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Space Cops Edition

>Boarding Actions Coming Soon

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
Which character from the lore do you think needs a model the most?
Wazdakka Gutsmek.
>hey how about another Goff special character

Fair enough. Give me another Deffskullz character then.
Hell, I'd take a revamped Grotsnik.
Shove Nazdreg into a deff dread and give him a dual kit for a generic dreadboss like the beastboss and mozrog
>Games Workshop here, why isn't your video feed working?
I might be biased because I’m one of the few people who actually likes Raven guard but I want to see post-demon Corvus Corax. I don’t care how he comes back. Maybe make it so Guilliman is losing again, so Corvus just rips a hole in reality and starts beating the shit out of Angron or something. Maybe bring Lorgar back to have him job against Corvus. Lord knows Raven guard need some fucking life injected into them. Their themed detachment is awful and Reiver suits suck
Dreadboss would be so kino
>character from the lore
come again? you lost me.
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Chaplain Diomedes from DoW3. His datasheet needs to give the unit he's leading +1 to wound against monsters/vehicles (BANEBLEHDS)
That shit is already a fineshart model.
So no.
Wartsnog Buttsniffa
>spend a long time on model
>end up disliking the color scheme
Now im sad.
So just a worse chaplain?
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Post models and wips. Sharing some more of my admech
Snogbarf Squidraper
Captain Ferrum Ovum
>Which character from the lore do you think needs a model the most?
Ravenor (forma silla)
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i love weekends. already almost done with my next few boyz after finishing these yesterday.
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Sure. Just three more and the dog and speaker eagle.
Ohh I remember your blue orcs from wip threads. I like them a lot, such a refreshing take
man it's been a long time since i posted in wip. i believe i was still perfecting my blue scheme because it was really flat.
drop by from time to time, it's easily one of the comfiest generals in here
diomedes went from captain to chaplain?
I would but I've only painted quar this weekend
how is quar as a game?
it's a fun simple skirmish game, we get through games in like 90 minutes on average
decently "kill-y" but every model that dies has a chance to come back if you take another to check on him, and you get perks for reviving them outside of scoring at the end too
I really like the gimmick of having a secret number of actions you can use per turn that only your opponent knows too
kill yourself falseflagging exoditefag
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Decided to paint the farseer, I think he's the right balance between matching the guardian but also standing out.
(Disregard the avenger blue, it's dark on purpose)
Anything that isn't a blood angel
Sanguinor and Sanguinius.
dow3. dont think about it too much
rent free
That’s what the new Sanguinor will be.
Astorath the Grim
We need Corbulo
Gabriel Seeth
yeah but it's a pretty sick can
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Finished Exocrine
I've been assembling things for a month or so but every time I try to paint I want to kill myself.
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Subdomina Khepra
The blue around the eye is a great touch, helps it pop, nice work. I use purple around my nids orange eyes for the same reason.
Why are there so many blood angel players in these threads? Theyre insufferable
But I want fabulous hawk boy, not Celestine’s fucktoy.
Marine players are ok, and I am tired to pretend they are not. Custodes and Grey Knights are the ones that ruin the fun.
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I think it’s only three or four of us
uh oh exoditefag melty
he said players, you don't play, throoder.
Is this a new meme?
whatever you say, schizo
Marine players suffer from too much data. There are way more shitting marine players than shitty xeno/chaos players because there are simply more marine players. Same goes for normal and fun players.
That said, both dedicated marine players at my LGS are the most insufferable WAACfag metachasers in the whole store. Almost everyone I speak to agrees they're not fun to play against.
>Theyre insufferable
You are worse.
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You seem upset.
>literally just going UMAD
embarrassing, try harder next time
You keep talking about it.
>anon needed to tell me I forgot an apostrophe
Im sorry my post made you upset enough to do that.
D: not my vp
No 40k news AGAIN.
Im switching to Age of Sigmar. That game gets way more support.
I'm sure they'd appreciate it, you'd double the playerbase
AoS got 4e a few days ago, don't worry, the hyping will die down soon and we will be back to 40k roadmap.
When's the next big 40k tournament?
Minor spelling mistake.
Beautiful boys. That's a manticore right? Looks awesome. Love the OSL on the plasma gunner.
>marine discussion starts
>thread immediately devolves into childish insults and schizo battling for who's the most retarded
Why's you always gotta make it about weight?
This is my fault. I thought it would be funny to kick the blood angel players and now I regret it
File deleted.
Where is the roadmap?
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Quick inquisitor I did a ways back
Source on the webm? I want to know for me. For masturbatory purposes.
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Chimera transport. And thanks, plasma had to carry me through a lot of the more brutal editions of the game.
Right now. The Tacoma open has been running all weekend since friday
Is this what sisters of battle look like out of their amors?
Lola Naymark from Au Fil D Ariane.
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They probably look closer to Brock Lesnars daughter
Boy do I ever hate names written on base rims. Takes away from the model significantly imo.
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I just liked that I got more boxnaught options bro it ain't that deep
The Votann vehicles look pretty good.
the one whining the loudest about blood angels was exposed as an exoditefag throwing a fit that his dinosaur meme army isn't getting models but marines are
Gotta go under the base for that shit. Can't stand it on the rims either.
SoB not female space marines
Oh, well what about the one after that? Not going to announce anything at an event this close to the AoS edition
Oh well... not like it would be wise to refuse advance of faithful servant of the God-Emperor.
I think the Jannies and mods can still see your picture even if you deleted it.
The furioso is the best one. I love the colour scheme and the claws. I want the new brutalis to make into an even beefier version.
I think throne of skulls in august
Thanks champ
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Furioso is definitely on my list, but when I built this guy he could cast a spell that would give him or another unit the fly keyword so I had to pick him over the furioso. Flying dread too funny to not use
For sure. Librarian dreadnaughts are such a fun concept.
Nah the jannies deleted it, they only like gay porn
I said crisp yesterday and I’ll say it again, crisp.
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Haha yeah sure are
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Almost done here.
The white helmet is so nicely shaded while your black armour is so flat looking
my friends have turned so contrarian during past decade that they dont even want to play older editions of 40k because according to them the whole 40k scene has turned so gay and they dont want to have nothing to do with it
yes they are pretty retarded to make the grand shift from hating 10th edition into loathing 40k as a whole just because some new blood likes it now like they did when they started with dawn of war btw

