply put, Anon.
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Added a few extra facefuckers
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>high quality recaster finally has the vampire
>tfw that price
>weaponised autism
Maybe you shouldn't get it from the high quality recaster then
I think the DA planes are really cool, but I don't think this looks different enough from the currently printed kits to warrant that price
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it's big
Okay I'll concede, that's pretty cool
>Games Workshop... you bastards... give us Gue'vesa already
You already have it, it's called Imperial guard.
How do you even use a model like this, or the manta for that matter?
All of these look retarded and terrible.
Never get into character or creature design.
Yeah it's basically the Eldar Thunderhawk
Only at Apocalypse really and even then it's really just a display piece that has rules because why not
Would love to see someone bring one to a 2000-3000 point game
as a glorified piece of scenery standing on your deployment zone, like any other titan in a game of apocalypse

it's not like those games actually progress beyond deployment and halfway through the first turn anyway
Photoshop "kitbashers" deserve the rope
Figured you would like 'em.
Non-disturbing background music. Usually it's some flavor of ambient. There are a lot of good channels that have stuff that will fit the atmosphere of pretty much anything you might be painting
You figured wrong. Come back when you've got actual models to show. 90% of photoshop kitbashes are either impossible to replicate due to retards scaling pieces the wrong size, or they would be so difficult to pull off that they'll never fit together the way that stacked layers of jpegs do
It's not meant to be a guide to a kitbash, anon, I just had fun trying to reimagine the grabber slasher.
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>flgs closed a month ago
>haven't played a game since it shut down
Where's an autistic shut in supposed to go to play a game?
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>What music do you listen to while painting?
I just listen to Paul Harrell
>I never intended to make anything tangible with it
Then fuck off you secondary. You're wasting your time on inconsequential nonsense when you could be building or painting models. You do have models to paint don't you anon?
In my old hometown we had no lgs within an hour so we'd rent a pool table at the local community centre for a few hours and play there. As long as you aren't a cunt most places don't care what you're using their tables for
embrace tiktok runoff brainrot
trips checked, also how about your garage?
Indoors with your PC or your pp
>trying to reimagine the grabber slasher.
Don't, that thing looks terrible.
I live in a trailer in a swamp by myself. I just don't even know where to start to find a game.
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>how dare you have fun
Why are you having a meltdown about a jpg instead of painting models?

By the way, have another one since you enjoy them so much.
I can't tell you how erect I am seeing that fatty
do you think space marines wear a jockstrap under their armour haha
>the bug shaker
hooooly shit she's thiqq
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>Warhammer Fantasy
>Warhammer stands for Sigmar's warhammer Ghaz Maral
>Warhammer 40.000
space marines have their penis and balls removed and replaced with an interface directly to their kidneys to filter their blood and extract feces and urine.
source is it's warhammer, who gives a shit as long as you're not directly contradicting stuff? make your own fever dream nonsense.
why not have some robocop tier nightmare marines. oh wait it's iron hands lmao
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Warhammer fantasy was called warhammer even before ghal maraz was a thing, it's called warhammer for the dude smashing a skeleton on the cover of the first rulebook
he would be known as harry the hammer and officially christened as harald hammerstorm
Kek holy fuck 40k players are truly broken if they think this is an acceptable way to play.
...you didnt think space marines had pps did you?
does the phone give you a cover save?
>source: I made it the fuck up.
>unpainted everything
Brutal mogs bro!
The way you’re wording everything like a video game makes me think you’ve never actually played another wargame or have any interest in actual hobbying besides whatever James wants to sell to you.
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>today I will remind them
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I like them anon, I also liked your old style warrior.
I don't get the hate. It's a proof of concept, doing stuff like that as a prepwork for actual conversion/sculpting helps you filter out what stick and what doesn't.
When I am not sure if an addition/variation on my colour scheme is good or not I also take a pic of my model and paint some bits I'm on the fence about with 50% opacity brush.
Except none of the scale is correct, so you’re dumb.
with this one batrep he contributed more to this thread than you ever will
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>only 3 armies available on launch
>still outsells slopmar despite everything being limited stock
I mean I'm not the guy you were arguing with, I'm just doing a drive-by reminder that it's supposed to be an excuse to be a little creative and have fun with it, not be all
>hrmm well achtually if you consult the reports on the activities of the shiddifartum chapter during the years of the peepeepoopoo crusade you'll find that their induction processes...
save it for historicals and paint your lil metal album figures and make bang bang noises with your buds.
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>Except none of the scale is correct
I mean you could still sculpt it? Insta has a pretty alive and dedicated scene for heavily sculpting nids. I never took those as some kitbash recipe, it's more of a general shape wrought together from modern nid design ques.
I also liked these that some anon did.
It’s just one guy.
>tfw got drunk last night and went on a shitposting spree