i would not care othervise but im 2 people short from my group of 3
NTA, I think it's perfect as is. The white having so much detail SHOULD be striking
Nice blog post.
Find new friends or find a new game.
You mean chips
I had fun playing Spearhead yesterday but it's no joke people don't give a damn about it for the most part. Still a bunch of Skaventide on the shelves and our store manager (official) is pulling his hair out on the lack of news and the slowdown of 40k sales since the price hike.
very nice scheme and execution
picture's a bit blurry but they still look cool
I'm not super big on drab, muted colors but this really looks like something a real army would look like, nice
very effective colors
I really like the blue touches, looks great overall
looks really good for a quick paintjob
I like that you did volumetrics, very clean. You could try mixing some additional color into your greys to make the armor a little bit more interesting
I'm glad more beginners are using transfers, they can make such a big difference in the final product
God that looks so retarded
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>muh character
Thanks you’re the retards who ruined 40K.
Looks better than the fatman redemptor chassis we have now.
>abysmal taste located
>dispensing (you)
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post your oldhammer minis with a timestamp
>Thanks you’re the retards who ruined 40K.
Go to /grog/ or /fourk/.
You can then wank off as much over old 40k you love so much.
You do have friends and still play the older editions, right?
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The chassis is not the problem.
great taste.
Agreed. Every time I play against my buddy's necrons he brings the silent king, or if it's DA he brings the Lion and im like breh is every encounter with your faction worthy of these dude's showing up? My buddy's a waacfag but I have no one else to play with.
Lightning claws are for chaos only, sorry
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>Finally decided my marine army will be charcharadons
>Order some bits
>"Oh shit this tyberos model looks kinda neat, I'm going to have an assault terminator squad with lightning claws, it will be great to have him lead it!"
>Captain in terminator armour has no twin lightning claw option
>Tyberos is not even in legends
GW you are a cunt
posting again because I didn't realise the thread had moved on
They sound rather based if I’m being completely honest my good anon. Maybe they’ll actually graduate to real wargames soon.
Enlighten us to what the problem is then instead of pussyfooting around like a smug bitch
So your problem is that he's got books on his dread or what?
You weren’t even born when that picture was taken, newfag.
But the rest of the squad has it...
This makes me wish that sisters got dreadnaughts, it kind of makes sense honestly. They get rhino/predator chassis already. The closest thing we have is the Shrine of St. Katherine.
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I just think the librarian build looks retarded is all. The sarcophagus and force weapon look like shit.
They get the torture machines. I actually wish all of them came with female models.
>This makes me wish that sisters got dreadnaughts
You already have it, it's called Mortifiers and Anchorites.

Also stop trying to ape off marines for everything.
Go fucking play marines at this point instead of trying to turn SoB into female marines.
yeah it's hard to get my brain around the massive leap in contrast needed for black but also not so much that it looks too glossy like latex.
Lore states that only marines are able to survive the induction process and that it requires the black carapace to link up with the machine.
Although with the bullshit faith powers of the sisters it's not 100% impossible that sisters could get a special characters in a Dreadnaught. Would be great way to make a new boxnaught kit
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Best model GW released in a while.
But i hate the fact that both shoulder pads are covered almost completely by the cloak, so applying a decal is not possible.
Utterly mind broken. Sure hope you don’t enjoy reading about any history before the Iraq war anon. Actually you weren’t there either so…….
It's the same style as a venerable dread, if anything it's closer to a classic boxnaught sarcophagus because it doesn't have the giant speedboat bow as a gorget
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Meds, tranny.
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Just done
Your scheme is so dark and flat it's difficult to make out the differences between your materials
Those are for bad people though, what if they want to preserve their honored dead or living saints to continue giving their wisdom?
I don't know the specifics but sisters do have the same matrix power suit link studs all over their bodies.
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don't like that either. Hate heads on dreads
Except contemptors, those are alright head and all
I wouldn't call myself a beginner but I def like using transfers when I can. I cannot freehand stuff like that.
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WIP cringe meme paintjob on assassin. (I like it tho)
Why he base so big tho
>To those Repentia who not only fled, but betrayed their Sisters, an even worse fate awaits. After being wired into a Mortifier they are further entombed behind a thick adamantine casing resembling an Iron Maiden. This sarcophagus protects their tortured bodies from the release of death. Known as Anchorites, the >Sisters inside these engines are forced to face their torment in absolute isolation, enduring years or even decades of agony before their inevitable end.
-SoB 8th edition codex page 59.
Anchorites existing proves that Sisters are capable of not just betraying and go traitor.
Chaos sisters were always possible.
Don’t call it cringe if you like it. Be proud of what you paint.
Trying to ape off nostalgia and fellating shit you never lived through or even owned makes you a hipster.
It's insulting.
I don’t pretend to have experienced it though, which is what you do, newfag nevergrog.
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Its a display base for when he's just on a shelf. I can take him out and he's actually on a 40mm
>Those are for bad people though
Doesn't matter, you have your dreadnought equivalents.
>Hate heads on dreads
I like a classic sarcophagus as much as the next guy but I think you're in the minority on that one anon. Although I do definitely agree with you on disliking the space wolf one you posted
Truly not a fan but you do you anon they're your models
Holy shit leave it to E to buy the single worst mini in the HH range
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Finally ordered that big HH age of darkness box and special/heavy weapons.
It's a steep price upfront but with proxying that price basically gives you a whole army. I don't know why more people don't do this, HH models are cool and infantry is cheaper to buy.
Will try to post progress if I make any when it comes.
Armies for this feel?
>I don't know why more people don't do this,
Because they were outdated by the time GW released it and look like shit.
im in my 40s and nearest lgs is 50km away
would it be weird if i left a note on local school bulleting board that im looking for warhammer players
use a scalpel to fit a partial decal on the exposed pauldron
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It's crazy that GW put so much thought into Spearhead. I wish Combat Patrol got this kind of love and focus. I honestly don't remember when was the last time I had so much fun with a GW's mainline game.
Nah, those beakies look great.
And the have all the space needed to add bits to them
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more progress on the morkanaut
>it’s insulting
To who? Kek I’ve talked to unironic grogs who are in their 50s and they don’t seem to mind a “fake grog” nor do they begin to purity spiral as hard as you nu40k players do.
We appreciate you, feedback anon. Have a good day today
>Did I ever make a post about how I used to play so and so army in 2nd edition?
No, but you're pretending you did and like to imagine you have.
It's the reason why you keep posting the same old screenshots of WDs and pics of models that you don't own.
No, they look like shit. Always have and always will.
The thighs are retarded and proportions are ass.
>And the have all the space needed to add bits to them
So do primaris but people bitch over those.

It's hypocrisy at its finest.
Loving care put into polishing a turd that is games that small
Stop avatarfagging
that's not what that means, little newfag
Find me where I pretended. I said 40K got ruined by characterfags with zero imagination, and posted a screenshot of another anon’s opinion. Try again, preferably before huffing gasoline.
Stop signaturefagging then.
People in their 50s already have 1 foot in a grave.
They are incapable of giving a shit because they know they'll be gone in 30 years.

Fellating shit you never had or never owned is peak retardation.
It's like music kids bitching about "how they were born in the wrong generation" because they don't like modern music.
>No, they look like shit. Always have and always will.
>The thighs are retarded and proportions are ass.
Ah I see, shouldve just said you were on the spectrum earlier anon, people could've put on their kid gloves so they didn't hurt your feelings and cause a tantrum lmao
I just prefer firstborn, primaris are ok, but I don't like what the sculptors do with them. I just prefer HH models.
Sad there's no mk VII yet
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DoA on Arrival
>Find me where I pretended
And I know it is you based on the way you write and in general getting antsy because >>93396539
replied choice and accurate words to you.
Anon... Lurk more and stop being retarded...
you prefer having 5 generic poses for the entire army? And people really like to pretend primaris players are the ones with shit taste
Having good taste and appreciating something timeless is lost on the average 40K player today. Sorry you’re dilating so hard because you didn’t get a weekly preorder to blow your load over. It’s okay, I don’t like AoS either.
>edgecoc posting
>exoditefag posting
Its annoying. Stop.
This might genuinely be the most retarded post on /tg/ today.
I'm telling you to learn what avatarposting and signatureposting is newfriend
yeah okay whatever you say, enjoy your 5 poses repeated over 40 marines
Nta bit it's much easier for spergs to wrap their head around 3 people saying every opinion they disagree with rather than assume there could be a number of anons with differing opinions
Anon... All new minis by gw are monopose at this point.
you're such a retard lmao
yes they have 5 poses repeated twice in a box of ten models, but each unit type has different poses
HH marines for every unit use the exact same 5 poses unless they're outdated plastic or shitty resin
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>Have 2 GT level events at a place in the next few months
>Look up their terrain
>"Themed" boards except for top tables which use WTC level symmetrical layouts
>They completely vary from "good luck any shooting army" to "good luck hiding anywhere"