i apologise /40kg/
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>store has 3 oranges and 10 apples
>people come and buy 3 oranges and 4 apples
>oranges sold out, but whole 60% apples left
>that means that oranges are outselling apples and applefags on suicide watch, apple gonna be squatted soon
>food anal orgy
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I'm sorry, I should've used burgers & fries as an example because your fat ass never even seen a fruit except the one in the mirror.
>hey dude I’m running a fagmaris lieutenant with a squad of fagercessors
>dude that mortal wound spam is teh br00tz!
>this is just like my e sports
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Mechanicus is just bunch of nerds
Nah should have used my penor in ur ebbin pooper haha.
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>skaven tide box being marketed as limited run get it while you can
>hundreds of boxes untouched because uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it’s so popular and everyone plays AoS
>20 year old sculpts marked up 100% selling like fucking hotcakes
>organizations like triple crown keeping game alive despite it being a “dead game”
You can remove the dilator from your neovagina now.
Samefag less.
>store puts out sign saying "GET YOUR APPLES BEFORE THEY'RE GONE!!! SELLING FAST!!!"
>apples sit on the shelves and start getting moldy
>meanwhile the store keeps on pushing apples on its customers and refuses to restock oranges for some reason
you have like 5-6 other threads to have this GW jerk off session.
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Uh oh meltie
Unlike the one 40K general right? Kek just bake another one
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>selling like hotcakes
Watch FuBattles be a zombie of a game just like Sugmar with like 1 release every 3 years
Maybe february 2025 you will get a pity hero model with some amazing sculpting work like picrelated
Sorry this isn’t the dilation subphase of the Tranny phase so you cannot use that stratagem… sorry! :/
Oh, it’s ben, using the same phrase you use all the time. Go figure.
>James isn’t releasing weekly slop it’s a dead game
Average 40K tranny. Also I will admit that is a horrible model like that new dwarf they made. It’s almost like………. New bad old good
I'm trying to imagine a 40k launch box that WOULDN'T sell out but it's real hard. Especially since they will always contain new Space Marine sculpts and the fanbase is ravenous for any and all of those the second the drop.
You'd have to have a really unpopular army in the other half and a bloated pricetag from some kind of side game addition or terrain added to the box. Maybe if they made it a codex non-compliant chapter like Dark Angels or Black Templar again that would lose some of the generic space marine fans.

What do you think? Could GW make a big box for 40k that WOULDN'T sell?
Listen I just resent FB because its full of dogshit unfluffy matchups and the yourdude potential is limited, but have fun doing your herohammer slop in your little containment game, okay?
aeldari crapworlds vs votrannians would probably be an all time non-seller on the level of any AoS starter box
Yeah like the super fluffy rules in 10th like
>mortal wounds dev wounds stratagems feel no pains and no wargear
Oh and I forgot the /yourdudes/ aspect of every world eaters player bringing angron and every black Templars player bringing Helbrecht on the tabletop. Nothing more immersive than discussing metas and win rates either.
Is there a screencap of his posts or something? Sounds incredibly based.
20 marine lieutenants versus 50 cadians.
Don't care, I care about my guys, not someone else's. 40k scale is immense and as such you have a lot of wiggle room, can't say the same about FB where every inch has already been written out to death.
muh ind, muh cathay.
>don’t care
That’s why you play 40K tenth edition.
my post is completely unrelated to the rest of those though
The fake grog mentality is creeping over me, and I admit I find old school sculpts (not just old GW sculpts) charming.
Are there any third party miniature makers of not!old school styled Squats?
>muh end times means it’s all written out
Game takes place well before the events of whfb. AFAIK there’s some history for the era but it’s not absolutely fully written out like Horus heresy tries to do.
i'd love to see a soupy launch box, like space marines backed up by a few assassins versus chaos space marines assisted by some war dogs
>Could GW make a big box for 40k that WOULDN'T sell

yeah if they decided to make a box with no space marines in it. id be happy if they were to go ahead and do that because im SICK of seeing marines everywhere but deciding on the two sides that would sell fairly well would be hard to pick
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Satyr studios does some nice RT inspired minis, and yeah I’m a fake grog too. Got in 9th ed 40K realized it was a scam and a game for trannies after seeing the edition churn into 10th and the dumbing down of rules. Remembered bands like Bolt Thrower from my youth and the rest is history as I tracked down those iconic art pieces and the books they came from. Cheers and I hope you find some lovely little squats, here’s another pic
trying to write in during the old world is still choppy to do even if you discounted how the future setting shapes up to be. Best you can do in the old world is have your dudes be is the nomadic traveler #0012
>muh end times means it’s all written out
Never said that, I said that every inch of the map is gonna have some "in 1384 year of the Dung, the dirtpeasants of Cabbageburg warred with Nurgle cult of Plarpitty Boogersnicker here" shit attached to it.
Not to mention that some matchups make questionable sense geographically, which is absolutely not the case in 40k.
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ork bros, have the nerfs affected your army much?
>t. hasn't played a single game in seven years of being in the hobby
>best you can do is nomadic traveler #000012
And that’s great. I don’t have this syndrome where my character has to have traveled every single land and stolen 159 lizardmen treasures and fought dark elf raids for the king of Lothern BEFORE playing any games. That reputation is built on the field of battle. Tell me: when you play dnd do you just start with a max level petty noble lord whose already done everything there is to do?
You can ignore it if you’re not a literal sperg. Funny how you’re all about /yourdudes/ but only if James’ lore section sanctions it. Mindbroken beyond belief.
>no counter example
Because you know I’m right. Oh sorry they released a NEW jump pack fagmaris captain that changes everything. Anyways time to relearn the rules, new “definitely NOT season” of tournament play dropped. Be sure to change your entire army list because you care about /yourdudes/ so much you always want them to win.
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Sweet. Thanks buddy!
>They're even in white metal
Oh man this is a good suggestion, anon!

Best I can recommend in thanks to you are WargamesFoundry's Limited range of Ex-Citadel miniatures (contains lead if I recall correctly)
Pic related are their fishmen minis that might be able to count as some Rogue Trader Xenos.

And Diehardminiatures that make oldhammer esque miniatures. Some look like hive gangers, but I bought their infernal skeletons because I like skellies.
Torquemada Coteaz Demonpetter
Great recs thank you buddy :) love those fish guys. I think they are slann from RT ?? Who knows! That’s the joy of old stuff. Now it’s all copies of copies of original work. Based skelly enjoyer.
I have some bad news for you…
I dont play dnd because I dont like shit games first off, and having a pre established background for an experienced company is something thats much more neat in a setting that demands it than some lazily put together "go with the flow" army.
>What music do you listen to while painting?
How would agents even deal with tanks?
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>I don’t like shit games
>plays Warhammer Forty Thousand Tenth Edition (TM)
Don’t worry the rules team just has to create some bullshit weapon with zero foresight slap the word anti tank on it as a keyword and they’ll say they’ve balanced the game.
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>while painting
There is no bad news, we are getting a primaris sized killteam with so many options you won't know what to build. I am talking umbra pattern bolters, Mk 5 helmets, classic bolt pistols.
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I have been enjoying playing my own homebrew games tyvm