Well now I don't know what to bring.
converting and kitbashing old minis was easier than new ones, you utter ape.
Oh wow 10 whole monopose minis! Primaris truly has won…. I kneel.
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Who's the weeb king of 40K?
That's what weapon options and bits fix.
Stop being a retard anon.
Ok. Stop doing this >>93396751 though.
Farsight of course. He even has cherry blossoms in his model
weapon options don't change EVERY model regardless if they're an assault or despoiler tactical or devastator using the exact same bodies you fucking mongoloid
Yeah I bet you hate being so recognizable.
Doing what?
I'm not the anon you were talking to before.
He uses a mech, that's cheating.
Is your average psychic blank resistant to even farseer spells
Sculpt your own then Michelangelo.
Has anybody ever played rouge trader 1st edition before? What's it like?
>just sculpt your own models that will solve the problem that HH shitcasts are infinitely more monopose than modern 40k
Thread is fucking ass today goddamn. All the semi-normies have left us alone to babysit bitter autists
But he has a magic vampire supersword. And he jumps around basically doing the *teleports behind you* and he also is a master planner (keikaku means plan)
more like D&D than a modern wargame
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>wake up
>GSC Codes still isn't on wahapedia
>imagine not owning $60 to buy the materials required to play a game you want to play
Sounds like a you problem.
Weapons and paint will differentiate then enough at gameplay distance and besides, an army of supersoldiers made to work together as units being kinda uniform is not weird.
And as I'm building them I can just not concentrate the same pose in the same unit dumbass.
I'm not the usual feedback anon, but much love anon. I just want to encourage people that post their minis
>wanting dynamic models that can actually look unique on the table together is weird
yeah okay, thanks for admitting you have dogshit tastes lmao
NTA but you're fucking retarded and should stop talking
They're only worth buying for the art and fluff and they have less of that with every edition despite the price going up
Primaris are also monopose
Never played but it seems like it’s basically just a skirmish game with heavy focus on yourdudes and ragtag groups of fighters working together from different factions. I’ve read some batreps and seems like it plays like Warhammer would but you have a lot more flexibility in list building (you can make your own data sheets based on your model and its gear) and in how missions are played. The game requires a GM to moderate and add that random bit of drama / to do the rolls for carnivorous trees or giant bugs.
not to the degree of horus heresy, because again
primaris models have monoposes PER BOX vs HH marines being the same monoposes army wide
If you don't want to keep up with the purchases required to play this game you should consider jogging as a hobby, it's free and you can collect all the cool rocks you can find along the way. Two hobbies in one!
>monopose is a problem because I say so
Yeah Horus heresy is really restrictive with how they did the arms on the marines but you’re a disingenuous faggot if you think that buying Mk VI armor marines x 20 and then magnetizing differnt weapons options on them is somehow worse than buying a aggressor kit for flamers, Devastators for meltas and so on and so on. Oh and all those models, each individual one you assemble IS MONOPOSE. Does that make sense to you? If you buy 3 boxes of 10 marines you will have 3 of each “pose” anyways.
No but seriously, don't buy codex's.
better to have 15 unique poses than 5 lmao
>just found out that you have to click through several pages of bullshit on ebay in order to retract a bid
This website has always been so sketchy and scammy. Even known "rip you off" websites like Robinhood appear to be squeaky clean. It's weird that paypal has worked to polish its image to distance itself from being 'that middleman scamsite' but ebay still employs underhanded tactics to fuck over sellers and buyers.
>books are outdated day 1
>books don't have new art
>books barely have new lore
>books contain only a few pages you actually need to play the game
I got 60 dollars but I'm not spending it on a GW codex.
Its just annoying. Stop
Im running a game right now. My group is having a good time. Its less complicated than pathfinder and D&D but the books are hard to read.
Does it say anywhere if necrons actually age mentally, or are their minds permanently stuck at the age they were during biotransferance?
Based anon.
And that's what I'm going to do with all those marines.
And the uniformity of those mk vi marines also allows me to turn some into lieutenants with extra bits I've bought and get even more bang for my buck.
Show us some more pictures of yours wips and dones blood angels, EC and arbites
What's the next project? When's the next AoS arc? I'm on the edge of my seat
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>the purchases required to play this game
You’re not fooling anyone James
>"themed detachment"
>it's just primaris wank
I like that raven guard and white scars, besides the other neglected legions, have very simple themes. The jetpack and stealth legion, the gotta go fast legion. But GW just takes away from them and fucks up those very simple 2-dimensional characterizations. Iron Hands might be more fucked since they can't even do robot shit. Chaos marines look positively egalitarian by comparison the way every subset gets their own 'thing' they can spec into, like word bearers with their possessed and dark apostles. But I guess that's just space marines for you, the most popular army but also the most half-assed.
A bit like Necromunda with more dudes
They don't age, they degrade.
But the worst of the degradation happend over the 60 million year sleep.
Rest of the time they are essentially timeless beings and most just don't remember anything before biotransferance due to ctan fuckery
no you cant make legal loli crons
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>better to have 15 unique poses than 5
Are you unironically arguing people should buy codexslop?
>haven't finished building and painting the 200 models required for a 1500 point game
>by the time I do finish them, the 11th edition codex will have released and all /myguys/ will be squatted or have the wrong weapon loadouts
yeah, uh, I'm just not gonna buy the codex
>Necrontyr were short lived
>It's plausible they had a lot of children to fight off the mortality rate
>Possibly a good chunk of necron warriors were made with children
That's pretty metal
>That's pretty metal
No it's necrodermis
Do you think you can play 40k with no purchases?
>200 models required for a 1500 point game
Sounds like you bought the wrong models anon. Game isn't meant to be played with 200 basic cadians
This guy is coping and defending his choice of buying the age of darkness box so hard
I still remember slaving for 5 months to paint my entire csm army as world eaters and then when I got them done literally everything except the helbrute got squatted due to the codex release and I had to spam fucking eightbound and berzerkers to even reach 1k for a game. I haven’t bought a single codex since then and anyone buying them now is a cuck of the highest order.
>paying for ai generated flavor text digital slop art and points that aren’t accurate
Only 40ktrannies could be this utterly broken.
Theres some short story of a necron lord and his family undergoing biotransferance, but while he retained his mind, his wife and two daughters became mindless warriors
>Not swamping the board with max amount of gaunts
It's kinda hilarious
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bepis don't count
There's nothing wrong with it. Just weird to be in denial about the 5 poses thing.
Coward, at least quote me.
how is the game meant to be played?
with a dozen armigers?
Many people play with cardboard cutouts and pdf rules. I’ve seen entire tournaments played using wahapedia and of course 3d printing is a thing now. Anything else? Maybe I should specify and say gw purchases but of course you knew that’s what was meant all along.
>Bought White Dwarf
>Immaculate conception of dice from Iraqi sand
>Borrowed everything else
One primarch 3x elite infantry slot and 3x whatever tank has the most devastating wounds generation.
Nta but he can buy and like whatever models he enjoys the look of. It doesn't have to fit your likes and dislikes for him to enjoy them. I don't personally like all of the firstborn stuff but I'd defend anyone's right to buy the stuff they think is cool. People like all sorts of models I hate but I'd rather them have stuff they like than feel forced into something they don't want to do.
>Many people play with cardboard cutouts
It all started because anon is probably a pakfag
>>I don't know why more people don't do this,
>Because they were outdated by the time GW released it and look like shit.
My preference for those 30k marines come from them being more affordable, I like the heresy aesthetics and that I can easily make them as proxies of primaris units.
How do you personalize the accursed cultists? Can you mix and match parts?
I know Volkite was abandoned in favor of bolters because it was too expensive and difficult to make in mass numbers, but is it reliable to the point of exaggeration like a lasgun? how often does it reload?
Also, I know this is more /v/ than /tg/ but is the hard mode of space marine actually a fun challenge like in DooM or is it more of a bullet spongey affair?
>whatever tank has the most devastating wounds generation.
What's it like living in late 2023?
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Ok. Here's a scion I did. Are you gonna stop now?
It’s mostly third worlders tbf. Maybe you should tell them they need a codex that’s outdated on launch and to spend a months salary on it.
With a mix of various sized units that serve different purposes. You should have a bunch of chaff guys, some heavy hitting elite guys, a few vehicles or one large centerpiece, and a handful of hqs to let you do a variety of fun stuff in game
Why didn't you finish it?
I agree with you but spamming cope and justification doesn't reflect confidence or security in his purchase
It's entirely people you made up in your head
Oh no I’m so sorry I didn’t keep up with the 3 errata’s 5 FAQs and complete overhaul of the core rules in pariah nexus. Surely my point of list building being a joke is invalidated now. If doing addition with numbers that aren’t divisible by 5 is really so hard for you, it doesn’t hurt to ask for a little help.
Arguing against a faggot saying
>I don't like it!!
Is not cope or justification.
you're still mad about being wrong huh
They're monopose. You can chop arms off here and there or do a little conversion work but they're going to still be recognisable as a particular pose. Easier to just have other appropriate models as proxies sprinkled in
>bought white dwarf
proofs? he may have stolen it
Imagine believing only GW makes dice
>making use of available resources to play
imagine believing that sovl only comes in a GW blister pack
>trying to read fracture of biel tan
Man this shit sucks ass, nothing but bolter porn but with Yvraine flipflopping around being a mary sue
I want to read a campaign, not discount discount black library
Game has never been meant for poors. Much like you can catch a fish with your bare hands or a stick, some twine and some corn, fishing is made actually accessible and achievable by spending the bare minimum on a rod, reel, line, and lures/hooks.
Yes, the opinion of someone still living in 10e launch meta is indeed invalidated; you have fuck all clue what's going on.
You've clearly never run in your life. Running shoes are expensive and you wear both the shoes and the insoles out quickly.
post army
>? he may have stolen it
True, I'm sure he pinched it from some Iraqi republican guard who enjoyed reading English miniature wargame publications in-between shitting himself and throwing training rounds at Abrams before getting turret tossed
>people didn't fish before walmart started selling line and hooks
Do you not wear shoes normally. Just buy running shoes for your daily drivers, you already need shoes anyways
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Your opinion doesn't affect me, I tried to have a conversation but you are stubborn as a mule.
Just wanted to share with the board what I was planning to do and you took unbridged to that because you personally don't line 30k marine kits.
And that's that. Have a good one anon.
In order to make combat patrol more fun they would have to sell you a proper centrepiece, a decent command with an unit to lead and fun faction exclusive units