but yes, tenth edition is shit.
Can you define “go with the flow” does that mean just starting your guys off as a ragtag bunch or some inexperienced travelers and then gain fame through their battles? What’s wrong with that? Maybe I’m misunderstanding you. And maybe we both disagree on what makes games good. What’s weird is you say you want fleshed out lore so your dudes feel like they belong in some coherent setting but then lambast fantasy for over writing and over explaining the setting. Doesn’t 40k have that problem if the entire online discourse is about “what happened in Thames cluster in m41e2826 with the orks and the celestial lions??? anyone got a sauce for what deathwatch captains piss in? Would Leman Russ ever yiff?”.
On that we agree. What kind of homebrew if I can ask? All the locals here cannot get their heads out of James’ anus so older editions and home brews are out of the question.
Should have never been in the game.
I have a Canis Rex painted in Inquisition colors and homebrew lore about how the pilot has their original house redacted ready to go. Deathwatch are going to be put into Agents and its going to be fluffy army Kino O'clock.
OK this is what I got to start a Custodes army. The Auric Champions box, the Combat Patrol, and one old Contemptor I had lying around.

I looked it up, if I build that as cheaply as possible, it's 2180 points. A whole ass army out of two combo boxes and one small robot. What a world.

Anyway, how many Shield Captains should I make from this assortment?
just make most of the marine side chapter locked units
like some pretty blatantly space wolfy looking shit that most marine players would struggle to even proxy into anything of use
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>‘A good hunt, my mistress,’ said Khulo Khale.
>It had been a good hunt, but Hesperax did not answer her lover to agree. She was imagining what she was going to do to Khale by way of celebration. The anticipation of his screams made her smile. If his pain pleased her, she might resurrect him and do it all over again.
god I wish that were me
That looks like shit as well and nothing like the original.
Of course it'd be you that is shilling these dogshit tyranid "ideas"
>>how dare you have fun
40k is a miniature wargame, not a mediocre photoshop competition.
>40k is a wargame
Maybe was. Now it’s league of primarchs
>I don't get the hate. It's a proof of concept
It's a shit one, and it is pure day-dreaming failure tier behaviour.
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Still here lads?
From the /grog/ pastebin I discovered knightmare miniatures' space raiders which are space orcs in the oldhammer style. I plan on ordering some for an ork enthusiast friend's Christmas gift.
I am not sure if they contain lead. Just assume they do.
Could I make a decent world eaters army using only csm models? Berzerkers (legionaires), termies, helbrutes, forgefiends, maulerfiends, rhinos, and predators led by a master of executions
Dating Drukhari gf that you can consensually suffer for so she doesn't need to torture innocents sounds like a dream relationship. I wonder if they knew about human masochists if they would be willing to allow them to travel to Dark City freely and let them enjoy the drukhari hospitality.
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Valedor's Lelith is way better than that story about two ukranian street whores with star wars elements by Brooks.
>decent world eaters army
>not a single eightbound
afraid not
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>Are there any third party miniature makers of not!old school styled Squats?
Red bard games has recently done a kickstarter about old school ogryns, squats and frogs
Should have a squat dreadnought by the time they hit the store
h-haha yeah i t-totally have friends to play this game with...
Any tips for handling and working with lead? Amazing models btw.
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As far as I know, don't snort lead, or eat lead and you should be fine, and wash your hands after handling lead with your hands.
So if you have to chip off lead flash then immediately clean up the flash and try to snip it in a way where it won't go flying in your hobby space so you don't step on the lead piece at a later date.
I just googled the space ogres, and I think I can somewhat fit alongside Victoriaminiature's Ogre mudcrunchers.
Good suggestion, anon!
Okay good to know, seems common sense enough. Thank you.
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Russes are Mars Alpha patterns from Forgeworld. To customize tanks, you can search for tank accessory/stowage kits on ebay or etsy.

yeah you're right, I hate the hobby so much I have a fully painted army and play it regularly. you got me.
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Depends on the army I'm painting.
>Catachan+Cadian kitbash with lots of valkyries
Jimi Hendrix
Uriah Heep
Deep Purple
The Kinks
>Crusader themed Khornate CSM
The soundtrack for "The Crusades" documentary series by Terry Jones
>Creations of Bile
And such.
Electronic when I am painting sisters.

>KT cards gone
>DW combat patrol gone
>Several Agents gone
>Radio Silence from GW about them this whole month
Really all I'm upset about is the approved ops cards.
Your Eldar look great is that contrast paint? Either way, you've done a great job; I'll see if I can spot your Eldar down there sometime, I play blue and red Eldar
all 40k news is being intercepted right now
I read the whole report, I thought it was fun and I liked the pics
get some needle files for the mold lines and flashing, pin sections that need to be glued together if you can
pretty sure oldhammer models are pewter
I always dread pinning but that’s something I’ll have to learn eventually.
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How does this read so far as basing? Using this as a little test, I'm thinking of ordering some mini leaf litter to glue sporadically on the ground and maybe some tiny moss clumps to put on the rock
Suggestions very much appreciated
decent i'd give it a once over with a light beige drybrush over the sand
by who?
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thanks. the hobby is much more enjoyable when the models are painted, so this game was one I needed.
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Ah, reading as sand, I probably used the wrong texture for basing, i was kind of hoping to go for sort of jungle/forest. The paste was I used was described as course dark earth.
I was just going to add some plants and greenery onto all these ones in the pic. Maybe if I get the leaf litter it'll kind of increase the suggestion of it not being sand?
I think it looks pretty jungle-y.
Orks fucking suck dick right now unless you run them in a handful of specific ways. I'm switching armies for a while
try putting it on a bit thicker
Awww is the WAACy orkfag just in it for fun gonna have a cry?
>Orks fucking suck dick right now unless you run them in a handful of specific ways
Oh like most armies you mean?
Get better opponents or ask them to make fluffier/fun/experimental lists. You shouldn't feel compelled to run the best waacfag list unless your opponents are all waacfags
How to paint for rubber effects? I imagine marines or sisters living or fighting on ocean planet wouldn't wear metal power armors and would be more equipped to fight enemies in the depths.
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see if you can find a pdf of the citadel miniatures modelling guide by mike mcvey online, it really is the bible on building and converting lead miniatures
>metal power armors
Modern power armour is made of ceramite. MkII, III and V were plasteel.
>crusade armor
>immobile helmet
I think the majority of 40k/30k fans wouldn't mind if that crusade helmet being immobile was retconned to be mobile. I think it is one of the most ignored aspects of Warhammer 40k lore ever.
Oh... so the rust effect on any space and chaos space marine armor don't make sense, because it wouldn't rust?
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Even back in the day there were helmets that were mobile. I think one of the HH black books or something mentioned that early MkII helmets were immobile, but by mid-production they were made mobile.
If it's ceramite, it shouldn't. The rust can also come from other things, like metal fittings in the armour that rust and stain stuff around them or the armour fitted with extra plasteel plates for protection. Don't think that 2e piece is really brought up again, but it does explain a lot of the stuff related to PA. Like what the new armour material the MkIV was made with was and how it was different from older armour material.
I think it's funny that there is absolutely no news on any kind of announcements and Auspex Tactics still manages to put out daily twenty plus minute videos on speculated upcoming releases.
it's easy when you say absolutely nothing of substance
you got me :^)
there's no race in that game I hate more than those awful midgets lmao
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Shame. Meta is temporary, da Waaagh! is forever.
Aint that the fucking truth. I've been itching to have a game where my opponent has a finished army.
Dead game. Dead thread.
How many armies do you all have that you can just switch between them when one gets shit on? Do you own like every unit in all those armies too?
Real talk, it’s because they seemingly punish you for doing well. I understand it’s an army about trading, but having an elite unit like terminators cut through two units of fucking Yaegers only to get cut down and lose the objective cause of tokens feels bullshit. Also it feels prone to tabling because I’ve only played against 3 Votann Players but every time they used their detachment it fucked me. They always put those free tokens on your armor and hit you with a conversion weapon turn 1. It’s not technically being tabled but space marines’ only really viable anti-tank is their armor. I mean for T10-T12. Meltas are fine otherwise. But yeah it sucks.
Do you guys ever just buy models to paint them for armies you don't play?
No, my autsim doesn't allow it.
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New Grey Knight models when?
You think you want this but you actually don't.
The price to pay for an update is too great.
>Do you guys ever just buy models to paint them for armies you don't play?
All the time, and I plan on painting the pic you posted even though I do not collect SOB.
4, building up the 5th :^)
Just IG since 3rd edition.
just the one atm, but ive still got the tyranid half of leviathan sitting under my desk
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Pic rel almost made me, but I really shouldn't.
not yet, im not even close to being good enough at painting to just pick something at random and have at it
I don’t have the money to drop $150 on a new character. I’d rather spend it on more crisis suits