There's no space for 10 intercessors if they do that
>Running shoes
are overpiced poser garbage, you can run in anything with a solid sole
Probably robbed it from Saddams palace.
Reading comprehension might as well be a super power these days
>implyinh you need some fancy shoes to do casual jogging
consoomer brain rot
Damn tankers, demounting and clearing palaces
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I already did here >>93396242 , but here's another dude from my army. I find having a mix of different guys let's you do more fun stuff, and also prevents the issue of having to paint 200 dudes like you mentioned
>noooooo the game is so different now!!!!! They fixed mortal wounds!!! How??? Oh they just put a bandaid on it, they didn’t remove it from the game or substitute it out for USRs like “instant death”
Fucking lol dude nobody gives a shit about the meta except literal they / them trannies and zoomies who’ve never experienced anything else.
in the same way a fisherman who builds his own kit is superior to a poser that buys rod an line, a game that builds his own army s superior to one that buys pre-painted models off etsy
I did finish it
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Painted and built my first Primaris Vehicle.

I think I did pretty good
Nigga I got holes in my shoes, the rubber is peeling off them, the soles have fucking toeprints in them. Im still using them.

Now I technically have a pair of new running shoes that are still in the box, but I still use the old ones because I hate change, but that is besides the point.
I don't know why you think I'd want to continue to read posts from someone who has outed themselves as having an opinion on something they are completely out of date on

Nice meltie
>all dreds
so you're the reason GW just said 'fuck it' and made knights a playable faction
Bases are not optional extras
not terrible, paint's nice n smooth
need to be cleaner when painting in those rivets though
and work on sealing those gaps between pieces when assembling as well
Good job anon! Ignore anyone that points out the gap in the side panel. They're women
Glad to be out of date on this dogshit game btw. Last time I was up to date I spent 60 dollars to cut my entire army except for 2 units. I doubt anything has changed. But anyways keep flexing your knowledge about a game that has no respect for your time or money. I don’t know if you actually expected me to catch up on the rules just to argue with you but I wouldn’t put it past the average 40K tranny
I put the base on after I took the photo.
Positively deranged
Should have taken a picture when you finished the model instead
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I have added more infantry to my list since that pic because i was noticing the game doesnt actually work that great for oops all dreads, but I dunno bro I just like cool robits with my marines.
Which brand of running shoes do Space Marine players use?
>Having good taste and appreciating something timeless
The sculpts aren't timeless, they look like shit playdough made by a child.
I dont think so. He's on painted terrain and the picture looos good.
>converting and kitbashing old minis was easier than new ones, you utter ape.
Anon, he's talking about the nu-beakies and nu-mk3 models.
Why do you keep seething pakfag?
>everybody is one person
genuine schizo cope
Enjoy having the same 5 poses for every unit in HH that isn't a jump pack assault marine.
The new mk3 is just re-skinned mk6, it's the exact same poses.
And I already know that once GW releases the nu-mk4 kit it will be 100% the same as well.
>old minis
don't reply if you're incapable of reading reply chains, mongrel
You should try to use your big brain to see what the trend is with points costs with every balance dataslate then look up how whfb died.
Rivets have always been my weakness :(
Definitely a place for me to improve
I realized halfway through the chain. His point is still shit.
Explain how 5 poses for the entire army is somehow not worse than 5 poses for each unit type
Without using buzzwords or going old good new bad
ah yes. Like the $20 steam copy of tabletop simulator.
We need more bikes
Iron hands needs flying units that don't suck balls, I blame the Black Templars and dark angels for using iron hands detachment with their own units, this led to the detachment getting nerfed and point costs going up
TTS is not the same as playing 40k
Did they pick "Tau" because of a reference to the Tau particle in quantum mechanics or because Taoism?
You can use the same “unit” to make multiple loadouts and thus different Units. Also printing out an arm is a lot easier than printing out half a leg with one toe attached or whatever the fuck other abominations gw puts on the sprue these days to disincentivize kitbashing / make it harder. You know what I always hated doing with my nu berzerkers? Having to figure out which pose is which so I don’t accidentally double up on the same pose in one squad vs another. This is absolutely not an issue with heresy models since they’re all relatively normal looking positions, no epic leaps from tactical rocks and so on. Also they look much better “ on parade” when they’re not “dynamic pose” (which is still a monopose and with less kitbashing potential)
>less kitbashing potential
your only reasoning is you being a hobbylet
Because it's the 19th letter in the Greek alphabet.
Green stuff and Adding on to is the only way to really work with the nu slop for me. It’s literally how they cut the sprue for the model less than what dynamic pose they’re in. You can keep denying what’s very obvious just to win the pissing contest but it’s very obvious what their motives were for this change.

Development of the Tau originally began as Gav Thorpe sought to create counterpart for Warhammer Fantasy's Lizardmen within the Warhammer 40,000 setting. Dubbed the "Shishell", they would include a caste system that saw the Slaan Priests of the Lizardmen changed to the Ethereals, though they were made non-psychic to differentiate them from the Eldar. The Shishell would eventually be renamed the Tau, and lose many of their lizardmen qualities, though the envisioned Caste System remained. Jes Goodwin eventually proposed a Japanese/mecha look to the Tau in order to attract new players and take advantage of the popularity of anime. According to Andy Chambers, the Tau were originally developed to be idealistic and altruistic to contrast the other factions of the setting.

The Kroot were originally intended as a separate army, but were eventually folded into the Tau Empire.
>if you think that buying Mk VI armor marines x 20 and then magnetizing differnt weapons options on them is somehow worse than buying a aggressor kit for flamers
It is worse.
Also primaris got infernus now, which are in 10 man squads.

Primaris are cheaper than HH shit, GW swindled every single one of you and you fell for this shit hook, line and sinker.
Paying 84$ for 20 bodies that then require you to buy 47$ extra kit on top just to make special dudes is retarded. Especially when all of them will have the exact same poses.
And no, you wont get a "full" army out of just 1 box of HH tacticals, you need to buy at least 2 to make that, even more if you want to add in veterans or someshit.
HH kits objectively are worse in quality than primaris ones, HH is completely quantity over quality.
Every primaris kit comes with unique poses for the units, HH doesn't.

Only people who adamantly defend this level of jewery from GW is a useful idiot that GW has by the balls.
And it is not surprising, firstbornfags haven't gotten anything for 6 years before HH 2.0 came out, meaning they were all starved for content, meaning they will eat up any sort of shlock GW throws their way just so they can "own" the primarisfags.
While GW laughs all the way to the fucking bank while they make money off both primaris- and firstbornfags, because the money is all green to them.
Hypothetically, when would it worth it to take plasma for my inceptors? The sustained 2 is a lot to give up…
>Your opinion doesn't affect me
This is a lie you tell yourself, the entire reply chain is evidence to the contrary.
You got your jimmies rustled because he called your choice of models shit.
You have no confidence, you have nothing.
>he thinks we’re buying the kits
Ahahaha yeah that checks out primarisfag. Can you tell me where they have the upgrade kits for grav weapons and disintegrators and legion specific weapons? Forgot about all those resin nemesis bolters they sell us too…. Wow yeah we really are piggies. Anyways 60 dollars for 3 aggressors please and thank you.
>only one anon is replying to me
Meds please.
Anon... We've been over this.
You primaris purists are the ones that sperged out.
I don't like them that much and I like the freedom of choice the big box and weapon boxes give me.
But anon… don’t you WANT your combi flamers and meltas and such to all be under one weapon profile? Isn’t that cool?
>You can use the same “unit” to make multiple loadouts and thus different Units.
You can do the same with primaris which have more poses.
This is a terrible justification for 5 poses.
About the question: an ork boss that makes shoota Boyz actually good. I don't care how you call him. And another that takes the place of old captain badruck.