When you get rolled into inquisitorial agents in 2 weeks
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Preach my greenskin brother. Revamping my Ork army, rebasing and prepping a proper war horde. Really excited because I’m going to be painting Trollet retro boyz.

Luv these muppet looking motherfuckers.
>When you get rolled into inquisitorial agents in 2 weeks

you're thinking of Death Watch anon
hopefully grey knights get rolled too
why? They're one of the chapters that actually have a unique look / theme? White scars, salamanders, raven guard, death watch, imp fists and iron hands are better candidates to be rolled.
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Of course. I get far more satisfaction out of painting than I do playing. Even if I don't play a faction, if I have enough fun painting stuff for it maybe one day I will decide to play it
their miniatures range isn't large enough for a full army, they're very tied to the inquisition and they don't have any model release coming their way for the foreseeable future
they should get rolled in AotI
>White scars, salamanders, raven guard, death watch, imp fists and iron hands
Those are not model lines, anon.
>White scars, salamanders, raven guard, death watch, imp fists and iron hands
None of these factions are tied to the inquisition to the same extent that GK are
he looks like a bad man. great paint job.
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and? Only deathwatch, GK, UM and yiffs of those get model lines, the rest get one token character and a detachment loosely based on them
Have you tried clicking on the pretty pictures?
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and us ork bros wont miss you one bit, but if you are willing to sell me your minis at a low price ill definitely be interested if you know what i mean yeah
brother these look fuckin shithouse what are you doing
Ultramarines, Salamanders, White Scars, Iron Hands, Imperial Fists, and Raven Guard are all Codex compliant and therefore draw from the same list. The do have unique characters but those are often one offs and sell well regardless. Additionally, non-compliant chapters can still take regular Space marine units in their rosters, further boosting sales.