Perhaps a named mek, for shits and giggles call it redbrain and have red face paint.

Pictured: WIP deffdread
>You can use the same “unit” to make multiple loadouts and thus different Units. Also printing out an arm is a lot easier than
you can do the same with primaris, especially if you're printing arms lmao
Yeah I forgot how I can slap lascannons on my box of intercessors and make them Devastators. Eradicators? Yeah dude let me just buy a box of intercessors and give them flamers and make them eradicators.
Oh wait.
Fuck I’m a dumbass I meant Aggressors
buy heavy intercessors :^)
Even as a primarisfag why would I ever play 10th?
It's dogshit even for me, 9th is miles better which is saying something since it was a trash fire as well.
Fellas, I want to start putting more knightly parts on my Space Marines to fit the theme I'm trying to go for. Does anyone have any advice?
buy dark angels and black templars kits/bits and scrape off the icons if you're not playing one of those chapters
Look for good bits and don't overdo it?
>buy DLC kits so you can get your specialist dudes
Or I could just forgo all that shit and just buy everything included in 1 kit without extra hassle, which guarantees I will have enough bodies and bits for the units.
>Yeah dude let me just buy a box of intercessors and give them flamers and make them eradicators.
And they already have a 10 man kit. Same with hellblasters.
I don't need to buy some extra DLC on top to make those because GW supplies me with everything within their own kits.
Anon, before you continue, look for some morkanaughts that used some form of iron wire to emulate a sort of light ING on the zappa guns, it looks sweeeeet and probably isn't to hard to add still.
>I want to start putting more knightly parts on my Space Marines
Space marines aren't knights, you dumbass.
Don't do that.
If you use iron wire to make effects like that, don't you run the risk of it deforming easily if you bump it on accident?
Looks super cheesy imo
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what is a cannon chapter/dynasty/craftworld/etc. you are surprised that you have NEVER seen in person.

> hive fleet behemoth
What would you recommend for a guy interested in narrative play? Should I go crusade campaign or does killteam have something better?

Im a fucking retard so I want to get something with easy to learn rules and maybe a solo mode.
>You must make it as the box says!!!
>Space marines aren't knights, you dumbass.
they are literally space knight warrior priests
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I can paint again in a week when I'm back home finally. Need to base a lot of minis
>update the entire eldar range with the new corsair armor with some changes
>3D print and paint the custom models
r8 idea
Anon I truly hope you didn't glue those arms yet.
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Friend has a bunch of RT era marines he has painted as Hawk Lords.
ignore him anon, trips is a sure sign of superiority.
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>[crusading stops]
boarding actions has a book coming out
God I wish reivers weren’t absolute shit

I wish that Raven guard could have a reasonable viable fluffy army
>Friend is complaining about his faction been shit again
It gets tiresome...
Depends on your results
You should post some screenshots of your ideas before you print anything however.
I've never seen *classified*
not even on the internets
I'm starting to think it's just a cynical space filler on illustrated pages
Man corvus is a lame primarch in a vacuum. He's not offensive at all, he's just a primarch thats there.
I look forward to reading the rules then remembering no-one I know owns any suitable terrain for the game mode.
You and me brother, I wish they had some AP on their knives to justify their cost
I mean it -can- look good, I haven't done it yet myself since I don't have a morkanaught but I like how this one looks.
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Why? It was a second hand one though got that set with 20 boys, coptaz, boss, and dread for 80 bucks which is a steal.
Dread was pre built so I had to get rather creative getting it to look like this.. See Pic for before Pic.
Deff dreads are a fucking pain to paint with the arms already glued on. They get in the way of everything.
Good luck orkbro.
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Thanks. Here is a more clear one.
I don't know the 10th crusade rules but 9th crusade and killteam specops are really similar. If you want a bit more narrative oriented look for Acolyte (it is a fanmade ruleset for killteam with narrative focus for 1-4 players against ai driven enemys. it is focused around inquisition but you can make some other factions work with minimal efford. the first few test missions are really awsome, just the problem that after that are random generated missions the deal)
I mean, so many Phobos units suck. I can only justify taking infiltrators for anti-deepstrike and incursors for a free +1 to hit

Maybe scouts if you’re trying to use them for the rocket launcher + sniper, but damn do all of the leaders suck. Imagine if I told you 5 years ago that space marines would get a <100 pt deep strike infantry but it would suck lol
>Maybe scouts if you’re trying to use them for the rocket launcher + sniper,
Scouts are nearly auto include for basically every marine list and it has nothing to do with their wargear
Yeah but I don’t agree with that, though. Pushing some midfield objective to try and force a response doesn’t really work on most lists. Most players are too smart to avoid it, at least in my case
Yeah that's not how you're supposed to be using them. Not really a matter of agreeing or not, they're taken in winning lists for a reason

65pts for infiltrate/scout bodies with up/down rules for T1 insertion if you need it is incredible
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Can confirm even in other factions. It's just such a powerful option to have on hand whether you need it for screens, moveblocking, objective play or whatever. You will never regret having them.
I know there's lots of people that like Primaris sculpts better than the old heroic scale stuff, but does anyone actually like all three armor types of Tacticus, Gravis, and Phobos? I feel like they all have wildly different aesthetics from each other that just don't look cohesive when fielded together.
I like tacticus and gravis (not the retarded flying pose ones)
I hate most phobos but eliminators and the phobos libby look great
Man, I’m fucking retarded