Grey Knights probably aren’t even top 20 in terms of sales, have distinct, unique models that need to be updated, and their dreadnought looks like shit. They are litterally the armed wing of the ordo malleus so it makes sense they get rolled in along with deathwatch (the armed wing of the ordo xenos)
Thanks anon, he was my first model I painted that had white as a main component. He isn't perfect but I'll always look back on him fondly
>Inquisition Codex has Ordo Detachments
are iron hands just a shitty version of iron warriors?
no they're infinitely better than them but that's not saying much considering how dumpster-tier IW are
No, Iron Warriors are shitty versions of Imperial Fists and Iron Hands just jerk off to metal
Not really. If anything some of the traitor legions are mirrors of the loyalists.
Ultramarines - Sons of Horus/Black Legion
Imperial Fists - Iron Warriors
Raven Guard - Alpha Legion
Blood Angels - World Eaters
That's all I can think of.
No iron warriors are the shitty version of iron hands. Only retard paintlets would pick a faction using leadbelcher as it's primary colour
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Living my dream of having Paul Bonner Orks!
30k rivalries are Imperial Fists vs. Sons of Horus, Iron Warriors vs. having friends and Ultramarines vs. Word Beaters.
IWfags unable to stop trying to wank themselves as THE GREATEST LEGION, yet again. Get off the internet, Perty, you're cringe
No, iron warriors are servants and worshippers of demons.
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ho ho ho ho hoo
Because while you were actually posting models, I studied the lore because I am poor and barely could afford my 500 points of imperial fists

Iron warriors are closely aligned with the mechanicus. Basically imagine a legion of wannabe techmarines. If we’re being honest, they shouldn’t be codex compliant either, they should have some unique models
I was disappointed to find out Obliterators are actually the Iron Warrior coded unit, I always thought it was havocs. Warp Talons and Possessed are so much better b y comparison.
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If you like Paul bonner you should be painting large scale busts and shit where his style really shines.
Go back to your console wars containment thread faggot
>Because while you were actually posting models, I studied the lore because I am poor and barely could afford my 500 points of imperial fists
You should consider getting a job
Um why the fuck are there detachments for one unit like the kastelan detachment for admech? You can only spam about 1000 point of them?
Thats what this thread is
I do have a job, but it’s hard making ends meet as a 20-something with no skills. I’m saving up to hopefully get some sort of IT certification. I’ve heard the hours are shit but it pays better than what I’m doing now.
How would you feel if the second and eleventh legions reappeared? What would be the best/worst case scenario for their reappearance?
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good lad

going pure bonner?
Because 10e is retarded. There's nothing more to say on the matter.
>best case
they don't
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Mixing them, I plan on making it all Bonner eventually. Don’t want to go over my budget in the mean time.
>IT certification
Good luck getting a job in the most outsourced industry in the world. Why hire your ass when you could hire 5 Indian dudes for half your wage
If they reappear it'll just ruin more of the setting in the process. Look at how half-assed and fucking boring the Lion's return was. GW has no ability to advance the metaplot of 40k without it making the entire setting dumber in the process. All the Fallen plots and mysteries? Yeah those are just gone now, the Fallen are forgiven, and the Fallen forgave the Lion, the Lion is a better man who's wiser, more of a people person, and learned how to forgive disloyalty, which has removed all the interesting aspects of his personality in the process. The DA now no longer have their entire claim to fame which is hunting the Fallen, they're just regular marines now. And they're made into retroactive retards because it turns out 99% of the Fallen were innocent all along.
Why would anyone bother with other war games. None of them are good. Historical are not wargames.
>Look at how half-assed and fucking boring the Lion's return was.
Things must be pretty fucking dire if you hand his debut novel to Mike Brooks and make his actual return in some shitty campaign no one cares about
From what I understand, that stuff only happens when you work remote. Also some companies don’t want Indians who will be asleep while you’re at normal business hours. Additionally, some want local on-call staff. The stuff that gets outsourced is the stuff that tends to be remote. But that could just be rumors
Instead of that they should expand on the rangdan campaign and the necron beacon that the 2nd legion primarch was investigating. Maybe when Fulgrim comes back, since he was friends with 2nd, he can muse about how he wished that guy was a daemon primarch instead of some of the other guys.