No wonder I lose most of my games
>you wont get a "full" army out of just 1 box of HH tacticals
Learn to read idiot, it said the big AoD box
And I just checked out of curiosity. Buying HH infantry and a box of heavy/special weapons and making space marine primaris units out of them is always cheaper.
And in cases like eradicators it's like a third the price.
Just say you don't like original marines.
nu-beakies aren't original marines redditor
And buzz lightyear marines aren't real marines
>buzz lightyear marines
nobody mentioned MKVII
Gotta love how Pakfags like you seethe so easily.
all I said was MKVI and VII are bad because they objectively are and you're the one getting mad over it
>Buying HH infantry and a box of heavy/special weapons and making space marine primaris units out of them is always cheaper.
It isn't.
84$+47$ upgrade is 131$, shit like hellblaster are only 62$. You're a retard.
>but muh erads
You only run them in groups of 3 anyway and trying to proxy gravis with HH tacticals is retarded because they are nowhere close in size.

You are the dumbest mother fucker in this entire thread.
Hey, don't sweat it man. A lot of times it just takes experience to recognize the tactical utility of units. I, for one, did not understand how to use melee countercharge units for years and just kept getting them all eaten alive on my front lines before someone pointed out they were way better as a second line of engagement to punish enemies for engaging my front lines.
Retard, think of the price per model and weapon.
Every infantry box has 20 marines and the heavy weapon box has 30, 60 if it's the special weapons one.
Thanks for the advice. I just felt so demoralized playing Raven Guard, realizing that I could have been using scouts to screen was just kind of embarrassing. I was using regular intercessors to try and hold the objectives while my jump intercessors deep striked in. Oh well, live and learn
Could Solid snake take down a space marine
he's basically a catachan and those are capable of killing night lords barehanded so yeah
You've been having the same argument for weeks now
did that happen in lore or can it just happen on tabletop?
>everybody the same anon
You've been having this same cope for years now
Is warhammer 40k on tabletop simualtor, if so is it popular I want to play but I'm too broke to buy little figurines and not autistic enough to paint them
NTA but what would your reaction be if James ever made a primaris tactical squad?
you mean an intercessors box with mixed weapon options?
Yes it’s on TTS, yes it’s popular, there’s even a discord dedicated to it. Then again, the mod to run it is buggy. I’ve tried to play tau but my models are constantly having texture bugs. That said, everything else worked fine.
Yes and Yes.
There's a very active discord group to help you get set up with it and to find matches.

I will warn you that I am of the opinion that 40K is not a good enough game to be worth playing when divorced from the hobby aspect. The TTS experience is a lot more tedious and lacks the spectacle and social aspect of games played in person.
>not autistic enough to paint them
yeah I'm sure putting effort into something for the first time in your life is way beyond your capabilities
it's more of a /v/ discussion than /tg/
Not really
Not him but my armies keep going up in points you mouthbreather, keep talking about something you know nothing about
it's a video game that simulates the worst part of the hobby; tournament style matched play
You can play whatever style of game you want, not that it matters
you can play friendlies with any rules you want
I really like this soft cyberpunk art and look we're getting, it somehow blends seamlessly with the gothic medieval look of standard 40k'.
Where did you find this art work anon?
>any rules I want
I can do that already without TTS. TTS is used by meta chasing poorfags unable to keep up with the demands of building and painting miniatures.
oh you're RETARDED retarded, got it
You should eat more complex carbs
/v/ermin should leave
anon have you seen how many unpainted retards post their battle reports here
fuck off destinyfag
This. Almost every single game posted here has unfinished armies
In their defense, it's usually the people they are playing against that have gray models and not the people posting here.
But that's just going to be anyone's experience with the hobby outside of garage hammer because the vast majority of people you play against are going to have unpainted models on the field.
loling at the retarded discussions here between HH & 40k, makes me happy I can play my favorite fantasy armies between the two settings with the help of but a simple tray.
>I can do that already without TTS
Neat? We were discussing TTS and you went HURR TTS ONLY FOR TOURNEYFAGS and when we tell you you can play casuals just fine on it you go WHO CARE ME PLAY WITHOUT TTS ALREADY
you just wanted to be part of a discussion and didn't have anything of use to inject so you got mad and lashed out, common symptom of low functioning autism, it's okay
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I never said TTS was for tourneyfags
I said it was for /v/ermin too poor to chase meta
It's vidya, not tabletop, therefore the discussion belongs on /v/
Perhaps you should re-read your posts if your short term memory is this poor
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>meta chasing poorfags
>Too poor to chase meta
>Is warhammer 40k on tabletop simualtor,
absa fucking lutely! $20 and a trip to the free steam workshop and you are set.

huh, well I guess we are on poage 7
same thing
aspirational meta chasers
using discord, no less
wtf ever happened to nazdreg? how long ago did they squat him?
Based for using red but you should've used it for the frame instead of the brace thing
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Howling Griffons have such a kino color scheme
Quartered marines in general are kino
Previous DAoT dreadnoughts were rumored to be able to be piloted by unaugmented humans, but it's lost technology at the time. There's obviously no reason why modern humanity wouldn't find a way to make it work, but improvement on technology in 40k is widely regarded as tech-heresy, so until they find that old tech, it's just not gonna happen (Cawl is in the no-girls-allowed club and gives approximately no shits about the Sororitas, and he'd be the most likely to break tradition in this case).
Sororitas armor is similar in concept, but from what I understand, it's just not as advanced as Astartes armor, because it isn't as deeply-integrated with their bodies like the Astartes' black carapace allows.
God I needed a good laugh today, didn't expect to be cackling at Coteaz

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