Really dude? Right after the internet nearly died because SIRS just copypaste answers from chatgpt? The ideology of cheaper=better needs to die with the boomers, so much shit is done totally wrong because of some 70yo never-retiring CEO thinking he's slick because he insourced a bunch of cheap indians and outsourced to india what he could afford while still getting DoD gibs.
Because I applied for a thinktank job that had "knows how to play wargames" as a Preferred/plus qualification and if I get the interview I'm gonna lie and say I play napoleonic shit with old men instead of 40kids.
it's proof nobody at GW had faith in the idea of bringing back the Lion or the corpo mandate to do so to drive Arks of Omen sales. Son of the Forest reads like it was churned out in a month to meet a checklist of required plot points set by a marketing committee.
I love the Word Bearers.
I think they're fun guys.
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>How would you feel if the second and eleventh legions reappeared?
Rip the bandaid off, they are useless and no one makes use of them for anything.
Nothing of value would be lost in the process.
>but muh mystery
There is no mystery, they are dead and their legions are also dead or got folded into UM and IF.
If you went and asked someone like Jes or Priestley about them they'd genuinely just tell you there is nothing.
No background written, no names, no titles, no achievements, no history, no symbols. Nothing.
>What would be the best/worst case scenario for their reappearance?
Just reveal who they were in the HH game but don't port them into 40k.
The Word Bearers are the best villains in 40k because they're the only ones who embrace being evil, traitorous assholes because it's fun to be evil, traitorous assholes.

not clicking it until im just janny doesnt delete it
Looks awesome anon, how'd you do the black/red claws?
2, considering building third, because I have a few models I liked

Sisters, don't own the Triump (do not want) and Castigator (want, saving for two). My go to units would be regular sisters, rhinos, exorcists, penitent engines slash mortifiers, and either Vahl plus paragons or Celestine and brick of seraphim.

Second army would be Drukhari, can run them pretty much as any of the trio. Used to run wych blender, then covens (Talos is still one of my most favorite units) stopped playing them during the dark lance era but would be able to field enough ravagers and scourges too, I am affluent archoness. Still, some models are out of my reach, so I don't have beastmaster and lot of models are just proxies (haemonculi, grotesques).

Currently looking into death guard, I have maggotkins for AoS and like the plague marines and terminators in 40k too. Silently hoping they will get some amazing combat patrol or christmass battleforce box that will break my will to not spend more money on plastic toys.

Second option are tyranids, they are dirt cheap around here and the models look awesome. Still, I would probably want to run them only as kaiju monster army and would need solid reason to splash on Norn Emissars.

Third option I think about are Aeldari. Probably wraith heavy, because we don't have that in the dark city. I also have small pile of shame, death jester, shadowseer and troupe, but Harlequins are nor army anymore, so I am in no hurry to get more of them.
does khorne actually has no psykers or does he just discourages them?
>they fucking suck unless you run them one or two ways
Like every single army in this dogshit edition lmfao
Thank you! I was actually so intimidated by lead I had someone assemble my orc shaman on wyvern. I felt that would be too much for a beginner.
Genuinely and unironically filtered. Go pay triple market price for some CADslop.
Neither is 40K.
Find a good company. What you should be looking for is a company whose entire business model is excellent customer service and support. Those companies quite literally cannot afford to outsource because their entire customer base would abandon them for bigger corporations. (Why pay the extra cost if you’re talking to an Indian anyway?). Best of luck to you anon.
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>Finally decided my marine army will be charcharadons
>Order some bits
>"Oh shit this tyberos model looks kinda neat, I'm going to have an assault terminator squad with lightning claws, it will be great to have him lead it!"
>Captain in terminator armour has no twin lightning claw option
>Tyberos is not even in legends
GW you are a cunt
A deathwatxh vs drukhari box?
Ironically that sounds really cool
I have twice the models and im not even at 1000 points
You soumd like my gf
Thats not my army, im the deldar player with the planes, i hope to see your dudes soon tho!
Is your average psychic blank resistant to even farseer spells
Never going to read this, but I will hoard it anyway, thanks
Seething this hard over how someone else spends time. Is proof of failure.
i commend the attempt but man I am glad we got the Ravener instead
What you are shilling is CADslop

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